Friday, March 7, 2025
الرئيسية بلوق



Msonkhano waposachedwapa wa UTM, umene unachitikira ku Mzuzu ndipo ndikusankha Dr. Dalitso Kabambe kukhala mtsogoleri wa chipanichi, wasiya anthu ambiri atamangidwa mphukusi. Msokhanowu, maka zotsatila za zisankhozi zadzetsa mafunso ambiri omwe mpaka pano mayankho zakupezeka.

Enafe sitinali muchpinda momwe msonkhanowu umachitikira poti sitinali ma deligeti, koma tili panja tinamvako kuti magetsi anali vuto maka mmene anthu anali kuwerengera mavoti. Onenawo akuti magetsiwa anazima kokwana kasanu ndi kamodzi. Mpaka pano palibe wina aliyense wa ku chipani kapena kwa awo amayendetsa zisankhozi amene wafotokozapo kuti chimachitika ndi chani.

Nkhani ina imene ikuoneka kuti anthu akungoyilambalala ndikusiyana kwa namabla ya anthu omwe anavota pa mtsogoleri wa chipanichi ndi awo amene anavota mipando yosiyanasiyana.

Mukaundula munaonetsa kuti anthu 748 ndi amene amayenera kuvota patsikuli ndipo pa mipando yonse inaonetsa kuti anthu awawa anavotadi koma chodabwitsa ndi chakuti pa mpando wa mtsogoleri ma voti onse owerengedwa kuchotsa owonongeka anakwana 727 pamene owonongeka anali 9. Ngakhale zonsezi zinali choncho anthuwa amavota kugwiritsa njira ya ka bunkhu komwe kanali ndi masamba 11 kuyimira maudindo onse kumphatikiza a mtsogoleri wa chipani. Mpaka lero palibe wa kuchipani kapena mmodzi mwa awo amene amayendetsa zisankho wafotozapo kuti kodi mavoti 12 anapita kuti.

Kwa aliyense okonda UTM komaso okonda Malawi izizi zikudzetsa mafunso kuti kodi chpani cha UTM chomwe chimayimira polimbikitsa chilungamo, kusintha pakachitidwe kandale komanso kuchita zinthu mokomera ali yense, chikuchitadi monga chinenera. Chodetsa nkhawa kwambiri ndi chakuti amtsogoleri atsopano achipanichi angoyang’ana kumbali pakhani zimenezi and kwaiwo sakuonapo vuto.

Nkhani ina yomwe yaponyedwa kuchipinda ndiyakuti oyendetsa chisankhochi anasankha kugwiritsa tchito kampani ya mchimwene wawo wa a Honourable Shadreck Namalomba kuti iunikire kuwerengera kwa ma voti ngati ma Auditors. A Namalomba ndi mneneri wa DPP, yemwe alinso mneneri wa mtsogoleri wa DPP a Peter Mutharika. President wopumayu ndi atsibweni awo a Dr. Kabambe.

China chofuna kuganizira mwakuya. Zotsatira za Dr. Kabambe zinali 636; mavoti 21 anapita kwa Dr Patricia Kaliati, 22 kwa Dr Matthews Mtumbuka, ndi 26 kwa a Newton Kambala. Ena akambapo kuti izizi zikuoneka ngati kuti mavoti awawa anali okoza kale ndipo chisankho chinangopangika momata anthu mphula mmaso. Kunena zoona ngakhale izizi zingatengedwe ngati nkhamba kamwa chabe koma ndikhani zomwe zikhoza kuononga chipani cha UTM maka pamene dziko la Malawi likupita kuzisankho chaka chamawachi. Enaso akambapo kuti zikhoza kutheka kuti ndalama zinagwiritsidwa ntchito pogula ngakhale anthu amene amayendetsa chisankhochi kuphatikizapo ma monita.

Chodandaulitsa china ndichakuti ngakhale atolankhani akuoneka kuti alibe chidwi chopanga kafukufuku pa nkhani zimenezi. Funso mkumati kodi atolankhani angolemphera kugwira ntchito chabe kapena nawo anapatsidwa kena kake pofuna kubisa chilungamo? Sitinganeneretu komano kutsatila bwino mmene ndalama zagwiritsidwira ntchito pakampeni ndi kuti chisankhochi chikomere mbali ina yache sitingatsutse pamaganizo amenewa.

Monga tanena kale, mu 2025 kuli zisankho za dziko pamene UTM motsogozedwa ndi Dr Kabambe akuyembekezera kukapikisana nawo. Funso mkumati kodi ndi nkhani zimenezi, a Malawi ali okozeka kukhulupirira kuti UTM ndi Dr Kabambe ali nkuthekera kulamulira dziko lino mopanda chinyengo, katangale kapena kusolora.

Chipani cha UTM chikuyenera kuchitapo kanthu kuti chibwezeretse chikhulupiriro chimene a Malawi anali nacho pa chipanichi. Kungokhala ngati palibe chili chonse chachitika ndikosanthandiza.

Chokhumudwitsa china ndichokuti panopa anthu amene akusapota Dr. Kabambe ali kalikiliki kutukwana ndi kunyazitsa awo omwe zisinayende pa chisankho chimenechi zimeneso zikupangitsa kuti kusakondwa kudzipitililabe. Izizi zilibe mphindu patsogolo la UTM. Nthawi ino nkofunika kuti Dr Kabambe ndi masapota awo adzichepetse ndi kuyesetsa kuwafikira anzawowa monga mayi Kaliati, a Dr Mtumbuka, ndi a Kambala ndi ena maka awo amene ankhala akuyendetsa chipanichi kuyambira 2018 pamodzi ndi malemu Dr Saulos Klaus Chilima.

Atsogoleri a chipani cha UTM ayenera kuonetsa kugonjera ku chilungamo ndikudzifunsa mafuso awa: Kodi anthu akamapita kuzisankho mu 2025 adzichiona bwanji chipanichi? Kodi a Malawi ankhala okhutila kuti chipanichi chikwanitsa kukwaniritsa masomphenya a mtsogoleri wakale wa UTM malemu Chilima? Apo bii, UTM iyiwale kaye zochita bwino pa zisankho zikubwerazi ndi kulamulira dziko lino.



The recently concluded UTM convention, which saw Dr. Dalitso Kabambe clinch the party presidency, has left a cloud of suspicion hanging over the party’s credibility. From reports of power outages during vote counting to unexplained discrepancies in ballot totals, the election process has raised critical questions about fairness, transparency, and the party’s commitment to its reformist ideals. Alarmingly, the glaring issues surrounding the convention appear to have been largely ignored by the party itself (read the new executive) as well as both traditional and print media, raising further concerns about the culture of accountability in Malawi’s political discourse.

Unanswered Questions About the Process

One of the most notable irregularities during the election was the discrepancy in the presidential vote count. While every delegate was issued a single booklet for all positions, the total ballots for the presidential election fell 12 votes short of the numbers recorded for other positions. Coupled with six suspicious power outages during the vote-counting process, this anomaly cannot simply be dismissed as a logistical error. Instead, it underscores the need for an independent review to determine whether these discrepancies were accidental or deliberate.

Reference is made to the 2019 elections case when the defence tried to labour itself justifying some mathematical errors dismissing them as insignificant to the voting process. However, the presiding Judges observed that what was important was not the magnitude of the thievery but the spirit behind such actions.

Adding to the controversy is the decision to engage an auditing firm linked to Shadrick Namalomba, the DPP’s publicity secretary and a close ally of DPP President Peter Mutharika. Namalomba’s connections to DPP President Peter Mutharika—Kabambe’s direct uncle—raise legitimate concerns about a conflict of interest in overseeing the election. Was the auditing firm truly impartial, or did its involvement serve to shield Kabambe’s camp from scrutiny? The optics of this decision alone are enough to undermine confidence in the process, and not only UTM members but also Malawians at large deserve an explanation.

The Role of Money in the Outcome

Dr. Kabambe’s sweeping victory—636 votes compared to Patricia Kaliati’s 21, Matthews Mtumbuka’s 22, and Newton Kambala’s 26—has also fueled allegations that financial resources played a significant role in shaping the outcome. Reports suggest that Kabambe’s camp may have used money to secure loyalty from delegates, election administrators, and even rival camps. Such tactics, if true, run counter to UTM’s founding principles of fairness and integrity.

The party must now reckon with the reality that unchecked financial influence in its leadership elections could erode trust among its members and supporters. Beyond the convention, it raises a broader question for Malawian politics: Can a system tainted by money ever truly serve the people?

Media Silence: A Failure of Accountability

Equally troubling is the silence of Malawi’s media, both traditional and print, on these issues. Despite the gravity of the allegations and their implications for democracy, there has been a noticeable lack of investigative reporting or in-depth analysis. Why have these issues been swept under the rug? Is it complacency, fear of reprisals, or something more insidious? Whatever the reason, the media’s failure to interrogate the integrity of the UTM convention represents a missed opportunity to hold power to account and promote transparency in Malawi’s political processes.

The Way Forward for UTM

For UTM to maintain its credibility and relevance, it cannot afford to sweep these issues aside. The new leadership, under Dr. Kabambe, has a responsibility to address the allegations head-on and restore trust within the party. This begins with a serious retrospective of the election process.

As a starting point, the party should engage a neutral body, unaffiliated with any political actors, to investigate the discrepancies and allegations of vote-buying. The findings of this review must be made public to reassure members and supporters of UTM’s commitment to integrity.

There is also need for electoral reforms. UTM must establish stricter guidelines for campaign financing and delegate engagement to prevent undue influence in future elections. Transparency and fairness should be the cornerstones of its internal democracy.

Dr Kabambe and his team must work to reach out to aggrieved parties instead of further antagonising them as is the case now through various social media posts which glaringly shows that they are meant to “kumvetsa kuwawa” the other side. Dr. Kabambe and his team must prioritize reconciliation with people, such as Kaliati, Mtumbuka, and Kambala. Alienating further these key figures risks further fracturing the party, while an inclusive approach can strengthen UTM’s unity and effectiveness.

The party must go beyond damage control and actively rebuild trust by recommitting to the values that inspired its formation. This includes fostering a culture of accountability and ensuring that decisions reflect the collective will of its members.

Moving Forward Together

While the allegations surrounding the convention cast a shadow over Dr. Kabambe’s leadership, they also present an opportunity for UTM to demonstrate its resilience and commitment to reform. Addressing these issues openly and transparently can set a powerful example for other political parties in Malawi and help the party regain confidence from Malawians.

For those who lost in the elections, this is a moment to show leadership as well as statesmanship and rise above these turbulent moments to focus on the greater good. The legacy of late Saulos Klaus Chilima, who championed reform and unity, should inspire all UTM members to work together for the party’s success and Malawi’s progress.

Finally, the media must step up and play its role in holding leaders accountable. Without rigorous scrutiny, the principles of democracy are weakened, and the public loses faith in its institutions.

As UTM charts its path forward, its leaders and members must ask themselves this difficult question: Are they willing to confront uncomfortable truths for the sake of integrity, or will they allow the party to drift away from its founding ideals? Only by choosing the former can UTM truly embody the change it promises to bring to Malawi, if not then forget it.

December African Print Party Set to Kick Off the Month in Style

Get ready to usher in the festive season with a bang! The December African Print Party is just around the corner, and it promises to be an unforgettable night of music, fashion, and fun.

Scheduled to take place on Friday, December 6, 2024, at the luxurious Amaryllis Hotel, the event will kick off at 6:30 pm.

The highlight of the evening will be a thrilling performance by the talented Kell Kay.

Tickets for the event are now available, with standard tickets going for MK15,000, VIP advance tickets for MK250,000, and door fees set at MK20,000.

For those looking to make a night of it, accommodation packages are also available, with double occupancy rooms starting at MK280,000, including bed and breakfast, tickets for two, and a complimentary bottle of wine for bookings made within five days of the event.

The December African Print Party is being organized by Entertainers Promotion, in partnership with Amaryllis Hotel and Gold Mountain.

With its unique blend of African print fashion, live music and luxurious ambiance, this event is set to be the perfect way to kick off the festive season in style.

Insurance Association envisions increased Insurance penetration with DMVIC

Orientation session in progress

The Insurance Association of Malawi (IAM) says it expects an increase in insurance penetration as the country fully migrates to a digital motor insurance system by January 12025.

During the launch of this year’s Insurance Awareness Week some months ago, the Reserve Bank of Malawi (RBM) expressed concern over the continued low uptake of insurance services in the country as statistics and research carried out by various institutions showed the insurance penetration ratio was at 1.9 percent as of December 2023.

But during an interface session to brief police traffic officers and the media in the southern region about the new system in Blantyre on Tuesday, IAM Executive Secretary, Dharles Kasonda-Kuyokwa was optimistic that apart from simplifying life, the digitalized system will help increase the numbers.

“We believe that our numbers will increase because people will not travel to get the services but access them online. Even those in the rural areas will not come to urban areas to get the service. So, numbers in terms of penetration will increase.”

Insurance Association officials pose with participants

“We would like to ask the public to go and change their insurance certificates if they are still using the old ones, and at the same time we ask them to embrace the new system which is going to help the insurance companies and the public in terms of efficiency,” said Kuyokwa.

Police Regional Traffic Inspector responsible for the South East, Assistant Superintendent Jonathan Chitedze said the new system is vital and will ease their work.

“I am urging the public to comply with the new technologies as also required by the Malawi 2063 agenda,” said Chitedze.

The General insurance companies will cease issuing pre-printed certificates and fully migrate to Digital Motor Vehicle Insurance Certificates (DMVIC) by December 31 this year.

Among other benefits, DMVIC will help the law enforcers to be able to trace stolen and hit-and-run vehicles.

IAM officials pose with participants

PIL donates K6million textbooks to Bwengu CDSS

Msimuko (right) handing over some of the books to the Headgirl

Petroleum Importers Limited (PIL), a consortium of four oil marketing companies in the country, has donated textbooks worth K6 million to Bwengu Community Day Secondary School in Mzimba.

Speaking after handing over the textbooks on Monday, PIL General Manager, Martin Msimuko said the gesture was part of transforming lives, opening doors, and laying the foundation for the student’s brighter future through education.

“For too many students in rural areas, resources are limited. Lack of access to quality learning materials often stands as a barrier between students and their dreams. This donation of school books helps to remove that barrier, providing students here with the tools they need to learn, explore, and achieve their full potential.”

“The call of the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) number four under Education aims at ensuring that all girls and boys should complete primary and secondary education by 2030. PIL recognizes that the private sector has an important role to play in contributing to achievement of the SDGs in Malawi,” said Msimuko.

Receiving the books on behalf of the Northern Education Division Manager, Emmanuel Luhanga commended PIL for aiding the Government in the development of education in the country.

Msimuko (2nd right) handing over the books to Luhanga flanked by Inkosi Jalavikuwa (right) and Headteacher Chimwemwe Shaba (Left)

“This donation by PIL will go a long way in ensuring that the students here at Bwengu do not scramble for resources in their studies. The Ministry, through our office, has mechanisms in place to ensure the books are safe from damage or being stolen. We urge the students, teachers and members of the community to take care of the books so that even those students still in primary school now, should benefit in future,” said Luhanga.

One of the students, Triphonia Kamanga, indicated that before the donation, the situation was bad as students grappled for the few available books.

“We are over 400 students here, but we had few books. We believe these books will motivate us to keep working hard. If we managed to pass well with the limited resources, then nothing can stop us now that we have the books. We thank PIL for choosing us,” she said.

Inkosi Jalavikuwa Munthali of the area also commended PIL for the donation, but appealed for more support especially on the science laboratory which the school lacks.

PIL comprises Total Energies, Petroda, Vivo Energy, and Puma.

Msimuko (right) makes symbolic presentation to Bwengu CDSS students

NBS Bank plc donates desks worth K17.5 million to Kalinyeke School

Nakoma (2nd Right) with Kadzamira handing over desks to Thombozi (far left) ministry of education official Benard Kumanda

NBS Bank plc in partnership with Roads Fund Administration (RFA) have donated desks worth K17.5 million to Kalinyeke Full Primary School in Dedza.

Speaking during the handover ceremony held at the school on Thursday, NBS Bank plc Head of Corporate Banking Frank Nakoma said the donation is part of the Bank’s ongoing commitment to corporate social responsibility (CSR), specifically in the education sector.

“We are more than a Bank and we believe in being an integral part of the communities we serve in, and for that reason we are always concerned with the problems communities face. So, when we saw that the school was lacking desks, we decided to come in and assist them with 160 desks.”

“These desks must not just be looked as desks, but as brighter and great minds for the future Malawi. Therefore, the donation is one step in our broader efforts to support quality education across Malawi,” said Nakoma.

The Roads Fund Administration Tolling Operations Manager Dalitso Kadzamira commended NBS Bank plc for the donation at the school.

“We thank NBS Bank plc for the helping hand. Two years ago, we identified the need for desks and other equipment at the school following our program of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). And we partnered with NBS Bank plc to come to the rescue of the school and hence the 160 desks being donated today,” said Kadzamira.

Speaking after receiving the desks, the school’s Headmaster, Clara Thombozi also expressed her overwhelming gratitude to NBS Bank.

“Kalinyeke FP School, like many rural schools, has faced significant challenges in providing adequate furniture for its growing student population.”

“Many of the students were sitting on the floor which saw a greater number of students not attending school. But with the donation made by NBS Bank plc and Roads Fund Administration we have seen the numbers increasing greatly,” said Thombozi.

Kalinyeke FP School has a total number of 1438 pupils who have benefited from the donation made by the Bank

PDP Calls for Urgent Electoral Reform Amid Voter Registration Crisis


The People’s Development Party (PDP) has raised alarm over what it calls a “crisis” in the voter registration process ahead of Malawi’s 2025 general elections.

In a press statement delivered at the Golden Peacock Hotel in Lilongwe, PDP President Dr. Kondwani Nankhumwa criticized the Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC) and the National Registration Bureau (NRB) for what he described as a “flawed” and “inefficient” voter registration exercise, which is currently underway in multiple districts across the country.

Dr. Nankhumwa expressed deep concern about the widespread delays and technical failures in the process, warning that many eligible voters could be disenfranchised if immediate action is not taken.

“The Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC) is implementing the second phase of voter registration in several cities and districts,” Dr. Nankhumwa said.

“But as we speak, the ongoing voter registration exercise is encountering significant challenges, and many eligible voters across the country risk being denied their fundamental right to register for the upcoming election.”

At the heart of the issue, Dr. Nankhumwa pointed to the failure of the NRB to issue national identification cards (IDs) to citizens in time for registration.

“The NRB’s ability to issue these IDs in a timely manner is central to ensuring that no eligible citizen is left out of the process,” he explained.

“Unfortunately, bureaucratic inefficiencies, lack of public awareness campaigns, and inadequate resources have created barriers that could disenfranchise large portions of the electorate.”

The PDP leader warned that such failures could call into question the legitimacy of the 2025 election.

“The failure to address these challenges risks disenfranchising thousands, if not millions, of eligible voters—many of whom are already marginalized by systemic inefficiencies,” he said.

“This is not just a logistical challenge; it’s a direct attack on the democratic rights of Malawians.”

Dr. Nankhumwa further criticized both the MEC and the NRB for their lack of preparedness and efficiency, emphasizing that the credibility of the electoral process is at stake.

He also expressed concern over the NRB’s capacity to manage the registration process effectively, citing delays in ID issuance and the absence of staff at many registration centers.

“These issues are compounded by concerns over the credibility and neutrality of the NRB itself,” he said.

“Given the central role this institution plays in the electoral process, its ability to act with impartiality and competence is essential.”

To address the challenges, Dr. Nankhumwa proposed the creation of an Electoral Integrity Platform (EIP)—a collaborative forum aimed at bringing together key stakeholders, including the MEC, NRB, political parties, and civil society organizations, to ensure that the voter registration process is transparent, inclusive, and effective.

“The establishment of EIP could be a strategic initiative aimed at addressing the multifaceted challenges associated with the electoral process,” Dr. Nankhumwa said.

“This platform is essential for fostering dialogue, building trust, and implementing effective solutions to enhance electoral integrity.”

The proposed platform would focus on resolving issues such as the delayed issuance of national IDs, technical failures in MEC’s systems, and allegations of voter suppression.

Dr. Nankhumwa also called for a transparent investigation into reports of irregularities and called for the MEC to act decisively to restore public confidence in the election process.

The PDP leader also weighed in on the ongoing calls for the resignation of the MEC Chairperson, Justice Anabel Mtalimanja, who has faced criticism due to her familial ties to former MCP president John Tembo.

Despite defending her personal integrity, Dr. Nankhumwa advised Mtalimanja to consider stepping down, given the public perception that her position may not be neutral.

“Many Malawians now perceive Justice Mtalimanja as a member of MCP regardless of whether her decisions are right or wrong,” he said.

“She has lost the trust of the people, and my advice to her is to protect her integrity.”

Dr. Nankhumwa concluded his statement by calling for unity and collaboration among all stakeholders to resolve the issues plaguing the voter registration process.

“Now is not the time for division or inflammatory rhetoric but for collaboration, with a shared commitment to ensuring that every Malawian can participate in free, fair, and credible elections,” he urged.

As Malawi prepares for the 2025 elections, Dr. Nankhumwa’s remarks highlight the urgent need for electoral reforms to address the inefficiencies and challenges undermining the voter registration process.

120 golfers tune up for Std Bank tourney


A field of 120 golfers is ready to tee off in Saturday’s tournament by Standard Bank Plc at Lilongwe Golf Club.

LGC Captain Maziko Kumbani said the Standard Bank-sponsored tournament promises intense competition from golfers who will be swinging hard to outgun each other for prestigious medals lined up.

“As Captain, I am thrilled to welcome back Standard Bank to Lilongwe Golf Club as they bring their prestigious “Be More Golf” tournament, themed “Sustainable Swing.” This highly anticipated event promises intense competition and unforgettable moments on the course with over 120 golfers vying for top honors,” he said.

Kumbani thanked Standard Bank for its unwavering commitment to the game of golf and the bank’s remarkable support for the LGC fraternity.

“This partnership continues to elevate the sport and inspire excellence both on and off the course. I wish all the golfers all the best, ” he said.

Saturday’s tournament under the theme “The Sustainable Swing”, will spotlight Standard Bank’s role in harnessing economic sustainability and responsible business.

The tournament is designed to bring together business leaders, clients, and sustainability advocates for a day of golf. They will network and share ideas on sustainable development in both respects of business continuity and community well-being.

“At Standard Bank, we believe that sustainable growth is key to creating long-term value—for our clients, our communities, and our economy. We are again excited to host this unique event that not only showcases the beauty of the sport but also highlights our commitment to supporting the individual and business growth,” said the sponsor’s Chief Executive Phillip Madinga.

He added that Standard Bank is committed to embedding sustainable practices into its operations, from reducing carbon footprint to financing projects that have a positive financial and social impact earmarked to grow the economy.

“The tournament is a celebration of the positive impact that sport and sustainability can have when they work hand in hand. We are proud to bring BeMore golf again to see so many golfers taking steps to promote financial sustainability that drive growth,” added the Chief Executive.

The tournament will culminate in a celebratory reception, where attendees will learn more about the Standard Bank initiatives to support green banking, including renewable energy investments, sustainable lending practices, and partnerships with environmentally conscious businesses.

The 2024 edition of BeMore Golf Tournament will use the Individual Medal format with all the proceeds channeled towards Kamuzu Central Hospital’s Children’s Cancer Centre.

Vendors hail establishment of additional Police Unit in Limbe


Some vendors plying their trade in Limbe Central Business District have hailed the Malawi Police Services (MPs) for establishing an additional Police Unit in the township.

The decision follows a gesture by the Pacific Limited to offer an office space in one of its Pacific Tower to the law enforcers which is being used as a Police Unit.

Secretary for the Limbe Town Vendors Association, Newton Mwenyekondo has disclosed to Malawi voice that this has helped to reduce a distance the vendors used to cover when taking suspects to Limbe Police Station.

“The situation was really tough before the coming in of the police unit as we used conduct our businesses with fear of being robbed. There were also a lot of cases of our customers being robbed by some street kids. We can safely say there is currently maximum security which has greatly enhanced our businesses”, said Mwenyekondo.

On his part, Limbe Police Station Deputy Public Relations Officer, Sub Inspector Chibisa Mulimbika disclosed that the development has contributed to a reduction of crimes by five percent.

“To us, this has given us an added advantage as it has enabled us to have an additional listening post of our men who patrols the city whose number has been doubled”, said Mulimbika.

On his part, operations manager for the Pacific Limited Abdul Gomiwa said apart from the company offering an office space for a new police unit it’s Pacific Tower, the company has also allocated an office space to an old Limbe free Market police unit in its Pacific plaza.

Limbe is Township is one of the busiest township in Blantyre apart from Blantyre Central Business District with criminal activities reportedly being on the rise in the recent past.

Chakwera assures of development


Mchinji, November 13, Mana: President Lazarus Chakwera has reaffirmed his administration’s commitment to ongoing development efforts in Mchinji District and the country at large.

Addressing people at Kamwendo Trading Centre on Wednesday during a whistle-stop tour, Chakwera highlighted various initiatives aimed at improving infrastructure and economic opportunities in the district.

This stop was the fourth on his tour, which also included visits to Tembwe and Waliranji Trading Centres and a meeting with local chiefs at Mchinji Teacher Training College.

“We are making sure that development reaches everyone so that people can live dignified lives without reliance on aid. We have started rehabilitating railways and roads to help farmers transport their produce more easily,” Chakwera said.

The President cited the planned rehabilitation of the Mkanda to Kasungu road, which will connect Mchinji with Kasungu District, as an example of projects aimed at enhancing district connectivity.

He also emphasised the government’s efforts to improve access to the National Economic Empowerment Fund (NEEF) by removing collateral requirements, enabling more people to establish sustainable businesses.

Earlier, Member of Parliament for Mchinji Central Constituency Jephther Mwale expressed appreciation for the increase in the Constituency Development Fund (CDF) to K200 million, which he said is facilitating construction of classroom blocks and bridges.
Mwale also praised Chakwera for revitalising agriculture in the district, a sector he noted had been in decline.

Mwale also encouraged the people to register, a message President Chakwera and Malawi Congress Party (MCP) regional governor Patrick Zebron Chilondola also tackled.
Chilondola said people are already registering in large numbers but there are some who have not.

“Do not wait for the last day of voter registration. You have to go now and make sure you have registered,” said Chilondola

Insurance Association for improved efficiency through DMVIC

Participants following the presentation

Insurance Association of Malawi (IAM) says they expect improved efficiency by all the general insurance companies in the country following the introduction of the new Digital Motor Vehicle Insurance Certificates (DMVIC). 

IAM representative, Dickson Malamba made the remarks in Mzuzu on Monday when the association held an interface session with police traffic officers, the media and others to brief them about the development and key distinguishing features between the old and new certificates. 

He said all general insurance companies will cease to issue pre-printed certificates by December 31 this year, and the new system allows them to use one system for issuing the certificates, therefore there will be no excuses for inefficiency. 

“Effective January 1, 2025, IAM will no longer use pre-printed insurance certificates for printing insurance certificates. Preprinted insurance certificates will be valid until December 31 2026. Further, the system will be instrumental in tracking stolen vehicles and eliminating fraudulent motor vehicle certificates on the roads of Malawi.”

“It is therefore important that we engage these stakeholders including the media so that they help us disseminate the information with the masses,” said Malamba.

Regional Police Traffic Officer for the North, Superintendent Augustine Chakanika commended IAM for the sensitisation meeting. 

Malamba making a presentation

“We thank IAM for engaging us and for the new system. Our work involves enforcing such things like insurance, we therefore needed to know of the changes and how to easily track the counterfeit ones through the verification process that we have been told,” he said. 

One of the journalists, Grecian Mbewe from Tuntufye Radio in Karonga also commended IAM for including them in the picture.

“As journalists from community radios, we play a big role in sensitising members of the community on any new developments. Most people follow community radios because they relate well with developments around their locations and the local languages used. The DMVIC will play a crucial role in eliminating accidents in our areas especially those caused by drivers with fraudulent certificates, this time they can’t beat the system,” said Mbewe.

Through the system, people can access DMVIC from their brokers digitally using platforms like WhatsApp and then print. 

They can also verify the validity of the certificates using USSD code *4273# or download an application and install in their smartphones. 

Participants in Mzuzu

EXPOSED: Orama Namalomba receives K10million from State House for propaganda


Reports reaching our publication shows that Orama Namalomba, the individual who recorded Martha Chizuma, has allegedly received K10 million to target prominent figures and government critics.

Known by his real name, Anderson Mwakyelu, he currently faces theft charges for allegedly claiming allowances for 1,000 nights in a single year during his tenure as an accountant in the Accountant General’s office.

It is reported that he was subsequently promoted to a director position as a reward for his role in the Chizuma case, with protection from Police Head of Operations, Commissioner Muwanga.

Mwakyelu is reportedly using his influence to defame figures such as Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika, DPP, UTM and AFORD officials, Catholic bishops and judiciary members.

Additionally, he is said to have fabricated a story targeting Prophet Shepherd Bushiri as part of his broader campaign.

According to sources, Mwakyelu has been promised a new position at the State House if he continues his efforts.

He has allegedly been coordinating his activities using the phone number +265 99 937 5158, in collaboration with senior Malawi Congress officials and Commissioner Muwanga.

Chakwera honours fallen heroes on Poppy


President Dr Lazarus Chakwera today led Malawians in commemorating the 2024 Poppy Day at Zomba War Memorial Tower in Zomba.

The ceremony also marked Centenary (100 years) Celebrations of the War Memorial Tower’s existence. It was commissioned on 15th January, 1924.

Observed on 11th November annually among Commonwealth member States, Poppy Day, also referred to as Remembrance Day, was set aside in honor of the sacrifices made by military men and women, who died in the line of duty, during the Two Major World Wars, and also other Wars.

The Malawi leader, was the first to lay a Wreath at the War Memorial Tower, in honour of the fallen heroes followed by the First Deputy Speaker of Parliament, Madalitso Kazombo and Deputy Chief Justice, Lovermore Chikopa SC

MDF Commander Paul Valentino Phiri, Secretary to the President and Cabinet (SPC) Colleen Zamba also laid their wreaths representing Defence Force and Civil Service respectively.

The opposition was represented by Zomba Chisi Member of Parliament, Mark Botomani.

During the ceremony,a living war veteran, Warrant Officer Class 1, Frank Masiano represented all war veterans who took part in wars by laying a wreath while Tanzanian Ambassador to Malawi, Agness Kayola represented members of the Diplomatic Corps in laying wreath.

In Lilongwe, Chakwera was represented by Youths and Sports Minister, engineer Uchizi Mkandawire while in Mzuzu, Chakwera was represented by Agriculture Minister, Pastor Sam Kawale.

ROAD TO 2025:PDP President Dr Nankhumwa takes voter registration awareness campaign to Blantyre

Dr. Kondwani Nankhumwa, President of the Peoples Development Party (PDP), on Friday embarked on a voter registration awareness campaign in Blantyre, ahead of next year’s polls.

During his campaign, Nankhumwa met with area committees to strengthen the party’s grassroots.

In Lunzu, Chilomoni, and Macheka, he addressed supporters and sympathizers, exuding confidence that the PDP will form the next government.

Senior officials accompanied him on this outreach, which follows his recent visits to Phalombe, Chiradzulo Mulanje and Neno

As a seasoned politician and former senior cabinet minister, Nankhumwa brings a wealth of experience to the table.

He previously served as leader of opposition in Parliament.

With a strong track record in government, Nankhumwa aims to tackle poverty and unemployment, while improving Malawi’s infrastructure and education system.

His leadership skills and vision for a better Malawi have made him a formidable force in the country’s political landscape.

Castel Malawi bags 3 awards at the IMM Awards

Giant alcoholic beverage producer in the country, Castel Malawi managed to bag three awards at this year’s Institute of Marketing in Malawi (IMM) Awards ceremony over the weekend.

Castel Malawi’s newly-introduced alcoholic product Pomme Breeze won two awards namely Social Media Campaign of the Year for its #Yoursider social media campaign, while ‘It’s a Lifestyle’ campaign was named the Local Marketing Campaign of the Year.

The company’s Head of Corporate Marketing and Communications, Lavern Chitakata was also honoured as the Public Relations Personality of the Year.

Chitakata was recognized for her role in promoting the Castel Brand with football, strategic product communication, amplifying brand presence through media recognition, and championing Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives for community engagement.

In reaction to the awards, Chitakata said the recognition is a testament of Castel Malawi’s effort to build meaningful relationships with its customers and the public.

“The #Yoursider social media campaign therefore aimed at amplifying the awareness of our product Pomme Breeze. The campaign ensured Castel Malawi engages with its customers with lucky winner expected to win a three-day trip to Dubai.”

“Pomme Breeze deserved to win these awards due to its remarkable success in the challenging flavored beer market, and defying industry norms. Research indicates 70-90% of New Product Developments (NPDs) fail. Pomme Breeze is indeed a lifestyle.”

“Our CSR activities in sponsoring the Castel Ibongetse Cup, also helped us to increase awareness about our products. I thank the Castel management and colleagues for making this happen,” explained Chitakata.

Castel Malawi sponsors the Castel Cup to the tune of K400 million.

Over the years, the company has engaged in various CSR activities including the environmental conservation, and safety awareness campaigns.

Malawi’s Super Star Tay Grin to perform live at Fusion Sports Bar in Nottingham this Saturday

Malawi’s multi-award winning Hip-hop Icon, Tay Grin, will be performing live at Fusion Sports Bar in Nottingham this Saturday, November 9!

This is your chance to experience an electrifying performance by the super star popularly known as The Nyau King.

“Join us for a night filled with music, dancing, and good vibes. Don’t miss out on this unforgettable event! Come see Tay Grin perform live at Fusion Sports Bar in Nottingham- it’s gonna be lit!

“Brace yourself for an unforgettable night, Amfumu ndi Nyau zawo akonzeka kuzakuthyoletsani Dance mpaka fumbi kobo. Ali ndi mwana agwilitse! Ali ndi chiuno, afewetse!” reads part of the promotion advert.

The show will be supported by DJ Hannie G.

Tickets will be £15 at the door. GET YOURS NOW FOR £10 plus BF!!!

Follow this link

FDH Bank plc shines at the Marketers’ awards

Nkunika (left) poses with FDH Bank marketing team and their awards

Malawi Stock Exchange listed FDH Bank had a grand time at this year’s Institute of Marketing in Malawi (IMM) Awards ceremony over the weekend where they bagged four awards.

The Bank’s Salama Banking was named the Print Commercial of the Year, while its marketing team emerged the Marketing Team of the Year.

FDH Cares Program was named the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Initiative of the Year, while its Head of Marketing and Communication, Levie Nkunika was named Marketer of the Year.

Reacting on the awards, including his accolade, Nkunika said the recognition will help them to continue to inspire and empower the next generation.

Nkunika- Marketer of the Year

“This award is not just a personal achievement, but a testament to the collective efforts of our team, partners, and stakeholders who have supported me throughout my journey. I extend my sincerest gratitude to our senior management for their unwavering trust and vision, senior marketers for their guidance and mentorship, and young marketers and students for their enthusiasm and eagerness to learn.”

“This award reinforces my commitment to driving innovative marketing strategies that resonate with our customers and contribute to the growth of FDH Group and the industry. I dedicate this recognition to everyone who has contributed to our success,” said Nkunika.

This year, the Parliamentary Committee on Social and Community Affairs commended FDH Bank plc for the investing K6 billion in the CSR initiatives for the past five years.

MDF Team wins 2024 War Veterans Golf Tourney

Mkandawire (Middle) presenting trophy to the winners Brown (Right) and Dzonzi (Left)

The Malawi Defence Force (MDF) Team are the champions of this year’s Military Veterans Thanks Giving Golf Tournament, which took place at Limbe Country Club at the weekend.

NBS Bank plc was the main sponsor of the tournament this year pumping in K70 million, and attracted 160 golfers across the country.

The MDF team comprised Private Witman Brown and Private Alick Dzonzi who secured 50 points to earn the championship and both walked away with a trophy, cash prize of K350,000 and a hamper.

Team NBS plc consisting of Roza Mbilizi and Charles Chirwa claimed second place with 48 points, while MDF Team 2 comprising of Private Mbeza and Private Mpanje finished third with 47 points.

Speaking at the prize presentation ceremony, NBS Bank plc Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Temwani Simwaka expressed satisfaction with the tournament saying it gives a chance to the Bank to continue to build its existing partnership with MDF.

“Every Malawian, we say, let’s do our part, let’s support them. This is not about competition; this is about supporting people who brought us the things that we are enjoying today. So, we appeal to everyone to say, let’s support the veterans in whatever way we can to make a difference.”

“As NBS Bank plc, we believe it is our responsibility to support the veterans,” said Simwaka.

MDF General Commander, Paul Valentino Phiri applauded NBS Bank plc for sponsoring the tournament. 

“It is very important that NBS Bank plc came in and others have also contributed. But this should also be an encouragement to other financial institutions, specifically banks to emulate what NBS Bank is doing in support of the Military Veterans,” said Phiri.

Minister of Defence Harry Mkandawire was the guest of honour, standing in for the country’s President Lazarus Chakwera.

Mkandawire also thanked NBS Bank plc for being the main sponsor at the Tournament and encouraged others to emulate the same example.

“We are most grateful to NBS Bank plc for their true friendship and bond to MDF. You have supported, not only this event, but almost all the initiatives that have been happening across the country. And I would like to appeal to the corporate world and the public to continue supporting the country’s war veterans,” said Mkandawire.

He said the Veteran Thanksgiving Golf Tournament is a very important event, which goes back to the history of the First and Second World Wars.

Political analysts Mvula, Chaima dismiss EIU report on Chakwera’s impeachment, MCP calls it an outlier

Political analysts, Humphreys Mvula and George Chaima have outright dismissed the Economist Intelligent Unit report that is suggesting that President Dr Lazarus Chakwera may lose power before next year’s election through impeachment due to economic meltdown, hunger and unemployment levels that have engulfed his administration.

But reacting to the report, two prominent social and economic analysts, Humphreys Mvula and George Chaima have ripped apart the report saying it is biased and questions its sample size.

In his remarks, Mvula says there are no reports that suggest that Malawians can rise against government to topple president Chakwera before elections or through impeachment.

“How did they come up with the sample? How did they come up with the sensational report ahead of election with 11months to go? MCP and DPP are the most stable parties in the country and the report is a “mockery” as from now up to elections, there will be activities that will sway voters either way so am slow to accept the wholesale understanding of the report,” said Mvula.

In his remarks, Chaima said though he acknowledges that Malawians are struggling on basic needs with the government of MCP, but to suggest that Chakwera can be impeached at the moment is sheer power play.

“Yes no doubt Malawians are struggling to make ends meet. But the sample was taken by economists to survey the economic policies of the Chakwera administration and tailor them to people’s income, but to go and declare that it will end into impeachment is very ‘childish’ and no Malawian will agree that at the moment,’ said Chaima.

Reacting to the report, MCP Publicity Secretary, Dr Jessie kabwila dismissed the report calling it an outlier.

EIU, has also predicted that MCP may return power by coopting all small parties to push them to the finishing line.

Reacting to the report, DPP Publicity Secretary, Shadric Namalomba says DPP is geared to win the 2025 polls based on the economic policies that MCP government has failed to impalement.

Section 86 of the constitution says :The President or First Vice-President shall be removed from office where the President or First Vice-President, as the case may be, has been indicted and convicted by impeachment. But looking at the numbers in Parliament, the opposition can not win that battle as government side has a numerical advantage.

To make matters worse, president or vice president can only be indicted after committing “serious crimes” that have not even mentioned in the constitution.

Chakwera commits to rehabilitate damaged roads

President Lazarus Chakwera has assured people of Dwangwa that government is committed to rehabilitate roads which are damaged to ensure quality standards.

Speaking Thursday, during a whistle-stop tour at Dwangwa Trading Centre in Nkhotakota district, Chakwera stated that the rehabilitation of the Dwangwa – Nkhotakota road is taking time to ensure quality work.

“ It is worrisome to see how the road is destroyed but we are going to make sure that the project which is already underway should be completed but with quality standards,” he said.

President Chakwera appealed to eligible voters, to participate in the registration process in readiness for the 2025 General Elections.

By Sheminah Nkhoma

Chakwera commits to rehabilitate damaged roads

President Lazarus Chakwera has assured people of Dwangwa that government is committed to rehabilitate roads which are damaged to ensure quality standards.

Speaking Thursday, during a whistle-stop tour at Dwangwa Trading Centre in Nkhotakota district, Chakwera stated that the rehabilitation of the Dwangwa – Nkhotakota road is taking time to ensure quality work.

“ It is worrisome to see how the road is destroyed but we are going to make sure that the project which is already underway should be completed but with quality standards,” he said.

President Chakwera appealed to eligible voters, to participate in the registration process in readiness for the 2025 General Elections.

By Sheminah Nkhoma

EXPOSED: Priscila Kayira Pockets Full Payment, Refuses to Take Down Post on Sparc

Prominent Malawi TV presenter and showbiz host Priscila Kayira has been entangled in a possible client swindling incident over the weekend.

Reports indicate that she was paid the full amount to take up a gig at Sparc on Saturday but claimed she had not been paid and rushed to social media to rant.

We have information that on the 23rd of October, Priscila was paid K250,000 by Sparc as half payment to host a red carpet event last Saturday but claimed she had not received the money.

However, on Saturday, the 26th, she came to Sparc, fuming to a consultant events planner Temwa Luhanga that she had not been paid. Pressed to check and confirm, Priscila said: “I don’t receive notifications.”

To rectify the issue, authourities at Sparc intervened, apologised to her but in the process they discovered that the payment was made to her around 11:50 am and she went to social media around 12: 30 pm when she had already been paid another K250,000.

“She confirmed receiving the K250,000 while her post damaging Sparc reputation was still trending on X (former Tweeter) and facebook. In the post, she said she would not be hosting the event due to iltreatment by the hired events planner,” said the source.

Later, Sparc MD Dr. Wisely Phiri called her to consider returning the money now that she had made a decision not to host the event.

“Surprisingly,” said the source, “she only returned the money but refused to take down the post, insisting that she could only take down the post if she was allowed to keep the money. This was a shocking blackmail from the young lady. “

However, it transpired on Monday that even the payment that was made to her on 23rd October went through, but she has kept refusing despite screenshots being sent to her to prove that the transaction was effected.

“Perhaps she wants to keep the money without working for it. It is sad she she behaved this way on a client who apologised and kept sending her money without her checking the notifications, if we were to buy her story,” further narrated our source.

A cross section of people who commented on her online post, described as emotional, and that she must learn to sort issues with clients before taking them to public.

Meanwhile, lawyers from Sparc, have demanded Kayira to apologize and retract the post within 48hours.

ROAD TO 2025: President Chakwera urges chiefs to mobilise people to register

Dedza, October 29, Mana: President Dr. Lazarus Chakwera has called on chiefs in Dedza to promote 2025 General Election voter registration to strengthen the country’s good governance.

He made the call Tuesday, at Linthipe Secondary School where he interacted with over 700 chiefs on his whistle stop tour to inspect development projects in the district.

The President said if people do not register it will be impossible for them to vote in the forth coming election.

He said his government is working tirelessly to uphold principles of democracy for the common good of a local Malawian.

He cited his sincerity to strengthen the decentralisation programme by raising Constituency Development Fund from K100 million to K200 million for the sake of the common Malawian.

He expressed commitment towards empowering chiefs in the development process by increasing the number of gazetted chiefs.

He blamed the previous regime for reckless spending that led to gaps in development of the nation noting that the misappropriation is affecting progress development in the country.

He assured the chiefs that his government is leaving no stone unturned to ensure construction of tarmac roads in the district among other developments.

The President said government is discussing with other development partners on debt repayment mechanism to ensure progress on development.

He acknowledged that some of the challenges the country is facing are a result of natural disasters.

To address this ,the President said through AGCOM and NEEF, government is empowering farmers to promote farmers resilience to natural shocks.

He urged chiefs in the district to continue coexisting in peace and enjoy their diversity cultures of Ngoni, Chewa and Yao .

Senior Chief Chauma applauded President Chakwera for sparing time to meet the chiefs.

He urged the President to honour MPs from the District by appointing some of them into ministerial positions

By Zenak Matekenya

Chakwera urges authorities to be transparent


Dedza, October 29, Mana: President Dr. Lazarus Chakwera has called on authorities to be transparent when distributing maize and fertilizer to benefit local Malawians.

Chakwera made the remarks on Tuesday during his whistle-stop tour, at Kaphuka Trading Center in Dedza Central East.

The president said the hunger situation has affected many people in the country because of the erratic rains as such it is important that the maize that the government is distributing should reach each and every one.

“It is important for the local authorities to ensure that all people have received maize as well as an increase of beneficiaries in the Affordable Inputs Programme (AIP),” he said.

The president stated that it is important that people go and register to vote so that they should have access to vote come 2025.

In his remarks, Member of Parliament for Dedza Central East, Joshua Malango appreciated the support that the government is providing to the constituency saying many people are benefiting.

He further said the increase of the Constituency Development Fund (CDF) has changed the area as they now have many development projects taking place.

By Sheminah Nkhoma

Chakwera calls on ministries to collaborate

Dedza, October 28, Mana: President Lazarus Chakwera on Monday called on government ministries to collaborate in their daily operations so that various relief programmes can reach intended recipients.

The president made the remarks during his whistle-stop tour, at Magomero Trading Centre under Chief Chilikumwendo in response to sentiments expressed by Senior Chief Kachere and Malawi Congress Party Member of Parliament for Dedza North West, Auzious Chidovu.

The two told President Chakwera that hunger has hit the area hard hence the need for more relief of food distribution as well as an increase of beneficiaries in the Affordable Inputs Programme (AIP).

The president however acknowledged that the hunger situation that has hit some parts of the country is a result of erratic rains in the past rainy season.

“I understand all the concerns raised and we aim to ensure that everyone benefits.

“Let me also emphasize that the ministries of local government, agriculture, finance and gender should work together and look into our systems how they are working so that there is equal benefit,” said President Chakwera.

He however warned officials involved in relief programmes to refrain from any favours.
President Chakwera then urged the communities to go out and register in their large numbers for them to vote come September 2025.

Senior Chief Kachere, hailed the president for the visit while expressing hope that the challenges that have rocked the area will receive the attention it deserves.

In his remarks, Chidovu, asked President Chakwera to intervene so that communities should be able to access loans from the National Economic Empowerment Fund (NEEF).

“We have a big problem as far as accessing loans at the NEEF is concerned. And it’s becoming a huge burden each passing day,” said Chidovu.

By Steve Chirombo

Chakwera Calls for Thorough Investigation into Fatal Plane Crash

President Dr. Lazarus Chakwera on Monday led the swearing-in of members of the Commission of Inquiry on the June 10 plane crash, emphasizing impartiality in the investigation.

A Malawi Defence Force Donier 228 carrying Vice President Late Dr. Saulos Chilima and eight others crashed in Chikangawa forest, killing everyone on board.

The 19-member Commission, appointed on October 25, will investigate the crash’s circumstances, fulfilling Chakwera’s pledge during Chilima’s June 16 funeral ceremony.

At Kamuzu Palace, Chakwera urged Commission members to execute duties diligently, ignoring biases and political pressure.

Preliminary inquiries include postmortem reports to families and German investigators’ involvement.

Chakwera expects the Commission’s findings by November’s end, providing clarity on the tragedy.

Secretary to the Office of the President and Cabinet, Colleen Zamba, stressed the Commission’s importance in unveiling accident details.

As per Section 5 of the Commission of Inquiry Act, appointed individuals must adhere to oaths prescribed in the Malawian Constitution.

The Commission will present findings to Chakwera by November 30, 2024.

President Chakwera Honors Malawi’s Veterans, Ex-Servicemen


President Dr. Lazarus Chakwera stressed the importance of reflecting on veterans’ and ex-servicemen’s commitment and dedication to Malawi’s struggle for freedom.

Speaking at Kamuzu Palace in Lilongwe during Poppy Week’s inauguration, Chakwera highlighted their pivotal role in achieving national freedom through unwavering dedication.

Chakwera urged citizens to support the initiative by purchasing poppy flowers distributed nationwide, symbolizing courage, sacrifice and love for Malawi. He personally contributed K2 million to demonstrate his commitment.

General Henry Odillo, Veterans and Ex-Service League of Malawi (VELOM) Chairperson, praised Chakwera’s support. Odillo emphasized Poppy Week’s significance in enhancing VELOM members’ livelihoods.

He hailed the government’s commitment to VELOM’s objectives and acknowledged the Malawi Defence Force and stakeholders for their dedication and support.

MTAMBO MUST GO TO HELL: There is nothing new he can offer

In 2019, several people went on protests in the streets protesting carrying placards decrying the high cost of living, deep corruption, bad governance, and tribalism while pumping their fists in the air chanting songs against Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika and his government and that crusade was led by former human rights defender, Timothy Mtambo who is now AFORD Vice President responsible for Operations.

After leading a destructive demonstrations across the country which saw private and public properties razed down by fire and business people losing their cash, today, after being booted out of cabinet by President Dr Lazarus Chakwera he wants to mobilise the same Malawians to rise against Chakwera for his personal vendetta.

After Tonse Alliance government won election, Chakwera was kind enough to accommodate him in his cabinet and give him, full ministerial position as a token of appreciation for his help to remove DPP from government.

With all that in mind of many Malawians, Mtambo has no trust anymore from Malawians because they believe he is someone who fights for his glory and belly. Many Malawians were not happy the day he accepted the position of a minister. They felt betrayed that he is not “one of them” has dumped them in search of wealth. To make matters worse, he pushed his wife to be employed at ESCOM as Director of Legal Affairs. That is not activism but greedy.

Finally, today after losing his posh position in government he is back telling Malawians that he is with them. If he was a man who cares for his people why didn’t he resigned from government when Malawians were complaining about corruption and nepotism? That could could have been a better option but he never listened and cared about poor Malawians. He is a hypocrite.

He is now in AFORD touting that the he is going back to the streets in order for people to loot government properties and peoples businesses. What type of chamba is he is smoking? Malawians have not forgotten the Msundwe barracks that he led to destroy peoples properties. Up today, others have completely gone out of business because of him.

After failing to get any attention from his Facebook page, he has decided to join AFORD to seek relevance. It will not work too.

Mtambo has blood on his hands of a policeman who died in Msundwe. He was killed by angry mob led by him as well. Out of that blood, he got the job as cabinet minister. Who can trust such a person to say he is a human rights defender?

Malawians will never trust him anymore. It is better to die alone without Mtambo telling us what to do

May be let us ask him this simple question: since he went into government, show us anything that benefited Malawians from your ministry?

Mtambo, we are done with you.

PCL Directors under fire over case


Trouble is brewing for conglomerate Press Corporation plc board members over a
case in which the company has been ordered to compensate its three former top
executives for unlawful termination of employment.

Some minority shareholders of the conglomerate want some board members
removed after the Industrial Relations Court (IRC) on Tuesday ordered PCL to
compensate former Group Chief Executive Offer George Partridge, former Group
Financial Controller Elizabeth Mafeni and former Group Administrative Executive and
General Counsel Bernard Ndau for unlawful termination of employment.

One of the Minority Shareholders Association of Malawi (MSHAM) Dr Mukadam who
also attended the ruling of the matter in Blantyre expressed shock at the decisions
that were taken by the PCL board which failed to explain why the three were fired
under the disquise of retrenchment following a functional review.

“We expect the directors will give us a plausible explanation on why they made a
harp hazard decision to fire the three. It is sad that they even failed to produce
evidence of a board meeting where this decision was made let alone a report on the
functional review which they themselves instituted.”

“Now we are going to pay these people a lot of millions if not billions of kwachas for
the reckless decisions of a few board members and we are the ones who are going
to pay this money which is unfair. I think its high time these directors should be
made liable to personally pay for things like these” said Mukadam.

Another shareholder said they will be calling for an extra-ordinary AGM where they
are going to propose for the removal of some board members including Chairman of
the Board Randson Mwadiwa.

“This is a big scandal and we need to remove these people so that companies
should appreciate rules of good governance, it should not just be sweet talk, we
should be walking the talk” he said.

Delivering his judgment, IRC Deputy Chairperson, Tamanda Nyimba observed that as
a leading and oldest conglomerate, the manner in which PCL terminated the services
of the three did not reflect the high prestige with which people hold the institution as
regards the observance of corporate governance principles.

He ordered that the three should be compensated. The three are yet to submit a
petition of their compensation package as ordered by the court but insiders believe it
will be millions if not billions of kwachas.

The IRC is yet to set a date when it will determine the compensation for the three
former executives.

NBM plc pumps K2 Million into Blantyre Motor Show

National Bank of Malawi (NBM) plc has donated K2 million to the organisers of the Blantyre Motor Show to support the event.

This year’s event will take place at Makata Industrial area, Shire Bus lines old bus terminal this coming weekend.

Presenting the cheque in Blantyre on Wednesday, NBM plc’s Vehicle Asset Finance Manager, Weston Chiwanda, expressed the Bank’s pride in supporting initiatives that contribute to the country’s economic development and technological advancement.

“The Blantyre Motor Show is not just an event for showcasing vehicles. It is a celebration of innovation, business, and the automotive industry which is also an economic potential for Malawi and a sustainable energy initiative.”

“As a key player in the Automotive industry, this will help to connect the Bank with the target audience who are highly interested in Financial Automobiles leading to potential business needs and client engagement. We are proud to contribute to this platform, which brings together entrepreneurs, innovators, and the general public in ways that promote growth and sustainability,” said Chiwanda.

In his speech after receiving the cheque, Chief Executive Officer for Lilongwe Motor Show Limited, which has also organized the Blantyre Motor Show, Alinane Njolomole expressed gratitude to NBM plc, noting that the support will go a long way in ensuring the success of the event.

“We are deeply grateful to the NBM plc for their generous support for the third time they have been sponsoring this event. Their partnership helps us in achieving our mission of creating a world-class event that connects key players in the automotive sector and provides a platform for interaction and business growth,” said Njolomole.

This year’s 2024 Blantyre Motor Show is expected to feature various car brands, parts and accessories suppliers, and tech-driven innovation.

Road infrastructure projects is Chakwera’s tramp card for re-election


The Malawi government has embarked on an ambitious journey to revolutionise the country’s socioeconomic development through infrastructure projects with an aim to bolster growth, enhance connectivity and improve quality of life for its nationals.

From the development of highways ,airports, waterways and railway lines, these systems are of critical important to folster inclusive and sustainable development across the nation. The country has so far witnessed tangible milestones in the sector under Chakwera led government.

Several analysts including long time human rights defender, Undule Mwakasungula has defended Chakwera and his government for spending big on infrastructure.

According to Mwakasungula, infrastructure is an important determinant of economic growth, job creation and poverty reduction.

“Effective and efficient transport systems spread economic opportunities widely, thus making economic growth more inclusive.

“Roads by any standards are the ‘pulmonary veins’ through which the bloodline of economy flows, therefore, the country has to be proud of the administration agenda in its pursuit to achieve sustainable development,” Undule said in a radio interview.

In his opinion Undule says since roads drive the country forward, it likely that Chakwera bid for reelection will be secured through his stable vision in the infrastructure development.

Also commenting on the same is another economic analyst, Ceaser Kondowe says apart from the hub multiplier of economic growth and job creation, good roads help to integrate the country into regional supply chains and have an effect on import and export of goods and services.

For example roads that have been constructed in Lilongwe, there are not there to decorate the city but also transform business activities. This means a road that is not narrow, dilapidated, unsafe and riddled with potholes, but rather a modern highway that is well constructed for faster transportation and logistics,” he said.

But Kondowe has asked government to rectify the fuel issue soonest as it has negative effects on the economy and trade.

Since he took over the mantle of leadership, Chakwera has constructed several roads in country and others are still under progress. Top on the list is the six- lane in Lilongwe, M1 road from Lilongwe to Chiweta, Lakeshore road, Gwanda Chakwamba highway,Mangochi – Makanjira road among others.

NBM plc Supports IMM Annual Conference with K3m


National Bank of Malawi (NBM) Plc has given K3 million to the Institute of Marketers in Malawi (IMM) for their Annual Conference.

Presenting the cheque at NBM Towers on Tuesday, Marketing and Corporate Affairs Manager Akossa Hiwa described the partnership with IMM as a reflection of the ‘Bank of the Nations’ commitment to the development of marketing as a key driver of business success.

“The IMM Annual Conference provides an unparalleled opportunity for us to engage with marketers and industry professionals, exchange knowledge, and showcase how NBM’s innovative products and services can support businesses in achieving their goals.”

“Through this sponsorship, we also recognize the value of marketing excellence, as highlighted by the Marketing Excellence Awards that will take place during the conference. We believe that celebrating and rewarding outstanding marketing initiatives inspires creativity and innovation in the sector,” said Hiwa.

In his remarks, IMM Vice President George Damson thanked NBM plc for the sponsorship.

“We are very grateful to National Bank for the sponsorship which will go a long way to make sure we host a successful event. As you know, we are currently operating in very troubling economic times and it’s not easy to get these kinds of partners on board,” said Damson.

The Annual Conference will be held in Mangochi from October 31 to November 2 under the theme ‘Innovate to Elevate: Leveraging Technology for Marketing Success’.

RBM Deputy Governor says inflation rate turning the corner

Mafuta Mwale-Inflation will turn the corner

Reserve Bank of Malawi (RBM) deputy governor McDonald Mafuta Mwale says inflation rate, currently at 34.3 percent, will soon turn the corner as the central bank is seeing signs of easing pressure on prices.

Mafuta Mwale said in an interview yesterday that the economy has been experiencing inflationary pressures emanating from food prices at a time non-food inflation has eased to 21.8 percent, according to National Statistical Office figures.

Said Mafuta Mwale: “But we are quite aware that the government and donors have accumulated enough foodstuffs, including maize such that once distribution of these food items picks up speed coupled with RBM tight monetary policy, inflation will start decelerating.”

He said the RBM, Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs and Ministry of Agriculture have put in place a coordinated action plan to ensure that inflation, a monster that eats into people’s disposable income, is contained to the expected levels.

“As a central bank, maintaining a tight monetary policy has helped to reduce spillover effects from the rising food prices to the non-food inflation. The bank is also carefully monitoring and analysing the potential impact of the current geopolitical conflicts in the Middle East to see that we proactively plan how we can cushion the economy from yet another external economic shock that can have adverse effects on our fight against local inflation pressures,” explained Mafuta-Mwale.

Economics Association of Malawi acting president Bertha Bangara Chikadza, in an interview, suggested a strong collaborative approach between monetary and fiscal authorities to manage inflation and stabilise the economy.

“The issue of imported inflation driven by currency depreciation, demands a coordinated effort to enhance domestic production,” she said.

Mzuzu University economics lecturer Christopher Mbukwa advised authorities to sort out supply side constraints alongside the monetary policy.

In its recent Monetary Policy report, RBM projected that annual inflation will be at 33.5 percent this year from 28.8 percent last year.

Nankhumwa Registers, Storms Southern Region Registration Centers

Dr. Kondwani Nankhumwa, President of the People’s Development Party (PDP), is intensifying his voter registration campaign in Malawi’s Southern Region.

“This morning, I am visiting three constituencies in Mulanje District as a continuation of my interactions with our People’s Development Party grassroots leaders,” Dr. Nankhumwa announced on Facebook.

He emphasized the importance of voter registration, stating, “The voter registration exercise is a crucial process that prepares citizens for upcoming elections, specifically the tripartite elections scheduled for 2025.”

Dr. Nankhumwa urged all eligible citizens to register, saying, “Voting is a fundamental civic duty. It allows individuals to express their opinions on governance and influence decision-making processes at various levels. By registering to vote, you will be fulfilling your responsibility to engage in democratic processes.”

He also called on community leaders to join him in promoting voter registration, saying, “Let me request religious, traditional and other political leaders to join me in encouraging voter registration. Your advocacy can help raise awareness about the importance of voting and motivate citizens to act.”

Dr. Nankhumwa’s voter awareness campaign will continue in Chiradzulu, Mulanje, Neno, and other districts in the Southern Region before moving to the Northern Region.

Malawians still in deep shock with 20 July 2011 massacre in Mzuzu under DPP era

Civil society organizations, individuals families of the victims, faith organizations among others continue to remember 20 July as a dark day in the history of multiparty democracy as 20 peaceful and unarmed protesters were mercilessly gunned down by DPP regime just for standing up against the repressive administration.

The death of these people were of the result of the order from the government to use excessive lethal force on poor masses. The people were demonstrating against poor economy, fuel shortages and autocracy.

Though many years have passed but still many Malawians remember this day in their hearts as a day of pain and darkness.

During the demonstration, police launched a crackdown on reporters who were beaming the situation from the ‘battlefield’ and MACRA switched off radio stations for several hours on that day which is the violation of free press.

Representative of the bereaved families, Mercy Mbesuma on many memorial services said that families of the deceased are in dire need of financial support.

“Currently, most of the widows and children of the deceased are struggling to make ends meet. We would like the government to assist the widows with soft loans to start various business ventures and put their children on bursary scheme,” she said.

During the event which takes place every year at Zolozolo Cemetery, it was learnt that most of the promises made by government authorities in previous commemorative events like fencing the deceased’s burial places and putting their children on bursary scheme have not been fulfilled.

Chakwera calls on citizens to actively participate in voter registration

President Dr. Lazarus Chakwera has called on citizens in the country to actively participate in the voter registration by the Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC) which has commenced in some districts.

In his address to the nation, President Chakwera stressed the importance of voting as a fundamental right for all Malawians, especially those who have attained the age of 18 and possess a National Identity Card.

President Chakwera urged political, traditional and church leaders to sensitise their members on the significance of participating in the voter registration.

He further highlighted that the act of voting is essential for upholding democracy among the people of Malawi, particularly in preparation for the upcoming General Election.

President Chakwera commended MEC for ensuring that there is adequate supply of materials for the registration process.

TRUTH BE TOLD: Chakwera holds silent vote in north for abolishing ‘evil quota’ system

If there is one thing that northern region will stand up for Chakwera and vote for him again is the abolishment of quota system that was being used by the previous regimes to select students into the public universities as the north regarded that as a tool of denying them a right to education as enshrined in Section 25(1) which says that; all persons are entitled to education.

The quota system, which is based on students’ district of origin, rather than merit alone, has been used for nearly a decade and acted as a form of affirmative action for students from the country’s central and southern regions due to their perceived regional underrepresentation at universities.

However, some academics, clergymen and political activists had described this discriminatory against northerners where the minority Tumbuka are based but the then ruling party could not take the advice. The Livingstiania Synod was the crusaders of urging Mtumbuka people and other northern folks to not vote for any party that was for quota system.

The opposition under the leadership of President Dr Lazarus Chakwera campaigned against this perceived discrimination and promised to end the quota system once voted into power and the people of the north overwhelmingly voted for repealing of the policy through their vote on the ballot box. At the end tumbuka people teamed up and purged DPP out of government.

“In secondary education, the president promised the removal of the quota system of selecting students. He said, “I want to assure all Malawians that while the previous administration made sure that its quota system was gone, my administration will make sure that it is dead, said Chakwera in one of his SONA speeches and that has been fulfilled.

“This system was discriminatory. Some students with 10 points were not taken because they came from North and yet someone from Mangochi with 21 points could be taken to study Agriculture Economics at LUANAR. This was total discrimination and tribalism and we thank Chakwera for ending the bad governance and blatant disregard of law of law, said Ceaser Kondowe an expert in social economics.

Neno Chiefs laud Chakwera for pumping in K35billion for Neno road construction


Traditional leaders have hailed president Chakwera for the Construction works for Neno tarmac road set to start soon, with scheduled completion set in 18 months time.

Neno District Council officials have also hailed commencement of the road works that are set at K35.7 billion saying it will improve mobility of people and trade activities of people in the district.

Neno District Disaster Risk Management Officer, Brighton Mphinga expressed the councils gratitude at Ligowe Village Traditional Authority Mlauli in Neno at a ceremony marking commencement of upgrading of 20 Kilometers of the road from Ligowe Village up to Neno Stadium.

The 20 kilometers road is being constructed by CR-20, a construction firm who took over after government terminated China Geos contract.

Mphinga, who represented Neno District Commissioner at the ceremony, said the Council was looking forward to successful road upgrading, saying the commencement was a move in the right direction towards socio-economic development.

“In almost 50 years, Neno has been without a tarmac road. We are happy that a contractor has come to construct the road,” said Mphinga.

Patricia Kwada who represented Senior Chief Mlauli, said the road project will help improve economic activities specifically highlighting the improved mobility of people and goods

“Commodities in Neno are more expensive to that end. This means commodities will be affordable once the road is completed.

CR-20, Construction Manager, Towa Mzumala, assured the people of Neno that the company will construct a high quality road, disclosing that the road will be wide enough with extra space for motorcycles and pedestrians.

President Chakwera hails diplomatic ties with India, pushes for girl child support


President Dr. Lazarus Chakwera has called for promotion of the rights of the girl child and ending child marriage in the country.

Speaking at a State Banquet at Kamuzu Palace held in honour of the visiting President of India, Smt. Droupadi Murmu, President Chakwera emphasised the importance of empowering girls to reach their full potential.

He cited President Murmu as a powerful example of what girls can achieve when protected and supported.

Earlier in the day, the two leaders held bilateral talks, which resulted in the signing of four Memoranda of Understanding (MoUs) in the areas of sports, culture, education and health aimed at strengthening the ties between Malawi and India.

“Let me also announce that the Government of India has pledged to donate 100 metric tonnes of rice to assist Malawi in addressing hunger caused by the El Niño weather phenomenon, which has affected 23 districts across the country,” said President Chakwera.

In her remarks, President Murmu underscored the special partnership between India and Malawi, noting that India values its bilateral relationship with Malawi, particularly in the fields of human capital development, education, culture, and health.

She also announced the establishment of a permanent artificial limb center in Malawi, marking another step in India’s continued support of the country’s healthcare sector.

President Murmu expressed pride in the contributions of the Indian community to Malawi and thanked Malawians for making the Indian residents in Malawi to feel at home.

“Let me assure Malawians that the bond of cooperation between India and Malawi will only continue to grow, and India will remain committed to supporting Malawi in various areas of development,” she concluded.

Meanwhile, the President of India has left the country after a successful stay in Malawi.

Nankhumwa Reaffirms Commitment to Education at Child Jesus Nankhunda Seminary Centenary Celebration

Peoples Development Party (PDP) President Kondwani Nankhumwa today joined the Catholic community in celebrating the 100-year anniversary of the Child Jesus (Nankhunda) Minor Seminary in Zomba Diocese.

Nankhumwa praised the seminary’s role in shaping leaders and providing quality education, saying, “For the past 100 years, the Nankhunda Minor Seminary has played a vital role in nurturing individuals who have made significant contributions to Malawi’s social and economic development.”

“As a nation, we cherish the importance of education in shaping the future of our youth,” Nankhumwa emphasized.

“Today, we honor the legacy of this remarkable institution and celebrate the many people who have been part of its journey,” added Nankhumwa.

The PDP leader reiterated his commitment to education, recognizing its pivotal role in Malawi’s growth and progress.

The centenary celebration underscores Nankhumwa’s dedication to empowering Malawi’s youth through education, aligning with recommendations for youth-centric policies to drive innovation, entrepreneurship and economic diversification.

Nankhumwa’s presence at the event demonstrates his support for educational institutions that contribute to the nation’s development.

Nankhumwa was accompanied by high-ranking PDP officials including the Director of Elections Nanariwa Nanguwo, Director of Logistics Christian Piyo, Publicity Secretary Rhodes Msonkho, Director of Women Akuka Claire Kachapira, Administrative Secretary Bessie Chirambo, Director of Campaign Judith Masanda, Director of Social Services Margaret Mwase, Director of Youth Austin Nsopera, Regional Governor for Eastern Region Maxwell Chizimba, and Deputy Director of Campaign Dinnah Solomon, among others.

UTM aspiring President Dr. Mathews Mtumbuka and renowned academic Professor Francis Moto were among other prominent Malawians in attendance.

The Right Reverend Alfred Mateyu Chaima, Bishop of the Zomba Diocese was leading the Catholic clergy at the colourful event

The truth behind the ‘sale’ of Likoma Island

After weeks of intensive investigations, The Malawi Observer can reveal how the plan to ‘sell’ Likoma Island was initiated and how a cabinet minister is still pushing to have the island sold to a Chinese-Australian multi-billionaire businesswoman.

In our investigations we have found out that Linda Karim-Creevey who has massive tourism investments in Namibia and Mozambique worth millions of US dollars was approached by Ambassador Mathias Spies, German envoy to Namibia and a German ‘fixer’ Professor Daniel Dank to invest in Malawi since Karim-Creevey was new and did not know anyone in Malawi. Karim-Creevey is the one with money.

The two Germans, Ambassador Spies and Dank convinced Karim-Creevey that they have connections with powerful government people who were going to make the whole process of ‘investing’ on Likoma Island easier.

First, they asked if they could ‘palm oil’ an intermediary who was going to connect them to a ‘powerful’ cabinet minister in order for them to acquire Likoma Island.

So, Karim-Creevey gave the two what they wanted, US$100,000 which they immediately gave to former cabinet minister Simon Vuwa Kaunda’s son, Simon Vuwa Kaunda Jnr for onward transmission to Minister of Tourism Vera Kamtukule.

Vuwa Kaunda Jnr is said to have given Minister Kamtukule only US$50,000 and kept the other half to himself.

When Dank and Ambassador Spies visited Malawi together with Karim-Creevey in February this year to ‘seal’ the deal with a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), things didn’t go as they expected.

Some officials from Ministry of Tourism started questioning some provisions of the MoU which was prepared by Dank and Ambassador Spies, where among other things, people on the Island were supposed to be relocated upstream of the Island and that all government rights, rules and powers like police, banking and even the Malawi Defence Force (MDF) security should be surrendered to the company that was going to ‘buy’ Likoma, Augustus GmbH.

Augustus GmbH from Haus Alsbach, 51766 Engelskirchen, Governmental District of Cologne, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany is registered under Commercial Register of the District Court in Cologne: Reg.-Nr. HRB92179 with a VAT-ID: DE314843366 and TAX-Nr.: 212/5707/1926.

The delay by the Ministry of Tourism incensed the three investors until Dank lost his cool in a meeting in Lilongwe and asked angrily while banging a table why they were being given a tough time ‘after we already paid the money?’

This was when it was revealed that Vuwa Kaunda Jnr was given US$100,000 to facilitate the process and they wondered why they were having problems now.

Eventually Vuwa Kaunda Jnr connected the Investors with Minister Kamtukule who by this time was out of the country in Doha but was flying back through Kamuzu International Airport (KIA) in Lilongwe.

On the day that Minister Kamtukule was flying back from Doha, Vuwa Kaunda Jnr drove the three to KIA where Minister Kamtukule assured them that the country’s Attorney General Thabo Chakaka Nyirenda was going to sign the MoU before he flew out of the country on the same day that she was landing from Doha.

Minister Kamtukule, soon after landing, took the three investors to meet Chakaka Nyirenda and sign the MoU. But Chakaka Nyirenda refused to sign the document and flew out.

Minister Kamtukule assured Karim-Creevey and her group that she was well connected to President Lazarus Chakwera and she was going to have the MoU signed. She demanded another US$200,000 to facilitate the signing of the MoU.

Minister Kamtukule continued to push for the signing of the MoU even though technocrats from her own ministry raised a few red flags on the MoU.

We have seen the recommendations of the technocrats to Minister Kamtukule which among other things indicate that the MoU is focusing on the Malawi Government surrendering total control of the Islands (Likoma and Chizumulu) through the establishment of a special tourism zone, contradicting the Fair-trading competition laws.

“There are no clear economic benefits for the country; Issues of tax waivers throughout the operation period (99 years), repatriation of profits, concession fees, forex generation and benefits to the locals. There is no mention of any partnership with a local company,” reads part of the report of the technocrats to Minister Kamtukule.

Since the issue was exposed by a local newspaper a few weeks ago, the government is struggling to come out openly and reveal details of the MoU and why it intends to sell Likoma Island to Augustus GmbH with conditions that clearly will not benefit Malawians.

Minister Kamtukule did not respond to our inquiry when we sought her comment while Vuwa Kaunda Jnr threatened a ‘vicious legal suit if you are going to print that nonsense’.

We left several messages on the phone numbers for Ambassador Spies and Dank but were not responded to.

NBM’s Chichiri Service Centre Team triumphs in NBM Invitational Golf

Jiya (middle) poses with the winning team

National Bank of Malawi (NBM) plc’s Chichiri Service Centre team emerged champions of the NBM Invitational Golf Tournament played on Saturday at Blantyre Sports Club (BSC).

The team, comprising Paul Lawrence, Maria Thandwe, Nyakhoko Nsona Jnr, and Ulemu Luhanga, scored a total of 92 points to secure the top spot. 

The tournament featured 21 teams representing various NBM service centres across Malawi

Mulanje Service Centre team came second with 86 points, earning a trophy and a trolley for each player. 

The Customs Road Service Centre team secured third place with 83 points and were awarded a trophy and a duffle bag.

Speaking at the event, NBM plc Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Harold Jiya, congratulated the champions for their well-deserved victory and commended all the teams for their outstanding efforts and sportsmanship.

He emphasized that the participants made the event a success, and expressed anticipation for continued excellence in future tournaments.

“The tournament marked the beginning of a closer relationship between NBM plc and the golfing community, and we are encouraged by the turnout and will continue to work with the golfing fraternity. And I would like to congratulate those who have emerged winners.”

“We used the occasion to explain to the customers the new developments in the bank in a relaxing atmosphere. As you are aware, most of the time we meet them in the banking hall or our offices and there isn’t enough time to have a relaxing and deep chat,” explained Jiya.

Paul Lawrence, captain of the winning team, expressed excitement and gratitude to NBM plc for sponsoring the event.

“We started quite badly but all we told ourselves is, let’s just continue, let’s play well. We made sure that every hole we got the best points, either me or my partners,” said Lawrence.

For emerging champions, each player in the Chichiri Service Centre team walked away with a grand prize of a trophy and a golf bag.

During the tournament, NBM plc donated K3 million to Blantyre Sports Club (BSC) for the maintenance of the greens.

The Bank’s CEO also announced that the Invitational Golf Tournament will return next year, promising even more excitement and engagement, aiming to strengthen ties with its customers and the golfing community while continuing to support the sport in Malawi.

FDH Bank plc commits K7 Million towards NPL’s Mother’s Fun Run


Listed FDH Bank has given K7 million to Nation Publications Limited in support of this year’s Mother’s Fun Run initiative which aims to promote safe motherhood in Chikwawa District.

Speaking at the cheque handover ceremony in Blantyre, FDH Bank’s Public Relations Manager, Lorraine Chikhula praised the Fun Run initiative for promoting safe motherhood in Malawi for nearly two decades.

“This is a critical development initiative, as we are all here because of mothers, and every child and mother deserve quality, safe healthcare. Safe motherhood is the foundation of a healthy nation, enabling further development.”

“The initiative also aligns with the Bank’s corporate social responsibility program, FDH Cares, which focuses on four pillars; Our Community, Our Environment, Our People, and Our Economy. Under Our Community, we champion various initiatives, especially in health and education, which are directly aligned with the Mother’s Fun Run initiative,” said Chikhula.

Representing NPL at the event, Weekend Nation Editor, Steven Nhlane, expressed heartfelt appreciation to FDH Bank plc for their generous donation towards the initiative.

He commended the Bank for its continuous commitment to supporting safe motherhood, noting that the contribution would have a significant impact in Chikwawa District.

“We are truly grateful to FDH Bank for this generous donation, which will go a long way in improving maternal and child healthcare in Chikwawa. Your unwavering support for this initiative, now running for close to two decades, is a testament to your dedication in making a difference in the health and well-being of Malawians. Together, we can help ensure that every mother and child have access to the quality care they deserve,” Nhlane remarked.

FDH Bank plc has reaffirmed its strong relationship with the health sector and its commitment to supporting initiatives that improve the well-being of Malawians. 

NICO Group supports Umthetho festival with K35 Million


NICO Group led by NBS Bank plc and Nico Life has supported this year’s Umthetho Cultural festival with K35 million.

Umthetho is a cultural festival by the Mzimba Ngonis and is celebrated at the foot of Hora Mountain every year.

Speaking after handing over the cheque on behalf of NICO Group on Tuesday, NBS Bank plc Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Kwanele Ngwenya said the Groups’ decision to sponsor the event is driven by the deep commitment to community development, cultural preservation, and social responsibility.

“At NICO Group, we recognize the profound importance of cultural heritage in shaping identities and fostering unity. By supporting this event, we aim to contribute to the preservation and promotion of these invaluable cultural practices that define our collective identity.”

“This sponsorship is part of our larger initiative, One NICO Xpression, which embodies our vision of unity, diversity, and collective growth. By sponsoring the Umthetho ceremony with a K35 million contribution, we are expressing our commitment to these values and enriching our cultural heritage,” said Ngwenya.

Receiving the funds on behalf of Mzimba Heritage Association (MZIHA), 2024 Umthetho Organizing Committee Chairperson, Emma Kaliya thanked the group for the kind gesture.

“On behalf of the MZIHA, I would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to NICO Group for their generous donation. We are pleased to announce that NICO Group will be the main sponsor of our upcoming event, which is expected to draw a large crowd of 3500-5000 people from various districts in Malawi, as well as from neighbouring countries such as Tanzania, Zambia, and South Africa,” said Kaliya.

Some of the activities of this year’s Umthetho festival include workshops for chiefs, women, and the youth, a cultural day with the main celebration on August 3, 2024.

The King of the Zulu Nation, His Majesty Misuzulu Ka Zwelithini is expected to be in attendance.

 The festival is being celebrated under the theme ‘Uniting Against Climate Change Under a Decade of Inkosi ya Makosi Mmbelwa V’s reign’.

Insurance Association to enforce Digital Insurance certificates use by January 1 2025


Insurance Association of Malawi (IAM) has set 1st January 2025 as the day only digital motor insurance will be accepted on the roads of Malawi.

IAM introduced the digital insurance certificates in October 2023 and has set December 31, 2024 as the last day for motorists to use the pre-printed insurance certificates.

The new certificate is digital and is being issued online, with verification through digital processes.

IAM vice president, Wales Meja said in an interview yesterday, that they introduced digital motor certificates to address emerging trends like ensuring that all insurance companies use a unified system and database which makes data verification easier. 

“It is also a way of supporting the initiative to digitise the Malawi economy, apart from eliminating fraudulent motor certificates through digital verification, and preventing forgery. The digital certificates also enable insurance companies, and agents to sell online 24/7. It also makes it easy for law enforcement agencies to detect stolen vehicles during spot checks.”

“The new certificates are also capable of integrating with other systems, such as Maltis, NRB, and banks, to make business transactions more efficient,” said Meja. 

Meja, who is also Chief Executive Officer (CEO) for Britam, then commended motorists for embracing the new digital certificates, but asked them to install a mobile application downloaded from Play Store or App Store, and also use USSD code *4273* to authenticate the certificates.

Mzuzu-based motorist, Gift Mnami commended IAM for the initiative saying it is fast and convenient to access the digital certificates online.

“This system enables us to access certificates online, significantly reducing the time and costs previously spent visiting insurance companies,” he said. 

The digital insurance certificate, which is displayed on the windscreen, similar to the Certificate of Fitness (COF), has features like the certificate number, vehicle registration number, vehicle chassis number, make and model of the vehicle, vehicle colour, vehicle seating capacity, picture of the vehicle’s body type, insurance policy duration, policy issue date, policy number, policy holder, insurance cover type, and vehicle usage.



By Our Reporter

Kunkuyu:Huawei is fostering the growth of ICT industry in the country

There are fresh calls for Malawi’s Minister of
Information and Digitization Moses Kunkuyu to either resign or be sacked over the murder of former Coca-Cola Beverages Company (Malawi) sales manager, Alan Wittika.

It is alleged that Kunkuyu and the late Wittika may have been seeing the same lady without each one of them knowing. This development may have led to the gruesome murder of Wittika in September, 2023 after a possible discovery by Kunkuyu that the lady might have also been in a relationship with the deceased.

Currently, Kunkuyu’s personal assistant Lester Maganga is facing murder charges in the High Court after he was arrested by Police in October last year. However, there has been less movement on the case due to suspicion that Kunkuyu may be pulling some strings behind the scenes in order to have the case stalled completely.

The slow movement of the case has angered some members of the civil society in Malawi who are now calling for the immediate resignation of the Information Minister or have him sacked from his post by the President.

“The slowness in the case is clearly too suspicious and people know that Kunkuyu is working behind the scenes to have the case thrown away. He is abusing his position because of his personal interests,” said a CSO member who didn’t want to be mentioned for obvious reasons.

The rights activist said that the fact that they arrested his personal assistant, it meant the Minister was obviously linked to the murder in one way or another.

Interestingly, instead of allowing the courts to do their work on the murder of Alan Wittika, Minister Kunkuyu has always given media interviews defending his PA Maganga as being innocent.

“Kunkuyu definitely knows something on the death of Wittika and he must be taken to task over that. Just like his PA who we believe is suffering in covering up for the Minister,” he said.

The human rights defender called upon President Lazarus Chakwera to consider firing from the cabinet Minister Kunkuyu with immediate effect. He said they will not rest until the late Wittika and his family get justice.

“He is a disgrace to the public and the government as a whole,” he concluded.

A Lilongwe based legal expert specializing in forensics, said that his preliminary findings show that Moses Kunkuyu definitely requires to answer some questions on the murder of late Wittika.

“The fact that his PA was arrested over that murder, it tells you now that likely the big fish wanted in the murder of late Wittika is actually Kunkuyu himself,” said the expert who has been involved in at least 17 murder cases before.

This is not the first time that Moses Kunkuyu has been involved in some form of controversy.

In 2008, Moses Kunkuyu allegedly got kidnapped by some unknown people.

However, investigations by the Malawi Police Service later concluded that Moses Kunkuyu lied to the Malawian public.

He is reported to have spent several days at Kanjedza Lodge faking up his abduction. He was sleeping Room 120.

ShareWORLD University to Launch Campus Radio

Lilongwe, Malawi – ShareWORLD University is set to launch its new campus radio station, ShareWORLD Radio, within the Faculty of Languages and Mass Communication.

The radio station aims to foster a sense of community, creativity, and inclusivity, providing a platform for faculty, staff, and the community to share their voices and talents.

According to a press statement, ShareWORLD Radio will offer diverse programming, including music, news, current affairs, and talk shows on various topics such as wellness and mental health, human rights, and social justice.

The station will also host podcasts on academics, research, innovation, creativity, and entrepreneurship, providing students with hands-on experience in broadcasting, journalism, and media production.

“We are excited to introduce this new platform to our university community,” said Dr. Theodora Mapemba Musamba, Vice Chancellor of ShareWORLD University.

“Campus radios have a long history of fostering creativity, community, and freedom of expression. We look forward to the innovative content our volunteers and students will produce.”

The radio station will be managed by a team of students, community volunteers, and staff, under the guidance of the ShareWORLD Radio Editorial Board.

The motto of ShareWORLD Radio is “Sharing with others: Culturally Correct!” or “Kugawana ndi Wena ndi Chikhalidwe Chathu” in local translation.

ShareWORLD Radio will broadcast within a 50-kilometer radius and will also be available on digital platforms nationwide and beyond. The launch of the radio station is set to take place soon, with details to be announced in the coming weeks.

This new initiative is expected to enhance the university experience for students, faculty, and staff, while also providing a unique opportunity for community engagement and outreach.

Let’s save Malawi, new Lingadzi Rotary President Kakhome urges


The newly elected President of Lilongwe Lingadzi Rotary Club Limbani Kakhome has appealed to fellow Rotarians to work hard towards restoring Malawi’s glory through their charitable community works.

He was speaking during his official inauguration as President of the club on Saturday. He succeeds immediate past President Giorgia Prizzon.

Kakhome said Malawi is stalked by a series of cyclic of socio-economic and environmental challenges with trickle-down effects on Lilongwe, the administrative capital where Lingadzi Rotary Club operates.

“Our city Lilongwe bears the brunt of the country’s socio-economic challenges, and the scars of environmental decadence. To salvage the welfare of our communities and save both city and country, we as Rotarians can only act responsibly and swiftly,” he said.

He urged Rotarians under Lilongwe-Lingadzi to evoke the spirit of fellowship, integrity and diversity in driving Lilongwe city towards a brighter, more interconnected world.

“For us Rotarians, embracing the spirit of service and fellowship means acting responsibly to respond to the challenges that affect our society,” Kakhome said.

Kakhome is a seasoned marketer and commercial strategist currently working for tobacco company JTI Leaf Malawi as Director of Corporate Affairs and Communication.

He brings over 20 years wealth of expertise to his new role having worked in commercial operations at multinational companies in Malawi, Ethiopia and Switzerland. Some of the companies Kakhome has worked for include Coca Cola/Carlsberg and Celtel (now Airtel).

He added that his personal experiences, including the loss of his wife to Breast Cancer in 2023, added to his passion to make a meaningful impact in his community.

“Her passing reinforced in me the importance of living a life of purpose and service to others,” he said, adding; “I am dedicated to honouring her legacy through my work with Lilongwe-Lingadzi Rotary Club, and fostering community development by promoting socially and environmentally responsible causes.”

As new Lilongwe-Lingadzi President, Kakhome’s priorities will include increasing membership, supporting local charities, promoting community development projects, and advocating for gender causes.



By Our Reporter

Leading Malawi Congress Party (MCP) contender for the post of Secretary General Simplex Chithyola Sed Banda has been praised for his financial contribution in Blantyre’s Chilaweni Ward as an example of good servant leadership as demonstrated by President Lazarus Chikwera.

Chithyola Banda, who is also the country’s Minister of Finance contributed a Mk5 million cash injection into the campaign of MCP candidate for Chilaweni Ward, Benard Nteche.

The popular incoming Secretary General of the MCP is reported to have contributed the Mk5 million in order to help the candidate campaign without serious challenges in the by-elections that took place on Tuesday.

Although Nteche didn’t win in the by-elections, party officials in Chilaweni Ward have praised Chithyola Banda’s financial contribution that it has made a very big difference in making the campaign process move on smoothly.

“To get a Mk5 million financial boost from Chithyola Banda things were made easier for our candidates in the ward and this has resulted in our party competing favourably in the polls,” said an MCP NEC member.

He further appealed to the Minister of Finance to do more in assisting the party.

“Chithyola Banda is known for his kindness and we hope that this behavior will continue event after the Convention in August,” he said.

Simplex Chithyola Banda, who is also the MCP Member of Parliament for Kasungu South is seeking a vote to be elected as the next Secretary General of the ruling party.

Apart from being MP, Chithyola Banda is also the Deputy Chief Whip of the MCP in Parliament.

Achoke ! vigils on the cards at Capital Hill….Executive arrogance and impunity a threat to Democracy- CDEDI



The Centre for Democracy and Economic Development Initiatives (CDEDI) and other concerned citizens are planning to hold vigils tagged: ‘Executive impunity and arrogance
must fall,”.

In a notification letter addressed to Lilongwe District Commissioner, Lawford Palani, the organisers are planning to hold the vigil right at the Ministry of Finance offices at Capital Hill from Thursday, August 1, 2024 from 10:00am to 2:30pm, during working
days until Dr. Betchani Tchereni apologises or resigns.

The notice follows the expiry of seven days which CDEDI gave to the Secretary for Treasury (ST) Becthani Tchereni on July 8, 2024, stemming from his highly insensitive and careless sentiments that were filmed in a clip.

Tchereni, according to the concerned citizens, is believed to have unfairly accused Malawians of blackmail, just because they are holding the duty bearers accountable by demanding what is worth of their votes.

“It should be put to you Sir, that Dr. Tchereni’s sentiments pose a threat to our young democracy since he is trying to create a leeway for politicians to do as it pleases them, in total disregard of the spirit and wording of Section
12 of the Republican Constitution, which states that both legal and political authority derives from the people of Malawi and that those exercising such authority do so solely to serve and protect their interest,” reads the letter signed by CDEDI Executive Director Sylvester Namiwa, Zainab Hassan, Stevelia Chasuluka and Willie Chikopa who are representatives of concerned citizens.

The grouping says that the deafening silence on CDEDI’s demands for Dr. Tchereni to withdraw his sentiments and make a public apology on the same, has given them reasonable grounds to believe that the ST is too arrogant to continue serving in a public

The letter has also emphasized that holding peaceful demonstrations is a constitutional right, therefore, the letter only seeks to notify the District Commissioner’s office and not seeking permission.


WILL WIN 70 +1

The ruling Malawi Congress Party (MCP) under President Lazarus Chakwera has fired a warning shot to the country’s main opposition the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) of Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika that it is destined for victory in next year’s General Elections.

MCP chief strategist Ken Zikhale Ng’oma has told this reporter that his prediction is that they will walk away with a 70+1 victory in the September, 2025 polls.

Ng’oma, was speaking after it emerged that the MCP had once more won a hotly contested local government by-election in Mangochi Mwansa Ward.

In his reaction, Zikhale Ng’oma also known as Nyama Zikuluzikulu to those that follow and support him said the writing is now on the wall for the opposition to be preparing for a loss in the elections come September next year.

“You have seen we have won by-elections in the South, in the Central, in the North and now Eastern region. What other evidence do you need to prove that the MCP is spread nationwide?” questioned Ng’oma who is the party’s current Director of Strategic Planning.

He further warned the opposition led by the DPP that they shouldn’t waste their resources in investing in next years elections saying it will be an activity in futility.

“Even if DPP decides to go for alliances with other smaller parties in the country, they will not beat the MCP because we have invested heavily in human resource whose results we are seeing now,“ Ng’oma declared.

According to unofficial results from Mwansa Ward in Mangochi the MCP has won the seat there beating the DPP, UDF, UTM, PDP and UP.

According to the unofficial figures, even if the five above listed parties combined, their total vote numbers gotten in the by-elections are lower than what the MCP candidate got meaning he would have still remained victorious.

A political analyst based at the Catholic University has warned the opposition to put their house in order otherwise they should be preparing for another shock loss next year.

“The combination of Ken Zikhale Ng’oma, Richard Chimwendo Banda and President Lazarus Chakwera himself politically is very deadly now especially in the Eastern and Southern Regions,” he said.

The analyst attributed Chakwera’s humbleness, gentle and dynamic leadership as key attributes that will make it easy to sell Chakwera across the country ahead of next year’s General Elections.

“With the MCP going to a convention in August next month, I am just hoping that both Richard Chimwendo Banda and Ken Zikhale Ng’oma will excel in the polls because their combination has been seen to bring the much desired results to the party,” concluded the analyst.

According to campaign posters we have seen in public domain, Richard Chimwendo Banda, who is also the country’s Minister of Local Government is seeking the post of Secretary General of the Malawi Congress Party whilst Ken Zikhale Ng’oma who is also the country’s Minister of Homeland Security is contesting for the post of First Vice President.

As we went to press, we couldn’t get a reaction from the DPP who have lost both the Mangochi Wansa Ward and the Blantyre Chilaweni Ward.



They came from far and wide in their large numbers to escort the man of the moment, Simplex Chithyola Sed Banda as he presented his official nomination papers at the headquarters for the ruling Malawi Congress Party (MCP).

With the official presentation of the nomination papers on the colourful and memorable Saturday, Chithyola Banda has now entered the race and is due to likely be confirmed as the new Secretary General of the MCP in just a few weeks.

Wearing red t-shirts and golf shirts branded “Team Chithyola”, chanting praise and celebratory songs for Chithyola Banda, the grouping mainly made of youths escorted the next MCP Secretary General triumphantly into the building where he handed his documents to the returning officers.

After the official presentation of the papers was done, Chithyola Banda had no option but address the hugely enthusiastic crowd that came to be with him to witness the ceremony.

In his address, Chithyola Banda said that the presentation of the nomination papers meant that he is now fully in the game and no need to reverse anymore.

He said that because of the people’s support and trust they have given him, he is no longer afraid of anybody.

“Even if they create more propaganda against me, I am not ready to quit but soldier on. Even if it means my competitors teaming up together, I don’t fear them as I am now ready to take them head on,” he told the excited crowd.

As generous as he has always been, Chithyola Banda said that he is ready to settle all the bills that have accumulated over the years at the MCP headquarters. The bills include water, electricity and city rates.

Chithyola Banda further promised that once he is ushered in as Secretary General, the youths will be one of the beneficiaries of his leadership as they play an important role in as far as party matters are concerned.

In his remarks, MCP Central Region Chairman Zebron Chilondola said that Simplex Chithyola Banda is the only person who can lead a unified MCP.

Chilondola therefore called on all the youths to work hard and ensure that Chithyola Banda is elected Secretary General.

During the occasion, Simplex Chithyola Banda was accompanied by over 20 Councilors and some MPs.

Simplex Chithyola Sed Banda will be contesting as Secretary General at the next Malawi Congress Party Convention scheduled for 8th August this year.

He has already received overwhelming endorsements from all the political regions will all delegates pledging and committing themselves to vote for him as Secretary General.



The ruling Malawi Congress Party (MCP) aspiring candidate for the First Vice President post at next month’s convention Vitumbiko Mumba on Sunday is reported to have abandoned people that he hired to dance for him and motor cycle riders to decorate his convoy.

This happened in the city of Mzuzu where Mumba launched his manifesto for the position.

Police, had to be called in to calm the situation down after the two groups started pelting stones at the MCP’s Regional Offices in Mzuzu.

It is reported that over 50 MCP women were hired by Mumba to dance for him during the launch and the motor cycle riders were invited in to decorate his convoy and both activities were agreed at a fee.

However, after the event, payments were not done and this pissed off the women and the young men resulting in the decision to vandalize the MCP office.

Speaking to this reporter, a woman who was part of the group (video supplied) said that they spent the entire Sunday doing activities for Mumba in dancing and ululating for him as agreed for a fee.

However, soon after the rally, they were abandoned and not paid anything as per their agreement.

The woman indicated that the said the same was agreed for the motor vehicle riders and they were also not paid.

The two groups didn’t take any nonsense and agreed to stone the MCP building until they were paid.

As of Sunday evening, we couldn’t hear from Vitumbiko Mumba for his side of the story as his phones couldn’t be reached.

NBM PAL engages Blantyre clients on Pension Act


NBM Pension Administration Limited (NBM PAL), a subsidiary of National Bank of Malawi (NBM) plc, has encouraged individuals to make informed pension choices so that they have a solid financial backup when they retire. 

NBM PAL Chief Executive Officer (CEO), William Mabulekesi gave the advice during the pension client engagement event in Blantyre on Wednesday aimed at promoting awareness and understanding of financial planning and management.

“The aim was to educate our clients about the significance of saving as they plan for retirement. We also wanted to empower them with pension scheme knowledge as it helps in planning for the future,” he said.

Mabulekesi further indicated that the seminars which started in Lilongwe last week, gave them a chance to unpack the new Pension Act to the clients, especially those on voluntary saving for retirement. 

“Under the new law, 40 percent of voluntary savings can be withdrawn after five years and then 100 percent after 10 years. This is very important for the clients to know,” he added.

He further said that they also announced to their clients the income investment growth to 42 percent in 2023 from 27 percent in 2022. 

Human Resources and Administrative Manager at United General Insurance (UGI), Katija Mataya commended NBM PAL for the sessions. 

“The session gave us an opportunity to capture the contents of the new Pension Act as NBM PAL unpacked the law,” he said. 

The theme of the event was ‘Making a Good Pension Choice.’ 

A record 2,334 to run at 2024 Be More Race


Lilongwe July 18, 2024 -Over 2,300 runners are preparing to hit the track on Saturday during this year’s long-awaited Be More Race hosted by Standard Bank Plc in Lilongwe.

The figure of 2,334 runners in the 2024 race under the theme; “Why We Run”, is the highest since 2017 when the signature Lilongwe Half-Marathon was hatched by Standard Bank Plc to promote wellness and networking by communities, families, and professionals.

Head of Brand and Marketing Tamanda Ng’ombe says the Bank is thrilled by the overwhelming response this year’s race has generated and is all set to host a memorable race which will raise funds towards the Children’s Learning Centre of the Pediatric Cancer Ward of Kamuzu Central Hospital in Lilongwe.

“Marathon enthusiasts and other stakeholders can look forward to an exciting race and colorful prize presentation on Saturday. Apart from events on the 21-km track, we have prepared a music performance by Saint Realest, one of the country’s leading afro-dancehall artists, an aerobics session, group games. For the family, people can look forward to a children’s play area in addition to healthy light foods drinks and lots of rehydrating beverages,” said Ng’ombe.

She thanked the race’s partners and sponsors who include Athletics Malawi, Coca Cola Beverages Africa, Mwaiwathu Private Hospital and Beyond Bounds Physiotherapy Clinic for coming forward to join Standard Bank Plc put together what promises to be a memorable and exciting half marathon morning.

This year’s race categories are 5KM, 10KM, and a half-marathon of 21KM catering to all runners.

“As a cornerstone of our commitment to community engagement and promoting healthy lifestyles, Standard Bank has spared no effort to ensure this event will be a resounding success. Therefore, athletes will compete in the three main categories,” said Tamanda Ng’ombe, Standard Bank’s Head of Brand and Marketing.

Meanwhile, Athletics Malawi (AM) has commended Standard Bank for creating a platform that is promoting development of athletes and putting Malawi on the map through Be More Race.

“The Be More Race has consistently fostered the growth of athletics in Malawi. Last year for instance saw Malawian athletes breaking the dominance of international runners, a trend they are determined to uphold this year,” said Kondwani Chamwala, AM President.

He added prominent distance runners across the country will arrive in Lilongwe to tackle Be More Race, citing Chikondi Mwanyali, South African-based Mphatso Nadolo, Mulanje-based Tereza Master, Doris Fisher and Nalice Chirwa from Mzuzu.

Chamwala said AM will provide comprehensive technical expertise to ensure that Be More Race maintains its international competition standards and that participants enjoy a professionally prepared track rout and timing services.

Overall, N’gombe said; “We are happy to bring the 2024 Be More Race to life and provide amazing experiences to participants. Through initiatives like these, Standard Bank aims to strengthen our relationships and contribute positively to the well-being of our customers.”

The 2024 Be More Race was shifted from June 15 to July 20 in honour of former Vice President Dr Saulos Klaus Chilima who died in a plane accident in Mzuzu. Chilima was a regular participant of the race.

Review borrowing, AIP- MCCCI advises government


Malawi Confederation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry (MCCCI) President Wisely Phiri has advised government to revisit its borrowing, arguing the current state of affairs stands in the way of production for wealth generation.

Speaking in an interview over the weekend, Phiri noted that banks in the country prefer to lend to government which borrows for consumption, not for production as does the private sector.

The MCCCI president proposes that government cut down on borrowing as the first step towards bailing the economy.

“First, government should reduce borrowing, especially for small scale farm input subsidy which is just for consumption. If anything, government should borrow to finance mega farming.”

“When supported, the mega farms will produce for sale, thereby boosting their businesses which will eventually translate into job creation for many,” argued Phiri.

According to Phiri, Malawi loses out by investing billions in a farm input subsidy programme in which beneficiaries do not realise enough harvest, obliging government to procure food for free distribution to such people.

In the 2023/24 financial year, government budgeted K117 billion for the Affordable Inputs Programme.

The MCCCI president also lamented high interest rates on bank loans which are a burden for local businesses but ‘manageable’ for government.

In February this year, Minister of Finance and Economic Affairs Simplex Chithyola Banda acknowledged Malawi’s debt burden.

“Malawi’s public debt is unsustainable, and the Government has been working to sustain debt through fiscal adjustment and debt restructuring negotiations with its 10 bilateral and commercial creditors,” Simplex Chithyola Banda said.

“As of December 2023, public debt stood at K12.56 trillion, representing 84.8 percent of GDP, of which total external debt reached K6.62 trillion, while domestic debt amounted to K5.94 trillion,” explained Banda.

For years, some experts, including the Mwapata Institute, have been calling on government to review its farm input subsidy programmes, arguing they drain the national coffers.

Former RBM Governor Dr. Kabambe to deliver Public Lecture at Mzuzu University

Mzuzu University is set to host a public lecture featuring Dr. Dalitso Kabambe, former Governor of the Reserve Bank of Malawi, on Saturday July 20, 2024.

The event, which is free and open to the public, will take place at the university’s auditorium.

Dr. Kabambe, a renowned economist and politician, will share his vision for an inclusive and sustainable transformation agenda for the northern region of Malawi.

As former Governor of the Reserve Bank, Dr. Kabambe played a crucial role in providing strategic direction and leadership, ensuring accurate economic advice to the government, and effectively managing fuel prices to avoid inflation.

With a wealth of experience in economics and public service, Dr. Kabambe has held various positions in the Malawi Government Economic Service, including Principal Economist, Chief Economist, and Budget Director.

He also served as Secretary for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation.

Dr. Kabambe’s academic credentials include a PhD and Master’s Degree in Development Economics from Imperial College – University of London, and a BSc Degree from the University of Malawi.

The public lecture promises to be an insightful event, offering a unique opportunity to hear from one of Malawi’s leading economic experts.

All are invited to attend and engage with Dr. Kabambe’s vision for a more inclusive and sustainable future.

NBM plc gives blood bank fridge to Mangochi hospital

NBM CEO Harold Jiya (right) handing over the ribbon to Dr Victor Kumfunda to mark the official handover of the blood bank fridge

National Bank of Malawi (NBM) plc has donated a blood bank refrigerator worth K40 million to Mangochi District Hospital to address blood storage challenges in the eastern region.

The Bank made a commitment through the Malawi Blood Transfusion Services (MBTS) to secure two blood bank fridges for Mangochi and Mulanje hospitals.

Speaking after the handover ceremony at the hospital on Friday, NBM plc Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Harold Jiya said they were convinced by MBTS to make the donation after noting that blood transportation and storage is the biggest challenge in the region.

“We learnt through MBTS that Mangochi District Hospital struggles to keep blood after collecting due to lack of blood bank fridges which affects the other health centres surrounding the facility.”

“As the ‘Bank of the Nation’, we know that good health is a prerequisite for all other building blocks of any nation, so we thought of helping them. We believe the donation will foster the nation’s development,” said Jiya.

MBTS Acting CEO, Bridon M’baya commended NBM plc for the support saying Mangochi district registered the highest number of people that needed blood transfusion in the region last year. 

“We applaud NBM plc for this support of a blood bank refrigerator. This will help reduce blood challenges in the eastern region. You may wish to know that last year, Mangochi district only asked for 52 percent of the total blood the eastern region needed. Hospitals around the region will no longer have to travel long distances to Blantyre or Balaka to access blood,” he said. 

Director of health and social services for Mangochi, Dr. Henry Chibowa Junior said the hospital conducts about 400 blood transfusions in a month and was heavily affected by storage capacity and the donation is a relief.

“The new blood bank has a capacity of over 600 units of blood, which is a relief. National Bank plc has proven to be a trusted partner and more lives will be saved through this donation,” he said. 

According to Chibowa, Mangochi hospital serves a population of about two million people and is surrounded by seven health centres. 

NBM Pensions investment income excites Lilongwe customers

William Mabulekesi CEO NBM PAL

NBM Pensions Administration Limited (NBM PAL) customers have expressed excitement over the increased investment income declared by the company.

NBM PAL, a subsidiary of National Bank of Malawi (NBM) plc, declared an increase on investment income to 42 percent for the year 2023 as compared to 27 percent in 2022.

Speaking in an interview after a pension seminar in Lilongwe on Thursday, Human Resources Manager at Afro-Egypt Engineering Company, Shungu Nyoni said the investment income declared by NBM PAL is encouraging to almost every customer and they will continue to invest in the company.

“We are working with NBM Pal and so far, so good. Even our employees are satisfied and, we hope this year we will also register an increase,” said Nyoni.

NBM PAL Chief Executive Officer (CEO), William Mabulekesi said they organized the seminar in partnership with NBM Capital Markets Limited to brief customers about the growth in the investment income and other pension related issues.”

“We wanted to interact with our customers and share the exciting news, particularly to sponsoring employers and their respective employees who are the ultimate members and principal beneficiaries of the overall Fund which has continued to grow from strength to strength within recent years.”

“The Fund continues to register exponential growth in investment income and total assets for its participating members,” said Mabulekesi.

NBM PAL will hold a similar seminar for its Blantyre customers on Wednesday.

NBM PAL is a pension service company registered by the Registrar of Financial Institutions.

Girl Up Elevate to host Innovation Lab in Blantyre 

Members of the Girl Up Elevate

Girl Up Elevate, a Blantyre-based youth-led organisation, has organized an innovation lab dubbed ‘Bridging the Digital Divide’ to address significant gender disparities in the digital sphere in Malawi.

The innovation lab will take place at Namiwawa Community Day Secondary School (CDSS) on July 27 2024. 

The organization which is under the United Nations Foundation campaign ‘Girl Up’, was established to provide education, resources, and a supportive network to girls to reach their full potential.

Girl Up Elevate Founder and President Ulemu Makolija said in an interview yesterday the event brings together students from various schools in Blantyre who will collaboratively develop innovative solutions to bridge the digital divide.


Participants will engage in expert-led sessions to understand the challenges and consequences of digital inequality. This will be followed by group discussions to brainstorm and refine their ideas. Facilitators, including professionals and Girl Up Elevate members, will guide and mentor the students to effectively pitch their solutions,” said Makolija.

She also said the initiative will help the youth foster problem-solving skills and critical thinking and inspire them to become proactive leaders in creating a more inclusive digital future.

At the end of the event, a panel of judges will award prizes to the top three solutions from the presentations.  

Ulemu Makolija

NBM plc CEO gets down to business…plans to establish Fintech company

Jiya making a presentation to the journalists

National Bank of Malawi (NBM) plc Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Harold Jiya has unveiled plans to establish a Financial Technology (Fintech) company to help minimize costs incurred when buying systems from different companies.

Jiya, who ascended to the top managerial position this month following the retirement of McFussy Kawawa, outlined the plans during a media interaction session on Wednesday as he also unpacked the Bank’s five-year strategy. 

In his presentation, Jiya said apart from the Fintech company,  the Bank anticipates a significant growth to four countries in Africa, growing the profit-after-tax to $100 million dollars from the current $60 million, and grow the customer base to two million by the year 2027.

On cutting the costs through the Fintech Company, Jiya said it was imperative as the Bank has over 28 systems supplied by different vendors whose licenses and annual maintenance fees are paid in United States dollars. 

“Why can’t we have a specialized outfit, an IT Company that can specialize in these products? It can start by supporting and learning from National Bank and also supporting the Banks that we are going to buy in the region.”

“Now, by supporting the banks in the region, it will be charging in dollars and we believe it will be a profit centre supporting National Bank plc. We believe once we have the critical mass, it will give us appropriate savings which will help in terms of our profitability,” said Jiya

He also highlighted how he plans to move the Bank to the next level.

“We have a strategic plan which I was part of developing. We are very clear about the path that we want to take. So, as I take on the leadership of the Bank, I am confident I will deliver on that strategic plan. Our plan is for this bank to deliver a 100 million US Dollars profit-after tax by 2027 and to be the number one digital bank in the country and to go in the region and expand our reach by making sure we are represented in four countries and have over two million customers,” said Jiya.

Jiya also said they anticipate that 12 percent of the $100 million profit-after-tax projected for 2027 will be contributed by NBM plc’s subsidiaries, which include Akiba Commercial Bank in Tanzania, NBM Pensions Administration Limited, NBM Development Bank, NBM Capital Markets Limited, United General Insurance (UGI), and Stockbrokers Malawi Limited. 

On financial inclusion, the new CEO highlighted plans to empower Agent Banking to provide seamless bank services in rural areas where the Bank does not have structures. 

“We have people operating their business in rural areas, we intend to empower such people to be providing our services. People in rural areas should be able to deposit and withdraw money through these agents. Our Mo626 USSD service also provides a chance every Malawian to access financial services through their phones,” he said. 

He further gave an update on the status of Akiba Commercial Bank in Tanzania, saying there has been a great improvement on the losses made, and the future looks promising. 

“This year, Akiba Bank made a loss of less than K1 billion from K4 billion when we acquired it some three years ago. Which means we will now be talking of profits and not losses anymore,” he explained. 

Phyzix Mzuzu concert ticket sales on TNM Mpamba

Blantyre, July 5, 2024 – Fans of Phyzix’s Mountain Goat Concert starting on Saturday in Mzuzu will gain exclusive access to the show via TNM Mpamba e-ticketing, the organisers have announced.

TNM Plc Group Head of Brand and Marketing Madalitso Jonazi said TNM Mpamba’s e-ticketing is the way to go when it comes to entertainment events and will be handy during the Mzuzu show.

“Mpamba’s e-ticketing is designed to handle any event from football to entertainment. Using the Khadi Mbambande, TNM Mpamba is leading the way in e-ticketing for concerts, ” said.

Jonazi said to buy tickets for the Mountain Goat Concert, Mpamba customers can use the TNM SmartApp, select eTicketing or dial USSD short code *444#, select 6, Eticketing then 2, Concerts & Music Festivals to buy.

“The use of mobile money for ticketing makes transactions easy. Fans can buy tickets anytime, anywhere, directly from their phones. This means no more long lines or last-minute stress, giving fans a smooth experience,” he said.

TNM Mpamba praised the partnership with Phyzix, whose real name is Noel Chikoleka, saying it will improve the concert experience. “E-ticketing fits with the trend of moving towards digital and contactless payments, offering a safer option than traditional tickets. By using Mpamba e-ticketing, we aim to make the concert experience better for everyone,” Jonazi added.

Phyzix also expressed his excitement about the partnership, announced two months ago. “It’s an honor to have the support of a big company like TNM. This will help make the concert amazing. By promoting e-ticketing for concerts, Mpamba is setting a trend for future events and encouraging the use of digital solutions in the entertainment industry,” he quipped.

Standard Bank pumps K15m into girls science at MUST

Blantyre, July 10, 2024 – Standard Bank Plc has invested MK15 million in the Girls Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics (STEAM) Camp at Malawi University of Science and Technology (MUST), underscoring its commitment to support young women in science education while advancing gender equality.

The donation from Standard Bank will directly support the camp’s initiatives, including technology workshops, art workshops, and sponsoring of the underprivileged girls to attend the camp. The MUST STEAM Girls Camp aims to inspire and empower girls to explore and pursue careers in STEAM.

Standard Bank’s Client Coverage Manager, Pempho Chalamanda said that the donation reiterates the bank’s core purpose of driving Malawi’s growth.

“Standard Bank believes in the transformative power of STEAM education and inclusivity. By investing in the Girls STEAM Camp at MUST, we are investing in a future of innovation and leadership with more female representation,” said Chalamanda.

Through partnership with MUST, Standard Bank aims to make a lasting impact in the lives of girls and inspire female participation in Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics.

“This donation is a testament to our commitment to corporate social responsibility and our dedication to making a meaningful impact in the communities we serve. We hope this contribution will help create pathways for young women to pursue successful careers in STEAM fields,” she said.

Standard Bank has commended MUST for coming up with the STEAM Camp for girls saying that the intervention contributes significantly to encouraging girls to feel confident and motivated to participate in these disciplines.

Chairperson of the MUST STREAM Girls Camp Dr. Marion Chirwa Kajombo has commended Standard Bank for the support saying it will create great possibilities for girls at the institution.

“We appreciate the support from Standard Bank. It has enabled us to reach out to needy students lacking motivation and inspiration to realize their dreams. Some do not have any hope but through the camp, their lives will change because the intervention will open opportunities for girls to be exposed to several career pathways through interaction with role models,” said Kajombo.

Standard Bank earlier this year donated MK20 million to MUST as its annual contribution towards the university’s endowment fund that offers scholarships to underprivileged students.

The Bank continues to support education initiatives that improve the access and quality of education for the youth of the nation.

The MUST STEAM Girls Camp will started on July 1 and it will end on July 12 at the institution’s campus in Thyolo.


There are many great sons of the soil in Africa and they are renowned for putting their motherland first before anything else and they do not come often in any country. One of such greats of the African soil is Paul Kagame who recently said” It all starts from your heart, your mind, and the way you think. When I say don’t be cowards, be lions, what I mean is that, to be a coward is to live without a clear ideology, allowing people to insult you and you apologize to them instead of them apologizing to you. To be a lion is to accept to deal with and confront your challenges, those of your family of country, unapologetically.”

As it always said, posterity always judges a person and one such great son of the soil who is a lion and wherever he has been posterity will judge him well is Dr Dalitso Kabambe, the former Reserve Bank Governor of Malawi. His achievements and track record are par excellence. However, as we follow him on his recent exploits where he has belted out his analysis of Malawi, one remains admiring the intelligence, knowledge and vast wealth of wisdom that he possesses. What sets him apart more though is how he is able to articulate so well what he believes can be done to turn around Malawi after 60 years of not so much growth on average. Here is a man who is not only giving prescription for Malawi which is on a death bed in hospital, but he goes further to provide details of how this patient can be resuscitated.

It is for this reason that Dr Dalitso Kabambe is the solution for Malawi and here is a snippet of what we have been able to pick. Our focus is on three key things which we believe set DK apart and makes him the perfect person to lead Malawi: Leadership and Experience, Vision for the Future, and Unity and Inclusiveness.

1. Leadership and Experience: Dr. Dalitso Kabambe’s extensive experience and proven leadership make him an exceptional candidate to lead the nation. As a distinguished economist and politician, he has demonstrated his capability in public service and financial management. His tenure as the Governor of the Reserve Bank of Malawi from 2017 to 2020 is particularly noteworthy, as he played a crucial role in stabilizing the economy by reducing inflation and stabilizing the exchange rate. Dr. Kabambe’s career in the Malawi Government Economic Service is marked by significant roles in the Ministries of Finance, Health, and Foreign Affairs, showcasing his versatility and deep understanding of various sectors. His advanced degrees in Development Economics further underscore his expertise and commitment to economic development. Transitioning into active politics, Dr. Kabambe aims to leverage his extensive experience and knowledge to drive Malawi’s political and economic progress. His track record of effective leadership and economic stabilization positions him as the best candidate to lead the nation and contribute to the nation’s development.

2. Vision for the Future:

a. Economic Growth: Dr. Kabambe envisions a robust and diversified economy that fosters sustainable growth and development. By implementing sound fiscal policies and encouraging investment in key sectors such as agriculture, manufacturing, and technology, he aims to create job opportunities and reduce poverty. His experience in stabilizing the economy as the Governor of the Reserve Bank of Malawi will be instrumental in achieving these goals.

b. Improved Healthcare: Recognizing the importance of a healthy population, Dr. Kabambe is committed to enhancing the healthcare system. His vision includes increasing funding for healthcare infrastructure, ensuring the availability of essential medicines, and improving the quality of healthcare services. By prioritizing preventive care and expanding access to medical facilities, he aims to improve the overall health and well-being of Malawians.

c. Total Decentralization: DK believes in a total decentralization where authority and resources will be given to district assemblies for the development of each district. His vision is that every district should be allocated a minimum of 100 billion kwacha to be used in improving systems and development within that district. This will ensure equal benefits across the country.

d. Access to Quality Education: Dr. Kabambe believes that education is the cornerstone of national development. His vision focuses on providing equitable access to quality education for all children, regardless of their socio-economic background and region. This includes investing in school infrastructure, training and retaining qualified teachers, and integrating technology into the learning process. By doing so, he aims to equip the youth with the skills and knowledge needed to thrive in a competitive global economy.

e. National Security: Ensuring the safety and security of all citizens is a top priority for Dr. Kabambe. His vision includes strengthening the capabilities of security forces, enhancing intelligence gathering, and promoting community policing initiatives. By addressing both internal and external threats, he aims to create a secure environment that fosters economic and social development.

f. Stable Services in Government Institutions: Dr. Kabambe is dedicated to building efficient and transparent government institutions that deliver stable and reliable services to the public. His vision includes implementing reforms to reduce bureaucracy, combating corruption, and improving the accountability of public officials. By fostering a culture of integrity and professionalism, he aims to restore public trust in government institutions and ensure that they effectively serve the needs of all Malawians.

3. Unity and Inclusivity: DK is committed to fostering unity and inclusivity in the national development agenda. Gone will be the days when people from few districts are left to make national development decision. DK believes that each district has to participate in setting up national development agenda by having a representation in cabinet, recognizing that in diversity there is strength. By actively listening to and valuing the voices of all Malawians, regardless of background or region, Dr. Kabambe will ensure that every perspective is represented and respected. His inclusive approach will bridge divides, promote collaboration, and create a cohesive vision that resonates with everyone within the nation. Dr Kabambe’s dedication to unity will not only strengthen but will also present a united country that truly represents and works for all. Together, under Dr. Kabambe’s guidance, the country will be stronger and more inclusive.

It is clear with Dr Dalitso Kabambe our scope has to be bigger than just surviving. It has to be about living well, succeeding against poverty, dependency and indignity. It has to be about setting our agenda to become a prosperous nation taking its rightful space on the continent as one of the fastest growing economies and taking Malawi to greater heights economically.

Standard Bank in sizzling independence poetry

Malawi’s four contemporary poets turned Independence evening on Saturday memorable during a commemorative poetry exhibition hosted online by Standard Bank.

The four, Nyamalikiti Nthiwatiw, Qabaniso Malewezi, , Wanga and Phindu took turns to mesmerize the online audience that joined the poetry feast on Standard Bank’s Facebook page.

“We organised the event to commemorate Malawi’s 60th Independence Day, with renowned names in poetry for an evening that embraces Hope, Healing, Unity and Identity, ” said Tamanda N’gombe, head of marketing.

The show was patronised by many poetry fans who applauded the spoken word artists.

Internationally acclaimed poet Q Malewezi did not disappoint,while praise was showered upon upcoming poet, Phindu with many noticing her unique style and flow.

“The performance was just incredible, a big thumbs up for Phindu,” said Billy Banda, who watched the show.

Another patron Fatsani Chione also gave her critical acclaim. “A wonderful performance from Phindu. I loved it, ” he said.

Themed “Unity In Verse”, the commemorative poetry fiesta was put together by Kweza Arts.

FDH Bank plc donates 100 metric tonnes of maize to NFRA


Malawi Stock Exchange listed FDH Bank has donated 100 metric tonnes of maize worth K95.5 million to National Food Reserve Agency (NFRA) to ensure food security in the country.

FDH Bank plc Head of Marketing and Communications Levi Nkunika and NRFA Chief Executive Officer George Macheka represented their respective organisations during the handover ceremony in Lilongwe on Thursday.

According to Nkunika, the gesture was a response to the call by President Lazarus Chakwera in March this year, who declared a state of disaster in 23 out of the country’s 28 districts affected by El Nino weather that caused droughts and floods.

“FDH Bank plc has procured 100 metric tonnes equivalent to 2,000 bags of maize of 50kg each valued at K95,500, 000 which has been delivered to NFRA. This maize is expected to support 2,000 families across the country.”

“At FDH Bank plc, we are deeply committed to the well-being of our fellow Malawians. Partnering with NFRA to safeguard food security at the household level is not just a corporate social responsibility; it is part of doing business as we believe in being closer to the community, especially in times of need. We are always ready to play our part in supporting our communities in difficult times,” said Nkunika.

Nkunika added that the Bank entrusted NFRA, as an institution mandated to procure, store, and release maize on humanitarian grounds, to ensure proper storage of the maize and coordinate with the Department of Disaster Management Affairs (DODMA) on distribution to Malawians in need.

In his remarks, Macheka expressed gratitude to FDH Bank plc for leading to address national emergencies.

“We are immensely grateful to FDH Bank plc for their support. This partnership is a testament to the strength and unity of Malawians. We hope other institutions will emulate the good example set by FDH Bank. Together we can ensure that no Malawian dies of hunger,” said Macheka.

The preliminary assessment in the Presidential Declaration indicated that close to two million farming households are affected.

NBM Plc introduces Share Purchase Loan

National Bank of Malawi (NBM) plc has launched a share purchase loan product to enable customers to access loans and buy shares on the Malawi Stock Exchange (MSE).

Speaking during the launch on Tuesday, NBM Head of Retail Banking Division Oswin Kasunda said the new loan facility is designed to assist customers in fulfilling dreams of acquiring shares on the MSE through Stockbrokers Malawi Limited.

“The loan shall be secured by either existing shares that a customer already holds on the MSE or the purchased shares at 85 percent of the market value. This means that if the new shares being bought are to be used as collateral, the customer will contribute 15 percent, while the Bank will pay 85 percent of the purchase cost.”

“The loan will have a maximum repayment period of 36 months, a minimum loan amount of K250,000, and a maximum loan amount dependent on a customer’s capacity to repay subject to the loan repayment to income ratio not exceeding 30%,” said Kasunda.

He further indicated that it was established tthrough their market assessment and research, that many customers were looking for a facility that would allow them to buy shares on credit.

“However, the Stockbrokers Malawi Limited license does not allow it to lend money to clients. National Bank of Malawi plc is in the business of lending, hence addressing the challenge that investors or would-be investors face in buying shares on a cash basis,” said Kasunda.

In his remarks, Stockbrokers Malawi Limited Chief Executive Officer Noel Kadzakumanja said they hope the product will boost trading in the market.

“This loan is trying to address the problem that customers had, in the past, they were stuck because they didn’t have the cash to buy shares,” said Kadzakumanja.

The facility is open to customers whose regular income is paid directly into their NBM Bank plc account and will enable them to buy on any share counter.

Amaryllis Hotels General Manager Waheed Appointed Global Ambassador of African Tourism Board

Mr. Ramy Waheed, General Manager of Amaryllis Hotels, has been appointed as a Global Ambassador of the African Tourism Board (ATB).

The appointment was announced in a letter dated June 29, 2024, from the President of the African Tourism Board, Dr. Cuthbert Ncube.

According to the letter, Waheed’s exceptional leadership and dedication as the General Manager of Amaryllis Hotels, combined with his extensive experience and commitment to promoting tourism, made him an ideal representative for the organization on the global stage.

As a Global Ambassador, Waheed’s role will be pivotal in enhancing the visibility and appeal of Africa as a premier travel destination.

His responsibilities will include actively advocating for African tourism at international events and forums, collaborating with tourism stakeholders to foster positive perceptions of Africa, and identifying and pursuing opportunities for strategic partnerships that benefit African tourism.

“We are confident that your involvement will greatly contribute to the success of our mission to promote Africa as a vibrant and diverse travel destination,” said Dr. Ncube in the appointment letter.

“Your expertise and passion for the industry will be invaluable assets in our collective efforts.”

Waheed’s appointment is a significant recognition of his contributions to the tourism industry in Malawi and beyond.

As General Manager of Amaryllis Hotels, he has been instrumental in promoting tourism in the region and has worked tirelessly to enhance the reputation of the hotel and the country.

That is not all. Under his leadership, Amaryllis Hotels has won several prestige international awards.

The African Tourism Board is a pan-African organization that aims to promote tourism across the continent.

The organization works with tourism stakeholders to develop and implement strategies that promote African tourism and enhance the continent’s visibility as a travel destination.

FDH Bank plc eyes K28.5 billion half-year-profit

FDH Bank plc has projected its half-year profit-after-tax ending June 30, 2024 to be between K25.5 billion to K28.5 billion from K15 billion the previous year.

This represents an increase of between 69.8 percent to 89.8 percent higher than the one reported for the previous corresponding period.

According to the statement released by the company secretary Juliano Kanyongolo, the summary consolidated and separate financial statements of the Bank of the period ending 30th June will be published within the required period.

“In terms of the Listing Requirements of the Malawi Stock Exchange, a listed company is required to publish a Trading Statement as soon as there is a reasonable degree of certainty that the financial statements for thee period to be reported upon will differ at least 20% from that of the previous corresponding period,” reads the statement.

In the statement, the Bank says the information on which the Trading Statement is based has not been reviewed and reported on by its external auditors.

Earlier this year, the Malawi Stock Exchange listed Bank announced a substantial profit-after-tax increase of 55% to K35.6 billion from K22.9 billion profit over a similar period in 2022.

During its Annual General Meeting held recently, members of the Minority Shareholders Association commended FDH Bank plc for the growth.

NBM Plc’s funded UNIMA innovations bear fruits

National Bank of Malawi (NBM) Plc has expressed satisfaction with the innovations done by University of Malawi (UNIMA) Department of Physics and Electronics final-year students.

NBM Plc Information Technology, Organization, and Methods (ITOM) Division gave the students three challenges to solve and bring out innovative solutions with K2.8 million as funding for the projects.      

On Friday, the students presented the innovations at NBM Headquarters in Blantyre, where Head of ITOM  Designate Christopher Chilenga said part of NBM plc strategy has an aspect called ‘collaborations and partnerships’ recognizing that the Bank cannot have all the answers to the problems in the services but can get someone else on board.

“So far, I am impressed that they have taken up the idea, Universities are a centre of excellence, and they do have ways of addressing some of the needs and requirements we have in society. For them to look at the situation and propose ways of improving it is very commendable,” said Chilenga.

In his remarks, a UNIMA Lecturer, who is also the student’s projects supervisor Patrick Mzaza said what the students have demonstrated gives a positive hope that the students will help Malawi achieve its 2063 goals of advancing technology.

“They have developed three innovations which are addressing challenges that National Bank plc is facing. The first is the ATM monitoring system which monitors the temperature and humidity surrounding the machine. The second one is monitoring the parameters of a generator such as oil and fuel, and the last one is monitoring the bank’s systems in terms of transaction queues, memory usage of the CPU and everything,” said Mzaza. 

Representing her group, a Bachelor of Science in Electronics final year student Bridget Matilesi thanked National Bank plc for supporting their audible and virtual alert monitor of the banking systems project.

“We are grateful for their support, and I would like to urge other institutions to come to UNIMA with their problems for students to innovate systems for them,” said Matilesi.

Texas Church aids Anglican clergy spouses with business grants

Pozzuto (right) and wife Mellinda (second right) present a grant to a Clergy wife as Agness Salaka from Anglican church looks on

Christ Church in Temple, Texas, USA, on Thursday provided financial support to 33 spouses of Clergy in the Anglican Diocese of Southern Malawi.

The assistance, ranging from K50,000 to K350,000, is intended to help them start businesses to support their families.

Speaking in an interview, Rector of Christ Church Reverend Keith Pozzuto said the financial assistance will aid the clergy wives in starting various businesses based on their proposals.

“We are confident that this financial assistance will enable these women to create sustainable businesses that will uplift their families and contribute positively to their communities.”

“The church believes that empowered women help to support their families, communities, and the church as well. We are confident that this financial assistance will enable these women to create sustainable businesses that will uplift their families and contribute positively to their communities.”

“The support was raised by members of our church in Texas, USA, and we hope it will meet the intended purpose,” said Pozzuto.

Chairperson for the Clergy Wives in the Anglican Diocese of Southern Malawi Temwanani Kalimbe emphasized that the grant will enable them to become financially independent.

“Most clergy wives face financial challenges because many parishes are in remote areas where employment opportunities are scarce, forcing them to rely only on their husbands’ incomes,” said Kalimbe.

A total of 37 people have been supported under this program including four members of the laity from Mindanti in Chapananga who have been supported with tools and school fees to one member who asked for support to go back to school.

The program hopes to grow to over a hundred beneficiaries next year and to reach a thousand in a few years’ time.

Std Bank market value crosses K1 Trillion mark

The share price of Standard Bank Plc on Monday soared to K4,400 to propel the company’s market capitalisation surpass MK1 Trillion mark.

A trading report at the Malawi Stock Exchange (MSE) shows Standard Bank becoming the second-highest capital gainer by closing slightly above MK1 trillion after NBM’s K1.3 Trillion.

The MSE trading report quotes the bank’s share price increasing from K3,950.34 to K4, 400 per share or 11% to move the counter’s capital gain to MK1.032 trillion.

Reacting to the development, Chief Executive Phillip Madinga said it reflects the confidence that investors have in the bank in delivering superior profit margins.

“This growth is a testament to our commitment to delivering exceptional financial performance, innovative banking solutions, and sustainable growth. At our recent AGM in Blantyre, shareholders expressed satisfaction in our net profit record in the three years.

Thanks to their support, we remain focused on creating long-term value for our shareholders, customers, and the broader economy. Our strategic priorities, including digital transformation, customer-centricity, cost and risk management, are yielding positive results,” said Madinga.

An independent market analyst Dr Saidi Jackson predicted Standard Bank’s share price to continue rising as investors exercise options in hedging capital against market volatilities.

“It’s only logical for investors to back high performing companies or stocks, and with a good track record. Financial stocks like Standard Bank are seen as relatively safer in this market because of their impeccable risk management profile, and prudence, ” said Jackson.

The bank’s net profit for the financial year ended December 31, 2023 was K52.5 billion of which MK25.4 billion was approved by shareholders last week as total final dividend.

Castel Malawi rebrands Castel beer bottle 

Leading alcoholic beverage producer in the country, Castel Malawi Limited has rebranded labels for its iconic Castel Beer, making a significant milestone in the branding innovation.

In an interview yesterday, Head of Corporate Marketing and Communications, Lavern Chitakata said the initiative reflects Castel Malawi’s commitment to innovation and meeting consumers’ evolving preferences while maintaining the expectational quality and taste.

“The new label of the 330ml returnable bottle features a modern and visually striking design with a sleek body and neck label. The bottle proudly displays the iconic improved Castel Beer logo,” said Chitakata.

She assured customers that despite the refreshing bottle looks, the exceptional quality and taste of the beer remain unchanged.

One of the consumers based in Blantyre, Damson Mbewe hailed Castel for maintaining the contents of the beverage.

“Castel Malawi never disappoints when it comes to customer satisfaction, the new bottle design is beautiful,” said Mbewe.

Castel Malawi Limited recently rebranded the 330ml premium spirits bottles of Malawi Gin, Malawi Vodka, and Premier Brandy.   

Castel Malawi is, through Castel Beer, sponsoring the prestigious football cup called ‘The Castel Challenge Cup’ worth K400 million and Chitakata said the rebranding of the product will also resonate well with the iconic football cup

AFORD questions identification of ‘German experts in plane crash investigation

The Alliance for Democracy (AFORD) is calling for transparency in the investigation into the plane crash that killed Vice President Dr. Saulos Chilima and eight others on June 10, 2024.

In a press statement, AFORD President Enock Kanzingeni Chihana expressed concerns over the lack of clarity surrounding the investigation, despite the government’s announcement of engaging German experts.

“While we commend the effort, we question the sincerity of this move,” said Chihana.

He added that: “We demand a comprehensive and transparent investigation that leaves no stone unturned. Anything less will be a betrayal of public trust.”

AFORD is seeking clarity on the terms of reference for the investigation, the qualifications and expertise of the German experts involved, and the extent of their involvement in the investigation.

“We would like to know how the process towards the identification of the ‘German experts’ was done and whether there was proper vetting on the concerned expertise and their organization,” Chihana said.

The party is also questioning whether the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) was involved in the investigation and whether measures are in place to ensure the independence and impartiality of the investigation.

“We owe it to the memories of the departed and their families to ensure that the truth is uncovered and justice is served,” Chihana said.

“We will not tolerate any attempts to obscure the facts or manipulate the investigation for political gain.”

AFORD has vowed to continue monitoring the situation and pushing for justice to be served.

The party’s demands for transparency have sparked a national conversation on the need for accountability in the investigation process.

The incident that led to Vice President Chilima’s death has raised questions about the safety of the aircraft and the circumstances surrounding the crash.

Reports indicate that the plane experienced technical difficulties before crashing in Chikangawa Forest in Mzimba.

The cause of the crash remains unknown, and AFORD is calling for a thorough investigation into the incident.

“We need to know what caused the plane to crash and whether it was an accident or something more sinister,” Chihana said.

“The nation deserves answers, and we will not rest until we get them.”

Malawi Civil Society Celebrates Landmark Abortion Ruling Anniversary

Civil society organizations in Malawi are commemorating the anniversary of a landmark High Court ruling that clarified exceptions to the country’s abortion laws, providing essential protections for women’s and girls’ health and lives.

The ruling, issued on June 15, 2021, affirmed that mental and physical health are crucial components of preserving life in cases of risky pregnancies. It also provided legal clarity, enabling women seeking an abortion due to risks to their life or health to consult a health provider.

“We commend both the Judiciary and the Executive branches of the Government for making this important clarification public,” said Michael Kaiyatsa, Executive Director for Centre for Human Rights and Rehabilitation.

“Women and girls who believe their pregnancy poses a threat to their life or health have the legal right to consult a health provider.”

The ruling was hailed as a significant step forward in protecting reproductive rights in Malawi.

“The judgment marks a significant milestone in the advancement of reproductive rights in Malawi, ensuring that the health and lives of women and girls are prioritized,” said the civil society organizations in a joint statement.

The statement was endorsed by 18 civil society organizations, including Nyale Institute, Centre for Human Rights and Rehabilitation (CHRR), Center for Reproductive Rights (Kenya), and Malawi Sexual Reproductive Health and Right Alliance, among others.

The organizations reiterated their commitment to continue advocating for comprehensive reproductive health rights and ensuring that all women and girls in Malawi can access the healthcare they need without fear.

“As we celebrate this milestone, we reaffirm our commitment to continue advocating for comprehensive reproductive health rights and ensuring that all women and girls in Malawi can access the healthcare they need without fear,” said the statement.

FDH Bank Plc, Afreximbank sign US$15 million deal 

Chitera (right) exchange signed documents with El Maaryegi

FDH Bank Plc and Egypt-based African Export-Import Bank (Afreximbank) have signed a $15 million medium term loan facility agreement to help reshape and drive intra and extra-African trade in Malawi.

FDH Bank Plc Deputy Managing Director George Chitera sealed the deal with Afreximbank Executive Vice President Global Trade Bank, Haytham El Maayergi at the just-ended Afreximbank 31st Annual General Meeting in the Bahamas.

In reaction to the agreement, Chitera said the development will help the Bank increase its capacity to structure complex trade finance solutions for its clients.  

Chitera (right) exchange signed documents with El Maaryegi

“As a Bank, we believe in our ability and potential to grow the business. To realize that potential we also leverage our strategic partnerships with Afreximbank and other like-minded institutions to strengthen our capacity and create bespoke financial solutions which will reshape and drive Intra and Extra Africa Trade. This US$15 million medium-term loan facility is one of the major steps towards that goal,” said Chitera.

In November last year, FDH Bank Plc was the first in Southern Africa to secure a $10 million Africa Trade Exchange (ATEX) facility agreement with the Pan-African multilateral institution, used to reshape the landscape of procurement of strategic supplies for Malawi’s economy.

The Afreximbank 31st Annual General Meeting 2024 took place from June 12 to 14, 2024 with over a thousand attendees including African/Caribbean leaders, African and non-African policymakers, corporate and business leaders, and bankers.

Standard Bank shareholders applaud performance, to pocket K25.4 bn in dividends


Shareholders of Standard Bank Plc, listed on the Malawi Stock Exchange will smile to the bank to withdraw a total dividend of K25.4 billion or K108.24 per share for the financial year ended December 31, 2023, the bank’s Annual General Meeting agreed on Thursday.

The shareholders also applauded the bank’s management and staff —led by Chief Executive Phillip Madinga—for navigating a difficult economic environment to register a net profit of K52.5 billion. This represents a 34% increase over 2022.

Speaking during the AGM, Secretary General of the Minority Shareholders Association of Listed Companies Frank Harawa said the equity owners are happy with the recent results, which reflect success in the pursuit of Standard Bank’s operating strategy.

“We’re grateful for the impressive results registered so far. They show tremendous progress and hard work is being put in. We also hope that as we review shareholders and executive management pay, employee’s remuneration is also a consideration,” said Harawa.

In response, Chairman of Human Capital Committee of the Board Shadreck Ulemu disclosed that the bank has recently affected a 39 percent increase in salaries.

He added that employees are accessing other benefits, which include education and continuous professional development.

On the 2023 performance, Chairman Chris Kapanga said despite operating in a difficult macro-economic environment, the bank demonstrated resilience.

“The group continued to operate in a challenging environment due to foreign currency demand and supply imbalances and high inflation rate,” said Kapanga in a joint statement with Chief Executive Phillip Madinga.

He said the bank’s total revenue grew by 57%, while loans and advances also increased by 25%. He added that net interest income grew by 60%, while non-interest revenue grew by 51%.

The bank also registered an increase in trading volumes which benefitted its net fees and commissions.

Water Crisis Hits Thyolo District

Communities in Thyolo district are struggling to access clean water due to non-functional boreholes and unprotected water sources.

Traditional Authority Mbawera told our reporter that many boreholes in the area have been out of order since 2021, forcing residents to rely on streams and shallow wells.

The local parliamentarian, Mavuto Sandram Scott, has acknowledged the issue and sought assistance from Pacific Limited, a private firm that has been repairing boreholes in other parts of the country.

Pacific Limited’s Managing Director, Faisal Aboo, attributed the widespread problem of broken boreholes to theft of spare parts and vandalism.

However, he promised to extend his company’s borehole maintenance initiative to Thyolo district.

The company has already repaired over 8,000 boreholes across Malawi since 2015 and has been recognized by the government and private sector for its efforts.

Residents in Thyolo district are hoping for a swift solution to their water woes, which have left them vulnerable to waterborne diseases.

UTM needs Usi now than never: Attempting to exclude him is tragic and suicidal for UTM

The past five days have been tough for UTM party. However, the next three days will be even tougher for the party and, if carelessly handled, we will not talk about UTM again in the next two months.


On Monday 10th June 2024, the party suffered a great loss: It lost Saulos Chilima—the president, the leader, the visionaire, the financier and, simply put, the party lost its source of power.

In the past five days, the party has been grappling with the loss and, just like what happened in 2012 when DPP lost Bingu wa Mutharika, the truth has dawned to UTM that they have, actually, lost their source of power.

As it stands now, UTM doesn’t have any powers—its disgruntled, disoriented and the supporters aren’t sure of what is in store for the party.

To regain its relevance, UTM, in the next three days, need one thing: Position itself in a way that moves President Lazarus Chakwera to appoint Chilima’s replacement in UTM.

You know what? If the post of Veep remains in UTM, it means UTM will have a voice in the cabinet, which is the source of power, something the party needs to consolidate itself and, eventually, have time to soberly plan for 2025.

The challenge, however, is that, already, internal wrangles are emerging with top figures accusing each other of who, among them, is more UTM than others.

Tongues, in fact, are already wagging with unconfirmed reports that the party’s vice president, Michael Usi, is being strategically sidelined and, on a tragic note, plans are at an advanced stage to fire him.

The reason, we are being told, is that Usi, they say, appear to be more loyal to MCP than UTM. The reasons, we keep being told, is that Usi, they advance, was always more loyal to Chakwera than Chilima.

So, they argue, Chakwera will appoint Usi as Veep and, if that happens, its better Usi goes to become Veep without the blessings of UTM. So, they reason.

Well, I just shudder to think that UTM, as this critical juncture, would be within its own instead of coming together, pull a strength in numbers, and position itself as organized so that Chakwera shouldn’t be left without a choice but continue working with the party that SKC left.

With Chilima gone, what names, in UTM, comes to the fore as political stalwarts that can fit in SKC’s shoes? You can count: Kambala, Felix Njawala and Patricia Kaliati.

For UTM to roar again it needs a charismatic, respected, calm, collected, exposed and trusted person who cannot just speak in wisdom to the disheartened followers—but also one with capacity to fund and also court funders for the party.

Michael Usi, unfortunately, is the only person who the cap fits.

Usi won the heart of SKC. That is why when SKC brough UTM to alliance with MCP, he went with people such as Usi because he believed in their capacity.

Sidelining Usi today is both tragic and suicidal for the party because, lets face it, the rest are either having trouble with law or facing some credibility and political relevance issues.

UTM is better, stronger and relevant with Usi not just on the lead; but also, as a replacement of Chilima as Veep.

Tony Blair’s wife Cherie Offers Condolences to Malawi’s President Chakwera

Cherie Blair, founder of Omnia Strategy LLP, has written to Malawi’s President Lazarus Chakwera, offering her condolences on the sudden passing of Vice President Saulos Chilima and eight others in a plane crash.

In the letter, dated June 12, 2024, sent through the office of Malawi’s Attorney General and Malawi’ Deputy High Commissioner to the United Kingdom, Blair described Chilima as a man of great commitment to the people of Malawi, evident in his many years of service to the country.

She expressed her sympathy to the President, the Vice President’s family, and the nation, saying, “His loss will no doubt be keenly felt.”

Blair also offered her support to President Chakwera, saying, “I wish you strength and resilience as you navigate Malawi through this tragedy.”

She concluded by saying, “Please know that I shall keep you, the Vice President’s family, and Malawi in my prayers.”

The letter was hand-delivered to the Malawi High Commission in London.

Cherie Blair is a reknown British barrister and writer.

She is the wife of the former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Tony Blair.

She is also known for her work as a human rights lawyer and her involvement in various charitable organizations, including her own Cherie Blair Foundation for Women.

That is not all. Blair is also known for her work in human rights, commercial law and international investment law.

NBM PAL Unrestricted Pension Fund  investment income up to 42%

NBM PAL Unrestricted Pension Fund which is administered by the NBM Pension Administration Limited (NBM PAL), a subsidiary of National Bank of Malawi (NBM) Plc, has registered an increase in investment income for the year 2023 to 42 percent from 27 percent in 2022.

According to NBM PAL, Chief Executive Officer (CEO), William Mabulekesi, with inflation around 30 percent in 2023, members will get a real investment return of over 12 percent which is the difference between the declared investment income of 42 percent and inflation rate of 30 percent.

“It is a pleasure to share with the market that the Board of Trustees of the Fund has since approved an investment income as recommended for members of the Fund who participated fully in the year up to 31st December 2023. The Fund continues to register exponential growth in investment income and total assets for its participating members.”

“The significant increase means that if an individual member had been in the Fund from January to December 2023 with a total accumulated pension benefit of K10 million as of December, 31, 2023, the total accrued pension benefit will now increase to K14.2million with effect from January 1 this year,” said Mabulekesi.

He said this is exciting news, particularly to sponsoring employers and their respective employees who are the ultimate members and principal beneficiaries of the overall Fund which has continued to grow from strength to strength within the recent years.

“This for sure has put smiles on the faces of the Fund’s members. What is more satisfying with this declaration is the fact that it has been achieved at a time when our local economy has faced a lot of challenges such as forex shortage, natural disasters in cyclones, and a significant 44 percent devaluation of the local currency in November 2023 whose combined adverse effects unleashed upward pressures on prices of goods and services forcing the inflation to hover around 30 percent for the year 2023,” explained Mabulekesi.

He then hailed NBM Capital Markets Limited, another subsidiary of NBM plc, for   Investment strategies employed amidst macroeconomic shocks that prevailed in the year under review.

A pension expert, who is also Director of Pension and Insurance at the Reserve Bank of Malawi (RBM) Paul Nyirenda believes that NBM PAL realized the growth due to investment returns largely from the stock market which performed well last year. 

“It is also because of the decent performance of the listed equities at the Malawi  Stock Exchange which has largely contributed to the  increase in investment income for the Fund as companies declared dividends and capital appreciation. ,” said Nyirenda.

The Fund in question according to NBM PAL is diversified across all investment classes, namely Interest-Bearing Assets, Shares, and Properties including alternative investments which allow portfolio assets to hedge against each other from any exogenous factors thereby insulating it to remain resilient and profitable for its members throughout the year.

Air Cargo, MDF pact to enhance African cargo services and trade


Air Cargo Malawi Limited (ACM) and the Malawi Defence Force (MDF) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to charter aircraft for cargo transportation, enhancing ACM’s capabilities and contributing to the country’s economic growth.

The partnership will enable ACM to transport specialised cargo consignments between Malawi, SADC, COMESA, and East Africa, providing seamless logistics for exporters and importers. The agreement also demonstrates ACM’s progress in its turnaround strategy.

The MOU signing ceremony was attended by representatives from both parties, including the Chairman of Air Cargo Malawi Limited Felix Tandwe, Chief Executive Officer Thokozani Unyolo and the Commander of the Malawi Defence Force General Paul Valentino Phiri.

“This partnership is a testament to our commitment to providing reliable and efficient air cargo services,” said Tandwe. “We are proud to work with the Malawi Defence Forces to enhance our services and contribute to the country’s economic development,” he added.

Unyolo said the MOU opens up an opportunity for export of specialised cargo such as cut flowers and other horticultural products to Africa and beyond.

For his part, MDF Commander Valentino Phiri said, “We are pleased to partner with Air Cargo Malawi Limited, demonstrating our commitment to supporting the country’s economic growth and development.”

Phiri added that the charters will maximize the usage of MDF planes to generate additional revenue for the aviation department.

The partnership is expected to boost trade and economic development in the region, aligning with the Malawi 2063 vision.

Castel Cup after-party lights up Mponela


Football fans and fun seekers had a grand post-Castel Cup launch event as Malawi’s celebrated musicians Skeffa Chimoto, Kell Kay, Tay Grin, and Aidfest and Kineo took turns to entertain them during a fun filled night at HillSide Lodge in Mponela on Saturday.

It was a day and night full of entertainment as the whole trading centre was filled with fun activities since morning, prior to the Castel Challenge Cup launch, and it was no surprise that the show pulled a huge audience while enjoying Castel alcoholic products.

Tay Grin, the Nyau King set the pace during the pre-launch activations that started on Friday night before he performed with his Nyau crew at Champions Stadium when Blue Eagles hosted Namitete Zitha to mark the launch of the 2024 Castel Challenge Cup.

From the Stadium, the fun extended to HillSide Lodge where DJ Bubblegum and DJ Twiggy manned the decks from 6pm until around 10pm when new kids on the block, Aidfest and Kineo took over the mics.

Performing using backtracks, the duo mesmerized fans with their top hits ‘Attention’, ‘Two’, ‘Tamutenga’, the latest release ‘Yekha’, and Kell Kay’s ‘Holy Water’ which they featured.

But it is the ‘Yekha’ song that stole people’s hearts, no wonder the energy displayed by the two artists, up to an extent of removing their shirts despite the chilly night.

Before passing the mic to the second act by Kell Kay, the two DJs also performed their disk jockeying magic through their top selection and mixing of the songs to the satisfaction of the fans who sang along.

Kell Kay later joined the stage dishing his tracks like ‘Bana Pwanya’ which he originally featured Yo Maps and Prince Luv from Zambia.

Unlike Aidfest and Kineo, Kelly Kay, Tay Grin, and Skeffa performed with a live band.

In his one-hour performance, Kelly Kay also dished out other songs like ‘Holy Water’, ‘Muchedwa’, ‘Lobola’, ‘Halo Mr Yesu’, ‘Mwano’ and others.

However, the Manganje-fused track ‘Chatha’ was a blast as he invited a female fan on stage and did not disappoint with her dances.

The Nyau King was the third on the list and could not hesitate to throw in the ‘So mone’ track which he originally featured on Yo Maps, but also used the platform to perform for the first time, his yet-to-be released song titled ‘Tchalosi’.

The response from the fans seemed to have fallen in love with the song already.

The stage master, Skeffa Chimoto was the last on the act taking over the stage and did not disappoint doing most of his popular tracks including ‘Kankha’ and others.

One of the fans, Mayeso Josita, said he was all happy with the show.

“Apa ndiye sininabetse makobiri yanga, nanjoya zedi (I have enjoyed the show, I really got the value for the money I paid at the gate),” he said.

Prophet Dr. Mbewe set to shake up Balaka Stadium on Saturday

In a highly anticipated move, Liberation for Economic Freedom (LEF) President Dr. David Mbewe is scheduled to hold a massive political rally at Balaka Stadium on Saturday, June 15, 2024.

The event, dubbed a “game-changer” in the country’s political arena, promises to draw a large crowd of supporters eager to hear Dr. Mbewe’s vision for a prosperous and liberated Malawi.

Recently, Dr. Mbewe made headlines by branding the Tonse Alliance, led by President Lazarus Chakwera, as “failures” amidst widespread discontent with the current administration’s handling of the economy.

As the country grapples with economic challenges, Dr. Mbewe and his LEF party are positioning themselves as the solution, promising real change and economic liberation.

The rally comes ahead of the September 2025 general elections, where Dr. Mbewe is expected to face off against President Chakwera of Malawi Congress Party (MCP), Peter Mutharika of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), and Saulos Chilima of the UTM party.

Dr. Mbewe’s charismatic leadership and vocal advocacy for economic freedom have resonated with many Malawians, making the Balaka Stadium rally a highly anticipated event that promises to be a political firestorm.

In the lead-up to the elections, Dr. Mbewe and his LEF party have been conducting a series of rallies across the country, wooing supporters and Malawians with their message of economic liberation.

The rallies have been pulling in large crowds, indicating a growing momentum for the LEF party and setting the stage for a thrilling contest in the upcoming polls.

Mkulu wakale wa Reserve Bank Dr Kabambe ayamikira Malemu Kasambara

Mkulu wakale wa Bank ya Reserve a Dr. Dalitso Kabambe ayamikira malemu Ralph Kasambara kaamba kogwira ntchito yondandiza a Malawi mozipereka.

A Kasambara, omwe anali m’modzi mwa akadaulo pa nkhani ya zamalamulo m’dziko muno amwalira lachisanu ku Lilongwe.

“Malemu Ralph Kasambara anali kadaulo pa ntchito za malamulo komanso mmodzi mwa a Malawi yemwe anadzipeleka kwambiri pa ntchito zothandiza a Malawi ngati nduna ya boma komanso ngati Attorney General mzaka za mbuyomu,” a Kabambe analemba pa tsamba lawo la Facebook.

Iwo anawonjezera kuti; “Imfa yawo yandikhudza kwambiri monganso momwe yakhudzila a Malawi ambiri ndipo pemphero langa ndiloti Mulungu atonthoze banja lonse losiyidwa komanso anamalira onse munthawi yowawitsa kwambiri ngati imeneyi.”

La Mulungu, a Kabambe adali nawo pa mwambo wachisoni opelekeza thupi la malemu Ralph Kasambara kunyumba kwawo ku Nyambadwe komanso ku misa yomwe inachitikira ku St Montfort Parish ku CI mu mzinda wa Blantyre.

Malingana ndi a Kabambe, “A Ralph Kasambara anali munthu okonda dziko lake komanso olimbikira kwambiri popititsa patsogolo ntchito za malamulo komanso chilungamo mdziko muno,”

Thupi la a Kasambara lilowa m’manda lero Lolemba m’boma la Nkhatabay.

A Kabambe ndi katswiri wodziwika bwino mdziko muno ku nkhani ya za chuma.

FDH Bank hikes Mayor’s trophy to K300 million


Malawi’s leading commercial Bankers, FDH Bank Plc has announced a mouth-watering K300 million sponsorship Inter-City Mayor’s Trophy and the Lilongwe Mayor’s Trophy for a period of three years translating into K100 million every year.

The unveiling ceremony of the sponsorship deal took place in the capital, Lilongwe on Friday.

This means that the sponsorship for the two trophies is pegged at a staggering K100 million every calendar year for thirty-six months up from K60 million.

According to the sponsorship breakdown, K44 million is for Inter- City Mayor’s Trophy, whereas K22 million is tagged for Lilongwe City Mayor’s Trophy every year, respectively.

Zomba, Lilongwe, and Mzuzu have each received K17 million, a K7 million increase from the initial K10 million.

The Intercity Mayor’s Trophy prize money has also been increased to K44 million from K25 million.

FDH Bank Managing Director Noel Mkulichi during the sponsorship unveiling ceremony said FDH Bank is fully committed to youth and primary schools’ sports development in the country.

“We have seen the tournament grow and talent flourish as well as its positive impact on the youth,” Mkulichi said.

In 2018, Mkulichi said, FDH Bank started with an investment of K31 million to Lilongwe, Blantyre, Zomba and Mzuzu Mayors Trophies.

He said: “Later, we introduced the InterCity Mayors Trophy fully funded by FDH Bank Plc to bring together champions from the four cities to foster community growth and interaction as well as further challenge the youth to explore their talents.”

Mkulichi, however, commended the initiatives by Zomba City Council and Matiya Primary School for utilasing funds from their victory in the InterCity Mayors Trophy to build modern toilets at the school.

“This was truly an innovative and progress through and an extension of the benefits that come with the Mayors Trophy in improving the livelihoods of the youth,” said Mkulichi.

In his remarks Lilongwe City Mayor, Councillor Richard Banda said FDH Bank’s sponsorship event was a clear testament to the community’s spirit, dedication, and passion for sports.

“The Mayor’s trophy is more than just a competition; it is a celebration of our shared values. It is with profound gratitude that I express my sincere appreciation to our sponsors FDH Bank for the support rendered to Lilongwe City Council and other Councils for always setting the pace for all Mayor’s trophy,” said the Lilongwe City mayor.

Added Banda: “This sponsorship will go a long way as it is not only promoting the health and wellbeing of young ones, but we see the youth rise and embrace their hidden talents to the fullest.”

Deputy Director of Sports responsible for schools sports in the ministry of Youth and Sports, former Malawi netball national team star player, captain and coach, Mary Waya, who was popularly known as Atcheya in her hey-days, in her remarks hailed FDH Bank for being a true partner in the development of sports in the country.

“We cannot expect to do well at international level if the source of these athletes is not well-oiled, and as such sponsorship such as this one from FDH Bank goes a long way in talent identification and nurturing of athletes,” Waya said.

The industrious and decorated Malawi Netball Queens goal shooter and coach further said the government will continue providing a conducive environment for sports development in the country.

FDH Bank has been sponsoring football at all levels in the country since 2018.

Apart from grassroots trophy, FDH Bank are official sponsors of the Malawi national team, which is popularly known as the Flames besides sponsoring the flagship the FDH Bank Cup.


… as TNM pumps K5m into Mzuzu Mountain Goat Concert

Malawi’s pioneer mobile network and ICT service provider, TNM Plc is proud to announce the continued partnership with acclaimed music artist Phyzix for his forthcoming Mountain Goat Concert scheduled for July 13 at Springs Park in Mzuzu.

TNM, in a move to reinforce the partnership, has contributed K5 million towards the concert for the second time. In addition, the integration enables fun lovers to purchase concert tickets on TNM Mpamba e-ticketing platform.

TNM’s Head of Band and Marketing Madalitso Jonazi said the sponsorship highlights the company’s commitment to empowering and celebrating local talent.

“We are delighted to join forces with Phyzix once again for what promises to be an extraordinary musical show. Our partnership demonstrates our commitment to leveraging technology to create possibilities, change lives and connect people through music,” said Jonazi.

Following this resounding collaboration, TNM and Phyzix are poised to deliver yet another unforgettable experience for music enthusiasts in Mzuzu.

“Through the collaboration we are fostering cultural enrichment and connectivity through music and technology. As such, music enthusiasts will be able to purchase their tickets on Mpamba e-ticketing platform conveniently,” he said.

Jonazi added that the concert presents opportunity for the mobile company to engage with people in Mzuzu.

“We have a wide range of products that are tailored to suit Malawians of different ages, but concerts like Mountain Goat present a good platform for TNM to connect with specifically the youths and offer them more appealing and pocket friendly products such as Agulu bundles,” added Jonazi.

Receiving TNM’s contribution, Phyzix real name Noel Chikoleka expressed gratitude saying the money would assist in delivering a good concert to people in Mzuzu.

“After sponsoring my Mountain Goat album launch last year, I am thrilled that TNM has returned to sponsor my upcoming concert in Mzuzu, as we cement the brands’ mutual connection. The sponsorship will go a long way to help us provide a great concert in Mzuzu,” said Phyzix.

Phyzix commended TNM for introducing Caller Tunes and Agulu services, saying they are contributing to the growth of the music industry in the country.

He said: “Through services like Caller Tunes and Agulu bundles TNM is playing a pivotal role in taking Malawian music to great height. While musicians are getting loyalty, the youth can access our music using the affordable Agulu bundles.”

The Concert comes six months after Phyzix, launched Mountain Goat, his 15th album last year in December at Amaryllis Hotel in Blantyre.

CDEDI calls for deregistration of KADO Auctioneers


CDEDI Director Namiwa on duty

The Centre for Democracy and Economic Development Initiatives (CDEDI) has penned Public Procurement and Disposal of Assets Authority (PPDA) to consider deregistering KADO Auctioneers for flouting best practices that evidently amounts to corruption.

In a letter addressed to PPDA Director General, Eddington Chilapondwa, CDEDI has also appealed for cancellation of all public contracts awarded to the company.

CDEDI Executive Director Sylvester Namiwa is arguing that with information at hand, there is need for suspending all public auctions involving disposal of public assets, pending due diligence of all the auctions registered by the PPDA.

He says though declared obsolete, most public assets have economic value that usually end up benefiting a privileged few, instead of the whole nation, notably the poor majority whose lives could be saved with proceeds realised from public auctions, if they did not end up fattening pockets of auctioneers and those connected to them as often happens.

Namiwa has highlighted the calls are necessary following complaints stemming from the public auction held at Lilongwe Water Board (LWB) on Saturday April 27, 2024, where a number of items were sold through a public auction and that from investigation point of view, it was clear that the water utility board exonerated itself from allegations bordering on the sale of a HINO lorry registration number 5 SC 53.

According to Namiwa, CDEDI received additional complaints, on how the above public auction was conducted and of particular attention is a demand letter from Mbulo Attorneys at Law dated May 7, 2024, acting on behalf of Innocent Salim Gama, allegedly the major shareholder of KADO Auctioneers and General Dealers under the banner DEMAND BY MR. INNOCENT SALIM GAMA FOR DETAILED REPORT ON RECENT PUBLIC SALES CONDUCTED BY KADO AUCTIONEERS AND GENERAL DEALERS.

“According to the above letter, KADO auctioneers conducted two public auctions, one at the Reserve Bank of Malawi and another at the LWB, allegedly behind the back of the partner who reportedly pumped into the company MK100 million, representing 51 percent shares and those that raised eyebrows over the matter insist that KADO Auctioneers violated some public auction laid down procedures in the manner this vehicle was sold since they further argue that the falling of the hammer on the Hino 500 truck (5 SC 53) happened in an irregular manner.

They, in fact, claim that there were bids as high as K15 million but, surprisingly, the vehicle was given away to a MK10 million bidder,” he narrates.

Namiwa is convinced that all pointers are clear that there are serious flaws that smack of fraud and corruption, saying after postponing the auction despite calling for fresh bids, KADO Auctioneers invited the five selected bidders to the re-auctioning when, in fact, it had already issued both the notification to pay and a bid certificate in favour of Mr. Fabiano Mnayi on April 30, 2024.

Efforts to get side of the story from KADO Auctioneers proved futile but LWB defended the auction despite numerous complaints.

Meanwhile PPDA has confirmed receiving the letter but is yet to comment on its contents.

Bankrolling environmental restoration

Gogo Christina Mpinganjira recounts her youthful days when they used to collect wild mushrooms and see wild animals from the mountains of Kapirimutu, Nthunzi, Mchenga, Ntcheu, Mwasadzu, and Chipendeko in Dedza.

This was when the hills, popularly known as Seven Hills had its vegetation cover intact, before the community raged on them through charcoal burning, and other human activities.

The sorry state of the Seven Hills, which has rendered Gogo Mpinganjira destitute to find the wild food again, and the diminishing traditional cold breeze of Dedza, is also visible in other forests across the country.

The situation compelled people like Gogo Mpinganjira and others to take a step to rescue the forests from the raging individuals, so as to allow the new generation to appreciate the natural vegetation and its inhabitants like herself.

Through the Forest restoration project by National Bank of Malawi (NBM) plc launched in 2022, Gogo Mpinganjira and 149 other people around Dedza Seven Hills have benefitted from the K100 million funding which aims to give back life to three forests, including the Mangochi Palm Forest, and Jembya Forest Reserve in Chitipa.

“For two years now, we were given 15, 000 pine seedlings covering 500 hectares in the six hills. As members of the community, we have owned this development and have been steadfast in taking care of the trees by weeding, pruning them to ensure they have enough space and moisture. NBM Plc also gave us some fruit tree seedlings that we planted in our various homes,” she said.

A visit to Mangochi Palm Forest, and Jembya in Chitipa indicates similar progress in the forest restoration drive by NBM Plc.

According to Mangochi forestry assistant, Ellah Minthanje members of the community from five villages have been in the forefront taking care of the 6000 Coconut, Palms, Mbawa, and Ngongomwa trees that were planted in the forest on a space of 210 hectares.

“The response has been good from the communities. Together we are able to regenerate Mangochi Palm Tree Forest through enrichment planting, spot cultivation, fire breaking, screening, brushing, singling and other activities funded by NBM Plc.”

“The restoration activities have also benefited the community in various ways, including improvement of their livelihoods through wages they get after doing the work, and we also anticipate nutritional boost through the fruit trees they have been given to plant in their respective homes,” she explains.

Apart from the forest restoration to create a sustainable environment, the NBM plc project also ensures the livelihood sustainability.  

While in Mangochi and Jembya people opted for wages and fruit seedlings to sustain themselves, in Dedza community members asked to be given livestock like goats which they share rotationally.

“Through the program, we have started keeping the animals which is part of empowering us financially as we will be able to sell some and even for our food at home,” Gogo Mpinganjira says.

Felister Jeremiah, Chairperson of Tikondane group, which comprises women around Mangochi Palm Forest taking care of the trees, highlights some of the benefits from the project.

“Personally, I have a child in Secondary school whom I am able to support financially. We also have women in our group who are able to support their families from something we get from taking care of these palm trees, we call them ‘Mgwalangwa’ in Chiyao. We no longer struggle to get firewood as women because we have the trees at home,” she says.

In Jembya, Komani Mtonga says they have managed to plant 32, 000 seedlings on a 500-hectare land.

“We are making great progress here. We just want to appeal to the Bank to ensure funding is made faster so that we facilitate the weeding process to avoid the bush fires,” explains Mtonga.

An environmentalist, Maloto Chimkombero commends NBM plc for the initiative saying the corporate world needs to invest more in environmental restoration.

“Companies are important stakeholders in environmental conservation as they play a crucial role in supporting and implementing various environmental projects as part of Corporate Social Responsibility drives.” 

“So far, most companies are trying their best as we have seen companies adopting the management of forests and also supporting tree planting activities in various communities of the country,” says Chimkombero.

NBM plc Marketing and Corporate Affairs Manager, Akossa Hiwa says the Bank through its corporate social investment (CSI) understands its role in contributing to a more sustainable future in environmental conservation as they support Government efforts on the same.

“This is a huge investment and as a Bank, we take pride in how we have managed to restore the forest, and our impact on the people’s lives as they work to restore the forests around them as we strive to achieve the Malawi 2063 Agenda,” says Hiwa.

Former RBM Governor Dr Kabambe to Deliver Public Lecture on Industrialization at Catholic University

Former Reserve Bank of Malawi Governor Dalitso Kabambe is set to deliver a public lecture this afternoon at the Catholic University in Nguludi, Chiradzulu.

The lecture will focus on the urgent need for a paradigm shift in Malawi’s development framework to achieve industrialization and sustainable development.

“I am a strong believer that Malawi has the ability to realize its full potential and build a more prosperous future for its people by focusing on industrialization and taking a more comprehensive approach to development,” Kabambe wrote on his Facebook page.

The lecture comes as Malawi marks 60years since becoming a Republic, with Kabambe noting that the country has retrogressed on its industrialization agenda.

“Malawi desperately needs a paradigm shift in its development framework to industrialize,” Kabambe emphasized.

The event will be live on Times TV, Times 360 Facebook page, Times Radio, and MIJ FM.

Dr. Kabambe is fondly remembered by all Malawians for bringing stability to the Malawian economy, which resulted in low prices of basic needs and services.

During his time at Reserve Bank of Malawi, he managed to reduce inflation rate to a single digit within the first year from 24% to 7.1% in 2017 and effectively managed to keep the exchange rate stable at the rate of K 732 to the US$, and turned around a projected loss of K 4 billion to a profit in the excess of K60 billion.

DPP’s Bright Msaka Awards Young Spelling Bee Champion


Member of Parliament for Machinga Likwenu Constituency, Bright Msaka, has awarded 6-year-old Fyness Kadawati, a Standard 3 learner at St. Theresa Catholic Primary School, K100,000 for her outstanding achievement in the 2024 National Spelling Bee regional finals.

As Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) Vice President responsible for the Eastern Region, Msaka presented the award to Fyness at the school, commending her remarkable talent and dedication to education.

The award recognizes Fyness’s impressive achievement as the youngest speller to qualify for the regional finals, showcasing her exceptional language skills and potential for future academic excellence.

Msaka’s gesture aims to motivate and encourage Fyness to continue excelling in her studies, setting a positive example for her peers.

The event highlights the importance of supporting young learners and investing in education, aligning with Msaka’s emphasis on Early Childhood Development (ECD) education as a crucial foundation for advancing the nation’s educational progress.”

Mzanda Luhanga win NBS Bank May Golf Mug


Golfers Chipiliro Mzanda and Ulemu Luhanga beat a field of over 50 golfers to emerge winners of the Men’s and Women’s categories in the NBS Bank May Golf Mug played on Saturday at the Country Club Limbe.

Mzanda came top with a gross score of 84 and a net of 72 in the men’s category, while Frank Jomo came second with a gross score of 81 and a net of 73 and Khumbo Mkandawire was third with a gross score of 84 and a net of 74.  

In the women’s category, Luhanga scored a gross of 92 and a net of 71 to scoop the first position, while Sophie Mlumbe with a gross of 97 and net of 75 came second and Zitta Rodrick came third Gross of 84 and a net of 79.

Issa Mmadi won the seniors category. The winners were presented with a trophy  and K250,000 each.

Mzanda was elated with his win.

“Getting to the golf course today, I approached the course with some positive energies and I planned my game. I started from hole number 5 with a par from four metres, which was a big motivation. I got two birdies and played level. It was a great feeling,” said Mzanda.

On her part, Luhanga said she had an amazing golf round on the course.

“I had a lot of boogies and a few pars, my drivers carried the day as I also got the longest drive, and as always NBS Bank delivers, their prizes and trophies are always top-notch. I am appealing to ladies out there to come and join this sport it’s good for networking,” said Luhanga  

NBS Bank Head of Corporate Frank Nakoma said they organize Monthly Mugs tournaments as one way of interacting with their clients while helping in uplifting the game of golf.

“Apart from motivating the golfers through the prizes that we gave them, we have also donated K1 million to the Country Club so that they can fix the golf course,” said Nakoma.

Castel Cup is back bigger!

… Sponsorship raised to K400 million 

Leading alcoholic beverage producers in the country, Castel Malawi Limited has affirmed its sponsorship of Castel Challenge Cup by hiking the package to K400 million from K320 million.

Castel Malawi introduced the football cup last year and after a successful run, the company has come back bigger, with this season’s launch set for Champions Stadium at Mponela in Dowa on Saturday. 

The company’s Head of Corporate Marketing and Communication, Lavern Chitakata officially announced the hike at Mpira village in Blantyre on Monday when, together with the Football Association of Malawi (FAM), conducted the draw for the first phase which involves teams from lower leagues from the Southern Region.

Chitakata expressed optimism of having a more successful season than last year where more talent was unearthed in the remote areas.

“From what we have learned from last season, we are aiming at growing the game even bigger. As announced, we are going to launch this edition in Mponela. It is another remote area, but we are trying to reach out to more regions and more districts. We will also have another kickoff here in the South and the other one in the North.”

“So as much as we are kicking off this weekend, there are two more games that we are kicking off in all the regions to make sure that people understand that we have come into the regions and we are moving forward,” said Chitakata.

Southern Region Football Association (SRFA) Chairman, Raphael Humba, promised fireworks from his teams in this competition.

“We are very grateful to Castel Malawi for bringing back the competition. We are expecting a lot from our teams and we are hoping to achieve more than what we achieved last season. We had Lipulumundu FC that faced FCB Nyasa Big Bullets at the national level and this season, we are looking past the Round of 64. With an improved package, we are expecting our teams to work hard and achieve more,” he said.

Apart from 16 super league teams, 99 teams from lower leagues will participate in this year’s competition. 

MAGLA donates K200 million relief items to Mangochi flood victims

The  Malawi Gaming and Lotteries Authority (Magla) has given Mangochi Municipal Council 5, 000 bags of maize flour and other relief items worth K200 million to support people of Mangochi district who have been affected by flash floods.

In an act of benevolence to mankind and as a matter of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Magla’s donation was given out as quickfire response to appeals of  cries of the affected people in the district after rising water levels in Lake Malawi and its only outlet, Shire River over-stream flowed and subsequently destroyed the people’s households, livestock leaving tens of thousands displaced and destitute.

Apart from the 5,000 bags of 25 kgs maize flour, the betting regulator also donated 50 tents to those who need shelter and also social cash transfer of K50,000 to 500 people to alleviate the suffering of the people in the district.

Magla Director General, Rachel Mijiga, speaking after presenting the donation to the Mangochi Municipal Council said: “Our aim is to help relieve the victims’ suffering following the natural disaster. We were told that some relief items that were donated by the Department of Disaster and Management (Dodma) did not reach out to everyone, so we are here to fill up the gaps. We sympathize with the people who are going through hard times as a result of the flash floods.”

Mijiga said they visited Mangochi not as just representatives of an organization, but as fellow human beings moved by the plight of ‘our brothers and sisters affected by the recent floods in Mangochi’.

“The devastating floods have not only taken a toll on our homes and infrastructure but have also deeply impacted our spirit and resilience. In times like these, it is crucial for us to come together as a community, to support and uplift one another. It is in this spirit of unity that we at MAGLA have mobilized resources to provide relief items to those affected by this disaster,” said Mijiga adding that the relief items will be distributed to affected people around Mangochi boma all the way to Cape Maclear.

Receiving the donation on behalf of the beneficiaries, Traditional Authority Mapira thanked Magla for the timely donation, saying the relief food will cushion the suffering of the people.

“I thank Magla for the maize flour. My subjects are going through a difficult time. They lost everything to the floods and rising lake waters. They need help, and this donation will go a long way in easing the suffering,” he said.

Mangochi Municipal Council representative Kenneth Chimombo said: “The maize flour will ease the council’s burden in taking care of the victims, some of whom are seeking shelter in public facilities. We are grateful to Magla for this timely donation.”

“We hope other companies will follow Magla’s gesture of good will to come here and donate more basic needs items,” Chimombo added.

About 3,090 people from 525 households along the lakeshore have been displaced by the flooding caused by the swelling lake.

MAGLA is a statutory body established by an Act of Parliament charged with the responsibility of licensing of Gaming and Lotteries in the country.

The organization has the power to regulate all gaming and lottery activities and is tasked to undertake some ancillary and operational functions associated with these principal roles.

MAGLA was formed from a merger between Malawi Gaming Board (MGB) and National Lotteries Board (NRB).

The Authority’s mission is to regulate the Gaming and Lotteries industry to promote a positive social economic impact.

MITC award excites NBM Development Bank

NBM Development Bank Limited, a subsidiary of National Bank of Malawi (NBM) plc, says the recognition by the Malawi Investment and Trade Centre (MITC) Malawi Exporters Award  in the Best Financial Services category confirms its commitment in ensuring growth of the country’s SME Sector and economy. 

NBM Development Bank Limited was recognized alongside other companies during the opening session of the 34th Malawi International Trade Fair by President Lazarus Chakwera at Chichiri Trade Fair Grounds recently. 

According to the Bank’s General Manager, Bernard Masi, the Bank provides debt and equity capital to Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) within key target sectors and has served a lot of Malawian SMEs who have now grown their business and contributed to the economic development of the country in various ways.

“NBM Development Bank Limited is the development finance institution licensed by the Reserve Bank of Malawi (RBM) to serve the SME sector. It is one of the few institutions in Malawi which provides funding to business start-ups. NBM Development Bank Limited prides itself as the ‘game changer’ in SME finance in Malawi and has been operational since 2019.”

“With this award, we are greatly encouraged to do more to revolutionize the SME landscape in Malawi and we are very pleased to have achieved this milestone after only operating for four years” he said 

Recently, Executive Director of Uromed Clinic in Lilongwe, Dr Thandie Mabedi described the Bank as phenomenal after financing her idea of opening a Urology clinic in the city.

“What we had then was an idea to have the clinic offering specialized services, but we didn’t know how to raise funds as all the Banks could not fund us without any track record but  when we reached out to NBM Development Bank, they appreciated our idea and provided the financial support which included buying hospital equipment. We are now expanding to a bigger clinic, while offering jobs, and serving a number of people across the county,” she said.

Apart from Uromed, the Bank has also financed other export and import substitution SME businesses in Malawi.

LWB exonerates itself after CDEDI invoked ATI Actauction over the sale of Hino 500

…demands PPDA to suspend all public auctions on disposal of public assets


CDEDI Director Namiwa on duty

The Centre for Democracy and Economic Development Initiatives (CDEDI) has challenged the Public Procurement and Disposal of Assets Authority (PPDA) to immediately suspend all public auctions involving disposal of public assets, pending due diligence of all auctioneers amid strong fears of nauseating corruption and fraud in the auctioneering sector.

This follows the recent public auction at the Lilongwe Water Board (LWB) administered by KADO auctioneers and general which raise eyebrows as there are concerns over flouted procedures.

In a press statement made available to this publication, CDEDI Executive Director Sylvester Namiwa has since urged well-meaning Malawians to join in earnest the fight against corruption by blowing the whistle, and calling out those destroying the country through perpetrating fraud and corruption, especially dealing directly in public assets disposal.

Namiwa has also proposed the establishment of a special body to enforce standards and ethics in the countrys auctioneering sector to curb corruption and fraud.

The calls by Namiwa are necessitated by revelations that the situation in the auction sector has been worsened by the fact that the nation and, in particular the PPDA, focuses more on procurement, neglecting the equally important aspect of disposal of the assets, thereby giving some auctioneers chance to do as they please with public property earmarked for disposal.

The CDEDI Boss has therefore ernestly urged government ministries, departments and agencies to immediately stop dealing with KADO Auctioneers until it clears its name on this matter.

“In view of the above, CDEDI feels, in the interest of the public good, the PPDA should immediately stop KADO Auctioneers from administering any public auction until this particular matter is resolved,” he said.

Namiwa says though declared obsolete, most public assets have economic value that usually end up benefiting a privileged few instead of the nation, notably the poor majority whose lives could be saved with proceeds realised from public auctions if they did not end up fattening pockets of auctioneers and those connected to them as often happens.

“It is in view of this that CDEDI has taken keen interest in recent developments surrounding the disposal of an LWB Hino 500 truck, registration 5 SC 53 after receiving multiple complaints stemming from a public auction held at the LWB head office on April 27, 2024, where a number of items, including the Hino truck cited above were sold purportedly in the spirit of the PPDA Act,” said Namiwa.

And in reaction to the complaints, CDEDI has invoked the Access to Information Act (ATI) and wrote LWB Chief Executive Officer Silli Mbewe, demanding disclosures on how KADO Auctioneers were appointed to conduct the public auction, documents that facilitated the removal of the truck [5 SC 53] from LWB premises to the winning bidder.

“We also requested LWB to make public the Terms of Reference under which KADO Auctioneers was engaged and that they make public the LWB General Receipt (GR) as proof of payment and justification of K10 million said to have been the winning bid offer for the truck [5 SC 53], to which they promptly responded.

While commending LWB CEO for a prompt response, that denote commitment to transparency and accountability on the part of the CEO, Namiwa, called upon public servants to emulate the Silli Mbwewe.

According to the concerned bidders there was procedural flows that raised eyebrows over the matter insist that KADO Auctioneers violated some public auction laid down procedures.

For instance, there is a general outcry that the falling of the hammer on the Hino 500 truck (5 SC 53) happened in an irregular manner.

“They, in fact, claim that there were bids as high as K15 million but, surprisingly, the vehicle was given away to a K10 million bidder. It is further alleged that after noting the above anomaly, KADO Auctioneers arranged to re-auction the vehicle on May 11, 2024 to allow selected nine bidders make fresh bids yet it already issued both the notification to pay and a bid certificate in favour of Mr. Fabiano Mneyi on April 30, 2024,” narrates Namiwa.

There are also reports that on the proposed date for re-auctioning the vehicle, a Mr. Fabiano Mneyi, stormed LWB premises in the company of police officers with a warrant of arrest for a Mr. Samuel Kazembe.

In a dramatic turn of events, Mr. Mneyi, through a letter dated May 15, 2024, withdrew his case against Mr. Kazembe for understandably issuing a gate-pass allowing the removal of the truck, 5 SC 53 from LWB premises.

“If the story above is anything to go by, we at CDEDI fear that the above matter, which has all markings of suspected corruption and fraud, is only a tip of the iceberg; otherwise, there is a lot happening behind the scenes in the pretex of disposal of public assets through auction,” he said.

But in its response letter, LWB has insisted that the auction followed all the procedures.

TNM promotion, Tikolore to boost agriculture

Pioneering Malawian mobile network services provider TNM Plc has launched its 2024 season of Tikolore, a promotion that celebrates the harvest season with farmers and provides inputs for the next season.

This year’s grand prize is a brand-new Toyota Hilux pick up while the other prizes such as inputs of fertilizer and water pumps have been carefully selected to help boost the farmers in the coming farming season.

Said Marketing Director Sobhuza Ngwenya; “Tikolore promotion reflects TNM’s strategy towards contributing to the country’s agriculture sector. In a year when El Nino which brought drought and reduced output, the importance of irrigation agriculture and related energy technologies needs no further emphasis.”

He said as a technology-driven company, TNM Plc recognizes that agriculture technology and mechanization represent the new future of Malawi’s agrarian economy.

“TNM being a technology-driven company appreciates the need to collaborate with our customers to contribute towards improving crop yields through the Tikolore Promotion,” said Ngwenya.

In recent years the promotion has been an effective tool that strengthens the relationship between TNM and Malawians, in the process highlighting TNM’s commitment to the economic development of the country.

The Marketing Director said the Tikolore Promotion demonstrates TNM’s appreciation to customers for choosing the company as a trusted telecommunication provider.

“The essence of this promotion lies in our deep-rooted commitment to appreciate and celebrate our customers as they rejoice after the growing season. This is a tribute to their resilience and unwavering spirit, which fuels our journey toward sustainability and prosperity,” said Ngwenya.

Customers will have the chance to participate in this exciting promotion with every K1000 usage on TNM products or Mpamba each week. Another option to enter is to refer 3 customers to register on Mpamba and that becomes an entry into the lucky draw. The entry will qualify them for weekly and monthly draws where they have chances of winning fabulous prizes.

“With transactions of K1000 a week on TNM services, customers will earn entries into the weekly and monthly draws. This will be a build up to the grand prize draw, where one lucky winner will drive away with a brand-new pickup truck, perfectly suited for rural adventures and farm hauls. Other prizes include Water pumps, Gas Stoves, Fertilizer, and TNM products,” he said.

NBM Plc splashes K9 million ‘Popanda Chifukwa’

Listed National Bank of Malawi (NBM) has splashed K9 million to 14 lucky winners to mark the end of the ‘Popanda Chifukwa’ promotion. 

The Bank conducted the grand draw on Friday in Blantyre, which saw four lucky customers walking away with K1.5 million each for transacting through POS and MoPay, while 10 others won K300,000 each in the K60.8 million promotion.

‘Popanda Chifukwa’ promotion was launched in December last year and ended in April to promote the usage of NBM Plc’s digital platforms like Mo626 Pay (MoPay), and POS machines.

The four grand winners are Agness Matapa, Ernest Amon, Trizah Phiri, and Doris Malazi Malikita.

NBM Plc Head of Digital Financial Services William Kaunda, said the promotion served as an opportunity to recognize and appreciate the loyalty of their customers who continue to choose NBM Plc as their preferred financial partner.

“Our esteemed MoPay merchants will not be left out. The top five with the highest number of transactions will receive a special gift pack of NBM-branded materials, appreciating their valuable contribution to this promotion.”

“During the promotion period, we are pleased to announce that we have achieved our objectives in terms of transaction value and number of transactions that grew by 36 percent and 55 percent respectively,” said Kaunda.

The final draw included the April monthly draw which saw 30 winners walking away with gift packs, while 40 lucky customers received 50 percent cash back and three others got K150,000 each.

TNM Mpamba, MASM upgrade payment system

Blantyre, May 26, 2024 –TNM Mpamba Ltd, a wholly-owned subsidiary of TNM plc is proud to announce the upgrade of its payment system with Medical Aid Society of Malawi MASM aiming to enhance the convenience of their mutual customers.

The innovation is a continuation of innovative strides by TNM Mpamba Ltd to deepen financial inclusion and further widen scope of the country’s mobile payment ecosystem. It will enable instant and automatic updates of payment subscriptions made directly on Mpamba.

TNM Head of Brand and Marketing Madalitso Jonazi said that with the new payment upgrade, transactions on Mpamba are processed instantly, allowing real-time updates on premium statuses of customers.

“TNM Mpamba has a steadfast commitment to simplifying transactions and enhancing customer experiences. Therefore, together with MASM, we have made a comprehensive payment upgrade aimed at revolutionizing the way health premium transactions are conducted,” said Jonazi.

This upgrade, according to TNM will revolutionize the way MASM customers access and manage their health insurance contributions ensuring greater accessibility and efficiency.

“At TNM we understand that we are living in a fast-paced world where convenience and efficiency are paramount, especially for the healthcare sector. Gone are the days of lengthy processing times, as such the upgrade has eased efforts for both MASM and policyholders,” he said.

Commenting on the development, Dr Macfenton Shariff, Chief Commercial officer at MASM has expressed enthusiasm about the positive impact of the payment upgrade.

“At MASM, we are happy to see our partnership with TNM Mpamba blossoming impactfully to our valued customers. This latest payment upgrade represents a significant step forward towards redefining the landscape of health insurance transactions, making them more accessible, efficient, and secure than ever before,” said Shariff.

He added that with TNM Mpamba, when MASM members make their monthly contributions, the payments will automatically update their MASM membership account.

This is convenience at your doorstep right in the comfort of your home and there is no need for proof of payment as has been the case previously,” he said.

Zeze, Saint, Piksy to spice up Trade Fair

Malawi’s celebrated artists Zeze Kingston, Saint Realest, and Piksy will headline this year’s Malawi International Trade Fair set for May 23-29 at the Chichiri Trade Fair grounds in Blantyre.

According to the organizers of the Fair, Malawi Confederation of Chambers Commerce and Industry (MCCCI), the artists have been engaged to hype up the 34th Fair which President Lazarus Chakwera opened Thursday.

MCCCI Communications Executive, Orama Chiphwanya said all the artists have confirmed to perform at the event, starting with Saint Realest on Saturday, while Piksy, fondly called ‘Chimfana chodziwika ndi Boma’ will take over the stage on Sunday, and Zeze on Wednesday next week.

“The exhibition will showcase various industries and sectors that exemplify the private sector.

From manufacturing and technology to agriculture and value-added services, the 34th MITF will provide a platform for local and international delegates and exhibitors to connect, collaborate, and explore new business opportunities.”

“To enhance the experience of our participants this year but also to help our exhibitors boost their brand visibility, generate leads, and directly engage with potential customers, MCCCI will hold some contest promotions where patrons will stand a chance to win prizes by completing specific actions, apart from having the three celebrated artists performing live,” said Chiphwanya.

The ‘Una’ star, Saint Realest confirmed his availability to dish out tracks from his recently-released album Ah Yami.

“As usual, we are ready to entertain the people at the Trade Fair with our music. All they can do is just avail themselves to appreciate the products to be displayed at the Fair while enjoying the performance,” said Saint.

The 34th Fair will run under the theme, ‘Boosting Malawi’s Export Capacity through Enhanced Production.’

NBS Bank Plc equips staff on data protection 

NBS Bank Plc has taken a significant step in ensuring its members of staff are equipped with data privacy information skills by training them about the just-assigned Data Protection Bill.

NBS Bank Plc Head of Compliance Vitumbiko Gubuduza said in an interview yesterday that the aim of the training is to familiarize staff members with the newly enacted Data Protection Act and instill confidence in the market regarding the Bank’s proactive stance on customer data protection.

“This initiative underscores the Bank’s commitment to safeguarding customer information and ensuring compliance with evolving regulatory frameworks. The training will also help staff to know how to handle customer information as they make sure internal processes comply with the new bill.”

“The staff members are central to data privacy and key stakeholders. We cannot proceed to comply with a law before we make sure our staff understands the requirements under the law and ensure that our internal processes are updated for seamless compliance. They must therefore understand the demands of this law,” said Gubuduza.

She added that the initiative by NBS Bank Plc demonstrates its proactive approach to compliance and underscores its commitment to fostering trust and confidence among its customers.

“By investing in staff training and aligning internal processes with regulatory requirements, the Bank is poised to uphold the highest standards of data protection, thereby strengthening its position as a responsible financial institution. NBS Bank Plc’s dedication to data protection sets a precedent for other organizations to prioritize the protection of customer information and embrace regulatory changes as opportunities for improvement and growth,” explained Gubuduza.

Limbe Service Centre Manager Twaibu Mnani said the training helped them understand how to handle customers’ personal information.

“The introduction of the Data Protection Act will assist in building trustworthy relationships with customers. We have been taught how to appreciate customers’ privacy by among other things never to take photos unnecessarily unless with consent from customers,” said Mnani.

The Data Protection Act received presidential assent from President Lazarus Chakwera in February this year and aims to establish a comprehensive legal framework for regulating the processing and movement of personal data of natural persons, in line with internationally accepted data protection principles.

In February this year, President Lazarus Chakwera assented to the bill seeking to provide for a comprehensive legal framework for regulating the processing and movement of personal data of natural persons, in compliance with internationally accepted data protection principles.

NBM Plc bankrolls Beerland Festival with K15 million

National Bank of Malawi (NBM) plc has pumped K15 Million in the Beerland Fesktival which will feature South African Amapiano superstar Young Stunna this weekend in Blantyre.

In her speech after presenting the symbolic cheque, NBM Marketing and Corporate Affairs Manager Akossa Hiwa said the support aims to enhance the nation’s cultural fabric, promote economic activities, and provide a platform for electronic banking services to reach a broader audience.

“We are thrilled to announce our sponsorship of K15 million towards the Young Stunna event, reaffirming our commitment to fostering community ties and promoting our innovative electronic banking solutions.”

“As a leading financial institution in Malawi, National Bank of Malawi (NBM) plc is committed to supporting initiatives that drive community engagement and cultural development,” said Hiwa.

She added that at the event, more than 28 merchants are expected to participate by selling a variety of items and utilizing NBM plc’s MoPay and PoS systems as their primary modes of payment, which showcases the convenience and efficiency of NBM plc banking services.

Beerland Festival Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Lucy Msowoya thanked NBM plc for their generous sponsorship. 

“This incredible support not only highlights National Bank’s commitment to fostering cultural and entertainment excellence in Malawi, but also strengthens our shared vision of creating unforgettable experiences for our community,” said Msowoya.

Apart from the sponsorship, NBM plc will also splash K3.5 million cash prizes to customers using MoPay and Mo626 platforms during the show and when purchasing tickets.

Local artists sharing the stage with Young Stunna at Moneymen Ground this Saturday include Onesimus, Gwamba, Eli Njuchi, Malinga, and Temwah.

Mai Mbambande hails Dr Triephornia Mpinganjira for buying fundraising tickets worth K1.9million

Mai Mbambande Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to improving the lives of senior citizens, has expressed its heartfelt gratitude to businesswoman Dr. Triephonia Thomson Mpinganjira for her generous support.

In a post on their Facebook page, the foundation wrote: “A big thank you to Dr. Triephonia Thomson Mpinganjira for buying 30 VIP tickets and 20 Standard tickets for our upcoming fundraising dinner amounting to K1,900,000. Words are not enough to express our gratitude for your relentless kindness toward our cause of making life better for our senior citizens. May God bless you richly.”

The fundraising dinner, scheduled for May 31st at the Glalle Complex in Lilongwe, aims to raise funds for the completion of the Mai Mbambande elderly home. The event promises to be an exciting evening with live music, dances, drama, and games with the elderly.

Dr. Mpinganjira’s generosity has not gone unnoticed, with the foundation’s leader, 24-year-old Deborah Mbale, expressing her appreciation for the business tycoon’s support.

“We are grateful for your kindness and support. Your contribution will go a long way in making a difference in the lives of our senior citizens,” she said.

The Mai Mbambande Foundation is a beacon of hope for the elderly, providing them with food, accommodation, and other basic necessities. The organization’s efforts have made a significant impact in the lives of many senior citizens, and with the support of individuals like Dr. Mpinganjira, they hope to continue making a difference.

As the foundation wrote on their Facebook page: “Zikomo koopsa. Mai Mbambande Foundation, a Beacon of Hope for the elderly.”

Dr. Kabambe to be Guest of Honour at Tamandani Chauta Album Launch in Zomba, also attends Mass at Zomba Cathedral

Dr. Dalitso Kabambe, former Governor of the Reserve Bank of Malawi, will be the Guest of Honour at the launch of Tamandani Chauta’s album by the UNIMA CSO Choir at Robins Park in Zomba today.

According to Dr. Kabambe’s Facebook post, he will attend the launch after attending Mass at the Zomba Cathedral in the morning.

“It is so good to be in the House of the Lord… and let’s meet at Robins Park this afternoon to sing unto the Lord,” he wrote.

The album launch will be hosted by award-winning comedian Mr. Jokes (born Andireya Khonyiwa) and will feature supporting artists and several performing choirs, including UNIMA CSO Alumini Choir, St. Charles Lwangwa Choir, UNIMA CCAPSO Choir, St Anthony Choir (Thondwe), Zomba Cathedral Choir, UNIMA NNASCO Choir, and Zomba CCAP Choir, among others.

Dr. Kabambe’s presence at the launch is expected to add a touch of elegance and dignify the event, which promises to be a memorable one for music lovers in Zomba.

The launch of Tamandani Chauta’s album is a highly anticipated event in the music circles of Malawi, and with Dr. Kabambe as the Guest of Honour and Mr. Jokes as the host, it is expected to be a resounding success.

Dr. Kabambe is fondly remembered by all Malawians for bringing stability to the Malawian economy, which resulted in low prices of basic needs and services.

During his time at Reserve Bank of Malawi, Dr. Kabambe managed to reduce inflation rate to a single digit within the first year from 24% to 7.1% in 2017 and effectively manage the exchange rate, keeping it stable at K732 to the US$.

His achievements have left a lasting impact on the country’s economy and have made him a respected figure in Malawi’s financial sector.

Pacers Netball Club Excites Sponsors Ecoride with Resounding Victory


Pacers Netball Club, sponsored by Ecoride, thrilled their backers with a dominant 49-22 win over Standard Sisters in their inaugural match in the Blantyre and Districts Netball League on Saturday.

Ecoride CEO Pilirani Namalomba praised the team’s exceptional skills and teamwork, saying, “We’re delighted to see our sponsored team start the season on a high note.”

Comprised of MUBAS graduates, Pacers Netball Club received brand-new kits from Ecoride as part of their sponsorship package. 

This partnership benefits both parties, with Ecoride’s support enabling the team to focus on their game while their success brings exposure and pride to the Ecoride brand.

With this convincing win, Pacers Netball Club sets the tone for a promising season ahead, and Ecoride’s backing is sure to propel them to even greater heights. 

Ecoride are the brains behind Acoride Taxi App which connects Taxi Drivers and Customers.

The Blantyre and Districts Netball League is sponsored by Rainbow Paints.

Hip-Hop Artist Tay Grin Slams Magu University for Cancelling Performance Due to Cultural, Religious Intolerance

International award-winning and Iconic Hip-hop Artist Tay Grin, born Limbani Kalilani, has expressed profound disappointment and concern after Malawi Assemblies of God University (Magu) cancelled his scheduled performance at the institution’s Mr. and Miss Magu event. 

The university’s Vice Chancellor cited that Tay Grin’s music is rooted in Nyau culture, which is deemed incompatible with the institution’s Christian values as an Assemblies of God affiliate.

Tay Grin has spoken out against the decision, emphasizing the importance of cultural inclusivity and respect for diverse heritage.

 In a press statement posted on official facebook page, he said, “How can a church-affiliated institution, which should embody principles of inclusivity and acceptance, choose to segregate and censor cultural expression? This decision is not only baffling but also deeply troubling.”

The artist, known for his pride in his Nyau heritage, highlighted the irony of the situation, stating, “The event features a traditional section meant to celebrate our diverse heritage. This blatant contradiction exposes a troubling double standard that warrants serious reflection and discussion.”

Tay Grin called upon his fans and supporters to join him in advocating for cultural inclusivity, emphasizing that culture and tradition are the bedrock of identity. 

He urged, “Let’s question why certain traditions are celebrated while others are shunned. Let’s challenge the norms that seek to divide rather than unite.”

The artist’s statement resonated with his fans, who took to social media to express their support and solidarity. 

Many condemned Magu University’s decision, labeling it as intolerant and discriminatory.

Tay Grin’s message of inclusivity and respect for cultural diversity has sparked a broader conversation about the importance of embracing all cultural expressions, regardless of religious affiliations. 

As he aptly put it, “Let us stand together in advocating for a world where all cultural expressions are honored and respected.”

Tay Grin’s statement has sparked a wider conversation about the relationship between religion and culture in Malawi. 

While Magu University’s decision has been criticized for its intolerance, other churches in Malawi have been embracing and celebrating local culture.

For example, the Catholic Church in Malawi has a long history of incorporating local culture into its practices. The Mua Mission in Dedza, a renowned Catholic mission, is a prime example. 

The mission has been promoting and preserving Malawian culture through its museum, which showcases traditional artifacts and artwork. 

The mission also encourages local artists and craftspeople to showcase their talents, providing a platform for cultural expression.

Furthermore, the Catholic Church in Malawi has been incorporating local languages and customs into its liturgy, making it more relatable and accessible to the local community.

 This approach has helped to promote a sense of ownership and inclusivity among the faithful, demonstrating that religion and culture can coexist and enrich each other.

In contrast, Magu University’s decision to cancel Tay Grin’s performance has been seen as a missed opportunity to promote cultural understanding and inclusivity. 

By embracing and celebrating local culture, institutions like Magu University can play a vital role in promoting national identity and unity.

ICTAM Best Digital Bank award elates NBM plc

National Bank of Malawi (NBM) plc says it is motivated to grow their digital services delivery following the Best Digital Bank recognition by Information Communication Technology Association of Malawi (ICTAM) for the second successive year at the 2024 ICT Expo in Lilongwe last weekend.

NBM plc’s Head of Digital Financial Services, William Kaunda said the Bank values the award coming from the astute professionals who are knowledgeable with the inner workings of digital services.

“This award is a testament that the Bank is able to utilise the available environment to offer the best to its customers. We believe that digital services ought to be at the centre stage of the Malawi 2063 Agenda and the Malawi Digital Economy. As such, we believe that, as a Bank, we have to be responsive to the agenda by not only making sure that digital financial services are entrenched in our communities but also ensuring that communities are digitally and financially included.”

“To this effect, various programmes have been aligned to ensure that new, focused products and services are rolled out to provide a platform for such. From mobile, to internet, to cardless, to ATMs, to card services to POS, to international card use, we stand unmatched,” said Kaunda.

He further indicated that the award challenges the Bank to do more and continue to offer the best on the market.

Kaunda with the award

“The award is also expected to cement the deserved position of digital banking services being offered by the Bank. We are positive that the award, being a recognition of the strides made by the Bank, is expected to propel further the innovations currently in the pipeline so that our customers should continue to enjoy the best from the best.”

“Our customers are also expected to see a rejuvenated provision of digital banking services. Our customers should therefore look forward to more responsive digital services that bring meaning into their lives in this year and the years to come.”

“We rolled out a few products on Mo626 in the recent months that are already having an impact in the payments sector. This year, we are rolling out more customer focused products that are responding to customer financial needs,” he said.

ICTAM’s Executive Member responsible for Corporate Relations, who was also the 2024 ICT Expo organising chairperson, Moses Dossi Junior said this year’s nomination and voting was different as it was opened to the public.

“ICTAM facilitates the process of nomination and voting. ICTAM puts across the categories and the reason, so that the general public should be guided. This time, we opened to the public to nominate and vote for their best digital bank with reasons, and NBM plc was voted to be the winner,” he said.

Kalemba opens K89 million church

By Petro Mkandawire

Blantyre, May 13, Mana: Right Rev. Bishop for the Anglican of Southern Malawi, Alinafe Kalemba, on Sunday led members of St. Andrews Anglican Church, popularly known as Kachere Chigodi, in the opening of an K89 million newly built church whose construction started in 2018.

Speaking during the event at Kachere Township in Blantyre, Kalemba encouraged the Anglican faithful to take the church as a spiritual entity, symbol for heaven and centre for stress relief.

He said churches need to agree and come together in order to bring solutions to problems and suffering people are going through.

“There are a lot of things that are distracting and causing harm to people. So, churches must be a place and centre where people can easily find unity, harmony and peace as it is the purpose which God created the church for,” said Kalemba.

He, therefore, expressed gratitude over the new structure, saying the house should not be a business institution instead it has to be a house for everyone who wants to find the holy spirit, repent as well as receiving their needs from God.

Kalemba blessed the new altar by sprinkling holy water followed by Wardens and Chairperson of the organizing committee, Venerable Lymon Sonjo, together with John Bande, Member of Parliament for Blantyre City East, who was also the guest of honor, in blessing the church.

The litany for all saints was recited all over the church and a special prayer from the book of Chronicles 7:1 – 10, Mark 11:15 and John 4:23 marking the church a Holy building as all bishops offered incense to it.

Speaking earlier, Bande said construction of the church shows that the congregation is development conscious.

He said, apart from serving God the savior, the community were indirectly contributing towards government efforts in making sure that the country’s infrastructure is of good quality.  

“I would like to encourage church members that this should just the beginning; the work of God starts from here as you plan to reach out to other people so that they can hear the word of God and also be blessed as they repent as well as receive the holy spirit,” said Bande.

Drama and music by Ndirande Anglican Voices, Chichiri Anglican Angels, Chigodi Praise Team were some of the activities that spiced up the event while singing recessional Hymn No. 294.    

NBS Bank Plc supports Malawi-India meeting with K3.1 million

NBS Bank Plc has sponsored the Malawi-India meeting with K3.1 million to provide a networking session for the Indian delegation on a seven-day visit to explore investment avenues in Malawi.

Speaking during the meeting on Wednesday, NBS Bank Plc Deputy Chief Executive Officer Temwani Simwaka said the Bank recognizes MITC’s relentless efforts in promoting international trade aligned with Malawi’s Vision 2063.

“NBS Bank Plc is proud to contribute towards this vision by facilitating economic connections that transcend borders. At NBS Bank Plc, we recognize the critical role of robust financial services in catalyzing business growth and economic development.”

“Let NBS Bank Plc be your partner in this journey. At NBS Bank Plc we exist to make banking easy therefore we are more than just observers of growth; we are enablers of growth, dedicated to making cross-border business as straightforward as possible,” said Simwaka.

She added that NBS Bank Plc offers comprehensive corporate banking solutions tailored to meet the unique needs of businesses here today.  

In his remarks, MITC Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Paul Kwengwere thanked NBS Bank Plc for the support which signifies the Bank’s commitment to promoting trade and investment in Malawi.

“NBS Bank has been a partner of MITC for many years. The K3.1 million sponsorship further cements our collaboration. NBS Bank Plc is a partner helping us focus on advancing and implementing the National Export Strategy II (NES) through strategic investment partnerships,” said Kwengwere.

Malawi’s High Commissioner to India Leonard Mengezi, commended MITC for orchestrating the forum, affirming its role in nurturing business synergies between the two nations.

“MITC’s initiative in organizing this forum underscores the importance of fostering robust partnerships between Malawi and India. There are ample opportunities awaiting exploration in Malawi, and I encourage our Indian counterparts to venture into these promising sectors,” said Mengezi.

Mengezi is leading the 34-member Indian delegation interested in investing in healthcare, agro-processing, textile manufacturing, assembling computers, cement manufacturing, fertilizer manufacturing, defense cooperation, and mega-farms.

The Indian delegation includes members of the India Africa Trade Council, an arm of the Indian Economic Trade Organization (IETO).

Standard Bank enhances Funeral Plan cover

By Michael Nasiyaya

Standard Bank Plc has announced improvements to its Funeral Plan cover by extending the offering to Malawians in the diaspora and introducing the additional benefit of tombstone cover on its new VIP and Diaspora plans.

The latest improvements to the offer emphasize Standard Bank’s commitment to serve customers throughout all stages of life, including during the unfortunate demise of an insured member or any dependent covered under a funeral policy. The “Last Mile to Lasting Memories” cover is replete with a tombstone after a year of the funeral and extends to the bank’s customers in the diaspora.

Charity Mughogho, the Executive Head of Personal and Private Banking said the improved funeral plan offer comes in three new packages of Premium, Diaspora Gold and Diaspora Platinum and is offered in partnership with Nico Life.

“Our funeral plans aim at relieving bereaved families of the financial burden of managing a funeral and the subsequent tombstone cost at the one-year anniversary.

The Bank is also aware that for most Malawians it is customary to erect a tombstone at the one-year anniversary and we want to walk every step of the journey with our clients hence the addition of tombstone at this significant milestone,” she said.

Mughogho said the improvements to the Funeral Cover speak to the bank’s commitment to provide a holistic service to customers beyond daily financial transactions.

“We realize that after the last mile for our insured clients and their dependents, the remaining family members are left with the obligation to build a befitting final resting place for their loved one which includes a tombstone that provides full dignity and preserves fond memories.

This cover has been designed to cater for this need, while converging all customers groups in Malawi and abroad,” she said.

Mughogho said Standard Bank fully appreciates the emotional strain and logistical hurdle families face when repatriating the remains of loved ones.

The two new Diaspora Funeral Plans (Diaspora Gold and Diaspora Platinum) come with higher limits to make repatriation easier for bereaved families.

The improvements to the funeral cover are testament to the Bank’s dedication to providing innovative and comprehensive solutions for Malawians both home and abroad, she said.

The Premium and Diaspora Funeral Plans are an addition to the suite of the bank’s funeral packages designed to cater to the special needs of customers seeking a complete and dignified farewell for their loved ones.

“The Premium Funeral Plan stands out as a comprehensive offering, tailored to provide an elevated level of support and comfort during a challenging period.

“With our unwavering commitment to customer-centricity, Standard Bank has accurately designed this plan to offer not only financial coverage but also personalized assistance to bereaved families,” said Mughogho.

The premiums range from MK1,400 per month for Mtendere Funeral Plan for a family of up to eight members to the newly enhanced top of the range Premium Plan at MK30,000 for six members and Diaspora Funeral Plans.


There is something that our esteemed journalists are not telling us about the dropped case involving Vice President Saulos Chilima.

We needed a critical analysis of facts and circumstances surrounding this case which has a huge bearing on ACB’s credibility as an institution expected to advance interests of justice.

Indeed by now legal scholars and indeed those versed with expertise in the criminal justice system should have helped to make matters clearer.

From where I stand this is a classical case in which the ACB has completely failed it’s duties. It only has itself to blame. The ACB narrative that it is committed to fight corruption, under the current leadership, is as fake as Bridgin Foundation’s $6.8 billion grant to Malawi.

Here is my reflection:

Politically Motivated Arrest

From the word go, the ACB did not have to arrest Chilima. It was politically motivated.

Did they really have to arrest the Veep? I say no a summon was enough. Here is someone second in command and surely not a flight risk – an arrest was not necessary. Prior to the arrest, both MDF and Police were notified of the assignment. They were deployed in full force. ACB staff members and World Bank staff at Mulanje House which houses the Bureau’s HQ were asked not to report for duties on that day. Why all this fuss? ACB would unlikely ask for deployment of military and police. Someone did. It was all a show to embarrass number 2 as part of a power contest within Tonse Alliance.

Why the arrest in the first place when a summon could have done? It was a show to vilify Chilima.

Mind you the arrest came just few months after the President illegally withdrew delegation of powers from his Vice even when he had said the report from the ACB did not show any wrong doing on the Veep. This was a substandard report according to the President. But he used the same to withdraw delegation of functions.

Do you see what I see?

Do you know that the Veep was the first person the Bureau arrested after an amendment to the law that allowed the Bureau to effect arrest without seeking consent from the DPP for CPA related offences in relation to Zunneth Sattar linked cases?

Secondly, the framing of charges was as suspicious as the arrest itself. He was accused of receiving $280, 000 but later dropped to simply say unspecified amount of money and another was added breach of public trust. Geez!

The change came almost a year after the arrest. It was after the Bureau realized the defence led by Kalekeni Kaphale were up to the task to defend their client from the politically motivated arrest.

If it were in South Africa and other advanced democracies the mainstream media would have a party of scathing analyses. It is about accountability for some decisions.

Court Process

Unlike other suspects such as Kezzie Msukwa, George Kainja and others, the Veep never challenged his suspicious arrest. He believed in the judicial process as the only way out. He followed even the stupidest of bail conditions which required him to report to the Bureau just to ascertain them he was around. It was a shock to the court especially for someone who is under police guard 24/7. The bureau submitted to the court that they didn’t trust the police. The same police they deployed to arrest Chilima. Justice Kapindu refused to buy this line. It was amateurish. Nonsensical.

Chilima religiously attended to all court proceedings without an excuse.

Then came the issue of disclosures from MDF; the revealing documents. The documents literally showed that the contracts Chilima was accused of influencing were approved months before by the President himself.

ACB told the court that it had trouble to get these disclosures from MDF. Defence had to push the state to provide these through the court.

It was at this time that the script started falling apart. The masterminds were now nervous; the truth would be known. It was at this time that two radio stations that had volunteered to broadcast proceedings – potentially to expose the suspect withdrew their application to do so. They were advised not to proceed because the script had backfired. Such broadcast would embarrass the mastermind.

Since then the national security card has been advanced to protect real culprits.

Why the Discontinuance

When Justice Kapindu ruled that the disclosures may be needed later in the court of trial, the mastermind was troubled. They saw danger.

But Kapindu had also indicated that the documents were indeed sensitive and if the state wanted to pursue the case then it had to sacrifice what they wanted to protect or better still drop the case.

Then came the US travel ban that did not include the Veep. The US is on record to have indicated that it’s decision to ban the four was based on credible information.

So there was no credible info against the Veep? Exactly, that was the meaning.

What did we see? Veep delegated to Tanzania to attend the Union Day on behalf of the President. What a coincidence. Was this some guilty conscious?

And then the case is discontinued!

I would applaud the current Director for Public Prosecution for this thoughtful decision. This arrest was unnecessary. Let politician fight on political podiums to outdo each other not the courts. Former DPP Steve Kayuni wanted to stop this nonsense but was vilified and labelled a ‘corrupt one’. For simply different with the ACB boss – a warrant of arrest was issued against him. Typical abuse of power. Using the bureau to fight personal battles?

Politically motivated cases are a huge drain to public resources. We need to avoid this. More importantly, we need to interrogate decision making processes at ACB. It shouldn’t be a weapon to fight political opponents. Just how did the bureau arrest the Veep for influencing award of contracts in MDF when he does not have any powers in MDF transactions? To have influence you need have power over an institution.

While I commend our esteemed Journalists for a job well done in covering these cases, I still feel more should be done to contextualize issues and expose the-behind the scene manipulation of the Bureau which is costly to taxpayers.

NBM Plc re-affirms growth in Mozambique, Zambia

National Bank of Malawi (NBM) plc has re-affirmed its growth strategy plan to expand to two more countries in Africa as a way of penetrating the cross-border market. 

Last year, the Bank unveiled its five-year strategic plan, which included penetrating into Mozambique and Zambia on top of acquiring Akiba Commercial Bank in Tanzania.

Speaking at this year’s Stakeholders Engagement session in Lilongwe Monday, NBM plc Board Chairperson, Jimmy Lipunga said so far the Bank has made great strides in establishing the business in Mozambique. 

“As part of our growth, we discovered that we can penetrate other markets across the borders, just like other Banks got into Malawi. We realized that there is an opportunity to market our products which are not available in other countries, like Mo626 and others. So far, we have made great progress and we will soon be announcing our first move to one of the African countries,” said Lipunga.

On the performance of Akiba Commercial Bank, the NBM plc Board Chairperson disclosed that the Bank’s performance has been improving with the greatest one being last year when its loss reduced to less than K1 Billion as compared to the previous year when it was slightly over the amount. 

“When we acquired Akiba Commercial Bank, we knew we would be making losses because we wanted to grow the Bank. Over the past years the aim has not been making profits, but growing it. We are glad that we are now seeing the fruits,” he said.

NBM plc Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Macfussy Kawawa also highlighted his optimism on the turn-over strategy at another associate company United General Insurance Company (UGI).

It was indicated during the engagement meeting that UGI has also made strides in reducing its losses to about K26 million from a billion the previous year. 

“So, the main aim of the engagement session was for us to interact with our customers and share our growth plan and what we have achieved so far, so that we are on the same path in whatever developments take place within the Bank,” said Kawawa. 

One of the stakeholders, Semacia Kombe commended NBM plc for the stakeholder’s engagement session saying that gives them an opportunity to provide feedback on other operations by the Bank. 

“Being a stakeholder and a shareholder, I need to know how my Bank is performing. I therefore commend NBM plc for their transparency in how the Bank is being run,” she said. 

The engagement session was attended by various stakeholders including majority and minority shareholders.

NBS Bank Plc gives K24 million to MUST underprivileged students 

NBS Bank Plc has supported four Malawi University of Science and Technology (MUST) underprivileged students with K24 million.

The donation falls under the Bank’s scholarship program which was implemented to empower the youth by enhancing their secondary and tertiary education.

NBS Bank’s Head of Treasury Sales, South,  Dindwase Jere said the Bank did not hesitate to help when approached, because of its passion for youth development and the promotion of education.

“As NBS Bank Plc one of our core areas for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is education, so this request came as a no-brainer. We are also making inroads on the business front and we look forward to a long fruitful relationship. We thank MUST for offering this opportunity for partnership,” said Jere.

MUST Vice Chancellor Professor Address Malata thanked NBS Bank for the support which she said will go a long way in shaping the student’s future.

“Students face a lot of challenges, that is why as a university we make efforts to ensure they have the required resources. You may wish to know that we also introduced the MUST Endowment Fund so that we are able to deal with such challenges at the University level,” said Malata. 

The donation is intended to cater for the tuition fees, as well as the upkeep of the students for their duration of studies at the University.

NBM plc engages stakeholders

National Bank of Malawi (NBM) plc customers have been accorded another chance to interact and learn more about the Bank’s products at a Stakeholders Engagement forum to be held on Monday at Bingu International Conference Centre (BICC) in Lilongwe.

This will be the second forum for the Bank to conduct following a successful session in Blantyre last year.

NBM plc Head of Legal Services and Company Secretary Zunzo Mitole said they expect another successful Stakeholders forum building from last year, and that customers will be able to provide the needed feedback to the Bank.

“This session will showcase the Bank’s accomplishments, introduce latest initiatives, and outline strategic focus for 2024 and beyond. The event serves as a crucial platform to gather insightful feedback and strengthen relationships with stakeholders,” Mitole said.

One of the invited stakeholders Gilbert Ganiza expressed excitement saying NBM plc should be engaging with its customers regularly.

“We normally have issues including complaints and suggestions on how our Bank can improve on some services, but we lack platforms where we can do that. Sometimes we also wish to know how our Bank is growing and the strategies it has put in place to achieve such growth, but we do not have such opportunities because of limited time during the Annual General Meetings,” he said.

During last year’s engagement meeting, the Bank took time to expound its growth strategy, including expansion to two more African countries.

NBS Bank commits to supporting groundnut farmers

NBS Bank Plc has committed to supporting local farmers and stakeholders within the groundnut value chain in the country.

The Bank’s Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Dr. Kwanele Ngwenya made the commitment at a cocktail party during the Pyxus Agriculture Malawi 2024 Groundnut Tour, which NBS Bank supported.

The Groundnut Tour, took place from 16th to 19th April 2024 in Lilongwe and surrounding districts, showcasing Malawi’s growing groundnut industry and to foster collaboration amongst the key players and stakeholders, thereby pushing the discussions around a robust agricultural future.

In his remarks at the cocktail, Ngwenya commended Pyxus for its relentless efforts in researching and promoting groundnut production.

“Pyxus has been instrumental in advancing agricultural practices in Malawi. These initiatives not only bolster Malawi’s economy but also reduce our dependence on imports and enhance our export capabilities, thereby strengthening our foreign exchange capacity.”

“The groundnut sector holds vast potential for the Malawian economy. NBS Bank Plc is committed to fostering this growth by supporting our farmers and stakeholders within the groundnut value chain. We offer specialized lending programs, risk mitigation tools, and digital banking solutions tailored to meet their unique needs. Our objective is to empower them to enhance productivity and connect with local and international profitable markets,” said Ngwenya.

In his remarks, Pyxus Managing Director Ronald Ngwira commended the Bank’s long-standing relationship with Pyxus and also disclosed that the ‘Caring Bank’ was the first commercial bank to support them.

The event was graced by Minister of Trade Sosten Gwengwe, Principal Secretary Christina Zakeyu, Pyxus Regional Managing Director for Africa Anthony Park,  officials from the British High Commission in Malawi, and other senior Government officials and international delegates. 

DPP-UK Wing Elects New Leadership

…Vows to oust Chakwera, bring back APM

The Democratic Progressive Party’s UK wing has elected a new slate of office bearers, with Dr. Kennedy Bashan Nkhoma taking over the helm as Chairperson. 

The election took place during the wing’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) held on April 28, 2024.

Dr. Nkhoma, who joined the DPP-UK wing in 2017 and previously served as Coordinator, has vowed to work tirelessly to remove the Tonse Alliance administration, led by Lazarus Chakwera and the Malawi Congress Party (MCP), from power. 

He blames the current government for perpetuating corruption and nepotism, which he believes has caused suffering for many Malawians.

In his acceptance speech, Dr. Nkhoma thanked his predecessors, Dr. Neza Chatuwa and Lewis Kamundi, for their dedication and charity work, including fundraising for flood and COVID-19 victims in Malawi. 

He also pledged to build on their legacy and work towards restoring the DPP and President Arthur Peter Mutharika (APM) to power.

The new leadership team includes Ken Mjojo as Vice Chairperson, Tim Duncan as Secretary General, Camden Kadzunguza as Treasurer General, and Goodson Saiwala and Marvin Chirupani retaining their positions as Strategists and Communications Director and Events Director, respectively. 

Tinali Alfezema was elected Public Relations Officer.

Dr. Nkhoma promised to outline his vision for the DPP-UK wing and its mission to oust the Tonse Alliance administration through upcoming interviews with various media outlets. 

The DPP-UK wing is determined to bring about change and restore glory to all Malawians by ushering in a new era of leadership under the DPP and APM.

K9 million up for grabs as NBM Plc wraps up ‘Popanda Chifukwa’ Promotion

Hiwa-We formed personal bonds with our customers

Four lucky winners are expected to walk home with K1.5 million each while 10 others will walk away with K300,000 each following the closure of National Bank of Malawi (NBM) Plc ‘Popanda Chifukwa’ Promotion on Thursday.

 During the promotion period, hundreds of customers and non-customers have won  various monthly and instant prizes.

The ‘Popanda Chifukwa’ promotion was launched in December last year aimed at promoting the use of NBM Plc’s digital platforms such as Mo626 Pay (MoPay), and POS machines to pay for goods and services.

The Bank is set to hold the grand draw of the promotion in early May. This draw will see four lucky winners share K6 million in cash prizes with each being K1.5 million richer while 10 others will get K300,000 each.

NBM Plc Marketing and Corporate Affairs Manager, Akossa Hiwa said the promotion not only helped the Bank create traction on MoPay and POS usage, it has also provided a platform for continued direct engagement with audiences in Malawi’s four regions.

“The NBM plc team engaged with both customers and merchants during ‘Popanda Chifukwa’ activations in Blantyre, Lilongwe, Mzuzu, Mangochi and Zomba, resulting in the provision of valuable feedback, increased uptake in both merchants and customers and, most importantly, an opportunity to form personal bonds with our targeted stakeholders,” said Hiwa.

She added that all of the ‘Popanda Chifukwa’ promotion draws have been held in ‘the market’ and not ‘in the boardroom’ and that the Bank is set to conduct the final draw.

One of the lucky customers, who won K150,000 in the February monthly draw, Rennery Dzama commended NBM Plc for the promotion.

“Since Covid-19 time, I use my card or transact using NBM’s digital platforms. To me, it is normal using the platforms, until one Friday I got an alert of the ‘Popanda Chifukwa’ cashback of K150,000. It felt so good as it was a real surprise. I instantly went to town to shop for goods ‘popanda chifukwa’,” she narrated.

Apart from the grand draw winners, so far, the promotion has seen nine people winning K150,000 cash each, while 120 others got 50% cashback up to the maximum of K75,000.

Ninety other lucky customers and top five merchants during each monthly draw took home gift packs with NBM Plc branded novelties. The total amount of the promotion hit K60.8 million.

Salty water contributes to broken boreholes in Nsanje


The Pacific Limited a firm currently repairing for free broken boreholes in Nsanje district has cited high water salinity levels in the district as a major factor contributing to broken boreholes in the district. 

The company’s borehole rehabilitation project Team leader, James Nsusa has told Malawi voice that for instance out of over 40 boreholes the firm has lined up to repair in Nsanje Central Constituency for free, almost half of them broke down due to the challenge of saline water . 

“The situation is really contributed to the wearing out of most borehole spare parts mainly the pedestals, pump heads, rods etc, there by rendering most boreholes unusable”, said Msusa. 

He added that as a solution to the challenge, the firm has resorted to using galvanised and stainless steel borehole spare parts in all the boreholes they are repairing instead of steel parts. 

On his part Nsanje, district water development officer, Chikumbutso Herema also acknowledged the challenge saying authorities in the district have been encouraging communities facing the challenge to be contributing little amount of money for them to be repairing the worn out spare parts every three months which he said most communities are unable to. 

Parliamentarian for Nsanje Central Constituency, Kafandikhale Mandevana in whose area the firm is currently carrying out the free borehole maintenance works said the challenge has been forcing him to be facilitating for the changing of the borehole spare parts every two years a development which he said has was costly . 

Currently the Pacific Limited has rehabilitated over 200 boreholes in Nsanje out of the 300 boreholes it has earmarked to repair while in Zomba the firm has repaired about 300 boreholes out of the of 500 boreholes it has lined up.

The Pacific Limited has renovated over 7,000 boreholes since 2015.

Wellness Centre in second Back Pain awareness week

After the first ever Back Pain awareness week in November last year, Beatitude Naturopathy and Wellness Centre has organized another week-long Backpain awareness and alignment sessions where people with persistent back pain will be treated using naturopathic methods.

The Centre’s Director Francis Malunga said in an interview yesterday that the awareness week will run from 22 April to 26 April 2024 from 7.30am to noon at their centre at Manase in Blantyre.

“When we first conducted the first Back Pain awareness week in November last year, we had overwhelming response and we promised that we were going to do another one hence the second Back Pain awareness week we are having from Monday next week,” said Malunga

He said the Wellness Centre will offer free lectures to people who have back pain issues apart from treating them.

“We will have a back alignment procedure for those with back pain using naturopathic methods. They will only need to pay a registration fee of K20,000 otherwise we will not be charging for the actual treatment of the back pain,” said Malunga.

Malunga distinguished naturopathy and wellness from hospital care citing the former provides respect for the healing processes of nature while empowering the individual to take responsibility for their own health process.

“We are aware that some people have gone outside the country to have back pain surgeries which have not been fully healed, we recommend that these people should patronize the back pain awareness week, we can be saving a lot of forex if we do these procedures here in Malawi using naturopathic methods,” said Malunga.

One of the people who attended last year’s awareness week Peter Kachepa said it was worthwhile as he had his back problem sorted within a day.

“The tips and lectures that they gave us were also helpful because one knows what to do when he or she notices the signs and symptoms. I would encourage those with back pain issues to attend the awareness week,” said Kachepa.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO) about 620 million people suffered low back pain in 2020 and it is estimated that the number will increase to 843 million by 2050 adding that low back pain is the single leading cause for disability worldwide and it is a condition which many will require rehabilitation.

Beatitude Naturopathy and Wellness Centre recently relocated from Balaka to Manase, Blantyre to serve more people who were looking for naturopathic treatment.

Update the nation; CDEDI challenges IT professional body! Malawians have a right to know what went wrong!



CDEDI Director Namiwa on duty

The mouth piece for the voiceless, Centre for Democracy and Economic Development Initiatives (CDEDI) has penned Information, Communication and Technology Association of Malawi (ICTAM) to update Malawians on the outcome of interface meeting held with authorities regarding passport crisis. 

CDEDI is requesting for an update on the basis that the passport crisis is a human rights issue, since it hinges on the right to free movement, economic activity, education, health

and by extension life.

“Therefore, Malawians expected a lot from ICTAM. In view of the above, it is our belief that you will agree with us that in the interest of transparency and accountability, ICTAM ought to update the nation on this matter of national importance,” reads the letter from CDEDI addressed to ICTAM President Clarence Gama. 

CDEDI Executive Director Sylvester Namiwa in the letter highlights that the follow up on the matter, especially at this hour, is important considering that ICTAM made a public undertaking as a

professional body to help in the current passport crisis, stemming from the crushing of the Passport Issuance System (PIS) designed by Techno Brain, through the Built Operate and Transfer (BOT) agreement. 

According to Namiwa, now that there are reports that government had contracted a new passport supplier, there is need for an explanation from ICTAM if the state acting on upon its (ICTAM) recommendation to engage a completely new supplier.

Namiwa is also requesting for a timeline as to when should Malawians expect the assessment report of the system and how does the association justify its silence, given that it was engaged on March 8, 2024. 

“Let ICTAM explain to the inquisitive Malawians as to whether we have a parallel structure or ICTAM helped the DICS to recover the old system.

Thus far, you may wish to know Sir, that ICTAM’s decision to zero in on the passport crisis excited millions of Malawians since they trusted the association would give unbiased detailed account and a timely intervention,” says Namiwa. 

Initially ICTAM wrote the Director General for the Department of Immigration and Citizenship Services (DICS) offering to help.  But due to conflicting interests, the patriotic gesture was shot down.

However, in his televised national address, President Dr. Lazarus Chakwera invoked his executive powers to grant ICTAM its wish through directing that after conducting a thorough analysis of the ‘hacked’ PIS, the association should furnish the President’s office with a report.

Namiwa says Malawians are still looking forward to reading the much awaited report, which will help the citizenry that double as voters and taxpayers, to exercise their right to know, let alone have first hand information on what really went wrong, from a trusted professional body whose expertise and independence cannot be questioned. 

Meanwhile ICTAM Tsar is not picking up our phone calls as we tried to get his side of the story. 

Tecno Brain Limited contract was terminated by the Malawi Government but Malawians were still proud users of an e-passport, two years after the contractor left unceremoniously in 2021.

Standard Bank Plc appoints new Head of Marketing       


LILONGWE, 16th April 2024—Standard Bank Plc is proud to announce the appointment of Ms Tamanda N’gombe as our new Head of Marketing with effect from April 1, 2024.

Tamanda brings to Standard Bank Plc a wealth of experience spanning 16 years in Integrated Marketing and Communications Strategy, Customer Experience and Engagement, Sales and Brand Management. She takes over from Ms Nyambura Chege who worked in Malawi for two years before relocating to Stanbic Kenya Plc.

Prior to joining Standard Bank Plc, Tamanda was the Head of Marketing at NBS Bank Plc and before that worked in related capacities at FedEx, Gestetner and Blantyre Water Board (BWB).

Following her appointment, Chief Executive Phillip Madinga said; “We would like to take this opportunity to welcome Tamanda to the Standard Bank brand. We are confident that her leadership and experience will inspire innovation and elevate our Marketing game to greater heights.”

Tamanda holds a Master of Philosophy in Corporate Strategy from Gordon Institute of Business Science (GIBS) of the University of Pretoria, a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration (BBA) from the University of Malawi, The Polytechnic (now MUBAS) and a Postgraduate Diploma in Marketing from the Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM), UK.

Nyale Institute clarifies on access to safe abortion law  

The news of pregnancy is mostly accompanied by joy, but this is not always the case. There exist circumstances where such news brings not celebration but concern – particularly when the health or life of the pregnant girl or woman is at stake.

In Malawi, before colonialism, termination of pregnancy was traditionally acceptable among women who would manage unwanted pregnancies using local herbs for termination.

However colonial influence introduced penal laws which intertwined with religious doctrines to prohibit abortion, and eventually overshadowed the traditional practices. Yet, the traditional practices have not been extinguished. They just went underground.

Speaking in an interview, Nyale Institute’s Executive Director, who is also a lawyer and scholar on sexual and reproductive justice, Dr. Godfrey Kangaude, stated that while termination of pregnancy is restricted by law, it is essential to understand that it is not an absolute prohibition.

Specifically, termination is permissible when the life or health of the pregnant woman or girl is endangered.

“Recognizing this aspect of the law is crucial as it may prevent women from resorting to unsafe methods of abortion, risking their lives in the process.” said Dr. Kangaude

According to Dr. Kangaude, 141,000 women induce abortion every year and out of those about 500 die from unsafe abortions.

“It is sad that among these are women and girls who had they known that they are eligible for legal abortion would have accessed safe termination of pregnancy at a public facility provided by trained and skilled professionals using the appropriate standards of care.”

This legal interpretation of the abortion law was affirmed in a recent court case where the High Court of Malawi explained that termination of pregnancy is legally permissible when performed to preserve the pregnant girl’s or woman’s life. Further, the preservation of life includes both physical and mental health.

Meanwhile, the recent communication from the government of Malawi to the United Nations Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights reaffirms the position that termination of pregnancy, is in some cases is legally permissible, under the laws of Malawi.

According to the communication, women who seek an abortion because the pregnancy is a threat to their health or life should consult a doctor to address the situation in terms of the Malawi Ministry of Health’s Post Abortion Care Guidelines.

Nyale Institute has applauded the government’s clarification of the abortion law, because it empowers women facing risky pregnancies, to access care at public health facilities, where they can receive appropriate care rather than use unsafe methods for terminating pregnancy. This is consistent with Malawi’s obligations under national and international law.

However, Nyale Institute as a member of the Coalition for the Prevention of Unsafe Abortion (COPUA) continues to champion the full review of the abortion law, to comprehensively address the needs of girls and women who seek termination of termination of pregnancy for various reasons.

 “The Termination of Pregnancy Bill is important because it would address challenges where the current law is falling short”, said Dr. Kangaude.

Nyale Institute is a nongovernmental organization established in 2013 to advance sexual and reproductive justice.

TNM brings innovation to curb mobile money fraud

…Introduces Sim Swap Exemption Feature on Mpamba

TNM Plc, Malawi’s pioneering mobile network and ICT services provider has unveiled a Sim swap security initiative which is designed to protect customers from mobile money fraud.

The new measure gives TNM customers the ability to permanently opt their numbers from being swapped at agent points.

Head of Brand and Marketing Madalitso Jonazi said that the initiative is significant as it enhances customer security in the drive for financial inclusion and growth of the digital money economy.

“At TNM we are glad to see a remarkable increase in the usage of our Mpamba mobile money platform. Millions of customers are using Mpamba, therefore, we have enhanced features to ensure that customers are well secured on the platform. This is a positive development in the drive for financial inclusion in the country,” he said.

Jonazi said digital money fraudsters have been a stumbling block in the growth of mobile money usage.

He further said that fraudsters tactically swap numbers and get access to people’s digital money platforms and steal funds.

“Despite our investment in various digital finance technologies, we are still facing a digital money fraud challenge. Therefore, we believe the new feature will alleviate the challenge that our customers face,” said Jonazi.

TNM customer can access the transformative feature through USSD code and TNM Smart App.

“To access the feature, our customers need to dial *7777# and follow the instructions to exempt their sim cards from being swapped and safeguard their numbers permanently from any exploitation. The innovative service is also available on the TNM Smart App,” said Jonazi.

TNM has made an assurance of more innovations around Mpamba platform to maximize security of customers and motivate the usage of digital transactions.

FDH Bank, MUBAS signs MoU on Graduate Start-ups program

FDH Bank and the Malawi University of Business and Applied Sciences( Mubas) have signed a long-term Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) that will see the Bank supporting final year students with business start-ups.

FDH Bank, in 2021, initiated a business entrepreneurship concept dubbed ‘Graduate Start-ups’ targeting Mubas final year students to finance their entrepreneurial ideas and concepts.

The Bank and Mubas officials signed the MoU on Tuesday in Blantyre, where the Graduate Start-ups program will set up a Trust Fund for the sustainability of the program.

In her presentation to the final year students, FDH Bank Senior Manager for Strategy Potamira Kumpumula took them on the processes that could qualify them for financing which include forming groups of like-minded individuals of four to seven to develop innovative and viable business plans that solves real economic problems by also identifying viable marketing opportunities.

After developing the innovative ideas and business plans, the graduates are to present the plans to a special taskforce consisting of  FDH Bank and MUBAS financial experts which will scrutinize them and offer guidance where loopholes are identified, according to Kumpumula.

“Once the business concept is approved, the bank will guide the beneficiary groups through a financial mentorship programme before being granted the loan at subsidized 5% interest, with a one-year repayment holiday.”

“The loan shall not be deposited into the beneficiaries’ bank accounts but FDH Bank shall be paying for costs of the assets and other needs directly to suppliers up until their businesses become self-sustaining,” said Kumpumula.

FDH Bank Deputy Managing Director George Chitera who championed the program back in 2021, impressed on the final year students to think outside the box and not to just expect to be employed because the employment opportunities are shrinking.

“Malawi is poor because we do not produce, we need to change our mindset and start producing because as long as we are not exporting, we shall remain poor. We should not rely on the government to produce goods for exports, it is up to us as citizens to be innovative by creating companies that produce and at the same time create jobs.”

“All these corporate companies we have were born out of the entrepreneurship concept. It is not easy to create a business plan but every challenge has got a solution,” said Chitera.

In her remarks, MUBAS Vice-Chancellor, Nancy Chitera described the program as unique and in line with the MW2063 national vision of Inclusively Wealthy and Self-Reliant Nation as it calls for a shift in focus on entrepreneurship.

“Our partnership with FDH Bank is growing into something very economically huge that involves young minds to be part of the process enshrined in the MW2063 vision. We must utilize all opportunities by solving any challenges that can be met. Mindset change is not just dreaming of getting a job but to become an employer,” said Chitera.

Five business ideas were identified as viable and were taken up for further mentorship and assessment which led to one business, Rise and Shine Primary School in Mulanje to be successfully launched in 2022 with the help of the Bank.

High Court Agrees MDF Docs Sensitive; Proceed to Public Trial or End Case

The High Court in Lilongwe has today cautioned in advance that in the event that disclosures being sought by the defense in the Vice President Saulos Chilima corruption case will be admissible for public trial, the state will have to make a choice to proceed with prosecution or end the case.

In his ruling today, Justice Kapindu, however, said it is premature for the defence to seek some of the disclosures from the State at this stage when trial hasn’t commenced. The court also ruled that, indeed, some of the documents are highly sensitive in nature to be made public.

The Judge however, made it crystal clear that if during the trial such sensitive documents will prove to be relevant to fair trial for the accused, then the State, through the Anti -Corruption Bureau (ACB), will have to decide whether to have such sensitive information disclosed in open court or discontinue the case.

“The State will have to decide either to proceed or disclose the documents or terminate the case in the interest of national security,” said the Judge.

The Judge said the right to fair trial is paramount and that therefore if during trial, the documents will prove to be relevant it will be upon the state to make them public or discontinue the case.

AG, Lead Lawyers from ACB and Defence to view Documents

To appreciate the court’s observation that the documents being sought are indeed sensitive, the Judge has directed that defense team lead lawyer, the Attorney General (AG ) and ACB lead lawyer will be allowed access on *”only see basis”* of the sensitive documents.

The said viewing will take place in the chamber where the custodians of the documents, the MDF, will show the documents to the team next week.

What are these Sensitive Documents? Among others, they include:

  1. Minutes of the Defence Council

These minutes, held on 16 October 2020, allegedly authorising the procurement of armoured personnel carriers (APCs), therefore disaproving any element of influence by Vice-President Chilima as accused.

2. Memo to President Chakwera

A Memorandum to President Dr. Lazarus McCarthy Chakwera, seeking authorisation to procure APCs from Malachite FZE, a company linked to Sattar, using single sourcing.

3. Memo from President Chakwera to MDF

A memorandum from the President, responding to the request from the MDF Commander.

MDF Questions How Chilima Knew about the Documents

Making his last pronouncements today, Justice Kapindu ruled the MDF out of order for questioning how Vice President Chilima was made aware of the documents yet he is not a member of Defence Council.

The Judge said the accused person being the second most powerful person is privy to such information because of the position he holds.

Defense Requests One More Disclosures

The defence has today further requested one more disclosure from the state, an MOU between UK’s National Crimes Agency NCA and the Anti-Corruption Bureau ACB, which defense lawyers said the document in question was made available to other ongoing Sattar related cases except the Dr. Chilima one.

The court will reconvene on 3rd May 2024 for way forward.

NBS Bank opens executive and private banking suite in Zomba

Simwaka (right) explains to customers about the new executive wing as Chief Operating officer Shadrick Chikusilo (left) looks on

NBS Bank Plc has taken the executive and private banking services to Zomba Service Centre following the opening of the third executive and private banking suite on Thursday evening.

Speaking during the opening of the facility, NBS Bank Plc Deputy Chief Executive Officer (DCEO) Temwani Simwaka said the Bank is geared to bringing tailor-made banking solutions to all customers.

“Executive and private banking is specific banking for top executives, people running their own businesses, senior officers both in companies and government. The idea is that they are busy people, and therefore for them to come to bank it becomes difficult, so they are offered relationship banking in their personal capacity, not as the institution where they are working.”

“When they come through, they come straight to the suite and they also have their own teller, they will be able to meet the private banking manager, and they can also do banking on our digital platforms,” said Simwaka.

“Private banking also offers wealth creation, so we will also have conversations especially when one works and is energetic, they also have to plan for the future. As a ‘Caring Bank’, we are geared to bringing tailor-made banking solutions to all our customers,” added Simwaka.

Mayor for Zomba City, Dave Maunde commended NBS Bank Plc with a promise to embrace the facility.

“Zomba is a growing city, it is therefore an honour to discover that we are a third place to have such a facility. Being a city which has lots of private and government departments, we needed this kind of facility for our executives,” said Maunde.

The other NBS Bank executive and private banking suites are in Lilongwe and Blantyre.

EASTER MESSAGE: Dr. Kabambe encourages Malawians to hold onto their faith, insists better days are ahead

Former Reserve Bank of Malawi (RBM) Governor Dr. Dalitso Kabambe and his spouse Brigitte have encouraged Malawians to keep their faith in God amidst economic crisis, saying better days are coming.

The patriotic Dr. Kabambe and his spouse issued the message of hope in their Easter message to the Christian community and the entire Malawians.

“This year’s Easter celebration is taking place at a critical time when our country is going through some social and economic challenges, whether it be poverty, inequality, or political instability.

“However, I encourage all of you to hold onto your faith and trust that better days are ahead,” said Dr. Kabambe, in a statement posted on his official Facebook page.

The statement further reads: “Fellow Malawians, let us keep remembering the sacrifice that Jesus made for humanity and to draw strength from his example of perseverance and resilience.

Just as Jesus emerged victorious from the grave, Malawians too can overcome their challenges and achieve greatness through faith and unity.”

Dr. Kabambe then called upon Malawians to practice love, compassion, and forgiveness in their daily lives; “Mirroring the teachings of Jesus who taught us to reach out to those in need, to support on”

Dr. Kabambe is fondly remembered by all Malawians for bringing stability to the Malawian economy, which resulted in low prices of basic needs and services.

During his time at Reserve Bank of Malawi he managed to reduce inflation rate to a single digit within the first year from 24% to 7.1% in 2017 and effectively managed to keep the exchange rate stable at the rate of K 732 to the US$, and turned around a projected loss of K 4 billion to a profit in the excess of K60 billion.

Dr Kabambe’s vast knowledge and experience has pitied him as one of the presidential hopefuls who is ready to stir the country towards social and economic prosperity from 2025 and beyond with a promise of nothing but the best economy.

NBM Plc ladies donate to Dwangwa flood victims

Chirwa (left) handing over a food pack to Chithabwa (centre)and a beneficiary, while NBM official Elwyn Sambo looks on

National Bank of Malawi (NBM) plc ladies at the weekend donated various items worth approximately MK6.5 million to families that were affected by floods at Dwangwa in Nkhotakota last month.

Speaking when they handed over the items at Dwangwa camp, one of the NBM plc Ladies and Coordinator of the Initiative Enala Chirwa said the ladies within NBM Plc were touched by reports and documentaries on the catastrophes that befell the people of Dwangwa and decided to collaborate and do something to help. 

“Through this initiative, ladies working with NBM Plc contributed and purchased items worth approximately K6.5 million. Among other items, we have procured family packs. In each pack, there is 10kg flour, 2kgs rice, 2kgs beans, 2kgs Sugar, 1Kg Salt, tea leaves and  some soap tablets,” said Chirwa.

One of the beneficiaries, 66-year-old Sydney Jekabu from Mbuna 2 Village commended NBM Plc ladies for the assistance saying they lost everything and the donated items will sustain them for some days as they also seek to recover from the disaster.

“I was heavily affected; I lost a house and all my belongings including foodstuffs yet I have seven children who still depend on me. It is by God’s grace that the floods came in the morning, otherwise if it was night, we could have lost a lot of people. We can now afford to eat courtesy of NBM Plc ladies,” said Jekabu.  

The camp chairperson Emmanuel Chisale said the items  NBM Plc ladies have donated will benefit 200 families that lost everything and were moved to Dwangwa Primary School camp.

Director of Human Resource and Administration at Nkhotakota District Council, Victor Chithabwa also thanked NBM Plc ladies for the donation.

“This is a welcome development. As you know, these floods greatly hit us, leading to the displacement of our sisters and brothers who also lost their property. So, this support is timely,” said Chithabwa.

Apart from the family packs, NBM Plc ladies also donated bags of maize, bags of flour, buckets, and clothes.

NBS Bank Plc celebrates Retail Banking Institute graduates

Changaya (centre) displays the certificate flanked by Chanza (right) and NBS Head of Human resources Austin Thunde (left)

NBS Bank Plc has lauded the accomplishments of 34 of its employees who have recently completed a three-month training program with the Retail Banking Institute (Lafferty), a prestigious UK-based certification body.

The bank announced that 29 of these dedicated individuals achieved Level 1 certification, while five distinguished themselves by completing the more advanced Level 3 certification.

NBS Bank Chief Retail Officer Victoria Chanza said the retail certification program is designed to deepen understanding of credit risk, leadership, brand management, asset and liability committee (ALCO), operations, and digital retail banking.

During the event set to celebrate the achievements on Friday, Chanza praised the graduates for their dedication and hard work adding that the initiative underscores NBS Bank’s commitment to enhancing the expertise and capabilities of its workforce, aligning with international standards in retail banking excellence.

“This program is not just about acquiring knowledge; it is about shaping the future of retail banking. Our graduates, with their exceptional commitment and potential, exemplify the best of what it means to lead in this rapidly evolving sector,” said Chanza.

Chanza then underscored to the graduates the importance of empathy, customer service, and community engagement in the banking industry.

One of the graduates, Gracious Changaya who is NBS Bank Southern Cluster Manager said they are expected to bring fresh perspectives and innovative solutions to their roles, reinforcing NBS Bank Plc’s vision for retail excellence in the banking sector.

“We will ensure we make use of the knowledge required, and probably share the knowledge with some of our colleagues,” he said.

NBS Bank Plc partnered with the Retail Banking Institute (Lafferty) to underscore its investment in employee development and its commitment to maintaining the highest standards of professional excellence.

FDH Bank Plc earmarks 150 SMEs for the US$10 million ATEX financing

Mkulichi-We can achieve this goal

FDH Bank Plc has earmarked about 150 local small and medium enterprises (SMEs) to benefit from the US$10 million Africa Trade Exchange (ATEX) export trade facility.

The deal, which is the fruit of the agreement sealed by FDH Bank Plc and African Export and Import Bank (Afrixembank) signed in November last year during the Third Intra-African Trade Fairs in Cairo, will see local traders exporting their goods to African and Caribbean markets.

FDH Bank Plc Managing Director, Noel Mkulichi addressing traders and others during a breakfast engagement in Blantyre on Tuesday, said the Bank values the relationship it has with the local traders hence the need to offer the opportunity to connect them with local and international importers and exporters, fostering valuable relationships and paving the way for fruitful partnerships.

“Our sponsorship to ATEX will ensure a lot of benefits like access to the platform’s verified suppliers and buyers and discovering different products from all over Africa including supplier and buyer verification and matching.”

“You will have access to a trusted platform that offers access to competitive rates due to economies of scale reached through consolidated negotiations with sellers and services providers. There is also access to real time information on pricing, product data and seasonality, access to simplified quota information and management with clear guidelines for importers and exporters, and also preferential access to foreign currency products through the ATEX foreign currency facility,” said Mkulichi.

Mkulichi further said as a Bank that champions growth, they look at this as a great avenue for growth for the traders’ businesses and the country at large.

“The Malawi 2063 aims to transform Malawi into a wealthy and self-reliant industrialized upper-middle-income country by year 2063. We believe with these strides and continuous innovation, we can achieve this goal,” he said.

Afrixembank Senior Manager responsible for Digital Marketing Solutions, Annerose Ngemu said the platform aims at activating a lot of economic activities.

MBL Holdings Limited Managing Director, Leston Mulli commended FDH Bank Plc saying the platform offers a great opportunity for local traders to be exposed to international markets.

ATEX is a platform connected within the digital ecosystem, supporting the implementation of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) Agreement.

It is also supported through the Intra African Trade Fair (IATF) with the next one taking place in Algeria in 2025.

Israel workers to send remittances through TNM Mpamba

TNM Mpamba General Manager Christopher Sukasuka

BLANTYRE, March 27, 2024–TNM Mpamba Limited, a wholly subsidiary owned by TNM Plc has introduced a landmark service to help Malawians working in Israel send money back home through Mpamba mobile money.

The development emanates from a sound partnership that Mpamba has with Thunes Hub which onboards various Money Transfer Organizations and Mobile Network Operators for purposes of enabling the transfer of funds within different countries.

The ground-breaking service which is earmarked to enhance financial inclusion and facilitate seamless cross-border transactions, enables locals to receive money from Israel into their Mpamba wallets that will be withdrawn at any TNM agent across the country.

TNM Mpamba General Manager, Christopher Sukasuka said the company has leveraged cutting-edge technology and strategic partnerships to launch a service that provides convenience in the receiving of money sent from Israel.

“TNM has in the recent past observed the developments around the Malawi labour market where locals have gone to work in Israel. As an innovative company, we have introduced the service to provide convenience, security, and accessibility when our people in Israel are sending money back home,” said Sukasuka.

The introduction of the service reaffirms Mpambas’s position as a pioneer in the fintech industry, driving innovation and delivering tangible value to Malawians across borders.

“We are thrilled to introduce this service to Malawians in Israel, marking a significant milestone in our commitment to transform financial services. This initiative underscores our dedication to empowering individuals and businesses worldwide, enabling them to transact with confidence and convenience,” he said.

Mpamba has assured customers of more innovative financial solutions aimed at improving access to user-friendly services with a focus on leveraging technology to drive positive change, redefining the future of finance in the process promoting financial inclusion on a global scale.

Castel Malawi awards 50 long serving employees

Castel MD Thomas Reynaud (standing 7th from right) with Zimba (middle) and other Castel senior managers pose with the awardees

Castel Malawi Limited has awarded 50 long serving employees across the country who have served the company between 10 and 30 years.

Speaking after awarding them with certificates and various gifts which included iron sheets, mattresses, mountain bikes, and refrigerators at an event held at the company’s head office in Blantyre, Castel Malawi Limited Human Resource and Corporate Affairs Director, Gloria Zimba said the aim was to appreciate the employees’ commitment and dedication.

“It is very significant that every year we conduct this event because we would like to show them that we don’t only look at them as human resource where we are demanding their time and their energy into their different energy where they are working.”

“We want to show the staff that we appreciate them as our employees and we know that the different gifts that they have received will go to their families because we know that behind this hardworking and committed employee, there is a family,” said Zimba in an interview on the sidelines of the event.

