Sunday, March 9, 2025
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NBM online chess tourney attracts 166 players

By Mc Donald Chapalapata, a Contributor

Closing Ceremony of the Chess Online tourney

The inaugural National Bank of Malawi (NBM) plc sponsored online chess tournament took place at the weekend and lured an unprecedented 166 participants.

Played online on lichess platform as part of the MK3.6 million sponsorship by NBM plc, the tournament was split into four categories namely: First Timers, Juniors, College students and Open section for males and females.

In the First Timers category, newcomer Precious Thebe from Mzuzu reigned supreme on 8.5 points, followed by Melisa Kwakwala from Mzuzu International Academy who scored 8 points followed by Joshua Bulaula with 7.5 points, Lumbani Mwalwanda with 7.5 points and Owen Chimberenga scored 6 points. Faith Kamanga was the best performing girl in the First Timers category.

Thebe received an Itel tablet as a top prize while the rest of the winners got book vouchers and data bundles for their exploits to emphasize CHESS as a tool for education. Other prizes generally included Cash and chess sets to the winners.

In the Juniors Category, ladies junior National champion Priyasha Shriyan of Bishop Mackenzie Primary School was the best followed by Rafik Waliyala and Praise Kalambo on second and third positions respectively. All the three scooped 8 points apiece but were separated using a bucholz tie-breaking system.

The honours list in the Juniors Section was completed by Martin Shaba and Dakshesh Dutt on 7.5 and 7 points respectively.

In the College students category, former Confederation of Universities in Central and Southern Africa (CUCSA) 2018 representative, 3rd year student Tumbikani Munthali of College of Medicine, triumphed on 11 points. He was trailed by Mzuzu University student Ronald Chimkute on 8 points. The next three players on 7.5 points were Martin Mbendera, Andrew Kaliba and Thandizo Chunga.

The outstanding girls in the College category were Tamala Kaliwo, Charity Tadeyo, Lakshitta Dutt, Catherine Gumpo, Elizabeth Biziwek and Carol Trapence.

In the open section, the unexpected happened as another former 2014 CUCSA representative, Hubert Nanthambwe an employee at Paralegal Advisory Service Institute (PASI), defied the odds to claim the bragging rights ahead of tourney favourites, Fide Master Joseph Mwale and Previous Kamwendo.

Nanthambwe, using his unfamiliar lichess account named ‘IneNdimaMenya’ which means ‘I beat’, accumulated 10 points, followed by FM Mwale on 9.5 points while Kamwendo got 9 points. Dave Mawango was on 8 points and Emmanuel Kalua scored 7.5 points to complete the prize list in the open category.

The Ladies honors were split to Woman Candidate Master (WCM) Ellen Mpinganjira, Desiderata Nkhoma, Susan Namangale, Tapiwa Banda and Woman Fide Master (WFM) Linda Chaononga, in that order.

The First Timers category attracted 39 participants, juniors had 29, and College students had 43, while 55 players competed in the Open section translating to a grand 166 participants. Mzuzu International Academy and Karibu Academy registered a high number of students Chess players.

Chessam President Susan Namangale has hailed the National Bank support, indicating that it will go a long way in promoting chess in the country, especially using Chess as a tool for education.

“Chess Association of Malawi appreciates the support from National Bank to support us and engage Chess players mainly to develop Chess at the grassroots level. We look forward to continued partnership. We are very grateful to NBM plc for sponsoring this successful online Chess tournament,” said Namangale.

NBM plc Marketing and Corporate Affairs Manager Akossa Hiwa said the bank partnered with Chessam to push the Chess agenda in Malawi since the sport is a strategic game that helps players to think critically in making the right moves.

“That is why we have pumped K3.6 million in this tournament because we want to develop Chess and use it as a tool for education. We are impressed with the games so far,” said Hiwa.

