Tuesday, March 11, 2025
الرئيسية بلوق الصفحة 139

PCL H1 profit up 10% to K12.89 bn


By Mc Donald Chapalapata, a Contributor

Group Chief Executive Officer George Partridge
PCL Group Chief Executive Officer George Partridge

Conglomerate Press Corporation plc has posted a group after tax profit of K12.87 billion, up from K11.68 billion half-year results representing a 10 % increase on prior year.

In a statement signed by PCL Board Chairman Randson Mwadiwa and Group Chief Executive Officer George Partridge, PCL said the performance was achieved against a background of a challenging operating environment characterized by severe forex shortages and the disruption from Covid-19 on the supply chain for most Group companies.

“Prior year comparatives were restated to take into account Value Added Tax expenses relating to mobile money and airtime credit transactions. In prior year these were booked at year end, but they have now been reallocated to the period of occurrence,” reads the statement in part.

Commenting on the segmental performance, PCL says in the financial services segment, its subsidiary, National Bank of Malawi (NBM) plc continued to be the main driver of Group results and delivered satisfactory results which were driven by a 36% increase in net interest income and a 51% growth in non-interest income.

“Similarly, the Bank’s customer deposits and the loan book grew by 43% and 10% respectively, while treasury bills and treasury notes grew by 49%. Results were however negatively impacted by a 41% and 26% increase in operating expenses and loan impairments respectively as the Bank consolidated results from the newly acquired Akiba Bank (of Taznzania) for the first time,” reads part of the statement.

The telecommunications segment where PCL has subsidiary companies namely mobile phone company TNM plc and fixed telephony and broad band company Malawi Telecommunications Limited (MTL), registered a 25% growth in its profit after tax.

“The mobile phone company registered a 19% growth on its net earnings. As already stated, prior year comparatives were restated to take into account Value Added Tax expenses relating to mobile money and airtime credit transactions. The Company has embarked on several strategic initiatives aimed at regaining its market share and is expected to show significant improvements in the second half.”

“On the other hand, the fixed telephony company reported a 9% improvement in its results driven by improved gross margins and cost containment. Discussions with an equity investor in the fixed telephony business are progressing well,” reads the statement in part.

In the energy segment comprising ethanol manufacturing companies, Press Cane and Ethanol Company (EthCO), PCL says both companies were off season during the first quarter of the year.

“Press Cane, however, had an early start and registered an 85% growth in its earnings while Ethanol had a late start and registered an 85% decline in its earnings. Overall, both companies are on track and are expected to deliver planned results,” reads the statement.

However, PCL says Peoples Trading Centre (PTC) in the consumer goods segment continued to make losses due to a myriad of operating challenges and informs that the search for an equity investor is continuing and some debts may have to be assumed by the Group once an equity investor is identified.

PCL also says its subsidiary, the Foods Company had a late start in fish harvests due to the impact of Covid-19 on the Company’s supply chain for imported feedstock but says performance is expected to improve in the second half of the year.

“The real estate business (Press properties) had a good start and registered a 384% growth in its earnings mainly due to improved occupancy rates as well as the impact of a valuation surplus on investment properties,” reads the statement in part.

The conglomerate says in the equity accounted businesses segment, the results were below expectations as all companies save for the fuel distribution business (PUMA Energy) and the newly operationalized LifeCo, reported losses.

The equity accounted business for PCL include joint ventures PUMA Energy, a fuel distribution company and Macsteel, a steel processing and trading company; associated companies, Limbe Leaf, a tobacco processing company, Open Connect Limited, a telecom fibre backbone infrastructure company and LifeCo, a pension and asset management company.

“Going forward into the second half, results from tobacco processing and trading, being a seasonal business are expected to significantly improve and so too the steel processing businesses as most steel mills where raw materials are sourced are now fully operational. Full year projections show significant growth in profit in this segment,” reads part of the statement.