Castel Malawi Managing Director Thomas Reynaud (right) and Zimba (left) poses with one of the recipients of the awards

“Our expectation is double fold. First, we would like to see these employees whom we have awarded to continue working hard for the company, but also, we want the employees who have just joined us or who are yet to clock 10 years and above, to emulate their example. They should work hard, be committed, respect the company policies, the disciplinary code, and the ethics policy so that they can also one day be given their awards,” added Zimba.

One of the longest serving employees at 30 years, Richard Mseteka who joined the company at 22 years of age, commended Castel Malawi for the honour while describing his journey as a roller coaster.

“I have worked with different bosses from all the three companies as Southern Bottlers Limited, then Carlsberg Malawi and now Castel Malawi. All that is required is hard work and commitment for one to survive,” he said.

Prior to the Blantyre Long Service Award function where 40 Blantyre and 2 Liwonde employees were recognized, the company also awarded 4 employees in Mzuzu and 4 employees in Lilongwe, respectively.

Castel Malawi is the largest producer of alcoholic beverages in the country, and second highest taxpayer, with a workforce of more than 700 employees.

NBM plc posts whooping K72 billion profit after tax

…..pays K48 billion in taxes

National Bank of Malawi (NBM) plc has posted an impressive K71.96 billion profit after tax for the financial year ending 31 December 2023, representing a 56.62% profit jump.

In a statement dated 28 February and signed by the Bank’s Board Chairperson Jimmy Lipunga, Director Dorothy Ngwira, Chief Executive Officer Macfussy Kawawa and Chief Finance Officer Masauko Katsala, the Bank attributed the remarkable results to growth in customer deposits.

“The Group registered a profit after tax of K71.96b representing a 56.62% increase from K45.9b reported in 2022. These results were largely driven by growth in customer deposits which resulted in increases in the loan book and fixed income securities.”

“Consequently, Net interest and investment income grew by 33%. In addition, there was a 86% increase in Other Income mainly arising from growth in foreign exchange commissions by (99%) from K12.8b to K25.5b. Overall net revenue grew by 50%. Operating expenses increased by 25%, within the average inflation for the year. On the other hand, net impairment losses continue to increase, reflecting the realities of the tough operating environment,” reads the statement in part.

Customer deposits increased by 20% (2022: 45%) year on year while the Bank’s loan book grew by 31% (2022: 29%). Investment in Fixed Income securities grew by 10% (2022:16%), according to the statement.

The statement also shows that the group made a profit before tax of K120.13 billion and paid a total of K48.17 billion in taxes.

“All the subsidiaries of the Bank posted profits that contributed positively to the Group performance except for Akiba Commercial Bank (ACB) in Tanzania and an associate company, United General Insurance which posted losses.”

“Positive trends continue to be registered in the two entities where the results improved significantly from the previous period. Consequently, the losses registered for Akiba Commercial Bank and UGI were much lower than those of the prior period,” reads the statement in part.

Commenting on the operating environment, the Malawi Stock Exchange (MSE) listed Bank said the Malawi economy grew by 1.5% in 2023 up from 1.1% the previous year and was adversely  affected by the prevailing high inflation as well as continued foreign exchange supply challenges.

“The average headline inflation accelerated from 26.1% in the first quarter to 31.5% in the last quarter. Similarly, interest rates were on the rise, with the Policy rate being raised from 18% in the first quarter to 24% in the second quarter of the year.”

“The Malawi kwacha devalued by 63% between January 2023 and December 2023. Despite the devaluation, foreign exchange supply challenges persisted. Generally, the operating environment was very challenging. Weather shocks and geo-political landscape also affected the operating environment,” reads the statement in part.

NBM plc forecasts that the economy is expected to grow by 3.2% in 2024 from 1.5% in 2023 supported by an increase in public investment and recovery in mining and quarrying, manufacturing, information and communication, financial and insurance activities, and education sectors.

“The resumption of the IMF-supported ECF program is expected to unlock foreign exchange inflows going into 2024, which will in turn support importation of raw materials and promote economic activity. The positive outlook is, however, clouded by El Niño-induced weather conditions, and a highly uncertain global economic and geopolitical environment. Inflation is likely to remain elevated in 2024,” reads the statement in part.

“The Board envisages a continuing challenging operating environment due to the factors enumerated above. This notwithstanding, the Bank is expected to sustain its enviable performance through its ability to leverage on its core strengths, address challenges and exploit opportunities in the market,” adds the statement.

The Bank Directors recommend a final dividend of K23b (2023: K15b) making a total dividend of K48.0b in respect of 2023 profits representing K104.94 per ordinary share (2022: K70.67 per share). The final dividend will be payable after approval by the Annual General Meeting scheduled for June 2024.

The Bank also said a second interim dividend of K14 billion will be paid in April 2024 having paid the first interim dividend of K11 billion in September 2023.

TNM Brings Mpamba eTicketing to Super League…Pilots e-ticketing solution at Sapitwa Tournament

Madalitso Jonazi, TNM’s Head of Brand and Marketing

Blantyre, March 22, 2024–In a move to redefine the local football landscape, TNM Plc sponsors of Malawi’s topflight Super League is proud to announce the deployment of electronic ticketing (e-ticketing) for the TNM Super League.

The new solution will be available for the Sapitwa 4 tournament which involves Super League outfits Bangwe All-stars, Dedza Dynamos, FOMO and Mighty Tigers at Mulanje Park scheduled from 23 March to 24th March 2024.

This innovative step aims to enhance convenience, streamline access, elevate the overall matchday experience for supporters, and curb fraud around football arena.

According to TNM, E-ticketing marks a significant transition from traditional paper tickets to digital access, aligning with modern technological advancements and catering to the evolving preferences of football enthusiasts.

“With this initiative, fans will now have the flexibility to purchase, manage, and present their match tickets entirely through digital platforms, and eliminating the need for physical tickets,” said Madalitso Jonazi, TNM’s Head of Brand and Marketing.

The initiative underscores TNM’s commitment towards embracing innovation and leveraging technology to deliver supreme experiences to football enthusiasts in the country.

Jonazi indicated that football fanatics will have to purchase tickets to this year’s super league matches through Mpamba instead of buying with cash at stadium gates.

“As a proud Super League sponsor, TNM is thrilled to bring e-ticketing to our esteemed football fans, which is a pivotal moment in our ongoing efforts to enhance fan engagement and satisfaction.

All they need is a Mpamba account and a Khadi Mbambande debit card which they can buy on their phone and collect from any TNM shops across the country,” he said.

Jonazi emphasizes TNM’s commitment to curbing fraud, an issue hindering the growth of football industry, particularly during matches.

“The traditional practice of handling cash when purchasing physical tickets at entry points poses a lot of challenges for revenue collection such as theft of cash which leads to revenue loss and other associated problems. The e-ticketing is the most secure and convenient solution of handling football matches revenue as tickets will be bought through TNM’s digital platforms,” added Jonazi.

The initiative of e-ticketing also aligns with the Ministry of Youth and Sports and the Super League of Malawi (SULOM) ongoing efforts to address issues like cash theft and ticket duplication within the TNM Super League.

Apart from safeguarding of revenue, other advantages include real-time attendance tracking and prevention of fraudulent activities.

E-ticketing represents a paradigm shift in the evolution of football in Malawi, resonating with global standards of convenience and efficiency.

REACH OUT & TOUCH: Mama Prophet Linda Mbewe bails out Machinga granny, to renovate her house

Following a news media alert that circulated on social media about an elderly citizen going through tough times in Machinga District, Mama Prophet Linda Mbewe organized a quick preliminary visit on Thursday to cheer her up and also assess the kind of needs that must be met to brighten up her life.

The philanthropist, who is also wife to the celebrated Prophet David Mbewe, supported Mrs. Brown with an assortment of relief items such as maize flour, mattresses, plastic pails, bags of relish, beddings, some cash and bags of cement in readiness for the construction works that Prophet Mbewe will embark on to renovate the old woman’s house.

Speaking to the media, Mama Prophet Linda Mbewe expressed how she was moved with compassion after learning of Mrs. Brown’s situation.

“I am glad to have finally met Mrs. Brown and the Prophet and I will do all that we can to make sure that the story of her life changes. We’ve offered ourselves to let God work wonders through us,” she remarked.

Close sources indicated that Prophet David Mbewe is set to visit Mrs. Brown soon to launch the construction of her house.

World Forestry Day: Standard Bank promotes a Green Lilongwe through tree-planting drive

Nuka symbolically presents the seedlings

LILONGWE, March 21, 2024–Standard Bank Plc has pledged to step up efforts in mitigating the negative effects of climate change by promoting the planting of trees by its customers and staff in line with a commitment to being a responsible corporate citizen.

To encourage customers and staff to plant trees, the bank on Thursday designated its branches as collection points for seedlings to give different individuals better access to tree seedlings. The initiative is part of the Bank’s activities to mark World Forestry Day or World Planting Day which falls on March 21.

Speaking from the Head Office, Chief Information Officer – William Nuka said Standard Bank is determined to transform Lilongwe and Malawi into a green and environmentally vibrant landscape.

“We are determined to make our city and surrounding areas greener and environmentally sustainable. We can make Lilongwe and Malawi green if we work together. At Standard Bank, we are geared to get our hands dirty today and in coming months for a better tomorrow,” he said.

The Bank has partnered with the Lilongwe City Council for the initiative, as a key player in ensuring that Lilongwe gets a green facelift. The City Council provided 1,000 tree seedlings of 7 varieties both indigenous and fruit trees to distribute on this day.

The Chief Information Officer said, “today we successfully distributed 1,000 seedlings to customers and staff in Lilongwe through our 6 branches and service centres. This is the beginning of a larger commitment we have towards supporting the Tree planting agenda for the nation.”

“Lilongwe suffers a tree loss rate of around 17.5% which is one of the highest deforestation rates in Malawi. We must take individual accountability towards planting trees and ensure every person and household has a tree. We are a partner for every Malawian that wants to see our current climate crisis eradicated,” said Nuka.

Mr. Nuka said the initiative is part of efforts by the Bank to contribute to the country attaining the UN Sustainable Development Goals on the environment. This also aligns with the Bank’s commitment as a signatory of the United Nations Principles for Responsible Banking (UN PRB).

“As such we are committed to ensuring that our operating strategy is consistent with and contributes to society’s needs and priorities, as expressed by the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs), the Paris Agreement, the African Union’s Agenda 2063, and sustainable banking frameworks,” he said.

Malawi is in line to earn billions of dollars from buyers of carbon credits if its citizens planted more specific trees.

NBS Bank plc to ‘Inspire Inclusion’ through Social Media Campaign

Temwani Simwaka NBS Bank Deputy CEO

In an innovative move to champion diversity and women’s empowerment, NBS Bank plc has unveiled its social media campaign ‘Inspire Inclusion’ which will be spearheaded by Deputy Chief Executive Officer Temwani Simwaka.

The  initiative aims to spotlight the Bank’s dedication to financial literacy and the empowerment of women.

“Through the ‘I Nominate You’ campaign, we are excited to share valuable financial advice, celebrate inclusivity, and highlight the diverse culture within our Bank,” said NBS Bank Acting Head of Marketing and Customer Experience James Chikaonda, underscoring the campaign’s objectives.

Chikaonda further elaborated on the campaign’s approach to recognizing women’s contributions both within and outside NBS Bank.

“We will nominate three outstanding women who, in turn, will share their insights, nominate others, and spread the message of inclusion using the hashtags #INominateYou and #InspireInclusion.”

“The campaign will focus on women in senior and middle management roles at NBS Bank, alongside a distinguished woman who has excelled in her field outside the Bank. By highlighting these women, we affirm our role as leaders in fostering an inclusive culture that transcends the confines of our organization,” said Chikaonda.

Scheduled to run across LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook until the end of the month, the ‘Inspire Inclusion’ campaign aligns with the global celebration of International Women’s Day (IWD) on March 8.

This year’s IWD theme, ‘Inspire Inclusion’, resonates with the campaign’s mission to underscore the importance of diversity and empowerment in every sphere of society.

Standard Bank sponsors K5m towards Malawi Law Society AGM

Banda presents the sponsorship to MLS Lilongwe Chapter Executive Committee Secretary Chanju Kondowe

Standard Bank Plc has given this year’s Malawi Law Society Annual Conference underway in Mangochi a boost by contributing K5 million.

Head of Private Banking Joshua Banda said the contribution is in recognition of the important role legal minds play in strengthening governance across multiple sectors, thereby contributing to economic growth.

MLS Lilongwe Chapter Executive Committee Secretary Chanju Kondowe, who recieved the sponsorship thanked Standard Bank for the partnership.

This year’s AGM is under the Theme “Interrogating Malawi Electoral System Towards 2025 General Elections.”

Honourable Justice Dr Chifundo J. Kachale, Chairperson of the Malawi Electoral Commission, is the Guest of Honour.

NBS Bank plc supports lawyers’ Indaba with K2 million 

Dossi (left) handing over the cheque to Ngunde while other officials look on

NBS Bank Plc has given K2 million to the Malawi Law Society (MLS) for their Annual General Meeting (AGM) scheduled for this week in Mangochi.

Making a symbolic cheque presentation at NBS Bank’s Head office in Blantyre on Friday, the Bank’s Head of Legal Felister Dossi, said they felt the need to support the conference since they believe that the rule of law is fundamental to political stability and helps a country to achieve economic and social progress and development which is important for a business environment that the Bank is operating in.

“Malawi Law Society has been a partner for several years.  We are aware that this year’s AGM theme touches on electoral system and laws and as a Bank, we feel duty bound to contribute to MLS to help them achieve one of their strategic goals of safeguarding the rule of law,” said Dossi.

MLS Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Chrispin Ngunde said the support signifies the Bank’s commitment to promoting the rule of law, professionalism, integrity, and excellence.

“The Bank has been a partner for MLS for many years and the donation of K2 million further cements our collaboration. The theme for this year’s Conference and AGM is very relevant to the business of the Bank.”

“For the Bank’s business and any business to strive, it requires a stable business and political environment. Elections greatly contribute to creating this conducive environment. It is, therefore, pleasing to note that the Bank has taken a keen interest in elections and public interest through its support of MLS,” said Ngunde.

Ngunde added that MLS will continue to promote matters of public interest, rule of law, good governance, integrity, and professionalism by taking an active role, in among others, sharing thoughts on matters of national importance such as election matters

MLS will hold its AGM from March 21 to 24 under the theme ‘Interrogating the Malawi Electoral System Towards 2025 General Elections.’

Standard Bank boosts diaspora remittances

Mughogho: Malawi needs such remittances to boost our foreign currency reserves position

Lilongwe, March 19, 2024–In a bid to boost diaspora remittances and foreign currency inflows into Malawi, Standard Bank Plc is proud to announce prizes worth more than K30 million for diaspora customers who remit U$2,000 back home through the Bank’s Bureau de Change (BDC).

Under the three-month Transfer and Win Diaspora promotion, Standard Bank has dangled a grand prize of a plot worth K20 Million back home and various cash prizes. The promotion is for all individuals who send money to Malawi from the diaspora and Malawians earning in foreign currency abroad with a need to send funds back home.

Announcing the incentives, The Executive Head of Personal and Private Banking (PPB) Charity Mughogho said the promotion recognizes the role of diaspora communities in the economic development of the country through foreign currency remittances.

“Malawi needs such remittances to boost our foreign currency reserves position, supply and circulation. At Standard Bank, we recognize the significance of our diaspora communities in contributing to economic development back home. The promotion is open to individuals living in the diaspora who have a Standard Bank Diaspora Account or any international bank account from their country of residence.

To enter the promotion a client needs to transfer a minimum of US$2,000 into a Malawi Kwacha account through Standard Bank BDC. This will give one entry into the monthly draw and subsequent grand draw.

Through our Diaspora Account, we aim to provide a tailored banking solution that caters specifically to the unique requirements of individuals living abroad,” said Mughogho. She said the promotion aims to empower individuals living outside the country with convenient banking solutions that enable them to seamlessly manage their finances and support their loved ones back home.

This promotion is open to the Bank’s Diaspora Account holders and any other international bank account from the sender’s country of residence. Funds once sent will be deposited directly into the Malawian bank account of the beneficiary.

Malawians residing abroad and who wish to open a Diaspora Account with Standard Bank can do so by simply clicking here to download and complete the application documents or through the e-mail and the bank’s website.

The promotion will run from 11th March 2024 to 31st May 2024 and draws will be conducted at the end of each month. Monthly draws will see seven customers carting home K500, 000 each. Apart from the grand prize of a plot valued at K20 million, other consolation prizes include a solar system valued at Mk4,600,000 to the first runner up and the third winner will walk away with K1 million.

Blantyre City South MP Lipipa talks tough on cutting public expenditure

Lipipa: It is painful but it must be done

The DPP Member of Parliament for Blantyre City South Constituency Noel Lipipa, has called on the government to take decisive action to rein in public expenditure, which he believes could include phasing out the costly SUVs used by most government officials.

Speaking at the budget sitting in Parliament on Tuesday, Mr. Lipipa said that the cost of domestic travel, drivers who are more than the vehicles – an anomaly in itself, misuse of vehicles, was extremely high. He added that the goal should be to reduce expenditure while also avoiding wastage and reducing borrowing, which he said was a necessary sacrifice.
“It is painful but it must be done. There is no wrong time to do the right thing. The 2024/25 budget estimates that the Malawi Revenue Authority (MRA) will collect K3.3 trillion is an illusion, lest we forget that they failed to collect K2,2 trillion in the 2023/24 budget.” he said.
“The private sector is struggling because of high interest rates and foreign exchange shortage. The private sector can only borrow money if there are good incentives such as lower interest rates and/or if import substitutes are introduced. Which business will borrow money in our current economic situation?” he asked.

Bridge Afric to create more opportunities for Malawian artists…to launch Southern Region chapter Saturday at BICC

Jacob Events which has partnered with Bridge Afric says all is set for Bidge Afric Malawi launch and workshop which is slated for Saturday, March 23 at the majestic Bingu International Convention Centre (BICC) in the capital Lilongwe.

Wendy Favour Harawa, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Jacob Events has told Malawi Voice that the much awaited event aims at bridging the gap between Malawian artists and other artists around Africa to create more opportunities.

She noted that for decades now Malawi arts has been and is being consumed by mostly Malawians only with no chance of going international hence the coming of Bridge Afric to change the narrative.

“The aim is to Bridge the Gap between Malawian artists and other artists around Africa and the world and create opportunities for them. Jacobs Events has partnered with bridgeAFRIC to host this event at BICC On March 23, ” said Harawa.

According to the veteran musician and event manager Harawa, the workshop will provide a platform for local artists to interact and share their experience with big names in the entertainment industry.

“There will be a workshop with all kinds of artists, questions and answers, one of the major themes is “Collaborations as a tool for developing talents in Africa,” she said

Harawa said Bridge Afric President Victoria Nkong will be among the distinguished guests.

Others dignitaries include The President of Afrima All Africa Awards Mike Dada, Trace Representatives, representative of Live Nation in France, Ace Video Directors, 50 cents Producer and a lot more music business executives and international artists from around Africa.

Local musicians to grace the workshop include Phyzix, Che Kalonda, the Nyau King Tay Grin, Lulu among others.

Veteran music producer and entrepreneur Taps Bandawe will also be part of the speakers at the event while award winning television personality Priscilla Kayira Nsane will be the moderator.

Renowned poet Q Malewezi will be among the Panelists while DJ Neptune will be on the decks.

Bridge Afric’s primary objective is to promote and showcase African artists, providing them with platforms to reach a global audience beyond their home countries.

Triephornia Mpinganjira’s African Child Foundation to launch K10million football league in Neno

Triephornia Mpinganjira: We aim at promoting health through sports in schools

Business tycoon Triephornia Bender Mpinganjira’s African Child Foundation will on Sunday, March 24 launch a K10 million kwacha football and netball leagues for schools in Neno district.

The historic launch will take place at Neno Stadium in the district.

According to the foundation, all schools and clubs from Traditional Authority (TA) Chekecheku will take part in the leagues.

The foundation, according to statement in our custody, aims at promoting health through sports in schools.

“African Child Foundation would like to use sports as a vehicle to advance and promote health in schools and communities in TA Chekucheku,” reads the statement in part.

In view of this development the following schools have been identified to play football and netball games on the launching day: Chiwale Secondary School, Chikonde CDSS, Chikonde Model Primary School and Kaponda Primary School.

Triephornia is one of the gifts that Malawi and the whole Globe have in terms of humanitarian support and services.

The Good Samaritan Triephornia also bailed out Neno District Council lastyear when she paid K5million to water board when the board disconnected water at the council.

Recently, Triephornia was in the news after donating a brand new Nissan Patrol to Malawi’s renowned hip hop artist, Limbani Kalilani better known by his stage name Tay Grin.

She also stormed the social media after donating 2.5 million kwacha to Mai Mbambande, a non-governmental organization dedicated towards assisting the elderly in the country.

As that was not enough, Mai Mpinganjira also supported with air tickets to six children who represented Malawi at Africa Spelling B competition in Uganda.

Apostle Nyirongo says World needs righteous leaders

Apostle Dr. Mc Hellings Nyirongo, who is the founder for Christ Fellowship Church for All Nations (CFCAN), says for the World to prosper needs a “righteous and very honest” leaders.

He made the remarks ahead of a 2 days of God’s answer special prayers themed: “God’s time to receive and follow God’s leaders” slated for Friday 5 to 6 April at Ekwendeni CDSS in Mzimba district.

According to Apostle Nyirongo, time has come for God to lead His people instead of cruel and clueless leaders so that all people should prosper and enjoy good life.

The Apostle said cruel leaders have a habit if oppressing, killing any one whom they perceived to be wiser than them; “They kills people with visions and steal their visions which later they will fail to implement”.

Apostle Nyirongo said: “According to the Holy Ghost bad leaders are: Clue less leaders who just announce decisions and promises what can’t implemented (Jeremiah 8 v11).

They speak peace which is not there. These are vision less leaders who can take a picture of hotel in USA and present to the village as their plan to transform the village,”

While quoting Proverbs 28 Verse 15 and Proverb 29 Verse 2, Apostle Nyirongo said If God blesses the people, He gives them a righteous leader and if God punishes the people He gives them bad and wicked leaders.

“See God chose David and Israel prospered under his regime,” cited Apostle Nyirongo in an exclusive interview, adding that: “During these prayers, we shall pray and the LORD shall provide His spirit, His Angels, His anointed men and women, supernatural wisdom to surpass human practices.”

The prayers, which will start with a night of prayers on Friday, April 5 and a day long service on Saturday April 6, is themed: “God’s time to receive and follow God’s leaders”.

The prayers will be will be characterized with teachings, prophecies, healing and deliverance among others as guided by the Holy spirt.

CFCAN’S Christ melodies and Women of grace will spice up the ‘free for all’ prayers with live music performances.

For more call/WhatsApp on +265997341371.

Apostle Dr. Mc Nyirongo is well known in Malawi and across the globe for his accurate prophecies, miracles healing and deliverance.

 He was called and sent by Jesus Christ Himself and he does what others cannot do except they have Holy Ghost too.

Christ fellowship church for all Nations; giving the word of life: wisdom, revelation, prophecy, healing and deliverance.

NBS Bank Plc Introduces ‘Afana Oyaza’ Promo for University Students

In a significant move aimed at promoting the use of digital banking among university students, NBS Bank Plc has unveiled the ‘Afana Oyaza’ campaign which targets university students across Malawi, encouraging them to utilize the bank’s digital services for their financial transactions, particularly for paying their tuition fees.

The campaign is open to students enrolled at the University of Malawi (UNIMA), Mzuzu University (MZUNI), Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources (LUANAR), and Malawi College of Health Sciences (MCHS).

Participants who pay their fees using the bank’s Eazy Bank digital platforms are entered into a competition to win various awards, with the grand prize being a full year’s tuition covered by NBS Bank.

NBS Bank Chief Retail Officer Victoria Chanza, highlighted the bank’s commitment to enhancing educational access through digital banking solutions emphasizing on the convenience of paying fees via smartphones, the Eazy Wallet mobile wallet, and the Bank Pafupi agency banking platforms.

“As the ‘Caring Bank,’ we are devoted to the advancement of education. This campaign is part of our efforts to ensure students have seamless access to education through our digital channels,” said Chanza.

She said the promotion is not only about easing the fee payment process but also includes exciting prizes like laptops, smartphones, and NBS Bank-branded merchandise, such as t-shirts, pens, and wristbands.

“The ‘Afana Oyaza’ campaign represents a forward-thinking approach to integrating digital banking services within the educational sector, offering tangible benefits to students while fostering a digital-first mindset,” said Chanza.

Endorsing the initiative, Steve Omar, Entertainment Director at Mzuzu University, described ‘Afana Oyaza’ as a beneficial and welcome development for the student community.

“This campaign offers significant support to university students, and we hope for NBS Bank Plc’s continued involvement each semester to make a meaningful difference in students’ lives,” said Omar.

LUANAR lauds NBM Plc’s support towards agriculture innovations

The Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources (LUANAR) has commended National Bank of Malawi (NBM) Plc for its dedication towards nurturing creativity and resourcefulness within the agricultural sector, thereby shaping the future of Malawi.

The sentiments were expressed during the 2024 celebrations of LUANAR’s Innovations and Talents Day, themed ‘Unleashing Creativity for Purpose2024’ at Bingu International Conference Centre (BICC) in Lilongwe on Wednesday. 

Associate Professor Grivin Chipula, Chairperson of the organizing committee, further hailed NBM’s swift recognition of LUANAR’s initiatives and its support of K2 million towards the event.

“This support has significantly incentivized our innovations. The K2 million has motivated not only the winners of the awards, but also those who were shortlisted,” said Chipula.

LUANAR’s Vice Chancellor, Professor Emmanuel Kaunda graced the event and reiterated the institution’s commitment to translating ideas into tangible realities to bolster the country’s economy.

“We possess immense potential. We sought an opportunity to unleash this talent. LUANAR students and graduates have the potential to drive advancements in the agricultural sector and contribute to the nation’s economic growth through their innovative activities,” he said. 

In his remarks, Burton Ngwangwa, a fourth-year student at LUANAR and a pencil artist, expressed his excitement for winning and the inspiration gained from the Innovations and Talents Day.

“It is a monumental day for us as artists and innovators to exhibit our ingenuity. We have demonstrated our capabilities to the world. The drawings are important in addressing global challenges like deforestation and climate change,” said Ngwangwa. 

In an interview, NBM Plc Marketing and Corporate Affairs Manager, Akossa Hiwa commended the students for their innovations which is one of the key focus areas for the Bank.

“As the Bank of the Nation, we are committed to fostering creativity and resourcefulness within the agriculture sector, ultimately shaping the future of the country.

 Innovation is our number one focus, and that is why apart from sponsoring the Innovation Jam in partnership ICT Association of Malawi (ICTAM), we have also injected over K100 million into the establishment of Innovation hubs,” said Hiwa.  

Standard Bank dates investors…As 2023 results impress market watchers

Chief Executive Phillip Madinga

Standard Bank Plc, listed on the Malawi Stock Exchange will today outline its 2023 performance to shareholders and other stakeholders after posting a K52.5 billion net profit, which one of the country’s financial analysts has described as “impressive”.

Reacting to the bank’s results, Lilongwe-based independent economist and transformational finance leader Thomson Nelson Kumwenda said they reflect impressive cost efficiencies, and Standard Bank’s deep understanding of risk management in respect to dealing with government securities.

“I see a very solid understanding and application of IFRS 9 by their Finance team. With expected credit losses heightened by 112%, year on year, they must have been prudent enough to have widened ECL coverage on lending to government and the probability of default and loss…” he said.

Kumwenda noted that Standard Bank has been prudent enough in its reporting and assumptions, considering that both World Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF) have in recent years classified Malawi’s debt as unsustainable and carrying sovereign risk.

“Any internationally present bank will factor in the Debt Sustainability Analysis (DSA) into their PD [Probability of Default] and LGD [Loss Given Default] assumptions and apply appropriate hair-cuts on the government portfolio EAD [Exposure at Default],” he said.

This means the analyst is applauding Standard Bank for exercising prudence, and caution in its exposure to government borrowing, in view of the country’s DSA by World Bank and IMF.

Chief Executive Phillip Madinga and Chief Financial Officer John Mhone are expected to lead the bank’s country leadership committee in explaining the latest results during an investor conference scheduled from 9:30 am from the Bingu International Conference Centre (BICC) in Lilongwe.

The event will be hosted in hybrid format, with some key stakeholders joining virtually.

In its financial reports for the year ended December 31, 2023, Standard Bank said earnings from interest and other revenues drove net profit to MK52.5 billion, an increase by 34 percent over 2022.

“Net interest revenue grew 57% year on year driven by growth in both net interest income and non-interest revenue,” reads in part the report, co-signed by Madinga, Chairman of Board Chris Kapanga, and other directors of the bank’s board.

Veteran lawyer Naphambo knighted

Mackintosh ‘knights’ Namphambo during the investiture ceremony

Veteran lawyer James Namphambo has been knighted for his commitment and dedication towards work of St John’s Ambulance, an international humanitarian organization that provides first aid and medical services.

King Charles III of the United Kingdom knighted Namphambo but delegated the Chancellor of St John’s Ambulance Scotland Simon Mackintosh to do the investiture ceremony at St Paul’s Anglican Cathedral Church in Blantyre on Thursday.

Through the Investiture ceremony, Mackintosh also honoured nine other people as members and an officer of St John’s Ambulance Malawi.

Speaking after the event, Mackintosh said: “I am delighted to see St John Malawi in such a strong position in the service of humanity. St John Scotland and St John Malawi work together and there is one thing that binds us, that is why we all wear the same uniform and badge. Community health here in Blantyre and Lilongwe has been the driving force of what St John is doing and certainly St John Scotland has been supporting that.”

The knighting of Naphambo, who is St John of Malawi president means he has now been elevated to the title ‘Sir’ which is a special recognition approved by the King of England.

In his remarks after the investiture, Naphambo expressed gratitude saying the honour will drive further his passion for executing charity works.

“I am excited because there are very few knights in Africa. If I can remember we have Nelson Mandela, Desmond Tutu, and President Arap Moi who were knighted. This means that we have to continue working hard because we are being recognized for helping the needy, the less privileged with the money we get from our partners. We have used that money properly to help the people who cannot fend for themselves so that they can also enjoy life,” he said.

Naphambo indicated that one of St John Malawi’s areas of focus is primary healthcare, which focuses on teaching locals to have clean houses without the use of money.

“By making sure their houses are clean, it helps them to avoid contracting communicable diseases like diarrhea and cholera. I am happy with the positive response in the area that we work,” he added.

Among others who were recognized at the event include Chrissie Bema, Fred Demester, Precious Lucia Divala, Felister Kalasa, William Karanya, Dr Grace Wit Katha, Reverend Canon Charles Masina, Judith Ntonga and Vincent Blessings Tholo who is also the National Coordinator for St John’s Ambulance Malawi.

Bishop of the Anglican Diocese of Southern Malawi Alinafe Kalemba also attended the ceremony and offered a homily themed ‘Caring for the neighbour’.

NBS Bank Plc doubles Charity Shield sponsorship

Ngwenya (left) exchange contract documents with Gunda

NBS Bank Plc has doubled this year’s Charity Shield football sponsorship package from K20 million to K40 million.

Announcing the good news at a press briefing on Tuesday, the Bank’s Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Kwanele Ngwenya said NBS Bank Plc decided to hike the package after being impressed with how the tournament has been run and its impact since they started sponsoring it in 2022. 

“This year, we are elevating our commitment to the zenith of possibility with a sponsorship of K40 million. We are championing the cause of education, the bedrock of sustainable development and the cornerstone of Malawi’s vision. Education empowers, enlightens, and emancipates.”

“The NBS Bank Charity Shield is more than a competition; it is a manifestation of our shared values, our hopes for a brighter future, and our commitment to the holistic development of Malawi. As we embark on this year’s journey, let us be reminded of the power of partnership, the impact of investment in our communities, and the transformative potential of sports and education combined,” said Ngwenya.

Ngwenya also announced that the Bank will bankroll the Charity Shield for the next three years, with this year’s proceeds going toward construction of sanitary facilities in selected schools in the Central Region. 

Football Association of Malawi (FAM) represented by General Secretary Alfred Gunda thanked NBS Bank Plc for the kind gesture.

 “We are very excited that NBS Bank has taken us to another level with the charity shield sponsorship pushing us to K40 million.” 

“Apart from the charity events and entertainment, football offers employment to a lot of people ranging from the players, coaches, referees and others,” he said.

Gunda also commended NBS Bank Plc for committing towards the cause in the next three years. 

“We have always had yearly sponsorships for the competition, and now this news gives us hope as we now know we have a sponsor for the next few years,” he added. 

TNM Super League champions FCB Nyasa Bullets and runners-up Silver Strikers are set to battle for the Charity honours at Bingu National Stadium (BNS) in Lilongwe on March 30. 

Last year, the NBS Charity Shield match between Bullets and Mighty Mukuru Wanderers raised over K20 million which was channeled towards the victims of the Cyclone Freddy which hit most parts of the Southern Region districts. 

In 2022, NBS Bank Plc sponsored the Charity Shield with K15 million and the proceeds went to Cyclone Ana victims in Nsanje district. 

Finance Minister hails FDH Bank Plc for opening first ever Service Centre on Likoma Island

Chithyola Banda (right) gestures after officially opening the FDH Likoma Service Centre

Minister of Finance and Economic Affairs Simplex Chithyola Banda has hailed FDH Bank for establishing a banking centre on Likoma Island.

FDH Bank Plc has become the first bank to open a fully-fledged service centre on Likoma Island, a district that has always faced financial accessibility challenges.

“There will be local economic development as the Bank will support the growth of small businesses by enabling entrepreneurs to establish and expand their enterprises,” said the Finance Minister during the colourful opening ceremony on Monday.

In his remarks, FDH Board Chairperson Charity Mseka said financial inclusion is recognized as a main pillar of the global development agenda, as such opening the service centre is an important milestone for the Bank and the people of Likoma.

“Worldwide, 2.5 billion adults still lack access to basic financial services. Closing this gap is vital to ending extreme poverty and boosting shared prosperity.”

“The World Bank Group has set a target for Universal Financial Access (UFA) that ensures that adults everywhere have access to a transaction account to store money, and send and receive payments,” said Mseka.

The Bank’s Managing Director Noel Mkulichi added that the decision to open a Service Centre on the Island is informed by FDH Bank’s new strategy and plans that aim to provide easy access to financial solutions that enable communities to grow.

“This FDH Bank Plc Service Centre aims to break financial barriers for the people of Likoma. It was initially shocking to hear of the financial accessibility challenges that the people at Likoma face.”

CSR work- Mseka (left) presents a K2 million dummy Cheque for Likoma Secondary School

“Civil servants had to contribute transport and accommodation for one person to travel to Nkhata Bay with ATM cards of the entire group to withdraw money. This was a huge risk and an inconvenience,” said Mkulichi. 

He further noted that the absence of the banking facilities on the Island resulted in the closure of offices and businesses for some days as people had to travel to the mainland, which led to the loss of productive time. 

“Tourists sometimes cut short their stay on this beautiful Island once they run out of money, and this is a lost opportunity for the country. These stories and many more are depressing! This is what the people of Likoma have been going through since time immemorial,” added Mkulichi.

The opening of Likoma Service Centre means FDH Bank is available in all the districts in the country. 

During the function, the Bank  donated  K3 millionto Likoma District Hospital towards procurement of linen for the women’s ward, and K2 millionto Likoma Secondary School towards procurement of mattresses for students as part of their corporate social responsibility. 

First Lady hails NBS Bank Plc on girl-child support’

Chakwera (right) presents the award to Simwaka

Malawi’s First Lady Monica Chakwera through her Shaping Our Future Foundation (SOFF) has commended NBS Bank plc for its continued support to the foundation since its inception.

Madam Chakwera said this at a fundraising dinner held at Sanjika Palace recently where she presented an award to the ‘Caring Bank’ in recognition of the partnership with SOFF.

“I sincerely thank our supporters for this dinner – NBS Bank, who have shown unwavering support to our bursaries and mentorship program. We have made significant progress in the last three years, providing bursaries nationwide, girls mentorship, and supporting economic empowerment programs, awarded over 2500 scholarships across 150 Public Secondary Schools.”

“We organized in-school mentorship sessions and national girls’ mentorship retreats, impacting over 1300 girls. This indicates the effectiveness of offering financial assistance to education together with tailored mentorship,” said Chakwera.

Receiving the award on behalf of NBS Bank Plc, Deputy Chief Executive Officer Temwani Simwaka said NBS Bank places great value in ensuring girls and women are given a conducive environment to thrive. 

“At NBS Bank Plc we have mentorship programs for girls, that is why we saw the need to partner and provide support to the First Lady’s foundation. Our aim is to see a girl child empowered to shine,” she said. 

NBS Bank partnered with Shaping Our Future Foundation in 2020 to promote the holistic development of the village girl and street child.

 The Foundation’s main goal is to increase enrolment, retention, and completion of secondary school education of 5000 village girls and boys by 2026.

Standard Bank ranked as Africa’s most valuable banking brand for a third consecutive year

Sim Tshabalala, Standard Bank Group Chief Executive

Standard Bank has been ranked as the most valuable banking brand in Africa in 2024. This is the third consecutive year that Standard Bank has been ranked first in Africa Brand Finance’s annual ranking of the world’s Top 500 Banking Brands.

The bank also increased its brand value by 12.4% in the last year to reach over $1.9 billion US dollars. This places Standard Bank as first in Africa and 138th in the world, up 7 places from 145th in 2023.

Every year, Brand Finance assesses 5 000 of the biggest brands across the world, and publishes nearly 100 reports, ranking brands across many sectors. The world’s top 500 most valuable and strongest banking brands are included in the annual Brand Finance Banking 500 ranking.

Sim Tshabalala, Standard Bank Group Chief Executive says: “We are honoured to receive this accolade, which affirms our commitments to providing consistently excellent service for our clients and to driving Africa’s growth”.

The Standard Bank Group, also trading as Stanbic Bank in other markets, is the continent’s largest financial services provider by assets and has a brand presence in 20 African countries and 6 international centres.

“The Standard Bank brand is a trusted symbol of growth across Africa, and for it to be deemed the most valuable bank brand for a third consecutive year is a proud moment for all our people and our clients. This tangible and independent valuation confirms who we are and what we do as a brand is meaningful and relevant to the people, businesses, and communities that we serve,” said Margaret Nienaber, Standard Bank Group, Chief Operating Officer.

Sim Tshabalala ranked in the 10 Top Bank CEOs

In addition to the bank’s accolade, Sim Tshabalala has been listed as one of the 10 Top Bank CEO in the Brand Guardianship Index. He has been particularly recognised as a champion for gender equality and women’s empowerment.

According to the Brand Guardianship Index, CEOs are evaluated on their capacity to generate long-term corporate value while taking into account the needs of all parties involved, including employees, investors, and the general public.

The Brand Guardianship Index said that “under his leadership, Standard Bank has become an invaluable partner in supporting initiatives such as the Top Women Conference, which celebrates the achievements of women leaders and organisations that empower them”.

The bank’s work to drive increased digitisation to innovate in response to evolving customer needs through organic and targeted partnerships was also acknowledged as helping drive the organisation’s leading role.

“We strongly believe in the potential of this continent and these awards re-emphasise our commitment to continue to provide services that are tailored to meet our clients’ needs,” concludes Ms Nienaber.

NBS Bank to unveil Charity Shield package on Tuesday

NBS Acting Head of Marketing and Customer Experience James Chikaonda

Malawi Stock Exchange listed NBS Bank Plc returns for the 2024 Charity Shield as they are set to unveil the new package on Tuesday at their Headquarters in Blantyre.

The NBS Bank Charity Shield marks the kickoff of the new football season, and NBS Bank Plc has been bankrolling the competition for the third-consecutive season in partnership with the Football Association of Malawi (FAM).

Last year, the Bank raised the sponsorship from K15 million in 2022 to K20 million and the proceeds were channelled towards survivors of the Cyclone Freddy which hit most districts of the Southern Region.

NBS Acting Head of Marketing and Customer Experience, James Chikaonda said the Bank realises the need to impact other people’s lives through charity.

“Together with FAM we try to identify a need that we can help. Just like last year, we will also donate the proceedings of the match for another cause. As a Caring Bank, we believe that we have a role to play in helping the needy because some of them might be our customers, or connected to one of our customers,” Chikaonda said.

Chikaonda however refused to divulge more of the 2024 season package.

“But for now, it is about the signing ceremony with FAM and we promise to return big,” he said.

FAM Director of Communication and Competition, Gomezgani Zakazaka commended NBS Bank Plc for being a reliable partner in running the Charity Shield.

Zakazaka said through the initiative, Charity Shield has managed to impact the lives of many Malawians, apart from offering entertainment through the football match.

“FAM would like to thank NBS Bank Plc most sincerely for supporting the charity shield,” Zakazaka said.

Capital Radio sports journalist Christy Gomani concurred with Zakazaka saying the NBS Bank Charity Shield is very important as it also sets the tone for the new season.

“As the name suggests, it’s about charity, and we have seen great impact as the proceedings benefit the needy. On the other hand, there is no charity match in Malawi since the trophy counts for the winners. Remember, the match is played after a break from last season and every supporter hopes for a positive start for their team,” he said.

Last year, the Charity Shield match between Nyasa Big Bullets and Mighty Mukuti Wanderers played at Bingu National Stadium in Lilongwe, fetched K20 million.

Proceeds from the Bank’s maiden year in 2022 were also channelled to flood victims in Nsanje.

Activist Undule Mwakasungula challenges APM on his comeback bid

One of the country’s renowned human rights activist, Undule Mwakasungula has challenged former president who is also leader for the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) to carefully consider if his decision to contest in the upcoming 2025 general elections will be for the national good.

In a press statement issued today Sunday, March 10, 2024, Mwakasungula has described the Mutharika’s comeback bid as for more of his personal interest and a clear sign of leadership in-bitterness.

“While APM might have indicated his desire to come back as the president of this country, it is imperative for him to critically examine his motive behind.

 As states man, APM was supposed to demonstrate willingness to acknowledge both the achievements and shortcomings of the current regime and rise above all political differences for the for the nation’s common good “, said Mwakasungula.

He added that Mutharika was equally supposed to shoulder responsibility in promoting a culture of tolerance and respect amidst the re-emergence of political violence and hate speech in the country adding his insistence to join active politics is in disrespect to his former presidency roles.

On Friday during a press briefing at his Page House in Mangochi, Mutharika declared his 2025 general elections comeback bid to serve Malawians in what he called as the current social economic challenges.

Mutharika’s comeback bid has created major divisions in the country east while former governing party with the party recently firing all those deemed ant APM including leader of opposition Kondwani Nankhumwa

The party also lost its senior members who have defected to the Tonse Alliance key partner Malawi Congress Party (MCP).

We Lose Kaning’ina Forest, we are Doomed-NRWB

Authorities in Mzuzu have sounded a timely warning to residents that if Kaning’ina forest is destroyed through deforestation, then Mzuzu is doomed in as far water supply is concerned.

Speaking at Kaning’ina Forest in Chimaliro where Northern Region Water Board NRWB partnered with the Public Relations Society of Malawi (PRSM) to plant trees in the catchment area, NRWB Director of Operations Engineer Dr. Ausmane Ungwe said Kaning’ina forest is crucial to continued water supply in the city.

NRWB Director of Operations Engineer Dr. Ausmane Ungwe plants one of the trees

“Let’s take this message seriously and to everyone. If we dare to destroy Kaning’ina Forest, then we are doomed here in Mzuzu,” said Ungwe.

Through the partnership, PRSM and NRWB on Friday planted hundreds of trees in Kaning’ina forest in a bid to afforest the catchment area.

The exercise was attended by all relevant stakeholder groups in the city including MDF, Forestry Department, Mzuni, the media and Mzuzu City Council.

Engineer Dr. Ausmane Ungwe speaks during the exercise

PRSM has taken aggressive efforts in the afforestation frive by partnering with stakeholders to plant trees across the country. Last week, the PR professionals partnered with National Water Resources Authority to plant trees at Bua in Kasungu.

PRSM President Benson Linje said the PR body was ready and geared to partner various stakeholders and companies in various engagements, including training management teams in modern communication needs.

Powering women to live their dream

March 8 is International Women’s Day, which amplifies calls to invest in women and accelerate progress towards ending poverty and inequalities. We track how a local bank’s financing vehicle is greasing the wheels of women investors often rejected by financial institutions:

Tadala (left) poses with one of the nurses at Tapempha Medical Care Centre clinic

When Dr Thandie Mabedi decided to quit her job, she dreamed of owning a clinic where Malawians could access no-fee specialist services they obtain beyond the borders.

The medical doctor and her husband opened Uromed Clinic in Lilongwe in 2020 to fulfil her dream.

“My husband is also a doctor,” she says. “Together, we grew the dream of opening a clinic to offer general services and specialized services, but most banks we approached weren’t keen to support a start-up business and had tough conditions, including collateral.”

Mabedi was undeterred in search of capital for her dream project.

She is now the executive director of Uromed Clinic which offers more than just urology, a part of healthcare that deals with diseases of the male and female urinary tract such as kidneys, ureters, bladder and urethra. It also specializes in gynecology, which deals with the female reproductive system, including pregnancy-related procedures and complications.

“We also specialize in kidneys and our procedures don’t involve open surgery on prostates to avoid complications. We have laser treatment to treat kidney stones, which no other clinic treats in Malawi,” she narrates.

Dr Mabedi captured at the clinic

The clinic employs 44 workers, up from eight at the start.

Four years on, it is on course for expansion to a 30-bed facility following the acquisition of land just opposite the current five-bed clinic.

NBM Development Bank Limited, the development financing institution of the National Bank of Malawi (NBM) plc, supported the Mabedi’s dream project.

She recounts: “We made a presentation about our dream and we were stunned to hear NBM Development Bank Limited committing to support the building and buying of equipment.”

They paid back the loan within three years and qualified for another one from the Financial Inclusion and Entrepreneurship Scaling [FInEs] project through the NBM Development Bank. The World Bank funds FInEs, a five-year initiative by the Government of Malawi through the Reserve Bank of Malawi (RBM).

“We are using the money to build a bigger hospital which will have radiology, X-ray and advanced laboratory,” says Mabedi.

Tapempha Clinic

A similar dream come true is Tapempha Medical Care Centre at Namitete Trading Centre along the Lilongwe-Mchinji Road.

Shareholder Tadala Kathumba, a human resources manager, says the FInEs project provided K375 million through NBM Development Bank Limited to construct the 100-bed clinic and procure medical equipment.

“The clinic employs 65 people and serves about 3 000 patients per month. We aim to see Malawians getting medical care here, not outside the country,” she says.

The two stories testify to the need to invest in women to achieve their dreams of changing the world around them.

In both cases, the women were first rejected by other financial institutions.

This year, the International Women’s Day theme, inspire inclusion, calls for a shift towards investing in women “Invest in women to accelerate progress. This highlights the importance of gender equality, women’s empowerment and their rights to healthier lives.

Ministry of Gender spokesperson Pauline Kaude commends NBM for its commitment to empowering women financially in line with the theme of inspiring inclusion.

She states: “One of the ministry’s mandates is ensuring that women are economically empowered. This development is a plus for us. If women are economically empowered, women will make meaningful contributions to the country’s economy.

“The ministry appreciates the good collaboration with FInEs. By complementing each other, we will capacitate women who lack the financial and technical muscle to do businesses like their male counterparts.”

NBM Development Bank Limited general manager Bernard Masi says the bank took a different approach to close the gaps that impede most Malawian entrepreneurs from accessing finance.

The main winners are small and medium enterprises, including women entrepreneurs.

When asked about the success stories of  Mabedi and Kathumba, Masi said: “We believed in their dreams and gave them a chance to realize those dreams.

“Today, we witness how the two women and many others have excelled in their businesses. As a development bank, we are here to change people’s lives and contribute to the development of this nation.”

NBM plc marketing and corporate affairs manager Akossa Hiwa is happy that with NBM support, the two enterprising women have achieved what they never expected to achieve within five years when access to capital was tricky.

“The bank places great efforts in ensuring women are empowered,” she says.

NBS Bank Plc’s Simwaka recognized at Wealth Woman Summit

Simwaka- I am honoured to receive the award

NBS Bank Plc Deputy Chief Executive Officer (DCEO) Temwani Simwaka’s commitment towards girl’s mentorship earned her an award as one of the inspiring leaders during this year’s Wealth Woman Summit held in Lilongwe.

The Bank runs a mentorship program where some of its female managers mentor girls under the mentorship program.

Wealth Magazine Managing Executive and CEO of Malawi Roundtable, Harry Chima, whose organization organized the event, said Simwaka was recognized for her consistency in championing the girl-child initiatives.

“Besides the other criterion, she has been a consistent and inclusive leader in as far as mentoring the girl child including resourcing for those economically challenged with re-usable pads is concerned,” he said.

In her remarks, Simwaka said the award will help push her effort in mentoring the girl child in the country.

“I am honored to receive this award and for my efforts about girl child inclusion to be recognized. As we continue commemorating International Women’s month, I implore all Malawians to continue celebrating women for their contributions and achievements in society,” said Simwaka.

The event brought together Malawi’s phenomenal corporate and community leaders, super achievers, the legendary and students with varying experiences in different fields.

NBM plc celebrates women strides

Malunga-Inspiring Inclusion

National Bank of Malawi (NBM) Plc says it has made strides in empowering women to grow professionally and financially in the country.

One of the Bank’s Directors, Bernadette Malunga, said in an interview ahead of the International Women’s Day (IWD) commemoration, which falls on 8 March (today), that promoting women in leadership positions and building their capacity is one of the Bank’s priorities.

“If they want to improve their education, we provide training opportunities so that they can further their studies, which in the long run may push them to acquire leadership positions within the company.”

“The Bank has several initiatives to promote women’s leadership. We try to ensure  that each department has equal representation of both men and women. Further to this, females who are seen to be lagging behind are allowed to further their education ,” said Malunga.

This year’s IWD is being celebrated under the theme ‘Inspire Inclusion’ and is meant to emphasize the importance of diversity and empowerment in all aspects of society.

Malunga further said through a social media campaign termed ‘Inspiring Inclusion’, NBM plc seeks to celebrate strides made by female employees at different levels, female members of its Board of Directors and female customers.

“The Bank hopes that this will serve to encourage other women to keep striving for greatness in all their endeavors,” said Malunga.

One of NBM Plc’s employees Hlupikire Phalira, an accounts officer, also shared the progress made on her career path since she joined the Bank.  

“At National Bank Plc, we have policies that promote equal opportunities for both men and women. When I joined the Bank, I only had a Diploma in Accounting but because of the Bank’s policies I got a degree from the University of Malawi, furthermore, I am studying to become a chartered accountant with the ACCA,” said Phalira.

Apart from empowering female employees, NBM Plc also has female customers at heart as they offer tailor-made services to support women entrepreneurs.

Owner of Mikos and Milkshake Dessert Parlor, Chisomo Munthali said she managed to access a loan that helped boost her business.

“I can confidently say that National Bank of Malawi Plc has been a very positive support in my journey and my dreams. Back in 2021, I needed financing and I approached my Bank with all hopes that they would find something to help me, and truly I was included in the ‘Amai Angathe’ program. I managed to access financing to help boost my business,” she said.

“Ma Blacks” band leader, others win millions in TNM promotion

Anjiru Fumulani, leader of popular Chileka reggae band the Black Missionaries and Lilongwe-based farmer is amongst the lucky customers to win millions in a TNM festive season promotion.

During the grand draw conducted on Thursday in Blantyre, Lyson Jickson, the farmer from Lilongwe emerged winner of the grand prize of K10 million while Anjiru was one of the winners in the K1 million category.

It was all joy and excitement for Jickson when he was named the winner. He plans to invest the K10 million in his farming enterprise and looks forward to turning his personal life around, he said.

Celebrated Musician Anjiru Fumulani of the Black Missionaries who emerged on of the winners in the K1 million category was over the moon thanking TNM for the life-changing promotion.

Speaking during the grand draw, TNM’s Head of Brand and Marketing, Madalitso Jonazi said that TNM is delighted to play a great role in transforming lives of customers through the promotion.

“Through this promotion, TNM was giving back to all customers who have stood by us through thick and thin.

“We are thrilled to have played a part in making their dreams a reality, and we look forward to continuing to delight and reward our customers in the future,” said Jonazi.

TNM expressed its satisfaction with the overwhelming response by its customers throughout the promotion.

“The success of this promotion underscores our commitment to providing unparalleled value and experiences to our customers.

“Throughout this festive season, we’ve been overwhelmed by the incredible response from our loyal customers,” he said.

The promotion which was launched to celebrate the value of customers last year has rewarded 2,471 customers and TNM has distributed K62.3 Mil in prizes.

“Thanks to the overwhelming participation from customers across the country we are delighted to announce that more than two thousand customers emerged winners, collectively winning over K62 Mil in prizes,” added Jonazi.

TNM has assured Malawians of continued investments in innovation to bring incredible services and products.

The festive season promoting served to underline TNM’s commitment to sharing the network’s benefits.

Jickson and Anjiru are among the 16 customers who have become instant millionaires courtesy of TNM’s Festive Promotion.

Five customers went away with K2 million each while 10 others won K1 million each. Another set of 10 pocketed K500, 000 each.

Business Mogul Mpinganjira builds Cancer Hospital in Honour of late Wife

Chakwera cuts the ribbon to mark the official launch of the cancer centre as Mpinganjira, Chilima look on

The International Blantyre Cancer Centre Board Chairperson Thomson Mpinganjira has said the decision to construct the centre was triggered by the death of his wife, Barbara on 4 January 2019.

Mpinganjira said this on Tuesday when President Lazarus Chakwera officially opened the International Blantyre Cancer Centre in Nyambadwe, Blantyre.

He narrated that the plan to construct the centre dates back to 24 January 2017 when his late wife, Barbara was diagnosed with cancer and she spent 3 months at a South African hospital while he stayed in a hotel until their return to Malawi on 16 April 2017,

” It was that experience in South Africa, that prompted me, after the death of my wife on 4 January 2019, to make the decision to build a Cancer hospital in Malawi so that as many Malawians as possible should never have to go through the same experience we went through. I give glory to God that we now have a Cancer Centre in Malawi” he said.

According to Mpinganjira, the facility will offer both Radiotherapy and Chemotherapy treatment and has the most advanced Radiotherapy facilities in Africa which will help in treatment of cancer patients within the country.

He emphasized that the Centre is a game changer for the country as it will relieve the country on the massive foreign exchange challenge the country is experiencing.

“The second reason is the huge cost burden borne by the patient or family. The financing burden paying for air tickets, accommodation, food, local transport, and sundries amongst other costs for the patient and the guardian that just add up to the patient’s stress exacerbating the condition of the patient,” he bemoaned.

Mpinganjira applauded President Lazarus Chakwera for his willingness to personally come to open the Cancer Centre, describing the gesture as a clear demonstration that the President values the contributions of the private sector community in Malawi.

“This momentous occasion marks a significant milestone in our collective fight against one of the most formidable adversaries known to humanity – Cancer. The Cancer Centre stands as a beacon of light in the darkness of cancer, a place where innovative technology meets the healing power of empathy and compassion,” he said.

In his remarks, Chakwera said government is currently implementing the National Cancer Control plan that among others, will enable that every cancer patient should be treated within the country by 2030.

He said the National Cancer Center in Lilongwe will be operational by September this year.

The President added that there are many patients that need treatment which calls for collaborative efforts as at the moment, saying treating one cancer patient requires about K25 million.

Speaking earlier, Minister of Local Government, Unity and Culture Richard Chimwendo Banda who spoke on behalf of Minister of Health Khumbize Kandodo-Chiponda, said about 12 0000 people die of cancer every year in Malawi and that 17 000 cancer cases are diagnosed every year.

He said cancer remains a burden for the country as the deaths accounts for almost 50 percent of deaths that occur due to non-communicable diseases.

The cancer centre is a 50/50 joint venture between the ‘Thomson & Barbara Mpinganjira Foundation’ and the Luxembourg, Belgium based company called OMCC.

OMCC has 5 Cancer Centers in France and four in Africa and has treated over 60,000 patients since this Radiotherapy group started.

Once fully completed with state -of-the-art accommodation, the cost of the project is expected to amount to 7 million euros (about K12 billion).

So far about K9.6 billion has been spent on the first phase of the project while second phase is expected to start soon and will comprise of a state-of-the-art Diagnostic facility and accommodation facility pushing the final cost of the project to 8 million Euros.

Exposed! What the ‘hidden’ Public Reforms report proposes…Why Chakwera did not want to make the report public

…He has only implemented two issues since report was issued

Embarrassing! President Lazarus Chakwera received a report on the review of Public Service systems of allowances, employment contracts, procurement and on the conditions of service and restructuring  by the Public Service Systems Review Taskforce in May 2021 and decided, on the 11th Hour, not to release its contents to the public as he earlier promised.

The most embarrassing thing is that in the three years that the report has been gathering dust in a file cabinet at State House, the President has just fulfilled only TWO items of the many proposals that the review taskforce, headed by Vice President Saulos Chilima, proposed for the good of the country, namely transport allowances and meal allowances for civil servants.

We have managed to quickly breakdown some of the proposals in the report that the President was asked to implement and you are the best judges on who wishes this country good and who is taking this country to ‘Bagamoyo’……

Allowances for Members of Parliament

The Taskforce on the review of Malawi’s Public Service Systems recommended that;

1. The Parliamentary Service Commission should remove the double payment of sitting allowances for Members of Parliament and parliament staff since this is

double payment as they are already paid a salary and other allowances.

2. That paying sitting allowances in order for them to fulfill these responsibilities amounts to double payment, because they receive a salary.

3.  Furthermore, these allowances are paid in advance and not recovered when MPs are absent.

4. Parliamentary staff also receive sitting allowances when serving parliamentary committees, although this is not provided in their conditions of service.

5. The Taskforce estimated that, on average, a Member of Parliament (MP) gets more than MK2,750,000 per month in remunerative allowances, and over MK4,400,000 for the Speaker, not including salaries.

6. For example, the minimum local subsistence rate for an MP is MK60,000, which equals to the maximum rate for a civil servant.

The Taskforce also noted that the maximum rate for external travel allowance for MPs is more than double the maximum for the civil service ($650 v $300).

Reforms Report on Subsistence Allowances

The Taskforce on the review of Malawi’s Public Service Systems observed that

subsistence allowances for travel are the most prone to abuse.

For instance, in the 2019/20 financial year, MK27.4 billion was approved for subsistence allowances, but what was actually spent was MK 33.7 billion. Over 88% of these allowances are spent by central government officers.

Therefore, the Taskforce recommended that;

1. Government implement full-board facility for local travel, with effect from 1st July 2021 for grades E and above, and transition all other ranks to fullboard according to grade with effect from 1st April 2022. This will eliminate or at least reduce chasing of allowances for personal gain, while making sure that public officers on duty are properly accommodated.

2. The Department of Human Resource Management and Development should negotiate with hotels, motels, and lodges special government rates for full board for public officers including ministers, with maximum rates for lunch and dinner as part of the full-board regime, excluding laundry and alcohol.

3.  Introduce IFMIS-generated Local Purchase Orders (LPO) for hotel/motel/ lodge accommodation bookings, and engage service providers so that payment is made after being invoiced.

4 Controlling Officers must ensure that all full board invoices from hotels/ motels/lodges are paid within 30 days and they will be held accountable for failure to settle bills, with sanctions following.

5.  Review the Incidental Allowance Rates attached to full board regime and adjust them accordingly

Reforms Report on Employment and Contracts

The Taskforce on the review of Malawi’s Public Service Systems observed that despite having clear procedures and authority in the administration and management of employment contracts in the public sector, there is poor enforcement of existing laws and regulations.

It therefore recommended the following;

1. Presidential appointees on employment contracts for a specified period,

such as personal assistants and diplomats who are not career civil servants,

and non-statutory political appointees such as Special Presidential Advisers,

should not transition into the mainstream civil service.

2. Furthermore, the length of employment contract should be aligned to the terms of office of their principles, be it the President, Vice President, Ministers, and Deputy Ministers, as the case may be.

2. With immediate effect, appointments in parastatal organisations should be

done by the appropriate authority, as provided for in the specific parastatal’s unless the Act specifically provides that the appointment or recruitment ofany of its staff will be made by the President.

3.  All appointments and recruitment must adhere to the existing laws.

Reforms Report on Salaries: No Civil Servant Salary to be Below Cost of Living

The Taskforce on the review of Malawi’s Public Service Systems observed that salaries are lowest in the civil service and highest in parastatals, including state-owned enterprises.

The Taskforce therefore recommended that;

1. Government must improve the salaries of public servants so that the lowest paid employee should receive a salary which responds to the Basic Needs Requirement.

2. At any point in time the salary of the lowest paid public servants should not be lower than the cost of living.

3. Introduce a contribution towards housing and transportation through appropriate non-taxable allowances as recommended below.

4. The Public Service Commission recommended that the cost of living be monitored and reviewed at least on a quarterly basis to be used in reviewing salaries.

5. Paying public officers salaries that are below the minimum needs basket violates their right to fair remuneration as is provided under section 31 (1) of the Constitution.

 6. There are huge disparities in salaries in the public service paid for work of equal value especially between the civil service and the parastatals. There are also huge disparities among the parastatals.

7. The disparities violate the principle of equal remuneration for work of equal value as is provided under section 6 (1) of the Employment Act (2000) and section 8 of the Public Service Act (1994).

8. Most civil servants, especially in the low cadres, lack decent housing accommodation and face transportation challenges to and from work.

Reforms on Political Influence on Recruitment Process

The Taskforce learnt that the reported forms of maladministration usually come about because of political influence and interference, cronyism, favouritism or/and corruption.

” It appears there are people determined to put candidates in certain positions, regardless of stipulations of the law,” reads the report in part.

It therefore recommended that;

1. The respective boards and DHRMD should terminate all irregular contracts including those people recruited without following government-approved procedures, without appropriate qualifications, political appointees who were mainstreamed, and those who are past the mandatory retirement age, by end June 2021.

2. Recruitment procedures must be followed to the letter, and where they are flouted, the responsible officers, including boards, must be held to account.

3.  Government and parastatal boards must carry out Human Resource Audits, or take action on existing Audit reports, to confirm unprocedural recruitment. Contracts for all those irregularly and illegally employed must be terminated.

4. OPC, DHRMD and MDA’s should immediately discontinue the practice commonly known as “Quarantine,” “Guantanamo Bay” or “Warehousing”, where officers are deployed without being assigned to appropriate functions, but get free remuneration.

5.  Controlling Officer should follow appropriate procedures for addressing indiscipline and under-performance, including termination of services, as provided for in the Employment Act.

6. DHRMD should provide guidelines for redeployment and redundancy scheme. All affected officers must have their cases resolved within three months.

Reforms Report on Performance Appraisal

The Tasforce observed that  the Malawi Public Service’s performance and productivity is low, and cannot support the achievement of Malawi’s ambitious development goals and Malawi 2063 vision.

It recommended that;

1. To demonstrate strong leadership from the top and the value that the government places on performance appraisals, the State President should introduce performance appraisals of the SPC, supported by independent external evaluators to ensure that all key responsibilities outlined in the PSA, PFMA, and other laws are addressed in the appraisal, with the first round to be completed by 1st June 2022.

2.  SPC should implement annual performance appraisals for Controlling Officers in line with Performance Contracts of MDAs and in particular, adherence to set regulations and procedures governing allowances, other financial management issues, action on audit findings and ability to take disciplinary action on officers where acts of conduct have been committed.

3. The SPC should submit a report of all performance appraisal reports of all Controlling Officers to the State President by 1st June 2022.

4. Furthermore, the SPC should implement mechanisms for rewarding high achievers and sanctions for poor performers as stipulated in the MPSR, with effect from 1 July 2021.

5. The State President should introduce and lead a system for annual public participation in the appraisal of Ministers. Public participation in the hearings should be done through radio, television and other digital platform

Reforms Report on Moral Values

The Taskforce observed that moral decay has created a society that approves and celebrates illegal accumulation of wealth.

It recommended the following;

1.  The President should embark on the process of identifying national champions and develop a programme to restore the moral and ethical values of the public service and society at large, which should commence on 1 October, 2022.

2. Secretary for Civic Education and National Unity should introduce a national week of advocacy for patriotism, integrity and high standard of moral values with immediate effect.

3.  The Secretary for Education should facilitate the introduction of moral values, ethics, integrity, and discipline as an examinable subject in all public schools by 1st April 2022, working in consultation with religious institutions, such as the Public Affairs Committee, Evangelical Association of Malawi, Episcopal Conference, Moslem Association of Malawi, Malawi Council of Churches.

4. The SPC and Controlling Officers should ensure that all public officers attend the mandatory Code of Conduct and Ethics training and ensure that every officer appends their signature to show that they understand the contents. Subsequently, any officer who violates the code should be held liable with immediate effect.

School Fees for Children of Members of Executive Management in Parastatals

The Taskforce observed that currently, all parastatals pay 100% of the school fees for up to two (2) children (who are below the age of eighteen (18)) of members of executive management at international private schools of the Executive’s choice within Malawi.

 Similarly, Parliament pays schools fees for the Clerk of Parliament, for up to three (3) children below the age of twenty-two (22) within Malawi. In all these cases, the choice of school is left to the discretion of the individual employee.

The  Taskforce also established that diplomatic staff in the Malawi Foreign Service receive school fees allowance for up to four (4) children. However, the amount is capped to a maximum applicable at the employee’s duty station and to his or her grade.

It therefore recommended that;

a. Abolish the school fees benefit in public institutions to achieve parity in the public service and revise employment contracts accordingly

b. Current contracts to run their course before adopting this change in policy, and any new contract from the date of approval shall be on the new fixed contract template.

c. Only public servants in the diplomatic service should be provided with school fees support for children below the age of 18 years while in service at a diplomatic mission abroad, and upon return to their home service, for a period of three to five years to allow for proper adjustment and reintegration into the school curriculum.

Philanthropist Dr Triephornia Mpinganjira hails hubby for constructing Cancer Centre in Blantyre

Philanthropist Dr. Triephornia Mpingangira has commended her husband Dr. Thomson Mpinganjira, a philanthropist himself, for constructing a state-of-the-art cancer centre at Nyambadwe in Blantyre.

The first ever radiotherapy hospital will be opened this afternoon by state president Dr. Lazarus Chakwera.

According to Madame Mpinganjira, the hospital will help to save millions of lives in the country seeking cancer treatment.

“This hospital will undoubtedly save countless lives and bring hope to many families,” Triephornia said in a statement addressed to her billionaire husband posted on her official Facebook page.

In the statement, she further said: “Your passion and commitment to this cause are truly inspiring. I am so proud to be your wife and witness the positive impact you are making on the lives of so many Malawians.”

Currently, Malawi sends cancer patients to hospitals in countries such as India and Tanzania.

The Ministry of Health said in August this year that the country uses over K2 billion every year to send patients abroad for cancer treatment.

In 2017, Malawi Government started constructing the National Cancer Center which is yet to be completed

The business tycoons and richest couple in Malawi, Dr. Thomson and wife Triephornia Mpinganjira are well known for sponsoring various social programs as well as sporting activities.

It is no longer a secret; the two are one of the gifts that Malawi and the whole Globe have in terms of humanitarian support and services.

Recently, Dr. Triephonia was in the news after donating a brand new Nissan Patrol to Malawi’s renowned hip hop artist, Limbani Kalilani better known by his stage name as Tay Grin.

She also stormed the social media after donating 2.5 million kwacha to Mai Mbambande, a non-governmental organization dedicated towards assisting the elderly in the country.

As that was not enough, Mai Mpinganjira also supported with air tickets to six children who represented Malawi at Africa Spelling B competition in Uganda.

NBM Plc ranked best in Malawi, Central Africa

Hiwa-We are honoured

National Bank of Malawi (NBM) Plc has been rated the best Bank in Malawi and Central Africa by the France-Based Media Group, Africa Report.

The Media Group, which also publishes a monthly Magazine called ‘Jeune Afrique’, has ranked NBM Plc 20th among the 200 African Institutions which has South Africa’s Capitec Bank leading the list.

According to the methodology used in the ranking, which has been posted on their Africa Report Website, the ranking composed five criteria: profitability, liquidity, solvency, and size.

“A weight is assigned to each to give a score out of 100. Each criteria itself consists of various indicators to which we have assigned a specific weight. In total, around 20 indicators were used”.

“For example, the profitability dimension includes, among other things, the net result ratio over total assets, liquidity includes the loan-to-deposit ratio, solvency includes the equity to total assets and size includes the total balance sheet. If a dimension is missing for a group due to insufficient data, a penalty is applied. When two or more indicators are missing, the bank is not ranked,” reads the methodology.

NBM Plc Marketing and Corporate Affairs Manager, Akossa Hiwa said the recognition is a true indication of the impact made by the Bank in multiple areas.

“We are honoured to be recognized alongside other players within our eco-system. As a Bank, we commit to continue providing financial solutions that create value for the end-user ,” Hiwa said.

In its five-year strategic plan from 2023 to 2027, NBM Plc indicated that it plans to grow to two countries apart from Malawi and Tanzania where the Bank runs Akiba Commercial Bank.

Standard Bank and First Capital Bank (FCB) have been ranked 62 and 67 respectively.

FDH Bank and NBS Bank are positioned 87th and 124th respectively.

NBM contributes K2.5m towards Wealth Women Summit

Hiwa (Right) handing over the cheque to Damson

National Bank of Malawi (NBM) Plc has contributed K2.5 million towards this year’s Wealth Woman Summit slated for Friday and Saturday in Lilongwe.

Speaking after presenting the Cheque to the Summit organisers on Wednesday, NBM Plc’s Marketing and Corporate Affairs Manager, Akossa Hiwa said the Bank considered partnering with Wealth Magazine as it commits to fostering female representation in leadership positions and providing equal opportunities for career growth.

“Critically, this summit, organized by Wealth Magazine, serves as a platform to champion the cause of diversity, challenge stereotypes, and create opportunities for women from diverse backgrounds to thrive.”

“Currently, 41 percent of our total staff members are female, and 28 percent of our managers are female. National Bank of Malawi plc will sponsor this Summit with a contribution of  K2.5 million, demonstrating our commitment to supporting initiatives that promote diversity and inclusion,” said Hiwa.

CEO Africa Roundtable Malawi Chapter and Board Member, George Damson thanked the Bank for supporting the fourth edition of the summit celebrated under the theme ‘Inspiring Inclusion’.

“We are very thankful that the National Bank recognizes that inclusion is a very important aspect in today’s world. Organizing this summit is our way of making sure that we bring to the fore the issue of inclusion,” said Damson.

Organized by CEO Africa Round Table Malawi Chapter, the summit fosters an inclusive environment where everyone feels valued and empowered to contribute their unique perspectives and talents to society.

PIL plants 6000 trees in Soche Mountain

Msimuko (middle) flanked by representatives from Total Energies, Puma, Vivo Energy, and Petroda

Petroleum Importers Limited (PIL), a consortium of four oil marketing companies namely TotalErnegies Malawi, Vivo Energy, Petroda, and Puma Energy, on Wednesday took time off from their offices to plant 6000 trees in Soche Mountain in Blantyre. 

PIL General Manager, Martin Msimuko said the company decided to plant the trees as a way of giving back to the community and restoring the environment.

“We thought it wise to have our first Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiative of the year by planting trees as it coincides with the national forestry season. PIL is concerned about how Blantyre and its mountains are being degraded . Our expectation is that these trees will grow and add beauty to the scenery of Blantyre and they are also going to purify our environment in our city,” said Msimuko.

Soche Mountain Conservation Trust Project Coordinator, Yangairo commended PIL for the initiative but asked more companies to emulate the gesture, saying the efforts to plant the trees can only bear fruits if they are well nurtured. 

PIL General Manager Martin Msimuko plants his tree

“We need more support from companies just like PIL and its shareholding companies have done. However, we need, as a country, to make sure we take up initiatives to take care of the trees. Let us empower the members of the community who volunteer to take up the tasks of caring for the trees,” said Yangairo. 

One of the forest guards at the mountain, Edson Mukhweya also thanked PIL for the support. 

Mukhweya however asked for collaboration between the security agencies and the forestry department in enforcing the forest regulations on those found destroying trees. 

“It is so disturbing to see that as we collaborate to end the wanton cutting down of trees in our mountain, some government agencies act like they are supporting the behaviour. For instance, as guards, we cannot persecute those that are found destroying the trees. We therefore take them to the Police, but surprisingly, you will meet the same people in the forest again the next day after being released without trial,” said Mukhweya. 

The national forestry season starts in December up to April every year. 

MCP nominates Chakwera as Tonse Alliance running mate in 2025


One of the main partners in the Tonse Alliance government, the Malawi Congress Party (MCP) has nominated President Lazarus Chakwera as running mate to the Alliance’s torchbearer for the 2025 General elections Vice President Saulos Chilima.

MCP held their Central Executive Committee meeting in Lilongwe on Monday where they settled for Chakwera as their candidate for 2025 elections.

However, the Tonse Alliance agreement which is valid for 10 years from 2020 provides that Chilima will be its torch bearer for the 2025 elections after giving Chakwera a chance to represent it for the first five years of the pact.

Contents of the agreement indicate that Chakwera was to go for the first five years while Chilima will stand for the second term of the Alliance rule.

During a 2020 campaign public rally Chilima told a huge crowd at Njamba Freedom Park in Blantyre that they have agreed that Chakwera should go first and that he would be the torchbearer after five years.

Chakwera has always blamed other unnamed politicians for ‘trying to come between me and the Vice President’ and vowed not to allow these politicians to succeed.

Recently during a development rally in Lilongwe Chakwera said he will practise ‘honest’ politics because he always honour his word.

“Ndikudziwa kuti ndale za ku Malawi zimakhala zosungilana ka mpeni kuphasa koma ine simpanga nawo chifukwa sindinapangepo zimenezi ndipo sindipanga” (I know Malawians practise politics of trickery but I don’t do this and will never do this),” said Chakwera.

According to the Tonse Alliance document the relationship will be reviewed after 10 years.

Chakwera and Chilima were brought together by various people including the clergy to ask them to run the 2020 elections together in order to acquire the 50 plus one percent of the national vote to oust former President Peter Mutharika.

Chithyola’s Headache: Cautioned to contain debt, spending appetite as bank sees hope for Malawi

Standard Bank Plc, Chief Executive Phillip Madinga

Finance Minister Simplex Chithyola has his work cut out for him; he must reduce government’s borrowing appetite and reign in expenditure controls if the ambitious economic growth targets of 3.2 percent to 4.8 percent are to be achieved by 2025.

This is the advice from the country’s second largest bank Standard Bank Plc, listed on the Malawi Stock Exchange (MSE).

In a statement officially responding to the Finance Minister’s draft 2024/25 budget statement, the bank’s Chief Executive Phillip Madinga said adherence to austerity measures and reducing public debt levels hold the keys to achieving the ambitious growth targets as set out in the government’s latest fiscal plan.

“Success of implementation of this budget, and Malawi’s economic recovery, will hinge on the boldness, courage and commitment by all stakeholders—thus private sector supporting initiatives that drive production and export generation, and on the government side, adherence to its austerity measures, reducing public debt levels and effective fiscal management and discipline,” he said.

He also pointed out that the public debt interest line—which has increased by three percent of the total expenditure—must be closely monitored to ensure it remains within budget.

Madinga noted that on the positive side, the 2024/25 budget demonstrates government’s commitment to contain public debt growth as overall stock of MWK1.4 trillion represents a reduction by 14 percent and seven percent as a proportion of revenue and expenditure lines, respectively.

“The overall public debt growth at K1.4tn, as a share of total revenues and total expenditure, has reduced by 14% and 7%, respectively, year on year. With the positive outlook on the macros, public debt growth is expected to be contained…This will be a significant step towards achieving debt sustainability,” he said.

The Standard Bank chief said the 2024/25 budget also addresses the need to boost foreign currency supply by proposing export strategies through Mega farms, labour export, mining, tourism, and enhancement of diaspora remittances.

Madinga added that based on the enhancement of revenue collection processes, anticipated donor inflow opportunities, rationalization of expenditures and additional focus on production sector, the 2024/25 budget gives hope to a better Malawi on the road to achieving the 2063 vision.

All set for land demonstrations on February 28



Concerned Citizens have penned Lilongwe District Commissioner notifying him of their intention to hold peaceful demonstrations on February 28 in demanding justice for their land believed to have been dubiously taken away from their ancestors.

In a letter that we have seen and signed by Concerned Citizens representatives Wells Khama and Reviyasi Revisoni, the grouping will gather at the Capitol Hill in Lilongwe and will only leave on condition that their land is given back.

The Concerned Citizens stressed that the land issue is worth dying for therefore any ploy by authorities to threaten them shall never be tolerated until they get their portion of land.

They have given a background of events concerning thousands of land struggles that are now becoming order of the day that saw the shooting of Maxwell Kenani on November 27, 2023.

And persuaded by daily reports of land wrangles culminating from the injustices towards the poor, the Centre for Democracy and Economic Development Initiatives (CDEDI) challenges authorities to swiftly move in to diffuse a ticking bomb.

Citizens are seeking justice after findings show that there is a court ruling in relation to Alimaunde plot no 44/9 and 44/11, where Judge Kenyatta Nyirenda, in his September 24, 2020 ruling, said it belonged to Natures Gift Limited.

However, there are conflicting details that have emerged showing that the Alimaunde plot no 44/8, was not part of the said court ruling, as claimed by the citizens from Senior Chief Tsabango’s area.

Meanwhile the citizens are further claiming that the land was dubiously obtained by the current ‘owners’ from their ancestors, without any compensation.

Until recently, land crisis was believed to be an issue endemic to the tea growing districts of Mulanje, Thyolo and Nkhata-bay, but today, Malawians are their own witnesses that land is a national crisis in Malawi.

This is clearly evident by the recent vigil that was held at the High Court in Lilongwe, where some citizens of this country including the Kaphwiti Banda family battling it out with Mama Tamanda Cecilia Kadzamila were praying for justice to be served.

It is lamentable that millions of landless citizens are living like half human beings in Thyolo, Mulanje and Nkhata-Bay, while plenty of land lays idle, and worse still, others are serving jail terms, some are struggling to pay fines and many others have had their cases stalled for ages.

“As this is happening, the lucky few, mostly foreign nationals and Malawians of other descent, are letting out land to the natives and others are keeping it for their unborn grandchildren,”

Air Cargo donates equipment to Chileka Health Centre

Chimwenje (second right) hands over the items to Dzimbiri (second left) as others look on

Air Cargo Malawi (ACM) has handed over medical equipment worth K3 million to Chileka Health Centre maternity wing as part of their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiative commitment.  

Air Cargo Malawi’s Director of Operations, Arnold Chimwenje said the company thought it necessary to donate to the community they work in, as a way of making a positive economic and health impact.   

“We felt it necessary that we contribute to the nearby surroundings so that we can make a significant impact in the community that we are serving. That is why we chose Chileka Health Centre.  We have donated a maternity bed, a post-natal bed, and four leather-covered mattresses. This is not just a transaction; it symbolizes a collaboration between ACM and the healthcare community.”

“ACM as a key player in the air freight industry, is committed to impacting communities positively. This initiative resonates with one of the objectives of the Malawi Health Sector Strategic Plan II (2017-2022) of improving the availability and quality of health infrastructure and medical equipment,” said Chimwenje.

Chileka Health Centre Deputy Nurse-in-Charge, Maria Dzimbiri thanked ACM for the donation which she said will go a long way in giving comfort to expectant mothers.

“We didn’t have these kinds of beds; we were just improvising the normal beds. The coming in of these beds will tremendously improve our services,” said Dzimbiri.

She then asked other corporate entities to help in renovating a ceiling that is in bad shape and donate weighing scales and blood pressure monitors among other needed items.

Village Head Singano also commended ACM for the donation which she said will also help other villages in Traditional Authority Kuntaja’s area.

“Not only people in my area are excited, but other village heads surrounding this area are also happy with this donation,” she said.

ACM plans to donate to Lumbadzi Health Centre which is near Kamuzu International Airport in Lilongwe later this month.

More customers win in NBM ‘Popanda Chifukwa’ promo

Ibrahim Chapeyama from NBM (right) handing over a prize to of the instant winners

National Bank of Malawi (NBM) plc over the weekend, continued to splash various prizes to 78 customers in the ‘Popanda Chifukwa POS/MoPay’ promotion currently running.

The Bank conducted its second monthly draw at Mzuzu Shoprite Mall on Saturday, where hundreds of customers also had a chance to win instant prizes after purchasing goods using the NBM’s debit cards, Mo626 Pay, and Point-of-Sale machines.

NBM Cards Acquiring and Merchant Services Manager, David Tamula expressed satisfaction with the support and loyalty they are getting for customers who are prioritizing their digital platforms.

“The Government is having an initiative where we have to make this a cashless society. There are so many benefits out of it, we don’t have to walk around with cash, it is far more efficient. So, we are trying to assist the Government in that endeavor as a very good corporate citizen. We are seeing that customers are embracing it. It is much easier for customers to conduct their transactions as they don’t have to queue twice, but just go where we have our POS and make their payment,” said Tamula.

A customer draws winners at Mzuzu Shoprite

One of the customers who won an instant prize, Serah Moyo commended NBM plc for the initiative saying it is now safe to pay for goods without carrying hard cash.

“This is great, and I urge more customers to embrace the technology. Otherwise, I am happy to be among the lucky ones today,” she said.

Out of the 78 lucky ones on the day, three people cart home K150, 000 cash reward, while 30 others won a 50% refund on their transactions capped at a maximum expenditure of K75, 000.Thirty more customers won gift packs.

The promotion which started in December 2023 and will run up to April 2024.


The Leadership Institute for Transparency and Accountability (LITA) strongly condemns the uncivilized act by thugs believed to have been sponsored by the governing Malawi Congress Party (MCP) to disrupt the peaceful assembly and parade organized by the opposition Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) in Lilongwe. It is very paralyzing to see that MCP officials are downplaying the truth by shielding their diabolic political thugs while many casualties are battling with deep wounds in the hospitals.

Freedom of assembly and association (FoAA) is our birthright as guaranteed in the Constitution, and has no geographical frontiers. Malawi is for every Malawian and does not belong to a single political party. We, therefore, call upon all political parties to co-exist and carry their political obligations dutifully.

Sadly, the compromised Police, on the other hand, seem to have no proactive measures to apprehend the culprits yet they were reportedly on the crime scene. The video clips that are viral on social media can provide a swift lead to bring the thugs and their political masters to book.

LITA and its stakeholders have been following events in Malawi (including what is happening in Parliament now), and we are made to believe that MCP has strategically set for anarchy and one party state. The President and his cohorts must be reminded that Malawi shall remain a democratic state willy-nilly!

The Catholic Bishops, as the midwives of multiparty democracy in the country, have spoken. We as Malawians of good will must listen to the voice of reason enshrined in their prophetic call, and fearlessly act wisely by rooting out any strategies and political machinations that are butchering our hard-won democracy. The signs are so clear that Malawi’s leadership tragedy must be solved by the same voters who ushered the “seemingly indispensable” MCP into power.

MCP’s regime has been earmarked by the detention, arbitrary arrest, judicial harassments, death threats and intimidation of human rights activists, journalists, women, and innocent political opponents. All these vices are orchestrated by bankrupt politicians who believe are above the law.

Instead of sponsoring thugs with sharp panga knives, axes and lethal weapons, MCP leadership must tackle hunger, high costs of living, high inflation, corruption, tribalism, forex scarcity, drug shortages, among other socio-economic problems which are already the venomous sting on the citizens. It is, therefore, uncalled for to indulge on attacking tax-payers who lucratively salary the President, his family, cronies and tribesmen instead of satisfying them.



“Don’t believe in hacking narrative, its MCP IT gurus putting Malawians at ransom on Passport crisis”-CDEDI

Namiwa on duty

The Centre for Democracy and Economic Development Initiatives (CDEDI) has told Malawians not to believe in President Lazarus Chakwera’s narrative that hackers are demanding a ransom to recover the passport printing system at the Immigration Department.

CDEDI has rather disclosed that the Malawi Congress Party (MCP) IT team is the reason the system has failed after trying to bypass the system’s developer, Techno Brain.

In its findings, CDEDI observed that the MCP IT team is failing to recover the system while running away from paying rights to the owners.

According to CDEDI findings results made available to Malawi Voice on Friday, February 23, 2024, signed by its Executive Director Sylvester Namiwa, President Chakwera lied to the nation about the system hacking arguing that he wanted to cover up the failed MCP IT team.

“The Techno Brain team said all it needed was a mandate to start working to recover the system, but the MCP ICT team acted wiser and convinced the government that they did not need Techno Brain’s assistance, hence the government has not granted Techno Brain a mandate to recover the system.

“The growing public rage and the ever-inquisitive citizens forced the MCP ICT gurus who were still trying to apply the try-and-error tactics to recover the system, to use the agenda-setting theory to churn the hacking narrative, which is senseless and dangerous,” reads in part CDEDI findings.

The report adds, “Unfortunately, President Chakwera has been caught lying under oath! Forget about the report, here is why Malawians should be living in fear. By publicly informing the nation that the Immigration system has been hacked, the President has played in the hands of professional hackers”.



As a mouth-piece of the voiceless citizenry, and in the exercise of its governance watchdog role, the Centre for Democracy and Economic Development Initiatives (CDEDI) zeroed in on the current passport crisis in the country and hereby shares its key findings as follows:

To start with, it is important to say that President Lazarus Chakwera has not only lied to the world but, also, proved himself to be a security threat to the nation by hoodwinking Malawians into believing that the country’s passport printing system has been hacked and that the hackers are demanding a ransom.

In other words, we have reasons to believe that the President disguised Techno Brain as a hacker, and further disguised the GIT’s maintenance contract fee as ransom to earn himself and his administration
public sympathy.


Malawians may wish to know that on March 22, 2019, the Malawi Government engaged Techno Brain on a Build, Operate, and Transfer (BOT) basis where the company used its money to build the system for printing passports on the understanding that it would recover its money through passport fees and later hand over the operations of the system to the Malawi Government after three years.

Important to note here is that passports are not printed using Other Recurrent Transaction (ORT) but the money that people pay when they apply for passports.

At the expiry of the BOT contract, Techno Brain handed over everything to the Malawi Government. However, for purposes of the smooth running of the system, Techno Brain recommended a Dubai-based company, known as GIT, as a maintenance consultant. This was done given the need to replace the system’s parts, including servicing.

The above is now the genesis of the current crisis.

Some well-known Malawi Congress Party-connected ICT gurus, including officials from e-Government,
Malawi Communications Regulatory Authority (MACRA) and National Registration Bureau (NRB), against technical advice from the internal ICT team at the Immigration Department, bypassed Techno Brain and GIT and tampered with the system to run away from paying licence fees.

Investigations show that the system was tampered with through the Lilongwe saver office at Malawi Postal Corporation Training Centre, along the Paul Kagame Road where the Department of Immigration and Citizen Services headquarters is earmarked to be located.

When their attempts proved futile, they invited a Techno Brain team which came for assessment, hence the public notice by the Department of Immigration titled ‘MAINTENACE OF PASSPORT ISSUANCE SYSTEM’ dated January 28, 2024.

According to the assessment report, the Techno Brain team recommended to the government that they needed eight days to bring back the system and printing could resume in Lilongwe and Blantyre. To be followed by Mzuzu and Mangochi.

The Techno Brain team said all it needed was a mandate to start working to recover the system, but the MCP ICT team acted wiser and convinced the government that they did not need Techno Brain’s assistance, hence the government has not granted Techno Brain a mandate to recover the system.


The growing public rage and the ever-inquisitive citizens forced the MCP ICT gurus who were still trying to apply the try-and-error tactics to recover the system, to use the agenda-setting theory to churn the hacking narrative, which is senseless and dangerous.

Unfortunately, President Chakwera has been caught lying under oath! Forget about the report, here is why Malawians should be living in fear:

By publicly informing the nation that the Immigration system has been hacked, the President has played in the hands of professional hackers.

The President has just told the world: “Here we are, a helpless and vulnerable nation whose systems are susceptible to hacking!” But the hacking narrative also begs some serious questions:

The mode of communication with the hackers to demand the so-called ransom, assuming it is in person, why not unleash State apparatus to apprehend the messenger if they are within the country? If they are elsewhere in the world, why can’t the government seek assistance from the governments of those countries to apprehend them? Assuming they are communicating via WhatsApp calls or e-mails, is it that difficult to use modern technology to trace them?

Further questions to the above would be; as a nation, have we failed to trace the hackers due to a lack of expertise? If that is the case, are we safe as a country? If it is out of lack of interest, why is the government not interested in flushing out the hackers in the first place?

The other question would be: Is President Chakwera telling Malawians that as huge and important as the Passport Issuance System is, it doesn’t have backup servers elsewhere?

For starters, any computer-based system, no matter how small it might be, has a virtual backup system, and this was one of Techno Brain’s expected deliverables. To hear that the system was crushed and loss of data occurred is a huge mockery, especially for the kind of operations we are talking about.

Malawians may recall that between 2018 and 2019 one of the commercial banks in the country had its system hacked, but it was up and running within an hour because they had servers in Lilongwe, Mzuzu, and the country they had procured the system. Servers are important because no matter how watertight a system can be, it is prone to hacking for, among others, the following reasons:

Malice, Theft and or ransom, Frustration from the super users, Natural disasters, and calamities

Now the critical question President Chakwera should answer is: Out of the 20 million plus Malawians, did we not have skilled ICT personnel who could advise on the need for the Immigration Department to have redundant servers in place?

This is why we at CDEDI, on behalf of Malawians, conclude that the President lied before the House of Records the day he appeared in Parliament and, among other questions, was asked to explain the passport crisis.


Malawi is at a crossroads, the MCP ICT team is holding the country at ransom. But empty threats from the President won’t work. The system has been ours since it was handed over to the government, but the government is trying to dodge user licence fees to GIT.

The government is now accusing GIT of demanding user fees, which President Chakwera has described as ransom after some so-called local ICT experts tampered with the system to bypass both GIT and Techno Brain.

The noble thing to do is for the Tonse Alliance administration to swallow its pride and let Techno Brain do the needful that will allow Malawians to acquire passports as and when they need them.


Malawians may wish to know that all this is stemming from an election campaign promise to make a passport affordable, at K14,000, down from the current K93,000.

As this campaign promise was being made, passport printing, according to the initial contract of 800,000 books, was pegged at $76 each translating into US$60.8 million about MK108 billion.

Malawians may remember that the cost of $76 per passport was used to cost the project with deliverables. Techno Brain was requested through the office of the Attorney General to inform the country of the cost of a single booklet, but they declined.

It simply meant that if the passport fee was to be reduced as promised, the government should have subsidized the fee.

The three-year e-Passport project had deliverables attached to it as follows:

Digitalization of the registry.

 2. Digitalization and networking of all embassies to cut costs for sending documents through DHL, and fraud where passports were manipulated,

3.Printing facilities at Chileka and Kamuzu International Airports.

4. Disaster recovery site,

5. Airport forensic laboratories,

6.Training of personnel,

 7. Study tours,

8.Provision of five Toyota Hilux Twin cabs,

9. Upgrade the current passport system,

10. Provision of additional printers,

11.Stock management system,

12. Provision of CCTV cameras,

13. Enhance access control of building and printing rooms,

 14. Protective gear for printing rooms

As it stands, the Immigration Department Director General (DG) General Charles Kalumo owes Malawians an explanation or two, as to whether all the deliverables were met. If not, he needs to explain why that is the case after the full payment of contract money was paid.


President Chakwera is shielding the trio that is holding this country at ransom, by allowing them to feed the nation lies that they will be able to run the system, by bypassing GIT and Techno Brain, at the expense of people requiring to travel for medical attention, business, and school.

The system requires a disaster recovery site, which was among Techno Brain’s deliverables as per the provision of the expired contract.

The three weeks the President has promised to have the system up and running is a clear indication that he trusts the so-called ICT gurus that have failed for the past four weeks, and we fear that this will be a fruitless effort, likely to end in tears for us.

The said 21 days is too long a wait when Techno Brain had suggested eight working days, especially given that some people have waited for their passports for ages.


Malawians have a right to know who did what; therefore, CDEDI implores the relevant committee in the August House to immediately call for a live public inquiry over the matter, where Techno Brain would also be heard.

By public convenience, the government should immediately recall able hands that have full knowledge and skills of the said ‘hacked system’ but were unceremoniously interdicted, posted, and/or transferred, to go back and solve this national crisis, and save the country from the embarrassment government has pushed it into.

Meanwhile, the seven (7) working days’ ultimatum stands! CDEDI will mobilise Malawians to conduct peaceful demonstrations, protesting the 21 days and forcing a public inquiry on the same.

By Sylvester Namiwa,


NBS Bank feeds the needy in Chiradzulu


NBS Bank Plc has handed over maize flour worth K3.5 million to hunger-affected individuals in Chiradzulu district.

The donation targeted orphans, the elderly, and the physically disadvantaged in the area of Traditional Authority (T/A) Mpunga in the Southern Region district on Sunday.

The Bank’s Acting Head of Marketing and Customer Experience, James Chikaonda said this is not the first time NBS Bank has donated to the area and will continue to help when the need arises.

“Bearing in mind that we are a ‘Caring Bank’, we thought it wise to come in to assist our fellow Malawians. We are targeting to reach 150 beneficiaries from this area in their time of need,” said Chikaonda.

In her remarks, T/A Mpunga thanked NBS Bank for the timely donation to the vulnerable groups in her area.

“Last year we were affected by Cyclone Freddy, and this year, there is no rain. The people in my area are sleeping on an empty stomach,” she said.

One of the beneficiaries Philes Binet of Kuchombe Village also joined T/A Mpunga in commending the Bank for coming to their rescue.

“We thank NBS Bank for this donation and we hope they will always come to our rescue,” said Binet.

Member of Parliament for the area, Joseph Mwanamvekha also echoed the sentiments by appreciating the Bank’s kind gesture.

“I am pleased to see that today they have come to distribute flour, mainly to the elderly, physically challenged, and orphans. You can see that most of the beneficiaries are quite happy that at least for today and a few days they will be able to eat.”

“It is a very worrying situation now, I am sure you have seen that most of the maize is drying up, and yet it has not matured. In my area, T/As Mpunga, Nkalo, and Maoni may not harvest enough to feed the people,” said Mwanamvekha.

 NBS Bank also assisted the Mpunga Community during Cyclone Freddy disaster last year. 

YOUTH POWER: MultiChoice develops young professionals for future success

As global populations age, Africa remains a bastion of youthful promise, with around 70% of the continent’s population below the age of 30. This youthful demographic can be an asset – but only if it is developed, by empowering young people through training, and by giving them a stake in the growth of their countries’ economies.

Helping to develop young people’s abilities and expanding the pool of skills is also in the interests of industry and big business. Skills drive economies.

In line with this need to invest in people, is an understanding of the value of young professionals. Every industry needs a pipeline of well-trained, energetic and creative new talent, who can fuel the next phase of that sector’s growth, with ideas, innovations and fresh, socially relevant concepts.

In Kenya, for example, the Kenya Youth Employment and Opportunities Project (KYEOP) is geared to improving youth employability, creating jobs, and enhancing labour-market knowledge through training, internships and apprenticeships. In Ghana, the National Youth Authority exists to create an environment to support frontline youth empowerment.

However, unlocking private-sector investment in youth development remains critical, and there is a more specific need for industry-specific interventions. At the same time – with 72 million young Africans unemployed – the task of upskilling and empowering the youth is enormous.

This is especially true in the creative sector. Here, pan-African broadcasting group MultiChoice has taken on the responsibility of developing its own sector, through its MultiChoice Talent Factory (MTF) academies across the continent.

MTF academies offer year-long training programmes to students from 13 countries, combining practical and theory instruction in disciplines such as cinematography, editing, audio production and storytelling. They also offer African students the chance to hone their skills alongside industry greats.

MTF has had a profound impact across Africa, having already produced more than 300 alumni. The programme is revolutionising the industry by training young filmmakers; creating paths to professional careers in the film and TV sector; and empowering African professionals to create relevant content for African audiences.

An MTF survey has found that around 92% of MTF Academy graduates go on to work in the creative sector. As part of their training, many MTF students get to work on existing productions on MultiChoice channels such as Africa Magic, Maisha Africa or Mzansi Magic.

Besides the MTF Academies, which provide intensive, year-long training, the MTF Portal focuses on enhancing the capabilities of working industry professionals, through specialised training, workshops, collaborations and networking opportunities.

This industry integration has twin benefits of providing the creative sector with a healthy pipeline of talented young people, while also giving MTF graduates relevant experience.

Hundreds of MTF alumni have found employment within MultiChoice, and 30 independent production houses have been registered by former MTF students, many becoming suppliers to the Group.

MultiChoice Africa contributes significantly to the broader African economy through procurement and supplier development with emerging and youth-owned businesses. MultiChoice has invested R12 billion in preferential procurement spend; R2.6 billion in direct spend on medium and micro-enterprises; R2 billion spent on suppliers with at least 30% women ownership; and R7.7 billion on black-empowerment accredited suppliers.

Such economic benefits form part of the MultiChoice continuum of youth empowerment – creating opportunities which lead to quality content for MultiChoice audiences and ultimately benefit local economies across the continent.

MultiChoice reaches 23,5 million households, and more than 100 million people, in 50 African countries. Quality African storytelling has been the key to its success. Developing well trained, empowered young people through the MTF will be the key to that success in future.

Malawi to face ‘worst-ever’ hunger crisis, says Senior Prophet Mtupa


Malawian Prophet, who on December 31 last year prophesied about the current dry spell in the country, has asked Malawians to pray against “starvation”.Senior Prophet Rodrick Mtupa of Holy Palace Cathedral International Ministries said Malawians must pray and fast against “looming” hunger.“God has told me that the country will experience drought this year and there will be poor harvest which will lead to hunger,” Mtupa said.  Prophet Mtupa, whose several of his national prophecies have already been fulfilled, reminded Malawians that prophecies are made not to scare people but to make them prepare, pray and fast against any evils ahead.The man of God then hinted on the need for the public to always take a spiritual action whenever there is a national prophesy from any God servant.In a related government, Government spokesperson Moses Kunkuyu has announced that 3.75 million Malawians have received relief maize and cash assistance since the commencement of the 2023/24 lean season.According to Kunkuyu, 42,000 metric tonnes of maize have been distributed to 3 million Malawians and 173,000 households have received cash amounting to K26 billion.Meanwhile, the Department of Disaster Management and Affairs (DODMA) will from Thursday start to distribute 23,000 metric tonnes of maize flour to people that have been affected by hunger in Malawi. 

NBS Bank, NCHE partner on fees payment  


NBS Bank Plc has partnered with the National Council of Higher Education (NCHE) to utilize its digital platforms for fees payment to students applying for public universities selection.

The Banks Head of Corporate Banking, Frank Nakoma, said that with this partnership, the ‘Caring Bank’ anticipates more usage of digital banking platforms.

“As we all know, the world is moving towards a digital direction especially where payments are concerned. Customers usually use their cards to make online payments or pay for their goods through a point-of-sale machine in a shop.

“As one way of responding to an ever-evolving climate, NBS Bank has decided to partner with NCHE to ensure that students across the country can easily pay their application fees using the digital platforms we have dubbed ‘EazyBank’,” he said.

Nakoma further said the Bank believes that the process speaks to the Bank’s slogan of the ‘Caring Bank’ by providing convenient ways of transacting.

NCHE Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Dr. Ambumulire Phiri said the partnership will help simplify the application process. 

“In our continuous efforts to enhance accessibility and convenience for prospective students, we are delighted to partner with NBS Bank again this year. This collaboration will boost the application process by enabling applicants to conveniently pay their application fees through the Bank,” said Phiri.

Phiri added that the partnership with NBS is one of NCHE’s ways of fostering innovation and efficiency in their processes.

“Our major aim is to facilitate easy and inclusive access to higher education for all eligible candidates and this is one way of ensuring that,” said Phiri.

This is one of the other partnerships the Bank has made that require digital transactions.

NCHE, which harmonizes the selection of students into all public universities in the country, will this year start receiving these applications from February 19 to  March 19.

Malawi participates in R & A Africa Amateur Golf Championship in SA


Malawi has sent two talented golfers to South Africa to participate in the R & A Africa Amateur Golf Championship, a prestigious event that aims to showcase some of the best amateur golf talent from across the continent. 

Folindo Rodrick and Kamoza Longwe are talented golfers who have earned the opportunity to represent Malawi on the international stage. 

Golf Union of Malawi (GUoM) Director of Public Relations and Marketing Mercy Jumula Kamanga said in an interview that the tournament is expected to run from Wednesday through to Saturday this week.

“Their (Folindo and Kamoza) participation in this championship will not only provide them with valuable experience and exposure but also help raise the profile of golf in Malawi,” said Kamanga. 

She said the two golfers will be doing practice rounds at the Leopard Creek golf course in Mpumalanga, RSA from today, the 19th February to Tuesday, 21st February, 2024 in readiness for the competition which will take place on the same course. 

“We wish Folindo and Kamoza the best of luck and hope they perform to the best of their ability,” said Kamanga.

The championship will feature 72 men from the Africa region competing in a 72-hole stroke play format with the winner receiving an exemption in the 152nd Open at Royal Troon.

Putting age limit on presidency is discriminatory – ECC


The Association of Empowerment Initiative for Elderly and Children (ECC) says is against the proposed constitutional amendment rendering persons above 80 years of age ineligible to contest for the presidency.

This follows widespread reports that the embattled leader of opposition in parliament, who is also Mulanje Central legislator, Kondwani Nankhumwa plans to present a Private Member Bill on the presidential age limit.

The Bill seeks to amend Section 80 (6)(b) of the Constitution which provides for age eligibility of presidential candidates.

Reacting to the reports, ECC in a statement said limiting presidential age limit to 80 is a serious and worse discrimination to the elderly in the country who deserves equal rights and safe environments where they’re accepted for who they are.

“This Month, Our Members of Parliament will meet for the 48th session and will discuss so many matters that affecting our citizens including the accomplishments of the Elderly rights movement isn’t enough.

“Lawmakers and other groups nationwide are targeting the community, and from bans to attacks on Elderly people Elderly people are experiencing some of the worst of the discrimination,” reads the statement in part

Recently, in a statement the Malawi Network of Older Persons (MANEPO) also described the proposed amendment as retrogressive, undemocratic, and completely based on erroneous assumptions.

“It infringes upon the democratic rights of all Malawians to participate in the democratic process by excluding those aged 80 and above.

Besides, MANEPO wonders whether such a Bill would also bar individuals above 80 from becoming members of parliament or assuming the role of the Speaker of the National Assembly,” said MANEPO’s Country Director Andrew Kavala in a statement.

On the other hand, the Malawi Law Society (MLS) president Patrick Mpaka told a local media that proposals to change laws such as presidential age limit should come through a proper public Bill not a private member’s Bill.

This will be a second attempt after a similar move failed in 2018 when former Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) legislator for Nsanje South West Joseph Chidanti-Malunga had proposed that the maximum age for those aspiring for the presidency should be capped at 65.

Lilongwe Motor Show Set For June

Malawi’s premier automotive event, the Lilongwe Motor Show returns for its fourth edition in June this year, organisers have confirmed.

The much awaited Motor Show will once again bring together a diverse range of exhibitions from across the country.

A press statement signed by Lilongwe Motor Show Ltd Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Alinane Andrew Njolomole says the event will take place on June 1 at t the BICC Malawi Square.

Building on the success of its previous editions, this year’s show is set to be a grand celebration of automobiles, featuring exhibitions, demonstrations, spins, raffles, and family entertainment.

“As we celebrate the fourth edition of the Lilongwe Motor Show, we invite car enthusiasts, industry professionals, and families to join us for a day of excitement, discovery, and automotive passion,” reads the statement in part.

For Sponsorship, Bookings and media inquiries, or additional information, please contact: Alinane Andrew Njolomole (C.E.O) on +265 999 794 078.

The show is a corporate event aimed at meeting marketing needs for participating brands whilst positioning their brand statements to a unique demographic of corporate, entrepreneurs and contractors.

K10M up for grabs in Phuka pitch night

One young agriculture entrepreneur stands a chance of winning K10 million as a booster capital if they impress a panel of three judges during a Standard Bank-facilitated Phuka Pitch Night underway at BICC in Lilongwe.

The ultimate winner will be drawn from a group of five shortlisted agriculturally-linke­d SMEs who have completed a six-week business incubation program now in its second year.

The Phuka Incubation program is a partnership between Standard Bank Plc and Lilongwe-based Synergy Labs.

The current cohort is in partnership with the Agriculture Transformation Centre (ATC).

Phuka or growth starter is the first business incubation program of its kind in Malawi.

Standard Bank increases scholarship fund to K220 million

Standard Bank Plc has increased its joint merit scholarship fund with Press Trust to K220 Million in line with the bank’s commitment to support education as catalyst for sustainable economic development.

Launching the four-year fund at Loyola Jesuits Secondary School in Kasungu, Chief Executive Phillip Madinga said the decision underlines the bank’s belief that empowering the youth, who make up majority of the country’s total population, holds key to achieving Malawi’s long-term development and prosperity goals.

“At Standard Bank, we strongly believe that empowering the youth by investing in their education and vocational skills, will unleash the next economic growth frontier for Malawi, while supporting the nation’s development goals,” he said.

Madinga said the bank resolved to renew its funding towards the scholarship after being encouraged by positive outcomes of the first phase which produced a 100 percent pass rate for MSCE with 75% of the students scoring points less than 20 points.

 He noted that the most impressive result is that of Gloria Ndipo from Providence Girls Secondary School, who scored Eight points and aspires to study Medicine.

“Bearing in mind the positive outcomes of this scholarship fund, we at Standard Bank have seen it fit to renew our agreement with Press Trust.

 Through a Memorandum of Understanding signed today, we pledge to forge ahead with our joint financing interventions in education,” said Madinga.

Press Trustee Professor Moses Maliro urged the scholarship beneficiaries to make full use of the the opportunity by excelling in their studies.

“We have decided to invest in you, based on capabilities that you showed during the PLCE. We hope that you will maintain your excellent academic performance throughout secondary education.

It is our hope that you will be part of the critical human capital mass that Malawi requires to fulfill its 2063 aspiration in developing the economy inclusively,” he said.

Ministry of Education Principal Secretary (Basic Education) Dr Rachel Chimbwete-Phiri commended Standard Bank and Press Trust for renewing the fund describing it as a powerful medium for promoting access to equitable education for deserving students.

“We express our sincere gratitude to Press Trust and Standard Bank for rescuing our students, many of whom need financial support. The gap and need for financial assistance is really huge,” she said.

The initial fund of K120 Million runs up to 2023, while the new package of K220 million or an increase by 88% will run up to 2027 catering for 46 students from across the country’s secondary school, including those with special needs.

The scholarship fund is inclusive of tuition, stationary, school shoes and uniform, school bags and examination fees.

Apart from the scholarship fund for secondary schools, Standard Bank and Press Trust have also partnered to provide tuition and learning materials for four years for students at the Malawi University of Science and Technology (MUST), Maula Prison School and other schools that were hit by tropical Cyclone Freddy in 2023.

Mulhako denies plot to remove Mutharika as patron

Mulhako Patron APM

Lhomwes have questioned the motive of some publications spreading false information about Mulhako Wa Alhomwe since elevation of Senior Chief Kaduya to the level of Paramount Chief.

All board members of Mulhako wa Alhomwe today were surprised by an ‘unprofessional and mercenary’ reporting of Sapitwa Online that there was meeting at Sanjika Palace aimed at removing His Excellency Professor Peter Mutharika from the position of patron.

This, according to some of the Lhomwes that spoke with this publication, clearly shows that some people would like to be close to the patron of Mulhako Wa Alhomwe through lies.

 “We cannot glorify this lie by issuing an official statement, no. But we can assure you that Mulhako Wa Alhomwe is not a political or religious organisation.

We are a traditional organisation, just like the chairperson (of Mulhako Wa Alhomwe) has been saying,” Said one of the board members who thought quoting his name will give flowers to unfounded allegations.”

Mulhako wa Alhomwe was formed in 2007 to promote Lhomwe culture by among other objectives, instilling a sense of pride in its people.

The formation of the organization revived some of the cultural practices that had been on the death bed.

Farmer wins K6 million in NBS’ ‘Saving Always Win’ promo

A Nkhotakota-based farmer Janet Longwe has emerged as the overall winner in the NBS Bank’s ‘Saving Always Win’ promotion final draw conducted on Friday. 

Longwe of Dwangwa Service Centre went away with K6 million as the winner in the third band category for customers that deposited K500,000 above.

In the second band depositing K100,000 to K500,000, Rabson Esau Zimba Sikabwera of Kasungu Service Centre won K3.5 million while Stuart-Cronone Mvula of Dwangwa Service Centre won K1 million in the first band depositing K50,000 minimum.

NBS Bank plc launched the promotion in June last year in a quest to encourage customers to embrace a saving culture.

Speaking during the promotion’s final draw, NBS Bank Head of Retail Banking Victoria Chanza said the Bank received overwhelming support as 15, 000 customers participated in the promotion.  

“When we initially started the competition, we had a growth in our deposit book. During the 24th week of the promotion we had an increase in deposits of about 18 percent, and we experienced an increase in the deposits of savings accounts of about 33 percent at the end of the promotion,” said Chanza.

Other subsidiary prizes include 15 return air tickets, 30 customers having their utility bills worth K25,000 paid for, and 20 winners getting shopping vouchers worth K50,000.

Other lucky customers also won NBS branded materials in the biweekly draws during the promotion that ran from June to December 31 2023. 

Business Partners offer tips to entrepreneurs on achieving success

Akuzike Kafwamba BPI Country Manager

Business Partners International (BPI) Malawi, a fund manager that provides debt equity financing, has outlined five steps to enable entrepreneurs improve their businesses and achieve desired goals in the new year and beyond.

BPI Malawi country manager Akuzike Kafwamba said in an interview the strategies can help entrepreneurs to navigate the tough economic environment characterized by cost-of-living crisis and set themselves up for success.

He said the five steps include reviewing performance and progress of the past year, planning action and resources, seeking feedback and support from others, investing in personal and professional development and embracing change and innovation.

“An entrepreneur should identify what worked well, what did not and what they learned from success and failure. They should celebrate their achievements and have knowledge of the challenges,” said Kafwamba.

In terms of planning actions, he advised entrepreneurs to break down their goals into smaller tasks and milestones and assign deadlines and responsibilities for each one.

Kafwamba also advised entrepreneurs not to do everything on their own, but reach out to customers, partners, mentors and peers for feedback.

He also added that entrepreneurs should build a network of people who can provide valuable insights, advice, resources and opportunities.

An entrepreneur, said Kafwamba, has to invest in themselves and keep learning new skills, knowledge and perspectives that can help them to grow as a leader and a problem-solver.

“For an entrepreneur to succeed in a dynamic and competitive environment, there is a need to be adaptable and innovative,” he said.

Kafwamba’s advice comes against the backdrop of a report from the African Development Bank showing that Malawi’s business environment remains largely unfavourable to the growth of small and medium enterprises (SMEs).

Chamber for Small and Medium Enterprises executive secretary James Chiutsi embraced the tips, saying if followed, they can help businesses, particularly SMEs to survive the turbulent business environment.

“Any entrepreneur worth his salt can acknowledge the fact that there is always something new to learn about their business or market,” said Chiutsi, adding the new year brings with it challenges and opportunities for businesses.

Business Partners International Malawi supports viable local SMEs with financing, ranging from K100 million to K1 billion to boost their businesses.

NBM appoints Harold Jiya CEO designate

Jiya-NBM CEO designate

National Bank of Malawi (NBM) Plc has appointed Harold Nester Jiya as Chief Executive Officer (CEO) designate effective from the beginning of this year.

His elevation from the deputy CEO position follows the impending retirement of the current CEO MacFussy Kawawa in June this year.

NBM Board Chairperson Jimmy Lipunga has confirmed Jiya’s appointment through a statement where he has described it as a significant step in the Bank’s succession planning process.

“The Board is excited with the prospects of Mr Jiya assuming the role of the CEO substantively upon satisfying and fulfilling the necessary milestones set by the Board. He brings a wealth of knowledge, experience, and a proven track record of leadership to this role, and his appointment is a testament to the rigorous succession planning process the Bank has undertaken to ensure a smooth and seamless transition in leadership,” said Lipunga.

Lipunga further indicated that he has full confidence that Jiya will build upon the strong foundation laid by those before him and continue to uphold the values and principles that have made NBM plc a leader in the banking industry.

Jiya, a veteran banker with over 20 years of management and leadership experience, holds a Master of Business Administration Degree from Exeter University in UK, a Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting) Degree from the Malawi University of Business and Applied Sciences (MUBAS) (formerly University of Malawi, The Polytechnic), and an ACIB/BSc (Honors) qualification from UK.

He is also an alumnus of the prestigious Advanced Management & Leadership program of Oxford University’s Said Business School and recently completed an Advanced Management Program at Insead Business School in France.

Jiya has held several positions at NBM, including Head, Corporate Banking/ Wholesale Banking Division, and General Manager, before being appointed Deputy Chief Executive Officer in September 2020.

Prior to this appointment, he was serving as Deputy Chief Executive, and before that, as General Manager, understudying the incumbent CEO.

“He has extensive financial service experience and is also an Executive Director on the National Bank of Malawi plc Board, a position he has held for the past 7 years. He has served on several boards in the private and public sector and has been in the management team at NBM plc in various roles since 2004,” reads further the statement.

Meanwhile, Lipunga has commended Kawawa for this contribution to the growth of the Bank during his time as the CEO.

“He has nurtured and provided direction to a highly motivated and dynamic
leadership team that has grown the Bank and sustained its position as a market leader. During Mr. Kawawa’s leadership, NBM plc has delivered stellar results including achieving phenomenal growth in revenues, profitability, assets and shareholder value,” concludes Lipunga.

ROAD TO 2025: Nzika Coalition promises to root out corruption

A yet to be registered political party Nzika Coalition has promised Malawians to root out corruption in the country.

Nzika Coalition President Christopher Mike Chiomba made the promise on Wednesday in an interview with the publication.

According to Mike Chiomba, Nzika Coalition which is geared to form the next government is comprised of true patriots, and very serious individuals who will end corruption.

“Let me reiterate that Nzika Coalition led government will be made up of true patriots, and very serious individuals.

Governments that will adopt a real zero corruption policy because it is this evil vice that has deteriorate the once thrived Malawi. Nzika Coalition is coming up with the restoration of our lost glory,” said Chiomba

Meanwhile, according to Mike Chiomba, the process to have the party registered are on advanced stage and soon the party will hit the ground ready for 2025 presidential elections. 

“I have noted with gratitude the hunger Many Malawians have to see Nzika Coalition come on the ground.

“Let me assure you all that our Executive members have that in pipeline to get this done,” assured Mike Chiomba

He further said: We are building and registering a Political Party that will not be equal to any other Political party that came before us.

“This will be a party of no recycled Politicians that have tainted the image of Malawi locally and internationally. This is the Party of new faces, new Names and new ideas.”

Trending under the slogan ‘New Dawn For Better Malawi, Nzika Coalition is founded on three pillars; Integrity, Competence, and Service.

State pleads for adjournment on Paramount Holdings summon case

PHL’s lawyer Gift Katundu

The state through the Director of Public Prosecution (DPP) has asked the court to adjourned the summon proceeding of Paramount Holdings Limited (PHL) Directors in undisclosed criminal charges which was slated for Wednesday, January 17, 2024 at Lilongwe Chief Resident Magistrate court.

In a court notice seen of a case number 868 of 2023, addressing the Chief Resident Magistrate court by DPP Masauko said the state needs to review and understand the contents of the summon before proceeding with criminal charges against PHL’s directors.

The court summon case against the state and Prakashi Virji Ghedia, Arvindkumar Atit Patel, Suresh Khimji Jagatiya and Paramount Holdings Limited is yet to commerce.

This is the third time the state has failed to disclose summoning charges against PHL’s directors while keeping on resorting court adjournments.

The summon was firstly adjourned from August 11 to September 6, 2023, secondly from September 6 to January 17, 2024, and thirdly from January 17 to an undisclosed date.

In an interview with PHL’s lawyer Gift Katundu outside the court on Wednesday, he said that the summon proceedings failed due to two factors, including Chief Resident Magistrate absence and DPP’s plea for adjournment.

Katundu told journalists outside the court that “The defence team will keep on dancing to the state’ tunes within the time flame given.

“Thereafter, my client will take another step if the state fails to bring the case to light.”


Paramount Holdings (PHL) Limited has been facing persecution from greedy and jealous competitors who have now resorted to creating and circulating fake news about the company.

Competitors’ greed and jealousy are the main driving force behind civil case 868 of 2023 in which PHL directors are being accused of making a false document showing that the company is an authorised dealer of Yamaha Motorcycles in Malawi, our investigations have revealed.

PHL is one of the leading and most reliable suppliers of agriculture implements and construction machinery and appointed dealer for Yamaha motorcycles and other Yamaha products in Malawi.

But since Yamaha Japan appointed the company as an authorized dealer of its products in Malawi, their competitors have been creating and circulating fake news aimed at nothing, but to tarnish the image of PHL and its directors.

This is despite the fact that PHL has been contributing significantly to the welfare of Malawians through donations to public health facilities and timely delivery of farm inputs in the Affordable Input Programme (AIP).

PHL was probably the first entity to heed a call from President Lazarus Chakwera to the corporate world to help in the renovation of Area 25 Health Centre in Lilongwe after it got vandalized by the angry Mgona residents early 2023.

It is the only company that donated state-of-the-art equipment to the facility.

A few months later, PHL sourced a modern ambulance, medical equipment and furniture from a Japanese company, Itochu Cooperation, and Takemoto Oil and Fat Co. Limited.

The ambulance and all the other supplies were donated to Therere Health Centre in the area of Senior Chief Ngabu in Chikwawa.

At the height of scarcity of NPK and UREA fertilizers in 2022, the company successfully assisted the government in securing a huge tonnage of the inputs, which were distributed to thousands of farmers where it was contracted to supply.

But despite all this goodwill, its competitors have not relented in persecuting it using propaganda and fake news designed to tarnish its image.

One of the PHL competitors Luthando Holding Limited alleged that the company is making false claims about its dealership for Yamaha Motor Company Ltd of Japan to the extent that they sought court injunction stopping Yamaha Motors Limited from dealing with Paramount Holdings.

This comes despite Yamaha Motors issuing certificate to PHL as a sole distributor, seller and importer of Yamaha products to Malawi.

Without shame, Luthando Holdings Limited this week used Stansfield Motors’ limited name with a bogus address last week to obtain an injunction stopping Yamaha Motor corporation from awarding sole dealership of Yamaha’s to Paramount Holdings.

This has been revealed when different lawyers with default judgements against disbanded Stansfield Motors frocked the High Court to learn on the physical address of Stansfield Motors as presented to the High Court.

It has been learnt that Luthando Holdings filed for the injunction using bogus address for Stansfield Motors limited that ceased to exist in 2019.

Stansfield Motors was declared bankruptcy for failing to pay bank loans of MK5 billion, consequently being closed and disbanded.

Currently, former Stansfield Motors workers are in court claiming their dues.

Luthando Holdings and its partners are bitter with the recent pronouncement of Japanese leading automobile manufacturer Yamaha Motors company by certifying PHL as a sole importer and seller of Yamaha products for Malawi.

Khoti litumiza a Billy Malata ku ndende ya Maula poipitsa mbiri ya a ena pogwiritsa ntchito masamba a mchezo


Bwalo la milandu laling’ono ku Nathenje, latumiza mkulu woyang’anira nkhani za ndale m’chipani cha DPP, a Fredrick Billy Malata ku ndende ya Maula kwa masiku asanu ndi awiri (7).

A Malata, adamangidwa loweruka pa mlandu woipitsa mbiri ya wochita malonda a Alfred Gangata pogwiritsa ntchito masamba a mchezo.

Iwo adatengeredwa ku bwalo la milandu ku Nathenje dzulo ndipo bwalo lawatumiza ku Maula kwa amasiku 7 ponena kuti chigamulo pa pempho lawo la belo chidzapelekedwa Lachiwiri sabata ya mawa.

Owayimilira a Malata a Gladwell Majekete atsimikiza za izi ndipo ati a Malata akasiyidwa ku Maula m’mawa wa lero atagona usiku wadzulo ku polisi ya Nathenje.

Akulowa ku ndende ya Maula, a Malata adalankhura mwachidule ndi Times 360 Malawi ndipo anati: “Amalawi akufuna kwabwino andithandize. Ombudsman, a Chief Justice komanso Inspector General of police andithandize ndikuvutika. Ndagona ku Area 3 police masiku atatu, dzulo ndagona ku Nathenje lero akukandisiya ku Maula pa nkhani zosamveka. Panopa mu zovala zanga muli msikidzi zokhazokha, ndikuvutika.”

FAKE NEWS: Business tycoon Dr Mpinganjira refutes giving Mike Chilewe K20 million bail out


Business magnate Dr Thom Mpinganjira has refuted reports making round in social media platforms that he has blessed Mike Chilewe, owner of the now-defunct Mike’s Trading Group, with K20 million.

Mpinganjira’s daughter Chikondi Annabel refuted the claims in an interview with Nation Online.

According to Annabel, the reports are fake.

Chilewe confessed in a recent interview with Mibawa Television that he is now a poor man, who doesn’t even have a car, after his company went bankrupt a few years ago.

“I once used to fly business class during my business trips but now I walk on foot as I don’t even have a car. I always appreciate and thank God when someone gives me even K10 000,” he explained.

“But, just like the Biblical Job, I do not lose heart because I know one day I will be rich again.”

DR KABAMBE PAYS TRIBUTE TO CHILEMBWE: ” It is the cause not the death that makes a difference”

Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) presidential aspirant Dr. Dalitso Kabambe has joined Malawians in celebrating the life of selfless freedom fighter Rev John Chilembwe.

In a qoute posted on his official facebook page Kabambe said Chilembwe’s uprising and death changed the status of the country.

“It is the cause, not the death that makes a difference, ” said Kabambe, a former Reserve Bank of Malawi Governor.

On 15th January every year, Malawians celebrate the life of the Rev Chilembwe.

Chilembwe was an ordained Baptist minister and one of the first serious advocates of African independence and self-determination.

Educated in Lynchburg, Virginia, he set up a number of schools to educate Malawian children and adults, amassing more than 1000 students, and teaching a message of education, hard-work, self-reliance and abstinence from alcohol.

And Dr Kabambe, popularly known as economic engineer is also a former Reserve Bank.

As Governor of the Reserve Bank, Dr. Kabambe was responsible for providing strategic direction and leadership, in line with the principles dictated with the role of a central bank.

During his tenure of office as RBM Governor, the Central Bank managed to provide government with accurate economic advice.

Fuel prices were properly cushioned in avoidance of human suffering (Inflation).

Previously, Dr Kabambe worked in the Malawi Government Economic Service for a period of 19 years from 1998.

He held different positions such as Principal Economist, Chief Economist, Deputy Director of Economic Planning and, Budget Director in the Ministry of Finance, Economic Planning and Development.

Dr Kabambe also served as Secretary for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation for close to 2 years.

Dr. Kabambe holds a PhD and a Master’s Degree in Development Economics from Imperial College – University of London, United Kingdom which were obtained in 2008 and 2001, respectively.

Workaholic economist Kabambe also holds a BSc Degree from the University of Malawi, obtained in 1998.


Former Reserve Bank Governor Dr Dalitso Kabambe has threatened to take legal action against one of the DPP officials, Frederick Malata, over a WhatsApp message that alleged that Dr Kabambe was sending them to fight DPP President Prof. Arthur Peter Mutharika in court.

In a demand letter from Kabambe’s lawyers Silungwe Law Consultants, Kabambe is asking Malata to retract the story, make an apology, or provide evidence within 24 hours, failing which he will take legal action.

“Our client therefore firmly demands that you should immediately issue a candid retraction of the defamatory publication and apology through the same medium or, if you are minded, you should produce evidence of the wild allegations you have made in the said post” reads part of the letter.

In the post, Malata was demanding to be paid K20 million, or he would make available evidence of recordings as evidence on Friday by 1pm, of which he didn’t publish any.

Malata and others took Prof. Mutharika to court seeking the courts to interpret if he, Mutharika, is illegible to stand as DPP presidential candidate in 2025.

Dr Kabambe, popularly known as economic engineer is also DPP presidential aspirant.

As Governor of the Reserve Bank, Dr. Kabambe was responsible for providing strategic direction and leadership, in line with the principles dictated with the role of a central bank.

During his tenure of office as RBM Governor, the Central Bank managed to provide government with accurate economic advice.

Fuel prices were properly cushioned in avoidance of human suffering (Inflation).

Previously, Dr Kabambe worked in the Malawi Government Economic Service for a period of 19 years from 1998.

He held different positions such as Principal Economist, Chief Economist, Deputy Director of Economic Planning and, Budget Director in the Ministry of Finance, Economic Planning and Development.

Dr Kabambe also served as Secretary for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation for close to 2 years.

Dr. Kabambe holds a PhD and a Master’s Degree in Development Economics from Imperial College – University of London, United Kingdom which were obtained in 2008 and 2001, respectively.

Workaholic economist Kabambe also holds a BSc Degree from the University of Malawi, obtained in 1998.

Court’s Final Call to MDF as Chilima Gets Two Counts Dropped

The High Court of Malawi Financial Division has today ordered the Malawi Defense Force MDF to bring to the Court the alleged ‘sensitive documents’ it has been refusing to disclose in the on going corruption case involving Vice President Saulos Chilima.

Judge Redson Kapindu has ordered that the documents be brought personally to him by 10 o’clock in the morning on January 22 2024 for the Court to decide “whether the information indeed borders on national security or not.”

  1. The Ruling

In his two hour ruling on preliminary issues this morning, Justice Kapindu said the deciding entity on disclosures is the court not the information holder.

“Much as the court acknowledges the submission that the documents can not be disclosed due to their sensitivity, it is the court that has the exclusive power to determine. The court will not abdcate its role when such need arise,” said Kapindu.

He then ordered MDF to bring the documents to him to ascertain the sensitivity in question and the degree to which they can be used.

  1. Counts 3 and 5 Dropped

Meanwhile, the Court has discharged Chilima from counts number 3 and 5 bordering on breach of trust by public officers.

According to the ruling by Judge Redson Kapindu, the State introduced the charges after expiry of prescribed period.

The Judge said ACB should have initiated commencement of trial and conclusion of the two counts by July 2022 having recieved the complaint in July 2021.

This means that three counts now remain on the charge sheet where Chilima is accused of demanding unspecified sums of money from Satter.

The defence had argued that “unspecified” was vague and prayed for a clear particular of the offence to which the court ruled that the wording of unspecified was valid to stand the way it is.

The progress of the case, now, highly depends on MDF on whether it will disclose the documents or continue to put its foot down.

  1. Wayforward

Once MDF brings the documents by January 22, 2024 – the court will communicate the next action. In the event that MDF doesn’t bring the documents, the court will also provide direction to the case.

CDEDI up on GBA, Malawian Airlines questioning daylight ‘robbery’



The Centre for Democracy and Economic Development Initiatives (CDEDI) has bemoaned that most of taxpayers money invested in joint ventures meant to benefit Malawians are only benefiting very few civil servants and politicians, a situation which the organisation feels is what is putting millions of the majority poor facing dehumanizing poverty.

Addressing the Press in Lilongwe, CDEDI Executive Director, Sylvester Namiwa, said it was important for responsible authorities to update Malawians on suspicious deals surrounding the operations of Greenbelt Authority (GBA) as well as Malawian Airlines.

Namiwa has, thus far, challenged the Malawi Government, through the Minister of Finance and Economic Affairs Simplex Chithyola-Banda to set up a special purpose vehicle with clear terms of reference (ToRs) and targets to recover public money which has been fraudulently stashed in some individuals pockets and business ventures.

He says the call is as a result of ongoing findings that have shown that most of the joint ventures entered into through Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) neither declare dividends nor make public their annual reports, let alone contribute equity funds as expected.

Namiwa has revealed that demonstrating the worst-case scenario is the fact that some people entrusted to run these ventures are turning public funds, sourced through loans guaranteed by government, into personal shares.

“This is daylight robbery which must be checked forthwith,” he said.

The CDEDI Executive Director has also requested for an action from government on its 49 percent stakes in Malawi Airlines, while Ethiopian Airlines has 51 percent shares.

He says it is worrisome that like what is happening at Greenbelt Greenhouse Limited, the joint venture between Ethiopian Airlines and Malawian Airlines does not make declare or made public.

“Failure to declare dividends begs the question as to how Malawians are benefiting from this arrangement,” queries Namiwa who has also revealed that Ethiopian Airlines did not register the airline code for Malawi, instead they opted to use ET as the flight code for Malawian Airlines.

According to Namiwa, this systematic ‘anomaly’ allows Ethiopian Airlines to receive all air ticket money from travel agents across the globe, who sell tickets on behalf of Malawian Airlines.

“Consequently, Malawi Airlines does not know profits, or losses, that Ethiopian Airlines makes. Further, it should be noted that once that money is obtained by Ethiopian Airlines, it is subjected to a 10% collection fee, something that would not happen if Malawi Airlines had its own flight Code, say MWW. All the money would come to Malawi Airlines account,” he highlighted.

He said another interesting aspect of the contract is that all aircraft belong to Ethiopian Airlines and operate as Malawi Airlines on lease.

“The lease fees are determined by ET itself. Thus, ET deployed an engineering team to Malawi, which services the aircraft at very exorbitant monthly fees paid to ET. Ethiopian Airlines also receives management fees for operating the airline. The rate was determined by Ethiopian Airlines itself at the start of the company in 2014, and this rate keeps changing every year. Management fees, just like engineering fees, are paid in US dollars, and this is not small money,” he said.

He has expressed fears that in the event that there is termination of contract, Malawi will be left without any air craft yet the money realised over the period would have allowed Malawi Airlines to acquire more than two of its own aircraft.

“However, Ethiopian Airlines would not in any way willfully do this as it will cut significantly the colossal money it realizes through aircraft leasing,” said Namiwa while expecting regular updates and transparency in the setting up of the special vehicle to monitor the operations of the said joint ventures.

CDEDI has since penned the office of Attorney General to facilitate the process of making public the amount of money Ethiopian Airlines brought on the table as their equity contribution.

The organisation is also requesting the amount of profits that have been declared so far.

As if that is not enough, CDEDI on behalf of Malawians, has also requested for an explanation with evidence as to what Malawi has benefited from this venture, apart from the prestige of being seen to own an airline when it has none.

CDEDI still reiterates its position that the current GBA Chairperson Wester Kosamu should be relieved of his duties to ensure seamless clean-up at GBA, since all this mess is coming to light under his watch.

Chilima Back in Court, Crucial Ruling Ahead

On the political landscape, Malawi’s New Year starts today when the High Court in Lilongwe delivers a ruling on preliminary issues that have been raised in the case in which Vice President Saulos Chilima is accused of demanding unspecified sum of money from business man Zuneth Sattar to influence government contracts.

By any means, the ruling today will have significant impact on Chilima’s political next move. It is also a ruling that will also affect the current political landscape. Every political player is anxious to see what happens today. The country’s political new year starts today.

  1. The Issues

At the heart of the expected ruling is a fight between the State and the Defense on the submission of more disclosures. These disclosures include MDF council minutes that allegedly approved the same contract that Chilima is accused of influencing and the correspondence between President Lazarus Chakwera and MDF in relation to Satter.

MDF insists that come hell or high water, they won’t release the documents to protect national security. On ther hand, the defence argues that the State can’t eat its cake and still have it. The state, they argued, they must choose to protect national security and discharge Chilima or do the opposite – release all the documents and trial commences.

  1. The Expected Ruling

Largely, the ruling will settle this argument either in State’s favour to have them keep the documents but trial continues or they keep the documents and trial falls off and Chilima is discharged.

Largely, it is this issue that is under the spotlight this morning from 10 am.

SuperSport to broadcast all AFCON games live after MultiChoice secures broadcast rights

January 10, 2024 – SuperSport will broadcast all 52 matches of the TotalEnergies CAF Africa Cup of Nations Cote d’Ivoire 2023 (AFCON) live after MultiChoice secured the rights to broadcast the continent’s showpiece tournament, which kicks off on 13 January 2024 until 11 February 2024.

MultiChoice reached a commercially viable agreement with rights holders, New World TV (NWTV), to broadcast the 34th edition of Africa’s premier men’s football competition taking place in Ivory Coast.

Rendani Ramovha, SuperSport CEO, said: “We are delighted to be able to showcase the best of African football live to our viewers.”

As part of this agreement, Mr. Nimonka KOLANI, Managing Director of NWTV, declared: “By securing the rights to CAN 2023 under the leadership of Dr. Patrice Motsepe, SuperSport and NWTV prove that nothing is more important than the happiness of Africans who wish to follow the exploits of their favourite team during the biggest football competition in Africa.”

SuperSport, the leader in sports broadcasting on the continent, will bring its unrivalled coverage to all the games, with matches available on DStv as well as GOtv across Africa.

Luanar students hail NBM plc for renovating Basketball Court

NBM officials and Luanar students inspect the Basketball Court

Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources (Luanar) students have hailed National Bank of Malawi (NBM) plc for renovating a Basketball Court at the Bunda Campus saying it will motivate a lot of students to take up the sport.

Director of Students Affairs at Luanar, Ronnie Mvula spoke when NBM plc officials toured the facility to appreciate progress on the renovations of the Basketball court.

“The refurbished facility will encourage more students to join the sport and also ensure Luanar has a strong basketball team. Last year we had Tessam games in Lilongwe but we could not host any games here including basketball, because our facilities were not good. So, the coming in of National Bank to renovate the Basketball Court is timely and welcome,” said Mvula.

“The renovation is in phases, the first one is about the court, then they will include the floodlights so games can be played even at night, but also they will provide stands for both sides of the court,” added Mvula.

Students’ representative, Wesham Mwala Moyo said the coming in of the new court has excited the students especially basketball players.

“You can be great players but not having the right facilities can affect the outcome of how you play during game time,” said Mwala Moyo.

During the Mo626 College Basketball tournament launch in September last year, NBM committed to refurbishing Luanar and University of Malawi (Unima) basketball courts as a way of leaving a lasting legacy in the sports infrastructure development.  

Mo626 College Basketball Brand Ambassador Hayze Engola (middle) pose with Luanar students at the Basketball Court undergoing renovations

The Bank’s Accounts Relationship Manager Monica Zinyemba said the basketball court was in a sorry state prompting the Bank to intervene.

Zinyemba expressed satisfaction with the progress of the works taking place at the facility. 

“We thought it was safe for the students to be playing on a very modern court. It is supposed to be completed by January 25, and handovers will be done immediately after that so that students can start using it once they open the new semester,” said Zinyemba.

Mo626 College Basketball Ambassador Hayze Engola spiced up the inspection tour by interacting and giving out NBM-branded items to the players.

NBM is expected to pump K40 million into the Luanar basketball court renovation project.

NBM’s Eneles Mlongoti (second right) and others have a feel of the under renovations Basketball Court

NBS Bank gets $7 million AfDB guarantee for SMEs

NBS Bank Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Kwanele Ngwenya

NBS Bank Plc will get a USD 7 million Trade Finance Transaction Guarantee facility from the African Development Bank (AfDB) Group to support small businesses in Malawi.

This follows the AfDB Board of Directors’ approval on December 4, 2023.

Trade Guarantee is one of the trade finance instruments offered by AfDB  to support local banks in Africa, and covers an array of trade finance instruments, including confirmed letters of credit, trade loans, irrevocable reimbursement undertakings, avalized bills and promissory notes, among others

According to a statement by AfDB announcing the development through their website, the facility will provide 100% guarantee to international confirming banks (CBs) for the non-payment risk taken on NBS’ trade finance transactions conducted on behalf SMEs, local corporates, and women-led businesses in Malawi.

“It will enable NBS Bank to support the importation of fertilizer, medical supplies, and other strategic commodities. The facility is expected to support about USD 40 million of trade over the next three years and promote intra-Africa trade in line with the aspirations of the Africa Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA),” reads the statement.

AfDB’s Malawi country manager Macmillan Anyanwu is quoted stressing the importance of unlocking trade financing to support and scale up trade flows for a land-linked low-income economy like Malawi.

“The facility is expected to promote the integration of Malawi’s economy into regional and global trade networks which are critical for the country’s growth,” he said.

NBS Bank Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Kwanele Ngwenya said: “NBS Bank has always been passionate about Malawi’s economic development, and I am pleased with this milestone because the transaction underscores the commitment of NBS Bank and AfDB to the advancement of trade in Africa. Additionally, on our part, we are committed to an ongoing cordial relationship with AfDB for the benefit of our clients and Malawi at large.”


Malawi President Lazarus Chakwera

We, at The Leadership Institute for Transparency and Accountability (LITA) have objectively assessed the year 2023, and sincerely describe it as the most wasted year in the history of Malawi’s political governance and socio-economic development agenda under the ruling Malawi Congress Party (MCP).

We, as Malawians of good will, thank the administration for continuing some of the projects that were left by the previous administration. The Chakwera administration has also improved the fuel and electricity crisis in the country.

However, 2023 was the year Malawians had high hopes that the Lazarus Chakwera administration would solve the socio-economic problems that had marauded the citizens. At the time when Malawians expected the State President to swiftly take serious action, the man of God was either travelling locally or outside the country. In short, Malawians have had an absent President. The presidential sit had always been empty, a thing that even raised many questions as to who was in charge over national affairs. It was a wasted year.

It was the year when the President had watched over high industrialized corruption in the echelon of power. The administration tirelessly advanced public looting, money laundering and racketeering agenda. Billions of Malawi Kwachas that could have boosted the health, road, education and agricultural sectors, had been syphoned through dubious deals, yet to date, no culprit has been brought to book. This, therefore, entails that the Chakwera administration is a bunch of thieves with no agenda for transformative leadership.

It is not lost on Malawians, that during the Chakwera administration, we lamented over the dubious deaths of Lusungu Mwakhwawa, of Federalism Institute in Malawi, Allan Witika, the former Sales Manager of the Coca-Cola beverage, Agnes Katengeza, the former employee of the Reserve Bank of Malawi, among others. These deaths happened in between August and September 2023. Road accidents were on the rise due to road carnages. Suicidal deaths skyrocketed. Cases of robbery were at their toll, signifying security breakdown, among others.

The previous year was earmarked by gross human rights violations as evidenced by the detention, arbitrary arrest, threats and intimidation of human rights activists in the country. All these human rights violations were orchestrated by failed politicians from the governing Malawi Congress Party (MCP).

What was even more worrisome was the gross negligence of the Chakwera administration to control the economy. The Kwacha went on losing its grip with no political will to bring it into total check. The prices of basic food commodities, including maize, went up, without the administration’s effort to regulate the prices for the reach of the poorest Malawians. The series of the Kwacha devaluation have crippled the economy with no hope of recovery. Sadly, salaries in the civil service remain disproportionate to the devaluation rate.

The politicization of the Affordable farm Input Program (AIP), and loans at National Economic Empowerment Fund (NEEF) continues to worry us. Nepotism, tribalism, cronyism, and executive arrogance, are even terribly the worst in this administration.

The division among the civil society, the opposition political parties, the numbness of Public Affairs Committee (PAC), had been the weakest link among the chain that could have provided the checks and balances. Nevertheless, we recommend the Malawi Law Society, the media, and other stake holders for their interventions to cover the gaps.

The New Year is before us. Let’s together, in solidarity, jealously safeguard our hard won multiparty democracy.

Sindinakumanepo ndi a Chakwera; omwe akufalitsa izi akufuna kugawa DPP-Kabambe

Wamkulu wakale wa banki yayikulu ya Reserve Bank, a Dalitso Kabambe atsutsa mphekesera zoti wakhala akukumana kangapo konse ndi mtsogoleri wa dziko lino m’busa Lazarus Chakwera, omwenso ndi mtsogoleri wa chipani cha Malawi Congress (MCP).

A Kabambe, omwenso ndi m’modzi mwa anthu omwe akufuna mpando wa mtsogoleri ku chipani chachikulu chotsutsa boma m’dziko muno cha DPP, ati iwo sanakumanepo ndi a Chakwera m’moyo wawo onse.

Iwo anena izi kutsatira zomwe masamba ena amchezo akukamba zoti a Chakwera akufuna kusankha a Kabambe ngati Nduna ya Zachuma kutsatira mkumano omwe awiriwa anali nawo muchipinda chomata.

Koma poyankhapo pa mphekesera zi kudzera pa tsamba lawo lamchezo, a Dr. Kabambe ati anthu omwe akufalitsa izi angofuna kuyambanitsa anthu komanso kugawa chipani cha DPP.

“Ndafuna kukudziwitsani anthu nonse okonda ndikutsatila chipani cha DPP ndi a Malawi nonse kuti nkhani zikukambidwa mumasamba amchezo kuti ndakumana kapena kuti ndakhala ndikukumana ndi a President a dziko lino Dr Lazarus Chakwera ndibodza la mkunkhuniza lomwe akufalitsa ndi anthu ofuna kuyambanitsa anthu komanso kugawa chipani cha DPP.

“Ine sindinayambe ndakumanapo ndi a President a dziko lino ndipo ndilibe ma plan ena ali onse pa nkhani ina ili yonse yokhudza mgwirizano ndi chipani cha MCP,” anatero a Kabambe

Katswiri pa nkhani za chuma yu, Dr. Kabambe atsindika kuti iwo ndi membala wa DPP ndipo ali nga nga nga pa mbuyo pa mtsogoleri wa chipichi a Peter Mutharika.

“Ine ndi membala wa DPP ndipo ndikugwira ntchito ndi DPP, ndipo ndidzakhala wa DPP motsogozedwa ndi yemwe ndi mtsogoleri wachipanichi, His Excellency Prof. Arthur Peter Mutharika.

“Chipani cha DPP ndichipani chomwe chimayendetsedwa ndi nsanamila za chitukuko, chilungamo komanso chitetezo, chotelo izi ndi mfundo zothandiza kumanga democracy zomwe ndi mfundo zomwe ndimagwirizana nazo.”

Pothilirapo ndemanga pa momwe chaka cha 2023 chinalili, a Kabambe ati chaka chatha chinali chaka chowawa kwambiri kwa a Malawi ochuluka maka kwa omwe amakhala m’midzi komanso omwe ndi osowa.

“Chaka cha 2023 chinali chamazunzo ndi zobetchela zambiri kwa a Malawi, monga kukwera mitengo kwa zinthu, kugwa kwa ndalama yathu ya Kwacha, kukwera mtengo wa chimanga komanso kusowa kumene ndi kusowa kwa mafuta. Koma tithokoze Mulungu kuti watisungabe ndikutilowetsa mu chaka chatsopanochi” Iwo anatero.

Malingana ndi a Kabambe, chaka chino cha 2024, chipereka mwayi kwa iwo komanso a Malawi kukhala ndi nthawi yoyang’ana komwe achokela, komwe adutsa, ndikomwe akupita, maaka podziwa kuti posachedwapa mu chaka cha 2025 a Malawi akhale akuponya vote yosankha President komanso adindo ena.

Maczale Academy set to open for second term, registration in progress

Maczale academy, with well experienced and dedicated teachers, is set to open for second term on Monday the 8th of January 2024.

The academy, which is one of the leading boarding schools in the country, is located after Dunduzu Road Block along M1 road between Mzuzu and Ekwendeni.

It has modern hostels with beds and comfortable mattress, new classes with good desks suitable for both male and female learners.

Maczale academy, with a MANEB centre number and dully recognized by the Ministry of Education (MoE) , has fully stocked Library and laboratories for both science and computer lessons meeting all modern curriculum needs.

School fee at the school, which has a history of 100 percent pass rate for both MSCE and JCE, is very affordable; MK185,000 (One Hundred and Eighty Thousand Kwacha Only).

According to public documents which we have seen, 90 percent of MSCE students at the school are selected to public universities.

Research shows that eating healthy meals have been linked to higher grades, better memory and alertness, and faster information processing as such the school offers balanced diet to learners.

“Truth is we are the best boarding school; imagine the diet of fish, beef. Eggs, beans just to mention a few,”

During weekends and public holidays the students at the facility are treated with full entertainment which includes DStv among others.

For more contact the school on the following numbers +265884274169 or +265992526925 or via the following postal address Maczale Academy, P.O.BOX 1283, Mzuzu. You also send an email via maczaleacademies@gma­

God is our source of sustenance, survival – Mulli

MBL Holdings, formerly Mulli Brothers Group of Companies, says it is only through the divine intervention that the group is still operating in the country.

MBL Holdings Limited Manager Joseph Khupe made the remarks on Wednesday in Blantyre during annual national prayer for the holdings.

Khupe said it is only through prayers and guidance by Almighty God that all 24 companies are still operational.

In his sermon, Father Elizeo Mtharika of the Catholic Church urged MBL Holdings, which is owned by business tycoon Leston Mulli, to be resilient in the face of various challenges.

On his part, Catholic Priest Mosgnor Boniface Tamani called for a conducive economic environment for local companies to flourish.

He noted that Malawian companies have the potential to nurture the economy as their proceeds remain within the boundaries of the country.

Tamani further said government must learn to be civilised and work with every deserving business instead of marginalizing others who have the capacity due to political affiliation.

“Every deserving Malawian needs a piece of the cake. If the government receives taxes from everyone then everybody deserves equal opportunities,” he said

According to Tamani, for the country to achieve development, the leadership needs to start thinking progressively by using politics as a tool to build bridges and provide resources to the people.

“We are appealing to the government to make resources available to the local businesses so that they can function effectively. Without that, the nation is doomed,” he said.

Mulli recently asked Tonse Alliance administration which he accused of squeezing the company because of its association with the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) to soften the heart.

 “They think if they give us contracts we shall use the money to support DPP to get back to power. But if people want DPP they will vote for it without money. We are a business and with God we shall survive, ” Mulli told the media recently.

MBL Holdings, which employees over 5000 Malawians, has business in Food Retailers, Tea Retailers, Farming, Agriculture, Books, Hardware Stores, Tourist Information, and Travel Agents among others.

PCL cheers the elderly with Christmas gifts in Mpemba

Mbeye (left) presents a pack to an elderly woman and Uko (right)

Conglomerate Press Corporation plc (PCL) on Friday gave an early Christmas gift to the elderly in Mpemba, Blantyre by donating food packs and treating them to a Christmas luncheon.

Speaking during the event at Nthanda Ya Kum’mawa Elderly Trust at Jiya Village, PCL Chief Finance and Administrative Executive Moureen Mbeye said they decided to reach out to the elderly after being approached for help.

“It was at the peak of the Cyclone Freddy disaster when Mrs. Uko approached us to give a hand to the elderly here, but since we were also involved in helping other Cyclone Freddy survivors at the time, we could not help. But she kept checking with us and since this is Christmas time, we thought we should squeeze whatever we had in our budget to come and cheer the elderly here.”

“The festive season is a time to give. To be here and share with the elderly gives us so much joy that they will, at least, celebrate Christmas with love and care,” said Mbeye.

Executive Director of the Nthanda Ya Kummawa Elderly Trust Anna Kuloya-Uko thanked PCL for reaching out to the elderly especially during the festive time.

“We started helping the elderly in this area in 2009 with 111 elder people and vulnerable people, especially those with albinism. We have a women’s group that takes care of the elderly and also coordinates some self-sustaining activities for the group and its beneficiaries.”

“Today, we want to thank PCL for these donations and the Christmas lunch, the elderly and the vulnerable people will celebrate this Christmas in a special way because of your donations,” said Kuloya-Uko.

The items that were presented include maize flour, rice, sugar, salt, cooking oil and other necessities.

Castel Malawi brings Spirits of Malawi festive editions

The Spirits of Malawi Christmas edition

Giant alcoholic beverages producer Castel Malawi has unveiled the Special Christmas Limited Edition of the ‘Spirits of Malawi’ with special Christmas labels and packaging for new customer experience.

Castel Malawi Product Manager Shania Kuseka said in an interview yesterday that the special Christmas editions of Malawi Gin, Malawi Vodka and Premier Brandy already hit the market.

“The Spirits of Christmas are set to make this holiday season even more special. Available from December 15 2023, these premium spirits are a delightful treat for everyone. With their unique blend and festive packaging, they are the perfect gift to share and savour during the festive season.”

“Whether enjoyed neatly, on the rocks, or in a cocktail, they are sure to bring joy to all who indulge in their rich and complex flavours. We want our customers to embrace the spirit of the season and make these limited editions a part of their holiday celebrations,” said Kuseka.

She further said the  Christmas editions will have special Christmas labels and all black closure for all Gin, Vodka and Brandy for great consumer experience.

Kuseka said the iconic Malawi Gin, which has been celebrated locally and internationally since 1965 will be selling at K9,500 per 750ml bottle just like the Malawi vodka 750 ml bottle while the Premier Brandy 750 ml bottle will go at K14,000.

“The traditional labelled packaging for the spirits range will only be available after the exhaustion of the Christmas Limited Edition,” said Kuseka.

One customer Leslie Mbisa hailed Castel Malawi for the Christmas edition of the Spirits of Malawi range.

“This is a very good development and as a consumer for the Spirits of Malawi, especially Premier Brandy, I will enjoy it during the festive period and because the packaging is excellent and nice, I have already bought some for my friends and colleagues for their Christmas presents,” said Mbisa.

Apostle Nyirongo’s CFCAN Set for Night of God’s Winds Crossover


Leader of Christ Fellowship Church for All Nations (CFCAN) Apostle Dr. Mc Hellings Nyirongo says all is set for the church’s most prestigious annual Crossover Night event.

The Crossover Night is CFCAN’s biggest annual event where all church members and Malawians converge to end a year and begin another together.

According to Apostle Dr. Nyirongo, the crossover night will be held on December 31 at CFCAN headquarters in Mzuzu City under the theme; “Night of God’s Winds”.

Apostle Nyirongo further said the crossover night will be characterized with prophecies, healing and deliverance.

“The cross over night aims at embracing New Year and the future by pledging our lives to worship and glorify the only one true God.”

“ We pray for God’s presence and guidance to guarantee the holy life and fruitful future as God Himself will go ahead of us and watch over us every time,”

Apostle Dr. Mc Hellings Nyirongo is well known in Malawi and across the globe for his accurate prophecies, miracles healing and deliverance.

He was called and sent by Jesus Christ Himself and he does what others cannot do except they have Holy Ghost too.

For further esquires call or whatsapp Christ Fellowship Church for All Nations (CFCAN) on +265997314371/­-0992526825 0r email via cfcanchurch122014@gm­

NBM gives MBTS K80 million for blood bank fridges

Kawawa (left) gives the cheque to Nsamala (middle) helped by NBM Head of Corporate Banking William Chatsala

National Bank of Malawi (NBM) Plc has committed K80 million for the purchase of two blood bank fridges for the Malawi Blood Transfusion Services (MBTS) to help ease shortage of blood at Mulanje and Mangochi District Hospitals.

Speaking after handing over a cheque to MBTS on Friday, NBM Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Macfussy Kawawa said the Bank believes that a healthy nation is a progressive nation, therefore their contribution to the health sector helps to develop the country’s economy.

“We know that MBTS have been making efforts to reach out to hospitals that require blood for transfusions. We also know that they have been having challenges with storage and so on, and therefore when we were approached, we thought by making this donation, we are making MBTS reach out to those that would, otherwise, not be reached out to. In so doing, we are helping situations that would, otherwise, have been hopeless. I believe we will be saving lives through the equipment that will be purchased through this donation,” said Kawawa.

Kawawa (left) and NBM Head of Corporate Banking, William Chatsala handing over the cheque to Nsamala (middle)

Kawawa further urged hospitals that are beneficiaries of such donations to desist from asking for monetary contributions from clients that require blood transfusion, as that would defeat the essence of the donations.

In her remarks, MBTS CEO, Natasha Nsamala commended NBM plc for the donation, saying it will also help to solve the transportation challenges that most hospitals experience to access blood from their main centres.

“Normally, hospitals come to us to access blood when needed. We do not take the blood to them. As for this donation, it means all the health centres under Mulanje and Mangochi will now be able to access the blood within their districts, thereby reducing the transportation cost. We, therefore, thank NBM for this huge donation this year as we will be able to keep more blood safe. Unsafe blood can be dangerous to a human being,” she said.

Nsamala also commended Malawians for developing a positive attitude towards the blood donation exercise, which has seen a very big improvement in the volumes of blood collected in 2023.

Bright Msaka wishes Malawians Brighter Year ahead


Politician cum senior lawyer Bright Msaka SC, who is one of opposition Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) presidential aspirants, has wished Malawians a ‘successful and brighter’ 2024.

In his Christmas and New Year message to Malawians, Msaka, who is DPP Vice President for Eastern Region and a Member of Parliament for Machinga Likwenu Constituency said: “May the holiday season end the present year on cheerful note and make a way for a fresh and bright new year.”

Msaka SC is a long serving diplomat, a former cabinet minister in different portfolios, former Secretary to the President and Cabinet for a period of nine (9) years and a lawyer by profession who was born on 4th October 1959.

He holds LLB (Hons) from University of Malawi (UNIMA)-Chancellor College, Masters of Science (MSc) in Global Management from University of Salford in the United Kingdom(UK), a Public Private Partnerships (PPP) Diploma from IP3, Washington DC.

He got Conferred the Status of Senior Counsel (SC) in 2009.

He was admitted to practice as a lawyer in Malawi from 1983 and his areas of emphasis were Commercial litigation, Personal Injury liability claims, Restructuring, Insurance Claims, Libel, Civil and Criminal Litigation.

PCL donates medical equipment to BT DHO

Mangani (right) presents the items to Dr Kawalazira

Conglomerate Press Corporation plc on Thursday donated various medical equipment to the Blantyre District Health Office to help save lives during the festive period.

The items included oxygen cylinders, oxygen concentrators, oxygen regulators and nasal tubes.

Press Corporation plc Chief Executive Officer Ronald Mangani said, as a corporate citizen, PCL decided to donate the items to help hospitals to save lives.

“As we approach the year-end festive season we tend to have a lot of accidents, and lifesaving equipment comes handy and useful in this period. We thought we should help the hospitals with this equipment at a time when it is likely to be providing critical services to the country,” said Mangani.

Receiving the donation, Blantyre District Health and Social Welfare Officer Dr Gift Kawalazira thanked PCL for the donation, saying it has come at the right time.

“We are very grateful for this timely donation. It is an early Christmas gift for us. This is critical lifesaving equipment which is used on people that have breathing problems. You know that if you cannot breathe it’s actually a matter of minutes before you can die.

“So, this equipment becomes handy especially now that we are going towards the Christmas period, hospitals become busy because of accidents from different sources. We want to promise PCL that this equipment will be used for its intended purpose,” said Kawalazira.

He called on other well wishers to emulate the example set by PCL saying ‘health business is everybody’s business’.

DPP’ presidential aspirant Dr. Kabambe sends Christmas message to Malawians


Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) presidential aspirant, Dr Dalitso Kabambe has extended his best wishes to all Malawians as they celebrate Christmas.

Christmas is an annual festival commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ, observed primarily on December 25 as a religious and cultural celebration among billions of people around the world.

In his powerful Christmas message Dr. Kabambe called upon Malawians to reflect deeply on love and compassion.

“May this Christmas reaffirm our dedication to the ideals of love and compassion. May we all be blessed with joy and happiness by Jesus Christ,” said Kabambe a former Reserve Bank of Malawi Governor.

As Governor of the Reserve Bank, he was responsible for providing strategic direction and leadership, in line with the principles dictated with the role of a central bank.

During his tenure of office as RBM Governor, the Central Bank managed to provide government with accurate economic advice.

Fuel prices were properly cushioned in avoidance of human suffering (Inflation).

Previously, Dr Kabambe worked in the Malawi Government Economic Service for a period of 19 years from 1998.

He held different positions such as Principal Economist, Chief Economist, Deputy Director of Economic Planning and, Budget Director in the Ministry of Finance, Economic Planning and Development.

Dr Kabambe also served as Secretary for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation for close to 2 years.

Dr. Kabambe holds a PhD and a Master’s Degree in Development Economics from Imperial College – University of London, United Kingdom which were obtained in 2008 and 2001, respectively.

Workaholic economist Kabambe also holds a BSc Degree from the University of Malawi, obtained in 1998.

NBS Bank, WFP in social cash transfers to Phalombe Cyclone Freddy victims 

NBS Staff members assisting Nkhulambe 1 beneficiaries

Listed NBS Bank and World Food Programme (WFP) have started disbursing funds through social cash transfer to over 2000 people affected by Cyclone Freddy at Nkhulambe Centre 1 and 2 in Phalombe.

The Bank’s Head of Marketing & Customer Experience Tamanda Ng’ombe  said their main role is to make sure that the funds fall into the right hands.

“We work hand in hand with partners on the ground who work every day with the beneficiaries. In this case, the partner entrusted to do that is Circle for Integrated Community Development (CICOD). They are responsible for identification and then later pass the information to us to verify beforehand. The ID information is sent to us and we crosscheck what is on paper and what the beneficiary is presenting.”

“So far we have not met any challenges, WFP and CICOD have done a good job on the ground together with the District Commissioner  and Department of Disaster Management (DODMA). They made sure that everything is in order, so our job has been straightforward,” said Ng’ombe.

WFP country Representative, Paul Turnbull said the lean season response is targeted at people who are food insecure.

“They are hungry because they didn’t get enough food from the last harvest. We understand that this particular district took the brunt of cyclone Freddy, so we realize that a lot of people won’t have enough food for this year. But it’s a program of limited duration,” said Turnbull.

In his remarks, Senior Group Nkhulambe said his area is one of the most affected by Cyclone Freddy as four villages namely Makambe, Nkhulambe, Nagoli and Mudeni lost 167 people while six are still missing.

“We are being given K150,000 which I have advised my subjects to use to buy food, which is our number one need. It will take time for us to start farming again as the area is full of sand. However, we are grateful for the help from international organizations through the government,” he said.

One of the beneficiaries, 70-year-old Thelma Selemani of Madukano Village said she lost her maize and cassava gardens during Cyclone Freddy.

“We were surviving on mangoes, now we are going to buy maize with this money,” said Selemani

Commissioner for DODMA, Charles Kalemba echoed that Nkhulambe area needs more support.

“Most of the land here has been encroached by rocks or sand and cannot produce anymore, so from the time Cyclone Freddy happened in March to now we are still supporting the people in terms of food security.”

“What we are seeing here is a process where people are receiving cash transfers, we had also given them maize for October, but for November, December, and January they are getting K150,000 which they are going to use for purchasing food, and then we will also come back for more money in February and March,” said Kalemba.

CFCAN’S Christ Holy Ghost College back with Holy Ghost Course


Christ Holy Ghost College, a brainchild of Christ Fellowship Church for All Nations (CFCAN), is back with Holy Ghost Training Program.

CFCAN’S Apostle Dr. Mc Hellings Nyirongo said the program will take place in Mzuzu from December 26 to 30.

The course, according to the highly respected man of God Apostle Dr. Nyirongo, is open to anyone who needs to serve the real God

Pastors, prophets, apostles and church ministers from difference churches and ministries are invited to register for the training.

“This full time training will be starting from 8am to 10pm every day,” said Apostle Dr. Nyirongo, adding upon completion successful participants will be fully transformed and filled with Holy Ghost.

Apostle Dr. Nyirongo said, among others, the course contents will include knowing Holy Ghost, Receiving Him and working with Him.

“There will be impartation of Holy Ghost and people will work the works of Jesus and doing greater than what Jesus did (John 14 v 12, Acts 8 v17),” said Nyirongo

To enroll into the program call +265997341371 or visit Christ Fellowship Church for All Nations (CFCAN) head office in Mzuzu near Macro behind Water Board.

Mulanje DC nods to all inclusive stakeholders meet on mining activities



The District Commissioner (DC) for Mulanje has given a nod to the demand of having an all inclusive meeting by concerned stakeholders on mining activities in Mulanje mountain.

Initially, Centre for Democracy and Economic Development Initiatives (CDEDI) in collaboration with Tourism Association of Mulanje Mountain, Friends of Mulanje, Tour Guides and Porters Association and communities wanted DC David Gondwe to call for the said meeting by December 21, but he has pushed it to December 28.

In his response letter, Gondwe says the council was thinking of addressing the matter through the Council and that all the concerned stakeholders will be given formal invitation.

But responding to the letter, CDEDI Executive Director Sylvester Namiwa says his organisation et al were ready to face the DC even yesterday but as a law abiding citizens will wait for the day set by the council secretariat.

Namiwa warned against any delay tactics saying his organisation and all concerned stakeholders will not backtrack in ensuring that mining activities are not taking pace in Mulanje mountain.

Recently at a press conference in Mulanje, stakeholders expressed disapproval of mining activities in Mulanje mountain, the Malawi’s cultural treasure which has been a centre for tourism since immemorial.

And they called for an immediate withdrawal of Akaswiri Mining Company from Mulanje
Mountain, and an urgent all-inclusive stakeholders meeting to discuss matters pertaining to mining in this mountain before the situation gets out of hand.

It is expected that, at the meeting, concerned stakeholders will press DC to make public all relevant documents that culminated into granting of mining license (s) by the Ministry of Forestry and Climate Change, and not the responsible Ministry of Mining, as expected.

“Subsequently, as a people proud of their treasure, all purported licences should be revoked forthwith since mining is not an option on Mt. Mulanje,” says the grouping.

Apart from water supplied to Mulanje, Thyolo, Chiradzulu and Blantyre districts, the mountain provides direct jobs to 600-plus porters and guides, 65 tourism facility operators that have provided over 30, 000 jobs in the hospitality industry, with multi-billion kwacha investments that
will turn into white elephants should the mountain cease to be tourist attraction due to health related hazards stemming from mining activities.

CDEDI Chief has since highlighted that accepting mining in the mountain will mean incurring losses in billions of Kwacha through taxes both at local and central governments levels.

The recent attack on Mt. Mulanje has sent shock waves to communities in Mulanje and Phalombe districts as they are reminded of the fatal effects of water gushing out of rocks that were unprovoked, hence they cannot condone any apparent provocation of danger through drilling that will weaken further the structure of the mountain, change courses of water, thereby leading to more flash floods that have the potential to wipe out humans, animals and crops as was the case with Cyclone Freddy.

By law, the calls of the concerned stakeholders are necessitated by Section 12 of the Republican Constitution, which hinges on trust, transparency and accountability, and more importantly, demands those exercising legal and political authority to make decisions, to solely serve and protect people’s interests.

Matthews Mtumbuka launches Weagle Holdings Limited

Mtumbuka (left) and Phiri cut a ribbon to mark the launch of the company

After working for 17 years for various companies, renowned engineer Matthews Mtumbuka has taken a growth path by establishing his company called Weagle Holdings Limited.

Mtumbuka launched the company on Wednesday in Lilongwe while stressing that they will focus on energy, management consulting, technology, food and beverage, and running a chain of stores, with an aim of creating wealth and job opportunities.

Speaking during the launch, Mtumbuka said the five companies under Weagle Holdings Limited have already employed 60 people at his Katoto Supermarket 1 and Katoto 2, Woodland Entertainment in Mzuzu and those working at the company’s offices in Lilongwe.

Unpacking the company’s business lines, Mtumbuka explained about the energy sector where he said the main focus will be renewable energy including solar systems.

“We will start by trading through bidding to supply energy equipment, materials and consumables to major players in the energy sector in Malawi. Energy is a big global challenge. Most countries don’t produce enough energy to meet their domestic and industrial needs.”

“The situation is far worse in Africa and most especially in Southern Africa where every country has acute shortage of electrical power resulting in non-ending load-shedding and power blackouts. In the medium to long term, we will go into energy operations through contracts for energy construction, maintenance and services. Our focus will be renewable energy,” he said.

On Management Consulting, the former Airtel Malawi executive said the company will provide solutions for management problems, especially the private sector.

“We also provide bespoke training for the middle managers, top leaders as well as Board Members for companies in the private and public sectors as well as Non-Governmental Organisations (NGO) world. We have a full spectrum of training courses in the field of Leadership and Management,” explained Mtumbuka.

On technology, Mtumbuka said the company intends to explore technology solutions in the financial sector like Fintech.

“We are partnering with proven brands in this space in Zambia and Uganda. We will also contribute to the development of the IT Enabled services (ITES) in Malawi. Noticing the big digital skills gaps in Malawi especially for the youth who are hungry to gain the skills to practice in this emerging sector, we are planning to offer up to 100 training courses in IT from mid-2024.”

“We are at an advanced stage of entering a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for eventual establishment of a franchise in Malawi with a leading IT Training Institute in India,” he said.

Guest of Honour at the event, Wisely Phiri, who is the CEO of Sparc Systems commended Mtumbuka for taking the wealth creation route.

“These are the ventures that we need to support for the country to achieve the Malawi2063 vision,” he said.

Several executives including the Malawi University of Science and Technology (MUST) vice chancellor, Professor Address Malata, attended the launch.

NBM launches ‘Popanda Chifukwa’ promo

Kaunda briefing the press

National Bank of Malawi Plc has launched the Point of Sale (POS)/Mo626 Pay (MoPay) promotion dubbed ‘Popanda Chifukwa’ worth a total outlay of K60.8 million.

The promotion will run from December 18, 2023 to April 18, 2024, with almost 186 NBM customers expected to win various prizes.  

Speaking during the launch of the promotion at NBM Towers on Tuesday, NBM plc Head of Digital Financial Services William Kaunda said the promotion is meant to recognize and reward customers who have been loyal to the Bank.

“We expect our customers to keep on using our electronic services including debit cards, credit cards, and our Mo626 digital plus platform that enables customers to perform transactions from their mobile phones. In that device, there is a feature called Mo626 pay (MoPay) that will make you win. We want to promote the usage of electronic payments.”

“To qualify, customers will have to make purchases or payments for a minimum amount of K20,000 using NBM POS, MoPay on Mo626 Digital plus on mobile banking platform or Mo626Pay USSD version on Mo626ice,” said Kaunda.

During the monthly draws according to Kaunda, 40 lucky customers transacting on the mentioned platforms will be rewarded with a Purchase Cashback of a maximum of K75,000 each.

Three customers, two from NBM POS transactions and one from Mo626Pay transactions will be rewarded with a cash prize of K150,000 each, while 30 customers, 20 from NBM POS transactions and 10 from Mo626Pay transactions will each win a Gift Pack for a medley of NBM branded novelties like T-shirts, Mugs, Umbrellas, and Flash Drives.

Kaunda added that top five MoPay merchants with the highest number of transactions will also win a Gift Pack for a medley of NBM-branded materials.

He also said shopping mall activations will take place once or twice a month on a weekend during the promotion, allowing NBM digital platform users and cardholders from other local banks to participate in the Instant Draws upon making their purchases through the NBM payment channels of NBM POS or Mo626Pay.

The Bank, will during this period, also date any select entertainment joints like popular bars, restaurants, hotels, resorts, and lodges in Blantyre, Lilongwe, Mzuzu, and Zomba, to promote usage of NBM POS and MoPay.

During the grand draw, 10 lucky winners, seven from NBM POS transactions and three from Mo626Pay transactions will each win K300,000 as the second grand prize, while four customers, three from NBM POS transactions and one from Mo626Pay transactions will each win K1.5 million as the grand prize.

Standard Bank forum outlines sticky economic issues


Economic stakeholders have asked the government to urgently correct misalignment of the country’s exchange rate by allowing the Malawi Kwacha to float freely and guaranteeing public accountability of finances to safeguard the new Extended Credit Facility (ECF) of the International Monetary Fund.

The demands are part of a raft of key proposals made during a Standard Bank-hosted round-table discussion in Lilongwe and attended by key cabinet ministers of Finance and Trade, donors, government economic agencies, and the private sector.

In a White Paper released after the closed-door session, the stakeholders proposed a 100-day window for government to act on the key proposals, namely safeguarding the ECF and providing public finance accountability, foreign exchange rate management, abolishing Visa travel restrictions, agricultural commercialization through mega farms, independence of Reserve Bank of Malawi, industrialization, and boosting local capacity for export.

“The forum concluded with high-level commitments to restore the country’s macroeconomic stability and put fundamentals back on the track of recovery. It also resolved to follow through these commitments and use them as building blocks for dialogue in the next 100 days when Malawi will be preparing her crucial 2024/25 National Budget,” reads the paper.

Convenor Standard Bank Chief Executive Phillip Madinga said creating a forum of dialogue and open discussion is the bank’s new initiative aimed at generating consensus at the national level on how to spark economic recovery and growth.

“The negative impact of combined shocks to the economy, macroeconomic instability characterized by devaluation of Kwacha and high interest rates, debt distress, the dollar crunch leading to shortages of essential imports, the widening of trade deficit and lack of accountability and governance as some of the key challenges we face, and require urgent collective action, hence this forum which is in its second year” he said.

Madinga said on the positive side, Malawi should build on the recently approved budget support under the IMF’s ECF and World Bank’s ‘Reforms and Recovery’ programs, new austerity measures by government, Malawi’s young population to find a way out of the current quagmire in the short to medium and long term.

He also cited key pillars and priorities contained in the country’s vision MW2063, and prevailing opportunities contained in Malawi Implementation Plan 1 of the MW2063, as some of the important building blocks.

Speaking on behalf of the Public/Private Dialogue Forum (PPD), Old Mutual Group Chief Executive Edith Jiya, who is also the Public Private Dialogue convener outlined forex liquidity management framework, minimum farm gate pricing, revision of minimum wage following devaluation, consistent regulatory environment, flexibility in construction industry contracts and narrowing trade imbalance with a focus in improving forex supplies as key issues required urgent action.

“We are in a critical moment, but it’s not the first time to find ourselves he as we have been there before. Going forward, we need to be bold in taking future strategic and collective action as well as learning from past failures with regards to economic

planning and management,” she said.

 The EU Head of Delegation Ambassador Rune Skinnebach said Malawi faces a litmus test to adhere to the conditions of the new IMF ECF program in the shortest possible time as the country’s next tripartite general elections looms in 2025.

“As development partners, we believe that Malawi needs assistance and, is probably the only country on the continent that has developed the least since independence [in 1964] despite the peacefulness and good land. At the same time the country needs to identify and pick the low hanging fruits across the public and private sector for recovery and growth to be realized,” he said.

Addressing the delegates, both the Minister of Finance Simplex Chithyola Banda and the Minister Trade and Industry Sosten Gwengwe reiterated the government’s recent stand and commitment to encourage and stick to reforms aiming to usher fiscal discipline and reinstating the private sector as the engine of economic growth.

The Finance Minister highlighted stabilization of government debt, containment of money supply and rebuilding of the foreign exchange reserves as some of the measures to support Treasury’s Recover, Develop and Protect (RDP) Plan. The latter plan has been designed to address shortages of Forex, Fuel, Food and Fertilizer (the 4Fs).

He commended Standard Bank for creating the dialogue forums and committing to increase their frequency in 2024.

“I am glad that Standard Bank has organized this important meeting to allow key players in the development arena to exchange ideas on how together we can unhook Malawi from a perpetual low equilibrium.  I look forward to, us together, coming up with concrete solutions to unlocking our economic stagnation,” he said.

For his part, Trade Minister Sosten Gwengwe outlined several initiatives underway by government aimed at restoring the capacity of private sector to contribute meaningfully tow growth. These include boosting the legislative and policy framework for small and medium businesses, secondary cooperatives and exports and economic zones, and the anti-smuggling campaign.

 The Standard Bank round-table discussion, now in its second year was held under the theme; “Roadmap to Malawi’s Growth”, and attracted over 30 high-level delegates including Malawi Revenue Authority, National Planning Commission, African Development Bank and CEOs of private sector.

EPM for more CSR Projects in Mulanje and Thyolo

Reynolds (left) holds a ribbon with Aramson

Eastern Produce Malawi (EPM) Limited, one of the leading tea growing companies in the country says it will continue implementing Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) projects in the two districts of Mulanje and Thyolo.

The company has recently constructed a classroom and drilled a borehole at Katole Primary School and Ranken village respectively in Mulanje district.

Speaking after handing over the classroom and the borehole to the community, EPM Managing Director David Reynolds said the relationship between the company and the surrounding community is good.

He said this is the reason the company does not hesitate to respond to the needs of the community whenever funds are available.

Reynolds handing over the building to Aramson

 “We are part of the community and we find it necessary to implement developmental projects within and beyond our surrounding communities,” said Reynolds.

 Head teacher of Katole Primary School, Sammy Aramson thanked the company for constructing the classroom at the school.

“With this structure, we are close to reaching the country’s recommended 1 to 60 classroom- learners ratio,” said Aramson.

Assistant Coordinating Primary Education Advisor for Mathambi Education Zone Chipiliro Ngochera asked the company to construct a secondary school within the area saying the nearest Bango Community Day Secondary School is at a distance of over 10 Kilometers.

Members of staff for Katole Primary School in front of the newly constructed classroom block

And speaking after receiving the borehole, village head Ranken said shortage of water is now a thing of the past and he thanked EPM for the gesture.

One of the women present at the handover ceremony, Grace Lloyd said there was only one borehole in the village which was not enough to serve over 200 households in the village.

“To show our appreciation, we will ensure that we take care of this borehole with guidance from the borehole committee,” said Lloyd.

According to EPM’s Corporate Affairs Manager Rabson Kachilele, K 10 million was used on the classroom project while the borehole cost K9 million.

MEET AND VOTE FOR PETER MUKHITO: Great Man set to bring high standards DPP is renowned for

The former Inspector General of Police and former Director General of State Residence Peter Mukhito has declared his interest to wrestle it out at the DPP Convention for the position of Secretary General. The convention is slated for December 26 and 27.

Mukhito who is also a commercial farmer and businessman is a prominent Malawian whose story of humble beginnings to greatness, resonates well with most Malawians.

Mukhito rose from an ordinary police officer, through hard work and dedication to Presidential Guard Commander for one of the most tough and disciplined Presidents, the third Republican President Bingu Wa Mutharika, who saw in him great potential of sound leadership and management style and promoted him to become the head of the Malawi Police Services, at the time when crime was high.

Peter Mukhito, the youngman from Chiradzulu and Blantyre rose to serve, not only one but two Presidents who are high achievers at the closest range.

He is a well known, soft spoken disciplinarian, a father and family man at heart but very ambitious with high standards in delivering his work. He is the right fit for the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) rebuilding process, as its Secretary General.

For more about Peter Mukhito and his visions for the party, please follow us below;

PCL eyes Puma Energy growth

Mangani (second right) cuts a ribbon to open the service station assisted by Puma Energy Malawi Managing Director Sipho Uaeca (right) and Outtara (left)

Conglomerate Press Corporation plc Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Ronald Mangani says PCL will continue to grow the Puma Energy Limited brand to create an impact on the domestic market and the country’s economy.

Mangani said this after opening a new Puma Sam Singh Filling Station on 2 Hannover Avenue in Blantyre CBD, where he also promised to see four more stations opened by the end of the year 2023.

“We are very excited to be associated with the PUMA brand. This means a lot to us because it means the brand is growing. It is increasing its footprints in the market and that’s the trend we see and we are very happy with. As PCL, we want to be associated with investments that are actually making a huge impact on the domestic economy, and PUMA is one of them.”

Outtara and Mangani fill up a vehicle at the new service centre

“We are actually expanding all over. This year alone, we have expanded into several places and the expansion will continue into December. We are looking at opening another four before the end of the year and another two by January. It is an expansion that is cutting across the geography of the country,” said Mangani.

Puma Energy Africa Chief Operating Officer, Ben Hassan Outtara, said in an interview, that the expansion signifies the company’s commitment to ensuring creation of investment opportunities in Malawi.

“We are on a growth trend. We want to be aggressive commercially to be able to create opportunities and jobs for Malawi. For us, it is important to show our strategy that we want to develop here in Malawi in terms of investment, job creation and sustainability. We need to be finding solutions by working with the Government and talking to the regulator,” said Outtara.

PCL has a 50 percent stake in the Puma franchise in Malawi.

Mangani (second right) gestures after opening the service station as other officials look on

Domestic worker wins big in Zampira promotion finale

Zampira promotion draw in progress, as Madalitso Jonazi, TNM’s Head of Brand and Marketing Communication (left) looks on

The 2023 season of Malawi’s top-flight football avenue, TNM Super League might closed the curtain two weeks ago, however the excitement still lingers as TNM has conducted the final monthly draw for the Zampira promotion.

After being crowned champions of 2023 TNM Super League, it seems joy cannot be detached from FCB Nyasa Big Bullets as its Mtsiriza-based supporter, Kingsley Masoambeta emerged a final winner of a monthly prize of K2 million.

He won after correctly predicted a game between Nyasa Big Bullets and Mighty Mukuru Wanderers which ended in one all draw.

Reacting to the news of his winning, the 35-year-old domestic worker praised God for the miracle.

“It is God and only Him made it possible that I should win, it is His inspiration. I am going through many challenges financially, therefore, this is redemption,” said marveled Masoambeta.

He said that he will use the money to start business as a way of ensuring financial sustainability. Masoambeta added that he will donate football equipment that will be purchased with part of the prize money to Kanjonji Primary School in Mchinji.

Madalitso Jonazi, TNM’s Head of Brand and Marketing Communication

The promotion which runs simultaneously with the Malawi’s elite Super League aims at creating buzz and engagement with the soccer lovers.

Throughout the promotion’s eight months period, TNM has splashed out cash and airtime prizes to soccer fans countrywide.

Madalitso Jonazi, TNM’s Head of Brand and Marketing Communication said that the 2023 Zampira promotion has been a great success.

“We launched 2023 Zampira promotion in April where we brought in several exciting incentives to help soccer fans win big. We are pleased to note that through those interventions participation in the promotion has been great leading,” said Jonazi.

According to TNM, this year’s Zampira promotion has given out more than K30 million in prizes.

“We believe in creating possibilities for Malawians. Over 3,000 football fans won airtime and over 130 soccer lovers won cash prizes, through these statistics we believe that we have changed lives of many,” he said.

Comparatively, 2023 season of Zampira promotion has registered growth in revenue of more than 300 percent over 2022.

“The main objective of the promotion is to immerse supporters in the game. This year we have seen great progress which resulted in 316 percent growth in gross revenue as compared to 2022 season,” highlighted Jonazi.

In the 2023 Zampira promotion TNM has been giving out K2 million every month. Weekly the telco dished out K50, 000 each to four winners and K2000 worth of airtime to 100 people.

Apart from having predictions, the promotion also had a daily SMS Trivia Questions component aiming to enhance supporter’s understanding of the game by subscribing and answering daily soccer related questions. Four customers each were winning K50,000 every week.

Castel Malawi donates visibility vests to Kabaza operators

Hara (centre) receives the vests from Kolomba (left) flanked by Director of Road Traffic Directorate Andrew Sandula (right)

Giant alcoholic beverages producer Castel Malawi has donated visibility vests worth K3.5 million  to motorcycle taxi operators known as ‘Kabazas’ as one way of helping reduce accidents in the country.

Presenting the donation during this year’s African Road Safety Day commemoration in Chikwawa on Friday, Castel Malawi Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Manager Linda Kolomba said the donation is a continuation of the company’s road safety campaign which it launched in September this year.

“We thought of donating these visibility vests to the Kabaza operators as one way of reducing accidents on our roads because they will be visible to other road users. We have a pillar in our CSR strategy on road safety and we are pushing this to make sure that we help reduce road accidents in the country hence our commitment to this cause.”

“We launched our road safety campaign in September this year where we have engaged road users including pedestrians on road safety issues in more than 20 busy trading centres across the country so that we help reduce these road accidents,” said Kolomba.

Receiving the items, Minister of Transport Jacob Hara who was a Guest of Honour at the function hailed Castel Malawi and other companies who donated visibility vests for their efforts in helping road users reduce accidents.

“I would like to thank Castel Malawi and other companies who have donated the visibility vests because this will address the issue of road users which is contained in the National Road Safety Strategy which we are launching today to make sure that road users are visible and therefore help in reducing accidents,” said Hara.

Local NGO Bethel ReachOut donate to the elderly in Kasungu

From left Mr Bitoni Diyere, Mr Chimbalame Newa, Mr Lameck and Mr Mulalo after receiving their gifts

A local non-governmental religious organization Bethel ReachOut and Healing Ministries has donated various items to more than 80 elderly people at Mdoni in Sub Traditional Authority Mdunga in Kasungu as part of its Christmas cheer programme.

The donations were made possible by United States based philanthropist Emmanuel Mwandama and included wrappers, sugar, soap, salt, maize flour and the elderly were also provided with food and drinks to celebrate Christmas.

Speaking at the event, Founder of Bethel ReachOut and Healing Ministries Rex Tipoti Mbewe, who is also the father of Mwandama, acknowledged the need to keep supporting the elderly as roots for wisdom, culture, and development.

“We would also like to announce that our organization will be supporting over 10 elder persons per month with maize flour and soap until the harvest season. We want to respect these people by giving back to them since most of them are sleeping on mangoes only or staying days without eating, as they have no food and no one to help them,” said Mbewe.

Mwandama said he decided to support the elderly through the organization, looking at how older people are struggling with hunger, rising cost of living, and lack of support.

“Through Bethel ReachOut and Healing Ministries we are going to support more older people including those living with disabilities in order to ease the burden they face,” said Mwandama.

TNM dangles K50 Million for Christmas

TNM Chief Executive Officer Michel Hebert

Pioneer mobile network company of TNM Plc has kicked off the festive season for its customers with a festive season and Christmas promotion, dangling K50 million.

Through the promotion that will end in February, TNM will reward customers with fabulous cash and non-cash prizes.

Launching the promotion this afternoon the telco’s head office, Chief Executive Officer, Michel Hebert, said the Christmas Promotion is TNM’s way of showing appreciation to its customers loyalty on the network and enhancing their 2023 festivity celebrations.

“This Christmas Promotion is a means through which we are giving back to our customers, appreciating them for standing by us through thick and thin.

“We hope that this promotion will also provide our customers an opportunity to enjoy this festive season with their loved ones through cash prizes that they will win in this promotion,” said Hebert.

Madalitso Jonazi, TNM’s Head of Brand and Marketing

Hebert also says that the company is committed to uplifting the lives of its customers and maximizing customers’ satisfaction and that the Christmas Promotion is also the company’s way of rewarding Malawians for showing resilience through hardships faced in 2023.

“As a network that has its customers’ welfare at heart, we empathize with the struggles Malawians went through in the year 2023 such as Cyclone Freddy, Cholera.

“We therefore hope that the cash prizes to be won will give new beginnings to our customers as they enter the new year ahead”, stated Herbet.

The Christmas promotion will see customers gaining an entry with each K500 recharge and winning cash prizes on weekly and monthly basis.

One lucky winner shall walk away with the grand prize of K10 million.

TNM which covers up to 88% of Malawi landscape also provides the 4G and 5G network services.

BT derby looms in Castel Semifinals

Game in progress

The semifinals draw of the Ibongetse Castel Challenge Cup that was conducted on Sunday at Kamuzu Stadium during the Wanderers and Moyale Barracks game, has provided a possibility of Blantyre derby involving FCB Nyasa Big Bullets and Mighty Mukuru Wanderers.

The Nomads who defeated Moyale 3-0 in the quarter-finals will face the winner of the Round of 8 fixture between Bullets FC and Ekwendeni Hammers which will be played on Wednesday.

Meanwhile Lilongwe giants Silver Strikers will face Blantyre outfit Bangwe All Stars to complete the semifinal matches.

Castel Malawi Limited, sponsors of the Ibongetse Challenge Cup expressed optimism of entertaining football in the semifinals.

“As sponsors we are very happy to conduct the semifinals draw of the cup. The teams that are facing each other has shown great spirit of resilience and determination, therefore, we expect to see sustenance of good football,” said Lavern Chitakata, Head of Brand and Marketing at Castel Malawi.

Acknowledging the progress of Castel Challenge Cup, Chitakata commended the collaboration of various stakeholders that has contributed towards football development in the country.

“We are glad to reach the semifinals of the Cup which means that we have accomplished our objective of developing football. I would like to commend FAM, supporters and Regional Associations for being organised and ensure that over one thousand games have been played, together we are taking the game to great heights,” she said.

She added that so far, Castel cup has managed to develop football using the bottom-up approach.

Lavern Chitakata, Head of Brand and Marketing at Castel Malawi during the draw

“We are delighted with the level of talent and football that have been unearthed in the districts. The competition was stiff among teams and we believe that some players will upgrade to big football platforms,” added Chitakata.

Commenting on the possibility of the Blantyre derby after the game with Moyale, Wanderers coach Mark Harrison said that the team is ready to meet any opponent that comes on the way.

“We are quite comfortable with the outcomes of the draw that’s what football is all about. Whether we meet Bullets or Ekwendeni our expectation is that it will be good game with amazing football,” said Harrison.

The coach hailed his players for controlling the game and winning comfortably to reach the samifinal stage.

“Our focus is to reach the final and win the cup that’s the reason  we showed great spirit on the pitch. I’m happy that what we told players have been done during the game to help us win,” he added.

The 2023 season of Castel Challenge Cup was launched in June at Bingu National Stadium with an inaugural match between Silver Strikers and FCB Nyasa Bullets which the bankers won 3-2.

The final game is expected to take place on 31st December 2023 at  the same venue.

NBM starts renovating Unima, Luanar Basketball courts

NBM, UNIMA officials and contractor inspecting the court

National Bank of Malawi (NBM) Plc has started renovating Basketball courts for the University of Malawi (Unima) and Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources (Luanar) as promised during the launch of this year’s edition of the Mo626 College Basketball tournament.

On Wednesday, NBM officials led by the Marketing and Corporate Affairs Manager, Akossa Hiwa and Mo626 College Basketball tournament brand ambassador, musician and entrepreneur Hayze Engola visited Unima to inspect the progress of the works at the court.

Hiwa expressed satisfaction, and outlined that the inspection helped the technical team evaluate improvement areas on the project.

“Over and above the actual inspection, we’ve engaged with the UNIMA basketball team and gotten their insight on the project. This further presented an opportunity for NBM plc officials to engage with UNIMA and BASMAL officials.”

“I would say that 70 percent of the construction work has been done and the remaining 30 percent is expected to be closed off in the next two weeks. Thereafter, we expect to make it into phase two of the project. It is my hope that students will get to appreciate the end product after they return to school from their Christmas break,” she said.

Hiwa further said this year, the tournament has seen more teams registering which shows that students have seen the value that Mo626 College Basketball is bringing to the institutions.

“We factored the renovation of basketball courts as one way of giving back to the institutions that we work with on Mo626 Basketball. As a Bank, we believe in creating sustainable impact. This is why we are constructing basketball courts that will be utilized by students and visitors at these two institutions for 5,10 years or more,” explained Hiwa.

Unima Ladies Hawks captain, Forget Mkandawire commended NBM plc for renovating the facility.

“The old court was in bad shape which put us at risk of injuries. The new court will help us to have more time for training and host games, which also gives us an upper hand to win the Mo626 College Basketball and other tournaments,” she said.

ACB hails Castel Malawi on anti-corruption drive

Chizuma and Zimba (middle) carrying a banner with Anti-corruption message

The Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) Director, Martha Chizuma has commended the giant alcoholic producer in Malawi, Castel for its strong stance against corruption at the company.

Chizuma was speaking in Blantyre on Friday during the Anti-corruption activities organized by Castel Malawi ahead of the Anti-Corruption Day on Saturday.

The ACB Director said she was proud of Castel Malawi for being leaders from the private sector to join the fight against corruption.

“I am impressed and encouraged that a private sector institution could think of coming up with a day like this. You don’t usually see the private sector getting involved. There are few that are doing this, and also, maybe to a level that Castel Malawi has done.”

Chizuma and Zimba (middle) flanked by Castel employees during the integrity walk

“This is very important because as we celebrate the Anti-corruption day, those are the aspirations that we have as a country to achieve the Malawi2063 like industrialization, commercialization for agriculture services and others. All those things, it is the private sector that will help us achieve that. And it is not just any other private sector that can achieve that, but the ones that are corruption free,” said Chizuma.

Castel Malawi Human Resource and Corporate Affairs Director, Gloria Zimba said the goal is to raise awareness and foster a collective effort for the continued fight against corruption, a cause that aligns with the values they share under their Corporate Social Responsibility.

“We declared last year and we are continuing with that declaration that Castel Malawi is a corrupt free organization, and we will try our level best to put in as much funding as we can to fight corruption internally. This day is important to us, that is why we have involved all our employees in the integrity march.”

Castel employees during the integrity walk

“We want every employee to internalize the fight. It is not a fight which management, ACB, or government can do on its own. Every individual employee is called upon to take the responsibility, to blow the whistle when they see corrupt activities, or bribery taking place,” she said.

Zimba further indicated that since the declaration last year, the company has received a lot of whistleblowing both internal and external.

The commemoration of the day started with an integrity walk around Blantyre CBD with other partners like Deloitte, Malawi Law Society and Malawi Police accompanied by the Malawi Defense Force Band.

NBM plc in 12 Days of Christmas K70 million donations

Akossa Hiwa- 12 days of Christmas

National Bank of Malawi (NBM) plc will for the third consecutive year celebrate this year’s Christmas with its stakeholders by donating K70 million worth of various items to educational and health-care institutions through a corporate social investment programme dubbed ’12 days of Christmas’.

NBM plc introduced the initiative in 2021 and through it, has impacted sectors such as education and health care through donations made by the Bank  across the country.

Last year, the programme benefited institutions in Chitipa, Nkhotakota, Blantyre, Mzimba, Mangochi, Dowa, Mchinji, Salima, Ntcheu, Mwanza and Liwonde.

This year, the 12 Days of Christmas will benefit Area 25 Health Centre, Balaka Full Primary School, Mpemba Reformatory Centre, Kasungu Boma CDSS, Zomba Mental Hospital, Thyolo District Hospital, Mlangeni Police Training School, Rafik Foundations, among others.

Guided by the Bank’s Corporate Social Investment (CSI) policy, the initiative will run from Thursday, December 7 to Friday, December 22, 2023.

NBM plc Marketing and Corporate Affairs Manager Akossa Hiwa, said the items to be given include learning aids, medical equipment and others.

“At the centre of the Festive season are love, community and giving. As a Bank of the Nation, NBM plc has the country at heart and strives to reach out to those that require assistance. 12 Days of Christmas gives us the opportunity to do that as the Bank, through its Service Centres, actively contributes to the welfare of 12 different institutions each December. The items we are going to distribute are worth over K70 million,” said Hiwa.

She added that the Bank prioritizes Education and Health because they are an integral part of the Bank’s Corporate Social Initiative (CSI) Policy. 

“Our decision of initiatives to support was highly influenced by sustainability. We would like the items presented to keep on giving long after the 2023 festive season is over when learners return to schools or medical centres continue to operate in 2024,” explained Hiwa.

She said each of the 12 donations would be made by NBM plc employees led by Service Centre Managers nationwide.

NBS Bank acquires $5 million IFAD loan for agribusinesses 

Simwaka(right) shakes hands with Mukonyora

NBS Bank Plc has acquired a 10-year Five million US dollar loan from the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) to enable the Bank to provide specialized financial services and support to businesses involved in the agriculture sector.

IFAD is a specialized agency of the United Nations, dedicated to eradicating poverty and hunger in developing countries.

Speaking at the agribusiness conference organized in partnership with Netherlands-based Rabo Bank and IFAD, NBS Bank Deputy Chief Executive Officer Temwani Simwaka, said the Bank’s role is to make sure that farmers and other businesses access financing to grow crops, produce, and add value.

“Looking at tea and macadamia, these are long-term crops and for macadamia it takes farmers seven years to start producing a crop that they can sell. As a Bank, we partnered with Rabo Bank to give us technical advice because it is a big agricultural bank. After that, we spoke to our customers and understood their needs and with that understanding we partnered with IFAD to support us by giving the funding so that we can lend to our farmers.”

NBS Bank Deputy Chief Executive Officer Temwani Simwaka

“As NBS Bank, it would have been difficult to use our money for those long periods of time hence the support from our partners, RaboBank and IFAD. Again, most of these farmers export their crop and most of their costs are in foreign currency so it just makes sense for us to get money in US Dollars,” said Simwaka.

IFAD Country Representative Bernadette Mukonyora said their portfolio in the country is currently valued at 480 million US dollars supporting various sectors and sub sectors under agriculture, and irrigation among others.

“What we are doing now is looking at the agricultural sector as a critical driver of the Malawian economy. MW2063 talks about agricultural commercialization, we want to create value in this country, we want to create prosperity, and the agricultural sector is the one that will assist the government achieve that objective.”

IFAD Country Representative Bernadette Mukonyora

“Today we are launching our first non-sovereign operation with NBS Bank and under this program, we are providing a loan of 5 million US dollars. Part of this funding has come from the government of Germany, and then we as IFAD lend this money to NBS Bank which is supporting value chain development and financing to tea and macadamia farmers in this country,” said Mukonyora.

In his remarks, Tea Association of Malawi Vice Chairperson Atu Kalinga said the market has been very depressed in the past two or three years.

“Appropriate financing is a major problem, so this facility that NBS Bank is bringing in will solve the problems,” said Katunga.

NBS Bank re-established its Agribusiness unit two years ago.

TNM moves to improve doctors’ delivery

Madalitso Jonazi, TNM’s Head of Brand and Marketing presents the donation to Dr. Parth Patel

Malawi’s pioneer mobile network and ICT services provider, TNM Plc, has contributed K6 million to Society of Medical Doctors (SMD) towards this year’s annual lakeshore conference.

The recent conference was held under the theme: “The Doctor’s Role on Disaster Preparedness in Malawi, ” at Sunbird Nkopola in Mangochi.

Madalitso Jonazi, TNM’s Head of Brand and Marketing said that the contribution underscores the telco’s appreciation of doctors’ value in shaping the wellbeing of communities.

“TNM puts keen interest in issues that bind our communities together and uphold wellness of Malawians. Doctors are integral in the provision of excellent healthcare services that cut across every individual in the country, therefore, we saw it befitting to support the conference,” said Jonazi.

He said that through the donation, TNM highlights its commitment towards sustaining the positive contribution of doctors in the development of the country.

“Doctors play a critical role in the overall growth of Malawi. They are constantly involved in scientific and biological research to find solutions to crucial medical health issues that if left unattended deter developmental progress,” he said.

He said the conference agenda adds great value towards preparedness of disasters that have been rampant for the past recent years.

“We are all aware of the havoc that disasters have caused in the country. Disasters challenge the delivery of medical care services and practitioners are always the last hope for casualties. Therefore, we believe that the conference will provide great insights on steady preparations in times of disasters,” added Jonazi.

Secretary General for SMD, Dr. Parth Patel said that expressed optimism that the conference will provide a good platform for medical doctors to share new measures that could reduce impact of disasters in the country.

“Over the last couple of years Malawi have had occurrences of disasters that affected people resulting in loss of lives and properties. We believe that this conference will stimulates ideas from doctors to get ourselves prepared for disasters,” said Patel.

Expressing his gratitude to TNM, Patel said that the collaboration will help the country to have effective medical measures support provision of healthcare services during disaster.

“We are very grateful to TNM for this partnership which will help the conference achieve its intended purposes. To have such amount of money in this kind of economy is not a simple thing, the money will add value to the conference,” he said.

The conference will bring together 100 delegates comprising of Medical Doctors, Key Policy Makers, Researchers, and Academia from Government and Private Sector.

The Society of Medical Doctors (SMD) exists with the aim of providing a vehicle through which medical doctors can support the government and other players in their efforts to improve the delivery of health care in Malawi.

The society provides the space in which doctors can lobby and advocate for better health care systems on behalf of Malawians, through Continuous Professional Development (CPD) and annual conferences.

Mzuzu Caucus baying for the head of Salima Sugar Executive Chairperson Kosamu


By Iommie Chiwalo

Mzuzu Caucus leader addressing the media

Pressure is continuing to mount on the calls to have Salima Sugar Company Limited (SSCL) Acting Executive Chairperson Wester Kosamu to be removed from his position.

Joining the calls is Mzuzu City Youth Caucus which is urging the Attoney General’s office to expedite the prosecuting the culprits who swindled public money.

“We as well ask the appointing authority for the immediate removal of Mr Wester Kosamu as a Chairperson of Salima Sugar company for he is compromised to continue exercising his duties,” reads the statement signed by Gomezgani Nkhoma.

He noted with concern that recently MYC wrote Salima Sugar Company demanding an information in line with the access to information act but the efforts yielded no results.

“We believe the act was deliberate to frustrate our efforts of holding officers at company accountable. The Mzuzu Youth Caucus therefore demand the immediate removal of Mr Kosamu to save the face of a company and the reputation of our beloved country,” he said.

He says the action is necessary now because it is still fresh in the minds of Malawians that the Malawi Law Society Disciplinary Committee had recently suspended Kosamu from practising Law for six months for allegedly misappropriating client’s money.

“This major development is enough for Kosamu to be removed from office and it has left tongues wagging as to why he’s still manning the institution at a time when his judgement is questionable,” he said.

The grouping has since commended the office of Attorney General for making public findings of the audit his office ordered to be carried out at Salima Sugar.

Salima Sugar is currently entangled in a web of misfortune due to poor management at the helm of it largely due to personal aggrandisement.

Brian gets his big film break in the Big Apple

There are not many young boys from Zomba who grow up with a dream and by the age of 25, find themselves living that dream, complete with a two-month stay in New York City.

However that is the way Brain Magombo finds his life unfolding right now following his successful graduation from the Southern Africa MultiChoice Talent Factory (MTF) Academy last month.

Brian was one of a group of enthusiastic, young TV and film hopefuls who entered the Academy in January this year, and has just graduated with flying colours. Facilitators were so impressed with his work during the year, he was awarded an 8-week internship at the prestigious New York Film Academy in America.

Given his natural flair for film, it’s not surprising that Brian has excelled in this way. Growing up, he was always curious about how films were made. His father worked in media, and there was often a camcorder in the house. Brian would experiment with these video recorders and make home videos with friends, which nurtured his love for film.

“After school I studied journalism at the Malawi University of Business and Applied Studies. It was then that I learnt about documentary making, and my passion for video and filmmaking grew. I am driven by learning, as I believe we never stop learning in life. So although I had some knowledge from my journalism course, I wanted to learn much more about film,” Brian explains.

After a lecturer gave him the MTF application details, Brian applied to attend the Academy. He believes his exuberance during the interview process secured his spot.

“I think they liked my enthusiasm. I had a lot of it!” he laughs. “I was very open-minded and showed them that I wanted to learn. I was also confident, because I knew that even though I wasn’t professionally trained, I had been passionate about film my whole life. I had also decided that I wanted to contribute to growing film in Malawi – I wanted to be part of that start-up story.”

When at the Academy, Brian wasted no time developing his skills to secure his future career. He immersed himself in the theoretical and practical teachings, gaining as much as he could from the industry expert teachers, and thrived on the opportunity to develop personally and professionally with like-minded people.

“The course was jam-packed. The entire scope of filmmaking was condensed into just 11 months. There was a lot to digest and to apply at the same time, so I really had to stay on my toes. When you’re learning from online tutorials, so many important aspects are overlooked.

But when you’re learning from industry veterans, you get to learn every detail from a different perspective, including marketing, distribution and making a film on a budget. I grew up idolising certain film projects, and the people who worked on those were now teaching me. That is an out of this world experience,” he says.

Beyond the skills development, Brian learnt a lot about himself. He has never worked in a team environment before and never been in a leadership position. His time at the Academy exposed him to both.

“I was privileged to direct one of the final productions we had to do. I got to inspire people to work together to achieve a common goal. I learnt to appreciate every aspect of the filmmaking process, not just about ‘I’ but about ‘we’ as a team.  You’re dealing with different characters in all these different people, and you have to learn to manage them. Making films is always going to be about good team work. At the end of the day, it’s not about me as an individual and what I do, but about the film we produce together,” he explains.

As part of the programme, Brian and his peers were trained by facilitators from the New York Film Academy. He hopes to build on this knowledge when he visits the Academy in 2024 – an opportunity for which he is nervous and excited at the same time!

On his return, Brian wants to use his international experience to begin building his film career, starting with using film to grow awareness of Malawi as a country and to help address unemployment among the youth.

“Film in Malawi is an untapped gold mine ripe for exploring. I want to use my creativity to help better the Malawian people, especially the youth. I also want to tell Malawi’s story to the world. Not many people know about this small, African country. God willing I can use my creativity to help young people and tell our story at the same time,” Brian states.

He understands that most Southern African countries face the same issues, so would like to learn from other MTF alumni and see how they are working with film in their countries, and contributing to the growth of their creative industries.

“MTF was life changing for me,” he affirms. “I don’t take any part of this experience for granted and appreciate all the opportunities afforded to me. I will be forever grateful for the knowledge imparted to me as an individual and as a creative. Thousands of people would have loved to have been in the position I was in at MTF, I understand that, and want to make good on that opportunity I was given.”

The MTF Southern Africa academy class graduated on 17 November 2023, after a 12-month intensive programme inclusive of practical and in-class theoretical curriculum accredited by the University of Zambia. The graduation celebrated the talent and hard work of 19 students across six countries in the Southern region, who have put in many hours of honing their skills and expanding their knowledge and networks in the industry. There were two students from Malawi, including Brian Magombo bringing the total since MTF’s inception to 8.

WE ARE BACK! – MultiChoice Announces the Return of DStv Services in Malawi


MultiChoice Africa Holdings (“MAH”) is excited to announce to its valued Malawian customers of the resumption of the DStv service in Malawi.

The resumption of the service follows the ruling delivered by the High Court in Lilongwe on 1st December 2023 in the matter between Raise 1996 (Pty) Ltd t/a MultiChoice Malawi (“MCM”) and the Malawi Communications Regulatory Authority (“the Authority”).

“We are happy to be resuming services in Malawi and want to assure our customers
that they can resume accessing our services as before.  Apart from the service resumption, as a gesture of goodwill, MAH will provide free access to our Malawian customers, who have been active at least once within this current year i.e. from 1st April 2023, and who have an operational DStv decoder, to our premium package for 9 days from 6th December to 14th December 2023.  

Thereafter, access will be based on subscription fees paid.” – Keabetswe Modimoeng, Group Executive Corporate Affairs and Stakeholder Management

We would further like to inform our valuable customers that we are reactivating all the
payment platforms to enable resumption of the payment of subscriptions fees as per
the price schedule effective on 1st August 2023.

For further information, customers can also check their price schedule by visiting the
DStv website, using the MyDStv App, on the payment platforms
or calling the MultiChoice Malawi call center on 011 189 5777 or 089 100 2677.

MAH has maintained an array of packages on the DStv platform ranging from DStv
Premium to DStv Kufewa, ensuring that every customer has a chance to access their
services and experience quality entertainment.

25 win in NBS ‘Savings always Win’ promo

Twenty-five people have received an early Christmas gift from NBS Bank Plc after winning various prizes in the ‘Savings always Win’ promotion which encourages a saving culture among the Banks’ customers.

The lucky winners from different NBS Service Centres with entries in the past five months have walked away with return air ticket trips, K50,000 worth of grocery vouchers, and K25,000 bill payments in a promotion that ends December 31.

Speaking during the draw on Monday, NBS Southern and Eastern Region Cluster Manager Gracious Changaya said the response has been overwhelming.

“We are giving back to our customers who have been supportive to us through and through, and as a ‘Caring Bank’, it is also a way of also encouraging them to save, that is why we have these three categories to make sure all customers are taken into consideration.”

“This is a time that most people spend and it is also our responsibility to make sure that we help them to plan for the future as you are aware come January most people would want to send their children to school and would want to invest in their farms, that is why we are urging them to save now,” said Changaya.

Grand prizes are tiered in three different bands with those depositing K50,000 minimum standing a chance of winning K1 million, those depositing in the K100,000 to K500,000 band winning K3.5 million and lastly in band three for those depositing K500,000 above to win K6 million cash prize.

The promotion was launched on June 25 this year and will end on 31 December 2023. 

CDEDI commends AG Chakaka, presses for removal of Kosamu at SSCL



The Centre for Democracy and Economic Development Initiatives (CDEDI) is questioning the merit of maintaining Salima Sugar Company Limited leadership that is characterized by numerous financial scandals.

The target in the whole process is Executive Chairperson Wester Kosamu who at the moment is not understandable as to how he rose to the ranks and files of the company soon after the Malawi Law Society (MLS) Disciplinary Committee suspended him from practising law for six months on alleged misappropriation of clients money.

While commending Attorney General Thabo Chakaka-Nyirenda for making public contents of the recent forensic audit commissioned by the Malawi Government on SSCL, Namiwa says the starting point should be to immediately remove the SSCL Executive Chairperson Wester Kosamu from his position.

“The best expected of him was to step down then. To be precise, we at CDEDI find Mr. Kosamu too conflicted to continue representing the interest of Malawians at SSCL, let alone at the Greenbelt Authority (GBA),” says CDEDI Executive Director Sylvester Namiwa in a statement.

“If the AG is really serious about clearing the corporate governance rubble at SSCL, we believe government’s starting point should be to immediately remove the SSCL Executive Chairperson Mr. Wester Kosamu from his position. Actually, he does not seem to represent the kind of change Malawians anticipate to see at SSCL,” he says.

There is also documentary evidence indicating that in just a few months that Kosamu has served as SSCL Executive Chairperson he has suspectedly abused his position by instructing SSCL to pay K7, 514, 250 in respect of customs duty for his personal property, a super link trailer.

According to Namiwa, infact based on available documents, SSCL paid in two instalments of K3,514,250 through Payment Voucher 1767 and Cheque no: 008058 and also Payment Voucher 1766 and Cheque no: 008057.

Further confirming the abuse of power, it is also alleged that Kosamu single-handily signed a consent order for an out-of-court settlement on a lawsuit involving SSCL without the boards approval, and committed SSCL to pay about K252 million in respect of the same.

“In view of what has transpired at SSCL, CDEDI urges government to keep an open eye on all joint venture entities under the GBA as we strongly fear that what is happening at SSCL could also be happening elsewhere. It should start with forensic auditing of all those GBA entities,” he said.

Namiwa has therefore, urged government to desist from selective justice when pursuing the matter at hand.

“In the same vein, CDEDI would like to appeal for periodic updates on the matter, to avoid speculations and misinformation that may thwart the well-intended exercise,” he says.

Through the televised press briefing beamed live on Malawi Broadcasting Corporation television, the AG recently assured Malawians that every tambala suspected to have been lost in this enterprise will be recovered.

“We would like to believe that the AG meant what he said, and he will keep his word to the letter,” said the CDEDI Executive Director.

Meanwhile, CDEDI seeks support from all well-meaning Malawians towards the AGs efforts in bringing sanity at SSCL.

“We know that all these efforts are aimed at saving SSCL, which was established to break the monopoly in the sugar manufacturing industry for the benefit of low-income consumers,”.

RBM told to act on Mount Meru over non-remittance of sugar export proceeds


The Centre for Democracy and Economic Development Initiatives (CDEDI) has written the Reserve Bank of Malawi (RBM) governor to act on Mount Meru Millers’ failure to account for proceeds from sugar export in Rwanda.

According to a letter dated December 5, 2023, CDEDI’s action follows a Forensic Audit Report the Malawi government commissioned on Salima Sugar Company Limited (SSCL).

 “Right at the onset, CDEDI would like to draw your attention to pages 28 and 29 of the Forensic Audit Report the Malawi government commissioned on Salima Sugar Company Limited (SSCL) 5.1.7 under the sub-headline Malawi Kwacha Capital Contribution Repayments.

“The last paragraph on page 28 reads in part “SSCL supplied 1,500 MT of sugar inventory to Mount Meru Millers Limited and also provided an export clearance letter to the Malawi Revenue Authority (MRA) for Mount Meru Millers Limited to export 12,000 MT of Sugar.

“CDHIB did not issue any release order in favour of Mount Meru Millers Limited, implying that this sugar was delivered without approval of CDHIB. Mount Meru Millers Limited sold SSCL sugar in Rwanda and no sale proceeds was declared to the Reserve Bank of Malawi.”

“Needless to remind you Sir, that the economy is on its knees due to the acute scarcity of forex. It is therefore, our expectation that matters of non-remittance of export proceeds ought to be treated with the seriousness they deserve.

“CDEDI, therefore, is requesting your office to act on the aforementioned, and ensure that the said proceeds are recovered and that Malawians are informed of the same in line with both the Republican Constitution and the Access To Information (ATI) Act,” reads part of the letter signed by CDEDI executive director Slyvester Namiwa.

There was no immediate reaction from Mount Meru Millers as we went to press.

NO RETREAT NO SURRENDER: DPP NGC meeting on tomorrow

Democratic Progressive Party ( DPP) Secretary General Grezeder Jeffrey has once again assured all DPP faithful across the country that its national government body, the National Governing Council ( NGC) meeting is taking place tomorrow at Golden Peacock Hotel in Lilongwe from 8:30am.

She has trashed those who are against her constitutional mandate to call for the meeting as sanctioned by the High Court on 29th September, 2023.

Her remarks are coming in against some claims by other party officials that Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika is not aware of the “consultation” between the two as demanded by the party’s constitution.

Meanwhile, Jeffrey has issued a statement where 71 members have been called to attend the meeting including party leader Mutharika.

“As party that abides by court orders and rule of law, we have no time to waste as the count down to 90 days is near. Those who want to drag their feet, let them know that courts determinations ate above their egos,” says Jeffry.

On 29th September this year, the High Court ordered the party to hold its NGC meeting and Convention within 90 days.

NBS Bank engages SMEs for improved service delivery

Malawi Stock Exchange listed NBS Bank on Thursday organized a clinic for the Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) sector to transfer knowledge to each other and enable small businesses to participate in economic development successfully.

NBS Bank Deputy Chief Executive Officer Temwani Simwaka said such clinics enable the Bank to understand the SMEs better and service them to their needs.

“As NBS Bank we believe that the future of the country is dependent on the businesses coming through from the SMEs because for us to strengthen the industry base we need a lot more, and also these are the people who will be able to save us forex by producing products locally but at the same time create jobs that the country so much needs.”

“So, as NBS Bank, we believe in partnering with SMEs for them to grow their businesses but at the same time we also believe in creating a platform for the SMEs to network,” said Simwaka.

One of the speakers, Chief Executive Officer of Maestros Designs Charles Lipenga said a lot of Malawians need access to loans but need some guidance and therefore making such clinics is important.

“This is something that Malawi needs especially with access to finance being a big challenge. NBS Bank is offering us a brilliant thing for the country and individuals. We rely on a lot of Malawians with small and medium enterprises which need access to loans but the challenge is that they need some guidance that’s why these clinics are important,” said Lipenga.

One of the participants, Honest Chirwa of Royal Medical Centre and Kateya Farms Limited in Rumphi, thanked NBS Bank for the initiative which he said gives room for entrepreneurs to learn from each other.

“In life not only in business, we learn from each other or somebody’s experience may teach you lessons whether it is failure or success. I believe that failure is part of success as long as you keep on moving,” said Chirwa.

Last year, NBS Bank Plc relaunched its SME offerings to cater for individuals who run small and medium businesses.



Centre for Democracy and Economic Development Initiatives-CDEDI suspects that developments unfolding at the Salima Sugar Company Limited-SSCL smack more of politics than institutional governance and have far-reaching consequences on the company’s survival if left unchecked.

It fears this might also scare away both existing and potential investors; warning politicians to take their hands off the company.

CDEDI has made the observation following revelations that High Court froze the company’s bank accounts until it owes Audit Consult K623 million for conducting a forensic audit.

Executive Director for the local governance grouping, Sylvester Namiwa further demands that the company’s executive chairperson Wester Kosamu should make public the scope of audit work justifying a claim of that figure.

In a statement, Namiwa demands Kosamu provides all other related reimbursements including any relevant documentary evidence that validate to validate the K623 million claim.

He has since called on Attorney General Thabo Chakaka-Nyirenda to vacate the injunction which he argued has crippled the company’s operations.

“Malawians may wish to know that the initial contract for the audit signed in June 2023 was pegged at K160 million, and was duly paid but by the time the draft audit report was released the cost for producing the audit had ballooned to K250 million.

“In the same vein, Cdedi demands an explanation from SSCL former executive chairperson Shirieesh Betgri on why he accepted liability for an audit that was commissioned by government in exercise of its oversight role,” reads the statement in part.

CDEDI has given concerned parties seven days “to do the needful; or we will be forced to take drastic action in the interest of the common good.”

A month ago, Secretary to President and Cabinet Colleen Zamba ordered deployment of state security at the company’s factory after an interim audit report exposed that payments amounting to K50 billion could not be validated.

Veep tees off in major Standard Bank golf tourney


Vice President Saulos Chilima has led a field of 110 golfers in today’s Standard Bank individual stableford tournament under the theme;”We Believe in Malawi” at Lilongwe Golf Club.

First to hit the greens was Chief Executive Phillip Madinga and Chairman Chris Kapanga, as corporate golfers including Tourism Minister Vera Kamtukule cheered on. The weather in Lilongwe is cloudy with a chance of rain, but visibility of the green is clear.

LGC Captain Duncan Chidzankufa has welcomed the partnership with Standard Bank saying the bank ranks as one of the most prestigious sponsors of the game of golf in Malawi.

“Lilongwe Golf Club is thrilled to be part of this exciting event. Golfers can anticipate a competitive yet enjoyable tournament with the support of such a prestigious sponsor of Standard Bank’s caliber,” he said.

Corporate journalist Thomas Chafunya, who is also Vice President of the Golf Union of Malawi says he looks forward to an exciting, but very competitive tournament and thanked Standard Bank for returning to Lilongwe Golf Club.

ROAD TO DPP CONVENTION: CEO Grezelder Jeffrey calls for NGC meeting on Dec 6

Main opposition Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) secretary general Grezelder Jeffrey has called for a party’s National Governing Council meeting to be held on Wednesday, December 6.

Jeffrey annouced the news during a press briefing held at Golden Peacock Hotel in Lilongwe.

According to Jeffrey, the delegates at the meeting, will among others agree on the date to hold party’s elective convention.

In her words, Jeffrey who has already informed party’s president Peter Mutharika on the impending NGC meeting, said the decision to have NGC meeting follows a high court order.

In September, the High Court in Lilongwe ordered the DPP to hold a convention within 90 days.

Initially, the former governing DPP was supposed to hold a convention mid this year but the conference was pushed to next year.

Nico supports Misa Malawi fundraising dinner with K2.5 million


Nico Holdings plc has supported the Media Institute of Southern Africa (Misa) Malawi 2023 fundraising dinner with a K2.5 million donation.

Speaking in Blantyre during a cheque presentation event, Nico Holdings plc Corporate Affairs Manager Mbumba Mlia-Ndasauka said the donation is evidence of their commitment towards initiatives that involve the media industry.

“The donation we are making today is a small part of this commitment and we truly value the relationship our media practitioners have always had. At NICO, we believe that the media plays a very important role in disseminating information to the masses and we are proud to be among the corporates that can support this sector,” she said.

Mlia-Ndasauka also said NICO has been able to send over 10 journalists to South Africa for training with the Sanlam Summer School for Financial Journalists and fully supports Misa-Malawi fundraising for the construction of a training centre at its Mtolankhani House in Lilongwe.

“Let me encourage our media practitioners to remain professional in their reporting of matters, especially business and financial space and to make good use of the facility that will be put up for them,” she said.

Receiving the donation, Mc Donald Chapalapata a member of the Miss-Malawi Fundraising Committee, who was accompanied by Misa-Malawi Board Member Nathan Majawa, hailed NICO Holdings plc for the support.

“We thank NICO for this support, it will go a long way towards making our project of constructing a training centre which is pegged at K50 million a success. We value the relationship we have with NICO as they also support journalists with various training sessions in South Africa,” he said.

He said the fundraising dinner is scheduled for Saturday 2 December 2023 at Capital Hotel in Lilongwe under the theme ‘Media as a strategic partner for private sector growth and viability’.



Mobile network and ICT service provider TNM has contributed K6 million towards the Misa Malawi fundraising dinner and dance scheduled for this Saturday at Sunbird Capital Hotel Lilongwe.

Speaking during the cheque presentation ceremony TNM’s Corporate Affairs Manager Limbani Nsapato said TNM believes in media freedom and professionalism hence supporting Misa Malawi towards construction of the training centre through the fundraising dinner and dance.

“Trends change and they continue to do so. And we believe as a company that for a more vibrant media in Malawi there is need for the media to undergo regular and continuous training. And it is through the construction of a training centre at Misa Malawi that this can be achieved.

“And the benefits of such development can be enjoyed by all including us the private sector. For the past 27 years that we have been operating as a company in Malawi, we all our success to the media hence our support towards this noble cause,” said Nsapato.

Receiving the donation on behalf of Misa Malawi Chairperson for the Fundraising Committee Wisely Phiri said the media in Malawi is encouraged with the support it is is receiving from partners including TNM.

“As of today all preparations for the dinner and dance are complete. We are excited with the support we have received from partners like TNM which has today given us 6 Million kwacha which is a big chunk for us.

We are targeting to raise 50 million kwacha from this event and two other functions in future. We want to have everything done by mid next year,” said Phiri, who is also founder of ICT Company Sparcs Ltd.

Misa Malawi is set to hold a fundraising dinner and dance this Saturday under the theme media as a strategic partner for private sector growth and viability.

William Mpinganjira of FDH Bank is set to deliver a keynote address whilst musician Faith Mussa will perform at the dinner.

Triephornia Mpinganjira drums up Malawi Spelling Bee team support


Philanthropist and businesswoman, Triephornia Thomson Mpinganjira has drummed up support for the six young Malawian children who are going to represent the country at the Africa Spelling Bee competition in Uganda next week.

Triephornia, wife to business mogul, Thom Mpinganjira, made a surprise visit to the Team’s camp in Lilongwe Wednesday to motivate them to do well at the competition after donating some air tickets to the travelling team.

“I just wanted to encourage them because this is something big for the nation and I even challenged them to bring the trophy home because they can do it,” she said in an interview after the visit.

The Malawi Spelling Bee Team who are in the age range of 8-17 leaves the country on Tuesday next week through Kamuzu International Airport to take part in the competition in Kampala, Uganda, which runs from 6-9 December 2023 and is expected back home on 11 December 2023. The team will be accompanied by officials and members of the press.

In her motivational speech to the team, Mpinganjira pledged to give the team a ‘special convoy’ from her Diplomats Car Hire to ferry them to Airport and shuttle them back.

“From today onwards, I would like to be part of the Spelling Bee competition. We will support it from the grassroots and to any level that it gets to in the coming two, three or even 10 years,” she said.

One of the six children taking part in the competition, Michelle Makwelero from Kamuzu Academy said the visit by Mpinganjira has boosted their confidence.

“I feel more confident and encouraged. I have a strong motivation that I have to bring back home the trophy. This is not only for me, but for every Malawian out there,” she said.

Puma predicts growth for MW aviation sector

Lilongwe, November 25, 2023 – Puma Energy Malawi Limited says the aviation sector in the country has great potential for growth a catalyst for sustained contribution to the overall development.

Managing Director for Puma Energy Malawi Limited, Sipho Uaeca, was speaking on the sidelines of the sponsorship Puma made towards Malawi’s first-ever Aviation Career Fair and Air Show organized by Phantom Aviation in Lilongwe.

According to Puma, vast investment in the multi-beneficial aviation sector presents numerous opportunities that enable the growth of other sectors. He further said that by applying a holistic approach and good investment, the aviation sector has great potential to grow.

“The aviation sector is important in the country because it contributes significantly to various sectors such as tourism, energy, and transport. Malawi is a landlocked country where aviation plays a great role in the country’s economy.”

He said that the aviation career fair brought visibility of the sector to the kids, a development that motivates them to consider an aviation career path.

“As Puma, we are thrilled to be part of this great occasion, which provided kids an opportunity to come and explore the aviation sector as a career path. We believe that kids in Malawi will be motivated to consider taking up aviation careers,” he said.

Uaeca added that the sponsorship resonates with Puma’s mission statement, which states ‘Energising Communities.’

“For many years, Puma has been an effective supplier of jet fuels in Malawi. It is interesting for us to witness the growth of the sector. The sponsorship augurs well with our mission, which seeks to add value to Malawian communities,” he added.

Outlining the objectives of the air show and career fair, Chief Executive Officer for Phantom Aviation, Lusekelo Mwenefumbo said that the events aimed at bridging the knowledge divide around aviation industry.

“As a key player in the aviation industry, we felt that there is information gap around the sector that needed to be closed. Therefore, we thought of organising this auspicious occasion to build capacity that elevate the capabilities of the industry,” said Mwenefumbo.

Counting the successes of the aviation events, Mwenefumbo expressed satisfaction with the overwhelming attendance.

“This occasion presented a platform for people to appreciate the abilities of aviation industry and what our air force is capable of doing. We are delighted with the attendance which shows that people of all ages have clear information about aviation sector,” she said.

She hailed the working collaboration with various sponsors like Puma who made the air show and career fair to be very successful.

Kamuzu Academy student Michel Khanje who witnessed the events of the day said she is determined to pursue aviation carer.

“This has been an amazing event for me, usually I wanted to be a lawyer but with what I have seen I wish to be a pilot in future. I was motivated with the skilful flying of the planes, it was stunning seeing such talents,” said Khanje.

During the Air Show, patrons were entertained with performance from South African-based Nigel Hopkins and Jason Beamish. Locally the event had performances by Malawian Airlines, Malawi Airforce, Derek Macpherson, African Parks, Nyasa Express, FCB Bank, Makokola Retreat, Conforzi Plantations.

Bullshit MNSC should investigate the change of money in the North by Haiya

Coming to the 16 December, 2023 elective Conference, the letter by MNSC is misguided and an unwarranted attempt to influence and meddle into the elections in favour of one particular candidate. This is irresponsible. What MNSC should have done if one has to take their cries seriously should have been to call for all the Reports and Minutes for all the Affiliates where they feel delegates were influenced.

Targeting SRFA only and not SULOM and NRFA simply because MNSC is against other candidates is very unfair, illogical and unprofessional. One even wonders as to the legal basis for their interference. Reading their statures closely you find ‘none’. MNSC should investigate the change of money in the North by Haiya.

The bulldozing of his candidature at SULOM. They are happy to allow Haiya contest while still serving as a Director of Nyasa Big bullets. This is bullshit on the part of MNSC. Let this body learn that favouring a candidate won’t do them any good. Let them wait for the 16th.

EXCLUSIVE: Unmasking “deadly” Malawi-Israeli labour export deal


The airlifting of hundreds of young people by an Israeli Airbus A321-251 planes overnight Saturday will go in the history as one of the ‘deadly’ and selfish’ decisions by President Dr. Lazarus Chakwera’s administration; No sane parent can send his or her child to work in a country that is at war.

The ‘secret’ deal to send the youth to Israeli was revealed in Parliament by leader of opposition Dr. Kondwani Nankhumwa, who said: “Government opted to keep the issue secret because it knows this is an “evil transaction.”

An independent investigation by this publication has revealed that some top government officials including State House and Cabinet Ministers are benefiting in the ‘secret’ Malawi-Israeli labour export deal, ‘evil transaction’ as to borrow the words from Nankhumwa.

They even shared the $60, 000 which Israel government donated to Malawian government as a token of appreciation for the labour export deal.

To begin with, the master-minder for the deal is Nir Gess, Honorary Consul of Malawi to the State of Israel. The publication has learnt that Gess is a trusted friend of President Rev Chakwera. He was recently caught in camera welcoming the Malawian delegation upon landing in Israel.

Gess, the founder for Inosselia Group, a firm which is recruiting Malawians youth to work in farms located in areas that have been heavily affected by the war, has his son Or Gouaz working as a middle man for the deal.

Gouaz is working hand in hand with Chifundo Danny Banda, a relation to the Minister of Finance Simples Chithyola Banda. Banda under his briefcase company ‘Lions Human Resource Management Services is at the centre of recruiting Malawians to work in Israel.

The Israeli Agriculture Ministry is on record as having said that between 30,000 and 40,000 workers have left the country’s farms, half of whom are Palestinians who were barred from entering Israel from the occupied West Bank since the Oct. 7 attacks.

The Government of Israeli is further on the record to have declared some areas War Zones, to the surprise some Malawians and other people will be deployed to farms in those war zone areas.

The publication has also learnt that some Malawians will be helping soldiers wounded during the war.

“The Israeli army has thousands of newly wounded soldier’s and by law, Ministry of Defence offers full subsidy for foreign workers to work at their houses and help them recover,” reads one of the communiqué from Israeli government.

NBM awards winners in ICT Innovation Jam


National Bank of Malawi (NBM) plc at the weekend awarded eight youthful ICT innovators in the ICT Association of Malawi (ICTAM) Innovation Jam competition in Mangochi.

The awards which were presented during the ICTAM annual lake conference, saw Richard Mtukula of Angle Dimensions winning in the Fintech and Digital Economy category with his Smart Identity software which allows customers to update their ‘Know Your Customer (KYC) details in the comfort of their home using a phone or computer device.

Mtukula got K1.5 million for the feat.

Innovators were competing in eight categories namely Agri-tech, e-Health, Fintech and Digital Economy, Emerging Technologies, Open Source, She Codes Spotlight, and Overall Open category.

Patrick Hambeyani and Christina Mapwele won the Agri-tech category with their Secure IOT Chicken Monitoring System, while e-health went to Matthews Jere and Tadala Mabulo of Khungu Langa Innovation on top of an overall open category award which saw them got an extra K500,000 from the K1 million prize.

Ronald Chikusa won the Emerging Technologies award with his Dwell Malawi innovation, while in the Open-Source category, Eliot Kalenga emerged winner for his Fees Collection Management System (FECOMAS).

Sarah Makina’s Drip monitor innovation won the She Codes Spotlight category. All the winners got a K1 million prize and will get incubation support from NBM and ICTAM.

Mtukula was elated with the award and said; “There is a need for innovators and ICT personnel to look outside the country where they can be able to showcase what they have developed because the young people in this nation are capable of exporting quality software just like the one that we have the ‘Smart Identity’. We believe that if we can export these skill sets and software products, they will be able to contribute towards the development of the country by bringing in forex.”

NBM plc Head of Information and Technology Operations Management (ITOM), John Mitchell said there is evidence that the world is now revolving around technology innovations hence the support from the Bank.

“Whatever is exciting people in the world is coming from the technology sector, Malawi can’t be any different so we have to drive this sector if we are to compete on the world stage. National Bank believes that the youth and technology best drive the future of Malawi. A sector that doesn’t invest in ICT technologies cannot compete on the world stage.”

“National Bank is interested in the goodwill of the Malawi nation and thinks that it can play its role by supporting ICTAM which is trying to assist the youth in the ICT sector to develop their products to a level which they can compete on the international stage,” said Mitchell.

Last week, the Bank announced a new partnership with ICTAM until 2026 where among other things, is injecting K75 million annually for the innovation incubation support, apart from the K40 million for the Innovation Jam awards.

ICTAM President Clarence Gama said he was excited that the 2023 innovation awards have revealed some of the top-notch technology that will transform the nation.

“We have received three times as much in terms of the innovation that we have been receiving in the past, this just tells you there are a lot of young people that are thinking how best they can transform this nation using technology,” said Gama.

NBM started sponsoring the Innovations Jams in 2019.

Kalulu, Hiroshi win NBM Inspire Greatness Golf


A team of golfers Mike Kalulu and Hiroshi Baba emerged champions of the National Bank of Malawi (NBM) plc Inspire Greatness Invitational Golf played at Lilongwe Golf Club on Saturday.

The Inspire Greatness Golf comes after about two years since NBM plc hosted and attracted interest from 126 golfers including the country Vice President, Saulos Chilima, Minister of Tourism, Vera Kamtukule, retired Malawi Defense Force (MDF) commanders, General Henry Odilo and General Vincent Nundwe among others.

Kalulu and Baba amassed 47 points to win the tournament.

Kalulu said teamwork helped them to win the tournament.

“I had a new playing partner, but we collaborated well. We thank NBM plc for organizing the tournament which has attracted great golfers, so you should understand that it was not easy to win by beating all those golfers,” said Kalulu.

NBM plc Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Mcfussy Kawawa commended the golfers for patronizing the tournament saying the aim was just to interact with the customers as they discuss business matters.

“While playing, your shot might have inspired someone to keep playing. On the course, we shared stories that may have inspired someone. At NBM plc, we believe in ‘Inspiring Greatness’,” he said.

On the possibility of returning on the Golf course with a similar tournament, Kawawa said: “Of course, but we do not want to commit because we only organize such tournaments when we feel we have to do that, unlike in the past when we had a calendar that we will host a National Bank of Malawi golf on such a day.”

NBM donated K3 million for the maintenance of the greens at Lilongwe Golf Club.

PIL donates textbooks to Mchinji school


Petroleum Importers Limited, a consortium of four oil marketing companies in Malawi, has donated 405 textbooks worth K4.5 million to Takondwa Community Day Secondary School in Mchinji.

Speaking after presenting the books, PIL General Manager Martin Msimuko said the company which comprises Puma, Total Energies, Vivo Energy, and Petroda, felt the need to help the school as part of its corporate social responsibility.

“As a company, we commit to supporting the health sector, education, and safety. We all know that education requires collaborative effort because the Government alone cannot manage to supply all the needs. We believe that our contribution to the development of education will go a long way in motivating these students to work hard and pass with flying colours because we have brought textbooks for different subject codes and all classes.”

“Our hope is that the students and teachers will take care of the books so that they also benefit the other crop of students coming behind them,” said Msimuko.

Takondwa Community Day School deputy headteacher Samson Fredrick Katchere commended PIL for the donation saying books were part of the numerous problems the school is facing.

“We teachers are curriculum implementers, but it becomes a problem when you do not have proper and enough materials to achieve that. This support will enhance learning and teaching at our school,” he said.

The school’s head girl, Verina Henry, also thanked PIL for the donation saying it will help girls to work hard in class.

“We face a lot of challenges as girls, and to have proper books for our studies means we will be able to study after classes. We commend PIL for choosing to help our school,” said Henry.

According to the deputy headteacher, Takondwa CDSS has 280 students with 16 teachers. Only four of the teachers are housed at the school, while the rest stay at Kalulu Trading Centre, a distance of about eight kilometres.

Total Energies distributes helmets to Kabaza operators


Total Energies Marketing Malawi Limited (TMML) has launched a safety campaign dubbed ‘Helmet 4 Life’ where among other activities, the company will distribute helmets to Kabaza motorcycle taxi operators to enhance their safety on the roads.

Speaking during the launch of the campaign at Tsiranana Service Station in Limbe, where the company distributed 300 helmets to Kabaza operators from various areas in Blantyre, TMML Managing Director Nerusha Govender said as a responsible corporate entity, the company realizes that road safety is fundamental to their business and a value to the company.

“We are targeting 1520 Kabaza operators for Malawi, but 100,000 in 40 countries where Total Energies operates. We have an important philosophy ‘safety for me for you for all’ and what we want is for the Kabaza operators to be safe for themselves and also to be safe for their passengers,” said Govender.

In his remarks, Road Safety Alert Foundation (ROSAF) Executive Director Joel Jere said he is thankful that the long-time discussion between his organization and TMML has finally materialized.

“It has been a long discussion that we should be able to help these Kabaza operators as one of our target groups and also looking at the increase in the number of accidents. So, we are very happy that Total Energies have taken a good step to distribute these helmets today,” said Jere.

Kabaza Association of Malawi spokesperson Tonex Yakobe thanked TMML and ROSAF for the initiative.

“As an association, we are going to make sure that the helmets are being used correctly and that no-one has sold his helmet because Total Energies wants us to be safe,” said Yakobe.   

According to TMML, 28 percent of road accidents in the world involve motorbikes and can reach 75 percent in certain countries.

TMML is celebrating its 60-year presence as a major player in the energy distribution sector in Malawi.

Standard Bank customer wins K10m in Switch Your Salary and Win promoBa


After making four customers millionaires and transformed lives with fabulous cash prizes, Standard Bank Plc has made a Mchezi-based customer, Elemiya Mariko K10 million richer in the Switch Your Salary and Win promotion.

He emerged a grand winner during the final draw of the promotion that was launched in June to convert salary earners into Standard Bank Plc customers with access to flexible loans and seamless financial services.

Reacting to the good news of his winning, excited Mariko thanked Standard Bank for the promotion that has transformed his economic status.

“I can’t believe that I have won such a huge amount of money in the promotion. This is a great opportunity for me as I am optimistic of a financial transformation that will help my family. All I can say is thank you Standard Bank for Switch Your Salary and Win promo,” said Mariko.
Standard Bank Plc has expressed satisfaction with the positive social economic impact the promotion has made on customer lives.

Speaking during the grand draw, Standard Bank’s Chief Executive Phillip Madinga said that the prizes have uplifted lives of customers.

“Before this grand draw, we conducted four draws where we distributed over K18 million in cash prizes. From the sentiments we got from winners we are compelled to say that winners made opportune use of the money,” said Madinga.

Madinga disclosed that through the promotion the customer base has grown by 14%.

“We are glad to note a 14% increase in new customers joining the Bank and 4% more loans processed and approved since we launched this promotion. Switch your salary and Win aimed at engaging customers through the bank’s value proposition, advanced solutions, and improved service. The cash prizes were deliberately chosen so that winners can then direct funds to their most urgent needs,” he said.

Switch Your Salary and Win promotion presented numerous opportunities to customers because they enjoyed excellent banking services while reaping better rewards.

“Our purpose is to drive the growth of Malawi, therefore, we believe that the promotion has helped contributed towards our core value. While we strive to provide amazing banking services, we are enabling customers to win great prizes,” he said.

He said that the promotion has seen more Malawians moving to join Standard Bank, which in turn is taking over their loans while offering them flexible repayment terms of up to five years.

“Standard Bank has several market leading products, and we are one of the few Banks that offer a seamless loan process. These services position the bank as a solutionist in the financial sector a long time aspect we preserve with great honor,” added Madinga.

Through the promotion, Malawians were encouraged to move their salary accounts from other banks to Standard Bank, which in turn takes over their loans and offers a flexible repayment of up to five years.

Malawi Govt hails partnership with Huawei


Government through the Ministry of education has lauded Huawei Technologies Malawi for playing an integral role in the implementation of Malawi digitalisation plan which is enhancing service efficiency and delivery.

Director of Science, Technology and Innovation in the Ministry of Education, Professor Chomora Mikeka was speaking in Lilongwe during the closing ceremony of Huawei’s flagship initiative dubbed Seed for Future program.

According to Mikeka the intervention by Huawei is contributing significantly towards the National Digitalisation Strategy which seeks to enhance the uptake of technology.

“Malawi government has put digitalisation top on the agenda to enhance service efficiency and delivery, therefore, in our ministry digitalisation is part of transforming education. This training by Huawei is very critical because it is providing cutting edge digital skills that are important to propagate our digitalisation strategy,” said Mikeka.

Mikeka emphasised on the need to invest in digital skills for young people saying such initiatives augurs well with Malawi Vision 2063 plan.

“Young people need to be invested in technology right now because we are planting the seeds not only for future but even now. Once these are digitally empowered as part of human capital development which is useful for all the sectors, will help in the attainment of our MW2063 vision,” he said.

He added that through digital skills, Malawi could be able to export jobs virtually and enable the growth of the country.

“Huawei has strategically pulled a good chunk of young people in both public and private universities which could work virtually for international organizations such as Huawei and Microsoft,” added Mikeka.

Managing Director for Huawei Technologies Malawi, Gu Mu expressed optimism for Malawi’s digital transformation agenda.

“At Huawei we are proud to successfully implement this year’s Seed for the Future program which has equipped Malawian youths with newfound knowledge and cultural experiences. We believe that the application of such knowledge will help Malawi’s digital transformation journey,” said Gu Mu.

Gu Mu argued the trained student to make good use of the acquired knowledge as it presents great opportunities for growth.

“To the bright minds who participated in this program your dedication, curiosity, and resilience have helped you to succeed in the program in order to improve yourself and Malawi as a country. As you return to your various universities, remember the knowledge and skills you have learned so that you can apply it in your lives and share it with others,” he said.

He expressed gratitude to the Ministry of Information and Ministry of Education for making this year’s training a success.

“We would like to thank these ministries for their support towards our program. Together, we are shaping a future where innovation and technology knows no borders, and the seeds we have planted today flourish for years to come,” added Gu Mu.

Castel Malawi offers employees post devaluation bail-out package


Giant alcoholic beverages producer Castel Malawi has responded to the recent 44% devaluation of the kwacha by offering its employees the 15% on the Cost-of-Living Adjustment (Cola) and a once-off shopping voucher worth K150,000 for its 620 strong workforce effective 1 December 2023.

In an internal memorandum circulated to all staff members dated 21 November 2023 signed by Human Resources and Corporate Affairs Director Gloria Zimba indicates that management has decided to offer the 15% increment across the board.

“I am also pleased to announce a 15% adjustment on the following allowances; car allowance, fuel allowance, travel and accommodation allowances, driver allowances, flexibility allowances and depot lunch allowances.”

“Management also appreciates the economic hardships which its employees are facing due to the devaluation. To help cushion the immediate negative impact, management has decided to give a once-off shopping voucher of K150,000. This voucher will be given to all employees by the first week of December 2023,” reads the memo in part.

Zimba said Castel Malawi trusts that with the interventions, employees will continue to remain resilient, committed and hard working ‘in these turbulent times’.

Castel Malawi Workers Union (Camawu) president Rueben Kapito commended Castel Malawi for its decision to cushion workers from the impact of the devaluation of the kwacha.

In an interview yesterday, Kapito however said they notice the that ‘gap is too huge’ and that they will enter into more negotiations with management on the issue.

“While we applaud management for adjusting the ‘Cola’, we notice that the gap is too huge and we will engage management more on this. But we also understand that we are both living in difficult times. We know that this adjustment is for Cola and we still have to bargain for a salary increment in a month’s time, that is where the consolation comes in,” said Kapito.

Government announced a 44% devaluation of the kwacha two weeks ago to align it with the value of the main trading currency, the United States dollar and the development has seen the rise in prices of goods and services including fuel and food stuff.

Concerned Northerners ask MLS to probe bogus ‘lawyer’ Mc Lean Mkandawire


A group under the banner Concerned Northerners has asked the Malawi Law Society to probe ‘bogus’ lawyer McLean Mkandawire.

According to sources, Mkandawire was an associate Lawyer to Mustapher Amidu.

The concerned group says the bogus lawyer Mkandawire was caught pants down in town issuing suspicious lawsuits under different law firms such as Atkin Chambers.

However, the sole owner of Altkin Chambers is on suspension and Mkandawire was not supposed to run the film since he is just two years in practice.

“He is busy filing law suits sometimes under Altin chambers and you sometimes under MN Patrick’s. This is so shocking,” said leader for the concerned group.

The publication understands that his Licence is renewed under MN Patrick’s but he is not either on the letter head as a partner or an associates, but he keeps on serving people with summons for either these two law firms.

NBM invests K345 million in ICT initiatives


National Bank of Malawi Plc has committed K345 million in the development of Information Communication Technology (ICT) initiatives in the country for the next three years.

The Bank’s Head of Information Technology Organisation and Methods Division, John Mitchell disclosed on Tuesday when the Bank renewed its partnership with the ICT Association of Malawi (ICTAM) until 2026 that the Bank has set aside K115 million as annual budget to support the ICT initiatives.

“This renewal is not just a continuation of our past efforts but an evolution into new, exciting territories. A key part of this evolution is the introduction of the Innovation Incubator Hubs, an initiative that promises to transform ideas into successful business ventures and foster a new generation of technological entrepreneurs in Malawi.”

“This budget is allocated between two key areas, the NBM Innovation Jam Competition, which we have earmarked K40 million for this competition, recognizing its pivotal role in identifying and rewarding outstanding technological talent in our country, and the Innovation Incubator Hubs where a larger portion, amounting to K75 million will be invested in establishing and running these hubs, ensuring that they are equipped with the necessary resources and infrastructure to nurture and support upcoming entrepreneurs,” said Mitchell.

Earlier this year, NBM Plc sent to Uganda three innovators who emerged winners in last year’s Innovation Jam awards to attend an ICT conference.

ICTAM president Clarence Gama commended NBM Plc for committing more to the development of information technology in the country.

“It feels great because this is an amount that will transform our efforts to make sure that ICT innovation is very impactful here in Malawi. National Bank has been with us in supporting the Innovation Jam which awards outstanding innovation ideas. Now, with the introduction of Innovation Hubs, it means we are going to see those ideas turned into solutions which make an impact on the Malawian economy,” said Gama.

ICTAM will be holding its annual lake conference in Mangochi this week where ICT innovators are expected to be awarded in the Innovation 

NBS Bank ‘Savings Always Win’ promo extends to December 31


NBS Bank Plc has extended the ‘Saving Always Wins’ promotion to December 31 this year to enable customers to benefit from saving with the ‘Caring Bank’.

NBS Head of Retail Banking, Victoria Chanza said in an interview that the ‘Saving Always Wins’ promotion is a testament to the Bank’s commitment to creating a culture of savings among the wonderful people of Malawi.

“You may wonder why we’ve decided to extend the promotion. Well, it’s because of the overwhelming interest and enthusiasm we’ve seen from our customers. The promotion was originally set to end on the 31st of October, but after careful deliberations, we’ve decided to extend it until the 31st of December 2023. We want to give more people the opportunity to participate and experience the benefits of saving with NBS Bank,” said Chanza.

Grand prizes are tiered in three different bands with those depositing K50,000 minimum standing a chance of winning K1 million, those depositing K100,000 to K500,000 winning K3.5 million and lastly band three for those depositing K500,000 above to win K6 million cash prize.

“By creating these tiers, we aim to make it accessible for individuals from all walks of life to participate actively and benefit from the ‘Saving Always Wins’ promotion’,” she said.

Chanza said participants also have a chance to win monthly prizes like Grocery vouchers worth K50,000.00 to help ease the cost of living, experiential return trips to fly with Malawi Airlines, offering memorable travel experiences between Lilongwe and Blantyre bill payments totaling K25,000.00 to alleviate their financial burdens.

NBS Bank shines, scoops 3 Global Brand Magazine awards


The Malawi Stock Exchange-listed NBS Bank has won three awards in different categories at this year’s Global Brand Magazine, an annual event that celebrates the accomplishments of the world’s leading brands across various categories.

NBS Bank plc was named the ‘Most Innovative in Digital Banking’, and ‘Best Bank for Diversity and Inclusion’, while its Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Kwanele Ngwenya won the ‘Best Banking CEO of the Year award’.

Reacting to the feat, the Bank’s Head of Marketing and Customer Experience Tamanda Ng’ombe said the awards will help the Bank to push for more improved services.

“NBS Bank is always moving in the direction of excellence. You may recall we just won three awards at the IMM conference recently. These awards therefore are a reflection that is cementing the change and hard work that has gone into reforming the Bank. We are honored to be recognized both locally and internationally,” said Ng’ombe. 

This year, NBS Bank Plc intensified digital transformation by upgrading the mobile banking platform to ensure customers are rewarded accordingly from the EazyBank digital transactions.

During the Institute of Marketers in Malawi (Malawi) Excellence awards last month, NBS Bank also shone by bagging three awards namely the ‘Best Customer Service’, ‘Outstanding SME Initiative’, and ‘Commercial of the Year- Print’.

The Marketer’s Excellence Awards recognize the effort by marketers as a way of encouraging quality and professionalism.

The Global Brand Awards honor brands across various categories including innovation sustainability, and customer experience among others.

BSC Team One retain Ethco Ladies championship


Blantyre Sports Club (BSC) Team One retained the 2023 Ethanol Company (Ethco) InterClub ladies golf tournament for the fourth time in succession at the Lilongwe Golf Club over the weekend.

BSC Team One comprised Roza Mbilizi, Bose Kamphulusa and Zitta Rodrick.

Kamphulusa in an interview said they faced stiff competition from opponents

Speaking on behalf of the winning team, Kamphulusa said the competition this year was tough especially from Lilongwe Golf Club teams but teamwork helped them to retain the championship.

