Malawi Observer


Illovo Sugar Malawi (plc)’s Dwangwa Estate is pleased to announce its successful CSR Day held on 31st August 2023, where it showcased the various CSR projects it has invested in the local community.

The events of the day included a site visit to several projects in the local community led by the estates General Manager Mr McLean Debwe.

The tour encompassed trips to Nkhunga Hospital, Nkhunga Day Secondary School, LUANNAR Maize Fields, Majiga Primary School, and Majiga Community Day Secondary School.

During the visit, stakeholders had the opportunity to express the impact these projects have had and provided testimonials regarding the company’s collaborative approach to corporate social responsibility.

The event highlighted the company’s commitment to working together with stakeholders to create shared value and build a thriving community.

Illovo Sugar Malawi (plc) Dwangwa estate CSR activities focused on five key areas: education, portable water, food security, health, and afforestation. By addressing these areas, the company aims to contribute to the overall development and well-being of the communities surrounding its operations.

Illovo Dwangwa Estate have been successfully implemented several projects while others are under implementation. The projects are as follows:


– Construction of a Fence at Nkhunga CDSS – MK33,000,000.00

– Construction of a Classroom Block at Kaongozi Primary School – MK53,000,000.00 (in


– Donation of 1300 Desks to Majiga, Matiki, Ukasi, Central Nyamvuu Primary Schools –


– Construction of an Administration Block, Teacher House & Classroom Block at MajigaCDSS – MK244,000,000.00 (in progress).

– Renovation of Matiki Primary School – MK55,000,000.00 (in progress)

– Renovation of a classroom block at Central Primary School – MK 12,000,000.00

Portable Water:

– Drilling of 5 Bore Holes in Mlala – MK20,000,000.00

– Repairing of 8 nonworking boreholes in Mlala, Mowe & Nkhunga Police Station –


Food Security:

– Support to Community Farming – 270 Hectares of land provided to Kakuyu Rice Cooperative for a Community Farming Project. Costs to date for Training and Cooperative Registration – MK3,800,000.00

– Support to food security – 100 Hectares of land for cane growing and water for Irrigation provided to the government through LUANAR for maize production.


– Medical Supplies Donation to Nkhotakota District Health Office (Cholera Response) -MK10,000,000.00

– Construction of a Fence at Nkhunga Health Centre – MK46,000,000.00

– Construction of a Mortuary & provision of a cold room at Nkhunga Health Centre -MK40,000,000.00


– Provision of 20,000 tree seedlings to Nkhotakota District Council – MK6,000,000.00

Through these projects, Illovo Dwangwa Estate has invested a total of MK 635, 400,000 in the local community, demonstrating its commitment to sustainable development and social responsibility.

Illovo Sugar Malawi (plc) remains dedicated to collaborating with communities and stakeholders to identify areas of mutual concern and create lasting positive impact.

The CSR Day serves as a platform to showcase the progress made and inspire further collaboration towards creation of a thriving Malawian community.

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