Sunday, March 9, 2025
الرئيسية بلوق الصفحة 158

FDH Bank appoints Mseka as new Board Chairperson

Charity Joy Mseka new Board Chairperson for FDH Bank plc

The Board of Directors of FDH Bank plc has appointed finance expert Charity Joy Mseka as its new Board Chairperson effective 27 November, 2020.

Mseka has extensive experience in Banking and Finance and previously served as Director of Banking, Director of Accounting and Finance and Chief Accountant at the Reserve Bank of Malawi (RBM).

She also served as a Non-Executive Director of National Integrated Technologies Limited (NITEL) and Export Development Fund Limited. She currently also sits on the Board of Tilitonse Foundation and was recently appointed Council Member for the Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources (LUANAR).

Making the announcement in Blantyre on Thursday, FDH Bank plc Company Secretary Juliano Kanyongolo said Mseka, a member of the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA), holds a Master of Science Degree in Strategic Business Management from Manchester Metropolitan University, United Kingdom and a Diploma in Business Studies from the Polytechnic, a constituent college of the University of Malawi.

“With over 35 years’ experience as a regulator, Mrs. Mseka brings to the Board rich expertise in institutional leadership, banking services, finance and risk management, among others. She takes over from Mr. Arthur Oginga who has left the Board due to other commitments,” said Kanyongolo in the statement.

FDH Bank plc listed on the Malawi Stock Exchange (MSE) on 3rd August 2020 and saw its initial public offer (IPO) being oversubscribed by over K300 million.

NBM challenges ICT innovators to think globally


By Mc Donald Chapalapata, a Contributor

Kazako (right) with Jiya at the conference

National Bank of Malawi (NBM) plc has challenged the ICT entrepreneurs and young innovators to think globally and compete internationally, saying the Bank is ready to provide funding to help them realize their dreams of creating socio economic viability for their initiatives which will positively impact on their communities and the economy at large.

Speaking at the 2020 ICT Association of Malawi (ICTAM) conference on Friday in Mangochi, NBM plc Deputy Chief Executive Officer and Chief Commercial Officer Harold Jiya said NBM plc fully understands and appreciates the pivotal role that innovations and technology play in Malawi’s developmental agenda.

“NBM plc has a continuing partnership with ICTAM on ICT innovation. This Investment in ICT development by National Bank of Malawi is a vehicle for the creation of employment for the youth. By resourcing the ICT sector we are harnessing and leveraging on the energies and determination that is latent in our youth to foster rapid economic growth by fueling the birth and nurturing the growth of businesses that start from scratch and have potential to grow into mega corporations.”

“It is also the realization and appreciation of this very fact and reality that the bank recently established the NBM Development Bank. This is a subsidiary of the Bank that is offering lines of financing to business startups. It has provided an avenue where brilliant ideas find a base to anchor potentially powerful businesses.”

“The ICT sector needs a lot of resourcing and that calls for specialized financing; therefore the timing of the coming in of the NBM Development Bank is most opportune,” explained Jiya.

He also appealed to other private sector players to support the local ICT industry and young innovators by among others, utilizing local talent and local ICT companies.

Opening the conference, Minister of Information Gospel Kazako hailed NBM plc and other partners for sponsoring the ICT Innovations conference saying such partnerships are needed for the country to move forward in narrowing the digital and innovation gap.

“Each one of the partners has a stake in ICT or in knowledge and products coming from ICT thus nurturing such partnerships will go a long way towards achieving the country’s transformative agenda,” said Kazako. The conference further honoured innovators for their submissions in the Fintech and General innovations category of the NBM Plc Innovation Jam awards.

CCDO fights stigma and discrimination in accessing ART amid covid-19


By Elizabeth Mandala, Mana

CHIWAYULA: Unfriendly attitude by some health service providers keep the key populations away from seeking health services

Chipembere Community Development Organization (CCDO), Executive Director Dalitso Chiwayula has urged Government and key stakeholders to work together in addressing challenges facing marginalized population including minority groups in accessing Health Services amid covid19.

The director was speaking this on Wednesday during an advocacy meeting with policy makers and health services Providers at Bvumbwe, Thyolo in Blantyre.

Chiwayula observed that in the wake of Covid19, the minority groups were at high risk of new infections due to some restricting conditions when seeking health services which do not often meet their health needs.