“We played as a team plus experience from our colleague Mbilizi worked well for us. We are very excited to win the tournament for the fourth time and we look forward to more championships,” she said.

Ladies Golf Union of Malawi president, Ulemu Luhanga commended Ethco for being a consistent sponsor for the past three years.

“This year we included the championship division and the outcome has been good. Apart from BSC retaining the championship, we have seen junior golfers being among the top performers, which is our aim of including them into the tournament to ensure we nurture their talent by giving them an opportunity,” she said.

EthCo Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Lusubilo Chakaniza, whose company pumped in K6 million for the tournament, also expressed satisfaction saying the goal is to see more women participating in the sport which is mostly-male dominated.

“It starts from our company which is male-dominated, and we are trying to break that dominance. That is why we are at the forefront ensuring that women are empowered. Next year we are also bouncing back and we will be at our home, Kasasa Golf Club. We promise to give the women the best,” said Chakaniza.

For being champions, the BSC team one received a Crocodile trophy, CapeStars products and shopping vouchers of K250,000 each.

Lilongwe Golf Club Teams Two and One finished second and third respectively, while Bertha Sagwirika emerged winner in the junior category.

This year’s tournament attracted about 60 golfers, including six senior ladies and seven junior players.

Batatawala’s Wife in Money Laundering, Registers New UK Company


Sabina Karim Abdul Batatawala, the wife of troubled business mogul Abul Karim Batatawala, has recently registered a company in the United Kingdom. This move has raised suspicions among money laundering experts, who fear it may be an attempt to launder funds from the couple’s Malawian companies to the United Kingdom.

According to the UK’s company registry, Sabina, 47, is listed as the sole director of Anarco International Ltd, with company listing 11837821. Despite being identified as a Malawian national residing in Malawi, the correspondence is c/o Gibraeel & Co, 1 Mychell House, Pincott Road, Wimbledon, London, SW19 2NN.Abul Karim Batatawala, who owns multiple companies and properties in Malawi, is facing ongoing court cases related to fraud and corruption.

As a result, his companies are prohibited from conducting business with the government.

A money laundering expert based in Blantyre, who chose to remain anonymous, suspects that Batatawala is using his wife to front his money laundering scheme. The expert stated, “He knows it has become difficult for him to conduct business in Malawi, so it’s safer to move his money to the UK.”The expert raised concerns about the UK government allowing someone under corruption trial in Malawi to conduct business in the UK and suggested that the Financial Intelligence Authority (FIA) should follow Batatawala’s money trail.

Efforts to obtain comments from the Batatawalas were unsuccessful.

Allegations of Fraudulent Activities:

Abdul Karim Batatawala, an Indian-origin Malawian, rose from a shopkeeper in Limbe to a business kingpin. Investigations by the Platform for Investigative Journalism (PIJ) reveal that Batatawala allegedly scammed the Malawi army, Police, and Immigration Department through fraudulent tactics violating Malawi’s procurement and anti-corruption laws.

The PIJ’s report details instances where Batatawala failed to deliver goods for over a decade, providing substandard quality items to the Malawi army. Despite rejected procurements, he allegedly manipulated the army and other public departments to secure payments through political connections.

Not limited to the military, Batatawala reportedly used similar tactics to dupe the Malawi Police and Immigration Department, both falling under the Ministry of Homeland Security. The investigation discovered delayed and overpriced procurements, with some not even included in the initial tender documents and contracts.

Dubious Connections and Legal Representation:Batatawala’s choice of legal representation, including former Justice Minister Henry Duncan Phoya and ex-director of the Anti-Corruption Bureau, Alex Nampota, has raised eyebrows.

There are also allegations that Batatawala financed Malawi President Lazarus Chakwera’s presidential bid with a substantial amount.

Following his arrest for fraud and corruption, Batatawala sued President Chakwera’s Chief Advisor on Rural Transformation and Development, Adamson Mkandawire, for allegedly failing to repay a loan of K378 million taken on behalf of the President.

From Rags to Riches:

Born Abdul Karim Batatawala, the businessman arrived in Malawi from India in 1992 and initially worked as a shop assistant at Okhai Electronics in Limbe. Over the years, he transformed into a business tycoon, establishing various companies and accumulating significant wealth.

His businesses, including Africa Commercial Agency, Kasco Enterprises, SS Express Agency, Lido Electrical Engineering Limited, HG Suppliers, Zam Zam General Dealers, Gratorite General Dealers, Novateck Engineering Suppliers, Elegant Suppliers, and Pamodzi, a real estate company, have come under scrutiny amid the allegations of fraud and corruption.

Govt commends Huawei for bridging digital divide

Minister of Information and Digitalization, Moses Kunkuyu has commended Huawei Technologies Malawi for its continued efforts to propel digital knowledge and digital economy that are key enablers of Malawi Vision 2063.

The Minister was speaking during the opening ceremony of the 7th edition of Seeds for the Future program which is Huawei’s flagship Global Corporate Social Responsibility program that was started in 2008.

Through the initiative, students from public and private universities undergo training in technology courses including 5G, Cloud, AI, and Digital Power, and leadership courses.

Furthermore, the participants also enjoy Chinese cultural experiences, and participate in the “Tech4Good” group project with outstanding peers around the world.

Elaborating the benefits of the trainings, Kunkuyu said that Huawei is fostering the growth of ICT industry in the country.

“Recent digital statistics for Malawi indicate that 74 percent of men and 54 percent of women do not have basic ICT skills. As government we commend Huawei for this program which is contributing significantly in accelerating digital uptake while narrowing the digital knowledge gap,” said Kunkuyu.

Through the MW2063 vision, Malawi earmarks the youth as catalysts for achieving the desirable results.

“Trainings being offered through Huawei’s program are relevant to Malawi because every sector of our lives is going digital. The youths are pinnacle to complement the aspiration of MW2063 with their vast knowledge in ICT ecosystem,” he said.

Counting the gains of the Seed for the Future Program, Gu Mu, Managing Director of Huawei Technologies Malawi said that the initiative demonstrates the company’s commitment towards fostering innovation and building a sustainable digital future in Malawi.

“In a world that is rapidly evolving, the importance of information and communication technology (ICT) cannot be overstated. It is the driving force behind progress, connecting people, ideas, and opportunities like never before,” said Gu Mu.

The Managing Director said Huawei will continue to invest in the youth to contribute to the digitalization of Malawi.

“Malawi’s 2063 vision recognizes that the country’s youth is one of its greatest assets. Therefore, Huawei supports the government’s vision and goals by investing in talent cultivation amongst young Malawians. Huawei always believe in the potential of young minds, and through Seeds for the Future, we aim to provide them with the tools, knowledge, and inspiration to thrive in the digital age,” he said.

Wang Hao, Charge d’affaires of the Embassy of the Peoples Republic of China in Malawi said his country is committed to help Malawi explore abundant ICT potentials.

“The Chinese government have dedicated efforts to contribute positively towards Malawi’s ICT for All initiative. Our digital enterprises like Huawei are working tirelessly to empower Malawi in the attainment of great human resources in technology,” said Hao.

He added that China will continue collaborating with Malawi government and Huawei to help develop digitalization sector and train many youths with relevant skills.

Martin Manyozo who is Seed for the Future alumnus hailed Huawei for the multi-benefit training saying the skills present various opportunities in the fast-paced world.

“The skills from the program are profound and eminent. After attending the program last year windows of opportunities opened in the areas of social entrepreneurship and cultivation of digital power that helped me collaborate with different sectors,” said Manyozo.

Since its inception in 2008, Huawei Seeds for the Future program has been held in over 139 countries, training more than 15,000 students.

The program was initiated in Malawi in 2016, and from 2016 to 2019, 10 students travelled to China to learn about the latest ICT trains and enjoy a cultural exchange experience.

However, from 2021 onwards, the training has been done locally in Malawi, allowing Huawei to increase the number of students who benefit from this enriching program.

Mai Mbambade apologizes to business tycoon Triephornia Mpinganjira: “we take full responsibility of our omission”


Mai Mbambande Foundation, a non – Profit Organisation that focuses on the lives of elderly People, has apologized to business tycoon Triephornia Mpinganjira for not acknowledging her 2.5 million kwacha donation.

The foundation, which is run by a 23-year-old Deborah Mbale, made the apology in a statement posted on its official facebook page on Monday.

“Recently, Mrs. Mpinganjira donated K2, 500,000 to our cause. However, there were miscommunication which has resulted to a public mess.

“We would like to sincerely apologize to Mrs. Mpinganjira for not acknowledging Her donation as soon as it was received, as we would normally have done.

“Bearing in mind that this was a trying moment for us, we take full responsibility of our omission,” reads the apology in part

It further reads: “We have managed to engage with Mrs. Mpinganjira and have explained to her what happened. It is safe to say that all queries with her have been resolved.

We would also like to appeal to the public and apologize for the confusion this issue has brought. After all is said and dusted, we have innocent elderly people that rely on us.”

Meanwhile, the foundation has since disowned a group which is sourcing funds on behalf of the foundation to refund to Mpinganjira.

“We have been made aware of a group sourcing funds to repay Mrs Mpinganjira of her donation. We plead with you to not use that route.

“We appreciate the love and passion you continue to show us, but we kindly ask that we not throw stones or act with hurt in our hearts.
Rather, let’s not lose focus and instead use these resources for the furtherance of our goal,” said the foundation

Mai Mbambande is an elderly home based in Lilongwe which hosts elderly men and women, providing them food, accommodation and other basic necessities.

The foundation is building an elderly home consisting of hostels and an office. For the project, the organization usually appeals for assistance from the public through its Facebook Page.

In October, Mai Mbambande asked for assistance saying it was raising K800,000 for roofing of its project.
On November 1, Mpinganjira responded to the appeal by sending K2.5 million.

Malawi’s Next President Dr. Kabambe turns 50, foresees exciting future


Former Reserve Bank of Malawi (RBM) Governor Dalitso Kabambe says he is looking for the future with ‘excitement and anticipation’ as he celebrates his 50th birthday.

Dr. Kabambe, who is also Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) presidential aspirant, made the sentiments in his special birthday statement posted on his official facebook page.

He said reaching 50 years of age is a momentous occasion that calls for celebration and reflection.

“Turning 50 is a noteworthy accomplishment that denotes fifty years of existence. It’s an opportunity to reflect on what has been accomplished and to look forward to the future with excitement and anticipation,” said Kabambe

In his opinion, Dr. Kabambe said his 50th birthday serves as a reminder that as the time goes on he becomes stronger, wiser, and more equipped to handle any obstacles that may arise.

He says: “I am also grateful for the opportunities I have had to make a positive impact in the lives of others through my work and contributions to the country. Looking ahead, I am excited about the opportunities that the future will bring.

“I am conscious of the significance of making time for the people and things that give my life purpose and happiness as I continue to pursue my goals and aspirations. I’m resolved to cherish the times of happiness, laughter, and connection and to make the most of every day.” posted Kabambe, who is also a DPP presidential aspirant.

Dr. Kabambe holds a PhD and a Master’s Degree in Development Economics from Imperial College – University of London, United Kingdom which were obtained in 2008 and 2001, respectively.

Workaholic economist Kabambe also holds a BSc Degree from the University of Malawi, obtained in 1998.

Chakwera cancels foreign trips

President Dr Lazarus Chakwera has with immediate effect cancelled all his international trips for the remainder of the 2023/24 financial year, leading by example in making painful adjustments in view of the current economic status.

In his address to the nation, Dr Chakwera said he has also put a freeze on all international trips funded by public coffers for public officers at all levels.

“All cabinet members currently abroad on public-funded international trips must return to Malawi with immediate effect,” he emphasized.

Dr Chakwera also directed that fuel allocation for Ministers, Principal Secretaries, Directors and all senior officers who are entitled, should be cut by half.

The President also said the practice of spending taxpayers’ money on useless activities in the form of allowances should be put to an end.

The Malawi leader said all the spending cuts will be channelled towards procurement of food and fertilizer to ensure the country has enough food.

He has also directed the Minister of Finance to include in the upcoming mid-year budget review provisions for cushioning Small to Medium Enterprises to protect the jobs they create, provisions for a reasonable wage increase for civil servants and review Pay as You Earn tax to remove tax burden from civil servants.

President Chakwera has also ordered Ministers of Finance and Trade to work with the Competition and Fair-Trading Commission to investigate price increases and hold into account all those involved in raising prices in violation of the law.

Dr Chakwera also announced that he has ordered the secretary to the President and Cabinet to ensure the recent hiking of the price of water is absorbed by the operating cost of those boards for now, and not placed on Malawians.

President Chakwera Diverts Cyclone Relief Funds to Unaffected Districts, Sparking Outrage


In a shocking turn of events, President Lazarus Chakwera of Malawi is facing intense criticism for diverting millions of dollars in relief funds intended for victims of Cyclone Freddy to residents of his home district, Lilongwe, where the catastrophe did not strike. The generous donation, personally made by philanthropists Melinda Gates and Michelle Obama, was aimed at aiding the recovery efforts in the southern region districts of Malawi that were severely affected by the cyclone in March 2023.

Eyewitnesses report that hundreds of villagers from Kasiya and Malembo in Lilongwe were seen receiving K500,000 each through mobile money agents, even though Lilongwe was untouched by Cyclone Freddy. This diversion of funds has raised questions about the ethical use of relief aid and the accountability of the Malawian government in ensuring that assistance reaches those in dire need.

The affected areas, including Nsanje, Chikwawa, Phalombe, Mulanje, Blantyre, Thyolo, Chiradzulu, Blantyre City, Mangochi, Machinga, and Balaka districts, continue to grapple with the aftermath of the cyclone, which displaced over 18,689 households and approximately 84,000 people. The decision to channel relief funds to Lilongwe, far removed from the disaster-stricken regions, has left the intended beneficiaries without the critical support they urgently require for rebuilding their lives.

Critics argue that such misallocation of funds undermines the trust placed in the government to handle humanitarian aid responsibly. Calls for transparency and accountability are growing louder as citizens demand an immediate explanation from President Chakwera and his administration.

The situation has ignited public outrage, with citizens expressing their disappointment at the misuse of funds meant to alleviate the suffering of cyclone victims. As the story unfolds, many are hoping for a thorough investigation into the alleged diversion and appropriate action to rectify the injustice perpetrated against those in genuine need of assistance.

NBM supports Orthopedic meeting with K5 million


National Bank of Malawi (NBM) Plc has supported the Malawi Orthopedic Association’s National Emergency Trauma Consultative Forum with K5 million as they discuss formulating a guiding policy document on emergency and trauma care in Malawi.

Henderson Street Service Centre Manager Tamara Mtuwa, who represented NBM Plc during the cheque handover ceremony said by partnering with the association, the Bank aims to engrain its bond with the medical community further and showcase a staunch commitment to the highest standards of community welfare and advancement.

“We are here to declare our unwavering support for the mission of the Malawi Orthopedic Association and the vital efforts to advance emergency trauma and orthopedic care in our nation. It gives me immense pleasure to announce our sponsorship of K5 million. This is not just a financial commitment but a testament to our enduring partnership and our shared vision for a safer, healthier, and more prosperous Malawi.”

“Through active participation and interactions, we anticipate to emphasize our financial expertise tailored to meet the distinctive needs of the medical community,” said Mtuwa.  

The association’s patron, who is also a Professor of Orthopedics at Kamuzu University of Health Sciences (KUHeS), Nyengo Mkandawire thanked National Bank for supporting the forum.

“We believe the forum is vital because, at the National level we need a guiding policy document on emergency and trauma care, there are currently some documents that guide us in this aspect but they are not comprehensive and all-inclusive. This consultative meeting will bring together all stakeholders involved in trauma care,” he said.

The meeting will take place on November 15 and 16 in Lilongwe.

Chakwera challenged to demonstrate servant leadership



NAMIWA: Malawians no longer expect time wastage with the usual rhetoric

If President Chakwera speech writers are used to mere rhetorics, this hour they might be busy strengthening their Master’s epistle as Centre for Democracy and Economic Development Initiatives has asked him to demonstrate servant leadership than ever before. 

CDEDI Executive Director Sylvester Namiwa says as the President addresses the nation this evening; Malawians no longer expect time wastage with the usual rhetoric since Chakwera challenged to tackle real crucial issues affecting the nation.

This comes after Finance and Economic Affairs Minister Simplex Chithyola-Banda recently failed to inspire hope with his statement purported to provide measures put in place by Government to cushion Malawians from the adverse effects of the 44% devaluation of the Kwacha.

Chakwera has since been tasked to be sincere in furnishing Malawians with evidence illustrating the country’s economic gains from the previous 25 percent devaluation of the Malawi Kwacha before justifying the recent 44 percent meltdown.

CDEDI also demands transparent leadership that can provide evidence of gains from his 40-plus international trips against the drain of the much-needed forex by the same.

“We ask him not to only spell out cushioning measures to effects of the devaluation of the Kwacha but also spell out austerity measures that demonstrate that he and his Cabinet colleagues are ready to share the pain the Tonse Alliance administration has inflicted on Malawians,” he said. 

Adding that for the avoidance of doubt, CDEDI and, indeed, Malawians that mean well for the country, contend that devaluation of the Kwacha brings nothing but more  harm given that in the past three years Malawians have endured ever increasing cost of living, compounded by shortages of food, fuel, fertilizer, forex  and essential drugs as well as medical supplies.

“In view of the above, CDEDI hereby implores President Chakwera to consider accepting that the country’s ailing economy cannot sustain a 35-member Cabinet and 26 presidential advisors, hence the need for a leaner Cabinet and a handful of advisers.

Namiwa has also asked Chakwera to borrow a leaf from the late Tanzanian President John Phombe Magufuli who used to work from his office at the State House, and suspended local and international trips. 

As if that is not enough, in the interest of servant leadership, Namiwa proposes a cut of presidential salary and fuel allowances, saying the same applies to his Cabinet ministers.

“Over and above, is time to talk less and do more action, work in silence and let the results do the talking for him,” he said. 

On the persistent blame game even after staying in government for three years, Namiwa has asked Chakwera to spare Malawians attempts to shift blame for the suffering of Malawians to the previous administration bearing in mind that Malawians, actually, voted him into the high office to make the country a better place to live in. 

“Otherwise, the blame game is construed as an admission of failure in that regard. In the spirit of transparency and accountability, CDEDI wishes to put it to the  President that the Tonse Alliance regime that he leads has become a sure threat to the survival of Malawians it was supposed to serve and protect,”

FOOTBALL JUSTICE IS ABOUT FAIR PLAY: Chancy Gondwe commends National Coaches Association for nomination


….Promises to fulfill campaign promises

Private practice lawyer cum football administrator Chancy Gondwe has commended National Coaches Association (NCA) for nominating him for the post of Football Association of Malawi (FAM) Executive Member ahead of the AGM slated for December 16 in Mzuzu.

In a vote of thanks message posted on his official facebook page, Gondwe said the nomination has demonstrated the trust which the Coaches have in him in steering the game of football to greater heights in the country.

“I would like to thank the National Coaches Association for nominating me for the position of Executive Member. This nomination demonstrates the trust the Association has in me as a person who is capable of contributing towards the transformation of football in Malawi,” said Gondwe, who is the Board Secretary for Mighty Mukuru Wanderers.

He further said: “As we count down to the elections, let me pledge my commitment that once elected on December 16, I shall stand by my campaign promises which have led me to securing this nomination.”

“I pledge to work with all member associations regardless of where my nomination has come from. Lastly, I would like to congratulate and wish the best of luck to all candidates who have been nominated to different positions ahead of the elective AGM.”

Who is Chancy Gondwe?

Chancy is a senior law practitioner and is the Managing Partner at Gondwe & Attorneys, a private law firm based in Blantyre. He has been in practice for more than 14 years.

He graduated from the University of Malawi with bachelor’s degree in Law (honours) in 2008. From the same university, Chancy also obtained an Executive MBA (2018). He then went back to the same University of Malawi where he obtained Master of Laws (Commercial Law) with credit in 2023.

Chancy may never have played football at a serious level, but his passion for the game is beyond reproach.

The senior positions he has in football management attest to his love for the game. He served as Mighty Mukuru Wanderers FC Legal Advisor from 2017 to 2019. He also served as the Club’s Chairman from March 2021 to October 2021 during which period he was influential in spearheading its commercialization drive as he played a legal advisory role throughout the process.

From October 2021 he proceeded to assume the position of Board Secretary and Legal Advisor a position he still holds currently. Chancy brings to the Football Association of Malawi his vast knowledge of the game as well as leadership skills he has obtained outside football.

Outside football, he has held several senior leadership positions such as Board Member of the Malawi Communications Regulatory Authority (MACRA) as well as Agricultural Development Marketing Corporation (Admarc). He also served as Board Chairperson of the Roads Fund Administration from 2018 to 2020.

Kabambe tears apart govt cushion measures: “It is like quenching fire with flammable materials”


Former Reserve Bank of Malawi (RBM) governor Dr. Dalitso Kabambe has taken a swipe on measures government has just announced to cushion Malawians on the effects of 44percent kwacha devaluation saying it is like quenching fire with flammable material.

Politician cum economist Dr. Kabambe says the 44 percent lethal weapon of mass human suffering devaluation was caused to a large extent by fiscal excesses in the budget and weak monetary conditions.

“To counter effects of the same, government is proposing to inject further liquidity in the financial system which will further weaken the monetary conditions, in turn leading to another massive devaluation in the near term.

“This is like quenching fire with flammable material, that’s s illogical,” said Kabambe, who is also Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) DPP presidential candidate for the 2025 presidential elections.

Last week, RBM announced a 44 percent devaluation of the Kwacha which has resulted in the rising cost of almost all basic commodities on the local market.

However, Minister of Finance and Economic Affairs, Simplex Chithyola Banda on Monday shameless claimed that government is with Malawians now and will not allow them to suffer.

He further went on to outline ‘unrealistic’ measures which government has put in place to cushion Malawians from the effects of the devaluation.

Good infrastructure improving ECD enrollment, NBM plc supports Yamba Malawi in project


Some three-hour drive from Mangochi Boma to Ntonda, there lies a beautiful structure one would think is a house of the head teacher for some primary school. But it is a Community Based Childcare Centre (CBCC).

Traditional Authority Ntonda calls the structure ‘Ku tauni’ (Town) and discloses that people around the village patronize the structure for wedding photoshoots during weekends because it has transformed the face of the village.

Such is the case with other four centres: Kalira in Mitundu and Chilowa in Kasiya, Lilongwe, and Kapandajuba at Ekwendeni in Mzimba where new structures comprising two classes, and an office for caregivers lie some meters away from the dilapidated structures being used by the children aged between three and six.

The four centres are part of Yamba Malawi Early Childhood Development (ECD) projects funded by National Bank of Malawi (NBM) plc to the tune of K100 million.

Christina Izeki, a Caregiver at Ntonda CBCC, said last academic year they had 103 children. This year they have registered over 70 with more coming every day and expect the number to surpass last year’s figure.

“The structure we were using is thatched with grass and no cement on the floor if you compare with the new one National Bank of Malawi plc in partnership with Yamba Malawi has built. It was so inconveniencing especially when it was raining because we would suspend classes for as long as two weeks until it stopped raining,” she narrates.

At Chilowa in Kasiya, Lilongwe, chairperson of the CBCC, Henry Mponda, says they started working with Yamba Malawi in 2020 where they realized the importance of early child development.

“The new structure has ignited interest from the children to be in class and we expect this to help improve their performance at primary school level,” he says.

Martha Silumbu, a caregiver at Kapandajuba CBCC in Ekwendeni, Mzimba expects enrolment to increase from 42 children because the new structure is able to carry more pupils.

“The old structure was not suitable for a classroom because it had cracks and parents feared the room could collapse on their kids. But with this new structure, it gives confidence to the parents to send the kids to learn as we prepare them for primary studies.”

“A kid who has attended ECD classes is different from those who haven’t, because this is a preparatory stage where we train them not only to memorize things, but also to socialize with others. So, if they graduate to primary school, they are already used to school set up,” explains Silumbu.

At Kalira in Mitundu, Herbert Chikumbe, director of Luzi Community Based Organization where Kalira CBCC falls under, discloses that the structure is now a model for 114 other CBCCs under his jurisdiction.

“We expect children from other villages to enroll at this school once opened because we demolished the old sub-standard one. However, I can confirm that other CBCCs have started mobilizing materials with the hope of finding funders for their projects just as Yamba Malawi did with Kalira CBCC,” he says.

Yamba Malawi Grants Manager, Sothini Ziba commends support from NBM plc. He says the organization has 96 CBCCs in its catchment and less than eight are improved structures.

“We support an average of 65 kids per CBCC varying around school calendar, community, incentives programs and high interest by the kids in more organized facilities,” he says.

With the ECD week hosted by the Ministry of Gender, Community Development and Social Welfare coming early November under the theme ‘Nurturing Bright Futures: Promoting Access to Integrated Early Childhood Development Services’, the ministry’s spokesperson, Pauline Kaude also commends NBM plc for their commitment in promoting education from grassroot.

“What National Bank of Malawi plc has done is exactly what the Ministry of Gender, Community Development and Social Welfare is expecting from the corporate world to support early childhood education in this country.”

“If you read through our policy, it is the role of every individual, companies and government to support and promote Early Childhood Development (ECD).”

“ECD is an investment that gives back to society. To address economic challenges, there is a need to improve educational performance as a way of building vibrant human capital in Malawi,” she says.

National Bank of Malawi plc Marketing and Corporate Affairs Manager, Akossa Hiwa, says their commitment to aid Early Childhood Development is one among many of the Bank’s initiatives to develop the nation and give back to the clientele that help them grow.

“We believe that the support we have given to Yamba Malawi will improve its service delivery for the development of children in need. Because Early Childhood Development is an important component of an individual’s subsequent development and education, we felt it right and proper to commence our expansion through this avenue.”

“We value child development, because we believe that well-developed children will grow into productive citizens that will develop our country and benefit the Bank,” she explains.

NBM plc and Yamba Malawi signed the agreement in December last year and the project is expected to benefit more than 300 children per intake. 

CDEDI demands well documented gains from previous 25 percent devaluation


By Iommie Chiwalo

As authorities are struggling to justify the current 44 percent devaluation, Centre for Democracy and Economic Development Initiatives (CDEDI) has challenged Finance and Economic Affairs Minister Simplex Chithyola-Banda to provide documentary evidence, complete with figures, to illustrate the country’s economic gains from the previous 25 percent devaluation of the Malawi Kwacha.

In press statement made available to this publication, CDEDI Executive Director Sylvester Namiwa, says the documentation evidence is necessary before justifying the 44 percent devaluation of the local currency.

Minus documentation, Namiwa says as it stands only demonstrates the Minister’s clueless attempt to offer
Malawians a mockery of what the Tonse Alliance administration thinks are measures to cushion devaluation effects.

He said CDEDI is challenging the minister to rise above party politics and give tangible evidence of what Malawians have gained from President Lazarus Chakwera’s 40-plus international trips whose costs do not require
anyone to go into class to understand that they are partly the reason there is shortage of forex in the country.

“CDEDI and, indeed, all Malawians that mean well, have realised with shock that the much touted press conference Chithyola-Banda addressed yesterday, purportedly to outline measures to cushion vulnerable Malawians
from the devastating devaluation, was a disappointment as it failed to provide the desired hope. If anything, after the briefing Malawians were more troubled at heart than before,” he said.

Considering that Finance and Economic Affairs Minister is the bedrock of the well-being of the country,Namiwa has tipped that devaluation has never, and will never work in Malawi.

“Therefore, Chithyola Banda should stop insulting the intelligence of Malawians by justifying devaluation, a vice has pushed millions into misery while push public debt, which will hurt generations to come, to haunting levels overnight,” he said.

At the presser the Minister never allowed journalists to ask questions, which according to Namiwa, the Minister sent a clear message that he neither believed nor understood what he read out in his prepared statement.

“This validates the notion that President Chakwera and his government are not only clueless, but also selfish as they are busy prescribing bitter pills to everyone, save for themselves and their cronies,” he said.

From what came from the press conference dubbed “government speaks”, majority feels what was read out was an insult to Malawians, especially the rural masses, owing to the fact that they have endured ever-increasing cost of living, aggravated by shortage of food, fuel, forex, fertiliser and essential drugs and medicines in hospitals for the past three years.

The CDEDI Chief says it is strange that the President and his administration continue to show no remorse for the deliberate pain they are inflicting on the citizenry, especially the poor majority whose only crime was to vote them into power.

“This has been manifested through callus attempts to shift the blame for their clueless leadership to the previous regime, and by not slowing down on the endless global and local trotting, on top of running a wasteful government that has pushed up public debt to unsustainable levels,” he said.

According to the Malawi Vulnerability Assessment Committee (MVAC) report, 650,000 people lost everything to Cyclone Freddy, and most of the employed earn the K50,000 monthly minimum wage and that 4.4 million Malawians are facing life threatening hunger, all this despite that 91 percent of the employable Malawians are unemployed.

Namiwa has since said that it is a no brainer to announce a measure targeting 100,000 people in a population of 20 million, and in the process saying nothing about the small and medium enterprises, which literally drive the country’s economy.

He said in the spirit of transparency and accountability, the much-talked-about 57 percent increment in social cash transfer is far from buying anything impactful, given that most of the beneficiaries were receiving money in the ranges of MK4,000 to MK20,000 per month, which cannot afford them a 50kg bag of maize, even if the package were to be increased by 100 percent, since the price for a bag of maize was hovering at around MK40,000 before the 44 percent devaluation.

In line with Section 12 of the Republican Constitution which is clear as to who owns the authority to govern and the conditions therein, CDEDI has called upon concerned Malawians to join hands to liberate Malawi (the only country we call home), from destruction beyond repair.

“It is deeply regrettable that the current regime has become a sure threat to the survival of the very same people it was supposed to serve and protect. Malawians we are left alone (tili tokha) and the earlier we realise this and do the needful, the better for us and generations to come,”

Soon after the 44 percent devaluation, it was not the private sector that led the increment of commodity prices but it was government entities beginning with ESCOM and MERA. Prices of fuel and electricity tariffs were increased midnight and people following morning woke up to news of the hiking prices of transports and other basic commodities..

NBS Bank gives air conditioners to Thyolo DC office


NBS Bank Plc has donated four air conditioners and one executive office chair worth K10 million to Thyolo District Council.

In her speech after presenting the items at the council offices on Thursday, NBS Head of Retail Banking Victoria Chanza said the Bank thought it was good to donate to the district council as part of their corporate social responsibility.

“NBS Bank got a request from Thyolo District and they told us that with the heat that we have had these years, they are working in an unconducive environment, so as a ‘Caring Bank’ today we came to donate the air conditioners as per request so that they can now work in a conducive environment.”

“The total cost is around K10 million because we bought the air conditioners, they are double split and we are also going to cover the installation cost,” said Chanza.

Thyolo District Commissioner, Hudson Kuphanga thanked NBS Bank for demonstrating that it is indeed a ‘Caring Bank.’

“As Thyolo District Council we are very happy that NBS Bank has donated these modern air conditioners because this is going to make our life at our office conducive. It was tough to operate from the office as you see there is climate change so Thyolo is one of the districts that is now very hot. You could not work in the office from 2 to 4 o’clock when the sun is about to set, so the coming of the air conditioners is a relief to the council,” said Kuphanga.

Thyolo District Council offices are still housed in the old building built around 1900 while awaiting the completion of a new three-storey office complex under construction.

FDH Bank seals US10 million ATEX deal


FDH Bank Plc has become the first Southern African bank to access a US10 million Africa Trade Exchange (ATEX) facility agreement set to reshape the agricultural landscape in the region.

ATEX is an online platform developed by the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) and African Export-Import Banks (AfreximBank) stands as a beacon of transparent and competitive access to critical supplies like food, fertilizer, and agricultural chemicals.

FDH Bank Deputy Managing Director George Chitera sealed the deal with Afreximbank Director and Global Head, of Trade Finance Gwen Mwaba, on Saturday at the ongoing Intra-Africa trade fair in Cairo Egypt.

In reaction to the agreement, Chitera said the Bank is pleased with the facility which has come in very timely manner.

“Malawi is an agro-based economy, and its staple food is maize cultivated between December and June. For a good harvest, there is a need for fertilizer that is not locally produced. The facility will assist the Bank in supporting its clients in the timely importation of this fertilizer for the 2023/2024 growing season.”

“The facility will also allow the Bank to increase its support to the Government of Malawi by increasing its credit facilities to importers of petroleum products.”

“Through the ATEX facility, the Bank will be able to support fuel importation by bridging the gap between the ordering and delivery of the fuel and the actual settlement of the payments to the suppliers,” said Chitera.

He added that the deal is coming in when most foreign banks are de-risking from the African markets, reducing their exposure to African economies and limiting the level of financial support to the trade within and outside the continent.

“The provision of the facility therefore asserts Afreximbank’s commitment to facilitating and promoting trade in Africa. With the increasing impact on global supply chain disruptions emanating from the challenging macroeconomic environment at the back of the Covid-19, the Russia/Ukraine war, and locally, the impact of Cyclone Freddy, such financing products from Afreximbank go a long way in cushioning the supply chain disruptions that may exist due to limited resources,” he said.

According to Chitera, by participating in the ongoing fair, the Malawi Stock Exchange listed Bank strives to become a leading financial services provider in Malawi and in the region to facilitate trade between Malawi and other countries by engaging businesses and demonstrating financial solutions that help importers and exporters to effectively do their business assisting with solutions to mitigate international trade risks and provide financing to enable growth.

On his part, Mwaba said apart from reinforcing the bond between the two parties, the deal also positions FDH Bank as the first bank in this African region to access the facility.

“This facility agreement will empower FDH Bank to effectively pool procurement for the upcoming 2023/2024 growing season, aligning with Malawi government strategy to bolster agricultural activities,” he said.

The Third Intra–African Trade Fair started on November 9 and will end on November 15 under the theme “Building Bridges for a successful AfCTA”, recognizing growth opportunities for Intra- African cross-border trade and investments.

FDH Bank was the only Malawian company sponsor of IATF

EthCo pumps K6 million in Inter-club ladies golf tourney


Giant ethanol distiller, Ethanol Company Limited (EthCo) has pumped in K6 million sponsorship for this year’s Crocodile Inter-Club Ladies Golf Tournament scheduled for Lilongwe Golf Club on 18th and 19th November 2023.

Speaking during a cheque presentation event recently, EthCo Chief Executive Officer Lusubilo Chakaniza said as per their promise during last year’s tournament, they are back to support the lady golfers.

“It is my pleasure to announce EthCo’s sponsorship of the Inter-Club ladies golf tournament, contributing a generous amount of K6 million. We believe in supporting and empowering women in sports, and we look forward to a successful and exciting tournament ahead,” said Chakaniza.

She also said the tournament will help the company interact with its customers.

“We see this as an opportunity for us to interact with the ladies and discuss business, especially how we can integrate them to partner us so that we can do business together,” added Chakaniza.

Receiving the donation, Ladies Golf Union of Malawi Vice President Esther Kawale, thanked EthCo for the support saying the company has been supporting the ladies inter-club golf tournament for many years.

“We are very grateful for the support that we get from EthCo. They have been supporting us for many years and each year the sponsorship gets better. The support we get from EthCo will help us improve the game of golf among women in the country,” said Kawale.

She also said this year’s tournament will see many ladies participating through their various golf clubs namely Nchalo, Blantyre, Kasasa and Lilongwe.

“Another good thing about this tournament is that apart from the ladies competing for the Crocodile challenge through their respective golf clubs, there will also be individual categories like seniors, juniors, Championship division, A division and B division categories, so there will be tough competition and the ladies will enjoy their game,” said Kawale who also doubles as Lilongwe Golf Club Ladies Golf Captain.

She assured the lady golfers of the great game of golf saying the golf course is in perfect playing condition.

During last year’s competition, Blantyre Sports Club (BSC) Ladies team One comprising of Roza Mbilizi, Bose Kamphulusa and Stella Ng’oma won the tournament with 151 points beating BSC Team Two of Thoko Gaffer, Ulemu Luhanga and Dorren Kavala on second position with 145 points while Kasasa Golf Club Ladies Team of Sellah Piringu and Chifundo Mwanza came third with 134 points.

Standard Bank’s Trolley Dash hypes Chipiku Plus opening


Lilongwe-based Mike Lupanga emerged the grand winner of the Standard Bank Plc’s Trolley Dash that was activated to propel digital transactions during the grand opening of Chipiku Plus City Centre shop in Lilongwe.

Through its Blue Weekend activations which aim at encouraging the usage of Point of Sale (POS) machines, Standard Bank elevated the promotion to reward customers that use their VISA card on a Standard Bank POS machine when making purchases.

During the Trolley Dash, Lupanga walked away with items worth K2.1 million within 90 seconds after his name was picked in a raffle draw. He became a winner after purchasing items worth K36,000 in the shop and made payment through the Standard Bank POS.

“I am so excited to win in this promotion, this is an early Christmas because the items I have managed to get will serve me for a long time. I have been a Standard Bank customer for a long time, and I love the efficiency of the Bank when delivering banking services,” said Lupanga.

Standard Bank’s Chief Executive, Phillip Madinga who was present during the trolley dash, said the promotion aims to give the Bank’s customers an opportunity to maximize usage of their VISA Debit Cards in various shops including the newly opened Chipiku Plus at City Centre.

“This promotion is a continuation of our effort to deliver convenience, unparalleled security and comfort to our customers and those of other Banks holding VISA Cards. No need to move around with bulk cash as Standard Bank provides the luxury for seamless services in shops,” said Madinga.

Through its VISA cards and POS, Standard Bank is deepening financial inclusion and encouraging digital economy.

“We are promoting financial inclusiveness as all debit card holders are free to swipe on Standard Bank POS, a development which is promoting financial inclusion in the long run,” he said.

The Bank dished out other prizes including shopping vouchers, umbrellas and golf shirts to lucky customers during the activation. The Bank has also planned out other activation throughout the festive season through their Blue Weekends campaign.

NBS Bank commits to school feeding programme

NBS Bank has said it is committed to supporting the primary school feeding program because it believes the program can accelerate primary school education in the country.

NBS Bank Head of Marketing and Customer Experience Tamanda Ng’ombe said in a statement that the Bank committed K20 million towards Mary’s Meals’ school feeding programme for four years because among other things, the program will help to keep children in school.

“The dropout rate and absenteeism of school pupils reduces significantly whilst the pass rate rises when a meal is provided because it increases their concentration in the classroom,” said Ng’ombe.

Speaking recently during the commemoration of World Porridge Day in Blantyre, Mary Meals, Head of Strategic Partnerships and Communications Mona Lisa Bandawe said the organization recognizes the magic in a cup of porridge, especially to children.

“That cup of porridge changes the children’s lives, especially in rural areas and those in urban areas but are hungry every day. When they have that cup of porridge it makes them active in class, and also gives them the energy to do their work.”

“Mary Meals Malawi is currently feeding over one million children, but with other partners, we are reaching up to 40 percent of school-going children which means 60 percent of children in Malawi still need to be reached with food at school,” said Bandawe.

In his remarks, Blantyre City South Constituency member of parliament Noel Lipipa asked those interested in funding school feeding programs to join hands with Mary Meals.

“We don’t need to have many school feeding programs, Mary Meals has demonstrated to us as Malawians that they can effectively handle this program,” said Lipipa.

Standard Eight learner at the school, Astice Banda, thanked Mary Meals for the feeding program.

“This cup of porridge has helped so many learners that used to abscond classes because they were hungry,” she said.

World Porridge Day was established by Mary Meals in 2009 and is celebrated annually on October 10.

NBS Bank supports IPMM conference with K5 million

NBS Bank plc has pumped in K5 million towards the Institute of People Management Malawi (IPMM) annual conference set for Mangochi from November 2-4 this year.

Speaking during the handover of the cheque to IPMM, the Bank’s Head of Human Resources, Austin Thunde hailed the relationship that exists between NBS and the Institute.

“People are at the heart of our operations, strategy and service delivery. As NBS Bank, we appreciate the contribution the Institute makes towards the development of organizations and the country as a whole.”

“The Bank has made great strides in the last few years because of its people; without them there is no Bank. We therefore look forward to an insightful conference as they will not only deliberate on their personal growth but also on how best they can serve the people in their various companies,” he said.

IPMM president, Godwin Ng’oma commended NBS Bank for the support which he says will help in catering for the conference expenses.

“We expect a large number of delegates to attend and therefore the money given by NBS Bank will help us to manage the delegates and other expenses. The conference will discuss several issues that affect our day operations as we strive to grow,” he said.

The country’s vice president, Saulos Chilima is expected to be the guest of honour at the event which is under the theme ‘Human Resource Management: Fostering Productivity, Diversity, and Change in a Multi-Generational Technology Driven Workplace’.

NBS Bank lives by promise on MDF war veterans golf sponsorship

NBS Bank Plc has lived by its promise to continue to sponsor the Malawi Defence Force (MDF) War Veterans Thanksgiving golf tournament by being the headline sponsor for the fourth year in a row

The Bank, through its Chief Executive Officer Kwanele Ngwenya made a promise last year that it will ‘forever’ support the golf tournament as long as the Bank exists in the country.

This year, NBS Bank is the headline sponsor for the War Veterans Thanksgiving Golf tournament slated for Saturday 4 November 2023 at Lilongwe Golf Club where President Lazarus Chakwera is expected to tee off to start the tournament.

NBS Bank Head of Marketing and Customer Experience, Tamanda Ng’ombe said as a ‘Caring Bank’, they felt the need to commit more to the cause especially after noting that this year the golf tournament is aimed at raising funds to refurbish the memorial homes for veterans in Zomba.

“As the Caring Bank, we are playing our part in caring for our veterans by being patriotic and ensuring that our veterans have secure and safe housing. This is the fourth time NBS Bank is the anchor sponsor and we plan on doing the same every year,” said Ng’ombe.

Last year, the Bank pumped in K10 million towards Veterans and Ex-Service League of Malawi, VELOM, and K20 million towards the tournament making them the anchor sponsor of the tournament.  The Bank also committed to offering financial solutions to MDF retirees.

MDF spokesperson, Major Emmanuel Mlelemba commended NBS Bank for their support towards war veterans and also indicated that all is set for the tournament which targets to raise K100 million.

“We are very prepared. We wrote to various individuals and companies for sponsorship and we got a positive response. So far, we have 70 golfers and 35 teams that have registered and confirmed their participation. This year we really plan to renovate the war veterans’ houses in Zomba which requires a lot of money,” said Mlelemba in an interview.

PIL oils Zomba Press Club AGM

Petroleum Importers Limited (PIL) has committed K500, 000 towards the Zomba Press Club Annual General Meeting (AGM) set for December 9 in Salima.

Speaking during the cheque handover ceremony in Blantyre on Wednesday, PIL General Manager, Martin Msimuko said the company appreciates the crucial role of journalists in democracy by providing information, holding those in power accountable, and fostering an informed and engaged citizenry.

“The press faces numerous challenges in today’s world, from declining revenues to threats on journalistic independence. As part of our corporate social responsibility, PIL has plans to reach out to areas of health, education, and safety and from time to time we respond to national needs when we have disasters for example. However, budget permitting we do respond to specific needs in the society as we have done with the media today.”

“By donating to the Zomba Press Club, we believe we are supporting the vital work of journalists and media organizations. It allows them to continue their investigative reporting, which uncovers corruption, abuse of power, and social injustices. It enables the press to inform the public about critical issues, from climate change to public health crises, helping us make informed decisions,” said Msimuko.

He also asked for more coverage on the dangers that come to our society through improper handling of fuel products.

“Fuel products must be handled in a special way so that we avoid the unfortunate events that have been taking place within the country where people have lost their lives from fuel induced fires.  Fuel oil is hazardous and that is why our customers Puma, Total energies, Petroda and Vivo are better placed to handle the products and would encourage the society to access fuel from their authorized retail outlets, in this case you will be assured of the quality of the fuel that you will be using,” he said.

Zomba Press Club president Titus Linzie commended PIL for the support.

“PIL realizes the importance of working with the media in disseminating information to the public. This support will go a long way in ensuring the success of our meeting. As media, we have a role to play in sensitizing the public on the dangers of keeping fuel in their homes. The public trusts our words and we will ensure we spread the message,” said Linzie.

PIL is a consortium of four oil marketing companies namely Puma Energy Ltd, Petroda Malawi Ltd, Total Energies and Vivo Energy Malawi.

TNM’s MaHape outdoor shines at Marketers Award

Malawi’s pioneering mobile network and ICT services provider, TNM Plc scooped the best Commercial of the Year Outdoor Award for its Mahape thematic campaign during the 2023 Institute of Marketers in Malawi (IMM) awards gala.

The award-winning ideas is the depiction of a busy woman making a call while her GSM handset is strapped to her head with a rubber hand. The creative sends the message about the power of TNM’s services and products to create happiness and memorable moments. The overall Mahape campaign was created by FD Communications Ltd for their client, TNM Plc.

TNM Head of Brand and Marketing Madalitso Jonazi said the recognition highlights the telco’s overall purpose of creating value that emanates from a deep understanding of human cravings in the tech-driven world: genuine happiness and connection driven by utility.

“We are delighted that one of our Mahape executions earned this great recognition by IMM. This creative artwork showcased the happiness we create by providing a network to make connect people and business, “said Madalitso Jonazi, TNM’s Head of Brand and Marketing.

Jonazi said Mahape was an all-encompassing campaign as it was brought to life across different media platforms, in addition to the award-winning outdoor execution.

“By depicting scenes of shared joy in the Mahape campaign, we made the audience feel a deep sense of connection and nostalgia, reinforcing the theme of happiness as a unifying force. This campaign’s knack for sparking engagement, forging brand love, and delivering real results seals its victory as the ultimate champion,” he said.

Presenting the awards, Chief Judge of the 2023 Marketers Excellence Awards, Enwell Kadango said that the awards celebrate brands and individuals for their outstanding works in the marketing sphere.

“Today all nominated brands and individuals are winners for they have done great works in the industry. However, tonight we are here to hand out 21 exceptional accolades to those that stood out the most,” said Kadango.

Reiterating the need for the awards, Isabel Kachinjika President of Institute for Marketers in Malawi said the recognitions help organizations delivery delightful services to their clients.

“These awards celebrate innovation, creativity, and strategic prowess. They recognise those who have broken through barriers, propelling their businesses and our economy forward,” said Kachinjika.

NBS Bank, FAM hand over Cyclone survivors’ homes

NBS Bank plc in conjunction with the Football Association of Malawi (FAM), and the Malawi Red Cross Society, have officially handed over four houses to families who were displaced by Tropical Cyclone Freddy in March in Ntauchira Village, Chiradzulu.

The houses were built using the funds realized from the Charity Shield match between Nyasa Big Bullets and Mighty Wanderers played in April this year, as well as from the Flames Africa Cup of Nations (AFCON) qualifier against Egypt, which was played at Bingu National Stadium in Lilongwe.

At the handover ceremony in Masikini Village, Traditional Authority (T/A) Likoswe, Temwani Simwaka, NBS Bank’s Deputy Chief Executive Officer, stated that as a ‘Caring Bank’ and a Malawian institution, they were overjoyed to be a part of the life-changing endeavour for the impacted families, and that the homes will make a significant difference in their lives.

“As a Bank, we always value every life because we rely on them as clients. As part of our corporate social responsibility, we decided to come in by partnering with FAM with the goal of bringing a significant change to our friends, and it is our hope that these houses stand as a great starting point for their lives,” she explained.

FAM president Walter Nyamilandu Manda expressed excitement about fulfilling the promise that the association made to the public and the affected families.

“These families had been through a terrible time, and they desperately needed our help as Malawians. As the FA, we are very proud that we have been able to help them afford a smile.”

“We understand that what we have provided to them is insufficient to bring back their relatives who died during the tragedy, but our plan was to ensure that we give them a place like a house, which we have just fulfilled,” he said.

Malawi Red Cross Society acting Head of Disaster Management, Cecilia Banda, praised FAM and NBS Bank for acting as goodwill ambassadors in supporting the affected people, saying the institutions demonstrated true love to the victims

Margaret Makawa, 40, who lost her husband in the disaster, expressed her thanks for the home, saying it came at a time when she had nowhere to live with her five children.

NBM powers University games with K3.5 million 

National Bank of Malawi Plc (NBM) has boosted the morale of the Tertiary Education Students Sports Association of Malawi (TESSAM) 2023 games with a donation of K3.5 million. 

Students from about 20 tertiary institutions in the country will converge in Lilongwe this weekend for various sports activities including football, volleyball, tennis, netball and others.

NBM Projects Manager Chimwemwe Lipato presented the cheque to TESSAM officials on Tuesday where he said the Bank believes that giving the youth a platform to develop skills through sports helps the country’s development.  

“National Bank believes that the youth have a big role to play, and we are not just a financial Institution but part of the Malawian community. Giving the youth a platform to develop their skills will allow them to maximize and realize their potential from a sports perspective, but overall, it will give them a platform for mental stimulation and their contribution to this country,” said Lipato.

TESSAM technical member, Victor Chikoti thanked National Bank for always being a true partner.

“The Different Universities participating in these games get funding from their institutions but it is not adequate. There are usually cases where we come to the grounds and still need a hand. We knew we had a gap and needed a partner. We could not think of any other way but to go to National Bank as a trusted partner that has invested a lot, especially in uplifting the standards of education in Malawi.”

“So, they were kind enough and indeed very faithful to their promise to come in and say they would not allow students at the national level to come together in these different sporting codes without the Bank featuring at that particular stage, for that, we appreciate this type of support,” said Chikoti.

The annual sports festival will also be used to identify champions in various disciplines that will represent the country at the Confederation of Universities and Colleges Sports Association (CUCSA) tournament in South Africa next year. 

NBS Bank shines at IMM awards

The Malawi Stock Exchange listed NBS Bank scooped three awards at this year’s Marketer’s Excellence Awards held on Saturday in Mangochi.

The awards, which are meant to recognize the effort by marketers as a way of encouraging quality and professionalism, saw NBS Bank plc being named the Best Customer Service, Outstanding SME initiative, and Commercial of the year- Print.

Reacting to the development, the Bank’s Head of Marketing and Customer Experience, Tamanda Ng’ombe said the awards compliments their growth efforts as outlined in the new strategic plan.

“At NBS Bank, we strive to ensure we provide services that are easily accessed by our customers. Over the years we have worked on improving our digital services including our EazyMobile services to ensure customers access our services at their fingertip in the comfort of their homes.”

“Through mobile services, customers are able to access loans within minutes without visiting the Bank. We are now offering rewards to customers who use our digital banking services. Therefore, this recognition from the IMM has come as an affirmation of the efforts made by the Bank. We thank our customers for their trust in the brand and our staff for their dedication which has led to the recognition.”

“These awards will help us to push for more improved services. We will not relax,” said Ng’ombe.

Chief judge at the event, Enwell Kadango commended the winners saying this year the submissions improved greatly. 

In the Best Customer Service category, NBS Bank was competing with TNM, and Sunbird Hotels and Resorts, while on Outstanding SME Initiative of the year, the Bank had no competitor.

The Red Brigade, as fondly called, outclassed TNM and Victoria Forex Bureau in the Commercial of the year- Print category.

FD Communications wins 5th advertising agency award


By Eunice Chittika

Malawi’s leading advertising and public relations company, FD Communications Ltd has scooped the 2023 Advertising Agency of Year award, cementing its position as the country’s most awarded advertising firm under the Institute of Marketers Malawi (IMM) prestigious Marketing Excellence Awards.

FD Communications Ltd emerged on top of five other advertising agencies in the running for the award. In addition, FD Communications’ Lilongwe-based Graphic Designer Kennedy “Spyral” Mwenya scooped the IMM’s Creative Artist of Year award beating a field of 12 other designers.

Receiving the award at the 2023 IMM Lakeshore Conference in Mangochi on Saturday, Director of Client and Media Services Chifundo Scott attributed the company’s achievements to the support and collaboration from the agency’s Tier 1 clients.

“We are greatly indebted to our clients, notably Standard Bank Plc, TNM Plc, JTI, Castel Malawi and Illovo Plc, for giving us the opportunity and space to demonstrate our creative and media strategies. 2023 is an especially difficult year for the economy, and while this is negatively impacting on our operating budgets, we continue to work well under pressure to manage client expectations and deliver excellence,” he said.

FD Communications contributed to work for Standard Bank Plc, TNM Plc, Illovo and Castel that won awards in respective categories. FD also received nominations in the categories of Marketer of Year and Innovative Idea of Year.

For her part, IMM President Isabel Masi-Kachinjika said; “These awards recognize those who have broken through barriers, propelling their businesses and our economy forward. I commend the dedication of marketers who made submissions this year and I am confident that their efforts will continue to fuel economic growth in Malawi.”

This is the fifth IMM advertising agency award for FD Communications having also won the category in 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2020. The company offers full fledged communication and media solutions ranging from advertising, Public Relations, media placements, digital marketing and PR, experiential marketing, audio and television, and media production.This year’s Marketing Excellence Awards were held under the theme, ” Breaking Barriers: Marketing as a Catalyst for Economic Growth “.

NBM takes Mental Health Inter-University Social Weekend to Lilongwe

National Bank of Malawi (NBM) Plc will this weekend take the Inter-University Social Weekend to Lilongwe with the core objective of raising awareness about mental health among university students while enjoying sports and entertainment activities.

The social weekend, which will take place at Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources (LUANAR) Bunda campus on Friday and Saturday (27 and 28 October 2023) targets Universities and Colleges in proximity or within Lilongwe City which include Pentecostal Life University, LUANAR NRC and City campus, Lake Malawi Anglican University, Malawi College of Health Sciences, Kamuzu College of Nursing, College of Medicine and Nalikule College.

NBM plc Marketing and Corporate Affairs Manager Akossa Hiwa said the ‘Mo626 Inter Universities Social Weekend’ is expected to give students light-hearted networking and collaboration opportunities, as well as access to vital mental health and self-care information.

“The Bank is committed to providing a safe and supportive environment where students can openly discuss mental health, pick up coping strategies, and engage in activities that promote overall well-being. As part of this effort, a dedicated Mental Health Booth will be set up, staffed by a qualified mental health expert who will be available to assist and guide students in addressing their mental health concerns,” said Hiwa.

Hiwa said attendees should also look forward to cultural showcases, sports competitions, and captivating performances, and the Bank’s presence, as one of the event sponsors, will further enhance the experience by offering insights into the financial aspects of mental well-being and personal growth.

Entertainment Director at LUANAR, Wakisa Dimba commended NBM plc for the initiative saying most students in universities are depressed and having mental health experts will provide a good platform for them to share their problems while seeking professional counseling services.

“As students, we have a lot of mental health issues. I remember at some point we had a first-year student attempting suicide because of lack of support for his studies. But they cannot share their problems with a colleague for fear of being laughed at, but we believe mental health experts have the expertise on handling such issues. Entertainment will also provide us relief,” said Dimba.

Eli Njuchi, Malinga Mafia, Sly C, and Wikise are set to headline the event.

NBM recently sponsored a similar event which took place at Kamuzu University of Health Sciences (KUHES) Complex, Blantyre last month.

NBS Bank awards Cyclone Freddy heroes

Listed commercial bank, NBS Bank, recently joined the Public Relations Society of Malawi (PRSM) in recognizing and awarding several people who went out of their way to help and rescue others in their communities during the Cyclone Freddy disaster early this year.

NBS Bank awarded the 12 individuals with certificates and cash during this year’s PRSM lakeshore conference held in Mangochi from 5th to 7th October 2023.

NBS Bank Public Relations Officer Olivia Chiligo said they decided to reward the Cyclone Freddy heroes for exhibiting extraordinary acts of kindness, bravery, and selflessness during and the aftermath of Cyclone Freddy to serve the community.

“Cyclone Freddy was an event that tested the strength and character of our nation, and in the face of adversity, we witnessed countless acts of heroism. People opened their doors to shelter others, workers went above and beyond their duty to provide assistance, and individuals risked their own lives to rescue and help those in need. These are the stories that inspire us all. They remind us that even in the darkest hours, the spirit of compassion, unity, and solidarity shines through.”

“PRSM’s decision to recognize these heroes aligns perfectly with NBS Bank’s commitment to community development and our belief in the power of collective action. We firmly believe that by acknowledging and celebrating these acts of kindness, we not only honour those who went above and beyond, but we also send a powerful message to the world about the resilience and unity of the people of Malawi,” said Chiligo.

Among those awarded were three Marine Police officers from Mangochi and Monkey Bay who went missing after the boat they were traveling in capsized on Shire River as they were going to rescue people who were trapped by the Cyclone.

Despite having their boat capsized, the three continued with their mission after being rescued by some members of the community.

“It was a near death situation when our boat capsized. We are very grateful to God and the community members who searched for us until we were found. We could not have abandoned the mission because we made a commitment to save and protect the people of Malawi that is what kept us going,” said Lucia Nthala from Monkey Bay station.

PRSM President, Benson Linje, said there are a lot of people who risked their lives in trying to reduce suffering of people who were affected by the Cyclone in their respective communities and beyond, but their efforts are not recognized.

“The way these people conducted themselves is inspiring hope that there are people in this country who are passionate about changing lives of people that require support. There are other people who had the capacity to help but they did not, so it is worth recognizing those who left their comfort zones for the sake of others,” said Linje.

Linje thanked NBS Bank for sponsoring the awards which he said have managed to motivate the people to continue doing good to people in need.

NBM supports Microfinance’s Inaugural Conference with K4.5 million 

National Bank of Malawi (NBM) Plc has given the Malawi Microfinance Network (MAMN) K4.5 million for their inaugural annual lake conference  which started in Mangochi on Thursday and ends on Saturday.

Speaking during a symbolic cheque presentation at NBM head office on Tuesday, Head of Digital Financial Services, William Kaunda said the sponsorship is a symbol of the Bank’s dedication to the microfinance sector’s growth and the aspirations of an inclusive and self-reliant nation.

“The microfinance sector in Malawi has a proud tradition of working closely with micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) who are playing a pivotal role in supporting economic growth. The financial services microfinance institutions offer extend far beyond the mere provision of finance. They have a profound impact on the lives of individuals, families, and communities by fostering financial inclusion.”

“The conference’s theme, ‘Financial Inclusion, a Key Driver Towards Attaining the Malawi Vision 2063’ resonates deeply with our institution’s goals. We believe in a future where every Malawian has access to financial services and opportunities, where poverty is reduced, and prosperity is widespread. This conference serves as a platform to advance that vision,” said Kaunda.

MAMN Chief Executive Officer Duncan Phulusa, thanked NBM plc for the donation adding that the conference is going to discuss financial inclusion towards attaining the Malawi Vision 2063 agenda.

 “We came up with this bearing in mind that financial inclusion is not a one-man thing but a national agenda. So, it is not only microfinance institutions that will attend, Banks such as National Bank and other partners will also attend. If this country is to develop, one of the key drivers is financial inclusion,” said Phulusa.

Wellness Centre in Back Pain awareness week


Beatitude Naturopathy and Wellness Centre has organized a week-long Backpain awareness and alignment where people with persistent back pain will be treated using naturopathic methods.

The Centre’s Director Francis Malunga said in an interview yesterday that during the awareness week, which starts from 30 October to 5 November 2023, the wellness centre will give free lectures to people who have back pain issues apart from treating them.

“We will have a back alignment procedure for those with back pain using naturopathic methods. They will only need to pay a consultation fee of K20,000 otherwise we will not be charging for the actual treatment of back pain,” said Malunga.

Malunga distinguished naturopathy and wellness from hospital care citing the former provides respect for the healing processes of nature while empowering the individual to take responsibility for their own health process.

Beatitude Naturopathy and Wellness Centre recently relocated from Balaka to Manase, Blantyre to serve more people who were looking for naturopathic treatment.

Court convicts fake Malawi Gin producers


The Ntcheu Senior Resident Magistrate Court has convicted and sentenced a young couple, Shavison Chibayo and Karishma Machewere to serve custodial sentences or pay fines amounting to K3.7 million for being found guilty for producing ‘fake Malawi Gin’ whose original patent is owned by Castel Malawi.

The two were arrested in October last year at Tsangano turn off trading in Ntcheu. They were charged with three counts of Sale of goods in bottles marked with owner’s name contrary to section 18 of the Merchandise Act, counterfeiting a trademark contrary to section 388 (1) (b) of the penal code, and false application of a trademark contrary to section (51) (1) (a) of the Trademarks Act.

They pleaded guilty to all the three charges after being found with 23 bottles of 750ml Malawi Gin, food colours, and four drums of Ethanol.

In his ruling on Tuesday, Senior Resident Magistrate Joshua Nkhono slapped Chibayo with a K2 million fine or in default serve 36 months in jail on the third count and K70,000 fine or in default serve four months in jail on the first count and a 12-month custodial sentence but suspended to 24 months on the second count.

The court also sentenced Chibayo’s wife, Machewere, to pay K1.5 million or in default serve 24 months in jail on the third count and another K70,000 fine or in default serve four months in jail on the first count and six months custodial sentence but suspended to 24 months on the second count.

Magistrate Nkhono ordered that the fines should be paid within seven days ‘after which the default sentence will take effect from the date of the pronouncement on October 17, 2023.’

Before sentencing, the convicts prayed for leniency as they were first time offenders and that they were young, with young children at home who depended on them.

The prosecution which comprised of Ntcheu Police Prosecutor Kambalame and two private lawyers Noel Misanjo and Davis Njobvu from DNC Chambers, argued that the conduct of the two was a health hazard to the consumers after tests by the Malawi Bureau of Standards (MBS), and Malawi University of Business and Applied Sciences (MUBAS) concluded that the product was counterfeit.

They also told the court that Castel Malawi had lost K7 million business because of the couple’s conduct.

Castel Malawi Head of Legal, Compliance and Company Secretary Chipi Kauka warned the perpetrators that the long arm of the law will catch up with them.

“We will deal with any person producing Castel Malawi counterfeit products. We are closely working with law enforcement agencies to identify those producing, selling or distributing these fake products. Anyone caught will face legal action. We urge the public to be vigilant and report any suspicious Castel Malawi products to the authorities. This will help us maintain the trust and quality that Castel Malawi stands for,” said Kauka.

Castel Malawi Human Resource and Corporate Affairs Director, Gloria Zimba said the sentence serves as a good deterrent to others in similar businesses.

“We were able to apprehend this couple through some two well-wishers who were rewarded MK1 million each for the tip which was successfully investigated. We thank our courts and our Malawi Police who worked relentlessly to successfully close this case,” said Zimba.

Castel Malawi partners Illusionz Club to bring in DJ Mapholisa…excited with tonight’s launch

Giant alcoholic beverages producer, Castel Malawi has partnered with Illusionz Bar, Restaurant and Club to bring celebrated South African DJ Mapholisa who will perform at the grand opening of the entertainment outfit in Lilongwe this evening.

Illusionz Bar, Restaurant and Club is situated at Golden Peacock in City Centre in Lilongwe and fireworks are expected to fly during its opening this evening.

Castel Malawi Head of Corporate Marketing and Communications Lavern Chitakata said in an interview that they partnered with the new club to bring in DJ Mapholisa for massive entertainment during the launch of the club this evening.

“We believe in partnerships and our partnership with Illusionz Club will make this event colourful and we expect that patrons are going to enjoy the entertainment that has been lined up with the performance of popular South African DJ Mapholisa.”

“This partnership is for a year with exclusive branding rights. We are excited with this launch,” said Chitakata.

Illusionz Club director Martin Nyirenda hailed Castel Malawi for the partnership especially its role in bringing DJ Mapholisa to grace the launch of the Club tonight.

“We are grateful to Castel Malawi for the support during this launch. We expect a lot of fun tonight,” said Nyirenda.

TNM partners procurement professionals… Contributes K5M towards Lakeshore indaba

In recognition of the role of the procurement profession, TNM Plc has contributed K5 million towards this year’s Lakeshore Conference of the Malawi Institute of Procurement and Supply (MIPS) underway in Mangochi up to October 21.

TNM Corporate Affairs Manager Limbani Nsapato said Wednesday during presentation of the contrubution it is in recognition of the critical role of procurement and supply professionals in nation building efforts through various procurement decisions and processes undertaken in the private and public sector. Procurement activities take up an estimated 70 percent of all national budget activities, according to MIPS.

“Procurement and supply form an important ecosystem in national economic activity, including the management of public and private projects of any size. TNM greatly values the intermediation role of procurement in driving the flow of finances between private and public sector, and in shaping the development of the country’s national payment systems,” said Nsapato.

Receiving the contribution, Board Member and Chairperson of the Finance and Administration Committee for MIPS, Maureen Mbejere thanked TNM for responding to their need to elevate dialogue on sector-specific issues through the annual lakeshore conference platform.

“This contribution will no doubt contribute to the success of this year’s conference which will brainstorm how procurement can continue to contribute to economic development, and also raise awareness about the profession,” said Mbejere.

MIPS was established to regulate and promote interests of the procurement profession as well as raise the sector’s profile. This year’s conference from October 18 to October 21 at Sunbird Nkopola in Mangochi, will be held under the theme: “Demystifying the Hidden Costs of Procurement and Supply Chain Management.”

NBM gives K10 million to Presidential Charity Golf tourney

National Bank of Malawi (NBM) Plc has given K10 million to the Presidential Charity Golf Initiative which aims to raise funds for victims of tropical cyclones and support university students facing financial hardships.

NBM’s Head of Corporate Banking, William Chatsala presented the cheque to the Presidential Golf Initiative officials on Friday where he indicated that the Bank believes in actively contributing to the betterment of society, hence the partnership.

“As a Bank, we believe that the Presidential Charity Golf Tournament embodies a commitment to making a positive change in our community and beyond. It is a testament to the belief that, when individuals and organizations step forward with a shared purpose, they have the power to drive transformational change.”

“By sponsoring this event, we align ourselves with the noble cause of supporting victims of tropical cyclones, helping them rebuild their lives and homes, and promoting resilience in the face of adversity on the one hand. Our sponsorship will contribute directly to empowering aspiring university students by removing financial barriers and enabling them to pursue higher education, The Bank is thus contributing towards the nurturing of leaders of tomorrow,” said Chatsala.

In his remarks, Chairperson of the Golf Tournament Organizing Committee, Gift Chidya Gondwe thanked NBM for the support which is coming after the Bank already contributed K120 million towards Cyclone Freddy victims.

“Their contribution today has gone a long way to support the cause, this tournament is raising about K400 million and this K10 million has added more to reaching our target. This year the funds will be used to assist victims of Cyclone Freddy but also the needy students in six public university colleges. We are really thankful to the National Bank,” said Chidya Gondwe.

The golf tournament which was set for October 7 has been shifted to October 21 due to president Lazarus Chakwera’s official engagement in Mozambique on Saturday. 

NBM boosts Mothers Fun Run with K5 million


National Bank of Malawi (NBM) Plc has supported the Nation Publication Limited (NPL) Mothers’ Fun Run Project for Nkhata Bay District Hospital with K5 million.

Speaking during a symbolic cheque presentation at NBM towers on Friday, NBM plc Head Legal Services and Company Secretary Zunzo Mitole said while contributing to safe motherhood and dignified births, the Bank is demonstrating its commitment to corporate social responsibility.

“To the Bank, the Mothers’ Fun Run Project provides an opportunity to collaborate with diverse organizations and individuals who share this common goal of good maternal and neonatal health. This contribution directly impacts the reduction of preventable causes of maternal and neonatal mortality and ensures a more comfortable childbirth experience for rural women.”

“A safer childbirth experience not only ensures the well-being of mothers but also sets the foundation for healthier newborns and future generations. By investing in maternal health, we contribute to healthier communities and a stronger workforce for Malawi. It is for the mentioned reasons that the Bank has contributed a total of K5 million towards the Mothers Fun Run. The donated funds will go towards the purchase of six delivery beds and mattresses,” said Mitole.

NPL Managing Editor Ephraim Munthali thanked NBM for actively participating in the Mothers’ Fun Run projects for years.

“It means more lives are going to be saved to a certain extent. Medical health officers in Nkhata Bay and its satellite health facilities are going to have better equipment, it may not be everything but at least there will be movement. More children will be saved and mothers do not have to go through hell to give birth,” said Munthali

NPL Mothers’ Fun Run Project, an initiative under the Safe Motherhood Space, started 17 years ago to enhance maternal and neonatal health outcomes in Malawi, following the guidance of the Malawi Health Sector Strategic Plans.

CDEDI demands for review of Sino Hydro staff work permits


By Iommie Chiwalo

The Centre for Democracy and Economic Development Initiatives (CDEDI) in line with the Access To Information Act (ATI), is
demanding a public vetting and review of all working permits for the Chinese nationals working at Sino Hydro camp site West Bank in Chikwawa district.

In a letter addressed to Immigration Chief and signed by CDEDI Executive Director Sylvester Namiwa, the department has been tasked to review the permits within the next fourteen days.

The calls by CDEDI are coming after a scene in a video clip that can best be described as total chaos due to the language barrier.

In the clip, the Chinese nationals could neither speak English nor Chichewa and similarly, the locals could not speak Chinese language.

The video clip has prompted CDEDI to refer to the Immigration Act Section 4 that specifies prohibited immigrants and their entry into or presence within Malawi; precisely subsection 1(b) which talks about any person who is unable, by reason of deficient education, to read and write any one of any class of language as may be prescribed by the Minister by regulation to the satisfaction of an immigration officer.

“If the scene in the said clip is anything to go by, then it is clear that corners were cut in the vetting process before the issuance of the temporary employment permits to these Chinese nationals at Sino Hydro and China Power, which are involved in the construction of canals that form part of the Shire Valley Transformation Programme,” he said in a letter addressed to Immigration Chief Charles Kalumo.

Namiwa also noted that apart from the language, information in his possession shows that some of the foreign
nationals are working as fuel attendants, welders and general mechanics.

He said such malpractices needs to be checked because such jobs are not only meant for the locals but also gives reasonable grounds to suspect that this is not what they indicated in their applications for their respective permits.

He has therefore asked for an immediate response from the Immigration Chief so that there is sanity in the industry where there must be a realistic yardstick when sourcing expatriates.

Immigration department has confirmed receipt of the letter from CDEDI but has asked for more time to review its contents.

TNM named Internal Audit Awareness Champion

Malawi’s auditing authority, the Institute of Internal Auditors in Malawi (IIAM) has named TNM Plc as Malawi’s Internal Audit Awareness Champion for the year 2023.

The inaugural championship award was presented to TNM during the recent IIAM’s lakeshore conference in Mangochi.

IIAM Chief Executive Officer Albert Dambula said the award is in recognition of TNM’s contribution towards development of the internal audit profession in the country.

“The month of May is International Internal Audit Awareness Month where apart from activities carried out by the institute, member organizations are encouraged to promote development of the audit profession. TNM emerged a winner after implementing great awareness initiatives promoting good governance processes in their institution,” he said, adding the telco beat other organizations to the score.

Receiving the award, TNM’s Head of Internal Audit department Ackson Banda described the recognition as a great motivation.

“During the month of May, TNM in collaboration with the internal audit department implemented outstanding series of awareness initiatives both internal and external. While our initial efforts did not target an award, the recognition is a plus and gives us extra impetus to do more next year during the awareness month,” said Banda.

Banda said that the awareness campaign created a great platform for TNM staff to appreciate the role of auditors in the company.

He noted that the recognition adds great value towards TNM’s reputation in adherence to corporate governance requirements as a listed company.

“The award goes beyond recognizing our role in improving governance issues but enhance trust in our various stakeholders who will feel comfortable to make transactions with the Malawi’s best 4G and only 5G network,” he said.

Internal auditing is an independent, objective assurance and consulting activity designed to add value and improve an organization’s operations.

It involves identifying the risks that could keep an organization from achieving its goals, making sure the organization’s leaders know about these risks, and proactively recommending improvements to help reduce the risks.

FDH Bank contributes K10 million towards IPMM conference

FDH Bank plc has given K10 million to the Institute of People Management (IPMM) for their annual lakeshore conference set for November in Mangochi.

The Bank’s Senior Manager for Personal and Business Banking, Elizabeth Phoya delivered the cheque on behalf of FDH Bank where she commended their partnership with IPMM.

“We consider the Institute of People Management – Malawi a critical partner as they are the umbrella body that supports Human Resources in the country, and their initiatives contribute to capacity building of Human Resources professionals. IPMM is the driver of this industry-wide collaboration and we applaud the role they are playing.”

“These annual meetings provide a platform for growth for these critical professionals and we would like to ensure the success of the meeting by supporting them and in turn supporting the workforce in Malawi to achieve individual and economic growth,” she said.

Phoya further indicated that as the Bank is celebrating 15 years Committed to Growth (Magical 15), staff members have been a huge part of that growth because all the services and products that the Bank offers hinge on the human resources they have.

“We have a vibrant CSR portfolio that has the four pillars; Our Community, Our People, Our Economy and Our Environment. Staff members fall under Our People and we are keen on staff engagement. Building a strong work force leads to success of the company, develops the community and champions economic growth. And growth, as you know, is our currency,” she explained.

IPMM president, Godwin Ng’oma hailed FDH Bank for the support saying it will go a long way in covering some costs at the event.

“Human Resource is a backbone of every company, we therefore expect a lot of delegates as the conference offers an opportunity for the professionals to bang heads and bring feasible solutions in their respective companies,” he said.

The theme for this year’s conference is ‘Human Resources Management: Fostering Productivity, Diversity, and Change in a Multi-Generational Technological Driven Workplace’.

FDH commits K200 million for 30 Cyclone Freddy victims’ houses


FDH Bank plc has committed to build 30 houses for Cyclone Freddy victims in Phalombe, Chiradzulu and other districts worth K200 million as part of celebrating its 15 years of existence in the country. 

The Bank’s Managing Director, Noel Mkulichi disclosed that the two districts will be allocated K70 million each, while the other money will be given to other partners on the same initiative like Habitat for Humanity for the other districts. 

“As much as months have passed by and Government and various organizations including the Joyce Banda Foundation have been working tirelessly to restore what was lost; there is still a lot to be done and we should all come together to assist where possible.”

“As FDH Bank Plc, we have decided to offer further support to Cyclone Freddy Victims that is directed towards rehabilitating people who lost houses during the disaster,” said Mkulichi.

He further indicated that through the Bank’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) portfolio under the umbrella ‘FDH Cares’ with four pillars; ‘Our Community, Our People, Our Economy and Our Environment’, they ran a 10-week program with staff members called ‘FDH Freddy Friday’ where staff members contributed something towards the victims every time they wore their Flames Replica jerseys on Fridays.

“This is a huge part of our contribution to the community as we are celebrating 15 Years of Commitment to Growth (Magical 15) as we have remained committed to giving back to the community we operate in over the years.

“I urge all of us to work together to help the people that were worst hit by the disaster and I trust that we will have a progressive working relationship with the District Councils as we execute this project,” he explained. 

Phalombe District Commissioner, Douglas Moffat commended FDH Bank for the support. 

“We are grateful for the support we were given in March this year when the disaster fell upon us, but we needed to make sure that these people are back on their feet, especially their houses. Therefore, this support by FDH Bank has come at the right time. We just plead with the contractors to expedite the process as we are approaching the rainy season,” he said.

Earlier this year, FDH Bank provided an emergency relief package to Phalombe, Mulanje, Thyolo, Chiradzulu, Chikwawa, Blantyre, Mangochi, Nsanje, Zomba and Mwanza adding up to K100 million.

MCTU hails Castel Malawi, Workers Union


The Malawi Congress of Trade Unions (MCTU) has commended Castel Malawi and its Castel Malawi Workers Union (Camawu), for the good-working relationship which has the potential to benefit the economic development of the country.

MCTU Deputy Director responsible for workers’ education and members recruitment, Ms. Jessie Ching’oma made the remarks during the CAMAWU Annual General Meeting in Salima over the weekend.

“It is important that as a union mother-body, we ensure that we capacitate unions in Malawi. We are looking at the critical component and contribution of workers to the productivity and the profitability of companies. At the end of such interactions, we are looking at the resultant issue of national development.”

“As it has been reported by the Castel Malawi MD, that Castel Malawi is number two taxpayer to government, second from Illovo. We have been told that it pays taxes more than MK3 Billion per month, we are grateful for that. We need more investors like this to support revenue generating for our country. Actually, taxes are an important ingredient to economic development; enabling availability of necessary medicines, the exercise books for our schools, and as well as supporting smooth running of our country is.”

“We are also looking at issues of employee motivation, employee-employer relationship, and dialogue, which are critical in ensuring that we have a harmonious working environment.  Where there is provision of management and union engagement, employees positively contribute towards profitability and productivity of the company. We are all aware that Malawi is going through financial and economic difficulties including the climate change issues like Cyclone Freddy, not many companies can manage to release funds to support union activities in such tough times,” she explained.

Guest of Honour at the meeting, Castel Malawi Managing Director, Mr. Thomas Reynaud took time to share with the union the company’s further growth, a year after splitting with Cocacola.

“It is my ambition that in the next few months we will be designing a more efficient and more productive Castel Malawi. It has not been an easy road, because change comes with both positive and negative challenges. But I am happy to share with you that in this past year we have worked together very well although we had some months where our sales were below target and below last year. It is my wish that together we will continue to embrace any future changes as a team, with a positive mind and positive attitude,” he said.

The Human Resource and Corporate Affairs Director, Gloria Zimba also commended the cordial working relationship with Camawu.

“The Union invited the Castel Malawi management to the AGM, because they would like to understand and align with the company’s strategy as CAMAWU is planning for the 2024 calendar of events. They also wanted to know what management’s expectation of them is, for 2024, but also, to be given an appraisal of how we have worked with them in the 2023 financial year.”

“We believe and trust that there is no company that can do well, without its employees. We also believe that our employees are one of the greatest assets that we have. We don’t look at them as machines, they are people with emotions, therefore they need to be engaged. We understand that an engaged employee is a more productive and effective employee. They also feel valued, and if they feel valued, they are loyal to the company because they take ownership of whatever objectives you are driving at the organization, they take ownership of the company.”

“So, you work together, you walk together and you drive the business together. At Castel Malawi, we don’t believe in labelling our Union ‘black’. Just because the employees are voicing out issues then they cannot be called rebellious,” explained Zimba.

President of Camawu, Reuben Kapito also hailed the Castel Malawi management saying they take heed of the union concerns, and suggestions.

“In the past, the CAMAWU relationship with management was not conducive but since we started the union, we have seen a sense of recognition and engagement. Being in Union, we are a bridge between members of staff and management, so our main duty is to take concerns from the two parties. Minus union at an organisation, many people will suffer in silence,” said Kapito.

PressCane touts new fire-fighting truck


Ethanol distiller PressCane Limited has said its recent acquisition of a brand-new fire-fighting-truck will not only serve the company but the communities as well at no cost as part of its corporate social responsibility (CSR).

The fire-fighting truck became handy on Sunday when it helped put out a fire which gutted part of Dyeratu Market just a few metres from Press Cane ethanol plant in Chikwawa.

“We’re thrilled to announce a significant step in our commitment to safety by introducing our brand-new fire-fighting truck, a crucial addition to our Chikwawa distillery complex. This proactive measure is a testament to our dedication to ensuring safety not only within our complex but also within the community.”

“Our fire fighting personnel were called to help put out fire which started at Dyeratu Market which is not very far from our plant and we are glad that we could lend a helping hand to our community because this truck is not for only us but all the people of Chikwawa,” said Press Cane Sales and Marketing Manager Mercy Jumula Kamanga in an interview.

“We are proud to share that our skilled firefighters have recently successfully completed a rigorous training program, endorsed by experts from the Aviation Department. Given the high flammability of ethanol, this investment bolsters our confidence in effectively mitigating fire risks. At PressCane, safety remains our top priority,” added Kamanga. 

Dyeratu Market Chairperson Henry Chimwala said they suspect that the fire may have started from an electrical fault from an electricity pole and has destroyed merchandise for traders worth millions of kwachas.

He hailed Press Cane workers for putting out the fire using the fire-fighting truck.

Chikwawa Police Station Spokesperson Dickson Matemba said they have instituted investigations into the fire to understand its cause.

I prophesied about John Tembo’s death – Prophet Mtupa


Senior Prophet Rodrick Mtupa of Holy Place Cathedral International Ministries who is well known for his prophetic accuracy is in another fulfilled prophetic word.

In one his prophecies, the trusted God messenger Mtupa prophesied about the death of veteran politician John Zenus Ungapake Tembo.

“God showed me people paying their last respect to one of the legends in the political field, so, the whole Malawi was mourning for this particular person.

Am talking about a president of a certain political party in the country,” Prophet Mtupa told his congregation on December 31 last year during a cross over service.

Veteran politician Tembo who was the former President for the Malawi Congress Party (MCP), died on Wednesday morning September 27, 2023, aged 91.

JZU Tembo as fondly known in the political circles, died at a private clinic in Lilongwe where he got admitted to due to an acute pneumonia and dehydration according to his family members.

NBM gives financial dealers K2 million for conference


National Bank of Malawi (NBM) Plc has given K2 million to the Financial Dealers Association (FIMDA) for their lakeshore conference in October.

Speaking during a symbolic cheque presentation at NBM head office on Thursday, the Bank’s Treasury and Investment Banking Division Senior Dealer Lysan Pidini said they decided to donate towards the conference because financial market dealers have a role to play in the economy as they set the prices in the foreign exchange.

“As a Bank, we feel that we have a role to assist the financial market and the financial industry, that is why National Bank has decided today to support the FIMDA lake conference, we are quite sure that out of this conference, we are going to see brilliant ideas, and innovative products coming out and start a debate of issues that are affecting our economy,” said Pidini.

FIMDA General Secretary James Mbingwa said the association is very happy and appreciative of the sponsorship which will go a long way in organizing the conference.

“The conference is going to bring a lot of experts together to discuss matters that are affecting this nation and therefore a lot of the dealers present and participants are going to learn a lot from these experts.”

“If you look at this year’s conference theme, we trying to tackle issues that are affecting the nation in terms of the generation of forex, as dealers most of the time we are at the end where we are trading, we have foreign exchange market dealers that we trade in forex but tackling issues that are going to contribute to the generation of forex in the country,” said Mbingwa.

FIMDA will hold the conference in Mangochi from October 13 to 16 under the theme ‘The Role of Financial Market in Achievement of Agricultural Productivity and Commercialization’. 

FDH Bank launches MiniPOS


FDH Bank plc has launched a portable Point-Of-Sale (POS) machine to provide convenience to the customers and business owners.

Speaking during the launch of the machine called ‘Tswaa MiniPOS’ on Tuesday, FDH Bank plc Senior Manager for Digital Sales, Yamikani Mbawala said the Bank wants small to medium sized businesses to join the digital banking revolution and win in their businesses.

“Tswaa MiniPOS is a small POS which looks like a phone, like a Nokia 3310 that fits in your pockets. This is to enhance small businesses as we have a lot of businesses in town but they are unable to take card transactions because they don’t have a POS and Banks are not willing to give them a POS because their transaction volumes are small, they don’t do as many transactions as other businesses.”

“So, we got these POSs to cater for that particular market like that supermarket where you live, a small market in Chirimba, Machinjiri, or Area 23. We want this POS to get to all those places where now you can transact using cards.”

“The Reserve Bank set this year June that every business has to have a digital payment system, we are just responding to that call. So, we encourage merchants, customers to apply for this Tswaa POS,” said Mbawala.

One of the customers, Mathambo Lowole, who is the owner of Sunnyside Lodge commended FDH Bank for the innovation saying the portability excites customers to carry it through wherever they are conducting businesses.

“It is an innovation that we have been looking forward to. Looking at the first POS machine we had to charge it, so it did not come in handy because sometimes we have to be invited to outside events. Sometimes you have to go there at 5pm and by 12 o’clock you want to charge but there is already a commotion, so this gadget will help us on outside events. It has also been designed to provide proof of payment to both the merchant and customer,” he said.

According to Mbawala, the MiniPOS is compatible with all Bank cards.

The MiniPOS eliminates the cost and risks of handling cash and disruption of businesses for trips to the Bank, increases sales by increasing payment options, enhances accountability and maintains audit trail, and offers personalized relationship management by dedicated bank officials assigned to merchants.

To the customers, the MiniPOS machine offers convenience through quick and easy to use payment methods, no extra charges for paying by card, safety by eliminating risks involved as in carrying cash, and also enhances accountability through the ability to monitor personal finances.

CK Family Demands K300 million After Police Brutally Assaulted to death Hubby 


A family in Chikwawa district has written the office of the Attorney General (AG) expressing intention to sue government over the death of Wilford TheniFord Mulepa who was assaulted by police and later on died.

Wilford TheniFord Mulepa was a government employee, working for water department in Chikwawa district. In December 2022 he was arrested by Livuzu Police Unit on allegations that he had stolen some items from his work place. He was brutally assaulted by officers while in custody. On 19th December, 2022, he was taken to Chikwawa District Hospital by the officers where he died. 

According to a letter from the hospital addressed to the family’s lawyer, Ambokire Salimu of Salimu and Associates, revealed that TheniFord Mulepa was diagnosed with severe head injury and died on 22nd December, 2022 at around 10pm.

The letter dated 11 September, 2023 is in response to Salimu’s request for post-mortem report. The hospital letter is signed by Doctor Grace Momba (Director of Health and Social Services) and reveals that no post-mortem was done on Wilford TheniFord Mulepa.

In an interview with this publication Salimu said his firm is pursuing the case following instructions from Mulepa’s wife and son.

In a letter to AG dated 8th September, 2023, the aggrieved family is seeking K300 million for damages.

 “We hold the Malawi Government responsible for the death of Mr. Mulepa. This letter therefore serves as a notice of our client’s intention to sue the Malawi Government for the sum of K300, 000,000 being K250, 000,000 punitive damages in respect of the atrocious and cowardly act of the Police in bludgeoning Mr. Mulepa to death and K50, 000,000 general damages relating to the death of Mr. Mulepa in police custody,” reads the letter in part.

There was no immediate comment from Attorney General’s office on the matter. Malawi Police has on several occasions come under criticism for their brutal treatment of suspects under their custody. One prominent case is of the reggae music icon, late Evison Matafale who died in police custody in 2001. Another case of brutality is of the death of Buleya Lule, a suspect of albino killings, who died in police custody.

Concerned citizens want action to save Michiru Mountain


A group of people calling themselves ‘Concerned Citizens’ have asked the Department of National Parks and Wildlife to deploy additional game rangers to the Michiru Mountain Conservation Area to combat and stop the poaching and protect tourists.

In their letter, titled ‘Urgent Action Required to Halt Wanton Destruction and Poaching in Michiru Mountain Conservation Area’ the citizens lament the alarming situation unfolding in the conservation area over the past month.

“For the past month, Michiru Mountain Conservation Area has been subject to wanton destruction and rampant tree cutting, primarily for the production of charcoal. This illegal activity decimates our invaluable indigenous tree species and occurs along the tourist route to the peak of Michiru. Even more concerning is the brazen aggression exhibited by these poachers, who have not hesitated to block the trail with fallen trees; taunt and menace tourists attempting to enjoy this natural treasure.”

“Another concerning aspect of this issue is the fear instilled in our game rangers. They are too few in number to effectively combat the poachers, and their fear of being attacked has made it nearly impossible for them to accompany tourists. This not only endangers the lives of the rangers but also leaves the tourists vulnerable to harm. We kindly request the deployment of additional game rangers to Michiru Mountain Conservation Area to combat and stop the poaching and protect tourists,” reads the letter.

According to the grouping, the consequences of this unchecked exploitation are grave and far-reaching as indigenous trees play a crucial role in maintaining ecological balance, and losing them may lead to disastrous environmental effects, including increased flooding in lower-settled areas and the long-term degradation of the entire ecosystem.

They also fear that the degradation of Michiru’s natural beauty and the intimidation of tourists by the poachers may result in a decline in the number of visitors to the protected area, which may also lead to a significant loss of income and further degradation of the conservation area.

“As concerned citizens, we implore the Department of National Parks and Wildlife to take urgent and decisive action to address this dire situation. Our inaction will undoubtedly result in the complete loss of the only protected area within Blantyre, with dire consequences for our environment and the well-being of both Malawians and the tourists, including church and school groups, who frequent Michiru,” reads the letter in part.

Standing 1,460 meters above sea level, Michiru Mountain is the only surviving protected area in Blantyre after Ndirande, Mpingwe, and Soche were destroyed in a similar pattern.

NBM supports PRSM and REIAMA conferences


National Bank of Malawi Plc (NBM) has given K3 million to the Public Relations Society of Malawi (PRSM) and K2 million to the Renewable Energy Industries Association of Malawi (REIAMA) for their annual conferences in October.

Speaking during the symbolic cheque presentation at NBM towers in Blantyre on Friday, Marketing and Corporate Affairs Manager Akossa Hiwa said the zeal to support PRSM came about after recognizing the vital role effective communication plays in fostering trust, transparency, and engagement with stakeholders.  

“We are inspired by the dedication and passion of the PRSM in advancing the profession. We firmly believe that by investing in the development of PR practitioners, we are investing in the future of our country. The knowledge, skills, and networks forged at events like these are invaluable assets to both individuals and organizations,” said Hiwa.

PRSM Executive member Rachel Kalera Mhango said society is excited and motivated by NBM’s donation towards the 2023 lake conference-themed ‘Complete Communicator’.

“PRSM members should look out for a platform that will give them time to interact, engage, learn, and also develop new ideas in regard to public relations. The society exists to ensure enhancement of professional and ethical standards in public relations and communication in various sectors in Malawi,” said Kalera Mhango.

And to REIAMA, NBM Retail Banking Senior Manager Eric Bob Munthali said the Bank firmly believes in the power of partnerships and the potential of renewable energy to transform Malawi.

“Energy is the lifeblood of the economy and its sustainable development is crucial for the prosperity of Malawi and the realization of the MW2063 agenda. We understand the critical role that the energy sector plays in driving economic growth, creating jobs, and improving the quality of life,” said Munthali.

REIAMA president Soustain Chigalu hailed NBM for the timely assistance towards the 2023 National Energy Conference themed ‘Energy Diversification for Sustainable Development’.   

“As a country, we need to work together, Banks, Renewable energy associations, government, and all sector players to ensure this vision towards Malawi 2063 as well as SDG 7 by 2030 is achieved and people have clean, affordable and sustainable energy,” said Chigalu.

PRSM will hold its 2023 lake conference from October 5 to 7 in Mangochi, while REIAMA will hold its conference in Salima from October 26 to 27. 

Castel Malawi calls for responsible drinking


Largest alcoholic beverages producer, Castel Malawi has called on Malawians to exercise caution on the roads by among other things, drinking responsibly, to avoid accidents.

Castel Malawi Human Resources and Corporate Affairs Director, Gloria Zimba made the call during the launch of a Road Safety Awareness Campaign in Blantyre on Friday.

The campaign, which will run up to November 2023, comes following a series of defensive driving trainings that the company conducted for its truck drivers, scooter riders, and all employees driving company cars with the hope of reducing accidents in the country.

“We have given the campaign the theme ‘Yendani Bwino Pamseu, Samalani Moyo’ because we are one of the big corporate organizations in Malawi, we are the second tax-payer in Malawi. We have seen and we hear almost every day of road accidents, so we think it’s not on to leave the
initiative of fighting road accidents only to the government.”

“We want to lead in the private sector assisting the government and partnering with the government to talk about road safety because whoever is on the road is a citizen of Malawi, is our customer and is
a breadwinner somewhere, even if they are young, but they have a future ahead of them.”

“We know we are producing, selling and distributing alcoholic beverages which are just there for socializing.

We don’t want people to take that social drink and end up dying because they are of no use to anyone including their families, and country if they die.

 That is why Castel Malawi talks about responsible drinking, responsible driving, being a responsible citizen, even the pedestrian,” she explained.

Chief Road Traffic Officer at the Directorate of Road Traffic and Services, Madalitso Gunsaru commended Castel Malawi for the initiative while calling for the need to comply with road safety rules.

“Castel Malawi has involved us on several occasions to train its Drivers and Scooter Riders in defensive driving. They also supported the National Road Safety Awareness campaign last year in Mzuzu. This
shows their commitment to ensuring that everybody adheres to the rules of the road as we strive to reduce accidents in the country,” he said.

According to Gunsaru, last year the country recorded 1, 068 road fatalities, of which 680 involved motorcyclists, cyclists, and pedestrians.

The campaign by Castel Malawi will target markets and trading centres across the country which are prone to road accidents.

NBM hail vendors on loan repayments


National Bank of Malawi Plc (NBM) has applauded vendors for performing extremely well in Taoloka Finance loan repayment surpassing other  special customer segments.

NBM’s Head of Retail Banking Oswin Kasunda said this during the Bank’s interaction with vendors in Blantyre on Thursday.  

According to Kasunda, the vendors are conducting their accounts well and are able to pay back the loans, saying the Bank has so far only experienced a five-percent default rate.   

“Credit is about risk, in the banking business there is always a risk so if you give out loans you don’t expect to have a 100 percent repayment rate as of now the default rate is about five percent which is  very good and acceptable.”

“Now that the performance is satisfactory as far as the Bank is concerned, it is time we consider extending the package to  other towns. We have already received inquiries from Mangochi, Kasungu,  Mchinji and others so we will now consider  going out of the four cities,” said Kasunda.

Tiyanjane Juma from Limbe Flea Market said when the product was launched in August last year she was in doubt, but now the Taoloka Finance loan has helped boost her business.

“After following all the instructions, the Bank gave me a loan and I can testify my business is no longer the same,” said Juma.

NBM launched the Taoloka Finance product last year, in the country’s four cities of Blantyre, Lilongwe, Mzuzu and Zomba to help vendors have access to financial services through the Bank.

CDEDI pushes for declaration of state of hunger, launches Chakudya Ufulu Wanga initiative


By Iommie Chiwalo

The Centre for Democracy and Economic Development Initiatives (CDEDI) has launched a project dubbed ‘CHAKUDYA
UFULU WANGA’ which, among other things, seeks to build on the unity of purpose demonstrated when Cyclone Freddy struck in March 2023.

Speaking during the launch in Phalombe CDEDI Executive Director Sylvester Namiwa said time has come for sustainable solutions by not encouraging handouts.

He said his organisation has identified the forgotten poor to benefit from food rations and farm inputs and trained in Mbeya fertilizer and soap making as well as some artisan skills in order to increase food production and improve household incomes.

The project has started with the Cyclone Freddy affected districts of Phalombe, Mulanje, Chiradzulu, Chikwawa and Nsanje and, of course, the forgotten urban poor in the cities Blantyre and Lilongwe.

As a way of realising power in consolidated efforts, CDEDI has partnered Peacock Seeds to provide hybrid drought tolerant seed on soft loan.

He also disclosed about the engagement of Bridging Gap Enterprises to train those trapped in the vicious circle of poverty in both rural and urban areas in soap-making.

“As if that is not enough, we are also working with Onani Enterprises to train the farming community in making Mbeya fertilizer and other affordable technologies that would increase food productivity at household level,” he said.

On the source of funding, the CDEDI Executive Director said the project will be funded by a crowd-funding initiative to be announced in due

“Those of us that are better off should be our brother’s keeper by sharing the little we have with our relatives, friends and neighbours,” he adds.

On his part, Phalombe District Assistant Community Development Officer, Sydney Mkata who represented the District Commissioner said the initiative taken by CDEDI is worth supporting because it is sustainable.

“This initiative by CDEDI has brought about excitement to the communities because is a long term solution that will help reduce persistent food scarcity.

And a beneficiary of the initiative Esnart Kulowani said apart from enhancing hygiene, the soap making skill is going to improve their economic situation.

Asking Namiwa if it is not the way to run away from his usual advocacy, he said CDEDI is not relenting in pushing for affordable maize prices and free food distribution to the ultra-poor, regardless of their political colours.

He has since reiterated on the calls to President Lazarus Chakwera and his Tonse Alliance administration to stop pretending that they have capacity to solve the food, forex, fuel and fertiliser (4Fs) crises threatening the survival of the majority Malawians.

“We hereby call for a high-level stakeholders meeting to draw a roadmap towards declaring a state of disaster and appeal for donor support in time,” he said.

Namiwa has also expressed worries with the rainy season fast approaching saying that there is a serious uncertainty over
availability of maize and fertilizer in the country coupled with worsening scarcity of fuel and
essential drugs due to forex shortage.

“Equally worrying are persistent fuel queues, unfortunately, for which the President and his government do not seem to have a solution. Simply put, despite all the rhetoric about maize availability in the country, most Agriculture
Development and Marketing Corporation (ADMARC) selling points are empty, and fertilizer is nowhere to be seen yet rains are just around the corner,” he said.

He said conclusively that Malawians are in for real trouble, because once the rains begin most parts of the countryside will be inaccessible owing to the poor state of the road network, especially in areas affected by Cyclone Freddy.

NBM to refurbish Luanar and Unima basketball courts


National Bank of Malawi (NBM) Plc has reiterated its commitment to refurbish Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources (Luanar) and University of Malawi (Unima) basketball courts this year to leave a lasting legacy in the sports infrastructure development in the country.

Speaking during the launch of the fourth season of Mo626 College Basketball tournament in Blantyre at the weekend, NBM e-Money Services Manager Chirwa said this is part of the additions in the sponsorship of the tournament which increased from K63 million last year to K150 million per year.

“As National Bank, we are also undertaking to refurbish basketball courts in Malawi, so for the first year we are going to refurbish Luanar and Unima basketball courts, we are also going to improve the facilities in anticipation that this will grow the sportsmanship in the basketball arena.”

“We have increased the prizes for the teams that will win in this tournament, the number one team will walk away with K5 million, while the runner-up gets K3 million and the second runner-up K2 million. This is an increase from our previous prizes which ranged from K2.5 million to K750 thousand,” said Chirwa.

In his remarks, President of the Basketball Association of Malawi (BASMAL) Chief Masabani Jere said the association is very happy that they can count on the National Bank of Malawi year in, year out.

“We are looking forward to making sure that basketball becomes a household sport, in conjunction with the Ministry of Education under the Malawi Secondary Schools Programme we want to make sure that the grassroots are being included in basketball.”

“Malawi sponsorships are very hard to come by and in this case, we are making sure that we utilize the K450 million over the next three years to the fullest by making sure basketball is well exposed, the infrastructure development program is on track and to introduce the sport to young players,” said Jere.

MUST men’s team player Paul Koloko said he is excited and ready for the tournament.

“We are happy that National Bank has brought season four back into play,” said Koloko.

In the opening games MUST ladies beat KUHeS Ladies  21-5, while MUBAS men beat MUST men 55-44.

NBM started sponsoring college basketball in 2017 as a tool to foster inter-university student interaction.

TNM gives NGO regulatory body K5 Million boost


Malawi’s pioneering mobile network and ICT services provider, TNM Plc, has contributed K5 million to the Non-Governmental Organization Regulatory Authority (NGORA) towards the organisation’s 2023 Lakeshore Conference.

This year’s NGORA annual lakeshore conference will be held from 28–29 September, 2023 at Sunbird Nkopola in Mangochi under the theme: 21st Century Boardroom Dynamics: Repositioning the Accountability of NGOs.

Presenting the contribution, TNM Director of Business Services Tawina Dzungu said the mobile telco appreciates the role of NGORA in regulating the NGO industry.

She noted that NGORA’s regulation is helping to bring sanity in the NGO sector in terms of accountability and governance, a development which has turned NGOs into attractive partners for national development efforts with the private sector.

“At TNM, we recognize and appreciate the critical role of NGORA in regulating NGOs in Malawi. As a partner for national development, TNM is working closely with NGO partners to support people at the grassroots level using mobile network technologies such as Mpamba, which through mobile cash transfers, is helping deepen financial inclusion in the remotest parts of the country. Hence our contribution is in line with this position,” said Dzungu.

She said TNM’s partnership with respective NGOs under NGORA is helping to contribute to economic growth through job creation, enterprise development and technology transfer.

The Business Services Director said TNM looks forward to continuing working with NGORA and relevant NGOs in applying mobile technology as a catalyst for economic growth and national development at all sectors.

Chairperson for Non Governmental Organization Regulatory Authority (NGORA) Shadreck Malenga said the upcoming conference is an important platform for NGOs to build capacity in governance and learn new trends in environmental sustainability.

“We are hoping that participants in the conference will be able to incorporate 21st century trends in their operations and be able to see how we can apply them within the Malawian framework and context of Agenda 2063,” he said.

PIL moves to scale up fuel supply


Petroleum Importers Limited (PIL) has moved to scale up the importation of fuel in the country through rail with 11 wagons of petrol offloaded in Blantyre yesterday.

The 11 wagons carried 466,000 litres of petrol and the company says it is expecting another 255,000 litres of the commodity to arrive through rail any day this week.

PIL General Manager Martin Msimuko said PIL, a consortium of oil marketing companies namely Puma Energy, Total Energies, Petroda and Vivo Energy, is also loading 700,000 litres of diesel from Nacala port in Mozambique to be transported through rail.

“We are also in the process of loading close to 3 million litres of petrol to come by trucks from the ports of Beira and Dar es Salaam,” said Msimuko.

He, however, noted that forex remains a significant hurdle in bringing adequate supplies, but said PIL has engaged banks to support the same in ensuring adequate fuel supply in the country.

Malawi has been facing fuel shortages since July due to foreign exchange shortages caused by supply and demand imbalances in the domestic foreign exchange market.

Castel Malawi engages business partners


Malawi’s largest alcoholic beverages producer, Castel Malawi engaged its stakeholders in all the three regions of the country where they were trained on due diligence, compliance, and corporate social responsibility strategy.

The training was organized to ensure that the stakeholders adhere to ethical standards, legal requirements, good governance, and operational efficiencies.

Castel Malawi Director of Corporate Affairs Gloria Zimba said they decided to meet its stakeholders, which included business partners and suppliers to ensure that all players are ethical in their business conduct, as  regards compliance to business policies and procedures of Castel Malawi.

“One of the pillars of our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) at Castel Malawi is to ‘increase compliance throughout the value chain’ hence, Castel Malawi is committed to provide trainingon the code of conduct, due diligence, as well as to share our CSR strategy.”

“We are happy that we received very good feedback. The sessions went on well in Mzuzu, Lilongwe and Blantyre. We are grateful to our stakeholders for attending these meetings and training sessions. For Castel Malawi, public image on what we are doing in terms of social responsibility projects can influence among other things; our competitive advantage and our corporate reputation.” said Zimba.

On due diligence, Zimba said the participants were briefed on how the procedure has been integrated within the existing processes.

“The participants were taken through the procedure for conducting a Due Diligence Process to identify high risk suppliers as defined in our standards. In addition, participants were given a demonstration on the type of assessment questions that the company uses, the assessment criteria, contractual and support measures taken, in case of non-compliance,” explained Zimba.

Speaking during the stakeholder engagement in Blantyre, Castel Malawi Head of Legal and Company Secretary Chipiliro Kauka said in 2019, the Castel Group introduced a Compliance Program to ensure that its subsidiaries adhere to ethical standards, legal requirements, good governance, and operational efficiency.

She said the Group introduced the Code of Conduct which is applicable to all employees in all subsidiaries but noted that there are some principles which apply to their business partners (Suppliers and Distributors) like Whistleblowing, Conflict of Interest, Bribery and Trading of Influences, Compliance with laws and regulations and others.

Kauka gave several examples where major companies and corporations have been fined and charged hefty amounts, some as far as US$1 billion for non-compliance.

“So, you should know that as our suppliers or business partners, anything you do that is not compliant with the law, may end up affecting us as a company and when we are in trouble, it may mean that you are also in trouble because you will not be able to do business when we are shut down,” said Kauka.

One of the stakeholders Peter Mvalo, who is Sales Manager for Hartfield Investments hailed Castel Malawi for organizing the stakeholders meeting and the training sessions, saying the company is ‘serious’ in its conduct of business by including its partners to be compliant to laws and regulations.



Standard Bank Plc has launched the second cohort of its award-winning SME incubation program, Phuka focusing on agriculture value chain creation in partnership with in partnership with the Centre for Agriculture Transformation (CAT) and Synergy Labs.

The program—now in its second year—will award seed capital of K10 million to the best pitched bankable idea among young Phuka incubates for agribusinesses.

Head of Business and Commercial Banking Graham Chipande said at the launch on Friday in Lilongwe the second cohort will be conducted in partnership with the Centre for Agriculture Transformation (CAT), a science, technology and business incubation hub.

Chipande said the bank’s incubation program aims at empowering small and medium enterprise and equipping them with skills and knowledge to propel their business to greater heights.

“Standard Bank is committed to transform the economic landscape through sectors that contribute to the development of the country. We believe that together we can create a brighter and sustainable future for the agricultural industry. We will continue to be a key driver of Agribusiness value chain in Malawi to enable efficiency of every player in the sector. It is our hope that the innovation around our Phuka Incubator Hub will benefit the industry in the long run. Our call is for all the incubates to make full use of period to ensure sustainability and growth of their businesses,” he said.

He said this year’s incubates will be introduced to investors to help, gain industry experience, mentorship and receive valuable feedback from industry experts.

CAT Executive Director Macloud Nkhoma said incubates and other economic stakeholders need to borrow a leaf from Standard Bank’s initiative of forging partnership aiming to unleash the country’s growth potential. He also called for a shift in mindset by entrepreneurs towards embracing partnerships and profit oriented Joint Ventures.

“Experience shows that most small businesses in Malawi fail to progress because of individualism. Often SMEs do not want to venture in business partnerships, which is bad for progress. This is why I implore upon businesses to consider partnerships because it gives room for more interventions that are successful and sustainable,” he said.

Nkhoma said the Malawi 2063 vision prioritizes agricultural productivity, diversification, and commercialization, which require partnerships to actualize.

“Partnerships will be very crucial and extremely important to catalyze us to achieve this Malawi 2063 vision so that we become a country that is producing, earning forex and succeeding in all that we do,” he said.

Nkhoma said the Africa Continental Free Trade Area (ACFTA) will open a huge market opportunities and Malawi being an agro-based economy there are several opportunities for entrepreneurs to seize.

Through its partnership with the CAT and Synergy Labs, Standard Bank plans to enroll 70 entrepreneurs for the current cohort. To run for six weeks, the cohort will culminate into a Phuka Pitch Night #AgricEdition where the successful pitcher will win K10 million prize money to use as capital in their venture.

Standard Bank conducts second Switch and Win Draw…Satisfied with role of empowering customers


In the count-down to the K10 Million grand prize of the Switch your Salary and Win promotion, Standard Bank Plc has expressed satisfaction with the positive impact that the cash prizes are having on customer lives.

Speaking during the second draw of the promotion Thursday, which saw customer Joseph Mandala winning the K1 million monthly prize, Head of Personal Banking Takula Kapalamula said the promotion is transforming lives.

He said so far, the promotion’s objective of converting salary earners from other banks into Standard Bank Plc customers with access to flexible loans, was being achieved.

“Following the first draw in August, we are proud to report that winners are making opportune use of the funds. Some are paying for education and groceries for the home, while some envisage investing their wins in profitable businesses,” he said, in reference to customers Deziderio Mangani, Lameck Tamu and Dickson Mvula who won the major cash prizes of K1 million, K500,000 and K200,000 during the first draw.

Kapalamula said the bank is proud to be making a difference in the lives of its customers who have embraced a transformative mindset of aiming to improve their individual wealth and taking their lives to a greater level.

“As in the case of the Mangani family, the Switch promotion has helped them to invest in the education of their children and in a meaningful way ensure that the next generation in his family is better off,” he said.

Kapalamula said the promotion has seen more Malawians moving to join Standard Bank, which in turn is taking over their loans while offering them flexible repayment terms of up to five years.

“Standard Bank has several market leading products, and we are one of the few Banks that offer a seamless loan process. We have specialist divisions like our Bancassurance department which allows clients to have a one stop solution to all their financial needs. Many clients are not fully versed that we offer insurance products inhouse with the option for clients to access comprehensive vehicle insurance and funeral plans which can be serviced straight from your account. Standard Bank clients can also access our 247 digital platforms on their mobile device, laptop or personal computer,” he said.

The four-month promotion will see clients winning cash prizes every month and a grand prize of K10 million will be given at the end of the promotion after entries close on 31st October 2023.

Standard Bank is a member of the Standard Bank Group, Africa’s largest bank by assets with a presence in 27 African countries. The Bank has a deep heritage of providing class leading products and services in Malawi.

FDH supports MUST Endowment Fund with K100 million


FDH Bank plc has given K100 million to the Malawi University of Science and Technology (MUST) for its Endowment Fund meant to support the needy students at the institution.

Speaking during the MUST Back to Campus Charity Golf Tournament on Saturday, FDH Managing Director, Noel Mkulichi said the Bank decided to support the cause because they believe that ‘Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world and indeed we can all come together and change Malawi and the world by supporting education.’

“FDH Bank Plc has always been committed to supporting education in the country. Under our sustainability program, FDH Cares, we have four pillars; Our People, Our Community, Our Economy, and Our Environment with education falling under Our Community,” said Mkulichi.

Mkulichi further said the Bank works with various stakeholders and aligns with Malawi 2063 and the UN Sustainable Development Goals to propel the country forward through different activities.

“MUST has been our partner for a long time, and we have supported students at the school and various efforts. Partnering with MUST is always a great opportunity for us to achieve mutual objectives and we applaud the role that MUST is playing in the country at large especially during the innovation era we are in,” he said.

He further applauded Vice President Saulos Klaus Chilima and the Malawi Government for various efforts towards improving education in the country as well as MUST Vice Chancellor Dr. Address Malata and her whole management team at MUST for the successful initiatives over the years.

Taking his turn, Chilima, who was the guest of honour at the event, commended the corporate world for the support in ensuring that more students remain in various tertiary institutions.

MUST Endowment Fund was launched in 2017.

FDH Bank celebrates 15-year growth


Malawi Stock Exchange listed FDH Bank on Friday celebrated its 15-year growth through a parade in Blantyre City.

The Bank opened its doors in 2018 by business mogul Thomson Mpinganjira.

Addressing the staff, customers and other people who joined the parade, FDH Bank’s Head of Human Resources, Chrispin Chikwama touted the 15-year journey saying it has enabled the clients to grow their businesses, employees to pursue and achieve their dreams, and growing the community in which they operate.

“Fifteen years ago, when we opened our first branch, we never imagined we could have the biggest branch network in Malawi, nor list on the Malawi Stock Exchange, and so many other things we have achieved over the years, but here we are now. We have grown from a single branch to 52 branches, from one ATM to 91 ATMs, and from zero to over 6,000 Banki Pakhomo agents.

“In June 2023, we released our half year financial statement with a Profit after Tax of K15 billion from a loss-making position in our first few years; all this could not have happened without the continued support of different stakeholders,” said Chikwama.

He further indicated that the Bank aspires to continue the growth path and stay committed to growing the economy by supporting the corporate clients, SMEs, and retail customers as they pursue their own growth.

“Most importantly, we stay committed to supporting our community through the different sectors of Education, Health, Sports, Environment, and other areas. In this ever-changing environment, we have remained committed to our core values while providing the best financial solutions and services to our clients. We have been committed to growth, we are growing and we will remain committed to growth,” concluded Chikwama.

Early this year, the Bank announced a 97-percent increase in its profit-after-tax for the year ending December 31, 2022 to K22.9 billion.

TNM contributes K3M to ICAM


Malawi’s pioneering mobile network and ICT services provider, TNM Plc, has contributed K3 million towards the Institute of Chartered Accountants (ICAM) lakeshore conference.

The conference, slated from Thursday, September 14-16 2023 is being hosted under the theme: “Creating Value: Building a Sustainable Economy Towards the Malawi 2063” at Sun ‘n’ Sand in Mangochi.

According to Lloyd Gowera, TNM’s Chief Technical Officer, the contribution signifies the telco’s appreciation to the accounting body’s integral role in the development of the country.

“ICAM is our strategic partner which has contributed positively to the growth of the country as well as TNM hence our contribution to ensure sustainability of their impact to the accounting profession and the economy,” said Gowera.

He said the conference agenda adds great value towards attainment of MW2063 vision which speaks to TNM’s purpose of transforming lives.

“Away from managing and interpreting financials, accountants are solutionists because they provide a homegrown approach to grow our businesses and the economy at large. Therefore, the conference is a great step towards achievement of the MW2063 vision,” he said.

TNM believes that ICAM’s conference provides a platform for professionals to share new ideas, measure the successes and assess the contribution of accountants in the country.

Receiving the donation in Blantyre, Noel Zigowa ICAM’s Chief Executive Officer said that the donation cements the mutual relationship between the two institutions. 

“We are grateful to TNM for the kind gesture which will go a long way towards conference preparations. TNM is our long-time partner, and this contribution signifies the growth of our partnership,” said Zigowa.

He has assured Malawians that this year’s conference will be more effective as the discussion will zero-in on the MW2063.

“Malawi is going through turbulent economic environment which could deter progress of development. This year’s conference will equip accountants to be part of the solution and make meaningful contribution towards MW 2063,” he said.

The accounting body is geared towards expounding issues that affect the growth of the economy. In addition, it is expected that further exploration will be made on the effective exploitation of digital solutions to the profession, a an area where TNM is a key enabler.

The guest of honor for this year’s conference is Dr. Thomas Munthali, Director General of National Planning Commission.

Police, MRA cases await Humair Jussab’s arrest


Police in Blantyre are still hunting for businessman Humair Salim Mahomed Sidik Jussab, months after Chief Resident Magistrate Court in Blantyre issued a warrant of arrest against him over a ‘hot car’.

Humair, who is also wanted by Malawi Revenue Authority (MRA), is said to have lied to the tax-collecting body that he was a student returning to Malawi from South Africa to evade duty on a VW Amarok, double cab, which he registered as BZ 1382, in his name.

The car was discovered by a recent Interpol search which Malawi Police Service joined, and they relocated it at a garage in Blantyre.

Humair, a young brother to another on the run businessman Mohamed Shabir Salim Jussab, also wanted by police with a warrant of arrest hanging on his head for a number of criminal charges, will be answering to the charges by police relating to the ‘hot car’ and also to MRA for the duty evasion.

Sources both at police in Blantyre and MRA said the cases would move upon his arrest. He is reported to be outside Malawi, just like his brother Shabir who was last reported to be in Saudi Arabia.

Shabir’s warrant of arrest was issued for alleged cyber harassment offences.

The warrant of arrest issued against Humair requires investigators from Blantyre Police Station who applied for it to hunt the suspect and bring him before the court.

“This is to authorise and require you to enter into upon and arrest the said suspect, and if arrested, to take possession of the said suspect and produce the same forthwith before this court,” reads the warrant of arrest in part.

The warrant explains the offence is suspected to have occurred on December 15 2022 when the suspect brought the car into Malawi dishonestly.

On the other hand, police are also investigating Kauser Salim Jussab, a mother to Humair and Shabir, over another car also suspected to be hot.

Police, under Anti-Motor Car Theft Department based at South West Region Police, have been hunting for Kauser in connection to information they have that her Mercedes Benz, registration number HENN4 is a stolen car.

Our sources at South West Region Police disclosed that officers went to Fasa Factory in Mapanga a couple of weeks ago, owned by her family, looking for her and the car, but they did not find her and the car.

The family of Jussab is being implicated in numerous scams immediately after Shabir left Malawi for Saudi Arabia.

More trouble for Jussab family, police after mother for ‘hot car’


Police in Blantyre are investigating Kauser Salim Jussab over a car suspected to be hot, and the suspect is a mother to on the run businessmen Mohamed Shabir Salim Jussab and Humair Salim Mahomed Sidik Jussab, wanted by police for multiple criminal charges.

Police, under Anti-Motor Car Theft Department based at South West Region Police, have been hunting for Kauser in connection to information they have that her Mercedes Benz, registration number HENN4 is a stolen car.

Our sources at South West Region Police disclosed that officers went to Fasa Factory in Mapanga a couple of weeks ago, owned by her family, looking for her and the car, but they did not find her and the car.

“Investigations are ongoing. It is our expectation that she would surrender herself here because we left a message,” said one source.

Meanwhile, Malawi Revenue Authority (MRA) is also tightening a noose on Kauser’s son, Shabir, after his Limbe-based company, RR Trading, reportedly evaded duty on K50 million worth of school uniforms supplied to St. Andrews International Primary School in Blantyre.

On the other hand, St. Andrews has said it was not aware of issues surrounding RR Trading that it evaded duty, adding the school was only waiting to be informed of what it is required to be paid to the revenue collecting body.

Shabir is embroiled in a number of criminal offences and is on the run for months now, with warrants of arrests hanging on his head.

MRA disclosed it was gathering evidence on the duty evasion matter involving RR Trading.

St. Andrews International Primary School admitted RR Trading supplied them with uniforms, but were not aware about the duty evasion issues.

The family of Jussab is being implicated in numerous scams immediately after Shabir left Malawi for Saudi Arabia.

MRA sources earlier also disclosed that businessman Humair, a young brother to Shabir, lied to authorities at the tax-collecting body on a hot car he brought in Malawi that he was a student returning home from school in South Africa to evade paying duty.

MRA sources said the businessman used special exemptions MRA offer for certain individuals to evade the duty.

“Through our ongoing investigations, in collaboration with police, we have discovered that duty was not paid for this car in question, BZ 1382, VW double cab. We know it was being repaired at a garage in Blantyre, Fernando Motors. We have taken special interest and we are investigating the matter further.

“The unfortunate part is that we have learnt that the person in question [Humair Jussab] is not in the country and police are also looking for him on other criminal charges in connection to the same car,” an officer disclosed earlier.

Chief Resident Magistrate Court in Blantyre recently issued a warrant of arrest against Humair over the car.

This is after Interpol joined by Malawi Police Service, managed to trace the car at the garage.

Shabir is also suspected to be on the run after another warrant of arrest was also issued against him earlier for alleged cyber harassment offences.

The warrant of arrest issued against Humair requires investigators from Blantyre Police Station who applied for it to hunt the suspect and bring him before the court.

“This is to authorise and require you to enter into upon and arrest the said suspect, and if arrested, to take possession of the said suspect and produce the same forthwith before this court,” reads the warrant of arrest in part.

The warrant explains the offence is suspected to have occurred on December 15 2022 when the suspect brought the car into Malawi dishonestly.

MPS investigators carried out an operation in selected districts that included Blantyre and Mangochi.

The Interpol recovered four vehicles, including this Amarok VW registered in Humair’s name.

MRA tightening noose on RR Trading sch uniform ‘duty evasion’…St. Andrews says was not aware of ‘duty evasion’


Malawi Revenue Authority (MRA) has said it was still gathering evidence on a reported case of Limbe-based company RR Trading which reportedly evaded duty on K50 million worth of school uniforms supplied to St. Andrews International Primary School in Blantyre.

On the other hand, St. Andrews has said it was not aware of issues surrounding RR Trading that it evaded duty, adding the school was only waiting to be informed of what it required to be paid to the revenue collecting body.

The owner of RR Trading, businessman Mohamed Shabir Salim Jussab, is embroiled in a number of criminal offences and is on the run for months now, with warrants of arrests hanging on his head.

MRA spokesperson Wilma Chalulu said her organisation was gathering evidence on the duty evasion matter involving RR Trading.

She disclosed a team has been assigned to probe the tax evasion by RR Trading, warning they will get to the bottom of the issue and make the company and its owners face the full length of the law.

“We cannot say much for now until we gather all the information surrounding this issue.

St. Andrews International Primary School company secretary Oswald Mtokale admitted RR Trading supplied them with uniforms, but were not aware about the duty evasion issues.

He said they could not even have reported to MRA because they knew nothing, adding they were only waiting to hear what payments they are required to pay to the MRA.

The family of Jussab is being implicated in numerous scams soon immediately after Shabir left Malawi for Saudi Arabia.

MRA sources earlier also disclosed that businessman Humair Salim Mahomed Sidik Jussab, a young brother to Shabir, lied to authorities at the tax-collecting body on a hot car he brought in Malawi that he was a student returning home from school in South Africa to evade paying duty.

MRA sources said the businessman used special exemptions MRA offer for certain individuals to evade the duty.

“Through our ongoing investigations, in collaboration with police, we have discovered that duty was not paid for this car in question, BZ 1382, VW double cab. We know it was being repaired at a garage in Blantyre, Fernando Motors. We have taken special interest and we are investigating the matter further.

“The unfortunate part is that we have learnt that the person in question [Humair Jussab] is not in the country and police are also looking for him on other criminal charges in connection to the same car,” an officer disclosed.

Chalulu also confirmed investigations were underway on this car.

Chief Resident Magistrate Court in Blantyre recently issued a warrant of arrest against businessman Humair Jussab over the car.

This is after Interpol joined by Malawi Police Service, managed to trace the car at the garage.

Shabir is also suspected to be on the run after another warrant of arrest was also issued against him earlier for alleged cyber harassment offences.

The warrant of arrest issued against Humair require investigators from Blantyre Police Station who applied for it to hunt the suspect and bring him before the court.

“This is to authorise and require you to enter into upon and arrest the said suspect, and if arrested, to take possession of the said suspect and produce the same forthwith before this court,” reads the warrant of arrest in part.

The warrant explains the offence is suspected to have occurred on December 15 2022 when the suspect brought the car into Malawi dishonestly.

MPS investigators carried out an operation in selected districts that included Blantyre and Mangochi, according to South West Region Police Headquarters spokesperson Beatrice Mikuwa.

The Interpol recovered four vehicles, including this Amarok VW registered in the name of Humair Jussab.

Humair’s elder brother, Shabir, apart from the cyber harassment offences, is also wanted by police for assault of his driver, and is also facing a K26 million claim for his client’s vehicle he failed to repair at his garage.

The K26 million claim was filed by Shafqat Kasam, demanding the refund which he said was value of his BMW convertible which he claimed RR Auto Service, Shabir’s garage in Blantyre, failed to repair it for over two years.

Kasam claimed in an interview his car, which he said was a runner and only had a sun roof problem which was not functioning, was not repaired until the garage was sold and he later heard that Shabir was on Interpol Red Alert and in Saudi Arabia.

On the case of the fired driver who told police he was assaulted, the 72-year-old ex-employee, Stainford Kalitsilira, told police his former boss assaulted him and verbally abused him on July 16 2021

NBM disburses K1 billion through Taoloka loans


National Bank of Malawi (NBM) Plc has disbursed about K1 Billion in loans to vendors from Blantyre, Zomba, Lilongwe, and Mzuzu through Taoloka Finance since its onset in September last year.

NBM plc Head of Retail Banking Oswin Kasunda disclosed this during the Bank’s interaction with vendors in Zomba on Wednesday.

According to Kasunda, the response for the vendors has been good as the Bank managed to open 1100 new accounts for vendors, hence the interaction to give them feedback on how the Taoloka Finance has performed.

“We have disbursed loans close to K1 Billion and the performance has been good. And one thing that I must say on the onset is that although we are talking of some people not paying, to a larger extent, the vendors have performed well,” said Kasunda.

While responding to a plea from a Zomba cross-border trader who asked the Bank to prioritize them in forex trading, Kasunda encouraged small business owners to start producing enough goods for exports to contribute to the country’s foreign exchange.

“Forex is derived from exports, if everybody is engaging in the business of importing products and services, we will continue to have no forex. What we need to do as a country is to go into an extra drive to produce for exports. So, the little forex that we have as a Bank we try as much as possible to share among our customers,” he said.

Zomba Vendors Union Vice Chairperson Feston Kachepa said Taoloka Finance has helped to boost their businesses since it was launched.

“We have benefited a lot, the only challenge we have is the penalty one has to pay for failing to service their loans, however, as you have heard, management has promised to look into the matter,” said Kachepa.

NBS Bank brings ‘EasyRewards’ for customers


NBS Bank Plc has intensified digital transformation by upgrading its mobile banking platform to ensure customers are rewarded accordingly from the EasyBank digital transactions.

On Thursday, the Bank launched the upgraded mobile platform called EasyBank 3.0 (third version) which awards customers points as they transact.

The points can then be redeemed into various prizes, including cash.

NBS Bank Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Kwanele Ngwenya said the innovation targets promotion of digital uptake by giving prices to those with more online transactions and is linked to various payment systems.

“This innovation looks at rewarding our customers who transact on our digital platform. This is driven by the fact that we want our customers to transact on our Easy platform. EasyReward is a value-added solution aimed at encouraging our customers to transact on the digital platform and in that way, it will reduce the queues in the bank, it will give the customer an opportunity to transact in the comfort of their own environment and at the same time winning and getting rewards,” said Ngwenya.

During the launch, the Bank rewarded individuals with the highest transaction at that particular time, where Sparc Systems Limited Managing Director, Wisely Phiri won the grand prize of a Samsung Tablet, while two others won EarPods and other prizes.

Phiri commended NBS Bank for the digital product.

“This is a good innovation in terms of the inclusion of the rewards itself. As a customer who is also in the Information Communication Technology (ICT) business, I am happy because I do not have to experience issues of cash hanging which is not the case with the EazyBank platform by NBS Bank,” he said.

NBS Bank conducts draw in Savings promo


Twelve people have won various prizes in the first bi-weekly draw of the NBS Saving and Win promotion aimed at encouraging a saving culture among the banks’ customers.

The lucky winners from different NBS Service Centres have walked away with branded key holders, t-shirts, and Pens, in the promotion which ends on October 31 this year.

Speaking during the draw on Tuesday, NBS Bank Southern and Eastern Region Cluster Manager Gracious Changaya said the Bank has started yielding results of the promotion as more customers are now depositing and saving money into their accounts.

”We are happy that customers are harking to our plea to ask them to save, the response has been so overwhelming that people are depositing into their savings and current accounts. We urge customers out there to come and save with NBS Bank and stand a chance of winning exciting prizes,” said Changaya.

In the promotion, customers have a chance to win various monthly and bi-weekly prizes such as return air tickets to Lilongwe, Grocery vouchers, bill payments, and branded items among other prizes.

Grand prizes are tiered in three different bands with those depositing K50,000 minimum standing a chance of winning K1 million, those depositing K100,000 to K500,000 winning K3.5 million and lastly band three for those depositing K500,000 above to win K6 million cash prize.

The promotion was launched on June 25, 2023.

Silver supporter becomes 4th millionaire in Zampira promotion


Lilongwe-based teacher who is also a Silver Strikers supporter has emerged a fourth millionaire in the ongoing Zampira promotion being championed by TNM Plc, the sponsor the elite league in the country.

Ishmael Kayera has won the monthly prize of K2 million after he correctly predicted a Game between Might Mukuru Wanderers and Mafco FC.

Kayera who teaches at Sendwe CDSS in Lilongwe said that the money will be used in the construction of his house.

“I am glad to emerge a winner in the promotion, I never saw it coming. This money has come on a right time because it will help in my building project,” said Kayera.

As required, part of the money is channelled towards developing grassroot football therefore, Kayera said he will donate the football equipment to Sendwe CDSS.

According to TNM, over 1.4 million supporters participated in the promotion during the month of August and the league sponsor has since expressed satisfaction with the progress of the 2023 episode.

Nsapato said the integrated mobile and ICT services provider is impressed with the level of activities in the promotion after a four-month run. 

“As a passionate sponsor of Malawi’s elite league, we introduced Zampira promotion to actively engage and excite football fans in the sport which allows them to participate beyond just watching the game. We are pleased with the participation, supporters are demonstrating great passion and knowledge of the domestic league” said Nsapato.

He said the promotion is an incentive that fulfils the company’s commitment to be an all-inclusive football sponsor.

“In the game of football, everyone is a winner. As a league sponsor, we are providing exciting initiatives to accommodate every stakeholder. Through Zampira promotion we are taking football to great heights and changing lives of soccer fans and their communities,” he said.
Commenting on the overall progress of the TNM Super League, Nsapato said that 2023 season has come with surprise.

“We are happy to see teams like Chitipa showing relentless performance and a spirit of fighting. With ten weeks to go, Chitipa is topping the log table, such is a development we love to see,” he added.

The promotion also has a daily SMS Trivia Questions component aiming to enhance supporter’s understanding of the game by subscribing and answering daily soccer related questions.  Four customers each win K50,000 every week.

To participate in the draw, subscribers are required to send an SMS of their prediction to code 451 or dial *451# to predict and access extra features. The SMS cost K50.

FDH Bank contributes K10 million towards Presidential Golf


FDH Bank plc has given K10 million to the Presidential Charity Golf fundraising initiative set for October 7 in Lilongwe.

Speaking during the cheque handover ceremony in Blantyre on Wednesday, FDH Group Head of Marketing and Communication, Levi Nkunika said the Bank feels obliged to be involved in matters affecting Malawians as part of restoring hopes to the needy.

“As a leading Bank in Malawi, FDH Bank always feels obliged to make a contribution in the country under its program called FDH cares, therefore when we received the request, we felt duty bound to support the victims of the Cyclone Freddy and the needy students in the country.”

“The contribution goes a long way as you know if you are supporting somebody’s education that has got potential to make that student a responsible and effective leader in future, so we believe that goes a long way. But also, when you restore somebody’s life to normality that is itself an achievement.”

“So, we believe as a Bank that we need to be where the people are, where the people are struggling we need to take part and make sure we make a contribution so that we are part and parcel of the solution that involves restoring people to their old self as well as facilitating the high education attainment amongst the youths,” said Nkunika.

Golf Union of Malawi president, Gift Chidya Gondwe, who is also Chairman of the Presidential Golf fundraising event commended FDH Bank for the support it has given to the initiative and their contribution to other golf-related activities.

“We are very delighted and very happy with the support. FDH Bank has shown that they are a true partner and a friend in times of need and in golf development. This is not the first time they are coming to our aid. Few months ago, they contributed to our match plays, about K5 million, today they are contributing K10 million, and have also contributed to our seniors travelling to Zambia. So FDH Bank really cares.”

“This initiative aims at raising K400 million to contribute towards social issues affecting our country like those affected with Cyclone Freddy and also the needy students who are unable to benefit from the loans board due to increase in in-takes. The board cannot accommodate everyone,” explained Gondwe.

Former RBM boss Kabambe rips apart Chakwera on economy


Renowned economic guru who is also former Reserve Bank governor, Dr Dalitso Kabambe says President Dr Lazarus McCarthy Chakwera has failed to steer the ship forward due to his poor economic policies and failure to tame corruption in his government.

He was speaking last night in an Exclusive Interview with Times Group.

Kabambe also faulted the Reserve Bank of Malawi for failing to tighten monetary and exchange rate policies in 2020, as one way of taming inflation which is now at 29%, and causing untold miseries on poor Malawians as they cannot afford basic needs.

“The MCP government under Presidentnt Chakwera has failed on fundamental principles of economics which are to managing monetary policy, fiscal policy and exchange rate. The elephant in the room is the appetite by Chakwera himself to continue spending and yet government is ‘broke’, having not more than one month foreign exchange reserves, while implementing policies that are suffocating the private sector, which is an engine for the growth of any economy. Chakwera’s administration continues to borrow money from banks that was supposed to be used for the private sector in producing goods and services”, he said.

“President Chakwera must take drastic measures to stop this unnecessary spending now before the economy completely “collapses” by among others stopping local and international travels, recall some diplomats to cut wage bill and stop buying will nilly goods and services outside the country. This is the time to make sacrifices and save the ship from drowning,” said Kabambe.

Many Malawians who followed the interview, have opined that Kabambe was in a class of his own lecturing President Chakwera, Finance Minister Sosten Gwengwe, and Reserve Bank governor, Dr Wilson Banda on good economic practices that can save Malawi from total collapse.

On politics, Kabambe said he is running for the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) presidency, but if APM decides to stand at the next year’s convention, he will discuss with APM because “no sensible ‘son’ can challenge his father in an election”.

But, some political and social commentators have commended Dr Kabambe for his maturity and shrewdness in decision making, both politically and economically.

DPP Vice President for the East Bright Msaka, Joseph Mwanamvekha, and Paul Gadama, DPP vice president for the South Kondwani Nankhumwa are other individuals vying for the position of DPP President.

NBM H1 profit after tax rises to K35.48 billion


National Bank of Malawi (NBM) Plc has registered an increase in the half year profit after tax ending June 30, 2023  to K35.48 billion from K22.12 billion reported in the same period  last year, which represents 60 percent growth. 

According to the financial statement released by the Bank, signed by Board Chairperson, Jimmy Lipunga, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) McFussy Kawawa, Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Masauko Katsala, and Board Director Dorothy Ngwira  the results were driven by growth in both net interest income and other income which grew by 25 percent and 87 percent respectively.

“Overall net revenue grew by 44 percent, operating expenses increased by 28 percent, and Net Impairment losses decreased by 61 percent on account of more recoveries. Customer deposits increased by 28 percent while the Bank’s loan book grew by 9 percent. Investment in Fixed Income securities grew by 13 percent. All the subsidiaries and an associate of the Bank posted profits that contributed positively to the Group’s half-year performance,” reads the statement in part.

The Bank however says the growth in the first half of 2023 was adversely affected by some factors.

“The growth in the first half of 2023 was adversely affected by exogenous weather-related shocks in the aftermath of tropical cyclone Freddy and dry weather conditions in the Northern Region,” reads part of the statement.

The Malawi Stock Exchange (MSE) listed commercial bank also notes that the excess foreign exchange demand conditions remain the catalyst for continued local currency depreciation against the currencies of the major trading partners despite the ongoing tobacco auction season.

“The monetary policy authorities signaled the introduction of a foreign exchange rate price discovery initiative by introducing currency auctions, the first one of which was conducted in mid-June 2023 resulting in a mild 3% depreciation of the Malawi Kwacha while the country also experienced fuel supply shortages,”  reads the statement in part.

According to the Bank, headline inflation increased to an average of 26.5 percent in the first quarter of 2023 from 26.0 percent in the last quarter of 2022 closing at 27.30 percent in June 2023 and the reference rate closed at 21 percent.

NBM further says the outlook for 2023 is for inflation to remain elevated, premised on the short crop size and heightened demand-side inflationary pressures emanating from fiscal risks, second round effects of cyclone Freddy, and the exchange rate depreciation.

“The Board envisages a continuing challenging operating environment. Pressure on inflation and foreign exchange is expected to continue. In spite of this, the Board remains cautiously optimistic and expects the Bank to continue with its strong performance in the second half of the year,” reads the statement.

MRA says Humair Jussab lied on ‘hot car’, never paid duty


Malawi Revenue Authority (MRA) has disclosed that businessman Humair Salim Mahomed Sidik Jussab lied to authorities at the tax-collecting body that he was a student returning home from school in South Africa to evade paying duty for a hot car he brought in Malawi.

MRA’s public relations office said the businessman used special exemptions MRA offer for certain individuals returning home, disclosing that Jussab lied he was a student who went for studies in South Africa and was not returning home.

“Through our ongoing investigations, in collaboration with police, we have discovered that duty was not paid for this car in question, BZ 1382, VW double cab. We know it was being repaired at a garage in Blantyre, Fernando Motors. We have taken special interest and we are investigating the matter further.

“The unfortunate part is that we have learnt that the person in question [Humair Jussab] is not in the country and police are also looking for him on other criminal charges in connection to the same car,” an officer disclosed.

Chief Resident Magistrate Court in Blantyre recently issued a warrant of arrest against businessman Humair Jussab over the car.

This is after Interpol a couple of weeks ago, joined by Malawi Police Service, managed to trace the car at the garage.

Humair happens to be a young brother to businessman Mohamed Shabir Salim Jussab, who is also suspected to be on the run after another warrant of arrest was also issued against him earlier for alleged cyber harassment offences.

The warrant of arrest issued against Humair require investigators from Blantyre Police Station who applied for it to hunt the suspect and bring him before the court.

“This is to authorise and require you to enter into upon and arrest the said suspect, and if arrested, to take possession of the said suspect and produce the same forthwith before this court,” reads the warrant of arrest in part.

The warrant explains the offence is suspected to have occurred on December 15 2022 when the suspect brought the car into Malawi dishonestly.

MPS investigators carried out an operation in selected districts that included Blantyre and Mangochi, according to South West Region Police Headquarters spokesperson Beatrice Mikuwa.

The Interpol recovered four vehicles, including this Amarok VW registered in the name of Humair Jussab.

Humair’s elder brother, Shabir, apart from the cyber harassment offences, is also wanted by police for assault of his driver, and is also facing a K26 million claim for his client’s vehicle he failed to repair at his garage.

The K26 million claim was filed by Shafqat Kasam, demanding the refund which he said was value of his BMW convertible which he claimed RR Auto Service, Shabir’s garage in Blantyre, failed to repair it for over two years.

Kasam claimed in an interview his car, which he said was a runner and only had a sun roof problem which was not functioning, was not repaired until the garage was sold and he later heard that Shabir was on Interpol Red Alert and in Saudi Arabia.

On the case of the fired driver who told police he was assaulted, the 72-year-old ex-employee, Stainford Kalitsilira, told police his former boss assaulted him and verbally abused him on July 16 2021.

Zamm Investments guilty of selling contaminated Cool Drop Water

The Competition and Fair Trading Commission (CFTC) has recommended that the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) should prosecute Zamm Investments for supplying Cool Drop Natural Mineral Water.

According to a statement signed by CFTC Executive Director, Lloyd Nkhoma, the company has been found guilty of selling products likely to cause injury to health or physical harm to consumers and unconscionable conduct in the trade of goods and services.

It follows complaints from MANAC Conference Centre located at Dowa, MANAC Conference Centre located at Dowa and an anonymous person.

“When the CFTC staff visited MANAC Conference Centre located at Dowa, they found that the conference facility was serving its customers with sealed “Cool Drop Natural Mineral Water” in 500ml bottles, whose contents had floating debris, an occurrence which brought concerns as to whether the water was safe for human consumption.

“On 12” January 2023, the CFTC received a complaint from a Complainant (who sought anonymity) alleging that she purchased Cool Drop Natural Mineral Water which contained some white debris floating inside. The water was from the same Batch number, manufacture and expiry date as that found by Commission staff.

“The CFTC received another complaint from MANAC Conference Centre located at Dowa, through their letter dated 8th February 2023, alleging that they purchased 50 cases of Cool Drop Natural Mineral Water which had floating debris,” reads part of the statement released on August 30.

Nkhoma said suspecting that the Respondent may have violated the provisions of the Competition and Fair Trading Act (CFTA), CFTC instituted investigations on the matter.

He said the investigations involved site visit as well as testing of the water samples of the particular batches by the competent authorities namely the central laboratory at Ministry of Water and Sanitation and the laboratory at the Malawi Bureau of Standards.

“After deliberations by the Commission on the Secretariat’s findings, the following determinations were made; that the respondent should be prosecuted for violating Sections 43(1)(e) and 43(1)(g) of the CFTA. Therefore, the Commission should submit the investigations report to the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) for prosecution.

“That the Commission should refer the matter to Malawi Bureau of Standards for necessary regulatory actions and also to conduct a recall of all the products from the affected batches that may still be on the market.

“That the Commission should issue an advisory note to the National Water Resource Authority and the Ministry of Water and Sanitation to conduct a due diligence on water abstraction and proximity between the source of water i.e. well, borehole and the waste disposal tanks at production facility for ZAMM Investments,” reads the statement further

Kabambe lectures Chakwera on economy, says transformation of country’s economy is a big boys job

Former Reserve Bank of Malawi governor, Dr. Dalitso Kabambe says the country’s economy is very sick. 

Kabambe, who is also Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) presidential hopeful, was speaking during DPP presser at Mount Soche Hotel in Blantyre.

Kabambe, who in his speech doubted if the current government can improve the economy because it has been “tested, tried but failed, said the transformation of country’s economy is a “big boys” job.

According to Kabambe, Malawi’s economy is suffering from Fiscal, monetary and exchange cancers.

Kabambe said: “fiscally, the expansionally fiscal policy the Government has been implementing since 2020 has been nothing but a poisonous chalice.”

“On the one hand, with the need to raise more Government revenues to finance the public pulse in the face of sluggish economic growth, Government introduced punitive taxes, levies, fees and charges and raised some.

“Government also resorted to budget deficits in the order of 7-8 percent of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) against an internationally acceptable best practice of 2.5 percent and below.

“In the past four fiscal years alone, Government has borrowed in excess of K5.1 trillion, (K813 billion in 2020/21, K825 billion in 2021/22, K1.3 trillion in 2022/23 and K2.2 trillion in 2023/24) bringing the total public debt to K9.2 trillion, up from K4.1 trillion at the beginning of the Tonse Alliance Administration.

At this rate, by the time we go to the next General elections in 2025, public debt will be hovering around K14 trillion, with over K10 trillion having been accumulated in 5 years by a single term of Tonse Alliance Administration. This is nothing less than a tragedy.”

“Not only does excessive public debt entail huge public debt servicing costs in the order of K1.2 trillion and above as in the current budget; but also public debt crowds out the private sector thereby from the credit market thereby impairing them to produce more output for the economy in order to increase supply and reduce prices as well as create the much needed paid jobs market for the majority of the population including the Youths.

“This has also led to the depreciation of the currency and shortages of foreign exchange as most Government expenditure, approximately 60 percent, is spent on imported items such as petroleum products, Government vehicles and parts, fertilizers, medicines, office furniture and equipment, plants and equipment and others. Injection of borrowed money into the economy has also led to injection of further liquidity which has generally impaired monetary policy and led to soaring inflation”

To avert the country getting into the current ditch, the DPP has all along provided constructive and effective counsel on workable and practical cost cutting measures. The DPP had suggested that first and foremost, the President should have cut back on his cabinet to no more than 20 including the President and his Vice; Advisors too should have been reduced to no more 5; foreign travels should have been curtailed; local travels should have been reduced to the bare minimum covering critical ones only; Diplomats to Malawi embassies abroad should have been downsized to no more than 5 per embassy; the entire public service should have been streamlined to maintain only critical positions and abolish all non-essential ones, all public servants should be put on strict performance appraisal system with clearly laid out rewards and sanctions to enhance public service delivery, and closing of all loopholes fuelling leakages in public revenues and expenditures.

What is surprising though is that despite raising taxes and borrowing excessively from the market, most Government hospitals are still going without essential medicines and equipment and MDAs operations continue to be strangled through underfunding and general public services are going down.

On Monetary Policy

“The DPP notes with dismay the runaway inflation and the impact it is having on soaring cost of living. The DPP shares the pain and impoverishment Malawians are going through during this difficult period of rising prices of basic commodities and services. Both food and non-food inflation have sharply gone up since the Tonse Alliance Administration came into power. While it is true that some exogenous factors such as the war in Ukraine may explain part of the inflation pick up, but the bulk of the cause of current inflation in Malawi is emanating from a combination of shambolic economic policies.

“Monetary Conditions (MCI) in the country since 2020 have been extremely weak as the current Administration is implementing an accommodative monetary policy stance when the macroeconomic conditions demands tightening of monetary policy stance. At 24 percent policy rate, when inflation is at 28 percent, is simply too loose and recipe for further inflationary pressures, depreciation of the currency and erosion of reserves at faster rate.

The consequence of both loose fiscal and monetary policies is manifesting itself in deviation of macroeconomic fundamentals away from the equilibrium as evidenced by the deviation in inflation far away from the 5 percent medium term target, depreciation of the currency, erosion in reserves, widening of balance of payments, slowing down in GDP and contraction in private sector credit. All these explain why the cost of living in this country is going up and any further delay in policy adjustments will bare nothing more than more pain, misery, anguish and suffering among Malawians.

On a mechanic level, monetary policy stance is determined through a odelling framework that involves forecasting and policy analysis (fpas) and through this modelling framework, one is able to derive at the most optimal and potent monetary policy stance that is able to bring down inflation towards the target, stabilize the exchange rate, grow foreign exchange reserves and grow the economy.

Being a complex modelling process, a simpler version of checking whether the monetary policy stance is potent or not is simply to check whether the policy stance takes into account local inflation, global inflation, exchange rate movements and margin of reward for investors. The policy stance since 2020 has constituently failed this test and the stance keeps on getting weaker and weaker each passing quota. The procrastination in getting right the monetary policy stance entails delayed pain among Malawians in having the current economic challenges subsiding. One would have wished the monetary authorities quickly effected the optimal monetary policy stance to give a chance to the country to start healing.”      

On the exchange rate

“The DPP is deeply troubled with the suffering Malawians are put through to access foreign exchange and the continued loss in value of the currency. While the DPP agrees that external influences and longstanding structural issues explain part of the problem, to a larger extent, the current scarcity and depreciation of the foreign exchange is explained by the Government’s own weak fiscal, monetary and exchange rate policy measures.

“The DPP has noted with concern that the reckless domestic borrowing in 2020/21, 2021/22 and 2022/23 Fiscal Years (K5.1trillion) went towards government expenditure with 60 to 70 percent imported content. This wholly explains the vanishing of foreign exchange in the market; and when you have clueless a government that cannot properly manage its own expenditure as is the case now, the consequences are what we are seeing now.

“This also becomes compounded when monetary conditions are weak which has been the case in the past three years. With the attendant poor fiscal and monetary policy conditions coupled with the ever growing misalignment between the official and parallel rates, there was no way the Kwacha could withstand the onslaught, hence the loss in value and scarcity.

“The above notwithstanding, exchange rate policies fall in three main categories, namely, fixed, floated and managed float. Each regime determines the kind of tools one uses to ensure stability of the exchange rate and availability of foreign exchange. In the case of the current regime, it confuses elements of all the three. Publicly, through forex auction markets, one would think the current regime is floated and yet from a practical perspective of the wide misalignment between the official and parallel market rates, the regime is obviously fixed.

This confusion is certainly creating practical problems as to which tools should be used to effectively manage both the path of the exchange rate and ensure availability of foreign exchange.

“The DPP would advise the Government to choose one regime they wish to deploy and implement necessary but effective tools to deal with the current persistent foreign exchange challenges. Otherwise, the sham exchange rate regime is not only recipe for rent seeking behaviors by those managing the official exchange rate markets, it is also heavily militating against exporters and foreign exchange generators.

Malawi’s Education Minister commends Maranatha Academy: Spends K10 million on awards


Government has commended Maranatha Academy for awarding outstanding performers in the 2022 Malawi School Certificate of Education (MSCE) and 2023 Primary School Leaving Certificate of Education (PSLCE).

The 13 outstanding students in the MSCE examination and four others who scored the highest in the PSLCE examination from both public and private institutions were awarded at this year’s Maranatha Heroes Party at Bingu International Conference Centre in Lilongwe.

Alinafe Chulu, a standard 8 girl from Playdor Private school in Blantyre who scored the highest and Vitumbiko Kaunda, from Mtendere secondary school who scored six points received K1 million each while the rest went away with K500,000.

Speaking during the event, Deputy Minister of Education Nancy Chaola Mdooko said government appreciates the contribution of the private schools in uplifting the standards of education in the country.

“Maranatha has set the standards that even as government need to follow. I call upon other private investors to emulate the kind gesture which is aimed at motivating students and also uplifting the education standards in the country.”

Maranatha Academy managing director Ernest Kaonga said he was excited to have empowered the young ones and motivated them to continue working hard.

The school also awarded K500 000 each to nine girls from public and private institutions for attaining nine points in the MSCE exams.

Philanthropist K Motors, Chibuku Products rescue Thyolo:  Handover Four Refurbished Ambulances


Member of parliament for Thyolo Central Constituency Hon Dr. Ben Malunga Phiri has applauded Blantyre based K Motor and Chibuku products Limited for responding to the call he made to refurbish grounded four ambulances at Thyolo District Hospital, as a way of easing transportation for referrals to the district hospital or Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital in times of need.

In an interview with Malawi Voice after receiving the four ambulances from K motors and Chibuku products at a function which took place at Thyolo District Hospital, Phiri said he was humbled that K motors and Chibuku products swiftly responded to the call he made when the issue of transportation at the district hospital was out of hand, resulting in avoidable deaths.

“Being a parliamentarian for Thyolo central constituency where the district Hospital is situated, I was facing a lot of challenges when it came to transportation of patients as the demand in most times was so huge and could not be met with the two ambulances the hospital had in perfect condition. There were times that there was no transportation for referrals from rural hospitals to the district hospitals or from Thyolo hospital to Queens Elizabeth Central Hospital leaving the hospital with no options but use my personal vehicles to save lives. The responsibility was beyond my control and the hospital, a development which opted me to approach K Motors and Chibuku Products Limited for help,” Said Phiri.

He went ahead to express the gratitude and praises to K Motors Director and Chibuku Products for coming to the rescue of the people of Thyolo as a whole.

“What K Motors and Chibuku Products have done is commendable and I am short of words, these two companies plus other stakeholders have played a huge role and bridged the gap the we could not manage to feel ourselves. The ambulances are not for Thyolo Central alone where the district Hospital is but for the entire district. On behalf of the people of Thyolo, I want to say thank you Chibuku products and K Motors.” Concluded Phiri.

TNM Mpamba launches overdraft facility

TNM Mpamba Ltd, a wholly owned subsidiary of TNM Plc has become the first mobile telecoms network service provider in Malawi to offer cash loans using mobile phone wallets.

General Manager Christopher Sukasuka has told reporters in Lilongwe that the loan attracts a prorated interest rate of 6%, a penalty of 0.5% and access fee of 10% where customers exceed a prescribed repayment of 30 days.

He said the maximum amount currently allowed is K20,000 in form of either cash or electronic value from an agent or bank, and electronic wallet value. The cap will increase over time, he said.

“This is the smartest way to manage finances in these hard times. It takes away the stress from customers, as it is the easiest overdraft to get, accessible 247 on your phone wherever one is. It’s difficult to obtain loans when one needs most from conventional banks, but TNM Mpamba has eased that burden. Our agents will also be able to complete transactions even when they don’t have positive balance,” he said.

Sukasuka, who was flanked by TNM Plc Chief Executive Officer Michel Hebert and Managing Director of Huawei Malawi Gu Mu, the official TNM technology partner said the key eligibility requirement is customers who have used Mpamba for 90 days and satisfying KYC requirements.

“An interest rate of 6 percent per month, prorated, will apply and a penalty of 0.5% may accrue where customers exceed a prescribed repayment period of 30 days. Such interest will be necessary to cover the service costs when customers exceed 30 days before crediting their wallets. The funds will be deducted from the same Mpamba wallets,” he said.

Dubbed TNM Mpamba Kankhe, the facility offers a financial envelope allowing customers withdraw cash or transact with equivalent value using their TNM Mpamba wallets.

Sukasuka said apart from the option of cash advances, Mpamba Kankhe will provide overdrafts for payment categories such as utilities, merchant (POS) payments, satellite television subscriptions, airtime and bundle recharges and Person-to-Person (P2P) transfers.

He said apart from the option of cash advances, Mpamba Kankhe will provide overdrafts for payment categories such as utilities, merchant (POS) payments, satellite television subscriptions, airtime and bundle recharges and Person-to-Person (P2P) transfers.

The General Manager said apart from individual customers, the overdraft facility has also been extended to agents to allow them to transact with more than their wallet balance.

Determination of agent overdraft registration/limit will be based on agent’s monthly commissions, transaction volumes (Cash in, cash out, airtime top ups and agent bill payments) and duration on Mpamba (6 months)

Through the facility, agents will be able to carry out customer cash in, ESCOM token sales, TNM airtime/bundle sales plus other Mpamba agent bill payments that may be introduced.

He said Mpamba Kankhe is safe as it is protected by TNM Mpamba’s safety features that include PIN encryption, and privacy settings. Mpamba kankhe will operate within the legal framework provided by the Reserve Bank of Malawi (RBM).

Sukasuka said Mpamba Kankhe highlights TNM’s commitment to contribute to economic growth activities by applying mobile telecoms technology.

“TNM Mpamba strongly believes that providing our customers with credit at concessional rates as Mpamba Kankhe does, will shred the barriers to financial inclusion while accelerating growth of the credit society and fulfilment of personal and institutional financial goals,” he said.

Gu Mu said Huawei is working hand in hand with TNM Plc to transform the telecoms landscape in Malawi by offering life-changing innovations such as the latest loan product.

“We are committed to improve the telecoms landscape with TNM, and we will continue to support them to build best network and mobile money platform in Malawi,” he said.

CDEDI says Zikhale-Ng’oma dragging Malawi into a Police State, fears political scores putting democracy under siege

By Iommie Chiwalo

The Centre for Democracy and Economic Development Initiatives (CDEDI) has expressed fears that the conduct to secure political scores of Homeland Security Minister is putting the country’s hard won democracy under siege.

CDEDI Executive Director Sylvester Namiwa has expressed the concerns during press conference in Lilongwe where he warned
Malawians that, if left unchecked, Homeland Security Minister, Ken Zikhale-Ng’oma will drag Malawi into a Police State.

The remarks by Namiwa are coming after observing that what started as an operation to enforce encampment policy for refugees and asylum-seekers has now culminated into lawlessness.

“In fact, the country’s hard-earned democracy is now under threat. To put it bluntly, Hon Zikhale-Ng’oma has taken the law into his hands and he is worryingly conducting himself as if he is the law himself. He is putting his wishes into laws,” says Namiwa.

In support of its fears against Zikhale-Ng’oma’s ‘laws’, Namiwa has given an example of incident in May this year whereby the police arrested two of their own namely; Eluby Malombe and Molly Makomela, both Criminal Investigations Officers at National Police Headquarters, Area 30 in Lilongwe, and were later charged by the Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB), for allegedly receiving a bribe of MK20 million from a Rwandan businessman in order to release his container of agricultural produce which the police had confiscated.

“The two are currently on interdiction. And in June this year, the police arrested someone suspected to be Vincent Ngendahayo, one of the purported 44 Rwandan Army Generals who sought refuge in Malawi. Upon arrival in Kigali,
Rwanda, following his deportation, it transpired that the Malawi Police had attached the name to a wrong person. In fact, Ngendahayo and his compatriot Mark Sibo were deported against a High Court order to release them from unlawful detention,” narrates Namiwa.

Adding that more recently, a team of Malawi Congress Party (MCP) cadres and plain-clothed police officers, again, from the National Police Headquarters were allegedly caught on camera stuffing money into a sack from a shop belonging to a naturalised Malawian, Emmanuel Joseph Nsekanabo.

“So far, only three MCP youths have been arrested and charged with robbery, and nothing is being heard about the police officers that were caught on the camera,” he said.

The CDEDI Executive Director has said the conduct of law enforcers is strange considering that Nsekanabo was naturalised in 2011 under certificate number IM/HA/93/2011 but is facing deportation.

Further putting democracy at siege is the discovery that Nsekanabo’s harassment and subsequent arrest was marred with verbal tirade from two MCP youth camps serving two heavy weights within the rank and file of the party.

According to Namiwa, strong allegations were made in the process and names were mentioned and that court documents and voice notes CDEDI has seen and heard respectively, one of these groups of MCP cadres allegedly belongs to the Director of Youth (DoY) Hon Richard Chiwemwendo Banda, who is also Minister of Local Government and National Unity while the other belongs to the party’s Director of Strategy, Zikhale-Ng’oma, the Homeland Security minister.

The CDEDI Chief has since penned Malawi Law Society to investigate gross violation of rule of law.

The CDEDI Executive Director has also challenged the MCP Secretary General, Eisenhower Mkaka to weigh in and slow down Zikhale-Ng’oma, as his conduct is reminding Malawians of the notorious Youth League and the Malawi Young Pioneers, thereby reflecting negatively on the rebranded MCP.

“We are also appealing to the Public Affairs Committee (PAC) to dutifully do the needful before the country plunges into a police State. It is, in fact, strange to note that religious institutions in Malawi have particularly remained quiet on the gross violations of rights of fellow Africans living with us in this country, notably refugees and asylum-seekers,” said Namiwa.

He has since asked the Parliamentary Committee on Defence and Security to consider probing the Salima
incident where the culprits were caught on camera, and at the same time summon Zikhale Ng’oma to justify his role in the Salima incident.

Namiwa has also appealed to all media houses in the country to accord Malawians the right to access information by applying to the court for permission to broadcast live the case involving naturalists which is before the Lilongwe Registry, since it is of public interest.

The twist of the tale is coming in because after Immigration Department launched a man-hunt for him, the police arrested three MCP cadres who appeared before the Principal Magistrate Court in Lilongwe and in their caution statement, the suspects spilled the beans to the effect that it is now clear that Nsekanabo will have to appear before the same court as a State witness.

Zikhale Ng’oma is being accused of becoming extremely powerful from unleashing party cadres to torture unsuspecting citizens he is not in good books with as it is evident that all perpetrators, be it in Malawi Police Service or MCP, are assured of
his protection and true to these findings, it has been discovered that all the identifiable police officers are still discharging their duties at Area 30.

“Such being the case, then what is the use of the law if one, in the name of Zikhale Ng’oma, can accrue such powers,” queries Namiwa.

But in an interview with this publication, Zikhale Ng’oma has timelessly refused the accusations saying all happening under his watch are lawful.

Castel Malawi pumps K25m into Sand Music Festival

Castel Malawi Brands Manager Nyambo presents the cheque to Banda

In what can best be described as blossoming of a cordial relationship, Castel Malawi Limited has pumped K25 million into this year’s Sand Music Festival to sustain the event’s positive contribution towards the music and arts industry in the country.

The contribution represents a 75 percent increase from the K16 million the brewer donated during last year’s event.

Speaking during the cheque presentation in Blantyre, Pheona Nyambo Castel Malawi Brands Manager said that Sand Music Festival hinges on values that resonate with Castel Malawi Limited.

“Castel Malawi is a brand that values arts and music industry therefore, we have a keen interest in events such as the Sand Music Festival. Our coming this year symbolises the growth of our relationship that has been registering remarkable strides over the years,” said Nyambo.

Sand Music Festival presents several growth opportunities to several sectors as such Castel believes that the event provides effective platform for engagement.

“The festival benefits not only the music industry but also tourism, energy, and the economy at large. As such, this is a rare avenue whereas a company we engage with our valued customers as they are having fun,” she said.

Castel Malawi believes that this year’s Sand Music Festival will unleash Malawi’s potential and propel the development of entertainment industry.

“This year, we are looking forward to see another great experience at the festival. Moreover, through the monetary support we hope to see Malawian artists raising above the bar and transform the industry,” Added Nyambo.

Receiving the cheque, Impact Events Director, Lucius Banda commended Castel Malawi for coming so quickly and make a positive contribution.

“As organiser we are very thankful to Castel Malawi for coming with such an amount towards the event. We are happy to receive this money which will go a long way as we prepare for the festival,” said Banda.

According to Impact Events this year’s festival will be headlined by a Malawian artist a sign of the industry’s growth.

“Over the years Malawian music has recorded a significant growth, this is a great development for the industry. Therefore, this year the main artist will be a Malawian who will be supported by other local and international acts,” he said.
This year’s budget is pegged at K140 million therefore, Banda has called on other companies to emulate Castel’s gesture.

“Economically worldwide things are not okay a development that has seen our budget to be at around K140 million. We are pleading to other companies to come forward and assist in making the event a success,” added the director.

Banda said that the platform will continue playing a significant role in the economic development of the country.

“Sand Music Festival goes beyond just music, but it creates a room for more economic activities. We expect to see hotels to be fully booked, fuel business to boost as fun lovers will travel and even the enhancement of the SMEs sector,” said Banda.

Understanding the economic status of the country, Impact Events has maintained the ticket prices and has assured safety for patrons.

Thyolo frustrated with ID Registration


People of Thyolo may be deprived their constitutional right of being recognised as citizen through the National Identity registration underway in the district, with information emerging that the registration process has been marred with a lot of challenges in the district.

A random check in several centers in the district showed that the people of Thyolo are frustrated with how National Registration Bureau (NRB) is handling the process.

For instance, our visit to Thyolo Central NRB centers found out that the biometric kit machines which were allocated in this area are not up to date, very slow in processing data and that for them to function, they have to be rebooted more than fifteen times in a day, a development that is frustrating those who want to register for a national ID for the first time or intend to renew or replace their old National ID.

As that is not enough, some interns who are taking part in the exercise are abandoning their work stations deliberately, a development that is affecting service delivery with many centers running short of staff.

Speaking to several people who went to do ID registration in Thyolo Central, they expressed their dissatisfaction and called upon authorities to act on the challenges being faced.

“We are spending days coming here to have our names recorded for the National ID or to replace our expired IDs but nothing seems to work. I have been here for several occasions only to be told that the machines are not working and i cannot be registered. This is not fair as we cannot do any transaction let alone allowed to vote in the next elections if we have an expired or do not have an ID,” lamented one old man who identified himself as Afela Kolite.

A lady by the name Agness Mwambo from Nchiramwera village said for two days, she has been going to Nachipele Center to have her ID renewed only to be told that there are no staff to operate the machine.

In an interview with one of the members of parliament in Thyolo district, Ben Malunga Phiri said as a law marker of Thyolo Central, he will try his best to Civic education and mobilise the masses in the area on the importance of taking part in the exercise on the extension of dates for the expired IDs.

“Despite the challenges that the people are facing in my area, am calling and encouraging them to take part on the process. We all know that without National IDs nowadays, there is nothing that one can do. What is happening here is very frustrating and i want to call upon relevant authorities and stakeholders to address the situation in the area.” Said Phiri.

He further said that what is happening in Thyolo can be a tip of an iceberg just that others are not following up .

An attempt to speak with relevant officials handling the exercise did not yield any positive results. As we went to press, there was no immediate comment from officials from Ministry of Homeland security and National Registration Bureau on the concerns that have been raised by people of Thyolo.

Naturopathy and Wellness centre opens in Blantyre


Beatitude Naturopathy and Wellness Centre has opened its doors in Blantyre after operating for years in Balaka.

The Centre’s Director, Francis Malunga said in an interview that they moved to Blantyre to diligently serve the large number of clients operating from the commercial city.  

“We want our clients to access naturopathic treatments by professional naturopathic practitioners and chiropractors. Naturopathy or Naturopathic Medicine is a distinct, integrated system of primary health care, based on the vitalistic principles of Naturopathic philosophy and holism. Fundamental to the practice of Naturopathy is recognition of the integrity of the person, as a whole entity, and not merely as a set of symptoms or afflictions,” explained Malunga.

He further distinguished naturopathy and wellness from hospital care citing the former provides respect for the healing processes of nature while empowering the individual to take responsibility for their own health process.

“Naturopathy takes into account physical, mental, spiritual, emotional, genetic, social and environmental factors. Although it is both a concept of healing, and a way of life, modern naturopathy has evolved to become a science-based system of healthcare requiring four years of full-time training in primary health care, based on the vitalistic principles of Naturopathic philosophy and holism,” he said.

Some of the services offered at the center include diabetes and blood pressure reversal,  massage therapy, asthma reversal, back alignment, hydrotherapy, aroma therapy, colon cleansing for the constipated, cancer treatment  and others.

One of the patients who has received treatment at the centre Mike Phiri hailed the opening of the wellness centre.

“I used to travel to Balaka for naturopathic treatment which was a bit of a challenge in terms of transport. I am happy that they have now opened here in Blantyre to help more people who have different ailments,” said Phiri.

The centre is located at Manase in Blantyre.

RR Trading evades duty over St. Andrews uniform


RR Trading, a Limbe-based supplying company owned by on-the-run businessman Mohamed Shabir Salim Jussab police in Malawi is looking for, is implicated in yet another tax evasion scam.

Information gathered reveals that the company supplied school uniforms to St. Andrews International Primary School in Blantyre valued at over K50 million, but it evaded duty to milk the Malawi Government of the much needed income.

The company, RR Trading, also had problems with the school over the quantity of the consignment and also payment issues as the school was financially struggling before the new board took over, and it had to take intervention of lawyers to agree on an out-of-court settlement.

But RR Trading has played all tricks in the book to stay aloof of a possible investigation by Malawi Revenue Authority (MRA), but it is believed the tax collecting body got wind of it, but is yet to act as the firm’s owner, Jussab, is still on the run, reportedly in Saudi Arabia.

Sources privy to the scam accused the company of not being sensitive on its conduct to evade duty, arguing the country is facing serious economic challenges they believe is being worsened by such companies that are evading duty.

“This is evil. What would one lose to pay duty as the law demands? It is high time authorities take decisive action on duty evaders. There is no reason such companies should be allowed to operate in Malawi,” he said.

Just few days ago, it has been discovered that a young brother to this on-the-run businessman, Humair Salim Mahomed Sidik Jussab, is also facing a criminal charge after an Interpol operation has recovered a stolen car in Malawi stolen from South Africa in his name.

Malawi Police Service (MPS) investigators, who formed part of the Interpol, carried out an operation in selected districts that included Blantyre and Mangochi, according to South West Region Police Headquarters spokesperson Beatrice Mikuwa.

Humair is also reportedly on the run, according to police sources, who disclosed that they did not find him last week at his Mapanga factory in Blantyre, Fasa, when police wanted to pick him for questioning.

Among the four vehicles recovered, one of them, a double cabin Amarok VW, registration number BZ 1382, white, and in the name of Humair Jussab, was found at a garage in Blantyre.

Humair’s elder brother, Shabir, also wanted in Malawi for cyber harassment charge, and assault on his driver, and also facing a K26 million claim for his client’s vehicle he failed to repair at his garage, is reportedly in Saudi Arabia, with a warrant of arrest hanging on his head.

Mikuwa disclosed that three other vehicles recovered are Toyota Hilux, adding one of them stolen at gunpoint in Zimbabwe, was intercepted at Mwanza border post by Anti-motor car theft unit.

“A Zimbabwean suspect, Nyasya Ndangalazi, 34, from Chitungwiza, Chikemba Road No. 16-Zengera, was arrested and is in custody. This car had a fake registration number plate, MN 4832. Inside the vehicle, there were two other numbers, a Mozambican registration number AHG 096MP and a Zimbabwean registration number, AFR 3807,” Mikuwa explained.

She warned criminals in Malawi who collaborate with criminals outside Malawi that they would have nowhere to run to as police in Malawi cooperate with Interpol to flush out criminals involved in car thefts.

She said car theft is a serious offence and the law enforcers will always treat it as such.

Police in Blantyre obtained the warrant of arrest against Shabir for the charge of the cyber harassment on a fellow businessman and his family in Blantyre.

Later, another complaint against Shabir was filed with police by Shafqat Kasam, demanding K26 million which he said was value of his BMW convertible which he claimed RR Auto Service, Shabir’s garage in Blantyre, failed to repair it for over two years.

Kasam claimed in an interview his car, which he said was a runner and only had a sun roof problem which was not closing or opening, was not repaired until the garage was sold and he later heard that Shabir was on Interpol Red Alert and in Saudi Arabia.

On the case of the fired driver who told police he was assaulted, the 72-year-old ex-employee, Stainford Kalitsilira, told police his former boss assaulted him and verbally abused him on July 16 2021.

TNM gives Presidential Charity Golf K10 million boost


Malawi’s pioneering mobile network and ICT services provider TNM has taken the lead to give the upcoming Presidential Charity Golf on October 7, 2023 a boost with a donation of K10 million.

The charity tournament, now in its second year, aims to raise funds to assist survivors of devastating Cyclone Freddy and needy students at tertiary education level.

Sophie Kalambule, one the country’s lady golfers and who represented the Presidential Charity Golf organising committee was all smiles when she received K10 million cheque from the TNM CEO Michel Hebert.

“We are very excited and thankful to TNM for thinking of donating to this charity event which will help victims of Cyclone Freddy and the public tertiary education institutions in particular needy students who are struggling to pay fees and upkeep. For TNM to kick-start the donations mean a lot to the organising committee” she said.

The TNM CEO said the sponsorship is a continuation of the company’s spirit of standing together with Malawians in their time of need.

“TNM as one of the companies which withstood and survived the onslaught of Cyclone Freddy pledges to continue partnering to support the victims of that disaster. In the same vein, we are always eager to play our part in supporting the country’s Education sector, where over the years, TNM have made remarkable contributions,” he said.

Hebert applauded the Presidential Charity Golf committee for putting the needs of Malawians at heart by mobilising resources to help cyclone victims and needy children in schools.

“TNM would like to recognise the initiative by State House to respond to the needs of citizenry by raising funds through the Charity Golf,” he says.

The CEO says that as a responsible corporate citizen, TNM takes seriously its commitment to partner with Malawians in their time of need.

Hebert said TNM has been sponsoring golf tournaments for many years and that the sponsorship of K10 million is a continuation of the positive contributions towards the sport.

“While football is our flagship sponsorship property, golf is our second biggest pre-occupation. Memories are still fresh of our involvement with the Malawi Open and various golf-club sponsorships over the years. All this is well anchored in our positioning as Malawi’s home-grown and Malawian wholly owned telecoms company,” he said.


A revolution is looming in the opposition DPP, with promotional material being circulated calling on members to join this movement.

Inside sources have confided with us that the revolution is being led by DPP members from various professional backgrounds whose aim is to fight for change amid different factions in the party and position it for victory in 2025.

“The ongoing problems within the DPP persist due to several factors that have resulted in a lack of cease in these issues. The so-called “blue revolution” has noticed a concerning trend where personal interests take precedence over the party’s interests as a whole. This observation has shed light on the detrimental impact caused by individuals who are entrusted with the responsibility of fostering unity and maintaining the party’s credibility, as they prioritize their personal agendas, hence this movement” said the source.

Since it was booted out of power, the DPP has been rocked with problems.

Jussabs face more trouble, Humair Salim Mahomed Sidik Jussab found with stolen car

Humair Salim Mahomed Sidik Jussab, a young brother to businessman Mohamed Shabir Salim Jussab wanted by police in Malawi on criminal charges, was found with a stolen car.

Malawi Police Service (MPS) joined Interpol operation in some districts in Malawi that recovered three vehicles; including a VW Amarok double twin cab, BZ 1382, which was found at a garage in Blantyre registered in Humair’s name.

The VW Amarok is in the name of Humair, the young brother to Shabir, but when police wanted to arrest him at his factory in Mapanga known as Fasa, in Blantyre, he was reported to be in South Africa.

South West Region Police spokesperson Beatrice Mikuwa confirmed the Interpol operation, adding it also recovered three other vehicles, Toyota Hilux model.

Mikuwa said one Toyota Hilux stolen from Zimbabwe at a gunpoint, was intercepted at a border post in Mwanza District, and the suspect in police custody is a Zimbabwean, Nyasya Ndangalazi, 34, from Chitungwiza, Chikemba Road Number 16-Zengera

“This car had a fake registration number plate, MN 4832. Inside the vehicle, there were two other numbers, a Mozambican registration number AHG 096MP and a Zimbabwean registration number, AFR 3807,” Mikuwa said.

Police have warned carjackers in Malawi who connive with criminals outside Malawi that they would have nowhere to run to as police in Malawi cooperate with Interpol to flush out criminals involved in car thefts.

Police in Blantyre recently obtained a warrant of arrest against Humair’s elder brother, Shabir, accused of committing cyber harassment.

Few days another complaint was lodged with police against Shabir by businessman Shafqat Kasam, who is demanding K26 million which he said was value of his BMW convertible which he claimed RR Auto Service, Shabir’s garage in Blantyre, failed to repair it for over two years.

Kasam claimed in an interview his car, which he said was a runner and only had a sun roof problem which was not closing or opening, was not repaired until the garage was sold and he later heard that Shabir was on Interpol Red Alert and in Saudi Arabia.

On the case of the fired driver who told police he was assaulted, the 72-year-old ex-employee, Stainford Kalitsilira, told police his former boss assaulted him and verbally abused him on July 16 2021.

NBS Bank expects H1 profit after tax growth

NBS Bank Plc has said it expects an increase in the half year profit after tax ending June 30, 2023 to be between K11.8 billion and K12.3 billion from K5.9 billion in the same period last year.

Initially, in the First Trading Statement, the Malawi Stock Exchange listed Bank projected an increase of the half year profit after tax ending June 30 2023, to between K10 billion and K11.5 billion.

According to the latest statement released by the Bank, signed by company secretary, Marsha Ovi Machika, the increase is as a result of improved revenue.

“The company is pleased to inform the public that a reasonable degree of certainty exists that profit after tax for the half year ended 30th June 2023 is now expected to be between K11.8 billion and K12.3 billion compared to K5.9 billion reported for the half year ended 30 June 2022.

“The change in expected profit is due to improved revenue performance and lower credit impairments in the month of June 2023 than had been the forecast at the time of issuing the First Trading Statement,” reads the statement.

Recently, during the Bank’s 19th Annual General Meeting (AGM), board chairperson, Vizenge Kumwenda also announced growth of the profit after tax from K7.7 billion to K18.9 billion representing an increase of 146% in 2022.

“The Bank invested in technology to support digital transactions; focused on development programs for its staff and customer service over the past five years. The investments allowed the Bank to offer convenience and significantly improved customer service to its customers which in turn contributed to growing transaction volumes and related income. Further, customers entrusted the Bank with more deposits in 2022 as manifested in the growth of customer deposits by 67% year-on-year,” he said.

PIL in new Kwacha fuel imports deal


Petroleum Importers Limited (PIL) has disclosed that it will sign an agreement with a fuel supplier who is willing to accept local currency payment.

PIL General Manager Martin Msimuko however did not disclose the name of the company until the signing ceremony for the purchase of 35 million litres of fuel materializes in a one-time arrangement any day this week.

“If all goes well the deal will be signed this week, we are talking of 15 million litres of diesel and 20 million litres of petrol. This is a once-off arrangement for now, to be repeated if successful,” said Msimuko.

Malawi Energy Regulatory Authority (MERA) Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Henry Kachaje confirmed to the local media that he is aware of the PIL arrangement.

“The last time we followed up, they had one who had seriously indicated a willingness to pursue and we gave them a go-ahead to negotiate and do some due diligence,” said Kachaje.

Minister of Information and Digitization Moses Kunkuyu, was also hopeful of the deal when he addressed the press in Lilongwe on the fuel situation in the country last week.

One Economist Milward Tobias was also quoted by the local press supporting the arrangement, saying it would be a huge relief especially as the country does not have enough foreign exchange supply.

The country has been experiencing erratic fuel supply caused by shortage of forex in the country.

To mitigate the fuel supply challenges, PIL has been trying several means of reversing the problem, including the use of railways to transport the product in large volumes at once.

Fomo FC qualifies into Castel Cup national stage, beats Mwanza Stars


Mulanje-based Fomo Football Club has reached the national stage of the Ibongetse Castel Challenge Cup after beating Mwanza Stars 5-4 in post-match penalties at Mwanza Community Stadium.

The host team failed to utilise the home ground advantage as the visitors dominated the game that ended 0-0 on regulation time.

Fomo FC becomes one of the six teams to qualify for national stage from the Southern Region Football Association (SRFA).
The sponsor of the cup, Castel Malawi Limited has expressed satisfaction with the progress of the Malawi’s big tournament.

“We are very happy with the progress of the league, so far we have seen great talents at district level. The strides align our objective of develop football using the bottom-up approach,” said Lavern Chitakata, Castel Malawi’s Marketing Operations Manager.

According to Castel, the multi-beneficial challenge cup is helping the youth to get involved in a number of social activities.

“In all the districts that we have so far visited we noted that the youth are deprived of entertainment. Therefore, as a fun brand we are implementing different social activities to create buzz and involve the youth around the Ibongetse Challenge Cup,” she said.

Chitakata hailed teams and their fans for ensuring violent free matches at the district level expressing optimism of a continued trend in the national stage.

General Secretary for Southern Region Football Association (SRFA) Daires Kachale believes that teams in the association will continue registering good results of their fixtures.

“As SRFA, we are following the Castel Challenge Cup with keen interest. So far, the officiation has been excellent, we haven’t received complains a clear indication that the league is progressing so well,” said Kachale.

Kachale has encouraged the lower Division teams to keep their determination and resilient to reach into the finals.

“We are satisfied with the progress of the cup as teams from lower leagues continue to do well. Our mission is to see SRFA teams reaching finals and win the Ibongetse Challenge Cup,” he said.

Mapopa Msukwa, coach for Fomo FC attributed the win to good preparations and teamwork.

“Today’s game was very tough knowing that we were facing a good team at its home ground. We had intensive preparations and thanks to the team for giving a great performance,” said Msukwa.

He said that Fomo FC is excited to progress into the next stage and expects the games to be tough.

“We will be meeting Super League teams but we are ready. We will plan for these teams because we have been watching them in their leagues,” he said.

While recognising the efforts by his team, Mwanza Stars spokesperson Madalitso Buneya said the loss is very painful.

“This has been another heavy defeat for us as we have been knocked out at this stage. Going forward we are going to rectify the mistakes observed during the game and move forward,” said Buneya.

Castel Malawi Pumps K5 Million towards North Beach Music Festival


Castel Malawi has pumped in K5 million towards the North Beach Music Festival set for Chikale Beach in NkhataBay from September 1-3, 2023. 

Speaking after a cheque presentation ceremony to organisers of the Festival, Thoms Park Events at Castel’s Luwinga offices in Mzuzu on Friday, the company’s regional sales manager for the North, Andrew Ngombende said the donation is part of corporate social responsibility as the festival will offer the much-needed fun to their customers.

“This is part of our company’s corporate social responsibility, I believe it will give us a marketing forum while promoting local artists and offering fun to our customers,” said Ngombende.

One of the Thoms Park Events managers, Macdonald Soko commended Castel Malawi for the gesture while indicating they are still looking for more partners to make the festival a success. 

“We are very grateful for this donation, people should get ready for this festival from September 1 to 3. It will be one of the best. We will release the program soon,” said Soko.

He added that plans are underway to have the festival as an annual event.

“Though we have less companies partnering us on these entertainment events, we have hope that some companies will emulate what Castel has done,” said Soko.

The Black Missionaries, Lucius Banda, Skeffa Chimoto, Lulu and Driemo are some of the headliners at the event. 

SUICIDE: How big is the problem in Malawi?

Suicide is the act of deliberately killing oneself. The act ranges from having simple thoughts of ending one’s life to suicide attempts and eventually the actual act of ending one’s life. Suicide is the fourth leading cause of death among 15–19 years old.

 It is a leading cause of mortality particularly among adolescents and young adults, coming second to road traffic accidents. Globally it is estimated that at least every 40 seconds someone dies of suicide. Those that commit suicide are a small proportion among many those with unsuccessful attempts and even more afflicted by suicidal thoughts.

How big is the problem in Malawi?

The rate of suicide has been on the rise in Malawi for the past few years. In the first half of 2023, Malawi registered 256 cases of suicide, as compared to 135 people who committed suicide during a similar period in 2022, representing a 100 percent rise in the number of cases. Majority (226) of these were males.

Who is at risk?

People with mental illnesses such as severe depression, substance abuse disorders, and psychotic disorders are at a greater risk of suicide attempts. Being diagnosed with chronic diseases such as HIV, Cancer, or neurological conditions is also closely linked with suicide.

However, there is a high rate of suicide committed impulsively due to emerging life issues such as relationship breakdown between family members or companions and financial crisis. Being male is associated with a higher risk of completing suicide, while being female is associated with a higher rate of suicide attempts.

Is suicide Preventable?

Suicide is preventable. Preventing at societal level includes should target individuals, families, and communities. Learning warning signs, promoting prevention and resilience, and a committing to social change are all good strategies. Strategies should strengthen economic support, creating protective environments, improving access to and delivery of suicidal care, teaching coping and problem-solving skills, and timely identifying those at risk for support. Strengthening laws that limit exposure to harmful behaviours such as gambling, cannabis abuse, and use of hard drugs is important.

Why should one worry about suicide?

Suicide has far-reaching individual and community impacts. Suicide and suicide attempts worsen emotional, physical, and economic traumas of friends, loved ones, co-workers, and the community.

Surviving family and friends may experience prolonged grief, shock, anger, guilt, symptoms of depression or anxiety, and even thoughts of suicide themselves.

Need help? Or know someone who does?

Life problems are a common experience around the world. But a problem shared is half solved. It is always important to talk to someone when one is feeling like they can’t take any more. One can connect with their family members, church members, pastors, or a social counselor. Where available, hotline or online mental health counselors can be utilized to find some relief and advice.- (Source: Malawi Health Weekly,

ACB STAFF THREATEN STRIKE OVER ‘GREEDY’ CHIZUMA…Her Salary double than what DPP, Ombudsman get

A simmering tension at the Anti Corruption Bureau threatens to reach a boiling point next month where employees at the graft busting body will stage a sit-in, accusing their Director General Martha Chizuma of being greedy after she negotiated for a huge personal pay hike without considering the rest of employees.

While she is supposed to be getting K2, 900,000, a government set salary for ACB Director General, she personally negotiated a salary of over K5, 000,000 disregarding and throwing all other employees at the bureau under the bus.

By extension this means she gets double than what her collgues at the same grade like the Director of Public Prosecution (DPP) or Ombudsman get.

The irate employees have since penned Chizuma asking for a consideration of pay hike within 21 days after which they have threated to go on an indefinite strike. The 21 days will elapse on September 4.

According to impeccable sources, there is growing frustration in the bureau after employees learnt that their Director General receives almost double what is allocated to her office as she personally negotiated her terms with the appointing authority.

Employees, speaking on condition of anonymity, claim that they have been pushing for pay rise to match the cost of living in line with staff conditions of service but their demands have yielded nothing hence opting for a strike.

The notice of intention to hold strike has been communicated to Secretary for Labour with copies to the office of the Director General at ACB.

“Take notice that all employees of the Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) are in dispute with the Office of the Director General of the Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) regarding the application and enforcement of the ACB’s Staff Terms and Conditions of Service (2018)…to revise salaries” reads the communication which quotes articles of the Staff Terms and Conditions of Service which compel the Bureau to revise salaries to reflect increase in cost of living.

Sources say initially there were supposed to hold the strike last month but the DG, through her deputy Hilary Chilomba, resorted to threatening those leading the process that their contracts will not be renewed.

All employees of the bureau have their contracts renewed every three years and this is what the authority at the bureau uses to silence employees who may want to raise concerns against maladministration.

“But now we are ready for anything. We have brainstormed and consulted widely, we are ready to face her. She needs to resolve these issues. She cannot be the only person benefitting when we are the people that define the Bureau. Without us she is nothing hence she needs to be considerate. We are not relenting on this” said one frustrated employee.

What angers employees at the Bureau even more is the fact that apart from the hefty pay given to their boss she is also entitled to more benefits which include 24-hour security from Malawi Police Service and a well-guarded home at presidential villas.

According to some employees they have been pushing for improved personal security especially following the death of one of the senior members of the Bureau Issa Njaunju who was brutally killed during the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) regime in what is believed as the regime-sponsored war against the Bureau.

The employees argue that it is unreasonable to restrict such security to the Director General when everyone at the Bureau faces the same risk. Njaunju was Director of Administration and Corporate Affairs who was never involved in investigation or prosecution which essentially defines the work of the Bureau.

Chizuma, unlike her predecessor(s), does not take a leading role in prosecution. She is currently involved in prosecuting the case involving former minister of energy who alongside former presidential advisor Chris Chaima and Aford President Enoch Chihana are accused of attempting to influence fuel deals. Even in this one her presence is dodgy as she prefers to delegate juniors.

Two months ago when the matter went to court she was reportedly outside the country and the other two lawyers Chrispin Khunga and Imran Saidi were also, deliberately, absent leaving the matter in the hands of someone new.

In the case involving Vice President Saulos Chilima she is not involved. On the day Chilima was arrested in November last year she was not present neither has she attended any court session which is a departure from practice where top most bosses at the Bureau who happen to be lawyers take lead in such high-profiled cases.

Employees are also questioning Chizuma’s globetrotting where, since last year, she has been going outside the country for official duties almost every month.

Just in the last two months Chizuma has been to six different countries which include Angola, United Kingdom, Austria, South Africa, Kenya and Egypt.

Chizuma’s salary has not only raised eyebrows at the Bureau but in the public service where other officers such as the Director of Public Prosecution (DPP), Law Commissioner, Ombudsman and Malawi Human Rights Commission (MHRC) are also pushing for pay hike to match what is given to the ACB boss who is on the same grade.

The graft-busting body’s Director General is on grade D and has a monthly salary allocation of K2.9 million according to budget documents we have reviewed. But Chizuma gets about K5.3 million a month – a salary – an increase which was justified on account of the sensitivity of the office she holds.

As Ombudsman Chizuma had a salary of about K3.2 million which included honorarium from the Malawi Human Rights Commission (MHRC) on her role as a commissioner – an entitlement which is extended to the law commissioner.

Chizuma’s current pay is way above the DPP whose grade is C or equivalent to PS as the monthly salary allocation to this office is K2.6 million. Meanwhile the DPP, according to impeccable sources, is also demanding a pay hike to match the ACB Director a development the Public Appointments Committee (PAC) fears would bring chaos in the public service as it works to push for harmonization of wages in public service.

“This is totally unacceptable. We cannot have people negotiate for salaries in the public sector; this will bring chaos. The justification that the current ACB Director was getting more than is offered for her current position from her previous job as Ombudsman does not make sense.

Government was not under obligation to pick her for the job – they should have settled for someone who would accept the set salary scale. This ought to be cured otherwise we cannot have a free-for all salary structure in the public service” said a member of parliament who sits in PAC.

Array Networks, Luna Tech partner for networking and data security in Malawi


An American cybersecurity company, Array Networks has partnered Luna Technologies in Malawi to provide networking and data security products in the country.

Speaking during the cybersecurity training for various companies in the country in Blantyre on Wednesday, Array Networks regional sales head of Africa, Jayesh V said with the collaboration Value Added Distributors (VAD) is introducing Array Networks load balancer, Web Application Firewall, AG Series SSL VPN and DDoS protection into the Malawi market.

He said using these integers, organizations can ensure availability, security, remote access, SSL visibility from any platform, application and business.

“We are delighted to have this opportunity to collaborate with Luna Technologies in Malawi. The timing is perfect as we expand our team and the capabilities of the Array Networks in Malawi to help our customers achieve Security, Access, scalability, performance and security. As Array continues to grow and expand, we aim to work together in commitment to offer tremendous business benefits to its customers.

“Array offers a complete range of application delivery and security solutions aimed at maximizing employee productivity, ensuring always-on availability, optimizing the end-user experience, and guarding business infrastructure against attack and data leakage. For over two decades, Array has pioneered advances in integrated traffic management and secure application-level communications, setting new standards for innovation, quality, price-performance, and commitment to customer service and customer satisfaction,” said Jayesh.

Luna Technologies Managing Director, Warren Nkonjera hailed the partnerships saying it will extend Array’s APV Series Application Delivery Controller, Web Application Firewall, AVX Series Network hyperconverged Infrastructure and range of solutions to enterprises, Banks and Government Organization across their network in Malawi.

“We are excited for the partnership which will bring a great change in both entities and transfer of skills to the local entity and individuals including creating employment. The threats and vulnerabilities that Organizations face in data protection, Luna Technologies through their partnership with Array Networks products and services, will cover the gap in the market through the wide range of solutions on Cyber Security as customers will achieve scalability, performance and most importantly, security.”

“Our objective is to bring enhanced security to Financial Sectors, Government and customer data in a world where data is key to the success or collapse of enterprises,” said Nkonjera.

Luna Technologies is one of the largest WAN and network performance solutions distributors in Malawi.

BAM receives K3m Mpamba TransId

TNM Mpamba Limited wholly owned subsidiary of TNM PLC has commended the Bankers Association of Malawi (BAM) for contributing positively towards enhancing social economic status and development of the country.

Tsimikizo Chikoya, Projects Manager at TNM Mpamba Limited made the remarks in Blantyre when the mobile money service provider contributed K3 million towards this year’s BAM lakeshore conference.

According to TNM Mpamba, BAM is playing a pivotal role in progressing financial services more especially deepening financial inclusion.

“TNM Mpamba understands BAM’s objective of coordinating the efforts of the banking sector and share common vision of development in Malawi. Therefore, as one of key players in mobile money sector, we have keen interest in the activities that will take place at the conference this year hence we moved to add value to it,” said Chikoya.

Mpamba is optimistic that this year’s conference will provide solutions to the challenges rocking the financial industry in the country.

“Lakeshore conferences are important for professional bodies like BAM. TNM Mbampa expects that the gathering will generate new ideas and solutions on improving financial inclusion initiatives that benefits the rural communities,” he said.

On her part, Lyness Nkungula, Chief Executive Director of BAM said that banks are critical to Malawi’s developmental pillars as outlined in the MW2063 national vision.

“As BAM we are looking at the development of the country of which the transactions are done through banks. Therefore, our role is to initiate inclusivity in the banking industry to ensure holistic contribution towards making Malawi a great nation,” said Nkungula.

Acknowledging Mpamba’s contribution, Nkungula said this year’s lakeshore conference will discuss issues that improve inclusive banking.

“Our focus is to improve inclusive banking as such we are going to discuss economic recovery and how we can reach all the corners of the country. We appreciate TNM for contributing towards our conference this cement our relationship as the company is effective in mobile money services,” she said.

This year’s Bankers’ conference starts today at Sunbird Nkopola in Mangochi and is held under the theme: “Banks for All, and Development for All.”

Mogfords Lake Resort reopens after Cyclone Freddy disaster


Mofgords Lake Resort in Mangochi which was affected by the raging Cyclone Freddy waters has re-opened for business, three months after being closed for renovations.

Mogfords Director  Kisembe Partridge said in an interview yesterday that they were affected by the raging waters from the Cyclone Freddy disaster in April as most of the resort was submerged in water.

“Part of the resort was spared but we lost four panels of our fence from the side where the water forced its way to flood part of the resort. So, we have been sorting this issue from April until this week when we reopened and as part of testing our systems we successfully hosted a meeting for about 50 people.”

“So, I would say we are back to business because our systems are working well after the conference and we are ready to take more people for conferences and private stays,” said Partridge.

She said they managed to save their electricity transformer and backup generators which were partly submerged in water by quickly shutting them down completely during the disaster.

“We have now sorted out the sewerage system and replaced some furniture that was destroyed during the disaster. Fortunately, our electricity transformer and backup generator were switched off during the disaster and we managed to save them from damage,” said Partridge.

 She declined to state how much was lost during the disaster saying it was ‘a substantial loss’ but was quick to thank all members of staff who worked tirelessly through-out the disaster and the rehabilitation process regardless of what they were employed to do.

“But we want to assure our clients that we will strive to offer our best services we offered before we were affected by Cyclone Freddy, they will feel the same Mogfords magic,” said Partridge.

She also said they have invested a lot of resources in the drainage system so that should the disaster replicate itself, it should not cause any substantial damage.

Mogfords Lake Resort which opened its doors in 2018, is situated at Mtakataka turn off on the Mangochi-Monkey Bay road and currently has an 80-room capacity soon to reach 100-rooms which include self-catering studios and apartments, conference and boardroom facilities, a swimming Pool, a modern spacious beach restaurant, a gym, motor boats and children’s playing facilities.

Prof Chikaonda remembered

The family of the late Professor Matthews Chikaonda, former Finance Minister and corporate executive at the weekend organized prayers to commemorate his death and unveil his tombstone at his home village in Dedza.

The late Chikaonda who served as Governor of the Reserve Bank of Malawi (RBM), Minister of Finance and Group Chief Executive Officer for conglomerate Press Corporation plc (PCL) died on 29th October 2018 in the United States of America (USA) and was buried at his home village Tembetembe, Mtakataka in Dedza district on 19th November 2018.

Speaking during the event, the late Chikaonda’s sister, former legislator for Dedza East Hyacintha Chikaonda thanked family and friends of the late Chikaonda for attending the tombstone unveiling ceremony to honour the decorated fallen economist.

“As he sleeps, his absence is a silent grief. His life is a beautiful memory and testimony. When our time on earth is done, money or material things will not matter. The love and kindness, compassion and courage with which we lived our life by, and inspired many, will remain as our footprints,” said Haycinta of his brother.

The event was attended by the late Chikaonda’s friends namely Mwaiwathu Private Hospital Director Professor Jack Wirima, former Finance Minister and Managing Director of Nico Holdings Felix Mlusu, former PCL Group CEO who succeeded Chikaonda, George Patridge and other business and corporate leaders.

The family also unveiled tombstones for other family members like the late Chikaonda’s father, the late Aurelious Chikaonda who was buried next to his son and the late Chikaonda’s brother Barnabas Chikaonda.

Born on 8 August 1954, Chikaonda was appointed RBM Governor in 1995 and served in that position until 2000 when he was appointed Minister of Finance until 2002 when he joined PCL and served as Group CEO until his retirement in December 2016.

He is survived by a wife and three children.

Fresh K26million claim against businessman Mohamed Shabir Salim Jussab


Following Malawi Police action to place businessman Mohamed Shabir Salim Jussab on Interpol Red Alert for an alleged cyber harassment, more claims are being filed to police against him.

A latest claim filed at Blantyre Police Station is by Shafqat Kasam, who is demanding K26 million from Jussab.

Kosam told police in a statement that he failed to get back his BMW car which was taken to Jussab’s garage in Blantyre in September 2021 for repair.

Kasam is valuing his car, which he says the now sold garage RR Auto Service, failed to repair.

He told police that the only problem on his convertible car, which was a runner, was sunloof which was not functioning, but claimed the vehicle developed other problems whilst at the garage and he could not manage to get it until Jussab sold the garage.

He said he learnt later that Jussab was not in the country followed by news that he is on Interpol Red Alert related to cyber harassment offences.

Malawi Police placed Jussab on Interpol Red Alert last week after a magistrate court in Blantyre issued a warrant of arrest against him, and later, police disclosed that his former driver at RR Trading in Limbe lodged a complaint that he assaulted him after firing him.

On the case of the fired driver who told police he was assaulted, the 72-year-old ex-employee, Stainford Kalitsilira, told police his former boss assaulted him and verbally abused him on July 16 2021.

South West Region Police Headquarters spokesperson Beatrice Mikuwa confirmed in a response to a questionnaire of the two fresh cases, adding investigations were underway after two statements were recorded.

Police, according to the warrant of arrest on the cyber harassment, alleges that between the month of July and August 2023, in the District of Blantyre, Jussab used his computer system to send out messages threatening to inflict injury to Abdul Karim Batatawala and other members of his family.

Particulars further allege that Jussab, between the same dates, willfully and repeatedly used WhatsApp messages to disturb or attempt to disturb the peace, quietness or right to privacy of Batatawala and his family members.


Standard Bank has registered a 14 percent increase in customer growth and four percent in loans thanks to the Switch your Salary and Win Promotion.

This was announced during the first draw of the Switch your Salary and Win Promotion in Lilongwe where one of the the bank’s lucky customers Dizderio Mangani won the monthly grand prize of MWK1 million.

Speaking during the draw Standard Bank’s head of personal banking Takula Kapalamula said the promotion is encouraging people to move their salary accounts from other banks to Standard Bank which in turn takes over their loans and offers a flexible repayment of up to five years.

“We have been overwhelmed with the response from our customers. We have seen a steady growth in new customers. At Standard Bank, we have solutions and services that Malawians from all walks of life can benefit in their day to day financial needs, whilst also supporting clients to plan for their current and future aspirations. To enter this promotion customers need to switch their salary accounts to Standard Bank.

The bank has made the switching process more convenient and flexible and extended repayment of loans up to five years.” He said.
The four month promotion will see clients Win cash prizes every month with the grand prize being 10 million kwacha in October.

During the Tuesday draw one customer won and 1 million another 500 thousand kwacha, three others won 200 thousand kwacha each and 50 others went home with fifty thousand kwacha each.

“One of the major points of inquiry for most clients and stakeholders was how one can move their loan from other banks to Standard Bank. We can do this in 6 steps where we need an official correspondence from the other institution one is holding a loan from. After calculating affordability and credit checks we can issue a loan takeover. Thereafter processing loans even before the salary is switched as we use the letter of undertaking from the employer of the client.” Said Kapalamula

Castel Challenge Cup excites SRFA


Southern Region Football Association (SRFA( has expressed satisfaction with the progress of the Castel Challenge Cup saying teams in small leagues are showing a great spirit of resilience being manifested in the results of games.

Speaking during the cup’s game between Nsanje United and Changalume Barracks at Nsanje Youth Centre, SRFA chairperson Raphael Humba said Division 1 teams are portraying zeal and determination.

At the end of the match Nsanje United defeated Changalume Barracks 7-6 in post-match penalties after the game ended 0-0.

“Today’s Ibongetse Cup fixture has given us a great game where we have seen Division 1 team knocking out a Premier Division side. This means that Castel Challenge Cup is taking Malawi’s football to another level,” said Humba.

According to the association, Nsanje United becomes a second team in Division 1 to knock out a team in Premier Division.

“Castel Cup is living by its mission of developing football in the country. We are happy to see Nsanje United becoming a second lower side team to defeat a Premier Division team after Lunzu-based Soccer Rangers recently knocked out Ntaja United in the cup,” he said.

Marketing Operations Manager at Castel Malawi Limited Lavern Chitakata said that Castel Cup is transforming the game of football.

“The game here at Nsanje Youth centre attests to our core objective of taking football to every corner of the county. After we launched the cup we have been going in different places to show our impact and here we are in Nsanje district because the cup is for everyone,” said Chitakata.

Castel Malawi expects to see teams and players in the lower leagues soaring so high to compete with Super League teams.

“With the style of play we have seen so far at regional and district level, we are assured that teams from the lower leagues will make it to the next round. As sponsors, we are looking forward to see these teams doing well and win against the big teams,” she said.

Through the Castel Challenge Cup, the company is developing football in the country using a bottom-up approach which is integral in the football world.

Assistant Coach for Changalume Barracks William Chiwanda said the team will now divert focus to the Premier Division league and other cups.

“We played well and managed to dominate the game but failed to utilise the chances we created. We have been knocked-out in post-match penalties that are unpredictable therefore, as a team we will concentrate on the league after rectifying the mistakes,” said Chiwanda.

Kennedy Chonzi, coach for Nsanje United who was over the moon attributed his side’s win to hardworking spirit and good preparations.

“As a team we intensified our preparations knowing the importance of the game and the side we were meeting. It was a great game because our opponents came prepared but on the pitch we tried the level of our best to win the game,” said Chonzi.

Chonzi added that the game will help the team to correct some of the mistakes as they prepare to go on another assignment.

“We are going back to our drawing board to help our strikers to concentrate and start scoring goals because that is the major challenge,” he said.

Malawian Businessman Shabir Jussab on wrong side of the law again, entangled in assault case


Businessman Mohamed Shabir Salim Jussab has allegedly found himself on the wrong side of the law again, this time facing an assault charge at Blantyre Police Station.

Jussab is accused of assaulting an old man, 72 year old Stainford Kalitsilira, who was his driver at his company, RR Trading in Limbe.

Last week police disclosed that it placed Jussab on Interpol Red Alert over alleged cyber harassment.

South West Police Regional Headquaters spokesperson Beatrice Mikuwa disclosed today that Blantyre Police Station have recorded one more case against Jussab.

Kalitsilira has told police that he was fired for wrongly parking a car, and when he demanded his pay, Jussab allegedly assaulted him and called him a slave.

Mikuwa said investigations are underway.

Police earlier last week obtained a warrant of arrest against Jussab for the alleged cyber harassment offences, contrary to section 86(b) of the Electronic Transaction and Cyber Security Act.

Police, according to the warrant of arrest on the cyber harassment, alleges that between the month of July and August 2023, in the District of Blantyre, Jussab used his computer system to send out messages threatening to inflict injury to Abdul Karim Batatawala and other members of his family.

Particulars further allege that Jussab, between the same dates, willfully and repeatedly used WhatsApp messages to disturb or attempt to disturb the peace, quietness or right to privacy of Batatawala and his family members.

Joy as FCB Bullets supporter wins K2M in Zampira…participation reaches record of over 1 million entries

Raffle draw in progress

The game between Chitipa United and Kamuzu Barracks that was played on July 7, 2023 has become a breakthrough for Stephano Khungwa who emerged a third monthly winner in the TNM’s Zampira promotion.

The 32 year old Khungwa who works as Health Surveillance Attendant at Ministry of Health emerges a winner out of 44,580 correct predictions the promotion recorded during the period.

As a result of his prediction, the Khonjeni-based football fan pockets K2 million which he said he will use it to purchase land.

“I am delighted to win the prize money today. I will purchase land and start building my own house. Thank you TNM for this promotion which is helping supporters to win big,” said Khungwa.

Kungwa takes home K1 million and will donate K1 million worth of football equipment to Makapwa school in his area.

The monthly winner of MWK2 million is based on the draw of correct predictions of weekly matches every four weeks during the eight-month league season.

Speaking during the draw in Blantyre, Tikhala Chilimba, TNM’s Products Officer said the promotion reaffirms TNM’s commitment towards value creation for every football stakeholder.

“TNM as a long-term sponsor of the elite soccer league understands the rapid evolvement of football; fans want to be fully immersed into the game than just watching. Through the promotion, we take the 12th player, who bring an extra vibe to the game,” said Chilimba.

She said the telco will continue playing a significant role to continuously improve the game of football.

“At TNM we believe that every stakeholder plays a significant role to change the game of football. Therefore, TNM will continue coming up with off-the-pitch initiatives to provide added experience to all the stakeholders including supporters,” she said.

According to TNM the promotion will continue to develop grassroots football as winners channel half of the prize money towards a local team.

The promotion also has a daily SMS Trivia Questions component aiming to enhance supporter’s understanding of the game by subscribing and answering daily soccer related questions. Four customers each win K50,000 every week.

To participate in the draw, subscribers are required to send an SMS of their prediction to code 451 or dial *451# to predict and access extra features. The SMS cost K50.

NBS Bank for more personalized financial solutions to expatriates

Ngwenya (left) with Morocco Ambassador to Malawi Abdelkader Naji

NBS Bank Plc has reiterated the Bank’s determination to offer personalized financial solutions catering to the unique requirements of expatriates residing in the country.

The Bank’s Chief Executive Officer Kwanele Ngwenya said this in Lilongwe during a commemoration of the ‘Throne Day’, a significant Moroccan occasion that marks the ascension to the throne of His Majesty King Mohammed VI.

Ngwenya said the Bank is committed to enhancing its services for Moroccan staff members and customers, acknowledging the diverse needs of this community.

“The Moroccan Embassy has been a pillar of support in fostering a sense of unity and understanding between our institutions. As we celebrate Throne Day, NBS Bank takes immense pride in being a part of this joyous occasion and cherishes the remarkable relationship we have cultivated over the years,” said Ngwenya.

He added that the collaboration between NBS Bank and the Moroccan Embassy exemplifies the strength and importance of fostering international relationships and understanding.

“NBS Bank remains committed to building partnerships that help Malawi fulfill its MW2063 goals. The partnership with Morocco cements this because of the progress they have made in their Kingdom that emulates the vision Malawi has,” said Ngwenya.

He further said NBS Bank, as a leading financial institution that provides cutting-edge banking solutions to its diverse clientele, with a focus on customer satisfaction and innovation, aims to remain a pillar of support for the communities it serves.

“The Bank commits to building strong relationships with diplomatic missions, like the Moroccan Embassy, demonstrating its dedication to providing superior customer service and living up to its tagline of ‘Your Caring Bank'” he said.

In his remarks Moroccan Ambassador to Malawi Abdelkader Naji hailed the cordial relations between the Kingdom and African countries including Malawi.

“Morocco has embarked in an unprecedented process of reform and modernization aiming at upgrading young resources and developing sectorial policies affecting education, administration, justice, industry, energy and agriculture, as well as other social sectors strengthening Morocco’s position at regional and international scenes. The Kingdom of Morocco has always placed Africa at the centre of his foreign policy,” he said.

Malawian businessman Mohamed Shabir Salim Jussab on Interpol alert over cyber harassment


A senior magistrate court in Blantyre has granted Malawi Police Service (MPS) a warrant of arrest against Malawian businessman Mohamed Shabir Salim Jussab, aged 32 and currently in Saudi Arabia.

The police, according to South West Region Headquarters spokesperson Beatrice Mikuwa, have proceeded to place Jussab on Interpol alert to facilitate his arrest to bring him back home.

The businessman, according to the warrant of arrest we have accessed, conducted himself against section 86(b) of the Electronic Transaction and Cyber Security Act.

Jussab is accused of using his computer in Blantyre between July and August 2023 to send out messages intended to injure Abdul Karim Batatawala and members of his family.

Jussab, according to police sources on the matter, is a son in-law of Batatawala, and he left for Saudi Arabia, leaving his wife behind.

The businessman, in the second count, faces a charge of willfully and repeatedly using WhatsApp messages to disturb or attempt to disturb the peace, quietness or right to privacy of Batatawala and his family members.

The State has charged Jussab in the third count of cyber stalking after he reportedly harassed and threatened Batatawala and his family through WhatsApp.

The court ordered police to arrest him and bring him before it.

Former budget director Paul Mphwiyo, a K2.4 billion Cashgate suspect who jumped bail, is also another person the police placed on Interpol recently.

NBM concludes Independence Promo


National Bank of Malawi (NBM) Plc has concluded the month-long ‘Greatness at 59 Trivia contest’ with 20 people winning K100, 000 each.

The Bank organized the contest to celebrate the nation’s independence, while also promoting NBM’s ‘Feel The Greatness’ music video.

The trivia contest which was hosted on the Bank’s Facebook page, required participants to answer a series of questions related to the ‘Feel the Greatness’ song video (posted on the Bank’s YouTube channel). This ran for the entire month  of July.

NBM Marketing and Corporate Affairs Manager, Akossa Hiwa said they are happy with the engagement and increase in traffic on both the NBM plc Facebook and YouTube pages.

“The Greatness at 59 Trivia contest successfully engaged the audience, showcasing the National Bank of Malawi’s commitment to promoting local talent and celebrating Malawian culture. The contest brought excitement and participation from the Bank’s Facebook community, fostering a sense of pride and unity among the participants,” said Hiwa.

One of the customers Propane Kaundo hailed the Bank for the initiative.

“It is a nice initiative as it provides an opportunity for us customers to engage with the Bank. Even though I wasn’t lucky and didn’t win, I enjoyed the moment as it enhanced my knowledge of things about the country. I am looking forward to the next contest and wish NBM plc will organize this frequently,” said Kaundo.

Tama Jailosi and Misheck Jonathan Bandah won the first question by naming the featured artists in the video, while Rosaline Tryness Mwalwimba and Eugene Porter correctly identified the shared line by Saint and Ritaa in verse one.

The second set of questions were won by Michael Glyn Kayange and Kondie Käpindu who answered the district where Piksy was driving in the video, while St José Aryån Mbewe and Sydney Kapindu knew the words on the boat being pushed into the lake by fishermen.

Tuntufye Praise Msongole and Kēnnie Forbes Msiska also won by identifying the location of the athlete’s training track at Bingu National Stadium, whereas Sunganani Ngwira and Thandizo Sohaya recognized the items being sold by the vendor with dreadlocks.

Asante Cee and Fadweck Jr Kazondo knew the location of Ethel Kamwendo and Lucius Banda’s scene at Amaryllis Hotel, while Wellington Tati Kuntaja Jr. and Rasheeder Suleman correctly named the featured Malawian Entrepreneur, Ted Kwelepeta.

Felix Samu and Mhone Rashid identified the color Green from the Malawi flag worn by specific artists in the video, whereas Foster Dzuwa and Victoria Majamanda recognized the scene with the presentation at the National Bank of Malawi plc Head Office (NBM Towers).

Over and above the Trivia on Facebook, the Bank conducted a Blue Independence week from the 3-7 July 2023 where employees wore blue to work and gifted NBM plc customers at different touch points such as Service Centres and ATMs.

Business Partners International urges entrepreneurs to seek technical assistance

Business Partners International Malawi (BPI), a fund manager that provides debt equity financing, has advised budding entrepreneurs to consider seeking technical assistance from experts to grow their businesses.

BPI country manager, Akuzike Kafwamba made the call in Lilongwe when the company hosted a business breakfast with the Central Region entrepreneurs, after successfully hosting the same in Blantyre in April 2023.

According to Kafwamba, BPI as a risk financier also provides  Technical Assistance Loans, at zero interest, as a way of supporting the entrepreneurs to address technical requirements of their businesses and achieve the desired growth.

“The main message was how do they get themselves ready to access funding. The biggest challenge with SMEs is access to finance and also access to information on how to access funding. These two things we try to tie them together by engaging them so that they appreciate there is someone who can provide both financial and technical support for them to grow their businesses”.

“We do appreciate their business and growth plan and also we ensure they dive deeper into their operations. We have noticed that most SMEs do not understand their operations and the kind of funding required for their business,” he said.

One of the participants, Nomonde Sambakunsi commended Business Partners International for the meeting saying it was an eye opener to her as a fashion designer.

“Despite providing financial assistance, they have also provided direction on how one can grow their business. This is one of the aspects that we as business people miss,” she said.

During the meeting, Kafwamba made a presentation where he outlined BPI’s commitment in improving the lives of entrepreneurs. Since January 2023, BPI has approved MWK2.9 billion investments, and disbursed MWK1.6 billion investments. The firm has also approved MWK164.5 million technical assistance loans, and disbursed MWK73 million. In doing these investments, BPI has created and sustained 332 jobs, according to Kafwamba.

“We are a risk financier because we fund where others wouldn’t because of lack of or nature of securities offered and also lack of own contribution or where the industry is regarded as risky. Our major focus is on the entrepreneurial ability and viability when considering funding,” said Kafwamba.

Some of the businesses BPI funds include: Commercial property development/purchase, Manufacturing, Retail, Education, Health, Tourism, Green energy, and Services like IT and other professional services. The firm offers financing from MWK100 million to MWK1 billion.

NBM disburses K10.7 billion to Kasupe customers

National Bank of Malawi Plc says there is notable growth in terms of membership of village banks that are opening accounts and seeking financing with the Bank disclosing that so far K10.7 billion has been disbursed to Kasupe customers.

Speaking during an interaction with the village banks through Kasupe Finance partnership on Thursday in Blantyre, the Bank’s Chief Executive Officer Mcfussy Kawawa said the Bank is making a significant contribution to the financial inclusion agenda by disbursing loans through village banks.

“You have a small household that can access finance through the village banks and engage in small-scale business within the community, therefore, contributing to the broader economic growth of the country,” said Kawawa.

The CEO however appealed to village banks to fulfil their promises and repay their loans saying this can encourage the bank to offer more loans at affordable prices.

“The default rate is about 20 percent which is not too far from what we anticipated from the very beginning so it is not coming in as a surprise, but we expect that the lessons we are learning and the engagements we are having with the village banks, the default rate should be going down and we don’t expect to stop carrying on with this partnership,” said Kawawa.

Chairperson of a Ndirande-based Chilumba Village Bank, Faless Chinyati said as a transporter Kasupe Finance has helped to grow her capital.

She encouraged other village bank leaders to take an effort to make sure the loans are repaid as per the agreement.

“Leaders should take themselves as collateral and make efforts to clear the loan, then deal with default members later,” said Chinyati,

NBM launched Kasupe Finance in 2021 to provide a bridge to groups that could not access formal banking facilities.

FDH Bank delights in Malawi Queens’ impressive World Cup run

Official sponsors of the Malawi National Netball team, FDH Bank, have expressed happiness with the impressive performance of the team at the Netball World Cup in South Africa.

The Queens finished seventh in the world competition after managing to win five out of the eight games they played.

They managed to beat Tonga twice and Scotland, Fiji, and Barbados, but were unlucky to lose to Australia, England, and Uganda.

FDH Bank Public Relations Manager, Lorraine Chikhula said they are proud of the Queens and hope that their performance is a ladder to the next World Cup.

“It’s been a good run and a good fight. As sponsors, we gave The Queens full support during preparations and on the ground here in Cape Town. We congratulate them for making it to position seven in a tight competition involving 16 of the best teams in the world that made it to the World Cup 2023. We believe The Queens will make it to the next World Cup and will continue to fight for a higher ranking,” said Chikhula.

The team’s technical director, who was also the acting coach, Samuel Kanyenda commended Malawians, including FDH Bank for the support.

“We finished below our expectation, but we say thank you to all Malawians and our sponsors FDH Bank,” he said.

Apart from the monetary support, FDH Bank officials were also in Cape Town to offer their moral support to the netball Queens.

The Bank also dressed up the players and its officials.

NBM launches diaspora account 

By Gracious Chitakata

National Bank of Malawi (NBM) Plc has launched the diaspora account in a quest to reach out to Malawians living abroad.

In his speech during the product launch on Wednesday, the Bank’s Head of Retail Banking Division, Oswin Kasunda said the goal is to provide Malawians in the diaspora a means to access various financial products and services tailored to meet their unique needs.

“The Diaspora Account provides you with a Malawi Kwacha operating account, in which you can also have a related foreign currency denominated account in the currency of your choice in these four currencies United States Dollar, British Pound, Euro, and South African Rand, enabling one to easily manage their finances from anywhere in the world,” said Kasunda.

In her presentation on the product, NBM Henderson Street Service Center Manager Tamara Mtuwa said among other features, the account will have a dedicated account relationship manager to manage the portfolio and handle transfer instructions, financial advisory services, and any other queries.

“As a Bank, we are always in touch with our customers and we are always evaluating their needs so we thought it wise to engage our colleagues in diaspora and understand their needs and what they want the Bank to provide to them, so we sat down and engaged them and came up with this product,” said Mtuwa.

Mtuwa added the product has two types of accounts, individual and clubs, and societies.

“The most exciting feature that Malawians living abroad have been looking forward to is the opportunity to invest back home in building and the like, we are saying we are going to offer credit facilities that will help achieve that. So, we will be offering home improvement loans, mortgage loans, consumer loans, and secured loans of up to K20 million for those qualifying, as well as asset-based loans,” she explained.

Mtuwa added that another interesting feature is funeral insurance cover, which will help Malawians living abroad take care of unforeseen circumstances back home.

NBM diaspora account customer Fatsani Solomon hailed the bank for introducing the product.

“It’s really good and very helpful, accessible online, and makes life easier,” said Solomon.

NBS Bank’s Transformation Inspired by a Tale of Good to Great

NBS Bank Plc Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Kwanele Ngwenya has said confronting brutal truth and building the desired leadership and culture, are some of the strategies that played a role in rebuilding NBS Bank.

Ngwenya said this when he shared a remarkable tale of the Bank’s evolution to a thriving, profit-making organization at the recently held ‘Redeeming MW2063’ CEO’s summit. 

In his remarks, Ngwenya highlighted that the insights from the book ‘Good to Great’ by Jimmy Collins, provided him with a roadmap for NBS Bank to become a sustainable organization.

“By acknowledging weaknesses and identifying areas for improvement, NBS Bank was able to chart a course for effective change,” said Ngwenya.

He added that identifying the right people within the organization also helped in building a strong, capable leadership team that laid a foundation for crafting effective business strategies aligned with the Bank’s strengths and goals.

“Transformation was not merely about improving financial figures, it involved fostering a positive and inclusive organizational culture by cultivating the desired leadership traits and encouraging a collaborative work environment which motivated employees to contribute their best to the institution’s growth,” said Ngwenya.

The CEO also said NBS Bank adopted an 1800-day strategy guided by two fundamental principles to ‘win now’ which recognized that every single day mattered and encouraged the staff to take ownership of their roles and instill a sense of self-management and purpose.

“The second principle to ‘win later’ helped NBS Bank to invest in the future, laying the groundwork for sustainable growth and development which helped leadership to understand the importance of making well-calculated investments to remain competitive and relevant in the ever-changing financial landscape.”

“NBS Bank committed to continue supporting the MW2063 agenda with a focus on the agriculture value chain as well as leveraging on partnerships that have a similar vision for both the Bank and the nation,” he explained. 

NBS Bank recently announced growth of the Profit -After-Tax from K7.7 billion to K18.9 billion representing an increase of 146%.

NBM gives BAM K5 million for annual conference

National Bank of Malawi (NBM) Plc has given the Bankers Association of Malawi (BAM) K5 million to support this year’s annual conference.

Speaking during the official cheque handover ceremony in Blantyre on Wednesday, NBM Marketing and Corporate Affairs Manager, Akossa Hiwa said by sponsoring the event, the Bank aims to provide support and encouragement to esteemed members of the BAM who tirelessly work towards creating a robust financial ecosystem.

“This is not the first time that National Bank and BAM have worked together on the annual conferences, financial literacy projects, and a lot of other projects that BAM collaborates on.”

“As the Bank of the Nation, we believe that BAM is critical in ensuring that the banking sector is stable and that banks that fall under its umbrella are cascading,” said Hiwa.

Hiwa added that the Bank feels this year’s theme, ‘Banks for all and development for all’ will push the financial inclusion agenda as the Bank is looking to reach out to the underserved and unbanked communities and onboard them so that they can have access to financial services.

“You will recall that we launched our product ‘More Wallet’ in 2022 which enables those that are not yet banked to access financial services and transact like they are banked with the National Bank of Malawi. On top of these we also have a wide network of service centers and a wide agent banking network which is really entrenched in the rural and urban areas called fast save, with this we intend to reach out to those that cannot make it to the banking halls,” said Hiwa.

Bankers Association of Malawi Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Lyness Nkungula hailed NBM plc for the support saying this shows that the bank, as a member, sees the value it gets from the annual conferences.

“The conference is all-inclusive taking it from the theme, we will not only have the banks but a wide aspect of people that will be there and being a developmental theme, you would actually see that we have put in an aspect of entrepreneurship which is also a core business in most of the banks,” Nkungula said. 

BAM plans to hold this year’s annual conference from August 17 to 18.

TNM introduces incentives for new connections… Customers and Agents to receive bumper bonus

Blantyre, August 3, 2023 –New customers of TNM and resellers of SIM cards have every reason to smile as the pioneering mobile network and ICT services provider, proudly announces a bumper offer of free airtime and data for every new SIM card purchase.

New customers will receive 1.4G in bonus data bundles, 200 bonus minutes and 200 bonus SMS for every new SIM card bought when they recharge with at least K200 on Mpamba. In addition, they will qualify for 200 more bonus minutes if they transact with K1,000 or more using their new SIM card on TNM Mpamba. For resellers or agents, they will receive K100 worth of airtime for 5 SIM cards.

“This offer, valid until October 2023, gives new customers of TNM an added advantage of joining a network that offers world class experience with value for money access to data through a 4G and 5G networks and convenience and safety through transactional services available on TNM Mpamba,” said Head of Innovations, Joshua Sichinga

Sichinga said that the new incentives are a continuation of the exciting offers from TNM under its Mahape campaign which celebrates the utility from using TNM network services.

These include access to the 5G and 4G network platform, mobile money, and a wide range of bundles for both voice and data services and Winback campaigns.

“At TNM we are determined to provide the greatest value and experience to our customers and value chain stakeholders like agents. The free incentives underscore our commitment to transform Malawi’s telecommunications landscape, and to share the best of the Mahape moments,” said Sichinga.

Sichinga said the new incentives package is an improved offer as it extends to data and includes Mpamba. Hitherto, the incentive was limited to 138 minutes for voice only.

He said the offer has been designed to empower customers with more data and talk time to give them a cushion in these difficult economic times. At the same time, it will give resale agents a boost for their business by creating demand for their TNM products such as SIM cards and mobile money.

“In coming up with the improved new customer incentive, we factored in the benefits to our customers and how we can help to boost the business for our agents. By selling more SIM cards, they will be increasing their revenue and profit margins, while the Mpamba transactions respond to the need for TNM to apply mobile network technology to promote financial inclusion,” said the Head of Innovations.

The new offers are in line with the economic challenges that have influenced major changes on the market.

High Court Varies Chilima’s Bail Conditions. Today’s 5 Key Points

BAIL CONDITIONS VARIED: Justice Redson Kapindu has today, Tuesday August 1, 2023 varied bail conditions that the lower court had imposed on Vice President Dr. Saulos Klaus Chilima when he was arrested in November 2022 over corruption allegations. The Judge has set aside the need to have Chilima’s passport to be kept by the state but instead hand it over to President Lazarus Chakwera for the same reason that the Vice President can not travel without seeking leave of the President.

The court has also set aside the condition to have the Vice President physically report to ACB offices once in every three months, ruling that that requirement does not serve any purpose. Instead, the Office of the Vice President should be informing the ACB about the Veep’s whereabout every two weeks.

During the ruling, Justice Kapindu described as strange the reasoning by ACB prosecutors that the Vice President can still evade trial even although he is guarded by the Malawi Police Service because, according to ACB, the police can not be trusted. The Judge said he refused to join the ACB “on their journey of mistrust of the Malawi Police Service.”

2: NEW CHARGE SHEET: The ACB has dropped initial charges that they levelled on Vice President Chilima and there is now a new charge sheet, prompting the defence to argue that the ammended charge sheet is not supported by law. One of the defence lawyers Khumbo Soko wondered why the sudden change to the charge sheet, nine months after the arrest. “When arresting someone you must show that you are ready,” he said. The court will still make a ruling after submissions from both parties on Plea taking versus new charge sheet.

  1. ACB OBJECTS DISCLOSURERS: The state has objected to the request by the defence to furnish them with additional disclosures which earlier lead lawyer Kalekeni Kaphale had described as “extensive and pervasive.” The Prosecutors told the court that they will comply with other documents but will not disclose some information because it is previlege information. The ACB has since been requested to provide the defence with the required available information/objections within 7 days. This was after the defence complained that they recieved the new charge sheet just two days before court session.
  2. ONE PROSECUTOR COMPROMISED: The defence have filed to the court objecting the continued presence of one prosecutor, arguing that he is “not suitable” to continue prosecuting the case due to conflict of interest. The court will handle this matter in the next court session.
  3. ADJOURNED TO FRIDAY 25 AUGUST 2023: The court has since adjourned proceedings to August 25 where the presiding Judge – Justice Redson Kapindu – will make a number of determinations that will spell the way forward of the case. The Judge will determine on the request that the ACB should furnish more disclosures to the defence. The Prosecution has since argued in court that the demanded information is previleged information and can not be disclosed. The Judge will also determine on the request of the suitability of one prosecutor to prosecute the case. The Judge also indicated that there is another application from the defence questioning the competence of the ACB to prosecute the matter. On the said date, the court will also handle the request by Zodiak Broadcasting Station to cover the case live.
    Constitutional Question
    The Judge observed that if the President was incapacitated – the Vice President by the operation of the law – would become acting President and therefore the set bail conditions would serve no purpose because one would expect the acting President to focus on state affairs without disruptions.

PCL talks on expansion…strategy through mergers and acquisitions

Press Corporation plc (PCL) says it is working on an expansion strategy through mergers and acquisitions (M&As) and has lined up a number of projects to achieve the objective.

Speaking during the 39th Annual General Meeting in Blantyre on Friday, PCL chairperson Randson Mwadiwa, who reported a K36.3.1 billion profit after-tax in the year ended December 31 2022, said the group  remains committed to achieving strategic priorities while navigating the broader market and economic challenges.

“The group’s current strategy is centred around optimizing existing assets and investing in capacity for the future. It is with this in mind that the group envisages organic growth through expansion projects in ethanol businesses to unlock its performance and sustainable potential,” said Mwadiwa.

Mwadiwa further said PCL has also engaged in portfolio rebalancing to pursue greenfield projects in the renewable energy as well as processing and manufacturing.

He also told the shareholders that following the execution of the sale and purchase agreement on People’s Trading Centre (PTC), PCL group completed the exit process from the firm.

He said poor performance coupled with the lack of adequate capital to underwrite the business resulted in a decision to close down PTC.

Commenting on the underperformance of Malawi Telecommunications Limited (MTL) and The Foods Company Limited, Mwadiwa said a decision was made to preserve shareholder value in these entities.

He said for MTL, they consolidated its investment in the telecoms sectors through TNM plc and Open Connect Limited.

One of the shareholders Joe Maele commended PCL board for the changes it has made at the conglomerate and TNM plc, one of PCL’s subsidiaries.

“The change at PCL was much sought after,” he said, referring to the appointment of Ronald Mangani as PCL chief executive officer.

Minority Shareholders Association of Listed Companies secretary general Frank Harawa commended PCL’s performance.

“PCL remains a competitive listed firm on the market with a good dividend payout of K29 per share for 2022. We are seeing progress in the company and we believe that there is a future in this company,” said Harawa.

Meanwhile, shareholders at the AGM approved a K3.487 final dividend representing K29 per share. This follows another interim dividend of K842 million paid on October 28, 2022, bringing the total dividend payable for the financial year 2022 to K4.329 billion being K36 per share, which is above the 2021 financial year dividend of K4.122 billion at K34 per share.

PCL is 47 percent owned by Press Trust, 16.29 percent by Old Mutual Life Assurance Company Limited and 36.13 percent by other shareholders.

NBM supports ICAM, IIA lake conferences

National Bank of Malawi (NBM) Plc has given K5 million to the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Malawi (ICAM) and K3 million to Institute of Internal Auditors Malawi (IIA) for their annual conferences in September this year.

Speaking during the symbolic cheque presentation to ICAM on Friday, NBM’s Financial Accountant Mavuto Goodson Jimu said the Bank realizes the benefits that come from such conferences as they will also have a chance to present products to the delegates.

“We are expecting that the gathering will discuss economic challenges the country is facing and come up with practical solutions to resolve the same,” said Jimu.

ICAM Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Noel Zigowa, commended NBM for the donation which he described as timely to help the Institute achieve a successful conference.

“Among other activities delegates are going to discuss this year’s theme which is looking at creating value , building a sustainable economy towards Malawi 2063 goals, as one of the enablers of having effective institutions and professions,” said Zigowa.

Presenting a symbolic cheque to IIA on the same day, NBM Head of Internal Audit, Daniel Jere said the Bank benefits a lot from the IIA events as the institute fosters training and development of practicing internal auditors, some of which work with the Bank.

“As you are aware National Bank is one of the best performing companies on the stock exchange, in fact that comes from the strong governance culture that we have, assisted by internal auditors amongst other functional divisions at the Bank,” said Jere.

Institute of Internal Auditors Malawi, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Albert Dambula also hailed NBM plc for the support which he said will help cushion their huge budget.

“The delegates that are coming are internal auditors that are practicing in various organizations such as risk management practitioners, IT auditors as well as the public so that people can fully understand what we normally do, under this year’s theme ‘Internal audit believe, adapt and thrive’” explained Dambula.

Institute of Internal Auditors Malawi plans to hold its annual conference from September 7 to 10, while ICAM will follow suit from September 14 to 16 in Mangochi.

FDH Bank in Capetown to support the Queens

Official sponsors of the Malawi National Netball Team, FDH Bank, have travelled to Capetown in South Africa to offer their support to the girls as they kick start their Netball World Cup finals tonight.

The Queens will open their group B with Scotland in the first Netball World Cup in Africa.

FDH Bank Public Relations Manager Lorraine Chikhula said they felt the need to follow the Queens and give them support to power them up for the competition.

“As a sponsor, we are very excited about the start of the Netball World Cup and The Queens’ participation. We are in Capetown offering them full support, and we wish them all the best as the games start. Our expectations are very high, and we believe The Queens will give a world-class performance and bring back the cup,” she said.

The Malawi Queens interim coach Samuel Kanyenda commended FDH Bank and all Malawians for the support, saying they feel charged up and ready to burn Scotland.

“The good thing is that we prepared well for the competition. We know we are not facing Scotland alone, but we just want to make sure that we start on a high note with a win against Scotland. They are not a new side, and we know them,” he said.

The Queens, ranked sixth in the world, will face third-ranked England on Saturday before playing Barbados on Sunday.

Tonight, Australia will play Zimbabwe, while South Africa battles out with Wales, and Uganda is facing Singapore.

NBS Bank, Prison Service partner for convenient service offering

NBS Bank Plc and Malawi Prison Service (MPS) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) that will see officers from the service accessing various services from the Bank conveniently.

Speaking on the MOU signing whose ceremony was held at Prison Offices in Zomba on Monday, NBS Bank Acting Cluster Manager Southern and Eastern Region Andrew Kambalame said the partnership is aimed at easing processes for the officers to access NBS Bank loans.

“It is about us offering loans with flexible terms to members of Malawi Prison Service where they will access better services with tailored solutions for them. The agreement will ease the process to access the loans, from application to the release of the funds to ensure they are spending less time for their financial transactions.”

“We are also offering financial literacy services to them. So, the officers will have an opportunity to have a financial advisory on what they can do with the finances or how best they can utilize their finances with NBS Bank,” said Kambalame.

He further indicated that the officers would be able to access the ‘Easy Civil Account’ which is for civil servants, Smart Finance which offers the officers a chance to access goods and services such as iron sheets, building materials, electronics, among others from particular companies that are in partnership with NBS Bank.

MPS Commissioner General, Masauko Wiscot commended NBS Bank for formalizing the partnership which he said has existed for a long time.

“We have been in partnership for a long time only that it was not formalized. NBS Bank has given out loans to our officers, but we missed this link where the partnership was supposed to be formalized.”

“This is a very significant step because our officers used to struggle to access Bank loans, but looking at the spectrum of services that NBS Bank is offering our officers, it will also offer them a chance to plan for their retirement. We have had problems with our officers retiring without proper homes.,” explained Wiscot.

The officers will also be able to access vehicle financing as well as mortgages from the Bank, according to the MoU.

Castel outlines expectations from Cup

Castel says the long term expectation from its Challenge Cup is to contribute to a strong national team by unearthing talent from the grassroots.

Castel Malawi Head of Marketing Frank Binauli outlined the goal in Rumphi during the official kick-off of Northern region fixtures.

He urged football stakeholders to capitalise on the cup to build a strong base for the Flames.

“As a proud sponsor of this biggest cup in Malawi we expect to harness local talent from the grassroots which is a catalyst of building a great national team. Local teams have talent that if blended well could transform Malawi’s football,” said Binauli.

He expressed satisfaction with the kick-off that involved district and regional rookies who have started battling out for the K320 million.

“Today we have manifested a glimpse of what we want to achieve with the Ibongetse challenge cup. We are happy to witness beautiful football and nice officiation at a district level we will ensure sustainability of the trend,” he said.

Football Association of Malawi (FAM) Vice President Jabbar Alide commended the bottom-up approach which will intensify competitiveness from the district level.

“Castel journey has started and we are very happy with the setup which is local like here at Rumphi. We have seen the level of competitiveness, the level of dedication from the teams therefore, as FAM we are very optimistic it is going to achieve football development,” said Alide.

According to the vice president, the football association will continue supporting the Ibongetse Challenge Cup to enhance competitive levels.

“Football is changing very fast and we hope that the incentives in the competition will spar teams to push forward. Castel has put a big stake in this competition and with the level of talent we have seen today, these teams are capable of beating anyone,” added the Vice President.

Alide said that Castel Challenge Cup will be full of surprises that will excite the game of football.

“I would like to warn teams that feel they would sustain dominance that Castel Challenge Cup is coming with a difference and they must be prepared for that,” he said.

Representing Regional Associations, Raphael Humba said the associations are geared to ensure smooth running of the Castel Challenge Cup.

“All reginal associations are very excited with the kick-off of the Ibongetse challenge cup. We have been empowered to navigate the running of the cup and we hope to see regional teams soaring high in the challenge,” said Humba.

He highlighted shortage venues as a major challenge that could affect the taste effectiveness of the cup.

“Venue is the most challenging issue in as far as football is concerned here in Malawi. Almost every district is affected but we have put measures in place to address that for the cup,” he said.

During official kick-off games Rumphi district rivals Vongo FC and Thaboland FC battled it up where Thaboland emerged a winner by a goal to nil.

At the regional level, Rumphi-based Chipolopolo defeated Songwe Border FC 4-1 in post-match penalties after their game ended 1-1.

PCL invests K11 billion in ethanol plant upgrade

Press Corporation plc (PCL), through its subsidiary company PressCane Limited, has invested K11 billion in an ethanol plant which will produce high-quality potable ethanol  to be used in the pharmaceutical and beverage industries, with some intended for the export market.

PCL Chief Executive Officer, Ronald Mangani, said in an interview yesterday that the ethanol plant will also have a component of Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD) capable of producing fertilizer, bio-gas and electricity from the waste of ethanol production.

“We are in the process of upgrading our versatile ethanol plant at PressCane Limited which will enable full utilization of its production capacity of 60,000 litres of ethanol per day. This can be used for fuel blending and, more importantly, high-quality potable ethanol called ‘pharma-grade’ which can be used in the pharmaceutical and beverages industries, apart from exporting it to bring in the much-needed foreign exchange into the country,” said Mangani.

He explained that the company has made an investment of K2 billion in the ‘pharma-grade’ potable ethanol production plant, and a further K9 billion in the ZLD plant. 

“The good thing with pharma-grade ethanol is that it is pure, and we are excited to introduce this new product because we are responding to the demands of our customers who desire a better-quality product, especially those that want a product that is capable for use in beverage and pharmaceutical production.”

“We are already in talks with foreign customers to export the product, and this will be good for our country especially now when we are having foreign exchange challenges,” said Mangani.

He also said the ZLD plant will make sure that PressCane is environmentally friendly in terms of its waste disposal as the plant is capable of producing fertilizer, bio-gas and electricity from the waste of ethanol production.

“We are happy that, with the fertilizer that we will be producing from the ZLD plant, we will save some of the forex used to procure fertilizer from outside Malawi,” said Mangani.

He further said under the pharma-grade project, PressCane will bring an additional standalone unit to process hydrous alcohol to produce an additional 30 kilolitres per day (KLPD) of anhydrous alcohol (AA).

“The unit will be capable of improving the produced AA to a quality suitable for both pharmaceutical and beverage applications.  This investment will, therefore, increase annual  AA production from the current 13 million litres to 18 million litres. In addition, the company will be capable of producing 7 million litres of potable ethanol in a year,” said Mangani.

Mpamba adds UNIMA to payment ecosystem…Partnership to help ease tuition payments

Blantyre, July 26, 2023 – TNM Mpamba Limited, the wholly owned subsidiary of Malawi’s pioneer mobile network services provider, TNM PLC has partnered with University of Malawi (UNIMA) to provide convenience in payment of tuition fees for the university.

The integration enables parents, guardians, and students to make safe tuition fee payments through the Mpamba mobile money platform.

TNM Mpamba General Manager Christopher Sukasuka said the partnership speaks volumes of Mpamba’s growth and expansion of the payment eco-system and strides to further deepen financial inclusion.

“Mpamba strives to provide seamless payment capabilities to Malawians for their enhanced experience with financial technology. The partnership with UNIMA today is a witness of our growth in the payment ecosystem,” said Sukasuka.

According to Mpamba, UNIMA tuition fees payment is initiated in two categories preferred by customers.

“Under this integration, Malawians have two options when making UNIMA payments; using account number or invoice number. Option number one allows students to enter their account numbers while the second option valued clients use invoice numbers,” he said.

Sukasuka added that based on the payment option of their convenience, students and clients are required to follow simple processes on Mpamba platform.

“Mpamba is an integrated mobile money platform with a proven effectiveness in payments and financial services. With this partnership, parents, guardians and students need to follow simple and secure steps to finalise their payments in both options,” said the general manager.

Recognising the multiple benefits embedded in the integration, UNIMA’s Deputy Registrar Alfred Iteta Banda said that Mpamba platform is a breakthrough for the university.

“Mpamba is big in Malawi; it provides convenience for our students and clients. We are taking advantage of Mpamba’s wide footprint across the country which reduces distance and queues for our clients,” said Banda.

He said that TNM Mpamba is providing value in terms of records keeping as the platform works 24/7.

“Clients and students have the luxury to make payments around the clock which means they can meet their payment deadlines in a click of a button. Furthermore, Mpamba keeps records that could be used as evidence in future. Therefore, the advantages are endless,” he said.

To make the payments, clients and students need to dial *444# or use the TNM SmartApp.

CDEDI wants sugar prices reduced by 50%…pens MRA to probe transfer pricing


The Centre for Democracy and Economic Development Initiatives (CDEDI) is still siding with Malawians on the calls to have sugar prices reduced even by 50 percent as Illovo Sugar Company has failed to refute findings from the humanitarian organisation on price transferring.

In a press statement signed by CDEDI Executive Director Sylvester Namiwa and made available to this publication, a
kilogramme of sugar should fetch between MK700 and MK800.

Namiwa says the call for Malawi Revenue Authority (MRA) to investigate Illovo Sugar Company on issues to do with transfer pricing is part of the ongoing “sugar prices must fall”

He said both in press and consultative meetings, Illovo Sugar Company has failed to dispute findings from CDEDI on the pricing of sugar which based on fair trade practices, Malawians are paying more than when the commodity is being exported to.

It is in records that Illovo Sugar Company is currently exporting industrial sugar at US$500 per tonne to its sister companies in Mozambique and Zambia, where the sugar sells at US$850 while here at home the same sugar sells at as high as US$1,250 per tonne.

“If the above information is anything to go by, we are being deprived an average of US$350 per tonne, translating to around US$36 million on the 100,000 tonnes the company exports annually. The US$36 million (about K38.3 billion at the current exchange rate) is comparatively on the higher side to the purported MK30 billion government collects from Illovo in taxes,” says Namiwa who adds that this warrants for a probe by the tax collecting body, MRA since CDEDI findings are collaborated by a presentation by the industrial sugar users, who produced invoices as proof and that Illovo Managing Director (MD) Lekani Katandula, through an article on Nation Online dated April 5, 2023, confirmed that, indeed, they were exporting sugar below the local price.

As part of the inquiry, during the presentation of a preliminary report to the Trade and Industry consultative meeting held on July 18, 2023, chaired by Trade and Industry Minister Simplex Chithyola-Banda, a correction was made by Hon Paul Nkhoma on CDEDI’s presentation, indicating that according to the invoices, the exported sugar is sold at US$750, and not US$850 as presented by CDEDI.

Still Illovo Sugar Company, according to Namiwa, which was represented by its MD and company secretary, did not dispute CDEDI’s submission and that the same was the case during the public hearing.

“It is against this background that CDEDI has requested MRA to investigate this apparent clear case of transfer pricing,” he said.

Namiwa says during both the public hearing and the consultative meeting by the Trade and Industry Ministry, CDEDI using Illovo’s annual report for the year-ending August 31, 2022, illustrated that Malawians are paying a lot more to buy sugar.

He says of all the companies that make up Illovo Sugar Africa, namely Eswatini, Malawi, Mozambique, South Africa, Tanzania and Zambia, it is only Illovo Malawi that posts supernormal profits.

“This is adequately explained by the fact that locally-consumed Malawi sugar is more expensive than the exported one,” he adds.

Given irrefutable facts that have never been disputed by the Sugar manufacturer, Malawians have set their ‘ eyes on Trade Minister Chithyola Banda to break the good news that sugar prices have been reduced.

Between Thursday July 13, 2023 and Friday July 14, 2023, Parliamentary Committee on Trade and Industry, led by its Chairperson, Paul Nkhoma, conducted a public inquiry into sugar pricing and production, during which a number of stakeholders in the sugar value chain presented their submissions and CDEDI was the first to present a case of transfer pricing
against Illovo Sugar Company.

Castel Malawi calls for collaboration in waste disposal

Castel Malawi has called for serious collaboration between various stakeholders to ensure proper disposal of waste to reduce health hazards in the country. 

Castel Malawi Human Resource and Corporate Affairs Director, Gloria Zimba made the call on Friday during a cleaning exercise at its Mzuzu plant, which also extended to Lubinga market in conjunction with Mzuzu City Council. 

Zimba said they were worried to note that even most drinking joints lack proper bins for waste disposal hence their intervention to partner  Mzuzu City Council in the clean-up initiative. 

“We are currently working on strategies that can help us work together with councils on how best we can be managing the waste which are generated from our products and others in general. We have already engaged with Blantyre, Lilongwe and Mzuzu City councils on the partnership and we are remaining with Zomba.”

“However, let me be clear that there will not be 100 percent support from us towards the initiative. We will see how we can partner the councils and be supportive of other activities towards managing the waste,” said Zimba.

Mayor for Mzuzu City, Councillor Gift Desire Nyirenda commended Castel Malawi for the support saying their ‘Keep the City Clean’ initiative needs a hand from various stakeholders.  

During the sweeping exercise, the company donated materials such as wheelbarrows, shovels, slashers, waste bins and others worth K6 million to Mzuzu City Council.

“Castel Malawi Limited is a true friend. We are ready to continue working with them and we support their business where necessary,” said Nyirenda.

Last week, Castel Malawi conducted a similar exercise at Ndirande Market in Blantyre which is part of the support towards the National Clean Up initiative which falls on Fridays every second week of a month.

President Lazarus Chakwera launched the National Clean Up exercise in 2021 with the aim of enhancing hygiene in the country.

Get ready for Malawi vs. Scotland on 28 July!

Viewers can look forward to back-to-back action live from the Cape Town International Convention Centre in South Africa when the 2023 Netball World Cup kicks off with eight exciting fixtures on SuperSport variety 1 & 3 and SuperSport Select 1 & 2 on the Here For Her Channel on DStv (from Family) and GOtv (from Max) from Friday 28 July until Sunday, 6 August.

The Malawi Queens will kick-off the Netball World Cup with their first match against Scotland on the first day of the World Cup on 28 July at 20:00pm.

A not to be missed sporting event, sporting fans can look forward to African teams making the continent proud, as the 2023 Netball World Cup brings all the live action and the adrenaline of the game to their homes.

“This World Cup is not just another sports event; it’s a nod to our commitment to promoting women in sports and a celebration of female athletes who, through their remarkable feats, inspire and empower others,” says Rendani Ramovha, CEO-designate of SuperSport.

 “With an all-women SuperSport production crew – a world first – we will bring you every twist, every turn, every shot, of all 64 matches, including simultaneous games.”

Netball legends to watch include Joyce Mvula of Malawi, Karla Pretorius of South Africa, Mary Cholhok of Uganda, Towera Vinkhumbo and Lenize Potgieter of South Africa, and Felistus Kwangwa of Zimbabwe. Their talent, grit, and stories of triumph and resilience will undoubtedly provide unforgettable moments of world-class netball.

With SuperSport Variety 3 and 4 as the Here for Her channel from 17 July, subscribers can enjoy extensive Netball World Cup coverage. Don’t miss a single pass, goal, or intercept.

Opening Ceremony: Friday 28 July, 4PM (SA Time)

Preliminaries Stage 1:

African teams


July 28 (11am) v Australia.

July 29 (4pm) v Sri Lanka.

July 30 (6pm) v Jamaica.


July 28 (11am) v Australia.

July 29 (9am) v Fiji.

July 30 (6pm) v Tonga.


July 28 (9am) v Japan.

July 29 (9am) v New Zealand.

July 30 (4pm) v Trinidad and Tobago.


July 28 (8pm) v Scotland.

July 29 (6pm) v England,

August 3 (11am) v Barbados.

NBM optimistic on Akiba Bank, UGI turn-around strategies

National Bank of Malawi (NBM) Plc has expressed optimism on turn-around investment for its subsidiaries, Akiba Commercial Bank in Tanzania and United General Insurance Company Limited (UGI) in 2023.

NBM holds 47 percent of UGI’s share capital, and also acquired 60.48 percent shareholding in Akiba Bank in 2021.

However, during NBM’s 2023 Annual General Meeting (AGM) in Blantyre on Thursday, board chairperson Jimmy Lipunga announced an increase in profit-after-tax for the year 2022 of K45.9 billion from K34 billion representing a 34% increase, with the two subsidiaries registering losses.

“When you are acquiring new subsidiaries, the rule of thumb is you start with the unsuccessful ones. You don’t go for good performing entities because you will destroy your capital. So, the best is to go to ailing institutions and then use your capability to turn them around.”

“About Akiba (Commercial Bank), the intention is to improve deposit mobilization, and also minimize the cost of doing business there, as a result of these initiatives we have seen a turn-around and we expect profitability to be returned by the end of 2023. The same is true of United General Insurance company, and tough measures have been put in place likewise. We expect a different story in a year,” said Lipunga.

According to NBM’s financial performance report, Akiba Bank made a loss after tax of K4.072 million in the year ending December 31, 2022, while in 2021 it was K1.942 million which has been attributed to significant increases in provisions for loans and tax.

On NBM’s overall performance, Lipunga also highlighted some factors that caused a turbulent financial environment despite the success registered.

“The growth in 2022 was adversely affected by weather-related shocks in some parts of the country such as erratic rains and cyclones. The country experienced cyclones Ana and Gombe, which came along with heavy rains and subsequent flooding particularly in the southern part of Malawi during the first quarter of 2022.”

“The economy also faced a critical shortage of foreign exchange which precipitated a 25 percent devaluation of the Malawi Kwacha mid-year thereby putting a lot of pressure on inflation. The Russia/Ukraine war which started in February 2022 led to global supply chain challenges and high commodity prices,” explained Lipunga.

Shareholder Emmanuel Chinunda hailed the Bank for the share appreciation which he said has been high in most of the counters.

“This is a stellar performance. They have performed extremely well and we as shareholders are happy with the results,” said Chinunda.

