The Mkukula Chief Magistrate Court in Lilongwe has ordered the arrest of Davie Kaunda, son to former flamboyant cabinet minister Vuwa Kaunda, for allegedly obtaining money by trick amounting to MK 40,200,000 (Forty Million and Two Hundred Thousand Kwacha) from a businessperson Mustafa Amidu.
A Warrant of arrest addressed to the law enforcers in our custody dated 17th March said between the year 2020 and 2021, Kaunda in the city of Lilongwe by deceit or other fraudulent means obtained the money from Mustafa Amidu.
“You are hereby directed to arrest Davie Kaunda to produce him before this court in execution of this arrest and HEREIN FAIL NOT,” reads the warrant which is marked Criminal case number 136 of 2022.
The suspect Davie Kaunda hails from Chidagha Village in the area of Traditional Authority Timbiri in Nkhata-Bay district.
MultiChoice Malawi has added 10 more Sankha Wekha Kiosks as a way of increasing customer convenience by creating key service touch points in inaccessible areas across the country, whilst upskilling agents with the business acumen to run and own a business through the kiosks.
MultiChoice Malawi currently has over 152 agents and 58 accredited installers’ across the country with Sankha Wekha Kiosks located in Blantyre at Wenera bus depot, Ndirande by old Peoples shop, and Chemusa.
In Lilongwe in Area 25 Pamathanki, Area 25 Nsungwi and Area 36 Kaphiri and in Mzuzu along M1 road and Mzuzu market.
The 10 additional kiosk will be in Blantyre at Blantyre Market, Area 1 Machinjiri, Area 1 Simama, Area 1 Kaviwale, Luwinga, Area 49, Area 29, Likuni and Kamba.
“We believe that there is no true success without social upliftment. Over the last 25 years, we have chosen to grow hand in hand with local communities and when we launched the first 8 kiosks we ensured agents came from the locations they are stationed, in order to best attend to our customer’s needs” said Yuk-yen Ayeung, Head of Commercials MultiChoice Malawi.
“Through the introduction of 10 additional Sankha Wekha Kiosks across Malawi, we are able to provide our customers with even more convenience. The distinct yellow, blue and red colours of the kiosks ensure our customers can easily identify their nearest service agent” she added.
The Sankha Wekha Kiosks offer numerous services, namely; repairing and swapping of faulty decoders that are within warranty, payment of subscriptions, upgrade of bouquets, selling of boxes, as well as trouble shooting.
“I am very happy to be one of the Sankha Wekha Kiosk agents, I believe the visibility I will receive through the kiosks will help me drive sales” said Vutimbo Mgode, Sankha Wekha Kiosk agent.
“It brings me joy to know the people in my community will no longer travel long distances if they are in need of MultiChoice services” he added.
18 March 2022, Lilongwe – MultiChoice Malawi and the Copyright Society of Malawi have joined forces in the fight to protect Creative Copyright and associated Intellectual Property rights through the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding, ahead of the launch of the Partners Against Piracy (PAP) initiative. The MOU will ensure that the two partners collaborate in the fight especially against content piracy and awareness raising in line with the Partners Against Piracy (PAP) campaign.
The campaign will consist of activities that will raise awareness by educating the public on the unintended consequences of piracy and the threat it poses to lives, livelihoods, society and personal cyber security. PAP looks to ensure Malawi’s content creators earn a living from their talent and increase the demand for locally produced content through the consumption of their authorized works.
“We are excited and happy to be partnering you [MultiChoice] on this initiative. The signing of this partnership marks the beginning, now we continue into the next phase, which is implementation of strategies to combat piracy” said Dora Makwinja, Executive Director of Copyright Society of Malawi (COSOMA).
Piracy involves the unauthorized reproduction, distribution, use including sharing or selling of copyrighted content. Piracy is stealing as it robs content creators, artists and entire creative communities of their royalties. It also robs the government of taxes.
The campaign will focus on two main categories of piracy:
The agreement signing ceremony
Broadcast piracy which involves the use of video and audio content without the consent of rights-holders.