Looking ahead, PCL says the current shortages in forex pose a big risk to achieving planned results adding that the focus of the Group is on feasibility of new projects and to consolidate gains made in the existing restructured and streamlined portfolios.

Directors of the conglomerate therefore have resolved to pay an interim dividend amounting to MK721.53 million (2020: MK721.53 million) representing MK6.00 per share (2020:MK6.00 per share). The dividend will be paid on Friday, 29th October 2021 to shareholders whose names appear on the register as at the close of business on 15th October 2021.

Ministry invites CDEDI to roundtable…responds to “needless” scaling down of AIP beneficiaries


By Iommie Chiwalo

Minister of Agriculture has responded to concerns raised by human rights organisation Center for Democracy and Economic Development Initiatives (CDEDI) saying the reduction was based on a number of factors including the resource envelope as well as type of beneficiaries.

CDEDI wrote the minister on August 25, 2021, a demand letter with the title: ‘CONCERNS ON THE NEEDLESS SCALLING DOWN EXERCISE OF THE AIP BENEFICIARIES FOR THE 2021/2022 GROWING SEASON.’

But in his response dated August 26, 2021, and made available to this publication, the Minister Lobin Lowe has highlighted that the decision was largely based on resource envelope.

He pointed out that the AIP in 2021/2022 was allocated K142 billion whereby K126 billion was allocated to fertilizer and that the balance of K16 billion was allocated to seeds and logistics.

Lowe also clarifies that the number was trimmed looking at the fact that some beneficiaries were not supposed to benefit from the programme.

“The figure came as per resources allocated and that some beneficiaries such as civil servants are not supposed to appear on the list,” he said.

Lowe has however said that the option was just a preliminary guidance that was given as the ministry was exploring avenues to ensure that all the deserving beneficiaries are not missed.

“We are currently engaging Ministry of Finance on how we can get the shortfall to fulfill the number of intended beneficiaries,” he said.

Lowe has since invited CDEDI to a round table meeting, should there be issues that may require further explanation and clarifications on the response.

Meanwhile CDEDI Executive Director Sylvester Namiwa says his organisation will use the roundtable discussions as an opportunity to iron out some grey areas that have been observed in Hon. Lowe’s response.

“As CDEDI is waiting for the date for this meeting, we thought we needed to share with you, fellow Malawians, the minister’s official response to our demand letter and be assured that will use the roundtable discussions as an opportunity to iron out some grey areas,”

Lowe’s response is a persistent pure contradiction with the impression that his Boss President Lazarus Chakwera is creating to the masses whereby he is insinuating that no one will be scrapped off from the AIP list of beneficiaries.

ACB Retrieves Messages Implicating Chakwera In Kambala’s Phone:NOCMA Saga


Panic and tension has engulfed State President Lazarus Chakwera and his inner circle with new revelations coming in that implicating Information has been retrieved , in the phones of former minister of Energy, Newton Kambala. Malawi Observer has the details.

Messages recovered in kambala phones implicate Chakwera.

Kambala was arrested together with President Chakwera’s advisor on manifesto implementation Cris Chaima Banda ,who is on record to have told ACB that he was working under the instructions of the president, who was new and learning how to govern in the issues surrounding NOCMA fuel scandal.

Information we have is that when Kambala was being released on bail, his phones were not given to him as ACB was still doing its forensic investigations with them.

Kambala applied through the courts to have his phones returned but he was turned down as the graft bursting body was still doing its work.

Malawi Observer has it on authority that ACB is done examining ex minister Kambala’s phones and series of instructions direct from President Chakwera to him (Kambala) and other instructions from State House Chief of Staff Prince Kapondagaga to Kambala have been uncovered and will be used as evidence in the court of law.

President Chakwera and his inner circle have been caught in abuse of power and corrupt practices by trying to influence NOCMA to award Finergy a contract to supply fuel to the government of Malawi with over $ 50 million .