NBS Bank promo to widen customer base

NBS Bank Plc plans to incentivize both existing and potential customers to open new accounts and increase deposit balances using the ‘Savings Always Wins’ promotion which is reaching out to a wider audience in an interactive manner while emphasizing the benefits of saving and winning with the Bank.

The promotion which started in June has three tiers on minimal deposits to ensure representation of customer segments. The first band has a minimum deposit of K50,000, while the second has deposits ranging from K100,00.00 to K499,999.99, and the last one consists of deposits above K500,000.00.

Grand winner in the first band category will walk home with K1 million and K3.5 million for the second band category winner while the third band category winner will be K6 million richer when the promotion closes in October this year.

“Customers who make a single deposit within any of these bands will gain entry into the promotion. To be eligible for the monthly draw prizes, customers must consistently deposit amounts falling under each tier monthly. The prizes will only be available and valid after two months of these consistent deposits while at least maintaining the minimum balance of that tier,” said NBS Bank Head of Marketing and Customer Experience Tamanda Ng’ombe Longwe.

She said additional deposits during the promotion will count as a second entry, increasing the customer’s chances of winning in the draws.

“Customers should also note that consistency in deposits of their respective bands monthly, are the only way they can be eligible for the grand prize. Customers can also move from one band to the next by depositing an amount greater than the minimum deposit for the higher band. For example, a customer in Band 1 who deposits and maintains a balance greater than MK 100,000.00 will be considered part of Band 2. However, customers cannot lower their balances below their initial deposit to gain entry into the competition. Therefore, a Band 3 customer cannot drop down to Band 2,” explained Ng’ombe Longwe.

The Bank plans to maintain customer excitement and raise awareness by having two bi-weekly draws with multiple winners receiving small prizes. The Bi-Weekly draws will be done in the middle of the month as well as month end. The two draws for the monthly prizes will be conducted in the final two months of the promotion leading to the grand prize draw, according to Ng’ombe Longwe.

A Blantyre based businessperson Waza Mazibuko said he was excited with the promotion and wants to participate.

“I do not have an account with NBS Bank but this promotion has excited me and I will open an account with them so that I participate in this promotion,” said Mazibuko.

The promotion was launched on June 25th and ends on October 20th this year.

Chilima Back in Court, ACB to Arrest Kaphale

As Vice President Saulos Chilima returns to the High Court (commercial division) this morning for bail variation, the ACB is planning to arrest his lead lawyer Kalekeni Kaphale.

An impeccable source has confirmed that Kaphale will be arrested this Friday or Monday for an offence the ACB says he committed while Kaphale was the Attorney General.

“As I speak it is possible that Kaphale has been already summoned as to when to report to the ACB. The plan is to frustrate Chilima’s legal team. The ACB is divided on this plan with most of us looking at this as persecution and not Prosecution,” said the source.

In the midst of these developments, Chilima’s legal team is set to challenge bail conditions that was given to their client that included the seizure of his passport.

Apart from Kaphale, Chilima’s legal team has Khumbo Soko, Bright Mhango and Mtchuka Mwale.

ACB Changing Goal Posts

Meanwhile, the ACB which camped in Salima last week to prepare for disclosures, has almost come up with new charges departing from the ones they based to arrest Chilima in November 2022.

We can exclusively reveal that the team discovered that it would be hard to find evidence to match with the initial charges and have currently included charges like breach of Public trust in a last ditch effort to find a case against the Vice President.

In a related Development, the Secretary to President and Cabinet has written President Lazarus Chakwera to reinstate and renew contract for Prince Kapondamgaga as Chief of Staff. His initial contract expired on 28 June, 2023.

Kapondamgaga received a Benz and K500 million kwacha from Satter and has since negotiated with ACB that he will return the money having already returned the Benz.

Castel Malawi in a clean-up exercise

Giant alcoholic beverages producer, Castel Malawi has joined the nation in the clean-up exercise by sweeping and cleaning Ndirande market.

President Lazarus Chakwera launched the clean-up exercise which takes place every Friday of the second week of the month, and called for concerted efforts in ensuring hygiene around the surroundings. 

Speaking during the exercise on Friday, aside from donating various cleaning materials, Castel Malawi’s Senior Human Resource Business Partner, Thomas Mafuli said the company realizes the need to preserve the environment as part of its corporate social responsibility.

“For Castel Malawi, this is part and parcel of our corporate social responsibility. As a company we are indebted to the community that we are working within, and as part and parcel of the pillars that we have under corporate social responsibility, we want to preserve the environment and at the same time support the communities.”

“On the preservation of the environment, we went to clean up Ndirande Market, and as part of supporting our communities, we also want to make sure that we give them the materials as part of supporting the initiative. This initiative has to continue, that is why we have donated the working items,” said Mafuli.

Director of Health and Social Services at Blantyre City Council Dr Emmanuel Kanjunjunju commended Castel Malawi for partnering with them to ensure markets in Blantyre City are clean.

“Castel has today shown us a good example. This is what we need from our corporate partners, companies need to take a lead so that people can follow. We are sensitizing the people on the importance of this initiative, especially when we are celebrating the 59th independence. Throwing litter in open spaces and streams is a risk to them,” said Kanjunjunju.

Member of Parliament for Ndirande Central Constituency, who was the guest of honour at the event, Chipiliro Mpinganjira also hailed Castel Malawi for ensuring the environment around its catchment areas is clean.

“We are very thankful to Castel Malawi for this initiative. We can avoid a lot of things if we keep our cities and surroundings clean. It is that garbage that we litter around markets and homes that end up clogging our drainage system and later cause flooding when rains come. This is apart from the various diseases that we may suffer including cholera due to improper disposal of such litter,” said Mpinganjira.

Some of the donated items include wheelbarrows, soft brooms, gloves, bins, rakes, shovels, and masks.

Mpinganjira challenges Quantity Surveyors on Malawi 2063

William Mpinganjira speaks at the event

Group Chief Executive Officer (CEO) for FDH Financial Holdings Limited, William Mpinganjira, has challenged Quantity Surveyors to remain relevant to able to contribute towards the realization of Malawi 2063 aspirations of transforming into an inclusively wealthy and self-reliant industrialized upper-middle-income country within the next 40 years.

Mpinganjira made the call in his keynote address at the African Association of Quantity Surveyors (AAQS) conference in Salima titled “The Bank as a Catalyst for Construction Development towards Malawi Agenda 2063”.

“This is a task that will need well-qualified and experienced quantity surveyors to be at their optimal to significantly play an advisory role in both public sector and private sector infrastructure construction and development projects to not only save billions of kwacha but also to take ownership of the whole project cycle and infuse the modern principles of design and sustainability. This will ensure that the structures erected are future-ready and resilient. We are therefore challenged to fully understand what is happening globally for us to implement relevant and practical solutions locally.

“In operationalizing Malawi Agenda 2063, our frame of mind should be aligned and informed by the global goals that aim to reduce poverty and create a sustainable environment popularly referred to as the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals particularly Goal nine that seeks to build resilient infrastructure, promote sustainable industrialization and foster innovation and Goal 11 that aims to make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable and of course we also have to look at the African Union’s Agenda 2063. According to the UN, by 2030, the global demand for efficient buildings will present an investment opportunity worth over $24.7 trillion across all emerging market cities.” he said.

Mpinganjira therefore said “ that for Quantity Surveyors to remain relevant in operating environment characterized by volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity (VUCA) and exploit this huge opportunity need to build a strong professional skills set that in addition to intelligence, vision, emotional and experience quotients, should include digital quotient, or skills. This includes embracing emerging technologies such as machine learning, drones, and blockchain. These technologies will help quantity surveyors work more efficiently, provide better insights and analysis, and ultimately drive down cost and improve project outcomes. Artificial Intelligence (AI) algorithms can be used to analyse large volumes of project data to identify trends and patterns, helping quantity surveyors predict project outcomes, including cost and schedule overruns.”
He therefore took an opportunity to encourage the construction sector to work with the Banks to help in achieving the three pillars of the Malawi 2063 which are Agriculture productivity and Comercialisation, Industrialisation, and Urbanisation, arguing its success depends on the efforts by different players.

“Performance of the sector however has been supported mostly by government infrastructure projects some notable ones being the current six-lane road in the Capital City and the Kanengo-Crossroads dual carriage road, the Griffin Sayenda National Indoor Sports Complex and the Aquatic Complex that hosted the Regional Five Games in December 2022. In addition to supporting the government projects, the construction sector should also actively support private sector projects and specifically align itself to the Agenda 2063 so that both government and private sector work together to achieve the Agenda.

“As FDH Bank, we are committed to the Agenda and our main role is to provide financial solutions that enable the implementation of the Agenda. We have been specifically targeting the sectors that are directly falling under the three pillars and also the sectors that are indirectly contributing towards the three pillars.
“For example, we have granted a multi-million dollar facilities to some of our customers and there are many more projects that we are willing to fund to support the country’s growth agenda especially in the construction industry.

“I believe that the construction industry is certainly a catalyst for industrialization as well as urbanization. A review of the statistics for the last five years shows very strong correlations between the Construction sector and the manufacturing and real estate sectors which supports this assertion. It is also impressive to note that only 55% of the sectors have consistently recorded positive growth in the last five years and the construction sector is among those,” Mpinganjira explained further.

On how the construction industry and Quantity Surveyors can access the Bank financing, the group CEO said: “FDH Bank offers a wide range of financial and banking solutions that include transaction advisory services, lending solutions, deposit and investment solutions, digital and payment solutions, and trade finance solutions.

“Our trade finance solutions are specially tailored around customers in the construction industry, these include bid bonds which are offered without the need for collateral, performance guarantees, advance payment guarantees, retention money guarantees, payment guarantees, shipping guarantees, and customs guarantees. These are offered on both local and international contracts and are tailored to suit the specific circumstances of the client,” said Mpinganjira.

The bank also offers import letters of credit which are a very safe and secure way of importation of high-value goods, knowing that the country imports a substantially good bulk of the materials to be used for the construction according to Mpinganjira.
Mpinganjira challenged the quantity surveyors to form partnerships in order to bid for large and development projects that can have a significant impact on the Agenda 2063.
Some of the notable faces that attended the conference include Minister of Tourism, Vera Kamtukule, Principal Secretary for Transport and Public Works, Hastings Chiudzu and President of the African Association of Quantity Surveyors, Obafemi Onashile and (AAQS).


MULUZI: Man of the moment
  1. “I took a break from politics for a year. In this one-year recess, I have travelled to different parts of the world having conversations with political leaders, business captains and global experts. I am back more experienced, more knowledgeable and more confident. We will change Malawi.”
  2. “Malawi needs a competent and honest person to lead it through harnessing capabilities of brilliant minds both local and global towards specific immediate and long-term development target. That person is Atupele Muluzi.”
  3. “I am currently just a member of UDF. However, I will be presenting myself before the UDF Convention, the party leadership will announce the date, to contest and if I succeed, I will be leading the party in 2025. I will not allow UDF to play second fiddle in 2025 but, because of 50+1, we will during second round consider alliances.”
  4. “I am an example of a competent and honest leader. I am untainted with corruption. I can stand firm and challenge every Malawian to investigate the time I served in various government ministries. They won’t find anything because I am not corrupt.”
  5. “The number pressing issue in Malawi now is the terrible state of our economy. We are a country with every potential to jumpstart our economy. However, we don’t have the leadership currently that can harness that potential.”
  6. “Malawi can learn from how leaders in Gulf States harnessed the potential of their countries. They found oil and gas, made future projections of these resources and created a Sovereign Wealth Fund which they used to grow their economies. Malawi has a variety of natural resources. We need to start a conversation on how, as a nation, we can create Sovereign Wealth Fund from our natural resources.”
  7. “Corruption remains the number 1 evil destroying the country. We are not on the right path in the fight against corruption. No week passes without a huge corruption scandal. We have lost local and international confidence. We are a nation that has visibly and evidently failed to deal with corruption.”
  8. “We are not decisively dealing with corruption. All key institutions responsible for a for promotion, safeguarding and policing institutions—such as Parliament, Civil Society, Media, ACB, etc—that makes democracy tick have been strategically weakened. Too much lip service; we are travelling dangerously.”
  9. “Demokalase yathu sikuyenda. Demokalase ikamayenda imadziwika ndi zipaso zake zomwe zili chitukuko. Anthu alibe ndalama, njala yosatha, ma biziness akusokonekera, umphawi paliponse. Zonsezi zitha kusintha ndi utsogoleri.”
  10. “My leadership focus is centered on instilling confidence in the nation. Most Malawians are hopeless, convinced that things won’t change. But I am pushing with a message of confidence mostly targeting the youth and, mostly, women because they are carriers of generations. If women are confident, our nation is safe. We will do it.”

NBS Bank supports Limbe Police CCTV Project

Kambalame (right) handing over the recording gadget to Chipumphula

NBS Bank Plc has given Limbe Police a Network Video Recorder to support the security initiative which the station is building as a way of reducing crimes in the township.

Earlier this year, Limbe Police started the initiative which involves mounting surveillance cameras in crime hotspot areas to help track down the assailants.

Speaking during the handover ceremony of the gadget at the station on Thursday, NBS Bank Service Centre Manager for Ginnery Corner, Andrew Kambalame said the gesture is a continuation of their long-working relationship with the Malawi Police.

“As a Bank we have a number of our customers here in Limbe who would want to feel secure. One of our commitments that we make to our customers is to find ways of safeguarding their funds and we believe that this project will also benefit us as a Bank as well as our customers to ensure that they are able to move and do business freely in Limbe. So, we are happy to donate this CCTV DVR which will support the CCTV system that they are implementing within the Limbe area,” said Kambalame.

Limbe Police Officer-In-Charge, who is also Deputy Commissioner of Police, Gladson Chipumphula commended NBS Bank for the support, saying they have proved to be reliable partners in the exercise.

“We are about to roll out the initiative with only a few things remaining. The gadget that NBS Bank has donated is one of the most useful gadgets as it helps to record the videos. We are therefore grateful to NBS Bank for the support which will go a long way in ensuring the township is secured, thereby creating a safe business environment.”

“We decided to go the technology route in dealing with crime considering that things are changing every day and therefore we also needed to do away with the traditional way of fighting crime,” he said.

Station Executive Committee (SEC) treasurer, Abdul Hamid Khan also hailed NBS Bank saying Limbe Township is a business hub for all districts in the Southern Region and therefore needs enough security.

Recently, NBS Bank also supported Malawi Police Training Schools with mattresses for new trainees. 

NBM gives security cameras to BT Police

Nyirenda (centre) receives one of the Cameras from Katsala (second left) as other Bank and Police officials look on

National Bank of Malawi (NBM) Plc has donated five security cameras worth K8.1 million to Blantyre Police as they plan to enhance security in the city.

Earlier this year, Blantyre Police launched an initiative to install surveillance cameras in Blantyre City.

Speaking during the handover ceremony at the bank’s head office in Blantyre on Wednesday, NBM Chief Financial Officer, Masauko Katsala said the Bank is geared to collaborate more with the Malawi Police Service (MPS) to help them carry out their duties effectively.

”As ‘The Bank of the Nation’ we are very much aware that security and peace is one of the prerequisites for conducting business, so, we cannot run business effectively or successfully if there is no security and peace, therefore security comes as a priority,” said Katsala.

Blantyre Police Officer-in-Charge, Deputy Commissioner of Police Obrey Nyirenda expressed gratitude to NBM for the donation saying it will go a long way towards the drive of combating crime in the city.

“We are moving in the right direction though we haven’t yet installed the CCTV cameras in Blantyre CBD, we have procured and secured some of the gadgets, so as we are now receiving this donation we know that our drive towards crime and traffic management will be done in a manner that we want it to be to make Blantyre a secure city,” said Nyirenda.

He however assured residents that cameras will not be used to infringe on people’s rights but for security surveillance purposes only.

Blantyre Police plans to plant about 50 cameras in the city to monitor every hotspot area rolling out in the next two months.

NBM extends KYC exercise to August end

Ulaya speaks at the press briefing

National Bank of Malawi (NBM) Plc has extended its Know-Your-Customer (KYC) exercise to August 31 to give customers more time to update their information.

NBM started the exercise mid-June and was scheduled to end on Monday, July 10, which caused panic among customers resulting in congestion in banking halls in almost all the service centers, fearing their accounts could be blocked.

But speaking during a press briefing on Wednesday, NBM Chief Risk Officer, Charles Ulaya said the process is a requirement because customers are dynamic in that their sources of income, addresses and other things captured within KYC may change periodically.

“Customers do not necessarily need to come to service centres as they can submit through emails in their respective service centres. The exercise is a requirement of our Anti Money Laundering (AML) Combating the Financing of Terrorism (CFT) policy as well as the Financial Crimes Act which requires customers to update their information periodically. NBM policy requires high-risk customers to update KYC data every one year, two years for moderate-risk customers and low-risk customers every three years,” he said.

Ulaya also said customers residing abroad or unable to visit the service centres in person, have to update their information online, while those whose details have not changed in the past three years need not to go to the Bank and update their KYC information.

“For customers with expired National IDs but no other alternative cards/ NRB replacement forms, they can still bring their expired National IDs together with the NRB updated form which has an attached QR CODE. For students that are not working, but transact above the minimum, they need to bring a scholarship letter, a letter from a sponsor or where they self- finance, an explanation on the same.”

“Students should also update their KYC information. Most are rated low risk. However, for those that engage in transfers beyond the minimum threshold they need to provide proof of source of funds. For customers that are doing small scale business, they can detail on the form the nature of the business they are undertaking,” he explained.

The news to extend the deadline has been welcomed by customers who earlier expressed their discomfort on the bank’s Facebook page.

“Thanks for the development,” reads a comment by Emmanuel Dillon.

The KYC exercise is expected to be carried out after three years, in accordance with the Financial Crimes Act 2023.

Business Partners urges entrepreneurs to embrace mentorship for growth

Akuzike Kafwamba-Guidance is key

Business Partners International (BPI) Malawi, a fund manager that provides debt equity financing, has advised budding entrepreneurs to consider finding mentors to grow their businesses especially in a depressed economic, complex and challenging environment.

BPI Country Manager Akuzike Kafwamba said in an interview yesterday that mentorship offers access to the tools and expertise a business requires to grow.

“It is well proven that guidance and advice from a mentor can offer as much value as any other form of training, if not more. This is due to the support being tailor-made to the specific needs of the business and offering expertise that are lacking within the business. Guidance from a mentor with extensive experience can help to significantly shorten a less experienced entrepreneur’s learning curve, often saving valuable time and money.”

“It is therefore vital that a business owner knows how to seek appropriate mentors and consultants to help steer them in the right direction,” said Kafwamba.

He said entrepreneurs need to master some tips to manage to locate mentors easily, one of which is shared core values.

“Having clear core values is incredibly important to guiding your business. It informs how decisions are made, how teams are managed and whether the business is heading in the right direction. It stands to reason that mentors add the most value when they understand and align with their mentee’s core values.”

“The likelihood of finding a mentor that is willing to spend their time offering guidance is also far greater if you share the same values. When initially talking to prospective mentors, ask them about the values that drive their own companies, and take the conversation further if you find that their values echo your own,” advised Kafwamba.

He also said an informal approach encourages entrepreneurs to even call veterans in the particular industry to ask them a question and also build trust.

A specific question to an industry veteran can start a wider conversation and may even lead to a visit to your business premises. Many professionals are also more willing to meet for coffee over a weekend or after hours when the pressure is off. In this way, the first contact with the mentor runs very little risk of being unsuccessful, and both parties are able to get a sense of whether it will be worthwhile to build a formal mentor/ mentee relationship,” explained Kafwamba.

“Trust is paramount to a successful mentorship relationship, as is mutual respect between the two parties. As a business owner you must feel completely comfortable sharing information on all aspects of your business with your mentor.”

“With this in mind, avoid finding a mentor among competitors – instead, seek out individuals in unconnected industries that may share the same methods or challenges. Retired, or semi-retired business leaders and entrepreneurs are often great mentors as they have seen it all and have the time to spare and are not affiliated to any competitors,” added Kafwamba.

BPI Malawi further urges the budding entrepreneurs to be willing to learn new things.

“Any form of mentorship will be of little use if the entrepreneur is not open to suggestions and new ways of doing things. Good mentors usually have little time to spare, and therefore will be unlikely to continue with mentees who are too rigid and unwilling to take on their advice.”

“It is possible to hold on to the vision for your business while being open to different paths for reaching one’s goals. Keep this in mind, and make a point of conveying to prospective mentors that you are willing to learn,” advised Kafwamba.

Press Corporation plc in K53 billion solar energy project

Dr Mangani PCL CEO

Conglomerate Press Corporation plc (PCL) is geared to set up a 50 megawatt (MW) solar power plant at Nkhoma in Lilongwe at an estimated cost of US$52.5 million (approx. K53 billion).

Press Corporation plc Chief Executive Officer, Ronald Mangani, said in an interview yesterday that, in April this year, PCL secured an approval from the Electricity Supply Corporation of Malawi (ESCOM), to connect to the 132KV busbar at its Nkhoma substation after the implementation of the Malawi-Mozambique 400KV transmission interconnection project.

“We are now in the process of setting up a special purpose vehicle (SPV) to conclude a power purchase agreement (PPA) with ESCOM, and proceed to implement the project as land has already been identified at Nkhoma in Lilongwe,” said Mangani adding that the acquisition of the land is at an advanced stage.

“We expect to finalize the setting up of the plant by the end of 2024. Operations should start in 2025,” added Mangani.

He described the project as critical because it will assist in addressing the power challenges that the country is facing.

“PCL will continue to identify and invest in projects that grow shareholders’ value such as this one, to add to its already strong and diversified portfolio,” assured Mangani.

Escom Public Relations Manager Kitty Chingota confirmed the development in an interview yesterday highlighting that the project will assist in the provision of adequate power in the country.

“Yes this is true. Press (PCL) was given an offer to connect at Nkhoma substation. Once connected, it will assist in the provision of adequate power in the country. Additionally, Press (PCL) is a Malawian company and this will encourage other Malawian companies to participate in the energy sector,” said Chingota.

PCL is a highly diversified conglomerate with interests in various sectors of the Malawi economy, including financial services, telecommunications, energy, property, agriculture and tourism.

Some of its subsidiary companies and associates are National Bank of Malawi (NBM) plc, Puma Energy Malawi Limited, PressCane Limited, Ethanol Company Limited, Telekom Networks Malawi (TNM) plc, Malawi Telecommunications Limited (MTL), Limbe Leaf tobacco Company Limited, Open Connect Limited, LifeCo Holdings Limited, Macsteel Malawi Limited, Press Properties Limited and Sunbird Tourism plc.

PCL posts a K36.3 billion profit  

Dr Mangani PCL CEO

Conglomerate Press Corporation plc (PCL) has posted a K36.3 billion profit after tax for the year ending 31 December 2022, which is 19 percent lower compared to the K45.1 billion recorded in the prior year.

In a financial statement signed by PCL Board Chairman Randson Mwadiwa and Chief Executive Officer Ronald Mangani, the holding company said the prior year’s performance was enhanced by a profit realized from the disposal of a 20 percent stake in Castel Malawi Limited amounting to K9.6 billion.

“When this extraordinary item is excluded, the Group’s profit after tax grew by 2 percent over prior year,” reads the statement in part.

“In 2022, the Group achieved MK288.6 billion in revenue, up from MK249.1 billion recorded the previous year (2021), translating into a 16 percent growth” adds part of the statement.

PCL hailed National Bank of Malawi (NBM) plc, its subsidiary, for a strong performance after registering a profit increase of 40 percent from 2021.

PCL House

However, the telecommunication businesses underperformed during the year under review largely due to the effects of high inflation, the devaluation of the local currency and delay in completing some revenue generating projects attributed to forex scarcity.

“As part of its turnaround strategy, the businesses will focus on both revenue growth strategies as well as cost containment initiatives.” reads the statement in part.

The ethanol producing companies, PressCane and Ethanol Company (EthCo) registered a 4 percent increase in turnover however, its profitability declined by 7 percent from the prior year’s profit.

“This was largely due to sluggish sales occasioned by the shortages of petrol and diesel on the local market, production machinery challenges and feedstock supply challenges. The companies are still operating below their installed capacity due to challenges in feedstock and effluent management. Treatment plants to enhance effluent management capabilities will be commissioned at both companies during 2023, and will result in the production of organic fertilizers and bio-gas,” reads part of the statement.

“The Property company, Press Properties Limited registered a 26 per cent increase in profit against the prior year profit. Moving forward, the company is expected to increase its footprint in the property development and management business segment.”

“The Foods Company Limited (TFCL) slowed down its production activities towards the end of the year. The search for an equity investor in the company is on-going,” reads the statement in part.

On equity accounted investments, PCL said that PUMA’s profit grew by 44 percent from prior year, notwithstanding the fuel supply challenges experienced, Limbe Leaf by 5.5 per cent, LifeCo, by 165 per cent while Macsteel experienced a 66 percent reduction mainly due to foreign exchange shortages, as the business primarily relies on imports for its materials.

“At company level, PCL made a profit after tax of MK11.4 billion, which was 476 per cent above prior year on account of a drop in finance costs by 94 per cent, reduced overheads by 15 per cent and increased dividend received by 32 per cent,” reads the statement in part.

Looking forward, PCL said the macroeconomic landscape remains uncertain as risks to the outlook are heavily skewed towards the downside.

“The Group will remain poised to actively manage the portfolio in the face of the current market dynamics, leveraging on its strong track record, diversified asset base, strong capabilities, and synergistic benefits,” reads the statement in part.

NBM in new independence campaign

NBM plc CEO Macfussy Kawawa (right) presents a gift to a customer

After successfully celebrating Independence Day with various initiatives last year, National Bank of Malawi (NBM) plc returns to celebrate this year’s 59 years of independence with a new campaign for customers and staff.

NBM Marketing and Corporate Affairs Manager, Akossa Hiwa said in an interview that the campaign will run on three dimensions, namely the customer engagement, social media engagement, and staff participation and interaction, as people honour the country’s heritage, reflect on the struggles, and sacrifices of their ancestors, and celebrate the freedom and independence they enjoy today.

“With a series of  trivia questions spanning Malawi’s history and culture, National Bank of Malawi will reward those who demonstrate exceptional knowledge and celebrate the nation’s progress. The Bank will make an official announcement about the upcoming trivia event, which will also include the theme song and an indication that some of the trivia questions will be developed from the theme song. This will help to create a memorable experience that fosters the sense of pride and patriotism among customers.”

NBM employee Kassandra Kauka (left) presents a surprise gift to a customer

“The Bank also seeks to educate and remind customers about Malawi’s journey to independence, significant historical events, and notable national figures. The trivia and accompanying information will provide customers with interesting facts and stories allowing them to appreciate, recall, and celebrate the country’s rich heritage,” explained Hiwa.

According to Hiwa, the other dimensions which are customer and staff engagement, will involve the Bank providing gifts to random customers in selected Service Centres and at ATMs led by the Executive Management and employees.

“We seek to engage with and get feedback from our customers on service delivery and other pain points. This is in line with our strategic intent of growing our customer base significantly by December 2027. A few customers will have their branded gifts personally delivered to them by NBM Plc Brand Ambassadors or employees who will move from office to office. Selection criteria for this includes usage of Digital Platforms as well as length of time that customer accounts have been operational,” said Hiwa.

Winners of the trivia questions will take home K100, 000 for each correct answer they give.

Last year, NBM also conducted online trivia, apart from the flag hoisting, donning National attire, and putting on a fashion show parade for internal engagement.


KAPALAMULA: We are very passionate about giving all Malawians access to advanced digital financial services

Salary and other income earners have a chance of winning a share of K22 million in cash prizes if they switch their salary accounts to Standard Bank Plc, a senior bank executive has said.

Head of Personal Banking Takula Kapalamula said this on Friday when the bank launched its ” Switch and Win ” promotion in Lilongwe.

He said through the promotion customers who will move their salary accounts to Standard Bank stand a chance of winning a share of more than MWK22 million in prizes including the grand prize of MWK10 million.

“At Standard Bank, we are very passionate about giving all Malawians access to advanced digital financial services, through our suite of 247 digital banking channels (USSD, App and Web). We pride ourselves in offering innovation and being one of the leading banks in the provision of digital services, which include our digital loans accessible on 247 Online in 3 minutes (for qualifying customers). We are also passionate about promoting a culture of savings while expanding the benefits from our financial inclusion initiatives that include a robust digital banking platform under 247, hence this promotion,” said Kapalamula.

He said the promotion will encourage customers to save by promoting the opening of PureSave accounts with minimum deposit balances from a threshold of MWK10,000.

“We believe that by partnering with us, more Malawians will be able to access reliable banking services and grow their wealth. Standard Bank offers class leading transaction platforms including ATMs, POS and Cash Deposit Machines (CDMs), the Bank’s Debit card continues to offer unrivalled reliability both in country and when clients travel abroad. In line with our brand purpose; “Malawi is our Home; we Drive Her Growth”, we also believe in empowering individual customers to join the ecosystem of wealth generators by setting aside money for future needs. As personal savings grow, so will the country’s overall wealth,” he said.

Among the prizes, Standard Bank will give out MWK10 million to one account holder as the grand prize at the end of the promotion. With monthly winners in four prize categories. Every month the bank will award MWK1, 000, 000 to one account holder, MWK500, 000 to 1 person, MWK200,000 to 3 people while 50 people will be winning MWK50, 000.

For non-Standard Bank clients to enter the promotion they need to open a new Standard Bank account and switch their salary to be received in the new account. Existing Standard Bank account holders need only open a new Pure Save account within the promotion period and maintain MK10,000 balance or more for the promotion period.

Kapalamula said the promotion is a gateway for customers to enjoy the bank’s efficient digital banking network available through the 247 gateway, Enterprise and Business Online, among other channels.

“Standard Bank now offers the country’s most stable, agile, and efficient digital banking system available through 247 Mobile, App and Online. We boast a very robust digital banking network and one where incidents of down-time are indeed rare,” he said.

The Personal Banking Head also touted the benefits of a Pure Save account as a convenient tool for boosting a culture of saving during tough economic times such as we are experiencing now.

“Apart from earning interest, a savings account can come in handy in case of emergencies and also for individuals who are planning for a personal milestone or activity which may include, but is not limited to, school fees, a wedding, holiday trip or celebrations,” he said.

 Idols SA’s farewell season begins on Saturday 8 July

….DStv Access subscribers will now get to watch Mzansi’s popular talent search competition!

Calling all fans of Idols South Africa! Get ready for the most sensational season yet as the iconic talent search competition returns to your screens for its final installment, aptly titled “iLast Number.” Prepare to be dazzled and captivated as we bid farewell to a show that has shaped the music industry for two decades.

Starting on Saturday 8 July, tune in to Mzansi Magic (DStv channel 161) at 18:00 for an unforgettable musical experience that will leave you on the edge of your seat. But that’s not all! In an exciting twist, we are thrilled to announce that, for the first time in Idols SA history, the farewell season will also air on Mzansi Wethu (DStv channel 163) at 19:30. Yes, you read that right – now Idols SA fans can also catch the magic of the show just after the news, exclusively on Mzansi Wethu.

Witness the return of our expert judging panel featuring the indomitable trio: Somizi Mhlongo, Thembi Seete, and JR Bogopa. Their savvy, passion, and vibrant personalities will once again light up your screens and set the stage ablaze.

Reminiscing about the show’s rich history, Idols SA made its debut on M-Net in 2002, launching countless careers and transforming aspiring singers into household names, from the likes of Heinz Winkler in season 1, and the reigning champion of season 18 Thapelo Molomo. Now, after 21 glorious years, we invite you to join us in celebrating this landmark season, and the incredible talent that has graced the stage over the years – not forgetting those who are part of our final curtain call.

ProVerb, the charismatic host and co-producer of Idols SA, will guide Mzansi Magic and Mzansi Wethu viewers through this unforgettable season, ensuring every moment is filled with excitement, drama, and unforgettable performances.

There’s a lot to look forward to with Idols SA moving from its traditional Sunday slot to a captivating Saturday evening time slot. This change promises to infuse the farewell season with electric energy, ensuring you kick off your weekend with an exhilarating musical extravaganza.

Will you be there to witness the crowning of the final Idols SA winner? Join us on Saturday 8 July at 18:00 on Mzansi Magic DStv channel 161 and at 19:30 on Mzansi Wethu DStv channel 163. Let’s make this farewell season one for the books, a final symphony of talent and triumph.


Mukuru Wanderers fan becomes second millionaire in Zampira promo

Raffle draw in progress as Jonazi (right) looks on

The journey of making millionaires courtesy of Zampira promotion continues. This time lucky has perched on Mighty Mukuru Wanderers family as Chikwawa-based fan Robert Mlota was drawn as the second winner of K2 million in the promotion.

Mlota a Pharmacy Technician at Chikwawa District Hospital tried his lucky when he correctly predicted the game between Mukuru Wanderer and Bangwe All Stars which ended 2-0 in favour of the Nomads. He emerges a winner out of 21721 correct predictions the promotion recorded during the period.

“I always predict in the promotion but I didn’t expect to win such a big prize. Therefore, winning today presents a great gift to me. I can’t believe I have won, its first of kind,” said excited Mlota.

He said that the money prize money will be used to finish his house which is under construction.

Mlota takes home K1 million and will donate K1 million worth of football equipment to Masasa F.P School in Ntcheu, the school that Robert acquired his primary school education.

The 2023 Zampira promotion which has already distributed cash prizes has been one of the most successful promotions ever in terms of the number of participants and quality of prizes.

Madalitso Jonazi TNM’s Head of Brand and Marketing has expressed satisfaction with the progress of the 2023 episode of Zampira promotion which is creating value around the game of football.

“The essence of Zampira promotion is to create value on and off the pitch through inclusion of every stakeholder as a way of improving the game. We have witnessed great participation and increased activity in the promotion, evidently football fans have appreciated the value of taking part in Zampira promotion,” he said.

The promotion was launched to continuously engage supporters and create buzz in the TNM Super League.

“TNM as a long-term sponsor of the elite league understand the rapid evolving and diversification of football; fans want to be fully immersed into the game than just watching. Through the promotion we take the 12th player, who bring an extra vibe to the game to an advanced experience,” said Jonazi.

The monthly winner of MWK2 million is based on the draw of correct predictions of weekly games during the eight months period.

The promotion also has a daily SMS Trivia Questions component aiming to enhance supporter’s understanding of the game by subscribing and answering daily soccer related questions. Four customers will each win K50,000 every week.

To participate in the draw, subscribers are required to send an SMS of their prediction to code 451 or dial *451# to access other features. The SMS costs K50.

Castel Malawi in blood donation exercise  

Castel Malawi employees donating blood in Blantyre

Castel Malawi on Wednesday joined the rest of the world to commemorate the World Blood Donor Day by donating blood as part of its contribution in saving lives.

The Blood Donor Day is celebrated on June 14 every year, but Malawi celebrated the day on June 17 nationwide under the theme ‘Give Blood, Give Plasma, Share Life, Share Often’.

Castel Malawi’s Human Resource and Corporate Affairs Director, Gloria Zimba said the company decided to partner with Malawi Blood Transfusion Services (MBTS) in the cause as part of their Corporate Social Responsibility in saving lives of Malawians.

“MBTS requested companies, well-wishers and the society in Malawi at large to partner with them because they are lacking blood in hospitals. Their main issue is that sometimes they do have patients especially in the emergency ward, who have been involved in accidents or patients who have undergone operation and need blood, but sometimes blood is not readily available in their blood banks. So, we sensitized our employees to join the Ministry of Health and MBTS in particular to donate blood.”

Castel Malawi employees donating blood in Blantyre

“Castel Malawi is a corporate organization and if there is such a call, we believe we should partner and be part and parcel of this initiative. You never know who is going to use this blood, it could be our relatives or indeed our own employees, that is why we thought we should be  proactive and partner with MBTS to donate this blood,” she said.

Zimba urged employees to continue with the exercise at MBTS offices throughout the period.

One of the employees, Innocent Chipate commended Castel Malawi for arranging the blood donation exercise.

“This has given us a chance to donate blood which we believe can save somebody somewhere, even our fellow staff. The gesture also encourages love amongst us,” he said.

MBTS thanked the corporate world for their response to commemorate the World Blood Donor Day with blood donation by employees.

“We are grateful to all those who chose to celebrate the day with a blood donation,” reads the message on MBTS Facebook page.

The Blood donation exercise took place in all Castel Malawi sites in Blantyre, Liwonde, Lilongwe and Mzuzu.

TNM partners Camfone to expand roaming to 153

TNM Chief Executive Officer Michel Hebert

Malawian pioneering mobile telecoms operator TNM Plc is proud to announce the expansion of its roaming services to 153 new destinations, helping customers enjoy seamless communication when travelling outside the country.

The expansion follows a partnership with Comfone, a leading roaming services provider.

Making the announcement, Chief Executive Officer, Michel Hebert says the wider roaming options gives TNM customers the comfort for easy connectivity away from Malawi. Following the new partnership, TNM now has over 300 roaming partners covering 153 countries and is now available to both postpaid and prepaid customers.

“As we target at providing the best digital experience to Malawi, the expanded roaming destinations give our customers the conveniency and extra value of being on the best network in country. Another exciting addition is the extension of the service to our prepaid customers,” says Hebert.

Expansion of roaming destination follows recent ground-breaking 5G network launch, a service that will deliver excellent end-user experiences by offering higher internet speeds with less or no congestion.

Roaming services allows mobile phone subscribers talk, text and go online when outside of their wireless provider’s coverage area. With roaming, one’s data can travel on the network of another provider to give the user desired wireless connectivity you want.

Comfone is a leading vendor with the broadest portfolio of the roaming industry encompassing all services: connectivity, clearing, the largest roaming hub as well as Business Intelligence and Analytics services. Comfone serves over 600 customers around the world, out of which 110+ in Africa.

Castel empowers Ndirande Community police on re-afforestation drive

Zimba (right) handover the materials to police, GVH MAtope and community policing representative

Castel Malawi has donated protective materials to members of Ndirande community police to aid their work in guarding and looking after trees at Mudi Catchment area in Blantyre.

Earlier this year, Castel Malawi planted 10, 000 trees at Mudi catchment area and other areas in the country, with the promise to take care of them for the next five years.

Speaking after handing over the working materials at Ndirande Police Station on Friday, Castel Malawi Human Resource and Corporate Affairs Director, Gloria Zimba said they noticed that the trees planted during the forestry season lack care and end up wilting.

“Some of the trees get stolen and others die because there is no weeding, and no care. So, this time when we were responding to the call by the Government and Blantyre Water Board to help them plant trees to sustain the Mudi catchment area, we thought we should extend that Corporate Social Responsibility beyond just planting the trees. We have finished weeding together with communities and they asked us for assistance on the equipment they can use in protecting the trees,” she said.

Zimba (right) shakes hands with GVH Matope while Ndirande Police chief looks on

Chairperson of Ndirande community police forum, Wilson Goliati hailed Castel Malawi saying patrolling the area was a challenge without proper materials.

“They care for our safety as we execute our duty as members of the community. We realize the importance of working hand in hand with Castel Malawi to conserve our trees which will benefit us in return. We commit that we will make sure the trees are safe from thieves, weeds and wildfires,” he said.

Blantyre Water Board Senior Water Quality and Environmental Officer, Joe Chimeta also commended Castel Malawi for the initiative saying the effort to restore the Mudi catchment area has not been yielding fruits due to lack of care for the trees.

“This will go a long way in ensuring that trees are protected from people who destroy them for their personal use. In the end it will help us as BWB to conserve the water in the catchment area especially now that we are undertaking the rehabilitation process with assistance from various stakeholders including Castel Malawi,” he said.

Some of the items given include 150 gumboots, 150 hardhats, 150 reflective vests, 150 whistles, and 150 panga knives.

DPP Presidential Hopeful Bright Msaka Donates Food Items To Over 500 Muslim On Eid Al-Adha

Msaka after donating the items

Opposition Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) Vice President for East Bright Msaka has donated food items and meat to over 500 muslims during Eid Al-Adha celebrations in Liwonde, Machinga.

Muslim faithfuls around the world were celebrating Eid Al-Adha to mark the second most important holiday in Islamic calender after Eid al-Fitr.

Speaking to this publication after the donations, Bright Msaka said he was very happy to celebrate with muslims on this special day as a way of showing them how much they are valued and to appreciate the role they play in the development of this country.

“On this day, muslims Families celebrate the day with prayer, the exchange of gifts, charitable giving, and feasting with others, so as other muslims were giving to others, i decided to invite muslims around my area to share what i had prepared for them and celebrate with them as well,” said Msaka.

Eid al-Adha or the Feast of Sacrifice is the second and the largest of the two main holidays celebrated in Islam (the other being Eid al-Fitr).

It honours the willingness of Abraham (Ibrahim) to sacrifice one of his sons, either Ishmael (Ismail) or Isaac (Ishaq), as an act of obedience to Allah command and marks the completion of the annual Holy Pilgrimage of Hajj.

NBS Bank stimulates saving culture in new promo

A young spectator tried her luck and won a T-Shirt after playing the Spin and Win game

NBS Bank Plc has launched a promotion called ‘Savings Always Wins’ in a quest to encourage customers to embrace a saving culture.

Speaking during the official launch of the promotion at Chichiri Shopping Mall in Blantyre on Sunday, the bank’s Marketing Manager James Chikaonda, said the promotion aims at making customers understand the importance of saving some money aside for eventualities.

“Instead of just having one lucky winner, we are putting three to ensure that every single segment in the customer base is actually served. So, with this, the total promotion win is K10.5 million which will be split into three bands of K1 million, K3.5 million and K6 million depending on how much customers save during this promotion,” said Chikaonda.

Chikaonda (right) with a winning customer (middle)

He added customers stand a chance to win consolation prizes like airplane tickets, shopping vouchers, caps, t-shirts, and pens after every two weeks.

During the launch, people had a chance to Spin and Win different prizes.

The promotion runs from June 25 and ends 20 October 2023.

Last year NBS Bank ran the “Win a Car promotion” from Feb to June which saw a lucky winner getting a Toyota Vitz worth K6 million.

A customer plays the Spin and Win game as Chikaonda (left) monitors


Good Samaritan Dozy cheering the affected children

The plight of cyclone victims in Malawi has received a glimmer of hope through a significant contribution from the philanthropic community. During his recent visit to the country in early June, Dozy Mmobuosi expressed his concern for the devastating impact of Cyclone Freddy and the pressing need for housing solutions for the affected communities.

Recognising the untapped potential of Malawi and the resilience of its people, Mmobuosi pledged to leverage his global networks to provide assistance and support. Deeply moved by the challenges faced by cyclone victims, he took decisive action to address the urgent housing needs in the Phalombe and Zomba districts.

In collaboration with the Malawi Red Cross Society, The Dozy Mmobuosi Foundation has made a substantial deposit of USD 500,000 towards the construction of houses for cyclone victims. This contribution aims to offer shelter and stability to those who have lost their homes and belongings in the wake of the disaster.

While the initial pledge stated support for the construction of 100 houses, recent updates from the Malawi authorities indicate that the number has been revised to 75. As responsible citizens, it is crucial for us to emphasise the importance of transparency and accountability in ensuring that these adjustments were adequately communicated to The Dozy Mmobuosi Foundation.

Former President Dr. Bakili Muluzi, serving as a goodwill ambassador of Cyclone Freddy, expressed his gratitude for the generous donation during a recent press briefing which took place on 27th June. He highlighted the impact that this contribution would have on the lives of the affected individuals and communities, stressing the urgent need for shelter and support.

The Malawi Red Cross Society, in coordination with the Malawi Housing Corporation (MHC), will oversee the construction of the houses. The donation of K535 million kwacha will enable the completion of 45 houses in Phalombe and 30 houses in Zomba, with a goal of occupancy within the next four months.

This critical intervention will provide a much-needed lifeline to cyclone victims, offering them security, dignity, and hope for a better future. The housing projects are expected to not only address immediate shelter needs but also serve as a catalyst for community rebuilding and restoration.

It is heartening to witness individuals like Dozy Mmobuosi stepping up to contribute to the welfare of the people in times of crisis.

FDH Bank boosts Malawi Queens World Cup trip with K94 million

Nkunika-We have released funds

FDH Bank Plc has supported the Malawi National Netball Team with K94 million as they prepare for the World Cup scheduled to take place in South Africa next month.

The Bank’s Head of Marketing and Communication, Levie Nkunika said the Bank values the importance of the team’s growth by participating in the competition.

“We appreciate the importance of the World Cup qualification and participation in The Queens’ growth. It is a global stage and a big opportunity for the Queens to grow, and as a sponsor, we have released funds from our sponsorship package to ensure that they are well set for the World Cup scheduled to take place in Cape Town, South Africa from July 28th to August 6th, 2023,” said Nkunika.

Nkunika added that the Bank in collaboration with the Malawi National Council for Sports (MNCS) and The Netball Association of Malawi (NAM) reviewed the Queens’ budgets for local camping and travel which needed more resources to meet the requirements.

“We have thus far provided K17 million for local camping and administration, and we are going to release K77 million to cater for other requirements for the World Cup preparations and travel,” said Nkunika.

NAM General Secretary, Isaac Chimwala told local press last week that funding for the World Cup trip is now complete following the Malawi Queens official sponsors FDH Bank’s support

“I can say we are now fully covered as regards the Queens’ World Cup budget, but we still need to raise funds for the other competitions this year because all our available resources will be used up at the global tournament,” he was quoted.

On their journey to the World Cup, the number-sixth ranked team in the world, the Queens will face World champions, New Zealand and Zimbabwe in the friendly games.

The Queens are in Group B alongside third-ranked England, 10th-placed Scotland and 14th-ranked Barbados.

PIL donates textbooks worth K4.5 million to Likoma Schools

By Alexander Juma, a Contributor

Mchiela (right) symbolically handing over the books to Nyirenda

Petroleum Importers Limited (PIL), a consortium of four oil marketing companies comprising Puma, Total Energies, Petroda, and Vivo Energy, has donated 835 textbooks worth K4.5 million to Chipsyera Community Day Secondary (CDSS) and Nkhwazi Primary Schools in Likoma. 

Speaking during the handover ceremony in Nkhata Bay on Friday, PIL’s Finance and Administration Manager, Kambani Mchiela said they decided to donate to Likoma schools as part of the company’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program to contribute to the development of education in the country.

“Our CSR program focuses on education, health and safety. We believe that without quality education, the country cannot progress in any way, so it is for each pupil to have good learning materials. PIL has supported various schools in the country by donating learning materials to help in the development of education, and this time we decided to assist schools in Likoma district,” said Mchiela

Mchiela (right) symbolically giving Nyirenda the books

 He then encouraged the pupils to cherish and safeguard the valuable assets now at their disposal.

Receiving the donation on behalf of Likoma District Council, Finance Director for Nkhata Bay District Council, Sanderson Nyirenda commended PIL, saying the donation will play a big role in motivating the students who lack learning materials. 

“The donation by PIL has complemented government efforts in the promotion of education in the country, while also ensuring equal access to education. Most schools lack learning materials which affects smooth delivery of lessons by the teachers,” he said.

Apart from Likoma, schools from Mzimba, Nkhotakota, and Salima have also benefited from the program.

Malawians are eagerly waiting for reduced Sugar prices

By Iommie Chiwalo


The Centre for Democracy and Economic Development Initiatives (CDEDI) says Malawians are still waiting for reduced Sugar prices considering that the seven days that government gave to Illovo expired on Wednesday June 21, 2023.

In a press release signed by CDEDI Executive Director Sylvester Namiwa, it is worrisome that despite the expiry of the period, neither government nor Illovo Sugar Limited has informed the public what the new (reduced) sugar prices are.

On June 14, 2023, in his brief statement, Minister of Trade and Industry Simplex Chithyola Banda categorically informed Malawians that government had given Illovo Sugar Limited seven days to reduce sugar prices.

But within hours Illovo Sugar Company refuted the claims by government saying that there was no such agreement considering that the current pricing is based on production costs.

However, CDEDI has reiterated its stand that it will not rest until sugar prices have been reduced.

Namiwa says the stand by CDEDI is based on the fact that sugar is an affordable basic commodity in the neighbouring countries and that it should not be beyond the reach of the majority of Malawians who equally deserve a decent living.

He has therefore called on Parliament to transact the Sugar Industry Bill, so as to allow sanity to prevail in the sugar industry.

He is grounding his calls from the public statement titled ENGAGEMENT BETWEEN GOVERNMENT AND ILLOVO SUGAR LIMITED which appraised Malawians about fruitful discussions between government and Illovo Sugar Company in relation to concerns over the local price of sugar made by Illovo.

Based on feedback both on social and mainstream media, the statement brought excitement to Malawians who, for once, believed that the crucial ministry had finally gone to one who understands and appreciates the plight of low-income Malawians who, for ages, have been denied access to basic commodities, one of which is sugar.

Namiwa has since reminded Minister Chithyola-Banda that as per the wording and spirit of Section 12 of the countrys Constitution, Malawians deserve transparent and accountable Cabinet ministers who should exercise their duties in both word and deed based on people’s trust.

 “To cut a long story short, it just does not sit well that sugar, a commodity produced locally, should be selling at prices beyond the reach of most Malawians,” he said.

Meanwhile Parliamentary Committee on Trade and Industry is planning to meet CDEDI leadership for hearing as part of a public inquiry we earlier requested Parliament to conduct on sugar production and pricing in the country.

Namiwa has confirmed the arrangement by saying that is an exciting development and he is urging all those who have information that can help to expose the cartels and monopolies in the sugar industry to come forward.

He said the information can either be sent to CDEDI contact person or the Chairperson of the Parliamentary Committee on Trade and Industry, Paul Nkhoma


After successfully attending the 30th Anniversary and Annual General Meeting of Afreximbank in Accra, Ghana, Malawi’s renowned Business magnate who is Muli Brothers Limited (MBL) Managing Director Leston Ted Mulli has also been invited to attend Afreximbank Trade Fair 2023 in Cairo, Egypt in November this year.

The Vice President of Afreximbank Kanayo Awani revealed this on Tuesday when Mulli was leaving Ghana for South Africa where he held other small business meetings.

 Some of the things to be discussed in Cairo include promotion of regional trade, introducing Afreximbank insurance and new African Payment system which is known as Pan-African Payment and settlement system (PAPSS).

Mulli continues to be recognized internationally because of the businesses he does here in Malawi and other African countries.

About the Intra-African Trade Fair

Organised by the African Export-Import Bank (Afreximbank), in collaboration with the African Union Commission (AUC) and the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) Secretariat, the Intra-African Trade Fair (IATF) is intended to provide a unique platform for facilitating trade and investment information exchange in support of increased intra-African trade and investment, especially in the context of implementing the African Continental Free Trade Agreement (AfCFTA).

IATF brings together continental and global players to showcase and exhibit their goods and services and to explore business and investment opportunities in the continent.

It also provides a platform to share trade, investment and market information with stakeholders and allows participants to discuss and identify solutions to the challenges confronting intra-African trade and investment.

 In addition to African participants, the Trade Fair is also open to businesses and investors from non-African countries interested in doing business in Africa and in supporting the continent’s transformation through industrialization and export development.

The 3rd Intra-African Trade Fair (IATF2023) is expected to attract: More than 1,600 exhibitors. More than 35,000 visitors, buyers and conference delegates from all 55 African countries, the Diaspora and the rest of the world; and More than US$43 Billion in trade and investment deals.

MALAWI VS ETHIOPIA:TNM Mahape to dish out free minutes for every Flames goal

TNM Plc will donate 1 free minute to all its customers for every goal the Flames will score against Ethiopia in tomorrow’s Group D Africa Cup of Nations Qualifier in Maputo Mozambique as one way of boosting the fans morale, Head of Marketing Madalitso Jonazi has said.

“TNM as a truly Malawian network is a big fan of the Flames and Malawi football. As a sponsor of the country’s top-flight league, the Super League, and which is the bedrock of the Flames foundation, we thought of responding to the need for Malawians to cheer up their national team while using free airtime depending on the number of goals. For example, if Flames can score 10 goals, that means 10 free minutes for every customer registered on our network. This is our way of extending the Mahape moments to the football fraternity, and motivating the Flames to score,” he said.

Jonazi said the offer of free minutes is sponsored by TNM Mahape, a communication platform aiming to celebrate the utility from using TNM products and services.

“The Flames and Ethiopia game is a happiness moment hence TNM Mahape will reward customers with the free airtime depending on the number of goals the Flames can score. Through Mahape, the goal is to celebrate our network’s capability to empower users in their respective areas of effort, while achieving different milestones, and tomorrow’s match is one such opportunity,” said the Head of Marketing.

TNM recovers from loss to record 150 % H1 net profit

KADZITCHE:TNM is a truly Malawian company that is now excelling

Profit after tax for Malawian-owned mobile telecoms operator, TNM Plc will be 150 percent higher than the same period last year, the operator said in a Trading Statement on Friday, citing performance for the first half of the year.

The half-year profit after tax represents a turnaround in operations for the Malawi Stock Exchange-listed operator which had recorded a net loss representing 133 percent year on year decline over the same period last year.

The development confirms recent projections by the company’s Chief Financial Officer Peter Kadzitche of improved profitability for the year following strong revenue performance in the first and second quarters of 2023.

“We are seeing strong growth in revenues. There are also many positive indicators in key business segments, especially mobile money, voice [GSM], and data,” Kadzitche had said.

The Chief Finance Officer said some of the positives include a return to 2017 profitability levels for most segments of the business.

“Based on the unaudited trading performance seen between March and May, we are confident of better profitability prospects by the end of 2023. TNM is a truly Malawian company that is now excelling,” he said.

During the period under review, TNM’s share price has recorded strong increases on the local bourse. The operator was trading at K30 this week up from K17.94 in April, according to daily reports by MSE.

TNM’s trajectory of recent positive developments includes appointment of new CEO Michel Hebert, which brought the pilot launch of the 5G network, significant improvements in 4G, revised pricing structures, new products such as Kapangolini bundles, all while maintaining a resilient and uninterrupted network services during the devastating tropical Cyclone Freddy.

Following the recent launch of the 5G network platform, TNM’s shareholders under the Minority Shareholders Association of Malawi expressed optimism for improved prospects in the company’s performance going forward.

TNM invested an initial U$5 million (MWK5.2 billion) to launch the 5G pilot phase.

More win in NBM Cardless Promo

Enala Chirwa- It is very exciting

National Bank of Malawi (NBM) Plc has splashed prizes to 50 more winners in the second month of the MO Cardless Promotion currently underway.

The Bank’s Mobile and eMoney Services Manager, Enala Chirwa unveiled the 50 winners during the monthly draw conducted on Thursday in Blantyre.

Chirwa said the promotion is still getting good response from the customers and this has been observed through the increase in the number of tokens generated and redeemed through cardless withdrawal service.

“So far this has been a very exciting and rewarding experience for all of us, and we are thrilled to have so many participants who are taking part in this promotion. We launched this promotion to bring awareness and encourage the use of our Cardless Withdrawal service, and we are pleased to say that the second month has been encouraging. We encourage our customers to utilize this very easy and convenient service.”

“Just as a reminder, the Cardless Withdrawal service enables individuals, whether they have an account with us or not, to access cash through NBM’s ATMs or FastServe Agents,” said Chirwa.

On Thursday, 20 customers won K30, 000 cash prizes each, while 15 won T-Shirts and the other 15 won NBM branded Mugs each.

Chirwa then encouraged customers to keep generating and redeeming tokens to stand a chance of winning more prizes for the month of June, and grand prizes in a draw that will be conducted next month.

Grand prize winner will cart home K1. 5 million, while the runner up will get K1 million and K750, 000 for the third winner.

CASTEL SETS UP WEEKEND OF FOOTBALL FRENZY: Bullets, Silver in exhibition launch match

…Tabitha Chawinga to present trophy

…Beautiful scenery of food stalls, bars outside the stadium

LILONGWE, June 16, 2023—Castel Malawi is proud to announce that the stage is set for the launch of its K1 billion Challenge Cup at the Bingu National Stadium in Lilongwe on Saturday.

Serial Blantyre champions FCB Nyasa Big Bullets and Lilongwe football giants, Silver Strikers have set up the ceremonial thriller match to officially launch the cup.

Announcing the development, Castel Malawi Head of Marketing Frank Binauli says preparations for the exhibition match and unveiling of the cup are complete.

“The biggest cup in the history of Malawi football is finally here. All is set. We will use the match between Bullets and Silver to officially kick-off the campaign ahead of actual fixtures which will start in July,” he said.

He added; “For the launch event, we will unveil the cup with pomp and fanfare. Apart from the football match, fans can look forward to enjoying music, food and Castel brands.”

The Marketing Head said the exhibition match will be marked by various exciting activities notable ones being cup presentation by Malawian top woman footballer Tabitha Chawinga, and the reigning Miss Malawi. Chawinga has recently capped her season in Italy as the top goal scorer for Inter Milan.

The icing of the cake for football fans is an all-night music show featuring Malawi’s top musicians and bands. The concert, to be set outside the BNS premises, starts soon after the BB/Silver game and continues until Sunday.

Outside the stadium, soccer fans will be treated to a beautiful scenery of food stalls and bars.

“The music concert starts soon after the match and will take fans into the night. It will continue Sunday afternoon, to ensure maximum entertainment for the fans,” said Binauli.


JONAZI:We keep bringing innovative services and products to ensure Malawians are aligned to the current technology advancements

As Malawians are still celebrating the Mahape moments and introduction of 5G network by TNM Plc, the telco has introduced a ground-breaking ‘Welcome Back Offer’ for TNM SIM card reactivation.
The reactivation offer is giving 2000 percent instant bonus to customers when they reactivate their TNM numbers and buy airtime on Mpamba. In addition, recharges using scratch cards and banks are attracting 1000 percent bonus.
According to Madalitso Jonazi TNM’s Head of Brand and Marketing, the bonus offers are available to all TNM numbers that have been inactive for more than 60 days.  The bonus is applicable to the first recharge they do during the month.
Customers are encouraged to recharge with high values on their first monthly recharge to get the highest bonus value. Customer will get the bonus on their first recharge for a period of 3 months.
“This is a welcome back gift for our customers who have not been using their TNM SIM cards for more than 60 days. At TNM we continue to bring exciting services to customers as part of the Mahape,” said Jonazi.
TNM has initiated simple process to enable customers get their inactive TNM SIM cards working again. 
“There is no rocket science for customers to enjoy this intriguing offers. Customers need to just put their inactive SIM cards back into their mobile devices and recharge through Mpamba to get 2000% bonus or through scratch cards, electronic vouchers, or banks to earn 1000% bonus usable within seven days,” he said.
The offer reaffirms TNM’s commitment towards assisting Malawians experience good quality mobile services that best suit their needs and lifestyle. The 2000% bonus is one of TNM’s drive to give its customers great value for their money.
“TNM is determined to provide value to customers. We keep bringing innovative services and products to ensure Malawians are aligned to the current technology advancements,” added Jonazi.
TNM which was established in the year 1995 is the oldest telecommunications company in Malawi which covers more than 88% of the country.

CDEDI still not backtracking on sugar production, pricing inquiry


NAMIWA: we demand a complete overhaul of laws that protect selfish business interests

The announcement by Ministry of Industry and Trade that Illovo Sugar Company has agreed to reduce sugar prices within the week has not swaved Centre for Democracy and Economic Development Initiatives (CDEDI) on its demand for an inquiry on production and pricing of the suclose.

In a media release update CDEDI Executive Director, Sylvester Namiwa says much as this is a progressive move, the decision by Illovo Sugar Company does not override the demand for an inquiry into sugar production and pricing.

“You may notice that this particular statement is tackling one aspect of industrial sugar, secondly we are not sure of the reduction margins. So the fight is still on until an ordinary citizen is able to afford the commodity just like the case in all the neighboring countries,” he said.

CDEDI has now assured the nation that it will not rest until sugar prices fall.

“If sugar is an affordable basic commodity in neighbouring countries, why should it be beyond the reach of the majority of Malawians? Malawians deserve decent living too,” he said.

On the next course of action, Namiwa has promised that his organisation will make an official position but the demand for an inquiry stands.

“Malawians and all consumers may wish to know that the Trade and Industry committee of parliament is handling our demand. In the same vein, CDEDI feel vindicated that Malawians were being skinned alive with high sugar prices,” he said.

Last week CDEDI wrote the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) of Parliament and the Parliamentary Committee on Trade and Industry to immediately conduct a public inquiry on sugar production and pricing in the country.

Through the letter, Namiwa expressed optimism that the public inquiry, will help Malawians to know whether the tax regime prevailing in the sugar industry was designed in their interest.

He said elsewhere, governments formulate laws and regulations that protect low income earners from exploitation, while on the other hand promoting competition as opposed to shielding monopolies.

The CDEDI Chief is also demanding transparency and accountability from the Malawi Revenue Authority, the Ministry of Finance and other relevant government authorities by justifying the current tax arrangement and the motivation behind the same.

He is also demanding for a complete overhaul of laws that protect selfish business interests because the fall of sugar prices will lead to an instant fall of many other basic commodities.

“Needless to remind Malawians that any piece of legislation that does not serve them is a bad law that ought to be rejected. In the same vein, we demand a complete overhaul of laws that protect selfish business interests and, thereby, punishing the same people the law is supposed to protect and serve,” he said.

Adding that the indulgence of PAC and the Parliamentary Committee on Trade and Industry on this matter is desired by Malawians, especially the poor that struggle to meet daily needs.

Learning from neighbouring countries, for instance in Zambia, a kilogramme of sugar sells at a maximum of US$0.90 (approximately MK924.60); In Mozambique it is pegged at US$ 0.46 (an equivalent of MK472.58) while in Tanzania a kilogramme of the commodity fetches US$0.45(approximately MK465.42).

FDH Bank Plc sponsors K5 million towards Golf Union of Malawi Matchplay Championship

In the picture, FDH Bank Plc Head of Marketing Levie Nkunika (2R) is seen presenting a symbolic cheque to GUM President Gift Gondwe (2L) flanked by GUM General Secretary Ulemu Luhanga (L) and FDH Public Relations Manager Lorraine Chikhula (R).

FDH Bank — in its zeal to develop sports in the country — has sponsored the annual Malawi Matchplay Championship whose finals will be played on June 23-25 at Country Club Limbe (CCL) and Blantyre Sports Club BSC.

At the cheque presentation on Monday at FDH Holdings Head Office in Blantyre, Head of Marketing, Levie Nkunika said they appreciated efforts by the Golf Union of Malawi (GUoM) efforts to develop the sport from the grassroots, saying: “As a homegrown Bank, we are futuristic to help build a solid platform for all categories so as to promote its popularity.

“The Golf Union plays an important role in managing the sport and it is also up to us to partner with it because it also gives us an opportunity to interact with customers to appreciate what other needs they require for us to service them better.

“They are many FDH Bank customers who play golf and the tournament goes beyond providing a platform to showcase their prowess because it is also for keeping healthy through physical exercises.

“And above all, the Matchplay Championship will assist the Golf Union to identify talented players to represent the country at international level, which is the desire of every sportsperson,” he said.

In his vote of thanks, GUoM president, Gift Chidya Gondwe applauded FDH Bank for partnering with GUoM as they have always done in the past, saying “FDH Bank is bringing golfer closer to people and providing a solid platform for its development.

“In these difficult economic times, it is an honour indeed that FDH Bank accepted to sponsor the all-important Malawi Matchplay Championship which golfers look out for because it is used to rank them,” he said.

“This is a great day for GUoM because we have managed to secure financial support because we relied on government sponsorship when we hosted the Regional 5 Amateur Golf Challenge at Lilongwe Golf Club last month.

He added that the qualifiers for the finals will be held on Saturday, June 18 at five golf clubs — Kasasa in Dwangwa, Nchalo in Chikwawa, Lilongwe for the Capital City, CCL and BSC — which will identify 80 finalists.

The 80 will be 16 each for Championship Division; Division A; Division B; ladies; juniors — as an important all-inclusive tournament that is also used to rank the best players for consideration into the national golf team.

Chidya Gondwe said golfers are at liberty to choose any of the golf courses that have been earmarked for the Strokeplay qualifiers.

“It’s an honour to find such partnership because sponsors are hard to come by since most companies had been affected by the CoVID-19. What FDH Bank will go a long way to grow the brand of golf in the country since GUoM wants to build a solid foundation by focusing on ladies and juniors divisions.”

He thus appealed to members of public to send their children to various clubs where GUoM has coaches who conduct training clinics for free, saying there are many opportunities for them such as being considered to represent Malawi at international tournaments.

“Many people have the belief that golf is an elite sport, but it is not,” Chidya Gondwe said. “At GUoM we have made it possible that it should be accessible to everyone with support from various partners such as FDH Bank.”

TNM moves to improve literacy levels

Jonazi (left) presents the donation to Andrew Chikho, Director of Programmes at Malawi Spelling Bee Competition

Malawi’s pioneer mobile network and ICT services provider, TNM Plc has said that sound and improved literacy level among children are key elements that contribute positively to the social economic development of the country.

Madalitso Jonazi, TNM’s Head of Brand and Marketing Communications made the remarks when his company made a donation of K2.5 million towards this year’s Malawi National Spelling Bee Grand Finale that will take place on 14th June, 2023 at the Grand Palace Hotel in Mzuzu.

Malawi National Spelling Bee Program is an annual initiative in which children do compete in spelling out words with an aim of improving literacy levels in the country.

According to TNM, the donation has been made to complement the great role Malawi Spelling Bee competition is playing in impacting the lives of children in the country.

“At TNM we appreciate the role Malawi Spelling Bee is playing more especially in children. The initiative is improving education quality and standards, building confidence, vocabulary, and the reading culture in children,” said Jonazi.

Jonazi said that the initiative helps children to explore their abilities in the process deepening social as well as improving knowledge.

“Here in Malawi, Spelling Bee Competition is an important factor that is touching lives of children in the education ecosystem. Education is one of our strategic pillars, therefore our support will improve the outcomes of the spelling competition,” he said.

He said that TNM recognises Spelling Bee Competition as backbone of the country’s youth development because it enhances their confidence and researching skills.

Jonazi, Chikho during the ceremony

Expounding the impact of the competition, Andrew Chikho, Director of Programmes at Malawi Spelling Bee Competition said the intervention is promoting reading culture.

“This initiative has helped learners to perform well in their schools, our data shows that almost all learners who previously contested have been selected to national secondary schools. This is because the intervention is promoting the reading culture among the learners,” said Chikho.

Chikho expressed his gratitude towards TNM saying the donation will help to promote social economic development through education. 

“I would like to thank TNM for the good gesture, they are indeed Always with Us. We will make sure that this money should benefit learners themselves hence we will use it for prizes and trophies,” he said.  

This is the first time that Spelling Bee Competition Granda Finale is happening in Mzuzu. Six winners from this national competition will compete at international level in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. 

Malawi National Spelling Bee is a Co-founder and consortium member of the African Spelling Bee that currently has 27 country spelling bee organizations.

Here in Malawi the program reaches out to both primary and secondary school children in both rural and urban areas.

South African appointed new group CEO of inq…Inq. operates in 9 African markets, including Malawi

DIBETSO:I am excited to be joining inq.

Edge and ICT solutions provider the inq. Group, previously known as Skyband Corporation in Malawi, has appointed South African seasoned industry leader Glad Dibetso as new Group Chief Executive Officer.

Dibetso, who succeeds Nick Reed, will become CEO Designate from 1 July 2023 working alongside Reed who will remain on as part of the transition process. The move is part of the Board approved succession plan.

inq. recently completed its acquisition of Syrex, a provider of hyperconverged cloud technology solutions, adding South Africa to its footprint across the Continent.

Dibetso hopes to continue to bolster inq. to become a truly pan-African business, consolidating its traditional connectivity business and accelerating EdgeDock®, inq.’s unique digital service offering.

“I am excited to be joining inq. and leading the charge in co-creating innovative connectivity and digital solutions that are fundamental to enterprises across public and private sectors,” he said.

Welcoming Dibetso, Executive Chairman Andile Ngcaba said the looks forward to the new group CEO galvanizing operations in East, West and Southern Africa.

“Glad will drive inq. Edge cloud strategy, Edge AI and East, West and Southern Africa submarine to Edge connectivity. He is an agile leader with domain knowledge and an excellent track record of success in working with hyperscalers and global OEMs in diverse African cultures and geographies. We look forward to his contribution in creating a leading player that services global carriers and regional,” said Ngcaba.

inq. is a global leading-edge computing technology company founded to provide innovative, customised, and business-relevant digital services on the edge. inq. connects over 1,200 of Africa’s leading corporations in 9 countries, serves clients in Europe and UAE, and has a footprint in India.

The company is prominent for its innovative IP and business-rendering solutions and services such as Edge AI & IoT, Fabric, SDN/NFV, Edge Orchestration and Elastic Edge. The company continues to invest and expand its footprint as a global leading-edge solutions provider.

CDEDI condemns detentions without trials, tells President Chakwera, Zikhale to respect rule of law


NAMIWA: Tells President Chakwera to respect the rule of law

The strange and persistent infringement of democratic principle of rule of law by the Malawi Congress Party (MCP) administration has compelled Centre for Democracy and Economic Development Initiatives (CDEDI), to condemn the recent detentions without trials that are evidently bypassing the courts.

In a statement released Friday and signed by CDEDI Executive Director Sylvester Namiwa says his organisation seek the intervention of President Lazarus Chakwera in taming Minister of Homeland Security Ken Zikhale-Ng’oma and other officials to respect the rule of law and, at all cost, in dealing with the recampment of refugees and assylum seekers.

Namiwa says authorities should desist from making public utterances that may stir unnecessary panic and end up creating undesirable situations in the country.

He cited recent public sentiments by Zikhale-Ng’oma and the Commissioner General for Refugees Ignacio Maulana (retired) to the effect that Malawi is hosting 44 former Rwandan Army Generals as an example.

Namiwa says it is sad that despite the utterances not only stirring fear among the general public but also shown how vulnerable our country because of its porous borders, is business as usual but in a serious country such a revelation would have forced heads to roll.

The CDEDI Executive Director has also expressed shock over the approach employed when tracking down the illegal immigrants, whereby police are hauling and bundling people, sometimes just based on their looks, and taking them to police or prison cells without giving them reasons for their detention.

“This is strange and, to say the least, unacceptable. In the spirit of the rule of law, CDEDI wishes to remind the Minister of Homeland Security that Malawi has clear set judicial procedures where, within 48 hours of arrest any suspect, regardless of nationality, is supposed to be taken to court,” he said.

While calling for the rule of law to prevail by letting issues of migration to be handled by the Department of Immigration and Citizen Services as per its constitutional mandate, Namiwa has reminded Minister of Homeland Security that Malawi has extradition procedures that need to be followed when dealing with those suspected to have committed crimes in other countries.

Meanwhile a grouping of Rwandan refugees have said that the conduct of Malawi government authorities in ill-treating them is based on false intelligence.

A statement in our possession signed by representative of Concerned Refugees and Assylum seekers from Rwanda, Odette Narukundo, is urging the Malawi Government to tread carefully on the instructions from Kigali.

In the epistle headlined ‘RWANDAN AUTHORITIES ARE USING LIES TO TARNISH REFUGEES IMAGE IN MALAWI’, the grouping has made serious allegations that the Malawi Government and other stakeholders should not merely wish away.

For instance they have alleged that Ministry of Homeland Security [short of saying the Malawi Government] is being used by Kigali [Rwanda] to victimise them owing to the Tutsi and Hutu ethnical rivalry background.

“Nonetheless, CDEDI believes that the Minister of Homeland Security owes the nation an explanation or two on the same,”.

NBS Bank touts digitization growth

Ngwenya stresses a point at the forum

NBS Bank plc Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Kwanele Ngwenya says the Bank aims to remain focused on its strategy of catching up and outgrowing the market as the Malawi Stock Exchange (MSE) listed-bank has given its shareholders a performance and value for money in terms of return and investment.

Ngwenya, during an investor forum in Blantyre on Wednesday, attributed the good performance in the second quarter of the year to aggressive growth in the loan book space among other factors.

“ There has been aggressive growth in the loan book space, growth in the balance sheet, and an increase in the transitional space and structure deals, those are the drivers of the revenue and the profitability of the bank,” said Ngwenya.

He added the Bank will continue to focus on 100 percent growth in profitability while developing aggressively in the digital space and taking the Bank to the community, investing more in financial inclusion and digitalization.

Ngwenya-There has been aggressive growth

NBS Bank is expected to register a profit in the current year materially different from the prior year, as profit after tax for half the year ending June 30, 2023 is expected to be between K10 billion and K15 billion compared to K5.09 billion reported the same period last year.

“The engagement we had with our investors provided us an opportunity to network as we shared our financial performance to the shareholders and investors. We have also received good feedback from them,” added Ngwenya.

Shareholder Frank Harawa applauded NBS Bank for the tremendous growth in the past months adding he anticipates that the share price will continue going up.

“ In six months, Malawians have made money and one of the companies that have made this possible is NBS Bank, in December 2022 the share price of NBS Bank was K22 now it is trading at K88 you could see in the meeting that people are very happy with the performance of our Bank,” said Harawa.

Ngwenya speaks at the forum

FDH gives BT Police K3 million to boost crime fight 

Mkulichi (2R) hands over a symbolic cheque to Nyirenda, (2L), flanked by FDH Bank Plc Public Relations Manager Lorraine Chikhula (right) and Station Traffic Officer Superintendent Jackson Silungwe

FDH Bank Plc has donated K3 million to Blantyre Police Station to support the installation of an enhanced technology security system to boost the fight against crime in Blantyre City.

In his speech during the handover ceremony in Blantyre on Tuesday, the Bank’s Managing Director, Noel Mkulichi said as a leading financial institution and digital bank, FDH Bank Plc supports and promotes the adoption and use of technology in various sectors of the economy.

“We are pleased with the efforts by the Malawi Police Service to boost security and fight crime through enhanced technological security systems. FDH Bank applauds the Malawi Police Service and the Government for this initiative and the Bank commits to continue working with the Malawi Police Service and the Government in various ways that promote security and create a conducive operating environment for our customers, the business community, and the general public,” said Mkulichi.

Blantyre Police Officer-in-Charge, Deputy Commissioner of Police Obrey Nyirenda hailed FDH Bank for the support saying they plan to install security cameras in Blantyre Central Business District (CBD) that will assist to monitor activities from the control room at the station.

“We are very grateful for the timely support which will help us a lot in the process of installation of the Cameras for crime monitoring. We are very much sure that the good working relationship that is between Police and FDH Bank will continue for the benefit of all Malawians,” said Nyirenda.

Recently, the Bank also supported a similar cause at Limbe Police with cameras and monitors. 

PressCane Limited touts environment conservation strides

PressCane Zero Liquid Discharge plant

Ethanol distiller, PressCane Limited has said it is constantly finding innovative ways to conserve the environment while providing the nation with energy needs and solutions.

PressCane Limited Marketing Manager Mercy Kamanga said in an interview ahead of the commemoration of the World Environment Day on 5 June that the company will do its best to conserve the environment.

“We have a by-product of ethanol called vinasse and we are using this as a raw material to produce organic fertilizer rich in potassium which can be used in sugarcane fields and also other cash crops like maize, tobacco, rice and others,” said Kamanga.

She said PressCane Limited, a subsidiary of conglomerate Press Corporation plc, is constructing a multi-billion-kwacha waste disposal facility called ‘Zero liquid discharge plant’ at its factory at Dyeratu in Chikwawa.

Mercy Kamanga- There will be Zero Liquid discharge of waste

“This means that there will be zero liquid discharge of waste from our ethanol production. Further, this plant will also produce bio gas which will be used to power our factory and eventually we are going to extend it to the public.”

She also said they have been producing durable hollow blocks from fly ash, a waste product generated after burning coal in boilers to produce steam used during the ethanol production process which are selling at economic price.

“We have developed and refined the hollow blocks for the past three years with expertise from the Malawi University of Business and Science (MUBAS) engineering department. On top of that we are also producing a gel fuel which is an ethanol-based product for cooking and heating food in homes and the hospitality industry. We believe that our gel fuel will assist to avoid deforestation by replacing charcoal to conserve the environment while promoting clean energy,” explained Kamanga.

The world commemorates world environment day on June 5 every year.

SUGAR PRICING SPARKS DEBATE…CDEDI seeks clarity on sugar production, pricing


While Illovo sugar company has threatened to seek court redress against issuance of import licenses, the Centre for Democracy and Economic Development Initiatives (CDEDI) has written the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) of Parliament and the Parliamentary Committee on Trade and Industry to immediately conduct a public inquiry on sugar production and pricing in the country.

In a statement signed by CDEDI Executive Director Sylvester Namiwa, gauging from the massive prevailing reactions, it is clear that Malawi is sitting on a time-bomb by weighing in sugar production, pricing and tax regimes since it is clear that Malawians are paying a lot for sugar and most other basic commodities.

“It is against this backdrop that CDEDI decided to write PAC to invoke its constitutional powers to set up a public inquiry to help Malawians understand why they are being made to pay through the nose for basic commodities such as sugar,” he said.

Namiwa is optimistic that through the public inquiry, Malawians will know whether the tax regime prevailing in the sugar industry was designed in their interest.

The call follows a meeting that Minister of Trade and Industry Hon Simplex Chithyola held on Monday, June 5, 2023, with selected stakeholders in the sugar industry in reaction to the leaked correspondence from Illovo Sugar Company dated May 9, 2023 under the headline ISSUE OF A SUGAR IMPORT LICENSE BY THE MINISTRY OF TRADE AND INDUSTRY.

He said elsewhere, governments formulate laws and regulations that protect low income earners from exploitation, while on the other hand promoting competition as opposed to shielding monopolies.

The CDEDI Chief has since demanded for transparency and accountability from the Malawi Revenue Authority, the Ministry of Finance and other relevant government authorities by justifying the current tax arrangement and the motivation behind the same.

Namiwa has also demanded a complete overhaul of laws that protect selfish business interests because the fall of sugar prices will lead to an instant fall of many other basic commodities.

“Needless to remind Malawians that any piece of legislation that does not serve them is a bad law that ought to be rejected. In the same vein, we demand a complete overhaul of laws that protect selfish business interests and, thereby, punishing the same people the law is supposed to protect and serve,” he said.

Adding that the indulgence of PAC and the Parliamentary Committee on Trade and Industry on this matter is desired by Malawians, especially the poor that struggle to meet daily needs.

“Last but not the least, CDEDI assures the nation that it will not rest until sugar prices fall. If sugar is an affordable basic commodity in neighbouring countries, why should it be beyond the reach of the majority of Malawians? Malawians deserve decent living too,” he said.

Meanwhile Illovo Sugar Malawi, Managing Director, Lekani Katandula has released a press release addressing cane growers whose contents are nothing but a call to anger stakeholders so that they can protest against issuance of import licenses to private business traders.

Katandula has opted to ignore the prices of sugar in neighbouring countries and is only happy that his company has registered a whopping 702% profit at the expense of poor Malawians.

Taking it from sugar prices in the neighbouring countries, for instance in Zambia, a kilogramme of sugar sells at a maximum of US$0.90 (approximately MK924.60); In Mozambique it is pegged at US$ 0.46 (an equivalent of MK472.58) while in Tanzania a kilogramme of the commodity fetches US$0.45(approximately MK465.42).



Illovo Sugar Malawi plc extends its congratulations to Phata Sugarcane Outgrowers Cooperative in Malawi which has won the inaugural “Growing a Better Planet Award” under the Farm Sustainability Assessment (FSA), by the Sustainable Agriculture Initiative Platform (SAI Platform).

The SAI Platform is a global non-profit network and one of the primary global food and drink value-chain initiatives for sustainable agriculture, developing sustainable agriculture solutions through member-driven precompetitive collaboration. Its solution, the FSA, enables businesses to assess, improve, and validate onfarm sustainability.

The FSA Growing a Better Planet Award celebrates farmers, individuals and organisations demonstrating leadership and innovation in their efforts to continuously improve on-farm sustainability.

Illovo Sugar Malawi supported Phata to submit its award nomination on the grounds of its leading sustainability initiatives see the Phata Nomination video here! Following an adjudication process amongst nominations from major businesses across the world at the FSA Community of Practice event in Rome 19-21 April 2023, the Phata Cooperative was announced the winner with the award received on its behalf by Megan Harrington, Illovo’s Group Grower Agriculture Strategy Support Strategist.

Handing over the award to the Phata dignitaries, Illovo Sugar Malawi Managing Director Lekani Katandula said that he was incredibly pleased about the win, given the long-standing and close partnership with the Phata Cooperative and their management consultants Agricane, which has matured over the past 12 years.

“The major benefit we both share in this relationship, outside of our business transactions, is that of the assurance we both have for ongoing governance, social inclusion and environmental sustainability in the supply chain. This assurance is guided and verified through the FSA tool, together with Phata’s Fairtrade certification.

This award recognises the cooperative’s leadership in sustainability, operating within a community stressed by climate change, deforestation, and poverty. They have driven interventions such as renewable charcoal production, crop diversification and biodiversity which have demonstrated that sustainability is possible, and indeed essential, within a smallholder context,” said Lekani.

These sentiments are mirrored by Bouke Bijl of AgriCane, co-founders of Phata, who said that verification initiatives like the FSA are key drivers for the continued success of the Phata Cooperative in ensuring that it remains an economically, socially and environmentally sustainable production entity that will consistently continue providing income and livelihood security to all of its members.

“As the Phata Team, we are very proud to have achieved this award! This could only be achieved with the continued efforts of the management team and the committed leadership by the Executive Committee,” said Bouke.

The ground-breaking achievement by Phata follows Illovo Sugar Africa’s first FSA audit process in 2022. The result of the audit conducted under FSA version 3.0 was “silver level” status for all of its participating estates, those being Nchalo Estate, Dwangwa, Maragra, Kilombero, Nakambala and Ubombo. Most importantly, the three independent growers within the Nchalo factory’s cane supply also participated in the 2022 FSA audits, of which Phata Cooperative and Kasinthula Cane Growers Association were the very first sustainability accreditation for smallholder sugarcane farming in Africa under FSA 3.0.

Kaombe Sugar Estate, a large-scale grower in the Shire Valley also achieved a Silver Level status. It serves as a powerful example of what is possible within grower agriculture and for the Illovo group, provides the impetus for it to roll out the FSA sustainability process across its wider grower base.

Says Lekani: “It demonstrates that adopting sustainable agricultural practices can be achieved, whilst also delivering powerful livelihood and community development outcomes.”

TNM Mpamba splashes K22M in KashiKashi promotion

Kafumbu speaks during the draw

TNM Mpamba Ltd, wholly owned subsidiary of TNM plc Friday distributed K8.4 million cash prizes to customers and K14 million to agents in the ongoing Mpamba Kashi Kashi promotion.

The promotion was launched to celebrate the milestones Mpamba mobile money has recorded since its inception in 2013.

According to Tione Kafumbu, Mpamba Marketing Manager there has been a great gain in momentum since the duo promotion was launched, a clear indication that Mpamba is creating great value for customers and agents.

“We are overwhelmed with the response from our customers. Participation keeps on increasing daily. We are happy that as we are rewarding customers, we are also deepening financial inclusion and improving social economic status our customers,” said Kaziputa.

The promotion continues to underscore TNM’s commitment towards creating possibilities as hundreds are winning cash prizes.

“We continue to change lives of our customers through the promotion. We are proud to fulfill this promise. Today we have conducted the fifth draw for customers and third draw for agents. The draw has seen 196 customers and 252 agents winning different cash prizes ranging from K25 000 to K100, 000,” he said.

He added that the promotion has simplified entry modalities to ensure increased winning chances for every customer and agent.

“The count down to the grand prize has began. Customers now need to leverage on the remaining few days to increase there entries to stand a chance of winning big. To enter, customers need to make a transaction of K500 and agents participate after servicing customer with a transaction of K5000 or more.” he added.

The promotion will be ending on June 6, 2023 where 28 customers will win cash prize of K1 million each and 28 agents will win K500,000 each.

And 40 year old Maganizo Benselo, a business man from Mlomba in Phalombe district has won the 100 thousand TNM KashiKashi promotion.

Speaking on the phone Benselo could not hide his excitement saying this was his second time to win.

“I am so excited. This is my second time to win. At first it was 50 thousand kwacha. This money will help me boost my capital,” he said.

CDEDI cautions against harassing refugees, asylum seekers…Tells President Chakwera to stop the exercise


NAMIWA: Tells President Chakwera to stop the exercise

The Centre for Democracy and Economic Development Initiatives (CDEDI), has urged government to stop victimising fellow Africans under the guise of implementing laws and regulations governing refugees and asylum seekers.

The voice of reason from CDEDI is coming after several stakeholders including United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) have condemned the same.

Briefing the press in Lilongwe, CDEDI Executive Director, Sylvester Namiwa said the conduct demonstrated by government is not only a violation of human rights but also international protocols.

Namiwa says the conduct of government demonstrates inconsistency in policy implementation considering that it committed itself to the Comprehensive Refugee Response Framework (CRRF) and also pledged at the Global Refugee Forum in December 2019 to incorporate refugee matters into its national development agenda, reform the legal and policy framework, cover registration and
documentation of refugees, enhance refugee status determination and support the self-reliance of refugees through increased livelihood activities.

“Given the above commitments, what is happening on the ground is a classic example of the Malawi Government’s policy inconsistency that has culminated into outright appetite for torturing fellow Africans helplessly yearning for a safe and better living,” says Namiwa.

Some of the victimised refugees

He has since asked President Lazarus Chakwera to direct Minister of Homeland Security Ken Zikhale Ng’oma to stop the current exercise which its approach is evident that is only aiming at harassing fellow Africans.

Namiwa cited as an example of what Malawians witnessed recently when government hunted down like rats refugees and asylum seekers who included children, pregnant women, and even the sick, shoving them into trucks to Maula Prison in Lilongwe without food and proper beddings amid harsh weather conditions.

“It is strange that while countries such as Kenya are welcoming fellow Africans by removing visa restrictions, the Malawi Government is doing the opposite by arbitrarily revoking citizenships for industrious fellow Africans who, in their
own small way, are making positive contributions towards healing the country’s ailing economy,” he said.

He said it is worrisome that the exercise is very disturbing as it is coupled with allegations that the same government is revoking the refugees and asylum seekers’ citizenship without any good reason.

Namiwa feels Government’s current stance and conduct is not only suspicious but, also, leaves one fearing that maybe the Malawi Government has a hidden agenda against Rwandans and Burundis.

“Therefore, in the spirit of Ubuntu, CDEDI wishes to implore President Chakwera to listen to the humble voice of reason and intervene by rescinding his government’s decision to revoke the citizenship of the 396 refugees and asylum seekers whose papers were processed,” he said.

Meanwhile, according to Namiwa, CDEDI has also written the Minister of Homeland Security demanding the list of the affected naturalised citizens and proof of prior communication indicating reasons for the revocation of their status.

“Additionally, CDEDI is reminding government that Malawians have a right to know how much has been spent on the relocation exercise of the refugees and asylum seekers. Besides, Malawians would also like to know in whose interest is government harassing these fellow Africans, especially those from Burundi and Rwanda,” queries Namiwa.

Sadly, as government is busy bundling refugees and asylum seekers and dumping them in prisons in transit to the congested Dzakela Refugee Camp, millions of Malawians are seeking refugee in other countries.

TNM expects profit turnaround in 2023-CFO

KADZITCHE: We are seeing strong growth in revenues

TNM Plc, Malawi’s pioneering mobile telecoms operator expects to turn around its fortunes after recording strong performance in the first and second quarter of 2023, its Chief Financial Officer, Peter Kadzitche has projected.

While acknowledging 2022 as an extremely difficult year for the company due to macro-economic factors, Kadzitche says the forecast for 2023 looks much better.

“We are seeing strong growth in revenues. There are also many positive indicators in key business segments, especially mobile money, voice [GSM], and data,” he said.

The Chief Finance Officer said some of the positives include a return to 2017 profitability levels for most segments of the business.

“Based on the unaudited trading performance seen between March and May, we are confident of better profitability prospects by the end of 2023. TNM is a truly Malawian company that is now excelling,” he said.

In a related development, the share price of TNM Plc increased from K17.94 in April to K28.46 in May, a report by the Malawi Stock Exchange (MSE) shows, coinciding with positive developments around the company’s network improvements.

TNM Plc stock closed Wednesday at K28.46 and was one of the two top gainers the exchange said in its weekly report.

For TNM, the trajectory of recent positive developments includes appointment of new CEO Michel Hebert, which brought the pilot launch of the 5G network, significant improvements in 4G, revised pricing structures, new products such as Kapangolini bundles, all while maintaining a resilient and uninterrupted network services during the devastating tropical Cyclone Freddy.

In its monthly report for April, MSE says that while overall share volumes decreased by 28 pct and values fell by 12 pct across the local bourse, TNM Plc broke rank as one of the top performing stocks for April.

The report indicates that the TNM share price increased by 15.74% from K15.50 to K17.94 per share, and that the telco is amongst the top five capital gainers and volume pushers for April. According to the April report, TNM’s trading activity on the local bourse helped to boost the overall market’s capitalization by 7.68% month-to-month.

Following the recent launch of the 5G network platform, TNM’s shareholders under the Minority Shareholders Association of Malawi expressed optimism for improved prospects in the company’s performance going forward.

TNM invested an initial U$5 million (MWK5.2 billion) to launch the 5G pilot phase and for massive improvements in 4G.

The Minority Shareholders Association Secretary General Frank Harawa said in an interview the group welcomes the investment and looks forward to TNM taking commanding role in helping improve the country’s telecoms and ICT landscape.

“5G technologies support applications that will have great impact in our society in areas such as healthcare, education, and industry automation, among other benefits. Minority shareholders are excited, and look forward to a transformed TNM,” said Harawa.

The TNM Chief Executive Officer, Michel Hebert said at the 5G pilot launch that the service will deliver excellent end-user experiences as it offers higher internet speeds and completely eliminates congestion. TNM will rapidly expand 5G into new areas. TNM’s 5G will complement and enhance the network’s existing 2G, 3G and enhance 4G capacity and experience, he said.

“5G offers broader capacity and less latency to support multi-media content services such as online gaming, ultra-HD, virtual reality, IoT, mining and synchronization, among other user cases. TNM’s future is bright,” he said.


Msamaliya Norman Chisale renown for his charitable works

Some communities of newly demarcated Ntcheu Central East Constituency have petitioned Good Samaritan Norman Chisale, private bodyguard of former President, Peter Mutharika to stand as legislator for the area in the 2025 general elections.

Leader for the concerned communities, Godfully Mandexy argues that Chisale has good morals and if elected as their parliamentary representative, peoples’ livelihoods will be transformed in the area.

Meanwhile, the communities have today petitioned Chisale at his home village, Thumbi, Traditional Authority (TA) Champiti on the issue by giving him seven days to respond to the request.

But when contacted by Zodiak Online,Chisale ruled out the possibility of joining active politics saying he is currently concentrating on religious charity works in the area.

FDH Bank sponsors CEO Summit with K5 million

Nkunika (right) presents the dummy cheque to Chima

FDH Bank Plc has committed K5 million sponsorship to the Third CEO Summit by Wealth Magazine and Africa CEO Round Table next month.

Speaking when handing over the cheque to the summit organisers, FDH Bank Plc Head of Marketing, Levie Nkunika said the CEO Summit is a high-level platform that hinges on development of a business and entrepreneurial ecosystem to enable businesses including SME’s in Malawi to become key drivers of the economy in creating jobs among others.

“We fully resonate with sentiments from the organisers that a strong middle class in any economy provides an established consumer base that influences socio-economic growth and influences national and societal concerns at different levels which is the key to a healthy entrepreneurial and business ecosystem in any economy as a goal of the Malawi Implementation Plan 1 (MIP1) to have a lower middle-income economy by 2030.”

“Our sustainability efforts do not only align with Malawi’s vision 2063 but also the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the Africa Agenda 2063; and we are a dedicated partner and catalyst to the achievement of the Malawi2063 in the country. As such we have fully provided the financial resources to create this platform- the CEO summit,” said Nkunika.

Wealth Magazine Managing Executive, Harry Chima commended FDH Bank Plc for the support, saying it will go a long way in ensuring the smooth execution of the Summit with over 200 delegates from South Africa, Zimbabwe, and Zambia.

“We are so thankful to FDH Financial Holdings for showing a collaborative spirit by holding our hand towards this year’s Summit which is in line with this year’s theme ‘Redeeming Mw2063 through Collaborative Business Leadership’.

“When opportunity comes, it’s too late to prepare and therefore as private sector captains, we need to be in the forefront accelerating Mw2063. The CEO Summit provides such a platform to help monitor progress and come up with ideas and interventions to catalyse the progress,” said Chima.

Apart from the Summit, there will also be a charity golf tournament to raise funds for the library project at Nkata Village in Chileka Blantyre.

NBM inspires Stella Maris Secondary girls

Chirwa addressing girls at Stella Maris Girls Secondary

National Bank of Malawi (NBM) Plc has encouraged girls at Stella Maris Secondary School in Blantyre to stay focused in their studies and develop an interest in matters related to finance and the economy. .

The Bank’s Mobile and e-Money Services Manager, Enala Chirwa visited the girls for a talk  through the financial inclusion program dubbed ‘60 Minutes with a Banker’ championed by the Bankers Association of Malawi (BAM) for Secondary Schools in the country.

“There are several women who have made it to the top despite all odds in their respective disciplines, whether in the corporate world, in entrepreneurship, you name it. There is  nothing stopping you young ladies from following in their footsteps. Take it upon yourself to keep abreast of current events happening in this country, the economy and most importantly have sound financial knowledge because no matter what industry you end up in after you finish school, you will need to be finance savvy and understand basic economic trends,” said Chirwa.

She further urged the girls to embrace their humble beginnings which instill perseverance and hard-working spirit.

“As girls you need to remain focused on your studies and not be distracted by temporary things like relationships, fashion or dwelling upon things that you do not have yet they do not have and won’t add any value to your life and studies at this stage. There is a proper time for those things.”

Chirwa addressing students at Stella Maris

“Always remember, anything a man can do, a woman can do better – Science, Math, you name it! A good number of girls shy away from science subjects, not because they cannot do them but because they have culturally been labeled as difficult and suited for boys. There are so many more doors that open if you have good grades in general, including in science subjects. Your future is your own and you make it what you want.  Follow your passion and do not be afraid to make path changes along the way. ,” she said.

During the motivational talk, NBM’s Account Relationship Managers, Fanny Kachala and Mwayi Kalulu made presentations on the various products being offered by the Bank.

BAM Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Lyness Nkungula said the program involves presenters from Banks to motivate secondary school students by sharing their stories on how they moved the ladder to where they are.

“The presenters highlight the challenges they have personally met on the way, why they did not give up, and the benefits of working hard. We also want to equip the students with knowledge on finance,” she said.

Chirwa delivering a speech at Stella Maris

NBA Finals on ESPN now available to DStv & GOtv customers

Viewers on DStv and GOtv can look forward to greater access to the ESPN and ESPN 2 channels, thanks to an ‘Open Window’ from MultiChoice.

From 31 May to 3 July, more customers on DStv and GOtv will be able to revel in the thrills and excitement of ESPN’s incredible sporting coverage, in particular the National Basketball Association (NBA).

ESPN, which is usually only available on DStv Family and up & GOtv Max and up, will be available from the Access and Plus packages respectively.

ESPN 2, which is usually only available to customers on DStv Compact Plus and up, will be available on DStv Compact and GOtv Supa.

This means more sporting enthusiasts will be able to take in top-class football from Major League Soccer (MLS), the ‘ping’ of bat striking ball in Major League Baseball (MLB) and the brutality of the XFL (American Football) and the National Rugby League (NRL) from Australia and New Zealand.

In addition, top-class magazine shows such as ‘NBA Today’, ‘NFL Live’, ‘Pardon the Interruption’, ‘ESPN FC’ and ‘SportsCenter’ provide the widest coverage and most entertaining opinions on a huge range of sports.

But the crown in the jewel for this Open Window will be the NBA Championship Finals, which begin on the morning of Friday 2 June and can extend as far as 18 June if the series goes all seven games.

The Conference Finals (Championship semifinals) are underway, with the East seeing the Miami Heat take on the Boston Celtics, while the West pits the Los Angeles Lakers against the Denver Nuggets.

The Nuggets defeated the Phoenix Suns 4-2 in their Conference semi-final series, while the Lakers ended the reign of the defending champions, the Golden State Warriors, with a 4-2 win in their series.

The Lakers started the season with a 2-10 record in their first 12 games, but a mid-season roster overhaul has sparked a brilliant run: “I felt like if we ever had an opportunity to upgrade our roster and put some more balance around myself and [Anthony Davis], I felt like we could make a run,” said star man LeBron James.

“I just wanted to come in and make some plays and be efficient and defend at a high level and help [Davis] rebound. Help our team make winning plays. And I was able to make a few of them.”

In the East, the Heat will face a stiff test against a Celtics team which is hungry to make up for last season’s Championship Finals loss to the Golden State Warriors, though key player Jimmy Butler is confident.

“We’re one step closer to our goal,” said Butler. “We already knew what we were capable of from the jump, I’m talking about the beginning of the season. We got eight more to get. I always say we’re always going to be in this thing together. So proud of all of my guys for playing as hard as we did today and like I said, we got eight more.”

DStv and GOtv are your home of the Entertainment and Sports Programming Network. Visit and to subscribe or upgrade and join in on the sporting excitement. And while you’re on the move, you can stream the action on the DStv App.

CFTC trains Castel Mw staff on compliance and consumer rights

Castel Malawi staff and CFTC officials pose for a photo after the training

The Competition and Fair-Trading Commission (CFTC) has trained 50 Castel Malawi staff from the Commercial, Sales and Marketing department in the Southern Region, on compliance and consumer rights.

CFTC Director of Legal Services, Apoche Itimu said they facilitated the training after being approached by Castel Malawi to impart knowledge on compliance and consumer rights.

“Training was about obligations of businesses under the Competitions and Fair-Trading Act and the Rights of Consumers. This was just to ensure that Castel Malawi takes matters of competition and consumer protection in Malawi seriously. We have also guided them on how they can come up with a compliance program as an institution and how they can conduct audits on competition and consumer protection issues.”

“It was a very good interaction because we had an audience that was able to engage, ask a lot of questions and we also learnt a lot of thigs from the Castel side, and we believe that everyone is committed to making sure that going forward they continue where they have been complying and where they need to improve, relevant improvements will be made,” said Itimu.

Itimu facilitating the training

Castel Malawi’s Commercial Director, Nelson Zoto said the training was significant for the people in his department as they will be equipped with enough knowledge on compliance as they serve customers.  

“The training was significant because we are commercial players in the market, which means that we have customers, consumers and other stakeholders that consume our products. So, it is important that we equip the team with knowledge of compliance and competition as we trade with the market at large. As a company we engage our employees, but we have a new team and it is important that we make sure that they are also well informed about the issues which they will be dealing with when they go to the market. Therefore, they need to be well conversant with the regulations and should be compliant,” said Zoto.

Castel Malawi Human Resources and Corporate Affairs Director, Gloria Zimba said they expect a lot from the participants in terms of compliance with the laws.

“This training was important to our commercial team because things are changing, the laws are changing every day. So, if we are behind on what the law requires on the market, we will not be compliant and therefore we find ourselves on the wrong side of the law. Now that CFTC facilitated the training to update the commercial team, not only on the revised laws and revised fines, but also to give them more knowledge on fair trading, so that they perform and execute their duties better, “said Zimba.

Some Castel Malawi staff follow the training

Traditional leaders are the growth engine of economic development-Says Minister Chimwendo Banda

Local Government Minister Chimwendo Banda elevating the Chief

Minister of Local Government, Unity and Culture Williams Richard Chimwendo Banda said traditional leaders play a pivotal role in reshaping the socioeconomic transformation of the nation by among other things providing invaluable guidance to the government ending early marriages, mediating on civil cases among others.

Chimwendo Banda was speaking on Monday in Kasutu Village in Nkhotakota during the elevation of chief Kafuzila to Senior Traditional Chief

“In times of the economic hardships, that the country is passing through due to various natural disasters such as cyclone Freddy, Ukraine war, droughts in parts of the country, government depends on chiefs to help in resolving such insurmountable obstacles by giving advice and provision of leadership at society levels, said Chimwendo Banda who is also leader of government business in Parliament.

Chimwendo Banda poses for a photo with the elevated Chief, other traditional leaders and former Speaker of Parliament Henry Chimunthu Banda

He also said government of President Dr Lazarus McCarthy Chakwera will continue to restore the pride and dignity of chiefs in country so that they can ably lead to the socioeconomic reconstruction of our nation.

“For the indelible script of economic transformation to take place in our society, government depends on the corrupt- free, non partisan, champion of unity, leaders that uphold rule of law and cultural sacraments among others and chiefs are the integral part,” said the Minister.

He later urged the new chief to continue upholding cultural heritage and preservation of historical events of their respective people.

Speaking earlier Senior Chief Kanyenda hailed government for increasing their honoraria during the last budget.

He however advised government to tread carefully on chiefs appointments that are resulting in conflicts in the society.

CHIMWENDO: Government of President Dr Lazarus McCarthy Chakwera will continue to restore the pride and dignity of chiefs

NBM urges SMEs to develop positive perception towards bank loans

By Gracious Chitakata, a Contributor

Customers display gift packs at the function

National Bank of Malawi (NBM) Plc has urged Small and Medium Enterprises (SME’s) in the country to develop a positive perception towards bank loans which are affordable and easy to access.

Speaking during a breakfast interaction with SMEs in Blantyre on Thursday, NBM’s Head of Retail Banking Oswin Kasunda said most businesses have stagnated because its owners are afraid to access loans due to the perception that the interest rates are very high.

According to Kasunda,their interest pricing is slightly above two percent per month but people think it is a high rate because they are grossing it up per annum.

“If you compare withother microfinance institutions you will find that the interest rate is very high, probably 20 percent. So, our interest rates might be a bit high but we think that we are providing affordable pricing. Pricing is also a factor of a return that the customer is getting, we cannot charge a customer a higher price than what he can get in terms of return,” said Kasunda.

Kasunda addressing the SMEs

Small and Medium Enterprises Development Institute (SMEDI) Business Information and Advisory Officer,Compstone Soko, hailed NBM for the interaction session saying it will enhance partnerships between the private sector and the public sector in terms of helping SMEs access loans.

“We believe that through digital platforms SMEs can access the services as you are aware most of these financial institutions are located in the urban areas but yet we have more SMEs in rural areas, so with phones and the internet we believe these services can be easily accessed,” said Soko.

One of the SMEs, Brenda Chitanda of House of Men clothing shop said the interaction helped her to appreciate the tailor-made products NBM has in stock which has changed her negative perception of the bank loans.

“They have explained the kind of loan that SMEs can apply for and also the duration of repaying, but before this interaction we didn’t know how to go about it,” said Chitanda.

A section of SMEs at the event

NBS Bank boosts Mary’s Meals’ feeding program with K20 million

Chikusilo (middle) handing over cheque to Chipeta-Khonje as pupils look on

NBS Bank Plc has committed K20 million towards Mary’s Meals school feeding programme for the next four years.

Making a symbolic cheque handover at Mlambalala Primary School in Blantyre on Friday, the Bank’s Chief Operating Officer Shadrick Chikusilo, said as a long-standing bank that has been on the market for over 50 years, they understand that the mantle to develop any nation is passed on from one generation to the next and therefore needed to support and nurture the youth’s talent by providing the right products and services.

“We are passionate about youth development and the need to nurture young talent as they hold keys to Malawi’s future success. We strive to provide the right products and services that also speak to the sustainability of our society in efforts to inspire young minds and achieve their goals,” said Chikusilo.

He added that the Bank is also contemplating an increase in the future support after appreciating the commendable works Mary’s Meals is doing in schools across Malawi.

Chikusilo (right) and Chipeta-Khonje serve porridge to pupils at Mlambalala Primary School as Ng’ombe-Longwe looks

Mary’s Meals Country Director, Angela Chipeta-Khonje hailed NBS Bank for the support which she said will feed at least a thousand children in a whole school year.

“This donation will take us a long way to still keep the promise to the 1.1 million children that we feed in the country. Our plan is to make sure that the school feeding program reaches many children in the country,” said Khonje.

Khonje also indicated that one of the main challenges with the school feeding program is the increase in prices of corn soya blend by 50%.

Blantyre Urban Primary Schools Improvement Desk Officer, Prisca Mumbe, also commended NBS Bank for the gesture saying the Mary’s Meals school feeding program has helped to improve the pupils’ performance and attendance in the district.

“We appreciate the help from NBS Bank because Mary’s Meals will continue to give our children porridge which is helping our learners’ performance, their punctuality and health as we no longer have malnourished children,” said Mumbe.

Mary’s Meals is currently operating in 24 districts in the country.

Pupils enjoy their meal at Mlambalala Primary School

TNM scoops best internet connectivity award

TNM Chief Executive Officer Michel Hebert accepting the award

The Information Technology Association of Malawi (ICTAM) has named TNM as the “Best Internet Connectivity” company in Malawi at the association’s recent 2023 ICT Expo held in Lilongwe.    

TNM was awarded for its excellent internet service delivery which has revolutionized access to internet and improved broadband speeds in Malawi. TNM was competing with Airtel and Inq Digital.  

Accepting the award, TNM Chief Executive Officer Michel Hebert said that the award speaks volumes of value TNM internet offers to Malawians.  

“We are humbled that our decision to invest in internet innovation continues to be noticed as an important contributor to the country’s ICT sector and the Malawi economy,” said Hebert.  

Hebert said that the award will inspire TNM to continue pioneering innovative and integrated mobile network and ICT services that respond to the needs of customers.

“At TNM we strive to bring best internet connectivity that the country can leverage to bring forth exponential transformations within the business economy. This is just the beginning, Malawians should look out for more from the best 4G network in the country,” he said.  

Following latest approval by the Malawi Communication Regulatory Authority (MACRA), TNM has launched pilot phase of its 5G network to continue providing valuable internet connectivity to the country.  

“As a telco company, we are excited to be the first in Malawi to bring 5G network services. The network is designed not only to deliver faster, better mobile broadband services but can also expand into new service areas such as mission-critical communications,” added the CEO.  

Making the announcement at the event, the judges ranked TNM highly as an important driver of Malawi’s sustained development through its cutting-edge innovative offerings in the internet ecosystem.  

This year’s ICT Expo was held under the theme “Building Business Resilience Through Digital Technology”.  

For further inquiries.

NBM thrilled with Best Digital Banking Award

Kaunda (left) shows the award flanked by one of NBM Senior Managers Moses Ganiza

National Bank of Malawi (NBM) plc which has just won the Best Digital Banking Award has said digital services ought to be at the centre stage of the Malawi 2063 Agenda and the Malawi Digital Economy.

NBM plc Head of Digital Financial Services William Kaunda was reacting to an announcement at the just ended ICT Expo in Lilongwe that NBM plc has been awarded the Best Digital Banking Award.

“We, at National Bank of Malawi plc, especially those of use directly involved in providing digital services, are very excited with the recognition that ICTAM has bestowed upon the Bank. We also feel honoured by the recognition that we have received from a grouping of honourable ICT professionals. It is an honour to be recognised by astute professionals other than any others.”

Kaunda (second right) hoists the award flanked by fellow NBM plc managers

“It is our belief that digital services ought to be at the centre stage of the Malawi 2063 Agenda and the Malawi Digital Economy. As such we believe that as the Bank, we have to be responsive to the agenda by not only making sure that digital financial services are entrenched in our communities but also ensuring that communities are digitally and financially included. To this effect, various programmes have been aligned to ensure that new, focused products and services are rolled out to provide a platform for such,” said Kaunda.

He explained that for almost over a decade, digitalisation has been at the forefront of the bank’s strategy and this has translated to having over 93% of all their transactions being done on digital platforms adding that the award will help to consolidate the gains and guide the provision of customer-focused products and services.

“We are positive that the award will hasten the maturity of our products that are in the pipeline. Our customers should therefore look forward to more responsive digital services that bring meaning into their lives in this year and the years to come,” said Kaunda.

Kaunda poses with the award

Kaunda said NBM plc deserved to win the award because it has been in the digital space longer than any other in the market.

“It is a fact that NBM plc has been in the digital space longer than any other on the market and is also a fact that NBM plc has been a pioneer in bringing digital solutions to its customers for several years. NBM plc has been a bedrock that has propelled many players to join the digital provision space and we have a wide range of digital products and services – that meaningfully work. From mobile, to internet, to cardless, to ATMs, to card services to POS, to international card use, we stand unmatched. The recognition is therefore a testament to this fact,” said Kaunda.

ICT Association of Malawi(ICTAM) president Clarence Gama said the country’s ICT has improved and many companies are providing innovative solutions to the country in different sectors of the economy.

Activist Agape Khombe Appearing for Bail Application Over Defilement

KHOMBE: A defiler

Political activist Agape Khombe is today expected to appear before Lilongwe Magistrate court for Bail application and to be formally charged for allegedly defiling a young girl from Chinsapo township.

However, Khombe is upbeat of being granted bail today as he was overhead during a phone conversation with unknown person that he will be granted bail and that his case will be discontinued.

During the conversation, Khombe told his friend that his case file will get to the Director of Public Prosecution -DPP who will review the file through Attorney General and will discontinue the case. He alleged that he is well connected and that this serious case will not go far.

Khombe known for organizing anti-Martha Chizuma demonstrations, was arrested on Monday at Capitol Hill during a mission to disrupt vigils by the Centre for Democracy and Economic Development (CDEDI).

CDEDI is forcing Attorney General Thabo Chakaka Nyirenda to honor his promise of recovering money meant for procurement of fertilizer for Affordable Input program (AIP) which was dubiously paid to a UK based Butchery.

During an interview with a local private television, Times TV, Nyirenda promised to recover the funds by December 2022 and vowed to resign if he failed to meet his timeline.


A political activist, Agape Khombe has spent last night in police custody for being suspected to have defiled a young girl from Chinsapo township.

Khombe known for organizing anti-Martha Chizuma demonstrations, is reportedly being kept at Lilongwe Police Station in Area 3, after being arrested on Monday afternoon.

Police suspects that he committed the offense in Chinsapo following a report from Chinsapo Police Unit which received the complaint from the parents of the victim.

Police apprehended Mr. Khombe during the foiled demonstrations he had organized in the day with an aim of disrupting Centre for Democracy and Economic Development (CDEDI) vigils at Capitol Hill where the organization is forcing Attorney General Thabo Chakaka Nyirenda to honor his promise of recovering money meant for procurement of fertilizer for Affordable Input program (AIP) which was dubiously paid to a UK based Butchery. During an interview with a local private television, Times TV, Nyirenda promised to recover the funds by December 2022 and vowed to resign if he failed to meet his timeline.

Khombe had hired 23 young men who were stopped from entering the gate of Capital Hill using a hired minibus after police had received a tip-off that some men were enroute to the area to cause havoc in the name of CDEDI.

However, later in the evening police released the boys following some orders but had held grip to keeping their leader Khombe over the reported serious offence of defilement.

Khombe is expected to appear before Lilongwe First Grade Magistrate court this morning to answer charges of defilement which attracts life imprisonment according to new amendments to the law.


Mkulichi: The Malawi Investment Forum is an important platform for facilitating growth for Malawi and the region

FDH Bank Plc has supported the upcoming Malawi Investment Forum in South Africa with K15 million sponsorship.

As a homegrown entity, FDH Bank Plc is committed to promoting initiatives that foster growth in the country.

The Malawi Consulate in South Africa in conjunction with the Malawi Investment and Trade Centre (MITC) Malawi will hold Investment Forum in South Africa under the theme ‘A Prosperous Malawi through Strategic Investment Partnerships’. The Forum will take place from 24 to 25 May 2023 at the Emperor’s Palace, in Johannesburg.

FDH Bank Plc Managing Director Noel Mkulichi, said the Malawi Investment Forum is an important platform for facilitating growth for Malawi and the region.

“We have unwavering commitment towards promoting growth sectors for the Malawi 2063 Agenda. The Malawi Investment Forum is therefore an avenue for Malawi to explore growth opportunities in the region and beyond,” Mkulichi said.

“FDH Bank Plc has innovative investment, global market and trade finance solutions that can foster partnerships across the world with the intent to boost investment, develop industry and generate forex for the country,” Mkulichi explained.

” The Investment Forum is a solid platform for engaging investors to understand their investment requirements and FDH Bank Plc provides bespoke investment solutions to accelerate the attainment of Malawi 2063 and create an inclusively wealthy and self reliant nation.,” Mkulichi added.

The Malawi mission in South Africa hailed FDH Bank for the gesture.

“The Malawi Mission in South Africa would like to thank FDH Bank Plc for coming on board as a Platinum Partner for the First Malawi Investment Forum taking place in Johannesburg from 24th -5th May 2023. Without your assistance and sponsorship of 15,000,000, we would not be able to achieve our goal of hosting this key initiative to attract investors to Malawi,” said Stella Ndau, Malawi High Commissioner to South Africa.

NBS Bank, FAM give Charity Shield proceeds to beneficiaries

Ngwenya (far right) with the FAM GS Gunda, Red Cross president Majiya and beneficiaries

NBS Bank plc and Football Association of Malawi (FAM) have distributed proceeds from the NBS Charity Shield match and 2023 Africa Cup of Nations (Afcon) qualifiers between Malawi and Egypt amounting K30.5 million to Cyclone Freddy victims and Flames legends.

NBS Bank pumped in K20 million into the Charity Shield match, which raised the same amount, before FAM added K10.5 million from the Afcon match proceeds to the cause.

Speaking during the handover ceremony at Mpira Village in Chiwembe, Blantyre on Thursday, NBS Bank Chief Executive Officer, Kwanele Ngwenya said as a ‘Caring Bank’, they are committed to getting involved in charity work.

“We are happy with the positive marks that are left behind through such initiatives. This works well with our strategy of reaching out to the society. Our partnership with FAM started last year when we supported other victims of the Cyclone, but this one is a very long one,” he said.

FAM General Secretary, Alfred Gunda said the association has divided the beneficiaries into four categories: football legends, football coaches whose houses were damaged, football players and some affected families from Mtauchira Village, Traditional Authority Likoswe in Chiradzulu.

Ngwenya (right) and FAM GS Gunda (left) handing over the cheque to Majiya (middle)

“This presentation underscores our strong belief that football is a force for good and NBS Bank’s continued support significantly helps the cause,” said Gunda.

Some of the beneficiaries include former Flames goalkeepers Clement Mkwalula and the late Boniface Maganga who got  K1.5 million and K1 million respectively in the legends programme.

FCB Nyasa Bullets Reserves and Malawi U17 National Team Assistant Coach Enos Chatama, Chitipa United mentor McDonald Mtetemera and the Malawi National Beach Soccer team captain Sandram Saddi, whose houses were affected by the disaster also received K1 Million each.

Malawi Red Cross Society (MRCS) have been given K23 million to facilitate construction of low-cost houses for four families that lost their houses in Mtauchira Village, Chiradzulu, and the family of under U-16 football player Mahara Mpholiwa, who lost his life in Chilobwe Township, Blantyre.

The balance K1.9 million will be used to buy groceries at the time the families will be officially getting their new houses.

Malawi Red Cross president Innocent Majiya assured that the Society will ensure the construction of the houses is completed in 30 days.

NBS Bank introduces ‘Open Banking’

Ng’ombe-Longwe-The system is robust

NBS Bank has introduced ‘open banking’, a form of integrational banking that allows other banks and financial institutions to integrate with its system for various payments to create new and more convenient financial services while promoting financial inclusion.

NBS Bank Head of Innovation and Digital Banking, Inqxhuiniso Dzoole-Mwale explained in an interview yesterday that ‘open banking’ benefits consumers by providing more choices, better services, enhanced convenience and increased control over their financial data among other things.

“Open banking is when banks and other financial institutions integrate their systems with regulated providers to access your financial information securely, with your permission. This integration of data helps create new and better financial services that are tailored to you. It gives you more control over your finances and lets you use different services from multiple providers in one place. Open banking is regulated to protect your data and privacy,” said Dzoole-Mwale.

He said the Directorate of Road Traffic and Safety Services (DRTSS) is the first key partner in the open banking initiative adding that this will see non-NBS Bank customers pay for services such as driver’s license, fines, COF, road permits, change of ownership, traffic register cards and number plate application, among others, using various digital banking platforms.

He said other merchants will be boarded on open banking later on.

“NBS Bank leverages open banking to empower individuals and communities in our country, fostering financial inclusion and driving economic growth. We strive to be at the forefront of innovation, collaborating with third-party providers to offer a comprehensive range of financial services that meet the diverse needs of our customers,” added Dzoole-Mwale.

Speaking on safety of funds because of the integration, NBS Bank Head of Marketing and Customer Experience Tamanda Ng’ombe-Longwe assured all customers that the system is robust as it is part of the revamp of the Bank’s digital banking platform popularly known as ‘EazyBank’.

“Customers should not worry about their money as this integration is secure for all users. As we are gearing towards the launch of the upgraded EazyBank digital banking platform, we have ensured that the revamp includes a robust security system to protect our customers, as well as those who will be privileged to use this platform,” assured Ng’ombe Longwe.

CDEDI condemns Chakwera’s Tonse for victimising refugees…Vigil at AG Nyirenda office on MK750 million AIP theft payment

The country’s civil rights group, Centre for Democracy and Development Initiatives (CDEDI) has condemned President Lazarus Chakwera’s Tonse Alliance government for victimising refugees and asylums seekers in a sweeping exercise launched on Wednesday, May 17, 2023 in the capital Lilongwe.

The grouping is also planning for vigil at Attorney General (AG) Office Chakaka Thabo Nyirenda, capital hill in Lilongwe on Monday, May 22, 2023 seeking clarification on proof of recovery of the MK750 million that was meant for the 2022/2023 Affordable Inputs Programme (AIP).

Addressing the news conference on Thursday, May 18, in Lilongwe, CDEDI Executive Director Sylvester Namiwa demanded Chakwera government to handle two issues with urgency.

“As Malawians may recall, Lilongwe District Commissioner Dr. Lawford Palani responded to our notice to hold vigils at the offices of the Attorney General (AG) until AG Thabo Chakaka-Nyirenda provides proof of recovery of the MK750 million that was meant for the 2022/2023 Affordable Inputs Programme (AIP) feared to have been lost by promising to engage us with the AG.

“As a law-abiding institution, the Centre for Democracy and Development Initiatives (CDEDI) put on hold the vigils in order to give the promised dialogue a chance and, through the Lilongwe DC, on May 10 2023 we gave the AG seven days to set up the meeting with us,” says Namiwa.

He added, “Since the seven days have elapsed with the meeting neither being held, nor CDEDI hearing from either the presumed mediator or the office of the AG, we hereby inform the general public that we have no choice but to proceed with the vigils as earlier planned.

“So, the vigils are on at the entrance of the AG’s office at Capital Hill starting from Monday May 22 2023, from 7am to 12 Noon, until the AG produces evidence of full recovery of the MK750 million, and culprits are brought to book”.

Namiwa says, “As the law demands, CDEDI has, once again, dutifully notified the Lilongwe. District Council of the same. In the meantime, while joining those that have already condemned the Minister of Homeland Security Ken Zikhale-Ngoma for gross violations of basic human rights for refugees and asylum seekers by bundling them and heaping them at Maula Prison without food and proper beddings.

“CDEDI hereby calls on government to halt the exercise which is running contrary to Ubunthu believe. It is strange that the Malawi Government sees nothing wrong in victimising fellow Africans”.

He adds further, “CDEDI, therefore, reiterates its stand that besides this exercise lacking merit, there are a several contentious issues that need to be addressed at Dzaleka Refugee Camp and, over and above everything, recamping the refugees is not a priority given the myriad challenges Malawians are facing.

“In fact, as predicted in our April 14, 2023 statement, this decision is slowly backfiring. Business has already come to a stand-still and low income consumers are now subjected to exorbitant prices of basic needs thereby pushing millions into untold misery”.

“It is even strange that the same government that is failing to feed inmates in our correctional facilities is forcing people that were feeding themselves and, also, created jobs elsewhere, to depend on the same government at the congested Dzaleka Camp.

“Most importantly, government should explain to Malawians how it intends to cushion the sudden price hike of basics following the closure of shops and other businesses operated by some of these refugees being recamped”.

Chakwera Tonse Alliance government is yet to comment on the two issues.

NBM commits K5 million towards EGENCO conference

AGF Group CEO Jules Ngankam (right) gives a gift to NBM Deputy CEO Harold Jiya

National Bank of Malawi Plc (NBM) has given the Electricity Generation Company (EGENCO) K5 million to support this year’s 57th Association of Power Utility in Africa (APUA) conference next month.

Speaking during the symbolic cheque handover in Blantyre on Friday, NBM Chief Executive Officer (CEO) MacFussy Kawawa said the Bank decided to help EGENCO considering the relationship between the two institutions and that the conference will provide an opportunity to discuss issues surrounding the energy sector.

“For Malawi to host this conference it is an opportunity to discuss energy issues which are quite key to the development of our country but also an opportunity of presenting Malawi to the rest of Africa. Through this conference, EGENCO and other energy players will be able to tap knowledge from their colleagues from other countries that will benefit our country. As a corporate citizen, NBM is committed to building a great nation and therefore the initiatives within the energy sector are pertinent in the development of the country,” explained Kawawa.

EGENCO CEO, William Liabunya thanked NBM for being the first company to commit towards supporting the conference.

“This support will enhance our long existing relationship with the National Bank of Malawi. In fact, they are the first to have accepted our call for support. This support will go a long way in ensuring that we host the event successfully since we are expecting a lot of delegates from other countries, including CEOs and technocrats from power utilities across Africa. This presents an opportunity for Malawian businesses targeting the African continent as a potential market,” he said.

The conference will take place at Bingu International Conference Centre (BICC) in Lilongwe from June 3 to 9.


The wait is over. DStv customers can look forward to the much anticipated prime-time drama series SHAKA iLEMBE which will launch on Sunday, 18 June at 20:00 CAT. 

MultiChoice General Entertainment CEO Nomsa Philiso revealed the date at a special event held in Johannesburg, South Africa today.

Philiso noted that, “SHAKA iLEMBErepresents the best of African storytelling. It was created for a local market, but it is also, most certainly, a global television property. This is an epic series, told on an epic scale and it is destined to keep audiences tuned in with strong plotlines, stunning visuals, an evocative soundtrack, and a range of powerhouse performances.”

And before showing an exclusive sneak peek of the upcoming series, Philiso reiterated the launch date as a highlight on the DStv calendar.  “We are so excited for our audiences to see SHAKA iLEMBE, and embrace this world of Kings, Queens, prophets, warriors, strategists, and lovers. The cast and crew have done an outstanding job in telling this majestic, larger than life story. As a result, it is a polished and compelling drama series filled with conflict, action, romance, betrayal, sacrifice, struggle, triumph, and loss.” 

Featuring a stellar cast, SHAKA iLEMBEbrings together the talents of Nomzamo Mbatha (who played Mirembe in the 2021 film Coming to America 2), Lemogang Tsipa (who stars in the title role), Thembinkosi Mthembu (who played Mabutho in The River), Wiseman Mncube (from The Wife), Mondli Makhoba (from The Wife), Sthandiwe Kgoroge and introduces Ntando Zondi.

Starring alongside them will be Abdul Khoza (from The Wife), living legends Don Mlangeni and Vusi Kunene among many others, making SHAKA iLEMBE a powerful ensemble drama. 

With a Creative team helmed by Oscar nominated Director Angus Gibson, Executive Producers Nomzamo Mbatha, Nhlanhla Mtaka and Desiree Markgraaff, working with Professor Hlonipha Mokoena (Cultural and Historical Advisor). This is one of the biggest productions fully funded by MultiChoice Group as part of their expansive local content slate.

The 12-part series tells the story of the famous Zulu King and the events that shaped his remarkable life.  While the series is an entertainment title and a fictional interpretation of historical events, producers Bomb Productions have taken care to ensure that Nguni culture is authentically portrayed and respected.  Fittingly, SHAKA iLEMBE was filmed in 4K, with state-of-the-art visual effects, ensuring the best screen treatment for the sweeping dynastic saga that encompasses the Zulu, Elangeni, Hlubi, Mthethwa and Ndwandwe clans. 

So, get ready for 18 June… SHAKA iLEMBE is coming! 

For more information on SHAKA iLEMBE, visit or follow the hashtag #ShakaiLembeMzansi on social media.

NBM commits K5 million towards EGENCO conference

Kawawa (middle) handing over cheque to Liabunya (2nd left) surrounded by NBM and Egenco officials

National Bank of Malawi Plc (NBM) has given the Electricity Generation Company (EGENCO) K5 million to support this year’s 57th Association of Power Utility in Africa (APUA) conference next month.

Speaking during the symbolic cheque handover in Blantyre on Friday, NBM Chief Executive Officer (CEO) MacFussy Kawawa said the Bank decided to help EGENCO considering the relationship between the two institutions and that the conference will provide an opportunity to discuss issues surrounding the energy sector.

“For Malawi to host this conference it is an opportunity to discuss energy issues which are quite key to the development of our country but also an opportunity of presenting Malawi to the rest of Africa. Through this conference, EGENCO and other energy players will be able to tap knowledge from their colleagues from other countries that will benefit our country. As a corporate citizen, NBM is committed to building a great nation and therefore the initiatives within the energy sector are pertinent in the development of the country,” explained Kawawa.

Kawawa (left) handing over cheque to Liabunya

EGENCO CEO, William Liabunya thanked NBM for being the first company to commit towards supporting the conference.

“This support will enhance our long existing relationship with the National Bank of Malawi. In fact, they are the first to have accepted our call for support. This support will go a long way in ensuring that we host the event successfully since we are expecting a lot of delegates from other countries, including CEOs and technocrats from power utilities across Africa. This presents an opportunity for Malawian businesses targeting the African continent as a potential market,” he said.

The conference will take place at Bingu International Conference Centre (BICC) in Lilongwe from June 3 to 9.

OOPS: Caixa Bank yet to pay MS & Juba Group International billions for protecting rhinos in Mozambique…four years later

Leaked letter from Caixa Bank

MS & Juba Group International, a registered company in Mozambique with high skilled training Pilot that is currently in South Africa, a company which was contracted to protect Rhinos in Mozambique has raised an alarm after its payment got stuck in Caixa Bank in Spain an amount to be disclosed soon.

Since June 2019, the company has been waiting for payment which the Mozambican government channeled to Millennium Bank in Portugal and its humanitarian funds to help the country stop porches of killing the animals.

However, from the Millennium Bank, the funds were channelled to Caixa Bank in Spain which are taking abit longer to be transferred to the company’s account.

The funds need special clearance due to the fact that there are tax implications and also waiting for court ruling on the tax reduction request done by the owners of the company.

Maria De Sousa the lady that was appointed by the company to help with this process committed the following

“That money was to be paid longtime ago, but up to now we are yet to get any penny, a situation which has affected our business hugely,” she said.

The amount is more than $ONE Billion that would help this project.

The money is for salaries, equipment, operational cost and many more.

According to our sources, the company’s director Martins  Antonio and his Partner has been using their own capital to bankroll the project and he has since invested about 2.6 US Dollars.

Mr De Almeida know as VD had this to say “the company need to comply with all regulations of the bank and funds will be then transferred to the company account. We believe that MS and Juba group is a good client but they must understand that we don’t have any problems to do the payment, all we need is for them to submit their tax for 2021-2023 for the company, Mr António and his partner that is in South Africa. We meet with their legal team many times and they now what to do.

However, the company was thankful for Mr. Henry Scot for facilitating the project and intrust MS & Juba group international with the opportunity

The bank promised to do payment when all documents are in place.

The CEO of the bank refused to comment on this issue and said they will help where they can to make sure all is well.

Totally absurd when public institutions like ESCOM practice witch- hunting

It is totally sad and absurd that in this day and age, public corporations like Electricity Supply Corporation of Malawi Limited (ESCOM) are practicing witch-hunting, impunity, and discrimination of individuals based on political affiliations.

The case of termination of employment for one Paul Munyanga, a well-qualified and disciplined electrical engineering graduate, allegedly for the use of ‘derogatory remarks’ about ESCOM, which were made prior to his employment with ESCOM – is wrong on so many levels.

Checking the actual Facebook posts that ESCOM attached as evidence for his comments actually shows that there is nothing derogatory against ESCOM itself!

It is a dark day for justice and the labour system in Malawi as reports continue to emerge of politically motivated unfair dismissals by public institutions under Malawi Congress Party (MCP).

This despicable practice keeps leaving many hard-working individuals without a source of income, simply because they do not share the same political views as those in power. This is not just an attack on the livelihoods of these individuals but also on the very fabric of our democracy.

It is unacceptable that those in positions of power are using their influence to silence dissenting voices and crush opposition.

This injustice is particularly severe because it not only affects those directly impacted by the dismissals but also sends a chilling message to all Malawians.

If public institutions can act with impunity and dismiss individuals based on their political affiliations and without any professional merit, what is to stop this from happening in other areas of society?

Our democracy is only as strong as its ability to protect the rights and freedoms of all citizens, regardless of their political beliefs. We cannot allow this type of behaviour to go unchecked.

It is time for Malawians to stand up and demand justice for those who, like Paul, have been unfairly dismissed. We must send a clear message to those in power that this type of behaviour will not be tolerated in our country.

We call on the government and all public institutions to immediately end all politically motivated dismissals and to ensure that all individuals are treated fairly and impartially. Our democracy depends on it.

UDF SUPPORTERS PETITION ATUPELE MULUZI: wants him to be the party’s torch bearer in 2025

Atupele Muluzi wife, Angella received the petition on his behalf

Hundreds of United Democratic Front (UDF) supporters today marched to the residence of the party’s former president, Atupele Muluzi, at Nyambadwe in Blantyre to petition him to be the party’s torch bearer during 2025 elections.

The marchers started from Kamuzu Stadium through Blantyre CBD via Magalasi road to his residence.

Among others, the supporters want the young Muluzi to stand as UDF’s presidential candidate during the 2025 presidential polls.

“We have decided to ask him to return and lead the party,” said UDF’s Regional Governor for South Dorothy Masinga.

This comes less than two months after another group called Friends of Atupele endorsed the former UDF leader.

In May last year, Atupele wrote the party’s secretary general Kandi Padambo that he had resigned from his position as UDF leader to venture into business.

Yellow Sea heading towards Atupele Muluzi’s residence in Nyambadwe

NBM plc gives K5 million for ICT Expo

Kaunda (right) handing over the cheque to Gama (left)

National Bank of Malawi (NBM) has committed K5 million towards this year’s Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) International Expo scheduled to take place in Lilongwe next week after a two-year break.

Speaking during the cheque handover ceremony on Tuesday in Blantyre, NBM Plc Head of Digital Financial Services, William Kaunda, said by supporting the event, the Bank is giving the ICT industry a platform to discuss and come up with proper solutions on how businesses can be sustained.

“As a National Bank we appreciate that we are highly digitally dependent on ICT to provide services, so we do not take this lightly because if experts and solutions in ICT are not available we will not be able to provide digital products. The ICT expo  will also enhance our partnership with the ICT Association of Malawi (ICTAM) through the ICT Innovation Jam awards that we sponsor,” said Kaunda.

Kaunda making his speech

ICT Association of Malawi (ICTAM) president, Clarence Gama commended NBM Plc for the support saying it will help make the expo and the innovation awards a massive experience to the participants.

“This has come timely and it is going to make a massive contribution to our plans. As technology advances, fraudsters also come up with new ideas which affect financial services like banks. As ICT experts, this Expo gives us a platform to bang heads on how we can deal with such fraudsters by coming up with solutions that will be way ahead of them,” said Gama.

Minister of Information and Digitization, Moses Kunkuyu will grace the Expo set for Bingu International Conference Centre (BICC) from May 17 to 18 2023 under the theme “Building Business Resilience Through Digital Technology”.


On May 10, 2023 renowned social media commentator, Stanley Onjezani Kenani, wrote a Facebook post over an injunction that Forum for National Development (FND) obtained restraining two commercial banks, NBS Bank plc and National Bank of Malawi plc, from providing funds amounting to K105 billion to Khato Civils towards a water pumping project from Salima to Lilongwe.

It was an original post aimed at igniting a candid debate on the gridlock facing this very important project, which if completed will impact millions of people in Lilongwe and sorrounding areas.

Unfortunately, Kenani’s FB post was hijacked by elements who included their own words in the post to make it look like Leader of Opposition in Parliament, Dr. Kondwani Nankhukwa, did not utter any word about the issue, particularly on how the government side handled the [Lake Malawi Water Supply Project] Loan Authorisation Bill in Parliament, to authorize government to borrow money from banks on behalf of Khatho.

“These people have ulterior motives. The truth of the matter, however, is that Dr. Nankhumwa actually spoke about the Bill, condeming the secrecy with which it was brought to Parliament, and he is ably quoted as such in the media,” a DPP Member of Parliament, who preferred anonymity, told Malawi Voice on Wednesday.

Nankhumwa was quoted in the media as saying: “The Bill was circulated electronically at 9.40 am. Using its numerical strength, the government side moved a motion for the production of a supplementary order, which was passed. Consequently, the Bill was brought on the floor and got passed the same day amid protests from the opposition. How would members deliberate on a financial Bill that had just been circulated?”

According to the MP, the people who used Kenani’s to tarnish the image of the Leader of Opposition in Parliament may be those that do not wish him well ahead of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) national convention in July.

“As you may be aware, the DPP will go to the polls later this year to elect office bearers, including its presidential candidate for the 2025 election.

“The succession temperature is rising every day and it is not suprising that Dr. Nankhumwa is taking the most flack because he is the one who is clearly ahead by far and wide among the several presidential hopefuls, including the party President, Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika, who is retiring from retirement to contest again as the party’s President at the national convention.

According to the Parliamentarian, almost all the rival camps within DPP are stopping at nothing to stop Nankhumwa including using various unorthodox means, “including putting words in the mouth of innocent Facebookers like Onjezani Kenani to achiebve their myopic ends”.

GAME CHANGER: iMoSyS develops another app called Alonda

Peno demonstrates how the App works

With the country taking some steps on issues of innovation and ICT, iMoSyS, a Creative Hub has developed another application called Alonda.

 iMoSyS are the pioneers in providing digital solutions with the greatest social impact in Malawi’s health, agriculture, energy, and water sectors.

According to Desire Peno, iMoSyS Business Development Manager, Alonda is a game changer as far as in the ICT innovation.

Peno said: “Alonda is a threefold product, an app that is used to alert neighbors, loved ones, and rapid response when in an emergency, a directory where every household can use to find essential services, and a platform where businesses have access to a wider clientele.”

Peno further explained that, Alonda has been designed to promote Small and Medium Enterprises including entrepreneurs to registering their businesses on Alonda for free.

She said this has a positive impact to the country’s economic growth through Alonda innovation.

According to iMoSyS every subscriber on Alonda has access to these services from real estate, gas, refrigeration, solar, electrical, plumbing, and cleaning and fumigation.

Meanwhile iMoSyS has challenged Malawians to support local innovation saying this has potential of creating more employment to young people in the country.

This app is available for download across the country on Google Play and App Store.

You may learn more about Alonda by visiting their website at or following them on Facebook at ‘alonda’ to stay up to speed on new features and current specials.


A TNM customer transacting on the network in Ntandire

The trajectory for TNM operations in Lilongwe is looking better after the operator upgraded network resulting in a better experience for voice and internet users.

In random interviews, customers say they are now experiencing better speed of internet and voice calls on the TNM network.

The residents say they have noted remarkable improvements on the TNM network since April this year.

Andrina Macheso a resident of Area 43 said she is experiencing better download speeds and voice quality. “I have indeed noticed remarkable changes. It’s a totally new experience,” says Macheso.

Another resident, Abinala Jenti in Area 23 near Lilongwe’s Kamuzu Barracks says he is so far impressed with his improved experience following the upgrades.

Aerial view of Lilongwe City

“At first, I used to experience delays to connect when I answered the phone, but now it’s spontaneous. For Internet speed, I have always thought the TNM internet to be more stable and offering faster speed at affordable rates, especially with the Yanga 4G bundle,” he says.

TNM’s Chief Technical Officer Lloyd Gowera confirmed the upgrades saying they have been completed after months of what he described as an “optimisation project” that aimed to improve TNM network’s adaptability to high-call volume demand, internet connectivity speeds and address congestion.

“We are pleased to announce that upon completion of this exercise, TNM customers can now enjoy better voice reception, quicker connectivity when making and receiving calls, higher speeds in terms of Internet downloads and connectivity,” says Gowera.

GoWERA: Soon TNM shall be rolling out the 5G network

He says the project has contributed to overall improvements of customer experience in both coverage expansion, data, and voice services.

“The Lilongwe project aimed at further improving the quality of services on the network, with the goal of achieving an overall upgrade in the quality of services and experience of our customers in capital city,” he adds.

According to Gowera, the Lilongwe optimization project covered upgrades for 2G, 3G and 4G networks to improve coverage and quality. He says soon TNM shall be rolling out the 5G network.

“The results are overwhelming; 4G speeds improved by an average of 27 percent. For 3G, a 30 percent improvement was also experienced in the time taken for a call to establish between the users. Other notable improvements are network coverage which has been enhanced by 3 percent, while voice quality experience has improved by 9 percent,” says Gowera.

With these upgrades, the Chief Technical Officer declares that TNM now has the ‘best network’ in Lilongwe highlighting that they have deployed the best technology on the market powered by TNM’s technology partners, Huawei.

Reflecting on the journey to completion, Gowera notes that key challenge during the project was to balance resource utilisation especially in high density areas.

TNM Chief Executive Officer, Michel Hebert

TNM Chief Executive Officer, Michel Hebert underscores the significance of the upgrades in the perspective of Lilongwe as Malawi’s administrative capital, and now a sprawling hub of commerce, real estate development and commercial farming.

“These upgrades are important to Lilongwe and surrounding districts considering the strategic importance of Lilongwe as Malawi’s administrative capital, and the new settlement for residents supporting government business and commerce in the city. I invite all that are yet to use the enhanced network, to try and enjoy the amazing experience,” says Hebert.

Hebert says the upgrade is part of TNM’s drive to provide the best customer experience everywhere in the company, from the network, systems, sales, and services.

“This is part of the journey for TNM to become the best internet service provider that will empower every Malawian digitally,” he says.

Looking ahead, he adds that after Lilongwe, the network upgrade is now extending to the country’s key cities and towns to give the best experience across Malawi.

16,000 tokens generated in NBM’s ‘Mo Cardless’ Promo

NBM Business Development Manager Weruzani Kunkwezu (middle) draws the winner as Chirwa (left) and journalists Llywellen Mpasa looks on

The first month of the National Bank of Malawi’s (NBM) Mo Cardless Withdrawal Promotion has seen customers generating 15, 785 tokens which are used to access money without ATM Cards.

NBM launched the promotion last month with the grand prize pegged at K1.5 million for the first winner, while the second and third lucky ones will cart home K1 million and K750,000.

Speaking when they conducted the first draw in Blantyre on Friday, the Bank’s Mobile and e-Money Services Manager, Enala Chirwa said the figure represents the overwhelming response from customers in embracing the digital services.

“We want to ease access for the customers’ money even when they do not have cards with them. Our digital financial services strive to see customers getting away with the hassle of being on the queue to access their money when they can do so at the comfort of their homes. Through our cardless service, our customers can generate the token from their phones and access the money,” said Chirwa.

During the first monthly draw, 50 customers won various prizes including cash for generating the tokens and redeeming the money through the Bank’s Autoteller Machines (ATMs).

NBM officials during the draw

Out of the 50 drawn,  20 won  K30,000 cash prizes each, while 15 customers won NBM branded T-shirts and the other 15 won NBM branded magic cups.

Customers with the highest tokens generated and redeemed at the end of the promotion, will go away with the grand cash prize.

According to NBM, in cases where more customers generated the same number of tokens and redeemed, the winner will be identified based on the value of cash redeemed, as the one with the highest value will be considered the winner.

Chirwa-We want to ease access

MELAKA products for home, office cleanness products

When you choose today to think of cleanliness, then think of Melaka products- a new household name in town for all home and office cleanliness products.

Melaka is a Malawi-based company which was co-founded in 2023 by Founder and overseer of Powerhouse International Church Reverend Dr. Clement Nkhoma and his spouse Nancy who is responsible for productions and operations, specializing in manufacturing cleaning products.

The two started Melaka Manufacturing Company from the proceeds of tomatoes and cabbage farming.

“We manufacture a large range of high-quality products, for use in the home, office, or industrial market,” said Dr. Nkhoma, adding that the company has over 21 products on the shelf for peoples use.

The products, according to Dr. Nkhoma, include car shampoo, window cleaner, dashboard, and tyre cleaner.

“We also have soap, bath jell, liquid soap, foam bath, hair shampoo, car shampoo, washing powder, and many more products,” said Nkhoma, adding: ” we believe that with the shortage of forex this is a great solution for shop owners.”

He says that Melaka is meanwhile striving to be a household cleaning name in the world, manufactures its products using locally available raw materials.

“We have a team of part-time employees that have been trained for months in manufacturing but as the company grows we will employ more people to run the business,” Nkhoma said.

The two started the manufacturing business after being inspired by Kondwani Kachamba Ngwira, a local trainer and motivational speaker in manufacturing and entrepreneurship.

“We had a great harvest of tomatoes and cabbage that we sold and because of Kondwani Kachamba Ngwira, it inspired us to study and watch videos a lot. We bought manuals from abroad then my wife started with soap but she failed so many times but did not give up.

We always had rejects everywhere. Then she mastered it. I must say she could have given up but she did not,” narrates Nkhoma.

The Manufacturing industry remains one of the keys for sustainable economic development which creates jobs and helps to relieve the forex stress on financial institutions.

Senior Prophet Mtupa calls for more support towards Freddy Survivors

Malawi’s highly respected man of God, Senior Prophet Rodrick Mtupa has called for more support towards Survivors of Cyclone Freddy.

Mtupa, who is the father and founder of Holy Palace Cathedral International Ministry, made the call on Thursday as he celebrated his birthday.

“My heart still beats for Cyclone Freddy Survivors… I plead with Malawians to continue helping them and also console people who lost loved ones,” appealed Mtupa in a short birthday message.

He adds; “On my birthday l will still say, let’s continue holding the hands of those who were affected up until their life is balanced.”

Mtupa further pledged to continue praying for Malawi and all people saying the best gift a man of God can offer is prayers.

Activities to mark Mtupa’s birthday will take place this evening at Amaryllis Hotel in the commercial city of Blantyre.

Bwaila Hospital’s HR officer Thandie Mnkhondiya scores ‘Nepotism’ mark Again


Health Surveillance Assistants (HSAs) from Lilongwe (Bwaila) District Health Office are planning to hold protests against Human Resource Officer Thandie Mnkhondiya.

Mnkhondiya is being accused of nepotism and abuse of office as the HSAs claim that she  ‘corruptly’ recruited her two school-going children as HSAs without following government recruitment procedures.

The source further said that Mnkhondiya’s children are on government payroll despite them not discharging duties as civil servants, a fancy one is at Bunda and the other at Mzuzu University.

“We as some of HSA’s, are deeply concerned with this behavior. May the District Commissioner look into this issue immediately before it becomes worse as was in Mchinji,” said one of the sources who opted for anonymity.

Meanwhile, Mnkhondiya is yet to respond to the accusations.

The development comes barely hours after Health Workers in Mchinji boycotted work and closed the District Health Office demanding the firing of four senior officials accused of displaying unethical conduct.

TNM conducts first draw of 2023 Zampira promotion

Blantyre, April 26, 2023 — TNM Plc, sponsor of the country’s elite league, TNM Super League has splashed cash and airtime prizes to over 100 football fans across the country in the ongoing Zampira promotion.

The promotion aims at adding value to the game of football by creating a platform for engagement with TNM Super league football fanatics.

During the draw, TNM rewarded four customers who won in the SMS Trivia Questions category.

One of the winners, a Mangochi-based businessman and FCB Nyasa Big Bullets supporter Tobias Elefanti expressed gratitude to TNM for the promotion.

“I feel good to win in this promotion and I thank TNM for coming up with this promotion which is getting us more involved into the game,” said Elefanti.

In his remarks TNM’s Head of Brand and Marketing Communications Madalitso Jonazi said that TNM is satisfied with the response from football fans.

“We launched the promotion to continue our engagement with football fans and develop the game of football in the country. So far, we have received 21,817 predictions, 46,506 participants in the trivia category and News Fixtures and Live scores recorded 19,565 entries,” says Jonazi.

As a passionate sponsor, TNM has this year introduced exciting set of prizes and innovations in the promotion to create great possibilities for football fans.

“We re-loaded the new Zampira Promotion season with exciting content on local and international football. During the promotions eight months period, eight customers will win a total of MWK29 million broken down as 16 million in monthly prizes, MWK6.4 million in question of the day prizes and an equivalent of MWK6.4 million worth of airtime,” he says.

Through the promotion TNM highlights its commitment towards developing football where winners will positively impact community teams of their choice.

“The monthly winner of MWK2 million is based on the draw of correct predictions of weekly games during the eight months period. The winner takes home K1 million and channels the other K1 million towards a soccer team in their community,” adds Jonazi.

The promotion also has a daily SMS Trivia Questions component aiming to enhance supporters understanding of the game by subscribing and answering daily soccer related questions. Four customers will each win K50,000 every week.

To participate in the draw, subscribers are required to send an SMS of their prediction to code 451 or dial *451# to access other features. The SMS costs K50.

CDEDI wants Chakwera rise above sugar-coated
campaign promises

By Iommie Chiwalo

Centre for Democracy and Economic Development Initiatives (CDEDI) has challenged President Lazarus Chakwera to rise above sugar coated campaign promises the Tonse Alliance made prior to the June 23, 2020 court sanctioned Fresh Presidential Election.

In a statement signed by CDEDI Executive Director, Sylvester Namiwa , says as it stands,unless
he clears himself, Chakwera is too compromised to continue leading Malawians.

Namiwa says that calls by his organisation are coming after it is evident that Chakwera is really sleeping on duty despite numerous assurances that he will remain an agent of change in as far as transforming Malawi was concerned.

For instance Namiwa has said that Malawians are eager to know what has become of the earth-shaking revelations made under oath by the former National Oil Company of Malawi (NOCMA) Acting Chief Executive Officer, Hellen Buluma, before the Public Appointments Committee (PAC) of Parliament whereby it was seriously alleged that the Secretary to the President and Cabinet (SPC) Colleen Zamba meddled in Nocma affairs.

“The President’s deafening silence on this matter gives credence to speculations that the SPC meddled in Nocma affairs under the President’s instructions,” he says.

Namiwa also calls for Presidential action saying the fate of the K750 million meant for the ultra-poor, through the Affordable Inputs Programme (AIP), that was paid to a butcher in the United Kingdom (UK) cannot just be wished away.

“It beats human comprehension and imagination that those millions, which were paid in the much sought-after foreign currency, were partly repaid in local currency by some lawyers at a commercial bank in Blantyre,” said Namiwa.

He says it is worrisome that, despite having a fully-fledged Financial Intelligence Authority (FIA), the lawyers who partly repaid the money have not been held accountable for the same.

Exercising its watchdog role, CDEDI has penned President Chakwera highlighting matters requiring his urgent attention.

MATTERS OF NATIONAL INTEREST” CDEDI, among others, is requesting for attention on eyebrows raised over the merit of government buying luxurious cars amid impending hunger following a difficult farming season which was worsened by a poorly delivered Affordable Inputs Programme (AIP), and weather shocks epitomised by Cyclone Freddy that washed away hundreds of hectares of crop fields.

Namiwa is convinced that President Chakwera owes Malawians an explanation on his government’s decision to sell donated fertiliser to the vulnerable and marginalised Malawians.

“Worse still, government’s snatching of the MK30,000 from AIP beneficiaries in the pretext of advance payment for the fertilizer, which some of them have not redeemed to date,” he said.

The CDEDI Executive Director gave an example of constitutional powers abdication to unknown individuals as per the President’s own public admission, a scenario also echoed by the country’s Catholic bishops in their December 2022 pastoral statement.

He also cited endemic corruption and institutionalised incompetence as another important area that needs practical attention.

A clear demonstration of lacking leadership, President Chakwera informed Malawians that 84 people were implicated in alleged corrupt deals involving businessperson Zuneth Sattar but selective application of Justice is evident in the matter.

For instance upon firing of the then Inspector General of Police George Kainja and the Anti-Corruption Bureau subsequently arrested him but nothing of that sort happened to former Chief of staff at State House, Prince Kapondamgaga.

Malawians also witnessed Vice President Dr. Saulos Chilima’s delegated powers withdrawn and after sometime, was also arrested by the ACB whose case is currently under Financial Crimes Court.

“Meanwhile tongues are wagging as to what has become of the suspended State House Chief of Staff Prince Kapondamgaga? Is he a person of interest to the ACB as he was also reportedly linked to the alleged corruption involving Sattar? Has Kapondamgaga been silently taken back at State House? Are Malawians paying two people for the same position of State House Chief of Staff,” queries Namiwa.

According to Namiwa, Malawians have the right to know the future of the Malawi Congress Party (MCP) Secretary General Eisenhower Mkaka’s case with the ACB, in relation to the Mercedes Benz believed to have been a donation from Sattar.

“Otherwise, as it stands, we are compelled to ask President Chakwera if the AntiCorruption Bureau (ACB) is still relevant to the country, at least during the Tonse Alliance administration’s remaining two years,” he queries.

Namiwa has since commended President Chakwera for displaying the much needed leadership during the disaster caused by Tropical Cyclone Freddy that hit most parts of the Southern Region recently but cautioned on the need to dutifully not wish-away matters of national importance that the cyclone drew the nation’s attention from.

Chakwera who has been endorsed by his party as its torch-bearer in the 2025 presidential election is yet to give a comprehensive report on the future of the Agriculture Development and Marketing Corporation (ADMARC) and the outright torture subjected to former and existing employees.

Castel coughs K7m into Lawi show

Cheque presentation to Lawi Group

Giant alcohol producer Castel Malawi has given K7 million to afro-jazz artist Lawi for his exclusive dinner and dance  featuring renowned Congolese star Awilo Longomba scheduled for this coming Saturday evening at the Bingu International Convention Centre in Lilongwe.

Presenting the cheque yesterday in Lilongwe, Castel Malawi Regional Sales Manager Nkhwachi Mhango said they supported the show to inspire Lawi’s vision of taking local music beyond the country’s borders.

Mhango (right) hands over the dummy cheque to Lawi

“His show is a big celebration in our understanding. He is bringing in an international artist and his dream is to take Malawi music abroad. As Castel we would like to partner with good moments. It is in our DNA by virtue of our products that we must be part of all fun,” he said.

Mhango further stated that the show will also form part of celebrations marking 21 years of its Kuche Kuche brand’s anniversary.

Lawi speaks to the media

“We also looked at other things like we are currently celebrating the Kuche Kuche Black Edition which is part of the bigger celebration of 21st anniversary of the Kuche Kuche brand which Malawians love. So, we thought, why can’t we extend our celebration and also share it with Lawi who is also loved by Malawians?” explained Mhango.

On his part, Lawi hailed Castel Malawi for the support disclosing that the funds will be used to meet the Awilo’s expenses.

“Castel’s help has done a huge amount of work for now. It is covering part of the fees for the artist,” he said.

Meanwhile, Lawi has said the tickets are selling overwhelmingly with some outlets running out of stock.

St Paul’s Anglican Cathedral in centenary celebrations

St Paul’s Anglican Cathedral in Blantyre

The St Paul’s Anglican Cathedral of the Anglican Diocese of Southern Malawi will this year hold the delayed centenary celebrations from 19 to 21 May 2023.

The centenary celebrations were supposed to be held last year but due to some foreseeable events they have been pushed to this year.

The event will mark 100 years since St Paul’s Anglican Cathedral Church was consecrated in Blantyre on 22 May 1922.

Chairman of the Centenary Celebrations Committee Chifwayi Chirambo said in an interview that all preparations for the event are going on smoothly and they expect to hold a ‘big and memorable event’.

Chirambo- We are for Colourful celebrations

“We will have three days of celebrations starting on Friday 19 May, 2023, where we will have a documentary on the history of the church before embarking on a street parade in Blantyre the following day. In keeping with our theme from Ephesians 2:8, Saved by grace, to witness, we will also donate assorted items to an orphanage within our catchment area on the same day in order to assist them in mitigating the effects of Cyclone Freddy from which we are all still recovering. We will then have the main centenary celebration service in the Cathedral church on Sunday 21 May 2023,” said Chirambo.

He said they have invited the Honourable Chief Justice, Justice Rezine Mzikamanda, to be the Guest of Honour at the main event on Sunday.

“During the main event on Sunday, we are also going to launch a book on the history of the Cathedral Church and the Anglican Church in Malawi in general which has been written by Mr. Tawanda Madovi who is a congregant at St Paul’s Cathedral and a historian of the Anglican Church,” explained Chirambo.

Part of St Paul’s Anglican Cathedral

He also said different guilds of the Church at the Cathedral will showcase different activities during the three-day celebrations. The popular Ndirande Anglican Voices, as well as different choirs from St Paul’s Anglican Cathedral Church will also perform at the event, according to Chirambo.

“In commemorating this event, we have produced a centenary celebration cloth which is being sold at K7,000 per two metres in most Anglican churches in the diocese because we want all coming to the Sunday centenary celebration service to be in this colour, we want to make this event colourful,” said Chirambo.

The Chairman also said Bishop of the Anglican Diocese of Southern Malawi Bishop Alinafe Kalemba and fellow Anglican Bishops in the other dioceses, Deans of the Anglican Cathedrals and members of the clergy and congregation from other Anglican churches in the country are expected to attend the celebrations.

Chirambo also said they are fundraising through contributions and donations from well-wishers to make the event outstanding.

St Paul’s Cathedral

NBS Bank rewards Salima Secondary School football team

Chakwera rewards one of the players with a gift from NBS Bank

NBS Bank Plc has rewarded Salima Secondary School football team players with K100,000 each following their exploits at the CAF African Schools Championship in South Africa two weeks ago.

The team competed with other African teams where they won bronze.

President Lazarus Chakwera broke the news to the players on behalf of NBS Bank after hosting them at Kamuzu Palace on Friday afternoon.

“It is impressive that you have accomplished this feat in the midst of your academic responsibilities. I want you to know that your country is proud of you and your President is proud of you,” said Chakwera.

NBS Deputy Chief Executive Officer Temwani Simwaka concurred with Chakwera and further indicated that as a ‘Caring Bank’ they are also proud of the team’s performance and that is why they decided to do something sustainable for the boys.

Good job-Chakwera rewards a Salima Sec School player

“We will open complimentary bank accounts for each of the players where the money will be deposited. Each account will be credited with K100,000 but the students  will only access the money after turning 18 years,” explained Simwaka.

The team’s captain Blessings Alex Saka said the tournament was a good platform for their exposure.

“It was our first time playing outside, but we have learnt some valuable lessons for the next tournaments,” he said.

Malawi School Sports Association (MASSA) President, Blackson Malamula said the country has a lot of youngsters with talent that needs proper investment to unearth.

Apart from the bronze medal, the team also received about K150 million.

The journey to the competition in South Africa also saw Salima Secondary School win K75 million during the regional qualifiers that took place at Bingu National Stadium (BNS) last year.

Chakwera (right) poses with one of the players


BINAULI: The choice of black aims to connect with the nostalgia of great memories by imbibers

Castel Malawi limited on Friday night officially launched the black edition of its Kuchekuche brand as part of celebrations marking the brand’s 21st anniversary.

Speaking to journalists during the celebrations in Lilongwe, Castel Malawi’s Head of Marketing Frank Binauli said the company was delighted with the response the Kuchekuche brand has had over the years.

“The choice of black aims to connect with the nostalgia of great memories by imbibers. As Castel Malawi we look back and reflect on the milestones the Malawian Beer – Kuche Kuche has recorded since 2002. As such we have redesigned the look and feel of the brand, we chose the black color to connect with the old memories around Kuche Kuche since historical photos are shared in black and white,” Binauli said.

He however said that the black edition of Kuche Kuche brand will be on the market for few months.
On the taste and make of the black edition Binauli said it is only the design of the bottle that has changed but the beer remains same.

“We would like to assure our customers that the black edition is the same Kuche Kuche beer. For this limited edition, we have only changed the label and packaged it in the amber bottle.” Binauli said.
During the celebrations there were performances by renowned poets Quabaniso Malewezi, Nyamalikiti Nthiwatiwa and musician Lawi.


Part of the fun

Tourism Minister Vera Kamtukule has urged Standard Bank to use the Be More Race to market Malawi’s tourism industry. Kamtukule made the remarks on Saturday morning at the official launch of 2023 Be More Race at Standard Bank headquarters in Lilongwe.

Kamtukule said the race is no longer just a sport but a tourism tool.

“I urge Standard Bank Plc to grab this opportunity to make the Be More Race for tourism. We want to be More Race to spur domestic tourism in the first place because it draws together a lot of people in one place. And since the race attracts international athletes who will be patronizing our tourism attraction sites and services. ” She said.

MADINGA: The theme challenges people to do more and achieve more at a time the country is recovering from the devastating impacts of Cyclone Freddy

Speaking during the launch Standard Bank’s chief executive Philip Madinga said the bank was excited to sponsor the race scheduled for 17th June this year under the theme #LevelUp.

According to Madinga, the theme challenges people to do more and achieve more at a time the country is recovering from the devastating impacts of Cyclone Freddy.

“This year’s race under the theme; “LEVEL UP” aims to inspire us to do better in all our endeavors, and most importantly for each other. Through this theme, we want to motivate Malawians to do more in our collective efforts to achieve our dreams at individual, institutional, community and national level. The theme also encourages us to be more than average – to be extraordinary, to attain the best version of ourselves and to never give up and never get satisfied with mediocrity.

As a nation, we can achieve our vision for a self-dependent, healthy, and middle-income country by 2030, as espouses in our vision MW2063.” Said Madinga.

He said that currently the bank has several partners on board like Athletics Malawi, who are the custodians of athletics in Malawi – who support the bank with race administration and ensuring the race is credible and conducted at the recommended standard. He also said, Coca – Cola Beverages Ltd  has come on board as a beverage partner for the 2023 race as well as Mwaiwathu Private Hospital that is a medical partner to support the participants running on the race.

On his part Coca Cola Beverages Ltd’s public affairs director Godwin Ngoma said his company was proud to partner Standard Bank in the race.

And president of the athletics association of Malawi Godfrey Phiri commended Standard bank for the support it renders to the sport by sponsoring the marathon.

The 2023 be more race categories will attract a fee, as follows: the competitive 21km race – MK18,000; the 10km Fun Run – MK12,000; 5km Fun Run – MK6,000. This year there is a special consideration for children and have kits priced at MK5,000. As usual the proceeds from the race will be donated through CSR initiative to the education sector.

Kamtukule speaking at the event

For the competitive 21km Half Marathon, Standard Bank has maintained the five winning positions for both male and female categories as follows: 5th Position – MK110,000; 4th Position – MK220,000; 3rd Position – MK550,000; 2nd Position – MK1,100,000; 1st Position – MK1,650,000.

Opposition leader Nankhumwa appalled by deteriorating conditions at Kamuzu Central Hospital

Leader of the Opposition in Parliament and Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) Vice President (South), Kondwani Nankhumwa, has decried the worsening and deplorable medical services delivery at the referral Kamuzu Central Hospital (KCH) in the Capital City, Lilongwe.

He has since urged the Malawi Congress Party (MCP) government of President Lazarus Chakwera to treat the situation at KCH with much urgency to save lives.

Nankhumwa was speaking after he made a surprise visit to the hospital on Thursday, April 20, 2023, after he received information from various individuals about the deteriorating conditions at the hospital.

During the visit, the opposition leader found many patients sleeping on the floor.

The youthful politician also discovered most of the diagnostic machines not operational and that there was a serious shortage of essential medicines and tools, a scenario that has put many patients’ lives in danger.

He also said there are high levels of understaffing at Kamuzu Central Hospital, exacerbating the already dire medical situation.

“I am distressed, dismayed and saddened by the state of medical service delivery at this hospital, particularly for patients sleeping on the floor. I broke down when I listened to most of the patients and guardians relating their ordeals.

“As the Leader of Opposition in Parliament, I wish to make a solemn appeal to the President of this country [Lazarus Chakwera], and his government, to intervene in the worsening situation at the KCH, and obviously in other state health facilities, as a matter of urgency.

“As a country, we cannot afford to be losing productive citizens due to negligence in our hospital facilities, especially if we are indeed serious about becoming a middle income economy by 2063,” said Nankhumwa.

During the visit, the opposition leader made financial donations to some patients.

Conflicting remarks on Oman enslaved women irk CDEDI

By Iommie Chiwalo

The conflicting remarks by Foreign Affairs Minister on Oman enslaved women has been greeted with displeasure by Centre for Democracy and Economic Development Initiatives (CDEDI) saying is just a ploy to conceal the ordeal.

CDEDI Executive Director Sylvester Namiwa, says what the Foreign Affairs Minister Nancy Tembo said to the press is just a trial to conceal the truth on how the allocated MK400 million was used.

Tembo is on record to have told the national assembly that Malawian women enslaved in Oman are refusing to come home.

However, Namiwa says his organisation finds such sentiments to be highly insensitive and a futile attempt by the ministry not only to frustrate efforts to rescue the women from slavery but, also, to dodge being held accountable for the MK400 million that was set aside for the repatriation of these women.

“It is not a sheer coincidence that such remarks are coming a few days after CDEDI wondered why the country’s daughters were still enslaved in Oman when government dutifully set aside MK400 million out of a total budget of MK2 billion that was approved by Cabinet,” he said.

It is confirmed that cabinet approved the money specifically for the repatriation exercise through Department of Disaster and Management Affairs (DoDMA).

Namiwa wonders that instead of telling Malawians the whereabouts of the money, Hon Tembo is making such regrettable sentiments in the august House.

“If she were sincere and transparent enough, she would have told the nation the number of women government has rescued using the funding and also indicate particulars of those who are refusing to come. Sadly there is no information of that sort,” Namiwa said.

Namiwa has since called on authorities to respect the core values of governance such as transparency and accountability.

“In the interest of transparency and accountability, CDEDI and, indeed, well-meaning Malawians expect an explanation from both the minister as well as DoDMA, regarding the MK400 million included in its allocation for the
repatriation of the enslaved women,” he said.

Meanwhile, CDEDI considers that the sentiments by Hon. Tembo pass for torture of the country’s daughters in Oman.

“Actually, the insensitive sentiments have exacerbated the pain the enslaved Malawian women are enduring; hence giving the impression that the Tonse Alliance administration is treating these women as such due to their poor family backgrounds,” says the CDEDI Chief who adds that it would have been a different case if the women in question were daughters of families of influence in society, especially those with political connections.

Malawi Second Lady Mary Chilima graduates with a distinction…Veep Chilima says feat will inspire the girl child

Mary Chilima accolades

Wife to Vice President Saulos Chilima, Mary, Wednesday graduated from the University of Pretoria in South Africa with her second Masters degree, Master of Philosophy in Business Management: Evidence Based Management with a distinction.

Apart from the accomplishment, Malawi’s Second Lady also received six distinguished awards including the best overall students of over 200 plus graduating students.

The awards include Top MPHIL in Business Management Evidence-Based Management, Mini-Dissertation Evidence-Based Management, Introduction to Evidence-Based Management, Research Design, Thematic Studies Module 3 and Thematic Understanding Module 2.

Mary Chilima is one of the only two students who has earned an automatic entry into a PhD programme at the University.

Mary Chilima- Graduated with a distinction

Reacting to the news, her husband, Vice President Chilima congratulated his wife saying he is ‘proud’ of her achievements.

“I take this moment to congratulate my wife, Mary for attaining her second Master’s Degree – Master of Philosophy (MPhil) in Business Management – with distinction from the University of Pretoria. I am further proud of her for receiving five other awards in the program, thereby automatically earning a place in the doctorate program.”

“This is no mean achievement. You are inspiring the Malawian girl child whom we must instill into them the mantra that only the sky’s the limit and that education is the greatest weapon in fighting poverty. Congratulations for the Stellar Performance!” wrote Chilima on his Facebook page.

IBONGETSE: MK 1billion Castel Challenge Cup is here

DEAL DONE: Agreement signing ceremony in progress

The country’s largest brewery Castel Distributors Ltd has unveiled a MWK1 billion Castel Challenge Cup which goes down the history books as Malawi’s largest sporting sponsorship ever.

For the next three years, Castel will stake MWK320 Million every year with the champion banking a MK50 Million cheque and MK25 Million for the runner-up. The champions will automatically earn their slot at the CAF Champions Cup, as dictated by FIFA rules that the winner of any country’s largest cup represents that nation in the continental cup winner’s tournament.

“As a company, we are challenging the footballers in the country to live up to their full potential. Castel is investing about MK1 billion into this cup with over MK320 million annually. This is an enormous economic responsibility and great platform for talent development in Malawi,” said Managing Director Thomas Reynaud.

He added; “Our commitment is to make sure we support the government in talent development from the grassroots and that the business positively impacts society.”

Castel Sales & Marketing Deputy Director Nelson Zotto Banda said the Challenge Cup, to be played on a knock-out basis nationally will take the bottom-up approach aiming to unravel young talent and develop grassroots football akin to how global icon Brazil’s Pele and Flames legend Kinnah “Electric” Phiri were scouted.

“By exposing young talent from rural areas, our hope is that we will create a platform where coaches and scouts can choose the right talent to play for the Flames. The best footballers in the world came from the townships. They rose from the fringes to break into the elite leagues of the world,” he said, adding games will be played at district, regional and national level where the 16 TNM Super League teams will be seeded.

Banda said the Castel Challenge Cup, under the theme; “Ibongetes” or “make it fiery”, offers immense socio-economic benefits for Malawi in terms of job creation and revenue generation at game venues, pubs and supporting businesses.

For his part, FAM President Walter Nyamirandu seemed blown away by the offer of the historic “humongous” sponsorship and could not hide his excitement with a boyish grin.

“I applaud Castel for Raising the Bar very high. This is humongous by our standards. It is a dream come true because the football family has been yearning for such lucrative sponsorship for a long time. I cannot stop pinching myself for such a windfall,” said Nyamirandu.

He said the cup will boost football development in Malawi given the intensity of competition it will create between fringe teams and the professional clubs playing in the top drawers of local and international football formations.

“I can assure you that with such a level of diversity and multifaceted approach, our game of football will never be the same again. There will be very stiff competition from bottom to the top and wholesome entertainment across the breadth of the country,” he said.

Minister of Sports Honourable Uchizi Mkandawire applauded Castel for coming forward to revive football sponsorship in grand style, noting the feat was unbelievable.

FAM 1st Vice President Justice Jabbar Alide spiced up the event when he stepped on the podium to break down the format of the knock-out cup and emphasize that it confirms the return of total football at all levels where every deserving team will win cash prizes.

“There will be something for everyone. Apart from the champions and their runners-up, district, regional and other qualifiers will cart home with cash prizes and share the football cake at every key competitive level,” he said.

The colourful cocktail launch spiced up with Castel bars, was graced by football stakeholders, corporates, distribution partners of Castel, sports council officials, government officials led by the Sports Minister, club administrators, SULOM officials, Super League sponsors TNM Plc, pub owners and Blantyre’s social dons.

NBM profit-after-tax 34% up to K45.9 billion

National Bank Towers and Business complex captured at night

Listed National Bank of Malawi (NBM) plc has announced an increase in their profit after-tax for year ending 31 December 2022 to K45.94 billion from K34.21 billion in the previous year representing a 34% increase.

A financial statement released by the Bank signed by NBM plc Board Chairman Jimmy Lipunga, Board Director Dorothy Ngwira, Chief Executive Officer Macfussy Kawawa and Chief Finance Officer Masauko Katsala said the results were driven by growth in customer deposits.

“Consequently, Net interest and investment income grew by 38%. In addition, there was growth in foreign exchange commissions. Overall net revenue grew by 26%. Operating expenses increased by 16%, a pace lower than the average inflation for the year.”

“On the other hand, impairment losses increased by 60% due to cleaning up of our foreign subsidiary’s loan book. Customer deposits increased by 45% year on year (2021: 38%) while the Bank’s loan book grew by 29% (2021: 20%). Investment in Fixed Income securities grew by 16% (2021:66%),” reads the statement.

The Bank has further acknowledged that all its subsidiaries contributed to the positive performance apart from Akiba Commercial Bank (ACB) in Tanzania and an associate company, United General Insurance which reported losses.

“Malawi economy grew by 1.7% in 2022 (2021: 4.2%). The growth in 2022 was adversely affected by weather related shocks in some parts of the country such as erratic rains and cyclones, low supply of foreign exchange and the Russia/Ukraine war which led to global supply chain challenges and high commodity prices.”

NBM Towers

“The country also experienced protracted power supply disruptions in addition to fuel supply shortages. The Malawi Kwacha was devalued by 25% in May 2022. However, despite the devaluation foreign exchange supply challenges continued resulting in a significant build-up of arrears in foreign payments,” reads the statement in part.

NBM plc has however projected challenges to the 2023 performance growth due to the impact of the Cyclone Freddy in the southern region, electricity and the foreign exchange supply.

“The Bank completed implementation of its 5-year strategic plan in 2022. A new strategic plan has been developed for 2023 to 2027 to take the Group to the next level and turn around strategies have been put in place to turn the two entities ACB and UGI that made losses into profitable entities.”

“The Board envisages a continuing challenging operating environment due the factors enumerated above. However, the Bank is expected to sustain its enviable performance through its ability to leverage on its core strengths, address challenges and exploit opportunities in the market, the hostile environment notwithstanding,” reads the statement.

Meanwhile the directors have recommended a total dividend of K33.0 billion in respect of 2022 profits representing K70.67 per ordinary share from K49.26 per share in 2021. 

Social Activist Chiza Mkandawire Declares Presidential Bid for 2025 Elections

Malawian business consultant and social activist, Ben Chiza Mkandawire, has announced a new party, Chipani Cha Amphawi M’Malawi (CCAM), which he says will focus on the fight against corruption and a spirited drive to enable the creation of good governance.

In an interview with Nyasa Times on Monday, Mkandawire, who is an active and renowned social commentator said it is time that Malawians as a people started doing away with impunity.

Said Mkandawire: “The party will stand for economic reforms, good governance and the fight against corruption in Malawi.”

According to Mkandawire, the creation of a federal system of government in the country will ensure equal distribution of development and effective accountability on the party of the leaders.

“The fact is that the unitary system of government in Malawi has failed us. It is because with the system we give a lot of power to the President and his cronies a thing that imbues executive arrogance in them,” he said.

He added: “There is already huge support and members and interested members are contented with our ideas.

“The truth is that every Malawian would like positive changes for the country in all aspects. Chipani Cha Amphawi M’Malawi is the solution and we assure Malawians to deliver our promises,” he said.

A snapshot survey on various social media platforms including Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp groups show that CCAM has registered a positive sensation.

Since last week when Mkandawire announced the party, hundreds of followers have been making positive contributions and eagerness to have the party structures established as soon as possible in preparation for the 2025 Presidential Elections.

Commenting on Mkandawire’s Facebook wall, Joshua Mayilosi from Chikhwawa said CCAM if it lives to its principles is the way to go for the country.

Wrote Mayilosi: “If your [Mkandawire] party will be committed to what you are telling us, the be assured of most Malawians’ support.

“Here in Chikhwawa be rest assured that I will personally help in garnering support….. Makamaka nkhani ya federal system of government. Malawi surely needs it.”

Once registered by the registrar of political parties, CCAM could add the number of political parties in the country to 58.

So far the popular political parties in the country include United Democratic Front (UDF), Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), the governing Malawi Congress Party (MCP) and former governing People’s Party (PP).

Retired Anglican Priest Mapundula authors book

…Business mogul Mpinganjira buys copy at K1.1 million

Son Erasto poses with his parents after buying the book at K1 million

Retired Anglican Priest Canon Reverend Father Patrick Mapundula has published a book about his priesthood which was launched on Saturday in Blantyre where business mogul Thom Mpinganjira bought his copy at K1.1 million.

During the auctioning of the book, Rev father Mapundula’s son, Erasto also bought a copy at K1 million.

Several other people who included Guest of Honour Smile Life Insurance Company Chief Executive Officer Stain Singo, University of Malawi Deputy Vice Chancellor Dr Sunduzwayo Madise, Business Computer Services Managing Director James Chimwaza, National Bank of Malawi (NBM) plc Head of Retail Banking Oswin Kasunda bought the book at above K100,000.

Business Computer Services Managing Director James Chimwaza (left) poses with Rev Mapundula and his wife after buying his book at K150,000

Mapundula told journalists after the book launch that he was happy that his dream of publishing a book with his experiences as an Anglican priest for more than 30 years has come to fruition.

“I am hoping that this book will change a lot of lives when they read it,” said Mapundula.

The book is titled ‘God’s call to Ministry. A Mystery and Irrevocable’ was edited by veteran book publisher and author Alfred Msadala who hailed Rev Mapundula for being open about his life in the 48-page 10-chapter book.

In the book, the 67-year-old retired priest narrates his journey from working as a Linesman at Escom to Nico Holdings where he resigned to become a full-time servant of God.

Rev Mapundula- I was destined to priesthood

Rev Mapundula narrates some chilling events he came across while serving at different parishes with revelations of superstitious plot of ending his life together with his wife soon after his ordination to priesthood in 1990.

Guest of Honour Stain Singo advised people to plan their retirement early and that when they retire they can have a hobby of writing books that would make their lives useful.

Rev Mapundula has been married to his wife Elizabeth for almost 40 years and they have four children and five grandchildren and runs a marriage counselling consultancy firm called Marital Counselling Institution (MCI) in Blantyre.

The book which is selling at K6,000 can be found in most Anglican churches and bookshops.

NBM support to MUST Endowment Fund bearing fruits

Kawawa (right) making a symbolic handover to Malata

National Bank of Malawi (NBM) Plc’s K60 million three-year commitment towards supporting the Malawi University of Science and Technology (MUST) Students Endowment Fund has started bearing fruits with K10 million profit made by now.

MUST Vice Chancellor, Address Malata disclosed this on Thursday when they presented a progress report to NBM officials in Blantyre.

According to Malata, so far they have managed to source K2.5 billion for the fund but are targeting K5 billion.

“From the contribution by the National Bank, we invested the money and we are glad to report to them that we are now at K74 million minus the principal cash, which gives us a profit of K10 million that we can use for the scholarships to students.  We plan to roll out the scholarships next year targeting the needy students as beneficiaries.”

“In most Universities across the world, endowment funds are a way to go because banking on government funding is always a problem since the funds are not enough. We commend NBM for the support which will help more students in future,” she said.

Malata (left) delivering her speech as Kawawa listens

NBM chief executive officer (CEO), Mcfussy Kawawa expressed satisfaction with the report  by MUST saying as a Bank they value the long-term benefits of their support through the Endowment Fund.

“As a Bank we have a Corporate Social Investment (CSI) policy that does support investment in education. We also believe in sustainability, to have something that can have an impact, not today but for years to come. So, we saw this Endowment Fund as an opportunity for us to plant a seed by way of this donation that we know will help the students in the years to come.”

“We believe that the management of the fund is robust. It is also good to hear that there is a governance structure that makes sure that the funds are properly accounted for. We think that is important in ensuring that they achieve the aspirations of the fund,” said Kawawa.

During the event, NBM also handed over the last chunk of K20 million for the last year of their commitment in the Memorandum of Understanding.

Rays Super Butchery for high quality meat products


Think meat; think Rays Super Butchery for high quality meat and meat products in Malawi and Zambia.

Trading under the slogan; ‘Meating’ Your Expectations, Rays Super Butchery is a ‘haven’ for meat and meat products.

Marketing Manager for Rays Super Butchery, Charles Nkungula on Friday said the butchery will continue supply high quality meat and meat at affordable price to its customers.

“We are the 1st class marketers of beef meat, goat meat, local and hybrid chickens and all meat products such as meat balls, burgers, samoosa, meat pies at a very affordable price,” said Nkungula

He added that Rays Super Butchery sells Halal certified meat products (A Halal certified product means that the product is permissible or acceptable in accordance with Islamic law.)

In Zomba, Rays Super Butchery is located at Matawale opposite Southern Region Water Board (SRWB) site office (along Jali road) while in Lilongwe M’manga building, Area 18A.

While in Zambia, Rays Super Butchery is located in plot No 12722 of Mumbwa road, Chinika area, P. O. Box 1871, Lusaka.

Rays Super Butchery can be contacted on +265881507520 (Zomba), +265996 225 558 (Lilongwe) and +260 972 781 585 (Lusaka, Zambia).

CDEDI trashes recampment of refugees, says it lacks merit

By Iommie Chiwalo

The Centre for Democracy and Economic Development Initiatives (CDEDI) has pleaded with the Minister of Homeland Security to suspend relocation of refugees and asylum seekers to Dzaleka refuge camp saying there are numerous issues surrounding the exercise that remain unresolved.

In a statement signed by CDEDI Executive Director, Sylvester Namiwa says the calls are coming considering that the directive is lacking merit hence the responsible Ministry ought to approach the matter with sobriety and ensure that measures it employs in the exercise do not boomerang on it.

Government set tomorrow, April 15, 2023 as the deadline for all the refugees and asylum seekers staying elsewhere in the country to relocate to Dzaleka Refugee Camp in Dowa.

According to CDEDI, besides, the directive smacks of selective justice as it seems applicable only to refugees and asylum seekers from Rwanda and Burundi while it is business as usual for other illegal migrants.

Namiwa says while government is acting within the realm of the laws and regulations governing refugees and asylum seekers, more has to be considered.

He has cited the issue of congestion at the camp as an example of the numerous pressing issues saying, for instance, was designated to host 10,000 refugees but now is already hosting over 50,000 of them.

“Simply put, Dzaleka Refugee Camp is heavily congested and forcing more refugees will be a recipe for disaster and, to some extent, a violation of some rights of the refugees and asylum seekers,” he said.

Namiwa has also put to light glaring policy inconsistency given that the same government agitating for recampment, entered into an agreement with the United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) and introduced what is called ‘self-reliant tokens’ to those that have proven to lead an independent life outside the camp.

This was an attempt to save the refugees and asylum seekers from starvation after it became apparent that both the Malawi Government and UNHCR could not provide adequate food at the camp. Till this hour, government is still issuing the self-reliant tokens.

And that in the year 2000 government opened up to refugees and asylum seekers that came in with skills and expertise beneficial to the society in areas of health, education and social work to go and live where they could put their skills and expertise to the benefit of the country.

“Most of those that took heed of the call have been peacefully living among Malawians for over 20 years and in the passage of time some have intermarried with Malawians. This scenario begs moral questions such as what would become of such marriages? How about the services rendered, let alone the movable and immovable assets accumulated throughout the decades of their stay in the communities,” wonders Namiwa.

He has since suggested that Malawi ought to learn from other countries in the region, particularly its neighbours, how they are benefiting from integrating refugees and asylum seekers.

“Surely, it beats human understanding that as a country we should be pushing back to a congested camp—where living conditions are dire—people who, besides being self-reliant are significantly contributing to wealth and job-creation in the country,” he says.

Adding that through the self-reliant tokens refugees and asylum seekers outside the camp have established businesses that are positively contributing to the social and economic status of the country.

“Needless to remind all and sundry that such businesses owned by refugees and asylum seekers have provided means of livelihood to many locals in form of employment,” he highlights.

The CDEDI Executive Director has since reiterated its call for the Legal Affairs as well as the Defense and Security committees of Parliament to look into concerns raised in its June 1, 2021 petition, which proposed the review of the archaic 1989 Refugees Act.

Namiwa feels the review will help to ensure that some of the refugees and asylum seekers are integrated into society as, despite their status, they have proven to be critical to the social and economic development of our nation.

Authorities have been reminded that there is an ordeal behind every refugee and just like any human being, they have basic rights and freedoms that ought to be respected.


“Customers can rely on TNM 4G network to livestream games,” says new CEO

HELBERT:TNM offers more opportunities to win fabulous prizes through the Zampira promotion in the league fan zone

BLANTYRE, APRIL 14, 2023— TNM, Malawian’s chief sponsor and greatest supporter of the country’s top-flight football tournament the TNM Super League, is proud to announce the official launch of the 2023 season under the theme “IPATSE MOTO”.

This season’s chant “Ipatse Moto” aims to ignite the intensity, passion and excitement of all football fans, clubs, and key league partners as they come together in the theatre of dreams that Super League venues are.

Chief Executive Officer, Michel Hebert — presiding over his first football season in Malawi — says he looks forward to a fantastic year of football razzmatazz.

“The launch of the new season offers renewed hope and optimism to develop our football by creating heartwarming impressions and lasting memories. As TNM, we have returned with a stronger sponsorship package and new incentives aimed at rewarding players, clubs, and fans,” he said.

He said the TNM network will support livestreaming of games this season.

“Our football-passionate customers can now rely on the TNM 4G network to livestream league matches all season long on their handsets or homes, no matter where they are in Malawi. Never miss a match again with TNM. And to heighten the excitement, TNM offers more opportunities to win fabulous prizes through the Zampira promotion in the league fan zone,” said the CEO.

The TNM brand has been genuinely synonymous with football for the past 17 years, and this year is no exception.

Michel said: “TNM will continue to do everything possible to uplift the quality of the game and ensure that we contribute to the success of the national team, the Flames, by nurturing talent through the Super League structures.”

The new CEO said the company’s decision earlier this year to increase the League’s sponsorship is anchored in its long-term vision of the game.

“Football enthusiasts should look forward to new innovations from TNM to better experience football in Malawi. For example, very soon we will launch e-ticketing payment through Mpamba for more convenient and safer access to matches”.

The 16-team league kicks off this Saturday with defending champions FCB Nyasa Bullets slugging it off with Lilongwe giants, Silver Strikers . This new season will also welcome newcomers such as Extreme FC from Mchinji, Bangwe All Stars from Blantyre and Chitipa United from Chitipa to join the competition for even more excitement. Best of luck to everyone.

Business Partners Malawi challenges entrepreneurs on funding

Akuzike Kafwamba: BPI Malawi Country Manager Akuzike Kafwamba

Business Partners International (BPI) has challenged entrepreneurs that it is ready to provide business funding from a minimum K100 million to K1 billion saying their major focus is on the entrepreneurial ability and viability when considering funding.

BPI Malawi Country Manager Akuzike Kafwamba spoke on Wednesday during a breakfast interaction with business entrepreneurs in Blantyre saying BPI is a ‘risk financier’ because it funds businesses where others fail to fund as a result of common reasons like lack or nature of securities offered.

“We provide more than just money for businesses. We also provide technical assistance funding with no interest and help businesses select the expert resource from our pool to enable their businesses to thrive. We also look at the viability of the business, knowledge and experience of the owner, passion and drive which is more important than collateral,” said Kafwamba.

Some of the services provided under the technical assistance include financial management systems, training, recruitment/HR, Automation of operating processes, business trade fairs, marketing strategy, website development, ISO certification, mentorship by industry experts and business turnaround, according to the Country Manager.

Kafwamba also said to instill and inspire confidence in a business venture especially commercial property management which BPI is supporting, they make arrangements to procure shares in the business which are sold at the end of the loan period.

“The exit strategy is discussed at the beginning of this business relationship,” explained Kafwamba.

One of the invited guests, Beatrice Msindira who is also Managing Director of Stevensons Paints Limited described the breakfast interaction as ‘insightful and worthwhile’.

Beatrice Msindira: Describes the breakfast interaction as ‘insightful and worthwhile’.

“My advice to other entrepreneurs is that they should engage Business Partners Malawi for more expert advice, not just the security issues as demanded by other financing institutions but the technical support being offered by BPI is a fantastic element. This is a must to upscale the game and change the profile for an SME,” said Msindira.

BPI was established in 1981 and has a history and track record of success providing customised financial solutions, business premises and sector knowledge, mentorship, and other added-value services and operates in seven Sub-Saharan countries namely South Africa, Rwanda, Namibia, Malawi, Kenya and Uganda.

BPI Malawi was established in 2013 and has approved investments worth US$13.7 million (Approx. K14 billion) to formal SMEs through provision of loans in addition to technical assistance funding to the SME’s. For more details interested entrepreneurs can visit

NBS Bank commits K7 million more to Cyclone survivors

Chikusilo (second left) presents the dummy cheque to Plan International officials

Listed NBS Bank plc has committed K7 million to rebuild houses for some families who were displaced and lost property due to Cyclone Freddy in Chiradzulu district.

Speaking on Thursday during the handover of the money to Plan International who will facilitate the process, NBS Bank chief operating officer (COO), Shadrick Chikusilo said they felt the need to do more to avert the emotional, psychological and physical damage caused by the storm.

“It is a well-known fact that our country faced great devastation last month at the hands of Cyclone Freddy which saw approximately 40,000 homes being destroyed, over 500 lives being taken and 650,000 others being displaced across the country.”

“Your Caring Bank is not just a slogan to us. This is why we are here today to show in action that We Care A Little More. As a Bank, we believe that the damages cannot be repaired within a day and as Malawians, we need to hold hands and rebuild the lives of those affected by the tragedy that is Cyclone Freddy,” said Chikusilo.

Plan International regional manager for the Southern Region, Christopher Katutu said they will use the funds to build houses, pay rent for two months, purchase beddings, kitchen sets, and food baskets for the three female-headed households in Nguludi.

“Cure International reached out to us for assistance after three children who were treated at Beit Cure International Hospital with fractures from the Cyclone remained at the hospital after recovery because they had no home to go to. We will construct low-cost, decent housing for these families and the remaining funds will be used for social cash transfer for the elderly in the affected area,” he said.

This is not the first time NBS Bank has reached out to Cyclone Freddy victims.

The Bank through NICO Group of companies contributed towards a donation of K200 Million which was distributed amongst three institutions namely: World Vision, Rotary Club of Blantyre and Land Rover Defenders Club of Malawi.

They also donated various items worth K14 Million through its Service centres across the country to camps in Chikwawa, Mulanje, Zomba, Thyolo, Chiradzulu, Limbe, Blantyre and Mangochi.

Just two weeks ago, NBS Bank also donated K20 million towards the NBS Bank Charity Shield Match which took place last weekend in collaboration with Football Association of Malawi (FAM) to raise more funds towards supporting survivors.

Over the week FAM announced that this year’s Charity Shield produced the record revenue at K20 million since its inception in 2016.

TNM Mpamba is enhancing digital economy’–Irish govt

Fleming during a tour of the Mtukula Pakhomo project

Ireland Minister of State for International Development and Diaspora, Sean Fleming has commended the partnership with TNM Mpamba Ltd for helping improve livelihoods through social cash transfers.

TNM Mpamba Ltd, a wholly owned subsidiary of TNM Plc provides the mobile technology platform which enables access to mobile cash wallets to unbanked people in rural areas.

Speaking at Kapalamula school in Traditional Authority Nsamala in Balaka district during a tour of the Mtukula Pakhomo project Flemming said the Irish government which is funding the project is satisfied with the security and convenience that TNM Mpamba offers to beneficiaries.

“I am impressed to see cash being disbursed using mobile phones because in other countries we visit, beneficiaries get their funds through hard cash. However, the process here with Mpamba is fast, safe, and secure as beneficiaries get what they are seeing,” said Fleming.

Fleming added that the mobile money technology is contributing positively to financial inclusion and mobile penetration.

“From what I have seen the mobile money platform is doing a lot in improving digital transactions. Mpamba is an excellent facility because it is enabling beneficiaries to save money, pay their bills and do cash-out on their phones,” he said.

Chris Sukasuka, TNM Mpamba Limited General Manager said the mobile platform is contributing towards the MW2063 development plan.

“The Malawi 2063 seeks to enhance financial literacy which is pinnacle to the development of the country. Mpamba is improving financial inclusion, furthermore people in the rural areas are able to understand some basic information around finances,” said Sukasuka.

While acknowledging Malawi government for enabling e-payment for social cash transfer, Sukasuka added that through the project, Mpamba is contributing positively to the economy.

“As Mpamba we recommend government for implementing e-payment in these projects that are changing lives of many Malawians. This is enabling Mpamba to create more jobs and business opportunities as well as improving mobile telephony technology penetration in the rural areas,” he said.

According to TNM Mpamba Limited, e-payment for social cash transfer on the platform is being implemented in 15 districts across the country.

Under the social cash transfer, the Irish government is supporting more than 25, 000 households in Ntcheu and Balaka districts.

Social protection programs are being implemented by the Malawi Government through the Ministries of National Local Government and Gender and Social Welfare.

MK400mn for repatriating enslaved women in Oman grow wings…Foreign Affairs Minister given seven days to update Malawians on the matter

By Iommie Chiwalo

What was seemingly to be a positive response by government in response to Centre for Democracy and Economic Development Initiatives’ (CDEDI) campaign dubbed “Operation Rescue Campaign” has been turned into a disappointment as K400 million allocated for the exercise cannot be traced.

CDEDI Executive Director, Sylvester Namiwa, has since penned Foreign Affairs Minister Nancy Tembo to update the nation on the same by asking her to treat the matter with the urgency it deserves.

Namiwa says it is disappointing after learning from impeccable sources that Foreign Affairs officials reportedly decided to use the money for other purposes that were neither disaster nor unforeseen circumstances in nature.

Namiwa says his organisation expects a prompt action since the issues are bordering on matters of life and death.

“We are therefore giving you seven days to make sure that the funds have been reverted. In the same vein CDEDI and indeed well-meaning Malawians expect Department of Disaster Management Affairs (DoDMA) in copy of this letter to act swiftly, now that we know the funds were already made available for this mission,” he said.

CDEDI demands are coming after details have emerged that cabinet released MK2 billion to DoDMA from which MK400 million was set aside for the rescue mission of these enslaved women, as it had done before at the height of Xenophobic attacks in South Africa.

Strangely, in what is discovered to be an empty rhetoric, nothing has been heard or seen about the said money while the women in question continue suffering in Oman.

“It is against this background that CDEDI writes you Hon minister, to intervene by flashing out whoever is sitting on this money at your ministry, to immediately transfer it back to DoDMA so that it should be used for its intended purposes,” he said.

For the sake of transparency and accountability, Namiwa has reminded the Minister in question that through Access to Information (ATI) Act, Malawians have a right to know the identity of the official who is sitting on the taxpayers’ money, including his/her intentions for doing so.

Namiwa wonders why the country’s daughters are still enslaved in Oman, while Government dutifully set aside MK400 million for the repatriation of 50 women trapped in slavery in the Middle East.

Capital Hill sources confirmed to this reporter that the K400 million set aside to bring back home the enslaved women was included in a MK2 billion budget that Cabinet approved for Dodma.

And according to Namiwa, CDEDI is also reliably informed that some officials at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs took the MK400 million in the pretext that they would travel to Oman to rescue the trapped women.

“But as we speak the enslaved women are still crying for help. Strangely, the moment CDEDI announced the launch of ‘Oman Rescue Campaign’ appealing to well-wishers to join hands to save the enslaved women, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs told Malawians that it had secured 50 air tickets for the women to return home. Today, almost two months down the line, none of the trapped women has been flown back home, and the question is: Why is government not treating this matter with the urgency it deserves,” wonders Namiwa.

In a letter to Foreign Affairs Minister, Namiwa has highlighted that it is the intention of CDEDI to see government coming out in the open on what it is doing about the plight of the entrapped women.

“We seek transparency and accountability on the MK400 million that was earmarked for bringing back home the enslaved women and the 50 air tickets the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said had purchased for the women to be flown back home,” he said.

He also trusts that, as a matter of public interest, Dodma will equally feel duty-bound to explain its side of the story regarding the MK400 million included in its allocation for the repatriation of the enslaved women.

Namiwa has, therefore, taken the matter surrounding the matter as an opportunity to report that the ‘Oman Rescue Campaign’, has not yet achieved the intended result.

“It is our honest belief that the appeal, which coincided with the fall of Tropical Cyclone Freddy that hit most districts in the Southern Region, shifted the attention of most of those we thought would support the initiative. But we remain committed and hopeful to the noble cause,”

Government is yet to give its side of the story on the matter but disclosures shows that letter from CDEDI is now in the custody of the Minister in question pending for her response.

Migogo unveils powerful manifesto ahead of Women’s Football elective AGM

Women’s Football presidential hopeful Adelaide Migogo has unveiled her ‘powerful’ manifesto ahead of Women’s Football elective Annual General Assembly slated for 15th April 2023 in Salima District.

In her manifesto, Migogo said her main vision is to recreate Women’s football as a brand, that will entertain, create value for both clubs and players, and have a strong presence in football in Malawi and beyond.

“I want Malawi Womens football to be as big a brand as or bigger than our netball has ever been. My project seeks to create a new direction for Women’s Football in Malawi, building upon the aspirations of its founders like Emmie Mphande, Flora
Mwandira, Charles Nyirenda, Chimwemwe Festino, Grace Mhango and David Dube just to mention a few,”said Migogo.

Migogo also said her wish is to work with and empower the existing club and regional structures, while also creating a very professional secretariat to take Women’s football to unprecedented heights.

For instance, she mentions that Malawi’s COSAFA results over the last few years show that has tremendous potential, but lacks systems, structures, initiatives and the vision to move this potential to full-blown success.

“I am also committing myself to the development of Women’s Football in Malawi and Iwill work with each affiliate, club, player, coach, fans, FAM and sponsors inadvancing the Women’s Football Agenda,”she said.

She has also outlined 7 key pillars which she said will form the bedrock of her tenure

The seven pillars include, rebranding Women’s Football, Inclusiveness, club development, club licensing & Competitions, technical development, growth (Technical & Financial),good governance and Success

Opposition leader Nankhumwa calls for emergency cash transfer programme for Freddy victims

Malawi’s Leader of Opposition in Parliament who is also DPP Vice President for the southern region and Member of Parliament (MP) for Mulanje Central Constituency, Kondwani Nankhumwa, has suggested that some of the funds meant to help Cyclone Freddy victims must be converted into an emergency cash transfer fund.

Nankhumwa said this on Sunday, April 9 at Chingazi Catholic Parish in Thyolo District where he was invited to pray with parishioners to mark the resurrections of Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior this Easter season.

Nankhumwa said one of the reasons why he is calling for the implementation of a emergency cash transfer-system for cyclone survivors is because there are rising cases of theft of items that are meant to be distributed to victims in various areas and camps across the southern region.

“There are almost 12 camps around this area, but we just hear that items meant and recorded to be destined for some camps have not reached their destinations. I want to suggest that every family must receive at least K100,000 per month as cash transfer to help them pick up the pieces and recover,” said Nankhumwa, drawing a loud applause from the congregation.

The youthful politician psaid he knows that some people will grow rich and that some will build houses and buy cars using money meant for the victims. He added that this is the repason why he was calling upon the government to have other alternative measures of helping those who have been affected by the cyclone.

Nankhumwa thanked the Catholic Church for its consistency and focus in terms of implementing helpful projects such as schools, which he said have helped many people across the country regardless of their faith affiliations.

“There is nobody in the country who has not benefited from the Catholic Church in one way or another. If it is not you, it is probably your uncle or any other relative. That has always been the reach of the Catholic Church in this country, and I wish to thank them for these untiring efforts,” said Nankhumwa.

The opposition leader also thanked the Catholic Church for the critical role that it played to bring about multiparty democracy in the country, adding that democracy would probably have not been here were it not for the boldness of Catholic Bishops who challenged Kamuzu through that Pastoral Letter ‘Living Our Faith’.

Nankhumwa donated K300,000 for ‘fuel’, to the Parish before preaching a message of love to the congregation saying this Easter is a season of love and celebration. He said apart from celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ, Easter is also an opportunity for “all of us” to show love and compassion to one another and to forgive our enemies just as Jesus did through his death on the cross and resurrection.

“Jesus represented truth and love that is why we are here to celebrate his resurrection. I want to take this opportunity to wish you and all Malawians the very best and that when Jesus is rising today, we must rise with him. There is only one King and that King is Jesus Christ whose kingdom will be forever,” said Nankhumwa.

Before Nankhumwa spoke, Priest for the Parish, Reverend Father Dr. Damazio Ngoma thanked the Leader of Opposition for honoring the invitation to pray at Chingazi Parish. He said Nankhumwa and him go a long way and that the Leader of Opposition has always been a friend of the Parish.

“Honourable Nankhumwa is a true friend who has alway been there for us. He has always helped us every time we extend a begging bowl. When we were celebrating our 50 years, he gave us 40 bags of cement for our Mulesiva outstation Church construction project, and just recently he gave us another 40 bags on top of helping us in other various ways,” said Reverend Father Dr Ngoma.

He said Nakhumwa also bought them 117 iron sheets, and that the Parish’s six outstations are beautiful mainly because of the assistance that it received from Nankhumwa.

The Reverend then called for support for Dr Nakhumwa as he goes about his duties of providing checks and balances to government as Leader of Opposition.

“We must not forget that Honourable Nankhumwa is representing all Malawians from Nsanje to Chitipa as Leader of Opposition. I appeal to the opposition to be united and give proper checks and balances to government so that it serves Malawians well,” said Father Ngoma.

Chairperson for the Parish, Blessings Makwinja outlined some of the challenges that the Parish faces saying that the establishment has a monthly wage bill of about K500,000, which he says the Parish often fails to meet due to revenue collection challenges.

“Chingazi Parish has approximately 20,000 members but instead of collecting revenue from our members, often times we find ourselves giving the little that we have to our members due to levels of poverty owing to the tough economic times that our country is currently going through,” said Makwinja
He also thanked Nankhumwa for coming to pray with them whilst expressing optimism that the Leader of Opposition in Parliament will continue to be a true friend and to come through for the Parish like he has always done over the years.

Nankhumwa said he had noted what the Parish said and that as servant of the people, he would pass the message to the government through Parliament.

Said Nankhumwa: “As your servant, I will pass on to the government the message that there are no three meals a day as promised; that there is rampant poverty in this area; and that the price of basic commodities like soap have gone up; that cyclione Freddy victims are suffering and going for days in camps without food because those entrusted to bring items to them are stealing the same items.”

Nankhumwa hails Catholic Church, supports construction of new Mulesiva Church at Goliati in Thyolo

On Easter Sunday, April 9, 2023, Leader of Opposition in Parliament Dr. Kondwani Nankhukwa, attended a Resurrection Mass at Chingazi Catholic Church at Goliati Trading Centre in Thyolo district.

The Reverend Father Dr Damazio Ngoma welcomed the youthful politician with open arms and praised him for being a friend of the church.

During the Mass, Nankhumwa was moved by the spirit of the service and pledged his continued support to the church and its congregants, who were facing numerous socio-economic problems. He promised to do everything in his power to represent them and make a difference in their lives.

“I have been part of this church for a number of reasons. First, I appreciate the role that the Catholic Church played in the democratization process in Malawi,” said Nankhumwa, adding that he is also inspired and motivated by the vision that the late President Bingu wa Mutharika, who used to pray at Chingazi Catholic Church before he passed on.

“The late Bingu had wanted to construct a number churches here in Thyolo, and I’m here to fulfill that dream,” said Nankhumwa, who is also Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) Vice President for the Southern Region.

Nankhumwa donated K300,000 to cater for transportation costs, which is a challenge at the Church.

Father Ngoma, in his sermon, bemoaned the divisions rocking the opposition DPP, which has made the work of to Nankhumwa in his capacity as the Leader of Opposition in Parliament difficult.

“We need a vibrant opposition that can efficiently provide the necessary checks and balances to the government in Parliament. But that can only happen when the entire opposition is firmly united, and accepting that the current Leader of Opposition in Parliament at this juncture is Nankhukwa,” said the Reverend Father Dr. Ngoma.

The Man of God then noted that the Nankhumwa was not only a friend of the Church but also a champion of development in the area. He said Nankhumwa has provided support in form of materials for the construction of the new Mulesiva Catholic Church, which is under the Chingazi Parish, which is currently close to completion. Father Ngoma said this was a testimony to the politician’s commitment to the community.

Congregants at the Church were inspired by Nankhumwa’s devotion to his faith and his commitment to improving the lives of the people.

The Reverend Father Ngoma said Nankhumwa’s attendance at the Resurrection Mass and his commitment to serving the people of Malawi, even in the face of numerous socio-economic challenges, proved to be a powerful story of faith, leadership, and dedication to the common good of all Malawians.


Charity Mughogho: Named among the top 10 Women bankers shaping Africa’s financial services sector by the Angaza Awards

The Head of Standard Bank Consumer business unit Charity Mughogho has been named among the top 10 Women bankers shaping Africa’s financial services sector by the Angaza Awards.

Mughogho Head Standard Bank’s Consumer and High Net Worth Clients (CHNW) segment and is a member of the Bank’s executive Leadership Council in Malawi.

Announcing the award, Chief Executive, Phillip Madinga congratulated Charity for emerging the first woman bank executive in Malawi and Standard Bank to be picked for the Angaza Awards. The Angaza Awards offer a continental platform that recognizes female senior executives and emerging leaders in Africa’s Banking, Finance and Investment sector. This year’s Angaza Awards has recognized Charity Mughogho as one of the women steering and shaping Africa’s financial services sector.

“Charity currently leads the largest department in the Bank with over 400 employees under her supervision. Along with her long list of accomplishments, Charity pioneered the first roll out of Bancassurance in the market of Malawi where she took a leading role in getting the bank to have the first Bancassurance license in the country. We can proudly say she set the pace in the country and we have now seen more banks setting up Bancassurance since then and benefitting more Malawians,” said Madinga.

In the advent of the digital revolution Charity was responsible for the innovative roll out of Malawi largest digital loan offering in 2021 that offered customers access to up to MK15 Million via digital channels leading to increased access to consumer lending for Individual customers.

Mughogho is key to enabling financial access to all Malawians by managing the bank’s key customer touchpoints such as Personal Banking, Executive Banking, Private Banking, the Branch network and ATMs, Customer Call centres, and Digital Banking.

“Financial Inclusion remains one of my key passions. I believe that through authentically listening to our people and customers, we can create financial solutions that revolutionize the Banking industry and create better lives. I am driven by the principles of ‘purposeful living’ and excellence and excited by new and innovative ways of creating financial impact for a brighter Malawi.” Said Mughogho

The CHNW head is among 10 women from eight African nations to be recognized by the Angaza Awards, now in their second consecutive year. In addition to Malawi, the other honorees are from Ghana, Tanzania, South Africa, Namibia, Kenya and Togo.

“All of us at Standard Bank Plc are extremely proud of this recent win. This is not just a win for Charity but for the Bank and the wider Malawi. Charity is the first Malawian recipient of this prestigious award, and she plays a critical role at a leadership level to support and groom future leaders who will drive our nation’s agenda even further. We hope that the win will inspire a generation of young women leaders within the Bank and beyond to push frontiers of excellence and innovation in financial inclusiveness,” said Madinga.

The Angaza Awards criteria includes an assessment of the applicant’s area of responsibility and contribution to firm performance beyond the organisation they work for . High scores were awarded for achievements that transcended the institution, resulted in industry development, and shared value creation.

Launched in 2020, Angaza Awards has helped raise international awareness of the seasoned professional women shaping and influencing the financial services through their organizations. The 2023 Top 10 Women will be celebrated during the Angaza Forum in Kigali, Rwanda August 3-4, 2023.

Charity Mughogho’s award also follows recent recognition for one of the Bank’s women board directors, Dr Rachel Sibande who was named amongst the top 100 Influential Young people in Africa in 2022 by Avance Media.


GOOD SAMARITANSMutharika and Kabambe at the function

Former President of Malawi, Prof. Arthur Peter Mutharika has asked for the resumption of the Cement and Malata subsidy program targeting cyclone Freddy survivors to help them rebuild their lives as the southern region is still grappling with it’s effects.

Mutharika was speaking in Thyolo, where he visited cyclone Freddy victims who are camping at Chisoka and Lunchenza Primary schools in the district.

“The Malata and cement subsidy program which was championed under my administration was meant to benefit rural communities who build their houses using mud bricks and common thatching grass instead of iron sheets. These houses can’t withstand natural disasters. Therefore, the MCP government must consider a resumption of the program, targeting cyclone Freddy victims, “said Mutharika.

During the visit, Mutharika made a donation of food items valued at K21.8 million.

Mutharika said the cement and malata subsidy program was developed with an aim of assisting less privileged Malawians to have strong houses that are resilient to natural disaster shocks. Continuation of the programme would ensure that the people are given affordable housing while working on other programs that would help them rebuild their lives.

Mutharika was accompanied by some senior DPP officials, including Regional Governor for the South Charles Mchacha, National Organising Secretary Chimwemwe Chipungu, former Reserve Bank Governor, who is also a DPP Presidential aspirant Dr. Dalitso Kabambe, among others.

NBS Bank dresses BT giants ahead of Charity Shield encounter

Longwe (2nd left) poses with the two teams and FAM officials

NBS Bank has spiced up Sunday’s Charity Shield encounter between FCB Nyasa Big Bullets and Mighty Mukuru Wanderers by dressing the two teams with new kits on Wednesday morning.

The two sides will lock horns on Sunday at Bingu National Stadium (BNS) in Lilongwe where proceeds will be channeled towards the Cyclone Freddy survivors in the Southern districts of the country declared a State of Disaster by President Lazarus Chakwera on 13 March 2023.

NBS Head of Marketing and Customer Experience Tamanda Longwe said the Bank felt duty-bound to kit the two sides with K5 million worth of uniforms as they clashed for charity.

“As a ‘Caring Bank’, we know of the need to ensure that everything runs smoothly. The teams have to look smart as they play for a good cause,” she said.

Longwe (left) giving Bullets official Kimpho Loka jersey as FAM competitions director Gomezgani Zakazaka looks on

The gesture brought excitement to the team’s officials especially when they realized that the uniforms were bought from their traditional respective suppliers.

Bullets Chief Administration Officer Albert Chigoga and Wanderers Administration Officer Steve Palemeza jointly thanked NBS Bank for the kits while assuring their fans that the two teams are ready for the Blantyre derby away from their home.

FAM Communication and Competitions Director Gomezgani Zakazaka also commended NBS Bank for the support saying with the kits available it means all is set for the encounter on Sunday.

“From us as organizers of the match, we are now good to go,” said Zakazaka.

Longwe (left) handing over the jersey to Wanderers official Steve Palemeza as FAM competitions director Gomezgani Zakazaka looks on

This is the second year NBS Bank is bankrolling the FAM Charity Shield which is used as an activity to open the new football season in Malawi.

This year, NBS Bank hiked the sponsorship package to K20 million from K15 million the previous year.

Last year’s proceeds were channeled towards Cyclone Ana victims in the lower shire districts of Chikwawa and Nsanje.

This year’s plans were to support the education sector before Cyclone Freddy hit thereby forcing a change to assist Cyclone Freddy survivors. 

FCB Nyasa Bullets street party set for April 23 in Blantyre. ..Ma Blacks, Gibo Pearson to spice up

Super League defending champions FCB Nyasa Bullets is set to host Street Party in Blantyre on Sunday, April 23.

A poster advertising the party which Malawi Voice has seen says the much touted FCB Nyasa Bullets Street Party will be held at Chilembwe Road which is adjacent to Livingstone Towers in Blantyre.

FCB Nyasa Bullets brand ambassador Eli Njuchi, the Izathera Ma Penalty star Gibo Pearson, Anthony Makondetsa of Mbumba Ya Abraham and reggae king the Black Missionaries will share the stage at the party.

Popular and award winning DJ’s; DJ Genes and DJ Zulu are expected to provide the much needed entertainment to fans at the Street Party.

The FCB Nyasa Bullets Street Party–which is projected to be mother of all street parties in the city-is expected to pull fans from Blantyre and surrounding districts.

The jamboree is being empowered by Entertainers Promotion.

NBS Bank profit after-tax up 146% to K18.9 billion

Vizenge Kumwenda- Chairman for NBS Bank

Listed NBS Bank Plc has announced an increase in the profit after tax for 2022 to K18.9 billion from K7.7 billion in the previous year representing 146% attributing the stellar performance to robust strategy implementation practices.

A financial statement the Bank for the year ending 31 December 2022 signed by Board Chairman Vizenge Kumwenda, Board Director Dr Matthews Mtumbuka, Chief Executive Officer Kwanele Ngwenya and Chief Finance Officer Ernest Tembo, the Malawi Stock Exchange (MSE) listed commercial bank said the performance is exceptional despite the challenging environment which included the 25% currency depreciation, insufficient power, fuel shortages, high inflation, low economic growth, and high interest rates.

“The improved performance has been attributed to robust strategy implementation practices which enabled the Bank to be adaptive and focus on high impact areas.”

“Both Corporate and Retail segments grew significantly in the year. The Bank plans to achieve further growth through the five-year strategy covering the period from 2022 to 2026 whose focus is investment in technology, efficient Balance sheet management and providing excellent customer experience,” reads the statement in part.

“Net interest income grew by 67% in 2022 from K30.8 billion to K51.4 billion compared to a similar period in 2021 largely because of growth of the loan book and effective management of investments in money market instruments. Non-interest revenue registered an increase of 26% to K14.2 billion against K11.1 billion reported in 2021 on account of increased foreign currency trading revenues,” reads the statement.

In the outlook for the year 2023, the Bank says it expects a negative shift in economic output due to the effects of Cyclone Freddy which hit some parts of the Southern Region districts.

“The balance of risks remains tilted to the downside, but adverse risks have moderated after a sharper slowdown in 2022. Russia’s war in Ukraine will continue to weigh heavily on the global and local business environments. The Bank will continue to monitor developments and changes in the monetary policy stance to make sure it mitigates market risk,” reads part of the statement.

Meanwhile, the Bank has announced a total dividend of K9.60 billion representing 330 tambala per share.

CDEDI wants illegal naturalisation statuses revoked…as Uladi is in jail, his beneficiaries are enjoying the illegally obtained status

By Iommie Chiwalo

NAMIWA: Something needs to be done about it because the situation poses a huge security risk to the country

The Centre for Democracy and Economic Development Initiatives (CDEDI) has called on the Minister of Homeland Security to act in the best interest of the country by revoking statuses of 115 foreign nationals, mostly Rwandans and Burundians, who were illegally naturalised as Malawians between 2012 and 2014.

In a statement signed by CDEDI Executive Director Sylvester Namiwa, the calls are coming after an analysis of files it is privy to revealed irregularities—in the manner applications for that process was done.

For instance, Namiwa reveals that some citizenship applications are bearing the same file number being used to obtain multiple nationalities and that some individuals above 18 years of age were presenting themselves as dependents and not to mention of numerous unvetted applications.

“Given this revelation, it is CDEDI’s conclusion that Malawi’s most sought-after documents expected to only belong to bonafide citizens are in the wrong hands, hence something needs to be done about it because the situation poses a huge security risk to the country,” says Namiwa.

Namiwa says it is CDEDI’s considered view that the naturalisation status of those people need to be revoked because a whole former minister of Homeland Security was jailed [and is still in jail] after the High Court found his approval of award of such documents to undeserving applicants irregular.

“So, if the process was irregular and someone was jailed for the issuance of those documents, there is no justification for beneficiaries of the illegal process to cling to a status they do not deserve. Which is why, given the security risk holders of those illegally obtained documents pose to the country,” Namiwa says.

ZIKHALE has been given 7days to act

CDEDI has since given current Minister of Homeland Security Ken Zikhale-Ng’oma seven days to rise above politics and correct this anomaly forthwith.

“In fact, CDEDI believes this call augurs well with government’s directive that all refugees and asylum seekers move to Dzaleka Refugee Camp in Dowa by the 15th of this month. Otherwise, it will be a mockery for government to be ordering all refugees and asylum seekers to go to Dzaleka without doing anything about those among them who illegally obtained naturalisation statuses,” Namiwa adds.

As a highlight of the malpractices in the system, a High Court ruling in Blantyre, which was delivered on 12th August 2022, brought to light cases where some foreign nationals acquired national identification cards (IDs).

And CDEDI’s independent investigation has revealed that Rwandese and Burundians dominate the list of foreign nationals who came into the country neither as visitors nor refugees but ended up corruptly acquiring important documents such as work permits, passports and the much sought-after national ID.

“Those foreigners who corruptly obtained such important documents and, by extension, been naturalised, include individuals on wanted lists in their countries for suspected criminal offences, hence the need to have their statuses revoked. After all, the Malawi Citizenship Act does not allow prohibited immigrants to acquire citizenship,” hints Namiwa.

Homeland Security Minister Ken Zikhale Ng’oma has several assignments to make and one of those is to have refugees and asylum seekers relocated to designated centers by April 15 as stated in the statement from his ministry. The general public is interested in the matter because dates for the exercise have kept on changing despite the fact that the funds were allocated for the same. The delays in implementing the exercise have created room for speculations that some senior government officials are pocketing kickbacks to shield the culprits.

FDH clears air on Phalombe incident

Listed FDH Bank Plc has cleared the air over an issue involving an ill customer who sought the services of the bank at Phalombe Service Centre.

Within the week, social media had reports of a certain lady who is ill was dragged to the Bank to withdraw funds from her account.

However, the Bank through a statement, has expressed regret and that efforts have been made for the woman to access her account through her family.

“To safeguard customer funds, our policy and prior experience require next of kin to provide a letter by the Hospital to access funds on behalf of our customer when they are ill. Contrary to reports circulating on social media. FDH Bank Plc would like to advise its customers and the general public that the Service Centre did not require the patient to visit the Bank.

“Based on what happened, it is clear that the guidance that was provided by the Bank was misunderstood. Please note that across our network of 51 service centres, we assist our customers with dignity and respect and that includes those customers who are ill and are unable to visit the bank to access their funds.

“As a Bank, we sincerely regret the trouble caused to our customer due to the misunderstanding and we have since engaged the family to ensure smooth access to the account when need arises,” reads the statement.

Earlier in the day on Monday, Human Rights Consultative Committee (HRCC) issued a statement asking the Bank to apologise for what they termed ‘inhumane’ conduct towards the customer.

FDH Bank Plc has therefore promised to “remain committed to distinguished customer service and will strive to always delight our customers across our vast and growing network.”

NBS Bank hikes Charity Shield package to K20 million

Ngwenya (right) with FAM president Walter Nyamilandu and other NBS and FAM officials

NBS Bank has raised the sponsorship package for this year’s Football Association of Malawi (FAM) Charity Shield from K15 million to K20 million whose proceeds will be channeled towards the assistance to Cyclone Freddy survivors.

The Bank’s Chief Executive Officer Kwanele Ngwenya made the announcement on Friday during the unveiling of this year’s Charity Shield at Mpira Village in Blantyre.

“We are always looking for partners to solve some of our problems beyond us. We need more hands and the Football Association of Malawi (FAM) has given us an opportunity to extend our hand to the people that should be assisted in this difficult time.”

“Last year we saw about 4000 people benefiting from this initiative. NBS Bank does not stop here in terms of contribution. Recently, we did contribute over K200 million together with our group companies in Nico, so this is an additional engagement with our society that has been affected, so we will continue finding ways of reaching out to the affected areas,” explained Ngwenya.

Ngwenya (right) handing over a cheque to Nyamilandu

FAM president, Walter Nyamilandu commended NBS Bank for their commitment towards the initiative.

“We are very grateful for the partnership between us and NBS Bank. They are making this Charity Shield more meaningful at this particular time when we have several areas in the society that are struggling. Bringing K20 million is a serious sign of commitment to do more,” said Nyamilandu.

This year’s Charity Shield will involve FDH Bank Cup and TNM Super League Champions Nyasa Big Bullets and Airtel Top 8 Champions Mighty Mukuru Wanderers who are scheduled to face each other at the Bingu National Stadium in Lilongwe on Sunday, April 9th 2023.

In one of its statements prior to the Charity Shield unveiling ceremony, FAM indicated that initially this year’s initiative was targeting to benefit the education sector, but the devastating effects of Cyclone Freddy changed the plan.

Pressure on refugees relocation…as concerned citizens demands transparency

…MCYC set to operationalize the exercise should govt stuck on empty rhetoric

By Iommie Chiwalo

Concerned citizens are pressing for transparency and accountability over unending story of having refugees and asylum seekers relocated to designated centers.

In a statement signed by leaders of the concerned citizens in the name of Wells Khama, Cynthia Chikalema and Esther Kubwalo, they are demanding that at all cost, government must demonstrate to be transparent in the whole

The trio says while government has shown interest in implementing the long outstanding issue, it is still challenged to conduct the exercise in a transparent manner.

On this, the grouping has said that all eyes are on Homeland Security Minister Ken Zikhale Ng’oma to prove that he will give different results considering that all his predecessors performed contrary to the expectations of the majority.

Government has issued a press statement indicating that it will start moving all the refugees and asylum seekers to Dzaleka Refugee Camp by the 15th of this month.

The pressure to have the exercise materialised is coming considering that all the ministers President Lazarus Chakwera
appointed to serve in the Homeland Security have made similar directives which have so far never yielded any result.

“It is for this reason that we the concerned citizens have received the news this time around with a pinch of salt, in fact all the eyes are on you Honourable Ken Zikhale-Ng’oma as to whether you are someone that can be trusted or not,” reads the statement from the concerned citizens.

Adding that, in the interest of transparency and accountability, Malawians would like to know how much government will spend to relocate the refugees in a likely event that most of them will not
move to the designated centers freely before the set dateline.

The grouping has since commended the Inspector
General (IG) of the Malawi Police Service (MPS) Merlyn Yolamu for arresting the suspects connected to the mysterious death of Lilongwe-based businessman, a Malawian citizen of Rwandan origin, Emmilie Habimana Noel, 31, who allegedly died in a road accident in Lilongwe along the M1 road around the Kanengo Northgate area on October 17, 2022.

“However, we are still following the case with very keen interest, until it reaches a logical conclusion,”.

In related development, Mzuzu City Youth Caucus has expressed disappointment with government’s new ultimatum on relocation of refugees and asylum seekers saying the approach by the State authorities, as observed previously, will not yield anything.

The caucus Chairperson, Gomezgani Nkhoma, laments that while the funds for the relocation exercise were allocated to have it implemented from February 2, 2023, there has been no any update from the State machinery let alone hearing or seeing anything tangible on the ground.

Nkhoma, has therefore, said government’s fresh ultimatum is not only time wasting but also shameful because by now the exercise would have been near completion.

He says Malawians feel betrayed by their own government, perhaps the allegations that some public officials received kickbacks to derail this important exercise are true.

“Now that we have lost trust in our government, Mzuzu City Youth Caucus has set Monday the April 10, 2023 as a day on which it will mobilise Malawians to relocate refugees and asylum seekers to their designated centers,” says Nkhoma.

He has also said that his organisation will not allow government’s negligence, incompetence and unpreparedness deprive Malawians the opportunity to triumph economically and socially.

But in an interview with Homeland Security Minister Ken Zikhale Ng’oma said what is contained in the statement from his ministry is what will happen come the said date saying concerned citizens better wait “until we cross the bridge,”

Good Samaritan JB Donates Assorted Items to Freddy Victims in Thyolo Central, MP Ben Phiri appreciates gesture

Malawi’ Former State President Dr. Joyce Banda and Right Hon. Richard Banda SC Retired are today cheering cyclone Freddy victims in Thyolo Central Constituency.

The Banda’s were welcome by incumbent parliamentarian for opposition Democratic Progressive Party and former Minister Dr. Ben Phiri fondly knows as Field Marshal.

 Among other things, Dr. Banda popularly known as JB donated blankets, bags of maize, bales of sugar, soya pieces, and vitamin packets and gave words of encouragement to the victims of Freddy.

As that is not enough, the former president shocked the Freddy victims when she went ahead to personally gave out MK 1,000 to the 500 families to be used for milling the donated maize.

On behalf of the victims, Hon. Dr. Ben Phiri thanked the former President for remembering the people of Thyolo central in her diary.

“I want to thank you Madame President for visiting my constituency to cheers the people i was called to serve, as you can see, these people are in dire need of basics and words of comfort. Your coming means alot to them and i want to extend my thanks giving on their behalf,” said Phiri

Thyolo central is one of the worst hit areas by Cyclone Freddy and there is an appeal for well-wishers to continue coming in with different relief items to serve the victims who are suffering.

TNM gives ICT boost to public universities

TNM officials (far left and second left) making a symbolic presentation of the server to Must representative (3rd from right), Mzuni representative (2nd from right) and Soche Technical representative (far right)

Malawi’s pioneer mobile network and ICT services provider, TNM Plc, has donated servers to the country’s four major public universities and two technical colleges.

The beneficiary universities are Malawi University of Sciences and Technology (MUST), Malawi University of Business and Applied Sciences (MUBAS), University of Malawi (UNIMA), Mzuzu University (MZUNI). Beneficiary technical colleges are National College of Information Technology and Soche Technical College.

TNM Head of Infrastructure and Cloud Services Macdonald Chamba said the donation aims to assist the public universities improve their technology infrastructure and enhance delivery of academic programs in ICT and telecommunications.

The multipurpose servers are designed to cater for various technological functions suitable for tertiary education.

“As TNM, we would like to underscore our commitment to contribute towards ICT development in the country. By boosting capacity of universities and students, we are creating capacity create for them to be able to test the deployment of enterprise architecture comprising of database servers, application servers and presentation layers, among other functions,” said Chamba.

He said that the servers will enable institutions to implement robust test virtualization which is the foundation of cloud computing infrastructure.

TNM Head of Infrastructure and Cloud Services Macdonald Chamba

“Test virtualization have proven to be very beneficial in tertiary education sector ranging from easy management of data to provision of security for students and the institutions,” he added.
TNM has reaffirmed of continued investment in tertiary education which plays an integral role towards the economic growth.

“Social economic development of our nation hinges on tertiary education, therefore, it is significant to support the sector. Our contribution will align our local colleges and universities to the world’s technology trends including quality cloud services,” he said.

The company believes that the donation will address ICT infrastructure gaps in high institutions of learning.

“At TNM we understand that distribution of ICT resources is inadequate in our universities and government alone cannot afford to satisfy that need. We believe that the donation will support government’s efforts in ensuring easy access to ICT and telecommunication services in colleges and universities,” added the infrastructure head.

Centre Manager at Mzuzu University who represented the universities and colleges, Donnex Chilonga admitted the mismatch of practical knowledge and theory being fueled by shortage of ICT equipment in public institutions.

“There is a huge gap between theoretical part and practical aspect due to inadequate IT resources in our universities and colleges. We have practical knowledge; however, we don’t have equipment to apply the skills. The development, therefore, creates a mismatch which is affecting the ICT industry in the country,” said Chilonga.

Chilonga expressed gratitude to TNM saying the multifaceted gesture will improve ICT in public institutions for both learning and usage.

“We are institutions that depend on government subventions that are not enough to cater for our needs more especially in technology. We are very happy to receive these servers from TNM, this means that we are moving forward in terms of technology,” said Chilonga.

Through the donation, TNM has distributed 25 working servers to the six institutions and other decommissioned servers that could be used for learning more especially those doing hardware engineering programs.

Illovo Sugar Malawi donates anti-cholera items to Chikwawa Hospital

Illovo Sugar (Malawi) has donated cholera kits and medical supplies worth MK10 Million to Chikwawa District Hospital.

The donated items include are oral rehydration salts (ORS) zink, cotton wool, glucose and spirits.

Generals Manager for Illovo Nchalo Estate, Geoff Trott said the donation aimed at providing cholera sensitisation and treatment requirements for the District Hospital.

He sounded confident that the donation will contribute towards the Chikwawa district hospital’s efforts in combating cholera.

“As a company, we understand the importance of supporting our local communities and we remain committed to delivering social responsibility projects that impact Malawi positively.

“It is essential to note that cholera is a preventable disease that requires timely action from all stakeholders in health, including the government and private sectors. We all have a role to play in combating this disease,” said Trott

He further said: “The donation we have just made to the Chikwawa District Hospital is symbolic of our commitment to this cause. We urge all of you to remain vigilant, especially in cholera-prone areas like Malawi.”

Illovo also pledged to continue supporting the Malawi government in its efforts to provide quality healthcare delivery to its people wherever possible.

Taking his turn, Chikwawa District Medical Officer, Wamaka Msopole commended Illovo Malawi for the donation.

The cumulative confirmed cholera cases and deaths reported since the onset of the outbreak is 56,552 and 1,719 respectively, with Case Fatality Rate at 3.04%.

According to Presidential Task Force on Cholera, A total of 54,668 people have recovered and 165 are currently in the treatments centres.

All the 29 Health Districts have reported Cholera cases since the confirmation of the first case in March 2022 in Machinga District. The outbreak has been controlled in four Health Districts.

Castel trains management in operational excellence

By Alexander Juma, a Contributor

Some of the trainees in a group photo

Castel Malawi Limited gathered 71 of its management team across the country for a three-day training in Operational Excellence specifically designed to equip them with knowledge on how they can advance new strategies as the company takes a new direction.

The company’s Human Resource and Corporate Affairs Director, Gloria Zimba said they also felt that they should beef up the skills of the managers as part of building solid leaders for the company.

Sycamore’s Audrey Mwala training Castel Malawi staff

“We felt the need for the management team to be equipped with this end -to-end operational excellence knowledge because they are the ones who are entrusted with translating company strategies into operational objectives and deliverables. After the just-ended transition and with the new leadership, Castel Malawi is changing direction and focus, so there is need for these senior managers to be equipped to remain agile and ready to drive change.”

“We also believe in building and making successful leaders for our company. Castel Malawi Limited is also on a journey to drive gender-balance in terms of its recruitment and promotion policies. We have a mixture of male and lady senior managers, and we believe all of them can take Castel Malawi Limited into greater heights,” said Zimba.

Zimba (right) and Sycamore official handing a certificate to Lughano Nyirenda (middle)

“Apart from the academic qualifications and competences which the managers already have, we felt we should add this skill of Operational Excellence, because we also believe that these leaders are the ones driving company strategy, company objectives, vision, mission and values through team goals.”

“They are also the ones who design and drive operational objectives, operational key performance indicators and manage operational processes. We trust that after this training, they will improve their execution and delegation skills making sure that their team members align and are working in assisting the company to achieve company objectives,” explained Zimba.

Zimba (right) and Sycamore official handing a certificate to Thomas Mafuli

One of the participants, Lughano Nyirenda, from Lilongwe commended Castel Malawi for the training, saying the knowledge will be shared with other members of her team so that they push the same agenda to grow the Castel brand on the market.

“Because of the changes within the market, it is important to have such training. Our brand should still stand out despite the changes that are coming on the market,” she said.

Sycamore Consult facilitated the training which saw the participants awarded certificates of attendance.

FDH Bank promises more business growth

FDH Bank officials take questions from the investors

Listed FDH Bank plc has promised its continued passion and commitment to driving the business and supporting the economy by supporting the Malawi Vision 2063 which creates shared value for the investors, shareholders and other stakeholders.

The Bank’s  Board Chairperson, Charity Mseka made the remarks during an investors forum held in Blantyre on Friday.

FDH Bank Board Chairperson Charity Mseka speaks at the forum

According to Mseka, the forum was set to give a chance to stakeholders and shareholders to interact while the bank outlines its key activities and plans.

“Our esteemed investors, let me hasten to extend a vote of thanks to all the investors and shareholders present for trusting the Board and FDH Bank Plc when we listed on 3 August 2020. You made it a great success. Needless to say that at that time the Initial Public Offer was K10 per share and today it is hovering around K40 per share due to sustained strong financial performance registered by the Bank. Thank you very much for the confidence you have in the Bank.

Part of the audience at the forum

“This forum aims to share with you, our distinguished shareholders, where we are coming from, where we are and where we are collectively going as a Bank. This platform affords relatively ample time to share and discuss matters in more detail than the Annual General Meeting. I therefore request for your active participation and constructive contributions for growing our shared value,” she said.

Mseka also announced that the bank will open a branch in Likoma, an Island district which has never had a bank before, thereby forcing residents to access services at Nkhata Bay.

FDH Financial Holdings Limited CEO William Mpinganjira (left) poses with FDH Bank officials and an investor

She also indicated that following a previous forum, the bank considered one of the recommendations to have a seat for minority shareholders on the board.

“We are pleased to advise that on our Board we now have a lady of distinction Mrs. Juliana Somba Banda who will be properly introduced to you in due course,” she said.

One of the leaders of the minority shareholder association, Frank Harawa commended FDH for being pacesetters.

FDH Bank Managing Director Noel Mkulichi speaks at the event
An Investor Makhumbo Chikaonda take the floor
FDH Bank Managing Director Noel Mkulichi speaks at the event

Time for uncaring Estate owners to leave!

By Iommie Chiwalo

NAMIWA:Our findings are that it is only a handful of estate owners who have responded to effects of the devastating cyclone

The Centre for Democracy and Economic Development Initiatives (CDEDI) has not minced words but resolved to demand that all uncaring Estate owners must leave as they have abandoned their poor Malawian workers at a time they need them most.

In a statement released on Friday March 31 and signed by CDEDI Executive Director, Sylvester Namiwa said it is regrettable that most owners of various estates growing cash crops such as tea in the country have demonstrated that have no welfare of the people at heart.

“CDEDI hereby informs the general public that in the
event that the estate owners ignore the aforementioned demands, we will, beginning May 2023, mobilise communities to work on the affected roads and, thereafter, mount toll-gates,” reads the statement in part.

Continuing that as an alternative, estate owners not ready to commit to the demands above should
peacefully, and quietly, leave Thyolo and Mulanje districts.

Namiwa has thus far challenged estate owners, especially those affiliated to the Tea Association of Malawi (TAM) to voluntarily release idle land to allow for relocation of the landless affected families in Thyolo, Mulanje and Phalombe districts.

The CDEDI Chief has also demanded improvement of all roads in their catchment areas to gravel standard and work on bridges and culverts connecting their estates to the main roads.

He said this can be achieved by reviving corporate social responsibility initiatives such as providing potable water, constructing health facilities and providing bursaries to needy students.

Namiwa has also suggested the need to have working conditions and general welfare of the workers in the plantations improved.

“CDEDI would like to seize this opportunity to remind authorities, including the
estate owners, that the land the estates are using in Thyolo and Mulanje under freehold tenure was grabbed from the locals’ forefathers and that British colonialists inflicted pain on the locals in the early 1890s and, todate, nothing has been done to heal the same,” he said.

The observation comes against growing debate as to who actually benefits from the proceeds of the tea, tung, coffee and macadamia industry that has been in existence for over a century.

Namiwa says recent visit to the tea-growing districts of Thyolo and Mulanje has revealed that the estate owners are not moved by the plight of their workers who have been affected by effects of Tropical Cyclone Freddy, which have moved all and sundry into caring mode.

“Our findings are that it is only a handful of estate owners who have responded to effects of the devastating cyclone by doing something to mitigate the suffering of their workers. For instance, in Thyolo, it is only Nchima Estate that has provided relief items to 300 affected families surrounding the estate while Eastern Produce Malawi Limited (EPM) fixed the bridge on Msuwadzi River in Thyolo and, also, contributed K2.5 million towards for relief items to affected people in Mulanje,” he says.

Adding that it is worrisome to note that only a few players in the industry who are ready to alleviate the suffering of locals when disasters strike, while the rest, most of whom have been using cheap labour to enrich themselves and their families abroad for the past 100 years, just sit and watch the locals suffer.

“Worse still, doing all this at the expense of the locals, from whom they grabbed land,” he said.

He has highlighted that unlike in the past whereby the estates used to provide jobs and markets in time of need, presently most of them have either abandoned the core tea-growing business or those still in the business are using technologies that have replaced labour demands.

This development, according to Namiwa, has created more idle land on one hand, and dilapidated structures and destitute ultra-poor locals on the other.

“It is a mockery to think that the landless ultra-poor locals can rebuild their lives in these difficult economic times,” he said.

CDEDI has also requested Thyolo and Mulanje district commissioners to summon estate owners under their jurisdiction to an all-inclusive stakeholders’ meeting and demand from them commitment to the
aforementioned measures.

People’s Land Organisation (PLO) which has also been advocating for the land to be given back to locals says the call for an all-inclusive meeting as suggested by CDEDI Executive Director, is a welcome move saying otherwise there can be a repeat of what happened in the past whereby blood was shed.

Meanwhile Namiwa has confirmed that his organisation has penned all concerned parties including Parliamentary Committee Chairperson responsible for the matter at hand, Mark Bottoman.

NBS Bank Service Centres donate to Cyclone Freddy survivors

A woman receives maize flour from NBS Bank Blantyre Service Centre Manager Madalitso Banda

NBS Bank plc, through some of its service centres in the southern region, donated various items worth K14 million to Cyclone Freddy survivors in the various districts  after government declared a State of Disaster.

NBS Bank Head of Marketing and Customer Experience Tamanda Ng’ombe-Longwe said the donations by various southern cluster Service Centres were additional to the K200 million which the Bank and other subsidiaries of the NICO group already committed to Cyclone Freddy survivors.

“We are a Caring Bank, so this is our way of showing that we care for the people and communities we operate in. We want to alleviate some of problems being faced by those affected by Cyclone Freddy,” said Ng’ombe-Longwe.

NBS Bank employees in red t shirts donates the items

The NBS Bank Service Centres visited in groups and donate in approximately 11 centres in Blantyre, Zomba, Mulanje, Phalombe, Chiradzulu, Chikwawa, Nsanje, Machinga and Mangochi Districts.

“Cyclone Freddy has affected thousands of people in the southern region and some of them are our customers and stakeholders in areas where we operate. Therefore, we cannot sit idle but took up the corporate social responsibility to go a step further to help a little more where we can,” explained Ng’ombe-Longwe.

Speaking when the Bank through its Liwonde Service Centre presented relief items in Machinga, Liwonde Service Centre manager Robert Mtemachani also said as a ‘caring bank’ they felt duty bound to assist the survivors of the cyclone.

“These are our people and most of them give us business and we felt we had to come in and assist them. It is paramount for business operators to give back to society,” he said.

President Lazarus Chakwera declared a State of Disaster in the southern region of the country after Cyclone Freddy caused destruction of infrastructure and claimed more than 600 lives and displaced thousands of people.

NBS Bank members of staff with some of the items before donation

POLL: Was it right for Fleetwood Haiya to coordinate football hooliganism against FAM President Walter Nyamilandu?

The aftermath of Egypt-Malawi game at BNS on Tuesday saw Malawi soccer reach another sad low when coordinated hooliganism was likely sponsored and perpetrated against the FAM President Walter Nyamilandu.

What action do you expect from FIFA amidst speculations that some names like Fleetwood Haiya may have incited that violence at a soccer match on the 28th of March?


HAIYA: Bankrolled hooliganism

Prophet Mtupa’s prophecy on Flames fulfilled  

A prophecy by Malawi’s highly respected man of God, Senior Prophet Rodrick Mtupa of Holy Palace Cathedral International Ministry, on Malawi National Football team’s ‘poor performance’ has been fulfilled.

The prophecy fulfillment follows Malawi National football teams, the Flames 4 nil defeat to Egypt on Tuesday at Bingu International Stadium in Lilongwe in the Group D stage of the AFCON qualifiers.

During the cross over night of prayers on  December 31, 2022 at Comesa Hall in Blantyre, the God’s servant Senior Prophet Mtupa made a Prophecy that Flames will perform badly in ‘AFCON qualifiers’. 

In his prophecy, Mtupa said: “It is only netball that will rise this year…Football is not strong to rise in the country, and our national team, the flames will perform miserably in AFCON qualifiers…”

Malawi’s next assignment in the qualifiers is against Guinea at home and away Ethiopia in June 2023. 

Eight Primary School Teams to battle for Limbe Leaf  Trophy finals on Saturday

Flashback- Limbe Leaf Managing Director Donal McAlpin gives a gift to one of the players during the 2019 edition of Limbe Leaf Trophy

Eight Teams from Lilongwe rural and urban primary schools are set to battle for the championship of the Under 12 and 15 Limbe Leaf Trophy set for Saturday at Area 30 IG Police Headquarters Ground in the city.

The eight include four football and netball teams in the Under 12 and 15 and football in the same categories.  

According to Limbe Leaf Corporate Affairs Manager, Leah Hez, this year the company has invested K11 million in the tournament.

The competition started in the zones in three Education Districts which ran from two months from the 29th of October 2022 before the inter-zone games were played from 28th January 2023 to 5th February 2023 while inter-district games were played for two consecutive weekends on 25th and 26th February 2023 and on March 4th and 5th. A total of 492 schools  have participated with eight teams reaching the semi-finals.

 This year’s finals will see Balang’ombe battle with Tsabango for the under 12 netball title, while John Lee will face Balang’ombe in the under 15 netball categories.

Balang’ombe football team will face Chatsala in the under 12-football category, while Mwenyekondo and Njewa will fight for honours in the under 15 football category.

“Limbe Leaf started sponsoring the tournament in the early 1980s to develop grassroots sports and to motivate children to stay in school. As a company, our initiatives towards primary education are multifaceted and include construction of infrastructure at primary schools, provision of learning materials, sanitary pads for the girl child and tools and equipment for after-school activities. All these greatly aid in the drive to prevent children from being engaged in field work and other risky behavior,” said Hez.

Part of the action during the Limbe Leaf Trophy finals in 2019

On prizes, Hez said the company usually gives the players learning materials that boost pupils’ interest in school but also lessen the burden on parents in purchasing school supplies.

“For all players in teams on positions one and two, prizes include school bags, school supplies, pens and pencils. For best players or scorers prizes include a drinking bottle, dictionary and an atlas, while champions and other schools up to position four receive t-shirts, footballs and netballs,” explained Hez.

James Chavula the tournament’s organizing chairperson said all is set and teams have promised to display good sports skills on the day.

“Preparations are on course. We have been in touch with the teams and they are excited not only to win, but even to play at one of the big and good grounds like IG Police Headquarters is a motivation to them. You know most of the teams are from rural areas where they do not have access to quality sporting materials. I am sure on the day we will see talent that the tournament aims to unearth,” he said.

This year 492 teams participated in the competition. This is about three years after it was suspended due to Covid-19 restrictions.

Since its inception, the tournament has produced notable players that have represented the Malawi national teams and big clubs in the country like former Silver Strikers and Mighty Mukuru Wanderers’ defender Lucky Malata, Andrew Banda of Civo Service United, Gomezgani Chirwa , midfielder for FCB Nyasa Big Bullets, former Bullets defender and midfielder Pilirani Zonda and Nelson Kangunje respectively, Silver Strikers goalkeeper Steve Micheta, striker Mphatso Philemon of Mafco, and netball star Joyce Mvula of Central Pulse and formerly Manchester Thunders in UK.

UGI staff donates to Cyclone Freddy survivors in Blantyre

Mataya helps a woman carry her bag of maize flour

Members of staff of United General Insurance (UGI) mobilized themselves to contribute and buy both food and non-food items worth K1.5 million which were donated to Cyclone Freddy survivors in Chilomoni Township in Blantyre on Wednesday.

UGI Human Resources and Administration Manager Katija Mataya said as members of staff they were touched with the hardships the survivors of Cyclone Freddy were going through and decided to help them to ease the pain the cyclone caused.

“We feel sorry for these people, most of them have lost their property and their loved ones in a blink of an eye. That is why as staff members, we organized ourselves to contribute financial and material resources to help our brothers and sisters as they start to rebuild their lives,” said Mataya.

Some of the items that were donated at Mulunguzi and Lumbila camps include maize flour, sugar, salt, cooking oil and some clothes.

Mataya (right) donates a bag of maize flour to one of the survivors

Ward Councillor for Chilomoni Phillip Kameta thanked UDG members of staff for the gesture saying about four people were washed away with water and only one body has been recovered.

“We appreciate your help to alleviate the suffering of these people. We are really humbled that this help has come out of your kind hearts as members of staff of UGI, we are grateful for this gesture,” said Kameta.

Mulunguzi Primary School evacuation camp is keeping 38 displaced families while Lumbila Primary School evacuation camp is hosting 16 displaced families.

Mataya (left) symbolically donates maize flour to Councillor Kameta

One of the survivors who is at Mulunguzi camp Rose Chiwalanga,45, said she managed to rescue all her five children to safety but lost her house and property which was swept away by the raging waters.

“We really need help to rebuild our lives, I used to do a banana selling business and would like to be helped so that I must build another house and restart my business,” said Chiwalanga.

Cyclone Freddy has claimed lives of more than 900 people and displaced thousands of people in the southern region of the country and President Lazarus Chakwera declared a State of Disaster in the southern region and called for international and local support to help the survivors as they try to rebuild their lives. 

A young boy carries maize flour donated by UGI staff members at Mulunguzi camp in Chilomoni

NBM launches ‘Mo Cardless’ Promo

By Alexander Juma, a Contributor

National Bank of Malawi (NBM) plc has launched a new three-month promotion where customers utilising the cardless service stand to win different prizes with the grand winner going home with K1.5 million cash.

Speaking during the launch of the promotion dubbed ‘Mo Cardless’, NBM Plc mobile and e-money services manager, Enala Chirwa said the aim is to ease the lives of customers and provide seamless experience.

“The cardless service is an innovative solution that brings ease to customers who do not want to worry about losing their ATM card or forgetting it. To participate in the promotion, customers need to generate tokens which must be utilized. The more they use the service, the more tokens they generate, thereby increasing their chances of winning exciting prizes. The promotion is open to all National Bank of Malawi plc customers and the grand winner will be announced at the end of the promotion.”

“This promotion is a great opportunity for customers to take advantage of the cardless service and win exciting prizes. National Bank of Malawi plc is committed to providing innovative solutions to their customers and enhancing their banking experience,” said Chirwa.

The promotion has monthly prizes for customers generating more tokens that are redeemed, which includes K30, 000 for 20 people, branded T-Shirts, and branded Mug-cups.

Grand prize winner will cart home K1.5 million, while the second and third winners will get K1 million and K750, 000 each respectively.The promotion started on March 20.


Michel Hebert, newly appointed TNM’s Chief Executive Officer

Pioneering Malawian mobile network operator TNM Plc has appointed experienced Canadian telecoms engineer Michel Hebert as new Chief Executive Officer, the operator said in a statement.

TNM Plc Chairman Ted Sauti-Phiri said in the statement that the appointment of Michel is with effect from March 15 and that he brings with him a combined 25 years senior level experience in telecommunications and technology garnered in Africa and the Middle East.

“His leadership as either the CEO or CxO has transformed organizations, delivered growth and opened new markets for well-known telecom companies such as Orange (Egypt), Ooredoo (Tunisia), Djezzy (Algeria), Comium (Cote D’Ivoire), Digicel (Papua New Guinea),” he said.

Sauti-Phiri said Hebert also worked as a senior consultant and telecoms strategist in U.S, Australia, Japan, Indonesia, Sudan and South Korea. His vast expertise has taken him to high-profile mobile telecoms and tech firms such as Motorola, AT Kearney, Telstra, PT Inti, SK Telecom, Liquid, and Sudatel Group.

“Most recently, Michel has built, transformed and improved technology-led businesses at Sudatel Group (Sudan) in 4G LTE Advanced, Data Centres, Mobile Financial Services, and fibre optics deployments, gaining new market share, and doubling revenues and profits,” he said.

The chairman said Hebert has driven construction of thousands of kilometres of fibre for a massive new national infrastructure for Liquid in DR Congo.

“This opened new wholesale and home businesses with FTTH, which quickly dominated the Congolese internet markets, tripling revenues and profits in less than three years,” said Sauti-Phiri.

The chairman said in the statement the new CEO is an electrical engineer who earned his Bachelor of Science from Canada’s University of Waterloo and MBA from the University of Chicago’s Booth School of Business (USA).

MultiChoice Africa donates R1 million  (MK58 million) towards Cyclone Freddy disaster management in Malawi and Mozambique

Dr. Keabetswe Modimoeng, Group Executive Corporate Affairs and Stakeholder Relations, MultiChoice Africa

17 March, Johannesburg: As part of the disaster relief efforts, MultiChoice Africa today donated R 1 million (MK 58 million) towards disaster management in the countries affected by the devastating tropical Cyclone Freddy.

The aid which is facilitated by Gift of the Givers – an organization with a firm presence in both countries, will be channeled towards food security and other necessities. Together with its partners, MultiChoice Malawi and MultiChoice Mozambique, employee volunteers will assist with the distribution of the aid.