“The key populations Living with HIV do not easily access health services including HIV/Aids prevention and Covid19 information due to stigma and discrimination, and increased cases of Gender Based Violence (GBV).

“Unfriendly attitude by some health service providers keep the key populations away from seeking health services. Therefore, instead of preventing new infections including Covid19, a certain section of our society lack information and because is left unattended and thus unknowingly spreading the virus,” he explained.

Concurring with Chiwayula, one of the beneficiaries from the key population attending advocacy meeting who sought for anonymity, complained that he often did not visit the health facility because most health workers were not approachable and often ask questions that make him reluctant to go for health services.

Responding to these remarks, a Clinical Officer at Bvumbwe Health Centre, Madalitso Banda said one of the challenges restricting the provision of quality health services at the health facility was lack of a special private room designated for such key populations and medicine for Sexually transmitted infections (STI) treatment.

“We must admit that sometimes we send back members of such special groups seeking treatment at the health center because we are running out of stock for STI medicine, and despite reporting the issue to the district health authorities, takes long to get a feedback,” said Banda, sending out an SOS to the responsible authorities at the district level.

CCDO is implementing the project called “Accelerating Access to ART in response to Covid19” in Thyolo district under Covid19 Rapid Response Fund with financial support from Frontline AIDS in United Kingdom. Mana/em



Malawi Observer deeply regrets and apologizes for the erroneous facts it presented in a story titled “CORRUPT MWENYE ABDUL MASTER NYIOMBO BRIBES NATION NEWSPAPER”

The story wrongly accused Nation Publications Limited of getting bribes from businessman Abdul Master to prevent the media house from publishing negative stories about him and any of his companies.

We concede that the story had malicious traits against and carried information that is false and damaging to the Newspaper, character of Mr. Abdul and his entire business interests.

The inconvenience caused by this whole misrepresentation of facts is deeply regretted.


Minister Kazako touts ICT, Innovation as economy driver


By Mc Donald Chapalapata, a Contributor

Kazako (centre) with Jiya (left) and Ubuthu Net Alliance CEO Dr Matthews Mtumbuka after the oppening session

Minister of Information Gospel Kazako has said Information Communication Technology (ICT) and innovation are critical drivers and enablers economic transformation.

Kazako spoke on Friday morning in Mangochi when he opened the 2020 ICT Association of Malawi (ICTAM) conference.

“ICT and innovation move economies towards more productivity and resilience, especially in these hard times when the world is grappling with effects of COVID-19 on our economies. We need to be proactive in maximizing the use of ICT as well as seeking new and innovative sources of socio-economic development,” said Kazako.

NBM plc Head of Client Coverage Wilkins Mijiga (right) emphasises a point to Kazako and Jiya

“The developmental challenges that our country is currently facing require efficient technological and innovative solutions adapted to the needs of the country. A classic example of such solutions is the development of Pfeizer and Mordenna COVID-19 vaccines. It is a foregone conclusion, therefore, that innovation is increasingly becoming an essential ingredient for curbing this pandemic, and other pandemics that we are fighting every day,” added Kazako.

He hailed National Bank of Malawi (NBM) plc and other partners for funding the Innovation awards saying such partnerships are essential for the country to move forward in narrowing the digital and innovation gap.

Speaking earlier, NBM plc Deputy Chief Executive Officer Harold Jiya said ICT is important to the Malawi economy and by extension and inclusion is everything that will move Malawi into a vibrant economy and a viable nation.

Kazako (left) speaks to Dr Mathews Mtumbuka

“Everything in the modern economy and the global village depends on ICT. Without a thriving ICT sector and industry no economy can develop, let alone grow. No society, organization, business or individual can thrive.”

“ICT has an overarching and cross cutting impact on the whole spectrum of Malawi’s development trajectory: finance, commerce, business, trade, investment, health, education, agriculture, and literally everything else,” said Jiya.

In his keynote address, IT expert and UbuthuNet Alliance Chief Executive Officer Dr Matthews Mtumbuka said there is need for a quick establishment of the Data Centre for all government service platforms like immigration, road traffic directorate and others to be online.

“Everybody now knows that with IT you can work remotely anywhere in the world and the world moves on despite Covid-19 and this is a big opportunity where everyone agrees that digital is the way to go,” said Mtumbuka.