Recently, ZR Energy also Implicated some senior MCP officials including powerful Minister Mkaka, secretary to President and Cabinet Zangazanga Chikhosi,State House Prince Kapondagaga in the same NOCMA fuel deal.

NBM plc partners ICAM on digital payments

By Mc Donald Chapalapata, a Contributor 

ENALA CHIRWA: NBM plc Mobile and e-Money Services Manager

National Bank of Malawi (NBM) plc has partnered with the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Malawi (ICAM) to provide members a channel for making various payments through the Bank’s digital platforms.

NBM plc Mobile and e-Money Services Manager Enala Chirwa said in an interview at the weekend that one of the Bank’s objectives in its digitalization drive is to offer its customers safe and secure means to access and transact on their accounts.

 “This requirement has become more prominent with the onset of the current Covid-19 pandemic, where individuals are being encouraged to avoid contact with surfaces as well as to minimize interpersonal interactions. From the Bank’s perspective this means reducing the need for customers to access our service centres or the handling of physical cash altogether.”

 “In this light, our partnership with ICAM is to ensure that our customers including ICAM members have one less reason to walk into a service centre or use physical instruments such as cash or cheques as the same service can now be accessed remotely using our Mo626ice in a safe, efficient, and convenient manner,” said Chirwa.

 She said through the service, members can make payments to ICAM any time of the day from anywhere in the country as long as they have access to the country’s local telecommunication networks.

 “Apart from the convenience the service renders to the customer, the solution also ensures that ICAM records with regards to the payments are updated in near real time, therefore eliminating inconveniences the members may face due to time lag between payment and record update,” explained Chirwa.

 ICAM Chief Executive Officer Dr. Francis Chinjoka Gondwe said the digital payment channels will offer flexibility to ICAM members, students and all stakeholders that make payment to ICAM.

 “Students no longer have to travel to our offices or even go to banks to pay for ICAM services. In the end, the cost of doing business will be lower on their side,” he stressed.

Lavish Mkaka on a spending spree…Flies to Geneva to deliver 5 minute virtual speech

Somethings will never change! Barely a few months after Justice Minister Titus Mvalo flew to Geneva Switzerland to attend a ‘virtual’ meeting, another powerful Minister in President Lazarus Chakwera’s cabinet, the ‘Prime Minister’ Foreign Affairs Minister Eisenhower Mkaka does not want to miss the party.

Mkaka has also gone to the same place Geneva Switzerland to attend exactly the same virtual meeting ‘physically’.

He will blow atleast K30 million of tax payers, K15 million for himself and the other K15 million for two officials accompanying him.

Apart from delivering the 5 minute speech, Mkaka will be loitering the streets of Geneva for another 7 days, enjoying life.

This development is coming amid reports of delayed civil servants salaries.

Two arms of Government,the Legislature and the Judiciary have sounded alarm bells on delayed salaries about two days ago.

But Mkaka has shown the judges, his fellow MPs and civil servants the middle fingure and left the country to spend the tax payers money.

In what looks like a pattern of not showing any care to the ordinary taxpayer let alone suffering Judicial officers,Mkaka has travelled with Pacharo Kayira the first Secretary at the Malawi Embassy and a Mr Banda.

Of late,we have seen communication from both Parliament and the Judiciary informing their respective employees who include the Speaker and the Chief Justice about the salary delays due to what they called “other stakeholders” roles as they themselves had done what was expected.

One top civil servant who did not want to be named said it is surprising and disheartening to see that instead of exercising financial discipline,the Minister has been allowed to travel blowing over K30 million in the process.

“The amount that has been spent on this trip,an amount that is being enjoyed by just three people,would have been enough to pay for salaries for all the first grade Magistrates in the country plus a few Court clerks or 16 MPs. We are left wondering as to what type of wisdom does President Chakwera employs when he authorizes such trips knowing that the opportunity cost for such is lack of salaries for the most vulnerable staff in the public service,” said the official.

“Mkaka should refund the money for his sojourn,” he advised.