“Our hearts go out to the people of Malawi and Mozambique for the tragic losses they have suffered. This tragedy propelled us to make this humble contribution to support in whichever way is possible,” said Dr. Keabetswe Modimoeng, Group Executive Corporate Affairs and Stakeholder Relations, MultiChoice Africa.

With a long history of providing quality content in the form of news, sport, and entertainment to citizens in both countries, the company further emphasized its willingness to deepen collaboration with governments in markets where it operates. “Our door remains open to finding solutions and contributing towards the upliftment and betterment of African lives particularly in such moments of great distress,” added Modimoeng.

Upon the handover of the funds, Dr Imtiaz Sooliman, founder of Gift of the Givers, commented: “The donation from MultiChoice Africa will go a long way towards the disaster management in Mozambique and Malawi. It is imperative that corporates such as MultiChoice Africa continue to work with governments and foundations when it comes to disaster relief, no-one is able to manage the tragic impact of the likes of Cyclone Freddy on their own, it is only when we come together that we can support communities.”

For more information contact:

Moipone Tsotetsi

Mobile: +27 72 760 2869

Let’s stop propaganda and misinformation during this crisis…let’s promote unity as the President has implored

By Ezekiel Peter Ching’oma

When Cyclone Freddy struck us as a country, it became a unifying force that brought us together to support each other and work towards a common goal. This can be seen as a cataract, or waterfall, of unity that has flown through the country, strengthening bonds and encouraging collaboration.

Overall, it is important for individuals to come together during times of crisis and work towards rebuilding and healing their communities. This crisis has created a sense of solidarity and resilience that can help the country recover and grow stronger.

The President of Malawi, Dr Chakwera, after instructing his government to release funds to assist the victims, he is also personally visiting and consoling the victims of this natural disaster in their camps. On the other hand, several private citizens are also up and down providing a helping hand to the victims.

This is a positive move that shows support and solidarity towards the affected people. This would also boost morale and give hope to the survivors that their government and everyone else care for them in their time of need.

However, in general, it is not uncommon for crises or disasters like this to lead to an increase in misinformation and propaganda. This may be due to heightened emotions and a desire for quick answers or scapegoats. It is important to fact-check information and rely on trusted sources during these times to avoid being misled.

Nevertheless, it is essential to acknowledge that mistrust towards the government during times of crisis is not uncommon. This mistrust may stem from past experiences, conflicting interests, or lack of transparency.

In this situation, it is crucial to remember that while the government may not always be perfect, it is still responsible for managing crises and ensuring the safety and well-being of its citizens. It is essential to hold the government accountable for its actions and decisions and demand transparency, and clear communication.

It is also necessary to recognize the importance of coming together as a community and aiding one another during times like this. Anyone can pitch in and do their part to help those in need and promote unity and support, as the president has implored.

God Bless Malawi!!!!!

Illovo Sugar Malawi Plc Responds To Flooding In Chikwawa

Illovo Sugar Malawi Plc has activated a flood victims support plan for its Nchalo estate and surrounding

The plan was initiated soon after it was announced by the Department of Climate Change &
Meteorological Services that Cyclone Freddy was likely to affect Southern Malawi.

The company has put in place measures to support its employees as well as villages immediately
surrounding its operations in Nchalo.

Illovo Sugar Malawi Plc’s Managing Director, Lekani Katandula said: “Our Nchalo Estate team in Chikwawa is on high alert with safety measures in place to protect employees and operations during this disaster”. We are also offering basic supplies to affected communities closest to our Nchalo Estate.”

The Company will be providing essential supplies such as maize flour, soya pieces, cooking oil, salt, beans, soap tablets, buckets, mosquito nets, water guard, tents, and sanitary pads. The company is also currently providing potable water to the victims and surrounding communities.

Meanwhile, the company is waiting for further damage assessment especially of infrastructure to provide the necessary support and mitigations.

The company has committed a total of K100 million towards the emergency response support plan to
complement current government efforts in the provision of emergency support especially in Chikwawa.

Recently ISM handed over 6,250 to blankets to the Department of Disaster Management Affairs (DoDMA)
in fulfillment of a commitment which Illovo made during the Presidential Golf Tournament, which was held on October 8, 2022.

The total cost of the blankets is K40 million. The handover has been timely as this will also go towards the victims.

Katandula further added that:  “as a business ISM is committed to ensuring the “creation of a thriving
Malawian community and that this includes responding to challenges which may threaten that objective”.

In his closing remarks Katandula sent his heartfelt condolences to those who have lost loved ones as well
as those who have lost their homes.

 “It is not an easy time, but I believe that if we all come together as a nation, we can overcome this challenge. It is pleasing to note that many organizations and individuals are already doing so much to rally behind victim support initiatives. These are our everyday heroes, and we commend them.

Illovo Sugar (Malawi) plc is listed on the Malawi Stock Exchange with 76% of the issued share capital held by the Illovo group and the balance by public and other institutional investors.

 The corporate office is based at Limbe with two operations at Nchalo in the south of Malawi and Dwangwa in the mid-central region, producing sugar cane and raw and refined sugar, together with specialty sugars at Nchalo.

Illovo Malawi is the country’s sole sugar producer with more than 70% of total sugar sales sold to domestic consumer and industrial markets, and the balance exported to preferential markets in the EU and the USA, and the surrounding region.  


DPP Presidential aspirant Dr Dalitso Kabambe has called for more humanitarian assistance from the international community following the devastation caused by cyclone Freddy with the death toll gone over 300 and displaced thousands in most parts of the Southern Region.

Kabambe says, government and other stakeholeders that are on the ground are so overwhelmed with the unprecedented devastating impact of the cyclone, hence calling for more support from the international community. A concerted effort by many stakeholders will go a long way in managing the current situation and the rebuilding process.

He was speaking in the area of GVH Manguwo in Chiradzulu where a whole Ntawuchira village was swept away by a landslide from Chilimankhwanje village that affected over 60 households, and claimed 17 lives with many others missing. Dr Dalitso Kabambe was heartbroken to see only rocks and small streams covering what used to be a village with all the houses and agriculture fields gone.

Kabambe described the situation in the village as horrific and that it will take more time and resources for people to start rebuilding and recover from the disaster.

On his way to the village, Kabambe attended burial for 10 year old Eluby Tezalo who was killed in the landslide.

Meanwhile, some neighboring countries have started responding to calls for assistance.

Dr Dalitso Kabambe is still visiting and providing some food items to some of the most remote and hard-to-reach areas that have not yet had access to assistance.

Castel Malawi donates to cyclone survivors in Ndirande

By Alexander Juma, a Contributor

Castel Malawi MD Thomas Reynaud (right) handing over cheque to Kanojelera (2nd right) as Zimba and Milanzi look on

Castel Malawi, Malawi’s largest beverage company, has donated relief items worth K20 million to survivors of Cyclone Freddy which has claimed lives of more than 300 people and displaced thousands of families in the southern region of the country.

The donation was made on Thursday at four evacuation camps in Ndirande Township in Blantyre namely: Nyambadwe, Namalimwe, Matope, and Makata where the survivors have been relocated.

Castel Malawi’s Human Resource and Corporate Affairs Director, Gloria Zimba, said they started with Ndirande township because that is where the company is located, but will extend this help to other areas since most of their employees, customers and other stakeholders have been affected.

Castel Malawi employees offloading the items

“We could not continue to operate without thinking of the people who are in need and are suffering. On humanitarian grounds, the company thought it wise that we give these people a hand as part of our corporate social responsibility. The items donated will help to ease the problems these people are facing at the moment,” said Zimba.

The company partnered with Young Achievers for Development and other stakeholders to ensure that the survivors benefit from the relief items.

Nyambadwe Ward Councillor, who is also Deputy Mayor for Blantyre City, Funny Balaba Kanojelera, expressed gratitude to Castel Malawi for the donation, stating that this will benefit a lot of people who were in great need of blankets and food items.

Zimba (middle) briefing Castel Malawi MD Thomas Reynaud (Right)

“As of Wednesday, the number of occupants at the Nyambadwe primary school evacuation camp was about 1141, and the number is still going up. This act of kindness is a reminder that, in times of crisis, we must come together to support one another and build stronger communities. We therefore thank Castel Malawi for they have brought what is required to sustain these people,” he said.

One of the survivors, Cathy Chaona, a mother of five, narrated that she has lost her house and is lodging at Nyambadwe Primary School with his children.

“The main problem we have here is food. With Castel bringing foodstuffs, we are assured that we will have a meal,” she said.

Some of the donated items include blankets, maize flour, polythene sheets for covering windows, plastic buckets, plates, cups, soya pieces, sugar, salt, soap and other food stuff.

Blantyre drinking joint Newz Café Manja…raises K1.2 million for Cyclone Freddy survivors

Patrons of Newz Cafe Manja cheering ‘Biggie’ (second right) at the Manja Evacuation Camp

Blantyre drinking joint Newz Café Manja put their ‘drinking rounds’ aside to raise about K1.2 million to help Cyclone Freddy survivors which has claimed more than 300 lives and displaced more than 30,00 people in the southern region of the country.

The patrons were jolted into action after some members shared video clips and pictures of the victims and survivors of the cyclone living in bad conditions in various camps on the pub’s WhatsApp forum.

Chairman of the Newz Café Manja patrons Higger Mkandawire said the Newz Café pub is like a family and they have been helping patrons in times of happiness and sorrow.

“At first, as patrons we were helping each other in terms of weddings, birthdays and funerals but when these pictures of victims started coming we thought that we should open our arms and help the survivors.”

Ready for distribution- One of the patrons offered a vehicle to distribute maize flour

“What surprised me was that apart from patrons buying each other rounds of drinks, they also supported this cause with huge amounts of contributions, others contributing as high as K100,000. In the end we managed to raise about K1.2 million within two days of contributions,” said Mkandawire.

The patrons purchased maize flour which was distributed yesterday in three camps in Machinjiri, Bangwe and Kapeni and will distribute other items in Lunzu tomorrow, according to Mkandawire.

“Since we are based in Manja Township, we thought we should use the different expertise of our patrons to help at the Manja Evacuation Camp. We had one of our patrons Ipyana ‘Biggie’ Mwagomba, who is a professional Chef, cooking for the people at the camp and we provided items like cooking oil, vegetables and other items to help him and others who were preparing food for the survivors up until the night,” said Mkandawire.

Biggie (right with towel) getting encouraging words from Newz Cafe Manja patron Leslie Mbisa

Most of the patrons joined ‘Biggie’ at the centre to cheer him up and encourage him whole helping in other chores to help the survivors.

Gentomeni the situation at Manja camp is bad, if some of you can come and help us it will be much appreciated, we cooked until midnight and some of the people I was cooking with are very tired, please Gentomeni it’s a critical situation,” wrote ‘Biggie’ on the Newz Face WhatsApp group.

It was at this moment when many patrons contributed more and others visited ‘Biggie’ at Manja Camp to render their support.

President Lazarus Chakwera declared a State of Disaster for the southern region on March 13, 2023 and called for support both local and international and many people have been offering their individual and organization support to the survivors of the cyclone.

Rural empowerment key to building resilient communities-Kabambe

Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) Presidential aspirant, Dr. Dalitso Kabambe has spoken the need to empower rural communities economically as one way of building a resilient nation that would be able to mitigate the impact of some of the natural disasters that affect Malawi time and again.

Kabambe, who is visiting cyclone Freddy victims in Phalombe, was speaking at Chisawa camp in the area of Group Village Head Namangale where over 5000 people most of whom are women and children have been displaced and are being housed in one of the local churches in the area.

“If the rural communities are empowered economically, they will be able to afford decent housing some of which will be able to withstand some of the natural disasters. Economic transformation of Malawi as a whole is key to a better life for all,” said Kabambe

The former Reserve Bank Governor, who has been touted for sound fiscal and monetary policies during his time at the central bank, has embarked on a humanitarian support initiative where he is donating food packs to over one thousand households that have been affected by cyclone Freddy that hit most parts of the southern region.

TNM keeps customers talking with All Networks bundles

 …One bundle rate to keep customers in touch amidst Cyclone Freddy

Blantyre, 16th March 2023 – TNM Plc, Malawi’s pioneer mobile network and ICT services provider says it’s one bundle rate voice service, the TNM-to All-Networks Bundle, is a long-term solution to affordable connectivity across networks.

TNM Plc is the first mobile phone operator to offer the cross-network voice bundle whereby customers do not incur additional charges for calling a different local network other than TNM.

Head of Brand and Marketing Madalitso Jonazi said the TNM-to All-Networks Bundle—which allows TNM customers to call other network on the same bundle rate—will be helpful to customers in this time of Cyclone Freddy and other adverse weather conditions when people must constantly keep in touch at affordable rates.

“With adverse weather conditions like Cyclone Freddy, the need to always keep in touch with family and friends is much greater than ever before as everyone wants to be assured that their loved ones are safe wherever they are. The TNM-to All-Networks Bundle makes this possible at an affordable, one bundle rate. No need to incur additional charges for calling from TNM to other local networks” he said.

TNM to All Networks bundles are offering customers a choice of four options including Mtolo 245 valid for 24 hours offering 10 minutes, Mtolo 900 valid for 7 days offering 50 minutes and monthly bundles called Mtolo 4800 worth 160 minutes and Mtolo 6000 worth 350 minutes.

According to Jonazi, the voice bundles under this category are using one bundle rate for both TNM to TNM calls and TNM to other local networks calls. This means that TNM customers are now assured of getting more value from their voice bundles at an affordable price.

“One significant aspect of these bundles is that they are providing convenience to customers by giving them one bundle rate for calling without the complexities of paying different rates for TNM to TNM calls as well as TNM to other local networks calls. We believe that customers are enjoying the bundles which are available for daily, weekly and monthly usage,” he said.

Jonazi said that customers can buy these bundles using a wide range of digital platforms.

“For customers, buying of the bundles is very simple through our mobile and digital platforms. They can use the TNM Smart App or our mobile money platform Mpamba and use our USSD Code *202#,” added Jonazi.

NBM plc donates K135 million to Cyclone Freddy survivors

Kawawa(left) presents a dummy cheque to Kanong’oza

National Bank of Malawi (NBM) plc has donated a total of K135 million to help in relief items for survivors of Cyclone Freddy which has claimed lives of more than 200 people and displaced thousands of families in the southern region of the country.

Speaking in Blantyre Thursday when the Malawi Stock Exchange (MSE) listed bank presented the donation through international humanitarian organization Malawi Red Cross Society, NBM plc Chief Executive Officer Macfussy Kawawa described the Cyclone Freddy situation as ‘heartbreaking’.

“Cyclone Freddy has left a trail of destruction in its wake, causing significant loss of life, damage to human settlements, and infrastructure of all kinds in health, education, power generation, agriculture, and bringing threat to food security across several districts in the southern region.”

“The death toll has sadly risen to 225 with 707 injured and at least 40 people reported missing. This is a heartbreaking situation, and our hearts go out to all those affected by this disaster,” said Kawawa.

“At National Bank of Malawi (NBM) Plc, it is our responsibility to support our communities during times like this. It is against this background that we have committed a total of K135 million as support towards relief efforts,” added Kawawa.

He said the donation is in two bits with K15 million going through a consolidated Press Group of Companies (PCL) relief initiative and the K120 million to purchase first-line relief items for distribution to affected households through the Malawi Red Cross Society. NBM plc is a subsidiary of conglomerate Press Corporation plc.

Kawawa said the relief items will include food as well as non-food items such as tents, blankets, mosquito nets, plastic sheeting, utensils, buckets, and others adding that an allocation of fuel will also be made to the key players on the ground to enable their assessment and distribution efforts during this period.

“We recognize that these items may not fully alleviate the pain and suffering that those affected are going through, but we hope that they will bring some comfort and relief during this difficult time. It is our sincere hope that this contribution will be properly managed and will complement government efforts in providing aid to disaster-hit households,” said Kawawa.

Kawawa, who was flanked by NBM plc Deputy CEO Harold Jiya and NBM plc Head of Operations Brian Boby, also noted that ‘Cyclone Freddy has revealed a strong spirit of togetherness – Ubuntu among us’.

“It is our hope that we will continue to support one another during this difficult period and that we will stand together to rebuild our nation. Let me reiterate that NBM Plc is committed to supporting our communities in times of need. We will therefore continue to stand with our fellow Malawians, providing support and hope in the face of adversity,” assured Kawawa.

Receiving the donation, Malawi Red Cross Society Secretary General McBain Kanong’odza thanked NBM plc for the donation and assured that the donation will reach its intended Cyclone Freddy survivors.

“We want to assure you that we are going to account for all the resources that we have received to help the survivors and this donation will reach the intended beneficiaries,” said Kanong’odza.

According to a report released by the Department of Disaster Management Affairs (DoDMA) at 11am on Wednesday the 15th of March, Cyclone Freddy has displaced over 19,676 households (approximately 88,312 people) and 165 camps have been set to accommodate the displaced with the death toll rising to 225 with 707 injured and at least 40 people reported missing.

Hip Hop Star Tay Grin to perform at Whisky A Go Go in USA

Malawi’s hip-hop superstar Tay Grin is expected to perform at Whisky A Go Go in United States of America (USA) on Thursday, April 20.

Tay Grin’s Agency Representation, Karen Osborn, has confirmed the development in a statement saying there is an agreement between Tay Grin and Whisky A Go Go on the show.

In a separate interview with TIMES 360 Grin said: “It is my desire to fly to America with my entire team, my traditional dancers and drummers because I want to go to America to showcase our beautiful Malawian culture and music,”

The celebrated rapper Grin also known as Nyau King will perform alongside RBL Posse, Adrian Junior, Dylan Garcia, and more. Whisky a Go Go is a historic nightclub in West Hollywood, California, USA. The club has been the host for musicians and bands.

The multi-award winner Grin born as Limbani Kalilani came on the scene over a decade ago; he introduced himself as a Business in hit-song “Ndabwera”.

Grin’s music has seen him establish a fan base not only in Malawi, but right across the continent.

The multi-talented artist has also won numerous local awards like the Nyasa Music awards and the Urban Music People (UMP Awards) in categories such as best live act, best video and best Male artist.

In 2014, Grin won a Black Entertainment Film Fashion Television and Arts (BEFFTA) award for Best International African Act.

In 2016, he won the BEFFTA Star Award in the music category. He has performed at the annual Lake of Stars Music Festival.

He also won the 2016 WatsUp TV Africa Music Video Awards Best Traditional Video award,] with the Video Chipapapa featuring 2baba.

He has also won numerous local awards like the Nyasa Music awards and the Urban Music People (UMP Awards) in categories such as best live act, best video and best Male artist.

In 2018, he won the UMP Fashion awards for Most Fashionable Celebrity.

TNM donates K20m relief items to flood victims

Gowera presenting the dummy cheque to Washoni

Blantyre March 14, 2023—Malawis pioneer mobile network and ICT services provider TNM Plc, has donated K20 million relief items to Malawi Red Cross Society to assist with relief efforts for victims of the Tropical Cyclone Freddy that have wreaked havoc in the country.

Tropical Cyclone Freddy has affected the southern part of Malawi causing deaths, injuries, and property loss for survivors.

Speaking during the handover ceremony TNMs Acting Chief Executive Officer, Lloyd Gowera said the donation underscores TNMs commitment to respond to the disaster and ease the pain and suffering of the affected communities.

“Following the occurrences of Tropical Cyclone Freddy we have witnessed devastating conditions of the victims in the affected areas. As a truly Malawian company, we felt obliged to play our part in contributing to the relief efforts and improve their rehabilitation,” said Gowera.

According to TNM, the donation which is comprised of food items (Maize flour, Soya Pieces, Salt, Sugar, Cooking Oil), Blankets and Buckets will alleviate some of the challenges in camps.

“We are looking forward to fast recovery of the victims as such we have come with necessities in our quest to alleviate their immediate challenges. This reaffirms our commitment to share our network in both good and bad times as we always say always with you,” he said.

Gowera said TNM decided to channel the funds through Red Cross because of the charitys vast experience in managing resources meant for disasters including the previous working relationship that started in 2015.

“TNM decided to channel the funds through Malawi Red Cross Society as they are working directly on the ground where the impact is. The Red Cross is one of the worlds largest humanitarian organisations. TNM Plc is confident that our contribution will be put to good use as has been the case in the recent past when we worked with them to respond to similar disasters before, he added.

The Acting CEO also expressed TNMs heartfelt condolences to families who had lost their loved one in the recent disasters, and wished those injured quick recovery and those displaced a quick rehabilitation.

TNM as a Malawian company is greatly touched by the disaster and the plight of the victims. We mourn with the bereaved families and pledge to continue collaborating with agencies like Malawi Red Cross in our response,” added the Acting CEO.

Malawi Red Cross Society Communications and Resource Mobilisation Specialist Felix Washoni appealed for more support to help in the ongoing rescue mission.
Right now, we are at a very critical phase of our operations which requires urgency and holistic approach. This is a Search and Rescue phase whereby we would like to identify survivors and enhance their rehabilitation, said Washoni.

Washoni expressed gratitude to TNM for the kind gesture and hailed the cordial relationship the two organisations have for the past nine year.

“Let me thank TNM for the timely donation towards the flood victims in the country this will go a long way. Since 2015 TNM has always been with us in times of our great needs. In addition, the company has made the donation after visiting the camps and appreciate the situation on the ground,” he said.

According to the Department of Disaster Management Affairs (DODMA) in the Ministry of Homeland Security, the death toll from the Tropical Cyclone Freddy has reached more than 190 as of Tuesday and assessments are still going on.

PCL Group commits K180 million to Cyclone Freddy survivors

Mangani- Group-wide response

Conglomerate Press Corporation plc and its subsidiary companies have committed resources worth more than K180 million to assist the survivors of Cyclone Freddy which has claimed more than 200 lives in the Southern Region of the country.

Newly appointed PCL Chief Executive Officer Ronald Mangani said in an interview yesterday that the group has mobilized all its subsidiaries to contribute towards assisting the victims of the cyclone.

“We have embarked on a group-wide response to the disaster by working together with all the group companies to pool together financial, material and logistical resources to support the exercise.”

“A Task Force consisting of representatives from all the companies under the group has been formed so that we can reach the intended victims with our support,” said Mangani.

He said the group will work hand in hand with other agencies like the Department of Disaster Management (DoDMA) and other humanitarian organizations to make sure that the survivors are supported and helped.

“PCL wears a national face because of our various investments in the key sectors of the economy, and we are very concerned with the effects of the cyclone. That is why we have pooled these resources to help the people who are our vital stakeholders in our different businesses,” said Mangani.

President Lazarus Chakwera declared the Southern Region a disaster area and called for support from different public and private sector organizations to alleviate the suffering of the victims of the cyclone who have lost their loved ones and property, and have been displaced.

DoDMA Commissioner Charles Kalemba indicated that apart from the loss of lives, more than 4,000 households have been affected by the cyclone, translating to more than 10,000 people.

NBM’s Amayi Angathe Loans benefits 2880 women

By Alexander Juma, a Contributor

Women show off presents from NBM plc during the Tea party

National Bank of Malawi (NBM) Plc’s ‘Amayi Angathe’ loan, a facility specifically designed to support women entrepreneurs, has benefited more than 2880 business women since its inception in 2019.

The bank’s business development manager, Wyson Kayira disclosed this in his presentation at the celebration of International Women’s Day in Blantyre last week.

Women interacting at the IWD Amayi Angathe event

NBM plc hosted a Tea Party to numerous women who have benefited from the ‘Amayi Angathe’ product that specifically targets women entrepreneurs in need of financial support to grow their businesses.

“The loan helps in the economic development of the country by bringing in sectors that have never been part of the financial service industry before. The loan product offers competitive interest rates, flexible repayment terms, and customized loan amounts based on the individual business needs of the borrower.”

Women applaud during the NBM Tea Party

“The product also provides mentorship and training to help women entrepreneurs succeed in their businesses. National Bank of Malawi’s ‘Amayi Angathe’ product seeks to address these challenges and empower women entrepreneurs to succeed,” said Kayira.

Fawzia Gilbert, who is one of the beneficiaries of the loan, encouraged fellow women not to be afraid of getting a loan from the bank.

A Blantyre based business woman Michelle Mazibuko speaks at the Tea Party

“The loan from NBM plc of ‘Amayi Angathe’ does not require collateral and it does not take long to get it and women can do anything men can. Let me just urge all the women to be getting loans with the purpose of growing their businesses and not for enjoyment. You cannot get a loan to buy an air ticket to go outside the country to enjoy. As for me, I got the loan to grow my school business where I bought desks and built other blocks,” she said.

NBM Accounts Relationship Manager Mwayi Kalulu engages women during the Tea Party

During the event, women were also engaged in business and financial management sessions.

In Malawi, this year’s Women Day was celebrated on March 8 under the theme “DigitALL: Innovation and technology for gender equality”.

NBM plc Mobile and e Money Services Manager Enala Chirwa engages the women at the Tea Party
NBM plc Marketing and Corporate Affairs Manager Akossa Hiwa gives a word of appreciation to the women at the Tea party
One of the loan beneficiaries, Fawzia Gilbert testifying about how she benefitted from Amayi Angathe product
Entrepreneurs at the event

Castel Malawi commits K20 million to environmental conservation

By Alexander Juma, a Contributor

Castel Malawi Managing Director Thomas Reynaud gestures before planting his tree

Castel Malawi Limited in its forest restoration campaign has committed K20 million for this year’s tree-planting exercise in the country.

The initiative, aimed at restoring the lost forests was launched at the Mudi Catchment area in Blantyre on Friday, which is one of the key sources of water for Blantyre Water Board (BWB).

Part of the K20 million has been used to buy 10,000 tree seedlings, while the remaining part will be used in other interventions aimed at nurturing the seedlings as a way of recovering the lost forest cover and conserving the environment.

Castel Malawi Managing Director Thomas Reynaud (left) prepares to plant a tree

Speaking during the event, the company’s human resource and corporate affairs director, Gloria Zimba stated that the initiative is part of their commitment to environmental sustainability.

“We have put in place an initiative to ensure that together with the people in the surrounding area, we should hold hands to protect the trees. We will form a team with the help of Malawi Police composed of the people around the area to patrol the area and ensure that the trees are protected,” said Zimba.

She added that the partnership between Castel Malawi and the Blantyre Water Board (BWB) is an important step towards protecting the environment and ensuring a sustainable future for generations to come.

Castel Malawi Managing Director Thomas Reynaud waters his tree

“The tree-planting exercise is also aimed at creating awareness about the importance of conserving the environment and encouraging people to participate in environmental conservation activities. We will plant trees in other selected areas like Liwonde, Mzuzu and others,” explained Zimba.

In his remarks, BWB senior water quality and environmental officer, Joe Chimeta, commended Castel Malawi for the gesture saying it compliments their efforts to save Mudi Catchment Area.

“We have had a challenge with siltation of the dam due to the cutting down of trees around this catchment area. Five years ago, members of the surrounding communities encroached this place, but we are making progress to restore it,” he said.

Castel Malawi Head of Legal and Company Secretary Chipi Kauka

Group Village Headman Matope from Ndirande Township also commended Castel Malawi for the decision to plant and nurture the trees.

“Every year companies and organisations come to plant trees here but the place still looks the same because the trees lack care. It is therefore interesting to note that Castel Malawi has committed to take care of the trees planted today,” he said.

The participants who included school children around Ndirande, residents of Ndirande, BWB employees, Police officers and Castel Malawi employees planted the trees with enthusiasm, and there was a sense of satisfaction among them as they took part in an activity that will help to protect the environment.

Castel Malawi employees in tree planting exercise
Castel Malawi Human resources and Corporate Affairs Director Gloria Zimba after planting her tree

PIL donates K4.5 million items in Cholera fight

Pingani (left) handing over the items to Tembo (right)- photo by Gazette Media

Petroleum Importers Limited (PIL) has joined the fight against cholera outbreak in the country by donating 1500 intravenous drips worth K4.5 million to Blantyre District Health Office (DHO).

Speaking during the official handover ceremony on Thursday, PIL operations manager, Edmond Pingani said they decided to intervene as part of supporting the government in the fight against the pandemic which has claimed lots of lives in the country since last year.

“The Government is doing all it can to stop the pandemic through mass vaccinations, awareness campaigns and provision of medication and is overwhelmed. We believe as corporates, we have a role to play. We are aware that most hospitals are experiencing a shortage of medication to treat this outbreak resulting in more deaths.”

“The shortage of ORS, proper cholera treatment facilities, clean water and ringer’s lactate, antibiotics and many more drugs have made it very difficult for the hospitals to combat this disease. This donation therefore is also in fulfilment of the commitment the PIL board of directors made to be socially responsive in times of emergencies and when need arises through its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program,” said Pingani.

PIL team with BT DHO team at the event

Receiving the donation on behalf of Blantyre DHO, Pharmacy Technician Vuso Tembo commended PIL for the support saying the donation will go a long way in containing the rising cases as the items are one of the basic supplies required when treating cholera patients.

“We are so happy for this donation from PIL because ringer’s lactate is a must-have item when it comes to treatment of cholera cases. So, we cannot do without it. Currently the cases are dropping but then the battle is still on. We believe it is because people are embracing the preventive measures and also interventions by other organizations in raising awareness on the same,” he said.

PIL is a consortium of four petroleum marketing companies namely Vivo of Engen Filling Stations, Puma, Total Energies, and Petroda.

Some of the donated items


KENYATTA: Granted the injunction

Mayi wina yemwe dzina lake ndi Isabel Tungande watukwana mafumu komanso watseka mseu omwe anthu a mmudzi mwa a Makalani  ndi Senza akhala akudutsa mmbuyo momsemu.

Mseu umenewu unalumikizitsa midzi iwiri, mudzi wa Makalani ndi Kasiyafumbi mpaka anthu amakafika ku Ntandire akadutsa nseu umenewu.

Koma ngakhale mafumu akuyesetsa kuti msewu umenewu usatsekedwe koma ukule chifukwa ndiofunikira kwambili, mayiyo watemetsa nkhangwa pa mwala  chifukwa amanyengana ndi nduna ina yomwe yangosakhidwa kumene.

Even A TA Njewa anapondapo nkunena kuti pali nseu ofunika koma mayiyu wanyoza mfumu yaikuluyo komanso mafumu onse omwe anabwera atatumidwa ndi a T/A kuti akalongosole za nsewuwo.

Mochita challenge, mayiwu wauza mafumuwo kuti iwowo alibe  mphamvu zomuuza zochita chifukwa malowo ndiake ndipo adagula yekha ndindalama zake.

Ndipo adapitiliza kuwapanga challenge a T/A Njewa kuti ngati akufuna kuyankhula naye galimoto ya amuna ake omwe ali a Minister ikawatenga abwere nawo kunyumba kwake.

Mafumu anyozedwa kuti ngakhale iwowo anagamula kuti pali nseu iyeyo nkhaniyo akupita nayo kukhoti chifukwa pali anthu ena omwe iyeyo akudana nawo kuti asamaduse nsewuwo. 

Pofufuza mafumu apeza kuti anthu omwe akudana nawo ndi ma neighbor ake.  Akuti asamadutse nseu wapakhomo pake. Zifukwa zake zodziwa yekha. Nkomwenkomwe nseuwo ndi wa public.

Pano poti achibwezi ake apatsidwa unduna wapeza mphamvu zambili zotseka nseu ndipo anthuwo asevedwa ndi ma pepala a injunction omwe ma date ake akuonetsa kuti analembedwa chaka cha 2021 Nthawi yonseyi amawasunga nthumba! 🤣

 A Justice Nyirenda ndiomwe asayinila chiletso chodutsa nsewuwo. 

A Officer Incharge a pa Chitedze Police Station nawonso analipo pamilandu yomwe mafumuwo adayitanitsa. Chifukwa adauzidwa kutelo ndi Anduna.

Funso lochoka kwa mafumu nkumati;  Kodi mphanvu zolamulira anthu kumudzi zayambano kuchoka kwa zinduna? Kodi tayambanso kuyenda chamfutambuyo!  Kodi democracy ija kani ndimeneyi.

Mafumu nawo pofuna kuonetsa mphamvu zawo adamuuza mayiyo kuti zisadzamuonekele adzapita kwa Maloya(Lawyer) kuti adzamuthandize. 😡

Nkhaniyi ikupitililabe ndipo mafumu nawo akutemetsa nkhwangwa pamwala kunena kuti milandu ikakhala pakati pa mayiyu Isabel Tung’ande Vs Chiefs & people of Makalani Village.

Zidze pano mzatonse nduna uku ziyaluka chifukwa chochengeta azimayi a mtseri. Ndunayo muyidziwa pompano mafumu akaloleza kuti tiyitchule dzina lake.  Koma akuti ndiya ku Nkhata Bay.

IG Yolamu given seven days to update Malawians on sodomy case by Bakelines employee

By Iommie Chiwalo

The office of the Malawi Police Service, Inspector General, Merlyne Yolamu has another task within seven days to update the nation on the status of warrant of arrest for Bakelines official who is allegedly to have sodomized his co-workers.

The Centre for Democracy and Economic Development Initiatives (CDEDI) Executive Director Sylvester Namiwa has written the IG based on what happened on February 10, 2022 whereby social media influencer Idris Ali Nassah, posted on Facebook about two young men that complained that their boss, a foreign national used to lock them in a small room at their workplace at Bakelines Limited premises where he would then rape them.

“The terrified boys say they were threatened with death or disappearance should they tell anyone of this horrific abuse,” wrote Nassah.

And as a matter of progress, Malawians were informed thereafter that a warrant of arrest was secured and that the police launched investigations on one hand while details emerged on the other hand that the suspect was kept at a traceable house in Area 10 in Lilongwe while arrangements were being made to help him leave Malawi.

What is more of concern to CDEDI is that today, one year down the line, Malawians are in the dark on the progress of the matter, let alone the identity of the suspect as has been the case with all sodomy and rape cases where names of suspects are disclosed.

Namiwa has, therefore, said his organisation is giving seven days to the IG Yolamu so that can provide the requested information, and that failure to do so will leave Malawians with no choice but to take the next course of action to ensure that justice is served on the matter.

“It is against this background that CDEDI, in line with the Access to Information Act (ATI) writes you demanding that you make a public disclosure of the identity of the suspect and his current whereabouts.

Namiwa has also requested for proof to the nation the efforts, if any, the Malawi Police Service (MPS) in conjunction with Bakelines Limited undertook to ensure that the suspect should be arrested.

“It is important to put it to you madam, that your prompt response will put to rest the fears that the MPS exercises preferential treatment in the way it handles suspects of foreign origin,” reads the letter in part.

Following the incident, on February 11, 2022, the then Minister of Labour Hon. Vera Kamtukule reacted to this appalling revelation by visiting Bakelines Limited in Lilongwe and it was established that the employee in question indeed was in the habit of
sodomising local male employees.

“It is on record that the matter was first reported to the Area 30 Police Station on January 24, 2022, then to Kanengo Police Station where it was referred to a hospital and a medical examination confirmed sodomy. These findings are what compelling CDEDI to seek an update from the office of the IG.

The letter has since been duly delivered in the office of IG Yolamu but this publication is yet to get feedback on the next course of action by the law enforcers.

Need cash?Wait no more: TNM Mpamba Kashi-Kashi is here

TNM Acting Chief Executive Officer Lloyd Gowera speaking at the launch

TNM Mpamba Limited, subsidiary of Malawi Stock Exchange-listed TNM Plc Thursday launched the Mpamba Kashi Kashi promotion to reward customers and agents across the country.

Speaking at Nsungwi of Area 25 in Lilongwe, Acting Chief Executive Officer, Lloyd Gowera said Kashi Kashi aims to share the multiple benefits that the mobile money platform is providing such as enhancement of financial inclusion.

“Our Mpamba platform is making a significant impact to the social economic development of the country. Therefore, the promotion aims at engaging our key stakeholders thus agents and customers to enhance their experience on digital transactions,” he said.

The promotion will give prizes to 840 agents and 1344 customers.

Some of TNM customers that patronised the launch

“Our goal is to encourage mobile transactions which is now a lifestyle for every customer and with the promotion everyone is a winner. Every two weeks customers and agents will be winning cash prizes ranging from K25,000 to K100,000. First winner will be getting K100,000, second winner K50, 000 and third winner K25,000 during the bi-weekly draws,” said the Acting CEO.

During the grand draw Mpamba Kashi Kashi will make 28 customers millionaires from every district in the country.

“We always live by our core purpose of creating possibilities therefore through the promotion we are going to accomplish that. The final draw of the promotion will dish out K1 million to 28 customers, one from every district. Furthermore, 28 agents will win K500,000 each from every district,” added Gowera.

Mpamba Kashi-Kashi has simplified entry modalities where customers will participate after any transaction of K500. Agents will participate after servicing customer transaction of K5,000.

The promotion will run from 9th March to 6th June 2023.

Chris Sukasuka, Mpamba General Manager speaking at the launch

Empowering women beyond human rights

By Benjamin Maona, a Contributor

Oswin Kasunda, NBM Head of Retail Banking

Malawi has a high level of gender inequality, and women face significant barriers to economic empowerment. On March 8 every year , the world commemorates  International women’s day as part of recognizing the human rights and roles of women in the society.

Malawi is not spared, and this year’s commemoration will take place at Malika Ground in Zomba District under the theme ‘DigitALL: Innovation and Technology for Gender Equality’.

Capitalizing on the theme, National Bank of Malawi Plc, is set to  empowering women beyond human rights by ensuring they are financially capacitated.

According to the Bank’s Head of Retail Banking, Oswin Kasunda, NBM Plc has arranged  business clinics for 150 women under its ‘Amayi Angathe’ Product and Service offering for borrowing and no-borrowing clients in all the three regions of the country in the month of March.

Kasunda said in an interview that the Bank intends to use the clinics to unveil its innovation, a WebPortal for the ‘Amayi Angathe’ Product , to enhance gender equity in business and to promote financial inclusion among groups that constitute a significant portion of Malawi’s unbanked population.

“Our typical Amayi Angathe client is a lady entrepreneur that are running her business in all sectors approved by Bank and with current annual sales turnover of up to Fifty Million Malawi Kwacha. These could be sole proprietorships, partnerships, limited companies. Additionally, the conference will also target prospective customers that could benefit from the offering.”

“The information sharing portal aims at promoting access to information in the financial system, acceptable banking practices and business management technics which have been a hindrance to growth of businesses managed by lady entrepreneurs. In order to positively contribute to the social and economic development of the country, NBM plc decided to target special groups with a long-term view of empowering them financially,” said Kasunda.

Kachelenga-This is commendable

With figures showing that women entrepreneurs are increasing in the country, Kasunda said it is important to empower them economically as this will also lead to the development of their respective societies.

“The Bank anticipates that these business clinics will eventually empower women entrepreneurs to stand on their own and contribute to the country’s economic development in general. The ‘Amayi Angathe’ product offering is designed in such a way that women entrepreneurs will graduate upon reaching the K50 million annual turnover threshold. At this point, the women will have acquired the necessary collateral and will now be able to stand on their own and enjoy  services offered by the Bank under the SME Programme,” he added.

According to Kasunda, the clinics are also expected to enhance information sharing among women so that other women entrepreneurs can learn how to manage their businesses through testimonies.

“It is also the Banks’s expectation through this financial inclusion drive that every woman in business will be made aware of the product offering and ultimately benefit from the clinics. The ultimate goal is to see the women’s businesses grow into big corporate entities,” he added.

Angela Kachelenga, a mobile money banking service provider and a Grocery owner plying her trade at Ngumbe Township praised ‘Amayi Angathe’ Loan saying she has grown her businesses so fast.

“I started utilizing the service the year it was launched when I heard that the loans do not require collateral. Through the soft conditions attached to the loans, I have grown my businesses after accessing K3 million, then K1.2 million which I paid back without problems. This year I am planning to get K5 million even though I already see it as small for the business,” she said.

On the business clinics Kachelenga said: “This is commendable as women need financial education on how to manage businesses. Gone are the days when people used to see business people as illiterates. As a beneficiary of ‘Amayi Angathe’ Loans, I have employed three people helping me to run my businesses, but my aim is to impart knowledge into them and have them graduate to own their businesses.”

“Currently, I have already trained one who is also running her own businesses. Therefore, the knowledge and skills I will acquire from the clinic will not benefit me only.”

With most business interventions, the challenge has been to follow up if they are making progress through the use of the knowledge given.

However, Kasunda said they have put measures in place to ensure it bears fruits.

“We are constantly making follow ups with targeted women in their places of business, as a bank we have dedicated account relationship teams who are regularly visiting them to appreciate the level of growth and the challenges being faced.”

“The team is always available to assist the women in acquiring relevant financial information which is crucial in the day-to-day management of their businesses. The session will also assist to solicit feedback from the women through panel discussions and questionnaires,” he concluded. 

NBM supports MLS lake conference with K2 million

By Alexander Juma, a Contributor

Mitole (right) hands over the symbolic cheque to Ngunde (left)-photo by Gazette Media

National Bank of Malawi (NBM) plc has given the Malawi Law Society (MLS) K2 million to support their Annual General Conference (AGM) set for March 23-26 in Mangochi.

Speaking during the symbolic cheque presentation on Tuesday, NBM Plc Company Secretary and Head of Legal Department, Zunzo Mitole said the bank recognizes the critical role played by the legal profession in shaping Malawi’s social and economic fabric.

“The conference will provide a platform for legal practitioners and stakeholders to discuss and deliberate on issues affecting businesses across the country. As NBM plc, we have confidence that this conference will be an insightful and thought-provoking event that will contribute to the growth and development of the legal profession in Malawi.”

Mitole (right) shakes hands with Ngunde (left)-photo by Gazette Media

“NBM plc’s partnership with the MLS is expected to create an enabling environment for its continued growth and success. The Bank appreciates MLS for its continued dedication and commitment to advancing the legal profession in Malawi,” said Mitole.

Malawi Law Society (MLS) Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Chrispin Ngunde, expressed delight and appreciation for the sponsorship saying it will help them to meet the significant costs associated with the conference.

“This sponsorship will help support the MLS’s efforts to promote excellence in the legal profession and advance the rule of law in Malawi. We therefore extend our appreciation to the National Bank of Malawi (NBM) for the support,” said Ngunde.

The theme for the conference is ‘Beyond Rhetoric and Impunity: Law, Governance and Economic Transformation.’


Illovo Sugar Malawi Managing Director Lekani Katandula

Illovo Sugar (Malawi) has reiterated its commitment of empowering women for economic development to make good strides in the country.

Managing Director for the company, Lekani Katandula reiterated the commitment in statement issued on Wednesday as the world commemorates International Women’s Day.

According to Katandula, Illovo celebrates women’s achievements and contributions, as well as reinforces its commitment to playing an active role in driving gender equality.

“Although there is a shift within the country with more women taking up leadership positions as well as an improvement in gender policies and practices, the road to achieving equal and fair representation of women in leadership positions remains long.

 In recognition of the need to step up our own efforts Illovo Sugar Malawi plc (ISM) launched a special forum called the Illovo Women in Leadership (IWIL) IN October last year to assist with progress towards female equality in leaderships roles within its operations,” reads the statement in part

It further reads: “The forum is tasked to find solutions and interventions around the acceleration of women inclusion into leadership positions within the Organisation. The platform will be the driving force behind empowering ISM’s female leaders, promoting gender equality in the workplace, celebrating success stories, and offering opportunities to create positive change.”

“We have set out ambitious but attainable goals for internal change and will be working towards influencing wider social change where possible. We are hopeful that IWIL will accelerate our progress towards achieving at least 30% women representation in leadership positions by the year 2025 from the current 12%.

Through active mentorship and the women’s forum initiatives, we hope to see a female workforce that is more confident and empowered to take on the next leadership position whilst also empowering their colleagues and subordinates. Additionally, we hope that career talks to girls in secondary school and universities will motivate and empower girls to be change makers and strive to hold leadership positions as they join the corporate world or run their own businesses.”

There is more, ISM has also partnered with Malawi University of Science and Technology (MUST) by providing funding for the University’s Endowment Fund worth K150 million— which aims to give financial support to disadvantaged but deserving students, with specific target being the Girl Child.

This further supports ISM’s diversity and inclusion strategy for higher women representation within not only its leadership positions but within the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) fields.

The decision to invest in this MUST Endowment Fund is driven towards facilitating more women in STEM -inclined roles. ISM stands to gain from more young women completing their STEM studies ready to take on possible future opportunities within the Organisation. Therefore, significantly contributing towards ‘DigitALL: Innovation and technology for gender equality’.

These initiatives are part of the company’s Diversity Equity Inclusion and Belonging (DEIB) agenda within the Illovo Sugar Africa Group.

Illovo Sugar (Malawi) plc is listed on the Malawi Stock Exchange with 76% of the issued share capital held by the Illovo group and the balance by public and other institutional investors.

The corporate office is based at Limbe with two operations at Nchalo in the south of Malawi and Dwangwa in the mid-central region, producing sugar cane and raw and refined sugar, together with specialty sugars at Nchalo.

Illovo Malawi is the country’s sole sugar producer with more than 70% of total sugar sales sold to domestic consumer and industrial markets, and the balance exported to preferential markets in the EU and the USA, and the surrounding region.

NBS Bank sees 140% profit jump after tax

Listed NBS Bank says it expects a 140% profit jump after tax for the year ended 31 December 2022 compared to the same period last year.

Earlier, the Malawi Stock Exchange (MSE) listed bank had projected a 110% profit after tax for the review period.

But in a revised trading statement signed by the Bank’s Company Secretary Marsha Ovi Machika, said the change in the expected profits is due to recoveries through courts whose conditions for recognizing the proceeds of the claims were met after the first publication of the trading statement was already published.

“The information in which this revised statement is made has not been reviewed or reported by the company’s external auditors,” reads the statement in part.

NBS Bank’s Company Secretary Marsha Ovi Machika

The statement also said a review of credit impairments on significant credit exposures has been made which has changed the results favourably.

In the year ended 31 December 2021, the bank recorded a profit after tax jump of 9% amounting to K7.69 billion up from K7.05 billion the previous year and NBS attributed this to ‘institutional growth’.

The bank’s half year profit after tax period ending 30 June 2022 jumped 16% to K5.1 billion from the previous year’s K4.4 billion amid a tough operating environment.

The Bank said at the time that it was going to continue to maintain a robust capital and liquidity position saying that it was well positioned to pursue opportunities for growth amid a projected challenging second half of 2022.

NBS Bank has now embarked on a new five-year strategy (2022-2026) to increase market share and enhance efficiency.

HS Winehouse pub donates Cholera supplies to Health Centre

Nyemera (right) presents some of the items to Makunganya

Patrons of Blantyre based uptown and trendy eatery and bar, HS Winehouse have donated cholera prevention supplies worth more than K250, 000 to Chirimba Health Centre to help in the prevention of the disease which has claimed thousands of lives.

The donated items include buckets, mops, laundry soap and other household cleaning products.

Speaking during the donation at the weekend, HS Winehouse Patrons Chairperson, Alijeao Nyemera said one of the patrons who is a medical practitioner inspired the idea to support the facility after he raised concern over rising cholera cases in the city.

“We observed that Chirimba registered the most cases unlike South Lunzu and Chilomoni health centres which are also located closer to HS Winehouse and we thought it was a good idea if we support the health centre with these items,” said Nyemera.

Nyemera (right) presents some of the items to Makunganya as an HS Winehouse patron looks on

Chirimba Health Centre Facility In-charge, Twaibu Makunganya said they have registered about 57 cholera cases and at least 15 deaths in the community. 

“We do not keep the patients here. We only do resuscitation and send them to cholera treatment units at South Lunzu and Gateway but we lost about 15 people due to cholera,” said Makunganya.

Makunganya however indicated that the situation at Chirimba has been improving owing to interventions by their environmental health teams which also conduct civic education on cholera prevention. 

HS Winehouse Patrons has a WhatsApp group with over 100 members from various professions and they mobilized themselves to contribute towards the cause, according to Nyemera.

Also present at the donation were directors of the club, Gerald Tasaukadala and Austin Jede Zimphango.

MultiChoice grows operations through Decoder Service Centers

CHISESA: Our customers can count on us

MultiChoice has introduced Decoder Service Centre’s which will provide GOtv and DStv customers with technical support through decoder diagnostics, repairs, swapping of decoders under warranty and the sale of hardware and accessories.

Through these centers customers can expect greater convenience and saving on cost of travelling.

Locations of Decoder Service Centers include; Directo Space, Area 47 Bwandilo in Lilongwe, Mild Electronics at 5 Miles in Zomba with the Mzuzu branch coming soon, supported by the existing Blantyre Decoder Service Centre at the MultiChoice Malawi head office.

“We’re grateful for the opportunity to continue working with MultiChoice our customers can count on us,” said Joel Chisesa, Decoder Service Centre agent and owner of Mild Electronics in Zomba.

Whilst the introduction of the new Decoder Service Centers means greater convenience for customers, the initiative aims to display MultiChoice’s commitment to engaging local entrepreneurs.

One of the centres

“We aim to continue to grow with and through our communities and that is best achieved through social upliftment and working hand-in-hand with local businesses to sustainably extend our service offerings” said MultiChoice Malawi Managing Director, Emma Gichonge.

“Our Decoder Service Centre agents have been on boarded as service provider’s, upskilled through training and certified in customer service and technical expertise to ensure the customers needs are met” Gichonge added.

Customers can identify authentic Decoder Service Centre’s through framed MultiChoice certificates displayed in every branch in addition to the distinct GOtv yellow and DStv blue branding and signage outside each location.

Standard Bank upgrades Nchalo service centre

PAUL Nyirenda, Director of Insurance at Reserve Bank of Malawi and Standard Bank’s Chief Executive Phillip Madinga cut ribbon to mark the official launch of the branch

Standard Bank Plc has launched its refurbished service centre at Nchalo in Chikwawa, a move Chief Executive Phillip Madinga said supports the sugar and allied agriculture industries in the area.

Nchalo is the home estate of Malawi’s largest sugar grower and manufacturer, Illovo Plc. The surrounding Lower Shire valley is also major source of beef in Malawi, as well as Big Five tourism attractions at Majete and Lengwe game Reserves.

“The sugar industry plays a key role in our economy and in particular the agriculture sector. In that regard, Standard Bank has ensured presence within the two main hubs of Dwangwa and Nchalo where sugar is grown and manufactured, to support this vital business, industry and related other businesses,” said Madinga.

Sugar contributes about 10% of Malawi’s GDP, and about 35% of the country’s agricultural sector, according to available data.

Madinga said the rationale behind investing in Nchalo refurbishments is to give business, SMEs and individual customers of the Lower Shire the same ambience and comfort enjoyed in flagship Standard Bank branches across Malawian cities and regions.

“The new branch will help enhance the delivery of streamlined financial services to individuals and companies that drive the economy within the agricultural sector, and other sectors co-existing within the district of Chikwawa and surrounding areas,” he said.

Officially launching the branch, Reserve Bank of Malawi Director for Pension and Insurance Paul Nyirenda applauded Standard Bank for boosting its branch operations at Nchalo noting the development will improve access to financial services to secondary services in addition to sugar and livestock farming in the area.

Officially launched in style

“Nchalo is an economic hub in the country with focus on agriculture especially cattle rearing and sugarcane farming. While we associate the area with sugar manufacturing, it is imperative to recognize the growth of secondary services arising from the sugar business. Standard Bank will therefore play a key role to harness that growth sustainably,” he said.

Nyirenda further said RBM appreciates the role of Standard Bank in contributing towards the financial inclusion agenda as highlighted in Malawi’s MW2063 Vision.

“The RBM commends Standard Bank for constructing such a banking hall here at Nchalo. This means that the bank is taking the challenge of achieving the MW2063 vision with a great responsibility. Not only will the structure provide excellence in banking services, but it has changed the appearance of this place,” he said.

Led by Emmanuel Makwakwa the Nchalo will offer all services including providing support for digital banking available through an ATM, Unayo and the 247 platform.

MADINGA:The new branch will help enhance the delivery of streamlined financial services to individuals and companies that drive the economy within the agricultural sector
NYIRENDA:RBM appreciates the role of Standard Bank in contributing towards the financial inclusion agenda as highlighted in Malawi’s MW2063 Vision

FDH Bank donates CCTV Cameras and monitoring screens to Limbe Police

Nkunika (right) presents the items to Chipumphula

FDH Bank Plc has boosted the fight against crime in Limbe Township by donating five state-of-the-art high definition closed circuit television (CCTV) zoom cameras and three monitoring screens to Limbe Police Station.

Last year, the station rolled out a digital security surveillance project to help in tracking criminals around the township.

Speaking during the official handover ceremony on Tuesday, FDH Bank’s Head of Marketing and Communications Levie Nkunika said they thought it wise to invest in the project which he described as a brilliant innovation.

“Limbe Police is surely taking a leap in the fight against crime by embracing technology to protect the citizenry. We appreciate that this is not happening from a vacuum but it is within the MW2063 agenda.”

“As FDH Bank we have aligned ourselves with the MW2063 as well as Sustainable Development Goals. Together, we are creating a legacy that is to be more enjoyable for the citizenry and more sustainable for the future generations.”

“Be assured that this is not a once-off investment; let’s see how other police stations will align themselves in technology in order to reach out across the country. We received a request for cameras but having appreciated the work being done and the shortfall of three more screen monitors, we have decided to provide that as well,” explained Nkunika.

In his remarks, officer-in-charge for Limbe Police Station, deputy commissioner of police Gladson Chipumphula said they intend to include drones as well as fingerprint calibration machines in the project, which shall be connected to National Registration Bureau (NRB).

“The business here can maximize on their profits by extending closing times to as far as 9pm or beyond to allow people to shop at ease since they will be assured of tight security.”

“We are passionate to make this project a success to eradicate crime in Limbe for the present and future generations and also as the first step towards having such a system in all cities and towns across the country,” said Chipumphula.

PIL restores water at KK rural clinic

An official explains to Mchiela about the water tank

Petroleum Importers Limited (PIL) has donated a solar water pump worth K3 million at Mpamantha Health Centre in Nkhotakota to restore hope for the communities to successfully fight against cholera.

Speaking during the donation of the solar pump in Nkhotakota on Thursday, PIL Finance and Administration Manager Kambani Mchiela said the donation is part of their corporate social responsibility activities which will help the facility to access potable water.

Mchiela (left) shakes hands with Clinician Thokozani Tambulasi

“The health sector is one of the sectors that we help as we realize that only healthy people can contribute positively to the socio-economic development of this country. When we heard that the hospital has stayed for about nine months without clean water after the previous solar pump was stolen, we thought it was important for us to intervene especially during this time when we have a cholera outbreak in the country,” said Mchiela.

Senior medical officer in-charge at the facility, Thokozani Tambulasi conceded that it has not been easy without potable water as they recorded 16 cases of cholera and one death at the facility.

Mchiela (right) and PIL official Amina Mwalabu wash hands

“The donation by PIL will help us in ensuring that our facility is always cleaned. We will also have enough water used for dissolving chlorine and washing beddings. The situation was dire not only because of cholera, but even at the maternity ward. Guardians were forced to go fetch water from other sources which are far from the facility,” said Tambulasi.

Chairperson of the health advisory committee (HAC) at the facility Charity Gwaluka, also commended PIL for the intervention saying it was becoming costly for guardians as they had to pay for the water from other sources around the community.

Mchiela washes hands

“Imagine a guardian spending much time at the borehole fetching for water than being with a patient. The boreholes are also a distance making the guardians tired and not providing the real care to their patients. Now we can do that comfortably within the hospital premises,” she said.

Group Village Headman Kaulungu urged the members of the community to take care of the new pump which serves over 22,000 people across the lakeshore district.

PIL is a consortium of four oil marketing companies namely Vivo, Total, Puma and Petroda.



By: Malibongwe Chavula

Every time Malawians are about to go to the polls, Malawi becomes the land of comedy and drama. As the saying goes “mvula ikagwa kuchuluka zoliralira”. This time there is no exception.

As I was enjoying listening to fork tales of wisdom under the mango tree in Nthalire, my nephew in Nkhatabay called me to watch an exclusive interview on one of the TV channels.

Soon after watching the interview, gogo Jere laughed and just said talk is cheap, I have lived long enough on earth.
When we thought we had seen it all under the Chakwera administration, we never knew Malawians would be subjected to yet another joke in one Cedrick Ngalande.

Here is one man who is so busy buying relevance in our political sphere, where every time he is given space, all he does is to flaunt his aerospace engineering credentials and his stay in the US, as being the only reason why he thinks his name should be listed among some of the 2025 presidential hopefuls.

On Saturday evening he was featured on Times Exclusive. In the first place, I even questioned why they featured him anyway, because Ngalande hasn’t done anything worth the salt for this country to deserve such kind of attention.

I laughed out loudly even more when I heard the host Brian Banda asking him if he is interested to run for president because his name is being mentioned in most of the circles as a potential hopeful. Which circle?

Apart from the few boys he recruited from DPP, who later dumped him anyway, in the name of “media team” Cedrick’s name doesn’t appear anyway within the 2025 narrative.

The Times Exclusive Interview only managed to expose him. The guy is too pompous and far away from the reality on the ground.

Throughout the interview, Ngalande kept on saying “I have heard” “I am told” etc. meaning, he doesn’t know anything regarding the present sufferings of Malawians.

The host even gave him the chance to respond to one question in Chichewa, but instead, Ngalande chose to stick to his English. He was even told by the host that the question was meant to test his Chichewa.

Here is a guy who says he comes to Malawi once every year, mostly in December and thinks he has the magic wand to turning around our misfortunes? How?

To show that Ngalande is naïve; he went on to say those that were arrested under MCP should first clear themselves with the courts before running for president. This reasoning is flawed. It only shows Ngalande doesn’t understand MCP politics.

Since Chakwera came into power in 2020, his party has arrested almost anyone. You write a post on Facebook criticizing him, he locks you. You share something on WhatsApp against his government; the police will pick you up.

We all know that most of the arrests made were politically motivated, that is why some DPP officials that were arrested by MCP have not been charged two years down the line, while some cases keep dragging in court.

Ngalande has also proved that he doesn’t understand politics in Africa. Most governments in Africa use handcuffs in dealing with their opponents. In Zambia, President Hakainde Hichilema was a ‘kabwelebwele’ under Edgar Lungu. He was actually charged with treason in 2017.

MCP is well known for arresting its opponents. MCP arrested Bakili Muluzi, Chakufwa Chihana, Kamlepo kalua and many others. Does Ngalande even know about the assassination of the “Mwanza Four”?

In cold blood MCP assassinated Aaron Gadama, Twaibu Sangala, David Chiwanga and Dick Matenje. Does Ngalande really believe that these four were guilty of any criminal offence since they were labeled “rebels?”
That’s MCP for you.

So to say those arrested under MCP should not run for president only exposes Ngalande’s political acumen or lack of it. Sensationalism is cheap. Let him come and walk the talk and smell the coffee.

And with the current state of Affairs in Malawi, Ngalande thinks the country needs an aerospace engineer hahahaha! I think Ngalande’s services are more needed in the US to be flying balloons there. Especially now that China is busy flying balloons in the US airspace, that’s where Cedrick’ needs to invest his time and money in.

All said and done, gogo Jere reminded me that most aspirants to Plot number 1 promise many things, and yet they always fall short of explaining how they will implement and execute the promises. The one who will come along and show us how the promises will be executed is the anointed one.

As for this young man who was being interviewed, he is just one of the usual ones if not worse off.

Magical dramatic comedy Kulemela coming to OneZed in March

Family time for OneZed viewers just became more fun with the addition of a touching, hilarious and somewhat otherworldly comedy with a heart of gold. The dramatic comedy Kulemela, produced by Tauka Arts Pictures, premieres on the channel on 23 March.

Starring Precious Pungulani Denja, Talent Phoya, Edson Makande and Misozi Sumani, Kulemela is the story of Chopwicho, a shepherd renowned in his village for his exceptional – and some would believe magical – talent for breeding goats and cows. But deep down inside, he knows he is destined for something even greater.

By the twist of fate, he falls in love with a beautiful woman and decides to pursue her in order to win her heart. But it won’t be without its challenges, especially since he also has to fight his ruthless and cunning boss for a massive inheritance that rightfully belongs to Chopwicho.

Can love conquer all, or will the good guy finish last once again?

OneZed channel head, Mosibudi Pheeha says: “OneZed is a channel tailored to fantastic family viewing, so we’re pleased to be premiering an original show that tells an authentic local story. Having a series like Kulemela in a prime-time slot shows that we aim to keep our trusted viewers entertained and engaged.

“We cannot wait for our audience to enjoy what our brilliant local creatives and on-screen talent have worked on with this compelling new addition to the line-up,” she concludes.

The 13-episode Kulemela is set in rural and urban Balaka in a male-dominated Yao community. It’s the story of the pursuit of dreams, the strength of willpower, injustice and how people aren’t always who they appear to be.

This is a story that will inspire hope as much as it will keep the audience laughing as they reflect on the absurdity of life.

Don’t miss Kulemela season 1, premiering on Thursday 23 March at 21h30, only on OneZed (DStv Channel 172 and GOtv Channel 8). Follow @DStv_Zambia to stay in the loop with all things good TV.

Castel Malawi launches new spirits packaging

Zoto addresses members of the media during the launch

Barely days after announcing the new spirits packaging for Malawi Gin, Malawi Vodka, and Premier Brandy, Castel Malawi Limited has officially launched the products.

Speaking during the event that took place at Grand Business Park in Lilongwe on Friday, the company’s sales and marketing director, Nelson Zoto Banda said this part of their efforts to innovate and deliver quality products to the market.

“The new packaging is an extension to the existing spirit line, and it is the same spirit as you know, it is the same iconic Malawi Gin, the same charming Malawi Vodka and the same smooth Premier Brandy. Yes, it is the same Spirit of Malawi with the same punch,” he said.

Team Castel captured during the launch

Zoto Banda further dispelled fears by some consumers that the new development would impact the availability of the spirits on the market just as it was the case with the 750ml towards the end of last year.

“As you are aware, around August 2022 we stopped the production of the spirits due to shortage of glass. The new 330ml bottle will ensure uninterrupted availability so you can enjoy your favourite spirits all the time. This is a returnable bottle, so we can collect it back from the market and reuse it many times over. This means non-stop supply of the people’s favourite spirits,” he said.

Zoto Banda carrying the newly introduced Malawi Gin bottle

One of the customers Arnold Makoni who is also one of the distributors of Castel Malawi said the new spirits packaging will close the gap that has always been there for consumers who want the products in small volumes.

“This means we can now reach out to the customers who will enjoy just like the rest, and we expect our business as distributors to grow,” he said.

Felix Fulatira, who owns Friends Corner Bar at Kanengo in Lilongwe also commended Castel Malawi for the new spirits packaging.



Blantyre, February 23, 2023 — As a way of improving education standards in the country, Standard Bank PLC has donated 63 mattresses to Mudi Community Secondary School in Lunzu worth MK 2.6 million to enhance girls’ education at the institution.

 The bank made the donation to girls’ hostel that was constructed by Blantyre City Council (BCC) through a Community Managed Project that was funded by MASAF. 

The investment underscores Standard Bank’s commitment towards supporting education and alleviating challenges that affect the quality education and living standards for girl students. 

“Like many government schools, Mudi has a shortage of materials to carter for boarding students.

Therefore, reaching out to this school we are extending our impact to ensure that learners have a good place to live as they pursue their education,” said Alipo Nyondo, Head of Innovation Ecosystems and Partnerships, at Standard Bank

According to Standard Bank, the donation compliments government’s efforts to ensure sustainability in the education sector. 

“At Standard Bank we believe that education is key to transform the economic status of the country earmarked in the government’s policy. Our presence here is significant as we are enhancing secondary school education for sustained positive results and growth,” he continued.  

According to Nyondo the donation resonates with the Bank’s overall purpose of Malawi is Our Home, We Drive Her Growth.  

“This investment is a fulfillment of Standard Bank’s promise to give back into communities and be a reliable partner for development more especially in the education sector. This is in line with our purpose which seeks to unleash Malawi’s potential and drive the overall growth,” added the Head of Department.  

Council Chairperson at Blantyre District Council Akima Chipwatali who was the guest of honor during the handover emphasized on the need for consolidated efforts to improve girl education in the country. 

“Girl education is facing a lot of challenges where there is a need to have massive partnerships and investment to help in the achievement of meaningful development. The gesture by Standard Bank is commended as it will motivate girls in the area to work so hard in class,” said Chapwatali. 
Greyson Katimba, Head Teacher at Mudi CDSS said that the hostels will enhance school enrolment more especially for girl. 

“We embarked on the hostel project after noting a surge in school dropout more especially among the girls in the area. The coming of Standard Bank with the mattresses is ideal development that will support our efforts towards improving girls’ education.  

Katimba called on other companies to emulate the kind gesture by Standard Bank to help the school to register more desirable results.   

Highlighting challenges at the school, form 2 student Faith Chirwa called for more support to enhance safety as the hostels are not secured.  

“We have water and electricity challenges that are affecting our education on daily basis. However, despite having the hostels but we are not secured as the structure has no fence and we are prone to several risks,” said Chirwa.

She hailed Standard Bank for the timely donation that will see the school delivering quality education in the  process developing the nation.  

“This donation by Standard Bank is very important not because it is channeled towards girls, but it will enhance education. The development will arouse our curiosity to do more in our studies a motivation we always cherish, thank you Standard Bank,” she said.   

The donation to Mudi CDSS comes as the second investment the Bank has done so far since the onset of 2023 in the sector of education.  

With the first being the donation to Malawi University of Science and Technology (MUST) worth MK20 Million in January 2023. The Bank continues to invest in the education sector as a key driver in the nation’s attainment of Vision 2063.

CDEDI gags ADMARC over ‘rotten’ maize


By Iommie Chiwalo

NAMIWA: CDEDI demands ADMARC to produce documentary evidence from a reputable laboratory

The Centre for Democracy and Economic Development Initiatives (CDEDI) calls for immediate investigation on the conduct of Agricultural Development and Marketing Corporation (ADMARC) which is selling the so called rotten maize yet at an exorbitant price.

In a statement released on Thursday, CDEDI regrets reports that 10 000 metric tonnes of maize at ADMARC is said to have been rotten is being ferried from Malangalanga warehouse for sale at Mponela in Dowa and Salima ADMARC depots at an exorbitant price.

CDEDI Executive Director Sylvester Namiwa says investigations have revealed that about 15 trucks [ranging from 10 to 15 tonnes], most of which are owned by Malawi Congress Party (MCP) Members of Parliament and their close business associates started loading the maize at around 11am on Wednesday, February 22, 2023.

Namiwa has since asked President Dr. Lazarus Chakwera to order his MPs
or, indeed, any other individuals, to take their hands off “the rotten maize” until a public physical inspection of the same is conducted.

“In the same vein, CDEDI demands ADMARC to produce documentary evidence from a reputable laboratory that tested the maize, and shows that it is not fit for human consumption,” he said.

He said that it is disheartening to note that the Tonse Alliance administration is playing
monkey tricks with the country’s staple food at a time Malawians need it most.

“Therefore, we beseech the Minister of Agriculture Sam Kawale to invite Malawians, including us at CDEDI, to conduct a verification of the said rotten maize right in the Malangalanga warehouses. All is done in good faith knowing that there is fear of impending hunger following the messy 2022/23 Affordable Inputs Programme,”

But the grain marketer’s head of administration and human resources, Ethel Umali Zilirakhasu has told this publication that government has committed some funds to transport the commodity from reserves to depots.

She said the arrangement is there to make sure that maize is available and accessible.

Programs Officer for Centre for Social Concern, Bernard Mphepo is hoping the availability of maize in the parastatal’s depots will help lower maize prices which have skyrocketed on the local market.

Maize is now selling at more than K34, 000 per 50kilogram bag.

ADMARC is still restructuring after firing all its employees whose terminal benefits add up to MK8.9 billion. It has since started advertising for senior posts with an expectation of being back on its feet in few months to come as it is believed that it will employ additional 2000 workers.


Head of Innovation and Ecosystems Alipo Nyondo handing over to Mary Meal’s Umberto Bosco

Blantyre, February 22, 2023 – Standard Bank through its Limbe Branch has donated a sum of MK1 million to the global school feeding charity, Mary’s Meals aimed at feeding 45 primary school children for a full academic year. 

Speaking on Wednesday during the handover ceremony Standard Bank’s Head of Innovation, Ecosystems and Partnerships, Alipo Nyondo said the donation is aimed at ensuring that children are supported in their pursuit for education. 

“Standard Bank appreciates the efforts by government and Mary’s meals to provide for the needs of the children through the school feeding programme. Therefore, through our Branch Corporate Social Investment programme, Limbe Branch has donated this amount to support children in primary school,” said Nyondo 

According to Nyondo, Standard Bank has made the donation to drive Malawi’s overall economic growth through education.  

“As a bank working towards driving the growth of Malawi we look at education as a strategic sector to achieve our purpose. Therefore, we looked at the right partner who can help us to be part of the development of the country and Mary’s Meals emerged very strategic,” he said. 
Standard Bank Limbe Branch Manager, Dyson Mmina, added that they are encouraged by the positive impact of the school feeding programme, as it has helped to reduce absenteeism and improved attendance of classes by students over the years.  

“The school feeding programme has had many benefits such as ensuring children have energy and increased concentration in class, which has reduced absenteeism from school with increased enrollment, and access to nutrition for some that barely eat well at home,” said the branch manager.  

While acknowledging the bank for the donation, Umberto Bosco, Mary’s Meals Head of Programmes, pleaded for more support to help feeding children in primary schools across the country.  

“As Mary’s Meal we commend Standard Bank for this important donation as it will go a long way to feed almost 50 learners for the whole school year.

Our organization is feeding more than 1 million children in the country it’s a big number, therefore, we need support from the corporate world to help us feed them all,” said Bosco. 

Mary’s Meals is an international organization which started operating in Malawi in 2002 when the founder came across a child who indicated lack of food as the reason why he skipped classes. 

As of 2022, Mary’s Meals managed to feed over 1 million primary school children in 1,045 schools across the country.

FDH Bank gives Malawi Police 10, 000 tree seedlings


FDH Bank plc, a subsidiary of FDH Financial Holdings Limited, has supported the environmental restoration drive by Southwest Division of the Malawi Police Service through a donation of 10, 000 seedlings.

The Division jointly held a tree-planting exercise for this year with the Malawi Defence Force (MDF), Malawi Prison Service (MPS), and the Immigration Department at Malawi Police Training School in Limbe township.

FDH Financial Holdings Limited Group Chief Executive Officer William Mpinganjira said the gesture is one way of averting effects of climate change.

“We have all seen how our climate has been changing as a result of our own activities that have led to environmental degradation. Just last week we experienced disasters here in Blantyre due to careless cutting down of trees that acted as water breaks. We all saw that on social media.”

“As a way of trying to be part of the solution in the development of the country, FDH Financial Holdings Limited committed to plant one million trees by 2024 by working together with our staff, customers and stakeholders like the Malawi Police Service through various initiatives in alignment with the Malawi Vision 2063 and the UN Sustainable Development Goals that aim to make the world a better place not only for us but also for the future generations,” said Mpinganjira.

Commissioner of Police for Southwest Division, Richard Luhanga commended FDH Bank for the support saying apart from providing vegetative cover, trees are very vital in their job.

“I am glad that when I shared our vision with the CEO Mr. Mpinganjira, he understood and committed to supporting the cause. To us security agents, the Police, Malawi Prison, MDF, and Immigration, trees play an important role for our training in the forests. Therefore, these seedlings will go a long way in creating a good environment for our work,” he said.

Luhanga then hailed the existing relationship between the two institutions which saw FDH construct additional Police offices at Ndirande Police Station two years ago.

During the 2023 planting season, FDH plc has partnered with Egenco, Blantyre Water Board, Mzuzu City Council, Mzuzu University, LUANAR, Catholic Men’s Organisation, Chileka Lions Club, CADECOM, Farmers Union of Malawi(FUM) and Zomba City Council, among others. 

PCL appoints Dr Mangani as new CEO


The board of directors of conglomerate Press Corporation plc has appointed Dr Ronald Mangani as Chief Executive Officer effective 1 March 2023.

In a statement signed by Press Corporation plc Company Secretary Moureen Mbeye, Dr  Mangani brings to the group extensive experience in managerial leadership, investment decision-making, financial management, and strategic planning.

Dr Mangani replaces former CEO Dr George Partridge who left the company in January last year following a functional review which saw some changes including removal of some positions at the corporate office.

“Dr Mangani has demonstrable leadership skills having served as Secretary to the Treasury of the Malawi Government between 2014 and 2017. He also chaired the board of Old Mutual Malawi and served as an independent director on the boards of First Capital Bank Malawi, the Reserve Bank of Malawi, the Malawi Stock Exchange, MDC Limited and the Malawi Institute of Management among several others,” reads the statement in part.

Prior to his appointment as the Chief Executive of PCL, Dr. Mangani was an Associate Professor of Economics at the University of Malawi. He has also held visiting scholar positions at the International Monetary Fund Institute and the University of Oxford in the United Kingdom.

In an interview with one of the local newspapers, Dr Mangani said he wants to ensure that PCL companies and subsidiaries become a national pride.

PCL Board Chairman Randson Mwadiwa also told a local newspaper in an interview that Mangani best fits the position to propel the aspirations of the group.

Press Corporation plc is a public company incorporated in Malawi, under the Companies Act 1984; and is listed on the Malawi Stock Exchange (MSE).

The highly diversified company has interests in different sectors of the Malawi economy which include financial services, telecommunications, energy,  property investments and hospitality and tourism.

Oman rescue campaign still on


By Iommie Chiwalo

The Center for Democracy and Economic Development Initiatives (CDEDI) has emphasized that the “Oman rescue campaign” is still underway saying what is lacking to bring back the entrapped women is not Air tickets but rather ransom money.

In his response to the development that government has secured 50 Air tickets to bring back the women, CDEDI Executive Director Sylvester Namiwa says “still ransom money is needed,”

The required ransom money is the total amount said to have been spent on each woman’s air ticket, visa, medical reports, police clearance and other relevant travel documents.

“It has come to our attention that government has secured 50 air tickets for our women enslaved in Oman. What this means is that there is need for $2,500, about 2. 5 million Malawi Kwacha as ransom money for each of the 50 women in order for them to be released,” Namiwa elaborates

He has continued appealing to the United Nations, local and international state and non-state actors including the private sector to join CDEDI in the campaign to raise $125, 000 about MK125 Million to rescue all the 50 women.

The CDEDI Chief has since appealed to those tempted to travel to the Middle East on the pretext of looking for greener pasture for they might be would-be victims.

On how to get involved in the rescue mission, people can contact CDEDI on +265993462700 or email at or alternatively contact the Foreign Affairs Ministry.

After CDEDI announced the launch of a crowd funding campaign to raise the funds, Ministry of Foreign Affairs was quick to announce that it has secured Air ticket sponsorship for 50 Malawian women who are stranded in Oman.

Spokesperson for the Ministry John Kabaghe confirmed of the arrangement.

He, however, said that what remains is payment of the money their captors are demanding to release them.




20 February, 2023



Let me begin by saying that what President Lazarus Chakwera delivered last Friday does not come any close to a State of the Nation address (SONA). It is the reason why I have entitled my address as “Talk is Cheap, Lies have short legs”.

Madam Speaker,

SONA is a yearly tradition when the President of a nation comes to report on the status of the country whilst unveiling the government’s agenda for the coming year including proposing certain legislative measures to Parliament.

It is clear that the speech that President Lazarus Chakwera delivered in this August House lacked these key characteristics. Most likely, the President himself does not have a clue on the status of this nation.

No wonder, the President failed to outline a clear agenda for his government in the coming year. That is not surprising, because you cannot provide a prescription without diagnosis.

Madam Speaker,

You diagnose first before prescription.

There is no progress report in the speech by the President as to what exactly has been achieved between what was said last year and the not surprising statement being considered as SONA this year. There is a total disconnect between the 2022/23 SONA and the 2023//24 SONA.

Madam Speaker,

Let me pick one example to illustrate my assertion on the failure and emptiness of this so-called SONA. The President emphatically talked of “fixing the broken systems”. The simple question is “what broken systems have been fixed to this day”? Is that too much to ask from the President?

What we witnessed on Friday last week is a man who is lost and does not know what direction to take and what options are available for him as President of this country.

We witnessed a man, who lacks self awareness; who cannot differentiate between a State President that he is and someone aspiring to be a State President. He is a President who is still promising three years down the line.

Here is a President who, instead of giving Malawians a status update of the country, is busy hallucinating what he thinks he will do. He is clearly stuck in the la-la land of speeches forgetting that he has a country to lead.

Madam Speaker,

Malawians are now used to their President being absent on critical issues; of being told that their President did not know anything when serious decisions on national matters were made.
I am now left with no doubt that President Chakwera does not know the pain that Malawians are going through under his leadership. Let me tell President Chakwera what Malawians are going through.


Madam Speaker,

The President admitted that the Affordable Input Program (AIP) has been a mess this season. Fine. However, he should have gone further to tell Malawians why the program came crashing down rather than glossing over the matter with niceties, including outlining figures that did not reflect the situation on the ground.

Madam Speaker,

In the 2022/2023 budget, Parliament allocated K109 billion for AIP. Since that time, a series of events followed including the cancellation of local fertilizer supply contracts apparently because the government had secured fertilizer donations from Morocco and Russia.

The next thing, we learned that the government has been duped of K30 billion by conmen in its quest to buy fertilizer from a butchery in the UK. The Ministry of Agriculture denied the K30 billion figure, claiming the duped amount was just K750 million kwacha. Government is yet to recover this taxpayers money.

Madam Speaker,

There have been so many lies and dishonesty over the whole AIP program, which is why some of us said from the onset that it was doomed to fail. For example, the total allocation of 97 billion kwacha for fertilizer purchase was only enough to cater for 900,000 beneficiaries.

The 92,000 Metric tonnes of the donated fertilizer was also enough for 900,000 beneficiaries, bringing the total number of beneficiaries to just 1.8 million at most. This is in total contrast to the 2.5 million beneficiaries that the government said it would target. The government therefore cheated its own citizens by promising that 2.5 million people would benefit from AIP this season.

Madam Speaker,

As if that was not enough, there have been unprecedented late deliveries of both types of fertilizer to selling points. In many cases, fertilizer was accessed way after the crop had tussled.

There has also been unavailability of UREA fertilizer across the southern, Eastern and Northern regions while their counterparts in the central region were oversupplied. The clear lack of capacity by the only distributor, the Smallholder Farmers Fertilizer Revolving Fund of Malawi (SFFRFM) only worsened the situation.

Madam Speaker,

Some MPs from the eastern and southern regions had to take matters into their own hands to camp at SFFRFM headquarters to force the organization to release UREA to their areas. This is not the job of MPs but there are times when push has to come to a shove.

As if this was not enough, the government has been collecting money from poor AIP beneficiaries while promising to give them fertilizer at a later date, and in many cases the fertilizer did not come. This is to say the least abuse of citizen’s rights and pure theft by the government.

Madam Speaker,

I can go on and on to describe the mess that has been AIP this season, but this is what I want to tell President Lazarus Chakwera. His acceptance that AIP faced challenges this season is not nearly enough and not acceptable because it is a man-made crisis that Malawians can ill afford.

As the opposition, we helped in passing the budget, including advising the government on the design and implementation. But look at what they did. Incompetent Ministers started flying around looking for fertilizers in bizarre places. Middlemen, including the President’s own relatives made deals under the guise of looking for fertilizer, and huge sums of money were stolen.

Madam Speaker,

Did we not end up buying fertilizer from a butchery? And Instead of being swift and decisive, President Lazarus Chakwera remained passive as though nothing happened. He swapped around the same faces that messed up the program in the first place hoping for different results. No, Mr President.

Now, we hear that even the donated fertilizer has also been stolen. Out of the 20,000 metric tonnes meant for Malawi, only 9,000 metric tonnes arrived in the country. The rest vanished in thin air or ended up in Mozambique. No one seems to come up with a plausible explanation.

What is disturbing is the fact that the same ‘connected’ and ‘untouchable’ presidential relatives, who played a key role in the procurement of fertilizer from a butchery in the United Kingdom, have also been mentioned in the grand theft of donated fertilizer.

Madam Speaker,

My question to President Lazarus Chakwera is: How far are you willing to go to sacrifice poor Malawians at the altar of family relations?

The President talked about re-designing the AIP framework to improve its efficiency. But let me assure him that we will be here talking about an even worse AIP mess next season if he allows his inner circle to use AIP as an instrument to enrich themselves through corruption, kickbacks and commissions.

Already, a report by Famine Early Warning Systems Network (FEWS NET) says Malawi will face hunger this year. It says crop production in Malawi in this season is likely to be below last year. It says maize production is estimated to be 30 to 50 percent below the five-year average. The government should not be surprised with this projection because that is the result of its investment in mediocrity and corruption.


Madam Speaker,

That this country is sailing through troubled economic waters is evident even to a toddler. The President made an honest assessment that a slew of our macro-economic indicators don’t make good reading. For example, inflation is in double digits; our debt levels are the highest in the history of the country and very unsustainable.

The prices of basic commodities continue to rise beyond the reach of common Malawians. The Forex and fuel scarcity situation is still in flux and a typical case of ‘now-you-see-me-tomorrow-you don’t’.

Various stakeholders have talked and still talk about the glim and hopeless future that Malawians face under this administration. It is sad that the government continues to be business as usual with nothing happening on the ground to give hope to Malawians. Our economy has typically tanked, and hope is lost.

Madam Speaker,

The President entitled his speech as “Delivering Economic Transformation and Governance Reform through Sacrificial Action and Service Excellence.” Maybe the President must come clear on this one.

For example, which governance reforms? Sacrificial action from who? Malawians or the President and his ruling establishment?

If it is about taking sacrificial action, this government does not understand that language. President Chakwera is always the first to disobey his own austerity measures. He travels furiously and internationally in a hired private jet burning fuel and the little Forex we have, often with a large entourage earning fat allowances.

He travels locally often with a larger than life entourage carting allowances and conducting useless development rallies.

Madam Speaker,

Already, Malawians are going through untold suffering, not as a result of a global economic downturn or a war in Ukraine, but as a result of poor decision making or lack thereof of this government.

It is, therefore, an insult to the people’s intelligence for the President to call for sacrifices from the people when his inner circle, including family members, are not willing to take those sacrifices themselves; when corruption is erupting among the President’s own trusted lieutenants. Mr President, nothing will happen if you do not lead by example.

The President almost heaped blame on the slowness of conclusion of corruption cases on the Judiciary. In a subtle way, he did. However, my own opinion is that the Judiciary lacks adequate funding. The President knows it and he pretends all is well.

Madam Speaker,

In his SONA, I expected him to mention how much the Treasury has funded the New High Court Division and the Financial and Economic Crimes Division.

I am aware that the Division is underfunded. One wonders how the President expects that the fight against corruption would be seamlessly discharged without adequate funding for that Division.

Funding the ACB and bragging about it every day does not help the fight against corruption if the courts are not adequately funded.

I am also concerned about the plight of the Judiciary support staff. I wish to request the government to review the conditions of service of Judiciary personnel as a matter of urgency.

Madam Speaker,

I wish to state that progress in the Sattar case is deliberately hindered by the Office of the Attorney General. As required by law, the ACB wrote the office to ask the British Government to have the National Crime Agency (NCA) there to provide evidence and share intelligence with the ACB so that these Sattar cases can be properly prosecuted. The Office of the Attorney General has been dilly dallying. I wish to demand that the Office of the Attorney General must do the needful as far as Sattar issues are concerned, as a matter of urgency.

Madam Speaker,

Since this government came to power, the President has been talking about reforms; about fixing the systems. Which reforms and which systems? Two things: One: Can the President do justice to these reforms by telling Malawians what he did with the ‘Chilima Civil Service Reform’ Report?

Where is that report; and what were the recommendations? Why is the President sitting on that report without releasing it, and even implementing its findings? Two: about fixing the broken systems as he said in the last SONA, what is the progress like? What has been fixed and what has not? I want to assure the President that Malawians have had enough of a ‘talking’ President; they want an ‘action’ President even if he doesn’t talk.

Madam Speaker,

Before he came to power, President Lazarus Chakwera and his government placed the fight against corruption as a centrepiece of their campaign. It was one of the cornerstones of the Chakwera Hi-5.

Among other things, he said he would safeguard the integrity of the ACB, including removing appointing powers for ACB Director from the President.

Barely three years down the line, all that talk has remained just that. Talk. In fact President Chakwera and his Tonse Alliance panel have turned out to be the biggest stumbling blocks in the fight against corruption through their very action.

The fight against corruption under President Chakwera and his Tonse Alliance partners have been spurious to say the least, and a scatter-gun at most.

In fact, the President’s position in the larger scheme of the whole fight is that of a very dishonest man who cannot be trusted. The never ending story of the persecution of ACB Director, Ms Martha Chizuma is a very good example to sum up what I am talking about.

Madam Speaker,

In January 2022, President Chakwera said he knows that the ‘forces of darkness’ that recorded Martha Chizuma and deliberately leaked the audio so that she is found culpable and removed from her position.

He said he would not yield to such devilish wishes. He said he was standing behind the ACB Director and that he had forgiven her for whatever transgressions she may have committed.

I was sceptical, and I said it from the onset that this was all part of a larger scheme to remove Ms Chizuma and that President Chakwera was actually the Godfather of the whole plot.

Madam Speaker,

Fast track to December 2022, over 20 police officers arrested Ms. Martha Chizuma in a dawn raid like they were arresting a dangerous drug Lord. They did not allow her to put on proper clothing and drove her 50 kilometres away before locking her up, and leaving her traumatized.

This was the lowest moment in the fight against corruption in Malawi, and so unprecedented.

The President said he did not know anything. He quickly set up a Commission of Inquiry to establish circumstances surrounding the arrest, including finding out who actually ordered it.

Mysteriously, the President tweaked with the terms of reference for the Commission. It ended up with findings that were far removed from the questions that Malawians were asking. Up to now, Malawians still don’t know who actually ordered the arrest of Martha Chizuma.

Madam Speaker,

I know this may look like ‘The Godfather’ movie but it is actually what this government calls the fight against corruption. When President Chakwera’s own Secretary to the President and Cabinet, Ms Colleen Zamba, interdicted Ms Chizuma last month it is when we knew who was behind the plot to remove her from her position. President Lazarus Chakwera.

The President did not say anything about the interdiction of Ms Chizuma. He still has not said anything up to now, as usual preferring to work behind the scenes like he does not know anything.
What is sad about the whole fiasco is the desire by President Chakwera and his panel of suspects to fight Ms Chizuma through the court process, including sponsoring so called Civil Society Organizations to bad mouth and fight donors for simply speaking out against the persecution of the ACB Director.

We have now heard of words such as ‘Malawi is a sovereign state’ coming from the government telling donors due to their critical stance on corruption. Is President Lazarus Chakwera Serious? Is he sure he wants to take Malawians on a Kamikaze mission to fight donors? On this, I can bet my last penny that Malawians do not want to sink with him. Let the President go alone on that road.


Madam Speaker,

In December, I made a statement to the effect that the government, through the Ministry of Health, is losing the fight against Cholera. That time over 20,000 cases and 700 deaths had been reported. I urged the President to declare a state of national disaster in order to unlock aid towards the situation from international and local partners
As usual, my advice fell on deaf ears. The government continued to behave like there was no crisis despite the fact that the health sector was collapsing due to the lack of capacity, and preparedness. And yet the first cases of cholera were reported in the country in March 2022.

Madam Speaker,

The government continues to write all the wrong scripts in the health sector. The Cholera outbreak has gone out of control because it was given cursory attention like a small ailment that would go away with regular painkillers, and yet it was a time bomb waiting to explode.

When it exploded, the government looked to have been caught off-guard. The launch of the fight against Cholera at Mgona in Lilongwe was little action taken too late. In fact, what does it mean?

Madam Speaker,

The health sector has been transformed into a sector of death under this government. It is now a ‘death sector’. Hospitals lack basic supplies of drugs including inadequate personnel. People are dying en-masse in health facilities due to systematic neglect by this government.

Madam Speaker,

One of the key factors in fighting Cholera is access to clean water. Is there anything the government is doing to ensure access to clean water when even hospitals have dry taps, and don’t have clean water?

I submit that effective leadership or lack of it manifests during a crisis like the current Cholera outbreak. So many people who could have contributed to the development of this nation have lost their lives and more will lose lives due to nothing but leadership failure to manage a crisis.

Madam Speaker,

The Lazarus Chakwera leadership has been tested and has failed.


Madam Speaker,

I do not need to emphasize the importance of energy in an economy that wants to grow and shrive. But our energy story is embarrassing to tell. With electricity as a specific example, our country has witnessed the worst energy crisis ever in the history of the country.
The President promised he would decisively deal with blackouts. To put it in his own language, “blackouts would be a thing of the past”. Madam Speaker, three years down the line, the president and his government have only managed to deliver massive blackouts, and nobody is coming out to tell Malawians in clear brews how we will get out of here.


British Philosopher Bertrand Russell once said that perhaps the world was created by his enemy, Satan, when God was not looking. He could not understand why a God of so much loving kindness could allow so much suffering among his people.
Allow me, Madam speaker, to analogize that since so many things are happening in this government without the knowledge of the President, perhaps some of these things are happening when President Lazarus Chakwera is not looking. I, therefore, want to bring the President to reality.

Madam Speaker,

Does the President know that:

• His SONAs are delivered in nice English but very loud for their emptiness.

• That his government has no direction on how to reduce the local and foreign debt.

• That his government has no clear direction on ADMARC and agricultural markets in general.

• That there is no clear direction on blackouts and increasing the country’s power production.

• That his government has no clear direction on increasing exports.

• That his government has no clear direction on job creation, and that the 1,161,000 new jobs that he said his government has created only exist in a computer somewhere at Capital Hill.

• That his government has no clear direction on national security, and that security is fast deteriorating in this country

• That there is no clear direction on how to improve our health, agriculture, education and social welfare.

• That there is no clear direction on fighting corruption in this country. That instead of fighting corruption, his government is fighting Ms Martha Chizuma

• That there is no clear direction on how to improve public infrastructure including roads.

• That there is no explanation or direction on recent fertilizer scandals, and how the government will make sure that fertilizer prices go down.

• That there is no direction or explanation on how the country is going to deal with fuel issues like we experienced last year.

• Is the President aware that his SPC was pressurizing Helen Buluma to pay a middleman called Mr Chief the sum of $ 20 million for doing nothing?

• That his SPC was summoned by Parliament to respond to serious allegations of corruption made against her by the former CEO of NOCMA but she refused, and he did not reprimand her.

• That in his speech, he did not mention the Bridging Foundation, a foundation set to bring about 7 trillion Kwacha worth of grant to this country.

• Is President Chakwera aware that 17 trucks of maize meant for NFRA from ADMARC were stolen by his close friend and sold to Tanzania and that his friend revealed that there are also ‘big’ people doing the same thing?

• Is President Chakwera aware that his government is failing to repatriate 376 Malawian female domestic workers stuck in Oman and facing various forms of human rights abuses?

• Is President Chakwera aware about the elderly being tortured on a daily basis based on witchcraft allegations?

• Is President Chakwera aware that his government is collecting collateral from Malawians without disbursing loans under NEEF?

• Is President Chakwera aware that the relocation of government offices such as MEC, Immigration and MACRA from Blantyre to Lilongwe is economically suffocating Blantyre?

• Is President Chakwera aware that prolonged blackouts are crippling small businesses?

• Is President Chakwera aware that Malawi Defence Forces (MDF) soldiers get K1000 as allowance when they are on duty?

• Is President Chakwera aware that 800 US Dollars is deducted from MDF soldiers’ allowances when they go on peacekeeping missions abroad when they are supposed to receive 1,700 US Dollars per month?

• Is the President aware about the plight of ex-PTC workers, and that they have not been paid their surveillance payment? And that Malawian traders who have been supplying products and services to PTC have not received their money?


Madam Speaker,

I wish to reiterate that what the President came here with just a compilation of platitudes and a wish list that unfortunately does not have any chance of being implemented. I am saying this based on the experience that Malawians have had under this government.

When somebody says they have done something and spend hours explaining what they have done, it means they have done nothing. When you have done something, you shut up the things you have done speak for themselves.

Madam Speaker,

If the ship that Jonah boarded from Nineveh to Tarshish had a sleeping captain, the ship could have sunk because the captain would not have known the cause of their troubles.

But bravo to the captain of that ship because he was awake and alert to recognize the problem in time and fixed it by throwing Jonah into the lake to save the ship and the people. Our circumstances are very unfortunate because the captain is loudly slumbering on the job.


CDEDI launches ‘OMAN RESCUE’ campaign


By Iommie Chiwalo

The Centre for Democracy and Economic Development Initiatives (CDEDI) has launched ‘Oman rescue campaign after noting that relevant State agencies have information about those involved in the human trafficking business, but choose to look the other side.

Government’s unwillingness to rescue the trapped women heightens speculation that it had a hand in this sinister labour-export business in a bid to deal with the forex shortage problem.

The launch follows the expiry of the seven days ultimatum given to President Lazarus Chakwera to address the nation on the fate of 50 Malawian women enslaved in Oman, in the Middle East.

In a statement signed by CDEDI Executive Director Sylvester Namiwa and made available to this publication says the campaign is aimed at enjoining those sympathetic to the plight of enslaved women should come together to save them, and at the same time discourage those intending to travel to such countries from doing so.

“CDEDI regrets to inform all well-meaning people who have been following the heartbreaking stories about the 50 women known to be working in dehumanizing conditions and six others whose whereabouts are unknown, that government, through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, has openly refused to rescue them,” Namiwa says.

The remarks by Namiwa are coming after government has said it is not ready to refund the US$2, 500 needed as a ransom for each enslaved woman. This is the total amount said to have been spent by the so-called sponsors on each woman’s air ticket, visa, medical tests, police clearance and other related travel requirements.

“What is sad about the whole saga is that besides not willing to rescue the women, the Malawi
Government is acting strange by trying hard to sweep the whole matter under the carpet and,
also, unleashing State machinery to silence those condemning the human trafficking business in
which these women were caught,” says Namiwa.

The involvement of State in the whole saga is evident considering that the trafficked people get legitimate documents with government approval and clearance of their travel, namely medical reports, police clearance and letters from the Labour office.

Namiwa discloses that his Organisation is reliably informed that the ransom money is being paid through Foreign Affairs ministry here in Malawi, which is evidence enough that government is part to this evil cartel.

He has since appealed to the United Nations to come to the rescue of our poor women.

“In the same vein, CDEDI is appealing to the leader of Opposition in Parliament to lobby Members of Parliament on his side to do whatever it takes to let the plight of these enslaved women take center stage in the august House,” he said.

Namiwa says all these efforts are coming because government’s refusal to use funds from the unforeseen budgetary allocation to rescue the victims has shattered the trapped women’s hopes to ever walk back to freedom.

On the approach to have rescue campaign materialize, Namiwa says his organisation has details of all the women trapped in Oman, such as names, contact numbers, and their specific locations.

“Those willing to join the ‘Oman Rescue Mission’ should contact us on +265993462700 or e-mail Otherwise, those not wishing to go through CDEDI are equally encouraged to engage the00 Foreign Affairs Ministry, which has reportedly set up a special desk to facilitate payment of the ransom money,” he said.

Apart from heartbreaking stories from Oman, there are also reports indicating that over 300 Malawians are trapped in Saudi Arabia and Kuwait facing a similar predicament.

Details have emerged that after the exposure of their sinister activities, the traffickers have stopped using Malawian international airports, opting for uncharted routes to Tanzania, Zambia and South Africa.

A clear observation is that the traffickers take advantage of the high unemployment levels in
the country and promise the unsuspecting job seekers the moon where they end up being tagged
‘shagari’, which means slave in Oman.

As the name suggests, they are subjected to dehumanizing working environment, which include
being forced to touch human waste with bare hands, assault, working while sick, denied medical
care and food, heavy workload and being used as sex objects.

Currently, six women whose whereabouts are unknown are feared dead due to malnutrition, starvation and torture.

“So far, only seven out 56 women that fell victim to the human trafficking in the guise of labour export have been rescued after their relatives and/or well-wishers paid the ransom money,”

Efforts to get more information from government spokesperson Moses Kunkuyu as well as Foreign Affairs spokesman John Kabaghe proved futile as their phones went on unanswered after several attempts.

Malawi’s Leader of Opposition Dr. Kondwani Nankhumwa set to respond to Chakwera’s SONA tomorrow


Malawi’s Leader of the Opposition in Parliament Dr Kondwani Nankhumwa is expected to rip into President Lazarus Chakwera’s State of the Nation Address (SONA) tomorrow in Parliament.

Nankhumwa, who is also DPP Vice President for the Southern Region is expected to dive more into kitchen-table issues, energy, rampant corruption, AIP fertilizer collosal failure among other pressing issues.

Many Malawians, which Malawi Voice has spoken with, say they expect him to grill Chakwera on what they call “pocketbook issues” such as job creation, inflation, food prices that are a constant threat to their wellbeing.

“Nankhumwa has the whole world now waiting for him to stand up and tell Malawians that he and DPP are the alternative leadership by producing an extraordinary speech that would even sway independent and swing voters,” said Rose Sapao, a Lilongwe based vendor.

During SONA on Friday, President Chakwera was interrupted multiple times by jeering, boos and accusations of lying by opposition lawmakers.

Later on, Nankhumwa and his UDF counterpart Ned Phoya produced a scratching quick response describing the speech as “casual, insensitive and full of rhetoric.”

Prophet Rodrick Mtupa’s Prophecy on Malawi floods fulfilled


Senior Prophet Rodrick Mtupa’s prophecy comes to pass as some parts of the country are experiencing flash h floods.

On December 31, 2022, the highly respected man of God Prophet Mtupa prophesied that Malawi will experience floods from January to February.

He made the prophecy during a cross over night which was held at Comesa Hall in the commercial city of Blantyre.  

“We will experience floods from January to February. Properties and lives will be lost in the process,” Prophesied Prophet Mtupa, who is the founder for Holy Palace Cathedral

On Sunday, February 12, floods struck the city of Blantyre and surrounding areas in southern Malawi claiming the lives of four people.

Meanwhile, Prophet Mtupa has promised to assist households that have been affected by floods with food and shelter.  

The Department of Disaster Management Affairs (DoDMA) says a total of 1 00,000 people have been affected by natural disasters, including storms, heavy rains, floods, strong winds, hailstorms and lightning, since the start of the rainy season in November 2022.

A total of sixty-two people have died and 185 have been injured. Roads, bridges, schools and hospitals have all been damaged.

FDH Bank partners Luanar in environmental conservation

Jussab (right) handing over the tree seedlings to Sikawa

FDH Bank Plc has partnered the Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources (Luanar) in the Be Green Smart Campaign by donating 10, 000 tree seedlings.

The campaign, which aims at planting one million trees by 2024, has seen FDH Bank donating tree seedlings to various institutions including Luanar, Farmers Union and others.

Speaking on Tuesday, when the Bank handed over the seedlings, FDH head of corporate and institutional banking, Mary Jussab said partnering the institution is one way achieving their goal of planting 1 million trees.

“FDH Bank Plc committed to plant 1 million trees by 2024 and we are driving this agenda through our staff, customers and stakeholders through various initiatives in alignment with the Malawi 2063 and the UN Sustainable Development Goals, more specifically goals 3, 6, 11, 13, 14 and 17.

“FDH Bank Plc recognizes the importance of a green environment and as a responsible corporate citizen we continually reinforce our commitment to champion a sustainable and resilient green environment that will foster the development of the country and nurture it against various environmental and economic forces i.e Climate Change.

“We applaud Luanar for their commitment to a pro-green environment and we further encourage management and students alike to not relent in these efforts. Championing a sustainable environment is key to a sustainable future for all, a progressive economy and for our wellbeing.

Dean of the Faculty of Natural Resources at Luanar, Daniel Sikawa said the tree seedlings will help restore the ecosystem at Bunda campus and surrounding communities.

“The donation is in line with UN declaration of decade of ecosystem restoration and also in line to support enable No 7 in the Malawi Vision 2063 which hinges on sustainable environment and this will then support Pillar no 1 of agricultural productivity and commercialization in the Malawi vision 2063.

“LUANAR pledges to take care of the seedlings and ensure excellent survival and the planting exercise will be done with communities surrounding LUANAR as part of community outreach to inculcate in the community the spirit of replacing trees and tree management,” he said.

By this year, the Bank has partnered with Egenco, Blantyre Water Board, Mzuzu City Council, Mzuzu University, Catholic Men’s Organisation, Chileka Lions Club, CADECOM, FUM and Zomba City Council, among others.


GOWERA: On Wednesday, TNM will pay special tribute to the heroes

Wednesday 15, 2023 will be a glittering night when TNM Plc—long-term sponsors of the country’s top drawer football league—will decorate outstanding players and journalists to seal the 2022 TNM Super League.

Speaking ahead of the night scheduled for Amaryllis Hotel in Blantyre, Acting Chief Executive Officer, Lloyd Gowera said the awards gala gives TNM Plc the opportunity to reward and recognize individual brilliance in key categories of players, clubs and media.

“The end of every TNM Super League season is a time to look back at the Who’s Who of the local football industry for players and media practitioners. On Wednesday, TNM will pay special tribute to the heroes of the just ended season by decorating and bestowing upon them the medals of recognition they deserve,” he said.

He said the 2022 season was one of the most exciting in recent years as it marked the return to total football action after Covid-19 lockdowns, and that this is reflected in the tight competition for the awards slots in all the key categories.

In the football awards category, players and managers will slug it out for honours in seven categories namely; Goalkeeper of the Season, Defender of the Season, Best Midfielder of the Season, Coach/Manager of the Season, Top Goal scorer of the Season, Rookie of the Season and Player of the Season.

The outstanding players were identified through voting using a monkey survey system. Voters were Team Coaches, Captains and members of the media.

In the media awards category, eight awards are up for grabs in categories of Print, Radio, Television, Radio Commentary, Online, Photography (Still and Video) and Analysis. The media awards are adjudged by an independent panel comprising media scholars and experienced practitioners.

Full List of Nominees;



· Pilirani Mapira

· Brighton Munthali

· Richard Chimbamba


· Miracle Gabeya

· Paul Ndhlovu

· Stanley Sanudi

· Gomezgani Chirwa


Patrick Mwaungulu
MacDonald Lameck
Gift Chunga


Kalisto Pasuwa
Elijah Kananji
Charles Kamanga


Chimwemwe Idana
Chawanangwa Gumbo
Patrick Mwaungulu


Patrick Mwaungulu
Paul Master
Gomezgani Chirwa
Babatude Adepoju


Babatunde Adepoju


The Nominees are:

2.1. Print

Mabvuto Kambuwe
Garry Chirwa
Joy Ndovie

2.2. Radio

Frank Kandu
Richard Tiyesi
Norbert Jameson
Titani Willard

2.3. Television

Idah Mwambazi
Tadala Manda
Hankey Chimtengo
Mphatso Chakhadza

2.4. Online

Edwin Mbewe
Eric Chiputula
Anthony Isaiah
Pemphero Musowa
McLloyd Kadzingo

2.5. Photography (Television)

Taufiq Chipinga
Richard Issa

2.6. Photography (Still and Print)

Emmanuel Simpokolwe
Bobby Kabango
Chifundo Zigunde

2.7. Commentator (Radio)

Williams Gondwa
Steve Liwewe Banda
Bright Kanyama
Peter Fote
Innocent Chitimbe

2.8. Analysis

Garry Chirwa
Mabvuto Kambuwe
Eric Chputula

Gowera said the awarding process in the TNM Super League awards continues to undergo improvements focusing on quality, efficacy, impartiality and excellence.

“This year’s awards saw the adoption of digital media tools to aggregate, score and assess winners. For the media awards category, we launched a separate website which was used to collect entries from journalists and acted as a platform for sharing of information.

 In the player segment, the voting used an electronic tool, and overall, this has helped improve our efficiency in identifying winners,” said the Acting CEO.


High Court in Lilongwe ordered that South African witnesses in the extradition case involving Prophet Shepherd Bushiri come to Malawi and physically testify before the magistrate court.

The ruling follows the appeal Bushiris had applied before High Court against an earlier ruling by the magistrate court that witnesses should testify in South Africa.

In his ruling, Judge Bruno Kalemba began by specifying saying witnesses to the extradition hearing are representatives of the requesting state.

“These representatives will be able to satisfy the court that their request meets all the requirements under Section 6 of the Extradition Act and answer questions and be cross-examined by the fugitive offenders,” he ordered.

In an interview, Bushiri said: “When we came to Malawi, we spoke about how unfairly we were being treated in South Africa. We had opened cases of extortion against some of the prosecutors who arrested us a year before the same accused officers arrested us.

“We also survived assassination attempts after we opened cases against some individuals in the Republic of South Africa and they have records of these cases in the Police and Judicial systems which we believe to be vital in our case.

“We welcome this fair ruling and we look forward to meeting them in court where we will exercise our right to cross examine them for a fair trial. Thank you everyone for your continued support. We will continue to pray for you as you pray for us,”

With the ruling it means, the case goes back to the Chief Resident Magistrate Court in Lilongwe for proceedings on a date and time to be announced.

CDEDI wants NRB probed over secret, speedy reforms


By Iommie Chiwalo

NAMIWA: CDEDI does not look at changing the features on the ID as a priority since the nation is riddled with serious challenges

The Centre for Democracy and Economic Development Initiatives (CDEDI) has penned Parliamentary Committee Chairperson on defense and security to probe the secrecy and suspicious speedy conduct of National Registration Bureau (NRB) on features of National Identity cards.

In a letter addressed to Ralph Jooma and copied to United Nations Development Program (UNDP) country representative, CDEDI Executive Director Sylvester Namiwa says the secrecy and the speed at which the process is being done is raising eyebrows.

Namiwa says there are confirmed reports that Principal Secretary (PS) responsible for the NRB Mphatso Sambo is reportedly to have singlehandedly working with the UNDP’s consultant, working on the National Registration Identification System (NRIS) Project, who is also singlehandedly pushing for these changes.

The matter at hand is that  CDEDI has learnt with regret about allegations that the NRB is reportedly geared at making drastic changes to the national Identity Cards (IDs) that will result in the removal of the micro-chip and expiry date for the card, on the pretext of cutting production costs, without consultations with the concerned stakeholders.

“It is against this background that CDEDI on behalf of well-meaning Malawians is calling upon your committee to invoke its oversight powers and summon the PS Sambo and the UNDP consultant to explain to Malawians why they have decided to bypass the country’s citizens on such an issue of national importance,” writes Namiwa in a letter.

He says the development is not only retrogressive, but it will also reduce the document into a useless plastic that will be susceptible to forgery.

Independent investigations carried out by CDEDI revealed that the UNDP consultant is on record to have convinced the Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC) Commissioners at a meeting that was held in Lilongwe on January 27, 2023 that it was cheap to make the changes on the national IDs.

Both MEC and NRB spokespersons are yet to comment on the matter but it is in records that NRB has not publicly raised an alarm that the card is expensive in its current form, regardless of the fact that the department is well funded and that the ID card replacement and renewal is done at a fee, hence being self-sustaining.

Meanwhile, Malawians in different parts of the country have not hidden their frustration with the delays of replacing the expired national IDs which are initially designed as a smart card where the micro-chip contains encrypted information of fingerprints, photograph, signature and other security features on one hand, while the expiry date, besides being a requirement by law, that after ten years, it is necessary to update the photo to capture any changes in appearance and personal status, it also provides an opportunity to vet eligibility of the card holder.

“Last but not the least, the Malawi National ID card uses state of the art encryption drawn from global standards such as the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) that are also used in passports and other identification documents. In line with ICAO, all smart cards and travel documents must have an expiry date,” he highlights

Adding that the micro-chip and the expiry date are therefore very fundamental features that makes forgery extremely difficult.

Namiwa says that the Malawian ID in its current status has the capacity to be used as a health passport, travel document, electronic wallet on top of being an identification card.

“At this juncture CDEDI does not look at changing the features on the ID as a priority since the nation is riddled with serious challenges,”.

NRB partners NBS Bank on National IDs payments

Sambo (left) and Nhlema after signing the pact

The National Registration Bureau (NRB) has digitized payment processes for all its services and has partnered with NBS Bank to pilot digital payments of the services.  

NRB has moved from collecting revenue for its services through the Treasury Cashier to using NBS Bank’s Mobile Application, USSD Service, Banki Pafupi Agents, as well as Bank Tellers across the Bank’s Service Centres.

Speaking in Lilongwe on Friday during the signing ceremony of the partnership, NRB Principal Secretary Mphatso Sambo said the arrangement will ensure that applicants pay at their convenience and cut costs.

“Applicants used to travel long distances to get forms and pay at the Treasury Cashier where sometimes they could not find Cashiers but with this arrangement that we have with NBS Bank, applicants will pay at their convenience while saving on costs,” said Sambo.

NBS Bank head of corporate and investment banking Alfred Nhlema said the partnership will accelerate inclusion, bringing services closer to the people with simplified user journeys while leveraging a wider coverage of payment options, enhancing accountability, and maximizing government revenue collection. 

Sambo (left) and Nhlema sign the pact

“NBS Bank’s wide network of Service Centres and Bank Pafupi agents brings value to the nation to efficiently pay for NRB services. Additionally, our mobile-based platforms will provide quick, convenient, and easy to use options for payments.”

“Digitizing NRB’s payment processes complements ongoing government digitization efforts to improve service delivery and sets the government on course to achieve a ‘24-hour, self-service’ government,” said Nhlema.

He also said they have put up systems to enable those who do not hold accounts with NBS Bank to access ID e-payment services through wallets on the bank’s mobile platform systems. 

Illovo Sugar Malawi joins Cholera fight


One of the leading sugar producers in the country, Illovo Sugar Malawi Plc has donated assorted items worth MK 20 Million to Blantyre District Health Office to help in the fight against Cholera outbreak.   

The historic handover ceremony took place on Thursday at Illovo Head office at Limbe, Blantyre.

Among the donated items are 51 buckets of chlorine, 135 kilograms of washing powder, 60cartons of soap tablets and a 7×5 meter tent.

The company is also building five pit latrines and five bathrooms at the Limbe Health Centre.

Managing Director for Illovo Malawi, Lekani Katandula said the company made the donation following a request from Blantyre District Health Office as well as part of corporate social responsibility.

“Towards the end of December 2022, the Director of Health and Social Services (DHSS) and the entire Management of the Blantyre District Council reached out to Illovo with a request to provide support in the fight against the cholera outbreak.

“Illovo was quick to respond to this request because as a business we strongly believe that in order to realize our purpose of creating a thriving Malawian Community it is imperative that we also play a part in ensuring the health and well-being of the community.

This is because for a community to thrive it is important that they should be healthy,” said Katandula

On her part, Limbe Health Centre facility in charge Dorah Mwafulirwa applauded Illovo sugar Malawi for a timely gesture.

“Let me express my deepest gratitude and appreciation to Illovo for this generous donation to the District,” said Mwafulirwa

The cumulative confirmed Cholera cases and deaths reported since the onset of the outbreak is 40,284 and 1,316 respectively, with Case Fatality Rate at 3.27%. A total of 38,007 people have recovered and 961 are currently in the treatments centres.

Castel Malawi donates K20 million worth items towards Cholera fight

Zimba (right) makes a symbolic handover to Jere-Nyasulu- photo courtesy of Gazette Media

Castel Malawi Limited has re-affirmed its commitment towards the fight against Cholera outbreak by donating items worth K20 million to the Ministry of Health to support the cause.

Some weeks ago, the company launched an in-house initiative against Cholera where among other things arranged for oral vaccination for the employees, apart from giving them hand sanitizers.

Speaking during the official handover ceremony in Blantyre on Tuesday, Castel Malawi’s human resource and corporate affairs director, Gloria Zimba said the intervention is a response to a call by government to the private sector to help out as numbers of cholera cases and deaths surge.

Castel’s CSR Manager Linda Kolomba (left) handing over equipment to Thomson Chipeta of Ndirande Health Centre- photo by Gazette Media

“We are targeting the worst hit health centres as we work hand in hand with the District Health Offices (DHOs) to donate to 20 health centres which they have identified across the country.

“As Castel Malawi we have our own policy on corporate social responsibility. We have six pillars and one of them is health and safety. So, on the health part, we are not only concerned about the health of our employees, but also our customers and stakeholders.”

“We had to partner with the Government because eventually we will get affected if the cases rise since some of our employees also reside in the communities with everybody. We have so far mounted billboards carrying the same message against Cholera,” she said.

Castel Malawi’s Gloria Zimba (right) officially handing over the goods to Jere-Nyasulu (left)- Photo courtesy of Gazette Media

Ministry of Health representative at the event, Blantyre DHO Chief Medical Officer, Dr Mirriam Jere-Nyasulu commended Castel Malawi for the timely donation.

“Castel Malawi has come at the right time when cases are on the rise even in rural areas. The Ministry of Health needs a lot of support and we believe this will go a long way in reducing the pressure on resources, especially for health centres in rural areas,” she said.

Some of the donated items include chlorine, ORS, drip stands, garden boots, sanitizer, and disposable syringes.

Some of the items to be donated in various health centres- photo by Gazette Media

Illovo Malawi makes K26.5 billion profit


Illovo sugar (Malawi) Plc has achieved a 26.5 billion kwacha profit for the year ended August 31, 2022 as compared to 20.5 billion kwacha achieved from the previous year, representing a 30 percent increase.

Illovo sugar Malawi Plc Managing Director, Lekani Katandula disclosed the development during an investors session update at Mount Soche Hotel Blantyre on Tuesday.

Katandula further stated that the success comes amid significant reduction in total production which falls from 279 thousand metric tons to 230 metric tons.

The Managing director attributed profits to much higher domestic sales which went up from 173 thousand to 214 metric tons.

“On the basis of that performance, shareholders were rewarded with good dividends as compared to previous year,” said Katandula.

Illovo, which employs over 11,000 permanent and non-permanent workers, supplies more than 60% of its total sugar sales into the domestic consumer and industrial markets, and a portion of the balance exported regionally within the sub-continent.

MultiChoice Talent Factory goes live with online short courses for 300 filmmakers across Africa

The online courses are tailored for industry professionals working across the African continent and have launched in eight African countries. The courses are an expansion of the existing programmes MultiChoice Talent Factory already offers its beneficiaries.

The MultiChoice Talent Factory has partnered with SAE Institute, a world leader in creative media education established in 1976, to offer fully-funded online short courses to 300 media professionals from Malawi, Zambia, Angola, Mozambique, Tanzania, Uganda, Kenya and Nigeria who work at various broadcasters and production houses. In South Africa, they proudly offer nationally accredited Bachelor’s Degrees and Higher Certificates across 4 disciplines – Animation, Audio, Games and Film.

The online short courses have been custom designed by MTF and SAE, to fulfill the production knowledge gaps that exist within the industry. The five courses created are Script Writing, Production Management, Cinematography, Audio Post-Production and 3D Animation, with each short course running for five weeks.

“Following the success and immense impact of the MTF Academy, we’ve received numerous requests from established film and TV industry professionals, who are unable to apply for the Academy Graduate Programmes as they only cater for working professionals. We wanted to create short courses to further enhance their skill sets and this is our response to those requests. The TV & film industry is constantly evolving and as such we as professionals must continue to diversify and develop our skills” say MTF Director for Africa, Nwabisa Matyumza. 

The online orientation programme, hosted by South African comedian, Mpho Popps, was attended by the various film and TV industry professionals embarking on this exciting learning journey. During the orientation session, the participants were taken through the online learning platform and had the opportunity to meet their course facilitators and fellow students from across the continent.

“We’re excited to walk this journey with the MultiChoice Talent Factory. Our purpose is to educate, empower and employ and this partnership allows us to expand this purpose into other African countries.

These short courses provide much-needed upskilling for many self-taught individuals who have never had the opportunity to study at a university. It goes a long way in bolstering the existing skill and talent on the continent,” says Scott Rogers, Managing Director of Invictus Online at the SAE Institute.

No honeymoon in Govt…as NyaLonje only left with two days to facilitate funding approval

… CDEDI in pursuit to rescue Oman enslaved women

By Iommie Chiwalo


The Center for Democracy and Economic Development Initiatives (CDEDI) is not relenting on the rescue mission to see the return of enslaved Malawian women who are stuck in Oman.

In a letter addressed to newly appointed Labour Minister Agness Nyalonje, CDEDI has indicated that despite a recent cabinet reshuffle, government business is not supposed to grind to a halt.

“We at CDEDI therefore, would like to believe that you have had an opportunity to have a proper handover, and therefore you only have three days left in order for you to push cabinet to approve funding for the rescue of our young women,” reads the letter signed by CDEDI Executive Director Sylvester Namiwa.

Namiwa says in case of failure by Nyalonje to passionately appeal to the Cabinet Chairperson who in this case is the President Dr. Lazarus Chakwera himself to release the funds to bailout the stranded citizens, it will be a call for action.

“Anything contrary to our request, will force CDEDI to start knocking on the doors of the international community and well-wishers within and outside the country to join in a fundraising initiative to free these vulnerable women from slavery,” he said.

Nyalonje who has confirmed to have received the letter from CDEDI is coming into this ministry at the time when the nation is deeply concerned with the plight of about 60 Malawian women that are enslaved in Oman, in the Middle East and six others cannot be accounted for in the past six months.

And before her appointment, CDEDI gave government a seven-day ultimatum to intervene after noting with dismay lack of seriousness on part of authorities in dealing with the matter in the past seven months by evidently attempting to sweep the whole matter under the carpet.

The labour Minister has indicated that “still will have to follow up the matter with relevant authorities as it is beyond labour matter,”

In its letter, CDEDI expressed shock over modern day slavery after revelations that in Oman, where our women went to seek greener pasture, are called ‘shagara’, which means slave.

“As the name suggests, our sisters were bought by agents of slavery at $2,500 each. This is the amount of money that was spent on each one’s air ticket, visa, medical tests, police clearance and related travel requirements,” says Namiwa who apart from congratulating Nyalonje for taking up an opportunity to lead a crucial ministry and has also reminded her that the Malawian youths are still waiting for the delivery on the campaign promise of the one million jobs.

South African Airways (SAA) to resume flights to Malawi

Ndau (left) with Lamola during the meeting

South African Airways (SAA) has announced the resumption of flights between South Africa and Malawi this year with effect from the 16th of March, 2023.

The announcement was made by Professor John Lamola, SAA Chief Executive Officer during a meeting he held with Her Excellency Mrs. Stella Ndau at the Malawi High Commission in Pretoria in the company of Ms Vimla Maistry, Head of Corporate Affairs at SAA and other Diplomatic staff. It follows a series of engagements and negotiations between SAA and the Mission.

During the visit, Prof Lamola expressed enthusiasm that SAA will finally be operating on this route as the challenges they have had were being resolved.

He stated that the national flag carrier has had to restructure and one of the focus areas was promotion of AFCTA within the SADC region and hence the rigorous planning that preceded the resumption of flights.

He commended Malawi High Commission for its efforts, commitment, and collaboration in ensuring the resumption of SAA’s flights to Malawi.

On her part, Her Excellency Mrs. Stella Ndau commended SAA for its decision saying it signified renewed confidence that South African businesses have in the operating environment in Malawi.

She also reiterated that the resumption of flights will contribute to the improvement of the tourism and transport sectors as stipulated in the MW2063 Agenda.

“We are excited with this development which we believe will ensure that Malawi should remain as one of the most affordable tourist destinations in the region. This will certainly compliment Government’s efforts of improving our economy,” said Ndau.

Ticket sales begin on Monday 6th February 2023.

NBM gives MDF K130 million surgical equipment

An MDF soldier briefs Kawawa on the new surgical equipment

National Bank of Malawi (NBM) plc has handed over state-of-the-art surgical equipment worth K130 million to Malawi Defense Force (MDF) for the newly-constructed operating theatre at Kamuzu Barracks Camp Hospital in Lilongwe.

The two institutions signed a memorandum of understanding in April last year for the Bank to buy the equipment.

Speaking during the official handover ceremony, NBM plc Chief Executive Officer (CEO) McFussy Kawawa said the bank believes in creating social impact through sustainable Corporate Social Investment (CSI).

“The Malawi Defense Force plays a critical role in ensuring the safety and security of our nation and its people. We are aware that, through the Camp Hospital, the military is not only looking after its own but also serving the surrounding communities.”

MDF officials explain to Kawawa and other NBM plc officials on the new equipment

“We are confident that this donation will help improve the health outcomes of those who use the hospital and we are honoured to be a part of this meaningful initiative. Let me assure you all that this donation is a testament to the National Bank’s commitment to supporting the health and well-being of all citizens in our country,” he said.

Kawawa further indicated that two percent of the bank’s profit-after-tax is dedicated towards creating social impact.

“By implementing sustainable CSI initiatives in Education, Health, Innovation, Sports Development and Environmental preservation, among others, we are sure that we will help create a better future for all,” he added.

MDF commander, General Vincent Nundwe commended NBM plc for the support, saying they have the right personnel to run the equipment, and that it will reduce referral cases of soldiers and their spouses to other hospitals.

Kawawa (right) presents symbolic equipment to General Nundwe

“As Malawi Defence Force, we are very prepared to run the surgical services here. As you can see, a theatre with spacious operating rooms and an adjacent Intensive Care Unit (ICU) is nearing completion, of course with an excellent power back up system.”

“Next to the Theatre, we are installing high-tech diagnostic radiological equipment; the Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) machine and the Computed Tomography (CT) Scan Machine which is a clear demonstration of our strong commitment to make this facility a state-of-the-art hospital.”

“I am happy that we have met our obligations and we finally have the equipment. Complex surgical procedures will now be conducted here by our qualified medical personnel which will minimize the spending on referrals to other institutions both locally and abroad as service members frequently suffer injuries that require surgical intervention due to the nature of our work,” Nundwe said.

Initially, the memorandum of understanding between the two was pegged at K100 million, but Kawawa clarified that the figure shot to K130 million after the devaluation of the Kwacha last year.

MDF official explains to Kawawa on the MRI scan machine

Mo626 College Basketball unearths 11 players for national team

Malawi National Basketball team

After a successful three-year Mo626 College Basketball sponsorship, National Bank of Malawi (NBM) plc can now afford a smile as the sponsorship bears fruits by contributing 11 players into the Malawi National Basketball team.

Basketball Association of Malawi (Basmal) released a 20-member squad to travel to Zimbabwe for FIBA Zone Vi AfroCAN qualifiers between February 20 to 28, 2023.

The eleven are forwards Brian Nyirenda, Manelo Munthali , Francis Mpakeni, Mike Kalanga, Harris Mbenjere, and Steve Mpare.

Playmaker Hydin Mafuta, Ian Limbe, Bernard Kawanga and Patrick Chirwa have been selected as Guards, while Edward Chiwasa is on the list of Centers.

Reacting to the news, NBM plc marketing and corporate affairs manager, Akossa Hiwa expressed excitement at the development emphasizing that unearthing and development of talent within the sport of Basketball remains one of the reasons that the Bank continues to invest in the sport.

Said Hiwa, “As a Bank, we are very pleased to note that our commitment towards Basketball has helped groom great players who will represent our country through the Malawi National Basketball Team. We have renewed our commitment to Mo626 Basketball and anticipate that more talent will be developed in the upcoming seasons.”

“As a Bank of the Nation, we will continue to help drive the country’s growth through our initiatives across multiple sectors. We wish our National Basketball team well as they travel to Zimbabwe.”

Basmal vice president, Banthari Banda conceded that Mo626 College Basketball has offered the coaches a basket of options to tap talent from.

“We are delighted because the level of the competition has greatly improved amongst the players because of the Mo626 College Basketball. That is why you have seen that it has contributed more players into the national team apart from the regional leagues we are running. We still have 55 percent of the players we started with in colleges and we anticipate more of such talent unearthed,” he said.

Meanwhile Banda has asked for more support from the corporate world to cater for the national team’s trip.

The team will be led by coaches Griffin Kalua and Justin Luwemba.

A month ago, NBM plc hiked the tournament’s sponsorship to K450 million for another three years.

FDH gives Farmers Union 11, 000 seedlings to support tree planting activities

Jussab (right) presents the dummy tree seedling artwork to FUM CEO Jacob Nyirongo

FDH Bank Plc has given Farmers Union of Malawi (FUM) 11, 000 seedlings to support their tree planting activities within farmer groups.

Speaking during the symbolic handover ceremony in Lilongwe on Tuesday, the Bank’s head of corporate and institutional banking, Mary Jussab said they committed to plant one million trees by 2024 through various stakeholders including FUM, customers, partners and staff members in alignment with the Malawi 2063 and the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

“FDH Bank Plc recognizes the importance of a green environment and as a responsible corporate citizen has reinforced its commitment to champion a sustainable and resilient green environment that will foster the development of the country and nurture it against various environmental and economic forces.

“We also applaud the role that Farmers Union of Malawi is playing in supporting farmers across the country as well as promoting a green environment. Championing a sustainable environment is the key to a sustainable future in the agriculture sector, a progressive economy and for our wellbeing,” she said.

In his remarks, FUM president Mannes Nkhata commended FDH for the partnership saying farmers activities are regarded among the top environmental degrading aspects, and therefore need to take up a role in ensuring they restore the environment.

“FUM takes issues of reforestation and vegetative regeneration seriously and soon we will be launching our new Strategic Plan that will, among other things, promote climate-smart and sustainable agriculture systems. The partnership that we have with the FDH Bank is therefore already contributing towards this strategic direction,” she said.

Apart from adopting Chingale Hills Forest and sponsoring pro-green initiatives, FDH Bank also runs a “Be Green Smart Tree Planting Season Initiative”, where its staff members plant and nurture five trees each.

CDEDI gives Chakwera 7 days to rescue 60 enslaved Malawians in Oman

By Iommie Chiwalo

NAMIWA: The only food they take on a daily basis is water and a few slices of bread

The Centre for Democracy and Economic Development Initiatives (CDEDI) calls on the government to speedily act in a manner that it cares about the welfare of 60 Malawian women enslaved in the Middle East, Oman and six others whose whereabouts have remained unknown for the past six months.

In a press statement signed by CDEDI Executive Director Sylvester Namiwa, the calls are coming after noting with dismay that in the past seven months government lacks seriousness in dealing with the matter and, actually evident attempts to sweep the whole matter under the carpet.

“We have learnt with broken hearts that in Oman, where our women went to seek greener pasture, are called ‘Shagara’, which means slave over there. As the name suggests, our sisters were ‘bought’ by agents of slavery at $2,500 each,” says Namiwa.

The said amount is what was spent on individual air ticket, visa, medical tests, police clearance and related travel requirements as well as starting work straight from the airport.

“In most cases, they serve over 10 families living within a compound, forcing them to sleep only three hours a day. The only food they take on a daily basis is water and a few slices of bread. And in the course of their work and stay they endure unbearable sexual abuse and assault. If this is not chilling enough to make government act with speed, what would be,” queries Namiwa.

CDEDI resolves that if government was really serious about rescuing these enslaved Malawians, it could have used funds from the unforeseen circumstances budgetary allocation, assuming funding is the stumbling block.

He has given an example of a situation whereby government hired buses to rescue its citizens from South Africa in the face of xenophobic attacks and similar action was taken to rescue Malawian students trapped in a Covid-19 lockdown in China.

“It is against this background that CDEDI hereby challenges President Chakwera to address Malawians and acknowledge his government’s awareness about the Oman enslaved Malawians. He should explain to the nation why it has taken his Cabinet seven months to approve the spending of less than MK200 million to rescue these young women,” he says.

Namiwa however, warned that as a matter of urgency, failure by the President to make available the required funds within the next seven days will mean that leadership has failed to help the stranded citizens, and CDEDI will be forced to knock on the doors of the international community for its intervention.

The urgent call for quick action by CDEDI is also grounded on human rights aspect whereby one of the victims has confessed that she cleans a two-stoley building which accommodates 12 families, doing the laundry, cleaning the outside including two vehicles and as if that is not enough, some men in the compound take turns raping her and some of her female masters beat her up over very flimsy accusations.

“It is said that these women are forced to work even when they are sick. Worse still, they have no access to medical care. When they cry for mercy they are told they were ‘bought’ exactly for what they are experiencing hence the only way out is to serve for two years or pay back the $2,500. So far, only three women have regained their freedom after refunding the money, and are back home, albeit traumatized,” he said.

In its findings CDEDI established that President Chakwera silently set up a Cabinet Committee to handle the matter but sadly what is coming out is that Labour Minister Vera Kantukule is reportedly receiving death threats for attempting to disturb this slave trade.

“It is, however, disturbing to hear that the committee has decided to literally abandon the task for which it was formed,” said Namiwa.

He says his organisation has also learnt with shock that the efforts by the Malawi Government which in October, 2022 sent a delegation to Oman via Kuwait since there is no embassy in Oman, to pursue the matter has yielded nothing.

CDEDI also understands that since the Oman authorities claim these women sign legally-binding contracts, there is nothing their government can do about the emerging atrocities.

The story says the helpless women first lose contact with their agents while in transit and upon arrival, their work permits and travel documents are confiscated before being handed over to powerful and wealthy people who shamefully use them as symbols of prestige in what epitomises modern day slavery.

It is in the press that in an event that one has been caught trying to escape from the dehumanising conditions, they are mercilessly assaulted before being forced back to their slavery.

Efforts to get more information from responsible ministries proved futile but rights activists approached by this publication says much us labour export is as a result of high unemployment levels in Malawi, the exported labour is not supposed to undergo atrocities like what is happening in Oman.

HS Winehouse bids farewell to two patrons

Walu (second right) and Olera (left) poses with Nyemera (third right) and other patrons during the party

An uptown and trendy entertainment joint in Blantyre, HS Winehouse on Friday organized a farewell party for two of its patrons who are leaving town.

The two are former Sunbird Tourism Chief Executive Officer Yusuf Olera who is relocating to Uganda and an IT engineer Walusungu Kita popularly known as ‘Walu’ who will now be based in Lilongwe.

The two patrons have been regular patrons of the joint for many years and management of HS Winehouse together with some patrons contributed cash to give a rousing sendoff of the two patrons.

Speaking on behalf of the patrons, Chairperson of HS Winehouse patrons Alijeao Nyemera thanked Olera and Kita for the time they spent at the joint describing them as ‘loyal patrons’.

“HS Winehouse is a family and today we are bidding farewell to two family members who have been with us for many years. It was fun to interact with Yusuf and Walu and the networking has been wonderful to all other patrons.

“We wish them all the best in their endeavors but I urge them that whenever they are back in Blantyre, they will be happily welcomed to their ‘home’ here at HS Winehouse,” said Nyemera.

One of the co-directors of HS Winehouse Gerald Tasaukadala said they decided to match the contributions made by the patrons for the party to make the event bigger.

“We really appreciate the support that we get from our patrons and that is why we matched what they had contributed to give our brothers a lovely send off.

HS Winehouse is a place where members interact and network to uplift their personal and business status and we will continue offering the best to our patrons who regard this place as their second home,” said Tasaukadala.

Kita said in an interview that HS Winehouse was like his second home after starting patronizing the place way back in 2019.

“I have made several friends at Winehouse that turned out to be my brothers and sisters. Leaving a place where you have had strangers who turned out to be brothers and sisters is hard but drinking at Winehouse with friends has made every moment memorable and felt like one happy family.”

“Now that I am leaving to start a new life in Lilongwe, I have to look for new partners in crime and a new drinking place like Winehouse which to me seems like starting to climb Mount Kilimanjaro. I will miss the place, the drinks, the food, the jokes and every patron here,” said Walu.

On his part, Olera, a Kenyan, said he has always been impressed with the operating model of HS Winehouse saying the joint provides patrons what they are looking for.

“I will have fond memories of HS Winehouse and its patrons and it is an honour that they organized a farewell party for us,” said Olera.

The patrons were treated to a cocktail of beverages, sizzling food and music.

Malawi’s Kombucha Juice Manufacturer Dismisses Social Media Photos…We Have Modern, Standard Equipment


Leading Manufacturer of health drinks Kombucha juice and ginger, Nutricom Food and Beverages has dismissed trending pictures of Kombucha factory making rounds in various social media platforms.

In an interview with Malawi Voice on Saturday one of the officials from the company said the pictures which are being shared on facebook and WhatsApp platforms are not from its company, adding that ‘Nutricom and Food Beverages follows all health guidelines’.

A surprise visit at the factory’s headquarters at Njewa in Lilongwe revealed that the company has modern and standard equipment contrary to what is being shared on social media.

The official went on to say Nutricom Food and Beverages’ Kombucha juice and other products from the are duly certified by the Malawi Bureau Standards (MBS).

According to an investigation by Malawi Voice, the photos which are circulating are from a Zambian Company which has since been closed by the Zambian authority.

CDEDI to the rescue of Mchitanjiru primary school


By Iommie Chiwalo

Center for Democracy and Economic Development Initiatives (CDEDI) has embarked on environmental and sanitation drive with Mchitanjiru primary school in Lilongwe as its premier beneficiary.

The human rights organization which focuses much on general wellbeing has donated 500 tree seedlings and other utensils which include basins and soap.

Speaking during the donation CDEDI Executive Director Sylvester Namiwa said his organization thought it wise to make the donation because the school is almost bare and that is close to the waste refusal area which poses danger to the lives of dangers.

He said the place was identified strategically whereby apart from willing to revamp the environmental status on the school, CDEDI wants to nurture spirit of ownership among learners so that they can become ambassadors in the environmental protection drive.

Namiwa said time has come to take a step further in preventing cholera and that authorities should be transparent when handling issues that affects the general welfare of the masses.

He has since asked well-wishers to join hands with CDEDI in improving the welfare of the masses including environmental protection.

“If you are doing business, there must be customers and the customers must be alive. So as a quest to ensure that there is appreciation, business entities must come forward as a way of paying back to the communities,” he said

The headteacher for the school, Stella Mastala was all smiles and has since expressed gratitude for the gesture.

Master has also assured the public that in collaboration with surrounding communities as well as the Msamba Parish leadership will take care of the donated seedlings so as to ensure larger percentage of survival rate.

 “Trees are important in so many ways and will do everything to ensure that the woodlot reaches maturity state.

“On sanitation equipment, we are also grateful because it will improve the hygiene practices at the institution knowing that this area has been highly hit by the current cholera outbreak,” she said.

She disclosed that one standard two learner was diagnosed with cholera and the donation is timely as it will go a long way in improving the situation.

On his part the Catechist Yohane Kamwaza as Mchitanjiru primary school is under Msamba Parish, said the help from CDEDI is not only timely but also beneficial.

Kamwaza said will use church as a platform of encouraging people about the importance of taking care of the environment, a situation he hopes will help maximizing survival rate of the donated trees.

Speaking at the same function, Chief Golombe said the trees will improve the area by not only beautifying it but also through contributing to environmental restoration.

The local leader has promised to take care of the trees especially by coming up with bylaws that will be followed especially on people found on wrong side of the law.

Golombe also thanked CDEDI for sanitary kits such as soap and basins saying are a milestone towards improving the current situation whereby cholera cases kept on rising each passing day.

NBM supports Beit Cure gala with K4.7 million

Hiwa (Centre) handing over the cheque

National Bank of Malawi Plc has given Beit Cure Hospital K4.750 million to support its ‘Night of Shine’ gala event set for February 10, 2023.

During the gala night, people with special needs are given a red carpet and gifts apart from being dressed and referred to as ‘Kings and Queens’.

Speaking during the official cheque handover ceremony in Blantyre on Wednesday, NBM Plc Marketing and Corporate Affairs Manager, Akossa Hiwa said the gesture is part of inspiring greatness in the people with disabilities so that they don’t feel discriminated against.

“As a Bank of the Nation, we understand the challenges that people with disabilities encounter in the society, including extreme poverty, high unemployment rate, stigmatization, poor provision of education and health services.

The efforts, therefore done by caregivers like Beit Cure Hospital in restoring the hope and confidence in these people through the surgical operations and other services on charitable basis cannot go unappreciated,” she said.

In his acceptance speech, Beit Cure Malawi executive director, Elly Chemey commended National Bank saying the support will surely offer a smile to people with disabilities.

“You have given them hope, faith, and confidence which they lack. People with disabilities indeed face a lot of challenges in our society. On that particular day, we ensure we bring a smile on their faces so that they do not feel sidelined. These people can also contribute to the development of the country and bank with National Bank in future,” he said.

Chemey also disclosed that through the support they get from various corporates like National Bank, they have seen an increase in people they help from 1500 in the previous years to 2145 last year, and projecting a growth of 2400 this year.

MultiChoice, SuperSport donate production equipment to MBC

Under the MultiChoice Expansion Program which aims to build collaborative relationships between MultiChoice and Malawi’s local film and TV industry, MultiChoice, through SuperSport has donated production equipment to Malawi’s national broadcaster MBC.

MBC technical professionals were invited to tour MultiChoice head office, MultiChoice City and SuperSport head office, SuperSport Outdoor Broadcast City in South Africa where they were presented with an assortment of production equipment to choose from based on the broadcasters needs. This took place over the course of five days from 3 – 7 October 2022.

“MultiChoice recognises the economic importance of the entertainment industry in Malawi and its substantial income generating capacity for government, the creative fraternity, and the citizens” said Zena Makunje, Corporate Affairs Manager, MultiChoice Malawi. “This is an investment in the future of Malawi’s creative industries through the public broadcaster, and we look forward to forging more partnerships in future” added Makunje.

GOtv customers get free upgrades in January

  • GOtv Customers upgrade and get one package higher than what you paid for
  • Upgrade to GOtv Value and get Bumped Up to GOtv Plus
  • Upgrade to GOtv Plus and get Bumped Up to GOtv Max
  • Upgrade to GOtv Max and get Bumped Up to GOtv Supa

Following the current offer that was run over December which gave customer free upgrade if they stayed connected, the upcoming offer expands to reveal even more of the great content available on the GOtv platforms.

From 25 January to 31 March 2023, GOtv customers will get upgraded to a higher package when they upgrade their GOtv subscription.

Now that connected customers have had a taste of the great entertainment to be had on upgraded packages in the past month, they need only upgrade to be view content on an even higher package.

‘We want to keep our valued customers entertained no matter what season it is, and what better way to enjoy the New Year than with more content than you pay for! This offer gives customers the opportunity to explore higher packages and enjoy more content. That’s surely a little something to get excited about this January’” says GM of MultiChoice, Emma Gichonge.

The campaign allows existing GOtv customers to see varied programming available across higher packages, at the price of a lower package, making great content more accessible to a wider group of viewers.

GOtv Lite customers, who upgrade to GOtv Value, will automatically be upgraded to GOtv Plus and experience great telenovelas on TLNovelas  like Heartless, a riveting story about a woman seeking revenge for her murdered husband.

On GOtv Value customers who upgrade to GOtv Plus will be upgraded to GOtv Max and be able to view the best of the best Martial Arts movies on KIX.

GOtv Plus customers will have the ultimate in entertainment – in February kids can look forward to brand new episodes of Paw Patrol on NickJr. 

This offer is open to both active and disconnected customers. For more information on this offer as well as other products and services, please visit:

An upgrade is just a few taps away with the MyGOtvApp which you can download on you mobile App store.

CDEDI demands for fact validation exercise on Central Poultry premises


By Iommie Chiwalo

The zigzag approach coupled with seemingly treatment with kid’s groves by the Lilongwe City authorities on matters concerning hygienic conditions of Central Poultry (CP) has compelled Centre for Democracy and Economic Development Initiatives (CDEDI) to call for fact validation exercise.

The calls by CDEDI comes following the company’s resumption of business operations, after the purported closure by the city authorities as a preventive measure to contain further spread of the Cholera outbreak.

As cholera is still on the rise, CDEDI embarked on an independent investigations which established that CP refused to sign the letter to formalize the closure and that the decision to turn the place into a compost centre instead of just dumping waste raises a lot of questions than answers.

According to CDEDI Executive Director Sylvester Namiwa, in the said letter the Lilongwe City Council Deputy Director of Health Jorlex Kantokoma said the closure was necessary because Chicken waste attracts a lot of flies making the place a fertile ground for the spread of cholera and that CP was asked to destroy the structures.

A communication from Lilongwe City Council, CP was ordered to stop using the centre as a compost-making site with immediate effect until when proper procedures are followed [i.e. to prepare a project brief and submit the same to the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources or Environmental Affairs Department for approval before establishing the compost making centre or waste station] and that when the approval is granted, the company was expected to come up with standard designs for waste transfer stations in line with Lilongwe City Council guidelines and standards.

However it has been discovered that CP never performed as expected by not submitting a project brief to the council.

On the prevailing events, CDEDI feels that consumers and indeed the general public are of the view that both CP and the city authorities owe Malawians an explanation.

“As a mouthpiece of the voiceless, CDEDI has, on behalf of millions of the consumers of your products, developed interest and embarked on a fact validation exercise, hence our interest to physically visit the CP premises for inspection in order to validate the information that is already in our possession,” Namiwa says.

Namiwa has since requested for Thursday, 26th January, 2023, from 10:00hrs as an ample time for fact validation exercise.

“CDEDI would also like to seize the opportunity during the said visit to discuss the long outstanding complaints to the company by the city residents of Area 1(Falls), Area 36, and those along the M1 road, who happen to continuously and painfully endure the pungent smell from your open waste disposal vehicles that literally pollute the air every time they carry refuse to the Area 38 dumping site in Lilongwe,” he said.

He has also requested the city authorities to allow Mr. Katokoma to join in the physical inspection of CP premises on the said date in order to appreciate the changes made to the site and the accompanying correspondence backing the decision to resume operations.

The company was shut down by the Lilongwe City Mayor Richard Banda, for operating a dump site used for compost without following proper procedures.

The closure took place following an exercise dubbed ‘sanitation inspection tour’ which also led to the closure of Waka-Waka market on Tuesday, 3rd January 2023.

It was in the press that the Mayor took this route because Lilongwe was and still is one of the hardest hit cities by the Cholera outbreak, and Area 36 where both CP and Waka-Waka are located, is also the hardest hit suburb.

Nonetheless, the news about the sudden ‘opening’ of the company has raised eyebrows and left tongues wagging considering the twists and turns.

“The majority of Malawians are of the view that some corners were cut in the process, given the supersonic speed at which major decisions were taken,”

Activist Munlo hits back at AG Chakaka Nyirenda…Pali ponse tingakumane ndiza kuswa makofi


Leader of the Mass Movement for Revolution Comrade Redson Munlo has challenged Attorney General Thabo Chakaka Nyirenda to go ahead and sue him for ‘defamation’.

Comrade Munlo made the challenge after Chakaka Nyirenda threatened legal action against him over a viral audio.

In the audio, Munlo accused the office AG of practicing selective justice and torturing Norman Chisale, private bodyguard for former president Peter Mutharika by taking Chisale’s case personally.

Revolutionary Munho further accused Chakaka Nyirenda’s office of being used by governing Malawi Congress Party (MCP) to silence critics.

However, the audio did not go well with Chakaka Nyirenda who on Saturday told Zodiak Online that he will decide whether to take a legal action against Munlo or not.

But in reaction through a fresh audio clip, Munlo said: “Chakaka Nyirenda you are just a small boy, you can go ahead to sue, I will take you head on…You are not my size, ndiwe mwana kwambiri.

Ndipo even titakumana town nditha kukupasa makofi. In Fact, in the audio I was addressing the office of AG, not you as Chakaka Nyirenda.”

In a 20 minutes long audio clip, the fearless Munlo added: “I will show you that I fear no one. People like you {Thabo Chakaka} are the ones misleading the president, and it’s unfortunate that the president does not take action against you.”

In the controversial audio, Munlo called upon AG Chakaka Nyirenda to soften his hearts on Chisale and allow him to access his bank accounts. He further asked him to stop fighting personal battles using public office.

The audio came about after AG and Director of Public Prosecution, (DPP) lead counsel, Pilirani Masanjala objected to an application by Chisale to have one of his bank accounts unfreeze to withdraw some money to settle legal costs

Premier League Round 21 Live on GOtv, DStv


SuperSport viewers on DStv and GOtv can look forward to Round 21 action from the 2022-23 Premier League, with matches scheduled to run from Saturday 21 to Monday 23 January 2023.

The pick of Premier League matches this weekend is the round opener on Saturday afternoon between Liverpool and Chelsea at Anfield.

Neither the Reds nor the Blues have enjoyed the campaigns they would have been hoping for, though the Merseysiders have seen an improvement of late and will be confident of overcoming their London visitors.

“I don’t want to disappoint anybody, but we signed an outstanding player like Cody Gakpo and the next thing you read is ‘who next?’” said Liverpool manager Jurgen Klop of the expectations for the remainder of the January transfer window. “It’s as if we wouldn’t have a team, honestly. We cannot play like Monopoly. It’s like this and we never did, so I don’t understand that.”

Another potential thriller in this round is the meeting of Arsenal and Manchester United at the Emirates Stadium on the early evening of Sunday. The Red Devils handed the Gunners a 3-1 defeat when the teams met at Old Trafford back in September, and you can be sure Mikel Arteta’s side will be hungry for revenge – even if the Spaniard won’t say so himself.

“Of course we don’t speak of revenge, what happened is in the past, this is a whole new challenge that we must focus on,” said the Arsenal boss. “It’s about enjoying the moment and the challenge we have in front of us… a very good team that we have a long rivalry with.”

The weekend of English top-flight action also features key games in regards to the relegation battle, such as Bournemouth hosting Nottingham Forest and Everton visiting West Ham United at the London Stadium.

Elsewhere, champions Manchester City will look to put Wolverhampton Wanderers to the sword at the Etihad Stadium, Newcastle will chase three points on the road against Crystal Palace, and the round wraps up on Monday night with a London derby between Fulham and Tottenham Hotspur at Craven Cottage.

Don’t miss the best football action on SuperSport on DStv and GOtv. Visit and to subscribe or upgrade, and join in on the excitement. And while you’re on the move, you can stream matches on the DStv App.

Premier League broadcast details, 21-23 January 2023

All times CAT

Saturday 21 January

14:30: Liverpool v Chelsea – LIVE on SuperSport Premier League, SuperSport Maximo 1 and SuperSport Maximo 2

17:00: Bournemouth v Nottingham Forest – LIVE on SuperSport Variety 1

17:00: Leicester City v Brighton & Hove Albion – LIVE on SuperSport Variety 3, SuperSport Maximo 360 and SuperSport GOtv Football

17:00: Southampton v Aston Villa – LIVE on SuperSport Variety 2

17:00: West Ham United v Everton – LIVE on SuperSport Premier League and SuperSport Maximo 2

19:30: Crystal Palace v Newcastle United – LIVE on SuperSport Premier League, SuperSport Maximo 1 and SuperSport Maximo 2

Sunday 22 January

16:00: Leeds United v Brentford – LIVE on SuperSport Variety 3, SuperSport Maximo 360 and SuperSport GOtv Football

16:00: Manchester City v Wolverhampton Wanderers – LIVE on SuperSport Premier League and SuperSport Maximo 2

18:30: Arsenal v Manchester United – LIVE on SuperSport Premier League, SuperSport Maximo 1 and SuperSport Maximo 2

Monday 23 January

22:00: Fulham v Tottenham Hotspur – LIVE on SuperSport Grandstand, SuperSport Premier League and SuperSport Maximo 2

Malawians sympathize with Norman Chisale… AG Chakaka Nyirenda asked to soften his heart


Concerned Malawians are sympathizing with former President Professor Peter Mutharika’s private body guard Norman Chisale who is being psychologically tortured by President Lazarus Chakwera’s Tonse administration with cooked up charges.

This follows a recent application by Chisale to have one of his bank accounts unfrozen; an application which was objected by Attorney General, Thabo Chakaka Nyirenda and Director of Public Prosecution, (DPP) lead counsel, Pilirani Masanjala.

In a viral audio clip made available to the publication, a concerned citizen Comrade Redson Munlo a leader for Mass Movement for Revolution has described the actions by the state as ‘torture and political persecution’.

While applauding the courts for handling Chisale cases professionally, the vocal activist Munlo said: “Norman Chisale is a retired soldier, and has worked two former leaders namely Bingu and Peter Mutharika; therefore it is not on to question his source of wealth. It is very unfair to freeze his bank accounts”

The fearless Munlo then called upon AG Thabo Chakaka Nyirenda and the DPP to soften their hearts on Chisale and allow him to access his bank accounts. He further asked Chakaka Nyirenda to stop fighting personal battles using public office.

“Chakaka Nyirenda is using public office and legal instruments to fight his personal battles,” fumes Munho, adding that the AG is being used by Malawi Congress Party (MCP) administration to harm political opponents.

He then called upon all meaningful Malawians to prevent injustice by standing with Chisale and other Malawians who are being victimized by Tonse administration using the office AG’s and DPP office.

Meanwhile, both the offices of the Attorney General and Director of Public Prosecutions are yet to comment on the accusation by Munlo.

Chisale recently applied to the Supreme Court of Appeal, asking it to stay civil proceedings regarding the forfeiture of his property and refer constitutional issues arising out of the matter to the Chief Justice for certification.

DStv welcomes Quincy Jones’ QWEST TV onto screens

With exclusive access to high-end music, great concerts, documentaries and never-seen archived interviews, the global music streaming platform QWEST TV will officially be DStv channel 330.

The channel will be open to DStv Compact Plus and Premium customers, with an open window from 20th January- 19th February 2023 for DStv Compact customers.

Music lovers will now be able to access QWEST TV via the DStv bouquet (channel 330). The Channel will be available in over 40 countries across the continent.

Available exclusively to DStv customers, the channels offering includes:

  • Exclusive concerts from legendary artists as well as Rising Stars from across the globe
  • Premium music documentaries
  • Archived artist footage
  • Unreleased interviews with music icons including Erykah Badu, Questlove, Salif Keita, Gregory Porter, Marcus Miller, Seun Kuti, Kamasi Washington and Fatoumata Diawara

Founded in 2017 by musical genius, the legendary Quincy Jones, alongside TV and music producer and programmer Reza Ackbaraly, Qwest TV plans to bring genre-agnostic musical content to the African continent.

“We are elated to be part of Multichoice family and to launch Qwest TV to the African market. We are expanding our mission to offer high end music to everyone. Africa is a land of traditions and music, and we’re very happy to build such a great partnership on this gorgeous continent! “says CEO Reza Ackbaraly.

“I’m so proud to announce that Qwest TV is now available on Multichoice, Africa’s leading entertainment network. This means that my friends in South Africa, and forty-three more African territories, will have access to great, genre-defying music, 24/7.

“From African legends proudly proclaiming their heritage to jazz, classical, electronic and amazing deep-dive music documentaries, Africa is the source of music’s heartbeat and the cradle of modern music. I’m looking forward to celebrating diverse sounds with y’all!” explains Quincy Jones, Qwest TV co-founder and music producer.

With the core focus of expanding the content offering for viewers with quality entertainment, Georginah Machiridza, Executive Head for General Entertainment Channels at MultiChoice Group harps on the importance of such partnerships.

“What is key to us is that, whilst our audiences are driven by an appetite for home-grown content, we also complement it with the best in international content. To this end, we work with a selection of partners to ensure a comprehensive one stop shop for our customers. Our partnership with QWEST TV is one we are thrilled about, and we cannot wait for our DStv customers to experience it,” says Machiridza.

QWEST TV will air on DStv channel 330 from 20 January 2023, for more information visit

Qwest TV is a celebration of unique talents, traditions, and rhythms. With more than a thousand music-related experiences on offer, the premium video hub strives to be the world’s home for jazz, soul, funk, classical, and music from around the world.

Qwest TV’s services include three premium linear television channels (in 7 languages with worldwide rights), Ad-supported Video On Demand (in 7 languages with worldwide rights) and a Subscription Video on Demand Platform (available globally, in 3 languages), and a Pay-TV for Africa on DStv (channel 330).

NFRA suspends CEO Brenda Kayongo over missing maize trucks


The board of National Food Reserve Agency (NFRA) has suspended its Chief Executive Officer Brenda Masanza Kayongo with immediate effect.

According to internal memo, NFRA’s Board of Trustees has effected the suspension pending further investigations and disciplinary processes on the missing thirteen trucks carrying Strategic Grain Reserve (SGR) maize.

The memo further directs that all matters requiring the attention of the Chief Executive Officer should be addressed to the Finance Director David Loga.

“I request all of you to continue working diligently and to provide support to Mr Loga and entire management during this period,” reads part of the memo signed by the NFRA’s Human Resources and Administration Director Humphreys Kalele Gunchi.

However, the most shocking news is that her suspension comes barely two days after the minister visited NFRA offices.

“We are very shocked that the whole board had to wait for the minister to come here to effect the suspension, this is out of order and very worrisome,” one of senior officials who opted for anonymity told Malawi Voice.

Kayongo recently appeared before the Joint parliamentary committee where she revealed that NFRA had already paid 143 million Kwacha to Smollett Kachere, a transporter responsible for the missing 13 trucks of Maize.

Kayongo added that NFRA was still processing invoices to pay Kachere a balance of 64 million Kwacha for the delivered Maize, a statement which did not go down well with the committee members.

Castel Malawi in Buy-Back-Bottles Campaign

Castel Malawi sales interns in buy back empty bottles campaign

Castel Malawi Limited has embarked on an intensive buy-back-empty-glass­-and-crates campaign to boost its empty beer glass and crates stock.

The campaign has seen the company recruiting 200 young men and women who are working hand in hand with its sales and marketing team throughout the campaign.

Castel Malawi’s Head of Marketing Frank Binauli, said the campaign seeks to boost the company’s empty glass bottles and crates circulation which is key for consistent supply of its beers.

“We use a returnable glass business model and on average, it takes about two months for the glass to return. So, when it stays with the consumer longer, we are not able to produce enough beers to supply the market.

‘This creates product stockouts and that is why we urge our consumers to always return glass bottles when they drink our beers at the outlets. We also request them to be responsible enough to return the plastic empty green crates as well as the empty bottles after drinking the beers off-premises.”

“The company re-injects into the business millions of empty glass bottles and crates every year. Sad to say that some are lost or damaged through the supply chain and many end up in peoples’ homes, hence the need to sensitize the consumers to bring them back to Castel,” he said.

Binauli also highlighted that Castel Malawi believes in youth empowerment and that is why it has recruited the interns to be assigned to each distributor’s territory across the country.

‘‘As you are aware of the high unemployment rates the country is facing, Castel Malawi is committed to making a difference in the lives of people in communities around us. So, we decided to give these young men and women an opportunity to work while they learn some skills of the trade.”

“This economic contribution has been anchored by our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) pillars, through environmental preservation by collecting back the glass bottles and crates; meeting consumer expectations through consistent product availability and supporting our local communities, through the recruitment of interns,” he said.

Castel Malawi Limited is an equal opportunity employer with over 620 people nationwide and contributes significantly to the economic growth of the country.

Caucus calls for ministerial update on relocation of refugees, asylum seekers


…wants an explanation on bloated relocation budget

By Iommie Chiwalo

With no sign to demonstrate implementation of the court ruling that refugees and asylum seekers must be relocated to designated camps, the Mzuzu Youth Caucus has written the Homeland Minister for an update.

In the ruling, the government was expected to relocate urban based refugees by end of November and those in rural areas by end January 2023.

But since there is no sign of the undertaking the organization thought it wise to request for an explanation on the status of Refugees relocation exercise.

In a letter signed by MYC’ Gomezgani Nkhoma says the request is part of ensuring that human rights are followed, especially on aspects of transparency and accountability.

“Since the onset of this initiative to date, we have not heard anything from your office on its progress nor the amount of resources used so far, nor the challenges experienced,” Nkhoma said.

He has also sought light on expenses by quoting the Homeland Minister’s previous remarks where she indicated that the exercise will cost K300 million but independent investigations show that it will cost MK1. 2 billion.

“Now we are requesting what has necessitated the change. Why not communicate the change to the public which constitutes tax payers,” queries Nkhoma.

Government in its earlier communiqué to the City and district Councils through awareness campaigns made it clear that the rural and urban relocation exercise shall come to an end by January to February 2023 respectively.

“But as a nation we are not seeing nor hearing any strange things happening to prove if indeed the exercise is taking shape and if at all that the deadlines will be met. Please tell the nation whether the Ministry has changed, canceled the exercise or not,” queries Nkhoma

Adding that it is alleged that the Minister responsible received kickbacks over the same exercise and has since asked her to clear her name on this allegation.

The responsible Minister never responded to our phone calls when pressed for her reaction to matters raised by the Mzuzu based organization.

However, on issues of safety bearing in mind the essence of human rights, Nkhoma has also demanded an explanation on the recent incident of explosives at Dzaleka Refugee Camp that led to injuries of refugees.

“When will the investigations be concluded so that the general public is informed of what happened? Can you also clear rumours that you are relocating people in silence yet the exercise was supposed to be public as it were the case with the sensitization campaign to build people’s trust in this noble cause which in the end will quash the notion that something fishy might be at stake,” reads the letter to the Minister.

CDEDI tips Chakwera to call for international support in cholera fight


By Iommie Chiwalo

After President Lazarus Chakwera’s administration has miserably failed to contain the Cholera outbreak in Malawi, Center for Democracy and Economic Development Initiatives CDEDI has asked him to throw the towel and request for international support.

Just as of Sunday, 8th January 2023, this is how the situation looks like: 704 deaths, 860 admitted to various treatment units and 21, 024 confirmed cases.

“We demand that President Chakwera should immediately declare cholera a national disaster and call for support from the international community. The call for local support is too little too late,” says CDEDI Executive Director Sylvester Namiwa.

He says at this hour Chakwera needs to humble himself and disassociate from carelessness approach in handling cholera which currently equates to criminal negligence.

Namiwa recently expressed disappointment with disturbing revelations that in the wake of the unprecedented cholera outbreak, which is claiming scores of innocent lives every day, it is business-as-usual on the government side.

“Actually, not even the bare minimum is being achieved in providing resources to
treat cholera patients and, also, stop the spread of the outbreak,” reads an extract from the findings that has been attached in the statement.

CDEDI has also expressed worry on how government is handling the matter following concerns that guardians of cholera patients in some parts of the country are being asked to pay money for their patients to be treated or to buy cholera kits elsewhere.

He indicated that in its findings CDEDI has, actually, discovered that, for this month, government has only bought 200 out of the required 1.2 million doses of IV fluids, especially Ringers Lactate used to treat cholera.

Namiwa still demands that government should organize an emergency tour of major health stakeholders, including the media to appreciate the situation on the ground.

 “As far as we are concerned, government’s failure to provide resources to for fighting this outbreak is criminal negligence at its worst since the development has put in disarray the pillars of prevention and care in the fight against the outbreak,” Namiwa said.

Adding that nothing can be more worrying than the realization that the death toll to cholera is increasing with each passing day, a sign that more lives are at risk.

Ex-wife arrested on allegations of poisoning husband


By Iommie Chiwalo

Even after struggle to justice through series of postmortems, relations of late Habimana Noel Emily can now smell justice as police in Lilongwe have arrested ex-wife Gentille Giraminiti for allegedly poisoning the husband.

Initially it was reported that Habimana Noel Emily died in a road accident but surprisingly the driver never reported the matter to police as required by law.

It only took a series of press conferences and demonstrations by concerned citizens to pressurize authorities in demanding justice as events surrounding the death were not adding up especially that two different autopsy reports were giving conflicting information.

Blocking the investigation further was the fact that the ex-wife Gentille Giraminiti who is now under police custody sought an injunction blocking any further investigation only so be frustrated by the recent autopsy report by Chief Forensic Clinician Andrew Master Mwale.

Police authorities at the National Police Headquarters have confirmed the arrest but refused to give more details saying doing so may affect investigations.

Sadly the arrest is coming after there was also alleged efforts by the police to conceal the death of Emmillie Habimana Noel who initially was believed to have died in a road accident but later on discovered that he was murdered by the ex-wife Gentille Giraminiti.

Through her lawyers, CTN Attorneys and Law Consultants obtained an injunction which was more of a threat to the justice seeking family as it indicated that in disobedience the defendants- in this case Habimana Noel’s relations – may be found guilty of contempt of court and may be sent to prison or fined and even having their assets seized.

However as a benchmark of justice, the order also provided that the defendants may apply to court in any time to vary or discharge but must do so by informing the claimant’s lawyers in writing at least 48 hours beforehand.

Now that the third postmortem report has shown to the advantage of the bereaved family and that the ex-wife has been arrested, the relations are now demanding for justice through speedy litigation.

Earlier today the family representative was in press expressing the need for justice saying there is need for justice, following a second postmortem report that suggests that he might have been poisoned.

The Rwanda born businessperson, who among others, owned some Supermarkets in Lilongwe, died on October 17, 2022 from what was initially said to be an impact of a road accident.

But now, a final report by Senior Forensic Clinical officer Dr. Andrew Master Mwale from Kamuzu Central Hospital reveals that Emily died of poisoning.

“We have experienced an autopsy case of death of 31-year-old Noel Habimana Emily due to commotio cordis, ruptured inferior venacava and concomitant poisoning with chlordane,” reads part of the report.

Meanwhile family representative Mukashema Josiane, says now that final report is out which reveals that their relation was murdered, they want justice to take it’s course.

Believe it! Chakwera is not in control – CDEDI


By Iommie Chiwalo

The indecisiveness that is coupled with cluelessness by the current administration has compelled Centre for Democracy and Economic Development Initiatives (CDEDI), to feel vindicated that President Lazarus Chakwera has abdicated his constitutional powers, and that it is some unknown people running affairs of government.

CDEDI Executive Director Sylvester Namiwa has expressed the observation following a clear manifestation demonstrated in Chakwera’s New Year message on 1 January 2023 and not on the eve of the New Year, which Malawians were used to.

“That, in all critical fairness, had no serious take-home message, apart from the usual Cabinet
reshuffle rhetoric and announcement of intention to appoint a Presidential Private Sector Council, which we strongly believe will be duplication of another entity,” he said.

Namiwa says is sad that at this critical hour of a pandemic that is claiming numerous lives, Chakwera only casually touched on cholera in what looked like a ‘forced message’.

Sadly his cabinet Minister responsible for Health, Khumbize Kandodo Chiponda issues a statement that, because of cholera, all primary and secondary schools in Lilongwe and Blantyre will not open on January 3, 2023 as expected.

“Why did the President not make that announcement in his speech? If that would
not have been the most important part of the message, what was? His Happy New Year to you all? It’s chaos,” more questions than answers.

According to Namiwa, nothing qualifies this as total chaos than hearing that bus-loads of students were forced to return to either Blantyre or Lilongwe after hearing the announcement.

“The suspension of opening of schools in just the two cities, which came late as though the country has no Presidential Task Force on Covid-19 and cholera, is not only laughable but also a sign that there is a disconnection between what the task force and the President know about the cholera situation in the country. Otherwise, the figures have been speaking loud and clear that the situation was bad on the ground,” he said.

Some commentators have also concurred with CDEDI saying the decision to suspend opening of schools only in the two cities, where cholera figures are actually lower than those of some districts where schools will re-open tomorrow, begs more questions than answers.

For instance the questions arise on how government intends to reconcile the school calendar whereby while some students will be learning and others not learning, at the end of this term both will be required to sit the same exams.

“That said, CDEDI hereby gives a vote of no confidence to the Presidential Task Force on cholera, because it has failed the President and all Malawians big time,” says Namiwa.

Adding that the way this matter has been handled, mirrors well Tonse Alliance administration’s casualness in handling matters of national importance.

CDEDI has since condemned the approach in its totality and call for change of doing things, saying otherwise Malawi as a nation, is doomed.

He has therefore called upon government to sympathize with parents and guardians who have been inconvenienced financially by its indecisiveness and lack of co-ordination on the suspension of opening of schools due to the cholera outbreak.

Chakwera given 48 hours to issue AIP report


By Iommie Chiwalo

The Center for Democracy and Economic Development Initiatives (CDEDI) has stepped in on the controversies surrounding Affordable Input Programme (AIP) by demanding a comprehensive report from President Lazarus Chakwera.

According to CDEDI Executive Director Sylvester Namiwa, the demand is in line with Section 12 (c) of the country’s Constitution.

“President Chakwera to prove us wrong by giving the AIP status report within the next 48 hours, detailing how funds Parliament set aside for the 2022/23 AIP have been spent so far,” narrates Namiwa.

He further demands that Minister of Agriculture Sam Kawale must step down for creating a lie about AIP transportation crisis, forgetting that AIP funds Parliament allocated included transportation.

“We wish to emphasise that failure to act as demanded above will be understood as a further
deliberate war against the poor; and that will leave us with no option but to mobilize farming communities to hold vigils at the offices of all district commissioners, starting from January 9, 2023, as one way of defending themselves from the impending war waged by President Chakwera and his Tonse Alliance administration,” says Namiwa.

The CDEDI Chief has also expressed concern over what he has described as amateur public relations stunt saying that the purported transportation challenges were an example of such level of lack of seriousness on part of leadership.

“In a serious issue like AIP knowing that Malawi is an agro based economy is uncalled for to employ amateur public relations (PR) stunt to hoodwink Malawians into believing that there are stockpiles of ready fertilizer somewhere in the country. Yet the fertilizer AIP beneficiaries are redeeming is coming straight from the blending plant at Liwonde, and it is being loaded hot onto waiting trucks,” he reveals.

He has further revealed that in all its undertakings, government is just seeking cheap political mileage.

For instance Namiwa points out that the call by government for vehicles from ministries, departments and agencies (MDAs) was a ploy for someone to be seen caring and doing something about the AIP situation; with the hope of earning cheap political mileage from the unsuspecting public.

“By the way, who can sympathize with government on this outright case of poor planning? After all, when the Budget was being passed in April, contracts had already been awarded to transporters. We wonder what has become of those contracts? But we will not be surprised to hear that some transporters are claiming damages for breach of contract,” he said.

It has happened before that in breach of contracts taxpayers have been paying for government’s inefficiency.

Meanwhile, Malawians will have to wait a little longer for the fertilizer said to have been in some docking vessel at the port.

Following numerous complaints on how current government is implementing the 2022/23 AIP, CDEDI went undercover and established that the only available fertilizer is from development partners.

A report from the undercover shows that since the launch of AIP to-date, all the fertilizer that has been available and redeemed is from some development partners under the banner of African Fertilizer and Agribusiness Partnership (AFAP).

According to the report, this includes the 10,000 metric tonnes of MAP fertilizer (Phosphate component) the Kingdom of Morocco donated, and it was blended to 52 000 metric tonnes of NPK.

“As we report, none of the 2.5 million 2022/23 AIP beneficiaries has redeemed any fertilizer bought using the K188 billion approved by Parliament. Yet, much of the maize crop in the fields
has gone past time for receiving NPK, and we only have 14 days before the recommended time to apply Urea elapses,” reads the statement.

It also discloses that for a fact, the Chakwera-led government is yet to buy a bag of fertilizer using the funds approved by Parliament.

The current arrangement and another hope for Malawians is that AFAP is set to provide fertilizer to 1, 040,000 beneficiaries.

“AFAP is working towards giving one 50-kilogramme bag of NPK each to 1,040,000 beneficiaries
from the 2022/23 AIP earmarked 2.5 million beneficiaries.

To the rescue of Malawi government it has been established that AFAP is also footing the cost of blending the donated fertilizer, which is taking place in Liwonde, Machinga, including the

The donated fertilizer from Russia is neither NPK nor Urea, and an arrangement has been made with some African country to exchange it with fertilizer that is compatible with Malawi soils.

Chakwera panics on Chizuma Commission of Inquiry report, stooges release fake SKC resignation letter


The centre cannot hold. Malawi Congress Party-MCP stooges are panicking on the after effects of the Martha Chizuma Commission of Inquiry report which puts President Lazarus Chakwera in an awkward position with revelations that he actually ‘Knew’ about the arrest of the ACB Director General.

As a result, State House media team led by State House Director of Communication Sean Kampondeni has released a fake letter purportedly indicating that Vice President Saulos Chilima has resigned from his constitutional position.

Insiders said the ‘fake’ resignation letter had to look legitimate hence the use of Kampondeni and his crew for the ‘believable perfect English and narration’.

“This is all fake, it is our own work, some of us did not agree to this route but they went ahead anyway,” said one MCP media guru who refused to take part in the scheme.

Tonse Alliance is a bunch of Pathological Liars, Crooks–Prophet Mbewe


Highly respected man of God Prophet Dr. David Mbewe has branded President Dr. Lazarus Chakwera’s Tonse Alliance Administration as a bunch of ‘pathological liars and an association of crooks’ who promised Malawians a heaven on earth but only to deliver a living hell.

 Prophet Mbewe, who is also the founder of Freedom for Worship and Economic Liberation for Development (FOWEL), was speaking during SHALOM’s Cross Over night on new year eve in Machinga district.

“President Chakwera and his Tonse Alliance administration lied to us, they promised Malawians three meals a day, cheap fertilizer and above all they promised a modern day Canaan,” said a visibly angry but well-composed Prophet Mbewe.

He added: “I’ m not a politician and l will not be one; my mission is to liberate millions of Malawians who are suffering under Tonse Alliance administration. Enough is enough Chakwera and his Tonse Alliance must go, they have failed to govern the country.”

According to the fearless Prophet Mbewe, Malawi is far worse during the current regime {President Chakwera’s administration} than the previous regimes; as corruption, nepotism and favoritism have characterized the Chakwera’s Tonse Administration.

“Chakwera’s administration is worse as compared to the previous administration; the president has been surrounded by people who are on a self-enrichment mission,” said Mbewe while calling for the immediate resignation of Chakwera for failing to run the state affairs.

Meanwhile, Minister of Information who also doubles as government spokesperson Gospel Kazako and President Chakwera’s spokesperson Anthony Kasunda are yet to comment on Prophet Mbewe’s direct-attack on Chakwera’s Tonse administration.

In a related development, President Chakwera, who is also president for Malawi Congress Party(MCP)-a key partner in the Tonse Alliance administration- is this evening Malawians this evening from Kamuzu Palace in Lilongwe.

Italian Rotary Club powers Balaka hospital with solar energy

Installation of solar panels in progress

An Italian Rotary Club in partnership with the Rotary Club of Blantyre has installed solar power at Comfort Community Hospital in Balaka which will see the hospital being independent of electricity for the next 25 years.

The project by the Rotary Club Milano of Italy with technical and extra funding from Seva Africa has cost 62,000 Euros (about K68 million) and has been implemented with the help of an Italian Non-governmental Organization (NGO) Orrizonte Malawi ODV and the Andiamo Youth Cooperative Trust (AYCT) in Balaka.

Technicians from Seva Africa flew into the country to install the 88 solar panels, three power inverters and 7 capacitors which have been divided in three modules to generate 25 kilowatts of power per hour, making the hospital run 24 hours with uninterrupted power supply.

Comfort Community Hospital Acting Hospital Administrator Foster Usale said in an interview yesterday that with the new solar power, the hospital would be saving about K900,000 which they were using to run a generator in times of national power failure.

“We are grateful for this gesture because as a hospital we could not function properly with frequent electricity blackouts especially in our maternity wing. We are now guaranteed constant power supply for the next 25 years,” said Usale.

He said the hospital has 66 beds for pediatric and maternity wings but handles almost 77,000 patients a year including out-patients.

President of Orrizonte Malawi ODV Emmanuel Todeschini who has been instrumental in getting support to the community hospital said Orizzonte Malawi, apart from the solar power project also deals with a lot of expenses to manage the hospital especially in the rainy season like medicines mainly to treat malaria and pneumonia.

Solar panels at Comfort Community Hospital

“I would like to thank the Rotary Club Milano, the Rotary Club of Blantyre and Seva Africa for the funding and technical expertise to power this hospital with solar power. The hospital will now be operating without problems since it is assured of constant power supply and more community members will be served here without any problems,” said Todeschini.

Rotary Club Milano Project Coordinator Alessandro Coggi said his club aims to define and develop a project that can be shared with other Clubs which represents a concrete collective commitment to the implementation of some specific objectives of the United Nations 2030 Agenda for sustainable development.

“This why we partnered with our colleagues at Rotary Club of Blantyre so that we could bring sustainable power supply to the Comfort Community Hospital in Balaka,” said Coggi.

Rotary Club of Blantyre Projects Chairman Dango Mkandawire described the project as a major milestone in health care especially to the people of Balaka.

“We are very pleased with the development and the number of lives it will positively affect as this centre serves 70,000 patients and 2,000 births a year, so this is a major milestone,” said Mkandawire.

The hospital, apart from the pediatric and maternity wards, has an operation theatre, an analysis lab, and is completing the setup of a service of radiology and imaging.

Prophet Mbewe’s FOWEL to welcome big fishes tomorrow in Mangochi


Prophet David Mbewe’s Freedom of Worship and Economic Liberation for Development (FOWEL) is set to welcome top politicians, Malawi Voice can reveal.

According to information made available to the publication, the historic welcoming ceremony will take place tomorrow on Wednesday December, 28 in Mangochi district.

According to sources within FOWEL, the new catch will help to strengthen the party ahead of 2025 Presidential elections as well as weakening other parties in the Eastern Region.

FOWEL was founded by a good Samaritan, workaholic and a developmental conscious Prophet David Mbewe who is well-known for charitable works in the country..

DStv and GOtv Customers Get Free Upgrades This Festive  

Providing free upgrades during the festive period was the perfect opportunity to do so- EMMA

GOtv and DStv comes bearing gifts this festive season, where customers get a free subscription upgrades simply by paying for their subscriptions. This offer will run from Monday 19 December to 24 January for GOtv and DStv customers who pay or renew their GOtv and DStv subscriptions will be upgraded to a higher package at no extra cost.

To qualify for this offer, customers must pay their subscription through any of the available payment options, via *470# MyGOtv app or MyDStv app, to enjoy a viewing experience on a higher package (offer does not apply to GOtv Supa and DStv Premium customers).

Here is how it works: all customers currently on the GOtv Value bouquets will get an upgrade to GOtv Plus, while GOtv Plus customers will be bumped up to GOtv Max and GOtv Max customers will automatically get boosted to GOtv Supa.

For DStv, all customers on DStv Access will get upgraded to DStv Family. DStv Family customers will get DStv Compact, DStv Compact customers will get DStv Compact Plus and Compact Plus customers will automatically be upgraded to DStv Premium.

“We aim to constantly display the choice and added value our packages provide to our customers and providing free upgrades during the festive period was the perfect opportunity to do so” said Emma Gichonge, MultiChoice Managing Director.

Active, new and returning GOtv and DStv customers can take advantage of this offer to sample entertainment available on higher packages by just paying for their subscription. New customers and those currently disconnected can simply connect or signup during the offer period to benefit.

GOtv and DStv customers will enjoy the benefits of superior entertainment offerings packed with world-class live sports, great content, fun kids’ shows, captivating telenovelas and international movies.

For more information on this offer and other products and services, please visit: or

DK HOLDS INTERACTIVE MEETING WITH 64 DPP MP’S…shares insights on Malawi economy, calls for unity of purpose in DPP


Former Reserve Bank of Malawi Governor, Dr Dalitso Kabambe fondly known as DK by his supporters, on Wednesday December 13, hosted 64 Members of Parliament of the mighty Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) to an interactive meeting.

During the meeting, Dr Kabambe shared his insights into what has gone wrong in the Malawi economy since 2020 and what it would take to resuscitate the economy.

He opined that the current economic challenges manifested in form of rising cost of living and basic necessities; scarcity of foreign exchange and currency depreciation; rising cost of production and capital; and growing inequalities and poverty in Malawians are due to a large extent explained by poor economic policy mix of persistently elevated budget deficits, impotent monetary policy and continuing exchange rate misalignment.

Dr Kabambe went further to expound on the past, present and future prospects for the Real, External and Fiscal sectors of the Malawi economy.

Dr Kabambe observed that fluctuations in macroeconomic fundamentals of Gross Domestic Product (GDP), inflation, exchange rate, foreign exchange reserves and interest rates, have been the order of the day in Malawi since independence and that it depends on the prudency of the Administration in charge.

In particular, Dr Kabambe singled out the periods of the DPP led Administrations as being relatively stable with fairly strong growths of mean 6.5 percent between 2004 and 2012 and 4.5 percent between 2014 and 2019 compared to 1.2 percent between 2020 and 2022.

Dr Kabambe therefore called for unity of purpose in DPP to put the current Administration in check and guarantee a return to Government in 2025 so that the Party can restore back what it best knows, macroeconomic stability and strong economic growth which alone will benefit Malawians substantially.

Dr Kabambe also indicated intentions to contest at the Party’s upcoming Convention as President.

Kasakula’s Reign Of Terror at MBC


Fear and uncertainty has gripped the corridors of public broadcaster MBC following Director General’s George Kasakula style of leadership that is characterized with heavy handedness, favoritism and dictatorship.

Kasakula keeps firing people, subjecting some to unexplained disciplinary hearings, demotions and transfers.

He is also well known for shouting at his staff, calling them cadets and has formed his own circle of Blessings Kanache, Chawezi Banda, Peter Makawa and the Director of News and Programs Zilani Khonje that is being used as the center of terror on fellow staff members.

Just recently Kasakula has laid hands on veteran Journalists Ayam Maeresa and Doreen Sonani transferring them from the news department to the programs department at the Lilongwe office along with Charles Wahara, accusing them of being “DPP cadets”.

He is not yet done with the Lilongwe office as he has called all the 5 members in the Marketing Department at area 4 for disciplinary hearing starting from today, Tuesday. He is accusing them of being cadets that are frustrating sales in the Capitol.

Kasakula recently issued warning letters to all members of the business department in all the regions accusing them of under collecting. The staff members refused to sign them.

Since the coming of Kasakula MBC has failed to collect enough revenue because he has turned it into an MCP mouthpiece that is failing to attract business deals.


Kasakula has also turned MBC into a Kasungu club. He fired Controller of Business Affairs Ralph Chienda for being a “cadet” and promoted Principal Sales Executive Theresa Sungani as the Acting Controller. Sungani comes from Kasakula’s home district of Kasungu.

If that is not enough, Kasakula demoted Wilson Kumtambila as Controller of Engineering to Chief Engineer and promoted his homeboy Raphael Kasawala to the position of Acting Controller.

Kasakula is also recruiting his Kasungu clan as on “temporary” employment Without following proper procedures.


The leadership of Kasakula has crippled most services at MBC, morale gone and staff members are working with fear.

“You need faith and trust in God for you to survive the hand of Kasakula at MBC”, lamented one member of staff from the programs department.

He added; “Kasakula accuses everyone of being a cadet, including drivers. He shouts at you like a child and you even wonder that such a big man would be exchanging words with his juniors, and you call that management?”.

Kasakula is also reported to have scrapped off some allowances and apart from Kanache, Makawa and Chawezi, the rest are not given opportunities to travel internally or even external travel.

Kasakula has turned MBC into hell.

NBM Top Mandala aids Zingwangwa Health Centre in Christmas celebration

Kamwinda (right) presents the items to Mpanje (left) as another nurse looks on

As the National Bank of Malawi (NBM) plc 12 Days Christmas initiative continues, Zingwangwa Health Centre in Blantyre has been the latest beneficiary from Top Mandala Service Centre.

On Friday, Top Mandala Service Centre Manager, Chifundo Kamwinda led his staff to donate 20 mattresses, 20 delivery packs, 10 solar lumps and 72 bed linen worth K3.5 million.

According to Kamwinda, they chose Zingwangwa Health Centre considering the large population it serves.

‘’The Bank values the partnership with the various service providers and the communities around and felt obliged to celebrate this year’s Christmas with the people of Zingwangwa and surrounding areas through the health centre which caters for a population of over 135,000. The donation was meant for the average community member who gets services from the health centre,” said Kamwinda.

NBM Top Mandala Service Centre staff members and Zingwangwa Health Centre staff members pose with some of the donated items

He asked community members and health workers at the facility to take good care of the donated items so that more people could benefit over a long period of time.

“We also discourage the tendency of vandalism and careless use of public facilities as that discourages potential donors from making more donations,” said Kamwinda

District Nursing Officer for Blantyre Modesta Mwangomba and Maureen Mpanje, Nursing Officer for Zingwangwa Health Centre expressed gratitude to the bank for the timely donations.

“The situation was worrisome at the facility, but through this donation, we feel relieved that we will provide total healthcare to our patients,” said Mpanje.

Before NBM plc’s donation, the facility had 13 mattresses only and no back up power.

Kamwinda (left) presents the mattress to Mwagomba

NBS Bank opens Mchinji Post to ease border transactions

The new NBS Bank Mchinji Border Post branch

NBS Bank plc has opened a branch in Mchinji to serve better travellers between Zambia and Malawi utilising the newly opened Mchinji-Mwami One-stop Border Post. 

Earlier last week, President Lazarus Chakwera and his Zambian counterpart Hakainde Hichilema opened the One Stop Border Post saying it will enhance trade bilateral relations between the two countries. 

NBS Bank plc Chief Operating Officer, Shadreck Chikusilo, the new branch will bring the banking services closer to the people.

“We feel it’s our responsibility to serve Malawians. Knowing that at every border there are alot of financial transactions taking place, as a Bank we thought it wise that we provide that convenience to the nation. So we have got service points and a full branch. All banking services will be available to our customers and also we will be serving the community around here because the branch that we have opened inside is open even to people that are not travelling,” he said.  

Chikusilo further added that the facility provides the convenience to the customers since it will be operational 24 hours. 

“One of the deterrents to the saving culture is the distance that people have to travel to get to the place where they can bank the money. The essence of us making these banking facilities closer to the people is actually to encourage the aspect of saving, but we are also bringing that convenience so that issues of security and comfort as you see that we are right inside, a secure area, so everybody should feel safe to come here anytime.”

“This place is open 24 hours and we are making banking service provisions at the same time so that people can utilise these services throughout the day and even at the time of their convenience later after the daytime,” explained Chikusilo.

Castel Malawi amplifies Anti-corruption voice

Castel Malawi staff captured during the march- photo by Benjamin Maona

Castel Malawi has expressed commitment towards the fight against corruption in the world by declaring itself a ‘corrupt free organisation’.

The company’s Human Resources and Corporate Affairs Director, Gloria Zimba made a declaration on Friday as they celebrated the International Anti-Corruption Day at their Head offices in Blantyre.

According to Zimba, they believe they are a big organization in Malawi with extensive business and therefore needed to take part in the fight against corruption by encouraging employees to speak up when they encounter some corrupt activities.  

Castel Malawi Managing Director Reynaud delivering his speech-photo by Benjamin Maona

“We believe that the fight against corruption cannot just be a management fight, everybody, every employee must take part if we are to stop corruption and if we are to win the fight. Castel Group believes in the fight against corruption, Castel Malawi also believes in the fight against corruption. We believe we are going to be ambassadors holding hands with the Malawi Government and the Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) in the fight against malpractice,” said Zimba.

Guest of Honour at the event, Malawi Law Society (MLS) president Patrick Mpaka commended Castel Group for the initiative saying that is the best strategy to defeat corruption before it even happens.

Castel Malawi’s Zimba addressing the staff present at the event

“Prosecution should not be the only way to deal with corruption cases. Most corruption cases take time to be prosecuted. But we have to put strategies that will prevent corruption from taking place,” he said.

During the event, Castel Malawi’s Managing Director, Thomas Reynaud announced an increase to K1 Million from K250, 000 a reward for everyone who is going to report corruption activities at the company or its products.

The event started with a march from the company’s offices to Clocktower and back, led by the Malawi Defense Force (MDF) Brass Band.

Castel Mw staff carrying placards

Castel completes change of name from Southern Bottlers Limited

KAUKA:The sole Shareholder of the Company remains Castel Malawi Limited

Castel Malawi Brewery Limited has announced that it has completed a change of name from Southern Bottlers Limited to Castel Distribution Limited, months after selling its soft drink business to Coca Cola Beverages.

A notice placed in the country’s two national newspapers signed by the company’s Head of Legal and Company Secretary, Chipiliro Kauka said the change will not affect the shareholding or corporate structure of the company.

“A new Certificate of Incorporation on change of name of the Company was issued by the Registrar of Companies on 29th November 2022 under Registration Number COYR-K901ABA. The sole Shareholder of the Company remains Castel Malawi Limited,” she said.

The notice also indicates that the change has not affected its Head Office and contact details, and will continue to operate various distribution centres for sale of its products throughout the country.

NBM plc in second edition of ‘12 Days of Christmas’

A friend indeed, Chichiri Shopping Centre Service Centre Manager Richard Mwamadi (Right) hands over the sewing machine to Tidzalerana Shelter Manager Musuli

National Bank of Malawi (NBM) plc will for the second year in a row celebrate Christmas with its stakeholders by donating various items to educational and health-care institutions through a Corporate Social Investment (CSI) programme dubbed ‘12 days of Christmas’.

Last year, NBM plc introduced the initiative which saw educational and health care institutions in Lilongwe, Blantyre, Mzuzu, Kasungu, Mulanje, Karonga and other areas benefit.

This year’s program targets 12 areas through its Service Centres namely Chitipa, Nkhotakota, Blantyre, Mzimba, Mangochi, Dowa, Mchinji, Salima, Ntcheu, Mwanza and Liwonde.

In a statement, the Bank said donations made through the ‘12 Days of Christmas’ initiative have been guided by the Bank’s Corporate Social Investment (CSI) policy amounting to K50 million and will run from 7th-22nd December 2022.

All smiles from beneficiaries at Tidzalerana Shelter in a group photo

“As Malawi celebrates the festive season with Christmas carols playing in shops, homes and churches, we thought to align our year-end donation program to the well-known ‘Carol 12 Days of Christmas’, in which the singer lists down all the gifts that their true love has given them over a 12-day period. As a Bank of the Nation, NBM plc has the country at heart and strives to reach out to those that require assistance,” said NBM plc Marketing and Corporate Affairs Manager Akossa Hiwa.

She said the Bank prioritizes Education and Health because they are an integral part of the Bank’s CSI Policy. 

Items to be given include learning aids, medical equipment and other items.

“Our decision of initiatives to support was highly influenced by sustainability. We would like the items presented to keep on going long after the 2022 festive season is over when learners return to school or medical centres continue to operate in 2023,” explained Hiwa.

Mwamadi (Left) handing over the sewing machines to Musuli

She said each of the 12 donations would be made by NBM plc employees led by Service Centre Managers nationwide.

NBM Chichiri Shopping Centre Service Centre kicked off the 12 Days of Christmas campaign by donating and aiding people with disabilities at Tidzalerana Shelter at Ndirande Township in Blantyre with 19 sewing machines.

Service Centre Manager for Chichiri Shopping Mall, Richard Mwamadi, who led the staff, said they decided to help the shelter as part of ensuring that the residents are empowered which will later benefit the facility.

Tidzalerana Shelter Board member, Geoffrey Musuli commended NBM plc for the gesture saying it complements this year’s theme of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities on December 3.

Standard Bank Launches Instant Interbank Transfers

MUGHOGHO: As Standard Bank, we value our clients’ time and seek to always simplify transactions while offering convenience and security

Lilongwe December 8th, 2022–Standard Bank Malawi Plc has unveiled Instant Interbank Transfers from 247 Mobile to other local Banks.

The Bank’s clients are now able to send and receive money from other Banks in real time, any day of the week, including public holidays. The added convenience means the transactions are no longer limited to normal banking hours.

Previously, both express and normal inter-bank transfers were time-constrained and would not be cleared after hours, on weekends and public holidays. This meant that customers sending or receiving funds from other Banks after hours, weekends and public holidays were inconvenienced and, in some cases, compelled to visit two Banking halls (withdraw cash from Standard Bank and deposit into another Bank or vice versa).

Speaking as the Bank unveiled the new solution, the Head of Consumer and High Net Worth Clients (CHNW) Charity Mughogho said that “As Standard Bank, we value our clients’ time and seek to always simplify transactions while offering convenience and security. The launch of instant inter-bank transfers on *247#, comes at the right time as we enter the festive season when we celebrate several holidays throughout the world and here in Malawi.”

The Bank observed customer behaviour and noted that there is a high volume of transactions which were being initiated after the inter-bank transfer windows had closed. Such transactions would be delayed until the following business day or next available clearance window.

“As a Bank we are aware how crucial time is and the instant transfers solution will keep up with the fast-paced transactional needs of our customers. The solution is accessible through the USSD channel (*247#) which is available on all mobile devices from feature phones to smart phones,” she said.

This initiative aligns with the Bank’s strategy of being responsive to customer needs whilst matching the brand purpose: ‘Malawi is our Home; we drive her growth’. Growth and development are closely tied to more people getting access to financial services as and when they need it. Instant inter-bank transfers will also reduce queues in banking halls and provide customers safety through seamless transfers instead of handling hard cash between different Banks.

In addition to inter and intra-bank transactions, the Standard Bank 247 digital platform also supports a range of subscription payments (GOtv, DStv, MASM, etc), airtime recharges (TNM and Airtel), bill payments (Water, ESCOM, MRA, amongst others) and various payment services.

Castel contributes K2.5 million towards World AIDS Day

Zimba (2nd Right) hands over cheque to Kankhomba (middle) as other officials look on-photo by Benjamin Maona

Castel Malawi has contributed K2.5 million towards this year’s World AIDS Day which was commemorated on December 1.

Speaking during the handover ceremony of the cheque to National AIDS Commission (NAC) at Mpemba Veterinary ground in Blantyre on Thursday, Castel Malawi Human Resources and Corporate Affairs Director, Gloria Zimba said they joined the cause to support Government and other stakeholders in the fight against HIV/AIDS, because as a company they believe they have employees who could be affected or infected.

“We believe we are part and parcel of this country as well as the NGOs that are running several functions in the country. One of the functions is the fight against HIV/AIDS. At Castel we have 625 direct employees and about 5,000 indirect employees. When we are look at the value chain, we have got over 11,000 that are affected by us in our value chain, so we believe we should also take part in this fight against HIV/AIDS because we know if it is not our direct employees, it could be those people in our value chain who could be affected in one way or another,” said Zimba.

Team Castel Malawi at the World AIDS Day – photo Benjamin Maona

NAC Commissioner McLan Kankhomba commended Castel Malawi for the gesture saying the money will be used in various ways including capacity building of its stakeholders including organizations that work in communities.

“We are going to use this donation to further the aims and the mandate of the Commission. As you are aware NAC is established under the HIV/AIDS Management and Prevention Act 2018. Its functions are to coordinate, lead and intervene in coordinating HIV/AIDS activities in the country. We are also there to encourage people not to discriminate against people living with HIV/AIDS in the communities. So, this money will be used for civic education, awareness, and dissemination of HIV/AIDS information in the country,” said Kankhomba.

This year’s AIDS Day was commemorated under the theme: Equitable Access to Quality HIV/AIDS Services for All. 

Zimba (far right) flanked by NAC officials – photo by Benjamin Maona

Castel Malawi dresses Kabaza operators on Road Safety Day

Kabaza operators clad in safety reflectors donated by Castel Malawi- photo by Benjamin Maona

Castel Malawi supported this year’s Africa Road Safety Day commemorations by dressing up Kabaza operators with 200 branded reflective vests and some branded Shirts worth K2.5 million.

The commemorations took place at Katoto Ground in Mzuzu on Saturday after a big walk from Mzuzu High Court. The commemoration was under the theme Cyclists Adhere to Road Traffic Rules and Regulations, or Else, Hospital or Mortuary Awaits You.

Speaking after officially presenting the goods to the government through Directorate of Road Traffic and Safety Services (DRTSS) and Guest of honour, Minister of Transport, Jacob Hara, Castel Malawi Corporate Social Responsibility Manager, Linda Kolomba said the company values lives including those of their customers and consumers.

Kabaza operators clad in safety reflectors donated by Castel Malawi- photo by Benjamin Maona

“We decided to join this cause because we want to take responsibility in taking care of our customers and consumers. We have our distribution fleet driving on the roads across Malawi every day. These roads are shared with other road users such as pedestrians, motor cyclists as well as bicycle cyclists, who are at risk of accidents. Everyone on the roads including cyclists are our stakeholders, so we need to care. That is why we gave out the reflective vests so that they are visible all the time during the day or night. This can help to reduce accidents on our roads,” she said.

Director of Road Traffic and Safety Services Andrew Sandula commended Castel Malawi for the gesture, saying it will go a long way in eradicating road accidents which have already claimed 121 lives by November this year.

Team Castel Malawi-photo by Benjamin Maona

“As government we are very grateful for the support and we are also encouraging other stakeholders to join hands because those reflective materials will be distributed to motorcycle taxi operators so that they should be visible,” said Sandula.

In his speech, Minister Hara also applauded partners like Castel Malawi for their continued support towards road safety.

Last week, Castel Malawi trained its 164 drivers and scooter riders in defensive driving as part of ensuring road safety.

The Africa Road Safety Day was set aside by the Assembly of African Union in 2012.

Castel’s Kolomba (left) handing over safety reflectors to as Minister Hara looks on -photo by Benjamin Maona
Motorcycle operators dressed by Castel Malawi-photo by Benjamin Maona

Private lawyers to prosecute Ntcheu ‘Fake’ Malawi Gin case

Chibayo and wife with their counterfeit products

The Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) has given consent to two private lawyers to prosecute a case where a young couple in Ntcheu are accused of producing counterfeit Malawi Gin.

Before his suspension, DPP Steve Kayuni gave consent to private practice lawyers Davis Njobvu and Noel Misanjo of a Blantyre based law firm DNC Chambers to prosecute Shavison Chibayo, 34 and wife Karishima Machewere, 29, who were busted by Castel Malawi officials and Ntcheu police producing the ‘fake’ Malawi Gin recently.

Misanjo told the Ntcheu Magistrate Court during the start of the hearing of the case last week of the consent by the DPP before asking for an adjournment of the case.

“We have consent from the DPP to prosecute the case but we would like to seek adjournment of the matter because the accused persons have approached us that they would like to get legal representation. The police are also left with one witness to record a statement which they will do in the next seven days,” said Misanjo.

He also said they were waiting for the results of the samples of the ‘fake’ Malawi Gin which were sent to the Malawi University of Business and Applied Sciences (Mubas) for tests which they had just received and would want to share with the defence lawyers once they have been identified.

Machewere also told the court that they have identified a lawyer from Lilongwe who is going to represent them but was not in court and would need more time for the lawyer to study the case.

Magistrate Joshua Nkhono allowed the adjournment and set 6 January 2023 for the start of the hearing of the case advising the accused persons to make sure that their lawyer files a notice with the court and gets all the necessary documents ready for trial.

Castel Malawi officials assisted by Police officers from Ntcheu Police Station busted the production of the counterfeit Malawi Gin about three weeks ago after receiving reports that some people were producing ‘fake gin’ packaged in Malawi Gin branded bottles.

Castel Malawi announced on 7 October 2022 that it had stopped production of its spirits line namely Malawi Gin, Malawi Vodka and Premier Brandy due to the scarcity of packaging materials which require forex to access.

Castel Malawi Head of Marketing, Frank Binauli said they are investigating similar cases and warned the perpetrators to stop the vice before the long arm of the law catches up with them.

EXPOSED: Cleophas, Masophenya shielding Grimatta in the Emmilie mysterious death…Bribes Police IG, MCP officials


By Given Tamani

A Rwandan national, who deceitfully obtained a Malawian citizenship Cleophas Barajiginywa is allegedly using his political clout displayed through his proximity to ruling Malawi Congress Party(MCP) to block the Malawi Police Service(MPS) from arresting Munyenkwani Masopenya  and Gentile Girimata who are master-minders in the mysterious death of a 31 year-old Lilongwe Based businessman Emmilie Halimana Noel on October 17, 2022 along the M1 at Northgate residential houses near Malawi Institute of Management(MIM) in Lilongwe.

Gentile Girimata is the ex-wife to Emmilie, while is a friend Masoyenya, according to page 10 of the preliminary report prepared and signed by Andrew Master Mwale senior forensic officer at the Kamuzu Central Hospital(KCH), the two are among the list of those connected to the death. According to the sequence of events surrounding Emmilie’s death, the two played a pivotal role.

Masopenya was arrested and convicted in his home soil of Rwanda and escaped a jail term in connection with the 1994 genocide. He used a fake Burundian passport to benefit from the passport scandal that landed former Home Affairs Minister Uladi Mussa a jail term.

Of late, Cleophas has forced tongues wagging due to his closeness to President Lazarus Chakwera. On z number of occasions, he has been spotted at the airport either seeing off or welcoming the President to the dismay of those who know him and his roots.

Cloephas, is using his influence to purportedly shield Grimata from facing the long arm of the law. He is reportedly, collecting huge sums of money from Masopenya and Grimata claiming to allegedly bribe MCP Members of Parliament to block an impending summoning of the Inspector General(IG) Merlyn Yolamu following a petition some concerned citizens presented to the National Assembly on Wednesday, 30 November 2022.

A few days before the peaceful demonstrations, Giramata through her lawyers, CTN Attorneys and Law Consultants has obtained an injunction declaring her late husband’s Area 2 shop a no go zone for the deceased’s relatives.

An order dated November 25, 2022 is one such futile attempt to block justice since the shop in question is according to divorce documents in her own name therefore her-in-laws have nothing to do with the same. 

At this point it is very clear that the ex-wife and her friend Masophenya have found a shield in their ‘political heavy’ weight to ensure that justice is not served in a clear case of conspiracy to murder where till now the police have only arrested the driver who is on remand at Maula prison. 

In an earlier interview from prison cells Raffiki implicated the ex-wife and Masopenya. Surprisingly, the driver, is on record fearing for his own life while on remand at Maula prison. 

It is sad to report that these people are that powerful to an extent that Rafik is feeling insecure while in prison. 

Giving the whole incident grey areas is the fact that the driver did not report the accident to the nearest police station at Kanengo. But the police instituted initial investigations that led to the driver’s arrest only to be released on bail without being charged.

Drama as ensued as Masopenya and the ex-wife took control of everything including buying a casket, clothes and paying for embalming services the same night in preparations for burial the following day October 18, 2022 without waiting for the police to do their work as is always the case during road accidents.

When contacted Cleofas and Masopenya declined to comment on the allegations.

Meanwhile, the concerned citizens led by Wells Khama gave the Defense and security committee of parliament 7 days to summon Yomu to explain why the police besides shielding the suspects they have turned themselves into spokespersons for the suspects, warned for a vigils at the parliament building.

MultiChoice Begins Malawi Production for OneZed

The MultiChoice Expansion Program – Project Pamodzi, which launched in Malawi in July, sought to reiterate MultiChoice’s commitment to investing in Malawi’s TV and film industry through skills development programmes offered through the MultiChoice Talent Factory and has initiated the production of the first Malawian series for the OneZed channel on GOtv and DStv.

From September to October 2022, MultiChoice broadcast an open call for proposals to film and TV industry professionals to submit their proposals for a 13 part drama or comedy series depicting authentic untold ‘African’ experiences.

After a rigorous shortlisting process, MultiChoice has announced Actor, Writer, Producer, Cameraman, Editor and Director, Precious Pungulani Denja, owner of Tauka Arts Pictures Production Company as the successful candidate who will be commissioned to produce the first Malawian series for OneZed, which is set to begin production this month.

Born and raised in Malawi, Precious Pungulani Denja began his career in film in 2006 working on productions in Malawi and collaborating with fellow industry veterans and featuring in more than 20 productions.

“It is an honour, I owe all this to God almighty, the provider of talent. I am not special, but my Lord is. I thank OneZed for according Malawi such an opportunity” said Denja.

“We are excited to contribute toward the enablement of local job creation and entertainment through the production of this series” said Emma Gichonge, MultiChoice Malawi Managing Director. “Through our skills development programmes and investment in Malawi’s creative industries, we hope to provide a stage for authentic and original Malawian stories to be told” Gichonge added.

The series is schedule to premier in early 2023 with more details to be shared by MultiChoice.

FDH Bank injects K45 million in Graduate Start-up Primary School

FDH Bank Deputy Managing Director George Chitera with Mubas Vice Chancellor Dr Nancy Chitera and Rise and Shine representative Vincent Kambuku pose with the pupils

FDH Bank Plc says it is geared to empowering young Malawian university graduates, with innovative sustainable entrepreneurship project ideas that can help them to employ themselves and create other rooms for employment to fellow youths.

Deputy Managing Director of FDH Bank Plc, George Chitera said this on Tuesday in Mulanje during the launch of Rise & Shine Private Primary School which has seen the Bank inject K45 million.

The school is a project run by a group of Malawi University of Business and Applied Sciences (MUBAS) graduates under FDH Bank Graduate Start-up Program which was launched in December last year.

Chitera said they decided to come up with the program after being concerned with the increased unemployment rate among the youths in the country.

“As you are aware, challenges of unemployment are not a secret at all. Majority of students think they will get employment soon after graduating, which is never the case. Through this program, we are trying to encourage students to start thinking of venturing into entrepreneurship and we have also been engaging lecturers to take a responsibility in encouraging their students to also think of good business ideas which they can manage after finishing college.

“Today, we are impressed to see that after challenging these students last year during their symposium program where we asked them to come up with a business plan, they managed to introduce this school project,” Chitera said.

The FDH Bank Graduate Start-up initiative, which is the first of its kind in the financial services industry as well as the corporate world, identified five companies for the support including Rise & Shine School; Clean Energy of Enterprise (CLEE); Direct-Connect Real Estate Solutions (Di-coRES); Kuwali interior Design & Decoration (KIDD) and My Artistic Dream (School of Art and Gallery).

MUBAS vice-chancellor, Nancy Chitera, who attended the event, applauded FDH Bank for introducing the program saying it will help the young graduates who find it hard to secure jobs.

“It is true that most people believe that once they graduate, they will get employed, but FDH Bank has come to change that culture by encouraging graduates to produce a good business venture. We are now happy that our graduates managed to convince the bank and it is our expectation that a number of students will benefit from this program,” Chitera said.

Director for Rise & Shine Group, Cynthia Mayele also commended FDH Bank for the support saying their choice to open the school was part of their contribution towards quality education in Mulanje district.

“Before we reached where we are today, we went through primary school stages,” she said. “So, we considered establishing this school where children can acquire all the necessary education needs which they cannot access anywhere,” she said.

Rise & Shine Group has eight members and has already employed over 20 members of staff.

DEMOS ON HALIMANA MYSTERIOUS DEATH:Parley given seven days to summon IG or else face vigil


By Iommie Chiwalo

Hundreds match to parliament demanding justice on the death of Emmillie Halimana Noel who died mysteriously in what was initially believed to be a road accident but postmortem proved otherwise and Parliament has since been given seven days to summon police Chief Merline Yolamu.

The demonstrators led by Concerned Malawian Citizens in a company of Wales Khama, Cynthia Chikalema and Esther Kubwalo convened demonstrations after Lilongwe DC Lawford Palani succumbed to pressure from the grouping that opted to seek legal redress should the controlling officer continued with his tactics of persistent postponement of the peaceful demonstrations which was initially scheduled for November 23.

In the petition to parliament, the grouping has highlighted that Noel’s case is not the only one involving the mysterious
death of a Malawian of Rwandan origin.

In a petition the grouping says it is now worrisome because such cases are always kept under wraps and they die a natural death without reaching logical conclusions.

For instance the grouping has outlined three cases of similar nature that occurred in the past.

“On December 12, 2015 in which a 32-year-old Jean Claude Gasana, another Lilongwe-based business person from Rwanda was killed at Discorium entertainment joint but till now nobody has been taken to task yet,

Further to that on July 10, 2017, unidentified gunmen shot dead another businessperson at Puma filling station in Salima before attempting on the life of another Malawian business person of Rwandan origin, Vincent Nyiongera who survived the attack albeit wounded,” reads the petition.

The Parliamentarians have also been notified that another Malawian of Rwandan origin Romeo Mukisa 30, who until his death was plying his trade in Area 25, on November 11, 2018 died in a mysterious accident at Wullian Shop close to Bwaila Hospital after the car he was travelling in allegedly plunged into a very shallow drainage on his way home from Rwandan Diaspora meeting that was held around Malangalanga in Lilongwe.

“Honourable members of the Assembly, you may wish to note that these are just a few cases out of the many cases that go neither unnoticed nor unreported like was the case at hand where the suspect, who was the driver for the deceased did not report the incident to police,” reads the petition.

Meanwhile Parliamentary Committee on security representative has promised to take the matter with keen interest it deserves.

BREAKING NEWS: Chimwendo strategises to become Speaker

CHIMWENDO: Let’s fight hard to remove Vice President Saulos Chilima from his position

Minister of Youth Richard Chimwendo Banda called a meeting for a few selected MCP gurus in Lilongwe last night where he is positioning himself for the position of Speaker of the National Assembly, we can reveal.

Chimwendo told the meeting that they should ‘fight hard’ to remove Vice President Saulos Chilima from his position following his arrest and charges over Zuneth Sattar corruption allegations.

Chimwendo told the meeting that if that plan works, then current Speaker Catherine Gotani Hara will be appointed Vice President and himself will be the Speaker of Parliament.

We will bring you full details of the story as it unfolds


Binauli shows the new bottle for Premier Brandy

Castel Malawi will introduce limited stocks of Premier Brandy for the festive season, a month after stopping production of the spirits line.

The company announced last month that it had stopped production of its flagship spirits namely Malawi Gin, Malawi Vodka and Premier Brandy due to the scarcity of packaging materials which require forex to access.

Castel Malawi Head of Marketing, Frank Binauli, said the limited stocks of Premier Brandy will be in special edition bottles.

“We are introducing limited stock of Premier Brandy for the festive season to give our consumers something to spice up their festivities with. This Brandy will be packaged in a special bottle with cork closures, the same bottle that was previously used for other special and limited editions of the spirits” he said.

Binauli further said apart from the closures, the new bottle will be fetched at a different price of K12,000 from K10,000.

“Consumers will also notice this is a heavier glass bottle compared to the standard spirits bottle,” explained Binauli.

Reacting to the development, Mzati Phiri, a resident of Lunzu said he was happy with the news.

“I am a fan of Premier Brandy. I miss the drink because it is rarely found. Bringing it back for the festive season for Christmas means we will have more fun as usual,” he said.

PIL donates desks to Mzimba school

Over to you- Msimuko (Left) officially hands over desks to Moyo and students representative – photo by Benjamin Maona

Petroleum Importers Limited (PIL), a consortium of four oil marketing companies in the country has given a lifeline to students at Makhosikazi Community Day Secondary School (CDSS) in Mzimba through a donation of 45 desks worth K4.1 million.

The school, which was opened in 2000, has had not enough desks thereby forcing students to be sitting on the floor, a situation which was described as unpleasant, especially by girls at the facility.

“Education is one of our pillars in Corporate Social Responsibility. We do look at health, road safety and schools in education. The aim is to equip Community Day Secondary Schools by donating books or desks. As such when we got the call we thought it wise to assist Makhosikazi CDSS, we considered the request.  When making these donations, we consider regional balance, therefore this is the third school to benefit this year after Chikwawa and Senga Bay,” said PIL general manager Martin Msimuko during the handover of the desks on Thursday in Mzimba.

A form three student at the school Collida Magawa, 17, said the situation has been disturbing for a girl child considering that all teachers at the school are male.

Girls can now afford a smile sitting on the new desks – photo by Benjamin Maona

“Every time you are in class you have to be thinking about sitting properly while changing positions frequently due to the comfortability of the floor. Sometimes we were forced to leave the class for a few minutes to relax and stretch ourselves while lessons were in progress and we ended up missing some crucial topics. Every day we also have to go home dirty and you know it is very difficult here in the village to manage soap for washing uniforms on a daily basis. But now we have been saved,” she said.

The school’s headteacher MacMillan Moyo concurred with Magawa saying sometimes the students scramble for the few desks available and end up injuring each other, which also led to high dropout rate.

“I am a very happy teacher today after getting this help from PIL. I was always worried for the girl child. By nature, they are different from boys and need a comfortable environment. We have had situations where girls get our office chairs and we couldn’t stop them because we understood their situation. This has forced 12 girls to drop out this year alone as compared to three boys. So, you can see that girls are the most affected,” he said.

The excitement in the students was visible as they scrambled to sit on the new desks during the event.

Makhosikazi CDSS has over 180 students and since it was opened, the school has only managed to send one girl to Malawi University of Business and Applied Sciences (MUBAS).

Msimuko (Left) sampling the desks at Makhosikazi CDSS- photo by Benjamin Maona

CDEDI calls for total suspension of refugees and asylum seekers’ relocation, says no to State sponsored xenophobia


By Iommie Chiwalo

The Centre for Democracy and Economic Development Initiatives (CDEDI), has challenged government to suspend its inconsiderate decision of relocating refugees and asylum seekers as the exercise is just but one state sponsored xenophobia.

CDEDI Executive Director Sylvester Namiwa in a press statement further warn Homeland Security Minister Jean Sendeza and the Deputy Inspector General of Police responsible for operations Casper Chalera, to desist from using sentiments that may culminate into state sponsored xenophobic attacks on refugees and asylum seekers in Malawi.

The warning follows Chalera’s instructions to the police to start spotting or identifying refugees and asylum seekers living outside Dzaleka camp ahead of the November 30, 2022 and January 31, 2023 deadlines for refugees and asylum seekers to relocate to the camp from rural and urban centres respectively.

According to Namiwa, his organisation and of course well meaning Malawians find such an order by authorities highly insensitive and ill-timed owing to the conduct of the bad apples that seem to have hijacked the police service.

“This is a blank cheque to these bad apples to start looting and plundering innocent foreign nationals’ property in the name of carrying out such an order on one hand, while some criminal elements outside the service may also take advantage of the same to victimize innocent people,” he said.

He has since reminded Minister Sendeza and DIG Chalera that refugees and asylum seekers are human
beings, hence have basic human rights and ought to be treated with dignity.

“Although, there is nothing illegal with the exercise, CDEDI and all well-meaning Malawians fault both the approach and timing. Malawi should channel available resources and energy to find solutions to the multiple challenges facing millions of Malawians such as food shortage in prisons, sky-rocketing maize prices and fertilizer, not spending the same on a non-priority area.

Meanwhile, CDEDI has proposed total suspension of the whole exercise pending an all-inclusive stakeholders meeting where all the contentious issues shall be discussed and ironed out using human rights based approach.

According to a police internal memo dated November 25, 2022 which is now in public domain , the decision by Chalera follows a government directive that the refugees relocate to Dzaleka by set dates.

Government set November 30, 2022 and February 1, 2023 as deadlines for refugees and asylum seekers residing in rural and urban areas respectively.

Bolt speed: TNM boosts Internet speed and agility with Fibre

Acting CEO Gowera

TNM Plc, Malawi’s pioneer mobile network and ICT services provider has unveiled fibre packages to provide the fastest Internet connectivity possible for medium scale to large businesses.

TNM’s Acting Chief Executive Lloyd Gowera said at the launch in Lilongwe on Friday night that the fibre internet compliments the telco’s strategic intention in accelerating digital adaptation.

“As TNM our goal is to provide enhanced experience to our valued customers in the digital ecosystem. The fibre packages will enable subscribers to be connected to super reliable fast internet in the process contributing to our overall vision of becoming Malawi’s leading digital services provider,” said Gowera

He said that the ultra-fast internet will propel social-economic growth for customers in offices and homes.

“Internet usage is the order of the day, it is offering efficiency and effective connectivity in various vicinities. Therefore, our fibre internet is designed to enable Malawians unleash their potentials regardless of whether they are at office or home,” said the ACEO.

During the launch, customers were dazzled with high quality and high speed streaming of a World Cup game between England and USA.

Chief Marketing Officer Frank Magombo presented the product benefits

With the surge in super internet demand, TNM’s fibre internet is responding to this growth being influenced by the changing business environment and increasing streaming demand.

“The growth in video-on-demand services such as Netflix, ShowMax and other streaming services has helped drive internet appetite. TNM understand such demand and growth hence innovating to fibre internet for our customers’ productivity,” added Gowera

According to the Acting CEO, the integrated telco will continue investing in technologies aimed at bridging the internet divide.

TNM has partnered Open Connect Ltd (OCL) to roll out the unlimited bandwidth capabilities and offer fastest high-speed data connectivity in the country.

Aside ultra-high speeds fibre internet is also touted for its reliability as it is not prone to outages, has same speed for downloads and uploads, no throttling, higher quality television output, multiple device connectivity, and better game play among its key benefits.

The TNM fibre offering comes in two main options of Fibre to the Home/FTTH and fibre to the business/FTTB.

Under FTTH, customers have the option to choose from 5Mbpsftth,10Mbpsftth, 20 Mbpsftth, 50 Mbpsftth, 100 Mbpsftth and 200 Mbpsftth,

Under FTTB, customers can opt for 20 Mbpsfttb, 50 Mbpsfttb, 100 Mbpsfttb and 200 Mbpsfttb.

Illovo Celebrates Silver Jubilee on MSE


Illovo Sugar Malawi, which is one of the sugar producers operating in the country, has clocked 25-years on Malawi Stock Exchange.

The company was listed in November 1997 with a market capitalization of around K1 billion, which has grown to over K300 billion.

Traditional dances, music performances, cake cutting and speeches characterized the Silver jubilee celebrations which took place recently at Mount Soche Hotel in Blantyre.

In his speech, Managing Director for Illovo Malawi, Lekani Katandula said the 25-year old journey has not been easy but fruitful.

On his part MSE Chief Executive Officer, John Kamanga said the listing of Illovo on the stock market has been profitable for both the company and investors. He also urged other companies to list on the market.

Illovo, which employs over 11 800 permanent and non-permanent people, supplies more than 60% of its total sugar sales into the domestic consumer and industrial markets, and a portion of the balance exported regionally within the sub-continent.

Exports also take place to the EU and the USA markets, which include a range of specialty sugars.

NBM contributes K5 million towards KUHES Research Conference


By Benjamin Maona, a Contributor

Mwazani (Centre) handing over cheque to Mubas representatives-photo by Benjamin Maona

National Bank of Malawi (NBM plc has contributed K5 million towards the Kamuzu University of Health Sciences (KUHES) Research Dissemination Conference set for Thursday and Friday.

The conference, which takes place at the University’s campus in Blantyre, is expected to attract over 800 local and international delegates.

Speaking during the cheque handover ceremony on Wednesday, NBM plc Business Development Manager, Wezi Mwazani said the Bank values the relationship between the two institutions and also takes pride in the health solutions the University offers to the nation through its training, research, clinic, and sports developments.

“We understand that during the conference, participants will present their findings in Nutrition, Mental Health, Infectious diseases, Environmental Health and other related issues. We as a Bank fully support these discussions and are keen to know some of the resolutions that will help improve our health services delivery in the country. We need healthy staff and customers for our daily operations,” she said.

Mwazani delivering the speech-photo by Benjamin Maona

KUHES Acting Dean of Students Affairs, who is also co-chairperson for the conference organizing committee, Benjamin Kumwenda commended NBM plc for the support saying it will mend the gaps in the budget.

“Our budget is K150 million and by last week we had collected about K100 million. Therefore, this gesture by NBM will push us forward so that we do not finish our conference with debts. Research is very important not only to KUHES but even the nation in various aspects including source of employment and foreign currency. We get our grants in foreign currency for various research projects. This conference will also give a chance to investigators to deliberate on various health issues and the findings will be useful to the nation,” he said.

Minister of Education, Agnes Nya Lonje will grace the conference.

US$18 million bill chokes Castel Malawi…Carlsberg Green on the verge of suspension

Ganda-We pledge our support

Castel Malawi has disclosed that it has unsettled outstanding bills totaling to US$18 million (approx.. K18 billion) due to unavailability of forex and the situation, if it continues, will see the production of its flagship brand, the Carlsberg Green being suspended.

Already, the company has stopped production of its spirits line namely Malawi Gin, Premier Brandy, and Malawi Vodka due to acute shortage of raw materials which can only be accessed through forex.

Speaking in Lilongwe last week when he was introduced to government officials including members of parliament, newly appointed Managing Director for Castel Malawi Thomas Reynaud said acute shortage of forex has seriously impacted the operations of the company.

 “Spirits production has been suspended due to acute shortage of returnable bottles since we do not have a local supplier and Carlsberg Green is at the verge of suspension as well due to unavailability of materials. Foreign suppliers have stopped supplying key materials due to old overdue bills.”

“The Company has a total unsettled outstanding bills of US$18 million and we require US$14 million immediately to ease the pressure with our suppliers to release new materials and in order for us to sustain the business, we require at least US$2 million per month,” said Reynaud.

On the steps that the company has taken so far to sort out the situation, Reynaud said they have met with all banking partners with no clear commitments so far.

Thomas Reynaud Castel Malawi Managing Director

“We are lobbying for assistance to source forexto enable our growth and expansion plans as we want to build a state-of-art brewing plant here in Lilongwe because we have a long-term ambition to expand the business and contribute more to the job creation as well as revenue generation for the government,” said Reynaud.

Reynaud also said Castel Malawi, which has been operating in the country since 2016 after buying majority shareholding in Carlsberg Denmark, has invested more than MK80 billion in the past five years to improve machine capacity and product quality.

“The Company contributed more than MK200 billion to the revenues of the county in form of taxes over the past 6 years and this year we project to pay taxes amounting to K40 billion if we receive necessary support in terms of forex availability,” he said.

Chairperson of the Budget and Finance Committee of Parliament Gladys Ganda pledged her committee’s support in lobbying the government to allocate the forex that the company requires so that it does not shut down.

“We can not allow this company to shut down considering that it is employing a lot of Malawians and is contributing to our economy through tax revenue, so, we pledge our support,” said Ganda.

Castel Malawi Ltd directly employs 625 permanent employees and almost 300 temporary contract employees through brokers. Castel Malawi also provides about 100 000 indirect employment through distributors, suppliers, bars and groceries.

CDEDI wants SPC Zamba relieved from her duties


By Iommie Chiwalo

The Centre for Democracy and Economic Development Initiatives (CDEDI), is has urged President Dr. Lazarus Chakwera to exonerate himself from serious allegations levelled against the Secretary to the President and Cabinet
(SPC), Colleen Zamba, by relieving her from her duties.

The former Acting Chief Executive Officer for the National Oil Company of Malawi (NOCMA) Hellen Buluma has accused Zamba of abuse of office by alleging that by virtue of being the Chairperson for the NOCMA Board of Directors, she influenced oil deals amid fuel crisis in the country.

This has been revealed when Buluma was summoned to appear before the Public Appointments Committee (PAC) of parliament, on Wednesday November 23, 2022.

“Having heard a one sided story, Malawians waited with baited breath to hear from Zamba, who was set to appear before the same committee but in a clear case of impunity and arrogance, she never showed up. The absence of the ruling Malawi Congress Party (MCP) Members of Parliament (MPs) during the hearing, and the gravity of the allegations levelled against the SPC gives the impression that we are dealing with a clear case of organized crime where Dr. Chakwera himself should explain to Malawians not by words but through deeds and actions, by firing the SPC with immediate effect,” reads a statement by CDEDI Executive Director Sylvester Namiwa.

Namiwa said if it were in a serious country, Zamba would have resigned before Buluma walked out of the PAC meeting.

“Similarly, if it were that President Chakwera was not involved in all these heinous acts, he would have fired Zamba by now,” says Namiwa who has assured Malawians that his organisation will keep on monitoring the events as they unfold, and will address Malawians at an appropriate time.

Buluma has told the committee that on September 26, Zamba sent her profiles of fuel suppliers Iconic Venture and Horizon.

She further claims that a few days later Zamba called her and introduced a man called Chief.

Buluma claims she doesn’t now his name but Zamba just called him chief.

She claims Chief later called and made inquires on the issues of fuel supply.

Buluma says Zamba told her to consider ‘Chief’, a Nigerian who presented letters of a company from South Africa.

Buluma says when the Badea fuel facility came through on November 10, Zamba sent her a message to the effect that “Kodi za Chief zili pati? Mpakana mumaliza ndalama zonsetu”.

She further claims that ‘Chief’ later called her and started shouting at her as to why she was delaying signing the deal.

Castel Malawi introduces new boss to Govt

Reynaud speaks at the event

Castel Malawi on Thursday evening introduced their new Managing Director Thomas Reynaud to government officials including members of Parliament in Lilongwe.

Reynaud has replaced Herve’ Milhade who has been assigned to BGI, a Castel subsidiary in   Ethiopia.

Reynaud said he was happy to serve the company in Malawi and stressed that he wants to improve the relationship between his company, the Malawi government, and other stakeholders.

“We are going through a lot of problems right now in terms of access to forex to enable us to buy raw materials for our products, but we are encouraging local sourcing of raw materials and encouraging agribusiness to grow and support the local economy so that we use local raw materials in these hard times.”

“We are here to grow the business by introducing new brands and building the state-of-the-art brewing plant here in Lilongwe. We want to maintain good relations with the government authorities and other stakeholders like customers, distributors, suppliers, and trade associations,” said Reynaud.

He hailed the Malawi government for reducing the alcohol excise tax regime which was considered as the highest in the Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) region and led to high production costs for the company.

Castel Malawi Corporate Affairs Director Gloria Zimba also hailed partners and stakeholders who helped to lobby for the reduction of the excise tax regime.

“We want to thank various stakeholders who assisted in lobbying for change of the alcohol excise tax regime for clear beer from 90% then 60% and now 40%. For opaque beer the excise tax was reduced from 40%, to 30% to further 10%. We must commend the Malawi government for this bold step which aligned Malawi to the SADC region on the excise tax regimes for opaque and clear beer,” said Zimba.

She further noted that the change has brought in many positive benefits to Castel Malawi like maintaining affordable retails prices for local products, growth of production volumes which has in turn tripled sales contributing to government revenue through taxes.

Speaking at the event, Chairperson for Budget and Finance Committee of parliament Gladys Ganda welcomed Reynaud and pledged the committees’ support in lobbying the government on forex allocation for business sustenance, continuity  and further growth .

“We know that you employ a lot of Malawians, and you need forex for your production. We are here to offer our assistance in lobbying for support because we cannot let you close down,” said Ganda.

UGI celebrates men on international men’s day

Chikuse (right) handing over the gift to Ngwira- photo by Benjamin Maona

Men seeking insurance services at United General Insurance (UGI) offices were on Friday and Saturday showered with gifts as part of celebrating International Men’s Day.

This year’s International Men’s day fell on Saturday under the theme Helping men and Boys where UGI joined the world in the celebrations.

UGI Chief Finance Officer Gloria Chikuse said the gesture is part of celebrating men’s struggle for their socio-economic accomplishments.

“One of the objectives of International Men’s Day is to focus on men’s health and wellbeing. That is the social, emotional, physical and spiritual well-being. Men carry a lot of responsibilities and in their quest of life, most of them struggle silently. In their struggle they suffer silently because the community believes men don’t cry. As UGI we are celebrating men by sending a message of hope, love and thanks to all men including our clients that men can talk if they are struggling. Men need help!” she said.

Chikuse (right) and Ngwira (left) celebrate the mens day-photo by Benjamin Maona

One of the customers who got a gift, Dan Ngwira, who is also Communications Director for The Institute of Marketing in Malawi (IMM) commended UGI for remembering men.

“It feels great, moments where men are celebrated are quite rare in a calendar year. This is a very good opportunity for UGI to excite their customers and give them a good experience. This is a good reason for me to insure my car with UGI because I have been celebrated. Everyone needs emotional support regardless of gender. We have moments where women, children celebrate and this initiative of celebrating men is good,” said Ngwira.

Early this year, UGI also gave out gifts to women on Valentines and Mothers days.

NBS Bank eases transactions with Tha! Tha! Tha! digital campaign

Dzoole Mwale (right) speaks at the launch

NBS Bank plc has launched a new campaign dubbed Tha! Tha! Tha! with an aim to give the Bank’s existing and potential customers a better digital experience.

NBS Bank plc  Head of Digital Banking, Inqxhuiniso Dzoole Mwale said the three months campaign will engage customers with digital banking products under the EazyBank umbrella, enabling simplification, ease and convenience for the customer.

“We fully comprehend that our customers are busy and banking should not be one item on their day-to-day to-do lists. We fully comprehend that our customers want quick banking services which they have control of anytime, anywhere.”

“EAZY Banking is the solution. Just like; Tha, or 1,2,3, or ABC! EazyBank is an umbrella term for the Bank’s digital banking offering that includes EazyMobile, EazyApp, EazyWapp, EazyOnline, EazyCash (ATM), EazySwipe (POS), EazyCard (Debit and Credit).”

“The digital banking platforms provide a seamless banking experience that answers to customer convenience by providing vast self-service solutions and a wide range of products. All these assist the customer to process all their transactions or payments with the convenience of their phones  and cards, as easy as Tha! Tha! Tha!,” said Dzoole Mwale.

He said the Tha Tha Tha campaign has three elements aimed at educating both existing and potential customers about Eazy Banking solutions, the festival element where customers use  the NSB Bank’s EazyPay solution in the retail outlets and stand a chance to win ‘trolleyful’ prizes and the world cup experience.

Dzoole Mwale further said that the third element is the partnership which the Bank has with Regional 5 games to build and celebrate future athletes.

NBS Bank plc Head of Marketing and Customer Experience, Tamanda Ng’ombe-Longwe said this is part of their five-year strategy to improve service delivery through digitization.

“This is to ease access, ease interaction with the Bank and to ease the pressure of time for our customers hence our digital banking slogan EazyBank. What we, as NBS Bank plc, are trying to say is that banking should be as easy as Tha Tha Tha.”

“Therefore, this campaign aims to let our customers and the market know more about our digital products and services that will spell convenience for our customers. As you may be aware, you can now access various personal loans digitally from NBS Bank plc without visiting our banking halls,” she said.

NBS Bank plc Marketing Manager, James Chikaonda said the three Tha!s represents the educative series aimed at educating both existing and potential customers about Eazy Banking solutions.

“The Bank therefore invites Malawi and all Regional 5 guests that will be participating in the tournament to this digital banking party. Digital is the future of banking. We are bringing the future banking experience today and now to ensure our customers access banking service wherever they are,” Chikaonda concluded.

CDEDI tells Chakwera not to sell donation, urges Malawi to protest the MK15,000 AIP price


By Iommie Chiwalo

CDEDI Executive Director Sylvester Namiwa

The Centre for Democracy and Economic Development Initiatives (CDEDI), has warned President Dr. Lazarus Chakwera to stop playing hide-and-seek on availability and accessibility of fertiliser as wall as maize in the country.

The call comes amid inconsistency from authorities when explaining about matters to do with fertiliser donation which government says it will still spend a whopping K40 billion only in blending.

In a press statement signed by CDEDI Executive Director Sylvester Namiwa, says his organisation rose to the occasion after it is evident that President Chakwera has departed from his campaign promise of selling a 50 Kilogramme bag of fertiliser at no more than K4,500.

“In fact, we have a video clip where an old woman, identifying her-self as Virginia Kalifale, is vowing to vote for Chakwera on the strength of this promise for cheap fertiliser. To those that could not afford the K4,500, Dr. Chakwera, actually promised free fertiliser. Now, what evidence is there that such people’s economic fortunes have improved that they can now afford to contribute K15,000 towards the Affordable Input Programme (AIP) fertiliser? Today, Virginia Kalifale represents millions of Malawians who voted for Chakwera hoping to buy fertiliser at K4,500,” queries Namiwa.

Adding that such people have had a shock of their lives at hearing from the AIP task force that this year they are expected to
contributed K15,000 for their subsidised fertiliser bearing in mind that these are commodities which poor Malawians, who are majority depend on for survival.

He said the conduct of Chakwera and his Tonse Alliance administration is nothing but a total betrayal given the current economic challenges facing Malawi clearly mirrored through the sky-rocketing cost of living that has made life for an average Malawian family practically difficult.

Namiwa has therefore, challenged all farming communities to refuse the global economic downturn and the Ukraine war stories, which are being used by the current administration to cover up its incompetence and cluelessness because elsewhere, leaders that have the welfare of their people at heart have worked out mechanisms to bail out citizens.

“But, here, is all about excuses. If the leaders are giving excuses on problems their people are facing, who, then, will give citizens solutions? As we stand, it is clear that Malawians are paying the price of voting into office leaders who were not up to the mark,” hints Namiwa saying from the look of things, in the coffers that President Chakwera controls there is money for anything else save for fertiliser and food for the poorest of the poor.

“Evidence is there that every month the President has money to travel somewhere with a bloated entourage at the expense of poor Malawians, most of whom do not know where their next meal is going to come from. To prove that President Chakwera does not care about the likes of Virginia Kalifale—that only need affordable fertiliser not handouts—his cronies are ready to pounce on the donated fertiliser by selling it at K15,000 per bag,” he said.

As authorities are failing to explain, CDEDI and numerous Malawians are not getting response of where the already budgeted for AIP will go.

“Where the money already budgeted for this exercise will go is anybody’s guess. Simply put, this decision has been arrived at because Malawians have accepted to be taken for granted by politician. As citizens, we seem to enjoy suffering in silence. Had we protested the 2021/2022 price of K7,500 this year, matters would not have come to this point. Should we accept this price, next year the same AIP fertiliser will be at K50,000 per bag!,” highlights the CDEDI Executive Director.

Namiwa has since challenged President Chakwera to reverse the decision by his cronies to sell the donated fertilizer and also revise the price of AIP fertiliser to K7,500 before the launch of the programme slated for Saturday, November 19, 2022 in Dedza district.

“The President should also come out clearly on the actual amount of fertilizer available in the country outside the AIP, since it appears we, as a nation, have forgotten that we also have commercial farmers,” he said.

Speaking on maize availability situation, Namiwa calls for an explanation to the nation about the status of the maize situation in the country in the wake of the sky-rocketing prices of the staple grain and when the people should expect the opening of the Agriculture Development and Marketing Corporation (ADMARC) selling points that have been tried and tested as well as proven to be the right channels for accessing both fertilizer and food across the country.

“Let the President and his government be reminded that a hungry person is an angry person, therefore, any carelessness in handling the maize crisis in the country is a recipe for disaster,”

EMMILLIE HALIMANA MYSTERIOUS’ DEATH: Preps for Nov 23 demos on course…DC confirms receipt of notification letter


By Iommie Chiwalo

Preparations for peaceful demonstrations slated for November 23 to show displeasure with the conduct of the police on the mysterious death of Malawian of Rwandan origin Emmillie Halimana Noel are at an advanced stage, with the Lilongwe District Commissioner confirming receipt of the notification letter.

“We the concerned citizens, would like to notify your office of our intention to hold peaceful demonstrations aimed at forcing the Inspector General (IG) of the Malawi Police Service (MPS) to effect the arrest of suspects connected to the mysterious death of Lilongwe-based businessman, a Malawian citizen of Rwandan origin, Emmilie Halimana Noel, aged 36, who allegedly died in a road accident in Lilongwe along the M1 road around the Kanengo Northgate area on October 17, 2022,” reads the notification letter.

The notification signed by concerned citizens representatives Wales Khama, Cynthia Chikalema and Esther Kubwalo indicates that they have arrived at this decision after it became apparent that the MPS is not only reluctant to act, but has also crossed the line by shielding the suspects, if their deafening silence on the matter is anything to go by.

“Now, as a country, the national security remains the only thing that we should all safeguard very jealously. Today is Emmilie, we are not sure who will be next! As a country we should not tolerate bad apples in the police service to dent our image because of their love for money in exchange for justice,” reads a strong worded notification letter addressed to Lilongwe DC Lawford Palani.

The grouping has made it clear that the letter is just a notification and not necessarily seeking permission.

“It is important to remind you that holding peaceful demonstrations is a constitutional right, hence this letter seeks to notify your office for proper planning, and not seeking permission,” it reads.

Intentionally the grouping wants the peaceful demonstrations to be held on Wednesday, November 23, 2022, from 09:30hrs, starting from the Lilongwe Community Ground passing through Mchesi, all the way to the Kamuzu Central Hospital Roundabout and Parliament Building Roundabout up to the Parliament main entrance where a petition will be delivered to the Chairperson of the Parliamentary Committee on Defense and Security but it will depend on what will come out of the stakeholders preparatory meeting which involves organisers, Police and the District council officials.

The current administration is facing serious criticism from all angles due to myriad dysfunctional sections that have even been spotted by a state funded Malawi Human Rights Commission (MHRC).

In a recent communique MHRC has recommended that government should address serious challenges facing the country including security lapses, dysfunctional health sector et al.

PIL brings 1 million litres diesel through cargo train

Train cargo carrying diesel-photo by Benjamin Maona

As the country grapples against fuel shortage, Petroleum Importers Limited (PIL), a consortium of four oil marketing companies, has imported one million litres of diesel through Cargo train from the port of Nacala in Mozambique.

The consignment arrived at Blantyre Train Station on Monday morning with the hope to ease shortage of fuel in the country for the next weeks.

PIL general manager, Martin Msimuko briefed the media after receiving the new consignment where he assured the public of their efforts to import more fuel using various means.

Msimuko-We will bring more-photo by Benjamin Maona

“We are liaising with banks to help us with more forex so that we are able to bring more in the next few weeks. Last week we brought in 1.9 litres of diesel, plus today’s one million it means we have imported 2.9 million litres,” he said

Msimuko further said PIL will continue importing into the country 4.8 million litres of petrol which have already been secured with suppliers using the letters of credit (LCs) starting this week.

“We have in the past four days been able to source 2 million litres of petrol with support from the same banks and we continue to receive 4.8 million litres of petrol this week.”

The cargo carrying fuel- photo by Benjamin Maona

“We also believe that by bringing fuel by train we are able to bring huge volumes at once as you can see we have been able to bring in one million litres. If we had used trucks the carbon emissions would have been much higher than using the train as we have done. And we believe that bringing fuel through rail is efficient, nowadays it only takes a maximum of 48 hours to move wagons from Nacala to Blantyre. It used to take longer in the past. This has helped to reduce the losses that were being experienced at the depots,” he explained.

Nacala Logistics used 25 diesel wagons to bring in the 1 million litres of diesel in the country.

Malawi has been experiencing fuel shortages due to lack of forex to import the commodity into the country.

Castel Malawi busts fake Malawi Gin producers…cautions on health risks

Chibayo and wife with their counterfeit products

Castel Malawi has busted a production house in Ntcheu which was producing counterfeit Malawi Gin spirit and has led to an arrest of a young couple.

A young family comprising husband Shavison Chibayo, 34 and wife Karishima Machewere, 29, are currently on bail and will appear before Ntcheu Senior Resident Magistrate Joshua Nkhono to answer appropriate charges

Castel Malawi officials assisted by Police officers from Ntcheu Police Station busted the production of the counterfeit Malawi Gin two weeks ago after receiving reports that some people were producing ‘fake gin’ packaged in Malawi Gin branded bottles.

Castel Malawi announced on 7 October 2022 that it had stopped production of spirits namely Malawi Gin, Malawi Vodka and Premier Brandy due to the scarcity of packaging materials which require forex to access.

Castel Malawi Head of Marketing, Frank Binauli, confirmed the development in an interview yesterday but assured consumers that they are working with the Malawi Police in chasing every tip that they get from the market about counterfeit spirits.

“People are taking advantage of the announcement we made about the problems we are facing in producing spirits; but being a responsible company, we continue keeping our ear on the ground through our team to curb any attempt by unscrupulous individuals who may want to supply the market with counterfeit products. We appreciate the great citizens that report such unscrupulous individuals to us, as well, we also appreciate the professionalism we get from Malawi Police in assisting us curb this problem for the safety of consumers”.

“With the help of the police, Castel Malawi Ltd busted the young couple while they were packaging four 750 litre drums of ethanol mixed with water into empty Malawi Gin bottles,” said Binauli.

He said Castel Malawi is investigating similar cases and warned people perpetrating the vice to stop before the long arm of the law catches up with them.

Information from Ntcheu Magistrate Court indicates that Chibayo, 34, who hails from Mwansambo village, Traditional Authority Kuntaja in Blantyre and Machewere, 29, who hails from Makhwata village, T/A Njolomole Ntcheu will appear in court on 29 November 2022 for hearing of the case.

Primary school teacher hails Standard Bank’s Tisanje promo


By Yamikani Sekeni

Ngwalangwa (Right) symbolically presenting a dummy to Munthali (Left)

People were all smiles on a sunny afternoon at Livilizi in Salima when Standard Bank officially handed over K6 million prize money to Margret Munthali who emerged the overall winner of the Tisanje promotion.

The promotion which aimed at encouraging utilization of digital banking and promoting saving culture among customers has facilitated the growth of a Salima-based primary school teacher and other customers.

Doubtless Munthali gathered courage to share her vision of the prize money, saying the reward will be used to build a better house for her family.

“As you can see I stay in a rented house therefore, my plan is to build a good house. This is a lifetime opportunity, I cannot imagine this lucky and growth has landed in my house today,” said Munthali.

She hailed Standard Bank for coming up with the promotion that required transacting conveniently on the bank’s digital platforms.

“I would like to thank God for helping me to win in this promotion. I thank Standard Bank for Tisanje promotion because the money will change my life. I have been the bank’s customer for many years and I like doing transactions using my mobile phone so it is amazing that through that I emerged a winner,” she said.
Speaking during the presentation Clarence Ngwalangwa, Salima Standard Bank branch manager expressed satisfaction with customers’ overwhelmed response.

Munthali (Left) receiving a dummy presentation of the prize money from Ngwalangwa (Right)

“As a bank we are promoting digital transactions so that people should be accessing our banking services in their comfort of their homes and anywhere. It’s a great achievement to see customers like Margret winning, it shows that customers are making full use of our digital platforms,” said Ngwalangwa.

Standard Bank which is operating towards driving the growth of Malawi says Tisanje promotion has uplifted lives of customers.

“We continue to spearhead development through our core purpose which says Malawi is Our Home, We Drive Her Growth. We believe that the promotion has been a catalyst for economic transformation to many other customers who emerged winners of different cash prizes,” he said.

Ngwalangwa added that the promotion has successfully brought more bank customers onto the digital transformation journey through increased access to the bank’s 247 Mobile (*247#), 247 Online (Internet Banking) and 247 Smart App.

According to the bank, Tisanje promotion has contributed to a 9 percent growth in digital usage and increased transactional volumes by 12%.

PLOT GONE WRONG: Muluzi appeared before ACB as a mere witness not suspect


Anti-corruption Bureau Director Martha Chizuma has told Former UDF President Atupele Muluzi that she was summoning him to appear before the bureau not as a suspect, but to give a witness statement on investigations into the sale of the two plots that are suspected to have been sold illegally at Bwaila in Lilongwe when he was serving as Minister of Lands.

She was speaking yesterday at the Anti-Corruption Bureau offices in Lilongwe when Muluzi appeared before the bureau.

Chizuma told Muluzi that investigations into the sale of the two plots cannot be complete without his statement as he was minister then and that investigations are on-going until the bureau concludes the matter.

Malawi Voice broke news of an impending arrest for the former President’s son after being tipped by reliable sources On Saturday 5th November, that ACB’s Director Martha Chizuma had been receiving pressure from Malawi Congress Party (MCP) to get Muluzi on the list of corrupt politicians but she has been taking her sweet time which was not going down well with the MCP hierarchy.

According to Muluzi’s lawyer Jai Banda who accompanied Muluzi to the questioning, the former UDF president narrated to the ACB the procedure which one follows when acquiring land and that as Minister his job was to approve land applications which have complied with the law and disapprove those that have not complied with the law.

Muluzi told the bureau that as minister, one is not signatory to any offer letters made to land applicants as that authority lies in the hands of the Commissioner of Lands.

Muluzi’s questioning which was expected to start at 2pm was delayed by almost an hour and half after his supporters and sympathizers blocked the entrance to the bureau demanding that Muluzi would only enter the premises when real corruption suspects who have benefited from corrupt proceeds and the of taxpayer’s money are summoned first.

The supporters accused the bureau of applying selective justice and victimizing their leader.

A visibly frustrated Muluzi accompanied by his wife Angella had to return to his vehicle twice as the supporters wrestled against his security detail to deny him entry into the ACB premises. It was only after he addressed them that they cleared the entrance for him to go in.

Later on, speaking to hundreds of people that gathered at Lizulu Market on his way to his Area 3 residence, Muluzi warned the ACB to desist from being used by politicians to victimize innocent people.

“Let them investigate, and investigate and investigate….they will not find anywhere that Atupele has been involved in any corrupt dealing or stealing a penny that belongs to Malawians,” Said Muluzi adding that he is a leader who believes in the rule of law and service to the people.

Muluzi further warned the Tonse government that they should brace for change as Malawians are tired of leaders who instead of providing solutions to people’s problems spend their time playing golf, saying such leaders are not serious with the welfare of Malawians.

Several renowned human rights activists in Malawi namely Bon Kalindo, Redson Munlo, Levi Luwemba and Billy Banda attended the Muluzi summoning in solidarity.

This is not first time for the Muluzi family to be persecuted. Atupele’s father Bakili Muluzi was also charged over seven times on cooked up charges.

MCP Witch-hunts Atupele with cooked up charges, to appear before ACB


Former United Democratic Front (UDF) president Atupele Muluzi is today appearing before the Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) in Lilongwe in what is widely believed to be ‘cooked up’ corruption related investigations.

On Saturday November 5, Malawi Voice broke the news of an impending arrest for the former President’s son after being tipped by reliable sources, that ACB Director Martha Chizuma had been receiving pressure from MCP to get Muluzi on the list of corrupt politicians but she has been taking her sweet time which was not going down well with the MCP hierarchy.

It is understood the plot has been work in progress since Muluzi, a son to former president Dr. Bakili, announced his return to active politics some weeks ago during a programme hosted on Times TV.

During the interview, Muluzi accused President Lazarus Chakwera and his Tonse Alliance administration of failing to run the affairs of the country. He also accused the current administration of taming corruption and failing to fulfill campaign promises.

The young Muluzi took over the reins of the former governing party (UDF) from his father, Bakili, who ruled Malawi between 1994 and 2004.

He also contested in the 2019 presidential elections and when the polls were nullified by the High Court sitting as a Constitutional Court, he partnered that time’s president Peter Mutharika as running mate in the fresh poll which they lost.

Muluzi also served as minister in various portfolios in the Mutharika and Dr. Joyce Banda administrations.

SuperSport launches Sounds of the World Cup starring renowned comedian Arap Uria


SuperSport has partnered with acclaimed Kenyan comedian, Arap Uria, and other continental social media stars to bring you an exciting online campaign called Sounds of the World Cup ahead of the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 that kicks off on the 20th of November 2022.

Sounds of the World Cup is a platform that allows fans to be part of and create euphoria around the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022. Through an influencer driven digital content creation campaign, moments of iconic World Cup commentary will be made available to fans to create their own lip-syncing content on TikTok.

Speaking about the campaign, Rendani Ramovha, SuperSport’s Head on Commercial and Marketing said the inspiration behind the campaign was not only to get fans to watch the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 in HD, on SuperSport, but also to give fans an opportunity to co-create and relive some of the best moments in World Cup history!

“As SuperSport, we are thrilled to join forces with Arap, YoungNobleCommentary, and Say Logan to name a few, who are undoubtedly some of the biggest content curators across the continent right now. SuperSport prides itself as innovators and the lip-synching challenge presents a perfect opportunity for our viewers to showcase their authentic talent while enjoying the biggest sporting event, the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022”.

We look forward to seeing how the content lead campaign unearths and showcases the joy, madness, excitement and content-creation talent.

Uria, who grabbed global attention by perfectly mimicking the words of renowned commentary wordsmith Peter Drury, says he’s looking forward to hearing and embracing all the unique content from the SuperSport viewers.

“The FIFA World Cup gives us die-hard football fans a great occasion to celebrate the beautiful game. The partnership with SuperSport continues to be a highlight in my career and an exciting opportunity to represent fans across the continent in a meaningful way.

“As a content creator, Sounds of the World Cup has created a platform for us to reminisce and give Africans a reason to feel the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 fever!

“SuperSport has always been at the forefront of bringing us Africans world-class World Cup action and I’m thrilled to embark on this creative concept with them,” said the 27 year old content creator.

The FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 kicks off on the 20th of November and runs until the 18th of December 2022..

Don’t miss the FIFA World Cup on SuperSport on DStv and GOtv. Visit and to subscribe or upgrade, and join in on the excitement. And while you’re on the move, you can stream matches on the DStv App.

Malawians give police 7-day to act on the mysterious death of a LL based Businessman



Concerned citizens have given the Malawi Police Service seven days to put to light the circumstances that led to the death of Malawian of Rwandan origin Noel Halimana who initially reportedly died in road accident but later on discovered that his death was due to strangulation.

In a statement signed by representatives of the concerned citizens, Wales Khama, Cynthia Chikalema and Esther Kubwalo, have given the police seven (7) days to ensure that all those that carried the body from one place to another to be arrested and interrogated since they owe Malawians an explanation over their strange conduct.

