Malawi Observer

World Bank Happy With Shire Valley Transformation Programm

The World Bank has praised the progress of the Shire Valley Transformation Programme (SVTP) in Chikwawa, highlighting the resilience shown amid climate challenges.

During a site visit today, World Bank Country Manager Firas Raad acknowledged the adverse effects of climate change but remained optimistic.

“We know that Mother Nature hasn’t been kind to the project and the rest of the country, but a lot of restoration has happened,” Raad said.

Launched in 2020, SVTP aims to improve agricultural productivity and boost local farmers’ livelihoods through large-scale irrigation initiatives.

Thirteen farmer cooperatives are set to benefit, with Kabadwe and Mwanaalirenji cooperatives being the first in line next year.

Bouke Biji, an agriculture consultant, said the project, upon completion will help cooperatives in the lower Shire to cut down operation cost,

“We pay almost MK73 million for electricity to pump water to irrigate our sugarcane plantations. The coming in of this project will help us cut down electricity costs.”

The first phase of the multi-billion kwacha project was expected to finish this year December. However, has been pushed to May 2024. Source Times

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