Kazako (right) with Jiya at the conference
A group photograph

FDH, MASM sign pact on payments

Ambali (left) and Chimchere after sealing the deal

Listed FDH Bank plc has signed a partnership agreement with health insurance provider Medical Aid Society of Malawi (Masm) to simplify digital payment processes for their clients.

Signing the agreement in Blantyre on Monday, FDH Bank marketing Manager Ronald Chimchere said as the world continues to go digital, everyone needs to adapt including essential services of financial services and health.

“FDH Bank Plc and Medical Aid Society of Malawi (MASM) being providers of key essential services under health and financial services have worked together over a long period of time, we are now taking the partnership further to bring convenience to our mutual clients by simplifying the digital payment process.”

“MASM payments can now be done instantly with FDH Bank Plc without the need to take proof of payment to MASM offices for activation. This can be done using FDH Mobile, Ufulu Digital Account, FDH wallet and any FDH Bank outlet, all under the *525# code or Mobile App or FDH One Click as well as FDH WhatsApp Banking,” said Chimchere.

He said the facility will bring the utmost convenience to customers and save time in fast paced world.

“We appreciate that health is critical and sensitive and even the slightest delays can lead to complications or loss of life; streamlining services in this sector is imperative. We are honored to have partnered with MASM on this and we look forward to future partnerships and innovations that improve the lives of our mutual customers and the country,” said Chimchere.

MASM Acting Chief Commercial Officer Bernard Ambali said the partnership with FDH Bank means that they have increased modes of payments of premiums for the convenience of their members.

“Once they make a payment, the upgrades are done instantly and they won’t be any need for them to come to our offices to do the manual upgrades, it is instant,” said Ambali.

National Bank of Malawi plc cheers War Veterans

NBM staff members pose with the War Veterans

National Bank of Malawi (NBM) plc on Wednesday visited and cheered War Veterans at their Home in Zomba as part of the poppy memorial and festive cheer programme.

NBM plc Service Centre Manager for Zomba Maureen Gwembere led staff members in cheering and giving various gifts to the War Veterans.

Gwembere said NBM plc appreciates the role that the soldiers took in fighting for the country during the World Wars.

Infectious smile-Gwembere (left) presents a gift to a War Veteran

“We are enjoying the peace now because of your sacrifices and as a Bank we are able to do our business in peace because of what you did to this country. We do not take that for granted that is why every year we make sure that we celebrate with you hence our coming today,” said Gwembere.

One of the War Veterans Staff Sergeant James Matupa,88, hailed NBM plc for ‘not forgetting us’ every year with presents which help them address some of their challenges like food as they can now not fend for themselves because of advanced age.

Lieutenant Ulunji Mkandawire from Malawi Defence Forces (MDF) also thanked NBM plc for the donation saying the items will make the life of the War veterans easy and bearable.

Some of the items that were donated included maize seeds, bags of fertilizers, sugar, rice, cooking oil, salt, maize flour and others worth K2.5 million.

Gwembere (left) presents a gift to a War Veteran

Limbe Leaf donates K20 million school facilities in Kasungu


By Mc Donald Chapalapata, a Contributor

Limbe Leaf official Duke Mbale (second left) presents the keys for the teachers house to Banda

Limbe Leaf Tobacco Company Limited (Limbe Leaf) Wednesday handed over a teachers house, office and a playground worth K20 million at Chikazimasika Primary School in rural Kasungu district.

Speaking at the ceremony, Limbe Leaf Corporate Affairs Manager Leah Hez said the company is passionate about education in general and primary school education in particular.

“A lot of effort is put into improving the learning conditions of students and the living conditions of teachers to ensure that both teachers and students operate at their full potential. As a company, we do not condone the use of children under 18 in tobacco fields or any tobacco related work. We want children to be in school, to learn and become productive members of society.” said Hez.

“It is our hope that this new teachers’ house goes a long way in improving the living conditions of teachers here and the playground will provide something for the children to do after school so that they don’t wander into fields. The office will provide space for the teachers to adequately plan for lessons so that the pupils have focused lessons. We hope the community will take care of the items,” added Hez.

Hez (left) presents the keys for the office block to Banda

Receiving the donation, Primary Education Adviser (PEA) for Wimbe zone Patronella Banda hailed Limbe Leaf for the donation saying the primary school only has four classes from Standard one to four and there is need to make the school a full primary school.