The grouping says has arrived at this stage after learning that the death of Halimana has been established that it was an organised crime.

For instance, the concerned citizens have brought to the attention of the police about their individual investigation at Maula prison where the driver of the deceased is being remanded.

The grouping says is disheartening to note that some bad apples in the Malawi Police Service have a very strange way of handling cases involving foreign nationals especially refugees and asylum seekers, a development that raises eye brows and in most cases they go flat-out shielding criminals for economic benefit at the expense of national security.

“It is for this reason that, we the Concerned Citizens are here today, vowing to fight for justice to prevail on the death of Noel who met his fate on his way from Dzaleka refugee camp in Dowa,” reads the statement from the concerned citizens.

Following the precepts to the sequence of events, the concerned citizens are convinced that Noel’s death was arranged, a development that is smelling foul play all over.

“Failure to act within the specified time will leave us with no option but take to the streets to protest this shameful act by the police. We just want the Malawi Police Service to desist from any conduct that has the potential to erode the trust the citizens have in their police, and strive to safeguard the gains made in as far as our global record in relation to hosting refugees and asylum seekers is concerned,” reads the statement.

Adding that some quarters within the police would like to make us believe that Noel died on the spot after an accident involving his personal vehicle, a Toyota Hiace minibus registration number KK 3519 he was travelling in. The police arrested the driver, a Rwandan national Raffick Munyamagaju who survived the purported accident unscratched.

The grouping alleges that the driver, is reportedly fearing for his own life while on remand at Maula prison.

“It is sad to report that these people are that powerful to an extent that Rafik is feeling insecure while in prison. Rafik’s safety at Maula prison should therefore be guaranteed by both the MPS and their counterpart the Malawi Prison Services. Those police officers that are intimidating the deceased’s immediate relatives should also be disciplined. We cannot afford to let few bad apples to dent the image of our country, let alone compromise the safety and security of this great republic,” say the concerned citizens.

Giving the whole incident grey areas is the fact that the driver did not report the accident to the nearest police station at Kanengo. But the police instituted initial investigations that led to the driver’s arrest only to be released on bail without being charged.

It is further reported that there was drama as a group connected to the driver’s family, who happens to be the deceased’s brother in-laws , took control of everything without waiting for the police to do their work as is always the case during road accidents.

“It is reported that the family members took Noel’s body to Daeyung Hospital allegedly for postmortem and embalming during the same night. As this was happening, some members of the group were busy making burial arrangements including buying a coffin the same night in readiness for burial without the involvement of the deceased’s blood relations but when Noel’s relations learnt of the alleged accident and the death, they moved in to stop everything, and at this point the body was transferred to Kamuzu Central Hospital and upon the arrival of the blood relations, everything was put to a halt and a proper autopsy was conducted on 20th October 2022, which concluded that Noel did not die as a result of the road traffic accident, but rather strangulation. This has been collaborated by the driver’s own confession when we visited him at Maula prison following his re-arrest after reservations by direct brothers to the deceased,”

The Police is yet to speak to this publication but postmortem report in our possession really shows the death was not due to road accident.

Malawi’s Leader of Opposition Nankhumwa in a surprise visit to fuel service stations in Lilongwe

Leader of Opposition in Parliament and Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) Vice President responsible for the Southern Region, Dr. Kondwani Nankhumwa, is going around some filling stations in the Capital City, Lilongwe to see for himself how motorists are coping with the scarcity of fuel in the country.

 Nankhumwa has already been to Biwi and Bunda turnoff. He was also expected to visit Kanengo as we went to press.

The youthful politician has said the situation was “extremely bad” and the stories that he had heard were sad.

“People are being hugely inconvenienced because now they have to drop everything and alter their programmes just to focus on finding fuel,” Nankhumwa told tens of motorists.

The Mulanje Central legislator Nankhumwa said fuel is a strategic commodity, which is integral to the functioning of the economy.

“This is scary because our economy is already in ICU owing to poor management. There is no forex, and the Kwacha is consistently tumbling down.

Businesses cannot run because they are failing to import essential raw materials for production. And to add lack of fuel to the mix makes this a double whammy of economic crisis,” he said.

NFRA Chair Kalekeni threatens staff


Beleaguered Board Chairman for scandal-lidden National Food Reserve Agency (NFRA) Dennis Kalekeni has started threatening staff members of dismissals for ‘leaking’ information to the media about the Organisation.

Kalekeni who has just been re-appointed to the NFRA board is said to have been acting like an executive chairman where he is meeting staff and threatening them with dismissals.

Governance rules states that the Chairman of the board should not be involved in the day to day running of an Organisation and will only get information from executive management.

Insiders said Kalekeni is not happy with several reports about scandals at NFRA which included an embarrassing loss of maize worth K123 million recently and his abuse of allowances as board chairman.

We have information that every time Kalekeni visits NFRA offices, he is paid allowances amounting to K200, 000 and he has also been taking allowances amounting to K1.3 million for trips that he has not taken.

“Now the Chairman has a bone to chew with staff members and he has threatened to personally make sure that they are fired,” said our source.

Kalekeni is also said to be acting like an executive manager because of his alleged affair with NFRA CEO Brenda Kayongo.

But trouble is brewing for Kalekeni in the K123 million maize scandal next week when he appears before the parliamentary committee investigating corruption and abuse of office issues that have recently rocked government departments and agencies.

Insiders said parliamentary committee members investigating the maize scandal have stumbled on information that the kingpin in the scandal Smollet Kachere who is answering charges of the missing maize is a direct cousin of Kalekeni and he was acting on instructions from him and Kayongo.

“It will be interesting to see how he will handle this issue because everyone knows that Kachere and the Chairman are relatives, they are direct cousins actually and he knows how this maize was stolen,” said a committee member who did not want to be mentioned ‘because of the sensitivity of the matter’

CDEDI expose more rot in AIP, warns Malawians to open their eyes


By Iommie Chiwalo

The Centre for Democracy and Economic Development Initiatives (CDEDI), is demanding an official communication on the decision to cancel the intention to award contracts in the ongoing fertilizer procurement in the 2022/23 Affordable Input Program(AIP) which Small holder Farmers Fertilizer Revolving Fund of Malawi (SFFRFM) issued on October 24, 2022 on the basis of glaring price discrepancies.

In a letter signed by CDEDI Executive Director Sylvester Namiwa and addressed to Agriculture Minister Sam Kawale, the organization says what is contained in the currently cancelled intention to award contracts notification is a clear case of organized crime to loot, plunder and rip off unsuspecting taxpayers in broad-day light.

Apart from demanding an assurance that due diligence processes will be conducted in the awarding of the contracts and the implementation of the whole AIP exercise, CDEDI has given seven days to Minister Kawale to respond or face unspecified action.

Namiwa has put it to light that even when there is such a notification, still there is no official communication to validate its contents.

“CDEDI has tried to get an official communication through you Hon. but to no avail. When contacted, the SFFRFM Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Richard Chikunkhuzeni was equally waiting for an official communication on the same from your office,” says Namiwa.

He has since sampled out some contracts that were intended to be given to some firms which in simple mathematics the figures are not adding up.

For example, the CDEDI Boss cited Crack Hardware and General Dealers which was initially awarded 2,345.31 tones with a total amount pegged at MK5,017,963,000.00 an equivalent of MK2, 139,573.44 per ton, which is equal to MK106,978.67 per 50-kilogram bag.

He also brought to the attention of the Minister about Chipala Investments which in the said cancellation was awarded a total tonnage of 4,934.80 with a total contract value of MK4,720,171,852.50.

“This gives us a MK956,507.22 per ton. This means Chipala Investments is charging Malawians MK47,825.36 for every 50-kilogram bag of fertilizer. And Kidoti Holdings Limited has been awarded 4,527.15 tones amounting to MK3, 590,025,985.00. This translates to MK792, 999.12 per ton, which is equal to MK39,649.95 per 50-kilogram bag of fertilizer,” says Namiwa.

Based on variations in pricing mechanism, Namiwa has wondered as to why government is paying different prices for the same 50kg bag of fertilizer, and as high as MWK100 thousand.

“It is very clear that entities that have nothing to do with fertilizer business have been awarded contracts according to the said communication. A closer look at the list has revealed that some of the companies and individuals that have been awarded these contracts are Malawi Congress Party (MCP) sponsors and sympathizers,” says Namiwa.

He has since cautioned the Agriculture Minister to tread carefully considering that the AIP borders on the life-line of the poor of the poorest.

“Therefore every move you take in this area will not go unnoticed let alone unchecked, since it is an open secret that at play is the taxpayer’s money,” he says.

As a sign of organised crimes within Malawi government, Namiwa says it is very clear that some people sat down and organized themselves to loot public funds even after issuing a notice of contracts awarding cancellation.

“The fact that this notice was paid for in the daily papers it means it is legitimate, unless you Hon. Minister come out in the open to declare the cancellation of these contracts,” he said.

CDEDI has since demanded that the Minister of Agriculture make a public statement to declare the cancellation of the contracts as well as informing Malawians about individuals who sat down and planned to share their taxes in the above setup.

“And that in the event of any lawsuits emanating from the cancellation of these botched up contracts, then those who connived to steal the taxpayers’ money should be held personally liable for their actions or inactions,”

Parliament through joint committee is also questioning Agriculture officials on the same with most of the revelations shocking the tax payers to the extent that the office bearers are failing the basics.


TNM’s Head of Brand and Marketing Madalitso Jonazi receives the awards

Malawi Stock Exchange-listed TNM plc won big during the Institute of Marketers Malawi (IMM) awards scooping three awards, including being independently voted as the “People’s Brand” of the year 2022.

The three accolades bagged by TNM plc are People’s Brand of Year, Commercial of Year (radio) and Local Marketing Campaign of the year.

Reacting to the recognition, TNM’s Head of Brand and Marketing Madalitso Jonazi said the awards confirm that TNM plc is a strong Malawian brand continually responding to the service needs of the Malawian society and the wider customer base.

“The award for People’s Brand of Year for example is a clear testimony that Malawians feel and embrace the TNM brand warmly and wholeheartedly. Intrinsically, that speaks great volumes about the wide range of TNM’s product and service offerings being introduced to meet the aspirations of the market,” he said.

Jonazi said in 2022, TNM plc demonstrated through the Mudziwathu initiative and the Pamtsetse Unlimited Data offering that it paid special attention to respond to the need for affordable products and in a tough economic year and while championing financial inclusion in rural areas.

“Through Pamtsetse Unlimited Data, which won the radio commercial of year, we made data affordable and widely accessible to everyone. And through the Mudziwathu which was chosen as Local Marketing Campaign of Year, we continued to make financial inclusion and network service access and penetration tangible at the grassroots,” said the Head of Brand and Marketing.

Jonazi said ahead of 2023, Malawians should look forward to more world class and reliable products and services on the network.

DR NANKHUMWA RESPONDS TO PRESIDENT CHAKWERA: Speaks tough on Malawi’s social and economic crises



Ladies and Gentlemen of the Press,

You will recall that on the evening of Tuesday, October 25, 2022, President Lazarus Chakwera made a televised address to the nation. The President outlined some of the measures that his Tonse Alliance administration is implementing, to clear the mess surrounding the Agriculture Input Programme (AIP).

You will also recall that as Leader of the Opposition in Parliament, I gave a brief response, on the same evening, to the President’s National Address. I said the President did not address the many other social and economic challenges that the country currently faces, except for the chaotic AIP only. I, therefore, said I would soon be giving a comprehensive response, which is as follows:           

1. The Removal of Lobin Lowe

In his national address, President Chakwera touched on some of the pertinent issues that have bedeviled this year’s AIP. The chaos in the management of AIP this year obviously made the position of the now former Minister of Agriculture, Lobin Lowe, unattainable.

However, removing the Minister of Agriculture from his position is only just a small part of the whole story. Previously, we have seen the President firing and suspending public officers on corruption allegations with little or no follow up action to bring the issues to their logical conclusion. I am afraid this one does not look different, and I urge Malawians to put their excitement on hold.

Members of the Press,

During his national address, President Chakwera disclosed that their findings established that the Ministry of Agriculture, through the Smallholder Farmers Fertilizer Revolving Fund of Malawi (SFFRFM) signed a contract and paid money to a UK company without following proper procurement procedures, including that both the Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) and the Public Procurement and Disposal of Assets Authority (PPDA) were completely left out.

However, the President went to town and attacked a member of the Parliamentary Committee on Agriculture for allegedly misleading the nation that the amount that government has been swindled was K30 billion when it was actually K750 million. 

It was very wrong for President Chakwera to attack a whistle-blower in this saga. We all know that were it not for that ‘member’ of the Agriculture Committee of Parliament, Malawians would not have known that this government has been sloppy, and that it has been duped out of a huge amount of tax payer’s money. President Chakwera and his officers would have swept this matter under the carpet. In fact if there is a person Malawians have to thank, it is that MP for exposing this fraud.

As Leader of Opposition in Parliament, I will not sit idle and let President Chakwera belittle parliamentarians for simply doing their oversight duties in exposing the dirt of his Ministers. Parliament shall not be intimidated by utterances from the Head of State on matters such as the mismanagement of AIP or any other affecting the welfare of the nation. Our duty is to bring oversight to the Office of the President, and other agents of the Executive.

Members of Press,

Now that the President has seen it as necessary to clarify that the amount involved is K750 Million and not K30 billion, can he also clear the mist over the involvement of his cousin and daughter in the scam? After all, he has already set the ball rolling to clarify on the amount.  This saga is a no small matter, and Malawians would want to know more, especially about who did what in this whole theatre with tax payer’s money.

The President should have addressed the whole story; like who was responsible for identifying this agent? 

Members of the Press,

Why did officials at the Ministry of Finance not raise an alarm when they realized that procedures were being flouted? Who was the one at the forefront pushing for payment to this fake UK firm? This matter must be investigated for possible criminal collusion, money laundering and fraud.

When the President says the team was dispatched to UK to see the capacity of the company that will handle the AIP, was he not briefed on the name and the reputation of the company by the Minister? Why is President Chakwera failing to accept that he too is part of the mess? What happened first between paying this company and inspecting its capacity to deliver? There are so many gray areas that the President should have cleared.

Also, the new Minister of Agriculture was already a member of the Cabinet Committee on AIP before he became Chairman of the committee and eventually appointed as Minister of Agriculture replacing Lowe on the two positions. Malawians would be interested to know how much he knew of this fertilizer buying scheme as a member of the Cabinet Committee on AIP, and if he knew, what did he do about it.

I am saying this because we may be dealing with a case of a whole rotten fish from the head to the tail.

Members of the Press,

I am well aware that ordinarily, the cabinet committee is supposed to be briefed and knows the fertilizer procurement process from the top. I am talking about the amount involved; the names of suppliers, and as well, the people and institutions involved in the whole process. What is the mandate of this committee? Should we assume that it was sleeping?  

This is where this matter is not just about firing Lobin Lowe, it is a matter of incompetence of the whole cabinet. In fact, President Chakwera’s cabinet is a poisoned chalice that has failed him. He needs to seriously consider firing his whole cabinet (without regard to relationship or friendship) and hire another one that should work for Malawians in line with his new-found theme of ‘not working for political parties but working for Malawians’.

2. Reduction of AIP Beneficiaries

A few months ago, the former Minister of Agriculture announced a reduction of the number of AIP beneficiaries this year.

However, a leaked document of the number of AIP beneficiary this season makes for breathtaking reading. It appears the reduction of beneficiaries has only affected the southern and eastern regions. In some cases, the beneficiaries in one constituency in the central region are more than some districts in the southern and eastern regions.

In his national address, President Chakwera should have explained to Malawians the rationale behind these glaring disparities.

There are also allegations flying about that the Ministry of Agriculture is re-packing expired and left over fertilizer that was rejected last year to be distributed to farmers in this year’s AIP. This is a serious allegation and I urge the new Minister of Agriculture to quickly address the same and if it is true the public should know who is behind it and measures that are being taken to address the situation.

3. The ADMARC Situation

Since the former Minister of Agriculture announced the illegal closure of ADMARC, there is very little that Malawians now know as to what is happening at this public institution; an institution that has been key to their survival at household level for many decades. The communication that is coming from the Ministry of Agriculture regarding ADMARC has so far not been clear at all. In fact, it is not making sense at all!

A few days ago, ADMARC employees took to the streets demanding their pay from government in view of the pending retrenchments at the organization. But it seems there is currently no one who has the solution to their plea. It also means the closure of ADMARC was done haphazardly without a plan.

I do not need to emphasize the importance of ADMARC to the economy of this country, especially the critical role that it plays in the food security situation to the majority of poor Malawians. The President should have addressed this topical issue in his address to the nation.

Now, we hear ADMARC has been closed. We hear top management at ADMARC have been caught in fraud; we hear the new board, which the President himself appointed was engaged in financial mismanagement, hemorrhaging money in millions of Kwacha in fake board meetings. Now, we hear a friend of the President has allegedly stolen 18 trucks of public maize to sell it to Tanzania.

In his address to the nation, President Chakwera should have roundly explained how much he was told and how much he was not told about what is happening at ADMARC, including the strategy that is in place to take the organization forward. He should have assuaged the fears of ADMARC employees over their payment in view of the pending retrenchments.

For example, President Chakwera should have informed the nation that he has identified where his government will get the K8 billion to pay off the over 4,000 workers who will be let go from ADMARC following the decision to close the parastatal. Above all, the President should have explained to Malawians the powers that the former Minister of Agriculture used in closing ADMARC.

4. The Fuel and Forex Situation

President Chakwera should also have addressed the fuel and forex situation in his national address. Malawians are entitled to know the status of the fuel and forex situation in the country as of now, and the progress that has been made thus far after he promised to fix the situation over two months ago.

Members of the Press,

Queues at filling stations are still a case of gone today, here tomorrow, and it is clear we are not out of the woods yet. The national address presented a fine opportunity for the President to inform Malawians what is happening.

The impact of lack of forex is still being felt in almost every sector of the economy. It is a problem that cannot just be wished away. For example, the health sector is currently on its knees because there is no forex to procure essential medicines and equipment to deliver its services.

An official from Kamuzu Central Hospital disclosed recently that 10 percent of all their admissions die, often from curable diseases due to the lack of medicine at the hospital. This is a very sad reality, and the President missed an opportunity to illuminate to Malawians what his government is doing to address this situation.

5. Attitude to People’s Freedoms

Let me also not miss this opportunity to talk about this government’s attitude to human rights and people’s freedoms. It is a fact that the Tonse Alliance government does not respect human rights and freedom of the press.

Since this government came to power slightly over two years ago, Malawians have enjoyed less and less freedoms. We have seen arbitrary arrests of people just for commenting on social media.

Some freedom fighters were arrested last Friday just for exercising their right to demonstrate, and to demand competence from this government.

I wish to remind President Chakwera that he is a product of demonstrations in that his government came to power at the back of demonstrations.

The previous DPP government allowed Malawians to demonstrate because we respect and uphold the values of human rights and democracy. 

As I am talking, MACRA has closed down several radio and TV stations for reasons that could have been resolved at a round table. I have no doubt this is another of Tonse Alliance government’s strategy to remove independent and private media from the political space as we move towards 2025.

6. Plight of Primary School Teachers

The importance of primary education in any country cannot be overemphasized. This is where pupils are shaped to become the human beings that the country would rely upon to develop this country. 

But the way Tonse Alliance government is treating Primary School teachers is a clear indication that there is very little investment in this critical sector of education.

Apart from the fact that Primary School teacher graduates are taking long before being taken on board and assimilated into the education system, the Ministry of Education is forcing them to apply and work as auxiliary teachers where they are being paid K80, 000 per month. As auxiliary teachers, these fully trained teachers end up missing out on some privileges that are enjoyed by full time teachers such as CPD trainings and other disciplines.

I wish to urge President Chakwera and his government to think about primary school teachers. Training them alone is only just part of the whole story. Let President Chakwera start walking his campaign talk. And right now. 

7. Plight of Chanco Students

Members of the Press,

You are also aware that the University of Malawi Chancellor Collage has been closed today due to an impasse that students have with University management over their school calendar, a situation, which led to students staging vigils at the campus. 

I would like to urge President Lazarus Chakwera not to stand aside and watch this situation degenerate into something more serious than it is now. Chanco students are worried that it is taking seven years just to get a degree due to, among other things, unplanned closures like these.

Let me remind President Chakwera about what he said when he was campaigning for the presidency and I quote: “Universities and colleges will never be closed during our time”.

Mr. President, this is your time. As Chancellor of the University of Malawi, you must make sure that you are on top of the Chanco situation before you take to the skies, once again, this time to Egypt. As they say a stitch in time saves nine.

8. Mass Grave(s) in the Northern Region 

Members of the Press,

Over a week ago, Malawi made international headlines when a mass grave where over 25 bodies believed to be illegal immigrants from Ethiopia were found. I am not sure about what President Chakwera thinks, but I looked at this as a very serious matter regarding presidential attention and treatment.

This is an extremely serious security matter that warranted high-level attention. How did these people die? Were they killed? Who killed them? Are our borders porous? How did they found themselves in our territory without following legal procedures? What do our immigration laws say? Where were the law-enforcing agencies; sleeping on the job?

Members of the Press,

In his address to the nation, the President should have mentioned, or at least show some attention to the issue, including explaining what his government is doing to get to the bottom of the issue. But once more the President passed up the issue thereby sending the message that it does not concern him and does not warrant presidential attention.

9. Address Empty Talk-shop

Members of the Press,

President Chakwera’s address to the nation was, once again, an empty talk-shop where the President comes guns blazing, projecting the image that he is the lion when he is, in fact, a cat.  As usual, the President missed an opportunity to bring Malawians up to speed on issues that are currently critical to the nation and affecting their daily lives.

Once again, President Chakwera chose to speak with a forked tongue on issues where he needed to be explicit for Malawians to know what the government they voted for is doing on critical issues involving public resources.

Members of the Press,

I had expected the President Chakwera to tackle issues roundly and in depth. It is very unfortunate that the President, once again, missed that opportunity.

I wish to reiterate that firing Lobin Lowe alone is not going to make food and water adequately available in prisons. Malawians are struggling to buy a bag of maize at K22, 000, more so a bag of fertilizer at K70, 000. Malawians are struggling to pay school fees for their children and dependents; they are buying a packet of brown sugar at K1, 500; power blackouts are the order of the day; and generally, the cost of living has become unbearable. The President may have considered addressing matters directly affecting people’s livelihood.

10. Call to Action

Members of the Press,

As I have said it before, more than once, a true and servant leader is known during a crisis. Malawi is in a crisis and it is the duty and responsibility of President Chakwera to take urgent measures to avoid plunging the country into a complete ‘Failed State’.

I, therefore, wish to urge President Chakwera to rise up to the occasion and immediately do the following:

a.      Dissolve the whole cabinet and appoint a lean one of about 18 members to cut on spending;

b.      Reduce the number of presidential advisors. This advisory task can be performed by cabinet ministers;

c.      Draw from the country’s food reserves and start distributing relief food to the affected people across the country;

d.      Suspend presidential local and international trips as they are a huge drain on public resources both in forex and local currency;

e.      Reduce the presidential motorcade as most of the vehicles there are fuel guzzlers;

f.       Introduce food for work and public works programs to cushion poor Malawians;

g.      Extend social cash transfers to all districts in the country and increase the number of beneficiaries in the process;

h.      Reduce some fuel levies forthwith;

i.       Introduce deliberate policies like tax holidays to allow more investors in the country that shall translate into more job creation and stabilize the country’s economy;

j.       Increase tax free band (PAYE) from K100 to K200, 000;

k.      Review policy that stopped government Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) from conducting lakeside conferences as this policy has resulted in massive job cuts in the tourism sector;

l.       Reduce the number of Principal Secretaries (PSs). Some ministries have up to four (4) Principal Secretaries and this is a disaster;

m.     Employ IPTE teachers and absorb them into the system;

n.      Send food to all prisons and hospitals across the country;

o.      Go back to the drawing board and restructure AIP;

p.      Ban imports of some perishables like tomatoes, vegetables and Irish potatoes as this shall serve forex and empower local suppliers from Tsangano, Bvumbwe, Lizulu, and Jenda, among others; and

q.      Effect a ban on maize exports.


Members of the Press,

You will recall that at my recent Press Conference in Blantyre, I warned President Chakwera that I would personally lead mass anti-government protests should the sorry status quo remain. But as we all know, we just witnessed demonstrations in our major cities last Thursday and Friday. So, it would not be prudent on my part to be talking about demonstrations again right now.

But for now, I wish to strongly urge President Chakwera to immediately and as a matter of urgency, call for AN ALL-INCLUSIVE NATIONAL CONSULTATIVE CONFERENCE where all stakeholders such as religious leaders, the academia, the business community, university student representative, traditional leaders, civil service representative, human rights defenders, and political party leaders, among others, should be invited.

The main objective of such a conference would be to create a common platform for common solutions to our common national challenges.

Let me emphasize, however, that the option to demonstrate is NOT completely out of the cards. I will fully support any upcoming demonstrations in order to pump some sense into this government.

Let me conclude by quoting the new British Prime Minister, Rushi Sunak: “Leadership is not selling fairytales. It is confronting challenges”. President Chakwera may choose to learn from this wisdom.


Honourable Kondwani Nankhumwa, MP



MultiChoice is adding two brand new channels to its roster, Magic Showcase and CineMagic, giving customers on all DStv packages some of the best high-quality local and international content

Magic Showcase (DStv Channel 143) which launches on 31 October and is an 18-hour channel with content showing the best of MultiChoice’s locally produced series, specials and documentaries. Now it will be easier than ever for viewers to enjoy the group’s award-winning content, tiered down from DStv premium channels.

Content will primarily be in English, while content that isn’t in English will have hardcoded subtitles. Magic Showcase features shows across various genres: subscribers can expect an artful mix of drama, lifestyle and reality, kids’ programmes, music specials and stand-up comedy.

It’s all about giving our audience the best value for their money- NOMSA

Some of the shows on the channel include the viewer favourite Our Perfect Wedding, reality TV modern classic Being Bonang, and the award-winning telenovela Legacy.

Movie channel, CineMagic (DStv Channel 139) launches on Monday 14 November. Also available on all DStv packages it showcases the best in African films as well as international independent titles. CineMagic is a celebration of storytelling and the common narrative threads that bind us from all parts of the world. 

With content in various languages (and hardcoded subtitles for films not in English) and across several genres, the channel’s viewing is family-friendly, offering uninterrupted top-notch entertainment for households. All featured films are new to this package.

“As MultiChoice Group, we are committed to giving our subscribers on varying packages the best content there is to offer. We are proud to be making these channels available to all our packages, which allows our subscribers to enjoy award-winning and top tier local shows and movies.

“It’s all about giving our audience the best value for their money, and we are committed to continuously increasing what each DStv package has on show,” says Nomsa Philiso, CEO: M-Net.

Zena Makunje Corporate Affairs Manager MultiChoice Malawi

Local Corporate Affairs Manager, Zena Makunje adds: “The addition of two new M-Net channels to all DStv packages further enhances the subscriber viewing experience.

“The look and feel are inspired by the ‘mother brand’, Novela Magic. We’re are constantly look for ways to provide our customers with choice and value, we hope the addition of these channels displays our commitment to giving our customers more.”

FD Communications rescues special needs students at Nguludi


Leading advertising company FD Communications Ltd has donated K1 million to Montfort Resource Centre for the Blind in Chiradzulu in response to the institution’s dire lack of food and learning materials.

Presenting the donation, FD’s Administration Manager Zalamu Sichinga said the company was moved by the plight of students at the institution following an appeal from the Montfort IV Alumni association.

“At FD we appreciate the role of Montfort in offering inclusive education to students with special needs. We feel proud to note that through this gesture we are supporting government’s efforts to fully implement the NSNEPG that is regulating provision of education to learners with special needs,” she said.

The National Special Needs Education Policy Guidelines (NSNEPG) promotes equity and inclusive education for all, including people with disabilities.

Dalitso Gumbayera Vice Chairperson for Alumni VI Montfort expressed gratitude to FD Communications for partnering with the grouping in helping students with special needs.

“We knocked on so many doors for help but FD Communications were quick to respond. While today is just a symbolic presentation, FD’s support dates back to the previous school calendar,” said Gumbayera.

Receiving the donation, Clement Kaleso head teacher for Montfort Resource Centre for the Blind thanked FD Communications for coming to alleviate the challenges.

“Our institution receives a grant from the government which is inadequate. We were on the verge of postponing opening of this term due to unavailability of resources but the support from FD inspired us to carry on,” said Kaleso.

While bemoaning lack of equipment as a major challenge deterring promotion of inclusive education, Kaleso said the country has a potential to improve the situation and change the narrative for the plight of students with special need.

For his part head boy of the school, Timothy Kachuma sees the donation as a catalyst of improved education among the students with special needs.

“We appreciate this assistance which will go a long way to motivate us to do more. We will not worry about food hence concentration will go towards learning and studying,” said Kachuma.

Montfort Resource Centre for the Blind caters for over 900 students who have different mental, physical and visual challenges, and include 52 boarders.

FDH Bank shines at PRSM, IMM awards

FDH Bank’s Tiyese Kaimila (centre) receives an award from IMM member Gladson Kuyeri (left)

Listed FDH Bank had a good weekend when it won awards en masse at two professional bodies annual lake conferences in Mangochi and Salima.

It started on Friday night when the bank was awarded the Best CSR Programme of the Year Award at the Public Relations Society of Malawi (PRSM) annual gala night in Mangochi during the society’s annual lake conference.

On Saturday night, the Bank scooped four awards at the Institute of Marketing Malawi (IMM) gala evening held in Salima during their annual lake conference. The awards included Internal Engagement Initiative of the year, Innovative Idea of the year, Outreach Social Marketing Initiative of the year and Marketing Team of the year.

FDH PR and Marketing Manager Lorraine Chikhula (left) receives the award from Dave Ndege of Reserve Bank of Malawi at the Public Relations Society of Malawi conference in Mangochi Friday night

Speaking in an interview after the awards, FDH Group Financial Holdings Head of Marketing and Communications Levie Nkunika said they were truly honoured to receive the awards which will motivate staff to do more.

“As FDH, we are truly honoured with the awards. It’s always motivating to receive the recognition, a challenge to continue to work hard, to innovate and to unleash creativity for the benefit of our esteemed customers and stakeholders.”

“We would like to extend gratitude to our management and board for the support and leadership relentlessly rendered to the Marketing team. We are also very grateful to the progressive leadership of IMM and PRSM for raising the standards of the marketing and public relations professions,” said Nkunika.

The PRSM conference was held at Club Makolokola Retreat  in Mangochi on the same weekend as the IMM conference which was held at Sunbird Livingstonia Waterfront Holiday Resort in Salima.

Nkunika- We are honoured

FDH Bank impressed with FDH Bank Cup tournament

Mkulichi (right) presents the Man of the Match accolade to Nyasa Big Bullets Frank Willard

FDH Bank says it is happy with the progress of the FDH Bank Cup which has just finished its second season at the weekend with an all Nyasa Big Bullets affair between the senior team and its reserve side.

FDH Bank Managing Director Noel Mkulichi said the Bank is happy with the progress of the cup and is committed to sponsorship and promoting the growth of football in the country.

“We are impressed with the progress of the FDH Bank Cup. You will agree with me that through this cup, a lot of football talent has been exposed because even teams in the lower leagues were given a chance to compete and the evidence is what we saw in the finals,” said Mkulichi.

Part of the action in the FDH Bank Cup final

In the finals of the FDH Bank Cup, Nyasa Big Bullets Reserve side defied odds to reach the final after knocking off some Super league teams.

Nyasa Big Bullets senior side overcame the Reserve side by beating them 3-1 to clinch the cup and walk home with K25 million prize money while the Reserve side went home with K8 million as losing finalists. Overall, the cup is worth K90 million.

“As a local and home-grown Bank, we are happy that talent is being unearthed and will be grown into big name stars for our national football team through the FDH Bank Cup. We also want to congratulate the winners, it was not easy to win this cup, the competition is tough and gets tough each year,” said Mkulichi.

“We also want to applaud the Football Associations of Malawi (FAM) and government for their role in promoting sports in the country. Let me assure them that FDH Bank will support their efforts in promoting sports in the country,” added Mkulichi.

FDH Bank Cup kings Nyasa Big Bullets seniorteam display their trophy

Bayer Malawi launches new maize variety DKC80-23

Wirima (middle in a wrapper) and Ng’ombe (fourth left) pose in front of a demonstration field with Bayer Malawi officials

Bayer Malawi has launched an early maturity and high-performance maize seed variety touting it to be the most profitable seed investment for both smallholder and emerging farmers.

Launching the DKC80-23 variety at Nkwenya Village, Ndolera EPA in Dowa district, Bayer Malawi Country Head Chikondi Ng’ombe said the company was launching the new maize seed variety named ‘Mzati the Pillar’ following successful identification of farmer needs and country wide field trials of a new maize variety.

“The new maize variety stands out for its early maturity and high yielding characteristics which makes it the most profitable seed investment for both smallholder and emerging farmers. The new variety will transform the maize production in the country and that this new innovation walks the Bayer Brand talk of creating a world where health is for all and hunger is for none,” said Ng’ombe.

Wirima speaks during the launch as Bayer Malawi officials listen on

She said some of the unique features of the new variety include higher yield in the early segment, tolerance to most foliar diseases in Malawi adding that DKC80-23 performs excellently across all locations in Malawi and delivers highest net profit against competitor varieties in the same segment.

“It is scientific breakthroughs like these that inspire us as a brand to do more in pursuit of Health for All Hunger for None. Tibzale zimenezi and we look forward to a fruitful season,” said Ng’ombe.

She said the variety will be available across the country for the 2022 – 23 agronomic season.

Deputy Minister of Agriculture Madalitso Wirima thanked Bayer Malawi for the new variety and encouraged farmers to plant the variety to maximize yields.

Chakwera is “Chief architect” of major corruption scandals – API …a call for peaceful demonstrations


A network of human rights activists tagged Action Against Impunity (API) has said that President Lazarus Chakwera is a “Chief architect” of major corruption scandals.

The statement in our possession signed by CDEDI Executive Director Sylvester Namiwa, Social media Influencer Joshua Chisa Mbele and Activist Leonard Chimbanga has insinuated that the situation is clearly mirrored through endemic corruption, institutionalized incompetence and his insensitivity to the dehumanizing poverty that is threatening the survival of millions of vulnerable and marginalized Malawians.

The trio says instead of walking the talk on the zero-tolerance against corruption and the promise to fix the country, the President has mastered the art of saying one thing in the public and doing exactly the opposite behind the scenes.

“Gauging by the nauseating corruption levels, it is very clear that Chakwera is the chief architect and beneficiary of the major corruption scandals that have marred his two years in office,” reads the statement in part.

API has since called on all Malawians of all walks of life from all corners of the country to join the peaceful demonstrations slated for Thursday, October 27, 2022, from 09:30hrs.

In the statement, the activists have also reminded all District Commissioners (DCs) and some overzealous MCP supporters intending to block the arrangement that Malawi became a multiparty democracy in June 1993, therefore holding peaceful demonstrations is a constitutional right that is non-negotiable.

“Meanwhile, all well-meaning Malawians are kindly being requested to join the demonstrations in solidarity in the following areas; Mzuzu, Blantyre and Zomba. Finer details will be announced in due course,” it reads.

On the basis warranting peaceful demonstrations, the activists have cited, among others, involvement of Chakwera’s aides and Vice president in corruption which by all means the state President is also involved.

And to show that Malawi is really in leadership crisis, according to API, the forex, fuel, electricity and the acute shortage of essential drugs and medical supplies crises point to a larger problem of failure by Chakwera to use his executive powers to call for order and sanity.

“Worth noting that apart from the usual Public Relations (PR) stunts characterized by unwarranted outbursts to the helpless Anti- Corruption Bureau (ACB) Director Martha Chizuma, the President has shown all the signs of a captured leader,” reads the statement.

Adding that if President Chakwera was really serious about fighting corruption in the country, then the investigations involving British business person Zuneth Sattar would have reached their logical conclusion by now.

“Evidence is there that the ACB Director lacks political will and commitment from her boss, the state President. Sadly, almost all the high-profile scandals in the Tonse Alliance government point to either the State House or President Chakwera himself,”

More recently, Malawians were disturbed with revelations that government had been swindled a whopping MK30 billion meant for the Affordable Input Program (AIP). Now here we are risking lives of millions poorest of the poor.

“As if this was not enough, the MCP connected business people are smuggling truckloads of Maize from the Agriculture Development and Marketing Corporation (ADMARC) to Zimbabwe and the East African countries,” reads the statement.

The Action Against Impunity, is a network comprising Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), Human Rights Defenders (HRDs), Concerned Citizens, Human Rights and Political Activists, Non- Governmental Organizations, Faith Based Organizations (FBOs), Labour Unions and the University Students, that do not tolerate state institutionalized corruption, incompetence and impunity.

“Since the issues raised require executive powers to be resolved, the demonstrations in Lilongwe will start from the Lilongwe Community Ground passing through Mchesi, all the way to the Kamuzu Central Hospital Roundabout and parliament building via the Presidential drive up to the Kamuzu Palace, just 100 meters away from the palace’s main gate where a petition will be presented to President Chakwera,”.

TNM Unveils Upgraded Smart App Innovation to enhance customer experiences

JONAZI: The upgraded App has been designed to offer multiple benefits to subscribers

Blantyre, October 21, 2022–TNM Plc, Malawi’s mobile network and ICT services provider, has unveiled updated TNM Smart Application, merging it with Mpamba mobile money to enhance convenience for its subscribers.

The new App provides a one-touch access solution to all TNM services for customers, thereby improving their user experience.

“The increase in smartphone usage is having a massive impact on telecommunication and financial inclusion drive through mobile money. The updated TNM Smart App has been designed to enhance the convenience we at TNM provide to our valued customers using smartphones,” said Madalitso Jonazi, TNM’s Head of Brands and Marketing.

The App compliments TNM’s strategy where the telco is leading the transformation journey towards digital economy, new media and financial inclusion.

“As a Malawian company we understand that we are living in new technological era that our offerings strive to align customers to the world’s digital trends. The App augurs well with our strategy where we are becoming very aggressive in terms of digital appliances,” said Jonazi.

The updated TNM Smart App leverages a host of all services and functionalities that customers access via USSD.

“The upgraded App has been designed to offer multiple benefits to subscribers and addresses some of user-experience limitations of USSD, including session time-outs and user error. The App also offer access management of multiple accounts including balance check and top up for Mi-Fis and routers.

“The other benefits of the App include access to self-service functionalities on Mpamba such as view statement, view customer transaction fees on Help tab and access Frequently Asked questions,” he said.

To access the App, customers with the old version of the App need to update while for new downloads, customers need to search TNM Smart App on Google play store, Download the App and Log in using details of the ID that was used for number registration (KYC).

App is also available on IOS.

UGI supports Insurance Lake Conference with K2.5 million

Chikuse (Left) presenting cheque to Kapesa (Right)

United General Insurance (UGI) has given the Insurance Institute of Malawi (IIM) K2.5 million to support their lake conference set for October 20-22 in Mangochi.

Presenting the cheque to IIM on Tuesday, UGI Chief Financial Officer (CFO), Gloria Chikuse said the company values the conference because it offers an opportunity for the insurance staff to deliberate on how they can operate in a dynamic environment.

“We are delighted to be part of this occasion. We are partners and we cannot talk of insurance without the institute where our professional staff are developed. They are the drive that carries the professionalism of the industry and supporting such a cause is an honour to us.”

“This is giving back to what makes UGI. We are living in a dynamic world, we are facing a lot of changes at the moment, we had the Covid-19, the Ukraine-Russia war, the IFRS 17, we have a lot of issues that are happening around us and it is good that the institute can come together and map the way forward in this dynamic environment,” she said.

Chikuse (Left) with Kapesa (Centre) and another IIM official

IMM president, Hastings Kapesa commended UGI for always being among the first companies to partner with them in various initiatives including the gala dinner and insurance sports day they had recently.

“We are a professional body that promotes professionalism, we know UGI you also value professionalism. One way of enhancing and indeed building capacity within the human capital in our ecosystem of the insurance industry is organizing  conferences where speakers speak on various topics. These conferences cannot materialize without the support as UGI has done. We are therefore grateful for the gesture,” said Kapesa.

Minister of Finance Sosten Gwengwe will grace the conference which is under the theme “A Glance at Insurance in Malawi in the Next Decade”.

Other speakers at the conference include Handsome M’bwana, Patrick Achitabwino, Matthews Mtumbuka, Lester Chinyang’anya, Alton Rugetho, and Paul Nyirenda.

MACRA grants mobile operator Malcel License


By Mayamiko Phiri, Contributor

The Malawi Communications Regulatory Authority (MACRA) has issued a licence to Malawi Telecommunications Company Plc (Malcel).

Minister of information and digitization Gospel Kazako said that the presentation of licence to Malcel by Macra will intensify competition and level the playing field in the ICT industry.

The Minister was optimistic that the coming in of Malcel on the market will promote affordable services and enhance vibrant digital economy.

In his remarks, Macra Director General Daud Suleman stated that the coming in of a new operator will create jobs.

Suleman further pointed out that the initiative will give Malawians options and choices to choose which operator to engage with for services.

The director general also observed that growth of digital economy will take a new dimension to the advantage of local subscribers.

According to Malcel Chief Executive Officer Boniface Ndalawa the firm will invest US$ 280 million in the next 5 years.

2022 FIFA WORLD CUP OFFERINGS ON DSTV & GOTV: SuperSport channels to be rebranded

MAKUNJE: We are proud to provide a platform for customers to experience it with us

The countdown to the 2022 FIFA World Cup in Qatar has begun, with the tournament set to run from 20 November to 18 December and provide the most thrilling distillation of ‘The Beautiful Game’.

Zena Makunje, Corporate Affairs Manager at MultiChoice Malawi, says of the upcoming tournament “We are excited to deliver, literally the world’s best football to our customers.  Our teams have been active to ensure a great experience for viewers, not only in terms of the viewing quality and access to matches, but the value-added offerings”.

“There’s a lot to look forward to and we are proud to provide a platform for customers to experience it with us” Makunje added.

The 2022 FIFA World Cup is just over a month away and several channels will be rebranded to bring you the best coverage of the greatest sports tournament in history.

In terms of DStv, SuperSport Football Plus (available on the DStv Compact package and up) will become FIFA World Cup Central, a 24-hour channel focused on the tournament, providing live coverage of 56 games with full studio presentation, previews and reviews, as well as live magazine shows.

SuperSport Premier League (available on the DStv Compact package and up) becomes World Cup Africa a 24-hour channel providing live coverage of 56 games with default vernacular commentary.

SuperSport La Liga (available on the DStv Access package and up)becomes FIFA World Cup Select 1, a 24-hour channel featuring 30 live games, all African teams, eight simultaneous fixtures, repeats and magazine shows.

SuperSport Variety 1 (available on the DStv Access package and up) becomes FIFA World Cup Select 2, also a 24-hour channel featuring 30 live games, all African teams, eight simultaneous fixtures, repeats and magazine shows.

SuperSport Football (available on the DStv Access package and up) becomes FIFA World Cup Fan Zone, a 24-hour channel devoted to fan coverage and reaction, news, press conferences and all the emotion experienced by those following every second of the 2022 FIFA World Cup.

In addition, SuperSport Blitz (available on the DStv Access package and up) will provide match reports, previews, breaking news and interviews from Qatar 2022 as part of its usual role of being your one-stop shop to get the latest and greatest sporting information from around the world.

On the side of GOtv, SuperSport GOtv Football (available on the GOtv Plus package and up) becomes FIFA World Cup Select 2 (rest of the continent), a 24-hour channel featuring 30 live games, all African teams, eight simultaneous fixtures, repeats and magazine shows.

SuperSport GOtv La Liga (available on the GOtv Supa package)  becomes FIFA World Cup Central, a 24-hour channel focused on the tournament, providing live coverage of 56 games with full studio presentation, previews and reviews, as well as live magazine shows.

SuperSport GOtv Select 1 (available on the GOtv Supa package) becomes FIFA World Cup Africa a 24-hour channel providing live coverage of 56 games with default vernacular commentary.

There will also be a Pop-Up channel, FIFA World Cup Fan Zone (available on the GOtv Lite package and up) a 24-hour channel devoted to fan coverage and reaction, news, press conferences and all the emotion experienced by those following every second of the 2022 FIFA World Cup.

In addition, SuperSport Blitz (available on the GOtv Lite package and up) will provide match reports, previews, breaking news and interviews from Qatar 2022 as part of its usual role of being your one-stop shop to get the latest and greatest sporting information from around the world.

SuperSport Maximo 1 and 2 will feature 56 lives matches, with simultaneous kick-off fixtures broadcast on SuperSport Maximo 3. SuperSport Maximo 360 will serve as a dedicated 24-hour fan channel.

Aside from all the on-pitch action, SuperSport will also keep fans entertained and informed with the following magazine shows:

– ‘Marhaba Qatar’ – Every Sunday morning and all six non-match days, starts 30 October

– ‘Masterplan’ – Deep analysis show, every Sunday at 10:00 (first show) and 14:00 (after group stage)

– ‘Super Saturday’ – Includes live crossing and features from Qatar

– ‘World Cup Insights’ – Conversations with top guests in Doha

To take your viewing experience to an even higher level, DStv channels will all be available to stream and the following second screen options can be utilised:

– Dedicated in-game highlights loop and superstar player cams on the DStv App/web/mobile

– FIFA World Cup rail includes all catch-up highlights and packages on the DStv App/web/mobile

Don’t miss the New Football Season on SuperSport on DStv and GOtv. Visit and to subscribe or upgrade, and join in on the excitement. And while you’re on the move, you can stream matches on the DStv App.

Castel Malawi hands over Forklift to distributor

Zoto Banda (left) hands over the keys of the Forklift to Kalongonda (centre) and his wife

Castel Brewery Malawi through its Distributor incentive program which seeks to motivate and empower its distributors, on Friday handed over a Forklift to one of its distributors in Lilongwe who emerged winner in an in-house competition of improving efficiencies and turn round times in the business.

Castel Malawi Deputy Director of Sales and Marketing Nelson Zoto Banda said the company started the competition as one way of supporting their distributors to grow their business and create employment opportunities in line with policies and priorities of the Malawi government.

“As you are aware, we work with local distributors in our business, so this in-house competition aims at improving efficiencies and turn round times so that the distributors grow their business and as a result help in fulfilling the government’s agenda of job creation,” said Zoto Banda.

Narani Enterprises based in Area 25 in Lilongwe was the first winner of the Forklift for the month of August 2022 after pushing required volumes, scoring a better turn round time for trucks that offload Castel products at their warehouse and having a conducive warehouse that can take a forklift.

Zoto Banda said distributors will be winning the Forklifts up to December 2022.

Kalongonda tests drive the truck as his wife applauds

“Our business is growing because of the efficiency of our distributors that is why we want to continue empowering them so that as they grow, our business also grows and in the end more people should find jobs,” added Zoto Banda.

Narani Enterprises Managing Director James Aubrey Kalongonda thanked Castel Malawi for supporting the distributors through the competition noting that the Forklift will greatly improve turn round times for his company’s efficiency in terms of how they load and offload stock.

“We started with one 40-foot container almost 17 years ago with three employees but through the support that we have received from Castel Malawi, we now have built this Warehouse and we have a workforce of about 26 employees and soon we will be adding one more to drive the Forklift. We are very grateful to Castel Malawi for this gesture,” said Kalongonda.

He also said, because of the improvement of the turnaround times as a result of the Forklift, they will be able to better serve their three drop zones around Area 25 in Lilongwe.

“We are given two hours turnround time and with this Forklift we will reduce that to 13 minutes giving us enough time to do other things and serve our drop zones efficiently. We thank Castel for this gesture because our business will continue to grow now,” added Kalongonda.

Kalongonda drives the Forklift

LABOURER DR. DAVID F MBEWE WEEPS: Laments suffering of Malawian Women in Mother’s Day Message

DR MBEWE: Mothers that are doing business are languishing, because their businesses have collapsed

President for Freedom of Worship and Economic Liberation (FOWEL) Dr. David F Mbewe has called upon all the mothers of Malawi to rise up and hold the Tonse alliance government accountable because the administration has failed Malawians including all Mothers.

In a Mother’s Day statement, Dr. Mbewe said policies under the Tonse administration have brought suffering to mothers of Malawi.

He therefore challenged President Lazarus and his Vice Saulos Chilima to take lead in changing the lives of Malawians saying the country’s economic crisis is almost unprecedented in its severity.

“Sons and Daughters who were supposed to bring joy to their Mothers, have instead brought pain and suffering to the Mothers of Malawi, ” reads the statement.

“Malawi today, has subjected our Mothers to 19 hours of darkness due to the so called “prolonged load-shedding”, says Mbewe.

He laments that our Mothers are failing to fend for their families because food prices keep soaring and time is being spent on long fuel queues.

Mbewe says mothers that are doing business are languishing, because their businesses have collapsed. Those involved in cross boarder business can’t transact anymore because the country has no forex.

The statement calls on President Lazarus Chakwera as a God fearing person, to take lead in changing the lives of suffering Mothers.

He then calls on President Chakwera and his Vice Saulos Chilima must step aside as Presidents for their respective parties and concentrate on managing the affairs of the country without promoting partisan interests.

STATE HOUSE THREATENS MUSICIANS, told to replace Nankhumwa with Kaliati as Guest of Honour


The Musicians Union of Malawi is being forced by the State House to replace Leader of Opposition Kondwani Nankhumwa as the guest of honor at the union’s Mothers’ Day gala.

The gala is scheduled for Monday October 17, 2022 at the Kamuzu Stadium in Blantyre. 

Apart from the live music performances, a football match between ex-Big Bullets players and the musicians is also expected to punctuate the event, according to an invitation to Dr Nankhumwa signed by Mum President Gloria Kampingu Manong’a, Ex-Bullets Star Chairperson Isaac Msuku and committee member Peter Mponda.

But highly-placed sources at the State House have revealed that authorities there want UTM Secretary General Patricia Kaliati to be guest of honour as Nankhumwa’s presence is deemed as a political threat to the Tonse Alliance quest to infiltrate the Southern Region, which is the opposition Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) political bedrock.

Nankhumwa also serves as the DPP’s Vice President responsible for the Southern Region and Member of Parliament (MP) for Mulanje Central constituency.

However, both the musicians and the former footballers have put their feet down, saying they opted for Nankhumwa out of the ‘majority’ because of the good relationship that he has maintained with the musicians over a long period of time.

According to Information obtained by Malawi Voice, the State House has further threatened that should the union insist to have Nankhumwa as the guest of honour, it would force President Lazarus Chakwera to further sit on the formation of the National Arts Council, which the chapter has been advocating for as one way of making sure that artists in Malawi benefit from their sweat.

Presidential Press Secretary, Anthony Kasunda was not available for comment as his mobile number was perpetually out of reach.

Nankhumwa said he is geared up for the event and that he would not comment on the State House alleged machinations “because that is mere speculation”.

“I have confirmed that I will attend the events at Kamuzu Stadium. The aim of the events is to raise funds for helping needy former footballers and to facilitate the holding of the musicians Union’s 2022 annual meeting.

“I fully support their quest and it will be a great honour to be part of this important function,” said Nankhumwa.

TNM hosts Mothers’ Breakfast

Celebrating and appreciating Mothers: A group photo after the breakfast at Mount Soche

Blantyre, October 14, 2022–Malawi’s pioneer mobile network and ICT service provider, TNM Plc hosted women employees as a way of celebrating Mother’s Day and appreciating their contribution towards the growth of the company.

The early mothers’ treat was implemented in all the regions across the country to unleash the relentless skills women have in the world.

Speaking on the sidelines of the breakfast at Mount Soche Hotel in Blantyre TNM’s Head of Brands and Marketing Communications, Madalitso Jonazi, reiterated the significance of empowering mothers to the success of TNM. 

“As a company, TNM values and love mothers. We realise that every woman contributes to the growth of the company in one way or another. As such TNM accords special interest on them to unleash their potentials and help them become more strategic,” said Jonazi.

Jonazi added that TNM acknowledges and recognizes all the sacrifices and characteristics mothers and women have in safeguarding TNM’s values.

“At TNM we appreciate the hard work, determination, resilience, deep love, passion and above all sacrifice that characterises mothers and women in general. On behalf of all the people in your life and mainly at TNM – you are truly valued and loved,” added Jonazi. 

MAWEJA: This kind of treat motivates us to stand out in the society and gather self-esteem to do more

The marketing head hailed motivation and hardworking spirit TNM mothers have shown that has seen TNM excelling since it started its operations in the country. 

Lucia Maweja who works as a supervisor at TNM, feels women deserve such treat due to their roles at homes and workplaces, attributed this to mother’s gift of multitasking.

“Mothers work hard in managing homes, raising families, excelling in the workplace and establishing themselves as entrepreneurs. This is a clear indication that God blessed us with a lot of attributes and this is the gift of multi-tasking,” Maweja attributed. 

Maweja highlighted on the need to motivate and empower women as they are key in the society despite many challenges.

“It is always important to celebrate mothers because with such initiatives we are empowered in the society where we are being undermined. Therefore, this kind of treat motivates us to stand out in the society and gather self-esteem to do more,” she added.  

Mother’s Day in the country falls on October 15 every year. This year TNM has hosted mothers working with the brand in all the regions.

MultiChoice Talent Factory Academy celebrates Malawi’s Class of 2022 graduates

MTF Chisomo Kawanga receiving her certificate

The graduation event was a celebration of the hard work and dedication of the 57 graduating students – as well as the success of MultiChoice’s Talent Factory concept.

Now in its 3rd cohort, the MultiChoice Talent Factory (MTF) has proven that the African entertainment industry is ripe with gripping stories that are waiting to be told.

This was made clear at the MTF Academy’s annual graduation event – where 57 students across three academies in West, East and Southern Africa demonstrated the calibre of talent that exists in Africa. Through their hard work and dedication, they have developed skills that will help them achieve their filmmaking goals. Of the 57 graduates were Chisomo Kawaga an Asante Mbaimbai who were Malawi’s successful candidates in the 2021 MultiChoice Talent Factory call to entry.

When asked about her time at the Malawi’s MultiChoice Talent Factory Academy graduate Chisomo Kawaga said, “My experience was amazing, I got the chance to meet different creatives from other countries and also learn from them”.

“It was a WOW experience” said Asante Mbaimbai Malawi’s MultiChoice Talent Factory Academy graduate. “We were given a chance to learn from different production companies in Zambia and from facilitators from different countries which will make us improve our country’s film industry through the knowledge we received” she added.

The students received qualifications accredited by the Academy’s three partner universities – University of Zambia, Kenyatta University in Kenya and Pan Atlantic University in Nigeria. Alongside the graduates’ family members, government officials, high commissioners, MTF partner organisations and stakeholders also attended the illustrious graduation ceremony in support.

MultiChoice Talent Factory Alumni from two previous cohorts include Class of 2019 graduates, Jonathan Kapumba, who owns his own Production Company and Chimwemwe Mkwezalamba a professional filmmaker and actor and Class of 2020 graduates Mphatso Makamo, who is a lecturer of film theory and professional filmmaker and Chisomo Livason who is a producer and graphics artist and owns a media consultancy business.

The MTF initiative has enjoyed continued success thanks to its strong partnerships with renowned organisations such as NYFA, Dolby Studios, Canon, Zee World, Pan-Atlantic University in Nigeria, Kenyatta University in Kenya, and the University of Zambia.

The MTF Academy provides a 12-month accredited programme in filmmaking.  As part of their curriculum, the students participated in various courses under the tutelage of seasoned industry professionals from all over the continent, including Nigerian filmmaker Tunde Kelani and veteran Kenyan producer Appie Matere. The final requirement of their curriculum was to create and develop feature films, which will be launching on DStv local channels.

The graduates will soon enter the working world with deeper and more strategic insight into the film and TV business, and take on the exciting challenge of re-shaping and re-telling African stories.

Standard Bank’s Tisanje promotion increases transactional volumes by 10%

Journalist Mwai Mtumodzi conducting the draw

Lilongwe, October 12, 2022– Standard Bank Plc says its Tisanje Promotion is helping to increase uptake of digital financial services in line with the bank’s purpose to catalyze and drive Malawi’s economic growth.

The three-month promotion which started in August, has dangled K6 million to any lucky customer who transacts more using the bank’s digital platforms.

Speaking in Lilongwe during August and September draws in Lilongwe, the bank’s Manager for Main Markets Frank Chirwa said that the promotion has contributed to eight percent growth in digital usage and an increase by 10% of transactional volumes.

“Internet banking was the main jumper and contributor to this growth. Others were airtime and bank to wallet transactions, and we are satisfied that the promotion will achieve its intended goal,” said Chirwa.

Chirwa said that the promotion is intensifying clients’ digital transformation journey through increased access to the on the bank’s 247 Mobile (*247#), 247 Online (Internet Banking), Enterprise online, and 247 Smart App.

“Our online platforms continue to excite customers and maximize their experience in digital banking ecosystem. Just one month into the promotion, there has been a remarkable increase in airtime purchase, bank to wallet transactions and internet banking usage,” he said.

During the draws 16 lucky customers won different cash prizes ranging from K100, 000 to K500,000.

“As a bank focused on driving the growth of Malawi, we understand the economic situation our customers are sailing through hence splashing the cash prizes. Today we have rewarded one customer with K500,000, two customers have walked away with K300,000 each and five customers have pocketed K100,000 each,” added Chirwa.

Amos Sanga and Dastan Kaudzu won K500,000 each for the August and September big prize respectively.

Ahead of the close of the promotion on October 31 and the grand draw on November 10th, Chirwa urged customers to continue using the bank’s digital platform to increase their chances of winning the grand prize of K6 million.

To enter into the promotion, an account holder needs to maintain an account balance of MK20,000 within a month and transact at least 3 times on the bank’s digital channels namely *247#, the Standard Bank mobile application or 247 Online.


Learning the ropes of a full-fledged financial services and banking institution from the CEO

On the 10th anniversary of the founding of the International Day of the Girl Child (IDGC), Standard Bank Plc is reaffirming its commitment to continue investing in girls’ education as one way of contributing to the country’s economic growth.

Speaking in Lilongwe where Standard Bank hosted 100 girls from 8 different private and government schools to mark this year’s IDGC, Regional and Country Head of People and Culture (East Africa and Malawi) Zandile Tembo said the Bank remains firmly committed to the cause of girl empowerment.

“This year we participate in the global celebration for IDGC by conducting our iconic “Bring A Girl Child to Work” mentorship event at the Bank’s offices. We believe that Malawi is our home, and we drive her growth. That is why we in invest in girls with the confidence that each one of them can play a part in developing the country,” she said.

Tembo said to underline its commitment to support girls’ education, over the years Standard Bank has invested in learning infrastructure, scholarships, and mentorship programmes.

On infrastructure, Standard Bank has this year invested K163 million in hostels at Lilongwe Girls Secondary School in partnership with Press Trust. Last year, the Bank built two classroom blocks at Mzuzu Government Secondary School, and earlier another two blocks at Che Januare Primary School in Chiradzulu.

The Bank has a running scholarship with Press Trust Ltd that supports 74 secondary school students across the country, 50% of which are girls.

Tembo said the initiative aimed to expose them to a live working environment to give the girls a real experience of working in various careers.

“We have taken the opportunity that the IDGC offers to empower and inspire young girls to become the future change makers and leaders of Malawi. The girls get a front row seat in understanding various careers ranging from Banking, I.T, Operations, Legal, Finance and many more,” she said.

During the visit, the girls were sent to various departments of the Bank to learn the ropes of a full-fledged financial services and banking institution.

Oops!High Court judge’s wife steals K50 million at Malawi Gaming Board

Mrs Ofwa Alide Director of Legal Services: In hot soup

They say corruption does not see face! The High Court Judge’s wife, a lawyer of high repute and standing has been implicated in a corruption scandal at Malawi Gaming Board (MGB) where she is Director of Legal Services and is accused of stealing more than K50 million from poor Malawian taxpayers.

We can reveal that Ofwa Alide, wife to High Court Judge at the Commercial Court Division Justice Jabbar Alide is one of the two senior managers who have been suspended following an ongoing forensic audit where our taxes amounting to almost K600 million have been plundered by three top managers there.

According to information that we have seen, Alide and Director of Finance, Administration and Human Resources Henri Bakuwa were instrumental in stealing the cash using an ‘unknown company account’.

Documents in our possession show that former Chief Executive Officer for Malawi Gaming Board Foster Mulumbe is also involved in the financial scam. Mulumbe was at the centre of a corruption scandal involving maize deals when he was Chief Executive Officer at Agricultural Development and Marketing Corporation (Admarc) before moving to Malawi Gaming Board in 2019.

Henri Bakuwa too was implicated in some financial and procurement scandals when he served as Director of Finance and later Acting Chief Executive Officer at Blantyre Water Board (BWB) before joining Malawi Gaming Board in 2019. Other places where is said to have embezzled funds include Kiwi Products, General Farming in Kasungu and Mwaiwathu Private Hospital.

Mr Henri Bakuwa-Director of Finance, Administration and Human Resources

Documents that we have seen show that the trio used to transfer money from some accounts of the company from National Bank of Malawi (NBM) to another company account held at FDH Bank which was only known to the three managers.

Money in excess of K593 million was taken and shared by the three individuals in a space of two years.

“A pattern was observed in the account whereby there would be a bank transfer from National Lotteries Board (NLB) followed by cheque withdraws by individuals believed to be employees of Malawi Gaming Board,” reads a document in our possession.

The FDH ‘unknown’ account was apparently opened in September 2019 by Bakuwa soon after joining the institution from BWB.

Bakuwa would transfer money from the NLB account held at NBM to the FDH account and later use cheques to withdraw the money.

An analysis of the withdrawals indicate that Bakuwa withdrew the largest amounts totaling K379, 163,251.38 while Mulumbe withdrew K163, 133,140.64 and Alide withdrew K50, 703, 607.98. This was done in a space of two years.

MLUMBE: Implicated

“In general, the amounts moved from NLB through an account of MGB at FDH then finally to the beneficiaries as summarized in table 3 above. Malawi Gaming Board further noted that the amounts to the individuals were done even when there travel restrictions due to the covid019 pandemic,” reads part of the report that we have seen.

Insiders also revealed that Bakuwa has mismanaged the staff welfare fund amounting to K10.2 million which he is failing to pay back.

MGB Board chairperson Bernard Ndau confirmed to a local newspaper that there is an ongoing forensic audit at MGB but declined to comment further.

Bakuwa and Alide also declined to comment on the matter although they confirmed their suspension from work.

Mlumbe also declined to comment when contacted.

CDEDI pens Chakwera on timing, ailing economy



The Centre for Democracy and Economic Development Initiatives (CDEDI), has penned President Lazarus Chakwera to act swiftly on pressing issues affecting Malawians.

In a letter forwarded to Presidential office and seen by this publication, the epistle signed by CDEDI Executive Director Sylvester Namiwa also cites the presidential trip as not only expensive but also poor timing since it was happening at the time when the economy was on its knees, due to numerous challenges.

Among other challenges, Namiwa has pointed out forex, fuel, electricity as well as drugs and medical supplies crisis, a situation that is warranting Malawians to embrace the spirit of holding their leaders accountable for their actions and inactions.

Above observations by Economic think tanks who are rating Malawi economy poorly, Namiwa has also reminded Chakwera about high unemployment levels.

“On Saturday October 1, 2022, Malawians were reminded of avoidable stampede that led to injuries of several job seeking young people a few days before the court sanctioned June 23, 2020 Fresh Presidential Elections (FPE) in the four major referral hospitals of Mzuzu, Lilongwe, Blantyre and Zomba when the Ministry of Health during the previous regime announced walk-in-interviews,” reads part of the letter.

He recalled that such bitter memories resurfaced yet again as thousands of young energetic but unemployed Malawians stormed the Bingu International Convention Centre (BICC) to learn value addition skills from a private citizen in an effort to escape the dehumanizing poverty that is worsening each and every passing day.

“Your Excellency, without mincing words, these are the would-be beneficiaries of the one million jobs which your administration promised to make available within the first year of your administration, which has now remained a broken campaign promise. Not even closer to servant leadership,” leads the letter.

Chakwera has since been asked to rise to the occasion and start from fixing the broken system as promised during campaign period.

“As a man of God, CDEDI refuses to accept that you have turned to governing the country through manipulation and outright cheap propaganda that paints a rosy picture of the country in the eyes of the international community, when in actual sense the situation is dire on the ground,” says Namiwa.

He has also challenged President Chakwera to run a transparent and accountable government with less talk and more action whose fruits should be there for everyone to see.

In the letter Namiwa has exposed excess baggage is denting Chakwera’s wish to cut a clean sheet in the eyes of the international community in as far as issues of good governance, rule of law, the fight against corruption and public reforms is concerned.

For instance he has cited the decision by President Chakwera to sit on the Public Reforms Report that was done to review the public sector performance as an example of failed leadership.

He said Malawians are waiting for nothing but action, saying the major crisis Malawians currently facing is that of leadership.

The CDEDI Boss has expressed worry over indecisiveness on the use of the very much needed forex for Chakwera’s trip to the USA, could have stirred the dying private sector to produce and contribute revenue in the form of taxes.

“As if that is not enough, you travelled to the US with the Minister of Natural resources, Hon. Eisenhower Mkaka, MP who according to the Anti- Corruption Bureau (ACB) is under probe and no one knows why you are still keeping him in your cabinet, when you fired the former ministers of lands Kenzie Msukwa, Labour, Ken Kandondo and Energy Newton Kambala the moment the bureau confirmed the trio were being investigated,” says Namiwa in the letter.

The letter has also accused the President for paying a blind eye to revelations that senior government officials and a cabinet member namely the Minister of Mines Albert Mbawala, the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) Dr. Steve Kayuni, the Accountant General Jean Mnyenyembe, and the IFIMS Director Felix Zagwazatha Sato are reportedly implicated in unjustifiable allowance claims.

Meanwhile there is less happening in investigations and prosecutions of corruption related cases despite reported abuses.

Malawians are still in the dark to know how the MWK30 billion Covid funds were used.

More choices to your October GOtv viewing experiences

GOtv subscribers are set to have a great tele-viewing experience in the month of October as new channels have been added to the platform to ensure customers have good value for their money.

If you are the old school romantic type in love with those larger-than-life stars like Jean Claude Van Damme then you are at home with GOtv Supa because Studio Universal is bringing those super stars back to your screen.

Remember the movies that almost made us fail school in primary. Instead of attending classes, we went to watch double feature movies of Jackie Chan and Bruce Lee at Uncle Thom’s in the suburbs of Ndirande.

We are talking of the original Bruce Lee movies who only acted in six movies; The Big Boss (1971), Fist Of Fury (1972), Way of The Dragon (1973) – where he fought Chuck Norris in the last combat scene, Enter the Dragon (1973), The Game of Death (1978) which Bruce Lee look alike finished.

Bruce Lee died young in 1973 aged only 32 like other legends in the shape of Tupac Shakur (25) and Bob Marley (36). He had just finished filming Enter the Dragon but six days before its release he succumbed to complications due to intense training methods.

What is very special about Bruce Lee and this movie (Enter the Dragon) is that it grossed $400 million in revenue worldwide and in modern terms that would be the equivalent of $2 billion. It cemented Bruce Lees name as a Legend.

Tragedy struck twice in the Lee family as his son Bradon Lee died accidently on set aged only 28. He has two movies to his credit Show Down In Little Tokyo and Rapid Fire. He died filming a The Crow after being shot accidentally by a prop gun that had live bullets.

The Game of Death was released posthumously and finished by a Bruce Lee look-a-like using footage that Lee had pre-recorded in an abandoned movie project. GOtv Supa is offering you the opportunity to watch the original master of Kung Fu Bruce Lee at only K19,900.  

On GOtv there is everything for everyone including your kids. October being holiday, it is an opportunity for kids to have free time to watch their favorite cartoons before school begins on 10th October. During school most parents ban kids from watching tv.

Well kids, this is your time to spoil yourselves to your favorite cartoons on Nick Jr channel, the home of Baby Shark and Paw Patrol. For preschoolers there is Young Dylan and the famous Henry Danger.

Even on GOtv Max there is always something new for viewers. If you love creativity that dazzles on Mibawa tv then look no further because Mibawa tv is launching on GOtv. On Mibawa you can watch those live music shows on Friday nights.

Maisha Magic channel has also been introduced to the GOtv platform to give viewers a feel of East African movie test. Not to mention the Movie Room channel which like Studio Universal, it has an array of A-Star movies from Hollywood. GOtv Max gives you this viewing experience for only K15,800.

Not to forget the football especially if you are an Arsenal supporter then this season you will ensure your GOtv decoder is constantly connected. Arsenal is on top this season after eight matches and this has not happened since 2003/2004 season when Arsenal won the league without losing a match. Unfortunately, that was their last.

But the Gunners are back in the big time and their supporters are buzzing again with blizzards of optimism. You cannot afford to miss the next Arsenal match because it is a blockbuster encounter against another of English football’s juggernaut, Liverpool. There is more to love on GOtv.

Add to that cocktail of your GOtv viewing experience the MyGOtv App. With this App you can connect and rectify errors on your GOtv decoder at a more personnel level without needing assistance from customer care office.

Dowa bricklayer wins K500,000 in TNM Zampira promo

NPL journalist Solomon Manda conducting the draw as TNM Head of Marketing Mada Jonazi looks on

Blantyre—Dowa-based bricklayer, Kapito Kabowa became the first winner of monthly prize in the 2022 episode of Zampira promotion being ran by TNM Plc, sponsor of the country’s elite league, TNM Super League.

The promotion aims at adding value to the game of football by creating a platform for engagement with TNM Super league football fanatics.

Kabowa emerged a winner during the first draw of the promotion which was conducted at TNM’s head office where he won K500, 000. He correctly predicted the match between Red Lions and Mafco which ended 1-1.

Reacting to the news, the jovial Kabowa said that he will use the prize to finalise construction of his house.

“My daughter motivated me to enter into the promotion. Therefore, I will use this money to finalise construction works of my house, it is a great possibility for me and I thank TNM for introducing this promotion,” said Kabowa.

According to Madalisto Jonazi, TNM’s Head of Brand and Marketing, TNM is overwhelmed with the response of football fans since the launch in September 2022.

“We launched the promotion to continue our engagement with football fans and develop the game of football in the country. Since we launched the 2022 episode of Zampira, we have distributed K3 million to 360 supporters in both cash and airtime prizes. In addition, numbers of predictions have been growing game by game,” said Jonazi.

As a passionate sponsor, TNM has this year introduced exciting set of prizes in the promotion to create great possibilities for football fans.

“In the 2022 season, we have changed prizes and other things to make the promotion even more exciting. At the end of the promotion, two supporters will win a grand prize of K2 million each. Every month one lucky winner is walking away with K500, 000. Furthermore every week, K5, 000 worth of Airtime is being given to 100 winners,” he said.

TNM has maintained Supporters’ Player of the Month category through which supporters have an opportunity to vote for their choice of the best player from a shortlist.

Another exciting component to the promotion is the daily questions trivia to enhance and put to test supporter’s understanding of the game.

“Taking the game beyond the stadium is a step in raising the profile of the League while improving economic status of football stakeholders. Player of the month prize is K100, 000. In the Daily Questions category, four supporters are winning K50, 000 every month,” said the Head of Brand and Marketing

Jonazi added that Zampira will continue providing important updates of the progress of the league. To receive updates subscribers, need to dial *451# and navigate the platform for variety of features such as game predictions, news updates.

To participate in the draw, subscribers are required to send an SMS of their prediction to code 451, the SMS costs K50. Correct prediction enter into a draw for the weekly draw. The promotion rans up to the end of the 2022 season.

Dowa bricklayer wins K500, 000 in TNM Zampira promo

A journalist conducting the draw as TNM Head of Marketing Mada Jonazi looks on

Blantyre—Dowa-based bricklayer, Kapito Kabowa became the first winner of monthly prize in the 2022 episode of Zampira promotion being ran by TNM Plc, sponsor of the country’s elite league, TNM Super League.

The promotion aims at adding value to the game of football by creating a platform for engagement with TNM Super league football fanatics.

Kabowa emerged a winner during the first draw of the promotion which was conducted at TNM’s head office where he won K500, 000. He correctly predicted the match between Red Lions and Mafco which ended 1-1.

Reacting to the news, the jovial Kabowa said that he will use the prize to finalise construction of his house.

“My daughter motivated me to enter into the promotion. Therefore, I will use this money to finalise construction works of my house, it is a great possibility for me and I thank TNM for introducing this promotion,” said Kabowa.

According to Madalisto Jonazi, TNM’s Head of Brand and Marketing, TNM is overwhelmed with the response of football fans since the launch in September 2022.

“We launched the promotion to continue our engagement with football fans and develop the game of football in the country. Since we launched the 2022 episode of Zampira, we have distributed K3 million to 360 supporters in both cash and airtime prizes. In addition, numbers of predictions have been growing game by game,” said Jonazi.

As a passionate sponsor, TNM has this year introduced exciting set of prizes in the promotion to create great possibilities for football fans.

“In the 2022 season, we have changed prizes and other things to make the promotion even more exciting. At the end of the promotion, two supporters will win a grand prize of K2 million each. Every month one lucky winner is walking away with K500, 000. Furthermore every week, K5, 000 worth of Airtime is being given to 100 winners,” he said.

TNM has maintained Supporters’ Player of the Month category through which supporters have an opportunity to vote for their choice of the best player from a shortlist.

Another exciting component to the promotion is the daily questions trivia to enhance and put to test supporter’s understanding of the game.

“Taking the game beyond the stadium is a step in raising the profile of the League while improving economic status of football stakeholders. Player of the month prize is K100, 000. In the Daily Questions category, four supporters are winning K50, 000 every month,” said the Head of Brand and Marketing

Jonazi added that Zampira will continue providing important updates of the progress of the league. To receive updates subscribers, need to dial *451# and navigate the platform for variety of features such as game predictions, news updates.

To participate in the draw, subscribers are required to send an SMS of their prediction to code 451, the SMS costs K50. Correct prediction enter into a draw for the weekly draw. The promotion rans up to the end of the 2022 season.

NBS Bank reviews bid bonds to K200 million

LONGWE: Accounts opened on the same day of application are also eligible to access this facility

Sole traders, partnerships and limited companies are now assured of a guarantee in their bidding processes as listed NBS Bank has reviewed the bid bonds limit from K100 million to K200 million.

According to NBS Bank plc’s Head of Marketing and Customer Experience, Tamanda Ng’ombe-Longwe, the new facility aims at ensuring Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) have a guarantee in their bids for various projects and services.

“Most institutions, especially Government and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) require that people bidding or providing various goods and services should provide a bid bond or a guarantee from a financial institution. As a bank, we have the needs of our customers at heart and therefore decided to extend the limit of pre-approved unsecured bid bonds to K200 million.”

“Just like our other services, access to this facility is also easy and fast. Customers just need to bring an application letter and bid documents. They should have an account with any Service Centre credited with the applicable fees plus monthly ledger fees. As an additional sweet spot for our customers, accounts opened on the same day of application are also eligible to access this facility,” said Ng’ombe Longwe.

Reacting to the development, Zahid Bobat, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) for Blue Water Drilling said: “The bid bonds provided by NBS Bank are highly proficient and convenient. The Bank has really come to our aid when we need a bid bond, Additionally, they are timely and respond to the sense of urgency a customer has. So overall, the service and experience of the bid bonds from NBS Bank has been satisfactory.”

A bid bond is typically obtained through a surety agency, such as an insurance company or a bank, and helps guarantee that the contractor is financially stable and has the necessary resources to take on a project.

Breaking News; Chakwera meeting fuel suppliers in Dubai

President Lazarus Chakwera is in Dubai where he is meeting potential fuel suppliers.

Chakwera is on his way from the United Nations General Assembly in New York USA which finished two weeks ago.

Chakwera arrived in Dubai on Saturday night and will fly back to Malawi on Wednesday.

Initially Chakwera was expected to arrive in Malawi on Monday morning.

We can confirm that Chakwera is meeting officials of three oil suppliers who are yet to get a deal to supply fuel in the country.

National Oil Company, a government entity which imports 50% of fuel in the country is not represented at this meeting.

We will give you more as the story progresses

Chakwera Doctored ACB Report to Hang SKC

An exclusive interview with the Anti Corruption Bureau spokesperson Egritta Mdala suggests President Lazarus Chakwera doctored a report that was sent to him in an attempt to politically hang his Vice President Saulos Chilima.

In the interview aired on Zodiak’s Tiuzeni Zoona programme, the graft busting body has squarely put the blame on President Lazarus Chakwera for telling the public that investigations on Vice President Saulos Chilima were completed and what remained were formal charges.

Two months ago the President, quoting an ACB report, told the nation that Chilima and three other had there investigations on corruption complete and had cases to answer.

The President went ahead to withhold his delegation powers from his Vice while suspending State House Chief of Staff Prince Kapondamgaga, dismissing Police IG as well as suspending the PPDA Chairperson.

But in the interview, Mdala – the ACB spokesperson – denied giving the President a report that had found anyone in the wrong or that the ACB had completed investigations.

“We gave the President a report that he demanded from us. We never said we had completed investigations on some people,” said Mdala failing short of saying the President lied or doctored the report to hang his deputy.

It has been over 90 days since the President humiliated his Vice President yet the ACB has never questioned or summoned him, attracting sympathy from the public that the act was indeed political to soil the Veep’s image.

The interview has catergoricary indicated that they only provided a general report to the President without indicating that investigations were completed on the Vice President.

Limbe Leaf hands over K136 million school facilities

Chang’anamuno (left) cuts a ribbon for the new teachers house assisted by Chikungwa

Limbe Leaf Tobacco Company Limited (Limbe Leaf) has handed over school facilities worth K136 million at Kafutwe primary school in Lilongwe rural as part of its corporate social responsibility (CSR) programme.

The company renovated eight school blocks, a staff room, constructed a teachers house together with a pit latrine, drilled a borehole, fitting it with a solar pump and 10,000 litres tanks and constructed a 1,000 metres perimeter brick fence around the school.

Speaking during the handover event in Lilongwe on Friday, Limbe Leaf Director of Corporate Affairs Febbie Chikungwa said the tobacco company under its flagship program, the Agricultural Labour Practices (ALP), has a dedicated team that works on labour issues on farms including ensuring no child labour and forced child labour.

“Our policy is zero tolerance. Our belief is for children to be in school. We are aware that sometimes children are not in school because of resources, either structural or material. Through our field teams, the ALP program, and the farm diligence processes, we can identify gaps that limit or prevent children from being in school. It is through this process that the needs of Kafutwe School were identified.”

Chikungwa tastes the water from the borehole as Chang’anamuno opens the tap

“We believe a conducive learning environment is one that caters for pupils’ needs as well as teachers, hence the teachers house and a reliable water source. Water is an important and key resource for any community. The borehole will provide not only the teachers and learners with potable water but can also be a key element for a commercial vegetable garden for the school to self-sustain itself. We hope the school management will consider that prospect,” said Chikungwa.

She also pledged that Limbe Leaf will construct 2 more teachers’ houses and provide materials for ‘after school activities’ such as sports and board games.

“It is our hope that the Ministry of Education, the School Management or Committee, Traditional Leaders, and Parents will join us in ensuring that these structures are taken care to safeguard the provision of quality education to the children of today and those of tomorrow. Let us join hands in safeguarding the development, wellbeing, and future of our children,” said Chikungwa.

The brick fence

Receiving the donation, Deputy Minister of Education Monica Chang’anamuno hailed Limbe Leaf for the school facilities saying beautiful school infrastructure has created a good and conducive learning environment, which will also help to improve the learning outcomes of the school as well as security to learners.

“The gesture that Limbe Leaf Tobacco Company Limited has shown in providing this beautiful infrastructure is highly commendable because it aligns to the Ministry’s reform agenda which aims at providing quality and standard education infrastructure through the use of the minimum essential infrastructure package,” said Chang’amamuno adding that she is aware that this was not the only social programme that Limbe Leaf is involved in.

Headmaster of the school Jeromy Mpunga also thanked Limbe Leaf for the donation saying it will go a long way in improving the grades of the 1,200 pupils registered at the school.

PIL restores potable water supply at Kunenekude Health Centre

Mchiela (second right) hands over the water treatment plant

Petroleum Importers Limited (PIL) has restored access to potable water to Kunenekude Health Centre in Mwanza by donating a solar powered water pump valued at K4.5 million.

The facility has stayed for over a year without water, thereby forcing health personnel to be fetching water from nearby sources for their day-to-day activities.

Presenting the donation on Friday, PIL Finance and Administration Manager, Kambani Mchiela said they decided to intervene and help Kunenekude Health Centre as part of supporting government efforts in the delivery of quality health services especially in remote areas.

Mchiela said clean water is an essential part of any health care facility, and therefore it was necessary to support Kunenekude which also helps patients from the borders with neighouring Mozambique.

“In our Corporate Social Responsibility Plan, PIL placed special emphasis on supporting health facilities in Malawi, particularly those in hard-to-reach areas as they continue to be disproportionately affected by inadequate or scarcity of medical resources and in some even basic utilities such as clean water which is an essential part in healthcare facilities”.

Mchiela (second right) hands over the water treatment plant

“With the current risk of cholera outbreaks and isolated cases of Covid-19 we believe the clean water supply will improve hygiene at this health centre and help reduce re-infections within the premises,” said Mchiela.

Health Services Administrator at Mwanza District Health Office (DHO), Emma Mapuchira commended PIL for the gesture saying the situation was dire.

“Almost 90 percent of hospital services require use of water, but since August 2021 we have had no water at Kunenekude Health Centre, thereby forcing us to be sending drums of water from Mwanza in a pickup. As expected, the drums will reach the destination almost half of it wasted. But now this is just a story,” said Mapuchira.

Mwanza district council chairperson who is also councilor for Khudze ward where the hospital is placed, Emmanuel Kapawe also appreciated the support by PIL, and asked members of the community to take responsibility for providing security to the new pump.

Kunenekude Hospital covers a population of 17, 000 people from 17 villages around Mwanza and part of Neno and Mozambique.

Apart from the water pump, the package also consists of solar panels mounted on the roof of the hospital.

The water tanks

NBS Bank partners Khala on Sunday Jazz sessions

Part of the audience during the Sunday Jazz session

NBS Bank Plc has partnered with Khala, a Lilongwe based SME and event management company to support the popular Sunday afternoon jazz sessions that are held at Four Seasons in Lilongwe.

The partnership will see Khala giving a platform to NBS Bank to showcase its products and services during the Sunday jazz sessions which are proving to be a popular event for Lilongwe residents.

Speaking during the announcement of the partnership in Lilongwe during a jazz session on Sunday, NBS Bank plc Head of Marketing and Customer Experience Tamanda Ng’ombe-Longwe said apart from been given a platform, where, among other things they will encourage customers to use their digital products including use of Point of Sale (POS) devices, the Bank is always looking for ways to invest in their SME customers who are interested in growing their businesses.

Ng’ombe-Longwe (right) with NBS Bank colleagues at Four Seasons

“Khala is one of NBS Bank’s SME customers whose growth the Bank has had the privilege of watching since they began banking with us. As NBS Bank, we strongly believe in investing in such SMEs as this reflects our purpose which is Making Banking Eazy. Our customers create their vision, we make it happen,” said Ng’ombe-Longwe.

She told the jazz audience that NBS Bank is now a new and improved Bank with various digital offerings for both individual and business customers.

Commenting on the partnership, Khala Chief Executive Officer, Thokozani Kaunda hailed the partnership with NBS Bank plc.

The NBS Bank stage

“Most banks do not partner with SMEs such as Khala but NBS Bank has taken a leap of faith because they understand the vision and acknowledge the growth this investment will yield. I encourage other SMEs to bank with NBS Bank due to the endless opportunities they offer,” said Kaunda.

“Through this collaboration, customers can expect to see NBS Bank at Sunday Jazz and look out for an exciting experience,” added Kaunda.

Speaking on the direction the Bank has taken, Pasimalo Security Services Managing Director Patience Kalanzi said as one of the Bank’s stakeholders, the partnership will give more insights into the products and services offered by the Bank.

CDEDI tells Chakwera et al cut short their UNGA tour…presses for an emergency parley meeting to settle ‘drug crisis’



The Centre for Democracy and Economic Development Initiatives (CDEDI) is pressing for an emergency meeting to probe and reach a consensus on the current medicines and drugs crisis that has hit the country’s health facilities.

In a statement signed by CDEDI Executive Director Sylvester Namiwa, his organisation is asking the leadership of the Parliamentary Committee on Health to meet all relevant stakeholders in the health sector so as to discuss the present life-threatening shortage of drugs, medicines and medical supplies in the face of the forex crisis.

In a letter addressed to committee’s chairperson, Hon. Matthews Ngwale, CDEDI has brought to his attention a snapshot of the dire situation on the ground.

Namiwa has since asked the committee to use its powers to engage President Dr. Lazarus Chakwera, Minister of Health Hon. Khumbizie Kandodo-Chiponda and the Principal Secretary for Health Dr. Charles Mwansambo to cut short their trip to the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) in New York and come back home to attend to the crisis at hand.

“Today, evidence is there for every Malawian to see that the public health system has collapsed. This is clearly mirrored through, among others, the acute shortage of essential drugs and medicines largely due to the forex shortage, dysfunctional machines such as X-rays, Blood pressure monitors; scarcity of Dialysis consumables; lack of ambulance services due to budgetary constraints and the fuel crisis; no food rations to patients; poor disease surveillance on the current outbreaks of cholera and the Covid-19 pandemic,” he highlights the gravity of the problem in the statement.

Adding that the situation is a clear sign that Malawians should brace for worsening levels of malnutrition due to the impending hunger if the Malawi Vulnerability assessment (MVAC) report is anything to go by.

“This will, surely, erode the gains made in the fight against HIV/Aids, TB, Malaria and other diseases. It is strange, therefore, that given all these challenges, the President has decided to abandon Malawians for a lavish lifestyle with both the Minister of Health and the PS. In times of _crises like these, one would have expected our self acclaimed servant leader to be at home to steer the sinking ship to safety,” says Namiwa.

There is no immediate comment from Parliamentary Health Committee Chairperson Ngwale but our traces indicates that the letter from CDEDI has reached his office.

Malawians are passing through numerous economic challenges which commentators says is due to poor leadership style.

Corruption is topping the list that has caused the development partners including the international monetary fund (IMF) to abandon the country.

The prices of goods and services have also skyrocketed due indecisiveness of government to have the local currency devalued by 25 percent in May this year.

NBS Bank launches Kachangu Personal Loan

LONGWE: We are moving towards a digital world where systems, processes and general operations are becoming more digital in nature

Listed NBS Bank has launched a new digitized personal loan called Kachangu targeting its retail customers.

Kachangu Personal Loan comes barely two months after a similar one called Kachangu Payday was launched to provide easy loan access to the customers within 10 minutes.

NBS plc’s Head of Marketing and Customer Experience, Tamanda Ng’ombe-Longwe, the introduction of the digitized loan, which is accessible on the Bank’s website, reflects the growing digital world.

“We are moving towards a digital world where systems, processes and general operations are becoming more digital in nature. NBS Bank wants to move with the changing times by offering a quicker and convenient way of applying for and accessing loans through our digital banking platforms.”

“Kachangu has now gone personal and with time, we intend to add more products to create a full bouquet of facilities under the Kachangu umbrella,” said Ng’ombe-Longwe.

According to Ng’ombe-Longwe, apart from applying online, the loan also provides convenience to customers since the process to access it does not require paperwork or need to visit the banking halls and is approved instantly.

The loan, which targets civil servants receiving salary through the bank, and workplace banking customers, offers a minimum K100, 000 and K6 million cash limit. 

HS Winehouse welcomes Kilimanjaro hiking heroes

Mwamondwe (centre) being welcomed by HS Winehouse members

Blantyre’s trendy and upmarket pub, the HS Winehouse on Saturday trekked down to Lilongwe to give a ‘heroes welcome’ to two of its members who were part of a contingent of 19 hikers who hiked Africa’s highest peak on the Kilimanjaro Mountain in Tanzania.

About 10 patrons and directors of HS Winehouse travelled to Lilongwe on Saturday morning to welcome Emmanuel Maliro, an avid traveler, hiker and environmental enthusiast and Tumpale Mwamondwe, a financial consultant and a patron of HS Winehouse.

Both Maliro and Mwamondwe reached the highest peak on Kilimanjaro Mountain.

HS Winehouse team at KIA

The Blantyre crew was joined by their Lilongwe HS Winehouse counterparts who recently relocated to Lilongwe who included Edna Sewani, Towera Mpando, Yamikani ‘Ziggy’ Chinguwo, Golden Banda, Manganaye Kambauwa and Nkhwachi ‘Baghaya’ Mhango.

One of the patrons for HS Winehouse Alije Nyemera said they decided to give the heroes welcome to their colleagues for their achievements.

“These two colleagues have achieved a great milestone in hiking and we thought we should celebrate their home-coming in style, that is why we organized ourselves and travelled to Lilongwe to accord them a ‘thunderous’ welcome,” said Nyemera.

The two heroes..Maliro (right) and Mwamondwe

HS Winehouse made special T-shirts bearing the faces of Maliro and Mwamondwe of their exploits on Kilimanjaro Mountain.

After giving them a heroes welcome at Kamuzu International Airport on Saturday morning, the group went to Sewani’s house in the Area 47 suburbs where they had lunch and braai to celebrate their homecoming.

One of the directors of HS Winehouse, Gerald Tasaukadala said the joint felt ‘honoured’ that two of its patrons were part of making history as the first from HS Winehouse to conquer Kilimanjaro Mountain.

Heroes welcome

“We all followed the updates that our friends were giving us as they were hiking and to be honest it was not easy but through their determination, courage and faith, they made it to the top on Kilimanjaro Mountain. As HS Winehouse we thank all our patrons who contributed to support these two embark on this journey and also those who went to welcome them,” said Tasaukadala.

Maliro, who is also a director at HS Winehouse thanked patrons of the joint for welcoming them in a special way.

“I am elated! We did not expect that we were going to be given this huge welcome by our colleagues who travelled all the way from Blantyre despite some fuel challenges to be with us, we feel so special, I am at a loss of words,” said Maliro.

HS Winehouse members kuyipatsa moto

Mwamondwe also thanked HS Winehouse patrons for welcoming them in a special way.

“We are one big family at HS Winehouse and I am very happy with what they have done to give us this huge welcome, it feels so special,” said Mwamondwe.

Apart from being a drinking joint, HS Winehouse is proving a good venue for the development of arts in the country as some of the artists like musicians and cultural groups have been holding events at the venue.

The latest to hold an acoustic concert at the venue was the new music sensation Driemo early this month.

Mwamondwe (left) is welcomed by Manganaye Kambauwa

OOPS!Govt Kicking Out 500 Families From Their Homes, Land in Chileka


By Lucky Mkandawire, Weekend Nation 17th September 2022

Some of the concerned community members in Chileka

Over 500 households close to Chileka International Airport in Blantyre are tussling with government over its intention to forcefully acquire their land, demolish their houses, and flatten their land and farms  for a multibillion dollar hospital project and pharmaceutical company project in Chileka.

The people say although they are delighted with the proposed development in their area, they have “serious reservations” with the manner government is undertaking the process which they allege contravenes the Land Acquisition Act as well as the country’s Constitution.

“The people told Government that they are not interested in their land being taken away and would want government ot find alternative land but in case that is not possible have sought fairness as their lives will be turned upside down” said the Committee representing the people.

Government plans to acquire the land for Kamuzu University of Health Sciences (Kuhes) who are working with some Americans  to construct a  university teaching hospital plus ancillary infrastructure at Chilangoma in Traditional Authority (T/A) Kuntaja. It also plans to build a Pharmaceutical corporation to manufacture drugs.

The compulsory acquisition process begun in June this year when valuers accompanied by officers from Ministry of Lands and Blantyre district commissioner’s office embarked on an assessment exercise to collect data for compensations.

However, the people claim government officers violated their constitutional right during the exercise and have since formed a task force against the acquisition and engaged lawyer Kuleza Phokoso to represent them as “we stand up for fairness in the dealings.”

Chairperson of the task force Ricky Kamtema confirmed the development in an interview saying government wants to grab almost 387 hectares of land “and almost 500 households are affected and will be resettled.”

“We are not against the project but the manner in which officers from the Ministry of Lands, district commissioner’s officer and T/A Kuntaja have undertaken the process all the way from the consultations,” he stated.

Kamtema also said the families have engaged an independent valuer to conduct a separate valuation exercise and produce a report by the end of September.

Kuleza confirmed on Thursday being given instructions to represent the people on the matter saying they are seeking transparency and accountability from government.

The genesis

 “About 500 ordinary villagers and families that have lived in the area for years and call it home will have to leave their land, their graveyards where their ancestors are buried and relocate to be strangers elsewhere and start from scratch.

Said said Phokoso in an interview: “Land is not easy to find and relocation is not easy to do. We are there to make sure the rule of law is respected; their constitutional right to property and not to be arbitrarily deprived of the same is respected as well as the dictates of the Land Acquisition Act are respected.”

The land targeted by government will affect 12 chiefs which include group village head Kammata, chiefs Denga, Mbedza, Kumanda, Tamvekenji, Dzineso, Lemu, Gomeza, Lipugama, Temani, Magombo and Chuma.

The concerns from the people are also contained in a letter dated August 12 2022 which Phokoso wrote to Commissioner of Lands at Ministry of Lands Kwame Ngwira who is currently the ministry’s acting principal secretary (PS).

In his six-page letter, titled “Compulsory Land Acquisition in Chilangoma Area of T/A Kuntaja-Chileka-Blantyre for Hospital City Project by Kamuzu University of Health Sciences”, Phokoso claims the officers tasked with the assessments and data collection “flagrantly disregarded the law eroding the trust of the land owners in the acquisition process.”

Reads the letter: “The officers did not assess correctly loss of occupational rights, loss of land, loss of business, relocation costs, loss of goodwill, cost of professional advice, nuisance, injurious affection, loss of business, loss of reduction of tenure and disturbance in line with Section 10 of the Land Acquisition Act 2022.

 “In addition, our clients report incidents of severe intimidation and bullying and threats of expropriation without compensation and the non-inclusion of crucial data regarding their land, property and fixtures thereon.

In an interview yesterday, Nkasala evaded the allegations but confirmed the complaints from the people which he said have affected the mega health project.

 “Engagement meetings with the local leadership and community were held and the general consensus was that they welcomed the project. On the basis of this consensus, processes of property assessment for compensation purposes kick started.

“But before a report for the compensations was released by the Ministry of Lands, recently there have been complaints from some sectors of the community who would want the whole exercise of acquiring the land and compensations to stop.”

However, the DC said relevant higher authorities were looking into the matter for an appropriate action and way forward.

But in a separate interview, T/A Kuntaja laughed off the claims of intimidation and challenged the distressed people to officially complain to him and not through the media. He said:” Nobody has come to me or the DC’s office to complain. We have

CDEDI demands disclosure of medical suppliers, CMST given 7 days to act



The Centre for Democracy and Economic Development Initiatives (CDEDI) has written Central Medical Stores Trust (CMST) demanding disclosure of companies involved in the latest supply of medical essentials.

In a letter addressed to CMST Chief Executive, Dr Chikaiko Chadzunda, CDEDI wants the organization in question to make it clear on its stand so as to put right what is in public domain.

In the interest of transparency and accountability, CDEDI has since challenged the trust to seize the opportunity to inform Malawians on the state of the medical supplies in public health facilities and how it intends to maintain the supply chain in the face of the forex crisis.

“We are looking forward to hearing from you Sir, within the next seven (7) days,” reads the letter signed by CDEDI Executive Director Sylvester Namiwa.

He said his organisation has reached this extent after an independent investigations, recently revealed that the CMST has not procured essential drugs and medicines, a development that is believed to be the root cause of the acute drug shortages that have hit both referral and the District Hospitals not to mention of Health Centres.

Namiwa don’t discloses that it is within the investigations where it was further revealed that the CMST has run out of IV-fluids (Drips) which are critical in the health delivery services and now in the treatment of Cholera outbreak that has hit some parts of the country.

“It is against this background, that in line with the Access to Information (ATI) law, we write your office demanding records on the last time the CMST floated tenders for bulky supplies,” says Namiwa.

Additionally, he demanded CMST to make public the list of companies that participated in the tender, a list of companies that were awarded the contracts as well as a list of companies that successfully delivered the medicines.

Malawi has been hit by acute foreign currency(forex) crisis that has set millions of its citizens panicking over the unsustained availability of essential medicines and drugs in the public health facilities.

Currently both the mainstream and social media are awash with truths, speculations, half-truths and outright imaginations over the drug, medicines and medical supplies during these tough times.

CMST is yet to confirm receipt of the letter. The organisation has recently been in the limelight due to its negligence when handling procurement processes. It recently disposed expired medicine when at the time before expiry more health facilities were reportedly lacking a number of essential drugs that were enlisted on the disposed roll.

NBM supports Presidential Charity Golf with K20 million

Boby (centre) presents the dummy cheque to Chimwaza (left) and Sam Mwale

National Bank of Malawi (NBM) plc has supported the Presidential Charity Golf Tournament scheduled for next month in Lilongwe with K20 million.

President Lazarus Chakwera and Vice President Saulos Chilima are expected to play in all the 18 holes in the tournament on 8 October 2022 at the Lilongwe Golf Club to raise funds for the vulnerable members of society.

Presenting the donation in Blantyre, NBM plc Head of Operations Brian Boby said the bank welcomes the initiative by Chakwera and his government saying the aim resonates well with corporate social responsibility programmes that the bank undertakes to make lives of vulnerable people better.

“We fully agree with the Presidential Charity Golf initiative because it resonates well with what we do as a Bank to make a difference in the lives of the less privileged. This is why today; we are pleased to support this initiative with K20 million. We believe this will go some way in making the Presidential Charity Golf tournament a success in ensuring that enough funds are raised to help vulnerable members of our society,” said Boby.

Among other things, the Presidential Charity golf tournament wants to raise funds to support needy tertiary students and survivors of tropical storm Ana which hit the country early this year.

Chimwemwe Chimwaza a member of the Presidential Charity Golf organizing Committee speaking at the function

Boby said the Bank is aware of the enormous challenges that affect vulnerable people like university students and survivors of natural disasters.

“As the Bank of the Nation, we are cognizant of the fact that one of the key enablers of Malawi’s vision 2063 development agenda is the development of human capital through provision of education and skills development for the youth. This is why we at NBM plc have been running scholarship programs for needy students in our public universities on top of awarding best performing students through our Corporate Social Investment (CSI) program for many years”.

“It is for this reason that we also supported the Malawi University of Science and Technology (MUST) with K60 million for their Endowment Fund as a way of weaning the University from dependency on government subvention and establishing diversified revenue streams for the University which will also help needy students on top of research and infrastructure development activities.”

“We are all aware that as the Bank of the Nation, we did our part in helping those who were affected by the effects of the tropical cyclone Anna in the Lower Shire early this year,” said Boby.

A member of the Presidential Charity Golf Committee Chimwemwe Chimwaza thanked NBM plc for the donation saying it will go a long way in making the tournament a success.

“The bank today has really shown us that it is indeed ‘The Bank of the Nation’. We are humbled by this donation and we are hopeful that this tournament will be a success and we will achieve our goals of raising funds for the less privileged in our society,” said Chimwaza who was accompanied by fellow committee member Sam Mwale.

Boby (left) presents the cheque to Chimwaza (middle) and Sam Mwale another member of the Presidential Charity Golf Committee

Power Herbs From Warm Heart Herbs Selling Like Hot Cakes


Power Herbs, herbal products produced by a local company Warm Heart Herbs, are selling like hot cakes on the market as many clients are praising it for its magic and healing powers.

Trading under the slogan ‘Malawi’s number one trusted source of herbs’, the products include; Mthubulo, Chiswa B, Mauka Cure, Manhood Enlarger, Tseketseke, Thubulo and Gondolosi.

The Herbal products, according to the Warm Heart Herbs Founder Joseph Kunjirima, among others are helpful in bedtime as it boosts sexual desire (Libido) and cures High Blood pressure.

“I have been receiving positive feedback from clients from across the country; everyone whom i have given my products is being sorted according to the needs” said Kunjirima

He added: “I’ m based in Blantyre and l send {the products} anywhere in Malawi through courier services. My Contact is +265881721040 for both whatsapp and direct calls.”

Warm Heart Herbs, which is one of the fastest growing and leading herbal companies in the country, started operating in 2013.

PIL gets $13 million for fuel importation

PIL General Manager Martin Msimuko

Petroleum Importers Limited (PIL), a consortium of four oil marketing companies has secured $13 million for fuel importation amid the escalating fuel crisis the country is facing.

However, this is $9 million short of the required amount to bring into the country about 22 million litres of fuel which the country consumes in a month.

PIL General Manager Martin Msimuko said in an interview yesterday that they have managed to secure the $13 million from local banks and urged the Reserve Bank of Malawi (RBM) to help them with the remaining $9 million to get the required amount of fuel into the country.

“PIL has been bringing enough fuel for the companies that we import for amidst the foreign exchange challenges in the country. In terms of the numbers, I can confirm that in the eight months to August 2022, we as PIL have imported 140m litres for our customers Puma, Total Energies, Petroda and Vivo and this is representing 56% of total imports which is 6% more than our 50% share. This indicates that we are covering up for others in this regard. This is in accordance with the SFR regulations for 2018,” added Msimuko.

Msimuko (centre) appreciates the ofloading of the fuel from a Cargo Train

National Oil Company of Malawi (Nocma) is also mandated by law to import another 50% of fuel and the company’s deputy chief executive officer Hellen Buluma told members of the Parliamentary committee on Industry, trade and Tourism that they have secured $10 million from National Bank of Malawi (NBM), $18 million from Standard Bank, 17.5 million Euros from FDH Bank and $8 million from NBS Bank for fuel importation.

Msimuko said they have noted the imbalance of the allocation of the forex and that they have raised the concern and are following up with the banks for the same type of assistance so that PIL can adequately import fuel for the country. 

“Due to rising world oil prices Letters of Credit (LC) facilities are getting utilized quickly, we are having to wait for room in the facilities to issue more LCs. We currently have secured $13m for September supplies which is $9m short of our monthly needs. We currently need $22m to import monthly requirements for our four customers. Clearly, we also need support from RBM for us to bring the required volumes,” said Msimuko.

Asked what PIL is doing to sort out the current fuel crisis in the country, Msimuko said they are working around the clock to source adequate forex to sort out the situation.

“We are working around the clock to find adequate foreign exchange and we have engaged our local banks, the central bank and other international banks to avail the foreign exchange required and we are hopeful that we will succeed.”

“With the amount already sourced, we are bringing in over 8 million litres of fuel, which has already started arriving in the country and we are confident that the situation will normalize as soon as we get the facilities we are pursuing. We would like to thank the Reserve Bank of Malawi  for the support they rendered to enable us access funds with one of the banks and would seek their continued support to unlock the extra $20 million . This facility is very crucial to unlock more volumes for us,” explained Msimuko.

Msimuko (right) witnessing the offloading of fuel from Cargo train

CDEDI wants parley summon Agriculture Minister over maize, AIP situation



The country’s visible human rights organization, Centre for Democracy and Economic Development Initiatives (CDEDI) has penned Parliamentary Chairperson for agriculture Committee to summon Agriculture Minister Lobin Lowe in a quest to seek light on maize scarcity and Affordable Input Programme (AIP) dilemma.

In a letter made available to this publication, signed by CDEDI Executive Director, Sylvester Namiwa, the organisation calls for immediate parliamentary action considering that Malawi is an agro-based economy.

Namiwa says this has to be treated with urgency it deserves because almost all the four million farming families in Malawi entirely depend on chemical fertilizer as a major factor of production both for consumption and commercial purposes.

“We are now in the month of September and the 2022/23 growing season is just setting in. Shortly, some parts of the country will start receiving rains, and the latest weather forecast has predicted that most parts of the country will, this year, receive rains early, hence the call for parliamentary intervention,” Namiwa said.

Currently there is a cloud of uncertainty on the future of the AIP, compelling CDEDI on behalf of the vulnerable and marginalized farmers to ask government to explain before the Parliamentary Committee on Agriculture on whether it will proceed with the AIP or not.

“If yes, what will be the prices for the farm inputs and what is the number of the targeted beneficiaries,” queries Namiwa in the letter considering that majority farmers cannot afford a bag of fertilizer, whose current market price is now hovering at around MK60,000.

Through the process, Namiwa wants to see the government coming out clearly on the availability of fertilizer.

He has asked tor timely intervention on the maize and fertilizer situation in Malawi saying it will certainly save millions of Malawians from the imminent man-made famine by the current government.

“Therefore, our expectation is that your committee Hon. Chairperson, will treat this issue as a matter of urgency,” he said.

Namiwa has since cautioned Parliamentary Committee on Agriculture against its stand of sitting back and watching President Dr. Lazarus Chakwera and his cronies killing the Agriculture Development and Marketing Cooperation (ADMARC) which has thus far proven to be a tried and tested tool in making both maize and fertilizer accessible to Malawians especially those in remote areas.

Meanwhile, Parliamentary Committee on Agriculture Chairperson Suleman has also expressed fears on how government is handling the AIP issue but is yet to respond on CDEDI letter.

NBS Bank urges customers to activate Visa Cards before travelling abroad

NBS Bank Head of Marketing and Customer Experience Tamanda Longwe

Listed NBS Bank plc has urged its customers to activate their Visa Debit cards before travelling abroad to enjoy convenient and stressless banking services.

In a statement, the Bank said convenience is guaranteed through the ‘Eazy Banking’ package.

“Visa Debit cards work like cash, only better. They are issued by the Bank and use funds directly from customers’ bank accounts. Accepted worldwide, NBS Bank Visa Debit cards offer quick, secure, and convenient access to money in person, online, overseas and over the phone.”

“They allow our customers to enjoy the convenience of paying directly from their accounts, with the daily international ATM withdrawal limit at $500 USD on all cards; Point of sale/ Online daily limit of $100 for the red and silver cards, and $300 for Gold and Platinum cards, with all the security that Visa provides,” said NBS Bank Head of Marketing and Customer Experience Tamanda Longwe.

She said NBS Bank customers that are travelling out of the country can access their funds at thousands of ATMs and Point-Of-Sale (POS) machines worldwide and can make purchases anytime and anywhere that Visa cards are accepted with top-notch security features.

“Our cards come with an overall monthly limit of $1,000 for our red and silver cards and $3,000 for the gold and platinum cards. To increase limits, we encourage our customers to apply and present valid travel documents through their nearest Service Centre or Account Relationship Manager,” explained Longwe.

Longwe said additionally, the Bank has other digital services from which their customers can continue to experience convenience such as EazyMobile322, EazyWallet and EazyApp which offer services like bill payments including Road Traffic, ESCOM, various waterboards and DSTV payments.

One of NBS Bank customers Alfred Phiri hailed the bank on the initiative saying he used his cards when he travelled out of the country without any problems after failing to get hard currency forex.

“I had problems getting hard currency forex but I just activated my cards with NBS and travelled out of the country where I could withdraw cash and pay for my bills and shopping using my NBS Bank cards. This is very convenient especially now when we are facing forex challenges,” said Phiri.

Standard Bank E-Commerce gateway to boost digital payments

HIWA: Standard Bank is helping local businesses create new and global markets for Malawian products and services

In a bid to promote Malawi’s digital financial services penetration, Standard Bank has launched an e-commerce gateway that allows businesses receive payments from local and international customers on their websites using debit cards and virtual payment tools.

Standard Bank’s gateway provides for a 12-hour settlement of funds and means that customers pay in their local currency from any location. It comes as the country’s usage of digital financial services more than doubled in 2021, according to official data recently released by the Reserve Bank of Malawi (RBM).

Head of Client Solutions Ewen Hiwa said the bank’s e-commerce solution is in response to the growing shift by businesses to purchase their supplies and services online.

“Customers in Malawi have become accustomed to buying goods online as the world fast becomes a digitally connected eco-system. We noted that access to payment solutions was in high demand, with businesses of all sizes looking to offer e-commerce solutions. With our e-commerce gateway we are now able to collect payments for both local and international transactions,” he said.

Hiwa said Standard Bank’s e-commerce gateway is available as an add-on to an existing website or as a payment page link which businesses can share with their customers for payments without having to build a full website.

“The e-commerce gateway is ideal for both mobile and desktop demands. Its use applies in various business scenarios, which include but are not limited to courier services, health care, transportation providers, education institutions and government agencies,” he said.

The head of Client Solutions added that businesses that have so far implemented the Standard Bank gateway are able to create the best online shopping experiences, whether through smartphone applications, their corporate website, or other digital means as the service provides easy integration.

Hiwa said the other advantage of Standard Bank’s gateway is that it eliminates forex supply barriers.

“For local customers they pay using their card and Malawi Kwacha denominated account, and for customers outside the country they are paying using their own domestic currency (could be US$, Pounds, Euro, ZAR, as case might be),” he explained.

Hiwa said by increasing access to digital finance options, Standard Bank is helping local businesses create new and global markets for Malawian products and services in liner with #MW2063 goals under the industry innovation and infrastructure pillar.

In its recent National Payments System survey, RBM reported an increase by 62.1% in volume of transactions using digital financial service platforms, and an increase by 77.5% in actual value of the transactions to MWK101.6 Trillion.

The report attributed the upsurge in both the value and volume of the transactions is attributed to the growing customer confidence in usage of electronic payment channels.

NBM launches product for Accountants

NBM Accounts Relationship Manager Mwayi Kalulu makes a presentation about the new product

National Bank of Malawi (NBM) plc has launched a new product targeting Accountants who are registered with the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Malawi (ICAM) and those involved in  business which is registered.

Launching the product in Blantyre during an induction of new members for ICAM, NBM Service Centre Manager for Henderson Street Service Centre Tamara Mtuwa said NBM plc came up with the product after ‘listening’ to the needs of their customers.

“As the Bank of the Nation, we always strive to serve our customers better, we want to give what our customers want, not what we want, this, perhaps, is what has earned us the title ‘The Bank of the Nation’.”

“We have been listening to what our customers want through various interactions that we have had with our customers which have led us to come up with unique products that target a specific target group.”

“Today we are here to unveil a unique product specifically tailored for our Accountants. This special package for Accountants targets those accountants registered with the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Malawi (ICAM) whose salary has been consistently received through their NBM account. If the salary is not received through an NBM plc account, then they need not worry to access this product as long as they are willing to open an account with us,” explained Mtuwa.

Mtuwa speaks at the launch of the product as ICAM Acting CEO Charles Chimpeni looks on

NBM Accounts Relationship Manager Mwayi Kalulu made a presentation about the offering of the product to the newly inducted ICAM members.

She said among other offerings, Accountants whose net salary or income is MK2, 000,000.00 and above will automatically be invited to the premium platinum club while those who earn MK500, 000.00 and above will automatically be invited to the premium gold club.

Accountants in the age ranges of 18-35 years and whose salary band is between MK300,000.00 and MK1,000,000.00 will automatically qualify for our other product called Step up professional product.

“This product offers Accountants an overdraft facility whose maximum limit is aligned with net salary and is renewable in 12 months. They will also be offered a credit card with a maximum limit aligned with the net salary to cater for travel and e-payments requirements with a repayment ratio of 50%.”

NBM Henderson Street Service Centre Manager Tamara Mtuwa who launched the product

“The product also offers Accountants with a general-purpose loan of up to K20 million with a maximum repayment period of 48 months and a credit life on the loan amount. On top of that, the product offers a subscription loan of up to K1 million with a maximum repayment period of 6 months. There is also an insurance loan with a maximum loan aligned with the customer invoice and the maximum repayment period is 12 months,” said Kalulu.

She said to access the product, Accountants need to submit all Know Your Customer (KYC) documentation and a letter of undertaking from the employer and also submit a letter of introduction from ICAM confirming that they are a member of the accounting body.

Kalulu said Accountants with business income and their business is registered will also be considered for the product.

ICAM Acting Chief Executive Officer Charles Chimpeni hailed NBM plc for the product targeting accountants saying it will help the accountants to be innovative.

“We all agree that we cannot depend on salary to survive and this product will make accountants to be innovative because they can start their eon businesses and some can use the same product to get a loan to pay for their subscription fees with ICAM. We welcome this product and we are hopeful that fellow accountants will embrace it,” said Chimpeni.

Malawi is falling apart, where is the leadership?-CDEDI ASKS

Press Statement

Lilongwe, Thursday, September 8, 2022


The social and economic hardships facing our country today have prompted Centre for Democracy and Economic Development Initiatives (CDEDI) to remind

Malawians about the statement we issued on October 2, 2020 in which we summarized the first 100 days in office of President Dr. Lazarus Chakwera and his Tonse Alliance administration.

In the statement, CDEDI regretted and, also, warned Malawians that the June 23, 2020 court-sanctioned Fresh Presidential Elections (PPE) sold us a dummy.

By all measure of patience, Malawians have become tired of extended electricity load-shedding and resurfacing of dry fuel pumps and unavailability of foreign exchange (forex) two years into President Chakwera’s regime.

Today, Malawians can now agree with what CDEDI said during Chakwera’s 100 days in office, and warned that the country was headed for a wasted five years.

The several cases of indecisiveness that characterized Chakwera’s early days in office have culminated into full-blown poor leadership style.

Thus far, as a matter of urgency, CDEDI wishes to appeal governance think tanks, notably the Public Affairs Committee (PAC) to call for an all-inclusive stakeholders meeting to rescue the country from further damage. Our fear is that leaving the current situation unchecked will lead to loss of millions of lives of vulnerable and marginalized citizens due to starvation.

It is disheartening to note that as electricity, fuel and forex woes are forcing the economy to its knees, the President and his lieutenants are busy peddling flimsy excuses in a futile attempt to cover up their cluelessness.

For a better Malawi, CDEDI hereby reiterates its call to President Chakwera to come up with tangible solutions, complete with a clear time-frame to the aforementioned challenges facing Malawians, or accept that he has failed the country and consequently step down.

Maize Availability

Further, we hereby remind the President and his government that a hungry person is an angry person, therefore, any carelessness in handling the maize crisis in the country is a recipe for disaster.

It is disturbing to note that despite all assurances of the grain’s availability, the situation on the ground is dire as evidenced by its soaring prices months away from the lean period.

The Future Of The AIP And Fertilizer Prices

We are in September and the 2022/23 growing season is just setting in. Shortly, some parts of the country will start receiving rains, and the latest weather forecast predicts most parts of the country will, this year receive rains early.

However, there is a cloud of uncertainty on the future of the Affordable Inputs Programme (AIP). Therefore, CDEDI would like to challenge government, through the Agriculture Ministry, to explain the following:

a) Whether government will proceed with AIP or not. If yes, what will be the prices for the farm inputs and what is the number of the targeted beneficiaries?

b) In the wake of forex shortage, we would like to see the government coming out clearly on the availability of fertilizer.

Imminent 3,000 Job Losses At ADMARC

To begin with, the Agriculture Development and Marketing Cooperation (ADMARC) has proven to be a tried and tested tool in making both maize and

fertilizer accessible to Malawians. Therefore, it is a no brainer to play hide-and-seek with this entity’s existence at this critical moment. CDEDI’s unsolicited advice to President Chakwera and his cronies is that they should take their hands off ADMARC.

Needless to remind the President that he promised

Malawians one million jobs, therefore, the least one would expect is to see as many as 3,000 people losing their jobs at ADMARC.

Last, but not the least, CDEDI hereby gives President Chakwera 14 days to address aforementioned concerns or else CDEDI will be prompted to collect signatures to force the Speaker of the National Assembly to call for an

emergency meeting of Parliament in a bid to save the country from complete destruction.

Sylvester Namiwa

(Executive Director)

PCL H1 profit up 24% to K15.9 bn


Conglomerate Press Corporation plc has registered a 24% profit after tax for the first half of the year despite operating in a challenging environment with severe foreign exchange scarcity and effects of the Covid-19 pandemic.

In a statement announcing the half year financial results ending 30 June 2022, Press Corporation plc said it has recorded a profit of K15.98 billion, up from K12.87 billion recorded at the same time the previous year representing 24% growth.

The statement signed by Press Corporation plc Board Chairman Randson Mwadiwa, Board Director Bettey Mahuka, Chief Finance and Administration Executive Moureen Mbeye and Acting Chief Executive Officer Lyton Chithambo also said the Board of Directors of the company resolved to pay an interim dividend amounting to K841.79 million (2021: K721.20 million) representing K7.00 per share (2021: K6.00 per share).

“The dividend will be paid on Friday, 28th October 2022 to shareholders whose names appear on the register as at the close of business on 14th October 2022,” reads the statement in part.

Moureen Mbeye-Chief Finance and Administration Executive

Press corporation plc notes in the statement that growth in profitability was driven by an 11 percent growth in revenue, improved gross profit margin by 4 percent and successful implementation of cost containment measures.

“Disposal of PTC has also contributed to the improved results as losses associated with this investment (2021: K2.3 billion) are no longer part of the Group results,” reads part of the statement.

On segmental performance, Press Corporation plc said in the financial segment, its subsidiary, National Bank of Malawi (NBM) plc posted a 78 percent growth in its profit after tax to K22.7 billion (2021: K12.8 billion) driven mainly by a 48 percent growth in net interest income and a 13 percent increase in trading income following increased level of deposits and a marked growth of the loan book of 34 percent and 31 percent respectively.

However, the telecommunications segment consisting of mobile phone company, TNM and fixed telephony and broadband company MTL registered a 168 percent decrease in profit after tax as both MTL and TNM registered losses during the reporting period.

Press Corporation plc Acting Chief Executive Officer Dr Lyton Chithambo

“The losses were exacerbated by the devaluation of the local currency resulting in exchange losses of K2.2 billion for the period. The Group is confident that the segment will soon benefit from fresh strategies currently being implemented that seek to arrest the losses and reverse the segment’s performance. The search for equity investors in the fixed telephony business is continuing,” reads the statement in part.

The energy segment comprising PressCane and Ethanol Company Limited (Ethco)registered a 56 percent drop in its profitability from the prior period due to production start-up timing differences.

“In 2021, PressCane started production early compared to 2022 due to feedstock availability. Nevertheless, both companies are currently on track and it is expected that in the second half of the year, the overall performance will improve markedly as full production resumes and both companies are expected to meet their respective annual targets,” reads part of the statement.

“Press Properties Ltd registered a profit after tax of K0.5 billion (2021: K0.4 billion). The Foods Company on the other hand made a loss of K1.2 billion (2021: K1.1 billion) due to persistent interruption in the fish feeding regime resulting from supply chain challenges brought about by the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and increased finance cost.”

Betty Mahuka-Press Corporation plc Board Member

“The performance is expected to improve from the third quarter of the year as the company starts harvesting fish from its aquaculture operations. The critical project of establishing a floating feed mill is about to start. The feed mill will complement the aquaculture expansion program which is also currently being implemented,” reads the statement in part adding that the search for an equity investor in the Foods Company is on-going.

In joint ventures, PUMA delivered good performance when compared to the prior period because of increased volumes and expansion projects. Macsteel on the other hand was negatively impacted by high exchange losses following the devaluation of the Kwacha but the company has started making significant positive strides in the second half of the year.

On the associated companies, Press Corporation plc notes that Open Connect Limited continued reporting losses following strategic re-positioning i.e., product repricing to retain key customers and delay in commercialisation of key revenue generating projects but said the performance is expected to improve in the second half of the year following the commissioning of its flagship products. 

“Results from tobacco processing and trading were affected by its seasonality and are expected to improve in the second half of the year. During the period, LifeCo Holdings performance grew significantly, and it surpassed the entire business volume underwritten in the whole of 2021,” reads the statement in part.

“The Group remains steadfast in delivering on its strategy despite operating in a very challenging environment. Scarcity of foreign exchange, the pressure on inflation and persistent power blackouts remain significant risks to Group performance.”

“The Group will continue implementing turnaround strategies in companies whose performance is unsatisfactory. Further investment opportunities are also being explored in various sectors to further diversify the Group and its portfolio mix in market presence. There has been significant progress in scoping for a 50MW solar power production project,” reads part of the statement.

MultiChoice Reaffirms Commitment to Promote Malawian Content


MultiChoice Malawi says it will continue promoting Malawian artistic content on its DStv and GOtv Channels as one way of giving back to its subscribers.

The content is to be promoted through Comedy or Drama series that now have a room on newly introduced channel, OneZed.

This is according to MultiChoice Malawi’s Managing Director, Emma Gichonge who has made the revelations during this year’s Media Showcase ceremony held at Amaryllis Hotel in Blantyre.

The showcase aims at summarizing and exhibiting how MultiChoice embraces its role as Africa’s most-loved storyteller through providing a world of choice to its customers.

According to Gichonge, Africa’s leading company will soon be announcing the successful candidate who proposed to be part and parcel of the team set to add flavor to the brand.

“We are committed to ensuring Malawian stories are told and it brings me great joy to have observed such a positively overwhelming response to the call for proposals for the first Malawian Comedy or Drama series that has been commissioned for OneZed,” said Gichonge.

She has on the other hand said their company will continue making sure that all groups of people with content of their choice by among others sustain sporting shows.

“We are so excited to provide our customers with all 64 of the FIFA World Cup Games live, on the home of sporting action, SuperSport on both GOtv and DStv from the 21st of November,” she added.

Also during the event, heads of different departments at MultiChoice Malawi highlighted different strategies their departments are setting up to ensure that entertainment the company offers is not interrupted.

It has been 25 years since MultiChoice started its operations and various quarters of the society have been rating its performance highly.

Standard Bank Launches Report to Society to Balance Business Interests with Social Needs

Standard Bank CEO Phillip Madinga and UNDP Deputy Resident Representative in Malawi Mr Challa Getachew unveiling the report

Standard Bank Plc has launched its maiden annual integrated sustainability report which highlights its social, economic, and environmental impact in the country.

The Standard Bank Report to Society is a guiding tool the bank will use to record and track its contribution to Malawi’s national development. The report details these integrated efforts which balance its business and social obligations.

This year’s review highlights the impact of K248 million the bank committed towards various Social, Economic and Environment (SEE) impact areas as a contribution towards enhancing the growth for Malawi for Financial Year ended December 31, 2021.

Launching the 2021 Standard Bank Report to Society, Chief Executive Phillip Madinga told stakeholders in Lilongwe that during the financial year ended December 31, 2021, the Bank made positive contributions in six key areas aiming to uplift lives of people at grassroots and catalyze economic growth.

Head of Marketing Department Nyambura Chege and her team displaying the Report to Society

The areas are job creation and enterprise development, financial inclusion, trade facilitation and investment, health, education, and employee training and development.

“As a financial services provider in Malawi, we remain resolute in our purpose which is Malawi is our Home, and We Drive Her Growth. We are committed to playing our role to drive the country’s economic growth sustainably by serving our communities through impactful projects that touch lives and improve societies,” said Madinga.

The Chief Executive also added that Standard Bank Plc which recorded a net profit of K24.8 billion in 2021, committed K248 Million or 1% towards various SEE endeavors.

Madinga said as a key player in the banking industry, the Bank takes pride in championing initiatives that improve the country for its people.

Head of Governance and Legal Services Norah Nsanja discusses the report

“Through the report, Standard Bank is demonstrating its integral role as enabler of economic growth by applying its expertise in the local and regional financial sector,” he said.

He added; “Sustainability is multi-dimensional and is part of everything we do at Standard Bank Plc. It is about mitigating risks, building resilience, creating opportunities and transforming lives. It is the long-term goal of sustainable development which encompasses meeting the needs of the present without comprising the ability of future generations.”

The Report to Society has been developed with guidance from the International Integrated Reporting Framework and United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, linking the Bank’s activities and commitments to the global agenda for a sustainable future.

“As a passionate driver of growth, this report communicates how we have leveraged our SEE impacts to support our strategy and achieve our purpose. Furthermore, the report intends to detail how we plan to generate impact in the future by giving an overview of our key impact ambitions and how we intend to measure our progress and success,” said the chief executive.

MADINGA-Sustainability is multi-dimensional and is part of everything we do at Standard Bank Plc

Notable contributions by the Bank include the introduction of Unayo, a ubiquitous transactional and digital platform that provides money transfers to people in rural and urban areas, empowering women farmers and youth, providing bursaries and grants in the public education sector, facilitating trade through Africa China Trade Solutions and helping the public health system in the fight against COVID-19 pandemic and corrective palate surgeries.

Under Unayo, Standard Bank Plc in the year 2021 recruited over 8,000 agents and merchants thus contributing towards financial inclusion as most of these were either un-banked or underbanked, while increasing financial liquidity to rural areas that have no access to formal financial services.

The Bank’s three-year program with UN Women under the smart agriculture initiatives, helped increase output of groundnuts for 10,000 groundnuts farmers in Lilongwe, Mchinji and Mzimba.

This is the inaugural report with a view of 2021. The Bank intends to publish the report on an annual basis.

FDH Bank progressive in Digitization, Innovation and Cyber Security

Ganizani Phiri-FDH Group Head of Information Technology

FDH Bank plc has made commendable strides in areas of digitization, innovation and Cyber Security.

FDH Bank Plc Head of Information Technology, Ganizani Phiri, one of the panellists considered to be regional Fintech Leaders, at the recently ended 9th Africa Bank 4.0 Summit for the SADC Region held in South Africa under the theme of ‘Scaling Up Digital Transformation’ made the remarks at the end of the summit.

“It was a great experience to be recognized as a key panelist to share our experience with Top Leaders in Banking and Technology from across the Globe. It shows how much progress we have made as FDH Bank plc in the area of digitalization, innovation, and Cyber Security. Feedback from other professionals indicated that our progress is worth emulating,” said Phiri.

He further said FDH Bank plc has worked tirelessly to narrow the digital divide and enhance access to financial services to customers through introduction of innovative products like 525Banking, One Click, WhatsApp Banking, Agency banking and the flagship Ufulu 525 Account.

“Customers can access these innovative products with any phone from a simple to an advanced one. FDH Bank plc has also taken serious steps to ensure that customers are safe while using our products. FDH Bank plc has committed to remain ahead in her pursuit to bring more innovative products and solutions to the market,” explained Phiri.

Giving a background to the panel engagements at the summit, Phiri said the discussions were mainly about how the SADC region can align efforts to digitalization, innovation while considering cyber security risks inherent in these initiatives.

“We also discussed issues of policy and inter-country collaboration to mitigate cyber- fraud. Overview of SADC’s Cyber Security Outlook, how robust and agile IT security policy can bridge the gap between innovation and security. We also discussed how countries can take progressive steps now to protect critical national infrastructure against cyber-crime,” said Phiri.

Picking on key lessons to the banking sector in Malawi as a whole, Phiri said there is no limit to innovation and there is need to be ahead of the game to give customers the best.

“Much as we are in competition there are many areas we can collaborate for the benefit of customers. We need to tackle issue of cybersecurity jointly for significant progress to be made,” he said

The 9th Africa Bank Summit was conducted to address a digital divide that has been created due to Africa’s internet coverage that is still lagging behind other regions due to the availability of poor services and issues for the remote and poor areas in many countries.

Premier League (PL) Open Weekend Coming to DStv & GOtv


With the new football season in full swing, DStv and GOtv sporting fans can expect even more will choice and unmissable sporting action. MultiChoice has announced unprecedented access to Premier League across all GOtv and DStv packages through Premier League (PL) Open Weekend.

The Premier League (PL) will be accessible from 01 September 2022 to 05 September 2022 to our subscribers on GOtv from Lite to Supa on SS Football (Go Football Africa) channel 31 and on DStv from Access to Premium on SS EPL on channel 223, giving viewer’s access to unmatched nail-biting sporting action.

PL Open Weekend allows subscribers to have access to more sport content, starting with the Manchester United match and 6 key live matches, wrap-up, repeats, delayed games and highlights at no extra cost.

The PL channels will automatically pop-up on subscribers EPG (Electronic Programme Guide) with no further effort required, in the unlikely event the channels do not appear, subscribers can simply reboot their decoder.

For full programme schedules visit or

Open weekend  fixtures:

FDH Bank plc spoils customers during the ‘Swipe & Dash Promo” launch

Masangano (left) with FDH Bank plc Managing Director Noel Mkulichi after the 60 second dash

Some customers using Point-of-Sale (POS) machines at Chipiku Stores in Blantyre had a surprise of their day as FDH Bank plc spoiled them with 60 seconds Trolley Dash worth K300, 000 as part of a new promotion.

FDH Bank plc launched the ‘Swipe and Dash Promotion’ which will see all card holders who swipe using an FDH POS machine at Chipiku, Sana and other participating outlets standing a chance to win.

The Bank’s Managing Director, Noel Nkulichi said the aim is to promote usage of swipe machines as compared to hard cash.

“This is a competition where we want to sell our POS. We want our customers to be using our POS machines. Going forward we will be doing this campaign until December. Every month there will be two people winning K300,000 worth of shopping vouchers, four people winning K60,000 fuel vouchers, and the other four winning K60,000 shopping vouchers.”

“Using our POS machines is much easier and we want customers to embrace that,” he said.

Masangano in the 60 second dash

One of the winners, Kelton Masangano said he is a regular POS machine user and never expected it could make him winner one day.

“I am so excited because when I came here I didn’t know there was a competition, so when I produced my FDH Bank card, the Managing Director approached me that I am the winner. I just encourage my friends to trust the competition and who knows they can be winners,” said Masangano.

Linda Kachisa, an NBS Bank customer also benefited from the promotion.

“I just thank God because I never expected this. I just came here as a customer to buy as I do always,” said Kachisa.

After swiping, customers will leave their receipts indicating their names and numbers in the Swipe and Dash box in the outlets.

A lucky customer participates in the 60 second dash

NBM launches new product for vendors

Kawawa appreciates tomato business in the market

National Bank of Malawi plc has launched a new product called ‘Taoloka’ which offers vendors across the country easy access to financial products and services including loans of up to K5 million.

Speaking during the launching ceremony held at Blantyre Market on Wednesday, NBM plc Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Mcfussy Kawawa said the Bank decided to introduce the product considering the cry for working capital by vendors.

“As the Bank of the Nation, we provide financial solutions to all Malawians and in this service offering, the urban vendors will have a chance of accessing unsecured short-term loans of up to K5 million with a maximum repayment period of three years. This product has been designed to offer lending and transactional products uniquely tailored to the needs of urban market vendors.

“This is also the Bank’s strategy to grow the Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) sector while supporting the government’s initiatives to achieve equitable access to banking services among small business owners through financial inclusion,” said Kawawa.

Kawawa visiting a watermelon vendor

Inside the Taoloka product, urban market vendors will have an SME Savings account with a book balance of K2,500 and a current account with cheque book at 50% fee of a normal SME account.

They will also be granted access to premier mobile banking platform, the Mo626 Digital and our internet banking platform, the Banknet 360 all at a monthly fee of 50% of the normal fees.

“The urban vendors will have a specific Accounts Relationship Manager (ARM) or Accounts Relationship Officer (ARO) in their specific service centres to help them with the application process,” added Kawawa.

Kawawa addressing the vendors

Chairperson of the Blantyre Vendors Association, Martin Matchengo commended NBM plc for the initiative saying for a long time they have been rebuffed by banks to access loans to boost their businesses.

“Most Banks require collateral from us which becomes a challenge. Where do we get cars, houses, and other things to be used as collateral when we are struggling to raise capital for our businesses? This has therefore come at the right time and we are ready Kuoloka ndi National Bank,” he said.

To be eligible for the loans, the vendors need to own a registered business, registered with the vendors association, have a physical location by city council, and evidence of ownership through rental payments receipts among other conditions.

EthCO donates 400 litres of Ethanol to KUHeS

Zamaere (right) hands over EthCo to Dr Kamng’ona (left)

Ethanol Company Limited (EthCo) has donated 400 litres of laboratory-grade 96% neutral ethanol to Kamuzu College of Health Sciences (KUHeS) to be used in Biomedical Sciences.

Speaking during the symbolic presentation of the ethanol at KUHeS campus in Blantyre on Wednesday, EthCo Operations Manager, Derek Zamaere said they offered the support after the health training institution extended an appeal to them.

“We have got a creative shared value approach and when KUHeS requested ethanol for teaching purposes, we realised that it was aligned with our pillars of helping in the education and health sector. Although they are outside our catchment area in Nkhotakota, because of their impact on the country we thought we should assist.”

“This is the only institution that is training doctors and it is important for us to help them because they produce doctors that help our communities. As health issues are sorted out in the communities, it means our employees will also be healthy and be able to produce quality products,” he said.

Zamaere touring KUHeS laboratory

KUHeS Acting Executive Dean for the  School of Life Sciences and Allied Health Professions Dr Arox Kamng’ona commended EthCo for the support saying ethanol is used in most of their laboratory activities.

“The department of Biomedical Sciences comprises a chain of laboratories for both students and staff. This is because the study is foundational to medical and allied training because it teaches the structure and function of the human body. Therefore, the ethanol by EthCo will go a long way in our everyday work as a solvent for herbal extracts,” he said.

He therefore extended the appeal to other corporations to support the research work at the institution.

Before the presentation ceremony, Zamaere and other EthCo officials were given an opportunity to tour the facility especially laboratories to appreciate works the product will be used for.

The ethanol cost EthCo K600, 000.  

NBS Bank half-year profit after tax up 16%

NBS Bank CEO Kwanele Ngwenya speaks during the AGM

Listed NBS Bank plc has recorded a half-year profit after tax jump from K4.4 billion to K5.1 billion representing a 16 % increase over the same period last year.

In a statement signed by NBS Bank plc board Chairman Vizenge Kumwenda, Director Matthews Mtumbuka, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Kwanele Ngwenya, and Chief Finance Officer, Vera Zulu, the improvement, amidst the current environmental challenges, is due to flexibility in strategy implementation which has enabled the Bank to focus on high revenue generating activities.

“The Bank continues to deliver a positive performance, responding effectively to a difficult operating environment with renewed focus on building resilience and a solid platform for future growth. Having successfully completed the first 5-year strategy covering the period 2017 to 2021, the Bank is driving further growth through a new five-year strategy (2022-2026) to increase market share and enhance efficiency. The strategy, which is being delivered through a detailed road map with clear targets will deliver a superior digital offering and deeper customer engagement,” reads the statement.

NBS Bank plc AGM in progress

The growth in profit-after-tax follows the growth in the profit-before-tax by 19 percent to K7.7 billion for the six months compared to a similar period in 2021 of K6.5 billion.

Growth of loan book and effective management of investments in money market instruments also improved net interest income by 23 percent to K18 billion compared to 2021 when it was at 14.6 billion.

However, non-interest revenue registered a decrease of eight percent to K5.7 billion on a prior year performance of K6.1 billion due to some once-off income realized in the prior period.

“Operating expenses registered a 19% growth to K15.5 billion from prior year expense of K12.9 billion due to changes to compensation structure affected in the second half of 2021 and increased investments in our operating systems aimed at increasing revenue generating activities. Impairment charges improved significantly to K0.5 billion, down 61% from K1.3 billion in 2021 due to enhanced portfolio management,” reads the statement in part.

NBS Bank plc Board Member Dr Matthews Mtumbuka

According to the statement, NBS plc registered a 61 % growth of customer deposits to K281 billion from K174 billion while Loans and advances grew by 85 percent to close at K106 billion and money market investments growth was 12 % at K211 billion from K188 billion.

“The economic outlook for the second half 2022 is challenging. Just when the world was recovering from the Covid 19 crisis, Russia invaded Ukraine sending the global economy on yet another unpredictable course. As a result, various institutions projects that the economy is expected to grow by an estimated average of 2.37 % in 2022 from an initial Government projection of 4.1%.”

“Inflationary pressures are likely to rise throughout 2022 due to global turbulence caused by the war in Europe and the continuous resurgence of new variants of the Corona Virus. The Bank maintains robust capital and liquidity positions and is well-placed to pursue opportunities for growth in 2022,” reads part of the statement.

Meanwhile, the Bank’s Board of Directors has recommended payment of an interim dividend of K2.47 billion representing 85 tambala per share which represents a 41 percent growth.

NBS Bank Board member Dr Matthews Mtumbuka speaks to the press after the AGM

Standard Bank repackages agriculture loans

Graham Chipande: Standard Bank’s Head of Business and Commercial Clients

Standard Bank Plc has launched a comprehensive range of loans aiming to empower both large and small-scale farmers in contributing to food security and Malawi’s export competitiveness.

The bank’s Head of Business and Commercial Clients Graham Chipande said at the launch in Blantyre the loans cover agro-processors, farmer cooperatives and those dealing in high-value cash crops such as tobacco, sugarcane, tea, macadamia, legumes, cereals, bananas and potatoes.

The finance packages include insurance cover.

“Our agribusiness solutions aim to empower both small and large-scale players across the value chain from farm to fork. Together with our partners Standard Bank aims to ensure that Malawi achieves food security while boosting capacity for agriculture commercialization, including export, in line with the first milestones of MW2063,” he said.

He said the bank’s fully-fledged agri-business department is offering expertise to guide customers choosing the right financing solution in line with their needs.

The financing solutions include Production Loans, Trade Finance, Working Capital Finance and Leasing for key cash crops and boosting the capacity of qualifying agriculture enterprises and cooperatives.

Production loans cover farm inputs, fertilizer, chemicals and other working capital requirements such labour during a crop cycle, while Trade and Working Capital loans provide short-term working capital support to facilitate trade and are suitable for processors, aggregators and agro-dealers.

Leasing and Finance covers assets that are clearly identifiable, moveable, durable, and insurable such as tractors, irrigation equipment, harrows, planters, combine harvesters and motor vehicles.

Standard Bank is also offering Long-Term financing to support capital expenditure of the business such as farm expansion, upgrading of infrastructure including construction of buildings, and other capital expenditure such as planting long term crops like Macadamia.

Chipande said realizing the risks that the agriculture sector faces due to adverse weather and climate change effects, Standard Bank has added a component of insurance.

“Our turn-key financing solutions come replete with the option of well-structured insurance products to cover associated risks, and ensure sustainability of the agriculture enterprises,” he said.

One of the beneficiaries of the bank’s loans Frederick Changaya said they have helped his grain milling company to scale up production capacity and expand product lines.

“When we started our company, we were turned down by other banks. But Standard Bank embraced us from the scratch. We are greatly indebted to them, and their loans are really well tailored,” said Changaya, a Blantyre-based miller who owns Applecore Grain and Milling LTD

NBS commits K60 million support to Region 5 games

Ngwenya (right) presents the cheque to Chimwendo

With three months remaining before the kick-off of the Region 5 games in Lilongwe, listed NBS Bank plc has boosted preparations for the event with K60 million support.

NBS Bank plc Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Kwanele Ngwenya unveiled the sponsorship package to the Region 5 local organizing committee through Minister of Youth and Sports, Richard Chimwendo Banda in Lilongwe on Tuesday.

According to Ngwenya, the money will be used to cater for some expenses for the tournament.

“As a local Bank, we have to support local initiatives. The Region 5 games are the first in the country and as a local Bank we felt the need to be part and parcel of the history that is to be made. We believe that Region 5 games will transform the lives of the youths in this country.”

“We are passionate about youth development, we are passionate about financial development, we are passionate about financial inclusion and we believe that growth of the nation lies in the youth, then if we develop the youth, our business will also grow.”

“We are not releasing K60 million cash to them but we will be paying some expenses like accommodation, transport and food using that particular amount,” explained Ngwenya.

Ngwenya further said they have decided to render their support to the tournament after noting its significance in the development and transformation of the lives of the youths in the country and across the region.

Chairperson of the Region 5 local organizing committee Stanley Mutoya commended NBS Bank plc for the support saying they feel relieved of the burden to meet some costs to be incurred during the tournament.

“As an African Union, one of the things that is key to us is investing in demographic dividends through the young people we have, so we are excited about it because the youths in this region will find options to kickstart their careers in sports and this is a rare opportunity that is difficult to buy.”

“We are also most grateful that this is a Bank that puts its focus on social development and you need capital development by advancing livelihoods of people so we are very proud of such corporates and we are very excited by the gesture expressed by NBS Bank plc,” said Mutoya

Minister of Youth and Sports Richard Chimwendo Banda also commended the Bank for the support.

“We actually made a call to NBS Bank plc and we are very thankful that they accepted our call. I would like to ask other companies to emulate what NBS Bank plc has done because the government alone cannot shoulder the responsibility,” he said.

Over 2000 athletes from eleven countries are expected to converge in Lilongwe for the Region 5 games to be hosted at Bingu International Convention Centre (BICC), Griffin Saenda Malawi Aquatic Centre, Bingu National Stadium (BNS), Silver Stadium, and Civo Stadium.

The sport codes at the tournament include Athletics, Basketball, Boxing, Football, Gymnastics, Judo, Volleyball, Tennis, Netball, Swimming, Taekwondo, and E-Sports. 

NBM concludes ‘Transact and Win Promo’

Akossa Hiwa delivering a speech at the final draw

National Bank of Malawi (NBM) plc has concluded its ‘Transact and Win Promotion’ with five customers winning the last five VIP tickets for the Kizz Daniel concert on Saturday at Lilongwe Golf Club.

The Bank launched the promotion earlier this month and has seen 20 customers winning Standard and VIP tickets to the show they are sponsoring with K40 million in partnership with  Epic Lifestyle.

Throughout the promotion period, the Bank has been conducting activation shows in Zomba, Lilongwe, Blantyre, Mzuzu and Mangochi with local artists performing at the shows.

NBM plc Marketing and Corporate Affairs Manager, Akossa Hiwa said the Bank decided to sponsor the event as a way of creating time to interact with the customers, promoting the recently updated M0626 Digital +, as well as NBM plc brand visibility.

She disclosed that the promotion has helped to promote digital transactions among its customers.

NBM Business process Analyst Yusuf Mdala (seated second left) draws winners as journalist witness the process

“Since the promotion started, we have seen an increased number of POS transactions and as a Bank we are happy that our customers are using plastic money which is safe and convenient. We are also happy that most people have been buying tickets to the concert through our digital platforms like the recently improved Mo626 Digital+ and Mo Pay where they have been enjoying massive discounts, some as high as K15,000 depending on the type of ticket,” she said.

On the entertainment circle, Hiwa said the concert has helped to provide a platform to the local artists.

“Apart from the promotion shows in which we have been engaging the local artists, the actual Kizz Daniel show on Saturday provides them a chance to network with international artists to grow their talent and skills,” she said.

During the final draw, Berton Marrega, Dennis Njiko, Khumbo Shaba, Malera Simbeye and Rabecca Tembo won the  VIP tickets.

Illovo Sugar dangles K8 million in Chefs Competition

Katandula (Third left)) posing with the competition judges

Illovo Sugar (Malawi) plc has relaunched the ‘Everyday Chef online cooking competition’ second series and K8 million will be up for grabs in the 8-week campaign.

The company has announced that the winner of the competition will walk away with K5 million with the second placed pocketing K2 million card and the third placed winner going home K1 million richer.

Illovo Sugar Malawi limited said it is a must for the contestants to use Illovo’s refined and dark demerara sugar as part of their ingredients. 

The decision to initiate the second series comes following the success of the inaugural edition launched last year in August 2021.

At the relaunch, Illovo Sugar (Malawi) plc’s Managing Director, Lekani Katandula said the company found it befitting to reintroduce this initiative following its success, saying this year’s competition will also have shopping mall activations.

“The Everyday Chef campaign enabled our consumers to interact with the brand by increasing awareness of refined and dark demerara sugar as they shared their recipes thereby contributing to higher brand engagements.”

“Furthermore, the initial campaign allowed us to grow our Facebook community, which is in line with our strategy of continuing to be more consumer centric. As a business, we understand that ‘amazing things happen when you listen to the consumer’. The promotion has been relaunched in order to excite our consumers and engage them in a fun and creative way while cooking and baking using the different varieties of sugar produced by Illovo,” said Katandula.

The campaign kicked off on 11th August 2022 with a cooking competition in order to select five judges who would then become the judges for the competition.  The five judges who were chosen to oversee this year’s campaign are Ipyana Mwagomba, Thobekile Nthinda, Dyson Chikolera, Portia Alimoyo, and Nelson Dhiba.

Just like last year, the promotion will primarily be conducted online and run through Illovo’s Tseketseke brand Facebook page. Each week the company will give consumers a challenge to showcase either their baking or cooking skills which they will then have to share on the Facebook page. 

The recipe with the most likes on a weekly basis will automatically be entered into the final ‘Cook-Off’ competition that will be hosted at the end of the 8-week campaign.

To complement the online efforts, shopping mall activations will be running simultaneously during weekends.  The shopping mall activations will be hosted by the five chefs who were chosen during the kick off competition of this year’s campaign.

The shopping mall activations will further enlighten consumers on the multiple uses of the white refined and dark demerara sugars produced by Illovo.

During the current promotion Illovo will run in-store sales promotions and shoppers who will buy three or more kilograms of Tseketseke sugar will stand a chance to win assorted instant prizes such as T-shirts, Aprons, cooking utensils and many more.

The winner of last year’s campaign was a Lilongwe-based businesswoman, Manase Munthali who beat seven other cooking and baking contestants in the finale. The runner-up was Chinsinsi Daudi who went away with K2 million while Hajrah Kusweje was third and walked away with K1 million.

CDEDI unmasks causes of electricity woes


By Iommie Chiwalo

The Centre for Democracy and Economic Development Initiatives (CDEDI) has put bare the current electricity problems in Malawi with a call for presidential intervention.

In a statement made available to this publication, CDEDI Executive Director, Sylvester Namiwa challenges the President Dr. Lazarus Chakwera to come up with a clear roadmap on the same or else his organization will have no option but to mobilize Malawians for nationwide peaceful demonstrations.

CDEDI conducted a fact validation exercise to unmask the causes of the electricity woes in the country where it discovered that ESCOM’s resolve to adjust the electricity tariffs as the parastatal does not get subvention from government.

Namiwa has since written the Energy Minister Ibrahim Matola, to stop this imminent electricity tariff hike.

“In addition to asking President Chakwera to come up with a clear roadmap on how he intends to address the electricity woes chocking the economy, CDEDI has also requested the minister to propose to the Minister of Finance to allocate resources in the 2022 – 2023 National Budget to meet the desired revenue requirements,” Namiwa said.

As observed in the fact validation exercise, Namiwa has also asked Reserve Bank of Malawi (RBM) Governor Dr. Wilson Banda to stop giving preferential treatment to JCM Power by allowing them to be charging ESCOM in US dollars.

“Despite the Malawi Kwacha being the legal tender in Malawi, some IPPs in the country, notably JCM Power, is charging ESCOM in United States dollars. EGENCO has also applied to both the Reserve Bank of Malawi (RBM) and MERA so that they, too, should be allowed to quote their prices in US dollars, but we have written RBM Governor to stop the trend,” says Namiwa.

Commenting on the current single buyer contention, Namiwa said MERA awarded four licenses to ESCOM following the amendment of the Electricity Act of 2016, that also led to the unbundling of ESCOM, which resulted in the birth of EGENCO as a power generation company.

The licences that were awarded to ESCOM by MERA are: Transmission for 30 years; Distribution for 20 years; System Market Operator for 25 years; Single Buyers for 25 years.

“Section 5 of the Electricity Act (amended) 2016 clearly states that the MERA shall issue licences for system and market operation and single buyer to the current holder of transmission and distribution, which is ESCOM, therefore the law must be followed as long as it is to the advantage of the nation,” he said.

CDEDI has since penned MERA Chief Executive Officer, Henry Kachaje to explain the Single Buyer licence ownership between ESCOM and PML.

“This tug-of-war between ESCOM and PML is threatening the survival of the energy sector and if not resolved speedily will soon degenerate into demotivation and sabotage,” he said.

Namiwa asks Malawi Government to consider committing financial resources from the National Budget to meet the Revenue Requirements of the power market, in order to avert the imminent electricity tariff hike, and in the process protect further deforestation and that all the Power Purchase Agreements that are not making sense should be reviewed, including the JCM contract, for the sake of ordinary people to have access and affordable electricity.

“EGENCO and all the IPPs should be stopped from milking ESCOM with immediate effect; these companies are only benefiting the ruling elites and by extension skinning Malawians alive.

“Therefore, EGENCO should be forced to put in place meters that should show daily recordings of power generation, and this is what should be paid for by the consumers, not the current status quo where the consumers are paying for what has not been produced,” suggests Namiwa.

In a joint parliamentary committee meeting with ESCOM Chief, Kamkwamba Kumwenda confirmed that his organization is playing at a loss because they even pay for what has never been delivered to it.



It is almost a year and half since former Reserve Bank Governor Dr. Dalitso Kabambe joined the opposition Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) race to become standard torchbearer in 2025 polls.

With pomp he came on the political scene and went straight into recruitment drive.

In days and months that followed, his bid failed to spark as he has only excited “a handful of already converted members of the DPP in some parts of the southern region.”

This has been worrying factor for his campaign team as they know winning the national vote requires 50+1 threshold.

All this while, DK, as Kabambe is fondly known, has been wrestling for control of delegates with erstwhile vice president for south and leader of opposition Kondwani Nankhumwa and former finance minister Joseph Mwanamvekha

It has been a bloody duel and Kabambe has failed to break resistance from Nankhumwa and Mwanamvekha’s fortified camps.

DK’s campaign has been dealt further blow with the coming on the scene of more credible aspirant in the name of vice president for east Bright Msaka.

Msaka made an announcement recently of his intention to contest at next year’s convention.

His announcement has excited mostly Malawians both within the DPP as well as non-DPP members.

Msaka, who comes from Machinga District, has an advantage as he comes with him vast experience as former head of civil service in all the years late Bingu wa Mutharika was President of Malawi as well as senior cabinet minister in Prof. Peter Mutharika’s 6 years as President.

Most political pundits we have talked to regard Msaka as formidable candidate to face incumbent head of state Dr. Lazarus Chakwera on the ballot in 2025.

One political science lecturer told this publication that Msaka comes with him in the race a clean record of no corruption baggage.

“Malawi needs a leader who is experienced and knows what he is doing. To me, Msaka has full package. Malawians booted out DPP partly due to nepotism and corruption. Msaka is not any of those two vices. If DPP is really serious of winning back power from Chakwera, then Msaka is the gem,” said the political scientist who did not want to have his name published.

Meanwhile, in desperate attempt to rescue his fading popularity, Dr. Kabambe is heading to Chingoli in Shire ward, Balaka district where there are by-elections in few days to come.

DPP is fielding Ishmael Mpina and the campaign was officially launched by vice president Msaka some weeks back.

According to party officials on the ground, all efforts to win the ward have already been done and Kabambe’s coming to the ward with a rally is desperate measure to make himself relevant.

“We have had Hon. Msaka here for whole week leading various teams on the ground. We did not see flyers to announce his involvement in the campaign. We don’t have problems with anyone coming to assist us with campaigning but doing so with pomp and all that just shows one is out to earn cheap publicity,” said a Mrs. Kambewu who is party official in Balaka district.



They say time is a river, it does not stop flowing. Like a river, the clock is fast ticking for the former ruling Democratic Progressive party (DPP) to finally exorcise its leadership succession demons as former President, Peter Mutharika, who is also the party’s President will retire next year after serving his second and final term. That is according to the constitution of the party.

So far, there have been several names that have come forward to show interest to take over from Mutharika as DPP President, and also the party’s torchbearer in 2025. Will that person be Kondwani Nankhumwa, or Dalitso Kabambe, Joseph Mwanamveka, or Paul Gadama, George Chaponda, or Bright Msaka?

Indeed, the public discourse has lately been awash with debate about who would be Mutharika’s successor in the DPP. There has been a lot of posturing and machinations by different individuals and factions to place themselves or their preferred candidate in a better position to take over.

One thing is clear for sure and that is the individual who will succeed Mutharika will have to go through an election process at a national convention in keeping with the DPP constitution. Eligible voters or delegates to the convention are drawn from the party structures from the constituency, district and regional levels across the country.

What it means is that after meeting the necessary nomination requirements, the next President of the party will have to appeal to a larger number of delegates at the national convention.

Many political pundits believe that Kondwani Nankhumwa, the incumbent Leader of the Opposition in Parliament, is the man the DPP can look up to in its pursuit to regain state power in 2025. They believe Kondwani Nankhumwa has demonstrated remarkable political maturity during the time that many senior leaders and members are engrossed in petty internal squabbling.

Kondwani Nankhumwa has demonstrated that he can command a large following with his often unifying speeches. During his public political rallies, including at Mgona in Lilongwe and at Nyambadwe in Ndirande, Blantyre, recently, Kondwani Nankhumwa decried the attitude by some party leaders who sow seeds of disunity amongst the DPP faithful, saying such attitude could cost the party heavily at the next polls in 2025.

Clearly, Kondwani Nankhumwa seems to be forward-looking and above board level of politics. Nankhumwa, who also serves as DPP Vice President (South) and Member of Parliament (MP) for Mulanje Central, has noticeably displayed loyalty to party leader Mutharika and the larger vision of the DPP.

He does not condone politics of hate and admonishes anyone who propagates or incites political violence regardless of their political extraction.

Kondwani Nankhumwa’s ability to connect with the youths in this country is an asset for the DPP, especially in view of the fact that a majority of registered voters in Malawi are youths.

As Southern Region Vice President for the DPP, the party’s main support base, it appears Kondwani Nankhumwa is fully aware of the responsibilities that he has to ensure that this level of support is sustained.

He knows what ought to be done so that people in the region should retain the feeling of belonging to the party and that they do not become disfranchised. Kondwani Nankhumwa is also articulate and knows what must be said to the people and at which times.

Although Kondwani Nankhumwa is young and appeals mainly to the youths, it does not take away the fact that he is a very experienced politician with a detailed institutional memory of the DPP having risen through the ranks of the party to become Vice President for the South.

Kondwani Nankhumwa has served in the public service as Deputy Cabinet Minister and Cabinet Minister for Information, Local Government and Rural Development, and Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Co-operation. In Parliament, he was appointed by President Mutharika during the DPP government as Leader of Government Business in Parliament (Leader of the House). He is currently Leader of the Opposition in Parliament.

In a nutshell, Kondwani Nankhumwa has a good track record, as a politician. He is the true servant of the people and seems poised to take over the leadership mantle.


Five more NBM customers win concert tickets in promo

NBM Business Process Analyst Yusuf Mdala (seated) draws the winners as Malawi Gaming and Lotteries Board and NBM officials look on

Five more National Bank of Malawi (NBM) plc customers have won standard tickets to the Kizz Daniel concert in the on-going NBM Kizz Daniel Transact and Win promotion.

In the third draw held in Blantyre on Tuesday, the five bring the number of winners to 15 of whom 5 won VIP tickets to the concert which the Bank is sponsoring in partnership with Epic Lifestyle.

The five customers who won the standard tickets are Christopher Mlauzi, Exquisite Cleaners, Lillian Macheso, Mayamiko Mwamadi and Victor Walawala.

NBM plc Marketing and Corporate Affairs Manager Akossa Hiwa said five more customers are expected to win VIP tickets during the final draw of the promotion next week.

“We provided a total of 20 tickets to the Kizz Daniel Concert which will be held in Lilongwe on 27 August 2022 and so far we have seen 10 of our customers winning 10 standard tickets and five won VIP tickets. The response to the promotion has been very good, our customers are using our Point of Sale (PoS) devices a lot more,” said Hiwa.

She added that the Bank partnered Epic Lifestyle on the concert to promote the Bank’s digital platforms Mo626 Digital+, which has new features, Mo Wallet, Mo Pay, POS devices and Agent Banking among others.

Hiwa said those purchasing the concert tickets using the digital platforms such as Mo626 ice, Mo Wallet, Mo Pay and POS are enjoying massive discounts of up to K15 000 depending on the type of the ticket.

Ticket sales on Mo626 ice will be discontinued at midnight on the 26th of August 2022.

The Popular Nigerian musician Kizz Daniel will perform at the Lilongwe Golf Club and will be supported by almost 10 local popular acts.

MOVIE ROOM: New Movie Channel Coming to DStv & GOtv

All is set for the launch of new movie channel, Movie Room on 27 August and will be available to DStv subscribers on to DStv Premium, Compact Plus, Compact, Family & Access packages on channel 113.

And for GOtv customers it will be available on Supa and Max packages on channel 28.

The movie channel is the brainchild of Ngwato Nkosi Group, known as the founders of Newzroom Afrika news and information service airing on DStv channel 405.

The company, which is a partnership between television entrepreneurs Thabile Ngwato and Thokozani Nkosi, is building on the strong platform created by Newzroom Afrika to expand its entertainment business with the launch of Movie Room.

“This channel will offer entertaining local and international movies 24/7, from big blockbuster hits to unforgettable cinema classics,” said Nkosi. “We’ll be carefully curating the line-up to cater for every mood – whether it’s edge-of-your-seat action you’re after or the comfort of an old favourite. Of course, we’ll also apply the unique perspective that we’ve become known for,” Nkosi said.

Ngwato said the company had a bold ambition to build an African news and entertainment platform for the future.

“This is an exciting next step in our journey. Newzroom Afrika has been successful beyond all expectations, and we will use the experience of setting up the channel from scratch to make smart decisions in our approach with Movie Room.

Movie Room will give viewers even more options in their selection of entertainment for every viewing occasion

For more information and Movie Room schedules visit or

Illovo Back with Every Day Chef Promo…MK8 Million Up for Grabs

Illovo Sugar Malawi, a leading sugar producer operating in the country, has launched the second series of Everyday Chef Promotion in which winners will share MK 8 Million.

Company’s Managing Director Lekani Katandula said the Everyday Chef Campaign which is an online focused promotion will run for a period of 8 weeks from 11th August to 6th October 2022

According to Katandula, the Everyday chef campaign enabled illovo consumers to interact with the brand by increasing awareness of refined and dark demerara sugar as they shared their recipes thereby contributing to higher brand engagements.

“The promotion will primarily be conducted online and run through our Illovo Tseketseke brand Facebook (FB) page. Each week Illovo will give consumers a challenge to showcase either their baking or cooking skills, which they will then have to share on the FB page.

“The recipe with the most likes on a weekly basis will automatically be entered into the final ‘Cook-Off’ competition that we will host at the end of the 8 week campaign.

A total of K8 million will be won; this will include a first place prize of K5 million, second place prize of K2 million and K1 million for third place,” said Katandula at Mount Soche in Blantyre during the launch.

Katandula further said: “To complement the online efforts, we will simultaneously be running shopping mall activations during the weekends which will be hosted by the winning Chefs selected tonight as part of this 1st phase of this year’s campaign.

“The purpose of these activities is to further educate our consumers on the multiple uses of the white refined and dark demerara sugar.

“In addition we will also run sales promotions in store, where shoppers who will buy 3 or more kgs of Illovo sugar will stand a chance to win assorted instant prizes like t-shirts, aprons, cooking utensils and many more.”

He added: “We hope this promotion will excite our consumers and engage them in a fun and creative way while trying cooking and baking using the different varieties of sugar which we produce.”

Illovo Sugar Malawi Plc supplies more than 60% of its total sugar sales into the domestic consumer and industrial markets, and a portion of the balance exported regionally within the sub-continent.

Standard Bank ups the drive on digital banking: Dangles K6 million in Tisanje

Standard Bank’s Head of Consumer & High Net Worth Clients Charity Mughogho

As more Malawians turn to digital technology for their financial inclusion needs, Standard Bank Plc has dangled a grand prize of K6 million to any lucky customer who transacts more with the bank’s digital platforms.

Launching a promotion dubbed Tisanje in Lilongwe, the bank’s Head of Consumer & High Net Worth Clients Charity Mughogho said it seeks to reward clients frequently using self-service digital channels available on mobile phones, laptops and computers.

“With our online platforms 247 Mobile (*247#), 247 Online (Internet Banking) and 247 Smart App we have achieved remarkable growth; a sign that we are exciting our clients in the digital transformation journey. We remain confident that we will do more as we continue to innovate and come up with promotions like Tisanje,” she said.

She said the promotion reiterates the bank’s commitment to being client-centric and helping clients maximize their experience in the digital banking ecosystem. To enter this promotion, an account holder needs to maintain an account balance of MK20,000 within a month and transact at least 3 times on the bank’s digital channels. Through*247#, the Standard Bank mobile application or 247 Online.

“We are glad to note that our digital offerings continue to help clients manage their lives better and efficiently. This promotion is aimed at engaging customers in the difficult economic times by offering cash prizes to lucky participants,” said Mughogho.

The promotion comes as there is growing usage of digital channels by Malawian clients, whixh has reduced reliance on physical banking at branches, according to official statistics.

Tisanje will run for three months to October during which clients will win cash prizes every month and a grand prize of K6 million.

“As a Bank we recognise that our clients are sailing through hard economic times hence we have outlined different cash prizes. In addition to the grand prize, monthly draws will see one client winning K500, 000, two clients carting home K300, 000 each and K100, 000 going to five lucky clients,” added Mughogho.

Mughogho urged clients to continue enjoying the bank’s safe, reliable, smart and convenient online platforms to maximize their chances of winning.

“To enter the Tisanje promotion clients need to maintain a minimum account balance of K20,000 and transact at least three times a month on *247#, 247 Online or 247 Smart App,” she said.

Amongst the many transactions that are available on Standard Bank digital channels, customers can buy airtime for both TNM and Airtel, purchase ESCOM prepaid units, pay water bills for all Water Boards, taxes to MRA and TV Subscriptions for DStv and GOtv.

Standard Bank has vowed to continue driving the growth of Malawi and remains committed to transforming lives using innovations that give people convenience as they run their daily personal and business transactions.

Bushiri, Janta buy several copies of Kelvin Sulugwe’s book

A friend inneed and indeed

Prophet Shepherd Bushiri and musician Janta have bought several copies of Kelvin Sulugwe’s In Honest Ways Book.

Sulugwe posted a photo of himself and Bushiri after the man of God had bought 20 copies for himself and the people around him.

“Thank you Prophet Shepherd Bushiri for buying 20 copies of my book, In Honest Ways. I will always be grateful to him for the support. Our journey has had its lows and highs, but through it all, the spirit of reconciliation and oneness has prevailed. It’s been 6 years since I ceased being his Public Relations Officer (PRO), but it still feels like just yesterday,” posted Sulugwe.

According to the post by Sulugwr, Bushiri also asked him to write his story.

“I am glad that he is proud of my personal growth, achievements and the man I have become for the society. And he said, “I still want you to write my story someday, you are one of the few people who understand my beginning and the struggles I faced. Tell it as you see fit,” he said.

Musician Janta also posted his encounter with Sulugwe when he announced that he had bought 5 copies of the book, 4 of which he intends to share with his top fans.

“If there is one person I am glad to support willingly without being approached to do so then it’s Kelvin Sulugwe. I will buy 5 copies of his book, In Honest Ways,” posted Janta.

According to Sulugwe, his book will be officially out this monthend and will be available on all digital stores, however, he is currently selling promotion copies at K100,000 each. From September, the book will sell at K20,000

NBS Bank hails junior golf tourney

NBS Bank plc Chief operating Officer Shadreck Chikusilo (left) awarding Kilian M’mangeni winner of the 18 Holes Boys category

Listed NBS Bank plc has said it is delighted to see the growth of golf in various age groups including the youth saying it signifies the growth of the game.

NBS Bank plc Chief Operating Officer Shadreck Chikusilo spoke at the weekend during the prize presentation of the NBS Bank sponsored junior golf tournament staged at the Blantyre Sports Club.

“As a Bank, we have long since valued golf as a sport, and I am delighted to see the growth of the game to include various age groups including children and the millennial generations. You can attest that supporting golf has been, and is, one of NBS Bank’s legacies,” said Chikusilo.

The junior golfer winners poses with NBS Bank officials, BSC and parents

He also advised parents that they can be saving for their children by opening the NBS Bank Youth Account which they can manage on their behalf until they attained a required age and the account can be fully transferred to the child’s name.

During the junior tournament, Kilian M’mangeni came tops in the 18-hole boys category followed by Nkhwazi Kamkwalala and Nathan Juma while in the girl’s category Kayla Chihana was in first position followed by Clara Makawa and Hilary Mavimira.

In the 9-holes boys category, the accolade went to  Bhezikiwe Muyaya followed by Lian Nsapato and Nicholas Muhire while in the girls category Mary -Grace Mphatso carried the day followed by Glory Dzimbiri and Tamanda Mkandawire.

Some of the Junior golfers poses before teeing off

The 5-holes mixed category had Luthando Longwe in first position followed by Wala Kamkwalala and Jeremiah Mphatso while Jayden Nkhata won the 3-holes category.

BSC Vice Golf Captain Honest Chirwa hailed NBS Bank plc for sponsoring the junior golf tournament saying the gesture will help in promoting the game of golf in the country.

“There is no hope for golf in Malawi if companies do not invest in Junior Golfers. NBS Bank plc is indeed helping to build our nation. Let us be a part of it. Over 50 junior golfers have participated in this event,” said Chirwa.

NBS Bank sponsors Junior Golf Tournament at BSC

NBS Bank plc Head of Marketing and Customer Experience Tamanda Longwe

Listed NBS Bank plc has organized a junior golf tournament to be played at the Blantyre Sports Club (BSC) on Sunday.

NBS Bank plc Head of Marketing and Customer Experience Tamanda Longwe said the Bank felt compared to supporting the junior golfers with a tournament as it believes in nurturing talent of youths.

“NBS Bank is already into mentorship of young girls and boys through our partnership with Shaping Our Future Foundation and in line with this, we’d like to nurture the junior golfers in the sport which the Bank has long since supported. They are the future of golf in Malawi,” said Longwe.

She also said the young golfers will have a surprise special guest on the day to motivate them to do well in the sport.

BSC Golf Captain Chimwemwe Chimwaza commended NBS Bank plc for the sponsorship of the junior golf tournament.

“The game of golf complements child development very well. It teaches planning, patience, discipline and many other values. The children really enjoy having a tournament and this is the first time this year they will have their tournament sponsored.”

“We as Blantyre Sports Club Golf section are very excited to have NBS Bank headlining this event. It shows how much the Red Brigade (NBS Bank) cares about making a difference and this gesture must not be taken lightly. All the children and parents are looking forward to a great golfing day,” said Chimwaza.

Rephaiah, Kuhes partner to manufacture medicines

Dr Kumpalume sharing ideas with the team

Rephaiah, a research focused pharmaceutical company registered in Iceland has partnered Kamuzu University of Health Sciences (KUHeS), a leading science and medical institution in Malawi to manufacture vaccines, fluids, antibiotics and painkillers in a deal worth US$33 million (about K33 billion).

Kuhes has an ambitious strategic plan of establishing a state-of-the-art manufacturing facility with over 7000 square meters  and construction is projected to start in the first quarter of  2023.

Dean of School of Life Sciences and Allied Health Professionals, at KUHES, Associate Prof Arox Kamng’ona said  when COVID-19 hit, people were asking where College of Medicine is (as it was known then) saying they were justified to ask such questions.

“As the leading institution housing advanced medicine research experts in this country, we had no locally developed product to help in the fight against coronavirus disease. All we offered was our expert training in patient care. We were urged by the Minister of Health and by The President to rise to the challenge.”

“The university has placed research and manufacturing of medicine at the top of our deliverables and we intend to meet this target within the next five years,” said Kamng’ona.

From L to R Dr Felix Khuluza, Prof Gizurarson, Ass. Prof. Kamng’ona, Dr Peter Kumpalume

He said when completed, the pharmaceutical manufacturing plant will be able to manufacture vaccines, fluids, antibiotics and painkillers.

“As a university we realize we need partners with complementary skill sets and expertise. We have found in Rephaiah a perfect partner,” said Kamng’ona.

Rephaiah’s mission in Malawi is to establish a not-for-profit pharmaceutical manufacturing entity and its core business is pediatric medicines because very few medicines are developed with the special needs of children in mind.

In Malawi Rephaiah has established a Not-for-Profit pharmaceutical manufacturing entity with Hellen Chabunya as one of its directors.

“Our commitment is to propel Malawi as a center of excellence and preferred supplier for medicines in Africa, Rephaiah was registered in Malawi because our plan is that Rephaiah will be fully owned and operated by indigenous Malawians once we have fully leverage on the global expertise we have with our partners and have trained the necessary people for the sustainable continuity of this business in keeping with our mission and service to Malawi,” said Chabunya.

Founder of Rephaiah Prof Sveinbjorn Gizurarson said Rephaiah couldn’t find a more perfect partner than KUHeS.

This is an institution already in the business of providing the best care for patients, Rephaiah and KUHeS  have shared common values and together we have the expertise to set our goal on Malawians manufacturing medicines for both a national and an international market.”

There is already a strong demand for certain drugs in the whole of Sub-Saharan Africa and we see therefore no need to wait any longer for manufacturing to start”, said Prof Sveinbjorn.

The two institutions plan to start small scale manufacturing at the current Kamuzu University site in Blantyre as they wait for the construction of the much bigger facility near Chileka airport.

 The team toured some facilities that can be renovated to meet WHO standards for manufacturing of medicines.

The two organisations committed to clearing the legal and agreement terms before the end of this year with possible manufacturing commencement in 2023.

Five NBM plc customers win VIP Kizz Daniel concert tickets

NBM plc Business Process Analyst Yusuf Mdala (second left) draws winners

Five National Bank of Malawi (NBM) plc customers have won VIP tickets to the Kizz Daniel concert through the on-going ‘Transact and Win NBM Kizz Daniel promotion.

Speaking during the second draw of the promotion in Blantyre on Tuesday, NBM plc Marketing and Corporate Affairs Manager Akossa Hiwa said the Bank is impressed with the response of the customers in the promotion ahead of the concert.

“Our key objective with this partnership is to promote  use of our digital platforms and in this particular promotion;  our customers stand a chance of winning tickets to the Kizz Daniel Concert if they transact using their NBM plc card at any NBM plc POS device nationwide ,” said Hiwa.

“An analysis of the transactions reveals an increase in usage, which we will work to sustain as they come to appreciate the freedom that comes with not having to carry cash around when shopping,” added Hiwa.

NBM plc recently announced a partnership with Epic Lifestyle ahead of the Kizz Daniel Concert which will take place in Lilongwe on the 27th of August..

During the draw on Tuesday, five people won  VIP tickets. Those who won the tickets are Khama Chibwana, Kundai Mbawala, Madalitso Nyanjagha, Mateso Kazembe and Naibiao Chen.

Last week, during the first promotion draw, another five people won standard tickets to the concert.

Hiwa added that apart from the ‘Transact and win promotion’, customers who are buying their tickets to the concert using other NBM plc digital platforms –  Mo626 ice, Mo Pay and POS will enjoy massive discounts that range between K15,000 to K5000 depending on the type of ticket purchased.

Parliament passes Gaming and Lotteries Bill

Mijiga-We are happy

Parliament has passed the Gaming and Lotteries Bill which will see the merging of the Malawi Gaming Board (MGB) and the National Lotteries Board (NLB) to create the Malawi Gaming and Lotteries Authority (MAGLA).

The passing of the bill will see the repeal of the Lotteries Act and the Gaming Act and create a unified framework (Gaming and Lotteries Act of 2022).

Malawi Gaming and National Lotteries Boards Chief Executive Officer Rachel Mijiga hailed the National Assembly for passing the bill saying the new Authority will bring sanity in the industry.

“We are very happy with this development. We have been fighting for this bill to be passed so that MAGLA should bring sanity in the industry and also promote healthy competition and efficiency among operators for the benefit of players as well as growth of the industry,” said Mijiga.

She said the new Act, among other things, introduces  Electronic Monitoring System (EMS) and also brings in responsible advertising requirements as well as an obligation to be compliant with the Financial Crimes Act where there will be confirmation of beneficial ownership as a licensing condition and  risk-based approach monitoring of operations.

“The new Act will also allow for the multiple licensing option for the state-franchised National Lottery License to  open up more revenue streams to raise funds towards the National Lottery Distribution Fund whose sole purpose is projects  for ‘Good Causes’ and to secure continuity in case of business failure by one operator,” said Mijiga.

Mijiga also said there was benchmarking with other jurisdictions within the region with desk research done using legislation from Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania and a study tour to Malta was also undertaken to make the new Act relevant ‘to the times we are in’.

The CEO also said that a provision has been inserted in the Act to legislate online betting adding that regulations will be promulgated to that effect.

“We will also have an Electronic Monitoring System (EMS) for monitoring activities and we will also establish the ICT department and recruit ICT officers so that we properly regulate online betting,” said Mijiga.

She further said the Act has introduced stiffer penalties for those operators accommodating minors and that their  expectation is that everyone will adhere to the law and protect the future leaders, future workforce of Malawi.

“Over the years, the magnitude of offences has increased and therefore the stiffer penalties are there to deter offenders and going forward, we will be updating legislation to align it with current world trends,” explained Mijiga.

Asked on how the new Act will address issues around addiction, Mijiga said ; “This is already being attended to, for instance, there is an MOU with St John of God where problem-gamblers are treated and the Board covers the cost of treatment and we will also enforce self-exclusion and continue with our awareness campaigns.”

Standard Bank invests K23.5m in greenhouse farming

Lowe cuts ribbon to symbolize official handover of the green houses from Standard Bank

Standard Bank Plc has invested K23.5 million in two greenhouses and a training centre at Inosselia’s GGL farm near Kamuzu International Airport in Lilongwe.

The facilities will be used to train smallholder vegetable farmers from surrounding districts and are part of a strategic relationship between Standard Bank Plc, agriculture investment group Inosselia and the Green Belt Authority (GBA).

“At Standard Bank we are taking a deliberate position to forge partnerships in the agriculture sector aiming to contribute towards food security, income generation and enterprise growth as since agriculture remains the main pillar of our economy,” said Margareth Chirwa, the bank’s Board Director.

LOWE: What is happening at Standard Bank is a radical shift and very inspiring

In the wake of climate change which has challenged traditional methods of agriculture, Standard Bank’s focus is on promoting farmer’s adaptation to smart agriculture and create sustainability of the sector.

“We believe that the green house farming will help smallholder farmers expand their crop variety within a small area, extend their growing season as they will not be wholly reliant on rain fed agriculture. With a greenhouse, many different techniques can be used to keep the temperatures stable, causing less stress to the plants and promoting strong growth much earlier in the year. And minimize external threats to their crops,” she said.

Agriculture Minister Lobin Lowe said horticulture is an important source of income for smallholder farmers and commended Standard Bank for recently repositioning to support the agriculture sector.

“Banks have been passive on supporting farmers with finance, but what is happening at Standard Bank is a radical shift and very inspiring. The agriculture sector is benefiting a lot from the bank’s passion through implementation of initiatives that aimed at propelling Malawi’s development,” he said.

Chirwa: At Standard Bank we are taking a deliberate position to forge partnerships in the agriculture sector

Inosselia Malawi Country Director Michael Gorelik applauded Standard Bank’s unique Corporate Social Responsibility approach which he said would benefit smallholder farmers through skills transfer in horticulture.

“We were lucky to partner with Standard Bank. Their CSR vision and social commitments coincides and matches with Inosselia’s and that of the Ministry of Agriculture. It is a match made in Lumbadzi,” said Gorelik.

Under a partnership with the Greenbelt Authority, Inosselia is running a high-tech 16-hectare greenhouse field with a weekly output of 50 tons of vegetables supplied to major retailers in Malawi.

The project has helped facilitate import substitution for vegetables in major retail shops such as Shoprite, Food Lovers and Sana with plans to challenge the export markets in SADC.

Chakwera’s Tonse Administration Must Create 1 Million Jobs for Youths – Nankhumwa


Malawi youth unemployment rate is relatively one of the highest in the world and the President Lazarus Chakwera’s Tonse Alliance government must ensure that there are practical programmes to absorb Malawi’s young men and women in meaningful enterprises, Leader of Opposition in Parliament Kondwani Nankhumwa has said.

Speaking moments before Parliament rose after the 6th meeting of the 49th session of Parliament on Friday Nankhumwa said among other things, the Tonse Alliance promised young men and women jobs, loans to start businesses, and skills’ development programmes so that they become self-reliant and stand on their own two feet.

“Today, it appears a cat has eaten out all those promises. Today, under the Tonse Alliance administration, there are no jobs for the youths. The much-touted 1 million jobs in the first 12 months of this government are now a thing of the past.

“We also just hear from the media that the government is distributing loans through NEEF, but we have no clue about who exactly is getting these loans,” said Nankhumwa

The Mulanje Central legislator said “without being personal”, this is not the time for the government “to be plucking people from their retirement to take up jobs in the public sector”.

“Malawi has so many qualified young men and women who are suffering due to lack of jobs. Should they still wait for tomorrow to get a job in the public sector even when they are well qualified? How far is this ‘tomorrow’?

“Madam Speaker, Some of the decisions President [Lazarus] Chakwera makes are not just a mockery to our young women and men but also sinful in the eyes of God. Should we be surprised, therefore, when the youths rush to the streets every time there is a call for demonstrations?

“I challenge President Chakwera and the Tonse Alliance government to fix the economy because that is the only language Malawians can understand. The economy should not be fixed by word of mouth alone but it must positively impact the daily lives of Malawians,” said Nankhumwa.

Opposition Leader Nankhumwa Says Malawi’s Economy in ‘ICU’

The Leader of Opposition in Parliament, Dr. Kondwani Nankhumwa, says Malawi economy ‘is not performing well’ as claimed by President Reverend Dr.  Lazarus Chakwera.

“Last week, I heard President Chakwera saying Malawi’s economy is doing fine, and that it is on the rise. Mr. President, you do not need to shout from a rooftop for people to come and see an economy, which is on the rise.

“An economy on the rise is self-evident,” said Nankhumwa when he presented his closing at the end of the 6th meeting of the 49th session of Parliament in Lilongwe on Friday

Nankhumwa said the opposition has talked persistently about macroeconomic fundamentals that are telling a sad story about our economy, observing that inflation is currently in the double digits and prices of basic goods continue to skyrocket. Additionally, the government continues to borrow too much domestically, he said.

“The austerity measures as announced by President Chakwera and the Secretary to the President and Cabinet have just crumbled before our own eyes because the addiction to spending is just too much starting from State House down to government ministries, departments and agencies (MDAs).

“Something is just so wrong about the management of our economy. I can go on and on to demonstrate that ours is not a profile of an economy on the mend,” he said.

Nankhumwa, who is also opposition Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) Vice President (South) said when economy is ticking, “the citizens can feel it in their houses, and in their pockets”.

“The citizens can feel it when they go to the market to buy food; when they walk on the road; when they go to work; when they go to school; when they go to Church; and when they go to the Mosque.

“Madam Speaker, I am afraid; this is not the case with our economy right now. At the moment, the Malawi economy is in ICU, and to say that Malawi is rising against all these economic hardships is an insult to Malawians.

I, therefore, condemn the President’s statement in its entirety,” said the Leader of Opposition in Parliament, adding that the variables of the Malawi economy tell a different story “than the one being trumpeted”.

He said for example, the government announced recently that the number of Agricultural Inputs Programme (AIP) beneficiaries will be reduced by half this growing season. What this means is that the number of people that will be prone to hunger next year has increased, he said.

“As I am talking, this government does not have any idea of how to bring fertilizer into the country for AIP this year because of inadequate forex to pay for the product. What is even worse is that the little fertilizer that may be imported will be very expensive for Malawians to afford translating, again, to hunger next season.

 “What this also means, Madam Speaker, is that despite all the pomp about AIP, the programme is not a feasible solution to this country’s food security challenges. I have always said that as a country, we need to graduate from relying on rain-fed agriculture and instead focus on serious irrigation farming.

“We have plenty of water in Lake Malawi, and plenty of other water bodies that are underutilized. I am of the opinion that this government is not doing enough on irrigation and that it is important that more effort and resources are invested in massive irrigation development to ensure long-term food security,” he advised.

The opposition leader said Malawians “are tired” of the non-stop blaming of Covid-19 and the war in Ukraine for our economic woes, urging the Tonse Alliance government to deliver for Malawians as promised during the campaign period.

“Malawians need practical solutions to their economic hardships. Malawians need rapid improvement in the quality of life and standard of living,” said Nankhumwa.

Illovo Hailed for Renovating Blood Bank Room at Ngabu Hospital in Chikwawa


Malawi Blood Transfusion Services (MBTS) has commended Illovo Malawi, a leading sugar producer company operating in the country, for renovating the blood bank room at Ngabu Hospital in Chikwawa district.

MBTs Public Relations Manager, Allen Kaombe, made the commendation on Thursday during the official handover of the blood bank room which has been renovated to the tune of MK 5 Million.

“On behalf of the government and MBTs, I would like to commend Illovo for renovating this blood bank room,” said Kaombe adding that “This blood bank room will help to save lives of people in need of blood in the lowershire and the surrounding district”.

Kaombe further described the donation as timely considering that Malawi is in need of blood bank rooms across the country. He also called upon companies and organizations to emulate Illovo’s gesture.

On his part, Illovo Sugar Malawi Limited Nchalo Estate General Manager, Geoff Trott, said the company decided to rehabilitate the blood bank room as part of corporate social responsibility as well part of ensuring a thriving community.

“Today’s event counts as part of our efforts to remain socially responsible by playing a role in ensuring a thriving and healthy community in areas we operate” said Trott

He further said that Illovo Malawi recognizes the need for having a safe and reliable blood bank room.

In March, Illovo Malawi donated a multi-million kwacha Blood Bank Fridge which has been installed at the renovated site.

Illovo Malawi is one of the country’s largest single private-sector employers providing direct employment for 9 000 people permanent, seasonal and casual employees and an additional 5 000 direct and indirect contractors creating a total of 14 000 jobs.

Illovo is also a major contributor to the Malawian tax authorities through direct and indirect taxes. The company further supports an estimated 5 200 smallholder cane farmers through various smallholder schemes.

OneZed Channel Encourages Malawian Filmmakers to Submit Proposals for Series  

OneZed, a pan-African Channel that caters for the Zambian as well as Malawian markets, has encouraged filmmakers to submit proposals for Comedy and Drama TV series that tell Malawian stories.

In an interview with Malawi Voice on Wednesday Head for OneZed Channel and Zambezi Magic, Mosibudi Pheeha, said they are looking for proposals that reflect authentic Malawian stories with an outstanding storyline.

“We are encouraging filmmakers with unique Malawian stories to tell; to submit their proposals for a Comedy and Drama TV series,” said Pheeha in a Zoom interview with Malawi Voice

Among others, Pheeha, said the proposal must clearly highlight the main theme, character biography for main actors; clearly explain why the story is important and why it should be produced.

The closing date for receiving the proposals is 29th August 202; and the proposals are submitted through the M-Net corporate submissions portal.

For full proposal requirements and submissions applicants can visit

OneZed is on DStv (channel 172) and GOtv (channel 8); the channel provides viewers with shows that tell truly African stories.

Friends of Sattar family’s Bursary Fund bails out 25 Chitukula CDSS learners from dropping school


About 25 learners from Chitukula Community Day Secondary School (CDSS) in the rural Lilongwe have been rescued from being chased out the institution following paying of their fees, thanks to Friends of Sattar’s Family Fund able hand.

Out of 25 learners who were in the verge of dropping school 19 are girls.

The support comes amid huge drop outs at the school as many female learners are opting for early marriages.

According to the fund’s team leader Lumbani Tembo, school management approach them after a number of learners were not reporting for classes due to school fees.

Tembo told this publication that the paid school fees will cover the students education life circle at the institution.

“The needy students will be supported with school fees till they finish their education at the institution. We can’t afford brilliant young girls dropping out school of MK15, 000. 00 per term.

“We want to carry them all into their education life circle at the institution. We have started with 25 learners for this final term that come October, in new term, the number will increase depending on school management assessment on needy student,” assures Tembo.

He added that apart from school fees, the fund is expected to support self boarding female learners at the institution.

One of the beneficiaries Ruth Lester, a form One learner minced her words with excitement of attending classes at peace while assuring fund’s team of working hard to realise her dream of becoming a nurse.

School’ Parents and Teachers Association (PTA) Baloni Yolofesi lauded the fund team for the timely support towards needy learners fees.

Yolofesi assured the fund team of proper utilisation of the support rendered to their children.

The School’s Headteacher Patson Khumalo applauded the team for the support while appealing for more help on the need for administrative block which the school do not have.

Khumalo disclosed that the school’s performance lower than anticipated due to lack teacher houses who travels about 12kms daily for work.

“With long distance the teachers take for work, learners are always unable to finish syllabus hence poor results in national examinations.

“Imagine, one classroom is used for administrative, library and laboratory. How can you expect learners to do well in national examinations? worried head teacher.

He added, “The school has only two houses out of 13 teachers with only for three school blocks.

“However, with the school fees provided, we expect reduction of drop outs as many learners will be back to school and motivate others.

“We therefore other well-wishers to help also with girls hostel as many travel long distances that affect their classes attendance”.

Established in 1997, the school has the enrollment of 260 (126 boys and 134 girls) and is located at Traditional Authority (T.A) Chitukula headquarters in the Lilongwe City North Constituency.

Sattar’s family bursary fund rolled out three years ago aimed at supporting needy students in primary, scondary and tertiary education across the country.

Last month the team’ s fund donated of assorted items worth millions to the financially struggling Malingunde School of the Blind in the rural Lilongwe.

Currently, the fund is being restructured to cover also following areas talent identification and vulnerable communities.

NBS Bank concludes ‘Win a Car’ promo

A journalist draws a winner in the promotion

Listed NBS Bank plc has concluded a four month ‘Win a Car’ promotion which has seen a teacher named Humphrey Sandram being a proud owner of a Tayota Vits.

Speaking in Blantyre during the final draw of the promotion, NBS Bank plc Head of Marketing and Customer Experience Tamanda Longwe said the promotion was aimed at promoting a saving culture amongst their customers and also encouraging them to transact using their various digital platforms.

For customers to win prizes in the promotion which also included fridges and cash, all they had to do was to open a savings or current account, deposit a minimum of K50,000, plus register on at least 2 digital products for new customers while existing customers were required to deposit a minimum of MK50,000 into their savings or current account and conduct at least 3 transactions on any digital products.

“This has been an exciting time for our customers as well as a rewarding one as the Bank has always been passionate about positively changing the lives of our customers by providing financial solutions that offer convenience as well as an impact on their lives,” said Longwe.

She gave some examples of how the Bank has impacted on the lives of ordinary Malawians.

“The Bank changed the life of a Primary school teacher in Liwonde after she won a house worth K20million in the NBS Bank Nyumba Yanga promotion in 2015. Another customer from Area 25 Lilongwe won a shop full of groceries worth K3million in the NBS Bank Win A Shop Promotion in 2019. Lastly, another customer, a vegetable seller from Rumphi, also won a MK15million house in the Win A House Promotion in Mzuzu City in 2014.”

“The rewards we give are in line with our tagline ‘Your Caring Bank’. Being a local Bank, we feel that our impact must be felt beyond simply offering ‘Eazy’ banking solutions,” said Longwe.

NBM plc concludes Independence month promotion

NBM plc Marketing and Corporate Affairs Manager Akossa Hiwa

National Bank of Malawi (NBM) plc has concluded a month-long Independence month promotion where the bank was running quizzes on its social media pages on facts about Malawi as part of 58 years independence celebrations in the month of July.

The promotion saw 20 people who got the questions right winning the Bank’s My Fuel card loaded with K100,000 worth of fuel or cash if they did not want the fuel and another 20 people getting hampers with Malawian products worth k50,000.

NBM plc Marketing and Corporate Affairs Manager Akossa Hiwa said in an interview yesterday that the Bank is satisfied with the promotion which created excitement among Malawians about some facts about their country.

“We are happy that the promotion created excitement as many people participated and all of us, ourselves inclusive, learned some interesting facts  about our country. Our social media pages were very active during this period and the engagement on the Trivia cascaded to engagement on our products, services and general information.  As ‘The Bank of the Nation’ we found it meaningful to conduct this promotion during the independence celebrations month of July,” said Hiwa.

Throughout the month of July, the Bank posted trivia questions on its Facebook page every Friday. .

Esau Kalungulu, a fourth year Public Health student at Malamulo College of Health Sciences who won K100,000.00, hailed NBM plc for the promotion.

“This money will really help me in my education because I won it when I was too broke. I wish the Bank could have conducted this promotion for at least two months. But I am grateful to NBM plc for the trivia quiz promotion that has taught us about our country,” said Kalungulu.

He said  he won after correctly responding to which medical school in the United States of America (USA)  Malawi’s first President the late Dr Hastings Kamuzu Banda graduated from. Kalungulu’s answer was Meharry Medical School.

PIL ‘fuels’ Senga Bay Primary School with textbooks

Msimuko (left) presents the books to Chigwetseni and other pupils at Senga Bay primary School

Petroleum Importers Limited (PIL) has donated textbooks worth K3 million to Senga Bay Primary School in Salima as part of its corporate social responsibility programme.

PIL General Manager, Martin Msimuko led the staff in the exercise on the sidelines of a business review meeting which was held in Salima at the weekend.

“Petroleum Importers Limited with the approval from the board decided to help with learning materials to Senga Bay primary school as part of giving back to the community. PIL believes that education is key to development and that it is only educated youths that can help in the socio-economic development of our country.”

“We know that education helps ordinary young men become extraordinary citizens of their country, with this donation of books we believe the learners will be recharged to work extra hard in their studies,” said Msimuko.

He added that PIL is aware that  many schools in the country lack a lot of things for their education to go on smoothly.

“That is why PIL has education support as one of the important pillars in its Corporate Social Responsibility programs. We are ready to support the government to ensure that our learners have adequate learning materials for them to excel in their education,” explained Msimuko.

PIL staff members presents the books to Senga Bay Primary School pupils

Senga Bay Primary School Headteacher, Daliken Chigwetseni commended PIL for the donation saying it will help the learners follow lessons as they are being taught.

Chigwetseni then pleaded for more assistance saying the books will still not be enough for 2257 pupils at the schools.

“During the COVID-19 holiday, we gave some few remaining books to the pupils for studies, but most of them were not returned. Teaching without textbooks has really been a challenge until PIL remembered us. We are grateful,” he said.

Cecilia Njoka, a Standard Seven pupil also thanked PIL for the assistance.

“The situation has been forcing us to be learning in pairs or groups sharing a book, but this time we will be able to follow what we are taught with a book each,” she said.

According to Chigwetseni, out of the total number of pupils at the school, 1080 are boys.

PIL imports bulk fuel into the country since 1999 and is wholly owned by Puma Energy Limited, TotalEnergies Malawi Limited, Petroda Limited, and Vivo Energy.

GET TO KNOW BRIGHT MSAKA (SC):DPP’s Presidential Hopeful

Get to know Bright Msaka SC-The Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) eastern region Vice President who has declared his interest to join the race for the DPP presidency at the convention slated for 2023.

BUT WHO IS BRIGHT MSAKA SC? Here is his profile;

 Bright Msaka SC (Senior Counsel) is a Malawian politician, long serving diplomat, a former cabinet minister in different portfolios, former Secretary to the President and Cabinet for a period of Nine (9) years and a lawyer by profession who was born on 4th October 1959.

He is the current Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) Vice President for Eastern Region and a Member of Malawi Parliament for Machinga Likwenu Constituency since May 2019.


Bright Msaka SC was born in Zomba district from the area of Traditional Authority (TA) Kuntumanje. He did his Primary school education at Nkasaulo F. P school in Machinga District and proceeded to Zomba Catholic Secondary School (also known as Box 2) where he obtained his Malawi School Certificate of Education (MSCE).

He then later got selected to University of Malawi, Chancellor College in 1978 to further his studies from where he graduated with a Law Degree in 1983.

He holds LLB (Hons) from University of Malawi (UNIMA)-Chancellor College, Masters of Science (MSc) in Global Management from University of Salford in the United Kingdom(UK), a Public Private Partnerships (PPP) Diploma from IP3, Washington DC.

He got Conferred the Status of Senior Counsel (SC) in 2009.


Bright Msaka SC was admitted to practice as a lawyer in Malawi from 1983 and his areas of emphasis were Commercial litigation, Personal Injury liability claims, Restructuring, Insurance Claims, Libel, Civil and Criminal Litigation.

His major clients were Banks, Road Construction companies, Tobacco Companies, International Shipping companies, Insurance Companies, Trading Corporations, and Motor Vehicle Franchise Holders

He also served as an academician as follows;

1.         1987-1992: Examiner, English Company Law for ACCA Accountants board.

2.         1992-1993: Examiner, Malawi Company Law for ACCA Accountants board.

3.         1993-1994: Lecturer in Law (Civil Procedure), University of Malawi, Chancellor College, Zomba.


After a successful legal and academic career of over ten years, Bright Msaka SC accepted to serve as a diplomat in several postings as follows:

1.         High Commissioner for the Republic of Malawi to Canada

Duration: 12 Jan 1995- Sept 1998

He was appointed by Malawi’s first democratically elected President, His Excellency Dr. Bakili Muluzi who served as Malawi President from 1994-2004.

2.         Malawi Delegate to the 6th (Legal) Committee of the United Nations

 Duration: 1995 and 1997

He was appointed by Malawi’s first democratically elected President, His Excellency Dr. Bakili Muluzi who served as Malawi President from 1994-2004.

3.         High Commissioner of the Republic of Malawi to the United Kingdom

Duration: September 1998 to December 2003

He was appointed by Malawi’s first democratically elected President, His Excellency Dr. Bakili Muluzi who served as Malawi President from 1994-2004.

4.         Ambassador of the Republic of Malawi to Portugal

Duration: 18th May 2000-2001

He was appointed by Malawi’s first democratically elected President, His Excellency Dr. Bakili Muluzi who served as Malawi President from 1994-2004.

5.         Ambassador of the Republic of Malawi to Sweden

 Duration: 24 May 2000-2003

He was appointed by Malawi’s first democratically elected President, His Excellency Dr. Bakili Muluzi who served as Malawi President from 1994-2004.

6.         Ambassador of the Republic of Malawi to Norway.

 Duration: 21 Nov 2000 – 2003

He was appointed by Malawi’s first democratically elected President, His Excellency Dr. Bakili Muluzi who served as Malawi President from 1994-2004.

7.         Ambassador of the Republic of Malawi to The Kingdom of Denmark

Duration: June 2002- 2003

He was appointed by Malawi’s first democratically elected President, His Excellency Dr. Bakili Muluzi who served as Malawi President from 1994-2004.

8.         Ambassador of the Republic of Malawi to Finland

Duration: 25 Jan 2001- 2003

He was appointed by Malawi’s first democratically elected President, His Excellency Dr. Bakili Muluzi who served as Malawi President from 1994-2004.

9.         Ambassador of the Republic of Malawi to Iceland

Duration: 13 March 2002- 2003:

He was appointed by Malawi’s first democratically elected President, His Excellency Dr. Bakili Muluzi who served as Malawi President from 1994-2004.

10.       Presidential Special Envoy to various countries

Duration: Sep 1998- 2003

He was appointed by Malawi’s first democratically elected President, His Excellency Dr. Bakili Muluzi who served as Malawi President from 1994-2004.


Bright Msaka SC has served in the Malawi government’s civil service and in the Presidential cabinet in the following capacities:

1.         Deputy Chief Secretary to the President and Cabinet and Deputy Head    of the Malawi Public Service

Duration: Jan 2004- June 2004

2.         Chief Secretary to the Government, and Secretary to the President and Cabinet and Head of the Malawi Public Service

Duration :June 2004- March 2013,

He was appointed by Malawi’s 3rd President after Independence, late Ngwazi , Professor  Bingu Wa Mutharika who was the President of Malawi between  2004 to 2012.

3.         Minister of Lands, Housing, Physical Planning, Surveys and Urban Development

Duration: June 2014 to April 2015.

He was appointed by Malawi’s fifth President, His Excellency Prof. Arthur Peter Mutharika who was the State President of Malawi between June 2014 to June 2020.

4.         Minister of   Natural Resources, Energy and Mining. Responsible for Mineral Resources, Energy, Environment, Conservation, Climate Change, National Parks, Wild Life, Forestry Duration: April 2015 – 2017

He was appointed by Malawi’s fifth President, His Excellency Prof. Arthur Peter Mutharika who was the State President of Malawi between June 2014 to June 2020.

5.         Minister of Education, Science and Technology

Duration: 2017 to 2019

He was appointed by Malawi’s fifth President, His Excellency Prof. Arthur Peter Mutharika who was the State President of Malawi between June 2014 to June 2020.

6.         Minister of Justice and Constitutional Affairs

Duration: June 2019 to June 2020

 He was appointed by Malawi’s fifth President, His Excellency Prof. Arthur Peter Mutharika who was the State President of Malawi between June 2014 to June 2020.


Between the period of 2004 and 2013, Bright Msaka SC was appointed in several positions as follows:

1.         Chairman, Inter-Ministerial Committee on Human Rights and Democracy

2.         Chairman, Democracy Consolidation Programme

3.         Chairman, National Refugees Committee

4.         Chairman, National Anti-Terrorism Committee

5.         Chairman, Disaster Preparedness and Relief Committee.

6.         Chairman, National Oil Company of Malawi (NOCMA). 


Bright Msaka SC has authored a book called, The Modern Diplomat-A Beginners Handbook .

The following are the published Articles by Bright Msaka SC:

1.         Cloning Democracy. Malawi, 2002

2.         Poor Galileo. (The Role of the Church in Malawi Politics). Malawi, 2002.

3.         Democracy and Oxymorons.  Malawi, 1999.

4.         Of Independent Candidates and Democracy. Malawi, 1999

5.         Justice with One Eye Open. Malawi, 1998.


1.         The Challenges of a New African Democracy. Address to the Conservative Foreign and Commonwealth Council, London, 20th February, 2003.

2.         Malawi and Food Security. Address to the International Development Committee, Westminster, 16th July 2002.      

3.         The Myth About Malawi’s Strategic Grain Reserves. Address to a Seminar, London 11th July 2002.

4.         AIDS. Address to a Seminar, London, 11th May 2002.

5.         Why Africa Matters. Address to Eton College, Windsor, 6th October 2000.

6.         Patriotism.       National Day Celebrations. London, July 2001.

7.         Democracy Second Time Around. Address to the University of Edinburgh, 3rd November 1999.


Bright Msaka SC has been engaged in several key roles and activities as listed below:

1.         Patron, Malawi Foundation (A UK Charity) 1998-2002.

2.         Patron, Malawi International AIDS Network (A UK Charity) 1998-2003.

3.         Member, Mwanza Accident Commission of Inquiry, 1994.

4.         Member, The Rotary Club of Ottawa, 1995-1998.

5.         Delegate, International Bar Association, New York, 1990.

6.         Delegate, National Constitutional Conferences for Multiparty Democracy in Malawi, 1993-1994.

7.         Director, Royal Commonwealth Society, Ottawa Branch, 1997-1998.

8.         Malawi Representative to the Southern Africa Moot Court Competition, Lusaka, Zambia, 1983.

9.         School Representative, National Top of the Class Quiz Competition.

10.       School Prefect, Zomba Catholic Secondary School, 1977-1978

11.       Chairman, Students’ Christian Organisation of Malawi, 1977

12.       Chairman, Young Christian Students’ Organisation, 1980


Bright Msaka SC was born in a family of Eight (8) children, three brothers and four sisters.

He was married to Primrose Msaka who passed on in September, 2011 and he has four children.

DStv and GOtv customer in store for New Football Season

SuperSport viewers on DStv and GOtv can enjoy the New Football Season. With the premier game between Arsenal and Crystal Palace kicking off the 2022-23 football on SuperSport Premier League at 21:00 CAT. Football fans can look forward to the world of champions bringing you the best leagues, teams, players and managers from ‘The Beautiful Game’.

The feature selection for the 2022-23 New Football Season will come from the heavyweight European divisions of the Premier League, La Liga and Serie A, while the UEFA Champions League, UEFA Europa League and UEFA Europa Conference League provide thrilling continental battles.

In the Premier League, all eyes will be on the battle between Manchester City and Liverpool, as these two brilliant teams look set to battle it out for the title once again – but will Chelsea or an energised Tottenham Hotspur provide a threat? And what of Manchester United and their new era under Erik ten Hag?

Real Madrid will begin La Liga as the favourites to retain their title, but a determined Diego Simeone and Atletico Madrid will be itching to knock their rivals off the perch, while Barcelona could be a wildcard under the leadership of club legend Xavi.

In Italy’s Serie A, AC Milan are still revelling in last season’s championship triumph, but arch rivals Internazionale will be gunning for their title, as will the likes of Juventus, Napoli and Roma in what could be another thrilling race for the Scudetto.

The UEFA Champions League is unquestionably the gold standard for club football around the world and the big question is whether the ‘new money’ of Man City or Paris Saint-Germain can finally become kings of Europe, or will it be the established royalty of Real Madrid which triumphs yet again?

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And if all that was not exciting enough for the New Football Season, the sport’s most epic event will take place right in the middle of the campaign, as November and December brings the 2022 FIFA World Cup in Qatar, an historic event which will see one nation crowned as the globe’s leading football light.

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UGI, Car Select sign MoU

Chibwe (right) and Chimombo sign the MoU documents

Insurance giant, United General Insurance (UGI) has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Car Select, a local car selling company which will see the insurance company covering vehicles from the port of entry into the country.

Speaking in Blantyre during the signing ceremony, UGI Acting Chief Executive Officer Mc Donald Chibwe said the partnership with Car Select will offer convenience to Car Select customers as they would no longer need to source two separate quotations for vehicle purchase and insurance.

“What we have witnessed today is that two major brands have partnered to offer a unique service to customers in terms of affordability, convenience and fast service of claims. We feel this is timely and will offer convenience to the customers especially in these hard economic times,” said Chibwe.

He said Car Select offers customers, mostly the working class, good and affordable terms to purchase a vehicle where a customer pays 40% of the total value of the vehicle for the company to start the process of purchasing the vehicle and another 30% when the vehicle has reached the port of entry.

“The remaining 30% is paid through monthly installments of 10% each while the customer already has the vehicle. So, customers will now get the whole package where we cover them from the port of entry up to delivery of the vehicle to the customer which is convenient and as you can see the terms are affordable,” said Chibwe.

Chibwe(right) and Chimombo after signing the MoU

Car Select Managing Director Sarai Chimombo hailed the partnership of the two companies saying customers will benefit more.

“Car Select offers unique vehicle purchase solutions where  customers do not need to pay a lump sum to purchase their vehicles. Our partnership with UGI will help our customers because their vehicles will now be covered from the port of entry up to delivery, a thing which was difficult to do before.”

“We thank UGI for the partnership and we encourage Malawians to buy vehicles from us because they will not be worried about where to get forex as we will handle everything and they will be flexible in terms of payments,” said Chimombo.

She touted Car Select, established in 2017, as the first of its kind car selling company which offers convenient car payment plans.

The insurance facility which UGI will be offering Car Select customers has been christened ‘AutoSelect’, a multi-branded comprehensive motor insurance product which has three package options namely AutoSelect Silver covering vehicles valued between K4 million to K10 million, AutoSelect Gold covering vehicles valued between K10 million and K20 million and the AutoSelect Diamond covering vehicles valued above K20 million.

Scandalous Chizuma at it again…caught in a housing allowance web

CHIZUMA: Under fire

The scandalous Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) Director General Martha Chizuma who has never won any court case since her appointment, has been caught in an allowance scam where she is getting paid heft sums for accommodation yet she stays in a government house.

This is a direct breach of the integrity code of her job. According to sources, Chizuma resides in an upmarket estate in Lilongwe in one of the 14 Presidential villas along the Presidential Drive.

The source further revealed that the house belongs to Malawi Government and she does not pay rentals, yet since she was appointed ACB DG she has been drawing monthly allowance for housing.

“When she assumed office she begged to be housed at the villas for security purposes, a request that was granted. However, she was supposed to stop receiving her housing allowance knowing fully well that government is already taking care of her accommodation.

“It is sad that she continues to feign ignorance on an issue that is very straightforward. And it is surprising that her office requires integrity and after realizing this, Chizuma was supposed to raise a red flag and alert the Bureau on the anomaly,” added the source.

The inside source said her conduct is surprising especially because she has been in the forefront speaking against corruption in society and championing austerity with government coffers.

“You may remember that the director has time and again gone to Parliament to complain of limited funding that is channeled to the bureau. With that in mind, it is surprising why she has chosen to be getting from the bureau what she is not entitled to. What she is doing is purely wastage of government resources and pure theft,” said the source.

A commentator has said if this is true, Chizuma’s conduct is an abuse of office because she is getting double benefits for one line of expenditure.

“This is purely against the dictates of the fight against corruption, corporate governance and good practice,” added the commentator.

The commentator said if Chizuma had integrity she was supposed to inform the human resources department in writing of the anomaly and further ask for proper corrections to take place.

“Failure to do so means she is complicit in this wrongdoing and can be taken to task both administratively and legally,” he said.

The 14 Presidential villas were constructed during Bingu wa Mutharika’s first term but opened in 2015 to house high-level delegates during their stay in Malawi. Since then the estate has hosted heads of state and government and top dignitaries from across the globe.

Five win in NBM plc Swipe and win promotion first draw

NBM plc System Development and Implementation Officer Fodrick Nyirongo draws the winners as other officials look on

National Bank of Malawi (NBM) plc Tuesday conducted the first draw for the ‘Swipe and Win Kizz Daniel promotion’ which saw five people winning standard tickets to the August 27 2022 Kizz Daneil concert in Lilongwe.

NBM plc has partnered with Epic Lifestyle to sponsor the concert at a whopping K40 million and is currently running a promotion which requires its cardholders to use any of the bank’s Point of Sale (POS) machines to win tickets to the concert.

Speaking in Blantyre during the first draw of the promotion where five people won standard tickets each, NBM plc Manager, Cards Acquiring David Tamula said there are 10 standard tickets and 10 VIP tickets to be won during the promotion.

“Our customers are encouraged to use their NBM Visa Card  at any National Bank POS machine and they could win a ticket to the concert. We have 10 standard tickets and 10 VIP tickets up for grabs. One transaction at any NB POS is equal to one entry, so I encourage customers to frequently use or swipe so that they increase their chances of getting that ticket,” said Tamula.

NBM plc Manager, Cards Acquiring David Tamula speaks during the first draw of the promotion

He also said those buying the concert tickets through their other digital platforms like Mo626ice, Mo Pay and POS will enjoy massive discounts on the tickets of up to K10,000 or K5,000 depending on the type of ticket.

The five people that won the standard tickets to the concert include Beatrice Chikusa, Beatrice Mwimba, Dolla Chitseka, Kumbukani Rashid and  Lucy Ngomba.

Tamula said NBM plc decided to sponsor the concert as they are aware that they will be interacting with most of their customers and prospective customers at the event.

“We also want to use the concert as an opportunity to promote our recently updated Mo626 Digital+, Mo Wallet and Mo Pay. We want to make sure that the NBM brand is visible to the expected high turnout for this concert and for those who want to join our winning brand, we will set up a desk at the concert where we will sort out their financial needs including opening accounts,” said Tamula.

NBM plc System Development and Implementation Officer Fodrick Nyirongo draws the winners as others look on

EthCo powers K4.5 million Crocodile ladies golf  tourney

Mtambo (right) presents the cheque to Luhanga

Ethanol Company Limited (EthCo) has sponsored the Ladies Golf Union of Malawi (LGUOM) annual  Crocodile Interclub Challenge to the tune of K4.5 million.

This year’s two-day tournament will be held at Nchalo Golf Club in Chikwawa on 6th and 7th August 2022.

LGUOM vice president Ulemu Luhanga said in an interview yesterday that a record 45 lady golfers will be trekking down the Chikwawa escarpments to compete for the Crocodile Interclub Challenge.

“We have teams from Lilongwe Golf Club, Kasasa Golf Club in Dwangwa, Blantyre Sports Club and the hosts Nchalo Sports Club. The Crocodile Interclub Challenge is played in Teams of 3 players, where 2 best scores at the end of the round will count as Team Score,” said Luhanga

She said the current holders of the Crocodile is Blantyre Sports Club, who will be looking to fiercely defend their title against the hosts, who may have home ground advantage and the other clubs.

Mtambo and Luhanga display the cheque

Luhanga said the annual showcase will also be featuring 5 junior players from Lilongwe and Blantyre.

“Ladies Golf Union of Malawi appreciates the massive support that we have received from EthCo. EthCo has been our partner for years but this year, they have come out bigger and better as the exclusive sponsor of the tournament,” said Luhanga.

EthCo’s Digital Marketing Officer Mphatso Mtambo said the company is geared to spoil the ladies saying they would like to encourage women to play golf.

“Traditionally, only a few women play golf in comparison to men and yet there’s a lot of valuable interaction on the golf course other than the game itself. Business deals are sealed, problems are shared and solved, leads are discovered, and networks are strengthened.”

“Apart from sponsoring the tournament, we intend to create shared value with the ladies and eventually the society by introducing business ideas for the products that we produce so that they can consider partnering with us,” said Mtambo.

Friends of Sattar family’s Bursary Fund donates to Malingunde School of the Blind

NOBLE CAUSE: The beneficiaries and some of the donated items

The friends of business tycoon Zuneth Sattar’s family bursary fund over weekend donated of assorted items worth millions to the financially struggling Malingunde School of the Blind in the rural Lilongwe.

Donated items including Soya pieces, soap, lotion and sugar that will benefit about 46 learners at the school.

The group leader Lumbani Tembo who is also a fund beneficiary told journalists after handing over the items that the grouping has been in existence for the last three years with charity work across the country.

Tembo disclosed that the grouping’s charity work has not been visible to the public hence not well-known as being silent all along.

He added that the bursary fund has been benefitting both secondary and university students in the country’s schools.

“The fund has been running not only on needy learners but also those in abject poverty to get support for family incomes. We want to restructure the funding well into a number of categories; education, talent and vulnerable communities.

“We have been carrying a number of charity work for the last three years but not visible to the public. But now we want intensify our work to reach more communities hence decision to support the Malingunde School of the Blind,” delighted Tembo.

The School’s Headteacher, Huxley Tundulu lauded the grouping’s gratitude and timely support appealing to others to emulate good gesture.

Tundulu however requested the support of the fence at the school arguing that puts learners lives at risk.

Top Standup Comedian Daliso Chaponda Set to Perform at Amaryllis Hotel, Tickets Selling As Hot Cakes

Celebrated UK based Malawian stand-up comedian Daliso Chaponda is set to perform at Amaryllis Hotel in Blantyre on Sunday as advance tickets are selling out as hot cakes in all designated outlets.

Daliso, who is a son to the former cabinet Minister George Chaponda, will perform alongside a Kenyan-born British stand-up comedian, who has appeared on various British radio and TV comedy shows, Imran Yusuf.

According to a poster advertising the show, advanced Standard tickets are going at MK15,000, VIP at MK25,000 while VIP table for eight people going at MK250,000.

At the door Standard tickets will be going at MK20, OOO, VIP at MK30,000 and VIP table for eight people at MK300,000.

The top Standup Comedian Chaponda has appeared in a number of shows and festivals around the world.

He performed three successful one hour, one man shows in the UK and Canada: Feed This Black Man – a show about the way the developed world sees Africa; Don’t Let Them Deport Me, a show about immigration and Westerners Calm Down, a show about the global financial crisis.

After 6 months of touring the South African comedy scene he moved to Manchester, England.

He regularly appears in comedy clubs and theatres across the UK. He is a versatile comedian and is best-known for his appearance on Britain’s Got Talent, where he reached the semi-finals and achieved third place.

He hasn’t looked back since and has gone on to build a worldwide comedy career which includes performances at the 3 biggest comedy festivals in the world – Melbourne, Edinburgh and Montreal.

In addition to standup comedy, Daliso is also a prolific fiction writer. He has published science fiction, murder mysteries and fantasy fiction in numerous magazines and anthologies. Recently, a play he co-wrote aired on BBC Radio 4.

Notable TV appearances include, Paramount’s The World Stands Up (UK), CBC’s Trans Canada Comedy Trail (Canada), Show Time Arabia Presents (UAE), SABC Comedy Awards (South Africa) and Good News Week (Australia).


One of the country’s outstanding Vehicle repairing and panel beating company, K Motors has being decorated with two awards.

The Chief Executive Officer (CE0) for K Motors Karim Mansoor received the awards courtesy of Liquid Visions Malawi at a red-carpet event held at Amaryllis Hotel in Blantyre.

The first award was a special recognition towards his contribution to the health sector. Mr Karim through his K Motors has been repairing ambulances for free from across the country.

The second award was an appreciation for an outstanding motor vehicle services through his K Motors.

K Motors embarked on a project of repairing ambulances in public hospitals some months ago after noting challenges health facilities were facing due to inadequate number of ambulances.

MK163 MILLION HOSTEL FOR LILONGWE GIRLS…Education Minister NyaLonje Applauds Standard Bank

Education Minister Agnes NyaLonje has applauded Standard Bank Plc for investing K163.5 Million in the construction of a 112-bed hostel at Lilongwe Girls Secondary School, and choosing to increase access to formal education for girls.

The girls hostel project is a jointly funded project between Standard Bank Plc and Press Trust, who contributed K112 million and K51.5 million, respectively.

“By helping narrow the resource gaps in girl’s education, Press Trust and Standard Bank have responded to a pertinent need that government alone could not ably meet,” said NyaLonje.

She said the decision to invest in girl’s education is well supported by various studies that have shown that girls face the most hardships to complete formal education due to inadequate resources.

“Across Malawi, most girls must walk long distance to school due to lack of boarding facilities,” she revealed.

Standard Bank Chief Executive Philip Madinga said the bank firmly believes that investing in educating girls is one of the strategic ways of developing the country’s economy and grooming future leaders.

“More educated girls lead to an increase in ratio of female leaders and reduces the pressures related to social economic status,” said Madinga.

Press Trust Trustee Audrey Mwala said the partnership with Standard Bank Plc is in recognition the crucial link between social environmental and economic issues that affect the livelihood of Malawians.

“We believe that we all can go further when we work together. Therefore, we partner with like-minded organizations like Standard Bank and others to change the fortunes of Malawians. This donation makes the learning environment conducive. We hope that this will catalyze improved learning outcomes for the girls”, she said.

Earlier this year the partnership made remarkable strides as Standard Bank and Press Trust continued to support 74 students in various government secondary schools across the country through their Standard Bank and Press Trust Merit Scholarship fund.

Standard Bank has a track record of investing in the country’s education sector with notable contributions being the Mzuzu Government Secondary School classroom project, Che Januare Primary School in Chiradzulu and a girls’ mentorship and fundraising initiative through the Be More Race.

Illovo Malawi Striving for Thriving Community

Illovo Malawi, a leading sugar producer operating in the country, has reiterated its commitment of creating a thriving community.

Managing Director for the Company, Lekani Katandula, was speaking on Friday at Mount Soche Hotel in Blantyre during company’s investors forum.

According to Katandula, Illovo Company strongly believes that business cannot succeed in a society that fails hence the need to create thriving communities.

Katandula then disclosed that during in the first half of the year 2022 Illovo spent 318 Million Kwacha in cooperate social responsibilities as one way of creating a thriving community.

“Illovo spent 177 Million Kwacha for Nchalo and 141 Million Kwacha for Dwangwa community support projects,” said Katandula adding that the projects include education infrastructure and purchasing Health Equipment among others.

In the first half of 2022, Illovo Sugar Company registered a 10 Billion Kwacha profit after tax.

Illovo Malawi, which is one of two sugar producers operating in the country, supplies more than 60% of its total sugar sales into the domestic consumer and industrial markets, and a portion of the balance exported regionally within the sub-continent.

MCP and its savagery tactics wont solve Malawi’s economic crisis situation


One Professor P. L. Lumumba once said if a leader is asked to say what they have achieved and it take hours explaining just know they have done nothing. According to Lumumba leaders that have done something do not waste their time explaining. In few seconds they simply say let the works of my hands speak for me.

Today, Malawi Congress Party (MCP) regime has literary nothing to show for the two years they have been in office, and forget the Tonse Alliance hoax, all what we see is the old MCP trying so hard to register its bouncing back into power after over 26 years in the wilderness.

Even the events can attest that this is the only MCP, think of the arrest of human rights activists, shrinking civic space, the gaging of the media including arrests of journalists, and more recently, the Chakwera regime is trying to wage war against the business captains.

For starters, in 1975 MCP led government under dictator Kamuzu Banda made a decree that forced all the Indians to move from wherever they were prying their trade to the cities of Blantyre and Lilongwe.

Kamuzu was a dictator and he got away with it!

However, over 47 years down the line, and in this day and age, Rev. Chakwera is trying to repeat the same mistake but he will not get away with it!

Chakwera government is using the Nsundwe gang that was trained at Ntakataka Police training school in Dedza to terrorize Malawians that are contributing immensely to the development of this country. People that have literally used their hands to build and shape this economy.

In a space of one week business magnet Leston Mulli of Mulli Brothers has been arrested twice! At a time when the voters were expecting answers on the worsening economic situation compounded by job losses as companies are closing down, shops shelves are empty and unprecedented foreign exchange shortages, MCP is redirecting negative energy arresting innocent sons of the soil.

In a futile attempt to divert peoples attention from the rampant corruption that has rocked the Tonse Alliance government, the ever increase in cost of living and the imminent fuel increase MCP was at it again, this time launching a character assassination campaign on a long-time investor and business guru Shiraz Karim of Kukoma cooking oil.

Karim is providing jobs to over a thousand Malawians who may become jobless if he may decide to invest elsewhere! Malawi Revenue Authority (MRA) stand to lose billions in taxes if the Karim’s may decide to invest in another country!

The MCP media team was all over claiming Karim was found in procession of a whopping US$ 4 million, when in fact the whole thing was just silly, to sum it all up.

The amateurs just sent one Nsundwe boy who hurriedly took a photo of the sign post at the gate and used the details to cook up a junk of a warrant of arrest using Shirazs late father’s names in the process.

Isnt that embarrassing as to how MCP is abusing our police?

After failing to get what they thought they would get, we are told Shiraz was taken to Soche police station where he was detained for five hours and released unconditionally! Isn’t this a good example of arbitrary arrest?

What if Shiraz decides to sue, isn’t this a good example of unnecessary burden to the heavily taxed Malawians who can no longer afford Nirma soap now at MK400 up from MK80 before this clueless and corrupt Chakwera regime?

Shiraz is known to be a legitimate business person who often times travels and just like any other person from time to time would have a change in foreign currency.

But wait a minute, where on earth would 20 pounds, and three notes of US$100 value each add up to US$4 million, an equivalent of over MWK4 billion? Is that arithmetic the MCP way?

That things are going south we all agree. That Chakwera is under pressure to deliver on his promises we all agree. But what we dont agree with is the character assassination campaigns and torture of the very same people that work around the clock to pay the very same taxes that Chakwera and his bunch of crooks are looting. This must stop!

APM SPEAKS TO VOA: Dresses down Chakwera’s propaganda on albino killings

Malawi’s Former President Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika will be live on Voice of America (VoA) DSTV Channel 853 on Saturday and Sunday respectively.

The exclusive interview will start at 18:05hrs (6:05pm-local time) on both days.

Among others, the former Malawian leader Professor Mutharika is likely to clear President Lazarus Chakwera’s propaganda implicating him in albino killings.

This follows plans by Director of Public Prosecutions and the Malawi Police Service (MPs) to open a criminal case against Mutharika and his former chief adviser Dr. Heatherwick Ntaba in connection to the killing of albinos.

However, recently Professor Mutharika denied allegations linking him to the killing of people with albinism in Malawi, accusing government of attempting to divert people’s attention from economic woes rocking the Southern African nation.

Mutharika further said that during his reign, he set up a taskforce and, later, a commission of inquiry to investigate make findings and recommendations on any matter incidental to and connected with the attacks, abduction and killings of persons with albinism.

Veep Chilima Dares Chakwera to Strip off presidential immunity

Malawi’s Vice President Dr.  Saulos Chilima says he is ready to cooperate with Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) investigations and renewed his call to remove presidential immunity, so that Presidents can also be prosecuted for wrong doing.

“This is the time to amend the Constitution of Malawi in order to remove the immunity which Presidents of this country enjoy under section 91(2) of the Constitution so that everyone in Malawi can be prosecuted for criminal wrongdoing,” he stated. Chilima said removing presidential immunity is one of the campaign promises of the Tonse alliance and that UTM believes it is time to amend the Constitution to ensure the immunity of the President from prosecution is removed so that the holder of that office is not shielded.

“One of the concrete goals of the Tonse Alliance, which has yet to be attended to, was to remove presidential immunity from criminal prosecution. This promise was pronounced under the campaign agenda of the Alliance,” he recalled.

The Veep said he appreciates that the law does not provide immunity to the Vice-President which is progressive to the fight against corruption.

“While we salute the fact that the Vice President of this country can, and must be investigated or prosecuted for criminal wrongdoing, it is completely misplaced that Presidents of this country have a veil of constitutional protection from criminal prosecution through immunity while in office,” he pointed out.

The Veep said he is ready to cooperate with investigations by ACB and will welcome an opportunity to clear his name.

“I will welcome the opportunity to respond to allegations of my alleged corrupt dealings, for which decisions have been taken without sight of the evidence, but I will do so strictly within due legal processes. To be clear, I will not fuel media trials, let alone even appear to impair the work of the Anti-Corruption Bureau,” he said.

He emphasized that UTM, a key Partner in the Tonse Alliance administration,  is in support of the fight against corruption and called on Malawians and his party followers to let ACB do its work without any interference.

However, he called on ACB to work independently without any undue pressure.

“I wish to, therefore, appeal to the entire membership of the UTM and all well-meaning Malawians to support and also let the Anti-Corruption Bureau carry out its mandate without undue interference. No one should interfere with the work of the Bureau regardless of which side of the political divide you belong to.

Corruption is evil. It is also legitimately expected that the Bureau should not entertain any efforts to be abused or misused by any quarters for whatever reason,” he narrated.

The Veep says has been quiet since he got into power because he wanted the government to be run in an orderly manner.

“I have been mostly quiet since we got into Government; not for the misbegotten reasons some may find appealing, but out of a sense of duty and responsibility for the orderly running of Government. I have not been quiet out of arrogance towards you, fellow Malawians,” he said

He says at this time he has been focusing on delivering his duties as delegated by President Lazarus Chakwera.



Malawi’s Vice President Dr. Saulos Chilima has disclosed that he and President Lazarus Chakwera signed a 10-year-agreement where each will rule the country for one term only.

Speaking during a press briefing on Friday at UTM headquarters in Area 10 in Lilongwe, Chilima disclosed that contents of the agreement are that President Chakwera would not be presidential candidate beyond 2025 but cede the mantle to the running mate to become candidate.

“That subject to the decision of the national executive committees or, as the case may be, of the UTM and the Malawi Congress Party, the presidential candidate during the fresh presidential election of 23 June, 2020 shall not be the presidential candidate during the immediate next election and shall cede the candidacy to the running mate in the fresh presidential election of 23 June, 2020″ reads close number 11 of the agreement.

The veep Dr. Chilima said the agreement is binding and any departure from it amounts to political fraud.

“Beyond this, I would like to state that the Agreement was signed for a period of 10 years in which both Dr Chakwera and I would support one another to lead for one term.

“Any departure from the Agreement amounts to political fraud not only on the parties to the Agreement, but also on the popular will that mandated the Alliance in the first place,” Chilima stressed.

The Veep reprimanded those with political ambitions, saying their personal interests and ambitions should not paralyze the entire country.

“There is no wisdom in name calling, abuse, arrogance, humiliation or indeed violence for something that came into being amid smiles and a sense of hope for many generations” he lamented.

He said he is flabbergasted that power which was supposed to be shared under the Tonse Alliance has become sweet to some in MCP who are fueling political fights.

“If there is insistence from other elements within the Alliance and their advocacy for a split as we move towards 2025, the best would be to terminate the Alliance now.

“Of course the instigation and termination of the Alliance by all parties now would also amount to cheating on the popular will of the people of Malawi that mandated the Alliance to form Government,” he emphasized.

He said if others insist that there should be departure from the agreement then the alliance should be terminated now and call for fresh elections to seek fresh mandate.

“Indeed, if we were to terminate the Alliance, in honesty we would have to call for a fresh presidential election. We should not continue our journey to 2025 with two hearts: One inside and another outside of the Alliance,” he stressed.

On Tonse alliance; Chilima said Tonse partners contributed to have the Alliance win the election in the 2020 fresh polls through prayers, food, time and even money.

He thanked Chikosa Silungwe, Prince Kapondamgaga, Titus Mvalo and others for helping during the Tonse agreement.

Chilima says it is heartening that some things in the agreement have worked and also disheartening that some things remain outstanding.

In the Agreement they also agreed to promote national unity, good governance, no discrimination, mutual trust, mutual respect, integrity, and work for the interests of Malawians, among others.

“I would like to take this opportunity to assure you all that the commitment we made to be your servants remains intact. No amount of propaganda, innuendo, insult, humiliation will move us an inch. We as the UTM, are a big part of this Administration and no one must be under any illusion to believe otherwise,” he said.

He reminded Tonse alliance members that it was counterproductive to engage in political campaigns and fights three years away from another election.

“I wish to remind members of the Tonse Alliance that we NEVER at any stage promised Malawians another campaign, we promised them the Land of Canaan. And our mission should, therefore, solely be to get them there.

“If, for whatever reason, our mission is challenged, we should own up and re-engage the people of Malawi and explain why the course must change. Another campaign, 3 years away from an election, is most unfortunate, regrettable, abuse of the political process, and completely unnecessary,” he emphatically said.

The Veep disclosed that the Tonse agreement was signed on good faith and to promote transparency, mutual trust and respect among partners, national interest, and that there would always be consultations and consensus where UTM and MCP are equal partners.


“Living True to Our Promise and Mission”

Fellow Malawians, Good morning.

I have been mostly quiet since we got into Government; not for the misbegotten reasons some may find appealing, but out of a sense of duty and responsibility for the orderly running of Government. I have not been quiet out of arrogance towards you, fellow Malawians. As the Vice President of this country, I took oath to serve my country, to serve you, fellow Malawians, and to do so by assisting His Excellency Dr. Lazarus McCarthy Chakwera, President of the Republic of Malawi, in executing the duties of his office. I have to observe the limits of the powers and duties as provided for by the Constitution. I believe that is the logic of our Constitutional set up and one I am committed to observe. And so, I have rather been focussing on delivering on assignments that were entrusted to me as part of delivering on the promises we made to the nation. At all times I have aimed at meeting the expectations of the President and Malawians, even when some things appeared impossible to deliver on face value. A notable example is the Public Sector Reforms Report with recommendations, which is under consideration by the President.

Let me emphasise this: there can only be one President of the Republic of Malawi at a time. All of us must rally our support in unison as the President leads the nation on a very difficult path towards our country’s prosperity. And so, when the President speaks, he articulates Government’s policy direction. It would be remiss of me to be seen to be pulling in a different direction for political convenience, creating discord in the Executive leadership of this country and, in the process, shifting the nation’s focus from the objects for which a government exists. 

This is particularly important to bear in mind because the foundation of the present Government, being a political alliance, some may think being the Vice President is the same as being the Co-President of this country as if this is a power-sharing arrangement. It is not. The present administration got into office as a political alliance. I will return to the political alliance in a moment. What we must – as Malawians – bear in mind is that we have a nation in dire straits to lead; a nation we promised so much; and a nation whose political leadership, both past and present, owes a huge debt of development. We are way behind time and ourselves and everyday it is urgent that we act towards progress; towards a nation we say must be a middle-income economy in the next 40 years or so from today.

Today, I have to address you, fellow Malawians, because in the period of my relative silence in speech, a number of developments have emerged that have made it imperative that I address you.

A walk down memory lane

Firstly, I would like to humbly invite you, fellow Malawians, on a brief memory lane for our reflection. Over the last 28 years, we have had so many false starts as a country. At each instance, we have had the delusion that we probably had just found the missing formula for unlocking the gateway to our long-awaited prosperity. Sadly, when we believed that we had taken one step forward, we have found ourselves taking two steps backwards. Indeed, exciting moments that have made us believe in the redemptive power of our shared aspirations, have been followed by the dark clouds of uncertainty over the whole democratic project and the prosperity it is meant to deliver for us.  We are a nation that is blessed and cursed by two opposing forces: the blessing of men and women in charge of State and non-State institutions who exert their lives to achieve our desired prosperity on the one hand; and the curse of destructive and selfish actions of a cabal of similarly placed men and women who do not share the common cause for a better Malawi but only look after narrow, parochial interests based on family, tribe and blatant cronyism. In this latter group, there are those who prioritise the politics of a moment over the common interests of Malawians. And so, for the sake of gaining, retaining or consolidating political power, the interests of the nation are perpetually subordinated and sacrificed and we waste a

great deal of effort on political posturing and pulling each other down. Because we have done this for too long, we have not focussed on meeting our aspirations for the prosperity which we only hear our neighbours and humanity at large are enjoying. This is our sad reality, one which we must constantly be aware of, and one which we must deliberately work on changing, if we are to ever rally support for, and encourage those, who mean well for our country.

But may I convey a little message of encouragement and hope, Fellow Malawians. And I convey this little message amidst all the seemingly dark and hopeless state of our nation and our lives. Amidst the paralysing politicking we engage in, we have, and should remain steadfast and vigilant, in our resolve and desire for a better homeland, a better life for all of us, right here in our country and in our lifetime. We owe this to ourselves, and generations to come. 

We have demonstrated remarkable vigilance many a time, and mostly recently, in the events of the run-up to the 3rd February, 2020 and 8th May, 2020 judgements of the High Court and the Supreme Court of Appeal respectively, culminating in the fresh presidential election on 23rd June 2020. The fresh presidential election saw the exercise of true popular will in the election of a leader. That was a remarkable national project of political unity that enlisted the participation of a great majority of the nation without regard for colour, tribe, religion, geography or political choices. In a true sense of the word, by that project, we ushered in our fifth administration under the Second Republic; anchored – as it is – on what has proved to be our strong constitutional and democratic order that immediately before these events was on the deathbed at the hands of those who saw themselves well above the law. The participants in that national project will forever deserve our salutations and our respect! 

Regarding The Fight Against Corruption

Fellow Malawians, UTM – as one of the partners under the Tonse Alliance – remains committed to the fight against corruption in this country. We are aware of the negative economic impact that this vice has on whole societies and many countries, including Malawi. This is why during the campaign period, we, in UTM, strongly advocated for the amendment of the section 91(2) of the Constitution of Malawi which provides undue

protection to the occupant of the office of the President of this country. The provision provides for the immunity of the President from criminal prosecution. While we salute the fact that the Vice President of this country can, and must be investigated or prosecuted for criminal wrongdoing, it is completely misplaced that Presidents of this country have a veil of constitutional protection from criminal prosecution through immunity while in office. One of the concrete goals of the Tonse Alliance, which has yet to be attended to, was to remove presidential immunity from criminal prosecution. This promise was pronounced under the campaign agenda of the Alliance. This is the time to amend the Constitution of Malawi in order to remove the immunity which Presidents of this country enjoy under section 91(2) of the Constitution so that everyone in Malawi can be prosecuted for criminal wrongdoing. 

The fight against corruption must be attended by all the integrity that is necessary for its legitimacy. We believe that where there is suspicion for wrong-doing, law enforcement agencies must be left to do their job in accordance with the law. And the law must thereafter take its course without fear or favour of anyone. That remains our commitment to the people of Malawi and there are no two ways about it. 

I wish to, therefore, appeal to the entire membership of the UTM and all well-meaning Malawians to support and also let the Anti-Corruption Bureau carry out its mandate without undue interference. No one should interfere with the work of the Bureau regardless of which side of the political divide you belong to. Corruption is evil. It is also legitimately expected that the Bureau should not entertain any efforts to be abused or misused by any quarters for whatever reason. The Bureau must not put its investigative or prosecutorial methods in question. For my part, as communicated through my Press Secretary last week, I will welcome the opportunity to respond to allegations of my alleged corrupt dealings, for which decisions have been taken without sight of the evidence, but I will do so strictly within due legal processes. To be clear, I will not fuel medial trials, let alone even appear to impair the work of the Anti-Corruption Bureau.

Regarding The Economy

It is common knowledge now that the fundamentals in the economy are a cause of concern and we can list a whole litany of problems and their origin but what is worthy highlighting is that we all need to rally together when the whistle in blown so that everyone gets busy by being productive in this country. The three pillars under MW2063 are a solid foundation for both recovery and growth. As an agrarian economy, we will not wish our agricultural sector away. The Government has embarked on an ambitious program to establish mega farms. This is an effort we must all applaud and rally support for. It is a venture that promises remarkable returns for our economy. Beyond mega farms, we should be thinking of cascading such investment to cooperatives which should be linked to Mega Farms as their primary markets. This is where agro-business processing must commence as we aim to drive industrialisation at the local level in our country’s strata and increase our export base. The potential to create jobs for our people working in, or as members of, cooperatives is also apparent in this initiative. We have all the resources we need to turn around the fortunes of this country but we need to sober up from the excitement and anxieties of political fights; show up; and get working. Let’s roll up our sleeves and get to work. 

Regarding The Tonse Alliance 

The Tonse Alliance has two main partners; the Malawi Congress Party and UTM.

Inspired by our forebearers’ wisdom of unity of purpose and determination, we came together in March, 2020 to put up a common political front in what was, for all purposes, meant to be a watershed presidential election for this country. We faced a battle for the soul of this nation. The battle had to be won. We all contributed in one way or another: prayer, time, food, life, money; you name it. We even prayed to unite with those who we felt let us down. Perhaps that is part of what we mean when we say we are a God fearing nation. The unity of national purpose we demonstrated must always remind us that we are one people, anthufe tonse ndi amodzi!!

March 19, 2020 is a historic day in Malawi. The Malawi Congress Party and UTM publicly signed a Political Alliance Agreement. The signing ceremony marked the conclusion of a pulsating process involving technical teams from the two political parties. The consultations and engagement between our two teams were based on instructions that Dr. Lazarus McCarthy Chakwera and I gave to them after our respective political parties had separately passed resolutions mandating us to finalise and agree on a Political Alliance Agreement with a view to fostering unity and bringing the liberation to the people of Malawi. A lot of people were involved in this process. However, let me thank the following people who put together this Political Alliance Agreement; as a representation of the aspirations of the people of Malawi and to which the political class had to respond to: Honourable Titus Mvalo, Ambassador Steve Matenje SC, Dr. Chikosa Silungwe, Mr. Lekani Loga and Mr. Prince Kapondamgaga, among other members. I would like to acknowledge the role played by Pastor Martin Thom who, while others were talking in groups, brought Dr. Chakwera and I in one place to discuss Malawi’s future.

 The UTM did not join the Alliance for political convenience. Rather, it was a profound recognition that beyond the fresh presidential election, the immense challenges that we face as a nation could only be defeated through unity of purpose, commonality of interests and harnessing all the available capacities and abilities across the nation. The Alliance represented, to the extent possible, the aspirations of the people of Malawi as we best understood them. It was an Alliance, by public demand and popular will, in the true sense of these terms. It is important that we always remember this genesis, so that we must guard against, and nip in the bud, any regressive elements that would divert our efforts to focus on fighting division and petty bickering; instead of concentrating our efforts to deliver on our promises made on the campaign trail. 

I would like to emphasise that the Political Alliance Agreement that we signed on that day was premised on trust, mutual respect and the common desire for a better Malawi.

Today, as I speak to you, Fellow Malawians, it is heartening to note that our intentions for getting into that Alliance have borne some fruits but at the same time disheartening that a few things remain outstanding and surely need resolution. 

I know that the contents of the Political Alliance Agreement have remained unknown to the wider general public. On reflection, because the Alliance is a product of popular demand and the sense of duty we felt to give ear to what the general public wanted, it is important that you have a fair idea of what was agreed to give effect to what you required of us. I will highlight a few matters from the Agreement. 

Firstly, the spirit of our Alliance is captured in the preamble of the Agreement. The Alliance is anchored on the following mutually recognised needs: 

(a) for contesting the fresh election as president and running mate, which we resolved in the best interest of the nation – there was no place for personal priorities, there was a nation before us to be saved and served and a clear path to that had been mapped by the people of Malawi; 

(b) to increase the chances of winning the fresh election, which we phenomenally achieved together; and importantly,

(c) to work together after the election in pursuit of the parties’ common goals of serving the people of Malawi in the attainment of their development aspirations. 

Further, the Political Alliance Agreement also clearly sets out guiding principles and modalities of its implementation for the sole benefit of the people of Malawi. I highlight Clause 2 of the Agreement which stipulates the Guiding Principles of the Alliance as follows:

(a) Transparency whereby “UTM and MCP agree to be open with each other and transparent in their dealings with regard to the implementation of [the] Agreement” : clause 2.1.1;

(b) Good faith whereby “UTM and MCP undertake to implement this Agreement in good faith and not to do anything that may frustrate this

Agreement” :clause 2.1.2;

(c) National interest whereby “UTM and MCP agree to implement this Agreement in the interest of national unity and development in accordance with the Constitution and the Laws of Malawi for the benefit of the people of Malawi” :clause 2.1.3;

(d) Unity and togetherness whereby “UTM and MCP agree to be united with a common vision and unity of purpose in the implementation of [the] Agreement” :clause 2.1.4;

(e) Good governance whereby “UTM and MCP undertake to be guided by the principles of good governance, rule of law and respect for human rights in the implementation of [the] Agreement” : clause2.1.5;

(f) Non-discrimination whereby “UTM and MCP undertake not to engage in any form of discrimination of any kind and all appointments pursuant to the implementation of [the] Agreement shall be on merit” :clause 2.1.6;

(g) Mutual trust whereby “UTM and MCP shall ensure constant engagement with each other to build trust and confidence” :clause2.1.7;

(h) Mutual respect whereby “UTM and MCP undertake to respect each other in all undertakings, shall not undermine each other in any other form or way both in public and in private and shall treat each other including their respective members as equals” :clause 2.1.8;

(i) Integrity whereby “UTM and MCP shall execute [the] Agreement with utmost integrity, especially when faced with the choice between what is convenient and what is right;” :clause 2.1.9

(j) Consultation whereby “UTM and MCP shall consult each other thoroughly before any decision that may be deemed crucial by any of the Parties is made” :clause 2.1.10; and

(k) Consensus whereby “UTM and MCP undertake to make decisions [under the] Agreement by consensus in order to formulate a nationally owned, and broadly supported, policy position” :clause 2.1.11.

Further, the Agreement was made in pre-election and post-election contexts respectively. The post-election context starts in clause 3.2 where the Malawi Congress Party and the UTM committed to a few covenants and I highlight a few:

(a) To implement the recommendations of the 2007 Law Commission Report on the Review of the Constitution; (b) To amend section 91(2) of the Constitution in order to remove immunity of the President from criminal prosecution; and (c) The Malawi Congress Party and the UTM agreed to be equal partners.

And in the Pre-election contest, the following was agreed:

i. That the Presidents of the Malawi Congress Party and the UTM shall agree in writing who would be candidate and who would be running mate ii. That subject to the decision of the national executive committees or conventions, as the case may be, of the UTM and the Malawi Congress Party, the presidential candidate during the fresh presidential election of 23 June, 2020 shall not be the presidential candidate during the immediate next election and shall cede the candidacy to the running mate in the fresh presidential election of 23 June, 2020.

Beyond this, I would like to state that the Agreement was signed for a period 10 years in which both Dr Chakwera and I would support one another to lead for one term.

But if for any reason this were to change, a process similar to what ensued before the Agreement was signed ought to follow. There is no wisdom in name calling, abuse, arrogance, humiliation or indeed violence for something that came into being amid smiles and a sense of hope for many generations. Any departure from the Agreement amounts to political fraud not only on the parties to the Agreement, but also on the popular will that mandated the Alliance in the first place. 

From my end, I want to assure you, Fellow Malawians, that every effort is being, and will be made to resolve any departures from the Agreement, and this is all for the purpose of achieving the logic and objects of the Agreement for the sole benefit of the people of Malawi who trusted us under the Alliance and ushered us into Government. 

However, if there is insistence from other elements within the Alliance and their advocacy for a split as we move towards 2025, the best would be to terminate the Alliance now. Of course the instigation and termination of the Alliance by all parties now would also amount to cheating on the popular will of the people of Malawi that mandated the Alliance to form Government. The behaviour that seems to place some partner under the Alliance as the sole voice that swayed the popular vote of the 23 June, 2020 presidential election must be frowned upon. Indeed, if we were to terminate the Alliance, in honesty we would have to call for a fresh presidential election. We should not continue our journey to 2025 with two hearts: One inside and another outside of the Alliance. May I repeat, we have a nation to serve. Our political ambitions should never paralyse national progress. It is utterly irresponsible to be narrow and parochial in conducting the affairs of this country using the power and place merely entrusted to us by the people. Politics must serve the people of Malawi as a whole by the end of the day. Politics must not be practiced in a way that serves the interests of a few and ends up frustrating the aspirations of the people of Malawi. We need to unlearn our obsessions with power and privilege. It is a disservice to the country and completely misguided. 


Fellow Malawians, I would like to take this opportunity to assure you all that the commitment we made to be your servants remains intact. No amount of propaganda, innuendo, insult, humiliation will move us an inch. We as, the UTM, are a big part of this Administration and no one must be under any illusion to believe otherwise. 

The moments we faced death during the campaign period will not be erased by a statement made by a hungry member of the Alliance who rants because they would want to earn their space at the dinner table by spewing garbage on national or other television station. We should not allow history to be changed because someone or some people have now just realized that power which should be shared has become sweeter and begin to display as much excitement as a 2-year old at the sight of candy.

I wish to remind members of the Tonse Alliance that we NEVER at any stage promised Malawians another campaign, we promised them the Land of Canaan. And our mission should, therefore, solely be to get them there. If, for whatever reason, our mission is challenged, we should own up and re-engage the people of Malawi and explain why the course must change. Another campaign, 3 years away from an election, is most unfortunate, regrettable, abuse of the political process, and completely unnecessary. It is what this Administration will deliver that will endear Malawians to this Alliance and give them a vote when that election day of reckoning comes. As the late President Bingu wa Mutharika said, let the works of our hands speak for us, instead of artificial narratives aimed at misrepresenting matters to the people. 

May God bless us all and, most importantly, may He remind us what we signed up for so that we remain true to Our Promise and Mission to our country, Malawi.

I thank you.



JULY 1, 2022

USA Gospel star on a collaboration drive with Malawian artists

By Roselyn Phiri (Mana) & Ireen Kayira (Contributor)

United States of America (USA) based gospel artist, Delois Massey Nkosi, is on collaboration drive with Malawian gospel artists to help them gain recognition on the international scene.

In an interview the artist who is married to a Malawian man Steve Nkosi said this collaboration drive is also one way of giving back to the country of her husband.

“As someone who has Malawi at heart and with vast experience in the music industry I thought it wise to give back to the country with what I know best that this is music.

“With my music I decide work with more local gospel artists in the Malawian music industry through the collaborations,” she said.

She said she is not just there for the collaborations but she also wants to establish herself on the Malawian local music scene.

“She said so far she is currently working with Faith Mussa on a single that will be released soon with a video that is being shot by Chipi Khonje.

She said she has once performed at one of the former president Malawi Dr. Joyce Banda visits in USA sometime back and in Malawi she has performed at the Fountain International church in Blantyre and in Lilongwe

In a separate interview Faith Mussa who is working with the artist said it these collaborations are important because they are the best way for each artist to present themselves to a new audience.

“There is nothing more exciting in an artist life than a new platform so both of us will be appealing to a new group of people through these collaborations,” Mussa said.

Delois Massey’s passion for music started at a very early age. She began singing gospel music with her six siblings who together travelled all over eastern Kansas and the Delta areas in the USA.

Delois has shared the stage with some of the legends in the Gospel music circles such as Dr, Marvin Sapp, Vashawn Mitchel and Lamar Campbell.

On production she has also worked with the Stellar Award-winning producer Roger Ryan of after touch Studios in Nashville, Tennessee.

Nelchem Clinic Slashes Health Care Costs by 50 Percent

A Blantyre based fast-growing health care service provider, Nelchem Clinic which is located at Mbayani Township, has announced 50 percent reduction on their services.

Managing Director for the Clinic, Nelson Edward Munthali, who is also the clinician at the facility, disclosed the development in an interview with the publication on Monday.