Wasteful Mkaka has delivered his 5 minute speech and is now just loitering walking around Lake Geneva. The virtual meeting is for the least developed countries in Asian

Thugs Attack Former IG Jose: Security Lapse Under Chakwera’s Rule

Former IG Rodney Jose attacked by thugs .

There is security breakdown in the country and lives of many poor Malawians at risk with news coming in indicating that former Inspector General of Police, Rodney Jose, has been attacked and injured by thugs around Limbe’s Mapanga area in Blantyre.

Former Police chief Rodney Jose is receiving medical treatment at one of the hospitals in the city of Blantyre and in stable condition.

Malawians are asking themselves how safe they are in the country under MCP government if thugs have guts to attack former head of police which manages internal security in the country .

“Imagine if robbers can attack a former Inspector General of police , how safe is an ordinary Malawi?” Wondered on security expert who spoke with our reporter in Blantyre .

Malawi Police has since said it’s not aware of the news about the attack of it’s former Head but will follow up the matter .

State House Begs For Mercy As ACB Summons PM Mkaka, SPC Chikhosi

Things fall apart and the center cannot hold with news coming in that the Ant-Corruption Bureau has put State House under investigations for a variety of corrupt practices under the leadership of President Chakwera, only Malawi Observers has the details .

Mkaka and State House chief of staff under ACB radar in NOCMA scandal

After two of State House officials were recently arrested and Implicated in two serious corruption scandals namely ; smuggled MK 93 billion loan Authorization Bill to Baroda Bank which saw presidential advisor Pastor Martin Thom Arrested only to be released on bail two hours later and another one at NOCMA which saw an advisor to the President Rev Chris Chaima Banda arrested .

We can reveal that now ACB is investigating State House and it’s Chief of Staff Prince Kapondagaga for a wide number of allegations levelled against him and his office which includes the abused MK 6 billion covid 19 funds which saw another Chakwera aide Martin Mainja Arrested, the smuggled Baroda bill , crossroads Hotel gate and NOCMA scandal among others .

There is panic at the State House and the powers that be trying to influence ACB to give it sometime before it interviews powerful individuals in the MCP government.

Apart from State House, ACB has summoned two of Chakwera’s trusted aides and powerful men in the Tonse administration , Prime Minister Eseinhower Mkaka who is Implicated by fuel suppliers in the NOCMA scandal and his accomplice Secretary to the President and Cabinet Zangazanga Chikhosi.

“It’s true that Mkaka and SPC Chikhosi will be interviewed by the Anti Corruption Bureau this week on a number of allegations and accusations related to corruption. We will inform the nation where everything is done on the two senior MCP government officials”, revealed an ACB official to our publication.

Mkaka and Chikhosi have come overnight billionaires under Chakwera’s leadership.They have been Implicated in several scandals where billions of tax payers money have been lost.

The duo have been persuading President Chakwera to stop ACB from investigating them and the State House.

MCP led government has proven to be the most corrupt and careless leadership under Chakwera when it comes public finance management.

There was no immediate comment from Mkaka and SPC Zangazanga Chikhosi when we went to press as their phones were not answered.

Chakwera Embarrassed At Late Charles Chuka’s Funeral Over Condolences

There was drama at Nkhonya Village in Mulanje where former Reserve Bank of Malawi Charles Chuka’s was being laid to rest , after it was announced that President Lazarus Chakwera has given a condolence of K2 million to the bereaved family, and later it was announced that his VP Chilima had given a K4 million condolence.


A desperate Presidential aides rushed to go and command the master of ceremony to trim Dr Chilima’s condolence with K3 million and announce that he had given K1 million instead.

“Are you trying to embarrass the Head of State. Announce a million for the VP forthwith,” the aide fumed and the Master of ceremony rose up again to make an amendment and announce that Chilima only gave K1 million as his condolences.