“We want to upgrade this school into a full primary school like it used to be in the past but we need support of parents, the community and companies like Limbe Leaf. We are thankful to what Limbe Leaf has done today because this will realize our dream of upgrading this primary school into a full primary school with all the eight classes,” said Banda.

Head teacher for the school Peter Linde also thanked Limbe Leaf for the donation saying the company is transforming the school citing the earlier donation of desks, a classroom block and rehabilitation of another classroom block by Limbe Leaf.

The school has an enrolment of a total of 126 pupils, 74 girls and 52 boys against three male teachers.

“We would appreciate it if they send us a female teacher to be a role model to our girls,” said Linde.

Limbe Leaf officials watch pupils on the playground

Chilima Urges Women to Speak with One Voice, Calls for Stiffer Punishment for Rapists

Vice President Saulos Chilima has appealed to women in the country to speak with one voice on matters affecting them as opposed to pulling each other or succumbing to the divide and rule traps set on them.

Chilima was speaking in Lilongwe Saturday when he attended an inaugural networking meeting for the Women Lawyers Association held under the theme; Women Lawyers in the evolving legal landscape.

“Form a block and speak with one voice. Do not be the first pull fellow women. Do not succumb to the divide and rule traps that are meant to divide you. Always speak with one voice on issues affecting you,” said Chilima.

Specifically, commenting on the rising cases of rape and other gender based violence, Chilima urged the association to advance calls to have laws that spell out stiffer punishment for rapists.

“A strong legislation with stiff punishment for rapists is what we need if this nonsense has to stop. We must all work towards that direction,” he said.

Earlier, the Vice President declared his support for the association and described WLA as a the beginning of a new era for women lawyers in the country.

“A new era in which people realise that equality, equal justice and equality of opportunity are complex ideas, difficult to implement but achievable through sustained efforts of those committed like it is the case with the women lawyers. On a lighter note, the Vice President the only time he has been closest to being a lawyer was when he stood in the witness box for days during the election nullification case.

To that effect, Chilima also paid tribute to the women lawyers for the critical role they played to the case as friends of the court as well as other cases.

“Topping the list is the Constitutional Electoral Case, then we have the Judicial Independence Case, the COVID 19 (Lockdown) case, and the Msundwe case pertaining to 18 women and girls where the court found that their rights were violated,” he said.

Chilima assured the women lawyers and other human rights defenders the Tonse Alliance administration will remain steadfast in ensuring that they are protected in the course of doing their work. The Women Lawyers Association was formed to advance the rights of women and children in Malawi.

UGI rewards MyBucks AutoPrice drivers with free fuel


By Mc Donald Chapalapata, a Contributor

Chibwe (left) presents the fuel card to Msiska

Insurance giant, United General Insurance (UGI) on Thursday rewarded drivers from MyBucks Banking Corporation who are on AutoPrice insurance policy with free fuel for good driving behaviour.

The AutoPrice policy is a new insurance policy with an approach to discourage risky driver behavior and it relies on the use of telematics devices placed in a vehicle that rate driver behaviour according to a given set of risk proxies.

UGI Chief Operating Officer MacDonald Chibwe said they decided to reward 10 drivers from MyBucks Banking Corporation who are on AutoPrice policy after the system showed good driving behavior.

“This product has proved to be effective in monitoring driving behaviour and in reducing the risk of accidents on the vehicles. Apart from the monthly scores that the system generates on the drivers, there is also another incentive attached to this product where it calculates discount when renewing the insurance policy at the end of the year,” said Chibwe.

The drivers got free fuel ranging from 50 to 55 litres depending on the points scored by the system.

Principal Officer responsible for Bancassurance at MyBucks Banking Corporation James Msiska hailed the AutoPrice product saying it has reduced motor insurance risk for the company’s staff members.

“We are very happy with this product, those who have benefited are our members of staff but we are planning to extend it to our clients as well,” said Msiska.

According to Chibwe, the drivers’ rating on the AutoPrice product is tied to their premium payment where high risk drivers pay more while low risk drivers get rewards for their good driving behaviour.

“AutoPrice promotes and builds a safe driving culture amongst UGI clients and this reduces the claims payouts,” said Chibwe.