Cyber piracy, or internet piracy which is currently the biggest threat to content owners, broadcasters and operators. The content most often pirated via the internet is software, music, literature, and video content, including live sports and the latest movies.
Content piracy globally is at an all-time high. High-quality content and advanced streaming technology has become more easily available and easier for pirates to illegally acquire and redistribute content for illicit profits, documented to fund social ills including identity theft and trafficking.
“In partnership with COSOMA we aim to bring increased awareness to the effects of piracy on the Malawian creative industry and reiterate the Partners Against Piracy ethos, that African Creativity Matters” said Zena Makunje, Corporate Affairs Manager at MultiChoice Malawi.
In Africa where people are struggling with depressed socio-economic circumstances and our attention is on serious issues like lack of income, poor education and health access, the problem of piracy is sometimes simply not considered a priority, and is often considered a victimless crime by the ‘pirates’ as well as the participant. This cannot be further from the truth. Online piracy results in billions of dollars in lost revenue to the media, creative and related service industries and further impacts local economic development by depriving government of much needed tax revenue to invest in social infrastructure and therefore negatively impacts society at large.
NAMIWA: This tendency poses a serious threat to the survival of the local construction industry
The Centre for Democracy and Economic Development Initiatives (CDEDI) has expressed concern over growing tendency by some public institutions which prefer foreign contractors at the expense of local ones saying the trend is not only draining Forex but also killing local construction industry.
In its observatory statement signed by CDEDI Executive Director Sylvester Namiwa, says the trend is putting unnecessary pressure on the country’s much-needed foreign exchange (forex), yet the quality of workmanship of some of these foreign contractors leaves a lot to be desired.
CDEDI has since challenged those entrusted with procurement and awarding of contracts on behalf of Malawians, to exercise a high level of patriotism, due diligence and soul-searching by putting aside personal and selfish interests and put Malawi first before awarding any contract.
“This tendency, to say the least, poses a serious threat to the survival of the local construction industry,” says Namiwa.
The concerns come fast on the heels of CDEDI’s preliminary findings, after invoking the Access to Information Act (ATI) to scrutinise the implementation of projects such as the US$26.7 million Karonga Town Water Supply and the US$30.55 million Nkhata Bay Town Water Project, by the Northern Region Water Board (NRWB), and the subsequent meeting with NRWB management.
According to Namiwa, at the meeting, NRWB claims that at the time of awarding the contracts, it was not mandated to sub-contract 30 percent of the works to a local company as stipulated by construction regulations and laws in Malawi.
The said 30 percentage sub-contracting rule is a deliberate policy to build the capacity of the local contractors in order to attain a cut-off on the reliance on foreign companies, and at the same time in the spirit of sharing the national cake.
“It is, therefore, shocking to note that the two Chinese companies that were awarded the said contracts and were given blank cheques by the NRWB when signing the contracts. CDEDI has also established that construction works for the two projects could have been ably handled by local firms, but they ended in the hands of foreign firms on the pretext that they were the cheapest bidders,” Namiwa worries.
On the action taken to ensure transparency and accountability, the CDEDI Chief says his organisation has since written NRWB to specifically furnish it with contracts they signed for the two projects for further scrutiny on behalf the country’s citizens.
The coming in of CDEDI on its watchdog role is due to the fact that the projects are financed by loans that will be repaid by Malawians, although taking from previous experience, it is evident that the combined US$57.2 million will not trickle down into the economy the way it would have been had the contracts been awarded to local companies.
Currently, the local construction industry contributes 60 percent to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), while at the same time providing 30 percent of employment.
The Karonga Town water project, for example, is being financed by two loans: US$15 million from the OPEC Fund and US$10 million from the BADEA while the Malawi Government committed US$1.7 million from the taxpayers’ money.