First Capital Bank engages youths on financial literacy

Jodie Chikowi (fifth left) and FCB Deputy Marketing Manager (middle) Miranda Dula poses with the students

First Capital Bank (FCB) commemorated this year’s Global Money Week with a digital campaign sensitizing communities, especially young people, on how money affects livelihoods now and across future generations.

The campaign included an interface with students at Bedir International Schools in Blantyre where bank officials imparted money knowledge and responded to random questions on the issue.

 Bedir Trust Executive Thokozani Mbewe expressed gratitude at the banks initiative saying it was insightful and exciting.

“We are grateful as a school for the financial literacy initiative conducted by First Capital Bank.  The seminar was insightful and very exciting, we look forward to hosting the bank again,” said Mbewe.

This year’s Global Money Week was observed from 22-28 March under the theme ‘Take Care of Yourself, Take Care of Your Money’.

First Capital Bank Products Executive, Jodie Chikowi said the country can only be assured of inter-generational robust finance systems and sustainable development if deliberate steps are taken today to impart money knowledge to the young ones.  

Jodie Chikowi speaks at the event

“As a financial institution we believe that a good harvest is a result of timely sowing. In this regard, if we want to attain generations of financially literate people then we must impart knowledge about money on the young ones. It is through these efforts that we can build financially literate communities,” she said.

Chikowi added that early financial education also go hand in hand with the spirit of entrepreneurship.

“Children who learn about finances at a tender age grow with relevant knowledge to start and grow successful businesses in future. This is so because money becomes part of their mental and behavioral fabric as such it does not come as a distraction later in their lives,” explained Chikowi.

Global Money Week is a global money awareness initiative that takes place every March. It is coordinated by the Child and Youth Finance International (CYFI) to raise awareness on Economic Citizenship and directly engage children, youth and their communities in financial education and financial inclusion.

Since its inception in 2012, the campaign has reached over 40 million children and youth in 175 countries worldwide.

Bedir students taking part in the quiz

Minister Kaliati launches book

By Emmanuel Mwandama, a Contributor

Minister of Gender, Children and Social Welfare Patricia Kaliati Friday launched her book ‘She participates’ which she said will be a mouthpiece for Malawian women who are facing a lot of challenges in accessing justice in areas of Gender, economic, political and social development.

The book launch was held at the Bingu International Convention Centre (BICC) but also on zoom where many people followed the event live.

“Women are the ones who are used mostly in several areas but the benefits do not go directly to them. Women must be given a chance to participate in various programmes if Malawi is to attain its social economic and political development goals,” said Kaliati.

Speaking at the event, Mary Chilima, wife to the State Vice President Saulos Chilima, commended Kaliati for the book saying the book will be used for policy making.

“The knowledge from ‘She Participates’ will serve as a reminder for women to actively participate in social economic development issues locally, nationally and internationally and encourage those in decision making to always recognize women’s presence,” said Chilima.

“This book will help several Government departments, institutions, Non-Governmental Organizations and individuals in policy making position to consider including the girl child and women in their pursuit for issue based developments. The book explains why women participation and social inclusions is paramount in achieving development goals and attaining MDGs,” added Chilima.

She said the book launch is a milestone for Kaliati’s career and profession as she has passion to see every girl child and women taking a leading role in policy and social economic development.

“Hon Dr. Kaliati has demonstrated the need to take her profile high in the fight for gender issues that affect her ministry and women in our communities, country and the world as a whole. Women need to be considered as both social, economic and political contributors rather than mere observers,” said Chilima.

She added that the country needs Ministers like Kaliati who can holistically and tirelessly contribute to scholarly and policy ideas for the country which will be used for decades and remain in stored knowledge for generations to come.

Also present at the function was the UN High Commissioner, several diplomatic representatives, NGOs, Government officials and concerned citizens.