“We decided to reduce our service fee by half as one way of siding with Malawians who are going through economic hardship but in need of health services,” said Munthali in an interview with our business correspondent.

According to Munthali, the clinic has well qualified health personals, enough drugs on stock and laboratory equipment.

The Clinic which provides services like Family Planning, Immunizatio­n for less than five, scanning among others and it is recognized by the Medical Council of Malawi (MCM) and Medicines and Poisons Board.

Mulanje Porters Race Returns After Two-Year Break..Slated for July 9


By Phyllis Chingana

Blantyre, June 18: Mount Mulanje Porters Race is back after a two year break due to Covid-19, organisers of the event have confirmed the good tidings saying the race is set for July 9.

Porters Race lead organizer, Kondwani Chamwala, said the race will start from 6:00 am and is expected to finish with a prize presentation ceremony at noon; thereafter there would be the finish-line party known as Island in the Sky Concert with popular artists.

“This year will be the 24th anniversary and it will be a huge event since people missed the event for two years due to Covid-19 pandemic,” he said.

The race attracts runners both male and female, locally and internationally and they run a distance of about 25 kilometres up and across Mulanje Mountain.

Chamwala said the race plays a crucial role in improving sports (athletics) in Malawi, besides contributing to development of tourism and adding a voice in conservation of Mount Mulanje.

The race, which starts at Likhubula Forest Office right at the foot of Mount Mulanje and runners trek to Chambe Plateau; then proceed to Lichenya Plateau and back to Likhubula, will also assist to raise awareness of the importance of mountain areas in recent years.

CDEDI pushes for arrest of racist Susu

By Iommie Chiwalo

The Centre for Democracy and Economic Development Initiatives (CDEDI) has once more requested authorities including Chinese Embassy to facilitate the arrest of racist suspect only identified as Lu Ke and popularly known as Susu.

The push comes after CDEDI has sadly uncovered yet another tactic and shameless attempt by some sectors of the society, who are trying to defend racist Chinese national Lu Ke by twisting information to suit their selfish interests, and issuing threats to well-meaning citizens who are urging authorities to bring the suspect to book.

In a statement released on Friday June 17, 2022 and signed by CDEDI Executive Director Sylvester Namiwa says the tactics are aimed at diverting attention of the general population on the sins committed by one Lu Ke.

Namiwa says some misguided individuals seem to have taken advantage of CDEDI’s calls for justice on the matter, and are reportedly busy scheming attacks on some innocent Chinese nationals.

Namiwa feels the conduct is just a deliberate ploy to divert Malawians’ attention from real issues raised by CDEDI and other human rights bodies within and outside Malawi as regards the dehumanizing said videos. 

“It is worth putting on record that the filming incident as it stands is an isolated case by an individual, and not the entire Chinese community in Malawi; therefore, it is not a matter that affects all Chinese nationals staying in this country; hence, we should not use one brash to paint all,” he says.

He has since condemned such plans and those behind them saying by giving the seven-day ultimatum, CDEDI and any of the concerned citizens and human rights campaigners are not in any way calling on anyone to take the law into their hands.

Namiwa further reiterates his organisation’s earlier stand of calling on authorities to desist from any attempts to employ delaying tactics and/or downplaying saying doing so amounts to serious crime against humanity.

He also suggests that since the matter also borders on aspects of profit-making, it is important for relevant authorities to ensure that survivors of the exploitative filming should benefit by way of compensation. 

The CDEDI boss therefore said the zeal employed in blocking South African Dancer Zodwa wabuntu by Minister of Tourism and culture should also be demonstrated in this child exploitative matter.
“Malawians are missing the efficiency of the responsible Minister Hon. Michael Ussi, and the Department of Immigration, including the Malawi Police Service, who exchanged memos until Zodwa, whom the authorities reportedly feared posed a threat to Malawi’s culture, was barred from entering the country,” he says.

Demonstrating that the current one is just a delay tactic, the same Malawi police witnessed the arrest of Erik Aniva after a BBC investigative report and this is the kind of swiftness Malawians expected to see in Susu’s case. 

“It is against this background that CDEDI and all well-meaning Malawians will stop at nothing but push for the arrest of Susu,”

Despite some tactics aimed at diverting attention of state agencies, CDEDI still demands that Lu Ke must be arrested within seven working days, Chinese Ambassador to Malawi to make a public apology to Malawians
and that the Immigration Department, the Malawi Police Service and the Malawi Trade and Investment Centre to flush out all Chinese nationals that are staying or doing business in the country illegally. 

Namiwa says failure by stated institutions to act as demanded, CDEDI wil with no choice but to mobilise the masses to hold peaceful demonstrations until Mr. Lu Ke faces the law. 

Standard Bank Contributes MK5.2 Million to Operation Smile Towards Cleft Lip, Palate Surgeries

The healthcare sector is one of the victims of the first two years of the Covid-19. The pandemic has altered delivery of most essential healthcare services, and one of the conditions affected is that of people born and living with cleft lip and cleft palate conditions.

Following the impact of Covid-19, one of the healthcare organizations that provides free corrective surgery for cleft lip and cleft palate—Operation Smile Malawi—suspended its services.  The result was nothing to grin about; hundreds of people with the cleft lip and cleft palate conditions were unable to receive surgery and supportive rehabilitative healthcare.

This year Operation Smile Malawi resumed corrective surgeries by conducting a month-long programme that intends to cater to the cleft backlog in their system. The initiative is taking place at Kamuzu Central Hospital in Lilongwe where patients are accessing free surgeries alongside free transport, food and accommodation.

Standard Bank on May 25, 2022 donated K5.2 Million towards the surgeries as a continuation of its long-term commitment towards supporting the Operation Smile Malawi Initiative in the country.

“Supporting the health sector is one of the key focus areas of Standard Bank. We believe that we drive Malawi’s growth by taking care of our people and ensuring they receive support when needed to ultimately contribute to the country’s development,” according to Nyambura Chege, Standard Bank’s Head of Brand and Marketing.

Standard Bank appreciates the role of Operation Smile Malawi plays by supporting the health sector but mostly enabling access to a health care service that families including those in the rural and peri-urban areas would not be able to afford.

Cleft lip and cleft palate conditions can develop into further complications in areas of nutrition, hearing, dental and speech while facing stigma and discrimination.

While outlining the situation of the cleft lip and cleft palate in the country, Desiree Mhango, Operation Smile country manager acknowledged discrimination as a major challenge associated with the defect.

“In Malawi it is estimated that we have about 3000 people in the communities who have not received this surgical and rehabilitative support. This is a combination of limited capacity in the health sector as well as financial means for the families to access the health care required,” said Mhango.   

Mhango hailed Standard Bank for the donation saying it will go a long way in supporting the patients that are serviced through the initiative at Kamuzu Central Hospital.

“These patients require a lot of things when they come for surgeries; they need transport, food and accommodation. Therefore, this gesture will make it possible for us to conduct many surgeries and create more smiles,” she said.

Lucy Chiumia, a parent from Chilumba in Karonga, hopes that the surgery is the end of stigma on her son.

“My son’s condition is talk of the society; I receive all the funny and painful comments even discrimination.

“However, the surgery that will be done on him will change everything and bring joy to my family. Thank you, Operation Smile and Standard Bank,” said Chiumia.

 In Malawi, Operation Smile started its operations in 2012. Since its establishment, the charitable organization has managed to perform over 2, 000 surgeries.

New SPC Zamba Reports Late For Her Own Meeting…Arrives 39 Minutes Late

Not impressive. Newly appointed Secretary to the President (SPC) Colleen Zamba kept heads of parastatal organizations waiting for a meeting she herself called.

Slated for a 2pm start in Lilongwe, Zamba only arrived for the meeting 2.39pm; that is 39 minutes later. All the people at the meeting were seated by 1.45pm.

“Amayiwatu anayamba bwino koma ndiye atayilira msangatu( she started very well as SPC but she has relaxed early enough)” remarked one of the participants.

Zamba was only appointed almost a week ago to replace Zangazanga Chikhosi and started with a pomp announcing austerity measures to cut down government expenditure.

Ironically, a department within her office defied her austerity measures by conducting a meeting at the lakeshore Hotel although Zamba banned lakeshore government meetings.

“Folks were rushing to be on time and she turns up for her own meeting late, let’s talk about talking the walk or walking the talk.”

“This is the most critical constituency for the SPC to get the country running efficiently, other than Ministers and PSs. She needs to get across the right message in action not words.”

“So if she is late for her own meeting she is sending the wrong signals,” said one of the participants to the meeting.

NBS Bank unveils ‘Kachangu’ Payday loan

Esnart Mchembe: NBS Bank Transactional Products and Services Manager

Listed NBS Bank has launched ‘Kachangu’ payday loan, a digitized, immediate, advanced loan for salaried employees accessed through the Bank’s website link and its digital platforms.

Speaking during the launch in Blantyre, NBS Bank Transactional Products and Services Manager Esnart Mchembe said the ‘Kachangu’ payday loan will help their customers to meet their short-term financial needs while avoiding dealing with loan sharks.

“This ‘Kachangu’ payday loan will help our customers get between K30,000 and K1 million as an emergency within the course of the month which will be payable at the end of that month. It is a cheap system where our customers can access the loans without going to the bank or filling some forms, it is instant,” said Mchembe.

She said all the customers need to do is to process the loans using their gadgets through their website and they will receive it within the same day and will be repaid by their next salary.

Mchembe said they have put in place plans to ensure that customers do not abuse the system by giving out loans according to one’s salary limit as well as accessing the loans to a maximum of nine times in a year.

“We know that this loan system is cheap and therefore we do not want customers to abuse it. If one takes less than K100,000, we will charge them K5,000 only and if it is more than K100,000 we will charge 4% of the amount taken,” said Mchembe.

CDEDI cautions against shielding Chinese racist

By Iommie Chiwalo

The Centre for Democracy and Economic Development Initiatives (CDEDI) has warned government to desist from employing delaying tactics and futile attempts to shield Chinese national Lu Ke over his perceived racial discrimination conduct.

The suspect is believed to be behind video recordings, that have gone viral, containing racial attacks and child exploitation incidences that were filmed at Njewa in Lilongwe.

In a statement signed by CDEDI Executive Director Sylvester Namiwa, the organization has challenged both the Malawi and the Chinese governments to treat the matter with the urgency and seriousness it deserves.

 The organization has emphasized that any attempts to downplay the issue or help the suspect to beat the long arm of the law will only succeed in stirring avoidable actions with far-reaching consequences.

However, according to CDED’s investigations the suspect, who, reportedly, was previously charged with human trafficking offences, is no longer in the country.

Namiwa says if CDEDI investigations are anything to go by, it speaks volumes about the status of the country’s security and lack of its seriousness on cracking down criminal acts.

CDEDI has therefore given authorities seven (7) working days to bring to book Mr. Lu Ke and that if the suspect has really bolted as feared; the onus is on the Chinese Government to
bring him back to Malawi to face the law.

He has also demanded that the Chinese Ambassador must make a public apology to Malawians, in particular the black community.

Additionally, the CDEDI Boss has given state agencies such as the Immigration Department, the Malawi Police Service and the Malawi Trade and Investment Centre 48 hours to flush out all Chinese nationals staying or doing business in the country illegally.

“Failure by the stated institutions to act as demanded above will leave CDEDI with no choice but to mobilize the masses to hold peaceful demonstrations against Mr Lu Ke and like-minded racists.

Recently CDEDI issued a statement challenging authorities to immediately work with the Immigration Department, the Malawi Police Service and the Malawi Trade and Investment Centre in tracking down the racist Chinese national, and other like-minded bad  apples among so-called investors who are dehumanizing Malawians.

But according to Namiwa, there has been a lukewarm response from the authorities in dealing with the matter.

He said since the Chinese Embassy in Lilongwe, through a social media post, is on record to have strongly condemned racism while urging a crackdown on such incidences there is need to spell out actions taken against their national or ensure that the video didn’t go viral.

The remarks come after, the Embassy has revealed that they were aware that the video was recorded in 2020.

The video recordings have been made public through an investigation done by ‘Africa Eye’ of the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC).

More stakeholders have condemned the conduct and have asked government to act with speed in addressing the matter by arresting the perpetrator.

Old Mutual declares a bove inflation bonus

Tawonga Manda Old Mutual Pension Services Company General Manager

Old Mutual has declared a 2021 guaranteed fund bonus of 11 percent from pension contributions of its members.

The company announced the 11 percent bonus in Lilongwe on Friday.

Old Mutual Group Chief Executive Officer, Edith Jiya admitted that during the past two years, the company was not spared from economic hardships just like other companies but she said the company learnt how to survive to mitigate the challenges to ensure that products on offer remain relevant.

“We have not had this event in two years. As a brand we have learnt that what really matters does not change. That is, our purpose was to help customers thrive,” Jiya said, citing Covid-19 pandemic and the global economic hardships as some of the challenges the company went through.

Old Mutual General Manager for Old Mutual Pension Services Company Tawonga Manda said the annualized fund bonuses for three; five and 10 year periods were above inflation “thus delivering a real return to our clients over medium to long term.”

During the year, according to Manda, the fund investment environment was rough as headline inflation accelerated on account of increases in both food and non-food costs. Inflation averaged 9.3 percent in 2021 down from 8.6 percent.

He said interest rates increased from around 13.8 percent to 14.5 percent over the year while the policy rate remained constant at 12 percent throughout the year.

“Equity market performance was bullish in the second half of 2021with All Share Index return of 40.05 compared to 7.08 percent in 2020. Over 10 year-old period, the MASI has returned to 22.39 percent,” Manda said.

The Old Mutual Guaranteed Fund is a trusted fund for pension contributions. The fund aims to provide long term capital preservation with an income focus.

Apart from declared bonus over the years the fund has grown significantly and the assets under the fund are worth 390 billion; not profit as earlier reported.

The pooled funds are invested in high performing secure and diverse investments to ensure the best returns for members. The contributions are guaranteed even in adverse market conditions. -(By Deogratias Mmana, Times Group)

Chakwera’s cluelessness irks CSOs… Malawians can’t pay taxes to finance Executive opulence-CDEDI


President Lazarus Chakwera’s leadership is never short of controversies and disbelief as he is being accused of cluelessness from all angles latest being Civil Society Organisations (CSOs).

And the Centre for Democracy and Economic Development Initiatives (CDEDI) has joined rights watch organisations who have noted with great concern about Chakwera’s cluelessness on how to cushion the suffering of poor Malawians owing to the turbulent times the countrys economy is facing. 

In a statement made available to this publication CDEDI Executive Director Sylvester Namiwa has said that Malawians must for once be spared from public relations stunts and be given what they deserve through their hard earned taxes.

He said it is disheartening to note that living conditions of millions of Malawians keep deteriorating, yet the Chakwera-led Tonse Alliance administration has for the past 23 months been collecting taxes on a daily basis yet failing to use the billions collected to improve lives of Malawians who are faced with unprecedented skyrocketing cost of living, including the recent rationing of essential commodities such as cooking oil and sugar.

This, according to Namiwa, speaks volumes of the cluelessness of the leadership.  

The CDEDI Boss cited the recent announcement about the 20 percent fuel cut for Cabinet Ministers whereby the President conveniently forgot to announce his own as an example of bad leadership that ought to be exemplary.

“Truth be told, unless the President includes among the austerity measures a cut in his salary, he is not prepared to suffer with Malawians. Otherwise, cutting on ministers fuel allocations is welcome but puts the President on the other side of the road where he will watch his juniors nurse their wounds as he criss-crosses the country at will. Simply put, it is morally wrong for the President to force everyone to tighten their belts in the face of the economic hardships, when the President continues living in opulence,” says Namiwa who has termed the current austerity measures as nothing but financial discrimination since are largely for the voters only when the ruling elite are swimming in riches.

Namiwa has, therefore, challenged President Chakwera and his Cabinet to cut their salaries by 50 percent; trim the Cabinet; trim the crowd of his advisers; and learn to delegate those assisting him in running government to go and cut ribbons while he stays in the office figuring out how his government can protect the vulnerable and marginalised Malawians using resources accrued from the announced cost-cutting measures. 

Namiwa has reminded Malawians that at the advent of the Covid-19 pandemic, Dr. Chakwera, who was then leader of opposition, and Dr. Chilima who was still the countrys Vice-President, announced their salary cuts as a contribution to the national Covid-19 response and queries the whereabouts of such morality.

“Where has that morality gone two years down the line? A Cabinet minister in the former President Dr. Bakili Muluzis regime, the late James Makhumula, set a good precedent when he directed Treasury to channel his salary to a special rural development fund. Given the examples above, it is possible for leaders to sacrifice their benefits for the good of the country. If they cannot do this, then why should Malawians keep suffering by paying taxes, when there is nothing to show for their lives to get better? Malawians cant breathe!,”

The whole scenario has been worsened by recent public relations stunts when the President told the nation that he had decided to save money by cutting down on his travels, which undoubtedly eat a lot from the public purse.

But to the surprise of many, while hand-clappers were still showering praise on the President for the announcement, the Office of the President and Cabinet (OPC) shamelessly released an itinerary for the President that saw him on the road from Saturday to Monday. 

Marking the sign of cluelessness of highest order, Chakwera demonstrated his appetite for travel and is still promising one thing today and doing to the contrary the next day.

“We wonder how such a leader can be trusted?,”

In circulation there is an audio clip recorded by Times Radio in one of its phone-in programmes, in which a concerned Chilomoni resident in the City of Blantyre, by the name of Maggie Kaiyatsa, is appealing to the Executive arm of government to listen to the cries of poor Malawians.

“By now CDEDI believes that Dr. Chakwera, the Vice-President Dr. Saulos Chilima, and all Cabinet ministers have listened to the audio in circulation. If we were in a serious country, heads would have rolled by now and a social protection initiative could have been launched already since
Kaiyatsa has spoken for millions of Malawians that are suffering due to President Chakweras poor leadership style. It is for this reason that Malawians are asking themselves the morality of paying taxes when their money ends up just enriching those in the Executive arm of government at the expense of the poor millions who are suffering,” Namiwa says.

EXCLUSIVE: What exact interest does NCA have on Sattars?

Reports show that British National Crime Agency (NCA) keeps on torturing businessman Zeneth Sattar by unlawful arrests on suspected corruption act with Malawi government.

Sattar who is a successful Malawian businessman is being denied access to his assets, businesses as if he has been already sentenced.

The British NCA act on Sattar is unacceptable in the court of law.

The agency actions are not based on proper legal procedures but rather jealousy over the Sattars successes.

For starters, NCA has been investigating Sattar without proper involvement of Malawi government particular office of Attorney General (AG), Police, immigration and Director of Public Prosecution (DPP).

The agency only uses embattled Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) Martha Chizuma who works with social media friends.

To this far, Malawi government has never complained anything to Britain on Sattar business dealings with the state.

The British NCA in the said investigations has never probe on any Malawi government official on the alleged corruption but only focusing on supplier. What are the Britons interests?

This is why both AG and DPP have always told Chizuma to seriously look into the matter with sober minds than being emotional and personal vendetta.

One of Malawi government’s ministry of justice officials revealed that NCA has failed to establish real public officers who were involved in the alleged corruption while targeting the suppliers only, who is Sattar.

He added that NCA frequent arrests on Sattar is aimed at torturing him due to envy and jealousy on his successes.

“The British NCA are in a fix on how to proceed with their illegal investigation on alleged corruption probe; firstly, AG, DPP, NIB and Immigration were by-passed this means by law their (NCA) work is invalid. Secondly, there is only one side the British NCA and Chizuma are interested on supplier only not public officers who requested the services.

“If Sattar as supplier is being questioned for contract. Where is the buyer’s statements or explanation? Nothing is done or questioned. No witness statements either. Sattar is a target of Harassment. According to law. Supplier is the last to be asked. Buying entity is first to be questioned. But buying entity is free and only the supplier is harassed,” said the source.

The source added further that AG, DPP do not have enough grounds to prosecute someone which later will cost government heavily.

“With also the leaked audio case in court puts the British NCA on spotlight disarray which was also mentioned in the audio. The audio exposed all NCA and Chizuma (not ACB office) personal vendetta on businessman Sattar. Chizuma’s public trust is gone,” says the source.

ACB acted illegally by communicating and accepting a team from NCA to operate and run affairs in Malawi without permission.

However, AG Nyirenda told the news conference early this year that; “My office is ready to cooperate with the United Kingdom on exchange of evidence through normal diplomatic channels on prescribed legal framework while at the same time respecting the sovereignty of the two countries.”

Nyirenda added that the Immunities and Privileges Act plus the Vienna Convention on diplomatic relations as well as the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations to recover any money that might have been illicitly transferred from Malawi to United Kingdom shall be used.

“The office shall also ensure that all legal formalities including the prescriptions under the mutual assistance in criminal matters act are followed to the letter when collecting evidence from the UK or sending evidence to the UK to avoid needless and undeserving acquittals or needless and undeserving loss of lawsuits and a matter of compliance with the rule of law,” he said.

Both the AG and DPP argue that ACB contravened the Laws of Malawi: Chapter 8.04 and Chapter 16.01 which deals with mutual assistance in criminal matters and immunities and privileges respectively.

The NCA has so far not made any request to have the information shared with Malawi government either.

What is always being communicated is that Sattar has been arrested, properties freezed without Malawi government involvement.

Prosecuting Sattar without Malawi government involvement is against international statutes while violating someone rights to business.

The British NCA must respect Malawi as sovereign state, period.

Chilima Dates North on Council Reforms Progress

Chilima: In previous Reforms engagements in Central Region

Vice President Salous Chilima – who also over sees public sector reforms – will next week be in the Northern region for a week to track progress of various reforms taking place in councils as well as visit various projects.

The firebrand and workaholic Chilima has an overstretched schedule from Monday to Friday as he embarks on inspecting some major projects and holding public reforms meetings in the Northern region.

The Veep held a similar reform progress tour in the North in April 2021 to track the government’s reforms agenda.

A packed programme for the Veep for the week that we have seen shows Chilima will kick start his week long tour in the Northern region on Monday in Chitipa .

According to the loaded programme, Chilima will start with Chitipa to inspect the Emergency Treatment Unit – Chitipa Isolation Centre, Rehabilitation of Chitipa Council Chamber & Office Premises and hold full council meetings at the boma

Later in the afternoon and on Tuesday morning the Veep will be in Karonga where, among other projects, he will tour Karonga North Rukuru Dyke and Hara Women Briquettes Production and thereafter hold council meetings.

On Tuesday Chilima will be in Rumphi where he will inspect the Community Based Floods Early Warning System and hold reform meetings at Rumphi boma.

On Thursday, the Veep is expected to engage Nkhatabay and Likoma councils where he is expected to visit NkhataBay District Hospital (Paying Ward, Restaurant, Printing Services) and Standardized Exams in Primary Schools at St Maria Goretti before holding council meetings at Chikale beach.

The same day in the afternoon he will tour Mzuzu Civic Centre Construction and hold a reform meeting with Mzuzu City Council officials.

Chilima is expected to wind up the week-long tour in the North with a visit to Mzimba on Friday where he will appreciate progress of the Kasangazi Irrigation Scheme and Innovation Project: Hydro Power Generation.

The public sector reforms are being implemented in various government departments and councils to modernise the country, moving the country to a middle income nation and anchoring the implementation framework of the key priority areas in the Malawi 2063 development agenda.

NIGERIAN IDOL 7 FINALE: Watch Who Walks Away with $240,000 Worth of Prizes This Sunday

Show’s host IK Osakioduwa: Set to announce a winner who will walk away with $240,000 worth of prizes

The finale episode of Nigerian Idol Season 7 will air at 20:00 CAT on Sunday, 22 May 2022, live on DStv and GOtv. Show’s host, IK Osakioduwa, will announce a winner who will walk away with $240,000 worth of prizes.

Don’t miss a moment of the action, make sure you’re connected. Easily use the MyGOtv or MyDStv apps to manage your subscription and watch the finale on Africa Magic (DStv channel 151), Africa Magic Urban (DStv channel 153; GOtv Supa channel 6), and Africa Magic Family (DStv channel 154; GOtv channel 2).

After weeks of watching the top 12 contestants sing their hearts out on the live shows to earn fan votes, the competition is down to two finalists –Progress and Zadok – vying for the title of ‘Nigerian Idol’. Whoever wins will go home with a cash prize of $240,000, a brand new SUV, a Bigi branded refrigerator and a year’s supply of Bigi drinks. They will also get to record an EP and a music video, a weekend getaway from TravelBeta, and a DStv Explora fully installed with a 12 months premium subscription.

As a platform created to help exceptional musicians, the first runner-up will also walk away with an EP produced by a leading music producer in Nigeria and a top-notch music video shoot.

The fate of the finalists will depend on the results from the final voting round which ends on Friday, 20 May at 22:00 CAT. Voting on Nigerian Idol is via the website, mobile site, MyDStv, and MyGOtv apps.

Fans can vote via the Africa Magic website,, and the Africa Magic mobile site by selecting your winner, entering the number of votes and clicking VOTE. Voting via these platforms is limited to 100 votes per user. Voting is also free on the MyDStv and MyGOtv Apps. The number of votes each subscriber gets is allocated based on their subscription packages.

Follow Nigerian Idol across all social media platforms on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for the latest details. Visit for more information.

Fish farmers hail Maldeco support

BVC members harvesting fish from the cages on Lake Malawi

Some fish farmers in Mangochi and Zomba have hailed The Foods Company Limited (TFCL), a subsidiary of conglomerate Press Corporation plc (PCL) trading as Maldeco, for supporting them through their fish farming and providing them with a ready market for their fish.

Speaking to journalists in Mangochi and Zomba at the weekend, the farmers said Maldeco has been giving them assistance in terms of the technical know-how in aquaculture farming as well as assisting them to access the much needed fingerlings so that they are economically independent.

Maldeco is running a community transformation initiative dubbed ‘One Village, One Cage’ (OVOC) Initiative where in each of its surrounding five villages, Beach Village Committees (BVCs) have been allocated a cage on Lake Malawi where they grow the fish. The company is also supporting other farmers who practice fish farming in fishing ponds in Zomba.

Kanyerere Jnr.- We are grateful

Under the initiative, Maldeco, with the support from the Malawi Innovation Challenge Fund (MICF) matching grant facilitated by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) supplies the high quality scarce fingerlings and coordinates feed supplies to the BVCs and when the fish is harvested, Maldeco procures the fish and the cost of the inputs is deducted from the sale proceeds and the profit is what the BVCs take away as their income.

Michesi Beach Village Committee Chairperson Jordan Kanyerere Junior said they made a total of K1.7 million during their sales from the first phase of the project.

“This is a lot of money to us. Apart from sharing the money as committee members, we also managed to buy school uniforms for needy children from 23 families in our village so that they too should benefit from our relationship with Maldeco,” said Kanyerere.

Miteche-Beneficial relationship

Siwema Daniel from Makokola BVC also thanked Maldeco for the support that it is giving to the community saying her BVC has been economically empowered by the initiative.

“We are now thinking of increasing our fish stock so that we make more money during the second harvest,” she said.

A fish farmer who practices fish farming at her five fish ponds at Domasi in Zomba, Rennie Kawaga hailed Maldeco for supporting her with the aquaculture know-how and providing her with a ready market for her fish harvests.

Miteche-Beneficial relationship

“I am happy that Maldeco, apart from supplying us with the fingerlings and the fish feed, is also giving us a ready market for our fish,” said Kawaga.

Another fish farmer Norah Miteche from Songani in Zomba who also practices fish farming in her 6 fish ponds, also hailed Maldeco and Aquaculture Enterprise Malawi (AEM) for the support which includes fish growth monitoring (sampling), extension services, aquaculture technologies and business management courses.

“As a new fish farmer, I can say that this has been a beneficial relationship because apart from supplying us with fingerlings, feed and a ready market, Maldeco has also been conducting business management courses for us farmers which have been an eye opener and essential for enterprise sustainability,” said Miteche.

Kawaga- Ready market available

Maldeco General Manager Andrew Santhe said the initiative has helped to improve relationships with villagers especially in Mangochi where the company engages in cage fish farming on Lake Malawi.

“We have seen that issues of security of the cage fish have greatly improved because the communities around the company have their own cages on the lake and hence the company and the community are collaborating in securing the fish. We are also happy that we are contributing to the economic development and independence of these communities around Maldeco and elsewhere where we are supporting the fish farmers,” said Santhe.

The initiative is within a bigger project where Maldeco is constructing a modern fish processing facility with funding from PCL and additional funding from UNDP which Maldeco won as a matching grant.

CDEDI moves in to wake up Chakwera from his deep slumber

By Iommie Chiwalo

Cdedi senior officials addressing the media

The Centre for Democracy and Economic Development Initiatives (CDEDI) has moved in to wake up President Lazarus Chakwera and his administration to from deep slumber by devising mechanisms that will resuscitate the country’s economy from its death bed.

The move by CDEDI follows country’s economic status which is heading south as
evidenced by the rationing of essential goods and services, scaling down of local
production due to scarcity of foreign currency, the ever-weakening Malawi
kwacha and increasing electricity load shading hours.

In a press statement signed by its Executive Director, Sylvester Namiwa and made available to this publication, CDEDI has challenged the President and his administration to ring-fence forex for essential services and products such as drugs and medicines, fuel, wheat and cooking oil, before the situation gets out of hand.

Namiwa observes that the dire economic outlook is dampening the spirits and aspirations of Malawians each and every passing day with headlines clearly pointing to a clueless and helpless leadership.

“Just to cite a few examples, CDEDI has learnt with shock revelations that this
month the country has only managed to secure forex just enough to procure essential drugs and medicines for 20 days, production in most of local industries is at zero, essential commodities such as cooking oil and sugar are being rationed in shops, reputable airlines have scaled down their services in the country due to unavailability of forex, businesses have grounded to a halt due to the unavailability of forex,” says Namiwa.

With the prevailing trends, Namiwa has on a sad note observed that Malawi will soon begin to needlessly lose productive lives to preventable diseases due to lack of drugs and medicines in both the public and private health facilities.

CDEDI is of the view that the current government erred big time by cancelling the International Monetary Fund (IMF) Extended Credit Facility (ECF).

“As they say bad politics makes bad economics, apparently, we have established that such a costly decision was made to accommodate their litany of campaign promises such as the Affordable Inputs Programme (AIP), the duty-free week, not forgetting the global trotting by President Chakwera and his Cabinet. Such extravagance would have certainly have put the IMF programme off track, hence the cancellation,” he narrates.

CDEDI has also been vindicated on indecisiveness of current government through its recent letter to Finance Minister Sosten Gwengwe who did not bother to either respond or only acknowledge receipt of the said letter.

In the letter, CDEDI was demanding an explanation on the status of forex in the country, and policies that have been put in place to reverse current trends.

“With inflation rate as high as 15.7 percent, Malawians have now lost the pride that goes with being a citizen of this great nation, as they are trying in vain day and night to save their families from starvation.

It is worth pointing out that for the past two years of current regime, the business community has survived on the parallel market to access forex to run economy. It is, therefore, a mockery for the Reserve Bank of Malawi (RBM), to peg the US dollar at MWK825 when, in fact, the authorities are aware that the green buck is not available in the first place and wherever it is found, the rate is pegged at more than MWK1,150. It is sad that government is exerting negative energy by blaming everyone and everything from the Covid-19 pandemic to the war in Ukraine and not its poor leadership for the skyrocketing cost of living, thereby conveniently forgetting that Malawi is a predominantly importing and consuming nation, hence any rate of fall of the kwacha means more misery for the people,” he observes.

And CDEDI is further demanding Chakwera to swallow his pride and accept that the involvement of his government’s high ranking officials in forex externalisation, non-trickling of proceeds from the sales of agricultural commodities on the international market such as South Sudan and India and his own cluelessness in running State affairs, saying are some of the reasons that have pushed the country’s economy into the ditch.

“With President Chakwera’s tendency of shielding corruption, it is not automatic that Malawi will get the IMF nod. He should not put all the eggs in one basket by banking all his hopes on the IMF, which by the way is not a charitable organisation. This therefore, calls for plan ‘B’,” says Namiwa.

He has further urged government to plan and act for a future that must be defined saying as it stands now, Malawi is on autopilot and, unfortunately, the captain is in deep slumber,”

Apart from CDEDI, more CSOs have expressed displeasure with Chakwera’s style of leadership which they say is benchmarking to dictatorship.

Companies are now scaling down as they cannot spend more on expenditures than the revenue.

Basic commodities are not only expensive but are also not available.

Malawi on right track to end child labour, says Vice President Chilima

Chilima with Ramaphosa at the summit

Malawi’s Vice President Saulos Chilima has addressed the 5th Global Conference on the Elimination of Child Labour, stressing that Malawi has intensified her efforts to decisively end child labour.

Addressing the conference in Durban, South Africa on Sunday, Chilima said Malawi is implementing many interventions and has ratified several conventions to end child labour

He said the Malawi government is concerned that an estimated two million children – aged between 5 and 15 – are still involved in child labour in the country.

“We cannot, therefore, afford to watch and contemplate to postpone ending child labour to a later date. Immediate action is required to reverse these trends,” Chilima emphasized.

He said much focus should be interventions to the Agriculture sector which accounts for 70% of child labour, saying sector needs multi-faceted approaches that promote inclusive rural transformation and rural development.

The Malawi Veep informed the conference delegates Malawi has ratified the relevant ILO Conventions including, all fundamental conventions, such as, Conventions 138 on the Minimum Age of entry into employment, as part of efforts to elimate child labour.

“Corresponding legislation has been enacted in my country. We have the Employment Act aimed at regulating minimum standards of employment and prohibit child labour and forced labour. We also have the National Action Plan on Child Labour, the Malawi Decent Work Country Programme and the country’s current development blueprint, the Malawi 2063,” he told the delegates.

The Malawi VP also said Malawi has abolished the Tenancy Labour system due to its resemblance with forced labour or bonded labour, which is a crucial step towards the sustenance of the country’s efforts in the fight against child labour.

He called for quick interventions and policies to extend social protection coverage for children and their families; scale-up investment in free and good-quality education; promote rights of children from birth to adulthood; and promote decent work for young people.

Earlier, Chilima conveyed Malawi’s condolences to South Africa following the loss of over 400 people in Durban during the catastrophic floods last month.

The Durban conference is being attended by high profile delegates including Cyril Ramaphosa, President of the Republic of South Africa, and Guy Ryder who is ILO Director General.

It follows a similar conference on the Elimination of Child Labour that took place in Argentina five years ago where Buenos Aires Declaration, which outlines the principals and actions to be taken. was adopted.

The Buenos Aires Declaration called for action to accelerate efforts by the Sustainable Development Goals’ deadline of 2025 to end child labour and 2030, for forced labour and for the generation of more decent employment opportunities for young people around the world.

Chilima is expected to return home on Tuesday, May 17.


By Rebecca Mtalimanja Mkandawire

MUTHARIKA: Peter Mutharika is considered arguably the worst President that Malawi ever had

Some officials are demanding that former President, Arthur Peter Mutharika or ‘APM’, be the opposition Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) presidential candidate in the 2025 presidential election. DPP Regional Governor for the South, Charles Mchacha is championing the campaign for APM’s candidature against intense calls from other sections of the party for APM to step aside and give the party some breath of fresh air after his defeat at the 23 June, 2020 fresh presidential election.

The fresh presidential election followed a Constitutional Court’s annulment of the May 2019 presidential election. Peter Mutharika was the first respondent in the election case at the Constitutional Court, which he lost together with co-respondent, Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC).

The five Constitutional Court judges had punched a stinging blow to Peter Mutharika’s political reputation and that of the DPP. No question, the DPP took a serious image beating from the court case ruling and the subsequent fresh presidential election in 2020, which Dr. Lazarus Chakwera of the Tonse Alliance comfortably won against Peter Mutharika.

According to various expert analyses, the former President was booted out of power because many Malawians were tired of DPP regime’s worsening governance record. Under his presidency and the DPP regime, corruption, theft, tax-evasion, money laundering and murders of perceived enemies of the regime were the order of the day.

Peter Mutharika is considered arguably the worst President that Malawi ever had. He is famous for being aloof and disconnected from the common Malawian. His oratory skills leave a lot to be desired, which many Malawians make fun of, particularly on social media platforms. With such negative attributes, it is surprising that Mchacha and a few youngsters masquerading as politicians on various social media platforms, are agitating for the return of the 83-year-old Peter Mutharika.


Peter Mutharika’s defeat in 2020 posed a serious image fallout to the DPP and the party required a serious image cleansing exercise to stand any chance of winning future elections. Most DPP members have been agitating for the retirement of Peter Mutharika to effectively deal with the image battering and rebrand the party in preparation for the next election in 2025.

But since he was shown the government exit door, Peter Mutharika himself has refused to step aside, claiming he never lost and that he was a victim of some “judicial coup” because the fresh election was sanctioned by the courts in connivance with now President of the Republic Chakwera and partners.

Whatever the precise intentions for clinging to the DPP leadership are, there is little doubt that Peter Mutharika is a spent political force. He is not only old but he is also too old to be the party’s presidential candidate in the next election. Now is the time that Peter Mutharika and his stooges acknowledged the reality that politics is now beyond him and that the more he clings on to the DPP leadership and fight against his perceived enemies within the party, the more he risks further reputational damage. With his evident governance failures when he was President of the country and at his old age, it would be very difficult if not impossible for Peter Mutharika to convince Malawians otherwise.

Politics may be addictive, so they say. But being an elderly and educated person, as well as being a United States of America (USA) Green Card holder, Peter Mutharika should have been the first person to realize that leaving the political stage early enough would save him the embarrassment of being ‘forced’ out of politics.

So far, the government of President Chakwera has been very lenient with the former President by not subjecting him to any serious criminal investigation despite many allegations of wrong-doing. It would, therefore, be good judgement on the part of Peter Mutharika to quietly go into retirement rather than clinging on to active politics.

Peter Mutharika should borrow a leaf from Bakili Muluzi who is happily enjoying life in retirement, without looking over his shoulders about politics. On 24 August, 2021, Hakainde Hichilema became the seventh President of the Republic of Zambia. There was a smooth handover of power in Zambia and the outgoing President Edgar Chagwa Lungu immediately announced his retirement from politics. What else is APM looking in active politics at such an advanced age?

Clinging to the party presidency and banging tables in anger against perceived enemies within the DPP is not the best choice for an aging law professor who should instead be spending quality time with his grandchildren.

Peter Mutharika has no place in the current political space. He lost an election because Malawians did not want him to continue as Head of State. Today, the DPP is heavily divided because of APM’s lack of leadership skills. Peter Mutharika is now a recluse, shackled in Mangochi, very far away from the party’s southern region stronghold.

It is a general consensus among political pundits and analysts that the DPP is suffering its lowest moment right now regarding its political image because of APM. When the DPP lost government power, it required some fresh mind to spearhead a robust marketing campaign and to re-energize its grassroots structures in readiness for future elections and not Peter Mutharika who wants to manage party affairs by remote control.

Peter Mutharika is a failed leader who has brought divisions in the DPP. The party needs someone who can purify its systems; a unifying figure who will embrace all leaders and members, not someone like Peter Mutharika who supports certain individuals aspiring for top leadership positions in the party against others.

Indeed, it is a general consensus that the DPP must put its act together now if it wants to stand any chance of reclaiming its lost political glory. However, that can only happen if and when Peter Mutharika steps aside. He is a bad apple and his presence does not help the DPP to salvage the little sympathy that was left after 23 June, 2020.


Decision making lies at the heart of every political leader’s personal and organization’s life. A decision that a leader makes has far-reaching consequences on the people they lead. The DPP finds itself in the opposition today because of some flawed decisions that Peter Mutharika made when he was in power. For example, his decision to send the Chief Justice Andrew Nyirenda into early retirement when the law was not in favour of such an action seriously haunted him. That decision cost him millions of Malawi Kwacha in both legal fees and costs.

Another flawed decision was his choice of the politically little known and inadequately educated Everton Chimulirenji as his presidential running-mate in 2019, snubbing all possible and qualified candidates in the DPP.

Following the backlash that accompanied Chimulirenji’s choice, APM dumped him and ran with Atupele Muluzi of the United Democratic Front (UDF) during the fresh presidential poll in 2020, a decision that also sparked controversy and divisions within the party ranks and outside.


Some quarters say the former President is ‘captured’ by his wife and the former First Lady Gertrude Mutharika, who allegedly makes crucial political and other decisions on his behalf. But others have suggested that Peter Mutharika also suffers from poor selection of close advisors who have led him into making some of his most unpopular decisions.

The party’s unpopular Administrative Secretary, Francis Mphepo, is one of such advisors. In 2018, a few months before the elections, the old and tired Francis Mphepo was recorded insulting people from the northern region of the country as ungrateful and not deserving any development, seriously affecting APM’s popularity in the north.

Indeed, Peter Mutharika is disconnected from local politics despite having returned home about over a decade ago from years in exile in the United States. If he was live to the realities of Malawian politics, APM could have known that people like Francis Mphepo cannot be trusted.

If Gertrude Mutharika and Mphepo were good advisors, they should have advised Peter Mutharika to retire from active politics because that is the wisest thing to now and not in 2023 or 2025.


STANDARD BANK INTRODUCES DIASPORA ACCOUNT: Account will allow remittances back home for investments and other social needs

MUGHOGHO: The account comes with the option of either having a Malawi Kwacha account or keeping savings in a foreign currency denominated account

Lilongwe, May 13, 2022– Standard Bank Plc today proudly announces launch of the Diaspora Account to facilitate remittances for Malawians living abroad and wishing to invest back home.

Available in United States Dollar, Euro, South African Rand and British Pound sterling currencies, the Diaspora Account is supported with Malawian investment options, and carries no monthly fees.

Standard Bank’s Head of Consumer and High Net Worth (CHNW) Charity Mughogho said the account offers competitive exchange rates and can be opened with a passport by simply clicking here to download and complete the application documents.

“The account comes with the option of either having a Malawi Kwacha account or keeping savings in a foreign currency denominated account (with four currency options). The account carries no management fees with same day delivery of inward telegraphic transfers. It also allows customers to choose between a single or joint account that comes with a debit card which can be activated for use internationally,” she said.

Mughogho saiddiaspora account holders will be assigned to a dedicated account manager and would not be required to maintain a minimum book balance and will enjoy a number of bundled free services such as mobile and internet banking, e-mail alerts, same-day inward telegraphic transfer settlements and online purchases together with a streamlined account management service.

The CHNW Head said Standard Bank’s sister company, Standard Bank Bureau de Change will allow diaspora account holders to exchange their foreign currency into Malawi Kwacha at competitive rates. This option can be facilitated between the foreign currency account and Malawian Kwacha account upon instruction from the customer, she added. She said in coming up with the Diaspora Account, Standard Bank wanted to address challenges Malawians living abroad face when they want to invest back home or make important remittances to relations and causes.

She said the new account is line with Standard Bank’s purpose of offering innovative financial solutions designed to contribute to the country’s economic growth.

Mughogho said “The new diaspora account goes in line with our purpose which is that Malawi is our home and we driver her growth. As Standard Bank we are giving diaspora clients the option to build their dream house without the stress of monitoring the project, as the bank works with accredited property developers to manage the project for you. If you already own a home, you can opt to access equity release to free up capital tied in an existing house. Equity release financing goes up to 70% of the home value. The funds accessed through equity release are available for use at the discretion of the account holder and can go towards property development or a new business,” said.

She said other services available with the diaspora account include funeral cover, travel insurance, vehicle insurance, loan protection cover and home owners insurance which are under the Bancassurance portfolio.

In addition, diaspora account holders will have access to their cash from anywhere in the world using Standard Bank’s 247 digital application, which will also provide full account management at the touch of a button and with no additional cost.

“Standard Bank is well aware of the many frustrations and challenges that Malawians in the Diaspora face when they seek to open a Malawian bank account, get the best exchange rates, send money back home and manage their account for future needs. This new account and bundled offers go some way in creating sustainable solutions to the need of Malawians living and working throughout the world. As they look to contribute to the economic growth of the nation and also put in place assets for an eventual return back home. Standard Bank is available to support Malawians living in the diaspora through every step of the journey,” Mughogho said.

Completed account opening documentation needs to be supported with a certified copy of the applicant’s demographic page of their passport, scan of a passport sized photo or digital equivalent, certified copy of residential permit and certified proof of income. The full application can then be emailed to

Malawi Court chides Govt on FISD contracts freeze

FISD DIRECTORS: Have every reason to walk tall

The High Court in Zomba has quashed the government’s decision to deny Foundation for Irrigation and Development (FISD) an opportunity to participate in public tenders on account of criminal charges against four of its directors.

Four FISD directors are currently under trial allegedly for receiving double payment in  a Ministry of Agriculture project funded by the African Development Bank (ADB). 

Early last year FISD won a Southern Region Water Board (SRWB) tender to sink boreholes in Thyolo and Machinga.

The   board withheld awarding of the contract to the firm based on the legal opinion from the  former Attorney General who argued that FISD did not deserve public contracts because of criminal proceedings against some of its directors.  

FISD sought a judicial review against the decision. 

In his judgement, dated May 5, 2022 High Court Judge Justice Mzondi Mvula has quashed the SRWB decision describing it as unlawful and tantamount to passing a guilty verdict contrary to constitutional provisions under section 42 (2). The judge has also ordered the board to award the contract worth about K350 million.

JUSTICE MVULA: Delivered the judgement

Justice Mvula indicated that the presumption of innocence entitles an accused person to live a normal life and to carry out business, enter into contracts, until the fate is determined by the trial court.  

 “The withholding of the Contract by Government, in this contract and indeed all contracts pending against the Claimant has no backing of law. No legal provision under PPDA and indeed our laws sustain that act. The court in proper exercise of its discretion grants the application for declaratory orders sought.  The defendant is condemned in costs of these proceedings,” reads the judgement in part.

Justice Mvula also observed  that the law that governs public procurement does not provide for exclusion from contracts suspects of criminal proceedings.

“Criteria for award or denial to award a contract in our laws has been well laid down under Section 52 of the PPDPA. Denial, let alone withholding an award because of pending criminal proceedings, has not been listed as one of the criteria for eligibility to be awarded a procurement contract,” said Justice Mvula.

A lawyer in the government familiar with public contracts, who did not want to be named,  described the AG’s legal advice as ‘very strange’.

“It has nothing to do with the law but politics. Even if the four directors were guilty of an offence, you wouldn’t exclude the firm from participating in public contracts. And here they are just mere suspects and someone thinks they shouldn’t be given contracts. This is quite outrageous and costly. If acquitted, the directors may sue the government for this ill-treatment. I see the politics of victimization here,” argued the lawyer.

Martha Chizuma left in the cold as British NCA backtracks on illegal invasions in Malawi

After using the embattled Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) Director General Martha Chizuma for illegal entry into Malawi, British National Crimes Agency (NCA) has now backtracked its actions on corruption probe.

The British NCA used Chizuma who is being now for by-passing other state agencies including Attorney General Office (AG), Director of Public Prosecution (DDP), National Intelligent Bureau (NIB), Immigration department on the alleged corruption investigations involving businessman Zuneth Sattar.

ACB boss Chizuma admitted that ignored and alienated the Attorney General (AG) in pursuit of the businessman after the NCA had tipped them on their two years’ investigation.

Sources within ACB told this publication on Wednesday, May 11, 2022 that British NCA is ashamed of its conduct on corruption probe.

The source said that with the leaked audio case in court has left NCA no option but to leave Chizuma alone as how will proceed with the case.

The source added that NCA failed to establish real public officers who were involved in the alleged corruption while targeting the suppliers only, who is Sattar.

“The British NCA are in a fix on how to proceed with their illegal investigation on alleged corruption probe; firstly, AG, DPP, NIB and Immigration were by-passed this means by law their (NCA) work is invalid. Secondly, there is only one side the British NCA and Chizuma are interested on supplier only not public officers who requested the services.

“If Sattar as supplier is being questioned for contract. Where is the buyer’s statements or explanation? Nothing is done or questioned. No witness statements either. Sattar is a target of Harassment. According to law. Supplier is the last to be asked. Buying entity is first to be questioned. But buying entity is free and only the supplier is harassed,” said the source.

The source added further that AG, DPP do not have enough grounds to prosecute someone which later will cost government heavily.

“With also the leaked audio case in court puts the British NCA on spotlight disarray which was also mentioned in the audio. The audio exposed all NCA and Chizuma (not ACB office) personal vendetta on businessman Sattar. Chizuma’s public trust is gone,” says the source.

However, there is a few names on social media circulating being tagged in the investigation including President Lazarus Chakwera, Veep Saulos Chilima, Prince Kampondamgaga (State House Chief of Staff), Chimwendo Banda (Sport Minister), Eisenhower Mkaka (Natural Resource Minister), George Kainja (Inspector General of Police), Vincent Nundwe (Army Commander), Suzi Banda, Atupele Muluzi (UDF leader), Dan Kuwali, Judge Chikopa and others.

This publication managed to contact Kapondamgaga, Mkaka, Muluzi who they denied of being involved in the alleged corruption.

Sattar was contacted for an interview where he went no comment and said he was traveling and could not continue the call.

However, when contacted Sattar’s Press officer, Zoe Iktiactivit said the said names do not give contracts.

“We have all information and supporting documentation if needed. A government contract is not awarded by an individual. Neither the said names have powers to give contracts. It’s a shame people think this way.

“A contract is discussed at first amongst an IPC. Then goes to the director of the department who then recommends to the senior management. Then it’s sent to PPDA who amongst 10-15 officers decide to approve or recommend to their board. Then the board of 5-10 officers sits to discuss,” says iktiactivit.

She added, “Then the recommendation is sent to ACB for vetting to check if there is no criminal record with the requested company. Upon no objection from ACB, the decision is still pending seeking the Ministry of finance to approve the procurement confirming funding is or will be available

“Upon this confirmation the matter is then sent as a provisional approval to the requesting department. Who then inform the supplier of the award of contract preparing a draft contract to then send to the ministry of justice for confirmation. Then after it is sent to government contracting unit. Further after there, it is then sent to OPC where the SPC signs the final approval for the contract to be awarded”.

Zoe quarrels, “The contract is binded and signed amongst the two parties. The contract literally goes through 70-80 government personnel’s till approved. How would one bribe all these officers? Just doesn’t make sense. And should there have been anything suspicious, at least one officer would have raised a Suspicious Activity Report (SAR). Anyway let’s wait and see what the outcome comes out. We are all set with our calculations for our losses”.
“It is very unfair to suspect honest officers to be corrupt. It’s a shame. And again who is the complainant’? asked Zoe.
She added, “Government of Malawi is receiving the shipments as well and honouring their contracts and payments, so who is the actual complainant. If it’s the British government then who’s complained to them as in representative to GOM.
“Let’s not forget. Malawi is a sovereign nation and has its own decisions and cannot be ruled for others political interests”.

This publication understands that Sattar is waiting for the NCA to charge him and proceed to court.

That’s when the first argument Sattar’s Representatives from Raymond’s buildings called Simon Farell QC will ask for the legal mutual assistance in court as a start to the case argument.

Simon Farell QC is expected to cross examine the mentioned Malawi Government officials to confirm if there was any sort of corrupt practice amongst them as per the intelligence information the NCA have.

However, if no Legal Mutual Assistance was followed then all intelligence information cannot be used as evidence at all as per law it is unlawfully obtained and according to law it becomes irrelevant and inadmissible in a court of law.

“Knowing the British law and judges, they are no time wasters and very professional where they will trash such cases which don’t follow protocol.

“This case seems very difficult and one of the first of this type in the history of England where no witness statements or whatsoever from the buying entity of another country and a supplier who is based in UK to face charges on suspicion of corrupting and bribery,” admits British legal expert.

Sattar’s lawyer Simon Farell is a very senior QC who even at times is hired as a judge on some cases.

Simon Farell QC has dealt with cases for the Sultan of Brunei and we hear but have no confirmation that his charges are £1,500.00 an hour.

“If this case continues, it will cost Malawi government heavy legal billing that’s why both AG and DPP are studying the matter thoroughly without emotions the way Chizuma is currently doing.

“The current Tonse government is unable to conclude suspected corruption cases as arrests were done without enough evidence”, chipped in another legal expert.

Besides the disclosure about the ACB conduct in handling the matter, ACB did not collaborate well, thereby according to law putting the whole case in jeopardy in Malawi and United Kingdom.

“Why selling entity is being harassed and business accounts blocked. Anything that British NCA got is irrelevant and not submisible in court. This is illegal operation could cost the Malawi government billions of kwachas in losses to the supplier”, says senior legal advisor in the Ministry of Justice.

He added, “Chizuma’s trust among the public completely lost though some quarters of the society including CSOs do not want to come up against her for breaching ACB’s Office oath.

“Where on earth does someone continue to work when break Office oath? The pressure on Chizuma step down, is nothing to do with gender, being woman but respect of law in public office of ACB”.

Sources have confirmed Sattar to have signed a massive contract with the government of Ukraine of which deliveries have been shown but again Sattar when asked just laughed and said no comment again.

ACB acted illegally by communicating and accepting a team from NCA to operate and run affairs in Malawi without permission.

Both the AG and DPP argue that ACB contravened the Laws of Malawi: Chapter 8.04 and Chapter 16.01 which deals with mutual assistance in criminal matters and immunities and privileges respectively.

This means that any ACB involvement with British NCA without AG is invalid that the graft body needs to start all over again.

Mutharika’s Ex-Private Bodyguard Norman Chisale Ordered to Pay MK10 Million for Assault

The High Court in Lilongwe has ordered former president Peter Mutharika’s personal bodyguard, Norman Chisale, to pay Dingani Soko K10 million for assaulting him on November 22, 2018.

An order on assessment of damages by Assistant Registrar Brian Sambo that Nation Online has seen shows that Chisale has been given 14 days to pay the amount from Tuesday, May 10, 2022 when the order was made.

Chisale was found guilty on February 24, 2022 by High Court Judge William Msiska for assaulting Soko in 2018 when they had a misunderstanding at the roundabout which connects Mzimba and Paul Kagame Highway in Lilongwe.

Meanwhile, Chisale’s lawyer Chancy Gondwe says he has received instructions from his client to appeal the matter.

Think you’re made for film and TV? Then apply to join the MultiChoice Talent Factory Academy Class of 2023!

MultiChoice is once again searching for 60 aspiring film and TV content creators from Southern Africa, West Africa and East Africa to be part of the Class of 2023.

Now approaching its fifth year, the MultiChoice Talent Factory (MTF) Academy is excited to once again call for applications for its world-class film and TV training programme which kicks off in October this year!

The call is open to all emerging filmmakers with either some industry experience or a relevant post-school qualification, to apply for this exciting opportunity to hone their television and film production skills. Our curriculum combines film studies such as directing, sound design, the business of film, to name a few with workplace experience on M-Net’s top productions.

The 12-month fully-funded programme is open to candidates from Southern, Western and East African countries.

Under the leadership of three new academy directors, this will be a landmark year for the MTF Academy programme.

This year’s newly-appointed MTF academy directors are Atinuke Babatunde (West Africa hub), Victoria Goro (East Africa hub) and Christopher Puta (Southern Africa hub).

MultiChoice Africa is committed to building and sustaining the training-to-employment pipeline within Africa’s film and TV industry. The MTF initiative also aims for a 60/40 split in favour of women since its inception.

Coming in with 15 years of experience in audio and video production, Southern Africa Academy Director Christopher Puta believes that the growth of Africa’s film and TV industry starts with providing young people with the opportunity to produce quality content.

“By equipping students with what it takes to be world-class film and TV professionals, the MTF Academy programme is effectively raising the next generation of African storytellers and historians.” he says.

In addition to the hands-on training that all students will receive as part of the programme, they will also get enhanced training experience from the Academy partnerships, which include the New York Film Academy (NYFA), the Henley Business School, Dolby and Canon, among others.

Previous cohorts have also worked with the United Nations’ Verified campaign, and have pitched projects to Partners Against Piracy (PAP) and Creative Development on a climate change campaign.

“The continued support from stakeholders, partners and students has been overwhelming, and we couldn’t be more excited to have reached our fifth year as one of the MultiChoice Group’s leading initiatives directly investing in young African filmmakers,” says MTF Director Nwabisa Matyumza.

Think you’ve got what it takes? Then visit to find out more!

Applications will be open from Monday, 9th May and close on Friday, 3rd June 2022, and have to be completed on  Applications made outside of this website will not be considered.

Winiko Is My Ex-Husband- Whatsapp Admin Whom Winiko Sued For Defamation Speaks Out

Dollah Samson, a human rights defender and concerned citizen, whom comedian-cum politician Winiko sued for defamation, has exclusively revealed that Winiko is her ex-hubby.

Samson disclosed in an interview with the publication a short while ago, saying the two have been cohabitating for a couple of years before they part ways over Winiko’s suspicious deeds.

According to Samson, her ex-husband Winiko could borrow money from her {Samson} without returning back, which she said forced the two to separate, saying he (Winiko) was a ‘gold digger’ in the family.

To support her claim, Samson produced a court document dated 9 September 2021, in which she through her lawyer of YD Attorneys demanded Winiko to pay back the sum of MK 2,230,000 which he obtained as a loan from her, but up to date the comedian has not yet paid.

Out of anger and frustration, Samson created a whatsapp group named ‘Winiko Mbava’, where she demanded Winiko to pay back the loan.

In reaction Winiko through his lawyers accused Samson of defamation and went on to demand MK50 Million in compensation to be paid in seven days from Wednesday, 4 May 2022.

Kalindo is also demanding an apology from the Samson on the WhatsApp group she created namely.

However, the iron lady Samson said she is not moved by the lawsuit insisting that ‘Winiko ndi Mbava, Zanga Abweza.’

Chakwera settles for Speaker Gotani as Runningmate

As calls in MCP are getting louder to have President Lazarus Chakwera tear the agreement he has with his Vice President Saulos Chilima to rotate the presidency in 2025, it has now emerged that Chakwera will pair with Speaker of Parliament Catherine Gotani Hara.

MCP is adamant and confident it will win the elections by pairing with Aford and have female candidate from the north.

“If you notice, the Speaker now is becoming powerful because she has been told of this plan. It was not surprising that she endorsed Chakwera over the weekend,” said our source.

However, the plans threaten to divide MCP as several people  are also eyeing to pair with Chakwera – one of them being Information Minister Gospel Kazako who is degenerating into an MCP cadet.

Politically and geographically, the move could be an outright political suicide in the event that DPP and UDF decided to support the candidacy of Chilima.

To prevent this, said the source, MCP has gone flat out to discredit Chilima with fake stories including the one that he has bought 200 vehicles using K3 billion.


We have gone through the contract document which the government through the Roads Authority (RA) and China Civil Engineering Construction Corporation signed for the construction of the six lane Kenyatta Road project in Lilongwe. The revelations of plunder of public resources contained in the contract document are heartbreaking, Malawians will be ripped off their hard earned taxes!

1. The total project cost, on paper, is K19 billion. But there are projects within the project through which close to K10 billion will be stolen.

2. The Roads Authority valued the relocation of water pipes at K200 million. Government and Lilongwe Water Board are pricing the relocation of water pipes alone at K5.2 billion. That means K5 billion of public funds to be siphoned.

3. The Roads Authority valued the work of relocating electricity cables at K100 million. Government and Escom have now started claiming they need K2.5 billion. Another scheme to siphon K2.4 billion of public funds.

5. The works (moving the pipes and telecom and electricity wires was already a component within the project works totalled at K19 billion. These parallel schemes have created projects within a project through which officials will steal close to K10 billion.

6. To perfect the theft, the same company, China Civil Engineering,  that was awarded the work to construct the road (at a bid price of K19 billion) has been awarded the other alternative contracts.


In a desperate attempt to avert prosecution and possibly conviction for his various alleged crimes, the retired RBM governor-turned politician, Kabambe has finally resorted to physically fight the ACB chief, Martha Chizuma.

It is believed that the DPP aspiring presidential candidate has bankrolled some three Lilongwe based men to lead calls for the removal of Martha Chizuma.

With direction from Kabambe, the three men, Fredrick Malata, Agape Khombe and Redson Munlo are on record to have obtained permission to hold demonstrations, calling for Chizuma’s head.

The former Central Bank chief, is implicated in a number of crimes committed when he was the top boss at the bank.

It is feared that once prosecuted, the guy will end up serving a long jail sentence and all his political ambitions will be shattered at once.

As such, he is willing to go to every length inorder to avert his

It is sad that, at a time when the country is reeling from the ills of corruption, one aspiring presidential candidate is busy fighting those fighting corruption.

MultiChoice Introduces Direct Sales Force

In an effort to increase accessibility to digital television and further provide customers with a world of choice, MultiChoice Malawi has introduced a Direct Sales Force (DSF) who will engage in door-to-door sales of GOtv and DStv decoders.

The service on offer from the DSF will include; assistance with subscription activations and customers education on the DStv and GOtv digital self-service options like, *470# USSD code, MyDStv app and the MyGOtv app, to effortlessly manage their subscriptions.

Customers can easily identify DSF’s through their distinct blue DStv and yellow GOtv reflective vests.

The MultiChoice DSF’s are dispersed through Malawi’s northern, central and southern region equipped with the knowledge and customer care for new and existing customers in the comfort of their own homes.

“Our ‘Sankha Wekha’ theme emphasizes our commitment to put our customers at the heart of everything we do, this initiative reiterates that commitment by bringing choice directly to our customers” said Zena Makunje, MultiChoice Malawi Corporate Affairs Manager.

“As a contributing business citizen MultiChoice remains dedicated to enriching lives and growing hand in hand with our communities by upskilling our agents through our Sankha Wekha kiosks and creating jobs through our DSF initiative for powerful social upliftment,” she added.

MultiChoice Malawi currently has over 152 agents and 58 accredited installers’ across the country with Sankha Wekha Kiosks located in Blantyre at Wenela bus depot, Ndirande by old Peoples shop, and Chemusa.

In Lilongwe in Area 25 Pamathanki, Area 25 Nsungwi and Area 36 Kaphiri and in Mzuzu along M1 road and Mzuzu market with 10 additional kiosks introduced in Blantyre at Blantyre Market, Area 1 Machinjiri, Area 1 Simama, Area 1 Kaviwale, Luwinga, Area 49, Area 29, Likuni and Kamba.


By Chigomezgo C. Nyirenda- Contributor

Today we bring to you another hidden Malawi’s treasure, Ntchisi Rain Forest in central Malawi. Ntchisi Rain Forest Reserve is one of the last remaining indigenous rain forests in Africa. 

Before it became a protected area, the forest was used as a refuge by the local Chewa tribe against attacks by the warring Ngonis in the 19th Century.

Because it proved as vital as a shelter for people, it largely escaped the deforestation for firewood that has unfortunately decimated so much of Africa’s indigenous woodlands. 

It later became a designated Forest Reserve. It is small at 75 sq km and is characterized by rolling hills cultivated by subsistence farming and dotted with traditional villages and situated on the escarpment of the East African Rift Valley.

The rain forest is some luxuriant, dense forest rich in biodiversity, found typically in tropical areas with consistently heavy rainfall.

There is alot to do in this quaint little spot due to its location, in the Ntchisi Rain Forest Reserve. You can choose to head out on a lovely short stroll into the forest, or hike for a few hours and take a lovely picnic with you and sit near one of the rivers or waterfalls.

Look out for the incredible birdlife around or the gorgeous orchids that continue to pop up along the way. Hard to imagine this is just outside the busy capital city…it is heavenly.

Ntchisi Rain Forest is home to many animals. Especially birds love the variety of trees and the undisrupted ecosystem. They know their home very well and always have an eye on you when walking around in the forest.

If you want to spot them, we recommended taking a local expert with you to show you their homes and explain more to you about their habits.

Ntchisi Rain Forest is the unspoiled area that is yet to be discovered by many. Enjoy the sunny days at the brand new eco pool. Filled with spring water from the mountain, heated by the sun and filtered by Malawi’s first UV-Filtration System.

The rainforest is directly next to the lodge and offers you a wide variety of possibilities. One of the most recommendable activities is to go on walk with a local tour guide. They will take you through the marked and hidden paths of Ntchisi Rain Forest.

Learn about the history and importance of the forest for the surrounding communities, eat local fruits you have never about in your life and take a deep forest bath to recharge your batteries.

And my special request to the authorities is that they should put strict measures to protect it before it is damaged. 

You can enjoy the sunny days at lodge’s brand new eco pool. Filled with spring water from the mountain, heated by the sun and filtered by Malawi’s first UV-Filtration System.

How can we protect Ntchisi Rain Forest Reserve? 

To successfully protect the rainforest, one has to understand the deep-rooted threats of the rainforest. Poverty is the main driver of deforestation in the region of Ntchisi, Malawi. 

People lack other sources of income and go in to the forest to cut down trees to sell it on black markets to have at least some food for their families. Climate change is affecting the way of life of every farmer. Rainfalls do not come that regularly anymore and pests like the armyworm threatening up to 25% of the yearly harvest.

Combined with a big growth of population, the private fields are no longer big enough to feed everyone. So, to stop deforestation one has to create new sources of income.

You can manage a day drive from Lilongwe or at least spend a night at Ntchisi Forest Lodge and lodge offers food from local farmers to reduce CO2-Emissions, guarantee fresh food and create a vital marketplace.


Nankhumwa, CSOs tell President Chakwera to stop arresting, attacking Journalists

Leader of Opposition in Parliament, Dr. Kondwani Nankhumwa, has asked President Lazarus Chakwera’s Tonse Alliance administration to stop arresting and torturing journalists in the country.

Nankhumwa, who is also Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) Vice President for the South, made the call on Tuesday in a statement to mark this year’s World Press Freedom Day which is being celebrated under the theme “Journalism Under Digital Siege”.

According to Dr. Nankhumwa, President Chakwera’s Tonse Alliance administration has brazenly gone full throttle in muzzling press freedom, including harassing and arresting journalists for merely doing their job.

He cited the arrest of Investigative Journalist Gregory Gondwe, Social media influencer Joshua Chisa Mbele and a nurse from Ntcheu nurse Chidawawa Maine as serious infringement of media freedom in the country.

“As journalists commemorate this very important day, I would like to call upon President Chakwera and his government to resist the temptation of taking Malawi back to the one-party totalitarian practices where journalists were arbitrarily arrested and detained for many years for reporting the truth.

“Under that one-party oppressive regime of the late Ngwazi Dr. H. Kamuzu Banda, journalists were forced to toe the party line and to always glorify the ‘Ngwazi’ as a demi-god,” said Dr. Nankhumwa in a statement

He added that: “I will not fold my hands and watch the Tonse Alliance government snuff away various freedoms that Malawians gallantly fought for in 1993 and 1994, including the freedom of expression.”

In a related development, Civil Society Organizations in the country has ganged up urging President Chakwera and his Tonse led Alliance Administration to drop all criminal charges related to freedom of expression.

According to the 2022 Freedom of the Press Index published by Reporters Without Borders, Malawi slipped in ranking from 62 in 2021 to 80 in 2022 in terms of promoting freedom of the press and access to public information by journalists.

Chief Maloya’s body arrives at Mgona, Ready for Burial Tomorrow Saturday… DPP Madala Team Rally cancelled

The body of Group Village Headman Maloya who died on Thursday evening has arrived at Mgona in Area 25 in Lilongwe from Kamuzu Central Hospital’s mortuary ready for burial tomorrow on Saturday, 30th of April.

Meanwhile, Chewa Chiefs from Lilongwe district have maintained their stand that Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) ‘Madala’ team should not precede with their rally slated for tomorrow Saturday at Mgona Ground.

According to death announcement made available to the publication on Friday morning, Chewa Chiefs from the area have since banned all public events such as political rallies that were slated to take place on Saturday as way of paying homage to the departed Group Village headman.

“Mwambo wa Maliro uchitikira pa bwalo la Mgona mawa Loweruka; chomcho mafumu onse kwa Mgona ati pasepezeke wina ochita zinthu zake bwaloli (Funeral ceremony will be held at Mgona Ground, therefore it is prohibited to conduct rally at the said venue on the on Saturday),” reads the announcement

Initially, the ‘misguided’ DPP members who are enjoying support from party leader Peter Mutharika, planned to hold the rally at Mgona Ground on Saturday, to counter attack Kondwani Nankhumwa rally slated for Sunday.

Meanwhile, DPP’s Vice President for the Central region, Zeria Chakale, who is also key organizer for the rally, is reported to be calling the chiefs pleading with them to bury the departed chief during the morning hours, in order to pave way for the political rally but the chiefs are refusing.

However, according to Chewa and African culture chiefs, it is a taboo and very disrespectful to bury a chief in the morning hours.

EXPOSED: DPP’s “Madala” Team Prints Fake T-Shirts to Decampaign Nankhumwa…Ignore Fake News KN Not Launching Any Party

Some disgruntled Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) officials, who are enjoying support from party’s leader Peter Mutharika, have launched uncivilized attack on Dr. Kondwani Nankhumwa, who is party’s vice President for the South.

The publication has exclusively established that with full support from Page House the ‘DPP Madala’ team has printed fake T-shirts bearing Nankhumwa face and further spread fake news claiming that Nankhumwa is planning to launch his political party on Sunday, which is a total lie as Nankhumwa remains a dedicated DPP die hard.

The ‘misguided’ DPP gurus, who are being led by Party’s Vice President for the Central region, Zeria Chakale went a step further parading people on social media in the fake branded T-Shirts.

The attack on Malawi’s next president Nankhumwa, who is also leader of opposition in Parliament, aims at disturbing Nankhumwa’s Mother of all rallies slated for Sunday at Mgona Ground, area 25 in Lilongwe.

Meanwhile, Over 50 Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) Members of Parliament (MPs) have thrown their support towards Nankhumwa rally where he (Nankhumwa) is accepted to address the people alongside Party’s Secretary General, Grezelder Geoffrey.

The rally will be graced with live music performances by Annie Matumbi, the chiphaso star Lawrence Mbenjere, Atoti Manje and traditional dances such as Gule Wa Mkulu which is common in Lilongwe.

YAKWIYA NDI MIZIMU: Chewa Chiefs block DPP’s Saturday Rally Over Chief’s demise

Chewa Chiefs from Lilongwe district have asked the ‘Misguided’ Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) members to cancel their planned Saturday rally following the death of Village Headman Maloya from Mgona in the district.

According to death announcement made available to the publication on Friday morning, Group Village Headman Maloya died peacefully last evening after a short illness, at his loyal house in the area.

“Amfumu a Maloya ochokera kwa Mgona atisiya usiku wapitawu, Maliro ngoyika mawa Loweruka,” reads the announcement in vernacular

The announcement further said: “Mwambo wa Maliro uchitikira pa bwalo la Mgona chomcho mafumu onse kwa Mgona ati pasepezeke wina ochita zinthu zake bwaloli (Funeral ceremony will be held at Mgona Ground, therefore it is prohibited to conduct rally at the said venue on the on Saturday).

Initially, the ‘misguided’ DPP members who are enjoying support from party leader Peter Mutharika, planned to hold the rally at Mgona Ground on Saturday, to counter attack Kondwani Nankhumwa rally slated for Sunday.

Meanwhile, DPP’s Vice President for the Central region, Zeria Chakale, who is also key organizer for the rally, is reported to be calling the chiefs pleading with them to bury the departed chief during the morning hours, in order to pave way for the political rally but the chiefs are refusing.

However, according to Chewa and African culture chiefs, it is a taboo and very disrespectful to bury a chief in the morning hours.

BREAKING NEWS: Over 50 DPP MPs Endorse Nankhumwa’s Sunday Rally

Over 50 Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) Members of Parliament (MPs) have thrown their support towards Kondwani Nankhumwa’s rally slated for this Sunday at Mgona Ground in Area 25, Lilongwe.

Malawi’s Leader of opposition in Parliament, Dr. Nankhumwa, who is also DPP Vice President for the South, will address a rally alongside DPP’s Secretary General Gledezer Jeffrey and other senior party officials from the Central Region.

The patriotic DPP members of parliament have thrown their support towards the crown puller Nankhumwa after some ‘misguided’ members of the party organize a counter rally to be held on Saturday in the same district.

Some of the MPs are Nicholas Dausi, Sammy’s Suleman, Mark Botomani, Welani, Joy Chitsulo, Ralph Jooma and Yusuf Nthenda.

First to announce their rally, scheduled for Mgona School Ground in Lilongwe, was the Nankhumwa side which is enjoying the support of DPP Secretary General Grezeldar Jeffrey.

Few days later, a rival camp which apparently is enjoying the support of DPP leader Peter Mutharika, announced their own on Saturday to be addressed by the party’s vice president for the central region Zeria Chakale.

Meanwhile, DPP’s General Secretary Wa Jeffrey has described the counter rally being organized by misguided DPP leaders on Saturday as a curtain raiser to their Sunday rally.

“As CEO of the party, I have organized this rally and invited Nankhumwa in his capacity as leader of opposition to be the guest of honour.

“As leader of opposition, Nankhumwa has no boundaries. The rally being slated for Saturday is a curtain raiser to our Sunday rally,” said Jeffrey.

CDEDI Exposes Tonse Alliance On Forex Scarcity

By Iommie Chiwalo

There are fears that Malawi is in deep crisis concerning foreign currency to the extent that the situation has forced authorities start rationing the much needed green bulk.

Sadly all borders on leadership whereby an independent research carried out by Centre for Democracy and Economic Development Initiatives (CDEDI) establishes that the Tonse Alliance high ranking officials are involved in the externalization of forex.

CDEDI also reveals that Forex scarcity has reached alarming levels due to the fact that proceeds from the recent sales of agricultural commodities to South Sudan and India by some high-ranking government officials were deposited into foreign bank accounts, and did not trickle back to Malawi.

CDEDI has also cited the cancellation of International Monetary Fund (IMF) extended credit facility by the Tonse Alliance Government as among reasons for ugly face on the country’s economy.

CDEDI Executive Director Sylvester Namiwa says although the money is small but it provides a signal and gives confidence to bilateral donors that someone is monitoring government’s economic programs.

Worsening it all, according to Namiwa, is President Chakwera’s tendency of shielding corruption, instead of fighting the same, saying the acts by the Malawi leader has scared away existing and potential donor partners.

CDEDI’s findings have been validated looking at the fact that the three and half months import cover that was there prior to the ascension of the Tonse Alliance government to power in June 2020, under President Dr. Lazarus Chakwera, has totally been depleted hence business community has for the past two years struggled to get forex to meet their import demands.

“At some point they used to find solace in the Rand and the Euro, which can hardly be found in the commercial banks today. Even though the RBM pegged the US dollar at MK825, the figure is just on paper since on the market it is selling at over MK1,150,” Namiwa says.

As it stands, Namiwa says, there is lack of a clear policy to encourage inflows of forex through the Foreign Denominated Accounts (FDAs), as well as conflicting government policies.

“A classic example being the trade and industry minister’s decision to solve the current escalating cooking oil prices by ‘inviting’ new players instead of creating business sense that should attract more players to join the market.

It is an open secret that these new players will still need forex to operate and at the same time they will not help in the creation of the much-needed jobs by our unemployed youths,” he says.

He has since written Finance Minister Gwengwe to clarify on the matters that are pressing Malawians especially as a result of Forex scarcity.

“This far, we would like to demand nothing but an explanation as to what
policies your ministry is putting in place to resuscitate the economy from its death bed as clearly evidenced by the ever-weakening Malawi Kwacha,” reads the letter in part addressed to Minister Gwengwe.

Meanwhile, Gwengwe and his boss Saulos Chilima are in America lobbying developed countries to have debts for poor countries cancelled, a thing majority have said won’t be plausible looking at the levels of corruption as well as extravagance of the current regime.

Saturday’s Rally Is Curtain Raiser to Our Sunday Main Rally- Jefu Wa Jefu

Side Organizers of a rally to be addressed by Leader of Opposition Kondwani Nankhumwa on Sunday, have described a counter rally being organized by some Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) leaders on Saturday as a curtain raiser to their rally.

Infighting in the DPP have reached stunning levels with two rival camps organizing separate rallies at the same venue with only 24 hours separating them.

First to announce their rally, scheduled for Mgona School Ground in Lilongwe, was the Nankhumwa side which is enjoying the support of DPP Secretary General Grezeldar Jeffrey and some senior DPP officials and members of Parliament.

Few days later, a rival camp which apparently is enjoying the support of DPP leader Peter Mutharika, announced their own on Saturday to be addressed by the party’s vice president for the central region Zeria Chakale.

The Chakale side, through organizing Secretary Chimwemwe Chipungu has since disowned the Nankhumwa rally. In reaction, Jeffrey said the Saturday rally is a curtain raiser to their Sunday rally.

“As CEO of the party, I have organized this rally and invited Nankhumwa in his capacity as leader of opposition to be the guest of honour.

“As leader of opposition, Nankhumwa has no boundaries. “The rally being slated for Saturday is a curtain raiser to our Sunday rally,” said Jeffrey.

Malawi Police Faces Public Lash For Threatening Media

By Sekani Sekani

The Malawi Police Service (MPs) is under fire from members of the general public for threatening journalists and media houses which are deemed to be government critics.

This follows a statement issued by Deputy National Police Spokesperson, Harry Namwaza, on Tuesday evening, in which the police threatened to deal with Malawi Voice Publication and other media houses.

The Statement accused Malawi Voice of publishing a fake article that police had arrested two Indians for drug smuggling, a story which was not even published by the said publication.

According to Namwaza: “As people continue enjoying right to access to information, right to opinion, freedom of expression, among others, let them be reminded that enjoying one’s right should be accompanied with responsibility.”

Inside police sources told this publication that the law enforcers acted in this matter after being pressurized from the Indians businessman to clear image in their eyes.

Reacting to the development, a social media user Tina Nantawa said: “Mulibe zochita ndithu…M’malo mosova mavuto mudzikhala busy checking on who is saying or writing what kuti muwamange…you are a joke.”

Another user posted: “Kuli mbava zambiri ku capital hill ukoo nanu busy kunanga anthu pa social media aaah zachibwana! Kuti tifufuze muma file anu muli mlandu phwii yosamaliza koma busy kulanda makala mukapsa ma guy.”

James Affick said: “Police we love you only that Corruption is killing you professionalism….s­top bribing people so that we build the Trust we ought to have.

“Sometimes fake news comes when you cannot tell the nation what they want to hear from a particular matter hence, these speculations.”

Recently, the police also came under heavy fire after arresting Gregory Gondwe, a Malawian Investigative Journalist, who was accused of bringing to light corrupt deals within the Tonse alliance administration.

BLUE SEA: Nankhumwa Invades Mgona Ground in Lilongwe on Sunday

Malawi’s Leader of Opposition in Parliament and main opposition Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) Vice President for South, Dr. Kondwani Nankhumwa, will on Sunday invade Mgoma Ground in Area 25 in Lilongwe.

Dr. Nankhumwa, a crowd puller, will address a rally alongside DPP’s Secretary General Gledezer Jeffrey and other senior party officials from the Central Region.

Dubbed Mother of all rallies, thousands upon thousands of DPP supporters from Lilongwe and surrounding areas have vowed to grace the blue jamboree.

The rally will be graced with live music performances by Annie Matumbi, Lawrence Mbenjere, Atoti Manje and traditional dances such as gule wa mkulu which is common in Lilongwe.

Chilima’s busy week in USA

Malawi’s Vice President Salous Chilima has a packed schedule in the United States of America with several high level meetings lined up to attend the whole week.

The Malawi Veep started his work schedule by interacting with Malawians living in the USA on Sunday, immediately after his arrival in New York.

Chilima is in the USA to attend the 2022 United Nation (UN) Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) Forum for Financing Development in New York, USA, where he is representing President Lazarous Chakwera.

According to a hectic programme,  Chilima is on Monday morning scheduled to attend a high level and important meeting for Financing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by increasing fiscal space for an inclusive and sustainable recovery.

He is also scheduled to attend a meeting aimed at aligning the global debt architecture with the SDGs later in the day and then participate in general debate on behalf of Least Developed Countries LDCs and Africa.

On Tuesday, the Veep is scheduled to attend a special high-level meeting with Bretton Woods Institutions such as the World Bank and IMF, WTO and UNCTAD aimed at securing an Inclusive and Sustainable Recovery.

On Wednesday, Chilima will attend a meeting on building a fair and effective tax system and combating illicit financial flows, meeting on Boosting private investment in  the SDGs and another meeting on expanding concessional finance aligned with national sustainable development strategies

The programme gets busier everyday and on Thursday, the Malawi Veep is scheduled to attend a high level meeting on Digital transition: Opportunities and risks and later be a Guest of Honour at the launch of International Labour Organiastion (ILO) Report on Future of Work.

Earlier on Sunday the Malawi Veep interacted with Malawians living in the USA where he thanked the USA Diaspora community for the invitation and the commitment that they have for their country.

“A number of issues and questions were raised during the meeting ranging from Passports renewal to national development issues,” he said about the meeting.

He assured the Diaspora community that initiatives like the Public Sector  Reforms are bearing fruit and that improved means of processing the Malawi passport are on course.

The ECOSOC Forum on Financing for Development that Chilima has been invited to is an  intergovernmental process with universal participation mandated to review the Addis Ababa Action Agenda (Addis Agenda) and other financing for development outcomes and the means of implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Speaking to the media before departure on Friday, Chilima said the trip is important for the country as delegates at the event will discuss ways of advancing development in least developed countries such as Malawi.

He is expected to return home on 30th April, 2022.


SUZI BANDA: Has attacked his DG

Public Procurement and Disposal of Assets Authority (PPDA) Board Chairman has chided his secretariat staff including the Director General Edington Chilapondwa for ‘leaking’ information after the board declined to approve a ‘No objection’ application for a government department recently.

In an email to Chilapondwa and secretariat staff, PPDA Board Chairman John Suzi Banda, a lawyer by profession, said he was disappointed that members of the secretariat leaked the decision of the board which declined the ‘No objection’ application.

“Last night I received some information that seemed to suggest that some of the discussions which took place at our Tuesday’s meeting in Salima regarding our decision whether to approve a certain application or seek further clarification from the applying PDE were leaked. Now, there’s a difference between going back to the PDE and stating that the Board wants this or that clarified and saying ‘the Chairman was angry with your application!’ Surely! C’mon!”

“It is not my intention to pursue this matter further. I think that as an institution we’re already dealing with more important and critical issues requiring our urgent and total focus and concentration. We mustn’t allow ourselves to be derailed with this. For the record, the leakage came from the Secretariat. Let’s do better, folks,” reads the email in part.

Suzi Banda said as Chairman of the Board, he gets all sorts of enquiries, calls, demands, ill-conceived ‘instructions’, even threats regarding some of the issues being handled by the PPDA.

Chilapondwa: Accused of leaking information

“These come from all manner of people – interest groups, NGOs, senior politicians, senior government officers, suppliers and some ‘hired guns’. I have shared with some of you these challenges. It has always been my modus operandi to ensure total professional independence of everyone involved in the approval process (which seems to be the one area of most interest to many) – this is from the analyzing desk officers, their immediate supervisors, the DG and each and every member of the Board.”

Suzi Banda therefore motivates his charges that his board is out to work and send the right message by remaining professional and respecting the law.

“As I have said before, this professional independence and open and transparent debate deepens our engagement of issues before us and enriches the quality of our decisions,” said Suzi Banda.

“However, this is only possible if everyone engages on issues without fearing that their personal position on an issue shall leak out. It’s just not the right way to manage ourselves. Irrespective of the constant pressures from all manner of people, some of us have taken the default position that either ‘the Secretariat will analyze and give us their view’ or ‘that the Board shall discuss and revert with its position’ and, of course, ‘I stand by the analysis given’.”

“When such a decision is made, it is then up to me, as the leader, to explain to those that are entitled to any explanation. This is probably the worst and perhaps the most risky part of my ‘job description’. But I suppose it comes with the territory. There’s, therefore, no reason that any member of the Executive should feel pressured to explain anything to anyone,” advised Suzi Banda.

“In short, let’s de-risk the approval process from foreign contamination (either from political pressures, financial interests or whosoever) by refusing to draw a sharp focus on anyone by singling them out for their position on an issue. Don’t feel pressured to do this. I too deal with those pressures every day! It’s simply the nature of the beast! Let’s get back to work!” said Suzi Banda in the email.

Malawians in New York pledge support for Malawi

By Sam Majamanda

New York, Mana: Malawians living in New York, USA have reaffirmed their continued support to the development of Malawi, because they feel they are indebted to their home land.

Representative for the Diaspora community in New York Cliffton Bobe made the assurance, Sunday when the Vice President of the Republic of Malawi Dr. Saulos Klaus Chilima hosted members of the community at the Lotte New York Palace where he is currently lodging.

The Vice President is in New York to attend the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) Summit which will be held from April 25 to 28.

Speaking on behalf of the grouping, Bobe said the Diaspora community is very committed to contribute to national development through investment and creation of new jobs and asked the leadership to continue creating conducive environments for them to connecting more with Malawi and play their role in development.

 “We appreciate the manner in which government supports us and we would like to assure the leadership that we will always remember that we are Malawians and Malawi needs us in its development,” said Bobe

He added that through partnerships, members of the community are investing in businesses being held in Malawi with a core intention of ensuring that fellow Malawians benefit from the proceeds of the businesses.

Bobe However raised the concern on foreign currency shortages which he said heavily affects their businesses at the time they want to stock their outlets in Malawi, consequently causing lucrative business opportunities slip through their fingers.

Aside getting involved in businesses in Malawi, the grouping of Malawians in Diaspora is known to have taken part in raising funds to support Malawians back home during the calamities caused by the recent Tropical Storm Ana and Cyclone Gombe.

Taking his turn in the engagement, the Vice President commended the Diaspora Malawians for their continued interest in Malawi’s development, further inviting them to be part of a mindset change project that Malawi needs to undergo for sustainable development to blossom.

He said the obsession with negativity that is at reign in the country is not fueling development but rather killing the spirit of togetherness that is critical for national development.

“In order to deal with this we need everyone to take part because the government alone cannot manage. That is why every Malawian needs to take the role in their hands, and n this we would like to invite people like you who have been exposed to other cultures to be part of this expedition to redeem our country’s future,” the Vice President said.

On the Malawi government’s commitment to work with them in development, the Veep further added that there would be more engagements through the Mission in New York and all missions across Malawi’s diplomatic relations.

Apart from investment and mindset change the two sides discussed various issues of national interest in areas of education, health and national security in which the Diaspora Malawians raised questions on areas they needed clarification from the Malawi leadership.


The CCAP Blantyre Synod has agreed with the contents of Pastoral letter by its Sister Synod of Nkhoma who have punched holes into the Chakwera led adminstration calling it weak, corrupt and nepotistic.

Speaking at Mitawa CCAP in Mulanje Presbytery, General Secretary for BT Synod, Rev Dr Billy Gama said as a Synod, they agree with the contents of the Pastoral letter as they are a true representation of the country’s social, economic and political situation

Rev Gama who spoke amid a biggest applause and ululation from the congregants, said as Blantyre Synod they too will be sitting to reflect over the issues affecting Malawi and come up with their own Pastoral letter guided by their relevant church courts.

He said it is true that the current leadership has failed to bring the desired change following the highest cost of living, nepotism, corruption, security lapse, among other dents under the Tonse government as highlighted by the Nkhoma Synod.

The sermon was held to induct Rev Charles Ntonya as Moderator for Mitawa CCAP under Mulanje Presbytery of the Blantyre Synod.

Rev Ntonya has taken over from Rev Kondwani Cheuka who has been posted to Matope CCAP of Mangochi Presbytery.

How does the 2022 FIFA World Cup affect next season’s Premier League schedule?

SuperSport viewers on DStv and GOtv will be counting down the days to the 2022 FIFA World Cup in Qatar, with the tournament set to run from 21 November to 18 December and provide the most thrilling distillation of ‘The Beautiful Game’.

Qatar 2022 will not only be the first-ever World Cup played in the Middle East, but also the first to be played in the Northern Hemisphere’s winter months of November and December (the tournament has always been held in the summer months of June and July in the past).

This means that major European leagues, such as the Premier League, La Liga and Serie A will have to be suspended while the 2022 FIFA World Cup is ongoing, bringing on major changes in their schedule for the 2022-23 season.

The 2022 World Cup begins on November 21st, with the Premier League set to be suspended roughly a week before. Matchday 16 will be the final round of fixtures before the break, with those games falling on the weekend of November 12th and 13th. Then, the call-up period will begin on Monday 14th November, where international managers select their squads.

The season will be adjusted slightly to accommodate the tournament, with the opening day now set to take place on the earlier date of August 6th.

The 2022 World Cup final will take place on Sunday 18th December 2022, and there won’t be much time for Premier League players to recover, as Boxing Day, December 26th, marks the resumption of the 2022-23 season.

Due to the aforementioned adjustment, the Premier League campaign will end later than usual on May 28th. Other leagues which run from August to May are expected to follow a similar schedule to the Premier League’s.

The UEFA Champions League, UEFA Europa League and UEFA Europa Conference League will also have adjusted schedules to accommodate the World Cup. The Champions League, for example, will  complete its qualifying rounds by the end of August, while the group stage will be crammed into the time from 6-7 September until 1-2 November.

The knockout phase of the competition will resume as usual in February 2023 after the World Cup has come and gone, but the final will only be held on 10 June 2023 (with the Conference League’s final on 7 June and the Europa League’s final on 31 May).

Don’t miss the New Football Season on SuperSport on DStv and GOtv. Access a world of choice and easily manage your subscription using the MyDStv and MyGOtv app, subscribe or upgrade, and join in on the excitement. And while you’re on the move, you can stream matches on the DStv App.

Mtumbuka Senior Chiefs Urge President Chakwera to Cancel Installation of GVH Bongololo As Paramount Chief Chikulamayembe


22nd April, 2022

Told to cancel the installation ceremony

In utter-disbelief and state of shock to what has transpired in the Chikulamayembe succession wrangle, specifically government’s handling of the issue, we would like categorically communicate our strong stand and stance against government’s plan to proceed with the installation of GVH Bongololo as Paramount Chief Themba Lama Themba Chikulamayembe of the Tumbuka Tribe and Cultural.

We are greatly disturbed and disappointed that despite all the overwhelming evidence of tension, disunity and political interference surrounding the Chikulamayembe Chieftaincy succession wrangle, a government voted into power on a promise to uphold the rule of law, unity, fairness and justice would proceed to conduct an installation amidst out right political interference evidence, division, disunity, tension among the Tumbuka people. We find this absolutely unfortunate by the government particularly Head of State Dr. Lazarus Chakwera and Ministry of Local Government.

To our further disappointment, we have not received any feedback from our numerous letters to the Office of President and Ministry of Local Government regarding the grave and generational harm approval of GVH Bongololo.

A commission of inquiry was instituted to mediate/bring the two parties in the wrangle into peace and as of today no report has been issued by the commission of inquiry to the Head of State and Ministry of Local Government, yet the Head of State went ahead to approve GVH Bongololo as the rightful heir to the throne rendering a strong question in public domain on what basis was used in the approval. We find this utter unfortunate from the Head of State who is expected to handle and treat issues with sensitivity, thought leadership and scrutiny, especially cultural issues which a single mistake carries a lifetime effect on a tribe’s future generations, unity and culture.

We would like to make the public aware that on the 17th of April 2022 through the Rumphi District Commissioner Emmanuel Bulukutu, Deputy Minister of Local Government Hon. Halima Daud called for a meeting of Chikulamayembe Clan Heads with the meeting invitation letter dated 14th of April 2022 to a meeting on the 18th of April, which was a public holiday and without any agenda specified, where the Chairman of Clans Heads GVH Khalapamhanya responded in writing advising the Honourable Deputy Minister against the meeting as the clans heads included in the invitation were not the rightful ones of the Chikulamayembe royal families.

To our disappointment, the meeting still took place without the royal clans chairman GVH Khalapamhanya and with only GVH Bongololo side representatives where the deputy minister of local government Hon. Halima Daud was quoted to have been satisfied that there are no longer chieftainship wrangles which we find absolutely unfortunate, unprofessional, unfair and shameful of the Hon.

Deputy Minister of Local Government Halima Daud, especially that only one side was present in the meeting. To our further most shocker, we received another letter from the Rumphi District Commissioner on the same 17th April 2022 dated 14th April 2022 demanding the Royal Highness Acting Paramount Chief Themba Lama Themba Mtima Chikulamayembe Mtima Gondwe to surrender his chieftainship gown, office keys and stamp rendering a question to what exactly was the basis of the meeting by Honourable Deputy Minister of Local Government Halima Daud if a determination was made before the meeting, of which we refused to hand over any regalia or keys. We are aware of rumours that members of the instituted commission of inquiry in the Chikulamayembe chieftainship succession wrangle are being denied an audience with the Head of State to question the president’s basis of approving GVH Bongololo in absence of their report and against their recommendations, which we find very unfortunate from a leader who was voted into power on the promise of changing the status quo of how affairs are runed in the country, Malawi.

We further would like to bring the public to awareness that we filled for an injunction application with the Mzuzu High Court on the 12 of March 2022 and we are yet to have a ruling which is quite strange especially with the fact that our legal representation Kitta & Company and Kawelo & Company filled the application with certificate of urgency per required by law in matter that requires urgent determination.

The case was assigned to Justice Maureen Kondowe of Mzuzu High Court. We are fully aware the extent of political interference in the wrangle to the extent where T/A Mwankhunikira who is looked at as Acting Paramount Chief’s Mtima Gondwe sympathiser, was invited to Lilongwe by Malawi Congress Party (MCP) Spokesperson  Rev. Maurice Munthali on the 6th of April 2022. The Senior Chief met Rev. Maurice Munthali on the 7th of April 2022 at 4:30PM at the Ministry of Local Government offices in Lilongwe at Capital Hill where Rev. Maurice Munthali was accompanied by the Deputy Minister of Local Government Hon. Halima Daud and Aford Party President Enock Chihana.

The Malawi Congress Party (MCP) Spokesperson Rev. Maurice Munthali with the aid of Deputy Minister of Local Government Hon. Halima Daud and Aford Party President Enock Chihana coerced T/A Mwankhunikira to support the unlawful and unculturable ascension of GVH Bongololo to the Chikulamayembe Chieftaincy with a promise to purchase a vehicle and construct a house for the Traditional Authority, which we find very unfortunate and of great concern.

The Malawi Congress Party (MCP) Spokesperson Rev. Maurice Munthali, Aford President Enock Chihana and Deputy Minister of Local Government Hon. Halima Daud went further to persuade T/A Mwankhunikira to convince his Royal Highness Acting Paramount Chief Themba Lama Themba Mtima Walter Gondwe to take up a diplomatic/embassy post in exchange of GVH Bongololo’s ascension to the Paramount Chikulamayembe Chieftaincy, which we find laughable, immature, unacceptable and further render the deputy minister of local government Halima Daud way compromised to handle this issue.

We would like to once again communicate our strong stand against the approval and installation of GVH Bongololo as Paramount Chief Chikulamayembe as it is unculturable, illogical and of grave harm to the Tumbuka culture and tribe, and if the government decides to proceed with the installation, unspecified cultural actions will be deployed which will unlikely render the installation impossible.

In conclusion, we urge the government not to proceed with the installation until all matters are resolved in this issue and furthermore to save government and Head of State of an impeccable embarrassment and humiliation, and most importantly for the sake of peace in Nkhamanga Kingdom and among Tumbaka’s across the world.

T/A Mwankhunikira

T/A Mwahenga

T/A Mwalweni

GVH Hunga

(Chikulamayembe Royal Family Spokesperson)

TNM enables financial inclusion for rural masses…Launches Mpamba Village Bank at Chatoloma, Kasungu

TNM Ngamise Gumbo (standing) engages one of village banks

TNM Mpamba Limited, wholly owned subsidiary of TNM plc, has launched Mudzi Wathu Village Bank at Chatoloma in Kasungu to promote a culture of saving by people in rural areas.

Speaking at the launch, CEO Arnold Mbwana said Mpamba Mudzi Wathu Village Bank is a mobile technology financial tool that will broaden inclusion and participation of rural people in the mainstream of financial services ecosystems.

“Mobile technology is the new bridge connecting community development to financial services to catalyze social-economic development of rural and remote areas. With Mpamba Mudzi Wathu Village Bank, TNM is introducing E-Commerce to the unbanked and under-banked, while offering both security and convenience to savings groups to meet their development needs,” said Mbwana.

He said the Mpamba-based group Village Bank service will migrate rudimental savings and lending from traditional to digitally-enabled platforms with enhanced safety and transactability for cash.

According to Chris Sukasuka, TNM Mpamba Limited General Manager the service will bring equity in financial inclusion.

“The service breaks geographic barriers ensuring that both urban and rural people get equal access to financial services and benefit equally from the diversity of new financial technologies,” he said.

Plan International Malawi Country Director Phoebe Kasoga said the innovation will take financial inclusion to great heights more especially among women.

“Elsewhere in Africa the model has proved to be an effective tool for driving financial inclusion and economic empowerment. We are therefore required to build trust so that women in Malawi can understand that the service by TNM can make their lives better,” said Kasoga.

Appreciating the impact of the product, Kasoga said called for intensive awareness of Mudzi Wathu Village Bank to enhance adoption.

“There is a need to generate enough resources to be able to train women for them to understand the meaning of digital capabilities and ensuring that the product delivers best value in their lives,” she said.

On her part, Chairpeson for Kawiya Village Bank, Loveness Nyirenda is optimistic that the service will secure their club’s money.
“Mudzi Wathu Village Bank has come at a right time when groups are searching for ways to improve safety of savings. The challenge we have been encountering in keeping cash has been sorted with the product,” said Nyirenda.

The community launch of Mpamba Mudzi Wathu Village Bank follows its unveiling during the 1st Generation Equality Conference in Lilongwe on April 16, 2022 hosted by former President and prominent Pan African women’s activist Dr Joyce Banda.

Chilima off to USA for high level UN meeting with a small delegation

Chilima interacting with UTM women

Malawi’s Vice President Saulos Chilima on Friday left for the United States of America (USA) to attend the 2022 United Nation (UN) Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) Forum for Financing Development in New York, USA.

Chilima has been delegated by President Lazarus Chakwera to represent him and lead a lean Malawi delegation of 15 people from the Ministry of Finance and other sectors to the four day forum scheduled for 25th to 28th April 2022.

The ECOSOC Forum on Financing for Development follow-up is an intergovernmental process with universal participation mandated to review the Addis Ababa Action Agenda (Addis Agenda) and other financing for development outcomes and the means of implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Speaking to the media before departure, Chilima said the trip is important for the country as delegates at the event will discuss ways of advancing development in least developed countries such as Malawi.

The Vice President said only 15 people are on the list of his delegation, stressing it was unfortunate that people bent on denting his image fabricated stories that he will be accompanied by a bloated delegation of 40 people.

According to the Vice President’s Press Office, some of the side engagements that the Vice President is expected to undertake while in New York include a meeting with the current Chair of ECOSOC Collen Vixen Kelapile.

The Vice President is also expected to have meetings with the Acting Representative of the Office of Least Developed Countries and the UNDP Global Administrator.

Chilima has also been requested to make a Keynote Statement at a high level Leaders Dialogue on Green and Climate Resilience Bonds organised by United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF).

The Vice President left through Kamuzu International Airport where he was seen off by hundreds of UTM party officials, supporters and government officials.

He is expected to return home on 30th April, 2022.

MCP to launder money at fundraiser

Grand scheme of things. Malawi Congress Party (MCP) has thought of a ‘clever way’ of money laundering by staging a fundraising event.

The party will hold a fundraising dinner on 6th May 2022 but little do Malawians know that it is a money laundering scheme.

Press adverts for the event have started fighting in the local newspapers indicating that those who will buy a platinum ticket will have to part with a whopping K10 million for a six hour event.

Gold tickets are going at K5 million while silver tickets are at K2.5 million while bronze and green tickets will be at K200,000 and K100,000 respectively.

To fool the intelligence of Malawians, the party has put a disclaimer that tickets will not be for sale to government agencies.

“This is a great grand scheme of things. This is money laundering at its best. What is happening is that the people buying the platinum tickets have been given government contracts and businesses and in return they will be giving back to the party through the fundraising dinner, this is so pathetic, ” said one of the officials behind the concept.

“This was carefully thought by our strategists when they looked at how the other former ruling parties conducted these similar events. At first I thought this was the way to go until when they released the prices for the tickets,” said the member.

“The way things are now, who can part with K10 million for a six hour event without expecting anything in return? Only a fool I guess!”

“All those who have got contracts and businesses from government will be paying back MCP ‘cut’. Instead of paying the famous 10% cut at source, these people will pay the MCP through these dinner and dances,” added the member.

The story was corroborated by another senior member of the party who disclosed that people buying the tickets have already been identified and have already benefited from the party.

“You will see the people who will go there, they have already gotten their payments and this is paying the MCP for the support. Tell me if this is not money laundering, then what is it?” We are doomed as a country.”

“We hope we will know those who bought the K10 million tickets for the sake of transparency,” said the source.

The former ruling DPP is in court over similar events where state bodies were forced to buy tables for fundraising events.

Martha Chizuma faces arrest over leaked audio upon arrival from abroad private trip

High placed sources with law enforcing agency has confided in this publication that embattled Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) Director General Martha Chizuma is expected to be arrested on leaked audio saga.

Chizuma who is currently abroad on private trip will be arrested upon arrival in the capital Lilongwe.

She left Malawi on Sunday, April 10, 2022 to meet and convince “her financiers about her allegiance on corruption fight in the country’

This following Office of Director of Public Prosecution (DPP) indorsing Chizuma’s arrest after studying a court order to decide the possibility of commencing criminal charges on a leaked audio that contravenes ACB office’ oath.

“ACB boss Chizuma will be arrested upon arrival from a private trip over the leaked audio that injured many including contravening ACB office oath.

“As we speak, DPP just indorsed the arrest after examining court order on criminal charges on her,” says the source within Malawi Police Service.

Ministry of Justice spokesperson Pirirani Masanjala on Tuesday, April 19, 2022 confirmed the DPP was served with an order that Mzuzu senior resident magistrate Godfrey Nyirenda granted last month ordering the Malawi Police Service and the DPP to investigate the leaked audio.

“I can confirm that we have been served with the court order and we are evaluating it,” he said.

Ruling on an application by Mzuzu resident Frighton Phombo, Nyirenda further ordered Police and DPP to ascertain if criminal charges can be brought against Chizuma.

Sources privy to the matter said the DPP was expected to write the Office of the Attorney General to seek direction because the office of the DPP does not have investigative powers.

“It’s a legal process and what is happening is that the DPP does not have investigative powers, so they have to engage either the police to do that. But the DPP is writing the Attorney General seeking direction on the matter,” added the source.

Phombo moved the court to open a case against Chizuma on allegations that she violated the Corrupt Practices Act (CPA) by revealing to a third party information on investigation for corruption.

He contended that Chizuma committed an offence of directly revealing official information to un-authorised person, contrary to regulation 4(a) of the CPA, and that of making use of speech capable of prejudicing a person against a party to judicial proceedings, contrary to Section 113 (1) (d) of the Penal Code.

But Nyirenda said even though a leeway is given for private citizens to institute criminal proceedings, the overall and ultimate authority over such proceedings remains with the DPP.

On January 24, 2022 President Lazarus Chakwera reprimanded Chizuma for the leaked conversation, indicating that he had summoned her for a meeting where she confirmed speaking about ongoing investigation in the leaked audio that had gone viral.

He described her action as unfortunate but said he would not dismiss her. Instead, he issued a stern warning that he will keep an eye on her conduct.

Chizuma is also facing defamation charges lodged by Ashok Kumar Sreedharan, who sued her for alleging in the audio that money changed hands to have him released after an arrest.

In the audio, Chizuma put in the spotlight churches, judges, lawyers and the Presidency as not helping matters corruption fight.

This comes a few days after political-activist Bon Kalindo gave five-days President Lazarus Chakwera to fire Chizuma over the same leaked audio that breached ACB’s Office oath.

Another shameless plunder exposed, Chinese contractor charging ten times than initial bill of quantity…CDEDI pens ACB to investigate the matter

By Iommie Chiwalo

The recent report by Afrobarometer concerning the worsening levels of corruption in Malawi can only be treated as a guess work at owners risk but exposé by Centre for Democracy and Economic Development Initiatives (CDEDI) has cemented it all – massive plunder of public resources is at play.

The foul play has been sniffed after Roads Authority (RA) is suspected to have conveniently paid a blind eye to the fact that the works that the Lilongwe Water Board (LWB) intends to award to China Civil Engineering form part of the six-lane expansion works, under Contract No. RA/DEV/2020-21, which was already signed, and works have commenced on the site, such as the relocation of water pipes, sewer, communication cables and electricity poles, whose Bill of Quantities was pegged at MWK507 million.

In a statement from CDEDI and signed by its Executive Director Sylvester Namiwa, the organisation is worried with continuous daylight plunder of public resources and has since reported the matter to graft bursting body – Anti Corruption Bureau (ACB) for action.

“To begin with, the RA in July 2021 awarded a contract worth MWK19 billion for a six-lane Capacity Improvements of Kenyatta Road and Sharrar Street project to China Civil Engineering.

Just a few months later, the LWB obtained a ‘No Objection’ letter from the Public Procurement and Disposal of Public Assets Authority (PPDA) to award yet another contract, to the same company, to the tune of MWK5.2 billion, purportedly for the relocation of water pipes yet bid evaluation report shows that China Civil Engineering came fourth, with MK5.2 billion, and surprisingly, the company was picked by the LWB to do the job, without any justification for the choice of the company that came fourth among the bidders, or why they rejected the other three lower bidders,” says Namiwa.

The lower bidders were Victory Vision Construction with MWK3.4 billion; Projex Group Ltd with MWK3.6 billion and Malbro International Ltd with MWK4.8 billion.

“It has come to the attention of CDEDI that the LWB, the RA and China Civil Engineering are involved in what we strongly suspect is a plan to defraud unsuspecting taxpayers and voters public funds amounting to MWK5.2 billion,” Namiwa says in the statement.

Namiwa has since confirmed that in the interest of the country, his organisation has written the Minister of Transport and Public Works Jacob Hara to consider stopping the contract awarding process by the LWB, pending further scrutiny of this process.

CDEDI Chief who disclosed that his organisation is in possession of the contract documents awarded to China Civil Engineering by the RA, where the evidence of fraudulent transaction has been sourced from, believes that is a serious case of double dipping,
where Malawians are being robbed of billions in broad-day light.

“This coincidence of giving another contract to the same contractor by the LWB, and seeking a “No Objection’ for the same, was so glaring; hence, the move by CDEDI to invoke the ATI law in order to expose the shameless attempt to plunder the public purse,” says Namiwa.

He says at all cost there is no justification for LWB to seek the services of a sub contractor and paying MWK5, 242, 933, 311.64 which is over ten times the recommended rate, when the same contractor, in the main contract, pegged the same works at MWK507 million.

“With issues that have emerged, and require concerted efforts, there is need for Malawians to save the country from some selfish individuals who are bent on nothing but plundering at will the country’s already depleted resources,” he says.

CDEDI has also written the Minister of Transport and Public Works to consider withdrawing the intention to award contracts to China Geo Engineering, pending investigations and due diligence on how the company was awarded a MWK19 billion contract, when the same company was unable to raise MWK4 billion in less than six months ago, as initial capital, due to what the company described as “lack of capacity”.

For starters, what is very confusing is that RA recently published an intention to award China Geo Engineering, to upgrade the first 42-kilometre of the Thabwa-Chitseko-Seveni (S152 East Bank) Road in Chikwawa, to bitumen standard despite the fact that the very same company was awarded the Mwanza-Neno Road project, which has since stalled despite the contractor escalating prices for over four times.

It is after such serious considerations that CDEDI feels it is high time Malawians started demanding answers from the present government on issues to do with public funds, which are slowly being depleted willy-nilly.

The country’s procurement especially in public infrastructure development are mostly being flouted and is becoming sickening that Malawians are paying huge bills in servicing the projects who are mostly being damaged before launch due to poor quality.

Surprisingly authorities have been defensive when eventualities occur.

TNM appoints experienced telecoms executive Ted Sauti Phiri as Chairman

SAUTI-PHIRI: At the helm of TNM

The board of Malawi Stock Exchange (MSE)-listed Telekom Networks Malawi (TNM) Plc has appointed experienced telecoms executive Ted Sauti Phiri as its new Chairman.

He takes over from George Partridge following his departure from the board of majority shareholder, Press Corporation Ltd (PCL) earlier this year.

Phiri boasts 20 years experience in telecoms and digital media having worked in senior positions in West and Southern Africa at Airtel (Celtel), Vodafone, Econet, Multichoice and Helios Towers.

“We are excited to have Mr Sauti-Phiri as Chairman of the Board and look forward to him bringing his diverse experience across many countries to foster world class standards of service that TNM is renowned for,” said TNM CEO Arnold Mbwana in a statement.

The statement says in addition to his vast experience in the telecoms arena, Phiri has sat on various corporate boards, notable ones being CDH Investment Bank, Marsh and Malawi Accountants Board in Malawi.

According to the statement, Sauti-Phiri holds an MBA from Liverpool University, a Bachelor of Science Honours Degree in Chemistry and Computer Science from University of Malawi and is a Fellow of the Chartered Association of Certified Accountants of the UK.

OOPS:  MCP 2025 Strategy Leaked

The long road to 2025 Presidential elections, has taken very interesting angle following the leaked of Malawi Congress Party (MCP) strategy, which has described UTM party a threat to MCP’s dream of winning next polls.

The leaked document under the tittle ‘Roadmap to 2025 Consolidating and Strengthening the Party’ seeks to keep the MCP into power beyond 2025, by among others weakening UTM, which forms part of Tonse Alliance administration.

The Strategy noted that UTM, is key in changing the political Landscape and the mindset of the majority Malawians, hence the need to weaken it.


“Our existence in power is therefore threatened by our own presumed partners and the possibility of all of them trecking to the other side of the political stream to form another alliance with DPP and UTM at the helm of the structure,” reads the leaked strategy.

The strategy which has been developed by a Special Task Force within the party also aims at making MCP most popular party in the Central Region and among the Chewas, thereby making it a tribal and regional party in the process. For more, attached below is the entire strategy paper.


Fountain of Hope Ministries (FHM) International Church has lined up a number of activities for the Easter season under the banner Malawi National Prophetic Tour starting from Today, Friday the 15th of April.

FHM International Church which was founded by Prophet Vitu and Prophetess Dawa Kamanga announced the good tidings through a statement which was made available to the publication on Friday.

”At FHM International Church, we have planned month long Malawi National Prophetic Tour starting with a night of prayer on Friday, April 15th in Dzaleka Refugee Camp in Dowa from 9pm to 4am following an outdoor crusade at the Mbavi branch in Mchekeni village in Lilongwe near air wing on Saturday, April 16th from 1pm to 5pm,” reads the statement in part

According to FHM International Church, during this Easter weekend, the program ends on Sunday, April 17th at the Malawi church headquarters in Bwemba, area 46 in Lilongwe at the City of Hope and Refuge.

The programs will continue next weekend starting from Friday, April 22nd at Maghemo Secondary School Hall in Karonga, from 6pm to 10pm then in Mzuzu at Chibavi Secondary School Hall on Sunday April 24th from 1pm to 5pm.

In the South, the Malawi National Tour will be concluded on Friday, April 29th at Golden Peacock Hotel, Zomba room in Blantyre from 6pm to 10pm then in Balaka at Zembani Lodge on Saturday, April 30th from 1pm to 5pm.

The tour concludes on 1st May, in Lilongwe at the Fountain of Hope Ministries International Church in Bwemba, area 46, from 9am-2pm.

“The objective of this mission is to reach out to all fellow Malawians by joining together in prayer during these hard times.

“We pray that healing, deliverance, restoration, miracles, signs and wonders will locate all according to the Lord’s promise in Mark 16:15 – 18 because we are faith founded through the power of Jesus Christ of Nazareth and that is His promise to those who believe,” said the statement

FHM International Church was founded in 2014 and it was based in Lilongwe for 5 years until the Lord released a word to plant a branch in Seattle, Washington in U.S.A in 2019.

Since then, it has 14 branches in 6 countries. With 6 branches in Malawi, 3 branches in United States of America and others in Zambia, Kenya, Benin and Zimbabwe.

As a church, it is founded on the scripture in John 4:24 which says “But whoever takes a drink of the water that I will give him shall never, no never, be thirsty any more. But the water that I will give him shall become a spring of water welling up within him unto eternal life.”

All details for the Malawi National Prophetic Tour can be found on FHM International Church official Facebook page and website at

Standard Bank Named Best Bank in Malawi


The world’s most affluent financial publication, Global Finance, has named Standard Bank Plc as best bank in Malawi during the announcement of its 29th Annual Best Bank Awards for 2022.

Standard Bank Plc was recognized for responding to the needs of customers amidst the Covid-19 pandemic and accomplishing strong results while laying the foundations for future success.

The award reaffirms Standard Bank as the best financial partner to drive growth for clients and Malawi.

“Standard Bank is without a doubt the best in the country and this award just goes to show that we not only delivering solutions for our clients but that our clients trust us and believe that we work our level best to help them achieve their goals,” according to Phillip Madinga, Standard Bank Chief Executive.

The award comes at a time when the bank is driving possibilities through partnership and collaboration under the IT CAN BE tagline.

“Standard Bank has been leading the pack in offering solutions to clients that have enabled them achieve their dreams and drive growth our nation,” said Madinga.

According to Global Finance, the winning selections were made by the publication’s editors in consultation with corporate financial executives, bankers and banking consultants and analysts.

In selecting these top banks, Global Finance considered factors that ranged from the quantitative objective to the informed subjective.

“With the financial world in a state of turmoil from Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, corporate leaders face a new set of challenges concerning the choice of their banking relationships.

Following on the enormous difficulties wrought by the Covid-19, these changes demand increased attention to global commercial relationships.

Our awards support decision-makers in selecting the best financial partners,” said Joseph D. Giarraputo, publisher and editorial director of Global Finance.

Overall, Standard Bank Group took home two awards this year from Global Finance Best Bank in Malawi and Best Bank in South Africa.

FDH enhances Chingale forest cover

Harriet Kanyenda from FDH Bank washes her hands after planting a tree

FDH Bank plc has supplied 8,000 tree seedlings to enhance forest cover on the adopted Chingale Hills Forest in Zomba as part of its environmental sustainability programme.

Speaking during a tree planting event at Chingale Hills Forest, FDH Bank plc Head of Risk and Compliance Arthur Yapuwa said FDH respects the agreement that was made to adopt Chingale Hills Forest under its sustainability drive, FDH Cares, as one way of making a contribution towards afforestation to ensure that the forest is sustainably conserved.

FDH, through its staff members, partners, customers and various stakeholders, has devoted itself to plant 1 million trees by 2024. This initiative is being done in order to support the Malawi 2063 and UN Sustainable Development goals.

Yapuwa (right) plants a tree with a student from Chingale

“We have recently supplied a further 8000 seedlings through the community around Chingale forest to support tree planting as this is the season for tree planting. We will further support sustainability initiatives here through material resources and support of sustainable initiatives.”

“FDH Bank Plc recognizes the importance of a green environment and as a responsible corporate citizen it has reinforced its commitment to champion a sustainable and resilient green environment that will foster sustainable development of the country,” said Yapuwa.

He said the FDH Group is engaged in a number of initiatives under its Environment sustainability pillar in its strategic plan.

Chingale secondary school students planting trees

“In 2021, we launched the Be Green Smart campaign and have since facilitated planting of over 250, 000 trees. FDH Bank Plc applauds the effort and the role the Department of Forestry, the community of Chingale, the District Forestry Office and other key stakeholders are playing in conserving the environment in Malawi and supporting the global initiative which also includes Malawi,” said Yapuwa.

Senior Chief Mlumbe hailed FDH for its support towards the afforestation programme on Chingale Hill Forest announcing that he will soon introduce stiff by-laws aimed at protecting trees in the area from unscrupulous people who cut down trees wantonly.

“My punishment will include leaders who fail to protect trees in their areas from these unscrupulous people,” said the Chief.

MCP Media team engages extra gear on mudslinging SKC, UTM

EXPOSED: Some members of MCP media team

After failing to drag in the mud Vice President Saulos Chilima in the USA trip entourage debacle, we can reveal that members of the MCP media team will launch an avalanche of attacks on the Vice President.

Despite President Lazarus Chakwera assuring the Roman Catholic Bishop at a recent meeting that his relationship with his Vice is ‘perfect’ members of the MCP media team being led by MCP stalwart and Director of Information Chikumbutso Mtumodzi are on an onslaught to damage the reputation of Chilima and his UTM party who are the main partners in the ruling Tonse Alliance with MCP.

Insiders said the list containing a bloated 41-member strong entourage which will be accompanying Chilima to the USA later this month where he has been delegated by Chakwera to represent him at an economic summit, was ‘leaked’ by State House communication team to a journalist working with The Nation newspaper.

Chilima through his spokesperson officially announced that he is taking a delegation of 15 people from his office to the trip.

Now members of the MCP social media team are preparing another onslaught on Chilima and his UTM party, we can reveal.

MTUMODZI: Leading the propaganda team

One of the members of the social media team revealed that they have lined up a number of stories with an aim of denting Chilima’s image.

The member who said ‘is tired with people who do not wish the country well’ said he has decided to reveal the plot ‘to clear my conscious’.

“What is happening is very sad. I do not know why we are doing all these things to our leaders. This week we are supposed to start writing stories and posts on social media attacking the personality of the Vice President and his UTM party,” said the member.

The discontent in the MCP camp is coming in because of an agreement made between President Chakwera that he will serve only one term and would pave way for Chilima to stand as a presidential candidate in 2025 elections.

Chilima cannot stand as a running mate having served as Vice President for two consecutive terms as mandated by the country’s constitution. He can, however, stand as a presidential candidate or member of parliament in the next elections scheduled for September 2025.

Strategists have also advised Chakwera to continue with his ‘crop inspection’ tours targeting areas where Chilima is popular. The President will inspect crops in Chilima’s home district of Ntcheu today.

Mpamba moves to secure savings groups…Introduces Mudzi wathu Village Bank

Chris Sukasuka, General Manager for Mpamba Ltd, subsidiary of TNM Plc

TNM Mpamba Limited, wholly owned subsidiary by TNM Plc, has unveiled Mudzi Wathu Village Bank wallet to provide convenience and security to savings or lending groups in the country.

The group wallet will allow members of registered and formal savings/lending groups to migrate from the traditional way of processing their loan transactions digitally using Mpamba platform.

Announcing the group wallet in Lilongwe during the 1st Generation Equality Conference, Mpamba General Manager said the wallet has been designed to respond to the needs of savings groups such as village banks in the provision of safety for their money.

“Group savings is a novel but proven approach to uplifting millions of people out of poverty. The challenge is that cash is risky, and the group’s success can be tempting for thieves and individuals who can run away with their savings funds. We have established the wallet to enhance safety,” he said.

The innovation enables savings groups to create digital identity and enhance formal financial inclusion while improving transparency, he said.

“The digital savings wallet will help groups to provide statement of transactional activities thereby improving accuracy of records. Furthermore, it is more controlled as two individuals are required to initiate wallet transactions,” said Sukasuka.

TNM chief operating officer Phyllis Manguluti

Mudzi Wathu Village Bank is available to all Malawians who are in groups and have active TNM lines registered on Mpamba.

“Technology is challenging us to come up with effective features around the mobile money ecosystem. This wallet which is available to all Mpamba customers, reaffirms our commitment towards providing seamless services through the platform,” added Sukasuka.

The news savings wallet is available 24/7 and can be accessed on Mpamba USSD code *444#.

“Mpamba customers will use the service on either Mpamba USSD short codes or on organization web portal. The service can be accessed at any time of the day and from anywhere without having to visit any physical TNM branch shops,” he said.

Acknowledging the role of TNM in supporting government’s efforts in women empowerment, former president, Joyce Banda called for haste initiatives to redeem rural women from abject poverty.

“Here in Malawi 85 percent of women are living in abject poverty, while government is doing its part, some of us must go around and make sure that we empower rural communities. The good news is that we have organizations like TNM who are partnering with us to uplift women,” said Banda.

Banda hailed TNM for coming up with products and services that aim at enhancing financial inclusion among women.

“TNM is doing a recommendable job in coming up with services on the grassroots that are assisting women to access services like e-banking and credit,” she said.  

Embattled ACB Director Martha Chizuma leaves Malawi to meet financiers on her allegiance

The embattled Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) Martha Chizuma is expected to leave Malawi on Sunday, April 10, 2022 to meet and convince her financiers about her allegiance.

We can reveal that Chizuma want to prove to her financier that the job she has been doing is on track while the case is different.

The embattled ACB boss trip is mainly aimed at resetting her system and gadgets as well to try to convince her financiers that she is indeed the person they can trust if they are to deal with their targets in Malawi.

While there she is also going to meet with her media people including Onjezani Kenani whom together will further meet with their financiers of her mission.

Inside sources within ACB say, Chizuma is expected to meet British officials who have been funding her work against the office’s mandate.

Britain and USA governments have also been bankrolling Platform for Investigative Journalism (PIJ), the grouping which has been also getting classified government legal documents for its publication.

The trip comes after Chizuma has been exposed for her incompetency on her work following leaked audios.

Following leaked audios that compromised ACB’s oath of secrecy, Chizuma has lost Malawians trust including President Lazarus Chakwera in corruption fight.

More to come….


Chihana and Chikumayembe pose for a photo after the meeting

A day after publicly lying to the Tumbuka people and indeed to the whole nation that President Dr. Lazarus Chakwera sent him to affirm the approval of Bongololo as Paramount Chief Chikulamayembe, it has been established that Enock Chihana forced himself to meet acting Paramount Chief Chikulamayembe Mtima Gondwe in order to persuade him to accept a diplomatic/embassy position and put to an end to the chieftainship wrangle of which the acting Chief Mtima Gondwe openly mentioned that it was laughable and uncalled for.

This confirms the rumors that politics has taken centre stage on the chieftainship wrangles with the Bongololo camp buying and using politicians to help them illegitimately get the chieftainship which they do not belong or deserve.

FDH boss mentors Monkey Bay students

Chiwalo (left) poses with students and teachers in Monkey Bay

First Discount House (FDH) Managing Director Mike Chiwalo Thursday took time off his busy schedule to mentor students at Monkey Bay Community Day Secondary school in Mangochi.

Chiwalo took time to encourage the students on the fruits of working hard and excelling in their studies saying the world now is looking for people with good qualifications.

“There are good things that are attached to your achievements especially when you have the required qualifications, companies will remunerate you properly, so do not lose focus in your studies so that you achieve your goals,” said Chiwalo.

He said the FDH Group started the mentorship programme with an aim of mentoring secondary students for them to become productive citizens.

“FDH, being a Malawian owned company, wants to help secondary school learners in the country to grow with entrepreneurship skills which can help them become huge players in the national economy. FDH Financial Holdings has put in place about K150 million to support the education sector in the country.”

“Apart from our general mentorship program, FDH also encourages its employees to adopt a secondary school learner and mentor him or her through career guidance and other aspects so that the learners might have a role model when pursuing education,” said Chiwalo.

During the mentorship event, First Discount House also donated K2 million to the school to be used for purchasing classroom desks.

Chiwalo mentoring the students

“We discussed with the Monkey Bay CDSS officials to get their views on how we can assist them under our mentorship program and they asked for classroom desks. As a company we have a program called FDH Cares which is one of the key projects which we are implementing to help the government achieve sustainable development goals hence our donation today,” said Chiwalo.

He said through the FDH Cares program, FDH is sponsoring needy university students in the country as well as supporting some graduate youths with start-up capital for those with brilliant business ideas.

In his remarks, Head Teacher for Monkey Bay CDSS Mike Malasa described the donation as timely because it has managed to fill the gap which existed at the school.

Malasa said about 50 percent of the learners had no desks which was demotivating to them, hence the coming in of the desk will greatly improve performance for the learners.

“We are very grateful for this donation by FDH Financial Holdings. At the moment we are facing another shortage of classroom blocks such that we can appreciate if other partners come in to assist,” said Malasa.

Apart from Monkey Bay CDSS, FDH Holdings conducted similar mentorship sessions at Lunzu, St. Patrick’s and Ntcheu Secondary Schools.

FDH Bank partners journalists, schools in tree planting

Nyirongo (right) receives a tree from Kumpumula as some pupils look on

FDH Bank plc on Thursday partnered with the Association of Environmental Journalists (AEJ) and three schools in Blantyre in tree planting activities to promote a green environment.

Speaking in Blantyre, FDH Bank plc Senior Manager for Internal audit Potamira Kumpumula said under the Bank’s sustainability program FDH Cares, FDH Group committed to plant 1 million trees by 2024 and since 2021 they have championed the planting of 250 000 trees so far through their staff members, partners, customers and various stakeholders and initiatives in alignment with the Malawi 2063 and the UN Sustainable Development Goals.  

“FDH Group recognizes the importance of a green environment and as a responsible corporate citizen it has reinforced its commitment to champion a sustainable green environment that will foster the development of the country and nurture a resilient country against various environmental and economic forces.”

“FDH Bank Plc would like to commend the Association of Environmental Journalists, Wildlife Association of Malawi, students of Chitawira and Mlambala Primary Schools and Manja Secondary School for being champions and advancing a truly sustainable community and environment that will benefit Malawi and beyond,” said Kumpumula.

In her remarks, AEJ vice president Wezi Nyirongo said as journalists, they want to show the world that they are passionate about environmental conservation through various activities such as tree planting exercises.

“So, we will ensure total survival of the 20, 000 trees provided by our partner FDH here in the southern region by empowering the learners in schools to water them as the rainy season comes to an end. We value the green partnership we have with FDH and the survival of these trees will be another big milestone in sustaining this relationship,” said Nyirongo.

Wildlife and Environmental Society of Malawi (Wesm) Environmental Education Manager Ausward Bonongwe commended FDH Bank plc for its commitment to protecting and sustaining the environment despite operating in a difficult economic environment as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Human rights activists warn Chakwera against shielding corruption suspect, fighting ACB Director

….Capital Hill to brace for endless vigils if no action taken within 14 days against the perceived corrupt AG

By Iommie Chiwalo

Namiwa addressing the media

The consortium of Human Rights Activists and Concerned Citizens, have warned against persistent futile attempts by President Dr. Lazarus Chakwera’s administration through State agencies and some citizens to literally hunt down the Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) Director General Martha Chizuma.

In a joint statement signed by Activists Sylvester Namiwa of Centre for Democracy and Development Initiatives (CDEDI), Phunziro Mvula of Social Revolution Movement (SRM), Gomezgyani Nkhoma representing Mzuzu Youth Caucus- (MYC) and concerned citizens in the name of
Mundango Nyirenda and Zainab Hassan, says the conduct demonstrated by Tonse Alliance administration is a bid to frustrate and eventually abandon investigations involving business person Zuneth Sattar’s suspected corruption scandals.

The activists have cited the recent detention and harassment of Platform for Investigative Journalism (PIJ) Gregory Gondwe as a classic example of such desperate and shameful attempts.

“While we condemn in strongest terms Gondwe’s detention and harassment, we would like to remind President Chakwera that Malawi is not a police State and that freedom of the press and freedom of expression is non-negotiable,” reads the statement.

Adding that since a lot has been said and done by other concerned parties within and beyond our borders about the arrest and seizure of Gondwe’s electronic gadgets by the State agencies, we would like to draw the public’s attention to a recent published story under the headline ‘The Attorney General Publicly terminated all Zuneth Sattar contracts’ and the fact that ACB also publicly restricted any government payments to some Sattar-connected contracts pending investigations,”

Under fire Chakaka

The activists expressed worry about revelations that despite the restrictions, government with the approval of the Attorney General funded the police and MDF to pay Sattar behind the scenes.

The article published by Gondwe’s PIJ quoted a letter purported to be a legal opinion from the Attorney General (AG) Thabo Chakaka-Nyirenda to ACB Director Martha Chizuma, regarding payments that are to be made to Sattar’s company, whose contract with government was publicly terminated pending investigations.

Just a few days after the publication of the PIJ article, Weekend Nation dated Saturday, 2 April 2022 carried a story under the banner ‘AG warns of legal action against leaked legal opinion’. In the article, the AG Nyirenda openly said he believes his opinion was leaked by ACB and he went on to threaten legal action against those behind the leakage.

“This, in our view, as expected, was a direct attack on Martha Chizuma whose office the AG accused of leaking his confidential documents. We, the civil rights activists and concerned citizens group, have critically analysed the events surrounding the arrest of journalist Gondwe and the publication of the PIJ article on the AG Nyirenda’s purported legal opinion, and have concluded among others that Tonse Alliance administration is spending sleepless nights scheming to get rid of Martha Chizuma,” reads the joint statement.

It further hints that state agencies and some public officers are combing through Chizuma’s operational space to build a case against her and eventually have her arrested thereby clearing the way for government to do as it pleases with corruption cases that are tarnishing its image.

The activists seriously oobserves that the cash-strapped government has made available taxpayers’ money that was purportedly paid to Sattar through the Malawi Police Service (MPS) at a time the entities are under a restriction order from both the AG and the ACB.

“The rights activists have, therefore, resolved to remain standing up in defence of Martha Chizuma, and that it will be an on-going battle until they see victory.

The briefing in progress

According to the Activists, the resolution has been reached after observing that the AG is playing double standards by making public declarations indicating that government has terminated its contractual obligations with Sattar pending investigations, while he is activating the same contracts from behind the scenes.

“The AG, therefore, has lost moral ground to continue serving in such a high office,” reads the strong joint statement.

It has since asked President Chakwera to explain to Malawians how easy it is to find money to pay Sattar but seemingly very difficult for his government to find money to buy essential drugs and medicines for public hospitals where people are dying needlessly,” queries the Activists in a statement.

The have also revealed that the initial plan by the State agencies was to use journalist Gondwe as a witness against ACB director Chizuma but the attempt was miscalculated.

They have since promised that will see to it that Gondwe is not victimised in any way, and that his right to protect sources of information is respected.

Following the recent unfolding trends, the activists have concluded that the AG, the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP), and the MPS are bent on doing nothing but to punish anyone who may dare touch ‘the anointed’ Sattar.

“That said, the public may wish to recall that we recently demanded President Chakwera to fire the Director of Public Prosecutions Dr. Steven Kayuni on grounds that he is putting spanners into ACB’s works. Today, we add on President Chakwera’s chopping list AG Nyirenda and MPS Inspector General Dr George Kainja,” reads the statement.

Concluding that “if these public officers do not resign, or are not fired in the next fourteen days (14), we will be forced to launch never ending vigils at the Capital Hill and other designated places to be announced in due course,”.

Following the general outcry against the arrest of Journalist Gondwe, AG Nyirenda apologised for the action taken by the police. He made the apology in the face of Media Institute of Southern Africa gurus who stormed his office a day after the incident…

DStv introduces a new pop-up channel: Kwibuka 28 available for 7 days on DStv channel 197

DStv Premium, Compact Plus, DStv Compact, DStv Family and DStv Access customers are in for a treat this April, as DStv Launches a brand-new pop-up channel Kwibuka 28. This inspirational and informative channel is set to launch on Thursday, 7 April to Wednesday, 13 April 2022.

KWIBUKA 28 is a special commemoration Pop-Up Channel that highlights the impact of the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda, and the subsequent process of reconciliation and healing. During this 28th Commemoration, the channel will broadcast a series of exclusive LIVE events and talks-shows, with a daily Kids block, inspiring testimonials, as well as curated youth programming and special reports.

The channel will spotlight Rwanda’s resolute spirit to Remember-Unite-Renew.

With programming running for 24 hours a day, the channel will be available on DStv and customers can look forward to programming such as:

  • Kids: Junior React – a show where the younger generation share their perspective of the impact of the Genocide and give a view of their aspirations for a united, renewed Rwanda
  • The Then and Now (LIVE) Talkshow – hosted by Eric Utuje, this is a platform for guests to discuss a variety of informative social, economic and political topics related to the Genocide
  • Features: Testimonies – a show where survivors share their inspirational stories of healing, reconciliation, courage and hope
  • The LinkUp 28: Blend of talk, music, and interactive segments with Rwanda superstars as special guestswho will share their views and perspectives on Genocide curated daily topics

DStv is always looking for ways to better customer viewing experience, giving them great value, choice and some of the best local and international shows. It is with this in mind that the platform offers great new channels, Pop-Ups and Studio stunts sure to keep viewers glued to their TV screen.

For seven days only DStv Premium, Compact Plus, Compact, Family and Access customers can tune in to KWIBUKA 28 on DStv channel 197to learn, engage and stay informed.

Unayo partners Football Association of Malawi in Regional League Football sponsorship


FAM President Walter Nyamilandu and Std Bank’s Head of High Networth and Consumer Segment Charity Mughogho after the signing ceremony

Lilongwe, 7 April, 2022: Standard Bank Plc through the Unayo Platform has announced a K46,125,000 sponsorship for the Division 1 regional football leagues.

This was announced by the Bank’s Head of Consumer and High Net Worth Clients, Charity Mughogho and the President of the Football Association of Malawi (FAM), Walter Nyamilandu during a signing ceremony held at the bank’s headquarters in Lilongwe on Thursday.

The deal comes as the Unayo platform is set to surpass the 100,000 wallets mark in its journey of financial inclusion. The sponsorship gives the Unayo platform a unique channel to engage with its clients spanning across the country.

The Unayo National Regional League is an ideal touch point for the bank and its customers in all the 29 districts of Malawi. The League will be participated by 64 Division 1 Football teams in all the districts of Malawi. With a league played in each of the three regions of the country, namely Southern, Central and Northern regions.

“As you can witness from the rapid growth in users and merchants, the bank has been supporting financial inclusion and provision of financial services in the last mile through Unayo and this league will create an additional touchpoint with all Malawians,” said Mughogho.

Unayo National Regional League will be played by 64 division one teams across the three regions of Malawi with over 700 matches being played in a period of 8 months. Matches will take place within a set-up of peri – urban and rural areas, bringing entertainment and excitement for local football fans in their communities. The league ties in well with what Unayo was set up to achieve, in creating sustainable partnerships that bring solutions to underdeveloped communities. Most financiers of grassroots football are also local business people and Unayo will partner with them to grow its merchant network and further their business growth as small to medium sized enterprises (SMEs).

The forty-six million Unayo sponsorship will cater to winners prizes for the top 4 teams in each of the 3 regional leagues. With support towards trophies, medals and match balls. Unayo has also pledged support for the administration of the league and match officials. This has all been done to raise the profile of the league. Unayo has also funded a media awards component which will be run at the end of the football season.

Nyamilandu and Mughogho signing the sponsorship deal

Mughogho acknowledged the work that is being done by FAM in bringing structure and professionalism in Malawian football at all levels.

In his remarks the president of FAM, Walter Nyamilandu touted the Unayo sponsorship as an admirable investment.

“Standard Bank is known throughout the region as a major sponsor of football and this partnership will have a major impact on local football, in identifying talent and making the Division more competitive,” he said. The future is about partnerships and Unayo has today shown a commitment to invest in the grassroots to ensure that a brighter future is created for football players and local communities who are passionate about the beautiful game.

“There is vast talent and potential for growth in Division 1, with many of the players who now thrive in the National team having grown through grassroots football. With this in mind, this partnership will support the identification and grooming of the next generation of talent.” said Nyamilandu.

The Unayo Regional League is set to kick off in the next fortnight, with a launch of the new sponsorship.

Unayo is a financial services platform that allows ordinary Malawians to open a personal or business wallet, access their finances anywhere, runs various transactions and be a part of the digital economy. To open a wallet on any phone regardless of mobile network a customer just dials *247# and selects option 2 (Unayo) to register.

For more information please contact:

Nyambura Chege,

Head, Brand and Marketing      


For further information go to

Issued by FD Communications Ltd | On behalf of: Standard Bank Plc

Govt Hailed for Appointing Women Into Higher Position

By Phyllis Chingana

Blantyre, April 7, Mana: One of the country’s Gender Activists, Barbra Banda has hailed government departments and non-governmental organizations for appointing women into higher positions.

Recently, Malawi has witnessed appointments of women in different departments such as Lucy Mtilatila appointed as Director of Department of Climate Change and Meteorological Services (Met), Pamela Kuwali as Executive Director for Action Aid Malawi, Madalo Samati as Executive Director for Creative Centre for Community Mobilization (CRECOM) and Madalitso Magagula as the Deputy Director of Inclusive Education in the Ministry of Education.

In an interview with Malawi News Agency on Wednesday, Banda described the development as a milestone in the attainment of 50: 50 women and men representation in higher positions.

“This clearly shows that women are capable of holding positions that were previously considered for men,” she said.

In an interview with The Nation, the newly appointed Director of the Department of Climate Change and Meteorological Services, Mtilatila said she was grateful to the authorities for entrusting her with such a responsibility.

She pledged to do her best in enhancing the department’s agendas such as early warning systems and engaging more with the public.

Meanwhile, Malawi is to host the first-ever high-level intergenerational dialogue on generation equality and women’s leadership in Africa, themed, “Growing and Glowing Against All Odds”, from April  7to 9 2022, which shows that indeed as a country we are making progress.

Last year, President Dr Lazarus Chakwera appointed 12 High Court judges of which six of them were females in the Judicial Service Commission.

Exposed!USA, UK bankrolling Gregory Gondwe’s PIJ operations

It has been established that the United Kingdom (UK) and US governments are sponsoring the operation of Platform for Investigative Journalism (PIJ) with the aim to deal with successful business individuals particularly of Malawians of Asian origin.

We have details information on how the two nations facilitate the establishment of PIJ with enough funding for office space and equipment.

PIJ staffs including Gregory Gondwe, Golden Matonga are on British pay role.

With the support from British aid, PIJ has been working closely with the Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) while accessing secretive government legal documents in the name of Investigative Journalism.

This is the reason the two governments; USA and UK, were very furious on Gondwe’s police probe while politicising the whole process.

Consequently, forcing
Malawi strongly to repudiate USA and UK and other stakeholders for politicising the arrest of Gondwe and casting aspersions of the president chakwera’s character for his quest to promote freedom of the press in the country.

In a Press Statement released on Tuesday, April 5, 2022 and signed by Minister of Information and Digitization says that president Chakwera is committed to promotion of freedom of press in the country.

“Government repudiates all attempts and efforts by some quarters to politicize the incident by casting aspersions on the unimpeachable character of the State President, whose promotion on a free press is as unshakable as his promotion of independent police,” reads in the statement in apparent response to UK and USA which were among the first to strongly condemn the arrest.

The statement further says president Chakwera’ s and his government has a duty to respect the independence of police in carrying its duties therefore it has no mandate to interfere in its operations.

Adds the statement; “Government maintains the policy its policy and practice of non- interference in the operations of the MPs. This is because Government interference in police matters is prohibited by law”.

Thabo Chakaka Nyirenda has declared war on journalists

THABO CHAKAKA; Has declared war with the media

Government’s Chief Legal adviser, the Attorney General Thabo Chakaka Nyirenda has declared ‘war’ on journalists. He started his ‘war’ on Monday by arresting scribe Gregory Gondwe after he refused to disclose his source on a story that Gondwe published on his Platform for Investigative Journalism (PIJ) website on March 30, 2022.

The story was about Chakaka’s legal opinion which allowed the government to pay billions of kwachas to Zuneth ‘Satan’ Sattar who is under probe for corruption in both Malawi and the United Kingdom. Currently Sattar is on bail after being arrested by the National Crime Agency (NCA) in the UK.

Gondwe was picked up by Police in Blantyre on Monday and had his electronic gadgets confiscated by Police in order to force him to reveal his sources.

World over and in the journalism profession, journalists protect their sources and they cannot reveal them even with a bullet in their head!

It is shameful that the very man who is supposed to protect and follow the law, is the same man who is abusing his authority and starts ‘killing’ journalism by intimidating journalists. This man is Thabo Chakaka Nyirenda, the sitting Attorney General.

Writing on his Facebook page after being released without charge, Gondwe said his arrest comes after a futile attempt by Nyirenda to force him to reveal his source on the story.

“I was introduced to the applicant of the search warrant S/Superintendent Henry Willy Kalungu (who at the regional police offices in Chichiri where I was taken, everyone was calling him [Crime Suputu] Crime Supt). The other person in the vehicle was Superintendent Kamisa, apparently the Regional Head of Criminal Investigations. They told me they had come for two things; to confiscate my electronic gadgets (laptops, phones and computers) as well as to ask me, to tell them, who my source was, that facilitated the publication of a story we published on March 30.”

“I told them I could not speak without my lawyer, while fully aware that this was a futile attempt that started with Attorney General Thabo Chakaka Nyirenda who had threatened to take this course of action when I could not tell him who my source was, prior to publishing the story,” writes Gondwe.

The revelation has not gone down well with journalists in the country who have likened the situation to a ‘war waged on us all by Thabo Chakaka Nyirenda’.

The path that Nyirenda has taken will not end well with him, if any comments on a professional journalists group are anything to go by.

We cannot reveal the names of the journalists involved in the discussion on the professional group as it is a ‘closed’ group for professional journalists only.

“If the Honourable Attorney General wants to be clever and start hounding us to disclose sources of where we get our information, then he should be prepared to surrender his resignation letter to the President the time we start revealing sources because he will be on top of that list,” writes one journalist.

“There is a reason why we protect our sources, Thabo Chakaka Nyirenda and his friend Steven Kayuni, Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) inclusive. If he is really sure this is the route he wants to take, then he will be very sorry because he will top the list of our sources together with Kayuni, these boys are very childish. We all know who leaks these documents, Thabo knows, Kayuni knows,” wrote another journalist.

Lawyer Ayuba James, representing Gondwe in the matter described Gondwe’s arrest as ‘part of the government’s current biggest project: to find a reason, at all cost, for firing Martha Chizuma (ACB Director General).

“The scheme is very big. Very wide. And traps are all over the place for Martha to step in. It is their hope that the document about payment to Sattar will be discovered to have been released by Martha or someone close to her so they can immediately open up a case against her for breach of Oath of Secrecy. No government has ever been agitated by anything as our government is today with anything that is against the interests of Sattar. It is, essentially, a government in a single man’s pocket,” wrote James on his Facebook page.

Thabo Chakaka Nyirenda has started a ‘war’ with journalists, will he finish it? Let us all wait and see.


Following the official handover of the three Nissan NP200 Pick Up vehicle — one each from the three regions of the country that were identified at the final draw of the Iponyereninso Kwakuya Ndi Illovo promotion — Illovo Sugar Malawi Plc, is proud to announce that it has successfully honoured all the prizes it pledged for the competition, whose total cost in prizes was at K178 million. 

The three Nissan NP200 Pick Up are; Lazalo Manuel from the Central Region (presented in Dedza on 30th March 2022); Cuthbert Mwamlima from the Northern Region (presented in Karonga 1st April, 2022; and  Dorica Ngamwani from the Southern Region (presented in Nsanje winner 4th April, 2022)

There were six winners of the Nissan NP200 Pick Up and the others were officially handed their prizes soon after the penultimate draw, and they are: Gilbert Mbwagha — a businessperson from the Northern Region who was presented at Mzuzu sugar depot;  Emmanuel Nkurunziza from the Central Region, presented in Lilongwe

All the prizes have been honoured since the promotion was launched on 26th November 2021 and in total there were:  The six Nissan NP200 Pick Up for Stockists who were required to purchase a minimum of 2 tons or more of sugar; 3 Big Boy motorbikes in each of the three regions, as well as 36 bicycles and 36 50kg bags of fertilizer for the grocers and table tops 

For our shoppers/consumers, we giving away 3 cookers, 3 fridges and 3 shopping vouchers 

We also gave away numerous instant prizes in the form of buckets, zitenje, T-shirts and Illovo sugar packets to shoppers through our instore promotions at various participating supermarkets

From the outset, the ‘IPONYERENINSO KWAKUYA NDI ILLOVO’ promotion received overwhelming support and when he presented the Nissan NP200 Pick Up to Southern  Region winner Dorica Ngamwani on 4th of April 2022 sincerely thanked her for being one of our valued customers.   

He said “I am happy to see that we have built some very strong relationships with many of our customers. It is my promise that we shall continue to work on ways to continue to improve those relationships through provision of exceptional service and best quality product. Be assured we will continue to innovate in order to meet the different customer and consumer needs.

During the presentation for the Northern Region winner Cuthbert Mwamlima on 1st April, 2022, he said: “I and the rest of Illovo Sugar Malawi team are honoured to serve you and all our other customers as you all form one of the pillars that make our business a success. I would also like to add that Karonga is one of our key markets and is of significant value to our business. 

“Not only that but it is also the highway for our regional exports to Tanzania and Rwanda. Its strategic purpose for the country is indeed unquestionable. As much as it is a gateway for the importation and exportation of goods, not all these goods are imported or exported legally. 

“As some of you may be aware Illovo Sugar Malawi and indeed various other Malawian manufacturers have been victims to the effects of illegal products that find their way into our markets resulting in grave consequences for the country.”

The MD further said “impacts of illegal imports is often understated by those who do not fully understand how gravely they affect our economy. Illegal imports not only mean that local industries are affected which can lead to loss of market and thus threatening jobs and livelihood of fellow Malawians; they also have great impact on the provision of public services such as health, education, infrastructure development amongst others from the taxes lost as these goods do not pass appropriate processes for customs. This is before you bring in the adverse effects of depleting our foreign currency reserves, a key concern on its own.

“It is however good to see that the practice currently has subsided as far as sugar is concerned. Long may this last. It is traders such as Mr Curthbert Mwamlima who play a key role in ensuring that Karonga is well stocked of Illovo sugar at affordable prices to make illegal sugar imports unnecessary. 

“And this is why we are dedicated to understanding our customers’ needs and ensuring we continuously look for ways to make their business more successful. This is the reason we have a dedicated sales representative who services Karonga and nearby districts here in the North.”

He also took the opportunity to express his delight that Mr. Mwamlima afforded him the chance to visit and appreciate even more how beautiful Karonga District is, saying he does not get to visit as many parts of the country as often as he would like to so and thus it was a pleasure that he did. 

“Not only because I get to appreciate this beautiful place, its amazing people and culture, but I also get to help create a lasting memory for one Mr Cuthbert Mwamlima.

“Mwamlima is the 5th to receive a vehicle of the 6 winners of the Nissan NP 200 vehicles this year. I am honoured to be here to present this car to you sir and I really do hope that it adds value to you and your business.

“I have never won a vehicle myself so I wouldn’t know how exactly you feel but I can only imagine that it must be absolutely phenomenon. Which is why I would like to end here to give you a chance to tell us what this moment means to you.”

In his remarks, Mr. Mwamlima hailed the company for the promotion, describing it as a big motivation to him.

The winner in Dedza — 56-year-old Lazaro Emmanuel a businessman who plies his trade at Dedza’s Msikawanjala and the name of his shop is Taope Amene Alibe Traders said: “I am very happy and thankful to God for winning this car which is a very big prize.

“I know there were a lot of entries in the competition but luckily I am one of the winners. On the same note, I would also like to thank Illovo Sugar Company for organising this competition which has changed my life and others who have also been winning several prizes.

“As a businessman, this vehicle will help improve my business to ferry other products which I buy from other traders and not only that I am also a farmer and I will be using the same vehicle to transport farm inputs like manure, fertilizers and seeds for my field,” he added.

He also expressed his gratitude to Simama Traders for opening a branch in Dedza where traders like himself are buying sugar easily and when the promotion was announced he continued placing receipts in Simama’s promotion box until the day he received a call from Illovo officials telling him that he had won the car.

According to Lazaro at first he thought it was conmen who were trying to steal from him but when he realised it was real, he and his family were overwhelmed with joy and they had been waiting eagerly for the official handover of the car which has finally happened. 

 The promotion was first launched in 2020 under the name ‘Iponyereni Kwakuya ndi Illovo’ and away then renamed in 2021 we as ‘Iponyereninso Kwakuya ndi Illovo’, which prompted Katandula to describing it as befitting the name. 

At the grand draw, MD Katandula said looking back over the last two years, he realises that this could also apply to our customers. It is you our customers, consumers and various others stakeholders amene mukuiponyera kwakuya ndi Illovo.

“Without your support we wouldn’t have made it this far and achieved the significant milestones we have achieved such as stirring the company back into stable waters from previously challenging years to where we are now able to give our shareholders a dividend. 

In her remarks the Southern Region winner Dorica Ngamwani said” I Thank Illovo for giving for this wonderful gift I would encourage other people to join these types of competitions”

“We posted healthy profits in the financial year ended 31st August 2021 and have also published a good trading statement for the half year ended 28 February 2022. 

The terms of the promotion were that to qualify for a monthly draw, Table tops were required to purchase a minimum of 2 bales or more of sugar to qualify for the monthly as well as the bi-monthly draws while shoppers stood a chance to win monthly prizes by purchasing 3 or more kilograms of sugar from participating supermarkets. 

Once the stockist, grocer, table top or shopper/consumer make the purchase, they are simply required to write their name and contact number at the back of the MRA receipt and deposit it in one of the specially designated boxes. 

Retail customers also had something sweet for them as all they needed was to buy 3 kgs or more of any Illovo sugar to stand a chance of winning cookers, fridges and K250,000 worth of shopping vouchers.

The interesting part of the shopping voucher at Shoprite was that the winning had to pick up whatever they wanted up to K250,000 in a 60 seconds trolley blitz — but won’t receive any change if they fail to reach the target.

MRA flouts its own procurement guidelines to accommodate corruption-tainted SICPA in Fiscal Marks contract

By Watipaso Mzungu

FISHY POSE: Chakwera with SICPA Chief

Malawi Revenue Authority (MRA) has drawn the attention of the public, importers, traders, manufacturers, and citizens following its decision to flout its own laid down procurement guidelines in order to accommodate a corruption-tainted Swiss company – SICPA in a fiscal marks International Compettive Bidding process.

The tender sought the services of the supply of monitoring, printing, and retailing of fiscal tax stamps.

The original tender was opened in April 2021 having been advertised under the procurement reference number, MRA/TAX STAMPS AND M[1]SOLUTION/01/03/2022.

Among others, the Authority stated that it would reject a recommendation for award if it determines that the bidder recommended for award has, directly or through an agent, engaged in corrupt, fraudulent, collusive or coercive practices in competing for the contract in question.

MRA further said it would debar a bidder from participation in public procurement for a specified period of time if it at any time determines that the firm has engaged in corrupt, fraudulent, collusive or coercive practices in competing for, or in executing, a contract.

Inside sources at MRA have confided in Nyasa Times that the initial tender drew seven bidders, including SICPA.

But in the desperate attempt to accommodate SICPA, the Authority re-tendered the contract in March 2022 without explaining tangible reasons for the action.

Our sources said they expected the management to block SICPA since the procurement rules of course did not appear to apply to SICPA, which are, under bidding conditions, expressly forbidden to have any contact or influence with government officials during such periods.

A quick search online revealed that SICPA, a Swiss company operating in the authentication of banknotes and traceability markets, was the target of an anticorruption probe in Brazil. As on April 2018, in addition to the administrative investigation, a former executive vice president was being tried on criminal charges in the country.

Both cases involved the alleged payment of millions of dollars in bribes to secure a contract with the Brazilian Mint. SICPA was also under investigation by Brazil’s Ministry of Transparency and Comptroller-General of the Union, and former company executive Charles Nelson Finkel was being tried in a federal court in Rio de Janeiro.

Federal prosecutors alleged Finkel, who has American and Brazilian citizenship, paid $14.5 million in bribes to a fiscal auditor in order to secure Sicpa a contract worth more than $1 billion with the Brazilian Mint.

According to prosecutors, because of bribes SICPA’s Brazilian unit was deemed the only company able to implement a tracking system in the cold drinks industry.

From January 2010 until June 2015, prosecutors said, CFC Consulting Group, a consulting company held by Finkel, paid $14.5 million to MDI Consultoria, a firm owned by fiscal auditor Marcelo Fisch de Berredo Menezes and his wife Mariangela Defeo de Menezes.

CFC Consulting, headquartered in the US, sent the money to MDI Consultoria in a fictitious services agreement during the time that SICPA was working for the Brazilian Mint, federal prosecutors told the courts.

In May 2019, Charles Nelson Finkel was found guilty and sentenced to prison for 11 years and 6 months for corruption and bribery linked to obtaining and executing SICPA’s contract with the Brazil Federal Revenue. In June 2021, SICPA agreed to pay 135 million francs in a ‘settlement agreement’ with local authorities.

According to an article published on May 27, 2019 in the O Estado de Sao Paulo newspaper:

“The investigations are part of Operation Vices, launched in 2015 by the Federal Police and the Federal Public Ministry. Since 2008, after CMB (Brazilian Mint) Process No. 1890/2008, which concluded that the bidding was unenforceable, SICPA signed a billionaire five-year contract with the Brazilian Mint in the amount of BRL $ 3.3 billion to execute the services related to the System of Beverage Production Control (Sicobe).

On that occasion, the tax auditor of Revenue Services Marcelo Fisch, who was the general coordinator of Inspection, would have ‘directed the bidding process, smearing it from the origin, in order to lead it to a result that would meet the interests of SICPA. From 2009 to 2015, Fisch would have received unduly US$ 15 million, deposited, over that period, in monthly installments, on the account of MDI Consultoria, owned by his wife Mariangela, also convicted of passive corruption.”

Despite this tainted track record, MRA has reportedly settled for this company in a contract that will see Malawians paying K2.2 billion more because SICPA’s bidding price in the first tender was 40 percent higher than the other compliant tenderer.

“Our management has since removed from the bidding documents a clause that requires that the bidders should not have a record of corrupt practices in order to accommodate SICPA,” said our source on a strict condition of anonymity.

“It was clear that this would make an outright award to SICPA difficult and raise questions. It seems clear that the re-issue of a new tender is clearly aimed at compromising all the other participants, considering that their pricing is public knowledge,” he added.

His account has been corroborated by an announcement MRA made recently that it would issue a new bid for the same services.

The announcement came barely days after President Dr. Lazarus Chakwera met with SICPA Chief ExecutiveOfficer, Phillip Amon, on 22 February 2022 in Lausanne Switzerland, where SICPA is headquartered.

It is reported that government officials were treated to SICPA’s capability to support Malawi’s digitization agenda and platform that was required in the MRA bid.

These moves are classically in line with SICPA’s behavior to nullify public procurement tenders and influence local officials to eliminate competitors when the company is unable to win on a competitive basis.

MRA Head of Corporate Affairs Steven Kapoloma refused to comment on the matter, preferring that a questionnaire be sent to Wilma Chalulu for response.

On Chakwera meeting SICPA CEO, Kapoloma said the Authority would not be in the best place to explain what transpired during the meeting.

Nsanje chiefs ready to cooperate with ACB over China Railway bribery

...China Railway bribes Chiefs with K100,000 for support on railway project

Phillip Kamangila-distributed the bribes to Nsanje chiefs

Traditional leaders in Nsanje say they are ready to cooperate with the Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) over its investigation into bribes offered to them by China Railway 20 Corporation with the intention to shut them up from protesting against the firm’s selection on the K68 billion Bangula-Marka Railway project.

The chiefs and their subjects are against the Chinese contractor who has been awarded the deal to construct the 72-km Bangula-Marka Railway because of the poor quality work the firm has done on the Nsanje-Marka Road whose substandard workmanship was exposed by floods recently.

Adding salt to the wound is the fact that during the construction of the road, China Railways bypassed construction good environmental practices by not filling up places it was excavating soil for the project. This has resulted in yawning dams, one in which three children drowned.

To shut the chiefs up, China Railways officials and one NGO person said to be Phillip Kamangirah travelled to Nsanje recently and shelled out bribes ranging between MK100,000 and MK1,000,000 where they pleaded with the chiefs to stop their protest against the company.

But the chiefs, including those who received the bribes have put their feet down and vowed to assist the ACB investigate the matter and vowed that they will not allow China Railway 20 anywhere near the project unless their concerns are addressed. 

One of the chiefs, Senior Chief Malemia, said last week that they are not against the project.

“What we have issues with is this contractor because he has given us a very poor road and we do not want poor work on the rail line,” he said at a full council meeting at the boma which was attended by China Railway 20 officials

Chakwera delegates Chilima to USA with 41 strong entourage

President Lazarus Chakwera has delegated Vice President Saulos Chilima to represent him at the 2022 United Nations Economic and Social Council Forum later this month.

President Chakwera directed the Office of the President and cabinet (OPC) that Chilima should be accompanied by 41 people including the Minister of Finance Sosten Gwengwe and other technocrats from the civil service.

Insiders said Chakwera gave ‘strict’ instructions that the Vice president entourage should not be more than 45 people and should not include hand clappers or political party activists.

“We followed strict instructions from the President himself and he made it clear that he will need to scrutinize the list of those traveling because he did not want any political party hand clappers and loyalists because this was a high level event requiring seriousness and technical expert of those going to attend this event,” said a source at OPC.

The source further said President Chakwera has since approved the list of those traveling with Chilima for further traveling processes to start.

“In fact we are wondering why people are making an issue out of this trip because if the president traveled, the delegation could have been more than this and that is why he delegated his Vice because he knows the entourage will not be as huge as if he were to travel,” said the source.

Insiders at Capital Hill gave an example of President Chakwera’s foreign trip to Scotland in October last year when the President took with him a whopping 145 delegates to the CoP 26 conference including his security detail and that of the First Lady Monica Chakwera..

Our source shared with us the list of those who escorted President Chakwera to Scotland last year,

Below is list that accompanied Chakwera during the Scotland trip

1. H.E. Mr. Lazarus McCarthy Dr Chakwera Head of State Government

2.H.E. Ms. Nancy Gladys Tembo Cabinet Minister Government Ministry of Forestry and Natural Resources

3. Ms. Yanira Mseka Ntupanyama Principal Secretary for Forestry and Natural Resources
Ministry of Forestry and Natural Resources Government of Malawi

4. H.E. Ms. Monica Chakwera First Lady Government

5. Ms. Tawonga Grace Mbale Director Environmental Affairs Department, Ministry of Natural Resources, Energy and Mining Government of Malawi

6. Mr. Evans Davie Njewa Chief Environmental Officer and UNFCCC Focal Point Government of Malawi

7. Mr. Wilson Toninga Banda Government

8. Mr. Sipho Billiat Development Planning Manager Government National Planning Commission

9. H.E. Mr. Thomas John Bisika High Commissioner Designate Malawi High Commission in London

10. Mr. Bernard Patrick Bwanaope Defence Attache Malawi High Commission in London

11.Ms. Chikondi Precious Chabvuta Regional Advocacy Manager Government Government of Malawi

12. Ms. Violet Rebecca Chakwera Government
13. Ms. Lindiwe Christina Chide Government

14. Ms. Correta Catherine Chidzero Government

15.Mr. Harvey Maneno Chigumula Chief of Protocol Ministry of Foreign Affairs Government

16. Mr. Zangazanga Deverias Chikhosi Secretary to the President and Cabinet Government

17. Mr. Rex Richard Chikoko Government

18. Ms. Mervis Jaqualine Chilakata OPC Government

19. Mr. Werani Mannasseh Chilenga Member of Parliament National Assembly Government of Malawi

20.Mr. Clement Zephnat Chilima Director of Forestry Government Department of Forestry, Ministry of Natural Resources, Energy and Mining

21. Ms. Rebecca Chinjeka Journalist Times Group Government of Malawi

22. Mr. Vitumbiko Chinoko Regional Advocacy Advisor

23. Mr. Sosten Staphiel Chiotha Regional Director Academia Government

24. Mr. Gladson Chipumphula Government

25. Ms. Renata Chivundu First Secretary

26. Mr. Peter Chulu Government

28. Ms. Linda Dembo Programmes Coordinator MaSP Government

29. Mr. Jekapu Dishani Programmes Manager Youth for Environment and Sustainable Development Government

30. Mr. Conor Fox

31. Mr. Chad Jonathon Frischmann Senior Director, Research and Technology

32. Ms. Stella Funsani Gama Forestry Advisor Department of Forestry, Ministry of Natural Resources, Energy and Mining

33. Mr. Billy Lickson Gama General Secretary Blantyre CCAP Government

34. Mr. Willard Mswati Gomani Government

35. Mr. Golivati Maloni Gomani Environmental Inspector Ministry of Forestry and Natural Resources Government

36. Mr. Dennis Gondwe Parliament

37. Ms. Alice Janet Gwedeza Deputy Surveyor General Government Department of Surveys

38. Ms. Grace Hiwa Government

39. Mr. Yamikani Idrissah Environmental Officer Government of Malawi

40. Mr. Godfrey Arthur Jalale Government

41. Ms. Miriam Dalitso Joshua Senior Lecturer and Researcher University of Malawi

42. Mr. Francis Gavin Kachule Assistant Director Ministry of Finance

43. Ms. Mtisunge Lisa Kadango Government

44.H.E. Ms. Quent Madalo Kalichero Deputy High Commissioner, London Malawi High Commission in London

45. Mr. Joseph Osber Kalowekamo Deputy Director Government Department of Energy

46. Ms. Rabecca Kamwendo Kalyolyo Ministry of Foreign Affairs Government

47. Ms. Gertrude Kambauwa Director Department of Land Resources and Conservation

48. Mr. Teddie Hafiz Abudullar Kamoto Deputy Director Ministry oof Forestry and Natural Resources Government

49.Ms. Judith Francesca Kamoto Senior Lecturer Academia Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources

50. Mr. Kefasi Jermiah Kamoyo Land Resources Conservation Officer Department of Land Resources Conservation Ministry of Agriculture, Water Development and Irrigation

51. Mr. Sean Tsanzo Kampondeni Government

52. Mr. Hamilton Kamwana Deputy Director Ministry of Economic Planning, Development and Public Sector Reforms Government

53. Ms. Conslater Kantunda Government

54. Mr. Prince Harvey Kapondamgaga Chief of State Residences Government

55. Mr. Bickiel Jnr Kapuchi Government

56. Mr. Anthony Rodgers Kasunda Government

57. Ms. Dorothy Paliani Kazombo Mwale Youth Network Leader NYNCC Government

58. Ms. Chinsinsi Kazuwa Project Officer MaSP

59. Mr. Franklyn Titani Khoza Fijian Government

60. Mr. Chikumbutso Kilembe Vulnerability Adviser Government

61. Ms. Siphiwe Salaama Komwa Parliamentary Committee Clerk National Assembly Government

62. Ms. Margaret Brenda Kunje

63. Mr. Madalitso Kwaderanji Kazombo First Deputy Speaker Malawi Parliament Government

64. Ms. Martha Taziona Kwataine Government

65. Ms. Maggie Kwatiwani Government

66. H.E. Mr. Perks Master Clemency Ligoya Ambassador Government

67. Ms. Tapiwa Machinjiri CADECOM Mangochi Diocese

68.Ms. Nyovani Janet Madise Director of Development Policy African Institute for Development Policy Government

69. Ms. Ruth Maganga CISONECC

70. Mr. Sam Samuel Majamanda Government

71. H.E. Ms. Agnes Ridley Makonda Minister Government

72. Mr. Potiphar Malapa Government

73. Mr. Mathews Malata President Editorial Government of Malawi

74. Mr. Andrew Jacob Mazulu Principal Information Officer Ministry of Information Government

75. Mr. Masauko Lyson Mbolembole Synod Moderator Blantyre CCAP Government

76. Mr. Hendricks Shyalulole Mgodie Human Health and Climate Change Focal Point Ministry of Health & Population Government of Malawi

77. Mr. Victor Mhango Protocol Officer Malawi Parliament Government

78. Mr. Chomora Mikeka Government

79. Mr. Eisenhower Nduwa Mkaka Cabinet Minister Ministry of Foreign Affairs Government

80. Ms. Ethel Leticia Mkandawire Climate Change Advocate for Women & Youths Government

81. Mr. Abels Wannie Mkandawire Acting Director for Europe Directorate Ministry of Foreign Affairs Fijian Government

82. Mr. Charles Mkoka Secretary General Association of Environmental Journalists Government

83. Mr. Abel Kenneth Mkulama Youth delegate Government of Malawi

84. Mr. Mayamiko Wezzulo Mlenga Government

85. Mr. Amon Kesten Mluwira Acting Chief Executive Officer Greenbelt Authority Government

86. Mr. Barrow Hadson Mnyantha Government

87. Ms. Linda Lonjezo Moyo Government

88. Ms. Paida Diana Mpaso Government

89.Mr. Hamid Mponda Malawi WHO Office Government

90. Mr. Aaron Kandiwo Mtaya CADECOM National Officer

91. Mr. Chikumbutso Batison Mtumodzi Director of Information Ministry of Information and Technology Government

92. Mr. Chipiliro Mtumodzi Government

93. Mr. Ephraim Kasambo Munthali Government

94. Ms. Joy Hayley Munthali Gender Officer Government of Malawi

95. Ms. Brenda Mwale Climate Leader MaSP Government

96. Mr. John Chilekwa Mwase Government

97. Ms. Shamiso Nandi Najira Deputy Director Environmental Affairs Department

98. Mr. Bernard Daniel Ndege Reporter Government Malawi Broadcasting Corporation

99. Ms. Chimwemwe Nyambose Ndhlovu Government

100. Mr. Maxwell Mulotwa Ng’ambi Government

101. Mr. Julius Ng’oma National Coordinator Government

102. Mr. Lee Aristotle Ngirazie Christian Aid Government

103. Ms. Maness Nkhata Ngoma Board Member National Youth Council Government

104. Mr. Dokani Mkwinda Ngwira Government

105. Mr. Malawi Makaranga Ngwira Government

106. Ms. Chimwemwe Nyondo Njoloma Reporter Ministry of Information (Malawi News Agency) Government

107. Ms. Angela Sizakele Nkata Protocol Officer Ministry of Foreign Affairs Government

108. Mr. Hendricks Fiskani Nkhata Programme Officer MaSP

109. Mr. Jolamu Lebiamu Nkhokwe Director Department of Climate Change and Meteorological Services Government of Malawi

110. Mr. Dyce Kapumula Nkhoma Director of Risk Reduction Department of Disaster Management Affairs Government

111. Mr. Denis Nliwasa Ministry of Foreign Affairs Government

112. Mr. James Kennedy Ntupanyama Independent Consultant/ Advocate for Environment Government

113. Mr. Amon Dominic Nyasulu Programme Manager National Youth Network on Climate Change

114. Mr. Govati Benard Nyirenda Government

115. Mr. Velli Vellapie Nyirongo Climate Change Scholar Government

116. Mr. Macduff Bottie Phiri Government

117. Mr. Raphael Mb’obo Phiri Government

118. Mr. Gideon Kalumbu Phiri Government

119. Ms. Annie Phiri Government

120. Mr. Joseph Kenson Sakala Executive DIRECTOR Youth for Environment and Sustainable Development Government

121. Mr. David Samikwa Climate Leader MaSP Government

122. Ms. Rejoice Shumba Government
123. Mr. Luckie Kanyamula Sikwese Principal Secretary Ministry of Foreign Affairs Government

124. Ms. Monica Effie Silika Government

125. Mr. Fred Ica Simwaka Chief Gender & Development Officer Ministry of Gender, Children, Disability and Social Welfare Government

126. Ms. Jane Nina Swira Program Manager, National Climate Resilience Programme Environmental Affairs Department Government

127. Mr. Morgan Zachariah Tembo Government

128. Mr. Elias Ellias Tsokalida Counsellor Malawi High Commission in London Government of Malawi

129. Mr. Joshua Shongah Valeta LUANAR Government

130. Mr. Max John Wengawenga Deputy Director of Planning Ministry of Forestry and Natural Resources Government

131. Mr. Peter William Alan West Malawi Honorary Consul in Scotland

132. Mr. Chimwemwe Yonasi Environmental Inspector Environmental Affairs Department

133. Ms. Catherine Kettie Zamaere Deputy Director Ministry of Foreign Affairs Government

134. Ms. Colleen Pempho Zamba Government

135. Mr. Frank McDonald Zingani Protocol Officer Ministry of Foreign Affairs Government

136. Mr. Titus Sanza Zulu Assistant Director Government Department of Forestry

137. Mr. Eliya Msiyaphazi Zulu Executive Director of Development Policy African Institute for Development Policy Government

138. Mr. Moses Aaron Zuze Principal Economist Ministry of Local Government Government

UNFPA supporting mobile health services to the cyclone survivors’ camps

By Iommie Chiwalo

UNFPA Deputy Representative Masaki Watabe donating to some of the female pupils

While the needs for flood survivors are too numerous, United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) has intensified collective efforts in expanding mobile clinics.

The exercise is happening in different camps stationed in Nsanje and Chikwawa district where the exercise is just part of fulfilment of a joint programs between UNFPA, Malawi government and other development partners in the areas of HIV prevention, response to gender based violence and data management and utilisation and the implementation of the roadmap on maternal and neonatal mortality reduction.

During the recent visit in Chikwawa at Fombe ADMARC camp which is also known as Mthumba camp, the UNFPA Deputy Representative, Masaki Watabe where he went to appreciate the impact of the agency’s work in the ongoing humanitarian response, he said UNFPA is supporting Chikwawa district to expand mobile health services to the camps, ensuring women and girls have access to sexual reproductive health services, and improving protection to safeguard women and girls from gender based violence in the camps.

He said the facilitation of mobile health services where people are able to get HIV testing, aquire family planning methods is part of UNFPA’s mandate of ensuring integration of evidence-based analysis on population dynamics and their links to sustainable development, sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights, HIV and gender equality.

Chikwawa is one of the districts, which was hit by tropical storm #Ana, and recently by tropical cyclone #Gombe.

Under the UNFPA Safeguard Young People Programme project, the agency also thought it wise to donate solar lamps to the adolescent girls and pregnant mothers in addition to dignity kits.

Watabe said that UNFPA is very committed to address health and protection related concerns with the available resources, and with support from other development partners.

“So far, we have supported a number of camps with relief items such as dignity kits, and solar lamps to ensure a safer environment for the survivors,” he said.

Chairperson person for the camp Rodrick Malenga speaking on behalf of the survivors was all grateful for the assistance from UNFPA saying it was timely.

Malenga said apart from the lamps, the mobile health services are enabling the displaced people to access timely medical assistance.

At Fombe ADMARC camp/ Mthumba camp there are 250 households in which translates to 1630 people. There are 1010 females of whom 110 are lactating women, 43 pregnant women and 138 under five children, 146 below 18 years old and 83 people between the ages of 18 and 35.

UNFPA delivers a world where every pregnancy is wanted, every birth is safe and every young person’s potential is fulfilled. It also participates in Sector Wide Approaches (SWAps) on health, gender and youth.

Nsanje chiefs, people reject China Railway 20 over railway project

People in Nsanje, led by their traditional leaders, are up in arms against the China Railway company which the government has awarded a contract to construct the Marka-Bangula Nsanje Railway.

They say they do no not believe that the company is the right one to undertake such a mammoth project considering the shoddy and substandard work it has carried out on the Marka-Nsanje road which suffered serious damaged recently during the Cyclone Ana flooding which was largely due to poor works on the road.

The chiefs and the people made their reservations knowns at an interface with China Railway 20 officials in Nsanje District on 30 March 2022 where chiefs such as Senior Chief Malemia, Chimombo, Ndamera, Ngabu and Nyachikadza were in attendance alongside councillors and Nsanje Police Station Officer in Charge.

In their remarks, the chiefs and their subject vehemently rejected China Railway 20 as the company that will undertake the project.

Speaking on behalf of fellow chiefs, the subjects and district authorities, Senior Chief Malemia said they are not against the project but they do not believe that China Railways 20 is the kind of firm that will give them the quality of the railway they desire.

“What we are saying…we’ve been crying for decades to say we need a rail line that used to be here in the days of our forefathers. Now we want to thank the present government, the Tonse Alliance under the leadership of His Excellency the President Dr Lazarus MacCarthy Chakwera. They have come up with a plan to say we want to rebuild this railway line. We are all happy”.

“None of us is here to say we don’t want this project to start. It would be madness on our part. We want the project. But we have an issue with the contractor that has been selected to do the construction of the rail. This is where all the people are saying now when we look at the construction of the road that is substandard as it were, will they do a better job when it comes to do the rail line. So, this is where we have a problem,” explained the Senior Chief.

Malemia said as a council, they have come up with a resolution where they have tasked the District Commissioner to write a petition which the chiefs and their subjects will take to the Minister (of Transport) and other relevant authorities to ask for the removal of the China Railway 20 from the project.

Standard Bank’s Be More Race returns

Joggers on the move: Individuals representing entities Standard Bank is working with. From Left to Right – Tamara Chafunya; Miriam Matola – Owner Sweat Factory Gym Lilongwe; Jayne Nyirenda, Leader

Standard Bank’s annual signature wellness marathon, the Be More Race, has returned after a two-year break due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Billed as the biggest race sponsorship in Malawi by the Athletic Association of Malawi (AAM), the 2022 race promises to create a platform for recovery on the socio-economic and wellness front.

Chief Executive Phillip Madinga relaunched the race with pomp and colour in Lilongwe yesterday under the theme; “Road 2 Recovery”.

Madinga said this year’s race aims to highlight Standard Bank’s leading role in facilitating the country’s recovery efforts, while raising funds to support girls’ secondary school education in Lilongwe.

MADINGA;The 2022 Be More Race provides a platform to celebrate the resilience of a nation in withstanding socio-economic effects of Covid-19 pandemic, while offering hope for a better tomorrow

“In relaunching the race, Standard Bank invites back all key partners to join us in efforts aiming to facilitate the country’s recovery process in both respects of the economy and people’s wellness. The 2022 Be More Race provides a platform to celebrate the resilience of a nation in withstanding socio-economic effects of Covid-19 pandemic, while offering hope for a better tomorrow,” he said.

Madinga announced that this year’s main race will run on June 4, 2022 in Lilongwe. Ahead of the main race Blantyre will host the city race on May 7th, 2022. The city races traditionally act as a warm-up of the main races.

He said the race will attract people and organisations from different sectors in addition to professional athletes locally and internationally.

“Since 2017 Be More Race has become a multi-disciplinary event deploying a Marathon to create lasting relationships with different stakeholders locally and internationally. This underscores that Standard Bank is more than just a bank, but an integral part of the community fabric. The 2022 Be More Race will serve to underscore that we are stronger when we work together, and that through our partnerships, our dreams and aspirations are possible and Can Be,” said Madinga.

The race comes in three categories of 5km, 10km and the 21 km half marathon which attracts professional runners and the extreme outdoor fitness enthusiasts. Registration fees range from K5,000 to K15,000 with the winner of the 21 km race expected to bank a cool K1.5 million. Second and third placed runners up will receive K900,000 and K500,000, respectively.

Madinga said proceeds from the race will go towards supporting girls’ education at Lilongwe Girls Secondary School where Standard Bank is constructing girls’ hostels. The last race in 2019 attracted over 1,500 participants. Registration for the race starts on April 4, 2022.

AAM President Godfrey Phiri thanked Standard Bank for maintaining the sponsorship despite the impact of Covid on business and the economy.

“Thanks for fulfilling your promise to make the race stay. During the Covid-19 break, you may have been discouraged but the return shows that you put athletics at the heart.”

“AAM will not disappoint you. We will make sure that this race is well publicized and becomes crowd puller. Athletes will run their lungs out, ” he said.

Standard Bank launched the Be More Race in 2017 as its flagship athletics and wellness event to engage existing and potential customers, key stakeholders, and communities through a key uniting passion point – sport.

Suspected hard core drug dealer’s son Daud Sajid Sultan caught buying illicit drugs in Lilongwe

Reports reaching this publication revealed that Daud Sajid Sultan was on Wednesday, night, March 30, 2022 caught drank while buying illicit drugs at Sana compound, Area 9 in the capital Lilongwe.

According to sources at the facility, police caught Daud Sajid Sultan buying drugs from dealer Rayan Ridwan Nathanie.

Upon caught, both Sajid and Nathanie were locked up by the police who were letter released after negotiation to avoid public shame. Daud Sajid Sultan is a son to a big drug dealer in town.

Sajid father owns Crown hotel at Area 3, near Maula filling station in the capital Lilongwe
Daudi was not available for comment on the matter on several attempt.

Chakwera’s spending spree angers CDEDI…Calls it a shameless public plunder

By Iommie Chiwalo

The Centre for Democracy and Economic Development Initiatives (CDEDI), has expressed disappointment over Tonse Alliance administration’s ongoing careless plunder of public resources sugar-coated in ‘crop inspection and review of implementation of Public Sector Reforms’.

President  Lazarus Chakwera and the Vice-President Saulos Chilima are hardly seen in office instead are always on the road inspecting various projects which CDEDI alleges that each day blows about MK300 million, a situation which has been described as pathetic considering the current situation affecting the poor masses.

In a press release made available to this publication and signed by CDEDI Executive Director Sylvester Namiwa, says it is disheartening to note that the President alone is spending over MWK300 million visiting people that can hardly afford a meal a day due to rising of cost of living.

“It beats human imagination, therefore, to note that the President, fresh from attending a conference for poor countries, went straight into a spending spree of the very scarce resources. This is a total mockery of the glaring poverty that is dehumanising Malawians,” says Namiwa in a statement.

On Chakwera’s arguement that the crop inspection is a learning process for future Affordable Inputs Programme (AIP) programme, Namiwa feels that is an open secret that the 2021/2022 AIP is a total mess.

“What is it then that the President would like to see or hear from the people which he doesnt know already? Where is the morality of assembling a whole Executive motorcade to visit people whose suffering is already known, and are helplessly waiting for solutions and not lectures that leave them hopeless,” he queries.

CDEDI has since challenged President Chakwera and his Vice-President to stop the so called needless local travels, and stay in the office to devise  mechanisms to cushion the masses from the imminent fuel increase that will worsen the suffering of the people due to the global economic turmoil.

Namiwa says is sad that while leaders elsewhere that care about their people are busy formulating packages to protect their economies and cushion the masses from the effects of the Russia-Ukraine war, in Malawi is different scenario whereby leaders are busy competing on plundering the public purse through allowances for themselves and teams of public officers accompanying them.

“Closer home, President Paul Kagame of Rwanda has announced a package to protect his people from the external shocks as a result of the war in Ukraine, but here in Malawi the Tonse Alliance government is shamelessly making attempts to use the same war to cover up its cluelessness,” he narrates.

Namiwa has therefore reminded President Chakwera and his government that the Russia-Ukraine war is a month old, while the increase in the cost of living is as old as the Tonse Alliance government itself.

The CSO leader has recommended Presidency to immediately come up with a clear policy to cushion the masses from the imminent fuel increase that will unfortunately trigger yet another increase in the cost of living.

Namiwa has also seen it timely to ask President and his Cabinet to consider cut their tax-free salaries by half as a sign of sharing the pain with the masses that can no longer afford a decent meal a day.

Above all, he has demanded Presidency to immediately stop the global trotting and local travels.

“Malawi envoys should represent the country during all the international events while the rest should be attended virtually, until the country’s economy is fixed to the satisfaction of the majority of Malawians and that the President should trim his Cabinet from 32 to 20; and also chop his crowd of advisers from 22 to 5,” he suggests.

As a sign that Malawians have not forgotten campaign promises made prior to the court-sanctioned fresh presidential elections on June 23, 2020, President Chakwera was recently bood in Blantyre as a sign of dissatisfaction with his style of leadership.

Malawi and African Trade Insurance Agency sign addendum to existing MoU

Malawi Govt and ATI MoU in 2018

The Government of Malawi and the African Trade Insurance Agency (ATI) on Tuesday signed an addendum to the existing Regional Liquidity Support Facility (RLSF) Memorandum of Understanding (MoU).

The Government of Malawi was represented by the Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs, the Ministry of Energy, Electricity Supply Corporation of Malawi (ESCOM) and PML.

Minister of Finance & Economic Affairs Sosten Gwengwe said the government was pleased to extend the successful partnership with ATI to include PML.

“The support received from ATI via the RLSF has been helpful in supporting the government’s objectives of attracting additional investments in the energy sector with the view of ensuring that Malawi has sufficient electricity to meet growing domestic and commercial demand,” he said.

ATI’s Senior Underwriter Pizzaro Lukhanda said Malawihas been the greatest beneficiary of our RLSF initiative.

“Thanks to Malawi’s investor friendly policies, improved regulations and frameworks that have allowed increased private sector investments and growth in its power sector. Having already supported three solar projects within the country, we look forward to building on this early success and exploring additional areas of cooperation between ATI and the Government of Malawi,” he said.

The addendum will allow Independent Power Producers (IPPs) that enter into Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) with PML to benefit from RLSF cover. Since signing the original RLSF MoU with the Government of Malawi on 30 November 2018, ATI has provided instrumental guarantees in support of three projects in Malawi: the Nkhotakota, Salima and Golomoti solar power plants, enabling these projects, with a combined installed capacity of 101 MW, to achieve financial close.

The signing of the addendum comes on the heels of improvements to the RLSF structure, which will take effect under Phase 2 of RLSF, recently announced by ATI and its partners. Under Phase 1, ATI and KfW provided collateral to Absa South Africa which in turn issued Standby Letters of Credit (SBLCs) for the benefit of IPPs – the SBLCs can be drawn by the IPPs following any delayed payments by the state-owned offtakers, serving as a key form of payment security. The new product structure, which will no longer involve an LC issuing bank, will allow IPPs to benefit from ATI’s positive credit rating of A/ A3 (S&P & Moody’s, respectively). In addition, the new RLSF contracts to be signed between ATI and the IPPs will be simpler – cutting the existing turnaround times, and in turn reducing the cost of RLSF cover as any fees currently charged by the LC issuing bank will no longer be applied.

RLSF, a joint initiative of the ATI, KfW Development Bank and the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD), is a guarantee instrument designed to address the short-term liquidity risks faced by renewable energy IPPs that sell electricity to state owned power utilities across Sub-Saharan Africa.

Furthermore, the RLSF MoU allows ATI to collect information on the payment behavior of power utilities. The information collected is then recorded and can be accessed via the Transparency Tool, a digital platform launched by ATI in 2019, by participating IPPs. The first external report from the Transparency Tool was published in 2021, showing that ESCOM was meeting its payment obligations to the country’s sole IPP on time.

Currently, seven of ATI’s member countries have signed the MoU and can benefit from RLSF: Benin, Burundi, Côte d’Ivoire, Madagascar, Malawi, Uganda and Zambia, with the expectation that more of ATI’s twenty member countries will sign up.

ATI was founded in 2001 by African States to cover trade and investment risks of companies doing business in Africa. ATI predominantly provides Political Risk, Credit Insurance and, Surety Insurance. In 2020, ATI closed the year with a gross exposure of US$6.3 billion and a net profit of US$39.4 million, owing to a strong demand for ATI’s insurance solutions from the international financial sector and from African governments. Since inception, ATI has supported US$70 billion worth of investments and trade into Africa. For over a decade, ATI has maintained an ‘A/Stable’ rating for Financial Strength and Counterparty Credit by Standard & Poor’s, and in 2019, ATI obtained an A3/Stable rating from Moody’s.

ATI and the German Development Bank, KfW, with financing from the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), launched the RLSF in 2017. The Facility was created to help tackle climate change and attract investments by supporting renewable energy projects in ATI’s member countries. RLSF has an initial capacity of EUR 63.2 million and it supports small and mid-scale renewable energy projects with an installed capacity of up to 50 MW (and in exceptional cases up to 100 MW) by protecting the developers against the risk of delayed payments by public off-takers; in turn improving project bankability and ensuring that more projects reach financial close.

ShareWORLD Open University calls for collaboration between varsities and communities in climate change fight

Nkhunga–Collaboration is key in fighting the adverse effects of climate change–Photo by Watipaso Mzungu

ShareWORLD Open University of Malawi (SOUM) says collaboration between institutions of higher learning and communities in tree-planting initiatives is crucial in Malawi’s aspiration to reverse deforestation and adverse effects of climate change.

SOUM Head of the Department of Conservation and Rural Development, William Nkhunga, emphasized that a partnership between universities and communities would enable the two parties to leverage their expertise and make significant advancements in the fight against the climate crisis.

Nkhunga made the remarks in Chakwawa Village in Traditional Authority (T/A) Kalumbu in Lilongwe when the university led community members in planting 1, 000 trees.

Studies have shown that forested land in Malawi continues to face undue pressure due to high population growth, rising consumption rates for firewood, timber and non-timber products, unsustainable harvesting and economic development policies that promote expansion agriculture into marginal lands.

Nyasulu planting a tree

As a consequence, deforestation has increased at an alarming rate while the continued loss of forests continues to not only threaten livelihoods, but also the environment.

Nkhunga therefore said collaborative forest rehabilitation efforts are the right way to address the problem.

“But that cannot be done by governments and the private sector alone. School-based reforestation initiatives are an important way for students, teachers, and communities to make tangible contributions to climate change mitigation efforts,” he said.

Nkhunga announced that SOUM has since adopted Chakwawa Village as a ground for learning practical skills for students in Conservation and Rural Development. He said this entails that students will be regularly planting trees and monitoring their growth.

Mwatibu leading by example by planting a tree

“We believe this will significantly contribute towards reforestation initiative in this area,” he narrated.

The National Coordinator of the National Youth Network on Climate Change (NYNCC), Dominic Nyasulu, said institutions of higher learning have a critical role in mobilizing students and communities in addressing impacts of climate change in the country.

Nyasulu, who was the Guest of Honour at the event, therefore commended SOUM for partnering with the people of Chakwawa Village in the tree-planting exercise.

Senior Group Village Head (SGVH) Mwatibu thanked the university for choosing his area.

“This partnership will benefit us more than they will benefit from it. So, we are very happy and we pledge our commitment to working with them,” said Mwatibu.

CDEDI courts RA on contract awarding documentation

By Iommie Chiwalo

CDEDI officials inspecting contracts at RA

The Centre for Democracy and Economic Development Initiatives (CDEDI), has today commenced work on inspection of contracts awarded to contractors for various projects at the Roads Authority (RA).

CDEDI was given a positive nod by RA acting Chief Executive Officer, Engineer Francis Dimu.

Initially, in its letter to RA dated February 28, 2022, for interest of transparency and accountability sake, CDEDI demanded the disclosure of contractual agreements for Jenda-Edingeni, Karonga -Songwe, Mzimba-Mzarangwe, Kapiri-Mkanda, Ntchisi -Malomo,
Kenyatta Drive & Sharrar Street not to mention of Ntcheu-Tsangano, Nsanje -Marka and Nsanama -Nayuchi roads.

The human rights organisation came flat on its watchdog role as a call for the country to raise the standards of public infrastructure, and fight the nauseating deep-rooted corruption entrenched in the construction industry.

Meanwhile CDEDI Executive Director, Sylvester Namiwa has promised that his organisation will in due course update the members of the public on the outcome of the documentation exercise currently underway at RA offices in Lilongwe.

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Story by a concerned bidder Yamikani Nicholas Kachingwe

KACHINGWE: Concerned bidder

The Department of Disaster Management(DoDMA) an institution under the office of the President(OPC) advertised several tenders/bids on 3rd August 2021,closing date was 1st September,2021.

●They clearly indicated their targeting recognised MSME’S who are registered at ministry of trade,they further clarified that preference will be given to Indigenous Malawians.

● The bid validity was 120 days( 4 Months).

● Samples were requested as a mandatory requirement for specific items upon submission of bid document.

● They further assured us that evaluated results shall be announced publicly through ‘notification of intention to award contract’ published in leading newspapers and individual email addresses.

Our company participated in two tenders,namely;

(1) Various Relief Items: 090/IPDC/DoDMA/2021-22/07
(2) Working Materials: 090/IPDC/DoDMA/2021-22/07.

My grievances against the Internal Procurement and Disposal Committee (IPDC) of DoDMA among many are that i feel they ignored to abide by their own requirements and mandate and as well overlooking the rule of law by obstructing fair and just procurement practices to propel the MSME Order gazzeted a year ago.

After the elapse of bid validity,the IPDC didn’t communicate to any participating bidder(maybe they did) but for a fact i know they didn’t communicate to us on why the results were delayed or the reasons thereof or to seek extension of bid validity.

I took it upon myself to investigate this matter thoroughly and i was shocked to learn that The IPDC has now started issuing contracts to their “assumed” evaluated suppliers behind doors.

On 28th March,2022. I booked an appointment with the Procurement officer Madam Kezzia Mkandi,she agreed to meet me with her colleagues at 15H30(3:30pm) in their procurement department office, Capital Hill.

I enquired about the results for both tenders. She responded that the Working Materials tender results are currently on hold until further notice but the relief item tender results were out and they have identified their successful bidders and my bid was not successful. Due to my failure to comply to Technical Specifications. Names of successful companies were not revealed.

In which i appealed to her to reveal the said failure. She replied i only indicated my compliance with a picture/image of the item without any description.

I was shocked to learn about this as according to their bid document it was indicated that we may put a drawing or an image or literature to indicate our compliance. Besides that we were requested to attach samples for the specific items we were bidding for,which i did. Am flabbergasted to learn that i did not complied yet physical samples were submitted for their reference.

Madam Kezzia in front of her colleagues(Madam Jackie and Mr Ngayiye) who formed a forum,said that PPDA told them during their evaluation process to ignore and to not use the samples as reference. In short the samples were disregarded and remained unused in their warehouse behind Admarc Depot along Chilambula road. A fact which she failed to substantiate that truly PPDA advised so.

On the issue of not publishing the evaluated bid results,her response was that they got a waiver from PPDA due to Cyclone Anna,as it was a matter of urgency,strangely during the momentum of the natural disaster,contracts were not awarded. They have started awarding the contracts on this very same day we held the meeting.


• DoDMA’s IPDC wasted all bidder’s time and resources used in purchasing samples while they knew for gospel truth they won’t be used in their evaluation process,which is not only misleading but a cause of concern. As all samples in hundreds are just gathering dust at their warehouse. I parted ways with not less than K300,000. And yet it was put to waste. Am yet to collect my samples and see their state of condition. Every tambala i spen on them shall be refunded in full. If any are in bad shape.

• DoDMA’s IPDC failed to finalize within their bid validity and failed to inform bidders,they went further to seek a waiver from PPDA not to publish results and award contracts during Cyclone Anna but that too was not fulfiled. They failed to communicate to unsuccessful bidders as well. This just shows either it was deliberate for the sole purpose of corrupt activities or just pure incompetence.

• Findings from my investigation are alleging that 35 companies were found successful among the 100 plus something companies that participated in the tender.

Among these 35 companies,7 companies have been awarded more than 1 lot,due to sensitivity of this matter,i shall not disclose their trading names;
○ First company has three lots: Plastic pails with,with taps and black plastic sheet

○ Second Company has 3 lots: Bales of Sugar, Ropes and Tarpulins.

○ Third Company has 2 lots: Kitchen Salt & Likuni Phala

○ Fourth Company has 2 lots: Plastic pails with lids and taps

○ Fifth company has 2 lots: Blanket and Printed 50kg empty bags

○ Sixth Company has 2 lots: Large Family and small family tents.

○ Seventh Company has 2 lots: Blankets & Printed 50kg empty bags.

28 companies have been awarded one lot each. Totalling 35 contracts under Various Relief Item framework agreement for the period of 2022 to 2023.

Am not sure if they’re well deserving or not,as am yet to go through the evaluation report.

One thing is certain the whole evaluation process is a mess,unprocedural,biased and deliberately done in a way to sidelined other bidders for reasons behest to the IPDC.

Dodma is always in the paper for wrong reasons. I remember Hon Ganda once lamented on their unprocedural Awardment of Goat contract to an individual based in the lower shire regardless he/she was the most expensive bidder.

DoDMA was in the paper lamenting that people are no longer donating to them. How can they? When Dodma was implicated in the abuse of Covid-19 funds.

Therefore! Am appealing to bidders who participated in this tender to take DoDMA to task to publish the results publicly and as well to give back all samples.

To say the truth DoDMA is a sham,an embarrassment to the office of the President.

EthCo K5.2 billion project to produce fertilizer, electricity…Zero liquid discharge plant ready December

Chakaniza in front of the plant under construction

Ethanol distiller, Ethanol Company Limited (EthCo) has embarked on a K5.2 billion project to manage liquid waste from its manufacturing process which will see the company producing fertilizer and electricity from the process.

EthCo Chief Executive Officer Lusubilo Chakaniza said in an interview yesterday that the ethanol manufacturing process produces a liquid waste (effluent) called vinasse at a rate of 12 litres for every litre of ethanol produced meaning at full capacity, 218 million litres of effluent would be produced in a year.

“If not properly managed, this effluent can be detrimental to both vegetation and aquatic life. Currently, the vinasse is stored in evaporation ponds for drying and the dried sludge is used by farmers around Dwangwa for crop nutrition and soil conditioning because it consists of organic material rich in Potassium and also contains Nitrogen, Phosphorous, zinc and Sulphur. However, the drying process is long and takes close to a year.”

“To mitigate against the risk of environmental degradation, EthCo is implementing an innovative effluent treatment solution that will result in Zero Liquid Discharge from the plant at a cost of MK5.2 billion. The process will involve bio-digestion, evaporation, condensate treatment and drying and the process would take less than a week,” explained Chakaniza.

She said from this process, there will be biogas produced which will be used to generate steam to drive a turbine and produce about 2 Megawatts of electricity thereby making the factory self-sufficient on electricity.

The EthCo plant under construction

“The dried material will be processed in a granulation plant to produce granulated potassium rich organic fertilizer that will be bagged in 50 Kg bags for selling at an affordable cost. The water recovered from the treatment system will be treated and recycled back to the factory thereby reducing the water footprint,” said Chakaniza.

She said the project is more than a year late due to Covid-19 pandemic related delays but is expected to be commissioned by December 2022.

Environmental activist and president of Association of Environmental Journalists in Malawi Matthews Malata hailed EthCo for embarking on the project.

“Anything that is introduced to save our environment or indeed promote sustainable utilization of our natural resources is welcome. Malawi should have advanced with such an innovation many years ago but it’s never too late. Greening the economy means bringing such kinds of innovations to life,” said Malata.

EthCo, a subsidiary of conglomerate Press Corporation plc, is Malawi’s sole producer of potable (extra-neutral spirit) alcohol that is used by the beverage and pharmaceutical industries and also produces anhydrous alcohol (fuel ethanol), and rectified alcohol for industrial applications.

Chakaniza-Effluent can be detrimental

RA ready for disclosure of contractual agreements as demanded by CDEDI

By Iommie Chiwalo

The country’s Roads Authority (RA) has responded in favour of Centre for Democracy and Economic Development Initiatives (CDEDI) which is demanding disclosure of road construction agreements signed during service procurement process.

In a letter dated March 15, 2022 signed by RA’s Acting Chief Executive Officer, Engineer Francis Dimu and made available to this publication, says the documents are ready and shall be provided to CDEDI as stipulated in access to information laws.

Dimu said should there be need for photocopies, CDEDI might duplicate the documents at its own costs.

Initially, in its letter to RA dated February 28, 2022, for interest of transparency and accountability sake, CDEDI demanded the disclosure of contractual agreements for Jenda-Edingeni, Karonga -Songwe, Mzimba-Mzarangwe, Kapiri-Mkanda, Ntchisi -Malomo,
Kenyatta Drive & Sharrar Street not to mention of Ntcheu-Tsangano, Nsanje -Marka and Nsanama -Nayuchi roads.

The human rights organisation came flat on its watchdog role as a call for the country to raise the standards of public infrastructure, and fight the nauseating deep-rooted corruption entrenched in the construction industry.

Within the letter, CDEDI Executive Director Sylvester Namiwa went further challenging Malawians to be keeping a keen eye on public infrastructure projects being implemented in their areas as one way of guaranteeing value for the money spent on the projects, such as roads, railways and bridges.

The heavy rains that have been experienced in the country have exposed poor workmanship, negligence and outright disregard of contractual details in the implementation of some projects.

However, despite disclosure of contractual agreements, Namiwa is still asking RA to audit projects under its jurisdiction against details of signed contracts for the same, and give feedback on the same.

Court Orders Arrest of Vuwa Kaunda’s Son Davie For Fraud

The Mkukula Chief Magistrate Court in Lilongwe has ordered the arrest of Davie Kaunda, son to former flamboyant cabinet minister Vuwa Kaunda, for allegedly obtaining money by trick amounting to MK 40,200,000 (Forty Million and Two Hundred Thousand Kwacha) from a businessperson Mustafa Amidu.

A Warrant of arrest addressed to the law enforcers in our custody dated 17th March said between the year 2020 and 2021, Kaunda in the city of Lilongwe by deceit or other fraudulent means obtained the money from Mustafa Amidu.

“You are hereby directed to arrest Davie Kaunda to produce him before this court in execution of this arrest and HEREIN FAIL NOT,” reads the warrant which is marked Criminal case number 136 of 2022.

The suspect Davie Kaunda hails from Chidagha Village in the area of Traditional Authority Timbiri in Nkhata-Bay district.

MultiChoice Expands Footprint with 10 additional Sankha Wekha kiosks

One of the kiosks

MultiChoice Malawi has added 10 more Sankha Wekha Kiosks as a way of increasing customer convenience by creating key service touch points in inaccessible areas across the country, whilst upskilling agents with the business acumen to run and own a business through the kiosks.

MultiChoice Malawi currently has over 152 agents and 58 accredited installers’ across the country with Sankha Wekha Kiosks located in Blantyre at Wenera bus depot, Ndirande by old Peoples shop, and Chemusa.

In Lilongwe in Area 25 Pamathanki, Area 25 Nsungwi and Area 36 Kaphiri and in Mzuzu along M1 road and Mzuzu market.

The 10 additional kiosk will be in Blantyre at Blantyre Market, Area 1 Machinjiri, Area 1 Simama, Area 1 Kaviwale, Luwinga, Area 49, Area 29, Likuni and Kamba.

“We believe that there is no true success without social upliftment. Over the last 25 years, we have chosen to grow hand in hand with local communities and when we launched the first 8 kiosks we ensured agents came from the locations they are stationed, in order to best attend to our customer’s needs” said Yuk-yen Ayeung, Head of Commercials MultiChoice Malawi.

“Through the introduction of 10 additional Sankha Wekha Kiosks across Malawi, we are able to provide our customers with even more convenience. The distinct yellow, blue and red colours of the kiosks ensure our customers can easily identify their nearest service agent” she added.

The Sankha Wekha Kiosks offer numerous services, namely; repairing and swapping of faulty decoders that are within warranty, payment of subscriptions, upgrade of bouquets, selling of boxes, as well as trouble shooting.

“I am very happy to be one of the Sankha Wekha Kiosk agents, I believe the visibility I will receive through the kiosks will help me drive sales” said Vutimbo Mgode, Sankha Wekha Kiosk agent.

“It brings me joy to know the people in my community will no longer travel long distances if they are in need of MultiChoice services” he added.

COSOMA and MultiChoice sign Partners Against Piracy agreement

The agreement signing ceremony

18 March 2022, Lilongwe – MultiChoice Malawi and the Copyright Society of Malawi have joined forces in the fight to protect Creative Copyright and associated Intellectual Property rights through the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding, ahead of the launch of the Partners Against Piracy (PAP) initiative. The MOU will ensure that the two partners collaborate in the fight especially against content piracy and awareness raising in line with the Partners Against Piracy (PAP) campaign.

The campaign will consist of activities that will raise awareness by educating the public on the unintended consequences of piracy and the threat it poses to lives, livelihoods, society and personal cyber security.  PAP looks to ensure Malawi’s content creators earn a living from their talent and increase the demand for locally produced content through the consumption of their authorized works.

“We are excited and happy to be partnering you [MultiChoice] on this initiative. The signing of this partnership marks the beginning, now we continue into the next phase, which is implementation of strategies to combat piracy” said Dora Makwinja, Executive Director of Copyright Society of Malawi (COSOMA).

Piracy involves the unauthorized reproduction, distribution, use including sharing or selling of copyrighted content. Piracy is stealing as it robs content creators, artists and entire creative communities of their royalties. It also robs the government of taxes.

The campaign will focus on two main categories of piracy:

The agreement signing ceremony
  • Broadcast piracy which involves the use of video and audio content without the consent of rights-holders.
  • Cyber piracy, or internet piracy which is currently the biggest threat to content owners, broadcasters and operators. The content most often pirated via the internet is software, music, literature, and video content, including live sports and the latest movies.

Content piracy globally is at an all-time high.  High-quality content and advanced streaming technology has become more easily available and easier for pirates to illegally acquire and redistribute content for illicit profits, documented to fund social ills including identity theft and trafficking.

“In partnership with COSOMA we aim to bring increased awareness to the effects of piracy on the Malawian creative industry and reiterate the Partners Against Piracy ethos, that African Creativity Matters” said Zena Makunje, Corporate Affairs Manager at MultiChoice Malawi.

In Africa where people are struggling with depressed socio-economic circumstances and our attention is on serious issues like lack of income, poor education and  health access, the problem of piracy is sometimes simply not considered a priority, and is often considered a victimless crime by the ‘pirates’ as well as the participant.  This cannot be further from the truth.  Online piracy results in billions of dollars in lost revenue to the media, creative and related service industries and further impacts local economic development by depriving government of much needed tax revenue to invest in social infrastructure and therefore negatively impacts society at large.

Poor workmanship by foreign contractors not only draining Forex but killing local construction industry – CDEDI

By Iommie Chiwalo

NAMIWA: This tendency poses a serious threat to the survival of the local construction industry

The Centre for Democracy and Economic Development Initiatives (CDEDI) has expressed concern over growing tendency by some public institutions which prefer foreign contractors at the expense of local ones saying the trend is not only draining Forex but also killing local construction industry.

In its observatory statement signed by CDEDI Executive Director Sylvester Namiwa, says the trend is putting unnecessary pressure on the country’s much-needed foreign exchange (forex), yet the quality of workmanship of some of these foreign contractors leaves a lot to be desired.

CDEDI has since challenged those entrusted with procurement and awarding of contracts on behalf of Malawians, to exercise a high level of patriotism, due diligence and soul-searching by putting aside personal and selfish interests and put Malawi first before awarding any contract.

“This tendency, to say the least, poses a serious threat to the survival of the local construction industry,” says Namiwa.

The concerns come fast on the heels of CDEDI’s preliminary findings, after invoking the Access to Information Act (ATI) to scrutinise the implementation of projects such as the US$26.7 million Karonga Town Water Supply and the US$30.55 million Nkhata Bay Town Water Project, by the Northern Region Water Board (NRWB), and the subsequent meeting with NRWB management.

According to Namiwa, at the meeting, NRWB claims that at the time of awarding the contracts, it was not mandated to sub-contract 30 percent of the works to a local company as stipulated by construction regulations and laws in Malawi.

The said 30 percentage sub-contracting rule is a deliberate policy to build the capacity of the local contractors in order to attain a cut-off on the reliance on foreign companies, and at the same time in the spirit of sharing the national

“It is, therefore, shocking to note that the two Chinese companies that were awarded the said contracts and were given blank cheques by the NRWB when signing the contracts. CDEDI has also established that construction works for the two projects could
have been ably handled by local firms, but they ended in the hands of foreign firms on the pretext that they were the cheapest bidders,” Namiwa worries.

On the action taken to ensure transparency and accountability, the CDEDI Chief says his organisation has since written NRWB to specifically furnish it with contracts they signed for the two projects for further scrutiny on behalf the country’s citizens.

The coming in of CDEDI on its watchdog role is due to the fact that the projects are financed by loans that will be repaid by Malawians, although taking from previous experience, it is evident that the combined US$57.2 million will not trickle down into the economy the way it would have been had the contracts been awarded to local companies.

Currently, the local construction industry contributes 60 percent to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), while at the same time providing 30 percent of employment.

The Karonga Town water project, for example, is being financed by two loans: US$15 million from the OPEC Fund and US$10 million from the BADEA while the
Malawi Government committed US$1.7 million from the taxpayers’ money.

“But under the disguise of choosing the lowest bidder, these millions of US dollars have been moved to China at a time Malawi’s import cover is at a record zero. It is worth pointing out that the US$26.7 million for the Karonga Town Project alone is enough to pay for Malawi’s car imports for a whole year. It is also an open secret that in the current set-up, very little trickles down to Malawi since the foreign-based companies import from their own countries both labour and materials,” says Namiwa.

He has since expressed worry that if the current trend is not put to check, then all the blossoming local contractors will be wiped out of the market, thereby leaving the responsibility of building our nation in the hands of foreigners who do not share our aspirations and goals.

“The above set-up is also a breeding ground for deep-rooted corruption in the construction industry on one hand, and the advent of new form of neo-colonisation,”

The recent anti corruption report has indicated that Malawi’s status in the fight against corruption is not making headway.

Meanwhile NRWB despite coming foth to the calls by CDEDI, it has been observed that there were loopholes in the contract awarding processes.


PASTOR NGWIRA: In sexual web

Management at the National intelligence Service has interdicted two officers Ackim Sanuka and Kamzyange Munthali on grounds of sexual harassments. This is to cover up their own sins to show Office of the president that situation is under control when the actual facts are as follows.

The National Intelligence Service headquarters is like a brothel management has chosen all beautiful girls and posted them to headquarters to be used as sex objects even the ladies that are married.

The facts are that Head of administration and finance is in sexual relationship with Sally Masoakhumbila to the extent that Sally is divorcing his husband yet Charles Banda is married.

Director of Internal security Mr Kambale is in love with several women at the organization the most known lady being Stella Mdula. However, Mr Kambale sleeps with ladies at NIS so that they can be considered for travel during presidential operations.

Mr Kambale is also in love with Tapiwa Deputy head of HR.Director of foreign Service Grant Kankhulungo is in a love triangle with female officers from his foreign service department one of which is Ivy Tsilizani and Emily Mphepo.

He was recently caught in area 49 at one of his officers place by the hubby of the woman.Head of operations Samson Nkhoswe has a long time girlfriend Mrs Felistas Tsinambuto.

The Director General of the NIS Dokani Ngwira is in sexual relationship with Stella Mdula who is also in a relationship with Mr Kambale to an extent that Julia found messages between Mr Kambale and Stella and the two ladies fought each other when Stella threatened to report Stella to the DG that he is double crossing him.

The crime that Ackim Sanuka and Kamzyange have committed is to propose girl that are already committed and are in sexual relationship with the directors and the Director General.

Currently the director General has appointment a committee to investigate sexual harassments headed by Tapiwa deputy HR who is also involved is the sexual relationship web.

Court slaps Times Group for defaming articles on Dr George Chaponda

By James Phiri

CHAPONDA:My international image was badly tarnished through their writings in the Newspapers

The High Court in Blantyre slapped Blantyre Newspapers Limited (Times group) to pay compensation to Dr George Chaponda for defamatory articles its newspapers wrote against the former Agriculture minister during the Kaloswe maize scandal inquiry.

In his ruling, Judge Dingiswayo Madise also ordered the papers to apologise to Dr Chaponda and withdraw the articles and this should be published on the front pages of Times Newspapers within the next 10 days.

“No one should not injure the reputation of other people under the guise of fair comment and media freedom. I therefore, order the defendants who authored those articles if still in employment to withdraw the articles so cited and apologise sincerely to the claimant on the front pages of all the papers involved in this case within 10 days, “reads part of the judgement.

The judgment even stresses that the front page must not carry any other article apart from the apology ordered.

” The claimant is entitled to monetary damages and l order the registrar to access damages taking into account the apology that the defendant will make. It is not in the interest of this court to order huge damages which will end up bankrupting the defendants, “reads the judgement.

The judgement also reminded the media that responsible media freedom was necessary in a democracy as it calls on public servants to account and that must be protected by the law and the courts.

However, it states that the defendants must pay the cost of their action.

In his remarks, Chaponda was pleased with the rulling and hailed Judiciary for being independence.

“I am pleased that rule of law and justice has prevailed. The Court has shown independence of the Judiciary. While admitting that Journalists and Newspapers have the right to write on issues of interest to the public but have to respect the rights of others and not be used to tarnish the image of people, “said Chaponda.

The member of Parliament from Mulanje South West was also pleased that this case has cleared his image locally and internationally taking into account that he once worked for the UNHCR for twenty years.

” My international image was badly tarnished through their writings in the Newspapers,” he said

NBM plc concludes ‘Kwathu Pa Mo’ promotion

NBM employee Winnie Mngoli draws the winner

National Bank of Malawi (NBM) plc in partnership with Malawi Housing Corporation (MHC) have concluded a three-month ‘Kwathu Pa Mo’ promotion with a lucky winner getting the grand prize of six months’ rent paid by the bank.

MHC tenant Blessings Mbamba will not pay rent for the next six months for winning the grand prize while another lucky winner Tamara Msiska won a K500,00 cash prize for paying ground rentals using NBM plc’s mobile banking platform Mo626ice.

The promotion which started on 1 December 2021 and run through to 28 February 2022 was aimed at encouraging tenants and other people to pay their rentals and other fees through the mobile banking platform.

NBM Business Process Analyst Yusuf Mdala draws the winner during the draw

Speaking during the final draw in Blantyre, NBM plc e-Banking services Manager Enala Chirwa hailed the promotion saying it was a success as there has been an upsurge of customers using the mobile platform to pay their rentals and other services in general.

“There has been significant growth overall on the use of Mo626 for all services and we are expecting that this usage will further increase even after the end of this promotion because as the Bank of the Nation, we provide exciting financial solutions to our customers and we will continue to do so,” said Chirwa.

“I would like to thank MHC for partnering with us in this promotion. As a Bank, we are here to strengthen partnerships that we have with various stakeholders while having the best interests of our customers in mind,” added Chirwa.

NBM plc e-Banking Services Manager Enala Chirwa speaks during the final draw

MHC Business Research Development Manager Chancy Chaguluka also thanked NBM plc for the partnership saying the promotion has improved their revenue collection.

“Not only has this promotion improved our revenue collection, but it has made life easier for our tenants who did not have to go all the way to the bank to pay their rentals and fees as they did this in the comfort of their homes and offices in this Covid-19 pandemic era,” said Chaguluka.

During the three-month period, lucky customers won one month rent and shopping vouchers worth K50,000 and other consolation prizes which included branded golf shirts and drinking bottles.

Tafika Holdings acquires PTC stakes

Arson Malola- Tafika Holdings Limited executive Chairman and CEO

Tafika Holdings Limited has acquired a 100% stake in retail giant Peoples Trading Centre (PTC) which was held by conglomerate Press Corporation plc.

In a joint statement announcing the sale dated 16th March 2022, the transaction is subject to all regulatory approvals in line with Malawi laws.

Peoples Trading Limited (PTC) is one of the largest retail stores of consumer goods in Malawi and is the leading retailer of groceries. The company operates 20 stores in Lilongwe, Blantyre and Zomba, with most of its stores in Blantyre. It operates the stores under Peoples, SPAR and Food Lover’s Market brands.  

The Executive Chairman of Tafika Holdings Limited, Arson Malola, said of the acquisition; “Tafika Holdings Limited corporate mission is to become the leading player in the local economy through investments in strategic and high growth sectors. Our acquisition of PTC Limited brings us one step closer to accomplishing this goal”.

On PTC’s future, Malola said with Tafika, PTC has an opportunity to grow saying that Tafika Holdings Limited has, over the last decade, been involved in commodity trading within and outside the region, accumulating the much-needed experience and market intelligence to add the requisite value to PTC Limited as it repositions its customer value proposition for future growth.

Dr Lyton Chithambo-Acting CEO for PCL

Press Corporation plc Acting Chief Executive Officer Dr Lyton Chithambo said it is the conglomerate’s strategic move to get out of the retail business and concentrate on capital intensive business ventures to increase shareholder value and grow the Malawi economy.

“It is a strategic move for Press Corporation plc to get out of the retail business to give chance to upcoming entrepreneurs to grow their portfolio while we concentrate on capital intensive investments to increase our shareholder value and grow the economy of our country just like we did some years back when we got out of the Bakery and Furniture business, we saw a lot Malawians investing and improving in these sectors,” said Dr Chithambo.

Malola further said Tafika Holdings Limited intends to modernise its stores to radically improve customer experience and to offer a full range of products at all times at competitive prices.

“In pursuance to this objective, Tafika Holdings Limited will invest and install state of the art equipment in all its stores to not only improve the ambience but to also ensure that the stores provide fresh products at all times in a healthy and safe environment,” said Malola.

Malola also said Tafika Holdings Limited intends to expand the PTC footprint with Peoples, SPAR and Food Lover’s Market branded stores across the country, by building on the current strong brick and mortar foundation whilst exploring several sales channels including but not limited to e-Commerce.

“The new PTC’s mission is to save money for people so that they can live better lives. We believe this proposed acquisition is a great opportunity to deliver on that mission for all the people in Malawi. We can leverage our experience from South Africa and the region to more effectively serve customers, create opportunities for our stakeholders and add shareholder value. We will deploy our turnaround strategy to accelerate growth and improve returns in the areas we will operate in,” said Malola. 

BLANTYRE MOTOR SHOW TO DEBUT ON APRIL 30TH: Company to dedicate all gate proceeds to cyclone Ana victims

The Commercial city of Blantyre will host its inaugural Car Exhibition On 30th April 2022, to be held at Limbe Country Club with gate Fees going towards Charity, to help Cyclone Victims in the Southern region districts of Chikwawa and Nsanje.

The event is a Spectacle especially created for Motor Vehicle dealers, insurance companies, banks, Spare part shops and garages.

According to the Managing Director, Alinane Njolomole, the show will also feature demonstrations from Banks, Insurance Companies, Car and Motor cycle clubs.

He also said the Bike stunts and test drives will also feature.

” It is a corporate family event that is attracting attention in corporate automotive sector.The Blantyre Motor Show promises to be a spectacular display. Blantyre boosts of Malawi’s High end corporate world, as such expectations are high from participating companies, “he said.
The show is organized by Lilongwe Motor Show Limited Company, in Partnership with international Dealerships.

The Company has held automotive exhibitions since 2016. This will be the first time hosting the event in Blantyre as previous shows have been hosted in the Capital, Lilongwe City.
The event has excited the directors who are leaving no stone unturned to make the inaugural experience something to remember for consumers and participating brands alike.

“It’s about experiential marketing, Brands can conduct raffles, Promotions and product displays right in front of consumers, TV audience and increasing potential clientele,”said Njolomole.

The target clientele include procurement managers, senior executives, entrepreneurs, and Government officials.

” As part of our corporate social responsibility, the Public will walk in with a minimal fee of 2,000 MWk to enter the event, to boost walk-ins, which are a priority to exhibitors.All gate Fees will go towards Charity, to help Cyclone Victims in the Southern region districts of Chikwawa and Nsanje, “he said.

SEALAND INVESTMENT’S DIPAK JEVANT RISKS ARREST…Paid billions for none supplied fertiliser, ACB searches his office

Sealand Investments Limited in Lilongwe owned and run by Mr. Dipak Jevant is being investigated for fraud and corruption by Fiscal Police and the Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) after records have shown that his three companies got paid for none supplied goods and services.

The two state institutions yesterday confiscated a number of documents from the office of Dipak, after it was discovered that he got paid for fertiliser which he did not supply. 

His other companies Greenfield and Agriafrica were also used in this game of notes and crosses. In short Dipak Jevant was stealing from the public through false claims in the form of interests and invoices.  All this is documented and some documents have already gone viral.

The tax collectors MRA are tomorrow going to inspect his books as he has not paid tax for his two other companies listed above.

Dipak Jevant got used to these deals in the DPP days after he was kicked out from Farmers World limited upon falling out with Pramod Kalalira. Dipak Jevant was very close to the former regime.

Even at Farmers World Limited he did the same as he was trying to replace Admarc with private traders. Every farming season he used to fight for three companies to Sealand investments limited, Greenfields Agro limited and Africa Agriafrica limited. All these would be under paid and then push for interest.

Jevant also used Pawooh Logistics and Midima Produce limited belonging to late Limumba Karia. Please refer to the attachment and see the figures involved.

Ministry of Agriculture raised alarm last week after auditors singled out Sealand Investments Limited as the company that was paid billions of kwachas due to serious political connections.

Dipak Jevant has serious fraud case now. All farmers should demonstrate at his office in Lilongwe.

ACB COMING UP WITH A LIST OF BLACK-LISTED PERSONS: Wahid Kassam, Farook Gani, Dipak top list

FAROOK GANI: Crooked fella

The Anti-Corruption Bureau will next week come up with a list of black listed Malawians of Asian origin and there after all their property shall be seized for good.

Topping the list is Wahid Kassam of Manobec who has issues with the tax collectors MRA for his companies and Sun Seed being the main source of tax scam. Wahid is pushing the blame to his cousin Nazim Kassman and partner Ataf of transNabila and AS Investment.

As of now Wahid is at the ACB headquarters together with his managers answering a number of questions.  Already, Sun Seed Oil limited is being advertised amongst the Asians in their community and his son Wasim is now operating at Cross Road where manobec is housed.

Another culprit who has milked the national treasury is Farook Gani of Victoria hotels who has used the Malawi Defence Force as a cash cow. He also milked the Central Medical Store Trust with used and recycled synergies and allied materials. This time there is a case of Fraud and Fiscal Police just completed its investigations and has  since forwarded the file to ACB.  

Gani had been under supplying of goods which was food stuff and meals. He used to give tiny portions and poorly cooked to the Malawi Defence Force units and Barracks while the training college was the main victim of his evil deeds. All that has been documented through pictures taken by soldiers who were unhappy and forwarded the same to ACB for action.

Last week Farook Gani was interviewed by both the fiscal Police and ACB. Some of the issues were hinging on tax of goods bought into the country without paying the determined value.

In this case Farook Gani has mentioned Ms Roza Mbilizi as a silent business partner.  He was quick to bring in the name of Norman Chisale and the former first lady Gertrude Mutharika.

ACB has also been investigating Dipak Jevant of Sealand Investment Limited for getting paid for services and goods not rendered at ministry of Agriculture and Health. 

Dipak used to front three companies and all get the contracts to supply fertiliser for the subsidy project and documented delivery notes and other papers which made it real.

At the end Norman Chisale would come to get millions for the president then.  Fiscal Police have found all this and more than seven people are ready to testify against him in a court of law.

ACB has also zeroed in on Rafik Gaffer for his issue of getting contracts at the Ministry of lands under his company Solid Construction Limited by passing the tendering process as stipulated under the PPDA act.

Once these merchants are under the spotlight the fight against corruption will be a great success. Wahid is planning to bribe the Investigating officer has since pleaded to have their numbers.

TOBACCO MARKETING SEASON TO OPEN MARCH END: To open earlier for the economic benefit of the growers

The Tobacco Commission (TC) says this year’s Tobacco Marketing Season will open on Thursday, the 31st of March, which is earlier than previous years.

The Commission made the announcement through a media statement issued on Wednesday saying the marketing season will open earlier this year for the ‘economic benefit of the growers’.

“The 2022 Tobacco Marketing season will open on 31 March, starting with Lilongwe Floors followed by the opening of Limbe floors on 5th April,” reads the statement issued by the commission’s public relations officer Telephorus Chigwenembe.

According to the statement, dates for opening of Chinkhoma and Mzuzu will be announced in the second week of April.

Tobacco deliveries at Lilongwe and Limbe will start on 21st of March, the statement has stated.

Tobacco also known as the ‘green gold’ has for years been a mainstay of the rural economy and the country’s biggest foreign exchange earner in the country.

The Tobacco Commission is a statutory corporation mandated to regulate the production and marketing of tobacco in Malawi. The corporation’s mission is to provide regulatory services inorder to promote compliant tobacco production and marketing systems in a transparent and environmentally friendly manner using modern technologies.

NBM plc supports MLS indaba with K2 million

Mitole (right) presents a dummy cheque to Mbeko

National Bank of Malawi (NBM) plc has supported the Malawi Law Society (MLS) Annual general Meeting (AGM) and conference with K2 million.

MLS is scheduled to hold their AGM and conference in Mangochi from Thursday 17 to Sunday 20 March 2022 whose theme is ‘Law, Sustainable Development and the African Single Market: Towards the African Agenda 2063 and Malawi Vision 2063’.

Speaking in Blantyre during the cheque presentation, NBM plc Legal Counsel and Company Secretary Zunzo Mitole said being a law-abiding bank, NBM plc decided to support the lawyers conference and AGM.

“When we looked at this theme, as the ‘Bank of the Nation’, we thought we should come in and support this AGM and conference because we believe that for all the plans that the African continent and indeed our own country has made, the law should take its course. We are now talking of the Malawi 2063 goals; we cannot achieve these if there are no laws or if the law is not respected hence our support to this conference.”

NBM Plc Zunzo Mitole (right) presents the cheque to Mbeko

“NBM plc, as the Bank of the Nation, prides itself in being the bank that respects the rule of law and champions a better life for Malawians through various products and services that we offer and also the numerous corporate social events that we give out to the community. As a Bank we do all this so that come 2063, we should achieve our goals and aspirations of making Africa and Malawi a better place for everyone,” said Mitole.

MLS Chief Executive Officer Mzati Mbeko thanked NBM plc for the support saying it will go a long way in making the AGM and conference a success.

“We are delighted to receive this cheque from NBM plc and we are thankful for this gesture from The Bank of the Nation. We all appreciate that the economy is bad in all sectors and to get financial support of K2 million is a wonderful gesture. We do not take this for granted. NBM is a trusted partner and we cherish this partnership that we have,” said Mbeko.

CDEDI protests govt intention to award Bangula-Marka Railway Rehab Project to China Railway 20 Bureau Limited

The letter has been received at ACB as per stamp

Centre for Democracy and Economic Development Initiatives (CDEDI) has protested the intention by the Government of Malawi to award China Railway 20 Bureau Limited (CR20) a contract to rehabilitate Bangula-Marka Railway line.

CDEDI has since written the Minister of Transport and Public Works, Jacob Hara, to consider withdrawing the authorization letter to the Public Procurement and Disposal of Assets (PPDA) in order to allow for adequate soul-searching before settling for a company to do the rehabilitation of the much-awaited railway line rehabilitation project.

CDEDI Executive Director Sylvester Namiwa draws Hara’s attention to Section 53 subsection 2 (f) of the Public Procurement and Disposal of Public Assets Act of 2017, which, among others, cites past performance as one of the criteria in deciding to award a contract to a contractor. It is an open secret that Malawians are dissatisfied with the quality of works CR20 is implementing on the Nsanje-Marka road project.

The letter has been received at the Ministry of Transport and Public Works

Namiwa emphasizes that while CDEDI is delighted that government is keen at ensuring that it revives the Sena corridor that will connect Malawi to Mozambique through the 44 Kilometre Bangula-Nsanje railway line, there is a need for due diligence to ensure that Malawians get the quality service possible.

“It does not need emphasis that good road network, the railway line inclusive, is a catalyst of socio-economic development for any nation. In fact, the road sector has a myriad of multiplier effects that trickle down to all and sundry. It is also worth pointing out right here that we, at CDEDI, do not have any problem with any contractor as long as they deliver to the expectation of the citizens and in line with what is contained in their contractual agreements with the Government of Malawi, on one hand, and that due diligence was done, on the other hand, to ensure that the nation realises a high standard project that guarantees value for the hard-earned taxpayers’ money before awarding the contract,” reads part of the letter.

This letter has been received at PPDA

The letter also calls upon the Minister of Finance and Economic Affairs, Sosten Alfred Gwengwe, and the Director General of the Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) Martha Chizuma to equally take action on the matter.

Namiwa adds that the appointment of Hara to the Ministry of Transport and Public Works raised people’s hopes that soon or later sanity will prevail in this critical sector, and that millions envisioned the raising of the bar in as far as the standards of our public infrastructure is concerned.

He therefore challenged Hara to personally take interest in inspecting the Nsanje-Marka Road, which is being washed away even before CR20 completed the construction work.

“Apart from the grass root voices in Nsanje district, professional bodies such as those for engineers have raised a red flag on the quality of the said project. In a normal situation, therefore, none expected such a contractor to be rewarded, but rather be reprimanded, and if it were in other countries that are serious with issues of standards and professionalism, this company would have been sent packing! Hence this letter is copied to the Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB), the Ministry of Finance, and the PPDA, for their information, deep reflection, and action. Refer to the newspaper articles marked Appendix 1, 2 and online links marked Appendix 3,4,5,6 and 7, to appreciate the basis of our action to write you Hon. Minister,” he wrote.

“CDEDI is meanwhile, challenging you Hon. Minister to travel to Nsanje to appreciate the kind of works done by this company before making any decision. If indeed your interest Hon. Minister is to serve Malawians without impunity and arrogance, and if indeed there are no personal and selfish interests attached to this decision, then you should consider cancelling this process immediately, for the good of your own legacy,” thus Namiwa concluded his epistle to Hara.

The Ministry of Finance has also received the letter

Mlaka Speaks Out On ECG Exit

By Andrew Magombo

Lilongwe, March 14, Mana: Veteran music artist-cum-preacher, Mlaka Maliro has broken silence over his resignation as a Pastor of Enlighten Christian Gathering (ECG) which was founded by embattled Prophet, Shepherd Bushiri.

In an interview with a local radio station on Monday, he cited family reasons as the motive behind his unprecedented return from Eswatini where was deployed for the last five years.

Maliro said: “I have been on the move on gospel missions in different countries hence affecting academic studies of my children as they have to transfer schools, adapt to syllabus and learn different foreign languages regularly.”

“We have secured them boarding schools and I happy to reunite with my family because I was feeling a void in fulfilling by duties at the expense of my wife and kids back in Malawi which was not easy,”

When asked to clarify on his exit from the ECG, the Dzanja La lemba star said initially his wife resigned from the church six months ago and he is following suit for the sake of his family.

He said “When my wife left the church, it was hard because that turned us into family with different beliefs for we could no longer do some things together so I duly submitted my resignation letter. ”

When contacted by Malawi News Agency (Mana) to comment on the resignations, ECG’s Spokesperson, Ephraim Nyondo refused to comment on the matter as he demanded to be furnished with the letters first.

During the radio interview, Maliro shed light on his latest single The Wine is Over (Vinyo Watha) which has dominated airwaves and social media platforms in the course opening multifaceted interpretations.

Maliro, who emerged from Lucius Banda’s Zembani Band in the 90s, said the song is addressing various sociopolitical issues including religion and leadership.

He said: “Nowadays multitudes are blindly following churches because of miracles and they are falling prey without being aware that they are being led by fake preachers with no spiritual substance.”

“In the song, I am also talking about leaders who are arrogant and refute constructive criticism when the wine is over as things are not going in the right direction.”

On Saturday the former ECG Pastor riled more debate with his cryptic post on Facebook as some suggested a fall out between him and Bushiri while others sympathized with him.

 He wrote: “After all has been said and done, Mlaka is a pastor and will remain a pastor serving one true God of Heaven,I’ve just stepped down from one organization ‘CHURCH’, ”


MADINGA: The hubs will also help SMEs build resilience against external shocks

Standard Bank Plc has launched of an entrepreneurs’ incubation hub—dubbed Phuka—which aims to support small and medium businesses to grow through access to markets, training and capital.

Chief Executive Phillip Madinga said Monday at the launch of the hub in Lilongwe that it reaffirms the bank’s commitment to support and harness small and medium business as a source of sustainable economic growth in Malawi.

The hubs will also help SMEs build resilience against external shocks.

“The SME sector is the source of growth as it offers the entry point to any meaningful income-generating activity at the higher levels of any country’s economic structure. The sector accounts for the majority of businesses in Malawi and are important contributors to job creation and national economic development,” said Madinga.

He said the Phuka initiative, which will be housed by Synergy in Area 12 aims to address the challenges that hinder success of the SME sector.

Justice Zione Ntaba, chairperson of Synergy which has partnered Std Bank to launch Phuka

“Our goal is to create a conducive environment for this sector by imparting world-class knowledge, mentorship and experiences that will propel local SMEs to greater heights in line with our core purpose which is “Malawi is our Home, we Drive her Growth”, he added.

The platform is beneficial to SMEs as it will provide them with access to finance, markets, and refine their business skills.

“Apart from access to finance and markets for SMEs, Phuka program will equip them with business modelling, marketing, and negotiating, among many other skills. Furthermore, the hub will initiate advisory services and mentorship programs to propel the vibrancy of the sector,” he said.

The Chief Executive reaffirmed the Banks commitment towards supporting innovation and the country’s economic development.

Phuka will be hosted by Synergy, an enterprise development consultancy firm.

Towera Jalakasi, brains behind Khathi Khathi Juice which is booming with loans from Standard Bank

Synergy Chairperson Zione Ntaba who is also a judge of the High Court said the business incubation model will help provide validation of the potential of SMEs to grow and contribute to the Malawi 2063 vision.

“The Phuka business incubator is designed to ensure that a funnel for deal flow is drawn from an existing feeder channel which is the Standard Bank’s enterprise development unit,” she said.

One of the beneficiaries of Standard Bank’s loans Towera Jalakasi applauded Standard Bank for introducing Phuka saying the initiative would go a long way to inject growth for SMEs.

She said as an SME, Standard Bank has helped her Khathi Khathi brand of Baobab fruit juice to grow and scale new heights. “Finance from Standard Bank boosted our distribution function. We are now able to penetrate markets in Southern and Northern Malawi, and soon we will take delivery of a new processing machine from China which will give us the same competitiveness as other international juices we see on the shelves like Ceres,” she said.

According to Madinga, 73 percent of SMEs who have a turnover of around K6 million have the potential to contribute up to 40 percent of Malawi’s GDP based on World Bank data.

MAGU crowned Mo626 College Basketball champs

MAGU Wolves are crowned Mo626 College Basketball third season winners

Malawi Assemblies of God University (MAGU) men’s and ladies basketball teams sent their statement of intent to become Malawi’s College Baskteball kings when they won the National Bank of Malawi (NBM) plc sponsored Mo626 College Basketball season three at an exciting finale in Lilongwe at the weekend.

Magu Wolves displayed quality and breath-taking game of basketball to narrowly defeat Malawi University of Business and Applied sciences (MUBAS) Wildcats 63-62 in the men’s final after the game had gone into extra time of five minutes.

In the ladies category, Magu She-Wolves were crowned champions in a one-sided affair when they thrashed Kamuzu University of Health Sciences (Kuhes) Ganglions 92-33.

The finals were preceded by a street parade in Lilongwe

The men’s final lived up to its billing as it kept the crowd on their toes throughout the entire game because of its competitiveness.

Led by their playmaker Tinotenda Nhila who eventually was voted the Most Valuable Player (MVP), Magu Wolves took advantage of a little slip of play by Mubas Wildcats in the final two minutes of extra time to narrowly win the match with a single point.

Basketball lovers who included NBM top management including Board Director Raymond Banda, an ardent Basketball player in his time, Basketball of Malawi (Basmal) top management and Guest of Honour Malawi Communication Regulatory Authority (Macra) Director General Daudi Suleman, also an ardent baller of his time, were treated to a good game of basketball.

Triumphant- Magu Wolves and Magu she-wolves players and officials pose with their trophies

For winning the trophy, both Magu Wolves and Magu She-Wolves pocked K2.5 million each while runners up Mubas Wildcats and Kuhes Ganglions got K1.5 million each and third placed teams Bunda Buffaloes who beat University of Malawi (Unima) Hawks 83-76 and Bunda Olivvets who beat Unima Lady Hawks 64-57, got K750,000 each.

NBM plc Chief Finance Officer Masauko Katsala hailed the tournament saying it was competitive and that the students displayed good behaviour throughout the competition.

“From what we have seen so far, the Mo626 College Basketball tournament has unearthed hidden talent that we have in our university students. This tournament has been very competitive,” said Katsala.

A MUBAS Wildcast player jumps to score a three pointer

Basmal president Chief Masawani Jere thanked NBM plc for the sponsorship saying it has helped to unearth talent hidden in colleges and also helped the students to be well behaved.

NBM plc entered into partnership with Basmal in 2017 to stage the K63.5 million competition for a period of three years and the first two seasons were held in 2018 and 2019 but the third season which ended on Saturday was delayed due to Covid-19 restrictions which included ban of sports activities and closure of school in 2020.

NBM staff members lead the street


The Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB), Malawi Revenue Authority (MRA) and Immigration Department have been challenged to probe reports that Indian businessman Waheed Kassam has swindled billions of kwacha through dubious deals when importing raw materials for Sun Seed Oil and Central Poultry.

We are in possession of documents revealing corrupt syndicate in which Kassam and his cousin Nazim Kassiman have been evading tax, in the process defrauding the country of billions of money.

Kassam whose offices are at Dudu and close to Kamuzu International Airport (KIA) has been importing raw materials through dubious means.

According to the documents seen, raw materials were imported from China, Dubai, India, the United Kingdom (UK) and South Africa.

This has been happening for as many years as you can imagine, evading tax as well as externalizing forex in the name of hotel construction. They buy materials more than required. For instance, instead of 5 containers they bring 50 or more on duty free and sale the rest.

Inside sources at Sun Seed Oil confided in with this publication that all imports were never bonded and went straight to Dudu or Airport Road premises.

“On externalization of money, they buy goods outside using their Dubai Company and inflate the figures. For example, something they buy at US$10 000 it is invoiced at US$50 000 or more. A container of US$30 000 is priced at a larger amount like US$300 000 and at the border it is reduced to US$10 000,” reveals the source.

“We want ACB to investigate dubious deal Kassam companies have been stealing from Malawians through importation of raw material dubiously. Billions of kwachas have been swindled.
“We are ready to cooperate with probing agencies on this dubious deals Mr Kassam has been doing over the years. We love our country that’s why we are coming out now,” dares inside sources at Central Poultry.

He adds, “We want MRA to tell the nation how one person could invade tax through dubious deals when importing raw materials while the rest of us are burdened with duty on border or airports”.

Five workers from two companies; Sun Seed oil and Central Poultry told this publication that were ready to testify again Kassam’s corrupt dealing when matter is probed.

This comes barely months after Kassam is implicated a case where registered Trustees of the Malawi Congress Party (MCP) want court involvement in claiming the land now housing Bisnowaty filling and supermarket, the UNICEF offices and the National Audit Office.

This follows the manner how the said land was sold to David Bisnowaty who later sold the land to Waheed Kassam of MANOBEC limited in Lilongwe.

Kassam has never been available to this publication for reaction over numerous corrupt dealings on his head hence the need for ACB to probe on the matter.

NBM plc top brass inspires Mo626 College Basketball ‘elite four’ captains

Kawawa (left) plays basketball with one of the captains in his NBM Towers office

National Bank of Malawi (NBM) plc top bosses Tuesday hosted team captains of the Mo626 College Basketball ‘elite four’ ahead of the last four games of competition which starts today in Lilongwe.

NBM plc Chief Executive Officer Macfussy Kawawa and Deputy Chief Executive Officer Harold Jiya hosted the captains at their offices in the NBM Towers and Business Complex in Blantyre to wish them well in the third season of the NBM plc sponsored Mo626 College Basketball competition.

NBM plc Marketing and Corporate Affairs Manager Akossa Hiwa said they invited representatives of some of the teams that will play in the upcoming games to NBM plc, just so they could catch up with them on how well training is progressing.

“The CEO and Deputy CEO equally wanted to meet and wish our college athletes well for the upcoming games. They congratulated them for making it past the top 8 and learnt a few basketball skills themselves from the athletes.”

“As the Bank of the Nation, NBM plc values its diverse clientele, and the youth are a part of this. We actively engage the youth through different initiatives, products and services and it was a pleasure to have them in the Executive Wing of the NBM plc towers in the two highest offices of the Bank. We took them out to lunch thereafter and shared lively moments with them. Dare I add that the college athletes were very inspired by the engagement with our CEO and Deputy CEO,” said Hiwa.

She said the excitement both within competing universities and among NBM plc employees has grown tremendously this week towards the count down to the finale on Saturday.

The final phase of the third season of the Mo626 College Basketball comes to an end this weekend with the ‘elite four’ games which starts today at the African Bible College (ABC) Blue Gym in Lilongwe.

Jiya trying to showcase basketball skill with college basketball players in his office

The finals of the K63.5 million tourney will be played at the same venue on Saturday.

The ‘elite four’ games will see MAGU She-wolves, UNIMA Lady Hawks, Bunda Olivettes and Kuhesi Ganglions battling for honours in the ladies category while Mubas wildcats, MAGU Wolves, Unima Hawks and Bunda Buffaloes fighting for supremacy in the men’s category.

Basketball association of Malawi (Basmal) vice president Banthari Banda said they are excited with the level of competition that has been displayed in the third edition of the competition as they will have new winners since past winners (MCA LL Men- 1st and 2nd edition, ABC Lioness & ZIMA- 1st & 2nd edition respectively) are nowhere near the final top 4 teams.

“BASMAL is pretty much prepared for the finals as all semi-final games in both categories will be played on Friday from 15:00 hrs. at ABC Blue Gym with the last game of the day scheduled for 21hrs. 3rd place playoffs and Finals shall be played on Saturday from 9am at the same venue.”

“We are thankful to our sponsors NBM plc for setting the standards because the college competitions are creating a lot of scholarships to student players from both local and international colleges thereby creating intellectuals, disciplined individuals and future leaders through basketball. It’s our hope that NBM plc will renew the partnership with BASMAL that has come at the end of the MOU that was signed in 2017,” said Banda.

“BASMAL Vision is to make basketball everybody’s game, so we’re appealing to the general public, especially parents, to bring their kids to watch exciting basketball games that will be displayed on the day,” added Banda.

Jiya (left) with one of the Captains

GOSH!Nsanje-Marka Road Project affected households received only K1, 000 each for destruction of their property and livelihoods

NAMIWA: Challenges Malawians to stand up and defend their rights by “keeping an eye” on development projects.

The Malawi Government is alleged to have paid each family a meagre K1, 000 [One Thousand Kwacha Only] as compensation for the destruction of property and houses in Nsanje-Marka Road Project in Chikwawa and Nsanje.

China Railway 20 Bureau Limited (CR20) started constructing the 26-kilometre tarmac road in 2019 after the Roads Authority (RA) awarded it a contract worth close to K11 billion.

When it launched the project, the government said the road would simplify and reduce transport costs for smallholder and large-scale farmers and businesspeople.

The road was designed to connect and boost economic activities among the people of Traditional Authorities (T/As) Ndamera, Chimombo, Ngabu, Makolo and Malemia through removal of the transportation challenges farmers and businesspeople used to face when taking their agricultural produce to towns and cities such as Blantyre in search of better prices.

The meeting in progress

But two communities affected by the project are not complaining that “instead of being a blessing to the people of Chikwawa and Nsanje, the road project has become a trumpeter of death.”

Scores of people who thronged journalists who were on tour of the road project on Thursday alleged that apart from the government paying them a meagre K1, 000 as compensation for the loss of their property and houses, the quality of the workmanship on the road leaves a lot to be desired.

The tour was organized by the Centre for Democracy and Economic Development Initiatives (CDEDI).

One of the affected people, Ibrahim Amon, pleaded with journalists to assist in sending the message about their plight to the leaders at Capital Hill.

“What can a family that has lost a house and other valuable property do with K1, 000? Is the government serious that, in this era and economic times, one can rebuild his or her family with K1, 000?” asked Amon.

Catherine Stafford – a resident of Chamboko Village under Traditional Authority Ngabu in Nsanje – lamented that instead of boosting social and economic activities, the road has become a “death trap”.

Speaking in her Sena language, Stafford said schools and rural health centres have been washed away by water, which the CR20 diverted to the facilities in the course of the construction work.

“Of course, this is a village. But this road is not of up to standard. I have been to Nsanje Boma and Blantyre. I have never seen a road of poor standard as this one,” she said.

Group Village Head White accused the government of betraying his subjects, arguing the project is a sham and a mockery to taxpayers.

White said the government did not consult traditional and community leaders before embarking on the project.

“I have been to the DC’s office countless times, but we are not being assisted. We would like to appeal to the Minister responsible and even the President to intervene because people are suffering here,” he said.

Deputy Minister of Local Government and Rural Development, Halima Daud, was in a meeting when Nyasa Times wanted to seek her comment on the matter.

Meanwhile, CDEDI Executive Director Sylvester Namiwa has challenged Malawians to stand up and defend their rights by “keeping an eye” on development projects.

Namiwa observed that officials at the Capital Hill are taking advantage of the docility of Malawians to abuse resources meant to develop this country.

Malawi Govt, students hail K30 Million Standard Bank scholarships

Nsanja presenting the fund to a representative of the students as Ngalamila and Banda look on

Beneficiaries of the Standard Bank and Press Trust joint scholarship scheme have commended the bank for its commitment to ease the financial and material burden they face to complete their education.

Speaking at Likuni Boys Secondary School in Lilongwe where the bank presented the K30 million fund for this year, a representative of the secondary students Alex Chikwinde said the fund has is going a long way to increase access to affordable education for disadvantaged children.

“With this fund, we are able to go to school with the confidence that we’ll not be withdrawn for the lack of tuition and boarding fees. It’s been a huge relief for most of us as we could not afford the fees and other needs such as stationery,” said Chikwinde.

Director for Secondary Education in the Ministry of Education Dr Florida Banda said the lack of tuition fees and related needs is a serious challenge in the Malawi education sector.

She said government partnered Standard Bank, Press Trust, UNICEF and CAMFED to boost its existing scholarship scheme for needy students. “We are grateful for the role of our partners in helping to alleviate this problem. Although government’s scheme covered some 14,000 needy students this year, it was not enough to reach out to every pupil in need,” she said.

Some of the beneficiaries of the fund

Standard Bank Head of Legal and Governance Norah Nsanja said the scholarships are a continuation of the bank’s investment towards improving the quality of education across all key levels in Malawi.

She said the bank has a solid track record of investing in education as the sector is a prerequisite in contributing economic development of the country.

“Together with our partners, we share the same vision that education is a catalyst for stimulating economic growth and prosperity,” said Nsanja.

Press Trust Chief Executive Gibson Ngalamila said the coming on board of Standard Bank has increased the number of beneficiaries from two to four per district.

“We had been running the scholarships as Press Trust since 2003. But due to pressure as demand for scholarships grew, we asked Standard Bank to join us in 2020. This has helped to enhance the scholarship as more students are accessing secondary school.” said Ngalamila.

The K30 million scholarship targets 68 students from 12 national secondary schools.

ACB, MRA dared to probe on Indian businessman Waheed Kassam’s tax invasion; Imports raw materials dubiously for Sun Seed Oil, Central Poultry

By Deus Chikalaza

The country’s graft agency Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB), Malawi Revenue Authority (MRA) and Immigration department has been challenged to probe on reports that Indian businessman Waheed Kassam has swindled billions of kwacha through dubious deals when importing raw materials for Sun Seed Oil and Central Poultry.

This publication has in possession of documents corrupt syndicate in which Kassam and his cousin Nazim Kassiman have been stealing from hard earned taxpayers’ money.

Kassam whose offices are at Dudu and close to Kamuzu International Airport (KIA) have been importing raw materials through dubious means.

According to the documents seen, raw materials were imported from China, Dubai, India, the United Kingdom (UK) and South Africa.

This has been happening for as many years as you can imagine, evading tax as well as externalizing forex in the name of hotel construction. They buy materials more than required. For instance, instead of 5 containers they bring 50 or more on duty free and sale the rest.

Inside sources at Sun Seed Oil confided in with this publication that all imports were never bonded and went straight to Dudu or Airport Road premises.

“On externalization of money, they buy goods outside using their Dubai Company and inflate the figures. For example, something they buy at US$10 000 it is invoiced at US$50 000 or more. A container of US$30 000 is priced at a larger amount like US$300 000 and at the border it is reduced to US$10 000,” reveals the source.

“We want ACB to investigate dubious deal Kassam companies have been stealing from Malawians through importation of raw material dubiously. Billions of kwachas have been swindled.
“We are ready to cooperate with probing agencies on this dubious deals Mr Kassam has been doing over the years. We love our country that’s why we are coming out now,” dares inside sources at Central Poultry.

He adds, “We want MRA to tell the nation how one person could invade tax through dubious deals when importing raw materials while the rest of us are burdened with duty on border or airports”.

Five workers from two companies; Sun Seed oil and Central Poultry told this publication that were ready to testify again Kassam’s corrupt dealing when matter is probed.
This comes barely months after Kassam is implicated a case where registered Trustees of the Malawi Congress Party (MCP) want court involvement in claiming the land now housing Bisnowaty filling and supermarket, the UNICEF offices and the National Audit Office.
This follows the manner how the said land was sold to David Bisnowaty who later sold the land to Waheed Kassam of MANOBEC limited in Lilongwe.

Kassam has never been available to this publication for reaction over numerous corrupt dealings on his head hence the need for ACB to probe on the matter.