“But under the disguise of choosing the lowest bidder, these millions of US dollars have been moved to China at a time Malawi’s import cover is at a record zero. It is worth pointing out that the US$26.7 million for the Karonga Town Project alone is enough to pay for Malawi’s car imports for a whole year. It is also an open secret that in the current set-up, very little trickles down to Malawi since the foreign-based companies import from their own countries both labour and materials,” says Namiwa.
He has since expressed worry that if the current trend is not put to check, then all the blossoming local contractors will be wiped out of the market, thereby leaving the responsibility of building our nation in the hands of foreigners who do not share our aspirations and goals.
“The above set-up is also a breeding ground for deep-rooted corruption in the construction industry on one hand, and the advent of new form of neo-colonisation,”
The recent anti corruption report has indicated that Malawi’s status in the fight against corruption is not making headway.
Meanwhile NRWB despite coming foth to the calls by CDEDI, it has been observed that there were loopholes in the contract awarding processes.
Management at the National intelligence Service has interdicted two officers Ackim Sanuka and Kamzyange Munthali on grounds of sexual harassments. This is to cover up their own sins to show Office of the president that situation is under control when the actual facts are as follows.
The National Intelligence Service headquarters is like a brothel management has chosen all beautiful girls and posted them to headquarters to be used as sex objects even the ladies that are married.
The facts are that Head of administration and finance is in sexual relationship with Sally Masoakhumbila to the extent that Sally is divorcing his husband yet Charles Banda is married.
Director of Internal security Mr Kambale is in love with several women at the organization the most known lady being Stella Mdula. However, Mr Kambale sleeps with ladies at NIS so that they can be considered for travel during presidential operations.
Mr Kambale is also in love with Tapiwa Deputy head of HR.Director of foreign Service Grant Kankhulungo is in a love triangle with female officers from his foreign service department one of which is Ivy Tsilizani and Emily Mphepo.
He was recently caught in area 49 at one of his officers place by the hubby of the woman.Head of operations Samson Nkhoswe has a long time girlfriend Mrs Felistas Tsinambuto.
The Director General of the NIS Dokani Ngwira is in sexual relationship with Stella Mdula who is also in a relationship with Mr Kambale to an extent that Julia found messages between Mr Kambale and Stella and the two ladies fought each other when Stella threatened to report Stella to the DG that he is double crossing him.
The crime that Ackim Sanuka and Kamzyange have committed is to propose girl that are already committed and are in sexual relationship with the directors and the Director General.
Currently the director General has appointment a committee to investigate sexual harassments headed by Tapiwa deputy HR who is also involved is the sexual relationship web.
CHAPONDA:My international image was badly tarnished through their writings in the Newspapers
The High Court in Blantyre slapped Blantyre Newspapers Limited (Times group) to pay compensation to Dr George Chaponda for defamatory articles its newspapers wrote against the former Agriculture minister during the Kaloswe maize scandal inquiry.
In his ruling, Judge Dingiswayo Madise also ordered the papers to apologise to Dr Chaponda and withdraw the articles and this should be published on the front pages of Times Newspapers within the next 10 days.
“No one should not injure the reputation of other people under the guise of fair comment and media freedom. I therefore, order the defendants who authored those articles if still in employment to withdraw the articles so cited and apologise sincerely to the claimant on the front pages of all the papers involved in this case within 10 days, “reads part of the judgement.
The judgment even stresses that the front page must not carry any other article apart from the apology ordered.
” The claimant is entitled to monetary damages and l order the registrar to access damages taking into account the apology that the defendant will make. It is not in the interest of this court to order huge damages which will end up bankrupting the defendants, “reads the judgement.
The judgement also reminded the media that responsible media freedom was necessary in a democracy as it calls on public servants to account and that must be protected by the law and the courts.
However, it states that the defendants must pay the cost of their action.
In his remarks, Chaponda was pleased with the rulling and hailed Judiciary for being independence.
“I am pleased that rule of law and justice has prevailed. The Court has shown independence of the Judiciary. While admitting that Journalists and Newspapers have the right to write on issues of interest to the public but have to respect the rights of others and not be used to tarnish the image of people, “said Chaponda.