The crowd that gathered at the funeral booed at the new doctored message and displayed their dissatisfaction over the dishonesty.

“Musatinamize we know Chilima gave out MK 4 million, be shamed”, charged the people while others bursted in laugher and mocked the president.

We can reveal that it was Embarrassing as the people insisted that they know that the VP has actually given a K4 million condolence.

Nachipanti Lawyer Appointed AG: Meet Thabo Chakaka Nyirenda In Active Partisan Politics

New AG with MCP Secretary General Mkaka

The newly appointed Attorney General has been awarded by Chakwera for a job well done during the 2020 elections case.

We can reveal that the new Attorney General was part of the research team of the previous nullification elections when Chakwela and Chilima were challenging Peter Mutharikas presidency.

Nyirenda was part of the research team on condition that he was going to be appointment Director of public Prosecution.

However he was awarded by being promoted to the position of a Manager from a supervisor position within the Reserve Bank of Malawi, a thing that did not go down well with him.

He was part of the team that challanged the commissioners case while saving as Manager of Legal services at RBM which is conflict of interest as the Bank policy does not allow a Banker to participate in partisan politics while in the service of the Bank.

Chakwera knows that the new Attorney General is related to the Chief Justice Nyirenda and Kenyatta Nyirenda of high court Lilongwe and his appointment is trying to buy the Chief Justice on his side who is yet to retire in November this year .

MCP believes that the new AG has capacity to reach to the judiciary corridor’s and bribe the judges and can replace Chikosa silungwe in the coming elections while maintaining the legal team that was there during the previous challange.He has been seconded to Government with the blessings of Dr. Wilson Banda who has personal interest to protect being a governor.

He is one of the most crooked lawyer’s who representented nachipanti in order to make a name and recently he has been passing one information to Sparc systems in a case where he felt that the awarded party Mintra which thank felt that it Was a Democratic Progressive Party company intsead of sparc systems which is owned by a fellow northener.

It is yet to be seen how he will perform in the new role considering his nepotistic tendencies.

NBM plc partners with Mastercard to issue Multi-currency Cash Passport cards

By Mc Donald Chapalapata, a Contributor

Stewart Tepelunde NBM plc Acquiring Manager

Listed National Bank of Malawi (NBM) plc has partnered with Mastercard to issue Multi-currency Cash Passport prepaid cards in Malawi, which give cardholders a safer and more convenient alternative to foreign currency notes when travelling.

The Multi-currency Cash Passport card can be loaded before departure with US dollars, Euros or both currencies. The cardholder can then use the card globally to pay for goods and services at millions of restaurants, hotels, shops, and online merchants where Mastercard is accepted. The card also gives instant access to cash from ATMs that display the Mastercard Acceptance Mark.

NBM plc Card Acquiring Manager Stewart Tepelunde said in an interview yesterday that using the Multi-currency Cash Passport means travelers lock-in the exchange rate for each currency so they can better plan what they have to spend adding that the card can be managed on the go by using the mobile app, which allows users to move money between currencies, check their balance and track spend from anywhere.

“We are very happy that as a bank we have been entrusted with this responsibility of being Mastercard’s issuer of the Multi-currency Cash Passport cards in Malawi. Three main priorities for cardholders when travelling are safety, the convenience of being able to use a payment card worldwide and not spending a fortune on unplanned fees. The Multi-currency Cash Passport provides peace of mind for all of these,” said Tepelunde.

Mastercard Country Manager for Malawi and Zambia Vincent Malekani said they are excited to partner with NBM plc on issuing their prepaid cards in Malawi.

“Our prepaid currency cards have been live in the market for several years and we’re pleased to start a new partnership to ensure its continued success. With travel now starting to resume across much of the world, we want to ensure consumers have a secure and convenient way to pay, while providing increased flexibility and security to travellers,” said Malekani.   

He said people can get a new Multi-currency Cash Passport from any participating purchase location of the seven distributors in Malawi. 

Tepelunde-We are happy