The Untold Truth About ACB Arrest On Kezzie Msukwa, Sattar Probe

By Deus Chikalaza

Most of the former classmates of the Queens Bench are land practitioners working in various land-related departments. Remember the Queens Bench Chairman is primarily a Land Surveyor (a very good one for that matter). One of these recent days, I was having a VODKA drink with some of them when they brought up an issue. A very interesting issue. It may interest you as well:

“Kodi QB, zama investigations zi mukuti zimayenda bwanji kwenikweni? Do you know that nkhani ya Kezzie Msukwa ma investigators a ACB anabwera ku office after he was arrested and they turned out surprised kuti land yomwe ikunenedwa ija inapelekedwa kwa Sattar in 2016 and the title did was issued a year and months later? Ndangoyiwala the exact dates koma tikanakhala ku office ndikanapanga check.

“And the surprising part is that when they were told kuti land inapelekedwa that period, they seemed confused and they kept asking if there was no recent processing of the same land. That question was confusing to us now.”

The Queens Bench found the story particularly interesting. I narrated my understanding that it appears the ACB acted on information that was obtained from the National Crimes Agency (NCA) – an ACB equivalent from United Kingdom.

 I explained how the State may obtain or give any criminal matter evidence under investigations to or from any Commonwealth country under what mutual legal assistance scheme. There is what is called Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters Act that was enacted in 1991.

But according to the said Act, any (Commonwealth) country, such as United Kingdom in this case, seeking to obtain evidence from Malawi must approach the Attorney General who, in turn, if he judges it appropriate to cooperate, instructs any relevant local law enforcement agency such as the police, ACB, NIS, etc to cooperate with the foreign investigators in receiving or giving out any sought information material to the pursued investigations.

With the Sattar investigations, I told my colleagues, the NCA went directly to the law enforcement agency – that is the ACB – and requested its cooperation in investigations that resulted in combing Sattar’s home and office while he was arrested in the United Kingdom. The ACB, without informing or seeking an endorsement from the Attorney General rendered the cooperation and received or accessed copies of the documents of records that were seized in the raid.

Now, the rules of evidence are very clear when it comes to evidence that is obtained illegally. The ACB, having possessed such evidence that was obtained illegally, interpreted the evidence without prudence and formed an idea that Kezzie Msuka, as a Minister, corruptly awarded the land to Sattar to gain a Mercedes Benz advantage YET the said land was, according to what you are telling me, issued in 2016 when the said Kezzie Msukwa was not a Minister or anywhere near land administration protocol. That aspect constitutes an aspect of material fact that will haunt the ACB in its exercise of prosecuting its target.

Further, I said, ACB looks funny in this case when one looks at it from the totality of its actions: To begin with, the ACB, using misleading or misunderstood records obtained illegally, arrested the said Msukwa while he was at a hospital receiving treatment for heart attack which it is said occurred after receiving news from ACB that there was a warrant of arrest obtained against him. Perhaps in an appetite to showcase some amazing power, the ACB followed the Minister to the hospital, handcuffed him and chained him to a hospital bed.

I then explained to my colleagues how such treatment of a suspect is inhumane, barbaric and against the words of our Constitution. I told them, for example, how section 42(1) of the Constitution was offended and how section 20A (1)and(2) of the Criminal Procedure and Evidence Code were violated by such extraneous actions that were merely serving the purpose of embarrassing the target than preventing him from an escape (because they can’t demonstrate that the suspect was reasonably feared that he would escape). 

  I discussed quite a lot on this matter and now because I am rushing to a class, I will share the rest of the discussions later. But I must admit that I left my colleagues in total silence and confusion as to what the ACB was really up to towards the embattled Minister.

FDH Group supports Roman Catholic church in tree planting

Tamani waters a tree after planting as Mpinjanjira (third right) and others look on

FDH Financial Holdings Limited has supported the Catholic Men’s Organization under the Archdiocese of Blantyre with 30,000 tree seedlings in a reforestation project.

FDH Financial Holdings Chief Executive Officer William Mpinganjira led a team from FDH Group to plant trees in partnership with the Catholic Men’s Organization at Limbe Cathedral in Blantyre on Wednesday.

Speaking during the event, Mpinganjira said under its sustainability program FDH Cares, FDH Group has committed to plant 1 million trees by 2024 and since 2021 they have championed the planting of, so far, 200 000 trees through their staff members, partners, customers and various stakeholders and initiatives in alignment with the Malawi 2063 and the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

“When we received a letter from the Catholic Men’s Organization under the Archdiocese of Blantyre to support the reforestation project, we were more than pleased to support with a total of 30 000 seedlings of Blue gum, Mbawa and Keysha.”

Mpinganjira waters a tree after planting at the function as Tamani(right) looks on

“FDH Group recognizes the importance of a green environment and as a responsible corporate citizen it has reinforced its commitment to champion a sustainable green environment that will foster the development of the country and nurture a resilient country against various environmental and economic forces,” said Mpinganjira.

He hailed the Catholic Church for championing a sustainable environment mentality in the church and in the community.

“We would also like to urge the Catholic Men’s Organization through Chairperson Rev. Martin Chiwaya to not relent in its various development works that benefit the community,” said Mpinganjira.

Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Blantyre, Monsignor Boniface Tamani thanked FDH Group for the gesture and encouraged people to conserve the environment saying it is God’s will.

“We thank FDH Group for your support. We hope this is just the beginning of our partnership and expect this to be an annual event as suggested in our Letter of Intent,” said Tamani.

Mzansi Magic’s The Queen and 1Magic’s Lingashoni Finale Seasons

Mzansi Magic’s The Queen and 1Magic’s Lingashoni final seasons are ending in March 2023. The channel strategies for 1Magic (DStv channel 103) and Mzansi Magic (DStv channel161) have been revised to keep abreast with changing audience preferences and the evolving competitor landscape.

The Queen’s producers, Ferguson Films, will shoot Season 7 of the show, which will premiere in July 2022 and viewers will continue to enjoy the telenovela on their screens until its final episode airs on 13 January 2023. 

The 1Magic telenovela, Lingashoni, will come to an end after its second season concludes on 16 March 2023. This follows the season’s premiere on 21 March 2022.

A new telenovela will be introduced into the weekday 21:00 CAT slot, replacing The Queen from January 2023. New content is still under development and will be announced in due course.

Multi-award-winning production The River has just been renewed for Season 5 and a replacement for Lingashoni will be announced in due course. Ferguson Films, have given us hit shows including Rockville, Igazi, The Imposter and Unmarried; while Stained Glass is the studio behind our shows Ifalakhe, eHostela and the massively popularThe Wife.

Pan-African content is what drives our growth and our viewership, and we are committed to giving our discerning audiences content they can relate to and see themselves in.

Both The Queen and Lingashoni will continue to be on air until January and March 2023, respectively. We have exciting plans for our content for 2023 and beyond.


NBCUniversal International Networks & Direct-to-Consumer (NBCUIN & DTC) together with MultiChoice, today announced the launch of DreamWorks – the 24-hour channel dedicated to kids and family entertainment – across Sub-Saharan Africa on DStv.

From March 18, the channel will offer DStv customers access to popular content from one of the world’s most recognizable animation studios, available on DStv channel 304 and via the DStv app.

DreamWorks welcomes DStv customers to the fantastical world of fan-favourite characters and their epic adventures, offering a slate of Emmy® award-winning, original television series, including: All Hail King Julien, The Adventures of Puss in Boots, Kung Fu Panda: The Paws of Destiny, The Boss Baby: Back in Business, Dragons: Race to the Edge, Dawn of the Croods, Trolls: The Beat Goes On!, The Epic Tales of Captain Underpants and more.

 The channel also presents a slate of programming for two to five-year- olds, DreamWorks Junior, including the beloved Postman Pat, Dragons Rescue Riders, Raa Raa: The Noisy Lion and Noddy Toyland Detective.

“We are thrilled to be expanding our long-standing, successful partnership with MultiChoice through its DStv platform, by bringing DreamWorks’ animated series and it’s beloved characters to households across Sub-Saharan Africa,” commented Lee Raftery, Managing Director, Europe, Middle East & Africa, NBCUniversal International Networks & Direct-to-Consumer.

“DreamWorks offers the best in kids’ entertainment for all the family, with a strong and engaging content slate that will captivate DStv subscribers of all ages.”

As a business we continue to look for opportunities to expand both our local and international content offering across Africa. By adding DreamWorks we believe we are adding more value and entertainment to our already expansive kids entertainment portfolio.

With DreamWorks our customers can look forward to entertainment suitable for the whole family,” added Georginah Machiridza, Executive Head of Content Strategy and 3rd Party Channels at MultiChoice.

Illovo Excited With Customers’ Patronage in ‘Iponyereninso Kwakuya Ndi Illovo’ Promo

Illovo Sugar Malawi on Wednesday expressed satisfaction with the number of its customers who took part in the just ended ‘Iponyereninso Kwakuya Ndi Illovo’ Promotion.

Lekani Katandula, who is the Managing Director for Illovo Malawi, expressed his satisfaction at Mount Soche Hotel in Blantyre during the final draw for the promotion. He said the promotion has managed to change the lives of hundreds of its customers.

“I have also witnessed how much excitement this promotion has created in the market.  It has been most gratifying to see the excitement of our various winners. I have been impressed and pleased to even see that there were some winners this year who were also winners last year.

“This proves the relevance of continued participation and that anything is possible. I therefore encourage you to continue participating and thereby increasing your chances of winning one of these amazing prizes,” said Katundula   

During the final draw three lucky winners namely; Dorica Ngamwani from the southern Region, Lazalo Manuel from the Central Region and Cuthbert Mwamlima from the Northern Region won a grand prize of Nissan NP200 Pick Up each.

In disbelief the Southern Region Nissan NP200 winner Ngamwani said: “Ambuye ndi wabwino (The Lord in God)”.

Illovo Malawi also gave away three big boy motorbikes, three fridges, three cookers, thirty six bicycles, Shopping Vouchers and bags of fertilizers to other lucky winners across the country.

The ‘Iponyereninso Kwakuya Ndi Illovo’ promotion which has cost Illovo Malawi close to 140 Million Kwacha was launched on the 26th of November 2021 and ended in February, 2022.

Illovo Sugar Malawi Plc supplies more than 60% of its total sugar sales into the domestic consumer and industrial markets, and a portion of the balance exported regionally within the sub-continent.

NGOs and activists form consortium to champion transparency and accountability in land sector

NAMIWA: Government must ensure that all idle land is made available and accessible to all landless indigenous

Like-minded individuals and organizations have formed Land Justice Consortium (LJC), which is expected to provide Malawians with platform to demand entrenchment and promotion of transparency and accountability in the land sector.

The consortium also aims to ensure that indigenous Malawians own land and benefit from it unlike in the current scenario where indigenous citizens face challenges to access and own land because of rampant corruption in the sector.

Notable faces in consortium are Land Governance Expert Emmanuel Mlaka, social and human rights activist Sylvester Namiwa, social and economic justice advocate Jolly Kenan, women’s rights activist and farmer Mphatso Jumbe, peace, security and development activist Edward Chaka and Mzuzu-based youth advocate Gomezgani Nkhoma.

The grouping has since demanded that freehold land ownership should be removed and converted to leasehold estates.

In a statement issued at a press briefing in Lilongwe on Tuesday, the grouping suggested that freehold land tenure should be an exclusive entitlement for indigenous Malawians.

“In-line with the proposed land bill, there should be creation of customary land estate which will be held by indigenous Malawians in perpetuity. Registration of customary land into customary estate will ensure security of land tenure. Government must ensure that all idle land is made available and accessible to all landless indigenous,” reads the statement in part.

The grouping claimed that there are “some elements who are working day and night with the oppressors to discredit the forthcoming land bills amendments, which are in circulation.”

It further alleged that there is an invisible hand, which, for ages, has successfully denied Malawians a chance to reclaim their ancestral inheritance by taking away Sections 9 sub-section 2 and 3 in the then land bill of 2016.

The grouping said it is for this reason that they are on high alert to expose and fight against any such attempts this time around.

“We are appealing to Members of Parliament to bear in mind that land issues in Malawi have reached crisis levels that require urgent attention, and the time for action is now. Needless to remind our MPs, the citizens and all the sundry that land is the only natural resource that identifies us a people of Malawi and the rate at which our people are losing land if not checked, we will wake up stateless when all the land is gone,” they said.

They warned that they will not hesitate to mobilize the well- meaning Malawians to protest any attempts to frustrate any efforts for land amendments or reforms that favor the marginalized and the vulnerable such as women and the youth to exercise a right to own and benefit from land.

On the other hand, they challenged the new Minister of Lands, Sam Kawale, to quickly call for a land audit exercise in order to ascertain who owns what land and for what purpose.

“Similarly, the Land Management Information System (LMIS) must be fast tracked to facilitate land audit and digitization in a transparent manner. This will in turn enhance transparency, reduce corruption, will ensure the land rights of indigenous citizens are secured. As regards to large scale land acquisitions, Customary Land holders should be sensitized against selling land but rather, be encouraged to lease it out or convert it into shareholding in any proposed investment. These options are already in the 2016 land law but need to be promoted even by Authorities such as Green Belt Authority, and other land investment related authorities including District Commissioners; bearing in mind about ownership in perpetuity and rural land development. This will also mitigate against rendering the indigenous citizens of Malawi landless.

“There should be speedy implementation of customary land registration. Recruitment of required personnel is critical for the successful implementation of the same and should be done in line with the Decentralization Policy. Issues of “tradition” or culture in land access, ownership and control must be in tandem with the legislation to ensure that the rights of the people are safeguarded irrespective of their gender, age or tribe. The discrimination of women and youth goes against the constitution of Malawi and destabilizes the possibility of achieving the Sustainable Development Goals,” reads the statement.

Meanwhile, LJC has appealed to Malawians of good will and other like-minded individuals and institutions to come forward and join the struggle to liberate the country from land colonization where most of the arable and prime land is in the wrong hands.

The current land law and policy in Malawi traces its roots back to the formal declarations of British authority over Central Africa by the British Orders in Council of 1889, 1892 and 1893.

The British Orders in Council of 1893 formally proclaimed British Protectorate status over Malawi (then Nyasaland).

It has been argued that the general thrust of colonial land policy was to appropriate all land to the British Sovereign for the ultimate occupation and ownership of the colonial settler community under private land tenure.

The natives could only acquire “occupational rights” which ensured cheap labor for the colonial settler community.

Kalindo warns Batatawala over his letter threatening NPL Journalists


Political activist Bon Kalindo has issued an audio, warning Asian Business person Abdul Karim Batatawala over his letter, threatening and demanding an apology from National Publications Limited Journalists who he claims are doing biased reporting on issues connected to him to stop the act.

In an audio, Kalindo says the letter that Batatawala has issued threatening Journalists is a clear indication that he does not know the freedom of press in Malalawi and that he is rude and disrespectful to the Malawian press.

He says, threatening a Journalist in any means is an act against Malawi’s Constitution that guarantees freedom of press among the Journalists.

” I have seen your letter, warning and threatening Journalists to issue an apology for covering issues connected to you. I wish to let you know that this is against the law that guarantees the freedom of press and anyone found threatening Journalists should face the court of law”, says Kalindo in an audio.

Kalindo says Batatawala should withdraw his letter demanding an apology within the seven days, warning that failure to do so will force him to lead the demos on the issue.

” We have seen the letter that you have wrote, demanding an apology from NPL Journalists who you claim are misreporting issues connected to you within the seven days. I Bon Kalindo also giving you the same seven days to withdraw the letter and if you fail to do so, I will organise demonstrations that we will go and march at your house.

Let the Journalists cover what they feel is for public interest and remember there is access to information law that allows them to do so without being threatened with anyone. No one is above that law,” says.

He challenges that he is ready to be arrested again until Batatawala withdraws his letter .

” I am ready to be arrested again until you withdraw your letter within the seven days. I am ready to call all Malawians to demonstrate against this,” says Kalindo.

He adds that his silent in leading anti-government protests in the country is not that he has given up but he is helping and reaching out Moderate Cyclone Ana victima with various donations.

On March 2, 2022, Nation Publications Limited published an article covering four top government claims list, including Batatawala who is said to have claiming about K250 billion through 20 business entities.

NBS Bank Chief Executive recognised among top African leaders

NGWENYA: It is a great honour when others recognise your efforts

NBS Bank Chief Executive Kwanele Ngwenya has been decorated with the Africa Leadership Magazine accolade.

Ngwenya joins a who-is-who of Africans who have been recognized in different categories under the stellar, decade-old African Leadership Magazine Persons of the Year annual award.

At the top of the prize this year is President Lazarus Chakwera who has been decorated as the African Leadership Person of the Year.

The awards events took place in London last week, while a number of African leaders in various parts of the world participated virtually.

In his reaction, Ngwenya said he was honoured to be recognised.

“I am humbled to be recognised and it is a great honour when others recognise your efforts,” he said.

Ngwenya is credited with driving NBS Bank from a loss making financial institution to a vibrant profit making business which now etching its name on the nation through introducing financially inclusive products and financing several infrastructure projects, among others.

One such project is the Area 18 Interchange in Lilongwe, the first of its kind in Malawi.

Among the leaders who have also been awarded include eminent political, business and civil society persons from Senegal, Ghana, Nigeria, Tanzania and Zambia.

The award is an annual recognition reserved for distinguished Africans who have blazed the trail in the year under review.

According to the brief of the award, a shortlist of nominees are selected from results gathered via a Call for the nomination – traditionally promoted via paid online and offline campaigns across the continent, Europe, and the Americas.

The call for nomination is the first step in a multi-phased process, it says.


Details have emerged indicating that Malawi Police has summoned Rafik Gaffar of R Gaffar Transport for series of death threats he has been making to Asian communities in the country especially management of Crossroads Hotel.

Gaffar is said to be a bitter person with the success of Crossroads Hotel management and his bitterness has been apparent through series of fights with the Asian community that sides with Crossroads team in the country to the point of issuing death threats.

According to our investigations, Gaffar was recently at the newly opened state of art restaurant called Bai in Lilongwe where he cause an scene that shocked everyone present.

Our source says Crossroads Hotel director number 5, Muntazeer Sacranie, also known as Monty, was at Bai as well with his family.

“Monty’s children were running around and playing at the restaurant by the playing area, till suddenly Gaffar emerged and started shouting at the innocent child,” said the source.

The source added that Gaffar, upon seeing the innocent children playing, started shouting at them, ordering them to move out of the place even though the children didn’t do anything wrong.

“He blew up and told the innocent children to ‘shut the fuck up and get the hell out of here. This is not your crossroads. This is a restaurant. Have your parents not taught you any manners. Bloody idiots’. I was shocked because his red eyes showed that he really meant what he was saying,” said our source who was there at Bai.

Other people we have interviewed confirmed that Monty could not react to Gaffar’s provocation fearing that he would do something that would warrant being arrested.

However, our sources added, Monty’s wife, Mehreen, couldn’t hold it and went up to Gaffar and dared him to stop, something that caused a scene—thank God the public intervened to calm the matter.

It is said that the visibly embarrassed Gaffar had no option but to leave the place. Our sources indicate that Gaffar tried to call several government officials to threaten and lay charges against Monty’s wife for standing up to him.

People who know Gaffar says he has always been a bully among the Asian community and recently his resolve has been to target Crossroads Hotel management because of the success of their business.

FDH Bank targets to care for 1 million trees

Nkando-Jussab (standing) with other FDH Bank officials planting trees at Zolozolo Primary School

Listed home grown commercial bank, FDH Bank says it is targeting to plant and take care of 1 million trees in the next two years as one way of improving and sustaining the environment.

FDH Bank Head of Corporate and Investment Banking Mary Nkando-Jussab spoke in Mzuzu on martyrs day during a tree planting exercise in partnership with Mzuzu City Council and Zolozolo primary School.

 “As FDH, we have been engaged in various efforts to sustain the environment under our sustainability program called FDH Cares. FDH Bank Plc committed to plant and care for 1 million trees by 2024 and this is being done through our staff members, partners, customers and various stakeholders in alignment with the Malawi 2063 and the UN Sustainable Development Goals,” said Nkando-Jussab.

 She said last year, the bank launched the ‘Be Green Smart’ campaign and has since planted 200 000 trees and partnered with various organizations and partners in government, NGOs, religious organizations and parastatals.

“FDH Bank Plc recognizes the importance of a green environment and as a responsible corporate citizen it has reinforced its commitment to champion a sustainable and resilient green environment that will foster sustainable development of the country,” said Nkando-Jussab. 


On the day, bank officials and Mzuzu City Council officials as well as pupils at Zolozolo primary school planted 1000 trees at Zolozolo Primary School to foster a sustainability culture in future leaders as well as support the environment they are in.

“We are further donating 10 000 seedlings to Mzuzu City Council, 5000 seedlings to Mzuzu University and 5000 seedlings to the district education office. This is to ensure that Mzuzu as a city indeed goes green and is a key player in championing environmental sustainability in the country,” announced Nkando-Jussab.

She also hailed the role that the council led by Mayor Gift Desire Nyirenda and all partners are playing to promote a sustainable environment in the country and also encouraged the pupils to not only plant the trees but sustain them as well.

“I urge us all to maintain our collaborative efforts to build a truly sustainable environment for the current and future generations in our communities and Malawi at large,” said Nkando-Jussab. 

BUSY WEEK: Veep Chilima Takes on Reforms At Councils

Vice President Dr Saulos Klaus Chilima will from Monday embark on a second round of review meetings at councils and municipalities starting with Lilongwe.

In previous engagements with councils, Dr. Chilima, who is also responsible for the Public Sector Reforms portfolio, stressed the importance of councils focusing on reform areas with the maximum impact on financial sustainability and job creation.

Unlike previous engagements where Chilima held boardroom meetings with councils, on Monday, the Vice President will begin with visits to projects which Lilongwe City and Lilongwe District included in their reform areas.

The Vice President will visit the Kauma road construction before visiting Nsaru Cooperative and Mpingu Youth Association.

With about 700 youths, Mpingu Youth Association is fulfilling the agricultural commercialisation reform as it has acquired 4.6 hectors where the construction of a warehouse factory is taking place which will be used for value addition of agricultural products which they are producing.

Chilima has so far steered councils towards reforms that would ensure job creation through agricultural value addition, tourism and mining.

Similar reform review meetings will be conducted in the Central region districts of Dowa, Ntchisi, Dedza, Kasungu, Salima and Nkhotakota before moving to the South and North.

In an interview, Public Relations Officer for the Public Sector Reforms Department McCarthy Mwalwimba confirmed of these engagements lined up this week.

MBTS Hails Illovo For Donating Blood Bank Fridge to Lowershire

The Malawi Blood Transfusion Services (MBTS) has hailed Illovo Sugar Malawi for donating Blood Bank Fridge worth MK 13.1 Million to lowershire districts of Nsanje and Chikwawa.

MBTS Chief Executive Officer, Natasha Nsamala, was speaking at St Montfort Hospital in Chikwawa district during the handover ceremony of the state of the art Blood Bank Fridge to Nsanje and Chikwawa district health offices.

“We are truly grateful that Illovo heeded our call for assistance in a very speedy manner.

This is a truly momentous occasion because MBTS for the first time will have a blood bank fridge in the lower shire which will increase access to blood units,” said Nsamala

Managing Director for Illovo Malawi Managing Director, Lekani Katandula, said the Blood Bank Fridge will help to save lives of people in need of blood in the Lowershire districts.

“Blood is vital to life and having readily available blood for transfusions saves lives.  The blood bank fridge we are donating today will enable the storage of up to 250 units of blood that are to be available for chikwawa and Nsanje district,”

 “More importantly we hope that this important piece of equipment will be well look after and maintained so that it can contribute to saving lives for a long time to come,” said Katandula while appealing to Malawians to donate blood in order to save lives.

Illovo Malawi is one of the country’s largest single private-sector employer providing direct employment for 9 000 people permanent, seasonal and casual employees and an additional 5 000 direct and indirect contractors creating a total of 14 000 jobs.

Illovo is also a major contributor to the Malawian tax authorities through direct and indirect taxes.

Many local industries are dependent upon Illovo for their viability and the employment created by these businesses provides an income base for many more families than are directly employed.

The company further supports an estimated 5 200 smallholder cane farmers through various smallholder schemes.

NBS Bank bankrolls K15 million FAM Charity Shield

Ngwenya (Centre) and Nyamilandu display the agreement

Listed commercial bank, NBS Bank plc has announced the K15 million sponsorship of the Football Association of Malawi (FAM) Charity Shield scheduled for this weekend.

The proceeds of the Charity Shield match which will be played on Saturday at Kamuzu Stadium in Blantyre and will involve Nyasa Big Bullets and Silver Strikers, will go towards helping victims of Tropical Ana storm in Chikwawa and Nsanje districts.

Announcing the sponsorship in Blantyre Wednesday, NBM Bank plc Chief Executive Officer Kwanele Ngwenya said the Bank has always supported the community in which it operates and it is extending its support to not only fulfil its social responsibility, but to also support FAM in bringing the Malawian people to their most beloved game of football through this Charity Shield.

“We believe that sports in this country contribute a lot to the society in terms of entertainment, employment as well as national unity and development. This important element, when leverages on to support the needy, fits in perfectly with NBS Bank’s slogan and practice of being a caring bank which has been changing a lot of lives through various initiatives and promotions like rewarding our customers with houses, cars and cash prizes.”

“When a country’s people are in need, it must become the agenda for every corporate and citizen to be a part of providing a solution. Many have been affected by the natural disasters that have happened most recently and NBS Bank feels that these heart-breaking scenes of people having their homes destroyed and their belongings washed away are an opportunity to use our resources to offer hope to others,” said Ngwenya.

He hailed FAM for putting together the Charity Shield to help in something that is of National importance.

Ngwenya (right) and Nyamilandu (second left) and other FAM and NBS officials display the dummy cheque of the sponsorship

“This is indeed taking football beyond being just a game and one of relevance to Malawi. You have lived up to ‘Raising the bar’,” said Ngwenya.

FAM president Walter Nyamilandu thanked NBS Bank for bankrolling the Charity Shield.

“Let me welcome NBS Bank back to the world of football. We have been waiting for this opportunity for a very long time. When we heard the news that NBS Bank will sponsor the Charity Shield we were very excited.”

“We have foot print in the country everywhere as football is played in every district where NBS Bank is also visible. We are looking forward to this opportunity of working together to promote your brand and to also let you play a role in developing football.”

“This window of opportunity is huge coming at a time Malawi national team did very well at the recent Africa Cup of Nations we needed some form of appreciation from the corporate world and the bank is the first institution to come forward and partner football because of the fruits that the people of Malawi were able to see at Africa Cup of Nations,” explained Nyamilandu.

The Charity Shield was introduced in 2016 and for the first two years it was a one-day event, involving the national league champions and national cup winners.

In 2018 and 2019 it involved four teams: national league champions, national cup champions, national league runners up.

The competition did not take place in 2020 and 2021 due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

This year the competition has reverted to the original format of a one-day event involving two teams.

DAY LIGHT ROBBERY: Batawalala under fire, wants to milk taxpayers K250billion in claims

Businessman Abdul Karim Batatawala has come under fire from various sector of the society for claiming K250billion as a compensation from poor taxayers money, a move which social commentators have dubbed it ‘daylight robbery’

According to Attorney General (AG) Thabo Chakaka Nyirenda, four businesspersons are claiming about K429 billion from government in compensations, representing around 22 percent of the K2 trillion total claims in which Batatawala tops the list.

Nyirenda said Batatawala, who is claiming about K250 billion through 20 business entities alone accounts for at least 12.5 percent of the total claims.

And the AG said: “Batatawala’s claims in total are about K250 billion. So he has got over 20 companies and most of them have got cases against government.

“So, when we are talking about Batatawala, we are talking about his companies.”

And writing on his official facebook page one of the social commentators Horace Nyaka was very bitter with the develoment:

“How many roads or schools can you build with such K250billion? How much was the budget for this year? How many students can we support with this? How many cancer and heart patients can we support with K250billion? Tsangano road, Rumphi Nyika Chitipa road? 🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾. Kulimva kukoma dziko.” Writes Nyaka.

Ramchand Hashmatrai is second on the list with his land claim of about K131 billion, a claim that the High Court in Blantyre on Monday stopped following the AG’s challenge.

The K 429 billion compensation claims by the four businesspersons, of which three are Malawians of Asian origin, is one and a half times the proposed budget for the Ministry of Health at K283.57 billion.The AG said the four businesspersons’ claims exclude interests and that almost all of them have more than one compensation claim.

He further said his office receives new claims each passing day, with most of them coming from police on false imprisonment, land disputes, construction projects, procurement and Malawi Rural Electrification Project (Marep). Nyirenda noted that most of the claims are exaggerated.

“At the same time we are receiving more claims, at the same time we have got cases that have been dismissed in our favour,” said Nyirenda.

In early December 2021, Nyirenda indicated that compensation claims he was handling had jumped from about K800 billion in September 2021to over K2 trillion in December 2021

ANTI-ASHOK DEMOS UNDER FIRE: They are criminal in nature-CSO

The CSO members during the press briefing

A grouping calling itself Citizen Advancement for Economic Revolution has described the anti-Ashok Nair demonstrations scheduled for tomorrow Wednesday as criminal in nature.

Citizen Advancement for Economic Revolution team leader, Redson Munlo, was speaking recently in Lilongwe during a media briefing.

He argued that Nair also has the right to be heard and that the ACB Director General Martha Chizuma is not immune to prosecution.

The grouping has also asked Chizuma to disclose the name of the person she was talking to in her leaked audio recently.

Nair sued Chizuma for defamation following a leaked phone conversation in which Chizuma made a number of serious allegations, including that a High Court judge granted Nair– bail in exchange for a bribe.

This angered Nair who says his image and reputation have been battered; hence, his decision to claim damages from Chizuma through the court.

Blantyre Chief Resident Magistrate Court has set March 1, 2022, as the date when it will rule on whether or not to commence criminal proceedings against Chizuma in a case where Forum for National Development (FND) wants the court to summon her to answer criminal charges in relation to the same audio clip.

Chief Resident Magistrate Jean Kaira has been assigned the case whose application, according to the Registrar of the High Court and Supreme Court of Appeal, Gladys Gondwe, was already heard in the court.

Why Ashok’s court action against ACB Czar Chizuma should not be withdrawn

CHIZUMA: She made several serious allegations

The movement pressuring Ashok Nair to withdraw his lawsuit against Anti-Corruption Bureau Director General Martha Chizuma over contents of a leaked audio is getting it all wrong and risks twisting the course of justice.

In the audio, Chizuma is in a conversation with someone where she makes a number of allegations which include that Ashok bribed Judge Simeon Mdeza who released him after bring arrested by ACB. It is well known that Mdeza, feeling affronted, recused himself from the Ashok case.

Some have argued that while she made the allegations, the conversation was not meant for public circulation, hence Ashok’s lawsuit being an overreaction and bent
to frustrate ACB’s action on the Zuneth Sattar case for which Ashok was first arrested.

Both these arguments are irrelevant and dangerous and should not be tolerated.

In the first place, that the audio was not meant for public circulation is beside the point. The fact is that it circulated and the world heard Chizuma making serious and damaging claims that Ashok had bribed Judge Mdeza to set him free. It is only fair justice that Chizuma must explain her allegations in court. It is also justice that Ashok will have the opportunity to give his side of the story.

Secondly, that Ashok’s court action is meant to interfere with ACB’s pursuit of the Zuneth Sattar case is also outrageous. Ashok has gone to court expressly on the basis of allegations which Chizuma has made against him.

Why should he be prevented from clearing his name, now, simply because he is also involved in another case? Where does that law come from? And how does his seeking to get Chizuma to explain her allegations got to do with the other case? Things do not add up at all in this.

It is clear that those seeking to stop Ashok from continuing with his lawsuit against Chizuma are only stirring mob justice against Ashok, which is criminal. The facts of the matter don’t look like they are balancing. The campaign for Ashok to drop the case seems to be motivated by other ill intentions and not justice. It is not written anywhere in the laws of Malawi that an ACB Director General should not be dragged to court for damaging other people’s names.

The case should be allowed to continue so that Chizuma should prove her allegations in court and Ashok must explain himself since he was not in that audio to explain his side of the story. We should not stop the wheels of justice from operating the way they are supposed to simply because of our own, ill-conceived interests. Every Malawian has the right to justice. Let the court decide whether there is a case or not.

GOOD SAMARITAN ABIDA MIA DOES IT AGAIN: Reaches Out to Cyclone ANA Survivors in Lowershire


Minister of Water and Sanitation, Abida Sidik Mia, has donated Maize floor to victims of Cyclone ANA in Chikwawa district.

Abida Mia, who is also Member of Parliament for Chikwawa Nkombedzi Constituency, made the donation on Saturday.

According to Mia, over 1000 households from three headmen namely Nyamithambo, Mzangaya and Salibeni have benefited from the donation.

“Truth be told, the aftermath of the Cyclone has had devastating effects as people have no access to basic needs.

“To mitigate the hardship, it is my aim to continue outsourcing food and other basic necessities with the help of well-wishers,” said Mia in a statement posted on her official facebook page.

The Good Samaritan Mia also appealed to other well-wishers both local and international to join hands with Malawi government in assisting people who are affected with Cyclone ANA across the country.

“My humble plea is to all that are able to assist, to continue lending a helping hand to support those in need,” appealed Abida Mia

This is not for the first time for Abida Mia, who is well known for charity works, to assist Cyclone Ana victims. Earlier this Month, she also donated maize floor to thousands of Cyclone Ana Victims from 13 evacuation camps in her constituency.

Malawi President Lazarus Chakwera declared a national disaster in districts hit by Cyclone Ana, which killed at least 19 people and displace thousands.

The hardest hit districts include Chikwawa, Nsanje, Mulanje and Phalombe thus according to the Department of Disaster Management Affairs.

Malawi Pleads with Russian President Putin to ‘Cease Fire’  


Malawi President Dr. Lazarus Chakwera has pleaded with Russian President Vladimir Putin to withdrawal Russian troops from Ukrainian territory.

President Chakwera, who is also Chairperson for Southern Africa Development Community (SADC), made the plea in a statement posted on his official facebook page.

In the statement Chakwera described the declaration and acts of war by Russia against Ukraine as a disturbing and destabilizing development.

“Since Malawi’s national anthem is a prayer petitioning God for peace over our land, we pray for peace for the people of Russia and Ukraine and their lands. We also call on the Russian Government to use its might and means to find a peaceful resolution to its grievances against Ukraine.

“We do this in recognition of the fact that Malawi’s peaceful posture towards other nations involves promoting peace between all nations.

“We also do this as a nation that has maintained peaceful relations with its neighbors throughout its history, as a peaceful regional leader in Southern Africa, and as a peacemaking member of the UN Human Rights Council,” reads the statement

On Thursday, African Union condemned Russia’s attack on Ukraine and called for an “immediate ceasefire”, saying the situation risked escalating into “a planetary conflict”.

The bloc’s current chair, Senegalese President Macky Sall, and Moussa Faki Mahamat, chair of the African Union Commission, said in a joint statement they were “extremely concerned” by the invasion.

They called on Russia to “respect international law, the territorial integrity and national sovereignty of Ukraine”.

Russia launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine on Thursday, killing dozens as airstrikes hit military installations and ground forces moved in from the north, south and east.

The AU leaders said the “very serious and dangerous situation” should be resolved via “political negotiations” overseen by the United Nations.

NBM plc Partners Small World on Money Transfers

HARRY MUKAKA: Small World Money Transfer has a diverse network of institutional clients and corresponding payers in six continents with operations in 180 countries

Listed National Bank of Malawi (NBM) plc has partnered with Small World Money Transfers (SWMT) thereby increasing the number of platforms on which customers can receive and send money outside the country.

Speaking in Blantyre, NBM plc Head of Treasury and Investment Banking, Harry Mukaka, said the new product is ready and running and that Cashiers throughout the NBM plc network have already been trained for the operations of SWMT.

 “SWMT is accessible in three ways namely Teller transactions, Swift and Wallet transactions. Currently, this product is accessed through Teller transactions only as we are still working on integrating the service to our digital systems Mo626Digital+and Wallet,” said Mukaka.

Mukaka added that being a global brand, Small World brings value to customers through the existence of multiple channels through which they can send/ receive money.

“Small World Money Transfer has a diverse network of institutional clients and corresponding payers in six continents with operations in 180 countries. It has more than 230,000 pay out locations worldwide which makes it easier to move money across the borders quickly and at a low cost,” said Mukaka.

In addition to the Small World Money Transfer platform, NBM plc provides money transfer services through MoneyGram and Western Union platforms.

A representative of Small World Money Transfer Maureen Mugoh said they are excited to partner with NBM plc.

“We have more than 3 million customers worldwide and these customers have been trusting us to handle their payment needs for 13 years. We are happy that we have added customers from Malawi to our vast network,” said Mugoh.

Shesaid Small World has become one of the leading cross-border payment providers, and continues to expand its global reach and market share providing payment services direct to bank account, cash pick-up and mobile wallet in more than 80 countries worldwide.

“In this competitive market, Small World’srange of services, innovative technology platform, relationships with partner banks, and a strong focus on regulatory compliance have proven invaluable in propelling the business forward, and are crucial in enabling Small Worldto deliver the speed, value and convenience that customers require,” said Mugoh.


Phillip Madinga: Our digital banking is helping promote tax compliance as taxpayers experience flexibility, efficiency and convenience

On February 18, 2022, Finance Minister Sosten Gwengwe (MP) tabled his maiden national budget for 2022/23 FY of MWK2.84 Trillion. In its first reaction to the budget, Standard Bank Plc says the budget has set the tone for further recovery of the economy and reasserted the authorities’ commitment towards making cost of funds to the private sector cheaper. Chief Executive Phillip Madinga (PM) weighs in on the budget. Excerpts:

Q1: The 2022/23 budget has not covered much on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic over the last two consecutive years. In your opinion how has Covid affected our economy?

PM: Much of the impact on the economy was felt in 2020, and the GDP estimate of 0.9 percent for that year supports this. Hence, we expect the impact of COVID to have been more of an issue in the just ended 2020/21 fiscus.

Globally economies were hit as a result of health restrictions imposed by most countries and regions, and Malawi is no exception. Effects of the pandemic on the economy included restrictions in trade, which reduced supplies of goods resulting in some price spikes leading to inflationary pressures on some import-reliant economies. In the first to second year of the pandemic, the fiscus experienced increased demand for financial resources to support the health sector which were material and, in a way, derailed achievement of some of the economic targets.  

Q2: The economy grew from 0.8% in 2020 to 3.9% in 2021, driven by Mining, Quarrying, Manufacturing and the Hospitality sector. What was the bank’s role in those sectors?

PM: Growth in these sectors reflects an attempt to returning to normalcy, but it is not extraordinary growth. The bank continues to support these sectors through financing, banking and digital solutions to enhance their operations and efficiencies.

Q3:  The 2022/23 budget sets a GDP growth projection of 4% on the basis of an anticipated increase economic activities in selected sectors. Do you think this growth is achievable?

PM: It can be achieved however, recent damage from the Tropic Cyclone Anna may adversely affect the projections. Another key assumption to this growth forecast being that the trajectory of the pandemic in months ahead will not be too disruptive to the economy.

Q4: The budget has underlined mining and quarrying as some of the contributors to the projected GDP growth. Are these sectors the new economic frontiers? What opportunities does the bank see in those sectors.

PM: We see an opportunity to diversify export proceeds and bolster the foreign exchange reserves position. Recently we have seen some positive strides with regards to improving the country’s capacity to better manage its natural endowments. For instance, the Reserve Bank of Malawi has started buying gold through its subsidiary, the Export Development Fund. We also note that a new owner has stepped in to restore affairs of Kayekera Uranium mine in Karonga. Malawi has long suffered trade deficits due to lack of productive capacities. What we are seeing in the mining sector is an encouraging indicator that there is an opportunity to create jobs and partner with the investors for the benefit of Malawi.

Q5: The budget has an estimated deficit of K884 billion or 7.7% of GDP, which is seen to be relatively lower than last fiscal year as government seeks to reduce on borrowing and control expenditures. How will this approach affect private sector?

PM: We expect that this should increase funds available to lend to the private sector and over time it may reduce cost of funds, though that may take material reduction in domestic borrowing. Where the market fully dictates prices, level of interest rates should reflect the status of determinants of interest rates. As much as the economic goals we have set around infrastructure development, food security and others would be best delivered in a low interest rate environment, it is detrimental to force the market to ‘give’ low interest rates whilst the determinants are off track.

Q6: The 2022/23 budget sets a domestic revenue target of MWK1.636 Trillion to be raised. How will this affect people’s livelihoods?

PM: Key here is what is the return on investments made out of these resources, the more transformative they are, the more they may compensate for the cost and price that Malawians will pay. The budget intends to improve rural livelihoods through the Constituency Development Fund-CDF line which has been increased, it is expected to create special economic zones which should support the small businesses and we feel these are some of the ways it will improve livelihoods. I believe this increase would or may complement very well the planned activities and establishment of secondary cities as espoused in the MW2063 by the National Planning Commission.

Q7: In what way will Standard Bank’s assist government achieve its revenue ambitions?

PM: Our digital banking platforms, namely 247 Online, Enterprise Online and Business Online for large business and corporates now make it easier for our customers to pay tax and for MRA to collect the revenue. Our digital banking is helping promote tax compliance as taxpayers experience flexibility, efficiency and convenience.  Our channels are all inclusive cutting across different layers of client portfolios and ensuring seamless transactions for tax settlements and other statutory payments.

Q8: The Finance Minister, Sosten Gwengwe recognized foreign currency shortages and the country’s low forex reserves position as a key pressure point in budget implementation. In the 2020/21 fiscal year, the Malawi Kwacha lost value by about 7%. What do you think needs to be done to stabilize the local currency and restock forex reserves?

PM: The budget recognizes foreign exchange supply constraints that are affecting the country and improving that is key to getting to the desired outcome. It intends to encourage import substitution partly through establishment of special economic zones. It is also encouraging speedy implementation of donor funded projects to realize the foreign exchange flows attached to that. We need urgent and impactful actions to address current shortages and we believe the budget is setting that tone. Further to the provisions in the budget, we can do more to diversify export base through production of high value export crops, supporting production of goods for export.  Restoring donor confidence and getting an IMF program fully back on track will be critical in obtaining stability in the markets.

Kenani, Idriss, Mbele’s unfounded plot against Sattar family is pure personal vendetta, hatred not Malawians interest

By Yamikani Nicholas Kachingwe

When one wants to annihilate a stubborn and unwanted tree for once and for all, they destroy the underground roots of the tree not by plucking the fruits of the tree expecting the tree to die slowly, silently and forever.

I find the reason behind this mobilization of funds to host a demonstration against an individual who in earnest does not hold any appointed or employed public or civil servant position in Malawi extremely baseless, stupid and time-wasting. Simply fruitless. A wishful thinking it is.

I admire the zeal, determination and seemingly patriotic spirit in those who are believed to be organizers of this up-coming event.

Onjezani Kenani, Idriss Ali Nassah and Joshua Chisa Mbele are well learned, informed and exposed but am flabbergasted by their recent activities which seem to be ill-advised and missing the appropriate target of their intent.

It appears, trio musketeers are only bent to fight an Asian businessman named Zunneth Sattar who is a Malawian, born and raised in Malawi from an Asian family.
Zunneth late father was among the contractors who built the Kamuzu International Airport under Kamuzu Banda’s administration and contributed to many other infrastructure developments we are able to enjoy and be proud of now.
Their narrative has gone further to display xenophobic and demeaning utterances towards the Asian Business community in Malawi, translating into character assassination as well infringing the rights of the minority. Is this revolution of Anti-Asian Campaign?

My elder Idriss, for a minute he was all over town fighting for the release of expenditure report of Covid-19 funds which has two budgets of MK17 billion and MK6.9 billion.
Both budgets were alleged to have been misused and defrauded by some government employees including those well known to be close associates of Malawi President Lazarus Chakwera.
No Asian Business man was ever alleged or suspected to have partook in the looting. The alleged corrupt acts were perpetrated by ORIGINAL BLACK MALAWIANS. And, the trio never thought it wise to mobilize funds to hold protest against this impunity committed by their fellow black people.

It’s almost 5 months since the ministry of foreign affairs and international cooperation promised to release the expenditure report of the SADC SUMMIT which was held in Lilongwe funded through taxpayer’s money.
The trio again are silent on this matter or expressed any interest to protest at the Ministry’s office. And the ministry is run and managed by Black Malawians, no single Asian person is employed there.

Malawi Congress Party (MCP) Secretary General Eisenhower Mkaka built houses on public land in Area 43 and it is a known fact that some statehouse officials stole public land in area 49. These are your fellow black Malawians; will you not protest against them at their offices?

We have several issues happening in the country involving Black Malawians, we have several court cases been heard on corruption charges alleged to have been committed by Black Malawians. The trio once again deem the black Malawians as saints and no need to protest against this impunity.

The Secretary to the government, Zangazanga Chinkhosi is speculated to be involved in several matters in which some people are thinking that it’s the cause of the numerous problems we are currently facing as the nation.
The trio have never for a minute expressed any interest to protest against this impunity at capitol hill were the Office of the President is situated. Is it because Chinkhosi is a black Malawian?

The President of Malawi and his vice during the campaign period promised heaven on earth and after two years there is nothing to write home about. The trio have never for once protested at Kamuzu Palace or at Veep’s residence. Is it because they’re black Malawians?

The Director of Anti-Corruption Bureau was recorded in a whatsApp conversation dishing out unnecessary and disheartening words towards the judges, lawyers and the President including his vice plus the Religious fraternity.
Kenani, Mbele and Adriss have not expressed any intent to ask DG of ACB to apologize or at least to reveal the identity of the person she was conversing with to dig deeper to investigate the people behind this incident. Simply because Martha and her friend are black Malawians?

Ashok sued Martha for her defamatory words upon him. This trio finds it patriotic enough to be intimidating, threatening and calling Ashok with insulting words because he is an Asian. Martha is allowed to say anything because she is a Black Malawian, is this fair justice?


My Elders I beseech you to uproot the tree of corruption, impunity and all bad things by getting down to the bottom of the root cause of this sickening culture. You should be fair, democratic, empathetic and remove any xenophobic attitude. Avoid showing trends of propagating a self-based political agenda.

Zunneth Sattar and associates are individuals working in the private sector, awawa ndi anthu business chabe! They never awarded any contract to themselves it was awarded to them by public or civil servants who are black Malawians, therefore it is wise to expose the names of these enablers/accomplices and you must as well protest at their respective offices.

Why are you only attacking and targeting Sattar leaving behind the people or the institutions he did business with? Does Sattar work at MDF or MPS or immigration department or at any public institution, kodi macontract iwo amazipasa yekha? Enawo simukuwatchula kozi ndi anthu okuda skin?

Pali milandu ya mbili yokhuzana ndi katangale ndipo oganizilidwawo ndi anthu okuda ngati inuyo,bwanji simukuwatchula mayina awo ndikupitaso kuma office awo kukawonetsa kwiyo wanuwo?

I urge you to sit-down and go back to drawing board.
Some of us we cannot participate in such protest that are clearly indicating they’re nothing but racial profiling, xenophobic and fight against one individual.
Let me be frank with you all this is pure SELECTIVE JUSTICE and the impunity you are talking is within you guys. Please remove it, it’s too stinky!

“Ashok suing Martha Chizuma is personal matter, nothing to do with ACB office”- Bon Kalindo


The country political activist Bon Kalindo popularly known as Winiko has come out cocoon defending Ashok for suing Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) Director General Martha Chizuma over leaked audio.

Kalindo argues that Ashok suing Chizuma is nothing to do with ACB office.
The former UTM Youth Director wonders how some civil society organizations and individuals are confusing the nation with the wrong court summon on ACB office.

Kalindo blushed purportedly demonstration against Ashok who has been injured with Chizuma’s allegation of corruption.

In an audio to the public on Thursday, February 24, 2022, he hinted that his grouping could not be part demonstration which are contempt of court saying the matter has not yet heard by the sitting judge.

“I have been forced to retaliate on the questions people have been asking on why i was not present on the press briefing on the matter of Martha Chizuma being sued.
“I just don’t act any how; I follow the laws of the land. This issue does not concern the country. It’s about a person suing another person. If it was that it was ACB that was involved I could be on the forefront backing the matter,” says Kalindo.

He added, “This is a personal matter. If you remember after the audio was leaked I released a statement telling Martha Chizuma to tell the nation the truth but instead Malawians on social media rebuked me without mercy and understanding.
“I say over and over again that office that Chizuma is holding needs someone who is able to keep secrets, someone with integrity but because Malawians act without understanding the matter and because you said I have been eating Ashok’s money, now am quite”
Concludes Kalindo, “If you want, go to the streets but this is useless to me, leave me alone. Chizuma just showed the nation that she cannot hold that position”.

Chizuma is currently facing three legal battles over the leaked phone conversation last month.

First lawsuit comes from Ashok Nair, seeking damages over alleged defamatory statements emanating from the audio and this was filed at Lilongwe Magistrates court.

A grouping called Forum for National Development and Rafiq Nembo are also pushing for criminal case against Chizuma.

Judiciary Spokesperson Gladys Gondwe confirmed that the complaint was filed at the Chief Resident Magistrate court in Blantyre.

CDEDI demands audits for infrastructural projects, disclosure of contractual agreements


By Iommie Chiwalo

NAMIWA: Malawi has needlessly lost lives due to road accidents because of poor conditions of the roads and washed-away bridges

The Centre for Democracy and Economic Development Initiatives (CDEDI) has come flat on its watchdog role by demanding audits of questionable water projects as well as disclosure of contractual agreements.

This comes as the organisation believes situations Malawi is experiencing due natural disasters, lately Cyclone Ana, provide an opportunity for the country to raise the standards of public infrastructure, and fight the nauseating deep-rooted corruption entrenched in the construction industry.

In a statement made available to this publication, CDEDI is, challenging Malawians to be keeping a keen eye on public infrastructure projects being implemented in their areas as one way of guaranteeing value for the money spent on the projects, such as roads, railways and bridges.

“CDEDI has noted with great concern that the heavy rains the country is experiencing have exposed poor workmanship, negligence and outright disregard of contractual details in the implementation of some projects,” reads the statement signed by CDEDI Executive Director Sylvester Namiwa.

Adding that it does not need emphasis that a good road network is a catalyst for development. 

He said Malawi has needlessly lost lives due to road accidents because of poor conditions of the roads and washed-away bridges saying although the impact of the cyclones and tropical storms has been devastating, Malawians are their own witnesses that, to a large extent, the losses of lives, and government finances are due to poor workmanship.

“It is against this background that CDEDI is challenging the Roads Authority (RA) to audit projects under its jurisdiction against details of signed contracts for the same, and give feedback on the same,” he said.

For interest of transparency and accountability, CDEDI has also demanded the disclosure of contractual agreements for Jenda-Edingeni, Karonga -Songwe, Mzimba-Mzarangwe, Kapiri-Mkanda, Ntchisi -Malomo, Kenyatta Drive & Sharrar Street not to mention of Ntcheu-Tsangano, Nsanje -Marka and Nsanama -Nayuchi roads.

CDEDI has since given the NRA seven (7) days to provide the requested information.

The NGO further wishes to implore that going forward, Malawi must deploy due diligence in tender processes for all projects.

“One such project is the 72-kilometre Nsanje-Marka railway line whose tender process is underway. CDEDI calls upon the Ministry of Transport and Public Works to provide adequate soul searching and due diligence to ensure that the company it hires for the project is of impeccable expertise and good repute,” Namiwa calls.     

Above all, CDEDI also calls for audits by relevant authorities on projects in the water and sanitation sector, which is another sector that needs constant check to ensure that Malawians have access to potable water.

“Projects for which we demand audits include the Karonga Water Supply and Nkhata Bay Water Supply Project. CDEDI hereby requests the Northern Region Water Board to institute audits in regard to these projects as soon as possible. 

Both RA and NRWB are yet to comment on the matter.

Meanwhile Malawians of goodwill are planning to demonstrate against corruption and impunity on the protests slated for March 2, 2022.

Malawi Opposition Leader Nankhumwa Shakes Up Shadow Cabinet


Leader of opposition in Parliament, Dr. Kondwani Nankhumwa, has made some significant changes to his Shadow Cabinet, replacing those who have recently resigned with new blood.

Amongst those who have recently resigned due to pressure from above are Bright Msaka, Joseph Mwanamvekha, Jappie Mhango, Vuwa Kaunda both from Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) and Ishmael Mkumba of United Democratic Front (UDF).

Nankhumwa, who is also DPP’s Vice President for the Southern Region, has since promoted Lawyer Yusuf Nthenda to the position of Shadow Minister of Justice replacing Msaka.

Workaholic DPP’s Member of Parliament Mary Thom Navicha has been moved from shadow Minister of Water and Sanitation to Shadow Minister of Health replacing Jappie Mhango.

Vuwa Kaunda has been replaced by Nickson Chilenga as shadow Minister of Defence Minister while Ralph Jooma takes over from Mwanamveka as Shadow Finance Minister.

Reuben Kanyama is now Deputy Shadow Minister of Education a position which was  being held by Ishmael Mkumba.

EthCo partners WESM, school in tree planting in KK

Chakaniza plants a tree during the event as pupils look on

Ethanol distiller, Ethanol Company Limited (EthCo) on Saturday planted 2,000 trees in partnership with Wildlife Environmental Society of Malawi (WESM) and Majiga Community Day Secondary School in Dwangwa, Nkhotakota.

Speaking during the tree planting event at Majiga Community Day Secondary School in Dwangwa, EthCo Chief Executive Officer Lusubilo Chakaniza said the company deals in renewable energy hence their interest in conserving the environment.

“We take the issues of the environment seriously because our product is renewable energy hence our support together with the community to create a shared value as long as issues of environmental conservation are concerned. This is why you have seen EthCo employees together with their spouses taking part in this event, it is everybody’s responsibility to take care of the environment,” said Chakaniza.

She said their partnership with WESM has been going on for some years where every year they make sure that they plant more than 2,000 trees but for the past two years, they were impacted by the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Chakaniza (right) gestures after planting a tree helped by Malandula (left)

“We will continue our partnership with WESM because it is our responsibility to take care of the environment and operate our business in a sustainable manner,
 said Chakaniza.

WESM Branch Manager for Nkhotakota Yasin Rashid Malandula thanked EthCo for the support that it gives to the tree planting exercise saying they are targeting to plant 500,000 trees in the Dwangwa area and are on course.

“We have a target of planting 1.5 million trees as a district and we are encouraging people that not only should they plant trees but they should also take care of them so that they survive for the benefit of our country,” said Malandula.

Chairperson of Majiga CDSS Wildlife Club Elizabeth Mawere also hailed EthCo and WESM for the tree planting exercise at the school saying trees help the students in many ways including provision of shade and clean air.

Malawians loved Martha Chizumwa but love is waning…As she defies Chakwera’s order on social media friends interaction


By Falles Kamanga

CHIZUMA: Under fire

The embattled Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) boss Martha Chizuma seems not taking lessons on mistakes she makes while executing duties.

Following leaked audio in which in which she was gossiping with someone called Orama Namalomba, Martha propelled assorted accusations against some public officers.

The leaked audio went round to the public in a leaked manner. This angered President Lazarus Chakwera who nearly fired her. But she was warned to cut ties with her social media friends including Onjezani Kenani, Joshua Chisa Mbele, Idris Nassah and others.

Despite the warning, Chizuma is still talking to the social media friends on her office duties which is contravening authorities’ order.

Just last night, Chizuma’s social media friends have been all over alleging that the ACB boss will be arrested for the said leaked audio.

The news is all over while formidable news outlets are silent on the matter while Kenani, Mbele are busy fabricating the issue for public attention.

Mbele despite charged on the same crime of false fabrications, he is lying to the nation Chakwera Tonse government wants to arrest her for sitting on a long list that has powerful individuals who collected money from Asian businessman.

This is total lied. Martha can’t be arrested but instead will be sued for accusing a judge who presided over Ashok Nair application for judicial review case in the leaked audio.
In the audio, Martha said she lost the case because the judge had received bribes to decide the case in favour of the suspect.

Now, it is alleged that the said judge, whose reputation was obviously injured by such allegations, has sued (or is suing) Martha to substantiate her allegations.

Surprisingly, Martha’s social media team, which thinks Martha should informally allege against people with impunity, are of the view that this is a move to arrest her.
Kenani and Mbele are convincing the nation that Martha is not liable to civil accountability for her civil wrongs. But they can’t say under which law(s).

What this shows, clearly, is that Martha did not take her lesson. It reasonably appears she is still talking to his social media team of which spirits are more of a mob in character, perhaps advocating for public sympathy towards her. The gyre is widening.

Martha who is currently at mercy of the president to be fired for compromising her work is still conniving with social media friends.

Malawians loved Martha but now the love is waning. The trust is gone completely.

Asian Businessman Ashok Sues ACB Czar Martha Chizuma For Defamation


Zunneth Sattar’s business associate Ashok Kumar Sreedharan has sued DIRECTOR GENERAL for the Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) Martha Chizuma for defamation, Nation Online has reported.

It relates to a leaked audio in which Chizuma alleged that there was an element of corruption in his release from police.

Ashok was arrested alongside former Minister of Lands Kezzie Msukwa over corruption allegations in relation to some land deals. They were both released unconditionally after seeking court’s intervention.

According to a summon which we have seen (civil case no. 62 of 2022) Ashok is demanding damages from Chizuma for allegedly putting his name in bad light in the leaked audio.

Ashok, in his application to the court, cites some statements from the audio which he argues he ‘found demeaning to his character’.

“By the said words in their natural and ordinary meaning the defendants meant and was understood to mean: that the claimant is an extremely corrupt person; that the claimant corrupted a Judge to have him released from custody; that the claimant is so corrupt that the whole justice system will not help and that the claimant is a criminal who has committed an offence punishable with imprisonment” reads part of the summon.

CDEDI Pens PAC Expressing Dissatisfaction Over Police IG Kainja


By Lommie Chiwalo

citizens no longer trust their own police-Namiwa

The Centre for Democracy and Economic Development Initiatives (CDEDI) has penned parliamentary committee responsible for Public Appointments Committee (PAC) to register its disappointment and dissatisfaction with the performance of the Inspector General (IG) for the Malawi Police Service (MPS).

In a letter which this publication has seen, CDEDI has pointed out that soon after his appointment, Dr. Kainja made a pledge to Malawians that his immediate task would be to ensure that the police should gainits lost glory by among many others mending the sour relationship that existed between the law enforcers and the citizens, and improve the internal security.

But the situation on the ground, looking  at the fact that almost two years down the  line the situation is worse and far from being what was promised whereby Malawians are  living in fear of their own lives and property.

“In short, the citizens no longer trust their own police. In the interest of transparency and accountability, CDEDI would like to put it on record that it has written and engaged the IG on a number of issues and yet to see changes.

Letter to PAC chairperson signed by CDEDI Executive Director Sylvester Namiwa has included the highlights of engagements the organization had with IG Kainja on transferring senior officials without following the law and set procedures, nepotism as clearly manifested in the current composition of the Police High Command, departments and other police establishments.

The letter is also expressing selective application of justice; the case of the arrest, granting of bail, and the  mysterious whereabouts of the former special assistant to President Dr. Lazarus Chakwera, Pastor Martin Thomu, who is suspected to have smuggled a loan  authorization bill onto the order paper in parliament.

As if that is not enough, PAC is also notified of Police brutality; the case of Thyolo and Mulanje where estate owners give money to the police to harass, torture and arrest the landless people who have nowhere to cultivate and are claiming back their pieces of land in addition to shooting at unarmed citizens; the case of two separate incidences in Bvumbwe, and another in Mulanje where two Primary School pupils were shot at on their way back from school.

Further, demonstrating vote of no confidence to Malawi police service, CDEDI has, in a letter, notified PAC about incident of throwing a teargas canisters at primary school learners; the case of Luchenza Primary School.

Further to the above, CDEDI reminds PAC of the police conduct of administering corporal punishment on suspects; the case of the enforcement of Covid-19 preventive measures as well as the suspicious relationship with the Rwandan police, a country that is infamously known for the crackdown on peaceful demonstrators and silencing human rights  activists and opposition leaders.

“What can Malawi learn from such police?,” Wonders Namiwa in a letter.

Putting Kainja in a fix, according to CDEDI letter, is the questioning of the welfare of the police; the case of police officers not receiving housing allowances and route lining where the police stand for several hours waiting for the country’s President to pass without food, let alone a bottle of water.

PAC is also reminded to summon the police on the rampant gruesome killings; the case of the Polytechnic student in Blantyre; a legal  practitioner found dead in Blantyre; a Malawi Revenue Authority (MRA) official in Dedza, a private soldier for the Malawi Defence Force (MDF) in Kawale, Lilongwe; killings targeting security guards across the country.

Not to mention of rampant cases of police officers soliciting bribes from suspects to get police bail.

“If the list above is anything to go by, then one can be forced to conclude that we have a wrong person for the position of the IG.

“It is against this background that we have decided to write you Madam, to consider summoning Dr. Kainja to appear before your oversight committee to exonerate himself on why he should not be fired, given all this evidence that has been sighted above, which has all the indicators and signs of incompetence and or criminal negligence,” reads the letter from CDEDI.

Namiwa says the letter is a humble request made on behalf of all the well-meaning Malawians, whose lives and property are supposed to be protected by the law enforcement agencies the citizenry can confidently trust, with competent leadership from the office of the IG.

Prophet Bushiri Dismisses Rumors On Relocation to Zambia


Malawian Prophet Shepherd Bushiri has dismissed social media reports claiming that he is planning to relocate to Zambia.

Prophet Bushiri, who is the founder of ECG THE JESUS NATION Church, dismissed the claims through a statement signed by his official spokesperson Ephraim Nyondo.

Here is the full statement

Prophet Shepherd Bushiri has taken note of several enquiries made to his office of public relations with regards to the malicious and disturbing article BELOW being shared on various social media platforms.

The article is entirely FAKE, every detail in it complete fabrication, and, if you chance it,  ignore and disregard as such.

Such articles, or any circulations such as those, are pitiful creations by ill minds who are always not happy with the positive contribution that Prophet Shepherd Bushiri is making not just to Malawi but also to the entire SADC region.

They always want to create bilateral tensions within SADC region pitching Prophet Bushiri as the cause.

 We consider such acts as cowardly and they will never, at any point, divert the attention of  Prophet Bushiri from his God-given mission of building where there is destruction, of unifying where there are differences and of giving hope where there is pain and despair.

In his on-going response to disasters that hit much of the Southern Region, Prophet Bushiri has consistently hailed the support that he has been receiving from the Malawi government in ensuring the smooth distribution of relief items to the affected people.

Not only that.

Even the religious crusades that he has been holding, ones which attract tens of thousands of people into the country, Prophet Bushiri hasn’t shied away from commending the Malawi government for creating a conducive environment in which internationals can arrive in the country, worship freely and, also, tour the country with ease to appreciate its warmth and beauty.

Admittedly, Prophet Bushiri will never be involved in small talk that brings divisions; he will always be a cosmopolitan figure he has always been: a selfless and patriotic citizen who complements the efforts of the State in serving the Malawi nation.

To those fabricating fake stories against Prophet Bushiri, we urge you to stop these illegal activities because, beside being a man of God, the ECG leader is also a citizen, protected by the Constitution of Malawi.

Embattled Abdul Karim Batatawala Loses Corruptly Acquired Museum Of Malawi Land Court Case

BATAWALALA; Buying Justice for his freedom

Asian businessperson Abdul Karim Batatawala has lost a court battle in which he was demanding about MK407 million from government for being prevented from developing public land he purchased at Mandala in Blantyre.

Through his Platinum Investment Limited, Batatawala sued government demanding MK394.7 million for special loss and damage and MKI1.9 million being legal costs after Museums of Malawi stopped him from developing the plot after claiming ownership.

The land, on plot number BE 60 at Mandala, was allegedly sold to the businessperson by Ministry of Lands in 2013, but the Department of Museums and Monuments blocked Batatawala from embarking on any construction works.

According to court documents in Civil Cause Number 162 of 2018, this publication has seen, Batatawala bought the plot in 2013 and leased it for 99 years starting from July 1 2013.

However, the land’s certificate of lease was issued three months later and was signed by the then land registrar at Ministry of Lands Killian Remmie Palika on October 10 2013.

The businessperson, through Platinum Investment Limited’s finance and administration manager Azery Mnyalira, who was the only witness in the matter, claimed the Museums of Malawi “wrongfully and persistently prevented” the development of the land or exercising rights of ownership.

Mnyalira reiterated that the Museums of Malawi wrongfully and persistently requested them to remove construction materials from the land and threatened criminal charges for failure to remove the said materials.

This forced Platinum Investment Limited to issue a notice of intended suit to Museums of Malawi in December 2017, demanding the said money the firm claimed it incurred cost as a direct result of alleged wrongful conduct by the Museums Department.

In June 2018, Platinum Investment Limited commenced legal action against the Museums after the government department failed to respond to the notice.

On his part, the Museums and Monuments director Lovemore Mazibuko, one of the two witnesses of Museums of Malawi, argued the land belonged to his department and was bought in 1961.

He argued the Museums of Malawi was not consulted by the Ministry of Lands and was not even informed about the sale of the plot, a development that shocked them; hence, expressing resistance to the “wrongful transaction.”

Giving the history of the land, Mazibuko said that, initially, it belonged to African Lakes Corporation Limited (ALCL), but was bought by the Museums Board of Trustees in 1961 under title deed number 27190.

He further said the land was formerly known as Plot Number 497 (Blantyre), but due to changes in the numbering system, the plot was now known as Plot Number BE 60.

In his ruling, dated December 23 2021, Judge Mike Tembo argued Platinum Investment Limited dealt with the Ministry of Lands in circumstances that appear to be opaque in so far as the Department of Museums is concerned.

“Through that opaque process, the claimant [Platinum Investment Limited] was offered the land herein by the Ministry of Lands without any consultation with the Department of Museums and without any information being provided to the Department of Museums in that regard. This appears very bizarre, to say the least,” he observed.

Mazibuko was not available when contacted on the matter. But Platinum Investment Limited lawyer Michael Goba Chipeta said his client did not appeal the ruling.

Last year, Batatawala was arrested alongside three co-accused of conspiracy to defraud by inflating the market price of 500 lockers procured by the Immigration Department from Africa Commercial Agency under contract number IM/01/85 dated March 22 2010 valued at MK2 950 560 per unit price totalling K1 475 280 000.

Batatawala was given a very ‘favorite’ and ‘Soft’ bail bond by Magistrate Martin Chipofya of Blantyre Senior Resident.

Among the bail conditions, Batawalala was ordered to pay a bail bond of MK800, 000 and produce a surety of MK2.5 million non-cash bond, conditions very favorable not fit for a person suspected to have defraud Malawians billions.

Since the bail was granted, the office of the Director of the Public Prosecution (DPP) and the defence team have been playing delaying tactics to start prosecution the case, as a way of protecting Batatawala from going to prison.

IBM tech to help cushion Malawi farmers from climate change

Tech firm IBM has launched a Sustainability Accelerator program to help Malawian smallholder farmers increase food and cash crop productivity while protecting themselves from climate change, extreme weather, and pollution.

IBM CSR Vice President Justina Nixon said in a statement that the company’s global Sustainability Accelerator program will be implemented in partnership with Heifer International, which will work with local farmers in Malawi and Honduras.

She said the project will apply IBM’s Hybrid Cloud and Artificial Intelligence (AI) and experts to enhance and scale non-profit and government organization operations focusing on populations vulnerable to environmental threats including climate change, extreme weather, and pollution.

“We believe that the power of science, technology and innovation can help tackle environmental issues while serving vulnerable communities exposed to environmental hazards. By pairing expertise and technology with the goal of improving the lives of populations most affected by environmental threats, we have the potential to make lasting, scalable impact,” said Nixon.

IBM’s program partner in Malawi, the Heifer International said the accelerator initiative will increase productivity, access to markets and livelihoods for the farmers and rural communities who feed the world.

Elizabeth Magombo-Kabaghe, Innovations and New Initiatives Lead, Heifer Malawi

Heifer International—which successfully finished phase I of the project last December—is collaborating with IBM to develop scalable and affordable digital solutions designed to equip farmers’ cooperatives in Malawi with weather and crop yield forecasts to help increase their yields and incomes.

“Through collaborations in Malawi and Honduras, Heifer International and IBM are supporting smallholder farmers to bridge the digital divide. We look forward to working with IBM through the Sustainability Accelerator initiative, supporting smallholder farmers as they leverage digital tools to reach sustainable living income. Our work will increase productivity, market access and livelihoods for the farmers and rural communities who feed the world,” said Elizabeth Magombo-Kabaghe, Innovations and New Initiatives Lead, Heifer Malawi.

Heifer International Malawi is working with farmers to apply climate-smart agricultural techniques in eight districts, namely namely Mzimba, Nkhatabay, Kasungu, Mchinji, Dowa, Lilongwe, Chirazulu and Thyolo.

The IBM Sustainability Accelerator is receiving proposals through a public tender process from non-profit organizations up to April 30, 2022. The proposals are focusing on clean energy. Selected organizations will receive support from IBM and partners for two years in two phases focusing on technology design and application.

Smallholder farmers in most parts of the Southern Malawi have been hit hard by the effects of Cyclone Anna, whose impact has been worsened by environmental degradation factors along the Shire river basin.

“Cloud, AI, 5G, quantum computing can all be put to work to drive a positive impact on big social issues such as climate change. Yet populations with the biggest needs are often those with the least access to technology,” said Silicon Valley technology analyst Carolina Milanesi and Founder of Heart of Tech in the statement.

“It is the responsibility of technology companies like IBM to make sure they are prioritized rather than left behind,” she said.

IBM accelerator farmer

OOPS! Another Asian Businessman Suleman Khadba Acquires Govt Land Illegally, As his partner Mustak Chiotia on the run


Asian businessman Suleman Khadba has illegally acquired government plot near Kamuzu Central Hospital in Lilongwe which has now become busy spots of construction works, this publication has learnt.

According to leaked documents in our custody from the Ministry of Lands, Khadba with help from some top government officials bought the plot some few years ago under Pearl Ventures Limited.

According to the document, the plot in question was registered as government plot number 2/765 but was changed to plot 2/757 after it was illegally sold to Khadba.

The publication has further leant that Khadba’s agent Mustak Chotia sneaked out of the country weeks ago after noticing that authorities are searching for him over the same land issue.

Mustak Chotia and Suleman Khadiba have been reportedly obtaining land illegally through what is termed as “infill” plots in Lilongwe city.

Even the Century City mall at the Kamuzu Central Hospital roundabout was built on public land after Chotia created infill plots dubiously.

Now with the construction works on the six lane half of the Century City mall will be encroached.

That is not all. This publication understands that the duo also obtained over one hundred plots in area 49 Gulliver for a housing project that was targeting middle income earners upon completion of the houses.

This has also occurred in most parts of the city like on Mchinji road and close to the Kamuzu Central Hospital area.

However, the department of Lands recently wrote the above company informing them to desist from working on the plots since the planning committee discovered that the said plots were on reserved plot for road works and water pipes.

Still Chotia and Suleman Khadiba went ahead to continue in total disregard of the letter written by the then Commissioner of lands Killian Remmie Palika.

“In the said correspondence the commissioner of lands explained that the ministry is reviewing it’s decision to be dealing with Chotia after it was discovered that they are continuing with construction.

But the plots were sold at market value to many people disregarding the proposal submitted to Malawi Housing Corporation.

In the meantime, the same company took infill plots from city mall to the petroda filling station on Mchinji road in the same city.

This publication also understands that the new Sana shop and queens mall all stand on public land created into plots by Chotia and Suleman Khadiba.

Some concerned Malawians are pushing the case to Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) for action.

NBS Bank partners IntoSports for sports equipment

Ismail (left) and Nchembe seal the deal

Listed Commercial bank, NBS Bank plc has partnered with popular sports shop IntoSports to offer their customers to acquire sports equipment through a loan facility.

Speaking in Blantyre when they unveiled the partnership at InstoSports shop in Blantyre, NBS Bank Acting Transactional Products and Services Manager Esnart Nchembe said the partnership will promote people’s health and fitness.

“NBS Bank believes that it is people who are fit who can contribute positively to the development of this country hence our decision to partner with IntoSports so that our customers should get sports equipment easily,” she said.

“Our easy finance loan facilities are open to our salaried customers and can be repaid in 24 months,” added Nchembe.

IntoSports Managing Director Shabir Ismail said they were excited with the partnership which will offer an opportunity to their customers to buy sports equipment which cannot be bought with cash.

“We are excited with this initiative, it is new in the country and will boost the demand for our products,” said Ismail.

IntoSports stocks sports equipment like treadmills, sports wear such as jerseys and sports shoes and other sports items.

UGI CEO Chiwoni quits

Chiwoni-I have found a growth opportunity

Youthful Chief Executive Officer for giant insurance company United General Insurance (UGI) Bywell Blair Chiwoni has resigned from his position.

In a circular to staff members dated 16 February 2022, UGI Board chairman Macfussy Kawawa informs that Chiwoni tendered his resignation on 1st February 2022 and that the board has since accepted his resignation.

“The Board regrets this development, but upon understanding the reasons for Mr. Chiwoni’s departure, had duly accepted the resignation. Please join me and the Board in thanking Mr. Chiwoni for the service that he has rendered to the company for the nine years he has been with UGI. We wish him all the best in his future endeavors,” said Kawawa in the circular.

Chiwoni confirmed his departure in an interview.

“Yes, it’s true. I tendered my resignation on 1st of February. Am not ready to disclose my next move but I have found a growth opportunity I would love to pursue,” he said.

He said he is leaving a happy man citing some achievements which he said were possible because of the good team work that exist at UGI.

“When I look back, I look at some of the things we have achieved as a team, like brand visibility and recognition. You will agree with me that the UGI brand is now highly visible. There is also the issue of stability, when I was joining there was a time that most stakeholders thought that the company won’t last but that fear is no more,” said Chiwoni.

He also boasted that UGI is the most innovative insurance company in its space saying he led a team that brought telematics to Malawi, arguing that telematics is the future of insurance.

Chiwoni also said he is proud to have mentored and raised leaders of the next generation of the industry and deliberately targeting women.

“UGI has received dozens of awards in recognition and these include; best service provider in general insurance for two years running, most innovative insurance company, most improved brand, Auto Serve best product. I am proud to be part of this,” said Chiwoni.

Talking about his low moments of his career at UGI, Chiwoni cites the loss of ‘my genuine and longtime coach and mentor the first UGI MD late Sir Ian Kumwenda who discovered me when I was a clerk and modelled me to be a reputable leader’.

“Even after leaving UGI when I picked up an international job, he still followed me and finally asked me to come back to groom me as part of a succession plan when he had two years to retire,” said Chiwoni.

He also said another low moment was in his first year as CEO when ‘I was baptized by fire as the company made a huge loss as I took a bold step to clear out some legacy issues’.

“I would like to appreciate my former co-workers for believing in me, trust me their loyalty to me was undeniable even my fellow industry CEOs confessed to me of how they tried to get most of my staff but they bluntly told them we cannot leave Bywell and for this I will remain grateful to them.”

“Lastly, thanks to the board of directors of UGI for all the guidance and support but on a special note, God bless my former board chair Macfussy Kawawa he was always sincere and objective in dealing with me,” said Chiwoni.

UGI has since appointed MacDonald Chibwe as Acting CEO until the substantive appointment has been made by the board, according to Kawawa.

Exposed! HTD boss Abdul Aboobaker corruptly, illegally bought land building Mug & Bean in Lilongwe

Aboobaker bought this land illegally

Details have emerged how HTD Limited owner Abdul Majid Aboobaker illegally and corruptly acquired prime land in the heart of Lilongwe City where he built Mug and Bean.

According to documents obtained from the Ministry of Lands, the land Aboobaker built Mug and Bean—opposite City Mall Complex—belonged to the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) and, through bribing DPP officials to a sum of K800 million, he got it though currently under investigations.

The Ministry launched investigations on this land but, according to reports, the docket wasn’t submitted to Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) because Aboobaker bribed all key officials who were investigating the deal.

Aboobaker seem to be placed between the rock and the hard place because there is already pressure from the public with regards to how he managed to raise funds to acquire the land and also to build Mug and Bean.

According to our reports, the funds were illegally brought into the country putting a question of money laundering on the spotlight.

Further, Malawi Revenue Authority (MRA) has been on the neck of Aboobaker after internal investigations revealed that he has been bringing cash and different materials into the country without involving responsible state agencies such as Reserve Bank of Malawi (RBM)and MRA.

However, our investigations have shown that Aboobaker has bribed all key officials from Lands, MRA, Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU) and ACB to be protected from arrest and prosecution.
Aboobaker was not available for comments on the matter.

President Chakwera’s Administration Protecting ‘Corrupt’ Batatawala

BATAWALALA; Buying Justice for his freedom

President Lazarus Chakwera’s administration war against corruption is far from being won as it has been caught with pants down shielding a corruption suspect Abdul Karim Batatawala a businessman of Asian Origin.

Batatawala, who is a darling of President Chakwera administration, was arrested last year on charges of money laundering and conspiracy to defraud the Malawi Government billions of tax payer’s money.

Days after the arrest, Batatawala was given a very ‘favorite’ and ‘Soft’ bail bond by Magistrate Martin Chipofya of Blantyre Senior Resident.

Among the bail conditions, Batawalala was ordered to pay a bail bond of MK800 000 and produce a surety of MK2.5 million non-cash bond, conditions very favorable not fit for a person suspected to have defraud Malawians billions.

Since the bail was granted, the office of the Director of the Public Prosecution (DPP) and the defence team have been playing delaying tactics to start prosecution the case, as a way of protecting Batatawala from going to prison.

Batatawala was arrested alongside three co-accused of conspiracy to defraud by inflating the market price of 500 lockers procured by the Immigration Department from Africa Commercial Agency under contract number IM/01/85 dated March 22 2010 valued at K2 950 560 per unit price totalling K1 475 280 000.

Asian Businessman Batatawala Takes Chakwera’s Top Aide to Court for Failing to Pay Back K378 Million Loan


Asian Businessman Abdul Karim Batatawala is claiming that President Lazarus Chakwera’s Chief Advisor on Rural Transformation and Development, Adamson Mkandawire, solicited K378 million loan from him using Chakwera’s name and other top government officials.

Batatawala alleges in an interview with Zodiak Online that he is a victim of a probable dubious claim in which Mkandawire told him that he was to pay for a cargo consignment from Kenya of which the president was aware of.

Lawyer for Batatawala, Richard Kuleza Phokoso, confirmed the matter is before the High Court Commercial Division in Blantyre where his client is attempting to recoup the money with interest.

Mkandawire who says cannot comment on a matter which is before the court wonders why the businessman is coming out now when the money was loaned to him some two years ago.

This comes barely a day after State House Chief of Staff, Prince Kapondamgaga, warned state house employees against using Chakwera’s name in reprehensible conduct which could put the state residences and the image of the state president in disrepute.

Chitipa Man Becomes Second Millionaire in ‘Kuikunga Ndi Mpamba’ Promo


Blantyre, February 16, 2022 – A 27-year old Chitipa-based businessman, Chisomo Mwangumbe on Friday became a second winner of the K1 million weekly prize in the ongoing Kuikunga ndi Mpamba promotion.

Mwangumbe emerged a winner after he purchased airtime worth K200. This comes barely a week after a Machinga-based housewife was also made a millionaire in the promotion.

Expressing his gratitude, jovial Mwangumbe lauded TNM for the promotion adding it is his first time to win in a promotion.

“For the first time I have won in a competition, not just winning but a huge win I am very happy. I will use some of the money to purchase plot and the rest will alleviate some of the economic challenges in my life,” said Mwangumbe.

Over the year’s Mpamba has recorded great milestones, therefore, the promotion aimed at celebrating these achievements. Since its launch, the multifaceted promotion continues to gain momentum a clear indication that customers are excited.

“We are overwhelmed with the response from our customers, participation keeps on increasing daily. We are happy that as we are rewarding customers, we are also deepening financial inclusion and improving social economic status of the country,” said Limbani Nsapato, TNM’s Brand and Communications Manager.

During the second weekly draw, 291 customers across the country won different cash prizes ranging from K5000 to K1 million.

“We continue to change lives of our customers through the promotion, we feel proud to fulfill this promise. Today we have conducted the draw that has seen 280 customers winning K5000 each, 10 customers winning K50,000 each and one lucky customer won a whooping K1 million,” he said.

The promotion continues to underscores the value of working collaborations, as participation requires customers to add minimum of 10 members in their group.

“To enter into the promotion, customers need to create a group of minimum 10 members. To qualify as a group member, customers are required to make a recharge with a minimum of K200 on Mpamba. To add icing to the cake, all group members are being given a 100 bonus on every airtime purchase made on Mpamba,” added Nsapato.

As the promotion is getting closer to an end, Nsapato has called on customers to transact more on Mpamba to increase their chances of winning the grand prize of K100 million.

High Court Gives Relief to Goodwill Funeral Services


The High Court in Blantyre has issued a stay order to Goodwill Funeral Services against the determination by the Competition and Fair Trading Commission (CFTC) to fine the company MK68 Million over ‘unfair’ trading practices.

In a statement made available to the publication dated 15 February signed by the Board Chairperson for Goodwill Funeral Services, Jovito Peter Chitosi, confirmed that High Court has granted a relief to the company.

According to Peter Chitosi, the company was ‘extremely’ dissatisfied with the determination and instructed its lawyers to file an appeal as is provided for under the Competition and Fair Trading Act.

 “We are pleased to inform all our valued Partners, clients and customers that the High Court in Blantyre has issued a stay order against the implementation of the determination pending the outcome of the appeal,” confirmed Peter Chitosi

Meanwhile, Goodwill Funeral Services has assured its clients and customers that, ‘there is no interruption or change’ in the provision of their services.

CFTC slapped Nico Life with a MK500,000 fine and Goodwill funeral services MK68 million kwacha for generating profits through anti-competitive conduct.

The two companies were given a two week ultimatum to honour the fines or risk being dragged to court.



Malawians continue to exert pressure on the Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) to investigate and prosecute businessperson Abdul Majid Aboobaker who is involved in a litany of corrupt dealings amounting billions of Malawi kwacha.

According to a document we have seen signed by about six civil society organisation addressed to ACB, Aboobaker,  who stays in Leicester in the UK, has been siphoning billions of money from Malawi but there is not traceable paperwork as to how he made the money and also how he transferred it to the UK.

“he has bought several properties in England but our question is on how did the solicitors accept his funds without proper due diligence”, queries the CSOs.

It is further revealed that currently, Aboobaker has built tiger wheel and mug and bean in Lilongwe valued at about $10 million.

The group of CSOs are since demanding that an open enquiry need to be instituted into the dealings of Aboobaker, warning that if nothing is happening they will mobilise Malawians to demonstrate against ACB.

This is not the first time for HTD to be involved in heinous corrupt activities that has left the country in an economic mess.

In 2015, law enforcement agencies probed HTD Limited on leads that they have been enjoying the favours of the government pay-out thought to have been made against dubious transactions – cashgate – where they were involve in illegal externalization of forex and money laundering.

HTD registered owners are: Anawar Mahomed Sidik and Abudul Haris Mahomed Sidik, both British Passport holders.

They hold bank accounts at 5 different commercial banks. Two of the Banks are frequently ususpected of being used for forex externalization mostly to Iveco Company (RSA) Vehicle delivery Services (RSA) KIA Motors Corporation (South Korea) Red Sea Trading (Hong Kong), Guava International (UK), Reinder (Hong Kong) and Mobis Parts Middle East.

Times Group Apologies to Ashok Nair for publishing false Article;Retracts Fake News


Malawi’s Private Media House, the Times Group, has apologized for spreading fake and misleading news against Malawian of Asian Origin Ashok Nair through their Facebook page.

The apology comes barely days after the so called giant media house published a false article claiming that Nair, who is under Anti-Corruption Bureau’s (ACB) probe, had sneaked out of the country.

“On February 4, 2022 on our Facebook page, Times 360, we published an article suggesting that Mr. Ashok had left the country.

“We established that this information might not have been true. We apologies to Mr. Nair and regret any inconveniences this might have caused,” apologized the Times Group Editor in a statement posted on its official Facebook.

Times Group, a Malawi Congress Party (MCP) mouth-piece, which owns Times Television, Times News Paper and Radio, has launched a massive attack against Malawians of Asian origins.

EXCLUSIVE ON ESCOM SAGA: Report reveals Kumwenda came second, Kusamba Dzonzi came first


Dust is refusing to settle in the recruitment process of Chief Executive Officer (CEO) for Electricity Supply Commission of Malawi (ESCOM), with fresh shocking revelations that ESCOM Board recruited Kamkwamba Kumwenda who came second during the interviews.

A memo in our custody signed by the Chairperson for ESCOM Appointments and Remuneration Committee, Bridget Chibwana, indicates that Kamkwamba scored 78. 00% while the first position was scored by former lawmaker Alexander Kusamba Dzonzi who scored 79.77%.

Surprisingly, ESCOM board opted for Kumwenda, a close associate to the corporations’ chairperson Frederick Changaya, as the Chief Executive Officer for the public funded electricity supplier.

According to a Memo signed by ESCOM Board Chairperson, Fredrick Changaya, the board met on 6th of October 2021 at Mount Soche where among others tore apart the results from the interviews.

Among others, the Board claimed that Kusamba Dzonzi was not an effective team builder and has traits of favoritism and nepotism in him, not fit for the position.

“The board therefore resolve that; Kamkwamba Kumwenda, who was ranked second in the interviews with 78.00% should be offered the position of Chief Executive Officer,” said Changaya in a memo in our custody

The Board further resolved that: “in the event that Kumwenda turns down the offer, the board may wish to offer the position of Chief Executive Officer to Kusamba Dzonzi who ranked first in the interviews.”

“In the event that both Kumwenda and Kusamba Dzonzi turns down the offer then the board may wish, with caution, consider Evelyn Mwapasa as the next preferred candidate, who was ranked third with a score of 72.59%.” reads the memo in part.

After the whole saga, the board on Thursday went on and announced the appointment of Kumwenda as Escom’s Chief Executive Officer (CEO) with effect from February 8, 2022.

Malawi Prison Service Excited With 2021 MSCE Pass Rate Amongst Inmates 


By Blessings Kaunda

Shawa: This is an indication of resilient efforts in reforming inimates

Mzuzu, February 10, Mana: Malawi Prison Service (MPS) has said 2021 Malawi School Certificate of Education (MSCE) results in prisons have shown that the institutions provide quality education as the pass rate has increased from 50 per cent in 2020 to 55.6 per cent in 2021.

In an interview on Thursday with Malawi News Agency, MPS Spokesperson, Chimwemwe Shawa said 44 out of 79 inmates who sat for MSCE passed the examinations.

He said the best performer is from Mzuzu Prison and scored 18 points.

“To us, this is an indication that we are providing reformative, arbitrative and re-introgression programs in inmates amidst the challenge that we are facing in the field of education,” Shawa said.

 He said the prisons have managed to go that far with inadequate qualified teachers. We also lack science laboratories, well stocked libraries, teaching and learning materials,

“Despite all these challenges, MPS strives to provide education to inmates as one way of reforming them so that they can be productive citizens,” he said.

Shaba then appealed for support from stakeholders and well-wishers who would wish to join MPS in reforming inmates through provision of quality education.

Education activist who is also Executive Director for Civil Society Education Coalition (CSEC), Benedicto Kondowe, said there is need to provide enabling environment in prisons, appreciating that the places are already constrained in terms of infrastructure.

 “But every effort must be made to make sure that we provide learning facilities within the prisons so that inmates’ right to education is also guaranteed,” Kondowe said.

He said provision of education to inmates is consistent with reforms in prisons.

“Inmates should be provided with prerequisite competences and capacities so that they become competent to contribute towards the country’s development.

“So, I think the most powerful tool we can use to perform inmates is education, as such, government must ensure that inmates are accorded their right to education,” he said.

ESCOM Asked to Sponsor Sporting Activities


By Arkangel Tembo

Energy Minister Ibrahim Matola

Blantyre, February 10, Mana: Newly appointed Minister of Energy, Ibrahim Matola has advised management of Electricity Supply Corporation of Malawi (ESCOM) to bring back football and netball sponsorships as one way of promoting its brand and fight mental health problems among its employees.

Matola made the request on Wednesday when he met ESCOM officials in Blantyre, where he also visited Chichiri Power House offices.

He reminded the power distribution institution that there was a time when the company used to sponsor a football team called ESCOM United which was one of the household names providing competition to big teams like Nyasa Big Bullets and Mighty Wanderers.

“I have asked management at ESCOM to look into the aspect of bringing back sponsorship to netball and football because today, there are many mental issues taking place in our homes and even at work places.

“But to release that pressure of mental health issues, we need to socialise by bringing back some of the sporting activities which were there during the old days so that ESCOM can raise its flag in terms of social activities,” said Matola.

Responding to the minister’s proposal, ESCOM Acting Chief Executive Officer, Clement Kanyama said the matter would be presented to the company’s board of directors.

“We are a state-owned company and the minister has explained better why it is important for corporate entities to support sporting activities,” he said.

Kanyama expressed the company’s commitment to supporting and sponsoring sporting activities in the country, saying they would take the minister’s request to the board of directors.

ESCOM used to own a football club which played in the top flight league and a netball team which rebranded to Kukoma Diamonds Netball Club.

The football club was founded in 1992 and won three Super League titles in 2007, 2008 and 2010 before disbanding in 2012.

During that time, ESCOM United had players like Peter Wadabwa, Limbikani Mzava, Chiukepo Msowoya and the late Noel Mkandawire, while for the netball side there were notable players such as Mwawi Kumwenda and Towera Vinkhumbo who are currently plying their trade in Europe.

Illovo Malawi Doubles Net Profits…We Are Not Overpricing Our Products – Katandula

We are not overpricing – Katandula

Country’s leading Sugar manufacturer, Illovo Sugar (Malawi) Plc has dismissed rumors that it is overpricing its commodities in order to maximize profits.  

Illovo Sugar (Malawi) Plc Managing Director, Lekani Katandula, dismissed the rumors during a presser held at Mount Soche Hotel in Blantyre.

“We are not overpricing our commodities,” said Katandula while revealing that controlling costs and improving sufficiency as their top secrets behind Illovo Malawi Plc success in 2021 financial year.

According to Illovo Sugar (Malawi) Plc financial statement, the company has made a 647 Percent net profit from MK 2. 8 Billion to MK 20.5 Billion.

Illovo Malawi is one of the country’s largest single private-sector employer providing direct employment for 9 000 people permanent, seasonal and casual employees and an additional 5 000 direct and indirect contractors creating a total of 14 000 jobs.

Illovo is also a major contributor to the Malawian tax authorities through direct and indirect taxes. It generates valuable foreign exchange through export sugar sales.

Many local industries are dependent upon Illovo for their viability and the employment created by these businesses provides an income base for many more families than are directly employed.

The company further supports an estimated 5 200 smallholder cane farmers through various smallholder schemes.

Cyclone Ana Survivors Laud UNDP For Relentless Support


By our reporter

Living in agonic situations, empty stomach, fear for sexual exploitation and helpless on their shelter is a true reflection of how life is deemed when ever natural disasters such as floods landfall in most districts in the country.

For many decades most parts especially in the lower shire districts such as Nsanje and Chikwawa have fallen victims of Cyclones (Idai and Ana) which have devastated most families living others displaced and losing their lives in the course.

“It was Sunday, 23rd January 2022 when rains begun continuously to Monday, 24th and it was on this day’s evening whilst taking supper with my family, when I heard people running and wailing that flood are coming of which I immediately carried my baby and run for our dear lives to this evacuation center.” Agness Gwembere narrates her story.

According to Gwembere while comparing with the past rains, life has not been easy to survive in such scenarios as they can not reconstruct their houses with relentless floods. 

“I came to this evacuation center with hope to be assisted as am waiting for the weather to settle down so I can reconstruct my house and am thankful that the center has been safe harbor for the fact that we are being provided with food and a safe place to sleep as this facility was constructed systematically to constrain water from debilitating it, hence our security is very quiet assured here.”

Gwembere then contrasted with experiences from previous years when people used to evacuate to nearby Milema Catholic primary schools where sexual exploitation issues were also intense due to inadequate space to accommodate many people as she cited the UNDP Malawi evacuation center has enough space to accommodate both genders to be sleeping on different rooms.

“This center is also playing a pivotal role in this community as a venue to host different types of events including weddings since it has its large rooms with beautiful yard, while previously we used open space for public gatherings”-She said

In a common opinion with Gwembere is GVH  Mpembeza George Chinthali  residing in  Zomba rural just 19km away from Thondwe turn-off whose subjects benefited with weather and flood resilient houses

“Just like previous years, the Tropical Storm Ana has again affected my subjects with some losing their household belongings as several houses have been washed away with heavy rains, however the situation is not intense unlike the previous years, thanks to UNDP Malawi through their disaster inclusive recovery project which has constructed houses for some of my people and have played a huge role this year as many people have also been accommodated in these houses.” Lamented Chinthali

In the same area UNDP Malawi has also constructed flood resilient community market in a quest to prevent natural disaster from hampering business activities.

Malita Kwenzalamba aged 79 runs a small tomato business at the market who said  the new market facility has helped to stabilize business operations.

“After this new facility was constructed at this market for us, we are able to do our business steadily, since the structure is strong and well covered to prevent rains and scorching sun from tampering with our operations, for this we are very grateful, and I would also like to ask if they can construct another to accommodate more vendors.” she said

Meanwhile one of the country’s key development partner United Nations Development Program UNDP has reaffirmed commitment to continue rendering various support to natural disaster stricken people in the country.

 In his remarks UNDP Malawi Programme Analyst for Climate Change and Disaster Risk Reduction, Sothini Nyirenda expressed continued support in a quest to compliment government’s efforts in averting effects of the natural disaster like Tropical Storm Ana.

According to Nyirenda under Inclusive Recovery Project and the Promoting Sustainable Partnerships for Empowered Resilience (PROSPER) programme the Organisation works in advancing government agendas to up safety of people in disaster prone areas.

“Appreciating the fact that floods continue to pose serious threats to life and property across the country, we have been partnering Malawi government to help build capacity of key actors to improve weather and climate information, early warnings to disaster-prone communities to save lives and safeguard livelihoods.

“the initiative is generating important analyses for planning and real-time incident reporting during disasters which helps in ensuring timely response to affected populations and to promote resilience.” Said Nyirenda

UNDP Malawi has constructed a total of 10 Evacuation Centres over the years, capacitated to accommodate more than 300 people in flood prone areas and plans to construct  200 weather and flood resilient houses in  affected communities in Zomba and Phalombe districts.

The multipurpose centers provide safe temporary shelter during disasters and include solar lights to ensure security around the premises, access to running water and sanitation needs, energy efficient stoves, spacious separate rooms for men and women, storage, cooking utensils, beddings, and trained camp management officials

President Lazarus Chakwera declared a State of National Disaster on 26th January 2022 and appealed for support from donors, partners including UN Agencies, Nongovernmental organizations and well-wishers towards people affected by tropical storm Ana.

NBM plc aids PRSM lake conference

By Mc Donald Chapalapata, a Contributor

Kamwinda (left) displays the dummy cheque with Kasamale

National Bank of Malawi (NBM) plc has given K1 million to the Public Relations Society of Malawi (PRSM) for their annual lake conference slated for 11-14 November 2021 in Mangochi.

Speaking during the cheque presentation ceremony in Blantyre, NBM Top Mandala Service Centre Manager Chifundo Kamwinda said the Bank decided to support the conference because it is a good medium for NBM plc staff to learn strategies for effective PR in the contemporary world.

Kamwinda (left) presents the cheque to PRSM Vice Treasurer Richard Mveriwa

“This conference will also provide an opportunity for our staff members to network with other practitioners in the field and keep abreast with trends in the market-place. We believe that PR is an important tool in promoting any brand and we are aware of the diverse PR practitioners who will attend this conference which will lead to sharing strategies on how as a country can achieve our aspirations towards the 2063 agenda, hence our support,” said Kamwinda.

PRSM Executive Member Tina Kasamale thanked NBM plc for the support towards the conference saying it will go a long way to make the conference a success.

“We are grateful for the support that we have received from NBM plc. This year’s conference will be under the theme ‘PR in a Changing World: Towards 2063’ and during this retreat, PR and Communication practitioners will be discussing strategies for effective communication and PR in the contemporary world, and how they can add value to the realization of the Malawi 2063 Vision,” said Kasamale.

Vice President Saulos Chilima is expected to be the Guest of Honour at the event.

EthCo supports science fair with K2 million

By Mc Donald Chapalapata, a Contributor

Chakaniza (left) and Andrew Hubbard from Kamuzu Academy display the cheque

Ethanol producer Ethanol Company Limited (EthCo) has supported the National Schools Science Fair with a donation of K2 million.

Speaking during the cheque presentation ceremony in Dwangwa on Monday, EthCo Chief Executive Officer Lusubilo Chakaniza said the company decided to support the event as it is in line with EthCo’s Education focus area under its Creating Shared Value initiatives.

“Additionally, we will also support Kaseye Girls Secondary School from Chitipa with ethanol as well as branding for their pavilion because their sanitizer innovation project resonates well with our product diversification strategy and the Company’s value improvement and innovation program,” said Chakaniza.

Kamuzu Academy in conjunction with National Commission for Science and Technology (NCST) will host the tenth National Schools’ Science Fair from 17-20 October 2021 with the theme ‘scientific and technological innovations: the catalyst to understanding nature’.

Coordinator of the science fair Chawezi Chisi said 59 schools drawn from all six education divisions in Malawi are expected to participate in the 2021 National Schools’ Science Fair.

“Participating schools will compete in five categories namely: Environment and climate change, Energy sources, Health, Value addition and preservation and Scientific and technological innovations. It is hoped that through the fairs students will develop interest in science and technology and in the end pursue STEM careers and in future bring solutions to some of the challenges in their communities and Malawi as a country,” said Chisi.

He said the overall objective of the 2021 science fair is to identify innovations for spurring industrialization in Malawi.

“The main expected outcome of this event is the commercialization of the identified innovations to contribute to national economic growth. In addition, it is expected that the programme will allow students, teachers and administrators to demonstrate increased knowledge of scientific inquiry,” said Chisi.

HISTORICAL: Amaryllis Hotel to Host Expo in Blantyre

The leading 5 star hotel in Malawi, Amaryllis will from 14th to 17th October host first ever Expo at its stunning premises in the commercial city of Blantyre.

At the historic Amaryllis Expo, companies, organizations and individuals will showcase different genres ranging from Fashion, Health, Beauty, Fitness, Tourisms, Technology among others.

According to Amaryllis Manager Ramy Waheed companies and individuals will be required to pay a reasonable amount of MK100, 000; MK 120,000 and MK150,000 as four days rental fees for booths depending on the size.

To rent a booth send email through or call +265999976640 you can also visit

The all-new iconic Amaryllis Hotel, is an artful blend of modern affordable luxury and Malawian hospitality.

The hotel offers the perfect venue for any event, be it a conference, board meeting or lavish employee incentive.

NBM plc gives FIMDA K2 million for lake conference

By Mc Donald Chapalapata, a Contributor

Munthali (left) presents the cheque to Kamkwamba

National Bank of Malawi (NBM) plc has given the Financial Market Dealers Association (FIMDA) K2 million for their annual lake conference scheduled for 15-17 October 2021 in Mangochi.

Speaking during the cheque presentation ceremony in Blantyre on Friday, NBM plc Senior Dealer Alinane Munthali said the bank decided to support the conference because it will not only benefit it but more people ‘as we all deal with money’.

“Looking at the list of the participants to this conference, NBM plc feels this is an important event worth supporting because essentially we deal with money as the Bank of the Nation and this conference will also provide us an opportunity to showcase our products and services to this targeted audience,” said Munthali.

Munthali (left) and Kamkwamba display the dummy cheque

The conference will bring together Forex Market Dealers, Money Market Dealers, Pension Fund Managers Dealers, Capital Markets Dealers and will also draw participation from banks, non-bank institutions, organizational decision makers and other members of the public with interest in the Financial Markets.   

“NBM plc will be eagerly following proceedings from this conference because we know that the resolutions and suggestions that will be presented at the conference will not only benefit the bank but the general population of the country because, essentially, everyone deals with money in this country. So, this conference is very important on both fronts,” said Munthali.

FIMDA Treasurer Eric Kamkwamba thanked NBM plc for the support for the lake conference whose theme is ‘Fostering a resilient financial system and economy: The role of market participants’.

“We are grateful for this assistance, it will go a long way to help us in making this conference a success,” said Kamkwamba.

NBM plc sponsors K2.7 million for Luanar research conference

By Mc Donald Chapalapata, a Contributor

Nyirenda (left) and Luanar officials Prof Kaunda (middle) and Dr Sam Katengeza display the dummy cheque

National Bank of Malawi (NBM) plc has supported the Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural resources (Luanar) research dissemination conference with K2.7 million.

Luanar has organized a Research Dissemination conference on ‘Sustainable Agricultural Transformation for Significance Growth of the Agricultural Sector’ scheduled for 13th and 14th October 2021 at the Bingu International Convention Centre (BICC) where it is also expected that the Sustainable Food Systems for Rural Transformation and Resilience (TANSFORM) program will be implemented.

Speaking in Lilongwe on Thursday, NBM Capital City Service Centre Manager George Nyirenda said the Bank is cognizant of the fact that agriculture significantly contributes to employment, economic growth, poverty reduction, food security, and nutrition in this country and that there is therefore a need to fuel agricultural sector growth in order to aid the country’s development, hence NBM plc support towards the sector.

“As the Bank of the Nation, we are interested in what goes on in the agriculture sector because Agriculture is the backbone of our nation’s economy. We have been financing small scale and large-scale farmers in value chains of tobacco, maize, macadamia nuts and lemon grass. In fact, as at August 2021, NBM plc has financed farmers with over USD 18 million.”

“NBM plc is aware that small scale farmers in Malawi’s Agri-business sector face a lot of hurdles such as lack of access to funding for investment in agricultural equipment and other farm implements. That is why in November 2020, we rolled out a Farm Infrastructure and Implements loan facility to aid eligible farmers in both the small- scale and Estate sub-sectors in acquiring agricultural equipment and other farm implements,” said Nyirenda.

Nyirenda said NBM plc is committed to supporting the agriculture sector hence its support to the dissemination conference.

Luanar Vice Chancellor Professor Emmanuel Kaunda thanked NBM for the support saying it will go a long way in making the conference a success.

“We are very grateful for the support we get from National Bank of Malawi. You have been supporting us in different events and we do not take this for granted, you are a true partner in agricultural development,” said Kaunda.

CDEDI gives IG Kainja 7 days to dispute nepotism tendencies in police

KAINJA: Transferred all the senior officers, whose districts of origin are from the Southern Region and posted them to areas not befitting their ranks

The Centre for Democracy and Economic Development Initiatives (CDEDI) has given Inspector General (IG) of the Malawi Police Service, Dr. George Kainja, seven days to dispute and dismiss allegations of nepotism the service.

In a letter addressed to Kainja dated 6 October 6, 2021, CDEDI executive director Sylvester Namiwa claims to have evidence that Kainja is entrenching nepotism at the service.

Namiwa alleges that even before he was confirmed as IG by Parliament, Kainja transferred all the senior officers, whose districts of origin are from the Southern Region and posted them to areas not befitting their ranks.

“CDEDI has further established that the IG sits on the interviewing panel for the PSC [Police Service Commission], for the recruitment of officers into the Police High Command, and that the IG makes recommendations to the commission, to base their decisions on. This is contrary to your assertions during the meeting that you are not involved in the promotion of senior officers into the Police High Command,” reads the letter.

“The reports about nepotism in the MPS, therefore, are correct, given the current set up of the Police High Command, whose recruitment you are responsible for. You may wish to recall that the Tonse Alliance Government was Ushered into government, with a promise Of correcting the wrongs of the immediate past administration. Now, if you compare the current list of the Police High Command, with the previous one, which one seems to be a semblance to doing things correctly in as far as nepotism is concerned?” asks Namiwa.

The CDEDI fears that the service is becoming “politically inclined, which is dangerous to the country’s democracy and national unity.”

“We have evidence that there are capable and qualified officers from the Southern Region districts, who can equally be recruited into the Police High Command, contrary to your claims during the meeting, that there are none.CDEDI is therefore, giving you seven (7) days to either prove us wrong on the above stated facts, or consider apologizing to Malawians for misleading the Police Service Commission, to approve promotions of officers into the Police High Command, while disregarding the traditional, cultural and geographical diversity of such officers,” he demands.

NAMIWA: We have evidence

Meanwhile, CDEDI has established that there is no officer from the Southern Region districts in the current Police High Command. The following is the list CDEDI has in its possession:

  1. The Inspector General Of Police: Dr. George Kainja, from Ntchisi;
  2. The Deputy Inspector General of Police — Operations: Demster
  3. Chigwenembe, from Ntcheu;
  4. The Deputy Inspector General Of Police Administration: Merlyne Yolamu, from Mchinji;
  5. Commissioner for Central East Region: Arlene Baluwa, from Lilongwe;
  6. Commissioner for Research and Planning: Sekani Tembo, from Mzimba;
  7. Commissioner for Human Resource Management: Stain Kaliza, from Ntcheu;
  8. Commissioner for South West Region: Ellobiam Banda, from Kasungu;
  9. Commissioner for Central West: Peter Chasweka, from Mchinji;
  10. Commissioner for South East: Chikondi Chingadza, from Dedza;
  11. Commissioner for Eastern Region: Happy Mkandawire, from Mzimba;
  12. Commissioner North: Richard Luhanga, from Rumphi;
  13. Director of Finance: Lenford Kamphika, from Lilongwe.

CDEDI has also managed to source a list of the Police High Command, from the previous administration, and it was as follows:

  1. The Inspector General of Police: Rodney Jose, from Zomba;
  2. The Deputy Inspector General — Operations: John Nyondo, from Karonga;
  3. The Deputy Inspector General — Administration: Duncan Mwapatsa, from Chiradzulu;
  4. The Commissioner for Research and Planning: Dr. George Kainja, from Ntchisi;
  5. Commissioner South: Silage Yusuf, from Zomba;
  6. Zomba College Commandant: Demster Chigwenembe, from Ntcheu;
  7. Director of Community Policing: Merlyne Yolamu, from Mchinji;
  8. Commissioner for Eastern Region: Arlene Baluwa, from Lilongwe;
  9. Commissioner for Central Region: Innocent Botomani, from Mulanje;
  10. Commissioner North: Huldin Mlotha, from Mzimba;
  11. Commissioner for Human Resource: Joseph Chambaluka, from Balaka;
  12. Director of Finance: Tiadius Samveka from Dowa.

Meanwhile, authorities at the National Police Headquarters have confirmed receipt of the letter.


ACB Wants Forensic Investigation On Ex-President Mutharika, 25 Other’ Gadgets

With no crime revelled against Former President Arthur Peter Mutharika, we can reveal that the anti corruption bureau is obtaining a court order, to grant them acess to search and confiscate electronic gadgets, ranging from phones, computers and tablets from Mutharika and his close associates.

Mutharika targeted

The court failed to grant the request yesterday saying they did not see justification in an order comprising 26 people whose crime is not yet known .

Among those that have been targed are former President Mutharika, former first lady Gertrude Mutharika, Mutharika’s sob Tadikila Mafudza, former Director of security Norman Chisale, former Acting Inspector general Duncan Mwapasa, Former State house chief of staff Peter Mukhito, former head of Intelligence Kenam Kalilani, former chief secretary Loyd Muhara, former ministers; Ben Phiri, Chimwemwe Chipungu, Josephy Mwanamveka, former CEO of Nocma Gift Dulla , Business tycoon Leston Muli, DPP presidential candidate Dalitso Kabambe among others.

Rumours have it that MCp government want to charge the team with treasonous case .

Malawians are yet to be told of the crime these people have commited so far to warrant them such political withhunt.

NBS Bank brings ‘Zayela Business Loan’ boost for SMEs

TAMANDA LONGWE: This facility also directly speaks to the banks purpose of transforming lives

Small and medium businesses in Malawi can heave a sigh of relief in their search for capital injection as NBS Bank is introducing a new product specifically for them.

The new facility, dubbed Zayela Business Loan, is a scheme where NBS Bank will be financing working capital and investment requirements for qualifying Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in the country.

According to NBS Bank, the facility aims at increasing access to capital at a lower interest rate to SMEs thereby addressing the challenge of lack of access to capital at affordable rates by most such businesses.  

NBS Bank Head of Marketing and Customer Experience, Tamanda Longwe, said the Bank has introduced the product taking advantage of its wide reach, which also entails a large SMEs base that could benefit from it.

“Our wide presence across the country positions NBS Bank well to reach out to as many SME customers across the country. This will also enable the Bank to reach out to women, youth and businesses in various districts,” Longwe said.

Even better, Zayela Business Loan also caters for SME customers who are not banking with NBS Bank. Longwe said the facility offers such SMEs an opportunity to engage with the Bank on how they too can benefit.

“This facility also directly speaks to the banks purpose of transforming lives. We do expect significant improvement in all our customers lives once they access this facility,” she said.

 Zayela Business Loan is targeting SMEs, a sector which is predominantly informal businesses in Malawi. But NBS Bank hopes that such SMEs will take advantage of the loan scheme and formalise their businesses so that they can access the loans.

“Many SMEs in the informal sector do not have incentives to formalise because of the high cost of doing business, lack of access to capital and high cost of borrowing. Since this facility will increase access to capital and significantly reduce the cost of borrowing, it is an incentive for businesses to formalize and benefit from this facility. This will in turn increase economic activity and speaks to the financial inclusion agenda being pursued by the Bank,” Longwe said.

Zayela Business Loan facility adds to the Bank’s lending products portfolio aimed at increasing access of credit to customers for them to participate in the economy.

Getting its name from the popular terminology “Zanga Zayela” [things are well with me, in literal translation], the scheme allows beneficiaries to access as much as K25 million. The repayment period ranges between 36 months to 60 months at the interest rate of 9 percent per annum.

This project is being implemented by the Malawi government with funding from the World Bank.

NBS Bank takes pride in Area 18 Interchange landmark


By Ernest Mwale, a Contributor

Area 18 Interchange: NBS Bank has its name engraved on this development

NBS Bank says it is delighted to have been a part of the history-making Area 18 Interchange in Lilongwe, the first landmark of its kind in Malawi.

In an exclusive interview, NBS Bank Chief Executive Officer Kwanele Ngwenya said as a Malawian Bank, NBS Bank is passionate about the development of the nation.

“And we love to see the country taking positive strides to achieve this. We always endeavour to align our business model to complement the goals of the nation so that the Bank contributes to the sustainable economic development of this country,” he said.

For the interchange, NBS Bank assisted in the financing of the project through a bid bond worth K14 billion offered to the Roads Fund Administration (RFA).

“For NBS Bank to emerge the financier for this project, we submitted our bid, together with other banks, and the institution with the competitive bid emerged successful.

“The bond was offered at competitive rates to ensure that RFA minimises its funding costs while the bank covers its operating margin,” he said.

Ngwenya said the Bank is looking forward to more participation in infrastructure and development generally in Malawi.

He said NBS Bank values its role in enabling  access to financial services. This, Ngwenya said, is key to promote growth opportunities, such as industrialisation, social welfare, entrepreneurship and diversification in sectors agriculture.

“We, therefore, have a unique offering and business solutions that cater for our SMEs and corporate organisations alike, to enhance their businesses and thereby contribute to the success of our Malawian economy,” he said.

It looks like the pioneering four-lane Area 18 Interchange has inspired more such constructions in Lilongwe as a similar project, a 6-lane stretch, is also taking place on Kenyatta Drive.

In the years to come, there will certainly be more of such pieces of fine infrastructure.

But even after hundreds of years and hundreds of such infrastructure in the country, history shall say that Area 18 Interchange blazed the trail of modern highway construction in Malawi.

And NBS Bank has its name engraved on this development. 

ACB to raid and search APM’s houses


Martha Chizuma has told ACB to declare war on APM and instructed her team to raid and search APM’s residences. The search of all houses is planned to happen on the same minute of the hour any day. But ACB will be breaking the law if the search continues.

ACB had a meeting this week where Chizuma admitted that APM has no case because ACB has found nothing but they must keep Peter Mutharika psychologically tortured by searching his houses including bedrooms in a surprise raid attack.

Sources who attended the meeting say Chizuma said there is no evidence of wrongdoing for prosecuting APM. ACB tried finding people who can implicate the former president but that method has failed.

Chizuma following that meeting told the Nation newspaper that ACB will no longer interview APM but will instead pursue other “legal methods” for obtaining information. It is the raiding and searching of APM’s houses that Chizuma meant by saying “other legal methods.”

Unfortunately, searching APM’s houses when he has no case to answer violates the Constitution in Section 21 (a) which says:

Every person shall have the right to personal privacy, which shall include the right no to be subjected searches of his or her person, home or property.

Sources in ACB say some officers are angry that ACB is being used as a political tool to torture and persecute targeted individuals instead of fighting corruption which is rising in Chakwera and his government.

Another ACB angry source accused Chizuma of conspiring with Russian hackers who crashed the ACB system months ago to block investigations against some MCP top dogs. ACB also stopped vetting change of ownership of vehicles, land and property because the system is not working. The ACB system was crashed in the same week when the NOCMA fuel scandal flared up in flames. Chakwera was mentioned in the corruption and Mkaka and other State Houses were supposed to be arrested with the UTM minister Kambala.

Chilima Talks Peace, Attends International Day of Peace


Vice President Saulos Chilima has appealed to various stakeholder groups to ensure that the peace that Malawi enjoys persists.

The Vice President was speaking in Lilongwe during the commemoration of the International Peace Day.

Chilima said the peace that Malawi enjoys should not be taken for granted, urging stakeholders and various leaders to desist from doing things that can jeopardise peace.

“These include kunzimva, bodza and chibwana. Chibwana chimalanda komanso chimasokoneza mtendere,” said Chilima.

Quoting Albert Einstein, Chilima said “Peace cannot be kept by force. It can only be achieved by understanding,” he said; adding.

“Peace is when people are able to resolve their conflicts without violence and can work together to improve the quality of the lives of people.”

The commemoration was also attended by Minister of Civic Education and National Unity Timothy Mtambo, UN Resident coordinator Maria Jose Torres among other dignitaries from government and non state organizations.

It’s an UNAYO Festival…As Standard Bank pumps K9m into Sand Music Festival

Malange (right) making the symbolic presentation to Harawa

As the Sand Music festival gets underway this weekend, revellers have their finances sorted as Standard Bank ambassadors will be on the beach connecting them to their digital banking platform, Unayo.

The bank has sponsored the festival to the tune of K9 million to help with organisation and give patrons a wonderful experience.

Head of Platform Business at Standard Bank, Effie Malange, said the contribution is in line with the bank’s philosophy of supporting and driving growth of all undertakings by Malawians.

“Standard Bank is sponsoring this year’s Sand Music Festival to engage with fun-seeking Malawians and support the growth of music and arts industry in the country. This way, we will be fulfilling our promise of finding new ways to make dreams possible for all Malawian artists,” she said.

Malange added that “as a brand whose purpose is to drive the growth of our home Malawi, we believe that music and arts are key industries in economic growth in terms of job creation, services and tourism.”

Speaking on behalf of the organizers, musician Wendy Harawa commended Standard Bank for the gesture.

“This sponsorship is really a big push in our quest to deliver a world-class festival. The money will help a lot to meet the costs that we incur before the festival like flights, hotel bookings and stage equipment among others,” she said.

Mother’s Day turns into Mother’s Month with MultiChoice


Mother’s Day is coming up, and we’re hoping for a bit of a change this year (like being able to see our mums in person

GUS BANDA: MultiChoice will be running a competition to spoil customers and their mums with a Mother’s Day luncheon

To celebrate Mother’s Day, MultiChoice will be running a competition to spoil customers and their mums with a Mother’s Day luncheon and limited edition 25th anniversary merchandise with the purchase of a GOtv decoder in the month of October.

“As we celebrate 25 years of Sankha Wekha we want to ensure we include our customers in this celebration, because they continue to choose us, we choose to celebrate our 25th anniversary milestone and Mother’s Day with them through these special offers”, Gus Banda, Managing Director, MultiChoice Malawi.

Eight lucky customers will be selected by random draw to stand a chance to win an invitation to the MultiChoice Malawi Mother’s Day Luncheon, where they will be accompanied by their mum, to enjoy a day of pampering and delicious treats.

To enter, customers can simply comment their active IUC numbers under the competition post which will go live on the @DStvMW and @GOtvMW Facebook pages. The competition will run from 29 September 2021 to 11 October 2021.

As an additional treat, customers will received limited edition 25th Anniversary MultiChoice merchandise with every GOtv decoder purchase, throughout the month of October, dubbed as GOtv Mother’s Month from 1 – 15 October 2021, valid in all Shoprite stores.

Manage your DStv and GOtv subscription easily through the MyDStv and MyGOtv apps, available for download via iOS and Android now also enabled with VISA payment so you can remain active and join in the celebrations.


For the first time in history, Tay Grin’s Fire Friday will take place in Sandton City in South Africa on Saturday, October 2.

The venue will be Michael Angelo Towers along 8 Maude Street deep inside Sandton City.

The ‘Grin’s Fire Friday’ is a live Instagram show hosted by the Nyau King Tay Grin, in which his Instagram followers are given opportunity to video call and dance to a song of their choice.

According to a poster available to the publication, the show will start at 18:00hrs in the evening up to 23:00hrs.

Top Club Disk Jockeys Gemini Major, DJ Toy have vowed to dish out their best during the show.

There will also a group of dancers to spice up the event.

Tay Grin is a multi-talented and multi-award winning artist in Malawi who has performed in various countries across the globe.

NBM plc gives Police K2.6 million for centenary celebrations


By Mc Donald Chapalapata, a Contributor

Nyirenda (left) presents the cheque to Kaliza

National Bank of Malawi (NBM) plc on Friday gave K2.6 million to the Malawi Police Service (MPS) to help towards the law enforcers centenary celebrations scheduled for early next month.

Presenting the cheque at the Police headquarters at area 30 in Lilongwe, NBM plc Service Centre Manager for Capital City Service Centre George Nyirenda said as the Bank of the Nation, NBM plc values the work that Police do in the country hence the support.

“As the Bank of the Nation, we value the work that our Police do in this country. Apart from protecting us as citizens, we know that you protect our businesses so that we should operate in a peaceful environment and we do not take this for granted.”

“We know and appreciate that you have gone through a challenging journey in the past 100 years but you have also achieved a lot in these years. Again, I would not want to imagine a situation without our Police, it would be total chaos. But because of your presence we enjoy the freedom that we have and as a business, we operate freely because of your presence,” said Nyirenda.

He said MPS should take stock of the challenges and opportunities throughout the 100 years of existence through the centenary celebrations.

“We know that you have an uphill task of fighting crime in the country and of making sure that people and businesses operate in a safe and secure environment and you need support from everyone in the country hence our contribution of K2.6 million towards the centenary celebrations,” said Nyirenda.

He also hailed Police for successfully prosecuting a case where a social media user posted a false story that money was being stolen in customers’ accounts at NBM plc which led to the arrest and eventual conviction of one Ignatius Kamwanje using the Cybercrimes law.

Speaking on behalf of MPS, Commissioner of Police Stan Kaliza thanked NBM plc for the sponsorship saying it will go a long way to assist towards the centenary celebrations. 

“There has been continuous partnership between NBM plc and MPS as both have a history of having clocked 100 years.  NBM plc is the oldest bank in Malawi hence this partnership dates from way back. We are grateful for this support,” said Kaliza. 

Kaliza also said MPS is trying hard to combat cybercrimes with the help of stakeholders including banks and have earmarked training for their personnel as one way of combating the vice.

GETTING CLOSER TO CUSTOMERS: Amaryllis Hotel opens office in Lilongwe

ELEGANCE: Amaryllis Hotel office in Lilongwe

Malawi’s stunning 5-star property, The Amaryllis Hotel has officially opened a new office in Lilongwe.

The new office is located along Queens Road in Area 47 Sector 2-Office number No.20A.

Speaking at the official opening of the office, the Hotel’s General Manager Ramy Waheed said the decision to venture to Lilongwe was to allow the clientele of the Central Region to have more access to information about Amaryllis Hotel as well provide the opportunity for clients to be able to have one on one interactions with their team.

“The Capital City Lilongwe is home to many of our frequent quests and prospective clients hence the decision to come closer to them as well.

“This new branch will also help to market our property as well. We are targeting both the Malawian and expatriat community in Lilongwe,” he said.

WAHEED: We want to encourage patrons to travel to Blantyre

The General Manager said the new Lilongwe branch resembles the same 5-star atmosphere and elegance of Amaryllis Hotel.

“We want to encourage patrons to travel to Blantyre as well so as to promote domestic and international tourism,” he said.

The all-new Amaryllis Hotel Blantyre is an artful blend of modern luxury and legendary Malawian hospitality.

This stunning 5-star property boasts 91 spacious rooms and suites, three state-of-the-art contemporary restaurants, 24-hour Guest Services, multiple innovative banquet and conference venues, all nestled in the centre of Malawi’s financial capital.

“Guests can lounge by our rooftop pool, enjoy convenient access to nearby shopping and wildlife attractions or simply indulge in our in-house amenities, all while being catered to by our caring and courteous staff, ” said Waheed.

Standard Bank pumps K5 million into Flames fundraising drive


Standard Bank has granted K5 million towards the Kuipatsa Moto Flames golf tournament slated for this coming weekend in Lilongwe.

Kuipatsa Moto Flames is a fundraising initiative by the Football Association of Malawi (FAM) to source resources that will help the Men’s National Football Team in preparing and participating at the forthcoming Africa Cup of Nations Finals to be held early next year in Cameroon.

Speaking during the cheque handover ceremony, the bank’s Head, Platform Business, Effie Malange, said their gesture is timely as it resonates with the spirit of possibilities displayed by Flames’ achievements in recent months.

“Our contribution towards Kuipatsa Moto Flames fundraising initiative is our way of appreciating the achievements of Flames, a sporting brand that is bringing national pride to all Malawians both home and abroad. Standard Bank is equally proud to be part of the ‘Kuipatsa Moto Flames’ fundraising because as a brand we believe in making things possible.”

In his remarks, committee member of the Flames Afcon Resource Mobilization Committee, Thoko Chimbali, expressed gratitude to the bank for the contribution.

“We receive this contribution with gratitude. Standard Bank has been associated with football for a long time as such we were very confident that you would respond favourably. Our promise to you is that Flames will go to Cameroon not just to participate but to compete and bring back good results,” said Chimbali highlighting that so far the Flames have K926 million of the needed k1.5 billion.

Years back, the bank used to sponsor a national trophy, Standard Bank Cup which pundits say had a positive impact on the improvement of the game in the country.

Standard Bank is sponsoring the golf event under the banner of Unayo, a services platform that connects businesses, customers and communities and provides a single hub for economic activity. It facilitates ease of transacting when paying for goods and services, money transfers and disbursements.

Standard Bank sponsors IMM Conference with K7 million

IMM President Isabel Kachinjika (Left) receiving the sponsorship from Marketing Manager Maria Bauleni Mazaza

LILONGWE, 28TH SEPTEMBER 2021 -Standard Bank Plc is proud to announce its partnership with Malawi’s marketers as Principal sponsor of this year’s Institute of Marketing in Malawi Marketers (IMM) Lakeshore Conference and Annual Marketing Excellence Awards later in October.

As part of the partnership with IMM, Standard Bank has invested K7 million towards the event under the theme; “Get Set to Re-set: Pivoting Businesses for Success,” from October 28 to 30, 2021 at Sunbird Livingstonia Beach Hotel in Salima.

Speaking when the bank presented its sponsorship package, Head of Brand and Marketing, Thokozani Mijiga Unyolo said: “We are proud to be associated with efforts by the IMM to develop professional excellence in the marketing sciences, and with the progress the body is making to build brands. . As a brand whose purpose is to drive the growth of our home, Mother Malawi, we believe that professionalism in marketing will positively translate to economic growth.”

Welcoming the package, IMM Public Relations Director and 2021 Conference Organising Committee Chairperson, George Damson said Standard Bank’s partnership offers a timely boost to the organisation’s budget for the annual event.

“We are greatly indebted to Standard Bank for the timely boost as we prepare for our annual conference. Organising an event of this magnitude is financially taxing and this sponsorship is the shot in the arm we needed. It will go a long way in enabling us to host what we expect to be a very exciting conference. Standard Bank Malawi have set the tone for this year’s conference and we hope other potential partners will be inspired by their gesture to come on board and support us” he said

This year’s conference is expected to draw speakers from beyond Malawi’s borders who will complement an equally powerful line up of local speakers. The speeches will cover a wide range of topics meant to equip Malawian marketers with the knowledge they need to steer their organisations to success during times when business has been affected by Covid-19.

The annual event also encompasses Marketing Excellence Awards, a ceremony that recognizes marketers that have excelled in executing notable and impactful professional interventions on the market.


Institute of Marketing in Malawi

George Damson – Public Relations Director

Cell: +265997416972


Standard Bank Plc

Thokozani Mijiga Unyolo–Head, Brand & Marketing

Cell: +265888748307; Email:

Macra Board Chaired By Powerful Chefo Khaila In A Procurement Scandal ;Turned Down by PPDA

MACRA board has been caught pants down overstepping their mandate by interferring with procurement processes in the organisation.


However, this comes as no surprise as it is no secret at the moment ,the board is managing MACRA on a daily basis bypassing the executive management.

A human audit consultancy was advertised and firms showed interest by applying for it.

We can confirm that after evalutation of the bids, Mlambe Consulting came out tops surpassing any other firm by a wide margin.

However, the board recommended Management International which was number 2 and rated lowly in all aspects including pricing which is 4 times higher than the winning bid as it is connected to one senior MCP official and it’s a conduit to defraud Malawi government whose economy is on the sick bed .

A recommendation was sent to PPDA to award the contract to Managrment International and it was outright rejected.

PPDA proceeded to school the MACRA board on its responsibilities and their limits.

MACRA board is chaired by the Chewa Foundation (CHEFO) Dr Khaila who in the recent past was embroiled in misuse of funds by authorising a trip of board members to Dubai to attend a governance training which can be done locally.

It is also on record that the Chair unilaterally asked MACRA to forego all the determinations by the Industrial Court on the recently sacked officials.

Our investigations shows that even the appointing authority is afraid to touch the Chair because of his strong backing from the Chewa tribe.

Malawians, this is the administration that duped you into believing and trusting them. Fed you lies and now out of their mask and displaying their real selves. Corruption has been institutionalised.

Onesimus Salutes Malawians for Love, Support During His ’Home Coming Concert’

COLOURFUL: Onesimus arrives at the show

Award winning artist, Onesimus, has commended Malawians for showing him love and support during his Home Concert which took place over the week-end in Lilongwe.

In a statement signed by artist’s Manager Tonderai Banda said: “Onesimus sincerely thanks his fans for the love and support rendered to him during the Home Coming Concert.”

“The turnout was amazing. In every respect, the fans made the show live up to its billing as a show of the year.”

The Panado hit maker, Onesimus also commended the media and other artists, both local and international for making his Home Coming Concert a memorable one.

MASSIVE SUPPORT: Part of the mammoth crowd

However, Onesimus apologized to the general public for unfortunate incident that happened during the show when he kicked a fan.

According to a video circulating on social media platforms, Onesimus was seen kicking the fan who attempted to pull him off the stage.

“The fact of the matter is that during the performance, the fan made several attempts to pull Onesimus off the stage, hence the reaction which he profoundly regrets,” reads the statement

It adds: “The public may wish to know that after the show, Onesimus sought out the fan and offered him sincere apologies for the action. The fan also admitted to have triggered the action. The two agreed to let the incident be water under the bridge.”

Onesimus, born Armstrong Kalua, who left Malawi in 2013 for South Africa as music export, is a multi-talented musician and award winning musician who has performed in several parts of the world.


Busola Tejumola PhD Executive Head Content Multichoice Nigeria

This year MultiChoice Malawi celebrates 25 years of Sankha Wekha, 25 years of being in Malawi and showcasing African grown content with the goal of providing their customers with even more choice.

DStv customers can look forward to new and exciting series coming up this October. Africa Magic will premiere two new double bill telenovelas; Dilemma and Venge in October 2021 exclusively on Africa Magic Showcase.

Dilemma follows the lives of two estranged lovers – Kaineto and Kanan. After years of separation, they find their way back to each other and have to deal with a history they would both rather forget. Love leads them back together, but it may not be enough to conquer all the challenges they will have to face.

Dilemma will air every weeknight from Monday, 4 October 2021 at 21:00 CAT on AM Showcase (DStv Channel 151). The show will also feature BBNaija stars, Neo Akpofure and Daniel ‘Sir Dee’ Atteh.

On the other hand, Venge tells a scandalous story of secrets, lies, and betrayals. Viewers will get to go on a journey with Bibi as she unravels several conspiracies trailed by murder and fear on her quest for justice and revenge.

This telenovela starring Michelle Dede, Uzoamaka Aniunoh, Obehi Aburime, Uche Mac-Auley, and Ian Wordi will air premiere every weeknight from Monday, 4 October at 21:30 CAT on AM Showcase (DStv Channel 151).

These two new telenovelas present fresh storylines, suspense-filled plots and parades a mix of established and upcoming names in Nollywood that will have viewers from across Africa immersed in yet another top-notch Africa Magic production.

Executive Head of Content and West Africa Channels, MultiChoice Nigeria, Busola Tejumola said:

“We are excited to premiere these telenovelas on our Africa Magic channels as it once again underscores our positioning as Africa’s most loved storyteller. Venge and Dilemma explore modern day themes that viewers will connect to at different levels. Each plot, twist and suspense will keep viewers from across Africa on the edge of their seats as they follow the drama and connect with the characters”.

Tejumola also disclosed that DStv and GOtv customers should look forward to other exciting new and returning shows towards the end of the year on Africa Magic.

DStv Premium viewers will be able to watch Dilemma and Venge on the go via the DStv app on multiple devices.

The app is available for download via iOS and Android. Both series will also be available on the online streaming service, Showmax.

NBM gives K2 million for Flames golf tourney


By Mc Donald Chapalapata, a Contributor

Kabango (right) presents the cheque to Justice Alide

National Bank of Malawi (NBM) plc Thursday gave K2 million towards the golf tournament to fundraise for the Malawi National Football Team, the Flames who have qualified for the continental showpiece, the African Cup of Nations (AFCON) slated for January next year.

Presenting the cheque in Blantyre, NBM plc Enterprise Risk Manager Dereck Kabango said they decided to help in the fundraising to show support to Malawi’s representatives at the tournament.

“What we have seen in the recent months, the team is showing that it is indeed carrying our flag high and National Bank being the flag carrier for Malawi as the Bank of the Nation, we would like to associate with the Flames, that is why we have come in to support the golf fundraising tournament with K2 million,” said Kabango.

Kabango (right) and Alide display the cheque

Vice President Saulos Chilima will lead golfers to fundraise for the Flames during a golf tournament scheduled for next week in Lilongwe.

The Flames need K1.5 billion to adequately prepare for the finals and government and other stakeholders have committed K926 million, leaving a deficit of K567 million hence the fundraising drive by the Football association of Malawi (FAM).

Chairperson of the Flames AFCOM Resource Mobilisation Task Force and the First Vice President of FAM Justice Jabber Alide thanked NBM plc for the support saying it has come at the right time.

“We are happy that NBM plc has helped us in our fundraising drive and the money we have received today will go a long way in making the golf tournament a success so that we get the required resources to help our Flames to prepare well for the AFCON tournament,” said Alide.

NBS Bank geared to build on its recent success



Ngwenya: There has been a continuous focus on accelerating digital transformation to enhance convenience and general customer experience for our customers

The future of banking is generally in how innovative the players in the industry will be; and NBS Bank intends to listen more to the needs of its customers for more successful banking.

That is the assurance by NBS Bank Chief Executive Officer Kwanele Ngwenya in an exclusive interview.

“We are geared to providing life-changing financial solutions to address their needs and those of the nation as a whole. The Bank will only get stronger than before and we would like to take our customers along as we move on to greater heights,” he said.

He was speaking a few weeks after NBS Bank released its trading statement in which it announced a profit of 55 percent in the first half of the year ending June 30, 2021.

The profit is one in the series the Bank has registered in recent years, a remarkable turn-around from years of loss making.

But what has been the secret for these positive results? And what does the future look like?

Ngwenya said NBS Bank has remained steadfast in its transformation journey for the last five years. The strong positive trading results are a product of the Bank’s five-year strategy.

“There has been a continuous focus on accelerating digital transformation to enhance convenience and general customer experience for our customers,” he said.

Under that strategy, the Bank has continued to make serious investment in digital platforms and improved its operational efficiencies in its system, among other interventions.

This has resulted in convenient banking solutions to customers.

“Additionally, in the first half of 2021, the Bank managed to grow its loan book and effectively manage its investments in money market instruments,” he said.

The digital banking investment has ensured that the Bank continues to register positive results even as Covid-19 pandemic devastated economies world over and constrained business locally.

He admitted that Covid-19 crisis set in a challenging business environment since many transactions across the country are heavily reliant on face-to-face engagement.

To NBS Bank, this has had some silver lining too, testing the Bank’s resilience and challenging it to innovate, he indicated.

“It has presented the Bank with opportunities to innovate and introduce products and services that encourage customers to transact digitally.

“Assuredly, the Covid-19 pandemic has tested the Bank’s resilience in many aspects, business continuity being top on the list. We are proud to report that the Bank demonstrated the robustness of its Business Continuity Plans, which is evident in our performance,” he said.

Looking ahead to the an uncertain future presented by Covid-19, he said NBS Bank is confident that the strides it has taken so far on the transformational journey have laid a solid foundation for future growth of the Bank.

“We believe that staying the course of the strategy put in place will navigate the various challenges that may arise from time to time,” Ngwenya said.

NBS Bank is a fully-fledged commercial bank which provides a wide range of financial services to individuals, small and medium businesses, large corporations and public institutions.

CHAKWERA CAUGHT PANTS DOWN: Copying Everything Chilima is doing

CAUGHT PANTS DOWN: Chakwera captured copying Chilima’s antics

The true test of leadership is that one must have followers. No wonder, therefore, that President Lazarus Chakwera copies everything that his Vice President Saulos Chilima does.

The inspection of projects and wearing field jackets – a trade mark of Chilima has been copied by the President who is going visiting projects already visited by his Vice. A colossal mistake in leadership.

Where the President and his new Advisors – including traitor Mulotwa Mulotwa – are getting it wrong is that the President’s acts portray him as weak, clueless and spineless.

But above all, the glaring difference between the two is the way they execute their public appearance. Avoid imitating your junior at any workplace.

Chakwera is also blowing millions of tax payers in visiting projects already taken by his Vice.

The President blew more than K20 million on Friday when he visited the Nsanje- Marka Road project, which ironically his Vice visited and inspected just a few weeks ago. Why not just share notes with his Vice?

Mr. President, your Vice President Chilima is beyond forgery, beyond immitation.

ONESIMUS HOMECOMING JAMBOREE: Malawi’s top urban artists vow to set ablaze Lilongwe Golf Club

Onesimus with his manager Tonderai Banda

Almost a dozen of Malawi’s top urban musicians have vowed to set ablaze Lilongwe Golf Club during Onesimus Home Coming Concert on Sunday afternoon.

The artists Suffix, Janta, Nathan Tunes, Gwamba, FredoKiss, BlakJack, Piksy, Sixth 6th, Biggie Lu said they are geared for historical showdown as one way of welcoming back home Malawi’s true son who has been representing the country well for the past five years in various countries across the globe.

Apart from performing on stage as a musician, Blakjak, a renowned Times TV personality will also man the mic alongside another award winning TV presenter Priscilla Kayira.

That is not all. South African top musicians Vusi Nova and Ishmael (the Avulekile legend) have also vowed to dish out their best, according to a press statement signed by Onesimus Manager Tonderai Banda.

Onesimus getting blessings from his spiritual father and one of the concert sponsors Major 1 Shepherd Bushiri

Tonderai says Onesimus fans should brace themselves for a treat they will live to remember for the rest of their lives.

Tonderai then thanked all various partners who have supported the show.

Some of the sponsors and partners are Major 1, MNext Electronics, HG Communications, Epic, Five79, Entertainers Promotion, Mutha Land and Cold Mountain Media Limited.

The concert has been pegged at MK2, 000 per head in advance and K5, 000 at the door while VIP limited tickets are going at K30, 000.

“Tickets are selling as hot cakes at Webticket and all Puma shops in Lilongwe,” said Tonderai.

Onesimus, born Armstrong Kalua, who left Malawi in 2013 for South Africa as music export, is a multi-talented musician and award winning musician who has performed in several parts of the world.

WE FOLLOWED ALL TENDER PROCEDURES: We have been in goat business for over 20years-Khalid Mia speaks out

Some of the goats captured at Mia’s farm

AWS Trucking, a company belonging to late Sidik Mia’s brother, which has won MK836 million tender to supply goats to the Department of Disaster Management Affair (DoDMA), says the company is apolitical.

The Company’s managing director, Mr Khalid Mia told Malawi Voice on Thursday amidst rumors on the social media indicating that DoDMA awarded the multi-million kwacha tender to AWS due to its connection to late Sidik Mia, who was Malawi Congress Party (MCP) Vice President.

The managing director said: “We are fully into business and we are not in any way connected to politics.

“AWS followed all the tender requirements to win this contract of supplying goats to DoDMA starting from normal process of submitting applications after we saw an advert in the newspapers.”

“People win tenders worth billions to supply different things, so what’s the problem with us? Just because my brother was a politician? Asked Mia.

Mia, further appealed to Malawians to stop associating his business and proprieties with anything pertaining to politics.

“My brother was a politician and myself a businessman, therefore people should learn to treat us as such. I have been doing this business for quite number of years and l have been winning tenders in a fair manner just like this tender,” said Mia.

Butchered ready for distribution

He said AWS Trucking, with its sister company Flatlands has been supplying goats and cattle in thousands consistently for more than 20 years for Kurban (Muslim Festival) and to a chain of butcheries and supermarkets. Their clients include Islamic Relief Malawi, National Zakat Fund of South Africa and private Muslims Groups from Malawi, South Africa, UK and Saudi Arabia.

“AWS Trucking has established farms including one at Chapananga with holding facilities for thousands of goats. We operate refrigerated trucks and live animal transportation trucks and trailers suitable for goats, cattle and frozen fish,” he said.

Asked to clarify on the name, Mia said the name AWS Trucking may sound like a trucking only company, but in their 21 years of operation they have used the same name and Flatlands for livestock, salt, fish, tyres and general trading.

“Don’t judge a company by its name.” he said.

On price, Mia said the first price was not based on buying alone but included the Bidding Expenses, Bid Security, Bank Reconciliation, Performance Security, establishing and operating goat buying stations.

“That is not all. It also include collecting goats from buying stations, holding goats at farm, veterinary services, delivering to EPAs and Report and Invoice,” he said adding that AWS Trucking, was registered on April,3 2000.

Apart from AWS, The Department of Disaster Management Affair (DoDMA) has also awarded contracts to ASIP and A-Investments.

Off to distribution
Sharing with the community
They have also huge cattle farm

Tonse Alliance will deliver, Covid 19 no longer excuse-Chilima

Launching Malawi Poverty Report in style

Vice President Saulos Chilima on Wednesday oozed confidence emphasizing that the Tonse Alliance administration will deliver on its promises stressing that “some of us must be given the benefit of the doubt that we know what are doing.”

The Vice President was speaking at the launch of 2020 Malawi Poverty Report presented by the National Statistical Office.

The report is derived from a study by the National Statistical Office (NSO) done with support from the World Bank and it is expected to highlight strides made and challenges faced in fighting poverty in the country.

The Vice President said much as the report connotes negativity but the document was important to the country because it provides recommendations for a complementary
two-track approach.

“This two-track approach entails responding effectively to our urgent challenges – COVID 19 being one of them – in the short term while continuing to focus on long term developmental goals as outlined in the MW2063, the country’s development
blue print,” said Chilima.

He said in the short term, most of what was promised by the Tonse Alliance Administration will be fulfilled in a phased manner and that eventually everything that was promised will be fulfilled.

“I know, high poverty and unemployment levels are a concern and COVID 19 will no longer be an excuse. We will have to move on as a country regardless. Therefore give some of us the benefit of the doubt that we know what we are doing,” Chilima said.

Chilima said in the worst case scenario some promises could be modified to meet the reality on the international stage but no single promise will be abandoned.

This was perhaps a thin reference to the Affordable Input Program which has seen a bag of fertilizer being pegged at K7,500 this season from K4, 995 last growing year.

Commentators have still hailed government for maintaining the program despite a mounting opposition to the initiative which many believe benefits the political elite through corruption.

Among others, the report shows that poverty levels have been worsening in the central region when compared to other regions of the country. The report also indicates that poverty levels are worsening in urban areas.

TEKNO CRITICALLY ILL: To Miss Onesimus ‘Home Coming’ Concert

Tekno, Onesmus during their previous meeting

Nigerian celebrated artist Tekno is set to miss Afro-Pop Star Onesimus ‘Home Coming’ Concert slated for Sunday at Lilongwe Golf Club due to illness, this publication has learnt.

The brain behind ‘Pana’ hit Tekno, who said is down with Gastro Esophageal Reflux, was supposed to headline the concert.

In an interview with Nigerian media recently, Tekno born Augustine Miles Kelechi, said he underwent a surgical procedure called, Esophagogastric dissociation, the health condition that irritates his vocal cords and affects his ability to sing.

“The surgery was done by a robot; they cut me in five different places. After the surgery, I couldn’t move, I couldn’t breathe, couldn’t sneeze. It was hell,” Tekno was quoted as saying.

Tekno further said he was advised by his doctor to rest for two months before resuming to his dairy routine of performances, hence high chances of missing multi-talented artist Onesimus Home Coming Concert.

However, the ‘Panado’ hit maker Onesimus is yet to confirm on whether Tekno will perform at the homecoming concert or just make a guest appearance.

Onesimus, who arrived in the country from South Africa some months ago, told local media that his Home ‘Coming concert’ will be massive. The concert has been pegged at MK2,000 per head.

“This is going to be one of the most memorable moments for me and my fans. It has been a long time.

“It feels good to have the opportunity to come back home and connect with my fans on stage. My music is diverse and accommodative, so this will be an open event to anyone,” Onesimus told Nation Online.

Onesimus, born Armstrong Kalua, who left Malawi in 2013 for South Africa as music export, is a multi-award winning musician who has performed in several parts of the world.

NBM plc gives MIPS K2m for lake indaba


By Mc Donald Chapalapata, a Contributor

Boby (right) presents the cheque to Kaupa

National Bank of Malawi (NBM) plc has given K2 million to the Malawi Institute of procurement and Supply (MIPS) for their annual lake conference scheduled for 23to 25 September 2021 in Mangochi.

Speaking during the cheque presentation event in Blantyre, NBM plc Head of Operations Brian Boby said the conference is of great importance to the Bank because it presents an ideal opportunity to engage procurement professionals on financial solutions that the Bank is capable of providing to them.

“As we are all aware, the procurement profession is very important especially in the economy of the country because any mis-procurement of goods and services will have some reparations on the economy, hence they need our support.”

“This conference presents an opportunity for Bank participants to network with like-minded individuals and keep abreast with the latest global trends as regards procurement issues,” said Boby.

He assured the procurement professionals that NBM plc will provide all their banking needs whilst at the conference.

“We also believe that as a Bank we will benefit from the discussions at the conference because we also have our own procurement department here and that is why we are sending some of our staff members to be part of this great event,” said Boby.

MIPS Chief Executive Officer Feston Kaupa thanked NBM plc for the support saying it will go a long way in making the conference a success.

“We are always grateful for the support that we get from NBM plc and we value our business relationship which has been there for a long time now. The support we have received today will make this year’s lake conference a success,” said Kaupa.

Vice President Saulos Chilima is expected to be the Guest of Honour at the conference.

FDH Group CEO among the 50 Most Reputable Bank CEOs in Africa

WILLIAM MPINGANJIRA: Brushing shoulders with top executives of banks in big economies such as Egypt, Nigeria, South Africa, Ghana, Kenya, Botswana, Cameroun, Angola, Rwanda and Morocco

AT only 37, FDH Financial Holdings Limited Group Chief Executive Officer, William Mpinganjira, is among the 50 Most Reputable Bank CEOs in Africa, it has emerged.

Such is his acumen in the banking and financial services sector that he could not escape the attention of continental poll on the banking gurus in Africa by Reputational Poll International, a global strategic consultancy agency that specialises in in corporate reputation management.

In the poll it has released this week, Reputational Poll International has identified 50 most reputable CEOs from banks in 16 countries spanning across the continent.

It happens that Mpingangira is brushing shoulders with top executives of banks in big economies such as Egypt, Nigeria, South Africa, Ghana, Kenya, Botswana, Cameroun, Angola, Rwanda and Morocco.

The list comprise two Malawians banking CEOs. Macfussy Kawawa, CEO of National Bank of Malawi, is another Malawian.

Reputational Poll International has conducted the rating as part of its annual ranking called Executive Appraisal of Reputable Individuals which it assesses from all works of life.

It ranks Mpinganjira among the top executives who have done sterling work in revolutionising the banking sector and keeping it thriving amid the ravaging Covid-19.

“Those who have built and played an imperative role in revolutionizing the banking sector based on the following criteria; Excellence, Integrity, Reliability, Expertise, Technology, and ease of credit. They have helped their Banks attain a great height of performance,” says Reputational Poll International.

On the list is the oldest CEO Othman Benjellouna, a Moroccan banker billionaire businessman.

He is the co-founder of Bank of Africa and BMCE Bank. Also serving as the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer in 2021, his net worth is estimated by Forbes to be US$1.3 billion.

So who is this young man who has brought a spotlight of pride on the nation?

William Mpinganjira was appointed Group CEO for FDH Financial Holdings Limited in September 2020. He assumed to position following the retirement of his father, Thom Mpinganjira, from the role.

Mpinganjira is the leader of group of companies that comprises five subsidiaries, namely FDH Money Bureau, FDH Bank, FDH Advisory Services, First Discount House, and MSB Properties Limited.

Prior to his appointment at FDH Financial Holdings, William Mpinganjira worked as FDH Bank’s Deputy Managing Director.

Mpinganjira studied at the London South Bank University, where he gained a bachelor’s degree in Finance and Accounting, and attended Grenoble Graduate School of Business in France, where he gained a master’s degree in International Business.

He also attended Bangor Business School, gaining a master’s degree in Banking and Finance.

A member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Malawi, he is a Chartered Banker with the Chartered Banker Institute, and a Fellow of the Association of Certified Chartered Accountants.

He completed an Executive Development Programme at South Africa’s University of Stellenbosch Graduate Business School.

Mpinganjira is an alumnus of the London Business School and Harvard Business School, having successfully completed leadership programmes at both prestigious learning institutions.

Chilima Appeals for Ethical, Corrupt Free Accountants

CHILIMA: Rebuilding our economy ought to be championed by the Accountants of this country

If Malawi is to remain steady on her road to development and implementation of the MW2063 development blue print, the country needs Accountants who are gatekeepers of resources and not conduits of fraud and corruption.

Vice President Saulos Chilima made the remarks on Thursday in Mangochi when he delivered an opening statement at the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Malawi (ICAM) conference.

“If Accountants are not the forefront safeguarding our economy, then who will?
Procrastination is the thief of time. Rise and defend the noble profession today
and not tomorrow,” Chilima said.

The Vice President said a nation that has no semblance of discipline is on the verge of collapse.

The veep further appealed to the Accountants to familiarize with the MW2063, saying they were a crucial stakeholder group to the implementation of the development – starting with the first 10 year plan that is underway.

“As people entrusted with managing resources of this country, you are very
big part and at the heart of the success of the implementation of the MW2063,” he said.

He said for instance, if the country does not have Accountants well versed in Mining –
which is one of the pillars in the MW2063 – Malawi may end up seeing a flood of expatriate Accountants in our
Mining sector.

“Rebuilding our economy ought to be championed by the Accountants of this country. And the Accountants of this country are here. In this room,” he said.

speaking earlier both ICAM President Phyles Kachingwe and the Chief Executive Officer Francis Chinjoka Gondwe said the institute will pursue discipline issues seriously and will continue meting punishment on errand Accountants.

The three day conference has lined up a number of influential speakers including revered Economist Associate Prof. Ronald Mangani who once served as Secretary to the Treasury and was recently once of the 15 member team that Chilima assembled to overhaul the public service whose report government is yet to make public.

GRIN’S FIRE FRIDAY:The King, The Doc Storm Lilongwe’s Livingroom

Fresh from Uganda Hip-hop artist Tay Grin alongside his friend in crime Dr. Patience Namadingo otherwise known as Doc will this Friday storm Living Room in the Capital City Lilongwe in Grin’s Fire Friday.

The ‘Grin’s Fire Friday’ is a live Instagram show hosted by the Nyau King Tay Grin, in which his Instagram followers are given opportunity to video call and dance to a song of their choice.

According to a poster available to the publication, the show will start at 9 O’clock in the evening and charges are k 2000 per head.

“Ndalama zikutiyabwa ife.
Hence we wanna smell good and party every weekend. Come party with The King and The Doc this Friday at Living Room in the Capital City,” posted Tay Gri on his official facebook page.

Famous club Disk Jockeys Tawa, Doufresh , Shortie , Chronik and HK2 have line up for the famous live show.

Commentators hail Vuwa for suing MEC over loss he incurred through court-sanctioned by-election

VUWA: Commended

Social media commentators have hailed the decision by Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) lawmaker for Nkhata Bay Central Constituency, Symon Vuwa Kaunda, to drag Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC) to court for the loss he incurred to reclaim his seat following the nullification of his victory in May 2021.

The commentators emphasize that it is high time Malawians started holding MEC accountable for the irregularities during elections.

Vuwa Kaunda is demanding that MEC should pay him K600 million for the psychologic and physical torture and economic loss he suffered to defend his victory in the May 2019 parliamentary elections.

However, MEC has refused to honour the claim, a decision MEC Director of Legal Affairs, David Matumika Banda, said they have already communicated to the claimant’s lawyers.

Banda argued that the claim was directed at the wrong party.

Vuwa Kaunda, who acknowledged receipt of the response from the pollster, maintains that MEC is the right institution to sue by virtue of its mandate to conduct free, fair and credible elections.

The legislator argued that in the event that the election has been riddled with irregularities, the Commission needs and must take responsibility.

“In a game of football, the referee would be penalized if he did not officiate the match professionally. So, is it not surprising that I have been punished on behalf of MEC, which messed up an election and went away with it?” he asked.

“I incurred huge economic loss to conduct fresh campaign to reclaim my seat just because of some employees at MEC were didn’t do their job right. So, is it not only fair that MEC should compensate me for such a loss inflicted on me by them?” argued Vuwa Kaunda.

Some Malawians have concurred with the legislator, arguing time had come for MEC to be held to account for its misconduct.

A China-based Malawian, who only identifies himself as Che Lifa, said at law, damages are a remedy in the form of a monetary award to be paid to a claimant as compensation for loss or injury.

“To warrant the award, the claimant must show that a breach of duty has caused foreseeable loss,” said Lifa in his post on News and Reports Forum.

Another social media enthusiast [name deliberately withheld] said MEC’s negligence must not be overlooked in this case.

He said Kaunda had every reason to take this matter to High Court.

“MEC, in my opinion, should have engaged Vuwa Kaunda’s lawyers outside court and reach a consensus. Already, both the ConCourt and the Supreme Court of Appeal agreed that the previous MEC was incompetent. The chances for Mr. Kaunda winning the case are higher than that of MEC,” he said.

In his contribution, Sheikh Jaffar Kawinga said Vuwa Kaunda had a stronger case against the pollster.

Press Cane donates K10.5million hospital items to Chikwawa Hospital


By Mc Donald Chapalapata, a Contributor

Chithambo (left) presents some of the items to Councillor Abrey Masanza while Chikwawa DC Ali Phiri looks on

Ethanol distiller Press Cane Limited, a subsidiary of conglomerate Press Corporation plc on Monday donated hospital items worth K10.5 million to Chikwawa District Hospital as part of its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) mandate.

The items that were presented include a Diathermy, linen, 1,000 blood giving sets, 50,000 EDTA tubes, 1 theatre bed and 3 patient monitors.

Speaking at Chikwawa District Hospital when he presented the materials, Press Corporation plc General Manager (Operations) Lyton Chithambo said the health sector has been stretched because of the Covid-19 pandemic hence the donation.

“We realize that the health sector has been overstretched because of the Covid-19 pandemic and that most of the resources have been directed to the fight against the pandemic leaving some areas wanting. So, our donation is to compliment the government’s efforts in providing good health care to its citizens,” said Chithambo.

Chithambo (left) presents some of the items to Chikwawa District Council Chairman Councillor Aubrey Masanza as Chikwawa DC Ali Phiri looks on

“We urge hospital authorities to take good care of these items so that they should serve the intended beneficiaries who are the patients here in Chikwawa,” added Chithambo.

Chikwawa District Director of Health and Social Services Dr Stalin Zinkanda thanked Press Cane for the donation, promising to put it to the right use so that it benefits the patients.

“We are grateful for this donation because it has come at a right time when we all know that the health sector is overstretched at the moment because of the Covid-19 pandemic. We want to assure Press Cane Limited that materials that they have donated will be put to good use to help our patients,” said Zinkanda.

He also announced that Chikwawa District Hospital will soon start paying services and that consultations are underway with some organizations so that their employees should not travel all the way to Blantyre to seek medical help when they can be helped at the hospital at a fee.

Why Mpinganjira was picked up for shaming

BEING PICKED FOR SHAMING: Mpinganjira during earlier court appearance

I have had the opportunity to listen to the recorded judgement delivery as broadcast live on Zodiak Broadcasting Station and I am coming to the conclusion that Mpinganjira was singled out to be put to shame to meet interests of I do not know who. I say so considering the following:

1.     When Reyneck Matemba who was at that time ACB Director announced that they had received a letter from Chief Justice regarding to an incident of attempted bribery for the judges, he mentioned that that was not the only tip that the ACB received. Matemba told the nation through a press briefing that the Bureau had received more complaints related to two business people and politicians who tried to influence the case.

Almost two years on, there is no news on those others and everyone is quiet about it. Interesting Mpinganjira’s case has galloped through the process. My question is why? For whose convenience was all this about?
2.    Further to that, aspersions have been cast on how the Madam Judge argued in some parts of her judgement. For example, during submission and cross examinations, Mpinganjira said he had shelled out money to political leaders namely Joyce Banda,  Lazarus Chakwera and Saulos Chilima and to DPP. In her determination Madama Judge still hanged Mpinganjira on the basis of the money he gave to the DPP. In her argument, she said that Mpinganjira disclosed that he gave money to Chakwera, Chilima and Joyce Banda just to confuse the court and embarrass them.

She then said in his actions, she was only interested in having the case go in favour of the DPP because it owed him a lot of money. How did the judge come up with these equations and conclusions as if those people which Mpinganjira had given money been brought before court to testify? Or did they?
On careful analysis of the judgement, there is every palpable evidence that it was hurried as evidenced by too many gaps.

In addition, the judgement is littered with conjectures and forced conclusions by the Honourable Judge. I dare say the judgement leaves a lot to be desired such that it lends itself to an opinion that it is a tool meant to accomplish the mission of some conspiracy against Mpinganjira.  

I conclude by saying the court did say the judgement is yet to be perfected but we all know there is not much left to do on it. Fixing tenses and correcting spelling errors and improving sentence construction won’t remove it from the shelf of the conspiracy theory.

My only prayer is that one day the truth shall come out and set us all free.  
I rest my case.

Standard Bank taps the unbanked with UNAYO

MADINGA: The solution literally puts the power in Malawians’ hands to improve their financial wellbeing

Standard Bank plc, on Wednesday launched Unayo, a services platform that connects businesses, customers and communities and provides a single hub for economic activity. It facilitates ease of transacting when paying for goods and services, money transfers and disbursements.

Chief Executive Phillip Madinga said the innovation aims at redefining the banking sector by creating new frontiers to serve Malawians better and wider but also connect the various ecosystems in the country.

“Unayo is a revolutionary services platform that enables us solve a range of problems faced by communities when handling their financial needs. By its very name Unayo is Swahili for “You Have It”, or Ulinayo in vernacular. The solution literally puts the power in Malawians’ hands to improve their financial wellbeing and embrace them in a growing and thriving economic ecosystem.”

Malawians can register on Unayo in two ways, either as merchant or customer designed for day to day banking services. Merchants and customers can transact with everyone in Malawi from any mobile network.

The platform allows customers to move money using Cash In and Cash Outs, and pay friends, family and merchants, and Electronic Money Transfers.

According to Madinga, Unayo will revolutionalise the banking industry by tapping the unbanked base.

“With mobile phone operators sharing over 9 million customers, it is the Unayo platform which will help include the rest of the population into banking mainstream,” he said.

He said with Unayo, Standard Bank is reiterating that it is part of an ecosystems driver that connects different customers and market players across the spectrum.

He further pointed out that that the bank is simultaneously addressing issues of financial inclusion and job creation through this innovation.

“We are bringing as many Malawians as possible into the banking system via modern technologies. No one should be left behind when it comes to accessing banking services either as a merchant or customer or beneficiary.”

In his remarks, Reserve Bank of Malawi Deputy Governor, Grant Kabango, commended Standard Bank for being a driver of change within the economy via modern innovations and technologies.

“Unayo Platform comes as a timely intervention to a sector that is dynamic and in need of new ideas to improve delivery of modern financial services. Currently, only two million of out of the country’s total population of 19 million are bank customers meaning penetration is still very low. We are convinced that Unayo has come to help in reversing that anomaly by taking banking straight to the people and doing so through modern means,” he said.

For one to be on Unayo, all they need is a mobile gadget, mobile number and Personal ID. Registration on USSD is by dialing *247# and follow the prompts. As for the mobile App, one must download Unayo from Apple Store or Play Store and follow the registration guide.

MULTICHOICE MALAWI CELEBRATES 25 YEARS: Launches Sankha Wekha (you choose) campaign

GUS BANDA: MultiChoice continues to grow by working hand in hand with local communities

This year Multi Choice Malawi celebrates half a century of enriching  Malawian lives through the launch of the Sankha Wekha (you choose) campaign. Through Sankha Wekha, we aim to celebrate the partnerships we have created with our many stakeholders who include, our regulators, customers, employees, retailers and agents who have enabled us to continue providing our customers with choice through the many services we offer. It is through these partnerships that we are able to celebrate 25 years of enriching lives and empowering Malawian communities.

This journey began 25 years ago, as a joint venture between Malawian owned, Raise Limited and MultiChoice Africa Holdings, launching the first ever pay TV business in Malawi which was received with overwhelming positivity and excitement. As the business continued to grow and expand it became necessary to ensure we diversified our offerings through afforadbly priced subscriptions. This resulted in the launch of GOtv in 2013, which provided unmatched quality content and value for money.

In the last 25 years the business has made tremendous strides and invested in various initiatives that have further allowed us to continue providing Malawians with solutions that are aimed at optimising our customer touchpoints, while ensuring we enhance and simplfy how our customers interact with our products and services thereby putting our customers first. Through its business operations, investments in technology, local infrastructure, CSI initiatives, value added services and local partnerships we are proud to have been able to enrich lives.

MultiChoice continues to grow by working hand in hand with local communities with our business operations expanding over the last 25 years and now spanning across Blantyre and Lilongwe with 85 Malawian employees alongside a national footprint comprising of retailers, over 200 agents throughout the country and  58 accredited installers who work collectively at making great content accessible to our customers.

As we continue to grow with our communities, our mission is to deliver value to our customers by offering the best entertainment  choices by developing the right mix of content from telenovelas to kids shows to football and a variety of world class content  to keep Malawians entertained  in a range of packages on DStv and GOtv while providing local content delivered through our local FTAs which are available on both.

This incredible journey would not have been possible without our many partners including government ministries, national broadcasters, regulators and entrepreneurs whom together, we have helped grow local businesses in challenging socio-economic climates and inturn enriched the lives of Malawians. These relationships have enabled us to extend our reach through impactful projects like our Corporate Social Initiatives (CSI) where we refurbished the Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital ICU and contributed in the fight againsta COVID, which has provided the hospital with the means to, literally, save lives on a daily basis.

Furthermore, through the entrepreneurship oppurtunities created in the Sankha Wekha Kiosks, we have equipped our agents with the power to own their own businesses. We continue to operate with the objective of positively contributing to the communities in which we operate whilst building long term cooperative relationships within our community.

Another way the business supports the growth of the Malawian creative industry is through the MultiChoice Talent Factory. This flagship corporate social investment initiative inspires and nurtures talented young people to work in and build creative industries and generate a pipeline of African content birthed from Malawian talent.  

After 25 years, MultiChoice Malawi remains committed to putting our customers at the heart of everything we do. The business is passionate about customer experience and delivering exceptional service at every point of interaction. Our very existence is due to the loyalty of our valued customers, and our commitment is to ensure they continue to enjoy the very best television experience in Malawi with the best content, best technology and the best customer experience. 

Build, create and grow – are the ideals guiding our efforts now as we continue enriching the lives of Malawians even further through rich African storytelling, powerful social upliftment and strong economic development. Through the hardwork and dedication of our employees and the loyalty of our growing customers base, MultiChoice Malawi is able to enjoy and celerbate 25 years of Sankha Wekha and strive to enjoy many more!


Gus Banda, Managing Director, MultiChoice Malawi


For more information contact

Zena Makunje

Corporate Affairs Manager, MultiChoice Malawi

Thom Mpinganjira was a mouse in the court of cats

MPINGANJIRA: a mouse in the court of cats

On Friday, the judiciary in Malawi got in its bloodied claws a high-profile victim in the name of rich business man, Thomson Frank Mpinganjira.

To all those who cared to see, Mpinganjira was never going to be acquitted from the case of attempting to bribe five judges in the presidential election matter because he was a mouse in the court of cats. When it comes to this, a mouse cannot win a case despite the quality of its arguments or despite that it is innocent. I am tempted to think that it is highly likely that Mpinganjira himself knew this would be the outcome.

First of all, the case was reported to the ACB by the Chief Justice himself in late 2019. In addition, witnesses in the case on the part of the State were the five judges he is alleged to have tried to corrupt. Finally, the one presiding over the matter was a fellow judge as normal.

So, it was a court house full of cats licking their pawns against one mouse whose misfortune was to be rich, famous and probably on the wrong side of political thinking. Guys, there is no way Mpinganjira was going to walk away from that court proven not guilty, even if he was to be innocent.

It is my considered opinion that Mpinganjira is a victim not of what he attempted to do but of a judiciary attempting to prove to the world that it is less corrupt and has a good moral standing. I am using “less corrupt” because some judges in Malawi are very corrupt and have no moral uprightness, they are accusing Mpinganjira of. This is a fact!

Not too long ago a voice note circulated on social media of a police man complaining that one senior judge who he was providing security at his house assaulted him under the influence of alcohol and left him with injuries for which he was treated as an outpatient at a hospital in Blantyre.

This is one example of the many cases of moral inappropriateness of some of our judges and lawyers in Malawi. I dare say that Malawians have evidence and if there was an opportunity in life for people to say what the mischief our judges and lawyers are involved in, it would be the from the rising to the setting of the sun where people would provide evidence of corruption, unfathered children, sexual assaults, twisted judgements and the devils knows what.

While he was being questioned in the case, Mpinganjira alluded to this when he asked the judge to recuse herself from the case because of numerous improprieties which included that the judge made various offers to Mpinganjira if he was to get a favourable outcome of the case. Of course, the judge refused to recuse herself but how convenient was it that the judge decided not to clear herself on this matter when she was delivering her judgement on Friday and instead dwelt on the money which Mpinganjira had shelled out to politicians?  

The point I am making is this that while our judges have been doing ostensibly a commendable job upholding our growing democracy viz-a-viz deliver justice, their personal and professional record has too many holes punched in by numerous improprieties that obfuscate their fairness at justice delivery.

The real problem we have, in my opinion, is there is no one to police them. I am cognizant of the fact that there is a Judicial Service Commission which I am told is supposed to be the policeman but show me one case which that commission has even presided over to censure a judge for misconduct.

I see journalists suffering from lawsuits, forced to run apologies and retractions and getting reprimanded from their mother bodies and from everyone who thinks journalists are there to accuse and vilify. The President, Members of Parliament, Councillors are under the constant eye of the public court every day of their lives and judgement is passed at the next election.

On the other hand, the judiciary is some secret cult that is policed by none as it wallows in personal and professional mischief and distortion of law and justice.

Yes, we embraced democracy but our democracy is not balanced as long as certain sections of government are accountable to no one but themselves as if they are God and as a consequence, we shall all be victims of their machinations and always be found guilty in our innocence.

That is undemocratic and evil. Those scales of justice must balance for once.
Truly Malawian.


MPINGANJIRA: He did not commit any crime. He only attempted to commit a crime.

When High Judge Dorothy DeGabrielle pronounced a guilty verdict on business magnate Thom Mpinganjira on Friday, she convicted millions of hopes and aspirations among Malawians.

For, a day in prison for Mpinganjira is eternal prison for millions of lives the man has touched and would have touched in his life.

A comment on one facebook post about his being convicted bears testimony. It reads as follows: 

“I have never met him in person, but some students at our college were so needy and were about to be withdrawn for non-payment of fees.”

“One student gave me the contact for Mpinganjira to talk to him on their behalf. Mpinganjira deposited 1.5 mita [million] the same day into our account as fees for 2 students. This year he has paid about 10 million as fees for other needy students.

“Before this judgement, he was about to fund us for the construction of 2 classroom blocks. He is kind and approachable.”

This is a comment from a student from Trinity College of Nursing and Midwifery. Since the judgement, comments like these have been outpouring.

For those who are honest, charity is what Mpinganjira is well known for. He has helped the sick, reached out to the needy, inspired and touched millions of lives.

Mpinganjira has not just been an inspiring entrepreneur of note. He has also been almost a perfect human being. 

There are many Malawians who are rich, some of them probably richer than Mpinganjira himself. But they have never shared their wealth with anyone. For some of them, their wealth is gotten through sins far graver and more unjust to humanity than the one Mpinganjira is alleged to have attempted to commit.

To the contrary, Mpinganjira has been something else. A self-made banking entrepreneur who built his empire from humble beginnings and grew it with hard work, innovation and business savvy, he has used his money to reach out to needy Malawians, some of whom he does not know and will never know.

Apart from touching lives directly, he has inspired many Malawians that they are as good as others around the world to get rich, in this country, and create jobs for others.

There will be those that will celebrate his conviction. Largely, it is out of jealousy for what he has been able to achieve. It will be because of their perception of him in terms of their political interests. It will be from all sorts of dishonest arguments.

But if you listen to the judgement, Mpinganjira did not commit any crime. He only allegedly attempted to commit a crime. Even then, no one knows what happened in the dark corners of this incident. What if he was influenced by some crookedness into committing a crime?
In human nature, these errors of judgement are normal.

Judges have these errors of judgement. Rich people make them. Presidents make them. Artists make them. The poor make them. Everyone makes them.

We all have our crimes and attempted crimes because we are humans.

The question should be whether some crimes are grave enough for one to get imprisoned for, in the process imprisoning millions of hopes and aspirations.

Mpinganjira is a larger-than-life figure. He did not commit any crime. He only attempted to commit a crime.

Therefore, the nation is stuck with the question to decide on what it gains between having him in jail and having him out of jail.

NBM plc gives Icam K3 million for lake conference


By Mc Donald Chapalapata, a Contributor

Daniel Jere (right) presents a dummy cheque to Gondwe

National Bank of Malawi (NBM) plc on Thursday supported the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Malawi (Icam) with K3 million for its annual lake conference scheduled for 16-18 September 2021 in Mangochi.

Speaking in Blantyre, NBM plc Head of Internal Audit Daniel Jere said the conference dubbed ‘the biggest of them all’ attracts a diverse range of high-profile personalities and professionals in the country ranging from government, parastatals, NGOs, development partners, international partners and members of the private sector, among others. 

“As the Bank of the Nation, we have partnered with ICAM previously and are partnering with them again this year.  This is because we know that with all these powerful people gathered at one place, it presents an ideal opportunity to engage them on financial solutions that the Bank is capable of providing to them.”

“Above all, the conference presents an opportunity for Bank participants to network with like-minded individuals and keep abreast with the latest global trends,” said Jere.

He also assured participants at the conference that NBM plc will strive to cater to their banking needs.

“We all know that accountants follow the money keenly and it is our hope that participants at the conference will use several of our digital platforms to transact whilst at the lake and in so doing make their jobs easier as they can trace where the money is going,” said Jere.

Icam Chief Executive Officer Francis Chinjoka Gondwe hailed NBM plc for the support saying the bank has been a true partner since time immemorial.

“We are grateful to NBM plc for this support, it will go a long way in making this year’s annual lake conference a success. NBM plc has been supporting us in most of our activities since time immemorial and the bank is indeed a true partner for Icam,” said Gondwe.

He said recently NBM plc contributed K2 Million towards the awards for best performing ICAM students and also rolled out ICAM payment options on its USSD based mobile banking platform Mo626 ice for various Icam functions.

Police Demolish Houses in Mzuzu, 65 Malawi Housing Houses risk demolition in Blantyre

Some of the houses Malawi police have demolished in Mzuzu

Police have this morning demolished houses that were built by encroachers in Mzuzu on private land. The encroachers who include Malawi Congress party officials according to Zodiak online, were crying on the site claiming they have proper papers.

This demolition comes barely a week after the High court in Blantyre granted an injunction evicting Malawi Housing tenants from houses Malawi housing built on private land in Ngumbe in Blantyre belonging to Costa and Samantha Scordis.

In Court the Scordis Family is asking the court order demolition of the 65 illegally constructed houses.

There was drama at Ngumbe in Blantyre where Malawi Housing Corporation (MHC) tenants were being evicted from their houses which the parastatal organisation constructed on the alleged private land.

Several families are expected to be chased out of the 65 two-bedroom semi-detached houses which MHC built with a K3.5 billion bank loan on a freehold farming land belonging to the family of Costas and Samantha Scordis.

RISK DEMOLITION: Some of the MHC houses in Ngumbe

MHC management ignored professional advice not to proceed with the housing project due to ownership issues forcing the Scordis family to drag the corporation to court in 2018.

Lawyer Kuleza Phokoso is representing the Scordis family.

The 65 houses risk demolition because in court the Scordis family is demanding the financially struggling MHC and its agents to remove any structures built on the 53 hectares piece of land and if they do not remove Scordis would demolish and remove all such structures at the cost of the MHC.

There was no immediate comment from MHC as both its acting chief executive officer Jordan Chipatala and public relations officer (PRO) Ernestina Lunguzi did not pick up their phones.

However Government through the Minister of Lands Kezzie Msukwa and Abida Mia and Titus Mvalo are said to have intervened to negotiate an out of court settlement with the Scordis family to avoid the demolition of the houses.

Tenants say they feel unsafe as any day they will be chased and the houses demolished even if it takes time.

(Report by Viweme Kumwenda)

Court Clarifies on SKC Mpinganjira/FDH Loans

Contrary to what was communicated some time back during the trial of Thom Mpinganjira’s bribery case, today the court clarified that Vice President Saulos Chilima never got a donation from Mpinganjira but a loan which he paid.

Speaking as she delivered judgement on the bribery case, Judge Dorothy deGablielle clarified that in August 2018 and January 2020 Dr. Chilima recieved K40 million from Mpinganjira through a bank employee and the money was paid back.

“The bank employee confirmed collecting back K40 million from Dr. Chilima as loan payment. Dr. Chilima also got a loan of K350 million from FDH bank,” said the Judge.

However, the Judge did not mention anything as to whether the K98 million kwacha that President Chakwera recieved was paid back.

The Judge said Mr. Kapondamgaga and Mr.Chaima as well as President Chakwera himself collected money from Mpinganjira as a donation.

“The accused said he met President Chakwera at Ufulu garden where he donated K20 million in person and in cash,” said the Judge.

The Judge made these pronouncements as she gave background to the case where Mpinganjira is being accused of bribing judges.

Meet the MultiChoice Talent Factory Class of 2022! 60 new students to benefit


MultiChoice Africa is excited to welcome the next generation of passionate young film creatives to the MTF Academy hubs in Nairobi, Lagos & Lusaka as part of the Class of 2022. After a 6-week selection process across 13 African countries, 60 aspiring filmmakers representing East Africa, Southern Africa and West Africa will begin their 12-month training programme at the MTF Academies in October this year.

The final candidates were selected after a rigorous interview and adjudication process by film and television experts, as well as regional Academy Directors. Now in its third year, the MultiChoice Talent Factory has honed the skills of 120 emerging filmmakers in 13 countries across the continent, who are now part of the growing MTF alumni network, taking African stories to the world.

At the onset of the pandemic, MTF looked for ways to ensure that our curriculum was still delivered with the expected impact. Critical to this was leveraging relationships with our strategic partners when identifying solutions for our students. This led to even greater opportunities as our last cohort benefited from an intensive 3-week New York Film Academy (NYFA) online training course. Formulated in partnership with NYFA, this course is now part of the MTF curriculum where the new cohort will learn how to produce micro documentaries, public service announcements, television commercials and music videos. This type of training broadens their skillset and allows them to be economically active in various sectors, not only the film industry.

The success of any academic programme can be measured by the contribution made by alumni in the industry. To find out how MTF academies are continuing to ignite Africa’s creative industries, MTF carried out an annual survey, and found that of those that participated in the survey from of the inaugural class of 2019, 92% are economically active in the industry. According to CEO: General Entertainment & Connected Video Yolisa Phahle, this is exactly what the industry needs and why MTF was launched.

“As Africa’s most loved storyteller, our commitment is not only to tell authentic African stories but to also invest in them, that is why some of our alumni are working on M-Net and Showmax productions. Currently we have alumni in 7 countries working on M-Net and Showmax productions and the list keeps growing. They are helping us to realise the vision of taking African stories to the world with a “hyperlocal” approach, producing relevant content within the respective regions of our continent, as opposed to a one-size-fits-all strategy,” says Phahle.

The academy’s curriculum was tailored alongside MultiChoice Africa partner institutions Pan-Atlantic University in Lagos, Kenyatta University in Nairobi, and the University of Zambia in Lusaka, which will respectively confer the course qualification upon completion of the academy programme. In addition, The Henley Business School offers an orientation intervention to the students at the beginning and end of the 12-month programme as well workshops on Business for Creatives focussing on entrepreneurship.

Meet your MTF Class of 2022:

East Africa AcademySouthern Africa AcademyWest Africa Academy
Kalkidan Fessehaye (Ethiopia) Nahusenay Dereje (Ethiopia) Ritha Saxon (Tanzania) Christopher Masalu (Tanzania) Raimon Sanga (Tanzania) Kenneth Msanjila (Tanzania) Doreen Kilimbe (Tanzania) Audrey Egesa (Kenya) Bruno Tanya (Kenya) Cesylia Oketch (Kenya) Clerick Werimo (Kenya) Desmond Okeyo (Kenya) Josh Artkins (Kenya) Mary Njoroge (Kenya) Patrick Odongo (Kenya) Yvonne Wambua (Kenya) Nassanga Ann (Uganda) Justine Nabunya (Uganda) Phillip Sentamu (Uganda) Tusabe Ivan (Uganda)David Paulo Sapalo (Angola) Fabiana Alexandra da Barros (Angola) Larona Dichaba (Botswana) Refilwe Kathleen Onana Podi (Botswana) Asante Mbaimbai (Malawi) Chisomo Kawaga (Malawi) Nelson Omar Faquirà (Mozambique) Silvana Pombal (Mozambique) Jerome Claasen (Namibia) Jose Carlos Panduleni Amutenya (Namibia) Lucia Kim Hamunghete (Namibia) Amos Mwape (Zambia) Blessings Mainga (Zambia) Canicius Kabwe (Zambia) Catherine Zulu (Zambia) Daniel Lungu (Zambia) David Senkwe (Zambia) Victor Lushinjilo Kasanga (Zambia) Chimwemwe Chipidza (Zimbabwe) Yvonne F. Feresu (Zimbabwe)Andrea  Peregrino (Nigeria) Abimbola Akinrinbola (Nigeria) Ayo Lawson (Nigeria) Emmanuella Bakare (Nigeria) Doris Nwoye (Nigeria) Favour Eniayekan (Nigeria) Ibrahim Mamman (Nigeria) Murewa Ayodele (Nigeria) Oluwatoyosi Fowode (Nigeria) Omowonuola Giwa (Nigeria) Plangnan Amtu (Nigeria) Samuel Ishola (Nigeria) Temitope Mariam Odo (Nigeria) Teniola  Oyelumade (Nigeria) Wapah  Kelechi Ezeigwe (Nigeria) Tosin Alabi (Nigeria) Alice Johnson (Ghana) Emmanuel Horla Nuvor (Ghana) Kwame Addae (Ghana) Nubuke Amoah (Ghana)

In addition to the academy, MTF also provides resources for industry professionals across Africa.  The second pillar, the MTF masterclass initiatives is aimed at upskilling industry professionals and emerging creatives alike by offering exclusive access to practical, expert-led industry skills workshops across the continent. Through these masterclasses, MTF has trained over 1000 creatives since 2019. The MTF Portal is a third pillar, a pan-African digital market-place for the over 40 000 creatives who are registered which provides access to free online masterclasses and profiling opportunities. 

BRAVO: Eight channels from across the continent now available in High Definition


Finding ways to offer pay TV subscribers more choice is a continuous goal, especially in a competitively priced industry. In an effort to full their “Sankha Wekha” proposition which described providing customers with more choice, DStv will now provide customers with 8 new HD channels. Over the past few years, DStv has introduced new ways of viewing content from platforms such as Showmax and the DStv App (formerly DStv Now), which allows consumers to watch their favourite shows while on the go through their mobile devices.

Customers will now have an improved overall viewing experience through the upgrading of  eight DStv channels from SD (Standard Viewing) to HD (high definition).  

The channels that are now available in HD are as follows:

● Africa Magic Urban  

● Africa Magic Epic

● Akwaaba Magic

● Abol TV

● Honey TV

● Pearl Magic Prime,

● Maisha Magic Bongo


“This advancement further reiterates our commitment to putting our customers first. HD will truly improve the viewing experience and sound across all the channels through increasing the resolution, making sure the images are clearer to ensure optimal enjoyment” said Gus Banda, Multichoice Malawi MD.

To stream shows anywhere anytime and enjoy offline, download the DStv App available for download for via iOS and Android.

MCP plans to repeal 50+1 provision, bribes 12 MPs with pick-ups


Plans are at an advanced stage by the Malawi Congress Party (MCP) to repeal the recently amended part of Section 80 Subsection 2 of the part of the Malawi Electoral Act that defines majority as 50+1, Malawi Voice can tell.

According to an insider, MCP has already started canvassing for numbers by bribing some Independent members of Parliament with their recently acquired pick-ups, in readiness for the move.

The judgment of the High Court of Malawi sitting as the Constitutional Court and upheld by the Malawi Supreme Court of Appeal, the definition of “majority” in determining a winner in the election is 50-percent-plus-one.

The move aims at giving an easy ride in 2025 polls in a likely event that Saulos Chilima and his UTM pulls out of Tonse Alliance.



By Iommie Chiwalo

NAMIWA: “We are of the view that it is time the country started saving money from the AIP initiative

The Centre for Democracy and Economic Development Initiatives (CDEDI) has asked government to depoliticise Affordable Input Program (AIP).

The organisation has also challenged President Dr. Lazarus Chakwera to be sincere in his public pronouncements regarding implementation of safety-net programmes targeting  marginalised and vulnerable Malawians.

CDEDI has made the calls after its meeting with the Minister of Agriculture, Hon. Lobin Lowe at the ministry’s headquarters in Lilongwe on Thursday, September 2, 2021.

Right from the meeting which lasted for over one hour, CDEDI’s stand remains that President Chakwera’s decision to override the ministry of Agriculture on the matter, as per his directive contained in the recent address to the nation, is an attempt to be seen to be politically-correct.

“Otherwise, the move by the ministry was a response to the prevailing situation on the ground.
It is everyone’s guess as to the uncertainty that faces this year’s AIP; more so given that options available to meet the President’s political wish are a tall order,” reads the CDEDI statement signed by its Executive Director Sylvester Namiwa.  

CDEDI has, therefore, advised President Chakwera to accept the harsh reality on the ground and act above politics saying he must stop making populist political pronouncements, which are mostly too costly on the public purse.

“The truth of the matter is that the AIP has become a huge mountain to climb for the Tonse Alliance administration as it has proved to be a very costly and unsustainable exercise,” he says.

CDEDI has since suggested that government must start saving from AIP while investing in local fertilizer manufacturing company.

“We are of the view that it is time the country started saving money from the AIP initiative, by slowly scaling down the number of beneficiaries, and invest such savings in local production of fertiliser as a meaningful way of cutting down both on government expenditure, as well as on the sky-rocketing prices of fertiliser.

The meeting with minister Lowe followed some grey areas in his response which was coupled with inconsistencies in the policy direction on AIP between himself as the Minister of Agriculture, and his boss–the President.

For instance Lowe’s response justified that the scaling down of beneficiaries was necessitated by the resource envelope for the programme in the 2021/2022 growing season, and that it was a routine exercise which the ministry conducts prior to the growing season.

He also said that the programme faces challenges, which include what he termed as ‘a cartel’ by those involved in the fertiliser industry in Malawi if not to mention of undeserving beneficiaries.

To make the program sustainable, Lowe said the list of beneficiaries had to be reworked after it was noted that it included ‘undeserving beneficiaries’.

“It included people such as some officials from my own ministry and other civil servants, but now had been removed from the database,” Lowe said.

According to the minister, based on the allocated resources, it is not possible to maintain the initial beneficiaries’ list, unless Cabinet pushes Treasury to either make available additional resources, or approve the increase of the contributions made by the beneficiaries from the current MK4, 500 per 50kg bag of fertiliser to any reasonable amount, or look for cheaper fertiliser elsewhere. 

Ministry invites CDEDI to roundtable…responds to “needless” scaling down of AIP beneficiaries


By Iommie Chiwalo

Minister of Agriculture has responded to concerns raised by human rights organisation Center for Democracy and Economic Development Initiatives (CDEDI) saying the reduction was based on a number of factors including the resource envelope as well as type of beneficiaries.

CDEDI wrote the minister on August 25, 2021, a demand letter with the title: ‘CONCERNS ON THE NEEDLESS SCALLING DOWN EXERCISE OF THE AIP BENEFICIARIES FOR THE 2021/2022 GROWING SEASON.’

But in his response dated August 26, 2021, and made available to this publication, the Minister Lobin Lowe has highlighted that the decision was largely based on resource envelope.

He pointed out that the AIP in 2021/2022 was allocated K142 billion whereby K126 billion was allocated to fertilizer and that the balance of K16 billion was allocated to seeds and logistics.

Lowe also clarifies that the number was trimmed looking at the fact that some beneficiaries were not supposed to benefit from the programme.

“The figure came as per resources allocated and that some beneficiaries such as civil servants are not supposed to appear on the list,” he said.

Lowe has however said that the option was just a preliminary guidance that was given as the ministry was exploring avenues to ensure that all the deserving beneficiaries are not missed.

“We are currently engaging Ministry of Finance on how we can get the shortfall to fulfill the number of intended beneficiaries,” he said.

Lowe has since invited CDEDI to a round table meeting, should there be issues that may require further explanation and clarifications on the response.

Meanwhile CDEDI Executive Director Sylvester Namiwa says his organisation will use the roundtable discussions as an opportunity to iron out some grey areas that have been observed in Hon. Lowe’s response.

“As CDEDI is waiting for the date for this meeting, we thought we needed to share with you, fellow Malawians, the minister’s official response to our demand letter and be assured that will use the roundtable discussions as an opportunity to iron out some grey areas,”

Lowe’s response is a persistent pure contradiction with the impression that his Boss President Lazarus Chakwera is creating to the masses whereby he is insinuating that no one will be scrapped off from the AIP list of beneficiaries.

ACB Retrieves Messages Implicating Chakwera In Kambala’s Phone:NOCMA Saga


Panic and tension has engulfed State President Lazarus Chakwera and his inner circle with new revelations coming in that implicating Information has been retrieved , in the phones of former minister of Energy, Newton Kambala. Malawi Observer has the details.

Messages recovered in kambala phones implicate Chakwera.

Kambala was arrested together with President Chakwera’s advisor on manifesto implementation Cris Chaima Banda ,who is on record to have told ACB that he was working under the instructions of the president, who was new and learning how to govern in the issues surrounding NOCMA fuel scandal.

Information we have is that when Kambala was being released on bail, his phones were not given to him as ACB was still doing its forensic investigations with them.

Kambala applied through the courts to have his phones returned but he was turned down as the graft bursting body was still doing its work.

Malawi Observer has it on authority that ACB is done examining ex minister Kambala’s phones and series of instructions direct from President Chakwera to him (Kambala) and other instructions from State House Chief of Staff Prince Kapondagaga to Kambala have been uncovered and will be used as evidence in the court of law.

President Chakwera and his inner circle have been caught in abuse of power and corrupt practices by trying to influence NOCMA to award Finergy a contract to supply fuel to the government of Malawi with over $ 50 million .

Recently, ZR Energy also Implicated some senior MCP officials including powerful Minister Mkaka, secretary to President and Cabinet Zangazanga Chikhosi,State House Prince Kapondagaga in the same NOCMA fuel deal.

NBM plc partners ICAM on digital payments

By Mc Donald Chapalapata, a Contributor 

ENALA CHIRWA: NBM plc Mobile and e-Money Services Manager

National Bank of Malawi (NBM) plc has partnered with the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Malawi (ICAM) to provide members a channel for making various payments through the Bank’s digital platforms.

NBM plc Mobile and e-Money Services Manager Enala Chirwa said in an interview at the weekend that one of the Bank’s objectives in its digitalization drive is to offer its customers safe and secure means to access and transact on their accounts.

 “This requirement has become more prominent with the onset of the current Covid-19 pandemic, where individuals are being encouraged to avoid contact with surfaces as well as to minimize interpersonal interactions. From the Bank’s perspective this means reducing the need for customers to access our service centres or the handling of physical cash altogether.”

 “In this light, our partnership with ICAM is to ensure that our customers including ICAM members have one less reason to walk into a service centre or use physical instruments such as cash or cheques as the same service can now be accessed remotely using our Mo626ice in a safe, efficient, and convenient manner,” said Chirwa.

 She said through the service, members can make payments to ICAM any time of the day from anywhere in the country as long as they have access to the country’s local telecommunication networks.

 “Apart from the convenience the service renders to the customer, the solution also ensures that ICAM records with regards to the payments are updated in near real time, therefore eliminating inconveniences the members may face due to time lag between payment and record update,” explained Chirwa.

 ICAM Chief Executive Officer Dr. Francis Chinjoka Gondwe said the digital payment channels will offer flexibility to ICAM members, students and all stakeholders that make payment to ICAM.

 “Students no longer have to travel to our offices or even go to banks to pay for ICAM services. In the end, the cost of doing business will be lower on their side,” he stressed.

Lavish Mkaka on a spending spree…Flies to Geneva to deliver 5 minute virtual speech

Somethings will never change! Barely a few months after Justice Minister Titus Mvalo flew to Geneva Switzerland to attend a ‘virtual’ meeting, another powerful Minister in President Lazarus Chakwera’s cabinet, the ‘Prime Minister’ Foreign Affairs Minister Eisenhower Mkaka does not want to miss the party.

Mkaka has also gone to the same place Geneva Switzerland to attend exactly the same virtual meeting ‘physically’.

He will blow atleast K30 million of tax payers, K15 million for himself and the other K15 million for two officials accompanying him.

Apart from delivering the 5 minute speech, Mkaka will be loitering the streets of Geneva for another 7 days, enjoying life.

This development is coming amid reports of delayed civil servants salaries.

Two arms of Government,the Legislature and the Judiciary have sounded alarm bells on delayed salaries about two days ago.

But Mkaka has shown the judges, his fellow MPs and civil servants the middle fingure and left the country to spend the tax payers money.

In what looks like a pattern of not showing any care to the ordinary taxpayer let alone suffering Judicial officers,Mkaka has travelled with Pacharo Kayira the first Secretary at the Malawi Embassy and a Mr Banda.

Of late,we have seen communication from both Parliament and the Judiciary informing their respective employees who include the Speaker and the Chief Justice about the salary delays due to what they called “other stakeholders” roles as they themselves had done what was expected.

One top civil servant who did not want to be named said it is surprising and disheartening to see that instead of exercising financial discipline,the Minister has been allowed to travel blowing over K30 million in the process.

“The amount that has been spent on this trip,an amount that is being enjoyed by just three people,would have been enough to pay for salaries for all the first grade Magistrates in the country plus a few Court clerks or 16 MPs. We are left wondering as to what type of wisdom does President Chakwera employs when he authorizes such trips knowing that the opportunity cost for such is lack of salaries for the most vulnerable staff in the public service,” said the official.

“Mkaka should refund the money for his sojourn,” he advised.

Wasteful Mkaka has delivered his 5 minute speech and is now just loitering walking around Lake Geneva. The virtual meeting is for the least developed countries in Asian

Thugs Attack Former IG Jose: Security Lapse Under Chakwera’s Rule

Former IG Rodney Jose attacked by thugs .

There is security breakdown in the country and lives of many poor Malawians at risk with news coming in indicating that former Inspector General of Police, Rodney Jose, has been attacked and injured by thugs around Limbe’s Mapanga area in Blantyre.

Former Police chief Rodney Jose is receiving medical treatment at one of the hospitals in the city of Blantyre and in stable condition.

Malawians are asking themselves how safe they are in the country under MCP government if thugs have guts to attack former head of police which manages internal security in the country .

“Imagine if robbers can attack a former Inspector General of police , how safe is an ordinary Malawi?” Wondered on security expert who spoke with our reporter in Blantyre .

Malawi Police has since said it’s not aware of the news about the attack of it’s former Head but will follow up the matter .

Chakwera Embarrassed At Late Charles Chuka’s Funeral Over Condolences

There was drama at Nkhonya Village in Mulanje where former Reserve Bank of Malawi Charles Chuka’s was being laid to rest , after it was announced that President Lazarus Chakwera has given a condolence of K2 million to the bereaved family, and later it was announced that his VP Chilima had given a K4 million condolence.


A desperate Presidential aides rushed to go and command the master of ceremony to trim Dr Chilima’s condolence with K3 million and announce that he had given K1 million instead.

“Are you trying to embarrass the Head of State. Announce a million for the VP forthwith,” the aide fumed and the Master of ceremony rose up again to make an amendment and announce that Chilima only gave K1 million as his condolences.

The crowd that gathered at the funeral booed at the new doctored message and displayed their dissatisfaction over the dishonesty.

“Musatinamize we know Chilima gave out MK 4 million, be shamed”, charged the people while others bursted in laugher and mocked the president.

We can reveal that it was Embarrassing as the people insisted that they know that the VP has actually given a K4 million condolence.


MBWANA: TNM’s goal is to reduce and mitigate the risk of death for both employees and customers

Pioneer mobile network service operator, TNM Plc, listed on the Malawi Stock Exchange has taken a strong stand in support of government’s calls for the nation to achieve herd immunity against COVID-19 through intensive and progressive COVID-19 Vaccination.

As part of this commitment, TNM Plc has directed all employees to comply with vaccine requirements by going to receive their vaccine jabs at nearest public health institutions where the different types of COVID-19 vaccine doses are now widely available.

Said CEO, Arnold Mbwana; “TNM’s goal is to reduce and mitigate the risk of death for both employees and customers, and of disruption to business due to COVID-19 effects. TNM as a business is accountable to shareholders, who include members of the general public exercising their rights through the Malawi Stock Exchange. We believe it is in our best interest to secure this investment by securing the lives of our employees and customers.”

He said based on current public health literature, vaccines offer the best possible chance of beating the virus and reducing cost and time of hospitalization.

“At TNM, we are taking the pandemic seriously considering its severe ramifications on our lives and business. Death from the debilitating effects of Covid-19 virus is preventable through vaccine and while we continue to pursue preventive measures against the virus in the work place, we also take strong stand in support of vaccination,” said the CEO.

He said to lead by example, TNM Executive Committee led by the CEO and other senior managers have already received their jab and expect the rest of the staff to take cue.

The CEO said as part of stepped-up measures to secure the work place and its commercial outlets, all employees have been given 10 days to ensure that they receive vaccine and to provide reports of their COVID-19 vaccine track record.

“Worldwide many organizations and companies are taking drastic measures against unvaccinated employees. Before we reach this stage, TNM is granting our employees opportunity to demonstrate best practice by getting vaccinated. As much as we are not making this mandatory we are expecting maximum cooperation, as everyone at TNM is taking the pandemic seriously,” said Mbwana.

Chilima set for Sycamore Wealth Creation and Mindset Conference

Vice President Saulos Chilima, a well-known advocate for mindset change and business unusual approach to issues, is this Friday set to speak at the Wealth Creation and Mindset Change conference organised by Sycamore Consult Limited at Crossroads hotel in Blantyre.

Spokesperson for the Vice President confirmed the development, adding that the Vice President who is also Minister for Economic Planning and Development will speak at the conference on the context of the MW2063 – the country’s development blue print – which centres on wealth creation and has mindset change as one of its seven enabler.

“So yes, I can confirm that the Vice President will address the conference this Friday in Blantyre,” Phiri said.

The MW2063 blue print identifies agriculture productivity and commercialization, industrialisation and urbanization as the main three pillars whose implementation will be spearheaded by seven seven enablers.

The seven enablers are mindset change, effective governance systems and institutions, enhanced public sector performance, private sector dynamism, human capital development, economic infrastructure and environmental sustainability

Some of the topics to be tackled during the upcoming conference include wealth creation at the workplace, developing a wealth creation mindset, business capital raising, entrepreneurship, developing a saving and investment culture, agriculture for wealth creation in the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA), and creating business and personal wealth on the stock exchange.

In his landmark mindset lecture delivered in Lilongwe on October 2020, Chilima challenged Malawians on the need to change their mindset, as a precursor to personal development, national development and the smooth implementation of public sector reforms.

Said Chilima: “We have become a nation too obsessed with trivia. We no longer get interested in life changing discussions. We need to change this.”

MWALA: There is so much negativity, there is so much wrong thinking that make Malawi as country to fail to move forward

Meanwhile, Managing Director for Sycamore Consult Audrey Mwala has said it is high time Malawians “de-programed” their negative mindset and replace it with a new mindset of wealth creation if the country is to prosper as envisioned by the Malawi 2063.

Mwala, Malawi’s renowned specialist in Private Public Partnership (PPP), business due diligence, financial management and project management, told The Nation Online that there is so much negativity and wrong thinking that make Malawi as country to fail to move forward

Said Mwala: “ There is so much negativity, there is so much wrong thinking that make Malawi as country to fail to move forward. So we want people to have a new mindset, we want people to have new mindset, we want to de-program the mindset of existing people, reprogram it with new mindset so that they should begin to see different things, take different risks, have different perspectives so that when we create a new person out of that, then we will be able to allow that person to create wealth.”

Mwala said the reality is that today, Malawians are demanding too much goods and services because of exposure to the international community and also due to population boom-which she said is rapidly rising relative to the availability of resources and infrastructure.

According to Mwala, Malawi’s neighbouring countries such as Zambia have their own per-capita income-which is derived by dividing total national output or income by the population size-exceeds $1000 mark yet Malawi’s per-capita or average income is way below.

Malawi’s per capita income is only at around $603 as of end 2020 from $228 in 1996.

Experts contend that such a status quo is not worth smiling considering that such an increase is on account of the recent rebasing of GDP by the National Statistical Office (NSO) which saw nominal GDP increasing to $10.9 billion in 2020 from about $8 billion in 2019.

NBM contributes K60 million to MUST Endowment Fund

Kawawa (right) exchange documents with Malata

Listed National Bank of Malawi (NBM) plc Friday committed K60 million to the Malawi University of Science and Technology (MUST) Endowment Fund.

The University launched the Fund on 10th July 2021 in Lilongwe as one way of weaning itself from dependency on government subvention and establishing diversified revenue streams for the University.

Speaking at MUST Campus in Thyolo, NBM plc Chief Executive Officer Macfussy Kawawa hailed the University management for coming up with an idea of an endowment fund.

“As our partner especially in the scholarship program of supporting needy students, we thought as a bank, especially as The Bank of the Nation, we should support this noble cause by our beloved partner.”

“As the Bank of the Nation, we are cognizant of the fact that one of the key enablers of Malawi’s vision 2063 development agenda is the development of human capital through provision of education and skills development for the youth. This is why we at NBM plc have been running scholarship programs for the needy students in our public universities on top of awarding best performing students through our Corporate Social Investment (CSI) program for many years,” said Kawawa.

He announced that NBM plc will be channeling K60 million towards the MUST Endowment Fund to be remitted for the next three years starting this year up to the year 2023 with K20 million each year.

Kawawa (right) and Malata show agreement documents

“We believe this is a sustainable corporate social investment which will continue to yield results and support beneficiaries for a long time. We believe our contribution to the fund will enhance our existing relationship with MUST and create continued awareness of our brand as the driver of tertiary education in the country and also as The Bank of the Nation while contributing to the Vision 2063 development agenda,” said Kawawa.

MUST Vice Chancellor, Professor Address Malata said the Endowment Fund will be of benefit for the University, including students. 

“We are very excited that NBM has responded to our call. Our Fund has several purposes including supporting needy students, research and teaching, plus infrastructure. What we have done is build the resource base which will take years. The funds will be used to support students since the University will use the benefits, while the principal investment remains intact,” she said.

Malata said by December this year they are eyeing to raise at least K2 billion. 

The country’s Vice President, Saulos Chilima graced the launch of the Fund in Lilongwe where a number of companies and individuals made pledges towards the Fund. 

PressCane Limited project excites Agriculture Minister Lowe

By Mc Donald Chapalapata, a Contributor

Minister of Agriculture Lobin Lowe has pledged government support towards a project by PressCane Limited to be producing ethanol straight from sugarcane juice.

Lowe spoke at the weekend when he toured Chisanja Farm Limited, an existing sugarcane farm being run by smallholder farmers in Chikwawa and Dambo-Bwana Scheme where he saw land earmarked for a new sugarcane farm which will be supplying sugarcane to PressCane Limited for ethanol production.

“I am happy that the ethanol being produced here is not enough, which means there is an opportunity for our smallholder sugarcane farmers to make money. We are going to support the farmers through the Agriculture Commercialization project (AgCom) because our farmers have a ready market for their sugarcane,” said Lowe.

He said he was impressed with the new technologies of growing the sugarcane using the irrigation system saying the Chikwawa project will act as a learning base.

“I am pleased that apart from the ethanol which PressCane will produce for blending with imported petrol, the company will also produce high quality hand sanitizers as value added products of ethanol as well as fertilizer and electricity from waste products of the ethanol production process. That is why as a government we are going to support this project while making sure that our farmers also benefit,” said Lowe.

Press Cane Outgrower manager Connex Chilangwe (second left) shows Lowe (in hut) the site for sugarcane farming

Briefing the Minister, Katunga-Maseya (KAMA) Cane growers Cooperative Chairman Collins Mtalika said they have mobilized smallholder sugarcane growers in Traditional Authorities Katunga and Maseya to grow sugarcane on 2000 hectares of community-owned land with support from PressCane Limited and other partners through irrigation farming.

“There are 3,500 farming families that we are working with and the first phase will be on the Dambo-Bwana’s 1069 hectares of land where 90% of it will be for sugarcane while the remaining 10% will be for food and other high value crops. We are asking for support to implement this first phase since we already have a ready market for our sugarcane at PressCane,” said Mtalika.

PressCane Chief Executive Officer Dr. Christopher Guta said the sugarcane mill which would be required to process the sugarcane will cost the company about $13 million but it is waiting for the assurance of the availability of feedstock from sugarcane farmers and approval by the company’s Board.

“There is potential for the sugarcane farmers to secure their livelihoods if they are supported to be producing enough feedstock for the milling plant which we are willing to invest in. Farmers will be cutting down on transportation costs as they are currently spending as much as K80 million per season to deliver sugarcane to the available market.”

“Through the various investment projects earmarked in the period, we anticipate to grow shareholder value and increase annual revenue from MK13.3 billion to MK25.1 billion by 2025 as well as increase operating profit by 5% above inflation annually,” said Guta.

Lowe (in a hat) interacts with smallholder farmers in Chikwawa

Embarrassing As Govt Fails To Pay Painters,Angolan Team Says Villa Not Fit For President


The Angolan Presidential delegation to Malawi, is reportedly disappointed after they got allocated to a dilapidated Presidential Villa in Lilongwe ahead of the 41st SADC Summit.

The delegation, has since vehemently refused to have their President lodge at the facility citing an incomplete painting job as one of the reasons for their refusal.

Our findings reveal that Government failed to pay the painter who later boycotted the work. It is yet to be known as to where the Angolan President will lodge.

Malawi’s foreign affairs Minister Eisenhower Mkaka, a couple of days ago, announced that a total sum of K4 billion was released towards preparations of the Summit.

K2 billion of the money has however been splashed on 20 brand new VIP and VVIP vehicles. 🇲🇼

Ruling MCP Behind Fake Msundwe Rape Saga, Implicated By Report

Ruling Malawi Congress Party has been exposed to be the originators of fake news alleging that Police officers raped women at Msundwe, Mpingu and Mbwatalika villages, a leaked police investigation report has Implicated them.

Sponsored demos by oxfarm on fake Msundwe rape.

MCP officials are the ones who told the women to lie when lodging the complaints and later backtracked when police officers were doing investigation by threatening the women alleged to have been raped to shunderstand the police.

The report has highlighted circumstances in which police officers were chased in several areas when conducting investigationso by Malawi Congress Party cadres.

As that is not enough, MCP officials cooked up medical reports for the victims in a bid to tarnish the police and former government using HRDC and other agents.

Read full report here:

Police Deny Involvement In Arrest Of Activist Namiwa


It happened within a flash, in front of helpless uniformed police officers, bundled in a National College of Information Technology NACIT coaster, driven to Lumbadzi, Lingadzi, dumped at Linthipe police station before driven back to area 3 police unit where he was chained in the leg with iron bars, the question that everyone is asking is; who arrested human rights activist Sylvester Namiwa.

Namiwa arrest by non police officers

According to a video in circulation, one man wearing a dark blue suit, with a Sadc summit ID on his neck appeared from nowhere, and is seen conversing with one PMS officer, before moving closer to where Namiwa was addressing journalists. He is seen grabbing Namiwa by the shoulder and said “timafuna iweyo (we were looking for you)” something that some security analysts have described as strange because the police don’t do that when effecting an arrest.

After grabbing Namiwa two more men alighted and held Namiwa by the waist and pushed him to a standby NACIT coaster before whisking him away.

According to a well placed source at area 30 police headquarters, the police were taken unawares since they didn’t receive any orders to arrest Namiwa.

“We were only instructed to block the CDEDI members from reaching Parliament, if anything disperse them. Nobody in that team received orders to effect an arrest”, said our source.

Asked about the identity of the man who abducted Namiwa in full view of the police, our source confided in us that the man and two others are not police officers but have been working as members of the protocol committee at the ongoing SADC summit at the BICC.

However, our findings indicate that the man who grabbed Namiwa was once leader of the infamous Nsundwe battalion who is well known as General Kathunda.

He is one of the people that were trained at Nthakataka police training school as a paramilitary wing of MCP together the the other two men.

We have also learnt that the use of the NACIT coaster, which falls under the Ministry of Information was dully arranged by Director of Information Chikumbutso Mtumodzi with blessings from his Minister Gospel Kazako.

After abducting Namiwa, they took him to Lingadzi, then Lumbadzi before driving him to an unknown destination.

The abfuctors were only warned of the consequences of their action by the Inspector General as they were passing through Dedza, hence dumping him at Linthipe police, before officers at Dedza police drove him back to area 3 police unit where according to our source, was chained on both legs with iron bars.

Meanwhile, Namiwa and 10 other CDEDI members have meanwhile been granted bail by the NKukula magistrate court, in Lumbadzi, Dowa, in a typical judge shopping style.

President Chakwera Implicated In NOCMA Fuel Scandal By ‘Duped’ Bidder

A fuel supply company, whose representatives met Minister of Foreign Affairs Eisenhower Mkaka and State House Chief of Staff Prince Kapondamgaga at Kamuzu palace in Kapondagaga’s office (insert) has threatened to spill the beans on President Chakwera’s corrupt deals. The company officials also had an audience with President Lazarus Chakwera.

Duped representatives with Mkaka and State House chief of staff at Kapondagaga’s office -Kamuzu Palace

ZR Energy company officials met the President and the two public officials to seek favors for fuel supply contracts in Malawi. Despite paying advance kickbacks and outpouring lavish gifts to the Malawi officials, the company missed out on the contracts. The gifts included a specially designed and manufactured watch complete with the Malawi court of arms.

Chakwera and his officials opted for companies that are reported to be offering bribes in excess of 50 million dollars. The deal is being closed guarded by Secretary to the President and Cabinet who is also Board Chairman of National Oil Company of Malawi (NOCMA), Zangazanga Chikhosi and NOCMA’s Deputy CEO Hellen Buluma.

According to Lebanese public records, ZR Energy, registered in Dubai, is owned by Lebanese businessmen Teddy and Raymond Rahme, who founded the ZR Group in 2005 and are stakeholders in several Lebanese banks. It is mainly an energy trading company with focus on fuel supply.

Records show that the company was involved in a scandal over the import of sub-standard quality fuel into Lebanon. Tests of one batch of fuel supplies by the company showed it could contain “chemical waste.” This is clearly a dubious company.

So why did President Chakwera, Minister of Foreign Affairs and State House Chief of Staff meet a company that was planning to bid for a fuel supply contract? The answer is simple, corruption. The whole meeting was also unethical and doesn’t help the image of the government. A fuel supply contract bidder has no business meeting the President, Minister of Foreign affairs and Chief of Staff. There is no justification whatsoever.

Gifts to Chakwera and Mkaka by fuel dealer representative

Even worse was the act of receiving gifts (bribes) from such a company. There is no free lunch in this world. That was a pure act of corruption aimed at influencing the officials to help the company get the NOCMA fuel supply contracts. That is why the company is now bitter after learning that it missed out on the contracts.

It’s only in Malawi where public officials can get away with such blatant exhibition of gifts (bribes) received from dubious businessmen. In many other countries that follow the rule of law and uphold moral standards, government employees are strictly prohibited from receiving gifts or entertainment from companies or individuals who want favors for award of contracts. Any revelations of such acts are met with demands to resign immediately.

In Malawi, it is also illegal but as usual, laws do not apply on the ruling elite. The president and his members of the inner circle can’t be investigated even in the presence of hard evidence of wrongdoing.

President Chakwera is involved in subtle acts of corruption but he is using public stunts of being seen to be fighting against corruption. The new Director General of Anti Corruption Bureau (ACB) has a huge responsibility of making sure that even the President should not get away with corruption.

Police Brutally Arrests Activist Namiwa For Demanding Answers On Smuggled Bill


Malawi Police Service with the blessings from President Chakwera have a while ago arrested Activist Silvester Namiwa of CIDED who was to hold a vigil at Malawi Parliament building, to demand answers from the speaker of the house, leader of government business Chimwendo Banda and Clerk of parliament Fiona Kale Kalemba on how a Baroda Bank loan Authorization bill of MK 93 billion was smuggled to parliament by President Chakwera’s advisor on special duties.


Pastor Martin Thom who is one of trusted men of President Chakwera was arrested but hours later he was released on bail before he fled the country for India.

Silvester Namiwa wrote the Police chief demanding answers on how Chakwera’s fired advisor was given bail without going to court and allowed to leave the country when other suspects are told to surrender the travel documents.

Malawi under Chakwera rule is going back to one party state where critics to the government were persecuted using the police.

Chief Justice Rebuffs Chakwera’s Demand On DPP’ Election Case

Outgoing President Lazarus Chakwera on Tuesday afternoon had a rude Awakening, when Chief Justice Andrew Nyirenda SC told him open blank that it was not possible to sit on the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) case in the court , which seeks to nullify the June 23, 2020 elections , we can exclusively reveal.

Chakwera and chief Justice Nyirenda

Chakwera who is panicking and spending sleepless nights summoned Chief Justice to State House last Tuesday.

In a meeting that lasted 1:48hrs, outgoing President Chakwera wanted chief justice to throw out the opposition DPP case stating that it lacked merit and was a watsage of court’ time .

However, the learned man Nyirenda told Chakwera that the matter cannot be set aside and the only way for justice to prevail bwas to certify it as a constitutional matter .

Nyirenda repeatedly reminded outgoing President Chakwera that he errored by not taking the advice from the attorney general and based on the legal implications that arose due to the firing of electoral commission which managed the elections that made him president, he risks loosing the presidency if DPP successfully defends the case.

According to our inside sources, Chief Justice Nyirenda told Chakwera that by the end of this month, the panel of five judges will be put aside to look into the matter .

Malawians are expected to go to another poll definitely in the coming year to elect another leader of the court nullifies the 2020 elections which elected Chakwera President.

This means that Former President Arthur Peter Mutharika and Vice President Saulos Klaus Chilima will be reinstated for 90 days prior to fresh Elections.

ACB orders NOCMA to procure fuel using the ex-tank method

The Anti Corruption Bureau (ACB) has ordered the National Oil Commission of Malawia, NOCMA, to procure fuel using the ex-tank method and not the Delivered Duty Unpaid, DDU, method, which NOCMA, through it’s controversial acting CEO, Hellen Buluma, had been adamantly insisting it would follow despite reservations from from regulators like MERA and other stakeholders.

The DDU method entails that the seller takes responsibility for the safe delivery of goods including taking care of transportation costs and in transit risks. With this method, however, suppliers identify transporters themselves, an element that is not favored by local transporters in Malawi who have argued that they could easily be bypassed for business by suppliers who would frown favoring foreign transporters.×280&×90%2C701x280%2C336x280%2C336x280%2C0x0&nras=2&correlator=7827254817256&frm=20&pv=1&ga_vid=1622674585.1628269807&ga_sid=1628269807&ga_hid=396202231&ga_fc=0&u_tz=-420&u_his=42&u_java=0&u_h=768&u_w=1366&u_ah=728&u_aw=1366&u_cd=24&u_nplug=3&u_nmime=4&adx=122&ady=1903&biw=1311&bih=658&scr_x=0&scr_y=0&eid=20211866%2C31060032&oid=3&pvsid=1369763129283476&pem=346&!6&btvi=3&fsb=1&xpc=IExpHnk7lJ&p=https%3A//

DDU has also been argued to be more expensive than the ex – tank method. With the ex-tank method entails the seller delivering goods in bulk from a storage tank chosen by the seller.

Buluma however, is on record to have argued that the DDU method might appear expensive but is more secure than the ex-tank method and the costs outweigh the benefits considering the inherent in-transit risks.

The order for NOCMA to adhere to the ex tank method, is contained in a notice of a consent deal, signed by the relatively, freshly minted ACB Director, who is also arguably, the highly regarded, former Ombudsman, Martha Chizuma.

The notice reads in part,“…the Anti Corruption Bureau has completed investigations in respect to a suspected offense under the Corrupt Practices Act,“TAKE NOTICE that you may proceed to deal with the procurement process towards the award of the contract under procurement number NOCMA/ICB/FUEL/2020/2021.

The said procurement should follow the ex – tank method as per the existing High Court order”.

The Fuel Tankers Association of Malawian, an umbrella body of fuel transporters in the country obtained a court injunction against NOCMA’s use of the DDU method in the procurement of fuel.

Leaked MCP PR strategy says Chakwera popularity declining: Praises Chilima PR team

A leaked Public Relations strategy paper to prop up the image of President Lazarous Chakwera has acknowledged that the President’s popularity is declining fast across the country, just a year after being voted into office.

The private and confidential document titled ‘ Brand Identity Strategy Concept Note:says the wide support and love that Chakwera enjoyed last year is waning and the direction of the country remain unclear.

The strategy attributes the sudden turn of events to delays in decision making, failure to honour promises, and reversal of decisions as some of the reasons and a general lack of strategists and strong media team to sell the presidents agenda and fan off criticism and propaganda.

But unprecedented rise in corruption, scandals in government and nepotism in the appointment of officers are some of the reasons to Chakwera’s loss of popularity, which have not been highlighted in the strategy paper.

However, the strategy paper boldly admits that MCP’s alliance partner, UTM is fast and better at political spinning and presence on social media.

The document has also acknowledged that Vice President Dr Saulos Chilima is professionally and well covered on social media and in mainstream media during the visits he makes to various development projects across the country.

The strategy has also noted that Chakwera has also lost the support and influence of renowned social media commentators who supported him on his way to state house.

In order to improve the image of the President and regaining the support, the strategy proposes to embark on several strategies which include use of “resonating” chiefs to promote Chakwera, enlist commentators to promote the image of the President.

The strategy also proposes to ” poach some big fish” from the opposition and alliance partner UTM to join MCP, implement a youth care strategy and launch a stimulus package to empower people economically.

The strategy paper has been authored by one of MCP’s well known operative Fredreck Changaya who is also a marketer by profession.

TNM Plc clarifies it’s pricing on bank related digital products and services

MBWANA: TNM provides services to commercial banks at negotiated and discounted rates

Malawi’s pioneer mobile phone network operator TNM Plc has clarified that charges to banks that use its network services are affordable and discounted.

The clarification follows a meeting between TNM Plc and Budget and Finance Committee of Parliament on 4 August 2021 at which the operator was invited to respond to allegations of exorbitant pricing for bank-related digital products and services raised by the commercial banks through the Bankers Association of Malawi (BAM) to the committee in April 2021.

TNM Chief Executive Officer Arnold Mbwana said TNM provides services to commercial banks at negotiated and discounted rates and that the lower cost was helping Malawi’s financial sector players reduce their cost of operating branch services in general.

To drive his point home on the cost of banking services in Malawi and the telco services that power digital related banking services, Mr Mbwana said that TNM’s current service charge to the banks is at a discount of up to 37.5%.

Mbwana said at the current rate, the TNM mobile network platform is helping banks reduce operating costs as they are able to reduce physical contact with customers at branches and other key points of service.

He said some of the rates such as SMS charged by TNM on banks are below the market premium, and which the banks could not provide at any cheaper rate using banking halls or any of their other technologies.

“It must be noted that digital banking goes a long way in reducing queues in the banking halls thereby enabling banks to cut on costs of constructing or renting new banking halls, branches and all the staff and utility costs,” he said.

TNM currently provides various network services to eight commercial banks, key of which are SMS and the USSD (short code) service.

“In case where the customers require to use online banking and mobile apps, they actually pay their own internet costs to mobile network providers to access the bank’s digital services online,” clarified the CEO.

Mbwana also pointed to the high tax burden and lack of relief thereon, regulatory levies and fees, distance from the sea, currency fluctuations and cost of international internet gateway as some of the factors influencing current pricing of mobile network services pricing in Malawi.

He therefore appealed to both Parliament and Government to exercise equity and flexibility in the implementation of taxes as one way of easing costs to the end user.

“While it would be expected that there will be more support towards digital financial services, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, Parliament has recently passed the VAT (Amendment) Bill which specifically excludes banking services that are not licensed under the financial services laws, such as mobile money services, from VAT exemption, yet mobile money services serve the most poor and vulnerable of our communities. Does this support the financial inclusion agenda?” wondered the TNM CEO.

He further pointed out that taxes on mobile phone operators are punitive and loaded, which does not give TNM Plc breathing space.

Key taxes paid by TNM customers include excise on data, VAT on devices and data, media levy and spectrum fees among others.

Chilima says Sadc Summit Opportunity for Mw, Inspects Preparatory Works

Vice President Dr. Saulos Klaus Chilima on Wednesday inspected various preparatory taking place in the capital city with a message that the 41st SADC Summit of Heads of State is an opportunity for Malawi to give the best impression to the world.

Chilima, who was ordered last Sunday by President Lazarus Chakwera to inspect the works, said he was impressed with the work that the committee has done and urged them to work around the clock considering that visitors start arriving Monday.

The committee is led by Foreign Affairs Minister Eisenhower Mkaka who also accompanied the Vice President during tour presented a report on the position of preparations of the Summit, as submitted by the various Subcommittees.

“Malawi should regard the hosting of the Summit and the assuming of the SADC Chairmanship as a one time opportunity to show the world what it is capable of and display the beauty that the country has,”Chilima said.

The Vice President said he will tour all Summit hotspots to ensure that all things are in place and orderly.

Chilima graces CEOs summit: calls for vibrant private sector

CHILIMA: Leaders in both public and private sector should be the ones to take the bullet before punishing employees with retrenchments when an institution faces financial stress.

Vice President Saulos Chilima has challenged the private to spearhead affairs of the country as the sector is the engine of the country’s economic growth.

Speaking at the inuagural CEOs summit in Lilongwe on Friday evening, Chilima challenged the private sector to create jobs if the country is to grow its tax revenue base.

He assured the private sector that government will continue to safeguard the working environment of sector as one way of boosting the economy.

The Veep praised the inaugural CEOs forum saying it offers a meaningful Public Private Partnership opportunities in the quest for industry based economic transformation.
However, the Vice President urged the private sector to take up the challenge of the industrialization agenda with sacrifice in the exploitation of the numerous opportunities at the disposal.

He said the collaboration between the private and public sectors will help CEOs share views and explore partnerships for commercial ventures.

Among the notable faces who attended the summit, included the Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) Director General, Martha Chizuma, National Planning Commission Director General Dr Thomas Munthali, Standard Bank Chief Executive Officer, Philip Madinga, among several others.  

According to Chilima, leaders in both public and private sector should be the ones to take the bullet before punishing employees with retrenchments when an institution faces financial stress.

Chilima then assured the private sector of government’s commitment to the creation of the enabling environment for investment, citing the country’s agenda 2063 which describes the private sector as one of the seven enablers of economic transformation.

Standard Bank Chief Executive Officer, Philip Madinga asked government to promote private sector investment through good governance.

He challenged government to reorganise and strengthen  private sector institutions like the Malawi Chambers of Commerce and Industry (MCCCI) to ensure the country achieves the vision  2063.

He further asked suggested re establishment of Malawi Development Corporation (MDC) to play a leading role in the actualization of long term investment in key sectors.

Why President Chakwera appointed daughter a diplomat

President Lazarus Chakwera is not ashamed of nepotism by appointing his second born daughter, Violet Lille Chakwera to be a diplomat in Brussels, Belgium because he is trying to get rid of her from Malawi due to her marital issues, we can exclusively reveal.

Violet Chakwera is now Mrs. Violet Leany, yes, you heard us right, Mrs. Violet Leany not Mrs. Violet Mwasinga as she has always been known until a few days after her father ascended to the presidency in June 2020.

Now it has been established that Violet terminated her marriage with Ron Mwasinga and quickly got married to a self-acclaimed ‘Man of God,’ Pastor Jordan Leany, a Malawian with Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) roots who was running a church in London, the United Kingdom.

Now it’s not like the name Pastor Jordan Leany is his real name. Modern day Pastors! His real name, we have established is Nelson Kalamba Msowoya.

Well, we also stumbled upon some information that Pastor Jordan Leany, oops, Nelson Kalamba Msowoya, whatever you want to call him, attempted to sit for Malawi School Certificate of Education (MSCE) at Liwaladzi Private Secondary School in Nkhotakota but miserably failed! “Anagwa nawo a Form Form”!

We can also confirm that Leany, well, Msowoya trekked to the United Kingdom where he stays with his dad and started a ‘church’ and does not have any other job apart from the ‘Facebook Church.’

A family member, speaking on strict condition of anonymity, said Chakwera was fond of Mwasinga who was running his errands even before he became President, but was deeply disappointed when Violet ended her marriage with Ron (Mwasinga) on a ‘godly’ advice from the self-acclaimed Pastor Leany.

Violet and Pastor Jordan Leany or Nelson Kalamba Msowoya during their wedding which President Chakwera shunned

“What happened was that Violet met this Pastor Leany (Nelson Kalamba Msowoya) on one of her trips to the UK and he advised her that her husband (Ron Mwasinga) was going to destroy her father’s Presidency because he was possessed with ‘evil spirits’ (Dziwanda) and that she should leave him immediately saying ‘God’ had shown him the signs.”

“Violet indeed ended her marriage with Ron without any valid reasons and this broke President Chakwera’s heart because out of all his son’s in-laws it was Ron who he was fond of. President Chakwera sponsored Ron Mwasinga’s trip to Canada to start a new life, that is how he valued Ron,” said the family member.

Church poster says it all…Mama Violet Leany

Before long and as expected of self-acclaimed Men of God, Pastor Leany had another vision for Violet Chakwera.

“This Pastor now told Violet that God had shown him a vision that she should be the Pastor’s wife! And Violet agreed to marry Pastor Leany,” said the family member.

Pastor Leany, who was running the Christian Brethren Centre under the Jordan Leany Ministries in the UK then moved to Malawi to get married to Violet.

President Chakwera and the First lady Madame Monica Chakwera shunned the wedding but Violet went ahead with the wedding to her Man of God new husband.

Meanwhile Pastor Leany moved in with five of his kids from his previous marriages and settled with Violet with her four children from her previous marriage with Ron Mwasinga. They now live comfortably at one of the houses in B2 section at Kamuzu Palace State Residence, where the President’s grown children and close relatives are accommodated.

“Now the President’s decision to appoint Violet to the embassy is in some way to get rid of her and the ‘large’ family she has created in just under six months. It is a household of 9 children and the President with advice from some of his advisers decided to appoint her as a diplomat in Brussels so that she should not bring disrepute to the presidency when these issues start coming out,” said the family member.

“But we also do not know the intentions of this Pastor Jordan (Nelson Kalamba Msowoya) because clearly he has some intentions if you look at the speed of how things have happened and how he quickly relocated to Malawi when he married Violet even when it was clear that Violet’s family did not approve of the marriage,” added the family member.

Pastor Jordan Leany has also convinced Violet to be part and parcel of his ministries and she even appears on posters of the Jordan Leany Ministries as ‘Mama Violet Leany.’ (See the picture)

Malawians are livid with anger after it was announced that Chakwera had appointed his daughter as a diplomat and the State House communications team even defended her appointment saying she is ‘qualified for the job.’

“The president has so far appointed over 2,000 people since he came to power and you are complaining about only one person just because she is the president’s daughter? We at State House found that to be wanting. 

“Like, seriously she cannot get a job because she is the president’s daughter? Is that a crime? She is qualified,” President Chakwera’s said 

We have, however, discovered that Violet’s highest qualification is a certificate in International Air Transport Association (IATA). 

Violet used to be an outbound ticket Sales Agent for Kenya Airways and before that she used to work for Air Malawi as a ticket sales assistant.

She completed her secondary school education at Mchinji Secondary School where she obtained her Malawi School Certificate of Education (MSCE) but she never proceeded to a college or university.

Pastor Leany (right) has also travelled with President Chakwera to Education summit in London

Mutharika rejects ACB’s witch hunting drive

Former President, Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika has told ACB to go to hell with their persecution drive.

In absence of any charge in your so called interview, the whole exercise is regarded as political gossips because I already gave the Fiscal Police the necessary tools on this TPIN issue last year in October, ” fumes Mutharika in his two page letter to Martha Chizuma’s ACB.

Mutharika has challenged the ACB that if the body continues to force him to grant them interview he will exercise his “rights to silent”.

Mutharika has for the first time lauded the Courts for throwing out the seizure application that ACB wanted to get to freeze again his bank accounts.

Medical Doctor Cum Musician Drew Drops ‘Always There’ Single

As one way of giving hope to the hopeless souls in the year started, a Blantyre based upcoming-gospel artist Dr. Drew real name Andrew Mijoya has released a new single titled ‘Always There’.

In an interview with the publication on Tuesday, Dr. Drew said the new single aims at encouraging people who suffered a ‘big time’ during the previous year saying God is always there to provide for them in 2021.

God is always There- Drew

“Last year was a difficult year for everybody, but there were those who suffered greater losses than others. And as we have now entered 2021, God’s promise to his children is that through the fire and the rain He will be there.

He will never forsake them. There will be greater challenges than those of last year, but God will be a present help,” said Dr. Drew, who is a medical doctor by profession.

The song ‘Always There’ has been produced and recorded by AB Malinga of Melodix Studios and can be downloaded on and www.

The artist Dr. Drew started his music career way back with the trio ‘Third Heaven’ before joining Faith Mussa’s Mdidi Band as Piano Player.

Standard Bank Malawi Partners with Wealth Malawi to Advance Women’s Empowerment


Standard Bank Malawi has reaffirmed its commitment to women’s empowerment by sponsoring the upcoming Wealth Women Summit with MWK 10 million.

The summit, organized by Wealth Malawi, is a platform dedicated to fostering networking, learning and growth opportunities for women.

Now in its fifth edition, this year’s event will feature diverse segments, including Fashion for Knowledge, Power Pairing Sessions, and keynote speeches from influential leaders.

In a symbolic gesture, Standard Bank Head of Marketing, Tamanda Ng’ombe, officially handed over the MWK 10 million sponsorship to Harry Chima, Managing Executive at Wealth Malawi.

Speaking at the event, Ng’ombe emphasized the bank’s dedication to championing women’s inclusion and creating a better future for the girl child.

“We are thrilled to invest in the Wealth Women Summit, an event that reflects our core belief in the potential of women and girls in the overall socio-economic development of Malawi.

This Women’s Month is an opportunity for us to participate in a global movement that looks to advance women’s inclusion, create opportunities for girls, and foster an environment where success is shared,” said Ng’ombe.

March is widely recognized as Women’s Month, with International Women’s Day falling on March 8.

The 2025 theme, Accelerate Action, urges women to uplift one another and use their influence to drive gender inclusion.

Standard Bank has aligned with this global movement by championing the concept of “Women Helping Women,” which it has adopted as its theme for the month.

Wealth Malawi’s Managing Executive, Chima, expressed gratitude for Standard Bank’s unwavering support, noting its long-standing role as a partner and advocate for women-focused initiatives.

He highlighted a key segment of this year’s summit that will address the barriers young girls face in accessing education, aiming to spark meaningful dialogue and collaboration.

“Standard Bank has always been a strong supporter of our mission to empower women. This year’s summit will not only celebrate women’s achievements but also tackle critical issues affecting young girls’ access to education. We are grateful for Standard Bank’s continued partnership in driving impactful change,” said Chima.

The Wealth Women Summit will bring together influential women from various sectors to engage in transformative discussions, build valuable connections, and drive actionable change. With Standard Bank’s support, the summit aims to amplify women’s voices and accelerate the push for gender equality and economic empowerment.

Standard Bank Malawi is a leading financial institution committed to delivering innovative banking solutions that empower individuals, businesses, and communities.

Through initiatives like the Wealth Women Summit, Standard Bank continues to demonstrate its dedication to advancing women’s economic empowerment and contributing to Malawi’s overall economic growth.

Simplifying children’s cancer diagnosis at QECH


The thought of news that your child is to go for a cancer diagnosis as you are referred to Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital (QECH) on its own, is scary.

On average, it takes a day or two to get the diagnosis done as the whole referral hospital has one machine for the task, in some cases, they tell you that your child has to undergo the same procedure twice, saying the first sample is missing.

Fear of the unknown engulfs you as you see your child’s health deteriorate while waiting for the results.

These and many more heartbreaking experiences were the order of the day at the Child Cancer Ward before National Bank of Malawi (NBM) plc donated a chemistry analyzer in 2023.

The machine brings out accurate and factual results, helping early detection of cancer in children.

Five common types of cancer affecting children in Malawi are Leukemia, Burkitt Lymphoma (cancer that affects the B lymphocytes, Wilms tumor (cancer of the kidney), Retinoblastoma (cancer of the eye), and Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma.

In Malawi, 500 children are diagnosed with cancer per year, with QECH receiving an average of between 20-30 new patients per month.

The month of February, the world commemorated World Cancer Day under the theme ‘United by Unique’, and the Children’s Cancer ward, which last year alone made 264 diagnoses, clocked a year and two months after life was made easy for both doctors and guardians with the donation of the chemistry analyzer as the process now takes an hour or at the maximum, two.

QECH Pediatric Oncologist Dr. Beatrice Chikaphonya Phiri said the coming of the chemistry analyzer has greatly improved their work.

“Usually, we would send the samples to the main lab, and sometimes the lab did not have reagents to do kidney or liver function tests. There were also some delays because, as you know, the main lab caters for the whole hospital, not just a department.”

“But now, you can get the results in one or two hours, and at least we know we get results that are reflective of the state in which our patients are at that point,” says Dr. Chikaphonya Phiri.

Dr Chikaphonya Phiri thanks the ‘Bank of the Nation’ for the kind gesture as they are assured of accurate results for the patients.

“We are very grateful for the donation of the chemistry analyzer from National Bank. It has made our life easier, especially for the Children’s cancer ward. So far, since we had it, we have run 550 samples, and probably very few would be repeated from the same patient,” she explains.

Echoing Chikaphonya Phiri is Pediatrics Department Registrar Dr. Nthambose Simango, who says in the past, the main lab would get overloaded or run out of reagents, and the other research machine at the facility had a limited number of samples it took, delaying the treatment of patients in the process.

“We were unable to do those tests, delaying management and sometimes treating patients blindly. So having this machine in the department has enabled us to have consistent availability of those tests, and we can manage our patients throughout the year,” says Dr. Simango.

She, however, points out that the department needs a constant supply of reagents and a mobile X-ray machine.

“We require a mobile X-ray machine because sometimes you have a sick child you cannot take to the X-ray department,” says Dr. Simango.

Malawi Health Equity Network (MHEN) Executive Director George Jobe says statistics and remarks by the doctors signify improvements.

“Every time we acquire new equipment; it is an improvement. What we are now is different from what we were 20 years ago, because we now have equipment that was not available back then. We look forward to purchasing more of such equipment. These tools of the trade make the life of health workers easier,” says Jobe.

NBM plc Marketing and Corporate Affairs Manager, Akossa Hiwa says the Bank values the impact it makes in society.

“As a Bank, two things we consider paramount in each Corporate Social Investment we make are sustainability and impact.  It is a rule of thumb that the causes we invest in create positive impact and are self-sustaining. It is therefore fulfilling to note that the chemistry analyzer we gifted the Child Cancer Ward within 2023 continues to make a difference in the lives of Malawian children,” she says.

This year’s theme, ‘United by Unique’, is a reminder that every cancer journey matters and that collective action is key to ensuring compassionate, equitable care for all.

Castel Malawi urges companies on forestry restoration


Castel Malawi Limited has called other companies to collaborate in tree restoration efforts in the country. 

As part of its on-going initiative, the company replanted 1,000 trees at Kaning’ina Forest in Mzuzu last week, reinforcing its dedication to sustainability and water conservation. 

This effort follows the 5,000 trees previously planted by Castel Malawi in the same forest, demonstrating its long-term commitment to restoring forests and protecting vital water resources.

Speaking at the event, Castel Malawi Corporate Social Responsibility Manager, Linda Kolomba, emphasized the importance of tree planting for water resource management.

“At Castel Malawi, we take part in the tree planting project because we are one of the main stakeholders when it comes to water usage. We join Northern Region Water Board (NRWB), as well as the Forestry where they plant trees and as Castel Malawi, one of the solutions that we thought we could give back to the community is to plant trees. Because we want to invest in the amount of water that we use.”

“We depend on water to produce our products and if we do not have enough water, then we cannot product our products hence our stance to help in restoring the forests in the water catchment areas,” said Kolomba. 

Kolomba also highlighted the need for other companies and organizations to focus on tree restoration for sustainability.

“I would like to encourage other companies to join hands with us to work together with the Water Board and the Forestry Department because they are doing a wonderful job. It would be very great if we worked together and supported these departments,” said Kolomba.

Senior Chief Nyaliwanga of Nkhata Bay echoed similar sentiments, stressing the need for long-term care of planted trees.

“Many organizations come here, and plant trees, but they don’t take care of those trees. We planted 5000 trees with Castel in 2022, and today we were again replanting. They told us that it would take five years as a project, and we constructed firebreaks around this place. We thank Castel Malawi very much because they have shown commitment,” said Nyaliwanga.

Forestry Communications and Advisory Services Officer, Kelvin Chisaka, commended Castel Malawi for its continued involvement in reforestation.

“I commend Castel Malawi for the job they keep on doing. It is a good development. As you are aware, the department is in a global collaboration to restore degraded landmarks,” said Chisaka.

The tree replanting initiative at Kaning’ina Forest is part of Castel Malawi’s broader environmental conservation efforts. 

MAGLA supports Dzenza community environmental initiative with K10 million


Malawi Gaming and Lotteries Authority (MAGLA) has supported the Dzenza Mountain environmental sustainability initiative with K10 million to purchase tree seedlings and beehives for environmental conservation.

The donation was requested by the community at the foot of Dzenza mountain in the area of Senior Chief Kaphuka in Dedza district.

Speaking at a tree planting ceremony at Kasina Seminary ground on Friday, MAGLA Director General Rachel Mijiga said the support aligns well with their mandate of contributing to environmental sustainability.

“We have been motivated and inspired by Inkosi ya Makosi Gomani V’s leadership in environmental sustainability by encouraging citizens and collaborating with institutions. This is very important because trees give us air and fruits, and also combat climate change. So, it is the responsibility of all of us to come in and contribute to the reafforestation of our beautiful mountains in Malawi.”

“This year we have invested K30 million towards such initiatives. Out of this amount, K10 million was given to this area, and in January we were in Nkhata Bay where we contributed K20 million towards tree planting,” said Mijiga.

In his remarks, Inkosi ya Makosi Gomani V thanked MAGLA for coming through with the donation.

“On behalf of the community at Dzenza, we are thankful because we know and understand the importance of the environment and how it is important to conserve it. We need the environment more than it needs us. Today marks a new beginning where we are partnering with the community and we shall continue to do this year in, year out, until we reach our goal,” said Gomani V.

In 2023 MAGLA also partnered with the Maseko Ngoni in the Muonekela Mountain hiking experience.

Tay Grin Goes Straight to Business as Malawi’s Tourism Ambassador


Renowned Malawian hip-hop artist Tay Grin has hit the ground running as the country’s newly appointed Tourism Ambassador.

In his first assignment, Tay Grin, also known as the Nyau King, met with the Commissioner of Tourism in Zanzibar, Arif Abbas Manji, to discuss strengthening tourism ties between Malawi and Zanzibar.

Key discussions focused on co-joint advertising, connecting operators, showcasing products, and enhancing infrastructure to promote tourism in both countries.

Grin born Limbani Kalilani emphasized the importance of major collaborations, big influencers, superstar events, and global platforms to amplify Malawi’s tourist destinations

Grin’s appointment as Tourism Ambassador is a strategic move to boost Malawi’s tourism sector, a key contributor to the country’s economy.

With his influence and passion for Malawian culture, he is expected to lead various promotional campaigns, including international tourism marketing, digital and social media campaigns, cultural promotion initiatives and collaborations with local tourism operators.

As a cultural icon, Grin has been promoting Malawian culture through his music for over two decades.

He is known for incorporating traditional Malawian elements, such as Nyau music and dance, into his hip-hop beats.

His new role will enable him to continue promoting Malawian culture and heritage, using his music and influence to attract tourists and showcase the country’s unique offerings.

Tay Grin’s vision for Malawi’s tourism industry includes promoting cultural exchange, developing sustainable tourism, showcasing the country’s natural beauty, empowering local communities, and fostering international partnerships.

NBS Bank plc contributes K7.5 million towards Malawi Sports Gala


NBS Bank Plc has contributed K7.5 million to the Malawi National Council of Sports (MNCS) for the Malawi Sports Awards gala set for Mangochi this Friday.

The Bank’s Head of Marketing Stella Hara said ‘the Caring Bank’ decided to support the initiative as it believes in contributing to youth development and empowerment through sports and related activities.

“NBS Bank plc has consistently supported the sports industry through various initiatives and partnerships. For the past three years, NBS Bank plc has proudly served as the sole sponsor of the season opener, the Charity Shield one-day match,” said Hara. 

She added that the Bank is also anticipating a highly competitive season in the NBS National Division League, and they are excited to continue supporting sports and youth empowerment.

In his remarks, MNCS Director of Marketing, Planning and Infrastructure Development Limbani Cliff Matola thanked NBS Bank plc for helping promote sports excellence.

“Malawi National Council of Sports is grateful and thrilled that NBS Bank plc has generously contributed K7.5 million as a Gold Sponsor for the Malawi Sports Awards gala. This significant support underscores NBS Bank’s commitment to promoting and celebrating sporting excellence in Malawi. Their support will play a crucial role in making this year’s event a memorable and successful celebration of Malawi’s sporting achievements,” said Matola.

In 2022 NBS Bank plc also sponsored the 10th edition of the Region 5 Youth Games, which took place in Lilongwe with K60 million.

The Malawi Sports Awards is the biggest annual sports gala that recognizes and celebrates sporting excellence in various disciplines since 2017.

NBM plc compensates 2023 Innovation Jam Winners with K12.3 million


In a significant move to honour its commitment to the overall winners of the 2023 Innovation Jam, the National Bank of Malawi (NBM) plc has announced a cash compensation totalling K12.3 million for the awardees.

In the initial arrangement, the winners, Richard Mtukula and Matthews Jere were set to attend the prestigious 2nd Annual TICON Africa Conference in Kenya in September 2024 as part of their prizes.

However, unforeseen circumstances prevented their participation thereby compelling the Bank to split the total expenditure amount for the trip equally between Mtukula of ‘Know Your Customer (KYC)’ and Jere of ‘Khungu Langa’ software innovations.

Each winner received K6,150,000 as a reflection of NBM’s dedication to supporting innovation in Malawi.

NBM Marketing and Corporate Affairs Manager, Akossa Hiwa, emphasized the bank’s commitment to fostering creativity and honouring its promises.

“We recognize the importance of honouring our commitments to those who contribute to the spirit of innovation. While logistical challenges prevented us from facilitating the winners’ attendance at the TICON Africa Conference, this cash compensation demonstrates our ongoing support for these brilliant innovators and ensures they are celebrated for their achievements,” said Hiwa.

In his remarks, Jere, whose software is a platform for skin care and diagnosis, commended NBM plc for its dedication.

“This recognition and financial support will help us continue developing our innovative ideas and expand our business. Currently, we are working on integrating our system for further analysis and aiming to expand to other countries. This financial boost will help us engage AI developers and host the system on global servers to improve our analysis,” Jere shared.

In 2023, the Bank managed to fly the 2022 Innovation Jam winners to Uganda for a similar conference.

NBM plc partnered with the ICT Association of Malawi (ICTAM), committing an annual K75 million for innovation incubation support, in addition to K40 million for the Innovation Jam initiative.

Castel plants 1000 additional trees in Lilongwe


Castel Malawi Limited has reinforced its dedication to environmental sustainability by expanding its reforestation efforts at Lilongwe Bridge in Area 33. 

On Tuesday, the company planted an additional 1,000 trees as part of its long-term commitment to restoring Malawi’s natural ecosystems.

As a significant industrial stakeholder and water user, Castel Malawi has been at the forefront of sustainable reforestation since the 2022/2023 tree planting season. 

The initiative spans all three regions, including Lilongwe Area 33 Lilongwe Bridge, Blantyre’s Mudi Catchment area, and Kaning’ina Forest in Mzuzu, which is an ongoing tree restoration effort aimed to protect crucial water catchment areas and promote long-term ecological balance.

Speaking during the tree replanting event, Castel Malawi Limited’s Corporate Social Responsibility Manager, Linda Kolomba, emphasized that the company’s efforts go beyond planting trees, focusing on sustainability.

“We are not just planting, but we are reforesting because we started this project in the 2022-2023 planting season. Looking at the survival rate, especially here in Lilongwe, we planted 2,000 trees in 2022-2023, and we have had a 100% survival rate. The council asked us to extend the lot of land that we adopted from and that is why this year we have planted 1,000 more trees. Our goal is to have a sustainable project,” said Kolomba

Kolomba further highlighted the company’s commitment to giving back to the communities, considering that 90% of Castel Malawi’s production processes rely on water.

“We use a lot of water in our products. So, it is core for us as a company to give back to our stakeholders and the communities that rely on the same water resources in their everyday lives. This project is about being a reliable stakeholder and ensuring that we contribute to a sustainable future for Malawi,” said Kolomba.

Speaking during the event, Lilongwe City Council Deputy Mayor, Ruth Chingwalu, expressed appreciation for Castel Malawi’s contribution to restoring the city’s greenery.

“The Lilongwe City Council is happy with what Castel Malawi is doing. This project started in 2022-2023, and Castel Malawi has been planting trees in Lilongwe City. As you know, Lilongwe City has faced many environmental challenges, including floods. These trees will help maintain the city’s ecological balance and restore forests lost to urban expansion and infrastructure development,” said Chingwalu.

In his remarks, the Lilongwe City Council Environment Officer, Cedric Tambala, praised Castel Malawi for assisting the city in addressing deforestation challenges.

“The Lilongwe River has been greatly affected by illegal tree cutting. When companies like Castel Malawi step up to plant trees, it is a huge relief for the city council. Our strategic plan prioritizes reforesting degraded areas, and Castel Malawi’s efforts align perfectly with our goals,” said Tambala.

With a five-year vision in place, Castel Malawi aims to achieve a 100% tree survival rate, fostering the development of semi-mature forests. 

Chidale qualifies for Magical Kenya Open, hails NBS Bank for support


Malawi’s professional golfer, Paul Chidale has qualified for the prestigious Magical Kenya Open, which takes off today and closes on Sunday at Muthaiga Golf Club.

According to, Chidale secured his spot by delivering an impressive second-round score of 71 during qualifiers held on Monday, becoming one of only three professionals to advance. 

In an interview with Chidale, he attributed the achievement to the unrelenting support of his lead sponsors- NBS Bank.

“Over the years, NBS Bank has consistently backed my participation in various regional tournaments, providing essential financial assistance for travel and upkeep. I am deeply appreciative of the caring Bank” said Chidale.

NBS Bank Head of Marketing Stella Hara was elated with Chidale’s achievement saying they have provided extra resources to the golfer to go all the way and win the tournament.

“At NBS Bank, we believe in championing Malawian talent and enabling them to shine on international platforms. Paul’s journey to the Kenya Open is proof that with the right support, our athletes can compete at the highest levels. We are proud to stand behind him as he makes history for Malawi,” said Hara.

NBS Bank’s commitment to nurturing local talent extends beyond golf. Recently, the Bank unveiled a K1 billion sponsorship package for National Division football League, demonstrating its dedication to the development of sports in Malawi.

EthCo plants 1000 trees at Majiga school


Ethanol Company (EthCo), a subsidiary of conglomerate Press Corporation Limited (PCL) has reaffirmed its commitment to environmental conservation after planting 1000 trees at Majiga Primary School in Nkhotakota over the weekend. 

EthCo Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Lusubilo Chakaniza said they decided to work with primary pupils so that they can inculcate the spirit of preserving the environment in the learners as they grow. 

“At EthCo, we are a company that promotes clean energy through our products like gel fuel and ethanol, the aim is to preserve the environment. We all saw how floods caused damage at Dwangwa last year. The damage affected all companies working here, including EthCo, and we thought we should intensify the drive for ecosystem restoration through planting more trees to avoid such occurrences in future,” she said.

Chakaniza further indicated that the company will continue to undertake such afforestation activities in various places. 

In his remarks, Majiga Primary School Headteacher, Bolings Kamanga commended EthCo for the support. 

“One of the lessons we teach these pupils is about trees and how to take care of them. These trees therefore give us a better platform for practical lessons on such topics. We are grateful to EthCo,” he said. 

Nkhotakota District Council Director of Planning and Development, Dave Kapolo also hailed the company for such initiatives. 

“One of the major problems in our district is deforestation due to activities like charcoal burning. Now to find that EthCo has joined us in our afforestation drive, it is something we should be grateful for,” he said. 

The country is in the National Forestry season which runs from December to April every year.