The member of Parliament from Mulanje South West was also pleased that this case has cleared his image locally and internationally taking into account that he once worked for the UNHCR for twenty years.
” My international image was badly tarnished through their writings in the Newspapers,” he said
National Bank of Malawi (NBM) plc in partnership with Malawi Housing Corporation (MHC) have concluded a three-month ‘Kwathu Pa Mo’ promotion with a lucky winner getting the grand prize of six months’ rent paid by the bank.
MHC tenant Blessings Mbamba will not pay rent for the next six months for winning the grand prize while another lucky winner Tamara Msiska won a K500,00 cash prize for paying ground rentals using NBM plc’s mobile banking platform Mo626ice.
The promotion which started on 1 December 2021 and run through to 28 February 2022 was aimed at encouraging tenants and other people to pay their rentals and other fees through the mobile banking platform.
NBM Business Process Analyst Yusuf Mdala draws the winner during the draw
Speaking during the final draw in Blantyre, NBM plc e-Banking services Manager Enala Chirwa hailed the promotion saying it was a success as there has been an upsurge of customers using the mobile platform to pay their rentals and other services in general.
“There has been significant growth overall on the use of Mo626 for all services and we are expecting that this usage will further increase even after the end of this promotion because as the Bank of the Nation, we provide exciting financial solutions to our customers and we will continue to do so,” said Chirwa.
“I would like to thank MHC for partnering with us in this promotion. As a Bank, we are here to strengthen partnerships that we have with various stakeholders while having the best interests of our customers in mind,” added Chirwa.
NBM plc e-Banking Services Manager Enala Chirwa speaks during the final draw
MHC Business Research Development Manager Chancy Chaguluka also thanked NBM plc for the partnership saying the promotion has improved their revenue collection.
“Not only has this promotion improved our revenue collection, but it has made life easier for our tenants who did not have to go all the way to the bank to pay their rentals and fees as they did this in the comfort of their homes and offices in this Covid-19 pandemic era,” said Chaguluka.
During the three-month period, lucky customers won one month rent and shopping vouchers worth K50,000 and other consolation prizes which included branded golf shirts and drinking bottles.
Arson Malola- Tafika Holdings Limited executive Chairman and CEO
Tafika Holdings Limited has acquired a 100% stake in retail giant Peoples Trading Centre (PTC) which was held by conglomerate Press Corporation plc.
In a joint statement announcing the sale dated 16th March 2022, the transaction is subject to all regulatory approvals in line with Malawi laws.
Peoples Trading Limited (PTC) is one of the largest retail stores of consumer goods in Malawi and is the leading retailer of groceries. The company operates 20 stores in Lilongwe, Blantyre and Zomba, with most of its stores in Blantyre. It operates the stores under Peoples, SPAR and Food Lover’s Market brands.
The Executive Chairman of Tafika Holdings Limited, Arson Malola, said of the acquisition; “Tafika Holdings Limited corporate mission is to become the leading player in the local economy through investments in strategic and high growth sectors. Our acquisition of PTC Limited brings us one step closer to accomplishing this goal”.
On PTC’s future, Malola said with Tafika, PTC has an opportunity to grow saying that Tafika Holdings Limited has, over the last decade, been involved in commodity trading within and outside the region, accumulating the much-needed experience and market intelligence to add the requisite value to PTC Limited as it repositions its customer value proposition for future growth.
Dr Lyton Chithambo-Acting CEO for PCL
Press Corporation plc Acting Chief Executive Officer Dr Lyton Chithambo said it is the conglomerate’s strategic move to get out of the retail business and concentrate on capital intensive business ventures to increase shareholder value and grow the Malawi economy.
“It is a strategic move for Press Corporation plc to get out of the retail business to give chance to upcoming entrepreneurs to grow their portfolio while we concentrate on capital intensive investments to increase our shareholder value and grow the economy of our country just like we did some years back when we got out of the Bakery and Furniture business, we saw a lot Malawians investing and improving in these sectors,” said Dr Chithambo.