FDH Bank dangles K3million to Flames players for win against Uganda

Levie Nkunika: No bank believes more in the potential of Malawi football than FDH Bank

FDH Bank, the official sponsor and number one supporter of  the country’s football team, the Flames has dangled a K3 million to the players if they beat Uganda Cranes Monday afternoon to qualify for the Africa Cup of Nations (AFCON) finals.

FDH Head of marketing and Communications Levie Nkunika said in Blantyre yesterday that FDH will open investment accounts for the 30 squad players at First Discount House and deposit MK100, 000 in the individual accounts.

“This is a very crucial moment for Malawian football as winning this game means qualification for AFCON tournament. We hope the boys will leverage on this initial deposit and build a solid investment portfolios; we are aware most of the players in the squad play professional football and this is a perfect vehicle to invest for the future,” said Nkunika.

He said as the official sponsor of The Flames, FDH Bank is proud of the team and the progress the boys have made especially beating South Sudan with a crucial must win game against Uganda on Monday hence their decision to motivate the boys.

“No bank believes more in the potential of Malawi football than FDH Bank. We make growth possible and football in Malawi will grow and our investment will be contributing towards that growth.  We are part of the equation that will take the local game to greater heights.”

“We are proud to be associated with the Flames and we wish the team the best on Monday. We are rooting for you and we are calling upon all Malawians to support the team. Go Flames, Make Them See Red. We are going to AFCON!” said an emphatic Nkunika.

FDH is the official sponsor of Football Association of Malawi with K60 million annually for the National team and K90 million for FDH Bank Cup which totals a whooping K450 million.

The bank also sponsors the country’s netball team, The Queens to the tune of K360 million.

Farmers challenge Tonse govt to start championing pro-poor policies:Demand removal of punitive VAT on cooking oil

By Watipaso Mzungu

Smallholder farmers from Dowa and Mchinji have expressed disappointment with the delay by the Tonse Alliance-led government to start championing pro-poor policies.

Speaking at a press briefing in Lilongwe this morning, the concerned farmers pleaded with the government to remove value added tax (VAT) on cooking oil to save local cooking oil producers from closing their shops.

The Centre for Democracy and Economic Development Initiatives (CDEDI) facilitated the press briefing to provide the farmers and consumers a platform to voice their concerns on the flying prices of cooking oil as a result of the re-imposition of VAT on the edible cooking oil.

The Finance Minister Hon. Felix Mlusu, while presenting the 2020/2021 national budget, announced the introduction of 16.5 percent Value Added Tax (VAT) on cooking oil.

Stakeholders such as CDEDI and other economic and social commentators advised government to rescind its decision, but to no avail.

And contrary to Mlusu’s assurances that government’s decision would not affect prices for cooking oil on the local market, the prices have skyrocketed, with a price adjustment of almost 100 percent for all the locally manufactured oils.

This has paralyzed the market for the local cooking oil as consumers opt for the cheaper and uncertified oil imported from Mozambique and other countries.

This week, the local manufacturers have warned that they will be forced to lay off almost 50 percent of their workforce should the Malawi government fail to intervene on the matter, by swiftly moving in to scrap off the recently introduced VAT on cooking oil.

A farmer of soya beans from Traditional Authority Dzoole in Dowa, Blesssings Mkungula, feared the influx of foreign cooking oil on the local market will lead to the closure of the companies, which will negatively affect smallholder farmers.

“Where are we going to sell our soya beans and sunflower if these companies close shop? This government should have heeded calls from various stakeholders who cautioned the government against reintroducing VAT on cooking oil,” said Mkungula.

Zainab Mitole, a farmer from Mchinji, took a swipe at President Dr. Lazarus Chakwera’s government for failing to translate the Tonse promises into action.

Mitole said the Tonse government has demonstrated that it has no clue on how to deal with challenges that citizens are facing.

And in his remarks, CDEDI executive director Sylvester Namiwa said they had noted with shock on how the national assembly had skirted around the more pressing issues that are biting hard on the poor, such as some punitive tax policies, which the mid-year budget review session of parliament had smartly dodged.

