By Emmanuel Mwandama, a Contributor

Minister of Gender, Children and Social Welfare Patricia Kaliati Friday launched her book ‘She participates’ which she said will be a mouthpiece for Malawian women who are facing a lot of challenges in accessing justice in areas of Gender, economic, political and social development.
The book launch was held at the Bingu International Convention Centre (BICC) but also on zoom where many people followed the event live.
“Women are the ones who are used mostly in several areas but the benefits do not go directly to them. Women must be given a chance to participate in various programmes if Malawi is to attain its social economic and political development goals,” said Kaliati.
Speaking at the event, Mary Chilima, wife to the State Vice President Saulos Chilima, commended Kaliati for the book saying the book will be used for policy making.
“The knowledge from ‘She Participates’ will serve as a reminder for women to actively participate in social economic development issues locally, nationally and internationally and encourage those in decision making to always recognize women’s presence,” said Chilima.
“This book will help several Government departments, institutions, Non-Governmental Organizations and individuals in policy making position to consider including the girl child and women in their pursuit for issue based developments. The book explains why women participation and social inclusions is paramount in achieving development goals and attaining MDGs,” added Chilima.
She said the book launch is a milestone for Kaliati’s career and profession as she has passion to see every girl child and women taking a leading role in policy and social economic development.
“Hon Dr. Kaliati has demonstrated the need to take her profile high in the fight for gender issues that affect her ministry and women in our communities, country and the world as a whole. Women need to be considered as both social, economic and political contributors rather than mere observers,” said Chilima.
She added that the country needs Ministers like Kaliati who can holistically and tirelessly contribute to scholarly and policy ideas for the country which will be used for decades and remain in stored knowledge for generations to come.
Also present at the function was the UN High Commissioner, several diplomatic representatives, NGOs, Government officials and concerned citizens.