Malola further said Tafika Holdings Limited intends to modernise its stores to radically improve customer experience and to offer a full range of products at all times at competitive prices.
“In pursuance to this objective, Tafika Holdings Limited will invest and install state of the art equipment in all its stores to not only improve the ambience but to also ensure that the stores provide fresh products at all times in a healthy and safe environment,” said Malola.
Malola also said Tafika Holdings Limited intends to expand the PTC footprint with Peoples, SPAR and Food Lover’s Market branded stores across the country, by building on the current strong brick and mortar foundation whilst exploring several sales channels including but not limited to e-Commerce.
“The new PTC’s mission is to save money for people so that they can live better lives. We believe this proposed acquisition is a great opportunity to deliver on that mission for all the people in Malawi. We can leverage our experience from South Africa and the region to more effectively serve customers, create opportunities for our stakeholders and add shareholder value. We will deploy our turnaround strategy to accelerate growth and improve returns in the areas we will operate in,” said Malola.
The Commercial city of Blantyre will host its inaugural Car Exhibition On 30th April 2022, to be held at Limbe Country Club with gate Fees going towards Charity, to help Cyclone Victims in the Southern region districts of Chikwawa and Nsanje.
The event is a Spectacle especially created for Motor Vehicle dealers, insurance companies, banks, Spare part shops and garages.
According to the Managing Director, Alinane Njolomole, the show will also feature demonstrations from Banks, Insurance Companies, Car and Motor cycle clubs.
He also said the Bike stunts and test drives will also feature.
” It is a corporate family event that is attracting attention in corporate automotive sector.The Blantyre Motor Show promises to be a spectacular display. Blantyre boosts of Malawi’s High end corporate world, as such expectations are high from participating companies, “he said. The show is organized by Lilongwe Motor Show Limited Company, in Partnership with international Dealerships.
The Company has held automotive exhibitions since 2016. This will be the first time hosting the event in Blantyre as previous shows have been hosted in the Capital, Lilongwe City. The event has excited the directors who are leaving no stone unturned to make the inaugural experience something to remember for consumers and participating brands alike.
“It’s about experiential marketing, Brands can conduct raffles, Promotions and product displays right in front of consumers, TV audience and increasing potential clientele,”said Njolomole.
The target clientele include procurement managers, senior executives, entrepreneurs, and Government officials.
” As part of our corporate social responsibility, the Public will walk in with a minimal fee of 2,000 MWk to enter the event, to boost walk-ins, which are a priority to exhibitors.All gate Fees will go towards Charity, to help Cyclone Victims in the Southern region districts of Chikwawa and Nsanje, “he said.
Sealand Investments Limited in Lilongwe owned and run by Mr. Dipak Jevant is being investigated for fraud and corruption by Fiscal Police and the Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) after records have shown that his three companies got paid for none supplied goods and services.
The two state institutions yesterday confiscated a number of documents from the office of Dipak, after it was discovered that he got paid for fertiliser which he did not supply.
His other companies Greenfield and Agriafrica were also used in this game of notes and crosses. In short Dipak Jevant was stealing from the public through false claims in the form of interests and invoices. All this is documented and some documents have already gone viral.
The tax collectors MRA are tomorrow going to inspect his books as he has not paid tax for his two other companies listed above.
Dipak Jevant got used to these deals in the DPP days after he was kicked out from Farmers World limited upon falling out with Pramod Kalalira. Dipak Jevant was very close to the former regime.
Even at Farmers World Limited he did the same as he was trying to replace Admarc with private traders. Every farming season he used to fight for three companies to Sealand investments limited, Greenfields Agro limited and Africa Agriafrica limited. All these would be under paid and then push for interest.
Jevant also used Pawooh Logistics and Midima Produce limited belonging to late Limumba Karia. Please refer to the attachment and see the figures involved.
Ministry of Agriculture raised alarm last week after auditors singled out Sealand Investments Limited as the company that was paid billions of kwachas due to serious political connections.
Dipak Jevant has serious fraud case now. All farmers should demonstrate at his office in Lilongwe.