Namiwa said CDEDI is being vindicated on its earlier warning that Malawians were sold a dummy in the name of the Tonse Alliance government, which cares less about the poor people, contrary to the alliance partners’ sugar-coated campaign promises that are hardly being fulfilled.

“Today, the average Malawians are failing to eat the promised decent three meals a day, simply because they cannot afford to buy cooking oil. Instead of creating the much touted 1 million jobs, there are gloomy faces of people on the streets who have either lost their jobs, or are hopelessly looking for a job. The local cooking oil manufacturers are slowly being pushed out of the market by some business people who are smuggling low quality and hazardous cooking oil into the country, at cheaper prices, thereby putting the lives of many Malawians in danger,” he said.

Namiwa said it is sad that the threats from the local cooking oil producers have come hot on the heels of the news about the closure of a tobacco processing firm in Lilongwe recently, thereby rendering hundreds of Malawians jobless!

“And to add salt to the injury, the Minister of Labour, Hon. Ken Kandodo shamelessly told Malawians that the Tonse Alliance government is unable to tell on whether or not the 1 million jobs are indeed being created. Should Malawians really expect a better Malawi anytime soon? Hon. Kandodo’s statement can easily be answered by the job losses the Tonse Alliance government is facilitating. The scaling down of cooking oil production has affected the prices of raw materials for the commodity, such as soya beans and sunflower due low demand from the manufacturers, thereby hitting very hard on the small-scale farmers who mostly rely on these cash crops for their livelihood,” he said.

The CDEDI boss challenged that if the Tonse Alliance administration is really serious about uplifting the livelihood of poor Malawians, then it should start implementing policies that really resonate well with the local people, such as scrapping off the 16.5 percent VAT on cooking oil.

“Otherwise CDEDI has left it up to all Malawians that mean well for this country, to be the best judges, especially now when they have been offered yet another opportunity to have their voices resoundingly heard this coming Tuesday, March 30, 2021 when they will be going to cast their votes during the bye-elections that are taking place in some parts of the country,” said Namiwa.

‘Justice For APM Bank Account’ Finally Opened: Target to Raise MK 69.5 Million For Mutharika’s Court Bills

A group of people doubled as Concerned Citizens has finally opened a bank account to raise MK 69.5 Million towards the payment of court bills for former President Peter Mutharika and Chief Secretary to the government Lloyd Muhara.

Concerned citizens made the announcement in a statement jointly signed by its National Chairman Mungando Nyirenda and National Coordinator Bertha Mkawachale tittle ‘Justice for Former President’.

The High Court ordered the Mutharika and Muhara to pay the sum as legal costs to Human Rights Defenders Coalition (HRDC) and Association of Magistrates on their role in the attempt to remove chief justice Andrew Nyirenda and Justice Edward Twea.

In a statement the concerned Citizens said President Chakwera and his Tonse Administration are using the case to ‘politically prosecute’ the former leader Mutharika and weaken the main opposition Democratic Progressive Party (DPP).

“It is for this reason that we the concerned citizens issue this statement and raise a moral question as to how do the court expect the former President to comply with the court order when the same court is fully aware that it allowed the freezing of the accused’s bank accounts?”

“Should we say this is justice being administered on the Statesman that is Mutharika or this is a mere political persecution? Can’t this be construed as an attempt on the part of the Tonse Alliance administration under President Lazarus Chakwera to finish off Mutharika in a deliberate attempt to weaken the DPP which is a major opposition political party? ,” reads the statement in part.

The statement further reads: “We felt the pressure was just too much on the former President, and unfortunately everyone seems not to care as people have folded their arms and are just looking at what is happening to Mutharika. What we are forgetting is that a very bad precedent is being set today, and after APM we do not know who is next in line to be victimized.

“In the same vein we would like to make a passionate appeal to Malawians of goodwill both within and outside the country and other nationals to join our initiative to raise funds to settle the MK69.5 million our former head of state is expected to settle as determined by the courts.”
To contribute towards ‘Justice for Former President; Peter Mutharika’ follow Facebook page Find ‘Justice for APM’ or using below bank details:
Account number; 1400000439055
Account name: Tikondane Club
Branch: FDH Old Town

THANK YOU ALL: Chilima, Taskforce Members salute Malawians for input

Vice President Saulos Chilima who chairs the the Public Service Systems Review Taskforce has expressed gratitude to all Malawians who responded positively to the Taskforce’s call for views, proposals and comments on the review of Public Service Systems.

Three weeks ago the Taskforce called on the public and stakeholder groups to send their input to the team as they an ambitious and radical attempt to comb through the public sector.

Public Sector Public Relations Officer McCarthy Mwaluwimba said the Taskforce was grateful for the feedback that Malawians sent through.

“With the call for submissions closed on March 21st, 2021, there has been overwhelming feedback, suggestions and views on all the systems under review namely: System of Allowances; System of Procurement; System of Employment Contracts; Conditions of Service; and Restructuring of the Public Service,” he said.

Mwaluwimba further said the Taskforce was assuring the general public that it values every submission it has received.

“The Taskforce is analyzing all the information which will be crucial towards the finalization of the Recommendation Report to be submitted to His Excellency Dr. Lazarus Chakwera, President of the Republic, within 90 days as mandated,” he said.

The 90 days that the Taskforce was given ends on May 24, 2021.

TNM Hands Over Laptops To Sponsored Students

By Mc Donald Chapalapata, a Contributor

Nsapato (right) poses with three of the students after presenting the brand new laptops

Malawi’s pioneer mobile tech company, TNM plc, has handed over laptops to four University students the company has been sponsoring from their secondary education since 2013.

Presenting the laptops in Blantyre, TNM Brand and Communications Manager, Limbani Nsapato said the story of donation of the laptops to the four university students dates back to 2013.

“In 2013, former State President Dr.Joyce Banda mobilized support for the promotion of girls’ education and a request was sent to TNM plc to support the initiatives to which TNM plc responded positively by adopting to offer scholarships to 20 girls from various secondary school across the country to pursue their secondary education for a period of four years from Form 1 to Form 4.”

“The sponsorship of the 20 girls elapsed in 2017 when the beneficiaries completed their secondary school education. However, four students were selected to continue their tertiary education at different public universities in Malawi. These are Elizabeth Kaungama at Chancellor College, Tadala Jeremiah of College of Medicine, Jeany Safari and Violet Tiyamike Phiri of Kamuzu College of Nursing who are all in second year now,” explained Nsapato.

Nsapato (left) poses with three of the four students after presenting them their laptops

He said the students were in need of laptops to help them in their academic journey hence the donation by TNM plc. The laptops are worth K1.6 million.

“We felt that the provision of laptops is going to help the students in the studies especially in this age digital age where students are required to submit assignments electronically and also in the light of the Covid-19 pandemic, the need of laptops for students is paramount as some classes are conducted virtually,” said Nsapato.

One of the students Tadala Jeremiah thanked TNM plc for the gesture saying the laptop provision could not have come at any better time.

“For a university student a laptop or personal computer is a must have especially now that most of the teaching and research is being done online because of the Covid-19 pandemic. This laptop will help me in my studies and I am motivated to do more so that when I finish I should also help others. I thank TNM plc for supporting me since my secondary school days,” said Jeremiah.

PCL invests in new insurance company

By Mc Donald Chapalapata, a Contributor

Dr George Patridge- Board Chairman for LifeCo Holdings Limited

Conglomerate Press Corporation plc has invested in a new insurance holding company called LifeCo Holdings Limited which will essentially trade in life insurance, pension services and asset management.

Press Corporation plc Group Chief Executive George Partridge who is also Chairman of LifeCo Holdings Limited confirmed the investment in an interview yesterday saying PCL controls 49.5% shares in the new company. The other shareholders are Equity Investments with 25.5% and Fidelity Limited with 25.5%.

He said LifeCo Holdings comprises three operating subsidiaries namely LifeCo Life Insurance Limited, LifeCo Pension Services Limited and LifeCo Asset Managers Limited and all the three operating subsidiaries have been granted a license to operate in their respective sectors by the Reserve Bank of Malawi (RBM).

“A project was initiated in 2018 to explore the gap in the life insurance and pensions market and propose the solutions that customers were expecting.  The research revealed a significant gap in the market to better serve customers, which culminated in three of Malawi’s leading institutions combining their expertise, financial strength, customer trust, governance and championship to form a joint venture company to respond to customer needs.”

“We thought that the life insurance and pension industry could accommodate a new significant player due to the exponential growth of the sector occasioned by the enactment of the Pensions Act. In addition, the very low penetration of insurance products in general points to the potential for the substantial growth of the industry.”

“PCL wants to be part of that growth story in addition to being part of the financial inclusion movement to advance the deepening of the financial sector in general. The company will also help the economy in managing the concentration risk in the country due to the duopolistic nature prevailing currently, hence the motivation to invest in this business,” explained Partridge.

He said the joint venture company LIFECO Holdings Limited has been established to bring alternative services to customers that are looking for wider choice, competitive pricing, improved service delivery, innovative solutions and empathy.

“LIFECO Holdings’ mission, vision and values clearly articulate the research solutions and creates the promise LIFECO makes to its members. LIFECO clearly understands the customers’ expectations and commits to delivering that promise,” said Partridge.

LifeCo Holdings Limited Chief Executive Officer is Ravi Savjani while well-known experienced Insurer Osman Karim is the Chief Executive Officer for LifeCo Life and LifeCo Pensions and Lilian Yamikani Macheso is the Chief Executive Officer for LifeCO Life Asset Management.

“We want to assure Malawians that LifeCo is a Malawian company which will offer solutions for our customers and this new kid on the block is here to stay,” said Partridge.

President of Life Insurance and Pension Association of Malawi (LIPAM) Stain Singo welcomed the new company saying it will bring competition on the market which in the end will benefit customers.

“We welcome them because they will bring competition on the market which will in the end benefit customers. We have noted that they will be offering the similar products that are already on the market but maybe the difference will be on service delivery and the rates which they will charge and this will increase competition which will benefit the customer at the end of the day. We hope they will be applying to join LIPAM so that we should serve our customers better,” said Singo.

Mchacha stokes divisions in DPP, calls other presidential aspirants madeya

As leadership wrangles rage on in the former government Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), the party’s Regional Governor for the South, Charles Mchacha has branded party loyalists as ‘madeya’

Mchacha made the ‘provocative’ remarks during a political rally organised by one of DPP’s Presidential aspirant Dalitso Kabambe, who comes from the same district as out-going DPP president Peter Mutharika. Mchacha himself comes from Thyolo.

In indirect reference to Joseph Mwanamvekha, Bright Msaka and Kondwani Nankhumwa, the uncensored Mchacha said Mutharika has opted for an outsider to take over the mantle because there are no leadership qualities within the party.

He cited the appointed of Atupele Muluzi from United Democratic Front (UDF) as Mutharika’s running during the court sanctioned elections as a clear manifestation of vote of no confidence in party loyalists.

“Mutharika has been opting for outsiders because all what we have within the part are complete ‘Madeya’.
In 2014 he opted for Saulos Chilima an outsider as his running mate and five years later also handpicked Muluzi from UDF as his running mate leaving party members,” said Mchacha adding that Mwanamvekha and Msaka should ask themselves why they were not being picked.

Ironically, Mchacha was revealing that Mutharika who recently told the media that he will not side with any candidate has indirectly endorsed Kabambe as possible successor.